#how is he ancient but doesn't know that trick? bless him
earl-grey-love · 1 year
I finally did the Halloween story, and it was so fun! I love how everyone got a bit of screentime to show off their individual charm. The outfits are a lil silly goofy but honestly kind of cute?
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katerinaaqu · 3 months
Would you describe Odysseus as morally grey?
That is a very good question. It depends on the version. Unfortunately post-homeric sources do tend to depict him from morally gray till villainous.
Ironically I am not sure if I would describe him as "morally gray" for the Odyssey or even the Iliad. I would mostly describe him as "human". Deeply flawed and someone who makes mistakes. But he does seem to flirt a lot with some morally gray decisions such as the taking of Troy which was a war crime no matter what someone puts to it. Even for the ancient standards.
Many of his actions might as well place him as the perfect example of a morally gray person especially if we judge them from the safety of our home. However put them in ancient context in war or a battle for survival then rules massively differ. Was it a morally gray action to sneak into the enemy to gather information? Don't all modern wars include someone who gathers information? If one thinks about Odysseus did what we do with drones nowadays. Was it a morally gray action to lie to Polyphemus and trick him? He was a huge monster that was eating them. I doubt there was any other way to handle him. Was it a morally gray decision to cut the ropes holding his ship during the Laestrygonians misadventure when he saw all his other ships were trapped in the bay and there was no way for them to get out? Thinking back is not that different on when you decide not to jump into a helpless situation for the rescue when you see that your safety and other people's safety is at steak. Was it a morally gray decision to sell himself to Circe so that his men could live? Like yeah one can call him "whore" but did he really have a choice given how he was facing a powerful immortal witch? Was it a morally gray decision to conceal himself and lie on his identity both to the Phaeakes and in Ithaca? Somehow one must admit that when you have been through so much as Odysseus the action doesn't seem so unreasonable
Two clearly gray decisions he made even for those standards was the taking of Troy by trickery at night (night was for burying the dead and resting) and the murder of the suitors because he still needs to cleanse himself from it but even that seems to be done with the blessings of Gods. It seems that the crimes the suitors committed (trampling the laws of Xenia, eating and drinking without bringing something in return, harassing the hosts, conspiring to murder Telemachus etc) called for this punishment according to the gods in the Odyssey. So even if it was undoubtedly a mass murder and was accompanied by the mass excecution of the conspiring maids it seems like the gods approved those as punishment to crimes. Another in the Iliad seems to be the murder of Dolon, the Trojan spy he and Diomedes caught even if he tried to beg for his life. The action was performed by Diomedes but of course Odysseus didn't seem to oppose it at all. In a way though put it in a war context and you realize why there was a mutual mistrust. They couldn't just let go of a spy and they couldn't feed him forever. In one way in harsh warfare one can imagine certain morally gray decisions are taken by all parties...
In conclusion, given that Odysseus does many shady stuff, it would have been very tempting to answer "yes" to your question. However i think that wouldn't do him justice when it comes to the original homeric poems. Odysseus is a sneaky figure but he is also described as pious and faithful to the gods to the point of Zeus saying there is no better man than him in offering sacrifices to the gods and showing respect. Odysseus knows the different between right and wrong and comments on it many times. That seems to be backed up with some merciful moves he makes for instance he warns one of the suitors who was young and he felt pity to kill him to get out of the palace while he still could, advice which was not heeded by the young man or when he wants to be absolutely sure on the identity of the people he has around him thus not accepting his judgement to be clouded by any biased person no matter how much he cared of them giving that he is also just and careful. Now would I use the term "morally gray"? Only for the fact that he seems capable of performing certain actions under the table or cheating (see funerary matches of Patroclus) but somehow I think that wouldn't do him full justice when it comes to the original homeric poems.
Now post-homeric Odysseus? Absolutely seems to be fitting the bill of morally grayness better. He conspires, he cheats and he looks after himself. At those too we have some versions in which even with those decisions the title doesn't seem to fit but it definitely fits better.
I am sorry for the long reply but I hope that answers your question. It was a very interesting question and thank you for putting it!
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total-volo-takes · 11 months
convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco convert to noco
i think I finally figured out what noco is. it's that one emo guy from that fanfic. he looks funny, i like him.
"The temple lies in ruins now... Columns cracked and broken... Like pillars now turned into spears, stabbing into the heavens..."
"Well, I detect a distinct lack of Giratina."
"Hmm? Is something bothering you?"
"Ah, I do beg your pardon. I suppose I must seem to be behaving strangely!"
"I daresay you deserve to know what I'm really after by now."
"Ever since I became convinced that Arceus really does exist, there has been one question that consumed my thoughts... How can I meet such a being myself?"
"It was in an attempt to answer this question that I originally sought out Giratina and had it tear open that rift in space and time... After all, Giratina wished to stand against Arceus. But that didn't do the trick..."
"So then I had you gather the fragments of the all-encompassing deity, just as the murals of the ruins directed."
"Eighteen plates said to be the fragments of the all-encompassing deity... You hold in your hands seventeen of them. So, you must be wondering: Where is the last one?"
"Why, it's right here!"
"Now hand over the plates you gathered! I will be the one to bring them all together!"
"My desire to meet Arceus cannot be contained any longer! I need to know what it is! I MUST know what it is!"
"If I can meet Arceus myself, then I may also be able to subjugate its power... And using that, I will attempt to create a new, better world!"
"Of course, if I create a brand-new world, then the Hisui region that we currently exist in will be undone and returned to nothing. You, everyone you know, and all the Pokémon living here will vanish in an instant, as if you'd never been."
"If you want to keep this world from disappearing, then face me in battle! Not that you have a choice. Even if you don't wish to battle me, I'm not above using force to take those plates from you."
"Why? Why you?! Why do you have the blessing of Arceus?!"
"Why? How?!"
"I've devoted myself to Arceus beyond any other! I worshiped it as the creator of our entire world! I bent all of my passion and interest to its study! All the time I've spent poring over the legends... Everything that I've done—!"
"You outsider! It's almost as if you were spat out of the space-time rift just to get in my way!"
"No...no, this isn't finished yet!"
"Can't you feel it? The chill creeping through your veins—the eldritch presence icing your heart?"
"Giratina! Strike them down!"
"Turning tail and running? From this puny HUMAN? Pathetic! I was the one to feed you the power you needed so that you could take on Arceus! I was the one who gave you the chance to claw open that space-time rift, driving the deity of space and time mad so that you could drag the creator out from hiding!"
"How? How could this happen?! Almighty Arceus, if you have any heart within you, then tell me..."
"The blood of the ancient Sinnoh people flows in my veins, does it not?! What is it, then, that you find so lacking in me?!"
"Do you mean to tell me that this world doesn't need to be remade?"
"I can't live with such questions... I can't bear not satisfying this ache to know!"
"Answer me, then, anonymous. Do you have some dream that propels you, as I've had?"
I do!: "So you do... Doubtless that dream of yours would never leave room for the dreams of one like me..."
I don't know.: "You don't even know... Then perhaps the day will come when you will suffer and agonize as I do now..."
"I am the great wielder of Pokémon. And you... You battle alongside your Pokémon. In the end, I was alone... But not you. You will fight together with your Pokémon to seize whatever dreams you have."
"Here. Take it... Take the plate that started me on this path—the plate I once received from Giratina."
"My journey is over. My story ended when I lost to you."
"I suppose now you've gathered all of the plates said to exist in this land of Hisui."
"So that's...that's it... The Azure Flute. Heh. It comes to you."
"So Arceus wishes to meet you... Of all people, you had to be the one... Is that why you were brought to this world?"
"Gah! I've no desire to watch from the sidelines as Arceus comes to you! And I absolutely cannot accept a world in which you would ever manage to defeat Arceus..."
"Someday, I'll solve every riddle in the legends of Hisui's Pokémon. And on that day, I'll stand before Arceus at last—No, I will CONQUER it! No matter how many years, how many decades, how many centuries it takes me!"
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
" too late for that. you're stuck with me. " (and from al-haitham)
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Oh, so the Scribe has a sense of humor? Fascinating. Can hear the sarcasm laced in those thoughts of hers? It should be there, dangling right in front of everyone's eyes.
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"I thought that was my line," she rolls her eyes at his words, not turning around to give him the satisfaction of seeing that. A man with such pride and such intellect? He'd make a terribly good Sage, she's lucky he's only a Scribe and he has not taken any steps towards gaining any ambition when it comes to power. Zarina's sure that if he were the Grand Sage instead of Azar, she wouldn't be able to be so free within Akademiya's wall (Azar is a good enough actor to not show his fear in the eyes of others, he does not shake or tremble when she greets him or speaks to him).
Sokolova sighs as she looks around the the room they were so amazingly trapped in. It's not an issue to just break out, but it'd destroy such antique. Ancient architecture is quite wonderful, but all these hidden buttons and tricks can be quite annoying to deal with when this place was supposed to be something akin to a library. Not even a temple, not anything else! Not only that, but she doesn't remember why Al-Haitham and she were asked to take a look at it when neither of them were architects. Kaveh would've been a much better choice, but how lucky he was to work on a project.
"Al-Haitham, if you take out a book and sit in silence as I'm searching for an exit, I'll bite you and plead insanity before Cyno," she's not serious, it's not even remotely serious. It's a jest and she is simply playing it up for dramatics. If she were honest, finding a way out for them both probably won't take longer than thirty minutes, but what if escaping from here will take away from the research? "You know. We can just stay here until our shift ends and pretend we've been stuck here for longer than supposed to."
She thinks there is something like an oasis here if the archives were correct. Oh, maybe it's the hidden underwater tunnel they'll need to swim through to get out. Not the first time she hears of such unique ways to protect classified materials. There was one problem, though: the heat. A Snezhnaya like her continues to struggle with the heat, but it's not as bad as in the forests. It's not humid here, so she can live, but it's still not fun. Thank the Tsaritsa for blessing her with a Cryo Vision.
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icharchivist · 2 days
Tbf I imagine having a torrid romance with a guy and then learning he's a trickster god who is ancient and feared must be quite the feeling
I feel like I'd have to sit down after learning that
why do you think i obsess over it for so many years now
he's not just A trickster god, he's THE trickster god, as in -- you can only romance him if you're from the Dalish Elves, the culture that taught you all your life that THIS trickster god in particular doomed your people and haunts you in your nightmares to eat the soul of the wanderers. It is THE god you were taught to fear all your life. "May the Dread Wolf never catch your scent" is a blessing you've heard from your clan's elder. "The Dread Wolf guide you" is a warning, a threat, to say you are misguided.
On your face you wear the markings of the gods he betrayed. Your culture has been destroyed and scrapped by together so often that this religion is something you have learnt to respect. you've made offering to Fen'Harel back in your clan so he will ignore you all. You've always set up your clans behind Fen'Harel's status so you never catch his sight.
Like he's not any god! He's the one you've been taught to avoid all your life, that he'd only be trouble. That he knows how to trick people, that he's all about manipulating others.
And then you meet Solas. Wise mage who knows everything there is to know about magic, about the world of dreams. You meet him in a dream once -- if you don't romance him you learn specifically that YOU are the one who came into his dreams, YOU're the one who found yourself there -- but if you romance him this is where you end up kissing him. And he freaks out.
YOU run after the Dread Wolf the full romance. He tries to push you away. He knows it's trouble. He knows the Dalish would never accept the truth of what he has actually done.
Yet you understand him, yet you're willing to listen, to change your point of view if you need to. And if you can, then it means he has to try harder, for the people. The more he falls in love with you, the more his duty to leave you behind catches up to him.
And then he'll try to share a secret with you. We know he thought about sharing his identity, before he got scared. Instead he tells you the markings on your face were slave marks back in the days. He offers to remove them for you. ... and then he breaks up with you. and then he promises he'll give you an explanation one day. And then he promises that "whatever happens, what we had is real.". And then he disappears without a trace for two years.
and it's only two years later, while you're dying, that you learn he's been quietly spying on the inquisition. that you learn he's responsible for so many horrible thing going wrong. You wanders in ruins of the ancient times that gives you another perspective on the God of Misfortune. And finally you find him again. You learn he lured you in the ruins in order to save your life from what's killing you. He has to share with you the truth. he can't run away anymore.
You can react in different way but oughh.
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and then you learn that he's going to destroy the world as you know it. You can't stop him. He loves you so much he doesn't want you to see the monster he's about to become. He saves your life, and if you show that you won't give up on him, he leaves you with a kiss - and then you learn he appears in your dreams every so often, always in the distance, watching, never getting close, and disappearing if you run to him.
but it also means that in that romance YOU'RE the one who hunts the Dread Wolf. "He Who Hunts Alone". You learn about a secret past, and you have to reconcile it with the man you fell in love with. The nerd who just loves to talk about magic and history and the fade and people's freedom and rights.
Like. God. Like it almost has a flair of gothic romance to it yaknow? he's the boogey man, the man from the nightmares. If you are a hardcore DA players you've been hearing about Fen'Harel and myths of his betrayals for 3 games before you finally get this reveal.
And yet it all shifts around.
I definitely think the MC is shocked once the reveal happen, obviously. It's just too much. But the weight of everything is SO MUCH at this point. I know personally i have my girl having a mental breakdown during this quest because I MEAN. (it was replaying this quest without romancing Solas that made me realize just how differently i played it. On my other playthrough my girl Laena is so collected, everything is going wrong but at least she has a strong support system around her. but my girl Ithena, who romanced Solas, who just learns so much about the world that shakes her convictions, is just "fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck YOU and FUCK YOU")
but yeah god it's fascinating. I think even without the reveal the romance is genuinely so so good but the reveal adds so much layers to it.
there's a fansong about them called Let The Dread Come In that i often listen to because it plays on this idea. You were warned all your life about The Hunter and now you have to become The Hunter because he escapes you over and over.
Anyway i'm obsessed with him. and them. thank you for reading.
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skycapt4in · 23 days
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If you've been around this blog for a while, you've probably seen me name drop some Earthling from Noah's universe known as Charlie. Charlie is.. one of the main protagonists would be the best way to describe his role overall.
Charlie's story and path do not really intermingle or coincide with Noah's, each time they've met have been through sheer chance. Noah doesn't really affect Charlie's life, and the fucker is too far away for Charlie to meddle in his.. actually, he could.
To rip the bandaid off immediately, Charlie is a reality warper. Another thing you may have seen me talk about is that how everyone from Earth who has a superpower, has that power because at some point in their ancesterol bloodline, someone made a deal or gained a blessing from the gods. Charlie comes from a bloodline that did not make a deal or get a blessing from the gods. He should not have a power, nobody in his family has a power.
It's a whole thing... It'd take me a whole trilogy series to explain what happened and how the fuck this guy got the most powerful trick you can get. The tl:dr of it is that a god, unbeknownst to Charlie, bestowed a blessing upon him when he was in his later teens and that blessing quickly turned and evolved into Charlie's reality warping ability. But! The rule is that your bloodline has very similar powers, you generally wouldn't be able to handle having a power that doesn't fit with the god who your blood is tied too. ( an example is that noah's biological brother also has a funny luck ability, he can alter people's bad luck! ) Giving a guy from a non-blessed bloodline a brand new godlike ability had some.. disasterous effects.
He almost completely erased his friends and loved ones from existence one time because that bastard of a god from before, had Charlie and his friends go up against a big, ancient cosmic horror and Charlie rightfully so, freaked the fuck out when he saw one of his romantic partners get killed. The fight cost him his friends and it cost his friends some of their memories and even their very existence. Charlie thinks he blocked the memory of this event out because he can't remember it ever happening, but everyone keeps telling him it did.
At the current point in his story, Charlie's once again learning to accept his curse, but it's not really for the best reason: He's going to fight that last old god, because if it wasn't for Petyr's meddling, Charlie would be living happily, powerless somewhere, with his beloved Belle and dear handsome Olls. But no, they really don't trust him now and he's traumatized from something he only really thought was a bad dream... and he's actually facing jail time for unauthorized suse of his reality warping powers ( powers that he had no idea he had until he had his freakout btw ). Buddy's life is a mess right now.
But, all that aside, Charlie is still one of the best people in the story, he never lost his heart of gold or his want to help people, he's a brave lil guy doing his best in this cruel, harsh world where gods just single you out for no real coherent reason.
Noah met him a few times before he got access to his powers, and it was the third meeting that would ultimately lead to Noah being.. imprisoned and forced to work for a different group of 'superheroes' the next time he was visiting Earth, but Charlie didn't and doesn't know that happened to Noah, and Noah isn't going to admit that someone was able to catch him.
They met after Charlie's freakout too, Noah was one of the first people to find him afterwards, our spaceman having no idea that his new shorter friend was why everyone was freaking out and the news was shouting about a potential end of days. But he found Charlie clearly distraught and scared and tried to get him to come back to Shi'p so they could talk in private about what was bothering the guy, and to get Shi'p to run a medical test or two on him, but Charlie adamently refused and they just spent the night talking about.. nothing honestly.
Seeing how freaked out Charlie was actually caused Noah to stick around longer than he'd intended too because he wasn't about to let a friend be alone at a time like this. So eventually Noah was able to get the whole scoop, Charlie told him about his time as a hero, about his friends, his partners, his new powers and the Big Uh-Oh. After hearing that none of this would've happened if a god didn't meddle with an innocent man's life like it was nothing, Noah.. went on a rant that kinda-sorta inspired Charlie to.. kill that god. ( At this point in the story, Charlie is still dealing with the whole 'trying not to go to jail over something he had no control over' so hopefully he won't actually go and fight Petyr.. but the little fucker is just about as impulsive as the spaceman so I cannot say for sure that it's just an idea he has. ) Noah said he'd help him out if it comes to that. But they're good friends, they don't see each other much but when they do they just go out fishing or Charlie teaches the spaceman something new and different about Earth
And right now in the actual story, Noah's on Earth but he's hanging out with that group of people who captured him then forced him to work for them. He's planning on stealing something from them if you're wondering, he's on this weird mission to turn Cryon into a habitable place again and the Mountain Archives have plenty of things that can help with that.. He still hasn't been back to Cryon though so idk how the hell he's going to do that.
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unveiledkinarchive · 4 months
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joseph. • bodyclaim. • headcanons. • isms. 
full name — Joseph Yearwood age — ??? (looks 40ish) gender — cis male, (he/ him/ his pronouns) orientation — pansexual occupation — n/a species — kitsune (void) clothing style — swears by jeans, trainings jackets, a generally "sporty", lenient look, but it's always big brands
face claim — Ryan Gosling hair — brown / eyes — blue (ocean blue :p) height — six foot & no inches build — compact, fit, though not overly muscle-y scars — many scattered across his body tattoos — he has the word KUKAN in japanese (区間) on his chest, it's the sign for his clan - the void foxes. his arms, back etc. are covered in a mixture of japanese calligraphy and ancient runes only the kitsune may attempt to understand. the tattoos connect the seven chakra points, so when he uses his magic, they glow. piercings — a pair in his ears, they stay when he shifts special characteristics — nobody will ever know what he thinks unless he wants them to, looking at him... he always seems to know more than he lets on, hardly ever seen without even a small grin on his lips sexual preference— power bottom tbhtho he also feels like he is owed praise and worship, so maybe a lil dom in there
alignment — chaotic evil positive traits — independent, cute, calm, confident, observant negative traits — manipulative, mischievous, cunning hobbies — whatever his heart desires
mental — n/a physical — other than scars, he's a healthy boy phobias — n/a eyesight — 22/20 dominant hand — ambidextrous drug use — sometimes alcohol use — nah diet — whatever. the. f. he. wants.
birthplace — n/a parents — n/a siblings — n/a education — n/a notable skills — he gets whatever he wants, always
Not a lot is known about Joseph Yearwood. He must've been born once upon a time, clearly - but it's difficult to say how long ago that's been. He's not the sharing kind-of-guy, but it's safe to say that he grew up in a small pack of void foxes. His parents both were, his grandparents were and everybody in their lineage had been. It was an honor and a blessing to be born as one as well.
The Kukan differ from the other foxes in the world, they do remember their humble beginnings as the Inari messengers who swore to protect the humans and some somewhere out there might still chase the old codex, but the Kukan don't.
Made from a different kind of fox, they're natural hunters and illusionists. They live to wreak havoc, they hunt humans because it is their right to do so. Because humankind is weak and should pay their kind the owed respect. Instead, foxes of all kinds have been hunted for their pelts for centuries. When respect isn't shown from them, why should the Kukan?
They are not backed by the other kitsune, at least not officially - some .. feel and sympathize, surely. Regardless of that, the Kukan have existed for a long, long time. They embrace the power of the fox. While the ordinary fox will shapeshift and take human form to mingle and fall in love, the Kukan ... don't. They shift, they take human form - they are excellent Shapeshifters, too. They don't struggle hiding their tails, although dogs are still their sworn enemies and the only thing that can mess with their illusions. But the Kukan don't strive to find love in humans, no.
They wreak havoc.
Possess someone of power, abuse it, see the world crumble. No better feeling than that, is there? Possess someone who deserves only the worst, make their life literal hell. Foxes are said to be mischievous and their tricks are only played on those who are deserving. Well, every human deserves to suffer and it's upon Joseph and his siblings to fulfill their destinies.
It's not known how long Joseph has been traveling the world to do just that, but it is safe to say that ... there have been countless of casualties to pave his way. He doesn't regret a thing. Humans are only good for one thing: To worship his kind. There is a reason the humans built shrines featuring the kitsune all across their lands, right? Exactly.
Foxes... earn their tails in different ways. It depends on their kind. Joseph earned his in the only way that's true to his ancestors and clearly they looked down upon him and granted him one after another. The fur of a Kitsune's tail withstands the tides, so he's hiding his most precious treasure in a bag woven of fur from his very own tail, so that it may never tear and nobody other than himself may ever get his hands on what's inside.
Joseph learnt to use what he has to get what he wants. He's got a way with words, he's got that special kind of pretty the old legends say foxes have that is just irresistible to the humans and some Supernaturals alike. He doesn't need to take what he wants, because he's used to manipulating others into fetching it for him. He's sweet, he's charming, he's observant as all hell. Joseph is a menace through and through.
And he never quite learnt there's boundaries, so he traveled the world to spread his chaos wherever he could for ... who knows how long.
After .. a long, long time of solitude, Joseph craved pack, but from what he heard.. the Kukan ceased to exist over the past few decades. There may only be him left now. Just him. A whole pack erased, just like that. Although ... he knew for a fact he had heirs running amuck - somewhere out there. With time, he'd feel them, he'd find them. It was now a game of patience. When they were old enough to come find him, he'd be ready to teach them all they had to know. The town .. confused him, his kind living together with other Supernaturals was one thing, but alongside the humans? Those who hunted them? Those who destroyed the planet? Those who brought nothing but pain and misery to those they didn't count as one of their own? No. No fox should suffer under his watch ever again. He'd never stop hunting them down. And his offspring would grow up to help him.
He would not be the last one standing.
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pseudonympls · 2 years
faerie bo has me acting unwise 😩 imagine a tam lin type of story but make it actually really dark.
imagine getting lost in the woods. the sun is already setting. you're not sure how long you would need to be gone for someone to come look for you. you worry about it for only a second before you hear the voice and all your thoughts sink into nothingness. you have no choice but to follow, deeper into the forest.
and then, suddenly, there he is. like something out of a fairy tale, singing to you, entrancing you. before you know it, you're on your knees before him, begging for his cock in a voice that comes out of your mouth but that you know isn't your own. he fucks your throat, and you gag and choke, but you have to take more. his moans are like his song, and you have no choice but to obey everything he says.
you don't fight him when he peels away your clothes, or when he shoves his fingers into you. you don't say a word when he makes fun of how wet you are, what a weak-willed, pathetic little thing who fell for his tricks so easily. he sinks into you, finally, and you sob. if out of pleasure or pain or anger or fear, you don't know. he's too big, you shouldn't be able to take him, but you do, and your fuzzy, clouded mind doesn't even dare think about whether you want this or not.
he releases inside of you, probably more than once, because fae are blessed with far more stamina than humans, and tells you you deserve to be knocked up like this, that really it's your own fault for falling right into his trap.
maybe he takes you with him after this, to show you off to the court, so you can cockwarm him as he sits there and watches the rest of the fae celebrate. you barely even know what's happening at that point. all you register is his cock buried deeper in you than you thought possible, and a hundred other spirits dancing about, signing their strange, wild songs that make your thoughts sticky like tar and elusive like fog.
at some point, you pass out, and when you wake up, you're alone, clothed in a green dress made from a strangely-textured fabric. you can see the end of the woods from here, and you leave as soon as possible. it must have been a dream, you tell yourself, but the ache between your legs tells you otherwise.
and bo waits in the heart of the forest, knowing that, even though you're running now, you will return the second he calls for you in that ancient, enthralling voice of his...
...anyway, i may have a problem 😅😩
Anon, if you have a problem then so do I lmao 😳🥴
I actually had a fic idea about shapeshifter!Bo based off one of my favourite albums - The Hazards of Love by The Decemberists, that is deeply rooted in folklore and such - I also had a Crane Wife WIP at one point where OC was an injured crane that Bo helped heal and ofc she is a shapeshifter of sorts as well 🙈
What can I say, I just love fucked up fantasy tragedy 🫠
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AU where Nico dies (don't hate me pls I'm sorry I love Nico and ship the hell out of Solangelo, this is just to allow for some dark AUs) transporting the Athena Parthenos in BoO.
(Sorry it's such a long post) Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, revered praetor and peace-loving daughter of Bellona, loses the ability to share strength. Now, when she uses her power, she saps your energy, draws on your bravery, and poisons your mind with horrific images. Nico's death has allowed suppressed traits to resurface and overwhelm all her progress since San Juan all those years ago. She picks fights. She becomes a dictator in all but name, abolishing the Senate and making War Games a lot more "realistic": weekly funerals become commonplace, words are spoken under breaths, and terror resides in the heart of every New Roman. And so, Reyna Ramírez-Arellano turns her brilliant mind and poisonous power to Gaea's aid. Gleeson Hedge doesn't seem more than a broken satyr at first glance, his smiles never sincere, his voice never loud, his bat never raised. But when he slips off into the wilderness, he does not sit quietly among the trees and reflect. He whispers into the trees' leaves, his twisted words echoing the bitterness that now consumes his being. He has been tricked too many times: Pan, forcing thousands of satyrs to lose their lives in their quest to find him when he was alive all along; Clarisse, who never tried to connect with nature or understand his own ties to the natural world, who teaches his child the game of death while Mellie watches, fading away, unable to fight back; the gods, who, in their promise of protection, conveniently ignored the nature spirits. He is bitterest about Nico's death: about all he could have done, about what the kid should have done. The glint in his eyes scares even the worst monster that Tartarus could send. But it is Gaea he turns his allegiance to. It is Gaea who promises that he will always be good enough for her. And so, Gleeson Hedge turns nature back to its true mother: Gaea. Hazel Levesque is not someone you want as an enemy. Her golden eyes, gold like the masks of the judges of the dead, seem to see everything. Her powers grow stronger, but now she is able to control them. One glance, and she can cause an entire legion to scream and writhe in agony as she manipulates the iron in their blood, twists their shining armour, forces weapons to turn on their handlers. She stops wearing normal, mortal clothes, and now she wears flowing dresses of molten gold and bronze that no spear could pierce nor hand touch. She calls on the remnants of metal in the cave in Resurrection Bay to rise, and rise they do, twisting and weaving together at her command to form a cathedral-like vault with a solid Stygian iron throne. At the front of her temple lies a chasm from which her first creation arises, complete and healed, at last. Alcyoneus clambers out of the pit, back with his mother's life and Hazel's burning desire for destruction. And so, after seventy years, Hazel Levesque joins forces with Gaea of her own free will. Frank Zhang's arrows are no longer aimed at Tartarus's monsters, but at the people he once considered friends. The ruins of the Zhang family mansion become a shrine to Gaea, the ancient walls falling in blissful happiness into the Earth Mother's embrace. Frank returns often with fresh skulls, unfailingly whole - his arrow pierces cleanly through the eye every time. His piece of firewood safe in Gaea's belly, protected where no flame could reach, he is unstoppable. His shapeshifting causes unforseen problems with the allies' plans, it's very hard to plan how to fight a lion when he could turn into a swarm of bees at any moment. He is the ultimate spy, a literal fly on the wall, and for once, he feels needed. He feels worth something. He feels as though he is good enough, something the gods could never give. All the gods ever did for Frank, he realises bitterly, is take. His mother. His grandmother. His self-confidence. His chance for a stable, loving family. Nico. And so, Frank Zhang finds a different kind of family, one that will not let him down, in Gaea. Piper McLean never wanted to be a tragic love story; that was purely for her mother's entertainment. She
cuts her hair short. She kills Gaea's enemies on sight. Her charmspeak forces even her old family, Camp Half-Blood, to turn against each other, brother against brother, sister against sister, until bodies litter the strawberry fields and the Big House crumbles to smouldering ashes. The gods have her no love. Their boundaries mean nothing to her any more. Her love extends to her favourite mother, her boyfriend, the rest of the Seven, Grover, Reyna and Hedge. Beyond that, it is poison. Gaea takes her hands, looks into her eyes, and tells Piper that she is more than the spawn of an unfaithful, air-headed immortal, more than the damsel in distress. She tells Piper that she is who she decides to be. And Piper agrees. Gaea gives her the opportunity to be out of others' shadows. Piper McLean takes the chance and joins with Gaea, her charmspeak almost her most dangerous feature, second only to her unbridled wrath when Nico's death is mentioned.
Jason Grace owes fealty to only one eternal goddess now. He scours the Underworld with Hazel and Frank, relentless like the wolves he was brought up with. He knows no bounds, his destruction barely controllable by even Piper and her charmspeak. He has obliterated entire cities, counties, even an entire nation. He feels no regret, no remorse, no nagging guilt. He seeks out and electrocutes homophobes as his powers grow in complexity, along with his ability to control them. No matter how much they scream, the same two words shoot from Jason's scarred lips like the lightning bolts he commands: for Nico. As the darkness inside him grows, the son of Jupiter advances on Olympus, eyes and hands blazing, to destroy his father, as one of Gaea's allies, as one of Gaea's found children. Jason Grace vows by Nico's soul and Gaea's love to destroy the gods who shamelessly abandoned them.
Percy Jackson has been close to the darkness before. As just one examole, he's controlled poison to choke the goddess of misery at the edge of Chaos. But now, Annabeth's words at the time - some things aren't meant to be controlled - strike differently. Percy doesn't follow rules any more. That brooding, troublemaking face now alludes to his new form: gone is the class clown, here is something more akin to a devil. Like Hazel, he has made hundreds of people and monsters shriek in pain as he controls their blood, contorting their bodies into unnatural forms and snapping necks with a mere snap of his fingers. If Nico's death is mentioned around the pair of them - Hazel and Percy - both turn on the individual, eyes smouldering with the deceitfully cool ashes of the fire of grief, and slowly unleash their wrath. Percy cannot be controlled. He wants revenge. Part of him wishes he had never given his mother the head of Medusa to kill Smelly Gabe; it tore him to pieces when he made the fluid in her head seep out of her eyes. But she wouldn't stop begging him to leave Gaea. She had to go. She was no longer loving him as he knew he deserved. Now, Percy Jackson takes his support from the mother he should have accepted long ago: Gaea.
Annabeth Chase did not accept powers from her new mother, her better mother. She chose to use her mind as her weapon and Gaea respected that. Gaea gave her the resources she needed to wreak havoc on mortals and immortals alike. Now, instead of studying for a stupid internship in a misogynistic, capitalist society, Annabeth unleashes her fury, her grief, her mind on the world. The gods deserve to pay for what happened to Nico. The demigods need to feel her grief. The mortals started this stupid cycle of overwork and inadequate pay. Annabeth is ready to work with the mother that respects her, that loves her, that nurtures her as she deserves. And work she does. Plan after plan is developed, improved, redrafted, mocked up, redeveloped, and finally executed with clinical precision. Her mind becomes what her enemies most fear, even above her reputation: first child of Athena in millennia to reach Arachne, retriever of the Athena Parthenos, survivor of Tartarus. And she laughs, laughs in a maniacal way that makes you want to take a step back as she strides towards you, grey eyes alight with an unnatural glint as you realise that she knows everything about you and she knows how this will end. She will not let herself or her friends die. She refuses to let another situation like Nico's death happen again. So, Annabeth Chase takes Gaea's resources and turns them into a mass genocide, executed with her new mother's blessing.
Grover Underwood leads the nature spirits now. He commands dryads to extend their unstoppable tendrils through the paths that Gaea forms for them, deep in the earth, then sending them exploding through the surface and reclaiming all that was torn from them under the pretence of friendship. His empathy link with Percy allows him some degree of control, both over the son of Poseidon and over naiads. Grover is betrayed and bitterly disappointed in Pan, in the gods, in demigods, in mortals, in Nico. And so, he turns nature back home with Gleeson Hedge. The hauntingly beautiful whistling of his pipes lures demigods, mortals, even gods to their doom. Apollo is the first to fall, trapped by the music of the satyr whose horns now make him seem diabolical as he dances in the flames. Grover Underwood finds his roots in Gaea and his revenge in destruction.
Leo Valdez wants to burn the world to ashes. There's not a moment he's not on fire, his hair smouldering, his skin aglow. At his feet lies Hera, trussed up like a rodeo calf, bound by the power of the guardian Leo knows he deserved as a child. There is no Piper with her charmspeak to free the ex-queen; at least, Piper is by Leo's side as he blasts her with his searing flames. There's a smile on Leo's face that rivals even Annabeth's as he torches cities, razes acres and lights up the sky with plumes of smoke and columns of fire. His reasoning feels etched into his heart: the gods let Nico die. The gods let us down one time too many. And so he lets the flames go. Gaea stands behind him, her hand on his shoulder, proud and respectful. She knows that he secretly enjoyed starting the war with New Rome. He has fire powers; it's only natural, and that Octavian is enough to drive anyone mad. So, Leo Valdez finally makes his peace with Gaea.
Will Solace goes out like a light as the news of his beloved's death is announced. He lies, broken and silent, in Gaea's arms, tears streaming down his face. He stirs only for Nico's name, and his eyes turn slowly to whoever dared say it. He reaches out an arm, eyes turning black, leaching all the colour from the surroundings as his whisper echoes: there is no hope. Behind him stands Gaea, a tear of her own on her earthen cheek. She feels his pain, raw and fresh. But she takes some of it onto herself. Will Solace shares his grief with Gaea now.
And so they stand, eyes alight and expressions dark and triumphant, by the side of the goddess who did not want to let Nico die.
Gaea smiles.
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece Chapter 1020 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back, they said no break but they didn't tell us there wouldn't be a chapter for the next week because of...the Olympics I think? Something that stopped the weekly fix
but that was then, today we have One Piece as we continue on from our chain of Tobi Roppo fights
Spoilers for Chapter 1020 - Support the Official Release too
The cover page now makes me want fried prawns, damn you Denjiro!
So close with Yamato's DF, turns out it's Inu Inu no Mi: Model Makami rather than Okami like I guessed
To my credit I didn't know what a Makami was, there are so many mythological creatures of Japan, turns out though it's a protector deity of Makamiohara...in the Yamato Province. Said to protect the people's crops for boar and deer (which may be a nod to Oden and the Mountain God), it also happens to be the guardian deity of Wano - which feels a little like an Alabasta nod
It's also meant to protect against fire (like Kaido) and robbery (like Orochi), but Kaido - while admitting that Orochi was a tyrant - wants him to protect what Kaido and Orochi has made Wano into: a hub of weapons development
Ice attacks as well to show the contrast with Kaido's fire, though it's pretty apparent that he didn't go all out with that fireball while Yamato is still weary
Finally over to Robin and Brook vs Black Maria but Brook is worried, because Robin's seeing people from her past
Clover, Olvia and Saul too, definitely a trap, though I don't wanna say they're dead in case Oda pulls a curve on us
But Robin is too smart for the trick, suckering the figures posing as illusions with some uppercuts. It must still hurt for her though
The one posing as Saul was a Number as well, seems to be our only female Number, this was Kunyun so given how we've heard that laugh already she's number 9, Numbers 1-3 are still missing
Robin could've given him a signal true, but it is alarming that they can fish into your memories like that
It's a Black Maria ability too, don't really recall Ancient spiders doing that, Mythical maybe but not the Rosamygale
She's also attacking from the ceiling, wrappings that definitely weren't there the last we saw her keeping things discreet
Turns out Brook was subject to illusion too, but pandering to his hopes of his crew being alive is probably not the best way to trick him, I mean he did have to bury them all after 50 years of preserving their bodies on the ship
So it turns out Black Maria's weapon isn't a severed head, it's another SMILE abomination XD I did get a giggle out of that actually, big head but a tiny pug body, guess he doesn't mind so long as he's that close to Maria. Dunno how he can make fires though but Kamijuro's lion belly could do the same
Maria if you keep hanging upside down with all that flesh showing you're gonna give people heart attacks...or awakenings...or both, either way stop distracting us from your horrifying lower half and intent to kill our heroes!
While Taunting the duo's belief of winning and then directly taunting Robin, Maria burns the floor to keep them cornered, Robin using her Spider Net to dangle with Brook in the air
I mean, Robin's not wrong, the Castle's already on fire thanks to Orochi
Brook though has a plan, since we now know the weapon is Alive he can attack it
Robin's 'the fuck?' face though XD
New Attack from Brook, he can freeze people by going through them in his soul form, pretty handy that and it knocks Pugbutt out of the weapon
And then his body deals with the fire to save Robin when Maria knocked away the bit of roof she was hanging on
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God bless tiny faces
Maria really trying to pull up old feelings though, suggesting that the crew will sell Robin out eventually like others, because she's a burden and even Sanji brought her to Maria
Excuse you Maria but now that Jimbei's part of the crew Sanji's is the third-highest bounty, and still an undervalue considering how Luffy's is over 4x more right now
Brook and Robin aren't too concerned though, even going as far as leaving Maria to Robin while Brook takes on the goons and Number
'He's one of the wings that will allow the pirate king to soar' - what a freaking line
Here comes Naked Kaiju Robin! Maria your big woman energy can't compare to Naked Kaiju Robin, it's already over
But we're back to the land where in a portside Okobore town Luffy still hunts for meat
Shinobu and Momo have escaped too thanks to Shinobu's kite, which I had expected when she rotted the floor anyway
Momo looks like he was gonna say Kiku and Kin'emon died, but Luffy interrupted him before saying the D word, I wonder if they could still be healed, though it is wishful wondering
Luffy is right though, he can't break now, he needs to be strong until the fight is over
So there's Caribou!
Come on man, I stood up for you after the Cover Story showed you have something like a heart in there, true you may help for your own reasons but in Sabaody you wanted to ride with Luffy
But that's how we're getting back up, Momo is gonna fly Luffy to the top
Though it wasn't the same heights as 1000 and 1010 before them it was still a really good chapter. I mean, I could whine about how Robin vs Maria was only a third of the chapter sandwiched between Yamato's DF being revealed and Luffy coming back into consciousness but frankly, I think we needed the fight to go longer.
Not only did we need to set up Robin 1v1 but Maria hardly got to show any powers up until now, so it was more of a showcase, and it doesn't hurt for some of the Tobi Roppo fights to last longer than the quantity of a chapter and a half. Though Brook and Usopp remain the only characters without the big fights so far now they have been extremely effective on support, and with Oda reminding us of the Numbers I think Usopp may still have a chance to face 1-3, Brook's enemy I don't have any clues on but he showed off a new move.
Yamato's DF being a Wano guardian deity does push me towards the idea that Yamato may stay in Wano after all, he wants to be free yes but Oden wanted to ensure that Wano was ready for Joy Boy, wouldn't Yamato want to follow that? Instead of protecting Wano for Kaido he would feel at least some responsibility to protect Wano from Kaido. Plus it doesn't bode well for his Straw Hat candidacy that his powers are ice-based, since we already have that in Brook (then again, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy and Franky can all use fire so maybe not).
The appearance of Caribou does make me hopeful that he can pull a clutch move as well, he seems on Luffy's side at least for now so maybe we can strong-arm him into helping. The key if he does would be how much he can store within himself, he can contain something or someone as big as Shirahoshi after all, what if he hid someone to bring into the belly of Onigashima?
Luffy riding Momo to the top of the dome also makes a lot of sense, calling all the way back to Punk Hazard too. This'll likely be Kaido's first time seeing Momo in Dragon form too, but Oda remains tight-lipped on how Luffy survived and communicated while in the water.
No break I hope this time, meaning next chapter will likely proper conclude our fight with Naked Kaiju Robin (or probably clothed Kaiju Robin considering that was a mid-transformation) and Maria, cool move but still would like to see some Haki from her, and a new nickname, Devil Child doesn't work when she's an adult. But alas, happy to see Robin get a solo fight.
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ACoTaR Au 1
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High Fae, and King of the Fae land of Lostrenia. But doesn't like being called King, so his people call him High Lord, like in Prythain.
Lostrenia has long been a rival to another Fae kingdom, Midinia. It never really reached blood feud levels, but was as close as it could be without the feud actually being declared. The Midinian rulers, the Hothers including Lairan, have long lusted for the power held by the Mourtides.
Lostrenia, since the creation of the world, has been blessed by an ancient goddess, Nonet, who planted the Tree of Nonet. She was the goddess of protection, safety, truth, goodness, and comfort and aid to the lost.
The Mourtide family became the protectors of the tree, and thus rulers of Lostrenia when a priestess who served Nonet protected and defended the tree during an invasion of the temple by Midinia; which began the feud. Nonet was pleased, and blessed the priestess and her descendants, giving them great power and responsibility. The temple would later become part of the Hall of Numfelda, the home of the Mourtides and the seat of the kingdom.
Lairan tried many times, and used many tricks include marriage proposals, to gain access to Lostrenia, and especially Tenivell and the Forest of Elnear, but she is never successful. The invasion of the temple was the first and only time her people ever crossed the border. Éanon eventually has to use his powers to prevent her from further trying to come. She later kidnaps his sister, Endirí, and ransoms her; holding her hostage for over 20 years, which escalated the feud one more into war.
Éanon's powers are closest to those of the Daemati, but do differ significantly. He can read and influence minds, but with him, it's closer to those with ESP or Empaths, as he can read/feel, influence, and be impacted by emotions. Like Mor, he also has a "truth" power, being that he can sense deception. And he also has a much weaker version of Seer abilities, mainly the intuition and clairvoyant visions, but they aren't nearly as strong as Elain's, as she's a true Seer, and he isn't. Éanon also has some levels of psychometry. And he can also winnow.
Éanon's powers are strong on their own, and he is powerful, but he isn't nearly as powerful as Rhys. Furthermore, his power strengthens when paired with his sister's. They both, as the last of the Mourtides, have a connection to and blessing of Nonet. The two also have a twin like connection, experiencing the pain and emotions of the other. But they can also have this connection and influence with their mates.
In the war 500 years ago, Éanon's father and their people fought alongside the humans. They never had slaves, and special humans were allowed to live there, but when the wall was erected, the humans were sadly forced to go below it.
The Lostrenians, this time led by Éanon, Taldann and Tolvel, also join the Prythainians against Hybern/the Queens/Koschei.
He is also what Feyre would consider a dreamer, and is friends with Tarquin and Rhys. During Amarantha's reign, he frequently checked in on them, and tried to figure out how he could help free Prythain from her power.
Additionally, he knows of Jurian from his father's tales. And he also knows Ander, Miryam & Drakon. He trusts all of them, due to his powers.
Lostrenia is located on the continent, as shown in the map below. The thick black line is the kingdom of Lostrenia, tracing the area between the coast below Vassa's lake and the mountains running along the center. The dashed brown line is the area of Tenivell. The dotted blank line is the Forest of Elnear. The red dot is the capital, Oflarion. The blue dot within the red one is the location of the Hall of Numfelda, which can be found by following the blue line above it. On the other hand, the thick white line indicates the borders of Midinia. The dotted white line indicates the area of Nornasda. The red dot here indicates the capital of Thelthalas. And the blue line and dot indicate Lairan's home, Osnundel Castle.
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The Mourtide family crest, and namesake of their home, is the Numfelda flower. The Hother family's is the Osnundel. Pictures of both flowers and the Tree of Nonet can be found in this headcanon.
The second war between Lostrenia and Midinia began when Éanon was 180 years old, just months after his father's death and his becoming High Lord.
Endirí was kidnapped by Lairan while she was in her way to visit a friend in another kingdom. Éanon knew her destination, and when she never arrived, and he was alerted by Endirí herself, it was discovered that Lairan took her and brought her back to Osnundel.
Like the Night Court and Velaris, Lostrenia as a whole, but especially Tenivell and Oflarion, are very mysterious to and generally unknown by outsiders. This is due to Nonet's protection, the tree, and Éanon's own power. No one can enter the kingdom, or any part of it, without his permission. And even those who are allowed to enter are magically prevented from finding things they aren't meant to know. All in all, it's one of the safest Fae kingdoms on the continent.
It's rumored that Nonet still appears in Elnear, at the tree's hidden sanctuary, and it's Éanon's favorite place. He goes there often for peace, solitude, and guidance. It's a very holy and powerful place, rather like Under the Mountain prior to Amarantha.
In Lostrenia, Fae come of age at 175. During the events of the Au, Éanon is 200, Taldann and Tolvel are 205, Lairan is 210, and Endirí is 195.
The Mourtide monarchs have ancient rings that were likely presented to them by Nonet when the priestess and her mate were blessed by her. The rings are passed down from ruling parent to heir child/family member and the heir's mate. Like in Lotr, and the Powers of the High Lords in Prythain, they're used to bless and protect Lostrenia. And the rings may have some power directly from Nonet or the tree. Pictures of the rings can be found in this headcanon.
Despite being just over the mountains from Koschei's lake, the Death God never attempts to infiltrate Lostrenia, most likely due to the tree and Nonet's powers.
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ready-press-start · 7 years
Mega Dump of Content Because, I Mean Look at This Blog, It's Just Full of Neglect, It's Like the Bastard Child That No One Likes, and It Just Stays in Its Corner, And Doesn't...I'm Droning On, Aren't I? 😓 Oops...MEGA DUMP OF HISTORY!!!!
Jesus Christ, look at all the cobwebs and shit in this place! I'm obviously not a very good Tumbleweed, or whatever the young ones call it these days... (Tumblyolo, Tumblswag, Tumblame, whatever it is 😂) I started one of those 30 day challenge things in the birth of this blog, literally, the first post, and I've only gone up to Day 6! 😅 I should be finished by now, jeeze I slacked off! But anyways, let's try and finish this challenge in one sitting, and then upload this on the shitty Internet that exists in Portugal, shall I? 😂 (I swear, Portugal actually has absolute shit Internet, it makes me miss that crappy McDonald's wifi everyone uses but is super slow...but it's blazing fast, compared to here. 😫 I almost miss decent Internet as much as I miss Banana ❤️ but anyways, LET'S DO THIS!! 👍)
Day 6: How I'd Spend $10000 (not pounds, fuck Britain! (Thank you for helping discover Canada, much appreciated, Papa bless))
I'd invest in stocks! Stocks are guaranteed to succeed every time! (What? No! They don't! 😅)
In reality though, I'd probably spend it all on Banana, or I'd just give it all to her for her to take care of. If I spend it on her, I'd just travel with her everywhere, I know she would love to travel, and you can travel to a lot of places for 10 grand, right? ❤️
(Oh, and btw, Banana is my girlfriend/bae/future wife 😋❤️ shes not an actual banana, even though she says she looks like a banana in a dress. I don't think that's true though, in fact, I think she's smoking in a dress 😍😉❤️) Day 7: Things I Like/Dislike About The Way I Look
Likes: MY HAIR! I can do whatever, cut it short, grow it out, use product and style it, this mane of hair just comes out looking like a million bucks, every time! 😂 But yeah, I also like my upper body, and my legs.Oh, and not to brag or anything, but I gotta say...my butt. I think I got a pretty great badonkadonk. 😏😋
Dislikes: I got a gut...I'm rockin' the dad bod'! I'd like to lose the pillow a bit though.. 😅 Day 8: My Last Night Out In Detail
My last night out? I'm an old fart, my nights out here in Portugal are always the same, I go for a walk/run at the park, and I talk to Banana. 👍❤️ And then I see all the other old farts walking while I'm doing my walk/run thing, and it makes me realize how much of an old fart I am now.. 😂 I need to go back to Canada, and go back to people that are my age, then I'll have some variety in my life. 👍 Day 9: Something That Makes Me Sad When I Think About It
That I'm here in Portugal when I want to be with Banana... 😔❤️ but it's only a month left until I go back, soon enough, we'll be in each other's arms again! ❤️❤️
Plus, she made me a couple videos to cheer me up whenever I miss her, and those really help! 😊❤️ Day 10: One Thing I've Lied About
That I'm the best...I'm not the best...I'm such a liar...I'm only second best...I've been living a lie...how can I be the best if Banana is the best? 😋❤️
But yeah, if you really want something I've lied about, ask my parents when I was a teenager. It was just lie after lie at that time. If I wanted to hang out with my friends at the time, it had to be. So many "projects" that I had to do with them then. Those were the days... (I don't miss them 😂) Day 11: Would I Rather? Desert Island. Someone I Love for 10 Years. Someone I Hate for 1 Month. Survive. Discuss. Long Question. I Make Short. Go Me. 👍
Someone I hate for 1 month. No question. I can survive on a desert island for that long, I'll just drink my own pee or something. That'll both give me nourishment and chase away the person I hate, because I SEE THOSE JUDGEMENTAL EYES YOU'RE GIVING ME, YEAH, I'D DRINK MY OWN PEE LIKE BEAR GRYLLS! I GOTTA SURVIVE, AND THAT'S ALL THE SURVIVAL SKILLS I KNOW! 😂
(Btw, if this was a "dessert" island, I'd bring the person I love for 10 years. An island full of desserts?! We'd both enjoy that! 😂❤️) Day 12: Something I'm Currently Worrying About
I'm worrying about Banana. ❤️ I love her, and I'm always gonna worry and care for her, so it's just a natural thing that'll always happens. I'm sure she can relate, I'm sure she's always worried about me too. ❤️ Day 13: Name one person off Tumblr that I'd throw off a cliff, one I'd marry, and one I'd shag
Banana for all three. 👍😋 The marry and shag, well duh ! ❤️ But the throwing off a cliff, she's probably like "WHAT THE HELL?! 😤" But I can explain! .....don't you wanna go bungee jumping sometime? 😂😂 Day 14: Something Disgusting I Do
Everything. I fart, I pick my nose, I grab my crotch, whatever, I'm a dude! Dudes are disgusting!
(Banana, if you're reading this, this isn't true, I'm as clean as can be! This is just to keep up appearances, make sure they guys still look at me like another guy, but you know me, why would I do any of that stuff I just said?!?! 😂😂) Day 15: Lyrics That Apply To My Current Situation/Mood
Pace Is The Trick by Interpol, great song, and I think the lyrics apply to the situation I'm in too. I'll just put the link --> https://genius.com/Interpol-pace-is-the-trick-lyrics <-- 😋👍 Day 16: A Drunken Story
ST. PATRICK'S DAY! I'm sure Banana can recall that day. 😂 Let's just say someone consumed a little bit too much, and the other someone had to help that first someone out a little bit. 😋 All in all...not a bad day. 👍😂 Day 17: Something you Regret
NO RAGRETS!! I'm not really one to regret many things, a lot of what I've gone through, I've learned from, and it's helped shape me into who I am today. 👍 Day 18: To-do List
Finish this post, go back to Canada, get a proper job that pays well, get a place to live, have Banana move in, get married to Banana, travel with Banana, have kids with Banana, grow old with Banana. 😊❤️
Oh, and another to-do...Banana! 😉😏❤️ Day 19: Post a Picture Without Makeup/Hair Done.
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THERE YOU GO! Day 20: My Best Sexual Experience/My Sex Life or Lack Thereof
Sex? Never heard of him... 😂 Day 21: Press Ctrl+V and Post
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OH NO, IT'S TWO PICTURES OF ME WITH NOTHING DONE, I'M HIDEOUS!! 😂😂 Day 22: Post a Bit of My Last IM Conversation
Nononononono, no thanks, I'd like to keep the conversations between Banana and I private, thank you very much! And then with my friend, James...he just gloats about how much farther he is than me on Diamond Dynasty in MLB The Show 17...it's like...how rude... 😂 Day 23: 5 Things That I Want to Change
1) The fact Banana isn't with me! ❤️ 2-5) See number 1. 😋👍 Day 24: My View on Being Tumblr Famous
Oh, it's amazing! I wake up every morning and just feel so honoured! I'm so thankful for each and every one of my follower!
That's not a typo.
I have 1 follower.
Tumblr famous, my butt... 😂 Day 25: Someone I'd Like To Be For a Day and Why
I'd probably be Banana for a day, and why I would is pretty simple, I just wanna know what it's like to have boobs and stuff, you know? I'm sure every guy thinks that, I mean, it's all guys think about, boobs, right? HIGH FIVE GUYS!! (Again, Banana, if you're reading this, this isn't true. Like I said, appearances, need to seem like a dude, you get it... 👍😂) Day 26: 5 Things Within Touching Distance Right Now 1) My Phone 2) My Tablet/Laptop Hunk-O-Junk 3) My charging cable for my phone 4) My Wallet 5) ...you know... 😏 (My basketball, wow, think dirty much, jeeze! 😂) Day 27: Name and Shame from Facebook Or Whatever
Facebook? Never heard of her... 👍😂 Sounds ancient anyways 😅 Day 28: An Embarassing/Socially Awkward Situation You've Found Yourself In
Stripping down in a men's change room at a gym or swimming pool with no stalls. I don't know, I just can't do it...there's just so many old man balls hanging out...and then I just start thinking to myself...how can my new man balls ever compare to all those years of experience?! 😅😂😂 Day 29: Something I'm Not Proud Of
I can finish two bite brownies...in one bite...Oh hell, what am I saying, I'm proud of that!! 😂
I'm probably not proud of how I behave under pressure though, I panic, I become all flabbergasted, and I don't think clearly, it's pretty embarassing... 😓 Day 30: The Last Argument I Had
Should I have that last piece of chocolate? No, you shouldn't, you're trying to lose weight. Yeah, but I've been doing so good... No, you don't need it, just let someone else have it. *Eats last piece of chocolate* I told you not to eat it, what are you doing?! What? I really wanted it! Oh my god, you're so weak! Shut up, I'll do better next time! And that was an argument I had with myself when I wanted to eat some chocolate... 😅👍 AND BOOM, I'M DONE! SUCK IT TUMBLR!! 😂😂 (In all reality, Tumblr, if someone accidentally deleted their post, why don't you have a way to retrieve that goddamn post, I had to do this twice! Twice! You trying to kill me or something, Tumblr?! I am disappoint. 😑) But yeah, this was my mega post of epic whatever I said at the top, I don't remember, it was ages ago, and I'm an old fart. 😂 Tune in next week for more cobwebs! Buh-bye! 😋
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