#how i crashed a working class wedding
carladuquette · 2 years
The ties were black, the lies were white: Taylor Swift/Elite series.
Ch. 1: Carla/Samuel 🎵 Speak Now
“Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."
"Carla." When she didn't react right away, Lu pulled away her hand and pinched her arm hard enough to hurt. "Carla! This is your last chance! If you don't do something now-"
It was a physical reflex. That was the only possible explanation, because Carla certainly didn't want to get up, but there she was, on her feet, hands shaking.
"Uhm." She cleared her throat. The effect would have been comical had she not been this terrified: Every last person in the church turned to look at her. And they clearly weren't happy. Carla took a deep breath and focused on Samuel, who hadn't moved a single muscle and was staring at her slack-jawed.
"I… I don't usually do this sort of thing-" Here she could see Rebeka laugh, the only one in the bridesmaids line-up who didn't look horrified. "But I wanted…" What exactly was it that she wanted? What was the plan here? Carla was ready to just sit down again (or, even better, have the ground open up and swallow her whole), when she felt Lu squeeze her hand. Fuck it.
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heartless-tate · 5 months
High lady. | High Lord Eris X F reader
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Summary: You used to love Eris- and now that’s all in the past. Or you at least that’s what you think. Until you receive an invitation to a dance from the high lord- Eris.
A/N: Hellooo my fireflies! I’ve been thirsting for Eris these past few weeks so why not write for him? I can’t believe I ever didn’t like this man 😫. Also for my male readers out there, if you’d like me to rewrite this or any of my other fics with a male reader, just ask! 💕
3k words
warnings: cussing, allusions to sex, use of y/n, slight angst, she/her pronouns
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There were no words to describe your shock at seeing the royal invite to the ball. You weren’t high fae. You were a simple, low class librarian. Your name was written in beautiful, classy cursive. A handwriting you recognized immediately. This was handwritten by Eris. Eris Vanserra. Memories flooded your mind.
Running through the gardens, dogs barking behind you playfully. You didn’t have time to react before a body landed on you. Eris. He tackled you to the dirt, his hand was cradling your head to prevent it banging against the floor as he straddled your back. His hounds crowded the two of you, stomping and making noises with excitement.
“Got you little fox!” Eris announced, hugging you from behind.
“Not fair! You said you’d give me a head start.” You pouted. Eris’s laughter filled the air, creating a warm atmosphere. His arms wrapped around your middle and he pulled you into a hug. His embrace was warm and comforting in the cool autumn air.
Cauldron. That was so long ago. Eris was older by you than a long shot, but at that time, you were young. Nineteen years old. Young and innocent. He was also slightly more innocent then, playing with you and entertaining your young soul. Your face flushed a slight shade of pink, and you shook your head. You remember your crush on him. How could you not have one though? Everyone warned you. And you didn’t listen. He was everything a girl at that age would’ve wanted. Beautiful, handsome, smart, experienced, and a prince.
It was only when you discovered Eris was to be betrothed to some high fae daughter in his father’s court, did your little world come crashing down with reality. You were a peasant compared to him. And he likely saw you as nothing but entertainment. So you distanced yourself. You stopped accepting his invites to dinner with his family, you didn’t go out with him anymore. Of course, you couldn’t bear to completely cut him off. So you still would accept his occasional invite to walk with him in the forests with his hounds. He always told you they missed you. Now days, the walks were somewhat awkward. They happened every few months.
The last one was 6 months ago. You always thought you were doing better, you worked at a library, and cared for precious books. You lived in a relatively small apartment, but it was okay. You were grateful, you had a roof on your head and food on your plate. Things had changed since your last walk with him.
Beron was dead. On Eris’s wedding night, before the marriage had been officiated he had dueled Beron to a battle of death. Hundreds at the wedding had witnessed as Eris brutally slayed his father, and placed the crown on his head. Declaring himself as high lord. He released himself of the marriage, and granted his fiancé permission to marry her true lover. When the news escaped to the streets and you heard, you couldn’t help but be nervous. You realized, Eris would be to busy with his court to come on walks with you anymore. And that made you realize that your feelings weren’t gone. You had never gotten over him.
Tonight was a royal ball. You remembered Eris had always begged his father to let you attend the dances and balls, but Beron always refused. Saying trash like you should never be seen with royalty. Eris, stayed by your side though. He’d sneak from the dances and find you, and would dance in the silent night with you. And you had no idea why Eris was inviting you to this ball. Was it pity? Did he want you to experience something nice once in your life? What would you even wear? You certainly didn’t have royal attire.
You ripped open the letter with your nails, admiring the wax seal of a little fox on it. You opened it to a small card inside. Eris’s handwriting.
Little fox,
I’d be honored for you to attend the royal autumn ball tonight with me. A carriage will wait for you at your apartment at noon. Don’t neglect my dogs of your attention any longer.
Love, Eris.
You giggled. You felt like a school girl. You could feel the heat on your face. You admired his familiar handwriting. It was neat and lovely in every sense. A dried viola fell into your lap when you opened the card further. Memories of him teaching you cursive in the gardens made you smile. You stood, grasping the flower, and pulled out the small box you kept of every letter he had ever sent you. Whenever Beron would try to restrict him from seeing you, it didn’t stop him from convincing his maids or servants to get his letters to you. You hadn’t received a letter since his last request to walk with you. The box was filled with the dried flowers he’d always sent with them.
How could you go? What would you wear? You approached your closet. And then you remembered something.
“Eris- I can’t wear this. This is too- too, royal.” You squeaked, admiring the beautiful dress he had just gifted you.
“Wear it. It matches the suit my father made me wear. Let’s dance, little fox.” He purred, pushing hair out of your face. Once the dress was on, he pulled you close to him in the empty streets on the Autumn Court and guided you in a slow dance, uncaring of the lack of music. Or the fact he was missing a royal ball.
You didn’t waste time in finding the box tucked away safely under your bed, and pulling it out. You opened the box, staring at the gorgeous forgotten dress. You had only worn it the last night he had danced with you.
This would work. Looks like all the dances you learned from books would pay off tonight.
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Music from the orchestra blasted loudly. You entered the throne room, slightly late. But nobody cared. You were fashionably late- you had to find a mask. It was a masquerade after all. And Eris’s letter was a little bit close to time so, nobody could blame you. People danced in sync all over the room, dresses of different colors swaying. It was so fascinating. You couldn’t help but be mesmerized. Sure, most of these people were stuck up cunts, but they were beautiful, and they knew it too. You walked down the the grand stair case, eyes greedily taking in everything.
And then they caught on him. He sat on the throne, auburn hair messy as if he had ran his hands through it more then once tonight. The crown on his head was slightly crooked, giving him an uncaring look as high fae of all kinds greeted him. His mask was the color of burning fire, gold lace trimming it. He seemed bored, uninterested in this whole party. And he looked every bit of the High Lord you knew he would be.
You didn’t have the guts to greet him. You couldn’t. He had invited you out of perhaps pity. There were clear boundaries you were sure of. And you knew approaching the high lord as a peasant would break every single one of those boundaries. You could already see high fae turning their noses up at you as you walked by.
You approached the giant banquet table, observing the various foods. They were all favorites of yours. Maybe you just had a fancy food taste. You grabbed a glass of fae wine off of a servant’s tray, happy to indulge yourself in high quality wine that you didn’t have to pay for. You decided to eat after you danced.
You turned to face the dance floor. You watched the first waltz come to an ends, couples departing to find new partners. You swirled your wine in your glass, smelled it and then took a taste. It was glorious. Aged, and woodsy. You figured the bottle was easily in the three hundreds. Who cared? You didn’t have to pay for it. You snickered to yourself.
“Dance with me?” A coy voice purred beside you.
You turned, seeing a gentle around your age. High fae. And he was still asking to dance. Odd. His mask was black with silver lace. He wore a simple black tux. His hair was a dark brown, slicked with gel. He had a warm smile. He was handsome. You took his outstretched hand.
“Why not?” You replied, setting your wine glass down on a servant’s tray. The male smirked with arrogance, and swooped you to the dance floor. Music begun, and he started the dance.
“I’m Silas.” He murmured, twirling you. You nodded, having no problem in keeping up with the complex strides of this particular dance.
“Y/n” You responded. His eyes glinted.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you.” Silas said. He started to move faster, as if seeing how well you could keep up. And you did. Having no trouble at all.
You smiled warmly. This man was nice. You could see yourself with him. But it felt like something was missing. Like a hole in your heart.
“Thank you, Silas.” You purred back, starting to lead the dance. You guided it into a more complex rhythm, going along with the music, but ultimately making it more difficult. You giggled when he tripped over his own foot but caught himself. He glared at you.
“You dance awfully good for a commoner.” He huffed out, twirling you again.
“Having trouble keeping up?” You taunted playfully, not caring of his snarky remark. He was embarrassed. You could tell by how his eyes were roaming the people that had take to watch the both of you dance, interested in seeing how long you could rule the dance floor, he was embarrassed. Your eyes roamed the people. You could feel a familiar sense of someone watching. Your eyes found Eris. He was no longer listening to the fae beside him. His amber eyes bored into you. When you caught eye contact, he smirked. His legs spread as he leaned further into his throne. His eyebrow was cocked, his long talons tapping against the throne.
Cauldron. You had forgot how breathtakingly gorgeous he was. And sexy. You felt your face flush.
A snarl distracted you from him. Silas’s hands clutched your hips.
“Do not mock me.” He growled quietly in your ear. The music’s rhythm went faster, and the dance along with it. The curious fae quickly started dancing again, embarrassed at how they were so mesmerized by a commoner.
You went to take another step, but Silas went crashing to the floor. You watched in shock as he slid on the floor, his eyes wide with fury and embarrassment. His face heated with embarrassment. He looked up at you mouth open as if he was about to blame you, but his eyes caught on something behind you. Or rather, someone.
You turned slowly to see the high lord standing in his full glory behind you. His sharp cunning eyes squinted and mouth pulled into a smirk. He observed the male on the floor before looking at the people around you both. Then his eyes landed on you. You were awestruck by him for a minute- before you realized he was royalty. You started to bow but an invisible force stopped you. Your eyes narrowed in confusion before Eris bowed in front of you.
The High Lord just bowed in front of you. You. A peasant. Before you could say anything he lifted his hand to you.
“Grant me the pleasure of a dance?” He said, loud and clear. Gods you missed his voice. Yours ears picked up multiple gasps of shock. You heard a start of a growl before seeing Eris’s eyes glare into Silas behind you. You heard Silas scrambling away, knowing his place. Eris’s eyes turned back to you. He stayed in a bowed down position, hand waiting for yours. You swallows your shock. So be it. This very much may be the last dance you and him share, and you would take it.
Eris smiled softly when he felt the familiar embrace of your hand on his. His hand wrapped around yours, completely swallowing it. You hadn’t even realized the music had stopped until now. He motioned with his free hand for it to begin again. Fae around you scampered to start dancing, but all of their eyes were on you. On him. And his eyes were on you. And that’s all that mattered.
His free hand moved to your hip, grasping it gently with respect. He slowly moved to start the dance, holding you close. You didn’t know what to say or do other than to follow his lead. You didn’t even realize your mouth was gaping open.
“Little fox, you look like a fish gasping for air.” Eris teased in your ear, and you quickly shut your mouth.
“Don’t apologize. You never have to apologize to me.” He replied, smoothly. Gods. It was as if you were 19 again and you were dancing in the empty village with him. His long nails drew circles on your hip as you slowly started ti advance in the pace of the music. He kept up with ease, and you the same.
“Your hounds miss you.” Eris murmured, leaning his head down enough to kiss your forehead. It took every ounce of self control to not accidentally trip in shock.
“My hounds? They’re not mine. They’re yours!“ You started.
“Yes, they are, little fox. You helped me save and raise Sadie’s pups. If it wasn’t for you most of them would’ve died during birth. They are every bit of yours as they are mine.” He responded, pulling you closer. You knew better then to continue this fight with him. He was stubborn. And you knew if you tried to refuse again you’d probably have a pack of hounds at your apartment door tomorrow- out of spite.
“Whatever.” You grumbled defeatedly, shaking your head. He chuckled. His laugh was deeper now. You could smell the envy of other women around you. You wondered if they knew there wasn’t anything to be jealous of.
“So..how’s being High Lord?” You asked, unsure of what to talk about now. Eris frowned with a playful pout.
“Lonely. I’m sure the hounds would agree too. But don’t worry about that. That’ll change very, very soon.”
You weren’t quite sure what Eris was getting on to now. He always spoke in riddles. You sighed. Before you could re-question him, he started talking again.
“How has my little fox been?” Eris divulged.
You blushed. He had always had a knack for that dumb nickname. You were glad people couldn’t hear your conversation. The current dance came to an end and Eris wasted no time in pulling you into another. He knew you would have no problems keeping up.
“I’ve been good.” You responded. You looked up at him. He had gotten taller. And bigger. Maybe it was the high lord magic that transferred to him after Beron died or something. You weren’t sure. But he towered over you, creating a comical size difference. He gave you a toothy playful smile. He was always so carefree around you. You loved it. You loved him.
“You look lovely in that dress.”
“You bought it.” You quipped back at him.
“I have such good taste don't I?” He countered.
You couldn’t help but giggled looking away. The music slowed and you knew this was coming to an end. And gods you didn’t want it to end. His eyes softened as if he too was thinking the same. He grasped you tighter, pulling you closer, your bodies left no space between each others. He leaned down and inhaled your scent.
“Gods. I missed you. I missed your scent. The way you laugh. Talking with you- I missed it all.” Eris started. He held you tighter when you tried to pull away, confused.
“Don’t move away. Let me enjoy this Y/n.” He whispered, head going to the crook of your neck as he slowed the dance, moving with rhythm to the orchestra’s music. You realized how desperate and clingy his hood on you seemed now. As if he had missed you as much as you missed him.
Fuck boundaries. You couldn’t care if you were a peasant compared to him right now. You let your inner thoughts win as you tightly clutched at him. You didn’t wanna let go of him. You let your head lean against his chest, relaxing into the calm and slow dance. You knew fae were gawking at you both. And neither of you cared. Eris seemed shocked at your return of his embrace. The music slowed to a stop, and so did you both in the middle of the floor. Eris gently pulled away, staring at you with such adoring eyes. A sharp contrast to who he was in front of these people. His eyes found their way to your lips. He looked back up at you, a pleading look on his face. You understood what he wanted.
His hand clutched at the back of your head as your lips met. His were soft. It was the most gentle and loving kiss. You couldn’t give a flying fuck about the jealous and envious fae. Not just women. Both males and females snickering in jealousy. Eris pulled away, eyes soft. He took in the sight of you.
He didn’t waste time in pulling you in for a second kiss. This one wasn’t gentle. It was hot. Aggressive. He kissed you as if there was a fire in his bones and you were the only thing that could sooth it. His teeth gently nipped and sucked on your bottom lip. You returned it. His hand clutched at the back of your head, talons tangled in your hair. His other one clutched at your hip and roamed to your lower back. Your hands clutched at the front of his dress shirt. When you pulled away gasping for air, Eris had the biggest smile on his face. His eyes roamed your face again. You lips were swollen and pink from him. You were panting and looking at him as if he was everything. And he returned the same look. He tucked a strand of loose hair behind your ear before cupping your jaw.
“Don’t make me miss you anymore. Stay with me. I’ll give you everything you could dream of. You can be my high lady. Anything- anything you want.” He begged, eyes pleading. You knew he wasn’t lying.
Eris swear his heart stopped with the way you said his name. He’s positive he would die right here on this floor at your knees if you rejected him. You were all he ever wanted.
“You’re everything I could dream of.” You whispered to him. Eris took in a gasp of air, not realizing he had been holding it. Relief flooding his body. And then pure love. He grabbed your hand before you could say anything and guided you up the stairs the the throne. He turned, facing the crowd with you. His hand placed on your lower back.
The whole crowd of fae stared in confusion and shock. No idea of what was about to happen.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” Eris barked. “Show some respect to your high lady.”
His voice boomed across the room, gasps eliciting from the crowd. And then, they all bowed. You stood in front of the throne, watching as they all bowed to their knees. The scent of fear and confusion flooded from the fae.
Eris smirked before turning around back to you. He knew that despite your anxieties, you were made for this. Just your presence demanded attention from others. He knew you were his. His eyes shined with pure male pride as he removed the autumn court crown from his head, and gently placed it on yours. You watched as he bowed down on his knee, paying respect to you. His queen. You relaxed. Hundreds of high fae all bowed down to you. Your man bowed down to you. You tipped your head up with a smirk.
Eris grasped your hand and kissed your ring finger with a possessive glare at it. As if promising himself it would soon have a ring around it. He stood, and walked you to the throne. He held your hand as you sat down on it, crossing your legs. He stood beside you, eyes peering to the fae. He looked to you. Gods you were gorgeous. He couldn’t help the possessiveness in him that filled to the brim at seeing you where you finally belonged. He had waited so long to be able to do this.
“The masquerade is over. Get out.” He growled to the people, his eyes never leaving you. He didn’t bother turning around to ensure the people left. He could hear them rushing to get out.
He was gonna fuck you on your rightful throne.
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elysianightsss · 5 months
Regency Price thot🌹🤍
I am working on Limerence and Part two of both mountain man and the pen pal au by popular demand. But while you wait for me to write those please enjoy this lovely Viscount John Price and his Viscountess.
Price sat waiting patiently, newspaper in hands reading the latest gossip of the ton. “Aristocrats.” He scoffed low under his breath. Being one of the wealthiest, best-connected members of the middle class came with privileges but too much gossip as far a Price was concerned. Unless it directly affected him he couldn’t care less.
The doors to the dining room opened and in walked a butler, white curly wig on top of his head, his hands wringing together in nervousness as he looked at his master. “Well?” Price asked without looking away from his newspaper, an interesting snippet about a whistle or a lady down or something or other caught his eye.
“My Lord she..” the lack of answer was beginning to agitate him, he rolled up the paper and slammed it on the table, finally making eye contact with the butler.
“What?” Price snapped.
“She doesn’t seem to be here My Lord.” He said, gulping with unease clear in his voice.
“One of the horses is gone too.” A maid had said a little too loudly as she rushed into the room with the important information. Everyone in the room cringed, each and every servent, perhaps at this point even the entire ton, knows if the Viscountess and one of the horses are missing, someone will either be fired or end up in the hospital.
A wave a darkness crashed through the room as John growled out “Find me who by the time I’m back from retrieving my wife.” His orders were clear as crystal as he rushed from the room, Simon, his number two following swiftly after him.
“My horse Simon.” John grunted pulling out his pocket watch from his jacket. After years of being married to you, he always knew exactly where to find you based on the time of day it was or day of the week.
You thrived in order and schedules, one of the many things that he loved about you. Loved knowing he didn’t have to worry where you’d be at eleven in the morning. Always the drawing room catching up the on stitching you’ve been putting off, frustrated when the cross stitch didn’t form the absolute way you wanted it to.
Simon, ever the loyal to a fault number two replied quickly and lowly, “Yes Viscount.” He began to rush ahead of John making it to the stables before him and barking orders at the stable boys to fetch the masters horse and saddle. Price didn’t bother with riding clothes or shoes, simply latching his everyday boot into the stirrup and hoisting himself up into his horse.
“Shall I follow My Lord?” Simon asked head bowed as usual.
“If you wish.” John didn’t stick around after that, whipping his reigns and taking off on the beautiful brown stallion. “Come on boy, we’ve not got long before it rains!” John shouted to his horse as if the creature actually understood him, though in his fear he did not care.
The looks of the sky had him worried, the last time you went riding in the rain you caught pneumonia. He remembers how you shivered, how you were covered in sweat yet cold and how you burned to the touch. He never wishes to see you that way again. These thoughts had him pushing his horse harder to get to you faster. By the cherry tree you should be, and oh does he hope you are.
You however had just become done with your rage fit and were about to leave. Stupid Miss Carmichael, one of the bitchiest women in the ton. Not even married and yet she had the gall to mock you about not getting around to giving John a child yet. Joking about possible infertility, the words made you sick as did her audacity.
You had been married to your husband two years now and yes you were yet to bore him a child. Though the first year of your marriage, due to it being a simple arrangement, you spent it away from him. Always avoiding him, even on your wedding night you locked yourself in your room.
Though finally he managed to get you to open up to him, taught you many things, you began to love him. He had loved you however since the first moment he saw you. More so when you had advertently put him in his place after he was rude to a servant.
You had spent the second year, still getting to know each other and becoming one as husband and wife didn’t happen until three months ago. It had been essentially two years of little innocent hand touches here and there, longing looks and John standing too close to you at balls and events just so he could feel your warmth and smell your scent for longer. You were both still making up for lost time, having children was not at the forefront of your minds. Well not yours anyway.
You sighed glancing at the horse you’d rode here on, you’d best get back to join John for breakfast was your first thought. Even though it would take barely a minute for him to see you were upset and demand who had made you that way. You didn’t need to put your burden on him as much as he always insisted that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do as his wife.
Blinking up at the sky, you saw rain clouds rolling in and started to feel the drizzle of water falling down from above. Then a clap of thunder and you instantly regretted your decision to ride out here after your awful interaction with Miss Carmichael earlier. “Wonderful.” You sighed annoyed as you pulled your cloak hood over your head and made your way back to the black horse waiting patiently for you. One last look at the cherry tree and you set off into the eye of the storm.
“That’s it girl yah!” You whipped your reigns, both feet tight in the stirrups. You never rode side saddle like most women do, preferring to ride properly. Just as the cherry tree was almost out of a view, the most spectacular sight came bounding toward you. Your husband Viscount John Price gallantly riding his brown steed toward you.
“Darling!” His yell was so quiet in the midst of the rain and thunder, though it was enough to have you stopping your horse and remaining stationary as he began to slow down the closer to you he got.
Pulling on the reigns John came to a halt, horses next to one another legs touching. “Before you say anything,” you began blinking up at your handsome husband who was staring down at you heatedly, he nods encouraging you to go on. “It wasn’t raining when I started riding.”
You give him a smile, and despite the fact that you’re wet through, chilled to the bone, and as far as John is concerned in desperate need of a hot bath, he thinks you’re the most beautiful sight to behold. He smiles back leaning in close to you until his nose brushes against yours, his strong hand coming up to cup your jaw as he whispers into your mouth, looking you dead in the eyes.
“I’m not mad my love, but make no mistake, once you’re warm and dry I plan to bend you over my desk and fuck you from behind. Keep you stuffed with my cum all day, then you can tell me the reason for your riding today and who I need to talk to.”
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ynscrazylife · 1 year
could you write any fanfics or headcannons about the avengers doing family stuff? like going shopping altogether? with a the reader being the daughter of tony stark and something like y/n!stark x peter parker? just fluff
Domestic Avengers Would Include . . .
It would be difficult to get all the Avengers to go shopping at once but where there’s a will, there’s a way
The hardest to convince would probably be Natasha and Bucky but they love you, so they’d join you anyway
You and Wanda would take forever in the changing rooms (forcing Peter and Vision to hold all your stuff)
Thor would go straight for the food court, marveling at all the Midgardian food
Tony would probably go to any of the tech or expensive stores
Nat would browse and window shop with Steve and Bruce
Sam and Bucky would get into some fight and would nearly be kicked out
By the time you get to the court room, Thor would have all different kinds of food and candies
(Peter has to literally drag you away from the candy at a certain point)
I think this just goes to show that if you give them the chance, the Avengers are really a family and can be domestic
They all look after each other, but especially of you and Peter
Natasha, Wanda, and Carol are like older sisters/aunts, Steve, Bruce, Thor, Vision, and Clint are like uncles, and Sam and Bucky are like older brothers
Wanda always cooks. She and Pepper would teach you how to cook
The team all fight over Wanda’s cooking
At first, Steve tried to teach you how to drive
It did not work out
Next, Nat tried to teach you
(You nearly crashed into someone that day)
Finally, Bruce taught. He’s pretty chill so it worked out
The Avengers would also help you with homework. Nat has experience with helping Clint’s kids after-all
You go down to the lab to get Tony, Bruce, and Peter’s help for math
Steve and Bucky for history
Steve would def help with art (hc he’s an artist)
Carol would help with any space related classes like Astronomy
Vision would check your grammar and punctuation and spelling (he’d edit your essays)
they all insist on seeing yours and Peter’s outfits and everyone has an opinion
(Your wedding day will be so much worse)
Wanda almost buries you with the amount of outfits she picks out
And they get so many freaking pictures
It’s a little insane how many pictures they insist on taking
“We need one of Peter opening the door.” “We need one of Y/N coming down the stairs.” “Clint, you’re in the background, move!”
They send you off in a limo paid by Tony
You and Peter have such a sweet and fun night
They’d also definitely go to your graduation
Tony pulled some strings to get all the Avengers tickets but finding seats next to each other was a challenge
They clap and cheer the loudest
And take you out for the best ice cream
Okay okay but . . . Movie nights
Sam insists on popcorn from the movies, forcing Steve to go out and get a million bags of popcorn
Everyone takes turns choosing movies
(That backfires when Bruce chooses a nature documentary and everyone revolts)
(Which you have to force everyone to do)
Going out on the roof and Star gazing
Which means you had to force Tony and Bruce to build you a telescope
It’s worth it though
The Avengers just being the best, most supportive family you could ask for
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year
With You part 10
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<-prev next-> || Fic Masterlist || My Masterlist
Summary: Married, back in London, Jake comes crashing back into your life
Pairings: Marc Spector x reader, Steven Grant x reader, Jake Lockley x reader. Gender neutral reader. No use of Y/N. Reader is married to the system.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings/notables: A n g s t, complicated relationship stuff, cursing. Alcoholism, violence, injury, blood. Lmk if I missed a warning. inaccurate DID, based on the show. Not beta'd
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PREVIOUSLY, on "With You"...
Leaning down, he brushed his lips over your cheek in a tender kiss... the softness of you electrifying him utterly.
"I'll never let him near you," he vowed, his fingers reaching up to trace his lips where your skin had touched. "And I'll never let him take Marc away from you."
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“Read to me, husband," you purred into Steven's ear, curling close to his side.
His eyes cut over to you and he grinned, reaching to lace his fingers with yours. You sighed, your heart overflowing as your fingertip traced over the gold band he now wore.
"Long flight, darling. You sure you don't want to rest a bit?" He suggested, gazing at you adoringly.
"Maybe I will if you read to me," you teased, pulling your intertwined fingers to your mouth, your lips grazing his ring.
You may have been on an airplane, but it still felt like your own little world.
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After a few chapters about ancient Egypt, and a long nap, you awakened to your husband watching an 80's action film on the screen on the back of the chair in front of him.
Latching on to his arm, your fingers found his again, just to toy with his wedding band.
"Hey, baby," he softly greeted, kissing your temple. "Steven bore you to death reading about the pyramids?"
"Absolutely not," you playfully defended, "I just find the sound of his voice soothing."
"You know what's soothing?" He pointed to his screen with a grin. "RoboCop."
You groaned. "How much longer till we land?"
"We're not even halfway," Marc replied, glancing at his watch.
"Maybe RoboCop will put me back to sleep."
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Your honeymoon was magical.
All your hard work, saving and planning paid off, and you and your husband had the time of your lives. Sun-drenched days, passion-filled nights, nothing but relaxation in paradise. Playing games with Marc, reading with Steven, delicious food (and a delicious husband).
It was just the refreshing reset you needed to kick off married life.
Truthfully, you wondered about Jake - you missed him, and the tiniest part of you hoped nothing would interfere with your little bubble of temporary heaven.
Everything seemed fine - you made it back to London refreshed and ready to proudly sport your wedding band everywhere you went. You didn't care if it seemed a little old fashioned. You were proud and thrilled to have a wonderful, dreamy husband.
Steven transitioned into summer session classes at uni while you contemplated advancing your nursing career. Marc seemed steady, albeit a little quiet. Not brooding quiet - more like...observationally quiet.
The two of you had discussed what he might like to do. After all, he had spent years as a man of action. But he insisted he was content in his current role, making sure Steven got the education and credentials he deserved.
Still...something about him seemed a little off. There was no evidence of him drinking, and, even in his darkest times, drinking was never something he hid from you. It was a bit difficult to hide anyway, but he never even attempted to. So you didn't suspect alcohol as the culprit.
After insisting he was fine for a few weeks, he finally admitted how hard he had been trying to communicate with Jake. You were a little surprised at first, but only at first. After all, Marc had never enjoyed the feeling of not having control - whether over himself, his life, or just in general.
By now, an eternity had passed since you last saw or spoke to Jake. When Marc admitted that he had spoken to Jake quite a few times since your wedding, you had to bite your tongue to keep from asking, 'Did he ask about me?'
You already knew the answer. Jake was not interested in all things you. Besides, this wasn't about you anyway - it was about Marc as a system. Instead, you asked Marc why he didn't say something sooner to you about speaking to Jake.
"I didn't want to upset you," was his explanation. Fair enough.
Instead of starting an interrogation with questions like, 'Does he still work for Khonshu?' and the like, you kept your focus on your husband and asked, "Is that why you've been so quiet?"
Chewing on his lip, he waited a minute before replying, "Maybe. Just trying to figure some stuff out."
The look on your face clued him in to the fact that he was being vague at best. So he knelt down in front you as you sat in Steven's reading chair, took your hands and said, "I'll tell you more soon. I'm working really hard to figure out how we can all be happy - how we can all coexist and really be safe, and free of Khonshu for good."
If Marc was working on something Khonshu-related, then his contemplativeness tracked. He was so earnest in trying to confess this little piece to you, that you decided to believe him and not prod too much right now. Just for now.
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The very next night, you came home from work a little late - a night quite reminiscent of the one when you had found Marc drinking - to find your flat dark and mysteriously quiet.
Calling your husband's names, you headed to the bedroom to get changed when you heard a thump and a groan from inside the bathroom. Panic shot through your body as you bolted through the door, shoving it open to find...Marc? slumped over the closed toilet, shirtless, clutching his side and groaning in pain.
"Baby - what happened?" You gasped, kneeling down and switching into triage mode. That's when you saw blood pooling around his hand, oozing through his fingers.
What the hell...
"Shit, you're bleeding," you cried, stating the obvious while jerking the nearest towel off the rack to press to his side.
He grunted, reluctantly dragging his crimson-coated fingers away, hissing as you pressed the cloth into his side to staunch the bleeding.
Tears burned your eyes at the sight of your wounded husband, but only for a second, as your medical training kicked in. You noticed right away that his knuckles were bloodied, as if he'd punched a wall. His lip was split, his eyebrow was cut and there were even a few angry scrapes across his cheek.
"Hold this here for me, baby, I need to get the first aid kit," you sniffed, pulling his hand back over the towel covering his bleeding side. Most of what you needed was in the bathroom with you, so as soon as you were ready, you sat down and reached for his fingers.
"Here, let me see," you instructed. You gasped at the deep, angry gash in his flesh. "Okay...okay, I need to stitch this up, honey, it's deep." Pausing for a moment, you realized it was a horrible idea to tend to your husband, especially with tears stinging your eyes.
"Actually, here," you pushed the cloth back over his wound, making him groan in agony. "Come on. We need to get to A&E - "
"No," he firmly protested. "You do it."
You shook your head. "Marc, listen, I really should-"
"No," he repeated, his eyes finding yours. "Too many questions. No police."
Shaking your head in frustration, you grabbed your first aid kit, which was really a small medical bag, containing enough supplies to be useful in an emergency.
You would do anything for Marc, but right now, you were confused and growing more worried by the moment. "What were you even doing? How did you get hurt?" You huffed, gathering the supplies to mend his wound.
He didn't answer, and that pissed you right off.
Pausing just for a moment, you glared at him, before gathering some clean towels. Without a word, you hurried to the kitchen to set the kettle to boil, just in case you needed to sterilize anything the old fashioned way.
When you returned to your husband, you had calmed down a little.
Pulling the bloody towel away from his side once more, you started to clean the angry gash, attempting to get ready to close the wound.
A few minutes later, you instructed Marc to move to the bed. You certainly weren't going to stitch him up on the bathroom floor.
Pausing for a moment, you granted him a reluctantly sympathetic smile, brushing his sweaty curls away from his forehead.
"This is going to hurt. I don't have anything to give you - anything to numb the pain," you carefully explained. "Are you sure you don't want to go to A&E?"
He nodded once, but still wouldn't speak to you.
"How did you get hurt, Marc? I thought you still had...healing armor or whatever. From Khonshu." And why was he acting so weird?
The instant you had the thought that Marc really didn't seem himself was the moment you knew.
Staring into his eyes challengingly, you whispered his name. "Marc?"
Swallowing hard, he drew a trembling breath. "Not Marc."
All the blood drained from your face. You blinked rapidly, completely blindsided and so confused.
Averting his gaze, he gave you another nod.
Despite all your medical training, you froze. Lips trembling, you reached up to his face, carefully minding his scrapes and cuts as your fingers traced his jaw. It had been so, so long...
"You're hurt," you whispered, as if it were new information. In a way, it was. Because a moment ago, in your mind, Marc was the one hurt. That was bad enough, but now, after weeks on end of hearing nothing...
"I'm sorry," he murmured, his eyes drifting closed at your touch. "Please help me."
Releasing his jaw, you covered his hand with yours, squeezing gently before nodding.
"This will hurt, Jake," you reminded him, as if he wasn't there a minute ago to hear your warning.
"'S okay. I deserve it." Closing his eyes, he laid his head down and waited for the pain.
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You were going to fucking kill someone. Either Jake, for asking you to stitch him up rather than go to A&E while you were reeling, having not seen him for so long. Or Khonshu for honestly being a giant pile of dicks. Maybe even Marc. You weren't sure why you were mad at Marc, but you had a feeling he was involved in this steaming pile of shit somehow. The only one who might get a pass was Steven, unless he was in on this Khonshu bullshit too.
Jake could feel your anger. It was rolling off of you, electrifying the whole bedroom. But your hands remained steady, tender and professional, dancing over his wounded flesh. The dichotomy of your righteous anger and your healing mercy made him burn for you.
Each stab with your needle felt like a consequence for how he'd failed you. Failed Marc.
It was silent torture, but finally you finished, cleaning and bandaging the wound. You had thought he might pass out from exhaustion or pain, but he simply stared at the ceiling and said nothing.
Not one fucking word of explanation, or even a cry of pain.
With a sigh, you left the room to wash up and get rid of some of the bloody dressings and instruments. The sutures were not your best work - after all, you didn't stitch people up on a daily basis. But it would have to do.
Feeling exhausted in every way, you readied yourself to tend to the rest of Jake's injuries, bracing yourself for stone cold silence. It fucking hurt, but he was more than clear on the matter of not communicating with you.
Returning to Jake's beside, you said nothing. You simply lifted his hand into your own, carefully cleaning his bloody knuckles. You thought about making a joke along the lines of 'I should see the other guy, right?' but ultimately decided against it. It seemed pointless to even try.
Grabbing a couple extra pillows from your side of the bed, you handed them to Jake, who had been watching you warily.
"I need you to prop up so I can take a look at the cuts on your lip and over your eye," you explained.
He obeyed, shifting the pillows into position before protesting. "You've done enough, cariño, you don't have to - "
"Like hell I don't," you snapped. "My husband's body is hurt..." you exhaled shakily, squeezing your eyes shut for a second. "You're hurt, Jake. I'm doing this."
At first, he wouldn't look at you. You tended to the cut over his eye first - it was the worst one. "You'll need a bandage here...and it might even leave a scar through your eyebrow."
"I'm sorry," he repeated his apology from earlier. He didn't know what else to say.
"For what exactly?" You questioned, cleaning the scrapes along his cheek. You were close to him now, fingers brushing, eyes flickering, gazes locking. His breath ghosted over your hand.
"For everything," he offered, his own hand stretching out to grasp your elbow.
You jerked away. "That's really fucking specific, Jake. Thanks."
"Mi vida -" he started.
"Don't!" You bit out, glaring at him, your chest heaving. "Don't call me that. Just...just tell me how you got hurt. Tell me why you're not healing. Is Khonshu gone?"
Jake shook his head. "No. But our armor is."
"Why?" you gasped. "How can you...do your job if he doesn't protect you? I thought that was all part of the avatar package."
Jake didn't exactly feel comfortable with this line of questioning but he honestly didn't know what to do anymore.
"I think..." he started, clearing his throat. "I think it's...punishment."
Every negative and intense emotion coursing through your body narrowed to one. Terror.
"What?" You cried, placing your hands on his bare chest. "Khonshu did this to you?"
"No. He did this to Marc."
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If there was anything Jake hated, it was causing you pain. He had made a sort of strange peace about staying out of your daily life, to protect you and Marc. He viewed returning your unopened letters as a mercy - as a way to let you off the hook.
But as you lay your head down on his chest, grasping his hand desperately, your warm tears flowing onto his bare skin, he knew he had utterly failed and completely misunderstood what you needed. After endless weeks of silence, it took one choked sob and desperate plea from you for him to break.
"Why would he hurt Marc?" You pleaded, clinging to Jake like a child would to a parent after a bad dream. "Please...please tell me what he did to my husband."
Jake smoothed his hand over your shoulder, rubbing your arm in a small attempt to comfort you, electrified by the nearness of you.
"I...um," releasing a shuddering breath, he decided you deserved to know. "Marc has been...talking to me. And Khonshu."
Jake went on to explain how Marc had been staying up late, attempting to maintain control of the body. How he had even gone out at night and summoned the suit -several times, in fact.
"Why?" You sniffled, leaning into Jake's embrace.
"I think he's trying to negotiate our freedom," Jake explained. "But...I don't want him to."
"Because it's your job," you spat, accusingly.
"No, mi amor," he gently corrected you. "Because the first night he put on the suit, he completely panicked, and almost bought some liquor."
You cried harder. What the hell was going on with them?
"He didn't drink," Jake clarified. "I was able to take the body after he started walking home. And the reason I don't want him doing all this is because I can't protect him if I'm not Moon Knight. If I'm not in control. If Marc is out there, and gets hurt, Khonshu doesn't care. He doesn't care if Marc drinks - in fact, he probably prefers it that way."
Easing his arms around you, Jake hissed at the stretch he felt in his stitched injury.
"Khonshu doesn't want me distracted," Jake explained. "By Marc or by you. He wants someone completely devoted to being his fist - to watching over the travelers of the night."
"That's bullshit," you argued, though most of your ire had given way to a form of despair. "If he was protecting people, he wouldn't have done this to Marc. He wouldn't have hurt him."
You and Jake lay on your bed, completely wrapped up in one another. He had tried to stay away for your sake, but if you needed this from him, he would gladly give it.
"He didn't hurt Marc directly," Jake went on. "He just..." blowing out a sigh, he mustered the courage to tell you. "He told Marc he was a worthless weakling and that he would pay for interfering. So..." Jake couldn't go on for a moment.
"What?" you whimpered, nuzzling your face into his neck as if you could hide from the horrible ancient deity.
"Khonshu waited until Marc was in the middle of a fight - he was trying to save a woman from...it was three men. Assholes..." His jaw clenched in fury. "Khonshu decided then to take away his armor. So...they beat the hell out of Marc and...they stabbed him. Cut him with a piece of glass. That's when I took the body." Too fucking late, as it turned out.
You broke down. You couldn't take it anymore. When would your husband ever be free of this torment?
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Jake said mournfully. "I tried so hard to protect him. To protect you from exactly a moment like this. I'm so sorry, mi vida."
He held you for a while, soothingly rubbing your back, thrilled and bewildered by the chance to hold you like this. To be able to give you some measure of comfort. To bear the injury Marc had sustained.
"Why do you call me that?" You softly questioned after your sobs had quieted. "Mi vida? Mi amor? I'm not."
Ouch. Jake's heart splintered.
But you went on to explain. "I've respected your choices, Jake, and your life on your own. But why do you call me those things if you don't even want to know me?"
"I told you - I do know you," he reminded you, his voice filled with conviction. "I think about you every day."
Propping up on one elbow, you peered down at him. "Then why won't you let me know you? Why did you return my letters?"
"To protect you," he insisted, wincing as you rolled your eyes. "From Khonshu. From everything. It was my fault Marc was drinking again. All of this pain, everything was because I wasn't doing enough - "
"Then let us help you, Jake," you pleaded. "Let's figure this out together."
"Marc tried and look what happened!" Jake fired back, flinching away from you. "He got hurt. He could have gotten us killed!"
Trying to sit up, Jake hissed in pain, his skin burning as your hands fussed over him, trying to help him.
"What happened tonight is exactly what I've been trying to prevent. No one is listening to me!"
"Because you don't fucking say anything!" You cried, climbing off the bed, scrambling around to stand in front of him. "All you do is play the martyr - lay down every piece of your existence on this sacrificial altar to a spiteful god! You don't talk to anyone, you don't know anyone, you don't do anything here but sleep!"
Tears streaked down your face as your lip trembled. "No one can listen to you because you've made yourself a ghost! You can't hear a ghost, Jake. You can't see or know a ghost. You can't love a ghost..."
Wiping your cheeks with the back of your hand, you whispered woefully. "But I love you anyway. I'm here and I'll listen to you. You just don't say anything. And I know it's because of me. I know you can't stand to be around me - I guess you despise me - but you could at least try harder with Marc and Steven - "
"What did you say?" Jake breathed, his voice cold. With tremendous effort, he pushed himself off the bed and stood before you, eyes wet with fresh tears. "You think I despise you? How can you..." He trailed off, raking his fingers through his curls. "You really have no idea, do you?"
Shaking your head mutely, you stared up at him, so sweetly broken.
"You're right," he finally said, his head dropping in shame.
With a small whimper, you started to sniffle again, thinking you were right about how he couldn't stand to be around you.
"I haven't said anything to you. I've tried so fucking hard not to."
"Why?" you whispered. "What did I do wrong?"
He completely melted, reaching out for you. "Nothing, mi alma. Not one thing, ever."
Still confused, you shook your head mournfully. "Then why don't you..."
Murmuring your name, he brushed tender fingers over your cheek. "I was trying to keep you out of this - to keep you safe - to set you free - but I can see now - I only made everything worse."
Touching his forehead to yours, he wrapped one arm around your waist. "De verdad lo siento, mi amor. Por favor perdóname. Te amo."
He normally only spoke English with you, simply because that's what you spoke with Marc and Steven. But in his overflow of emotion, that's what came out.
"I'm sorry, I..."
"I understand," you whispered, your eyes wide, with a sliver of hope. "But you can say it again."
Tracing your lips with his thumb, he tried to show you everything inside his heart. He didn't deserve you, but he couldn't live without you anymore.
"I'm so sorry," he translated, brushing his lips over yours. "My love... please forgive me." Rubbing his nose against yours tenderly, he breathed against your mouth. "I love you."
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xhanisai · 6 months
the stupid chat blanc au
Fu only gives out the Ladybug miraculous and chooses Marinette to become the hero of the city.
Le Papillon only akumatises one person and it's Adrien (who becomes Chat Blanc)
During the first akumatisation to not only bait Ladybug out into the open but also to show Paris how dangerous he can be, Le Papillon ordered Chat Blanc to cause some mass destruction.
It didn't work. For some reason, Le Papillon can't control Chat Blanc nor see through his eyes so all he could do was get out of hiding and find the boy.
Chat Blanc did wreak havoc. He vandalised all the Gabriel-related adverts, threw eggs at the front of his stores, chased after pigeons, inhaled twenty 16" pizzas by himself and so on.
He also got bored so he tested his powers on the Eiffel Tower by picking it up and shooting it into the sky.
It crashed into the moon. He didn't mean to do that.
Ladybug accidentally crashes into him similar to origins and that's how they meet. He calls her Maladroit and she's telling him off for destroying the moon, making him whine.
"It was an accident!!!"
"So fix it!"
"I don't know how!"
Ladybug is overwhelmed. There's news that the world is starting to flood because of the damaged moon, she has no idea how to use her powers, she wasn't so keen on being a hero and Chat Blanc is just an overall menace who is no help whatsoever.
She tried to run away and give the earrings away to Alya. However, throughout the whole time when she was at school, she noted how stressed and scared everyone was about the inevitable flood and Chat Blanc.
Marinette also noticed Chat Blanc lingering by the school, looking really lonely. It was then she realised that he looked like he was their age and he probably had no one to rely on. She wondered about the boy under the mask. Maybe...he just wanted a friend?
The city is flooded much faster than everyone anticipated and even Alya got caught up in it. Le Papillon also makes his entrance and he tries to force Chat Blanc into listening to him. Marinette notes the Akuma in visible pain from Le Papillon trying to control him so she suits up and kicks his ass.
She dispels Le Papillon's butterflies, uses Lucky charm, purifies Chat Blanc (all whilst giving him an encouraging smile to show he's safe with her), and uses her cleansing powers.
An amnesiac Adrien watches Ladybug with awe as she delivers her speech to Paris. He falls in love and when she holds his hands and tells him that she'll always try her best to protect him from le Papillon's clutches, he starts internally planning their future wedding.
"I'll try my best to be supportive if I get akumatised again. I promise! I don't want to hurt you."
"Ouais, Chaton~"
Ladybug notes that Adrien is really cute and finds his bashfulness very endearing.
Marinette didn't expect him to join their school (Gabriel was oddly compliant to finally let Adrien go to public school, looking guilty for some reason HMmMMM????).
The gum incident does happen but it's the rest of the class who are very uncomfortable with him despite his attempts to stop Chloe's pranks (who was also lowkey starting to bully him cos "ew adrichou you're a mangy cat now"). It's because he was akumatised that they were wary of him.
Only Marinette knew that he was actually not a bad person. So with Alya's encouragement, Marinette stands up for him in front of the class and reiterates that le Papillon took advantage of Adrien and turned him into a villain.
Nino is the first to step up after that and becomes Adrien's best friend.
The class decide to give him a chance too and towards the end of school, they decide they all really like Adrien. He's just a silly cat.
After school, Adrien waits for Marinette to come out of the building and gives her this heartwarming, cute thank you. He offers her his umbrella and doesn't realise he's also won over her heart. She falls for him.
After all of this, because Gabriel is a perfectionist, he only akumatises Adrien. He wants to try and be able to form the link with him. He akumatises him every time even if it's at the slightest of inconveniences. Be it that they ran out of milk in the kitchen or he accidentally bit the inside of his mouth or that he tripped over his chair, Adrien will get akumatised.
Chat Blanc has a playful relationship with Ladybug. He really likes her but at the same time, he doesn't like having to co-operate and loves being a menace.
"Here, minou, minou, minou!"
"Let me chase after those people in peace!"
"No! That's not very nice!"
"But they did it to that small kid first!"
"...Okay. But you can't just threaten to make them bald and shoot cataclysms at them!"
Blanc is also very flirty with Ladybug but she doesn't take him seriously because he ends up growing a liking to her civilian persona too and is just as flirty (Ladybug refuses to acknowledge she's low-key jealous of her own self and Tikki is tired of this shit).
He's more aware of his feelings as Adrien, madly in love with Ladybug and desperate to be closer with Marinette because she's so cool, right??!?
He can remember some things that happened when he was akumatised after he gets purified and often gets embarrassed. He gets all flustered and apologises to Ladybug but she always laughs it off and pats his head and calls him cute nicknames.
Sometimes she stutters like Marinette and Adrien finds it so both endearing and worrying. Hopefully, he doesn't intimidate them both.
He's close friends with Nino, Alya and Marinette. Often they're there every time he gets akumatised. As Chat Blanc, he never tries to pull pranks on them or do mean things. He's extra protective of them.
Alya finds it really funny and interesting how chummy Chat Blanc can get with Marinette and Ladybug.
As Chat Blanc, he has all his memories of being Adrien but his intrusive actions and thoughts are much stronger. (Like a goofy, terrible villain Chat Noir.)
The more Ladybug gets to know him, the more she realises how hard Adrien's life actually is and the things he's been through. So she tries her best to be a very good friend and look after him.
Le Papillon finally manages to create a link between him and Chat Blanc, however it turns out that all along the Akuma has been erasing the link with his infinite destruction.
"Finally! I can reach you, Chat Blanc-"
"Sup, old man."
"Now, you will listen to me and retrieve Ladybug's earrings-"
Le Papillon tries to entice Blanc with offers and promises but it never works. The only time he got close was when he offered him all the fatty tuna he could ever dream of...
Le Papillon realises that using Chat Blanc wouldn't work. But he didn't want to akumatise anyone else because Chat Blanc was just the perfect Akuma and AAAAAAA. So, Mayura steps in.
The first Sentimonstre causes serious harm and almost takes Ladybug out of commission. So Chat Blanc stepped in to save her and he wasn't very happy >:D
And that's it for now~
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victoriously-wicked · 8 months
Fanfiction.net links: blue Wattpad links: orange Ao3 links: red
Just a Stage Kiss: There's a fine line between love and hate. What happens when Jade and Tori are partnered together for another class at Hollywood Arts, only this time it's not stage fighting, it's stage kissing. Will that line be crossed, or redrawn thicker than before? Ao3 Wattpad Fanfic
I Have No Sister: Oneshot. Trina had done the worst thing on the day of her sister's wedding. Disgraced, she starts a new life in NYC. But a blast from the past has a bone to pick with Trina Vega. Fanfic
They Say a Bad Girl Will Shatter Your World, Drive You Insane: Tori needs to seem more mature for an audition and decides it's time to take a real risk. And what is more dangerous than dating the girl who used to hate your guts? Based on the episode 'The Gorilla Club'. Fanfic Ao3
Let’s Show the World That Science is On Our Side: Sequel to "they say a bad girl". Their relationship is the best and the strangest thing that's ever happened to Tori. You can't really blame her if she's still trying to figure it out. Fanfic Ao3
I Think You Know Me: Oneshot. Beck plots to get Jade and Tori back together. Andre just wants to stay in one piece. Twist from 'Tori Fixes Beck and Jade.' Fanfic
Shock Value: In one of Sikowitz's classroom exercises, Tori needs to Shock the class. Jade doesn't think Tori's capable of shocking anyone. What does Tori do? Fanfic
Start from Scratch: It's been 3 years since Hollywood Arts and Jade's life hasn't worked out like she wanted it too. Fleeing her past, she must start over from stratch and finds her only refuge is with a person with her own personal demons, Tori Vega. Can the pair rebuild their lives and perhaps even find love along the way. Fanfic Wattpad
Our Story: Jade's deadly secret caused Beck to leave her, but Tori came into her life and made everything better. Now, Jade's life is done hanging in the balance, right? She's been told she's safe, so why does it feel like everything is about to come crashing on her and her friends? Fanfic
Behind Enemy Lines: How Yerba changed everything. Wattpad Fanfic
You Don’t Know Me: Jade and Tori are forced to work together on a group project for school. And when Tori visits Jade's house one day and her father is drunk, Tori realizes that Jade may not be the person she always thought she was. Fanfic
Replay: I never thought I'd be where I am now when I took my sister's place in that showcase. It definitely brought changes I didn't expect. But now that I'm here, I wouldn't change it for the world. Ao3 Fanfic
You’re Worth It: Tori's determined to get Jade to become friends with her no matter how many times Jade's threatened her and screamed at her. What happens when Jade starts to hang out with Tori more and realises that she doesn't seem to be feeling as much of a strong connection with Beck as she used to. Will Jade tell Tori her deepest secrets? Will Tori confess her love? They must endure a long, bumpy road together, but will it be worth it? Wattpad
A Dangerous Friend: Everyone needs at least one crazy friend, and it looks like Tori's found hers. Ao3 Wattpad
My Best Friend’s Girlfriend: Hello there...my name is Tori. Tori Vega. I'm a little nervous at the moment...so bear with me? Well I have a confession to make...it's a hard one at that. I um...well I moved here to Hollywood just a little while back and am now going to school with my childhood best friend. Then something happened... I never planned it to happen. I just... well... I accidentally fell absolutely and uncontrollably in love, with his girlfriend. Wattpad
Violated: Tori Vega, good girl, straight A student, musical master. No one would have expected her to be forced with a life changing trauma. But she did. She had many to turn to but who was her choice? Jade West, bad girl, possible straight A student, Musical, acting and producing master. She hates Tori with a passion, yet no one knows why, Jade herself doesn't know. But what happens when her enemy appears at her doorstep crying and in need of someone to help her? Fanfic Wattpad
Where’s Tori: 9 years ago, Jade's life was shattered, when her girlfriend Tori, vanished. After many years, Jade has long since given up hope of seeing Tori again.  But what happens when the Impossible happens? Fanfic Wattpad
Twist of Fate: Tori is paralysed and Jade is blind. Two lives drastically affected by fate. Two people who don't realize, how much each needs the other. But fate can be kind as well as cruel, which they soon come to realize. Slight AU. Wattpad Fanfic
The Lock-In: Locked in a building for 48 hours with 238 other high schoolers isn't exactly the greatest weekend. And nobody knows that more than André Harris, Beck Oliver, Cat Valentine, Trina Vega, Robbie Shapiro, Tori Vega, and Jade West . . . especially Tori Vega and Jade West. The lock-in begins. 48 hours to go. (Jori friendship.) Wattpad Fanfic
The Last Resort: Jade has become completely catatonic since the death of her fiancé in a tragic accident. Not responding to any treatment or words from family and friends, they turn to the one person who hasn't tried, to try and bring her back. A person who once broke Jade's heart. Her ex girlfriend, Tori Vega. Wattpad Fanfic
The Impossible: A certain student at Hollywood Arts that no one’s noticed before is suddenly involved with the gang for her Kickback performance. But she has also revealed that she is a 'great fan' of Jade West and Tori Vega and decides to let the two girls approach to help her. Who is this girl? Will she reveal who she is when Victoria Vega and Jadelyn West, one of the most talented [and hottest] students at Hollywood Arts, approach her based on curiosity and interest? Ao3 Wattpad
#GrandFinale: Caterina Valentine is just weeks away from graduation. She understands things are about to change for her and her closest friends at Hollywood Arts. But her feelings for her best friend and roommate, Sam, have already been changing...and Cat realizes it might be time to be honest about them. Sam Puckett doesn't like people or connections. People always leave. Connections always hurt. Then she met Cat and her entire world changed. But with graduation weeks away, Sam fears she's going to get left behind again. Maybe it would be better if this time, she did the leaving. Past and present collide as Sam and Cat face the uncertainty of the future. But will they face it together, or alone? It's been a long time coming. Welcome to the #GrandFinale! Ao3 Fanfic Wattpad
The Untold Jori: Sequel to “#GrandFinale”. With graduation in her rearview mirror, Jade West finds herself on the cusp of a fantastic opportunity: the chance to direct a short film. It's not her style or genre, but a successful film will lead to funding for her own feature film, a story so important to her she might be willing to take the deal. Much to Jade's frustration, the best person for the lead role to ensure its success is none other than Victoria Vega. But Tori is long gone, and Jade resents the idea of asking her to be in the film. It's the reunion neither of them wanted, with a result neither of them expected. Ao3 Fanfic Wattpad
One Last Song: Sequel to “The Untold Jori”. Victoria Vega: successful actress, prominent scream woman, married to the love of her life for nearly a decade...and, as she approaches age thirty, a woman wondering what happened to the dreams of her youth. A mysterious call from an old flame may just awaken those dreams once more, but at what cost? Jade West: one of the most celebrated masters of horror and thrillers in Hollywood. But when the social media mob descends on Jade for an innocent remark, her future in the industry is suddenly on shaky ground...and the one she depends on the most, her rock, Tori, seems to be more distant than ever. Jade fears her dream may be coming to an end...and what she will wake up to when it's over. After a string of successful broadway shows, Cat Valentine has spent years at the top of the pop charts as the sensational "Caterina". She and her longtime love, Samantha Puckett, have settled down in Sam's hometown of Seattle, where Cat records her music. But one morning, Cat wakes up to find Sam gone without a trace; not even her beloved motorcycle remains. In a panic, Cat hunts down her best friends, Tori and Jade, to help her find out where Sam went, and why? All three women stand at the brink of their most difficult challenges. Can the girls and their friends endure, or will all three be torn apart forever? Join Tori, Jade, Cat, Sam, Carly, and more for one last adventure...and one last song. Ao3 Fanfic Wattpad
One Last Time: Jade and Tori had always felt some unspoken thing between them, but never acted on it. On Tori's last night in LA, a certain song by their friend brings Jade to do just that, but is it already too late for them to be anything more than friends? Ao3 Wattpad Fanfic
Postgrad Partners: Sequel to “One Last Time”. As Tori is about to leave LA for a record deal in Miami, she and Jade hastily decide to move in together and explore their relationship and postgraduate lives. What challenges await to test this newfound couple? Ao3 Wattpad Fanfic
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darlingshane · 8 months
Professor Castle II
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Frank Castle x F!Reader
Summary: Frank takes you to Curtis' wedding in Florida as his date.
CW: 18+. Explicit, Smut, Angst, Romance, Fluff, Vaginal Sex, Fingering, Mutual Masturbation, Kissing, Feelings, Age Gap, Professor/Student relationship.
Word Count: 6.5k
— Links: First Part // AO3.
A/N: I wasn't planning on adding another part to this, but this idea came to me as I was finishing the first one and I had to write it. There are a lot of mixed feelings and romance and smut. And we also get to know how reader and Frank got together in the first place. Billy and Dinah have a significant appearance here, and Billy is kind of a bitch. I can never bring myself to see him in a better light, even in an au like this.
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It's Friday afternoon, after a hectic day of work and classes, that you get on a flight to Florida to accompany Frank to one of his best friends’ wedding.
It feels like a pretty surreal experience that he wanted you to come along, and that you also said yes. The last time you were invited to a wedding you were probably eleven or twelve and were seated at the kids’ table. Going to an affair like this as an adult with your very grown-up, secretive boyfriend feels like skydiving with no parachute.
It's already dark by the time the plane lands in the evening. The knot in your stomach tightens as you get off the plane. You were already nervous before taking off. Once your feet touch ground in Florida you wish you had a longer flight. It all happened so fast you didn't have time to prepare yourself for the idea of meeting Frank's friends. It's basically like meeting his family. Whenever you've heard stories about Billy or Curtis, he always talked about them as if they were blood brothers. So the whole thing becomes more scary the closer you get to the hotel.
There's a sudden shift during that half an hour ride to your destination. Internally, you feel like you still should hide your relationship with Frank, but he's been holding your hand the entire way there. You can't bring yourself to process how good it feels not having to care about if someone might see you or not. For months, being constantly alert is all you've done. It was exciting at first, but not as much as having his big paw holding your hand out in the open while the shuttle driver asks if you're here on vacation.
The building you arrive in sits so close to the ocean you can hear the waves crashing on shore and smell the fresh saltwater lingering in the air before you get out of the vehicle.
Once you've checked in, you get to a lovely room on the third floor with a view to the pool where a group of people enjoy an evening dive. You open the door to the balcony to let the air in, while Frank checks the rest of the room.
“Are you okay, baby?” Asks Frank as you lean on the railing outside.
“Yeah, just a little tired.”
“Well, there's a bed right here.” He points out before opening his suitcase on the mattress to take out his suit.
“It looks like a nice bed.” Glancing over your shoulder, you watch Frank straightening the fabric before hanging it in the closet.
When he's done, he joins you on the balcony, linking his arms around your waist.
“Should we go out to dinner or stay and order room service?” He softly kisses your nape.
“Hm, I'm fine with either. What do you wanna do?”
“Well, It'd be nice to go out since we never get to do that. But on the other hand, we haven't been really alone for a couple of weeks, and I was really looking forward to having you all for myself tonight.”
“It's still early, my king. We can do both.” You tuck your arm back to caress his jaw.
“Yeah? I thought you were tired.”
“I'm also hungry. Let me change and get rid of the airplane smell, and we'll go exploring.”
You unpack your suitcase and hang the outfits you picked for the next couple of days next to Frank's, which is such a bizarre thing to do. It's going to be an interesting weekend without having to put much thought into the secrecy of your relationship. Something as simple as just holding hands or letting your clothes live next to his, even if it's just temporary, makes you feel that normalcy most couples have. You wonder if this is what the future holds for you and Frank. It begs to question if this is the future you want with Frank.
Both of you freshen up and change into clean clothes. You slip into a long skirt with a halter top in your favorite color and a pair of sandals while Frank dons a pair of black chinos and a brown polo shirt.
Heading downstairs you go straight to the restaurant, sit at the bar and order some drinks first while you wait for a table.
“What?” you're chewing on the end of a straw when you notice Frank stare weirdly fixed on you. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No, you’re perfect.” His gaze beams full of wonder. “I just… Look at you. You're so beautiful. I can't believe you're here with me. I thought we'd never get to be out like this.”
“It’s kinda weird, isn’t it? But in a good way.”
“Yeah. C’mere,” his hand slides along your jaw and stops at your nape. A flick of his tongue swipes his lips before planting a wet one on your mouth. It lingers for a moment before diving for a deeper taste. It takes you off guard, and you almost want to pull back as soon as the tip of his tongue escapes past your teeth. It’s when it tries to meet with yours that you awkwardly pull your head back. His palm massages the back of your neck as you press your forehead against his, feeling a pang of sadness thrum in your chest.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?”
Your head slightly shakes, as you look down at your hands holding his forearm on your lap.
“I just… I feel like everyone is staring at us.”
“Baby, I’m serious. Nobody is watching us. Look around,” his hold loosens around your neck and your head swivels to see that in fact no one is interested in whatever you and Frank do. “Are you embarrassed to be seen with an old man like me?”
“You’re not that old.”
“That wasn’t a no.”
“I’m not embarrassed to be with you, Frank. I… I wish we could do this all the time like normal people do. It feels like after this weekend, we’ll never get to do this ever again. I know we just got here, and I’m just being dramatic, you don’t have to say it. But uh… it makes me sad we can’t go out like this at home.”
“Baby, I get it. I wish I could have you like all the damn time. It breaks my heart to see you every day and have to remind myself not to look at you or touch you or kiss you.”
“Sorry for bringing you down with me. It's been a long day. And being here with you is a little overwhelming. It's brought a lot of stuff to the surface I never even considered before. I see it comes out so natural for you to do something like holding my hand or kissing me, and I feel bad that there’s this weird thing blocking me from enjoying that.”
“Hey, don't apologize.” Frank sighs before gently pressing a kiss on your forehead. “I'm the one who's sorry for not realizing sooner that this was a bigger deal for you than I thought. I just wanted you here so badly, I didn't think what this meant for you– for us. How about we go back to the room, order something, put on a movie and take it slow.”
“No, it's okay. I'll be fine. I wanna get used to this. I wanna be here with you, Frank.”
Drawing a smile, you simply nod and squeeze his hand a little harder.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”
“A couple of times. It doesn’t hurt to hear it again.”
Your lips pull up a little higher, as you lean forward to attempt to resume the kiss he started.
“Mr. Castle.” The restaurant’s hostess interrupts you just as you press your lips against his. “Your table is ready.”
She guides you to a table by the window with a view to the beach.
“Your waiter will be right over,” she politely says before going to fetch more people to place at the empty tables.
Despite being still a little nervous about the whole thing, you’re so over the moon with Frank, that it's easy to relax more and more in his presence. He knows how to smooth things over with just a few sweet words or an adoring glance framed by those glasses that really show the beauty of his eyes. You never thought he'd be this casual and forward when it came to showing public displays of affection. You're both overly cautious, but here, it's like he's flipped a switch in his head and all his problems are gone. Despite his impromptu decision the other day when he tried to break up with you, it feels like he's been dying to be able to show the world that you're his, and he is yours. You adore that about him and try to ease your mind into being more present right here and let go of all those worries that sadden your heart. Even if it's just for two days, you should be able to enjoy what you got.
By the end of your meal, you’re halfway through your dessert when a couple approaches the table.
“Hey, Frankie!” Billy, who you recognized from one of Frank’s pictures, makes him stand from his seat to give him a hug.
“Bill,” he addresses him before looking at the woman by his side. “Hey, Dinah. Good to see you again.”
“Yeah, good to see you, too.”
“And you must be the mystery woman Frank never told us about until a couple of days ago,” Billy directs his attention to you as you extend your hand in his direction.
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”
“Oh, she’s funny.”
“You have no idea.”
They both shake your hand as Frank sits back down.
“Thought you were going to turn in early like the rest of the party.”
“That was the plan, but we decided at the last minute to come down. You guys wanna join us?”
“No, we’re going to this swing by this bar down the street. You should come.”
“We've already had a couple of drinks,” Frank says. “We were about to call it a night.”
“C’mon, just a nightcap. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you. And you just can’t bring a date to Curt’s wedding and not properly introduce her like she deserves.”
Frank glances at you and shrugs, “you wanna go?”
“Just one drink?”
“Just one drink,” Billy repeats. “I mean if you’re old enough to drink.”
He says so casually it throws you off, but you’re quick to reply when you’re nervous.
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that but yes, I’m old enough to drink.” You prove it by lifting the almost empty cocktail glass from the table and bring it to your mouth to finish it.
He mimes his fingers zipping his mouth as Dinah gives him a look and Frank hangs his head down.
Once the momentary awkwardness has passed you choose to follow them down the boardwalk to a crowded bar at the end of the street. You take a table outside and order some drinks. You go for another cocktail, the guys have a couple of beers and Dinah settles for scotch on the rocks.
“So, Frankie here has strictly forbidden us to ask you questions. What is he trying to hide?” Billy stares at you from the other couch with his elbows leaned on his knees.
“I didn't say that. I only asked you to not give her the third degree.” He scoffs.
“It's okay.” You laugh, placing a palm at the small of Frank's back. “What do you wanna know?”
While Billy questions you about your life, where you come from, what you’re majoring in, what your hobbies are… Frank tries to remain not too bothered but often chimes in to say – you don’t have to answer that, when Billy pokes into something way too personal.
Almost through with your cocktail you stand up and head to the bathroom and Dinah stalks behind you.
“Didn’t realize you were coming too,” you say when you notice her holding the door after you step into the room.
“Yeah, I needed a break from hearing Billy talk. Don’t mind him, he always had a big mouth. It’s pathological, but he’s harmless… for the most part.”
“He’s… intense,” you say for the lack of a better word. “How long have you two been together?”
“Oh, we’re not together together. We just hang out sometimes.”
“You could’ve fooled me.” You lean on one of the sinks while Dinah fixes her makeup.
“How long have you been dating Frank?”
“Hm, almost a year.”
“You know, I dated a teacher once at the academy, but it was nothing like you and Frank.”
“How so?”
“He didn’t take me as a plus-one to a wedding for starters. It was just sex. I can see that it’s more for you and Frank. Is it?”
“I uhh… I think it is. It’s crazy that he invited me here.”
“Yeah, he’s been moping around for a couple of years since his last girlfriend. It’s good that he has you now. How did that happen?”
You can see that Dinah and Billy have more in common than she lets on. They definitely share the same hunger to gather information from anyone. You don’t mind them poking around to know more about you. It’s actually refreshing being able to talk about you and Frank for the first time, and if Frank has told them about you, it means that he trusts them.
“Well, it’s not an interesting story. We didn’t fall in love at first sight, or shared longing glances across hallways, or pass secret notes, and shit. He uh… we used to go to the same café outside campus that has the best coffee. One day I saw him trying to pay with his phone cause he forgot his wallet, and it wasn’t working cause he’s technologically inept to handle any app. So I paid for his coffee. The next day he paid for mine and I helped him manage his digital wallet. We started taking more and more outside class. We would walk together back to campus. Over time, it took us longer and longer to make it back. We would stop at this park to look at the ducks in the lake. Sometimes we fed them to stall. Though neither of us gave a shit about the ducks-”
“Of course,” Dinah softly smiles at your remark.
“Then I’d tell him I’d be at this art show, or go to this movie, whatever shit I was doing, hoping he’d show up, and he did. It was like that for months, one day we looked at the other, and we knew… I guess we fell in love. And at the same time we realized that we couldn’t see each other like that anymore. So we stopped hanging out. That lasted like three weeks tops. We were both miserable.”
“And then what happened?”
“I… it was the end of the semester, before finals, I had my first play, and he came to see it.”
“He came to see you.” She accurately points out.
“Right. Once it was over, he went backstage to say hi to everyone. I… before he left I said to him to wait for me in his car and he did. After everyone left, I headed out to the parking lot, got in the passenger seat and told him to drive. We talked for hours, trying to convince ourselves once more that we couldn't be together, that I'd never work, but it didn't matter. We made a choice and now here we are. We’ve been hiding for months and it…”
“It finally feels right to say it out loud.”
“I think so… I can’t tell anyone else in my life right now. It’s hard to trust anyone with a secret like that. But if Frank told you I guess I can trust you.”
“You can. I get it. Sometimes you can't choose who you fall in love with.”
“How come something that’s supposed to be wrong feels so right at the same time?” You’ve been wondering for months.
“That’s a complicated question, sweetie. But it’s usually the things that are supposed to be wrong that feel the best, unfortunately.”
Meanwhile, outside, Billy grills Frank a little more about you on a totally different approach than Dinah’s.
“C’mon, Frankie. You can’t be serious. You know you could lose your tenure if they find out.”
“They’re not going to find out.”
“If it was just sex I’d get it. I’ve had my fair share of coeds. The difference is that I’m not their teacher, well, sometimes they like to pretend that I am, if you know what I mean. But you’re bringing her to Curt’s wedding, as your date. That’s nuts.”
“Why is it so hard to believe that I love her?”
“Cause you haven’t been with anyone since Maria and the first person you date is one of your students. Does it sound sane to you? Are you having a midlife crisis or something?”
“You know, out of everyone, I thought you'd be the last one to judge, Bill.”
“I'm not judging you, Frankie. I'm just checking that you haven't completely lost your mind. Someone has to. You look like you're willing to risk it all out for her. Is she worth all that, your job, your reputation, your precious principles? I thought you had a code.”
“She's absolutely worth all that. Can you say the same about Dinah? When are you going to stop playing with her?”
“Me? She's the one who calls the shots. She's the one playing with me.”
“Yeah, sure.” Frank scoffs before taking a swallow of his beer.
“Okay, let's just say it's a game we both love playing. I use her, she uses me, it's a win-win situation.”
“Until someone gets hurt.”
“Well, some people like that. How are you keeping up with her?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean bed wise. I know from experience that twenty-year-olds are like feral cats. Can you handle something like that?”
“Jesus, Bill. You're fucking disgusting sometimes. Don't talk about her like that.”
“What? Have you forgotten how you were at her age? You were either fucking or thinking about fucking.”
“Not everything is about sex.”
“Right, so you're not having sex.”
“That's none of your business.”
“Well, if you're so willing to put your ass in the line, I hope you're getting at least something out of it.”
“That's all that is for you, huh? You never do anything unless you're getting something in return. Everyone and everything is trading businesses for you. Even love.”
“Love is for children, Frankie. Never did anything good for anyone. Look at you… Every woman that ever touched you left a deeper mark than the last one. I’d rather be shot a hundred times than having to carry imaginary scars. What do you think is gonna happen when she's done with you? You think a girl like that is ready to commit forever?”
“You're so full of shit, Bill. You talk big game, but you never made it past the side lines. If that's where you wanna stay there, fine, but don't pretend you know how it feels to put yourself out there and offer yourself without expecting anyone to hand everything to you right away.”
“You used to be more fun.”
“Well, your idea of fun is different from mine.”
“Hey, what did we miss?”
Dinah and you return to the table that seems to have gathered a visible dark cloud over them.
“Nothing, get your stuff. We're going back to the hotel.” Frank barks, promptly rising from his chair.
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“Are you ready to tell me what happened between you and Billy?” you straddle Frank's lap on the bed. He's taken off his glasses and most of his clothes and the only thing left is his boxer briefs. You tried to pry on the way back here, but he was clearly still upset about something. Now that he's more relaxed you try again while you comb his hair with your fingers. “Was he mean to you? Do you want me to kick his bony ass?”
“I'd like to see that,” he chuckles as his palms smooth the bare skin of your thighs. “There's nothing to tell, sweetheart. He's just an asshole sometimes. I'll get over it. C'mere.”
He tucks a finger under your chin and pulls your face closer so he can seize your lips. You can tell he's trying to distract you from asking further questions but if he's not ready to talk about it then there's nothing you can't do right now. You happily accept his affection and quickly melt in the slow undoing of his tongue as it finds yours. It's easy to forget and forgive when he has you like this. All rational thought abandons you and suddenly your hips are grinding against him, following the same rhythm as his tongue as it becomes more eager to please you. His hands hold tight to your hips, coaxing you to feel him growing hard between those layers of underwear keeping your flesh from coming to close contact.
“God, I've been dying to have you like this, sweetheart,” his breathing falters between sloppy kisses.
“I know.” You break from his mouth and press your forehead against his, gazing down at the spot where your centers rub together to see his cock bulging up like mad.
Frank gets a hold of your top and swiftly pulls it over your head so he can kiss your tits. He buries his face in your chest while your arm curls around his nape. He's all tongue, teeth, and lips inciting your skin to come alive into tiny pimples. He sucks a nipple into his mouth, hums around it, and bites hard as you let out a breathless gasp when his teeth sink into your flesh. Before it starts hurting he releases it to see a faint mark around the circumference.
“Fuck me.”
“Yeah?” Biting his bottom lip, he draws the shape of your jaw with a finger before shifting positions with you to have you on your back. That same finger traces the length of your torso all the way down to your underwear. He takes a full sight of you for a beat before yanking your panties off you and pushing his boxers down.
His feet shimmy out of the fabric, as he lowers himself on top of you, letting you meet his full erection that throbs over your tender, slicked flesh. His warm breath heats up your face when he presses his parted mouth at the corner of your lips. He viciously rubs himself against you, collecting your juices all around his cock. Then he buries himself inside you as your whole body trembles as usual. Every time he penetrates you like this, the most thrilling chill takes over your body before you can even come. It settles at the back of your head, as all your senses are taken by that powerful lust force that you can’t control. Each thrust of his hips, each kiss, and lick, and word whispered in your ear takes you closer to heaven. He fucks you with mind, body and soul, like real men do, making you come with ease each fucking time.
“Tell me you love me,” you moan against his jaw, while you dig your nails on his back.
“I love you. I fucking love you, sweetheart.” He desperately pants as the pace of his hips becomes more urgent.
“Tell me you need me.”
“Of course I need you. All the damn time.”
You both gradually lose your ability to breathe the closer you get to orgasm. His sweat sticks with yours as your bodies melt together in that haze of love and lust bubbling all over the room.
“Tell me you’re never going to leave me again.” It sounds needy as you say it, but you need to hear it over and over, especially now.
“I promise…fuck. I promise I’m never gonna leave you again, baby.”
One of his hands clutches to your hips to keep you still while he fucks the light of you with unbridled passion. You can feel every inch of your body vibrating to the sound of his skin slapping on yours. Your breath comes out forced in short breaths as he makes that final effort that tips you over the edge. Your walls flutter and contract around his cock for a moment as you reach the top of your climax.
“I’m gonna… fuck,“ you’re squeezing him so hard, he just spills all of himself inside you while you ride that tide that makes your vision blur and ears ring for a moment while he tries to tame his own orgasm.
When you come to your senses, he’s dead weight on top of you, limp and hot, kissing your neck softly while he regains his breath. You can hear your own heartbeat in your ears still as one of our hands blindly glides up his back.
“You’re fucking amazing, you know that?” his voice comes out hoarse.
“I know.”
“What you asked me to say… you know I mean it, right?”
“I think so.”
“Are you still scared that I’m gonna leave you?”
“A little, yeah. I… it was just seven days ago when you told me that you didn’t want to see me again. I know you didn’t mean it and that you only wanted to keep us safe, but it was a hard week, Frank. I’m not mad at you. It’s just been a roller coaster of emotions, and now we're here together, playing like a normal couple and I can't help but feeling a little insecure about all of it. Not just you.”
“I'm sorry,” he shifts on top of you, lifting his head so he can capture your eyes. “I really am. I hate to make you feel that way. I know it's confusing but you gotta know something. You… You're all that matters to me. I’d die without you, sweetheart.”
“Now, who’s the dramatic one?”
“I only learned from the best.”
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The next day, the wedding ceremony is set at noon.
Half an hour before the event, everyone starts gathering at the lobby to walk together to the beach. Frank holds a palm at the small of your back while he introduces you to Curtis finally and a handful of friends. He manages to avoid stumbling onto Billy altogether.
When you get to the beach, Dinah beckons you to take a seat next to her on the fourth row. Meanwhile, Frank stands next to Curt in the makeshift altar framed by swaying palm trees and a spectacular backdrop of vibrant blue skies adorned with wispy clouds and a blinding sun. Right by the groom’s side also stand Curt’s brother and Billy, who seems to be feeling the icy chill of Frank’s cold shoulder. You’ve never seen him this mad at anyone before and by the way Billy occasionally glances at you and Dinah, you start to wonder you're the cause of their rift.
Frank has traded his glasses for aviators and shines so handsome in a navy blue suit with a white dress shirt and no tie. Everyone is dressed in light fabrics and bold colors. You’ve chosen a floral romper and wedges.
Waiting for the affair to start, as you produce a pair of shades to shield your eyes from the sun, Dinah lightly touches your arm.
“You know I don’t agree with Billy at all,” she says coolly as if you had any idea what's going on. “I told you he was harmless, but he can be a real asshole sometimes.”
“I…” You glance at her, trying to gather some thoughts cause you’re really lost right now.
“Oh, Frank didn’t tell you?” She realizes by your expression. “I'm so sorry. I thought you knew.”
“No, he didn't tell me. I asked him. He said that it was just Billy being Billy. But I could tell it was more than that.” You're afraid of asking but if it's something about you, you have the right to know. “Bill doesn't like me, does he?”
“It's not that. He believes Frank isn't thinking clearly when it comes to you. Said you're just an infatuation that's going to get him in trouble. I'm sorry that you had to hear it from me. Frank should've told you.”
“It's okay. It's nothing that he and I hadn't thought of before. It's hard to hear it from someone else's mouth though. I guess that's why he didn't want to tell me.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, it'll be fine. I don't know Billy enough to care about what he thinks. It's me and Frank that matters.”
“You have more class than me. I'd definitely get back at him if he tried to alienate anyone in my life like that.”
“It's not really my style. He can think whatever he wants. It's a free country.”
“I shouldn't tell you this but… just so you know he didn't get any of this last night. After you and Frank left he kept whining like a bitch and I just had it with him.”
“Oh God, I'm sorry.”
“Don't be. It's not your fault.”
When the music starts playing, everyone rises from their seats to watch the bride walk down the aisle. They exchange bows under the most stunning setting you’ve ever seen. Though you don't know Curtis and Delia besides Frank’s stories, it's straight up lovely to see two people in love celebrating their joy with family and friends.
Once they’ve sealed the ceremony with a kiss, they cross the aisle together as husband and wife between joyful cheering and applause.
Then, the party moves to the reception in a locale nearby. It's held outside under a canopy of flowers and fairy lights illuminating the array of tables framing the dance floor. The food is served buffet style and your plate is 90% filled with shrimp when you take a seat next to Frank.
“Did you leave some shrimp for the rest?”
You simply shrug, amused, “you snooze, you lose. That's the rule of the buffet. Are you nervous about your speech?”
“A little.”
“Just pretend you're in class giving a lecture.”
“Yeah, I'll try that.” He gazes at you as he brings a piece of salmon to his mouth.
“And if that doesn't work, you know what they say… picture everyone naked.” You start stuffing yours with pieces of shrimp.
“I don't see how that'd be better. I don't wanna see any of these people in their birthday suits.”
“Then focus on me and my birthday suit.”
“I'll try that.”
Frank, of course, despite having some jitters about that best man speech he just has the right words to say about Curtis and Delia. He even makes everyone laugh with a couple of heartfelt jokes about his friendship with Curt. It's really endearing to see him among his people. You can tell that he's made a tight-knit group of loyal friends that'd be there for him for the rest of his life.
As the day progresses, and the alcohol starts taking effect a few people step into the dance floor. You spot Dinah dancing with Curtis’ brother and Billy sweet-talking to one of the bridesmaids by the buffet.
“You having a good time, baby?” Frank's arms circle your waist while you pick a glass of wine from the bar.
“I'm having the best time. Everyone is really nice.” You take a sip of your glass.
“I told you that there was nothing to worry about. Everyone loves you.”
“Well, not everyone.” You tilt your head to the side to point at Billy. “You should've told me what happened.”
“I didn't want to upset you.”
“I'm not upset, Frank. Like I told Dinah, I don't know him enough to care about what he thinks. I know you were trying to protect me, but you don't have to.”
“It's not that, sweetheart. I'm just tired of having the same conversation. We know what we're up against. Figure I could save you the headache of going through all our faults again. There was no point in telling you all the bullshit that came out of his mouth.”
“Well, that's good to know, but I don't want to hear it from other people either. If he said anything about me, I have the right to know, don't you think?”
“He didn't say anything specifically about you, baby. It was mostly about me choosing to bring you here.”
“But it really upset you. You should've told me.”
“I know, I'm sorry,” he kisses your jaw. “How can I make it up to you?”
“Hm… let me think,” you sway your hips, making him move with you. “I think a dance will suffice.”
“Sweetheart, I love you, but I can’t dance to this.”
“I can wait for a slow one.”
“Alright, but just one song.”
“Got it.”
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As much fun as you had with Frank dancing without a care in the world, there's nothing like being back in the hotel room to rest for the night. Mingling with that many people can be exhausting and though you had a great time, you revel in the quietness and comfort of these four walls. To wash out the day of your skin, you take a shower together. Then you lay naked on the bed, face down with our arms tucked under your head while Frank's hands massage your back. His fingers knead all the right spots until you’ve completely relaxed before feeling his lips pressing soft kisses all over your spine. One of his hands slips between your thighs. You separate your knees further apart to make room for it as he softly massages your sex. His palm gently rubs back and forth while he presses his mouth to your ear.
“How does that feel, baby?”
“Good. So fucking good,” you hum. “Don’t stop, please.”
“You gonna make a mess for me, huh?” you notice one of his fingers slipping between your folds to feel those early drops of arousal. “Yeah, you always do.”
You laugh to yourself as he presses a little harder, drawing mind-numbing circles around your clit.
“God, I love you so much.” You lightly wave your ass at his touch, aching for more fiction.
Frank takes the hint and uses his index and middle fingers to rub harder around your hardened nub as he presses his semi-hard against your hip.
“Look what you do to me,” his breathing echoes in your ear, while he rubs himself on your skin. “You proud of yourself?”
“Not quite. You should be harder already,” you turn your head to look at him and move your closest hand to grab his length.
He laughs against your mouth before sending his tongue to taste your kiss.
Mutually serving the other, his cock grows harder in your fist, as you melt around his fingers when they invite themselves into your opening.
“Open your legs a little more, sweetheart,” you heed his command. “Attagirl.”
His thick fingers quickly are wrapped in a sheen layer of your juices as he pushes them in and out repeatedly, letting your arousal drip on the sheets. At the same time, you massage his raging erection that barely fits in the curl of your palm anymore when it's fully swollen.
“I wanna feel you, Frank,” you purr on his lips as he drives you out of your mind.
“Yeah? Want me to come inside you?” He makes a point to press his fingertips hard on your g-spot to earn a good moan out of you.
“You need me to beg?”
“A little. Yeah.”
“Please, I need you to fuck me.”
“Say what you whisper in my ear when you wake me up in the middle of the night just to fuck.”
“I'd die if you don't wake up right now and fuck me,” you sigh. “Please. I need you, king.”
“That's my girl. C'mere.” He takes his fingers away and handles your body so you're laying on your side. He pulls your back flush against his chest and drives the blunt tip of his cock smoothly between your legs.
“God, you're always so fucking wet.”
“Just for you.”
As you adjust your leg to be more comfortable, he tucks his arms around you. His bottom arm slips under your armpit to hold your chest, while his opposite hand rubs its fingers on your clit. Frank thrusts come long and dragged. His mouth opens at the crook of your neck to devour your flesh. You take the hand holding your tit and bring it up to your mouth so you can take his fingers between your lips.
“Fuck, you're gonna make me come, baby,” he rumbles in your ear when you blow his fingers as if it was his cock.
You can tell he's ready to burst by the way his length twitches inside you every time his fingertips touch the back of your throat.
Wrapped in an ethereal veil made out of love and lust, your bodies sync up and lace in an intricate knot, moving together like one. You expel the same shallow breaths. Pulses follow the same pattern. Arch your bodies at the same angle. He keeps a steady rhythm on your folds, you keep your mouth tight around his knuckles. When your legs start trembling, he trembles with you. You beg him again, to go harder. Your core fuses with his as the flame between burns brighter and hotter the closer you get to the top. Overwhelmed by the intoxicating haze, at the very last second, his body gives up and falls out of cadence. Frank comes with the force of a waterfall before you do. A deep grunt echoes in the room as his hips erratically keep pushing for a couple of seconds until he’s spilled every last drop into you.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry, baby,” his breathing falters.
“It’s okay. Just don’t stop. Please.” You pull your mouth away from his hand.
“Sh, sh, I won’t. Come for me, baby.” His fingers stay glued to your clit, his cock remains hard, and deep buried inside your walls while he keeps viciously rubbing on it to grant you your release.
You're so close, you can feel your body about to meet that same force. You clutch your hand around his wrist as your body locks for a beat before being overcome by that whirlwind of pleasure that takes you to a higher ground.
Frank holds you tight as your body goes limp in his embrace. You’d die here if you could, in his arms wrapped around you, in the comfort of his kisses and his voice in your ear telling you how much he loves you.
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201 notes · View notes
almostgenerallyalways · 4 months
to absent friends and those at sea
Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x fem reader Category: angst / fluff Word count: 6,2K CW: language, don't know how the navy works, maybe workplace bullying, this is a 'there's only one bed' fic that got out of control
Summary: Through seven years and almost as many deployments he’s carried this torch, the flame low but always burning somewhere in a condemned antechamber of his heart, one he tried hard to forget the route to.
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“Your flight is about to get canceled.”
You start, thrown by the appearance of Hangman at your side, interrupting your intense scrutiny of the departures board where another forty minutes have just been added to the already considerable delay of your outbound flight to Seattle.
“What are you still doing here?” You eye him suspiciously, adjusting your duffel bag over your shoulder.
“Nice to see you too, Mir.” He smiles, completely unperturbed as always. “I stayed back to hang out with Coyote. Haven’t seen him much since he was transferred. He left this morning.” He pauses for a moment, indifferently examining his fingernails. “You?”
You sigh. “I thought I’d take advantage of being in the Rockies to hike.”
The man next to you smirks. “In other words, you got drenched.”
“More or less.”
Two days ago, Saturday, had been a beautiful, sunny day for a wedding: Every circumstance had been perfect to reunite most of your Top Gun class, gathered with assorted family, friends and colleagues of the happy couple, to watch Halo say yes to her wife.
You’d enjoyed yourself immensely; the majestic scenery of Halo’s remote hometown in the Colorado mountains, the beautiful venue and decorations, and best of all: being with one of your best friends on the happiest day of her life.
Then the next day, as you’d rolled out of bed bright and early, only slightly hungover, you’d opened the curtains of your hotel room to unannounced streaks of rain.
Not put off by a little change in weather, you’d checked if there were any safety warnings for the trail you’d chosen, and set out in spite of the adverse conditions. The experience had been less enjoyable than anticipated: the beautiful views over the Rockies obscured by a thick layer of fog, you’d returned to your room early last night, chilled to the bone, every stitch of clothing you’d been wearing soaked through.
Another announcement pings over the speakers, interrupting your reflections. The status next to your flight number and destination now blinks in bold, red typeface: CANCELED.
“Told you.” Your unwanted companion grins helpfully.
Around you, people are starting to move, expressing their panicked complaints. You groan as you realise you are going to be stuck here overnight: it is almost 8 PM, and with the rain and mist not letting up, there’s no way another flight is leaving this small airport tonight.
“Listen, Mir,” Hangman says, expression more sober now, “My flight to San Diego was canceled, and I just stood in line for two hours to get a room for tonight. You’ll be here for hours if you have to get one.”
He considers you, any trace of mockery gone from his face for once. “You wanna crash with me?”
Pressure starts to build behind your temples, as you quickly consider your options. On the one hand, you are tired and cranky and in desperate need of sleep: having been one of the last guests shutting down the wedding in the late hours of Saturday night, and having spent most of your Sunday hiking up a non-rewarding mountain in the pouring rain, you’d love to avoid spending hours in the line that you see the crowd of weary and pissed-off people scramble to form, leading up to the United desk.
On the other hand: Hangman.
He smiles tentatively, as if he can read your thoughts on your face. He probably can. “It’s a double.”
You close your eyes, feeling like you might live to regret this decision: “Okay. Fine. Thanks.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Top Gun is a dream and an outright nightmare.
Brought in two weeks after the start of the program to replace someone who was summarily discharged, you’re determined to prove your worth.
When you are first introduced to the men and women (woman, singular, you correct yourself) who are to be your classmates and competition, it’s clear the group dynamics have already been cemented. Some eye you suspiciously, leaning back in their chairs, trying to get a read on the late addition. Some don’t even bother to look.
A blonde pilot in the second row scoffs when the instructor reads a short overview of your scant accomplishments, and another man sitting next to him laughs in response, poorly covering it up with a cough.
It takes everything you have to tough it out. They’re throwing you in the deep end, barely allowing any time or grace to make up for the hours and hours of valuable technical and practical training you’ve missed.
On day eight, though, you execute your first successful stealth manoeuvre, getting the upper hand over one of the instructors. As the details in the move are analysed in front of the class, for the first time, you feel a begrudging respect from some of them.
Not everyone, though. Two seats to your left, Seresin makes a show of studying his cuticles.
* * *
Halo is your lifeline. As the only two women in the class, you gravitate towards each other, finding some respite from the hyper-masculine bullshit of the rest of the group.
Or maybe she’s an angel, as her recently coined callsign suggests.
You’re lounging on the rec room couch with Halo’s feet in your lap, debriefing the day’s hop, when Seresin and two of his usual hangers-on walk in. (Their names are Miller and Wozniak. Halo and you have taken to referring to them as Crabbe and Goyle.)
“Ladies.” He grins, flashing you a smile with no warmth behind it.
A feeling of dread gathers in your stomach.
He casually picks an apple out of the fruit bowl and pretends to inspect it as he comments: “Poor showing out there today. You’re gonna have to do better than that if you wanna play in the big leagues with the boys.”
Halo, laid back on the couch, rolls her eyes. “Fuck off, Jake.”
He grins at her and takes a bite, crunching loudly. “You know, Halo, it’s not so much you I’m worried about. But this one-” He gestures at you with the piece of fruit. He has never referred to you by your name. “Is on thin ice, I hear. Heard they’re regretting calling her up.”
At this, Halo sits up, looking like she wants to give him a piece of her mind, but you stop her with a touch to her arm. “Forget it, Callie.”
* * *
You’re breathing heavy, blood rushing in your ears as your body is pushed to its physical limits, your F-18 protesting as you accelerate into a sharp turn curving around a particularly treacherous stretch of the San Jacinto mountains.
Your gamble has paid off, though, as you come out right on top of your prey. You can taste bile in the back of your throat as you lock tone on Fanboy’s jet.
It tastes like victory.
Back on the tarmac, peeling off the top half of your sweat-drenched flight suit, Halo throws her arms around your neck as Fanboy shakes your hand, a bemused smile on his face. “Nice work out there. Never even saw you coming.”
Later, at the Hard Deck, one pilot after another buys you drinks as you finally earn your callsign: Mirage.
* * *
It gets easier from there on out, and it doesn’t.
On the one hand, you don’t feel like you constantly have to defend your place anymore. After you score big in the mountains, Hangman finally has the decency to shut his mouth around you. You’ve found a natural understanding with most of the other pilots – the competition is fierce, but nights at the bar bring everyone back on equal footing.
Yet as the program ramps up to its conclusion, so does the pressure. Some mornings you can’t choke down breakfast, your stomach seized up into a knot of nerves and anticipation.
In week ten, you’re having so much trouble with a simulation that you, your wingman and his backseater get shot down six times in a row. Your arms burn with the hundreds of push-ups you’re grinding into the blistering tarmac, your CO never running out of the torrent of abuse he’s heaping onto your back.
You can’t sleep that night, keep seeing the disappointed look on your wingman’s face as you’d fucked up again and again. Around three in the morning, you give up on sleep and head to the on-base gym.
You crank a treadmill up to high and you run, run, run until your lungs are burning and your mouth tastes like metal. Rivulets of sweat drip down your back, down your face, mingling with tears you didn’t realise you’d been holding back, until finally your legs are screaming at you to stop, and you sit down at the end of another treadmill, your shoulders shaking, cradling your face in your knees.
You don’t know how long you sit there, but you know it’s not fully morning yet when a pair of white sneakers appears in your line of vision.
Of course it had to be him, of all people, seeing you at your worst and most vulnerable.
“Go away.” You manage to grunt.
He doesn’t. Instead, he sits down next to you, hovering at a distance – still too close.
“Are you alright?” He asks, and if you weren’t burning with embarrassment and rage, his hesitant tone might give you pause.
You lift your face from your knees, steeling yourself. You must look ridiculous, you think, a sweaty heap of a girl having a mental breakdown at the bottom of some exercise equipment. You refuse to look at him. “I’m fine.”
He reaches out tentatively, trying to brush away a strand of hair that’s plastered to the side of your face, and you all but jump back: “Goddamn it, Seresin, don’t touch me.”
Finding the strength to push yourself up, you turn to him: “Don’t touch me, don’t talk to me, don’t come anywhere near me.”
When Koehler is discharged, Jake Seresin feels like the rug’s been pulled out from under him.
They came up together through the Academy, and while Jake isn’t sure he would’ve called him a friend in any other circumstances, at least… At least he was an ally. Familiar. Someone who saw through his cocky bullshit and gave as good as he got.
The chances of both of them getting into Top Gun were astronomically small – and then Koehler immediately went and fucked it up. Jake cannot comprehend it.
He feels off-kilter, his only confidant having made a spectacularly embarrassing exit from the program. He can feel the rest of the class watching him, like sharks who’ve smelled blood in the water, waiting for him to make a deadly mistake too.
But Jake didn’t come here to screw up. He came here to win. So he does the only thing he knows how to do – he ramps it up, builds his walls higher, needles people harder – gets under their skin before they can get under his.
He knows it’s not making him many friends – but it works. People don’t question him. He takes no prisoners, flies like he’s the only one out there, puts himself first always – and is ranked near the top of the class for doing so.
When you’re introduced as Koehler’s replacement, he can’t believe it. It feels like adding salt to the wound, bringing in someone who didn’t even make the cut-off on their own merit. So if you get it a little worse than the others – well.
He sees you struggling, those first weeks, and it only confirms his thinking.
One scorching afternoon, after a long series of dogfights ends in embarrassment for half the class, he’s in the rec room pressing a cold compress to his face, discussing the day’s events with Wozniak: “I mean, did you see her out there? That’s what happens when you pull the B-team off the bench. She’s got no business being here. She’s dragging everyone down.”
Wozniak doesn’t immediately respond, and Jake looks up to find you standing in the doorway, looking caught off guard. You recover after a second, straightening your back, and grab a water from the cooler, studiously not looking at him.
You never look at him, after that.
But he looks at you.
* * *
You have bags under your eyes. The line of your jaw has gotten a little sharper. You get a little quieter, even more so than before.
He notices these things just like he notices the redoubled resolve stiffening your spine.
You start creeping up in the rankings, slowly, point by point, and while he doesn’t like that, he respects it.
After the mountains, where you pull a trick out of the bag that takes him completely by surprise, he lines up to congratulate you. Fanboy takes it on the chin, he’s a good guy, and Jake claps him on the back before turning to you, Halo still at your side. But you won’t look at him, and ignore his outstretched hand.
He supposes he deserves that.
* * *
A few weeks later, he wakes up earlier than usual after a night of fitful sleep, his body still processing the adrenaline from an open-sea simulation the day before. Jake came out on top, though he ditched his wingman to do so. Several others didn’t manage to complete the exercise, a crucial barrier for the last stretch of the thirteen-week program.
After tossing and turning for twenty minutes, the light outside his cracked window starting to shift incrementally from pitch black to indigo blue, he decides to head to the gym.
When he steps into the cavernous, air-conditioned room, he immediately senses someone else’s presence, though he can’t see anyone using any of the rows and rows of equipment. It’s not until he rounds into a stretch of treadmills that he spots you, hunched over into your bare knees.
“Mir?” He approaches hesitantly, noting the flushed skin of your back, your hair matted with sweat.
“Go away.” He gets in response, but he can’t, not when you’re sitting there trembling.
“Are you alright?” He asks, even though he can clearly see that you’re not.
You lift your face, surreptitiously swiping at your eyes with your palm. “I’m fine.”
Still not looking at him. Never looking at him.
He reaches out a hand, tentatively; he wants to make this better –
He has to make this better, make you feel–
- but you recoil from him, and he sits there for a long time after you’ve banged the door shut behind you like you couldn’t get away from him fast enough.
Sits there for a good long while, with the ghost of your presence.
* * *
Jake wins the trophy.
It’s a raucous night at the Hard Deck and he feels like a weight’s been lifted off his shoulders. Sure, he doesn’t know where they’re shipping him off next week – but for now, he has won and no one can take that away from him, not the pilots giving him sideways glances at the bar, not his father, no one.
Fanboy bumps his shoulder and hands him what must be his fifth or sixth beer of the night. Over on the jukebox, Son of a Preacher Man starts playing and he glances over to see you throw your arms around Halo’s shoulders, laughing, dancing her around the crowded room a little unsteadily. You look lighter, happier than he’s ever seen you.
He watches for long moment, transfixed, until he realises Mickey is talking to him.
Mickey turns around, trying to follow Jake’s line of sight, and finds you. “Oh, dude.” He turns back, clinks Jake’s beer with his own. “I’m sorry to tell you, I think that ship has sailed, man.”
Right, Jake thinks, taking a long pull of his beer. And why should he care? He’s got what he came to North Island for.
No one can take that away.
* * *
He doesn’t see you again for two years. Two years of him being shipped from base to base, coast to coast and back again, the Navy’s prize pony, getting new orders every few months.
He shows up in Oceana, papers in hand; greets familiar faces at The Admiral’s and trades stories over the sound of classic rock and the clicking of pool cues.
Then he turns around and bumps into – you.
It puts him on the back foot, coming face to face with you unexpectedly. You look like you’re caught off guard, too, but you recover quickly. “Hangman.”
“Mirage.” He smirks, defences slotting into place. “Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
You look a little bit older, sharper in ways, your watchful eyes clearly on guard as he leans against the bartop, giving you a once-over. It’s a tactical mistake, on his part – it only serves to ignite something warm deep inside of him.
“Gonna be here for a while. Think we can kiss and make up?”
You shoot him a withering glance, like you expected better out of him. “In your dreams, Bagman.”
The bartender brings you your drink, and you smile sweetly at him. “Terry, put one of whatever he’s having on my card, will you? Fucking new guy’s gonna need it.”
* * *
And it’s fine, it’s perfectly fine. You work perfectly well together. 
It’s just that –
No matter how much he needles and cajoles, flirts or tries to rile you up, you only ever treat him as –
A colleague. Which is what he is, sure, but –
He doesn’t ever get that part of you, the part that laughs easy with Fanboy or does shots with Bambi, the part of you that bodily holds up Halo after she gets the call that her childhood dog has died, the part of you that sits next to the radio, fists clenched with anticipation when someone is flying a tough hop, the part of you that envelops them into a full body hug after.
The part of you that has your eyes light up when you look at someone, instead of straight through him.
And no matter how many times he tells himself to move on, he never quite stops wanting it.
* * *
Deployed in the South China Sea, he flies one of the more difficult, harebrained missions of his life with you.
He finds you, after, where you’re slumped against a steel wall on deck, your flight suit half off, trying to catch your breath; and hands you a Sprite.
You consider him for a moment before taking the soda. It feels a little like you’re really looking at him for the first time.
“This is my favourite.”
He sits down, not close, exactly, but close enough to feel the heat radiating from your skin. “Yeah.”
A beat passes. You open the can with a hiss, and he exhales: “Nice work back there.”
“You too, Bagman.”
The wind whips across the deck, but you’re sheltered from it by the structure, leaving only the noise.
“Do you know where you’re headed after this?” he asks.
“Back to Bahrain, still got another fourteen months there. You?”
“San Diego.”
You give a little quirk of your mouth. “Lucky.”
“I thought you’d be stateside. I thought you might have…” He holds up his right hand, indicates his ring finger. “That guy in Fallon. Search & Rescue with the dark eyes.”
You take a sip of your drink. “You noticed his eyes?”
Jake shrugs.
You look at the wide expanse of ocean churning beyond the flanks of the carrier. “No. He was… He wanted to settle in Nevada, have kids.” You give him a wry smile that doesn’t quite make it to your eyes. “Wasn’t ready to give all this up.”
“Ah.” Jake says, his throat a little dry. It feels like the realest conversation he’s ever had with you, and yet, he can’t think what to say.
You sit there for a while, in what feels like something close to companiable silence, until it’s time to debrief.
The receptionist looks up apologetically from her sleek desk. “I’m sorry, Lieutenant Seresin. Because of all the delayed passengers, we’re getting a lot of demand for double rooms for families. Is there any way you would take a single? We can offer you complimentary breakfast.”
Jake looks at you hesitantly, shifting the strap of his backpack over his shoulder.
You rub your temples, doing nothing to alleviate the increasing pounding in your skull. Of course this was going to happen. “It’s fine. Let’s go.”
* * *
“I can, uh,” You see him looking around for a sofa, but there isn’t one.
You sigh, letting your bag drop onto the plush grey-green carpet. “Don’t worry about it. We’ve shared worse sleeping arrangements.”
These have usually involved a barracks or an aircraft carrier, and between twenty to two hundred of your coworkers, but who’s counting.
“I suppose that’s true.” He replies, staring at the bed.
At least it’s big, you think, and you can’t wait to plop your head down on one of its crisp white pillows. “I’m gonna take a shower.”
* * *
After your shower, you’re in bed, waiting with no small amount of apprehension for Hangman to emerge from his turn in the bathroom.
When he does, in boxers and a t-shirt, his normally slicked-back hair slightly peaky and darkened by the water, he looks younger than he is. He looks a little like he did when you first knew him.
He pulls back the covers and settles against the pillows on his side, the mattress dipping with the weight of him. He’s heavier than he looks – you’re always a little surprised by the lean, solid mass of him. It’s a byproduct, you suppose, of years of studiously not looking at him when you can avoid it.
“I guess that’s goodnight, Mir.”
You look up at him, facing you. The proximity of him is unfamiliar, and a little unnerving.
You have to close your eyes against it.
“Night, Hangman.”
When you open your eyes again, he considers you for a moment with an expression you can’t place.
“I wanted to talk to you, you know, at the wedding, but you kept disappearing on me.”
You don’t really know what to say in response. “I didn’t realise we had much to say to each other.”
His face shutters, and you feel a little pang of guilt. “Yeah. I guess that’s true.”
He shifts onto his back. “You looked beautiful. Just wanted to say that.”
You can’t help but be a little taken aback, and it takes you a second to reply, guardedly: “Thanks. You didn’t look too bad yourself.”
But then he never does, does he? Jake Seresin, golden boy, never a hair out of place.
He doesn’t respond, and you burrow into your pillow, determined to let sleep take you over as soon as possible.
* * *
You wake from a fitful sleep to movement beside you. It takes you a second or two to remember where you are, and with whom, before you realise that the man next to you is breathing in wheezy stops and starts, a low, panicked murmur emanating from his throat.
You hesitate for an instant before propping yourself up on your arm, using your free hand to lightly shake his shoulder. “Bagman. Hey. Seresin, wake up.” He’s breathing hard, radiating heat. “Hey. Jake.”
He comes to, slowly, gasping for air, as if emerging from deep below the surface of a rough sea. His skin, where you are holding onto him, is overly hot, the fabric of his t-shirt damp. He scrambles to prop himself up, causing you to pull back your hand, but he grabs your wrist hard before you can fully pull away.
“What,” He manages, the look in his eyes still wild and unfocused, roaming over you. It takes a second, two, three, before realization dawns, and he starts to calm down. His tight grip on your wrist eases slightly.
Despite the low light of the dark room, you see a flush start to creep up the skin of his throat. “Mir. I’m sorry. I was…”
For the first time, you feel something akin to tenderness for him. You try to sweep some of the sweaty strands of hair off his forehead, hindered by his continued grasp on your arm. “It’s okay. You’re fine.” You pause, feeling a little awkward. “Could’ve just as well been me.”
At that, he lets go of your wrist, letting himself drop back onto the pillow. He stares at the ceiling, and you let yourself settle back onto your side, watching the steadily slowing rise and fall of his chest.
Just as you wonder whether you should just go back to sleep, let the both of you pretend this never happened, he says, “They’re always the same. Me, trying to save one of you, and failing. It’s getting better, they used to be much more frequent, I’m talking to someone, but…”
“I stop sleeping.” The words are out of your mouth before you realize you’re saying them. “When it gets really bad.” 
You have never shared this broken, faulty part of yourself with anyone, but somehow, looking at the shadowy form of Hangman’s shoulder two inches from your face, it tumbles out.
“I can’t sleep, I can’t function, I fly like a zombie. Sometimes I genuinely worry they’re going to ground me.”
You see his little smirk appear, even in the dark. “I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever seen you fly badly.”
“Oh, fuck off, Bagman.” You say it without venom, thumping his stomach lightly. “That’s certainly not what you used to say.” On the rebound, he catches your hand, cradling it just below his ribs.
You don’t pull it back.
A few minutes go by in silence, and you just when you start thinking he may have fallen asleep, he says: “Mir.”
“Will you ever…?” He exhales a puff of breath. “Will you ever forgive me?”
You fold your arm under your pillow, wary, and consider your answer for a moment. “I forgave you a long time ago.” You pause, scared to say too much. “I just… don’t know how to be around you without feeling like I’m twenty-three again, always having to prove myself because I’m not good enough.”
You watch his chest rise as he inhales, fall again with a deep sigh. “I’m sorry I ever made you feel like that. I can’t excuse it. From the beginning I blamed you for replacing Koehler when it had nothing to do with you.”
His voice drops a little bit. “To be honest, I was scared I wouldn’t make it without him.”
Now it’s your turn to smirk. “The great Hangman Seresin, scared?”
He turns onto his side to face you, his expression solemn. “Seriously, Mir. I was insecure and I covered it up by being a dick. Maybe I still do, to some extent.”
His eyes turn downwards, to the space between your bodies. “But I feel like I’ve been trying to make things right with you for a while.”
You can’t deny this. You’ve always rebuffed any attempt on his part to approach you beyond what was strictly necessary.
“I guess I’m a champion grudge holder.”
He looks back up to meet your eyes, a crooked smile appearing on his face. “Seven years and two entire deployments together, though?”
You scoff, realising how ridiculous this sounds, but you can’t help it – it felt very personal to you. “You don’t know what it was like. I didn’t make the initial cut. By the time I got to San Diego I was two weeks behind everyone, one of only two women, and on top of that you, the class golden boy, hated me being there.”
You pause, inhaling to steady yourself. “I felt like I was under so much pressure, it fucked me up.”
When you meet Hangman’s eyes again, something in his face has softened.
“I’m sorry.”
He squeezes your hand, the skin of his palm rough.
You take in the sharp lines and smooth planes of his face, hair in disarray from a sweaty, restless sleep. He’s very close, and you don’t know if it’s the weird, suspended-in-time quality of this darkened room, or the weight that’s been lifted off your shoulders through this little exchange, weight you hadn’t even realised was there; but for the first time you feel like you might like Hangman.
Not Hangman, Jake, brass and bravado stripped away, looking at you like you’re something precious, something he’s a little bit afraid of.
It's a lot of things to feel, in the middle of the night, after seven years of cold war.
You clear your throat, but your voice still comes out a little raspier than you intend to: “Alright then, Bagman. Détente?”
Out comes that crooked little quirk of his lips again: “Alright, Mirage. Détente.”
He’s still holding on to your hand, and he pulls it a little closer into his body.
Jake wakes up to the frantic buzzing of his phone and reaches for it on the nightstand, the endeavour complicated by your head weighing down his other arm. The crisp first light of day is seeping through a gap in the curtains, framing a picture of you sleeping curled into his chest so pointedly he almost has to assume he’s still asleep.
After a second or two, this assumption is dispelled by a very chipper United rep talking away at him, informing him that he’s booked onto a flight to San Diego at 10:45.
“Okay, uh, that works,” He manages, trying to keep his voice down so that you don’t wake up, but it’s too late: already you’re looking up at him, blinking sleep out of your eyes.
He ends the call, puts the phone down, and after a second’s hesitation, returns his arm to its place around your waist.
He looks down at you, not even sure what he’s asking: Is this okay? Do you still hate me?
Do you realize I’ve wanted this for years?
Through seven years and almost as many deployments he’s carried this torch, the flame low but always burning somewhere in a condemned antechamber of his heart, one he tried hard to forget the route to.
You shift slightly, and he reflexively tightens his fingers into the fabric of your shirt. He sees your pupils go wide, and it’s stupid, the jolt he feels at that – it goes straight to his gut.
Then your phone rings, too, and the moment bursts like a soap bubble. You prop yourself up, pulling away from him to answer it.
When you’re done arranging your flight, he can feel the atmosphere has shifted. You don’t look at him when you say: “We should probably start packing up, huh?”
“Mir, wait,” He says, and he knows he sounds a little desperate, but there’s so many things he wants to say, finally, if this is the best chance he’ll get.
“Jake,” you interrupt, and the pleading tone of your voice shuts him up.
Later, on his flight, he’ll think about falling asleep with your hand in his, and his heart will break a little.
Halo calls you, ten days into the honeymoon, to exalt Jess, marriage, and Hawaii, in that order.
You’re at home, cooking dinner, a Motown playlist on in the background while she details all the kayaking, wine tasting and gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes they’ve been doing. Your heart swells at her happiness. “I’m so glad you guys are having a great time.”
She asks how your hike went, and you end up telling her what happened – the canceled flight, Hangman, all of it.
Halo snorts. “Oh, poor guy. I’m not sure his outsize ego will recover from this.” She pauses to say something to Jess. “Though I’d feel more sorry for him if he hadn’t literally waited for an adverse weather event to try to tell you how he feels.”
You plop down on the couch with your plate of pasta. “Wait, what do you mean?”
“Come on, dude. He’s been in love with you for years.”
“Huh.” You say, eloquently.
* * *
You book a ticket to San Diego. You take four days’ leave, and you’re not even sure Jake is there. If he isn’t, you think, clicking to skip the seat selection, you’ll take it as a sign.
Which is stupid. You don’t believe in that kind of thing. Maybe this entire idea is stupid, you consider, as you board your flight at SeaTac.
When you walk into the Hard Deck on Friday night, it feels a little like the first time: You’re nervous, your hands clammy as you run them down your shorts. Penny waves you over and pours you a tequila soda, which you accept gratefully. People you know start noticing your presence, coming up to catch up at the bar.
You’re talking to Fritz, who’s already a little worse for wear, when Jake comes in. He catches sight of you and stops short. You forget what you were saying mid-sentence.
Fritz turns around and clocks him, shooting you a wide grin. “Ah. Guess that’s my cue to leave.”
He comes up next to you at the bar, taking the place Fritz vacates. “Hey. No one told me you were gonna be in town.”
He looks good, if a little tired: sun kissed skin and slightly deeper lines in the corners of his eyes when he gives you a smile that feels perfunctory. He’s wearing his khakis, in pristine condition, though he looks like he hasn’t been sleeping well. Penny has already put a beer in front of him, and he takes a long pull on it before really looking at you.
The look in his eyes feels like the confirmation you needed.
“Last minute decision.” You say, inclining your head in the direction of the back exit. “Would you mind if we talked somewhere quieter?”
If he’s surprised, he doesn’t question it, and he follows you out to the back porch.
It’s a warm night, late summer – the kind you love.
You set your drink down on the railing, suddenly nervous, and turn around, leaning back against the salt-weathered wood to face Jake. The music filters out from the bar, muted by the windows – a moody Tom Waits song.
“I’m sorry.” You start, “For leaving the way I did in Colorado. I think I was overwhelmed, by you, by what I was feeling- I got scared.”
“By what you were feeling,” He says, like he needs to repeat it to be sure.
You nod, willing yourself to be brave this time. “Yeah. I spent seven years keeping up my defences around you and then I wake up once with your arms around me and I’m like oh, fuck and-” You stop yourself, looking out at the calm ocean waves in the distance, the sun just beginning to dip into the horizon. “Fuck, I’m not explaining this very well.”
Jake’s face shows the beginning of a smile. “I think I understand what you’re trying to say.”
He steps in closer to you, and your hands go to his waist. You feel a little lightheaded with him so close, but you’re determined to continue. “And I didn’t know what to make of it. You looking at me like that. I told myself it wasn’t real so I could go back to where I was comfortable – not thinking about you.”
He closes the gap between you, an arm around your shoulder, tucking his face into your hair. “I assure you, Mir, that the way I feel about you is very real.”
His voice in your ear feels like a balm, and you tighten your fingers into his shirt, bringing your body flush with his. It’s still overwhelming – how he’s familiar and new at once, the scent of his warm skin and pressed uniform, the feeling of his lips against your temple. “Yeah, well. Not thinking about you wasn’t going very well.”
He lifts you up to sit on the railing, bringing your face level with his, and steadies you with his hands on your waist. “Mir. Did you come out here for me?”
You place your hands on his shoulders, running your thumbs up the sloped curve to his neck, and smile at the visible reaction this has on him. “Yes, Bagman.”
He kisses you then, and it feels like the solution to a problem you hadn’t even realised had been weighing on you – tangling your fingers into his hair, drawing him in closer between your knees. He keeps repeating your name, like he can’t quite believe you, and you keep answering him with more kisses, needing him to know – what?
That you’ve caught up with him. That you’re here now.
You both slow down when you simultaneously become aware that there’s a small crowd on the other side of the windows, gawking at you. You think you see an open-mouthed Mickey, pool cue still in hand. At the moment, you don’t have it in you to care.
“How long are you staying?” Jake murmurs into your neck, his arms around you.
“Monday.” You breathe, resting your chin on the top of his head. “But I’ll be back soon.”
end notes: omg sorry i didn't write anything for so long - life's just been A LOT. i hope you enjoyed it. check out my masterlist <3 title from the royal navy toasts
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ldrfanatic · 5 months
speak nowww
Slytherin Boys as Speak Now Songs
*in perspective of their relationship with you AND their personality. and why*
here's speak now (tv ofc), 1989 is on the way; which taylor swift album should i do next?
(mattheo riddle, draco malfoy, theo nott, lorenzo berkshire)
slytherin boys masterlist works
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mattheo riddle as Better Than Revenge
best lyric(s) - "she should keep in mind there is nothing I do better than revenge" + "she underestimated just who she was stealing from"
explanation - so, as stated in ttpd version (here), mattheo has a lot of pent up frustration and anger. so he's really good at getting back at people. especially when he gets into a relationship with a partner he really cares about and they ask him not to be mean or attack people for no reason. then he has to channel all his efforts into just getting back at people who bother him. (even though sometimes bothering him is just looking at him even slightly sideways).
w/ his partner - with his partner, mattheo has absolutely no regrets or qualms about being an absolute menace to society. since he began dating them, he's been much less volatile than his normal self, but whenever people get a little too cocky and do absolutely anything at or to you, all bets are off. then mattheo feels that its necessary to step up and remind people that he's still the dark lord's son and he will be the dark lord's son if he has to.
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draco malfoy as Speak Now
best lyric(s) - "don't say yes, run away now, ill meet you when you're out" + "horrified looks from everyone in the room but i'm only looking at you"
explanation - I feel like draco is the kind of guy who would totally 1000% crash your wedding if you were ever marrying someone other than him. (*I just read this theo fic abt him crashing readers wedding, ill try and find it and link it here*) But anyways, he would totally crash your wedding. like at first he would feel really bad for even thinking about it but then he would legit just stroll into the chapel like "you can't marry him, you're supposed to marry me" even if he like never mentioned anything about his feelings for you. he mentioned them in his way aka glaring at you slightly less intense than he does everyone else. how could you not notice that he was in love with you?
w a partner - def more silly and cute than anything, but i like to think that when you first started dating (esp if youre a gryff or a huffle) draco would make it his personal mission to embarrass the hell out of you by saying the most out of pocket things in front of like the other slytherins or just in the middle of class as loudly as possible. he just likes to see the little blush on your cheeks whenever he says something that he most definitely should not be saying out loud.
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theodore nott as Electric Touch
best lyric(s) - "all I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life" + "I'm tryin hard not to look like I'm trying"
explanation - theo is that guy thats scared of commitment. (sorry to all the theo girlies me included but we gotta admit it at some point). it's not that he doesn't care about his partner, it's just that he's terrified of commitment. there's way too much that could go wrong. he learned very early on that you could do everything right, love someone completely, treat them wonderfully, and then they could just die. but bc his mother passed at such a young age he has a very distorted point of view on this because in his head, he's like but what if they just die???
w/ a partner - that being said, when theo finds that person that's like the one for him, he wants to commit so bad. and he puts all of his effort into it, like he'll call you his girlfriend, he'll spend an exorbitant amount of money on you, he'll even buy you a damn ring, but he won't let you get emotionally close to him. and it kind of freaks him out when he finds himself wanting you to know him in that way. when you finally confront him about one day and he's like, what if you just like died?? and you're just sitting there across from him like '...'
theo, wtf? i'm not just gonna like keel over one day.
after that he kind of lets you in a little and after a few months when he's sure you're not just gonna suddenly fall over, then he's completely fine and continues on like nothing ever happened. (its a little amusing in the hindsight of it all)
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lorenzo berkshire as Dear John
best lyric(s) - "don't you think 19's too young to be played by your dark twisted games" + "cause you burned them out, but I took your matches before fire could catch me"
explanation - I don't think it's really talked about enough how much emotional support that enzo needs. his own family aside, he still grew up around death eaters and that surely cannot be healthy for a guy. so when he finally is an adult, i like to think that he looked into some kind of therapy option wizard, muggle, or otherwise. i think that he probably also struggled a little with the friends that he lost during the entire ordeal that he wishes he could've saved (almost like survivor's guilt)
w a partner - so when it comes to a partner, i really think that he needs someone who sees him. that's really important to him that he's with someone that he could just let go with and not have to worry about always being either grinning or stonefaced. He'd like to be able to feel his entire range of emotions without hindrance and he's only really gonna feel safe to do that with a partner.
wc 960
taglist @moonlightreader649 @svt-dk97 @thatdammchickennugget @helendeath @fandom-life-12 @bouquetolegoflowers @maryvibess
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comicgeekery · 2 months
Sherlock and Shoscombe
So, after the deep dive I did with Sherlock & Co and the issues with the Case of Identity storyline, I thought it was only fair that I talk about their take on The Adventure at Shoscombe Old Place.
*Ahem*.....This was a lot of fun! I just looked up a summary of the original story because I didn't remember it well, and no wonder! It was the very last Sherlock Holmes story Doyle published, later collected into The Casebook, and thus...one of the boring ones. I'm sorry. I really don't like The Casebook stories. It's also the last batch of stories that the Doyle estate was clutching onto before Sherlock went fully into the public domain, which makes the story feel doubly tedious to me.
But! These episodes were a blast! Practically a survey of all the best parts of Sherlock & Co! There's fun banter! Heaps of character background! A really clever update to the original set-up! BRILLIANT acting and foley work! A cheeky cameo! And a truly exciting, satisfying end! I think this is the most direct information we've gotten about John's past since, well ever, but certainly since we learned about his memories of his dad. Now we know that he grew up in a very class-divided town that once felt so much bigger. And he was deeply in love once, with a woman he lost partially because of classism. (Which is such a great mirror for Beatrice and her husband's situation!) He also lost his friends because they had privileges he didn't. (Did John join the military partly as a way to get away from his roots? Out of a desperate need to be praised as a hero?)
No wonder John has so much resentment for the wealthy when it's so deeply personal. I think it's going to be comically awkward and VERY interesting when he finds out that Sherlock is mega super rich. Holmes is often theorized to be the son of a lord in canon. I figure he's at least from a wealthy family that was able to pay for him to go to tons of fancy schools. And then personal tutors. And a full-time staff that always took care of cleaning and stocking up the groceries. (For all his observation skills, I do think Sherlock grew up never considering who made his household run.) I think part of why Sherlock has been so touchy about John's anger at rich people is because Sherlock is SUPER nervous it would ruin their friendship. I am also so pumped to see what the podcast does with Mycroft! I wonder if his autism might be more limiting than Sherlock's. Like he's got the genius skills, he's got the deceptively powerful government job, but he can't handle going out into the world. Going to Baker Street would be an ordeal. Might have a full meltdown if he's not at home, work, or whatever the Diogenes Club is updated to. But.....It's hard to tell how much Sherlock & Co wants us to suspend our disbelief about some things. John and Sherlock have very clearly committed a LOT of crimes on their publicly available podcast. Maybe that will never be addressed or MAYBE Sherlock, Mycroft, or other Holmes allies have been bribing and intervening to keep them from getting arrested. Imagine the drama! "You hate the rich, but you owe all your success to MY money and power, 'Dr.' John Watson!" *Blinks rapidly*
Where was I? Oh yeah, Shoscombe. That. God. Damn. Chase. Scene! So bold for a podcast to have a climax with a car chase at the center. The foley work was top-notch for the driving and the terrain and then the crash and sinking in the lake. Whoever plays John Watson, you did an incredible job! The reckless car chase where, OF COURSE, he still narrates everything, the diving for Robert (and the clever layer of the recorder fritzing), and that CPR! It was all so engaging and believable! I love when John does doctor stuff generally, but this was my favorite example since the gunshot wound at the wedding with The Solitary Cyclist. Not sure I buy Robert's at-home crematorium as being 100% good, but I can believe John thinks so. Might help that John's a bit more desensitized to cutting into corpses than most folks. Finally, I'm sure folks are quite excited that a certain James made a cameo. (Maybe he's interested in why Sherlock and John keep getting away with all their crimes.) I knew he was going to show up at some point, and making Moriarty a listener shout-out is delightful. I just hope it's a while longer before he's ON the show. It always frustrates me when Moriarty winds up becoming basically Lex Luthor. Then again, we've already had similar cameos for Irene Adler and Baskerville Hall (and probably some I've missed) without them showing up yet. We'll see how it goes!
Good job, Sherlock & Co! I'm excited to see what you do next!
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spinningalbinoturtle · 6 months
Fellowship Marriage and Wedding Headcanons
Aragorn + Arwen
As we see in the movies and books their wedding is a very big to-do in Gondor. Arwen has a great eye and has picked out excellent design choices. If Aragorn had his way they would have been married in a small ceremony in Rivendell outside years ago but also Elrond saw to it that didn’t happen
They very much co-lead and have a fairly equal relationship. I say fairly because ultimately Arwen always has the last say
Aragorn genuinely and intensely worships his wife and will not hesitate to bring her or her opinions up at any given time.
They fuck A LOT. Aragorn absolutely knows how to please a woman and enjoys doing so
Sam and Frodo
Yes they’re married, no he didn’t go to the undying lands, no Sam doesn’t marry Rosie what are you talking about?
I think it would be wildly funny is they got married at Bilbo’s birthday party- but realistically I think they got married in Rivendell on their way back from the quest.
When Sam becomes Mayor he appoints Frodo as his deputy so they can work together
They have a very affectionate and loving relationship to the point where other hobbits (Merry and Pippin) get annoyed by their gratuitous displays of PDA
They have sex like once a week but cuddle everyday
They’re very protective of one another
Eowyn and Faramir
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, Faramir is a trans woman-they are lesbians
Have a very equal relationship although Eowyn appears more dominant (and kinda is)
They share political power very equally though
They both are scared to be parents but also really want kids: spoiler alert they had nothing to worry about they are excellent parents
Eowyn is very open about sex and will discuss it or go at it in semi public spaces, Faramir is more shy so Eowyn respects this but encourages her to be more confident
Pippin and Diamond
They met at the strip club where Diamond is a dancer
They instantly fell in love
They are super devoted to one another
They are ALWAYS going at it and have evidence of their sex life displayed around their living room-this makes guests very uncomfortable
Pippin takes pole dancing classes to impress Diamond. He also takes her to the male strip club so “she can enjoy it”
His parents are a little disappointed but they keep it to themselves because they’re just happy Pippin finally settled down
Merry and Estella
I hate to say this but their marriage is low-key arranged. Merry’s dad wanted him to get married and Estella’s family wanted connections
At first they kinda like eachother and get along but Estella rapidly becomes annoyed with Merry’s constant being high and having Pippin over
She eventually divorces him. He goes to crash on Pippin’s couch for an extended stay
Eventually he goes back to Buckland. Estella gets rich off the divorce
Merry is happy with his bachelor lifestyle and has plenty of various boyfriends and girlfriends over the years. He teases his friends for being “tied down”
Legolas and Gimli
Their wedding is held in Dale in an attempt at neutrality but a fight breaks out between the dwarves and elves at the reception and they sneak away
They love to travel together
They have tried everything. And I mean everything. They never run out of ideas to spice up their sex life
They do sleep in separate rooms though because Legolas kicks and Gimli snores
They do not want kids but like being the weird uncles of everyone else’s kids. They don’t want the responsibility
Credit for the Diamond is a hobbit stripper headcanon goes to @diplomatson thank you my friend for that excellent idea
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wombywoo · 3 months
I need to know more about Quinncent 🫶🏻so I would like to request some much needed answers for 15/25/39 aaaand 50 please ☺️
Thanks for creating them!
thank you for asking <33
15. What kind of sense of humor do they have? Or do they have one at all?
asdfghjk I think Quinn would have a really dry, crude sense of humor. Like, he's very blunt about it, just blurting out something crass in his yorkshire accent. Vincent is a bit more refined in his comedy, carefully timing a joke, having a quick response to something in the moment. They'll both laugh at the other making a fool of themselves (tripping, getting mildly hurt, saying something dumb) It's Vince's secret goal to get Quinn to laugh more often, so he doesn't mind being the butt of a joke 😭
25. Do they have a daily/nightly routine?
Quinn, not so much. He tends to lay in bed for a while at night, flipping through the tv or on his phone. Teeth get brushed, a shower is had, but he doesn't really coordinate things as a routine. In the morning , he lies there for quite a while, until he desperately has to pee and then he forces himself to go through the motions. This is all when he's on leave--when he's on duty, he's rather disciplined, but his behavior is more...robotic. Just as a side-note--Quinn actually sleeps on a pullout couch in his flat; he has a bedroom, but he's developed a habit of preferring the sofa bed (which means Fig gets the queen size for herself 💅) so part of his morning routine is to fold up the crappy mattress back into the couch
Vincent's nights vary. Sometimes, he feigns normalcy and goes about a typical nighttime routine (wash up, put on pajamas, read) before laying down in bed and ~meditating~ (he still can't sleep normally) Other times, he's busy with research or other work all night and doesn't notice the time passing. In the morning, he usually has his serving of blood 🩸 He likes it warm, so he'll often dilute it with some hot water and sip it from a teacup (class 👌) If he's spent the night with Quinn, he'll begin preparing him breakfast and regular tea~
39. Would they ever crash a wedding?
Quinn--probably no. He wouldn't see the point in intruding on the occasion, and it's not really a scene he'd prefer to be involved in. Vincent might be inclined, only if he's feeling bold and they've got a decent playlist, lol.
50. What is your favorite thing about them?
Hoenstly...I just like that they're my boys, hehe. I mean..I think the most compelling part of them is that I get to make up all this stuff on my own. I like how they're interesting as separates; I wanted to give them each enough characteristics and backstory to make them stand out as individuals, but as a duo, I think they complement each other really well ✨To actually answer the question:
My favorite thing about Quinn is how utterly tragic he is, but deep down--he's soft, he's scared, he wants to be loved 🥺
My favorite thing about Vincent is that despite possessing enhanced abilities and power, he's still vulnerable. He's caring and considerate and he doesn't want to be a monster :'D
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hwanchaesong · 1 year
Every Summertime
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Park Jisung X Reader
genre & warnings: fluff, angst if you squint, wedding au, mentions of insecurities
word count: 886
a/n: i hope you'll like this! for anyone who wants to request, please do follow the rules. thank you so much! 🫶
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The sun is shining brightly outside and the crashing waves bring a sense of calm in your rattled nerves. Butterflies everywhere, attracted to the scent of flowers that are beautifully arranged.
Sweat runs down your temple and it was suddenly hard to breathe. You didn't eat much for breakfast but your white gown seems tight on your body.
You shakily brought the mic up that you're holding, taking a deep breath before speaking.
"My father told me once that I should be picky when it comes to men, like how I choose my food."
Your voice echoed with the help of the speakers, laughter erupting from the crowd as you saw your father nod his head in agreement.
"But if I'm going to be honest, choosing to love you was easy like its breathing."
Park Jisung bounced his leg the whole time, biting his fingers out of anxiety.
"Will you stop that?" you swat his hands away and he puffed his cheeks.
"Don't be so nervo-!"
"How could I not?!" he whined, turning to you with a worried look. If you didn't know any better, you'll think that he'd pass out anytime soon. "You missed a class today because I forgot to bring you home early last night! God, if I die today, please leave some pork belly in front of my grave every month."
You laughed at his dramatics, holding his hand, "Don't worry. I had a nice time with you."
The relief on his face at that time was adorable, but horror replaced it within seconds when your father's booming voice resonated in his ears.
You continued your speech, words spewed out naturally and you have already forgotten the long ass essay you had to memorize before the event.
"Every day with you is an adventure. Every time with you is precious. Anywhere with you is memorable."
"It's two pm." Jisung groaned from beside you in the bed, he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, "Your family will be so mad that we missed church day."
"Ugh," you tossed and turned around, facing him before pecking his button nose, "I don't really care."
The male nozzles his face in your neck, "You sure about that?"
"Positive." you hugged him back, sleepily running your hands through his silky strands of hair, "Besides, I prefer drinking with you 'til the crack of dawn and trashtalking our co-workers."
"I don't really have much to say," you bit your lower lip, kind of embarrassed to say your next words in front of this many people but you encouraged yourself to do it, "Always remember what I told you before."
The man in front of you looked at you with confusion, silently telling you to go on.
"You have my heart every summer, but to me, every day is summer time with you."
The crowd cooed at your sweetness, making you blush a thousand shades of red.
"Guess, it's my turn. How could I top that?" finally, your groom Jisung, is now speaking. A small giggle escaping your lips from his small joke.
"First, just know that I'll protect you from anything.. even from my own relatives." he gave his sister a side eye who was sitting at the front.
A sheepish expression formed on his sister's face as she mouthed a 'sorry.'
"Now, now. You know she doesn't mean that."
"I know!" you wailed, clinging to him as you sniffled, "But it still hurts."
You met with Jisung's family today, discussing the details of your wedding but his sister made a careless comment about your weight. You were insecure about it and you're trying to manage it but life sucks. You lack sleep everyday because of work and eating is the only way for you to gain energy.
Jisung sighed, patting your back before placing a loving kiss on the crown of your head, "Don't worry, I'll take care of this. I love you."
The next morning, his sister was frantically apologizing to you. Telling you that it was not nice of her to say that and she'll be more thoughtful of what to say next time.
"Second," he stared at your eyes, your heart swelling when you saw his orbs full of adoration that is only reserved for you, "I promise to cherish every moment with you. I will always stay by your side, make you feel loved and accepted."
The waterworks began to brew, you didn't know that your soon-to-be husband can be this bold with his words. You knew him as a shy one, awkward at his best and this side of him is endearing.
"Third, all those late night walks and dancing under the streetlights led us into this. And.." he paused for a second, leaning into you and pressing your forehead together as he held your hands tenderly, "I plan on continuing this adventure with you until we're grey and old."
The claps and cheers from your family and visitors were blocked when he finally kissed you, securing your vows.
You both weren't psychic, but it was so easy to connect with each other like it's been a habit of yours since birth.
Loving Park Jisung is like experiencing summer itself, bright and warm and full of joy and happiness, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
my feelings are still hurt from hearing Milo scream in pain from the bone is his arm literally being crushed in half soo…
Angst headcannons on ANYONE but my baby❤️ because who knows how much I can take??
First request! These are Angst headcanons for nearly everyone...except Milo and Sweetheart (when I say nearly everyone I mean nearly everyone)
Some characters show up more than once, some only show up once, hope you enjoy! [also the format is really weird for some reason and idk how to fix it? im sorry :( ]
Precious is scared to think anything in fear of Regulus listening in.
Huxley and Damien haven’t seen Lovely since Inversion, and haven't seen them return to classes either. To them, Lovely is dead. (well i mean they are dead but y’know what I mean)
Lovely is resentful of Sam for how much of his power he recovered after being turned compared to them, and they hate that they feel that way.
When Elliott heard about Sunshine getting into the crash, he nearly had a panic attack when he heard that they were in critical condition. The person at the front desk could barely understand him when he demanded to see Sunshine.
It took Cutie 2 months to finally pursue therapy, but due to how much the price of therapy skyrocketed in Dahlia after Inversion, they had to look for help outside of town, and is having their friend house sit until they come back.
Both Anton’s and James’ listeners have forgotten what they look like. James’ listener doesn’t even know if he’s okay.
Tank didn’t fully hate Quinn after telling the Department what he did. They were angry, but they didn’t hate him. It wasn’t until he ambushed them and their friend while on a walk did they feel any disdain.
Vincent sees Alexis as a step-sister. The feeling isn’t mutual.
Asher claws at his scars constantly, which creates more scars which he also claws through. It’s a cycle not even Baaabe can end.
Ollie gets tired through all the work assigned to him at Vesta, but he’s never told Babe, or anyone. He just keeps taking the work with a smile and insists on helping people with their work. It’s gotten to the point where he has to slip out of Babe’s arms in their sleep to finish up.
Caelum wishes to have a seat at the double wedding, but he won’t.
Cam’s insomniac listener hasn’t had a visit from him in a while, and it’s gotten harder to fall asleep. Whenever they can’t fall asleep, they simply dim the lights, play calming music, and draw a mysterious man that is stuck in the back of their head, but they can’t recall where they’ve seen him from. They usually do this until 8am, and it messes with the rest of their day.
Guy and Honey have had only 1 major “argument”. Guy was constantly distracting Honey on purpose while they were studying for their finals, something they’ve been stressing over. Eventually they grew angry at him whining outside their door and yelled at him to leave them alone and “pester someone who can tolerate him” before slamming the door and returning to their studies. They didn’t apologize right away, they just both sort of acted casually after a week. It wasn’t until a year after they graduated that the event leaked into Honey’s mind, and they randomly apologized to him. Guy felt that he deserved the reprimand, and they had a talk before they decided to play Mortal Kombat together.
Tank acts tough and violent, but they are petrified of Quinn. They’ve been with him the longest, they know what he’s like, what he can do. They’ve planned out everything they’ll say and do when they encounter him, but if they see him, they’re practically frozen.
Sam has openly refused getting into a car if he sees Lovely in the driver’s seat. He expressed that he’d rather run around the Earth than get into a car with “the second coming of road Satan”. Lovely laughs at the memory but Sam was dead serious.
When they’re not being worked on, or in sleep mode, the Asset sort of just…stares at their hands, and tells anyone questioning that they’re simply recalibrating data. They’re not. They’re reflecting on what happened to them when the obsession code was inserted, and trying to recall what they were like before. They can’t remember.
Freelancer has had MANY “not so nice” thoughts before Caelum revealed himself, and they returned after Inversion.
Angel’s cat died a little while ago. They didn’t tell David, they just drove to Milo’s house under the guise of “going to the store”, and played with Aggro.
Lasko nearly turned down the offer of being a professor at D.A.M.N
The Asset used to go into sleep mode when getting worked on or have upgrades installed. Not anymore. They make sure to keep an eye on the person working on them, and question every code they write, scanning to see if their heart accelerates to catch them in a lie.
Cam has been the only person working at D.U.M.P who questions Warden’s whereabouts.
Fred and Brighteyes haven’t spoken since their argument. Both because Fred can hold a grudge, and because Bright refuses to leave their room if Fred is out there.
Geordi tried talking to Cutie again, but they wouldn’t respond to his texts, or look at them, so he had to visit the house. You can imagine his surprise when someone he remembers seeing from the Pool Party inside their home telling him Cutie is out of town, and you can imagine his surprise when he came back months later and was told the same thing.
Seer Obscura is incredibly superstitious. No walking under ladders, no umbrellas indoors, no stepping on cracks, no going around a pole, none of that. They’re terrified of being killed by some horrible luck
David didn’t consider getting into an official relationship with Angel at first. He thought they wouldn’t last for more than a month. Angel thought otherwise, so while David wasn’t giving it his all for the first few weeks of the relationship, Angel was.
Lasko hasn’t spoken to his mom since he abruptly ran away, and neither of his parents have made an attempt to contact him, despite him trying to contact them.
Warden has grown dependent on Vega in the month they’ve been with him, and becomes distraught when he’s not in the room. 
Baaabe is usually hard-headed and speaks with passion, but after Inversion, they grew to be more soft-spoken, especially around Asher.
When Starlight was first released from Hell, they sneezed after about a minute, so Avior was stuck looking at them sneezing super slowly for a month and a half.
(last one isn't angst lmao)
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asexual-disaster · 8 months
all my thoughts about episode two of junior year !! it’s a long one :)
The little scenes when they describe their attacks and moves where the minis are acting it out is so cute
‘A mega version of Riz’s mage hand’
They all look so good. But especially Ally and Murph omg
Adaine’s first turn was actually pretty sick
And Gorgugs wtf
‘Do you have mass healing word? Would you be interested in doing that?’
‘Brennan you’re literally bullying us’
‘You can try, oh it does hit’
These beans are DUE
Murph starting to roll like shit again
Fabian flirting with efac again
‘I punch the mirror’ ‘I punch Kristen twice’
Lou Nat one again to get out the van ‘I’m going to throw up’
In two turns Lou only needs a 2 to not get crushed by the van, and twice he rolls a nat one
‘For you to half or third or whatever you do since it has multiple attacks’
Adaine death fail instead of taking a Dex save wtf
‘You don’t have it written down! I thought you read the book’
‘Look somewhere else’
I need a full story of Balthazar and Duggan, THEY WERE LOVERS
Murphs sleeves being short enough to show off his tattoos, I might disintegrate
What is with these kids and crashing vehicles
Ally throwing their dice
‘With my wizarding powers and my absolutely fucked van’
‘Just don’t roll a one and this is over.’ ‘NAT 20’
Gorgug IS the greatest wizard of our time
DUGGAN NO. At least he’s with Balthazar now :(
Moggy the doggy crit <3
‘Can I get under that hood a lil bit’
‘Give me a tinkerers room check’ ‘I don’t have that’
‘It’s limp silk’
‘Fabian, photosynthesis is back!!’
It just ain’t the same
‘I don’t even cutting words. I just take it’
‘I’m feeling a little unhinged’
‘Love is love’
Gorgug double crit, my boy <3
The enemy rolling two Nat ones and shooting himself in the eye
Murph dying of laughter of these guys showing up late
‘Nat 20’ ‘are you serious?’ Balthazar is everywhere
Adaine would’ve got a job, Fabian would’ve gone to dance camp, Gorgug would’ve worked on his van ; THEYRE JUST KIDS
But Riz is just happy they got to spend the summer together STOP MY SON
‘I do a half hearted prayer of healing just because I don’t trust you’
‘This was supposed to be an in and out deal but I got involved and I regret it’
‘Hey girlie,,, heyyy girlieee’
Gilear x Hallerial wedding WHEN
There’s something so sad about Fabian, who’s been coddled his whole life, being abandoned and left to fend for himself in a massive house
Sklonda talking to Riz about college and how she doesn’t know if she can afford it for him
Riz just wants to go to college with everyone stop :(( him and adaine are fine there grades are good, but he needs to make sure he finds a place that suits the others please!!!!
WAIT DID GORGUG AND ZELDA BREAK UP?? THEY ARE NOT THE COUPLE THAT WAS MEANT TO SPLIT !! Although calling it rn they’re getting back together
‘The elven oracle, the Saint of mystery and doubt, and the archdevil of rebellion’ THATS MY GIRLS!!!
Kristen never told anyone she changed gods (I guess twice now?), Fig still hasn’t been to a bard class. They’re so funny
Ayda leaving Fig fossils to say she loves her her!!
Aelwyn putting protective wards on adaines bedroom to keep adaine safe :((
Cassandra my love,, but also it should not be up to a literal child who has just came out a religious cult to keep you alive and all that.
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