#how does one even tag non fandom art these days
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theriverbeyond · 7 months ago
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DANGER WARNING and other poems better left unsaid (2024) ft. early morning hotel views and my travel sized sharps container
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ailesswhumptober · 8 months ago
Prompts for AI-less Whumptober 2024
As promised, we're bringing you the official prompt list of AI-less Whumptober 2024 today!
We have 31 days of excellent whump prompts, with three prompts per day to pick from, fun themes, and 10 alt prompts to play around with. We hope you enjoy! Additional info + plain text versions of the prompts can be found under the cut.
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FAQ and Rules
What sort of content can I create for this event?
You can create whatever you want (fic, art, edits, etc). Any fandom is allowed, as well as OC stuff. NSFW is allowed, but please tag your content accordingly! The only thing not allowed is AI-generated content.
Do I need to make 31 things to participate?
Oh heavens no! You can make as much or as little content as you like, skip days when desired, or combine prompts (so for example, write something that covers a prompt from day 1, 2, AND 3). You don't have to do the days in order either, go wild! To be considered a 'completionist', you only have to make sure that at the end of the month, you've covered 31 prompts from 31 different days, but whether you do that in 31 works or just 1 is up to you.
What are these alts about?
If none of the three prompts of a particular day are your cup of tea, you can swap them out for an alt prompt of your choice.
What are these themes about?
Just a little bit of extra fun for the mods. Like last year, we'll be handing out various badges for people participating in the event. A full list can be found here, perhaps there is a special badge or two for people who can't be completionists but who do manage to finish every single day of a specific theme ;)
How do I tag and is there an AO3 collection?
It suffices to tag your work with #ailesswhumptober for us to see and reblog it! Please also tag nsfw, since we'll be using that tag too. Tagging the day is optional but does help the mods along.
There is an AO3 collection to add your fics to here.
That should be all. If you have any additional questions, check our pinned or hit us up in the ask box. Or join our discord maybe, whumping can be a great group activity!
Plain text versions of the prompts:
October 1 - Torture Tuesday
public torture/public use, stress position, “If you cry, we’ll go easy on you.”
October 2 - Whumperless Wednesday
Unfortunate fall, car accident, “Don’t move. You’ll be okay.”
October 3 - Trauma Thursday
Shared trauma, survivor’s guilt, “It’s not your fault.”
October 4 - Fright/Freaky Friday
Painful transformation, non-consensual body modifications, “You’re a monster.”
October 5 - Sensory Saturday
Overstimulation, migraines, “I can’t take this anymore.”
October 6 - Surprise Sunday
Multiple whumpees, self sacrifice, “I’m the only one who can do this.”
October 7 - Medical Monday
Field medicine, running out of supplies, “Hold on, we’re going to have to improvise.”
October 8 - Torture Tuesday
Rope burns, gagged, “You’re so much prettier this way.”
October 9 - Whumperless Wednesday
Hypothermia, heatstroke, “You look pretty pale.”
October 10 - Trauma Thursday
Self worth issues, pushing away a loved one, “You don't need to earn this.”
October 11 - Fright/Freaky Friday
Hallucinations, truth serum, “Why would you even say that?”
October 12 - Sensory Saturday
Isolation, sensory deprivation, “Can you feel me? I’m right here, whumpee.”
October 13 - Surprise Sunday
Whumpee using themself as bait, defiance, “Take me instead.”
October 14 - Medical Monday
Seizures, concussion, “See if you can follow my finger with your eyes.”
October 15 - Torture Tuesday
Waterboarding, removing body parts, “Don’t break down on me yet.”
October 16 - Whumperless Wednesday
Drowning, hostile environment, “I don’t know how anybody could survive that.”
October 17 - Trauma Thursday
Abandonment, misunderstanding, “Why did I even think you cared?”
October 18 - Fright/Freaky Friday
Mind control, possession, “Everybody will end up despising you.”
October 19 - Sensory Saturday
Disassociation, losing a sense, “I wish I could get you back.”
October 20 - Surprise Sunday
Enemy/Stranger to caretaker, accidental de-aging, “I’m absolutely not qualified for this shit.”
October 21 - Medical Monday
Drugged, ambulance ride, “This will make you feel better, okay?”
October 22 - Torture Tuesday
Forced (to kneel/watch/hurt somebody else), whipped, “Do not look away.” October 23 - Whumperless Wednesday
Fever, passing out, “Hey?! Stay with me, okay?!”
October 24 - Trauma Thursday
Deconditioning, relapse, “It’s normal that you need more time.”
October 25 - Fright/Freaky Friday
Humiliation, betrayal, “How could you?!”
October 26 - Sensory Saturday
Electrocution, burning, “This is going to sting.”
October 27 - Surprise Sunday
Before vs after, Alternate universe, “Well, there’s a first for everything.”
October 28 - Medical Monday
Internal bleeding, needles and stitches, “I didn’t think the wound was that bad…”
October 29 - Torture Tuesday
Ownership, branding, “Everybody will know that you’re mine.”
October 30 - Whumperless Wednesday
Poison, delirium, “You’re not making sense.”
October 31 - Trauma Thursday
Panic attack, facing a phobia, “You need to get out of here!”
Alt prompts:
1) Pistol whipped
2) Co-dependency
3) Animal bite
4) Zombies
5) White room torture
6) Shock collar
7) Pulling teeth
8) Kidnapping
9) “You always make everything worse!”
10) “If you weren’t around, I’d be long dead by now...”
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months ago
Safe: Leroy Jethro Gibbs x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @riley-kore @ilovemark1951 @love-affair-with-fandoms @mishkatelwarriorgoddess
Companion piece to:
The Ice Queen - Gibbs meets The Ice Queen for the first time.
Break The Ice - A act of decency helps Gibbs to break the ice.
Umbrella - Gibbs gets more than he bargained for when he offers you his umbrella.
Grave - You and Gibbs bump into each other in an unexpected place.
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The thing that Gibbs likes most about you is that you don’t give damn about what anybody else thinks. That becomes blatantly obvious over the months he continues works with you. You’re a consummate professional, a fierce victim advocate and the most compassionate woman he’s ever met.
The way you speak to the families, it’s an art form.
He could only wish for more people like you. People who haven’t become desensitised by everything they’ve seen. People who still give a shit.
“I don’t know how you do it.” He says to you one night over drinks at a bar he’s already forgotten the name of. “How do you stay sane after seeing so much death?”
Meeting up like this, it’s starting to become a regular thing between the two of you. You’ve been doing it ever since the day you ran into each other at the cemetery. Most nights he grabs a few drinks with his team but Thursdays, he reserves those especially for you.
“I know that people think I’m cold, detached…” You say as you swirl the ice cubes around whiskey glass. “But when I look down at them, I see the person they were. Lieutenant Colchester’s calloused fingers from where he played guitar, the scar on Ensign Lopez’s knee from a cycling accident. They all had hobbies, a life, people who care about them.” You take a sip from the glass. “I guess that makes me driven.”
“It’s a good way to be.” Gibbs tells you, his gaze meeting yours. “You fight for them, even when the lead on the case tells you, you shouldn’t.”
He’s talking about the blow up they all overheard coming from Family and Sexual Violence and Threat Management Unit this afternoon. You have a dead Corporal on your table and Special Agent in Charge LaRue is shoving the file to the bottom of the pile because the deceased used to be hook to put food on the table before she joined the service.
“I’m gonna be person non-grata in that department for a very long time.” You state as you signal to the bartender for another round. “They’ve already requested another M.E.”
“It was the right thing to do.” Gibbs tells you as if it’s something irrefutable.
That’s one of the reasons you like about spending time with Gibbs. There’s no platitudes, there’s only frankness. He’s a man without an agenda and you can not express just how refreshing that is.  
“I know.” You say, pushing your used glass away from you. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat if I thought it would bring any of them justice.”
You damn well would too, he knows it.
It’s an hour later that he begins to tug on his jacket. It’s the same everytime. Eleven o’clock hits and he walks you home. Only tonight you aren’t pulling on your coat, your still sitting there, your finger tracing around the top of the glass you’ve been drinking from.
“Maeve?” He questions, tilting his head to meet your gaze.
“I think I’m gonna stay a while.” You tell him and he sits back down on his stool.
“Alright, well I’ve got nowhere else to be-”
“Jethro.” You say softly, your hand coming to rest on top of his ensuring you have his full attention. “You know that feeling you get, that frustration that builds and builds until you end up starting a fight. I get that too, only I fuck it out.”
“Oh.” He says as it dawns on him. “I’m cock blocking you.”
“You look like a big strapping Marine, ready to beat the shit out of anyone that approaches me.” You inform him and he supposes he kinda does.
“I’m not sure how comfortable I feel…” He begins because his momma taught him a lot better than to leave a woman alone in a bar.
“It’s not about your comfort.” You remind him, your voice turning brittle. “It’s about me getting what I need and what I need is to get fucked.”
He doesn’t like it, not because of the sex but rather the danger it presents. You’ll be taking home you don’t know, someone who could hurt you or worse. He also knows he can’t stop you, that you’re going to do this no matter what he says because it is a need, one that he recognises all too well.
“Will you call me or page me?” He asks you as he raises to his feet once again. “Just so I know you’re safe.”
You sigh, rapping your fingertips upon the surface on the table. He gets the feeling you aren’t used to people actually giving a shit about you. Well tough, he does and you’re just gonna have to get used to that.
“Maybe.” You concede. “If you leave within the next five minutes.”
That’s the best he’s gonna get for now.
It’s a couple of hours later that his pager chirps. He’s doing push ups in the dark on the bedroom floor, trying to chase away the images of another man touching you, tasting you, fucking you. He’s not a jealous man but he is protective, he would go to hell and back for the people he cares about and apparently you’re one of them. He picks up the tiny black device, his gaze fixating on the letters as they scroll across screen.
Love Gibbs? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Interested in supporting me? Join my Patreon for Bonus Content!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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lesmisshippingshowdown · 4 days ago
Hello and welcome to the Les Mis Shipping Showdown!
That's right, we're bringing ship brackets to the Les Mis fandom! The Shipping Showdown is an all new, 5 round contest intended to answer some of the internet's greatest questions, such as "is E/R's dominance really as overwhelming as AO3 statistics would have you believe?", "what is the fandom's all time favourite Les Amis pair the spares combo?", and "what would happen if we tried to Jurassic Park the ship wars of 2013 back into existence 12 years later?". Ignore that last one, maybe.
ROUND ONE IS NOW LIVE! Polls will expire in the evening (GMT/UTC) of March 6th 2025, with the next round of week-long polls following shortly thereafter.
Special rounds between particularly iconic matchups may occur at a later date if they do not get a chance to face off in the bracket proper.
Finally, if you're a fanartist or editor and spot your OTP/OT3 in the bracket, ESPECIALLY if it's a rarer pair, please feel free to submit pieces of your art to this blog to be used -with credit - in the relevant polls!! (no AI generated art though, please)
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Please see below the cut for FAQ, rules, and mod details:
Q: Who is responsible for all this? Great question! The Les Mis Shipping Showdown is the brainchild of @lonelyroommp3, with invaluable assistance including graphic design, bracket seeding, and wildcard suggestions from @glindalesbian. We are both veterans of the Les Mis fandom, and although it's not been either of our main fandoms for a while we're both still filled with love and nostalgia for both the work itself and the memories the fandom and its myriad shipping messes evoke<3
Q: Woah, wait! How did you decide upon these specific ships? 29 of the ships are - as far as it's possible to accurately sort these things on AO3 - the 29 most popular romantic relationship tags in the Les Misérables (All Media Types) fandom category. This sorting method isn't foolproof, and if we've missed something major we can only apologise! If you bring to light a really notable ship that we've missed, it may get included as part of a special round at a later date if demand is sufficient.
In addition, between the two mods we have chosen three wildcard entries based on such scientifically rigorous selection criteria as "one of us personally shipped this back in the day", "we remember this being really popular but the AO3 stats don't seem to reflect that", and, in one case, "we thought it would be really funny." It is up to you, dear reader, to try and figure out which ship fits in each category.
For the sake of transparency, a couple of ships have been excluded because they have significant overlap with another, more popular ship. For example, both Joly/Bossuet and Joly/Bossuet/Musichetta have AO3 works in the hundreds, but including them both felt a little redundant, so we made the executive decision to just include the more popular combination of the above characters.
Q: Are platonic/familial/queerplatonic relationship tags included? What if I like a combination of characters in a given match up, but only platonically? All my love to the non romantic relationship dynamics in Les Mis - after all, "to love another person is to see the face of God" is a lyric that intentionally does not specify a type of love! However, to keep things streamlined, this poll is specifically about romantic/sexual ships. Whenever you see a match up, assume you are being asked which combination of characters you personally would prefer to see depicted in a romantic relationship and/or sucking and fucking.
Q: Can I submit propaganda? Where should I do this? Yes! You are welcome to add propaganda in the reblogs of any given poll, or send asks or submissions to this blog. We will try to reshare propaganda as long as it follows other rules, but this is not a promise because we're busy people! We also ask that you do NOT send propaganda directly to the mods' personal blogs.
Q: Can I share this blog/contest/specific polls outside of Tumblr? If you're sharing on a small scale with a discord server, individual friends without Tumblr accounts, etc, please go ahead! We would, however, politely request that if you are lucky enough to have contacts who are, or have been, involved with professional productions of Les Misérables in any capacity that you do NOT share this competition with them directly or go shouting about it in places they are likely to see it, no matter how funny you think it may be to try and get some organic propaganda off the US Tour's 2nd cover Grantaire or whoever. Some of us are fujos in the sheets and actual theatre professionals in the streets, and we'd prefer to keep those two streams of our lives as separate as possible. Please respect this!
Q: You've used my fanart in a post and I don't want it in there/it's been credited incorrectly. If this happens to you, please let us know via asks ASAP with a link or clear reference to the offending post & artwork, so we can either remove your art or amend the credit accordingly!
We were both around in this fandom in 2013 when people were in the actual trenches about certain ships, and we know this can be a testy subject. We also think a bit of healthy competition and ship warring is fun from time to time, and the Les Mis Shipping Showdown is not intended to be a totally sanitised arena where we take everything super duper seriously and everybody has to be really really niceys 100% of the time. However, we do ask that good taste and interpersonal respect is considered:
You're free to fight about ships until the cows come home, but please refrain from personal attacks on other users in any arena related to this tournament.
Any hate speech in propaganda, notes of official tournament posts, asks/submissions, or any posts about the tournament brought to the mods' attention will NOT be tolerated and will result in an instant block (+ the offending account being reported if deemed necessary).
We've both seen shipping tournaments play out in other fandoms and know that it's absolutely impossible to avoid botting & vote rigging. However, any cases of the above that are deemed excessive, malicious, or generally against the spirit of the tournament may result in a match up being aborted, repeated, or, in extreme cases, a ship being permanently excluded from the tournament. Just be normal pleaseeeeeee
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goddessofroyalty · 1 year ago
Fandom: One Piece 
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji 
Tags: omegaverse, discussed-future-mpreg 
Someone shared a bit of non-omegaverse art in the ZoSan server of Zoro showering affection on Sanji’s stomach and it inspired me to write them talking about their future child in a verse where they agreed no pups until after they and Luffy achieve their dreams.
Sanji lets out a huff as Zoro lays his head down against his stomach, one of the swordsman’s callused hands resting against what might one day become the peak of it as the other supports Sanji’s back as he enjoys his cigarette, blowing a puff of smoke out over the alpha’s head. The break in Sanji’s heat is nice even if they both know it will only last for a moment.  
“There isn’t anything in there moss,” Sanji says as Zoro’s thumb tickles against his skin. The necessary steps have been taken to ensure that for all their fucking no pup will result from this heat.  
“I know,” Zoro grunts, twisting his head and pressing a kiss against Sanji’s hip bone.  
“Once Luffy’s the Pirate King and I’m the world’s greatest swordsman and we’re living on your ocean,” Zoro continues, trailing kisses along Sanji’s hips as he recites the dreams they swore to achieve. “You’ll give me pups then right?”  
“I didn’t realise we agreed to pups plural?” Sanji jokes, more to try and keep himself from giving into the fantasy of it.  
“You know I could never be satisfied with just one. Not when it’s with you.” Zoro says, resting his forehead directly onto Sanji’s stomach, leaving him looking almost as if he’s praying over it. “You’ll even let some get my green hair right? And they’ll all get your eyebrows.” 
Sanji doesn’t know the last time he heard Zoro that excited. It reminds him of the headstrong alpha second in command on the pirate crew he decided to throw his lot into who had matured into his steadfast mate.  
“Maybe if you’re lucky.” Sanji hopes they do inherit the alpha’s hair. Oh he’ll bitch about it when it happens. Can’t let the mosshead’s ego get too large. But he now can’t think about his future children without at least one of them having coarse green hair and a stubborn attitude.  
Zoro grins up at him.  
“You will,” Zoro says, ducking his head back down to press a kiss against Sanji’s stomach, his hands grabbing at the omega’s hips. “You’re gonna’ look so fucking hot while you’re growing them as well.”  
Sanji does laugh at that.  
“I’m going to look like a waddling land-whale.” He doesn’t have the delicate curves of a lady which are only accentuated by pregnancy. Lacks their soft plump skin that glows with the life they are carrying.  
Zoro snorts at that.  
“You will not,” he says with a nip at Sanji’s hip. “You are going to look so good. So strong. Fuck I don’t know how I’m gonna’ keep my hands off you. All full with my pup. Hell I’ll fuck another one into you before you’re even finished growing the first.”  
“That’s-“ Impossible. And the idea of having pregnancies that overlap giving his body no time without one of Zoro’s children growing in him should be almost repulsive. Sanji is going to blame his heat for the fact he finds it weirdly insanely hot.  
“You’ll be great with them,” Zoro continues, uncaring of Sanji’s broken-off attempt at interruption. One of his hands coming up to grope at Sanji’s chest. “Gonna’ be feeding them from the moment they’re born. They won’t know shit food until they move out to take the world for themselves.”  
Of course they will. No matter what they decide their dream to be their children are bound to achieve it. Will have grown up learning from the best in so many fields. Never once doubting on their parents support for them.  
“Moss-“ Sanji says, running a hand through Zoro’s hair. He can feel his heat stir back to life under his skin and he’s pretty sure it’s affecting the alpha too. 
“Shit. I’m going to fuck you so good. Fill you with knot and my pups. Our strong healthy pups,” Zoro continues to babble.  
Strong pups that will be trained by the world’s greatest swordsman and fed on the abundance of fish in the All Blue. Who will never know real hunger and know that love and care is as important as training at being your best. Will learn to cook at Sanji’s side and take afternoon naps with Zoro.  
“Fuck – I need you to shut up now,” Sanji says, his grip on Zoro’s hair tugging the alpha up off him.  
Zoro gives a questioning hum like he isn’t aware of what he’s fucking doing.  
Sanji pulls him up by the hair for a kiss before he can open his stupid mouth again.  
“You need to shut the fuck up and fuck me,” Sanji orders. Because if the bastard keeps going Sanji might not be able to stay strong on their agreement that they weren’t going to have pups until all their dreams were achieved.  
Zoro grins at him like he knows but his hands grab at Sanji’s thighs as he does as he’s commanded.  
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zombiethingy · 18 days ago
Fanfic Writer Interview
Tagged by @ao3usermelancholyhues – thank you so much!
What fandoms do you write in?
Mainly Stranger Things and Avatar: the last airbender. For st it's either steddie (Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson) or steddie with Chrissy, but there's still an idea floating around in my head to bring in Robin as a big part into the one Steve/Eddie/Chrissy AU. And for atla it's zukki (Zuko/Sokka/Suki), where I've participated in the last two zukki weeks.
There's also a Dracula fic on my ao3, written for a non-english writing challenge.
And I have an old Sense8 WIP that I hope to maybe work on again after my current rewatch.
How many words did you publish in 2024?
Ao3 says it's 30'729.
Which isn't too bad considering my life kinda started crumbling last summer and I can't really write since then. Apparently my ability to write hinges on me feeling somewhat at ease in general.
What are your top three fics you wrote last year?
The question doesn't say by what measurement so I'm just going by the ones I like the most:
all i want is the here and now
atla. zukki. T. (4,928 words)
My contribution to zukki week 2024. The only thing I managed to write after the thing... It's one fic with each chapter fulfilling one of the days prompts and somehow having those prompts and writing a short chapter for each of them helped me get through this week.
The fic itself is about Suki, Sokka and Zuko going from friends to being a triad. Complete with working through feelings realisation and figuring out how to be together.
can't fight fire with gasoline
Stranger Things. steddie. E. (677 words)
An alternate version of one of my microfics which I just love for how it turned out slightly more unhinged than the original one xD the boys ate being horny, bored dumbasses playing truth or dare and it spirals slightly out of control. (Check the tags before going into it, thanks!)
lone monster
Stranger Things. steddie. T. (508 words)
I just love the vibes of this one and how it turned out so different from what I originally had in mind but somehow better. It's a microfic and kind of a poetic character study of the upside down or something.
What was your biggest pit of despair moment?
Not being able to finish the last chapter of "not strong enough (to stay away)" despite being so close – it still is tbh. I've tried getting back into it multiple times since, rereading the whole fic and what I've written so far, and I have a basic outline and the ending in mind; but I just don't manage to write it down. So fucking frustrating!
What have you learned?
That forcing myself to write and getting frustrated about not being able to doesn't help either... Not sure what does though so that's not a great learning.
Did you beta any fics last year? Any faves you want to shout out?
I didn't... I'm not a native English speaker so I don't really feel qualified to...
What three fics from last year did you love?
Well, basically anything from @griefabyss69. <3
The limitation of three is so hard, but here are 3 of my faves:
let the fire breathe me back to life by @sourw0lfs
(Stranger Things, steddie, M, 25k)
I love the concept of Eddie as a phoenix and it's so well written and the whole story is so good and just definitely one of my faves of 2024 even though it wasn't started in 2024, but still counts, right?
I had been hungry, all the Years by @jamiethegardener55
(Stranger Things, steddissy, E, 17k)
It's tagged as pwp but it's a goddamned piece of art! The way the soulmates aspect is used in there, in a fic that's mostly about a threesome between Chrissy, Eddie and Steve, and the character study of Chrissy that's hidden in there... Just fantastic!
Home is where your heart is by ilse_writes
(Stranger Things, steddie, T, 80k)
I cried so much reading this; because it's sad and real and beautiful. And also Steve's ace and it's so so well done!
What ideas are percolating for this year?
Hopefully getting to write again... I really really really want to participate in this year's zukki week too. And hopefully finish the one fic before it turns two ..
tagging @thetragicallynerdy @hammity-hammer @yesdangerpls without any pressure and anyone who'd like to challenge themselves by choosing only 3 fics to rec ;)
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cohawk-canoe · 8 months ago
Cohawk Week Rules & FAQ
First, let me pause to call your attention to the super fun banner image above! It was made by the long-suffering @taibhrigh42 and I am very grateful!
Here are some rules and a FAQ for the event.
Have fun.
Support your fellow fans.
Stay on target re: prompts, posting dates, and which ship this event is about.
Read the last FAQ about what flavors of content are prohibited from the event and understand that it is about personal preference for your one and only mod, not moral judgments of any kind.
What is Cohawk Week and, uh...why is it called Cohawk?
Listen, portmanteau ship names are all the rage and not only is Wooley's defining characteristic in canon his mohawk, but I do love a good pun. So...Cody + Mohawk = Cohawk.
Cohawk week is an event for fandom creators in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars fandom. It celebrates the relationship between Commander Cody and Clone Trooper Wooley in any and all forms including (but not limited to): sexual, romantic, platonic, and subject to the command structure of the GAR.
When is Cohawk Week?
Cohawk Week 2024 begins Sunday, September 22 and runs through Sunday the 29th. There is also one bonus day on September 30. Just because.
Will you accept late works?
Yes, the collection on AO3 will remain open until October 31st and the Cohawk-Canoe Tumblr account will reblog works tagged with the #cohawk week 2024 tag for 10 days after the end of the event.
What kinds of fan works are welcome for Cohawk Week?
All types of fan works are welcome; fic, podfic, digital art, traditional art...anything you create is great.
Do I have to make something for each day of the week?
Absolutely not! You are free to create (or read/take in) fan works for one day or for all of them.
Can I mix and match prompts?
You can, but please post them on the day of the latter prompt. For example, if you take a prompt from Day 1 and combine it with a prompt from Day 4, the work should be posted on Day 4. If you are posting multi-chapter fics that mix and match prompts, please try to match your posting dates to the prompt days as closely as possible and add an author's note if they do not align.
Can other characters (or ships) be included?
Yes, but please keep the focus on Cody and Wooley in whatever form you see their relationship taking and please tag appropriately for all ships and characters.
Are NSFW/Explicit works allowed?
Explicit works are allowed (and encouraged), but MUST be tagged properly on AO3 and labeled with the appropriate Major Archive Warnings. Tumblr contributions must also be properly tagged and have appropriate community labels applied.
Where is Cohawk Week happening?
There is a collection on AO3 that is cleverly titled Cohawk Week 2024 and a tumblr named Cohawk Canoe (because it's bigger than a pool noodle, but not actually a ship yet). You are free to post works wherever else you like on the internet, but please link to them from your tumblr and tag Cohawk Canoe so they can be reblogged as part of the event.
The event tags on tumblr are: #cohawk week 2024 and #cohawk week
Since this is the first year of the event, there will be no Discord server. If interest remains high and the event is repeated in 2025, odds are a server will be created.
If you are unfamiliar with how AO3 Collections work, please review the FAQ.
Which versions (Legends/Canon) of Wooley are acceptable?
Any and all --even the one where he was supposed to be a medic. He does not have much of a presence in the Clone Wars show, so feel free to expand on his personality as you see fit.
Is there anything that is prohibited content?
Without the intent of harshing anyone's buzz, I am the only mod for this event and would prefer that works not include the following: animal cruelty, non-con, graphic violence involving characters under the (species equivalent) age of 16 (8 for clones), and sexual content involving characters under the (species equivalent) age of 16 (8 for clones)
This is a matter of personal preference, not moral judgement. Please do write any of the above if that is what brings you joy and please share them far and wide outside of Cohawk Week.
Questions? Comments? Gripes? Either DM me or ask in the comments please!
Prompts are coming soon. Hopefully on July 1.
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wondergirl2007 · 1 year ago
These five artists have inspired me to do art myself and I really admire their art ~ So I’m going to tell you about them and why they inspired me and they will even be tagged. If any of the artists that are in the list see this, then I just want to thank you for inspiring me.
5. Kika-ila
This artist is known for doing Total Drama art, and I was obsessed when I first saw her art! Her style is so freaking cute and I actually think her Total Drama Kids stories are better than Total DramaRama itself. I actually used to love Total DramaRama, but now not as much. I don’t hate it thought. I love Total Drama, but most YouTubers I watch that do TD content are leaving the fandom, like TotalDramaRicky and Noahh, which really does suck, but I can see why and they want to move on to other stuff. I really like the timeline drawings she did, and she even did it for FNAF (Five Nights At Freddy’s) too! FNAF is one of my favourite horror video game franchises, my favourite is the second one, which is actually a prequel! I didn’t even know that until a few weeks ago! But overall, Kika does awesome art and she deserves more attention!
4. thegreatrouge
I love this girl’s art. She’s known for doing art with rubber hose characters, like Felix The Cat, Oswald The Lucky Rabbit, Mickey Mouse and even Cuphead and Bendy! She has made a whole series called “Bendy And Boris And The Quest For The Ink Machine” and it’s amazing so far! The project is currently on hiatus right now, I’m not sure if she’s discontinued the comic and I really hope she hasn’t. I hate stories that are left on cliffhangers, along with “Two Sides Of The Story” which is a HTF comic by one of my good friends Emmy, she discontinued the story because she believed it was cringe. The art? It was cringey at first, but the art got better at around chapter 4. The actual storyline? Yeah, it was quite cringey actually. Can’t really blame her, but I actually did enjoy the story, I’m even doing a redraw of it and might even do a non canon continuation of it! I won’t do it for BABQFTIM, since there is already some continuations of that story. Rouge has also done a Cuphead In Wonderland project too which is pretty good too! Unfortunately, she’s been losing motivation to do art recently, which really upsets me. She’s an awesome artist, and I’d love to help her feel motivated again. Most of her art is sketched, or digital but without colour, but I can understand that colouring in art can take time. This girl is pretty good at art and she definitely deserves more motivation to continue doing what she loves.
3. The-Wallop-Cat-12
This artist mainly does Cuphead art, but she also does Sailor Moon, Splatoon and Mario art! Which is awesome, since I love all of those video games and Sailor Moon is my favourite anime. I don’t watch anime a lot, but my personal favourites are Sailor Moon, One Piece, Naruto, PPG Z, Yo-Kai Watch, Demon Slayer and Dragonball Z. Cuphead is definitely one of my favourite video games, despite how hard it can be. I got it for Christmas last year at it has been fun playing it. I also love VOAdam’s comic dubs of Cuphead Comics and he even did dubs for Wallop’s Cup Bros In Wonderland comics! I was working on a comic about it, but I discontinued it since I lost interest. I still love the idea of it though. Cuphead X Alice In Wonderland. I love Alice In Wonderland. There’s even some heartwarming comics she’s done with the the Cup Bros comforting each other that are real tearjerkers. I also really liked the Size Shifting Cup Bros comic she did. I like how Drama Days (a YouTuber I like) coloured in the comic too. I don’t know why, but I love a cartoon episode where someone becomes a giant. Don’t ask me why I love it, I just do. Probably because of Alice In Wonderland. Wallop is my favourite Cuphead artist, and she is very good at what she does!
2. ChaoChao0071
Oh my god, this girl… SHE IS AMAZING!!! I’m actually kinda jealous! Her art and animations are so damn good! She mainly does HTF content, but she also likes Invader Zim and My Little Pony. I love her crossover series with HTF and MLP “Everything Is Broken” and I like her Invader Zim series, “Not Your Enemy”. Looking back at when she started compared to now, she has been improving over the years! I really like her fanmade MLP character, Creepybloom. She’s such an amazing and interesting character. Chao’s voice acting for her is just splendid. (No pun intended cos there is an HTF character named Splendid and he’s my favourite character). I love villains that eventually turn good and realise their mistakes, like Sunset Shimmer in MLP: Equestria Girls and Vomitdid in Drama Days’ Splendid series. I also really love him. Definitely an interesting fanmade character. I also love her HTF OC’s Whiskers, Smokey and Holes. They are awesome concepts to EIB. Fun Fact, I actually didn’t like them at first when I first saw them in Part 12, but I eventually grew interest to them in Part 14, since we didn’t really see them in Part 13. Overall, this girl is AMAZING and I hope I’ll be able to animate like her one day. Her animation is so smooth and she is so skilful!
1. EmmyJeanBean
Emmy, if you are reading this, then I just wanna say… Thank you. Thank you so much. You are my best friend. You were the one to inspire me to do the art I do today. You have improved so much throughout the years, and I love every single art piece you have done. I follow you on DeviantArt, Instagram and Amino. I’ll make sure to follow you when or if I get Twitter. You are the reason why I do the art I do today. Everything about you AU makes me so curious and I love the way you made the characters and you OC characters are amazing too. It makes me wish they where in HTF too, like Angus, (Lammy’s ancestor) Samantha, (Splendid’s sister), Tammy, (Cuddles and Toothy’s kid), all of Cuddles siblings, everyone’s moms just all of your OC’s definitely deserve to make it into the show if it ever comes back. I’d love to to anything to bring HTF back. We can bring HTF back together. With all the fanmade stuff people are making, like Amensia, Nemao’s fanmade episodes, Drama Days’ Splendid series, EIB, etc, we can definitely make it possible since that shows that people still care about the show. Happy Tree Friends is my favourite cartoon and programme and I’d love to give it a revival. Let’s all bring HTF back to life, together. Emmy, you have actually inspired me to do some projects and art pieces, like your ‘Cannibal’ comic. It has inspired me to do a comic that I’ll be working on for the whole summer, but I won’t spoil it yet! I’ll keep it a surprise until the cover is out. I love so many of your projects like TSOTSS, Cannibal, Tammy’s Arc, Understanding Nolan, I’m Not Leaving and my favourite is A Stolen Heart, your Lifty X Splendid fanfic and my favourite HTF ship. Emmy, you are the best artist I’ve ever seen and nothing will change that. You art is so inspiring to me. You are the best.
And that’s them all! These 5 artists have inspired me to do the art I do today!
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wraenata · 2 years ago
i wasn't sure how to ask without looking like a complete creeper, but something i noticed on ROTTMNT fanwork is all the dni tcest tags (which I understand because that is one of the worst ways to look at the boys). thats p common in any fandom to have one bad trope everyone is against
my q is, does tcest exist???? is the fandom really good at destroying it? i haven't seen a single fan created thing that could have even hinted at it
which is awesome!!
don't get me wrong
i'm just shocked its mentioned SO MUCH and i haven't come across it
TW tcest mention
Sadly yes it is. I actually have the tcest tag filtered, but not all tcesters even tag their shit that way. I scroll the rise tag a lot and have come across untagged tcest :(
Once I saw some really cool art in the rise tag and thought, hmm, I wonder if this artist has more cool art! Clicks on their bio, scrolls, ends up seeing tcest :( It was not tagged tcest it was tagged leotello, so now that is another tag I went and filtered before I blocked them. Some artists will post tcest and non tcest art, but frankly I don't want to support art from a tcester so if I ever reblog something from a tcester let me know so I can delete it.
I did not know that filtered tags showed up when I search the rise tag, but one post showed up the other day. I thought well hey a great opportunity to block said person I guess. It was a whole post about tcest supporters on tumblr ewwwwwww. Well, took that opportunity to go through and block as many of those as I could, there were a lot of reblogs :( Fortunately it looks like most of those blogs put they are tcest supporter blogs in their bios so they are easier to spot if you ever stumble across them in the wild.
But yeah, it exists. If you go on ao3 and search the rise tag, you need to blacklist like every.single.combination. Idk maybe there is a way to save filtered searches but I just keep my one window open all the time on my phone with my 45 million tags blocking out the tcest cause I don't want to see that.
Also, because I have seen some people get confused, on ao3, 'character a/character b' is a romantic pairing, and 'character a & character b' is a platonic relationship.
I'm not one for drama, just a block and move on if I see it. But some people do put tcest dni on their posts too. I know it can be really frustrating and gross if you posted some wholesome hugs or something and some gross person tags it as tcest. Certainly not a good feeling.
Hope that answers your question!
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sommerregenjuniluft · 1 year ago
20 asks for fic writers
thank u @plecotusauritus, @kaaaaaaarf, @pinkthekla & @kaleidoscopexsighs for tagging me🥹<3 ily all
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
four but we only talk about three of those😌🤘🏼
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
about 13.8k words (i have no idea where to look this up i typed it into my phone calculator lmao)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
on my ao3 marauders, in the Docs marauders, haikyuu, atla and on Wattp*d🤬 young royals & shera lol (i was like 15 years old ok)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
🤓 my number 1 though is Always Pushing her Luck with a stellar one hundret and ten because yall are some sluts for a good lesbian smut fic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!! i love interacting with people on art no matter if it’s theirs or mine<3
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm i think Teeth actually? not really angsty but maybe it kind of makes you go 😬😳 or WAIT maybe my very first jeg microfic thing, the Stag one yknow.. where James is dead😁
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
again, from my ao3 one’s probably Ribs but microfics probably just all the fluffy ones, i’m looking at the cookie baking one here esp, also Walk and Carry
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! but i was lowkey concerned for the new non-con fic jdkskd But so far so good hahah
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
why yes i do. mm mostly the unhinged kind in some way hdksks but ig the lesbian wolfstar one is very tender too<3
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
not crossovers per se but we love a good AU of another fandom universe, my marauders Maze Runner Au is very dear to me, we’ll see if she ever sees the light of the day
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge no
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but! i will have to kick @pinkthekla cass and me in the ass to make it happen someday because the world deserves to see one james potter horny and humbled
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
this changes all the time honestly and they’re all very very close to each other but i’m gonna have to say iwaoi on top because their chemistry is just unmatched and something i hold so close to my heart, they just mean a lot of comfort to me! so thats prob why
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
hm, i mean i’m only 20 i have all the time in the world. but perhaps that one barty in a maids dress smut one shot? not sure i’ll come back to that one again but who knows!
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i can do a dialogue quite good but it’s hard for me to get into a zone or scenario where it comes to that naturally, but whenever it does happen? i’m super happy and proud of the result (that’s why i like my hitmen jegulus microfic so much)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
probably that i’m not really good at creating a storyline/plot djskks that’s something that does Not come easily to me and probably one of the only reasons i havent really finished any of my big fics or even their first chapters. If i have a plan/ a prompt or something in general i can orientate myself off of it flows super easily (all the microfics and Ant Pile) but coming up with something of my own is very hard and i often feel kinda bad about it too :,))
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
would love to, i have some smol things planned for mira mi amor that i will probably go and bother @appreciatedmoron bea about as well as my two irl bsfs since they’re quite good at spanish but besides that i’d only really trust myself with german since thats my first language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
actually shera i think
20. Favorite fic you've written?
i really love Ant Pile atm but from my published one’s i couldnt really choose actually djsksk i really like the metaphors and visuals i came up with in Ribs though <3
np tagging: @rottin6, @maliceofminds, @strezzlecki aand idk anyone that sees this and hasn’t been tagged yet!! (i see yall liking these i Will bully u in the dms)
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saint-starflicker · 1 year ago
Spring Awakening Fandom Tag
(By @winter-asleepening )
1. How were you introduced to the show?
2007(?) OBC sountrack on compact disk gift from a friend.
2. Seen a production live?
My honest answer is going to get me in trouble around Question 17, isn't it.
3. Dream role/character you relate to most
Ilse Neumann.
4. Favorite male character
5. Favorite female character
Ilse. Is that redundant with Question 3? Martha, then.
6. Deaf West Revival or Original Broadway Cast?
The OBC soundtrack got me through a very rough time in my life, but as far as the cast goes I'm going to say the Deaf West revival cast. I'm glad it was revived, I'm glad that cast is cast in that cast, and I'm glad they're the introduction for a new generation of Guilty Ones.
7. Favorite song
I love them all equally.
8. Least favorite song
...I don't care for Mirror Blue Night.
9. Favorite quote/line
I'm more of a melody person than a lyrics person.
10. Favorite TV performance
11. Favorite cast member(s)
I don't really play favorites with cast members, I just try to find what each new actor brings into the role.
12. Favorite cast member moment
I don't really follow the behind the scenes anecdotes either, but Jonathan Groff forgetting the lyrics to Left Behind except for "all things" is as inspirational as it is horrific to imagine going through. If he can get through that and live to tell the tale, then I can get through a bad day.
Also every time Michael Arden says, "All my best ideas come from [ Andy Mientus ]" is like d'aww they're cute together.
13. Do you write fan fiction?
In this fandom, no, I'm more of a reader.
14. Do you make fan art?
I could.
15. Do you cosplay?
Not really...I don't like the late 19th century fashions? I'm more of a Merveilleuse type (no bra no corset just Spirit Halloween chiton).
16. Don’t do Sadness or Blue Wind?
Those are two halves of a whole song!
17. Word of your body or the Reprise?
OBC I did not like the Reprise because even through the Discman (... that's a Walkman for CD's) I had the sense that it was a "comic relief" moment that relied on the existence of gay boys as the joke.
The Deaf West production kept a sense of respite and relief, and some comedy in the relationship dynamic between Ernst and Hanschen rather than playing on preexisting stereotypes...even though it didn't change a word of the script in that scene, which is amazing on a text analysis level like what happened who used the Captain Planet power ring with the power of heart in this scene, what sorcery is this?
So it depends, because the non-reprise Word of Your Body does a narrative job—Melchior haters can feel free to hate, but I can understand what the musical version was trying to go for with his character, and Word of Your Body was part of that.
Groff's Melchior came off more smarter-and-better-than-you but sort of giving up his pretensions in the process of seduction, and I can understand why that aspect might look appealing.
Doyle's Melchior doesn't have that "he's a ruthless boy but maybe i can change him"—I think he plays Melchior as more sad and desperate, and putting that energy into studying is how his Melchior thinks he gets a handle on his own feelings.
McKenzie's Melchior is an oafish, bookish 14-year-old boy trying to act smooth as he condescends to a Deaf girl. He has as much primal sexual energy as a newborn beagle puppy, which to be clear is none at all. I think that can be endearing, that he doesn't really know what he's blathering about in terms of life experience.
Wendla's a consistent constant performance-wise, all three versions I think balance out to a constant average...so it's really the Reprise that determines which one I like better.
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OBC Reprise was very much worse than OBC Word of Your Body...but, Deaf West Reprise was a little better than Deaf West Word of Your Body and a lot better than the OBC Reprise. But I like the OBC Word of Your Body better than the Deaf West Reprise, at the same time that I like the Deaf West Word of Your Body an equal amount as the OBC Word of Your Body, contextualized comparatively being different than the chronological context that defines its vibe in an individual show's run time.
18. Touch Me or My Junk?
My Junk as a tune — but the Deaf West Touch Me did turn everybody into a boat, that was kinda cool.
19. Explain the song of purple summer.
Ilse recovered from her trauma and now owns her sexual identity, despite the history of everyone in her home and community doing their worst to her in ways that directly targeted that very intimate part of her. Her story is not the main plot of the show, but the fact that she survived and found personal definition means she now has her own voice on which to carry the wisdom of her life. That will be what heals and inspires others. Red or pink sunsets plus blue evenings make the sky in summer purple. At the end of the day, there still is beauty in living.
20. Explain the song of purple summer (wrong answers only)
Butterflies scatter ergot fungus while they fly around, so everybody thinks that everything looks purple this summer. The sky is purple. The rain is purple. The corn is purple. The horses are purple. The fungus is eating everybody's brains. They're all going to die.
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reactivatedrockstar · 2 years ago
EYO! This post is pinned because I can't do pages on mobile! Therefore, it will contain all the information you need to know about my boundaries, this AU, and my portrayal of Bonnie! I know I said to read all of it before following, but HONESTLY you only really need to read the rules unless you plan to have threads. (My headcanon tag is Merchandise {Headcanons} if you want to read up, just don't reblog please.) All that you need is under the
I am on mobile, so my tags are very minimal.
Do not reblog threads you are not apart of.
I'm lenient about this, but do not reblog art or memes from here, as it clogs up my feed.
Don't poop on the floor
I am a mobile user. Maybe once in a while, I'll pop onto a computer at the library to fine tune posts like this, but it's hard, if not impossible for me to use the site to its full extent. As such, icons will not be used, tags will be scarce, and trimming posts will not be done the way I like.
Trimming posts are a strange area. I have adhd and autism, so the best way for a thread to be trimmed is with the last response still attached. This way I can remember what's going on in the thread, which will lead to an overall better rp experience.
RESPECT MY FUCKING BOUNDARIES. I've had some issues with one individual who sucked me into this Fandom, they refused to take no for an answer, and forced me to rp an incest ship. This has scared me away from the rpc for years. If I say no, it does not mean "convince me," it means no. I have a three strikes your out policy.
I have a full-time job as a daycare teacher. I am not always online. Do not pester me for replies.
I have kept up with the lore moderately well, but if I don't know something, or have forgotten something, do not bully me. I have zero tolerance for it. You respect me, and I respect you.
The AU
Prior to the events of security breach, Monty was a new animatronic that was incredibly jealous of Bonnie. He didn't understand why he got to be on the stage when he played the bass even better than he did!! This resentment eventually lead for Monty to do the unthinkable. He asked to talk to Bonnie, where he threw him against the wall, slashed his torso open, ripped out the wires, and smashed a bowling ball into his head. Once the deed was done, Monty then hid the body away where it was never found.
For a whole year, Bonnie lay there, desperately sending some sort of distress signal that was too weak to get through to most of the animatronics. However, the voiceless wetfloor signs began to act strange, making odd sounds and turning to face just about anyone, as a result of this distress signal.
Then, somehow, Freddy found him, and he begged the human staff to help fix him. While they didn't have the right parts to fix him completely, they were able to fix him enough to where he was functional again. Bonnie had absolute no memory of how he came to be in such a state due to data corruption, but he does remember some things, which will easily agitate him and make him aggressive.
Due to his state, Bonnie is unable to interact with guests and do shows, which he misses, so he tends to loiter around behind the scenes where nobody can see him during the day.
In this AU, Gregory waited for the doors to open at 6 in Freddy's room after seeing Vanny and Moondrop, because he was absolutely terrified, however I am willing to negotiate this upon request. (Well, I'm just about willing to negotiate anything lore-wise.)
Bonnie Bunny
First off, Bonnie is non-binary, and his pronouns are he/him. He honestly loves playing around with makeup and facepaint, and of course, playing music. Glamrock Bonnie was one to prioritize self expression to the kids, be it music, facepainting, drawing, makeup, or what have you, and he, obviously, absolutely loves bowling, and is unbeatable at it. Bonnie also has a sense of adventure, and loves doing something new.
However, he remembers bits and pieces of what happened to him, corrupted memories come and go, they make his head hurt, and he doesn't act like himself, and he can become aggressive if not de-escalated. He was also operating somewhat while he was hidden away, and remembers being "asleep," but active, and being so alone. So afraid. So angry. So sad. It's an awful, all-consuming feeling that he couldn't get rid of. He just knew he'd spend the rest of eternity rotting there, helpless. Unable to even speak out and beg for help.
Freddy is his best friend in the whole world. In his programmed backstory, Bonnie was bullied a lot until Freddy started hanging out with him. In turn, Freddy soon started being made fun of in his adolescent years, and Bonnie chased them off as well. According to their backstory, it was them against the world, and they've been an unstoppable duo from the beginning, forming a band and singing duets together. Bonnie could never imagine life without Freddy, and he doesn't want to.
One day, according to his programmed backstory, Freddy and Bonnie were performing, when a pizza-loving chicken had asked if she could take up the mic. They let her, and were absolutely blown away, and added Glamrock Chica to their band. Bonnie deeply cares about Chica, as all friends do, and while he doesn't judge her for her love of junkfood and exercise... he does judge her for eating it out of the garbage. He's pretty sure it's a programming glitch that can't be fixed, but he's gotten damaged prior to the incident trying to stop her in the past. Bonnie means no offense, and doesn't love Chica any less, but he can't stand to watch her eat trash. He and the girls would often do each other's hair, "nails" and make-up just for fun for special events, like Halloween, Christmas, and Saint Patrick's Day, to name a few.
Roxy and Bonnie are chaotic together, but they have some good laughs. Roxy was added as an animatronic in the Pizzaplex at a later time, so he has no programmed backstory pertaining to her, but he still accepts her as one of the band members, and is sometimes even compelled to impress her. He does, sometimes, get afraid of her when she's angry, but he knows that if she ever DID hurt him, it would only be an accident. He's seen the loving and caring side of her, and he loves her for it.
Bonnie has nothing but respect for Monty. He's a cool guy, and he was certain that he'd appeal to teenagers better than he would. He welcomed Monty into the group with open arms, accepting him almost as quickly as Freddy did. And yet... Bonnie gets so afraid of him when he's angry. He'll let him win if it means he won't be angry.... but he would never hurt him... right?
Honestly, I'm not too sure what I can say about myself. I'm 25+ years old, I work at a daycare, I'm bisexual, she/her pronouns. I am an extremely anxious individual who's terrified of stepping over boundaries or hurting feelings. Since this is a side blog, I can't like starters, so I'll send them to you via dms instead, and if you have anons turned off, I can't send asks either. I'm sory of trying to hide from that person who forced me to rp an incestual ship that made me really uncomfortable, so I'm not using my usual alias. Rest assured that I am following you if I'm sending asks or dming you, I'm always interested. If I'm following you but haven't reached out yet, its probably because I don't have any ideas for interactions. Call me Twoie, if you have to call me anything.
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sweetrays · 2 years ago
About me: 
Just call me by my username I don't like using real names anymore
(bisexual transsexual male & 2 yrs on T) 
I write novels, short stories, and fanfiction
I draw novel illustrations and favorite characters
I'm autistic and therefore can be perceived  a little bit strange 
My dominant special interest fandom wise is Peter Pan stories. (Hook is my absolute favourite Peter Pan movie. You'll mostly see me talking about the character Rufio) 
I liked OUAT Peter Pan for a little while last year but it's not my thing anymore 
My other special interest is historical (mostly 19th century) fashion
A quick heads up:
I enjoy NSFW art, but I don't post any. There might be some reblogging of that here occasionally. 
A lot of the fanfictions I post are openly based off- have some sort of connection to my somewhat disturbing fetishes that involve characters dying or being hurt
I know some might not be comfortable with that.
If you'd like to be my friend please just skim through the readmore just in case you find my opinions distasteful. If you do, just block me I don't want trouble
My Internet Discourse Opinions
Stupid but very important in order to avoid ugly confrontations nowadays 🙁
-the good pure holy shipping vs. icky yucky nasty evil creepy freak shipping stuff is bullshit. If you give me/a mutual shit over FICTIONAL ship your ass is getting blocked cause that's just a whole nother level of ridiculous. I do not condone the bullying and harassment that is so common in 'woke' fandom culture nowadays. It is disgusting that people are throwing around paraphilic accusations and words like p**o at innocent fanfiction authors who are just enjoying characters with no real malicious intentions. 
I come across ships on ao3 that absolutely disgust me on a day to day basis, even so, the last thing I'd want to do is be mean to the author/anyone who enjoyed that ship. That's because the author has just as much a right to write about just as I have the right to be uncomfortable. No character ship is illegal and people are allowed to be as gross or weird as they like as long as it remains fictional (which in 99.99% of cases no one is actively trying to encourage and/or normalising pairing that would be illegal irl) That's never how fandom, art, or fiction has ever worked. If you think otherwise, all I'm saying is you have some serious issues and you need help. 
When I write an age gap pairing I don't parade my fic around going "EVERYBODY START DATING YOUR FATHER!!" I tag with many warnings to avoid upsetting people who would be opposed to reading it + add a disclaimer explaining how I do not support such things in real life situations because I don't and neither does anyone else who ships 'problematic' things. 
Transgender discourse (neopronouns, etc) 
As a transgender male myself, I don't care what pronouns someone uses or what gender they claim to be. I am pro-block anti-harassment when I see someone I disagree with. 
However, I do block quite liberally when I see people saying that transgenderism is possible without dysphoria. Because it is not. Being trans is not a choice. Dysphoria is the cause of being trans. Even if it's just a tiny bit of dysphoria you are still valid. If you're a feminine presenting trans male, that is fine, if you're a masculine presenting trans female, that's fine too because even if you're trans you absolutely do not have to abide by society's confining gender stereotypes. 
But, if you are feminine presenting non-dysphoric afab going by he/him or a masculine presenting non-dysphoric amab going by she/her. That is not transgender. You just picked different pronouns. Which again, I don't care about the pronouns thing so whatever, but just please don't call that transgender because my brother in Christ, we are not the same. 
Therefore please leave me alone if: 
You have some sort of weirdly obsessive morality/legality bias against people minding their own business with character shipping in fandom
Think that being trans is a choice. 
Thats all, have a nice day. Don't forget to block if you don't like me lol.
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rosarionegro · 2 years ago
tagged by: @flosalatus
Vashwood, Mashwood i haven't seen the 98' anime enough to ship Wolfwood/Milly
**I am referring to ADULTS, so 21+**
I feel like it really depends on several factors- when did they meet, is there a power imbalance, etc.
For non-humans, w/e *shrugs*
Anything below the belt/involving groin action. I tend to air on the side of caution to be respectful to my dashboard.
As someone who has gotten anonymous hate messages before, I am NOT an easy person to ship with because I never ship anything right off the bat. Even if I'm RPing a ship I LIKE, I'm still developing my version of the muse with my partner's dynamic first and foremost.
But if we discuss things in depth and there's a more than likely chance they're gonna hit it off after a few threads, then yeah.
Wormwood (Zazie), Kniveswood, Roberto/Wolfwood, Livio & Razlo is a weird one cuz it depends on if they're brotherly in dynamic and that's it or not, but I'm open to it?
I'm not in love with ships in the fandom sense unless it really affects me and has a LOT of character development (like Vashwood), but in terms of ships with other RPers? If we're talking every day and talking about the ship and rping the ship- You're getting ship art, ship music, ship merchandise... I will become obsessed.
Vashwood, lol. I mean *GESTURES AT THE SOURCE???*
Kniveswood and Wormwood have to be a specific FLAVOR for me, esp since all the Wormwood shippers are like maybe 5 people and the ones who aren't me and E keep making non-con fan content (which, like, ew).
Ask me. Literally, I probably won't say no and at worst I'll say "we can keep it in mind" if we haven't written together enough on those muses.
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mintymash · 2 years ago
So fandom has a lot of problems, people make up names for things to cofound and confuse the general onlookers but those who know are either horrified and disgusted or into it. Fandom terms are a double-edged sword you can better find something but then little Timmy might log onto the internet and be like "Hey Dad what does non-con mean?" it's just astounding to me how much of a wild west fandom still is to this day, especially like South Park and Rick and Morty. Those shows have an utter trash fire of a fanbase because you either get cute ship art or Jesus h Christ what is that. Like not to rain on anyone's parade but maybe tag things a bit more normally like instead of saying X-cest just say incest, or instead of teacher x student say minor x adult. People really like to disguise their fetishes as something more socially acceptable in the fandom space, the undertale community did this and many people got off scot-free even though they did/made/wrote things that people might have been better off not seeing like there were a LOT of minors in that fandom and I was one of them. I was exposed to things that I thought were just "cute" but in reality, they were not. I just feel like fandom needs a box for the more taboo things, like I know some people put "18+ ONLY" in their bio but when you're actively making that kind of content for a media set that either includes minors or has a minor filled fanbase I just feel like there should be extra steps to be taken. Not saying that the entire blame falls on the creator or fandom as a whole but just fandom culture and the minors who fall into it need to learn that sometimes what's normal in fandom isn't what's normal in other spaces. I'm just reflecting on my past in several fandoms, FNAF, Furry, Sonic, etc, etc, This is not meant to attack or accuse anyone of anything. This is me stating my own thoughts and feelings and will therefore go untagged. Feel free to message me if something confuses you about this post. ok bye.
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theangelshavethephonebox · 1 year ago
Wow this is kind of insane that you're tagging me because you are a bit mythic to me ngl. Thanks for the tag!
I have so so so many WIPs/ideas I came up for and am leaving to rot ngl. This is so long that I'm putting it under a readmore lol
Doctor Who
Partly published:
Fixing your mistakes (one chapter published)
Biting you, with love (one chapter left)
Masterful Misdemeanors of a Monkish Nature (one chapter published)
In the Forest (Academy Era)
Series: When we were ten (one story published- all in this list unpublished):
Deca Drabbles (a list of planned fics)
Do you think stars have feelings
Eighth Man Bound
If you're toxic, and I'm toxic, who's flying the TARDIS?
In which Jelpax gets something published
Sand and trees seen through the years
Series: Patience Series (a planned series but no individual fics in seperate docs yet).
Series: The Ten Bonds Project:
Built for War
I regret not following you home
May I have this dance
Sometimes, it's magic
The Ten Bonds Project
We would always have been renegades
I won't bother listing my finished stuff, but I do keep them in the same folder lol.
Centennial revelations
Child of Hope
Ghosts after Sunrise
High and Noble Houses
Together after the war (human au)
Promised land
She loves me
Support group for the doctor's companions
Tales from the Front
That CIA agent
Watching Doctor Who
Zephyr and Thira
Time Lord culture/ your words my tongue:
Your words
You knew my name
Lies are words
A handy guide to regeneration
Then everything else in my DW folder:
Let's burn together
A note on dimensional engineering
And I carry your name
Born of the dark
Café meme
Can you hear me?
Dying thoughts
Everything is fine
False and lonely gods
I am not a good man
Immortal leftovers
In your head
Jack lies
The Master and the dream lord
Missy and the Rani
One last trip
Sound, names, purple
Tenthree goes to therapy
That's not the guilt that drove me mad
The battle royale
We could have worn purple
What if we could do it all again
When the sunlight falls
Where the gifted children end up
Why does he call you babygirl
My original stuff
(I'm not listing the stuff that isn't actually plans for WIPs, like meta and art and practice. Also not listing my non fiction stuff, or my fanfics for other fandoms, because I'll never write them. Btw I sort by genre/intended universe. These are planned novels, collections, or short stories)
Far away from happy endings (planned short story collection)
How to live like an anarchist (planned spin off)
December 32nd 2020 (current WIP novel, nearly done)
His name was Kevin
How to worry your FBI agent
The Independent Variable
The monster in the corner
Where the old ones sleep
I have a secret
What Janet did
Who killed Odin Carlisle?
A critique of Plato
Campus Chaos
Complexities in the case
Death Drive
How to fake date a friend
It's not romance
Killer genes
No prince for a princess
Odds and evens
Ouija board
Our midsummer nights
Pink Anemone
Rational love
The big book of 'heroes'
The prime minister's client
Upside down client
I've also got some poetry, and some ideas to rewrite stuff like Shakespeare, but I won't bother listing those. Also I keep some completed stuff in my WIP folder because I'm a fool, but I've taken those out too, since this is a WIP list.
Short stories:
At the crossroads
Insight on the battlefield of the fallen
Our world used to be beautiful
Story collection
Tell me a story of home
The words unsaid
Diary full of lies
Untitled future doctor who book
Flux capacitor
I thought this only happens in America
My last day on earth- a travel guide
Our bleak midwinter (currently writing for an anthology!)
Our Green Fires
Where the dragons reside
Fyi anyone can force me to start/finish something by sending me an ask lol
Tagging... @a-wartime-paradox @derinthescarletpescatarian uhhh I can't think of people. Help
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @soleil-in-retrograde!
*digs up my piles of WIPs* let's see here...
From the RRverse
Bloody Memories
The Art of War
A Radiant Light
A Titan's Demise
Orion v Apollo
Naomi again
From Dusk to Dawn
Triumvirate V Koios
Helios TBM
Koios ToA
Artemis one shot
Apollo n Muses
Swarms and Swears
Drunk Twins
The Sun's Rise
Buzzfeed Unsolved
Leto n Asteria
The Conspiracy of Rachel Elizabeth Dare
ToA Hunger Games AU
Comfortember 2023
Day 12 - When Everything's Wrong, You Make It Right
Day 18 - I'm Just (Not) Like You
Day 19 - Reaching For The Light (Of Day)
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