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Spring Awakening Fandom Tag
(By @winter-asleepening )
1. how were you introduced to the show?
I was home sick and just found a dwsa bootleg, and watched through the entire thing. then i never turned back.
2. Seen a production live?
Sadly, no :( but a community theatre nearby me is planning to do it eventually, so hopefully I'll see it soon!
3. Dream role/character you relate to most
Dream role is Wendla, but character I relate to the most is Moritz
4. Favorite male character
Moritz or Hanschen
5. Favorite female character
Ilse 100%
6. Deaf West Revival or Original Broadway Cast?
I think both are good in their own merit but I like dwsa a bit better
7. Favorite song
Hmm this is tough. Either Don't do Sadness or Touch Me
8. Least favorite song
Word of your Body (I still really like it tho!)
9. Favorite quote/line
Ilse's monologue during dont do sadness if were talking lines. In terms of lines from songs, "The stars too they tell of spring returning, and summer with another wind that no one yet has known" is one of my faves, tho I dont really know why.
10. Favorite TV performance
The one where dwsa did 'touch me'. I watch it too much
11. Favorite cast member(s)
Christy Altomare, Treshelle Edmund, Daniel Durant
12. Favorite cast member moment
really basic but "allllllllll thingsssss"
13. Do you write fan fiction?
not for spring awakening sadly
14. Do you make fan art?
none that i would ever post online. im not the best artist
15. Do you cosplay?
16. Don’t do Sadness or Blue Wind?
Don't do Sadness
17. Word of your body or the Reprise?
the reprise
18. Touch Me or My Junk?
Touch Me
19. Explain the song of purple summer
im gonna explain dwsa cause its a bit easier? its definetly implied that theyre all going to "heaven" or "purple summer" at the end, but i also think you can interpret it as them growing up, knowing how to correctly treat the new generation due to the adult's wrongdoings to them. idk i honestly never have coherent thoughts at this part in the show cause im just sobbing
20. Explain the song of purple summer (wrong answers only)
everyones dead now (or maybe theyve been dead...this whole time?!)
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Spring Awakening Fandom Tag
(By @winter-asleepening )
1. How were you introduced to the show?
2007(?) OBC sountrack on compact disk gift from a friend.
2. Seen a production live?
My honest answer is going to get me in trouble around Question 17, isn't it.
3. Dream role/character you relate to most
Ilse Neumann.
4. Favorite male character
5. Favorite female character
Ilse. Is that redundant with Question 3? Martha, then.
6. Deaf West Revival or Original Broadway Cast?
The OBC soundtrack got me through a very rough time in my life, but as far as the cast goes I'm going to say the Deaf West revival cast. I'm glad it was revived, I'm glad that cast is cast in that cast, and I'm glad they're the introduction for a new generation of Guilty Ones.
7. Favorite song
I love them all equally.
8. Least favorite song
...I don't care for Mirror Blue Night.
9. Favorite quote/line
I'm more of a melody person than a lyrics person.
10. Favorite TV performance
11. Favorite cast member(s)
I don't really play favorites with cast members, I just try to find what each new actor brings into the role.
12. Favorite cast member moment
I don't really follow the behind the scenes anecdotes either, but Jonathan Groff forgetting the lyrics to Left Behind except for "all things" is as inspirational as it is horrific to imagine going through. If he can get through that and live to tell the tale, then I can get through a bad day.
Also every time Michael Arden says, "All my best ideas come from [ Andy Mientus ]" is like d'aww they're cute together.
13. Do you write fan fiction?
In this fandom, no, I'm more of a reader.
14. Do you make fan art?
I could.
15. Do you cosplay?
Not really...I don't like the late 19th century fashions? I'm more of a Merveilleuse type (no bra no corset just Spirit Halloween chiton).
16. Don’t do Sadness or Blue Wind?
Those are two halves of a whole song!
17. Word of your body or the Reprise?
OBC I did not like the Reprise because even through the Discman (... that's a Walkman for CD's) I had the sense that it was a "comic relief" moment that relied on the existence of gay boys as the joke.
The Deaf West production kept a sense of respite and relief, and some comedy in the relationship dynamic between Ernst and Hanschen rather than playing on preexisting stereotypes...even though it didn't change a word of the script in that scene, which is amazing on a text analysis level like what happened who used the Captain Planet power ring with the power of heart in this scene, what sorcery is this?
So it depends, because the non-reprise Word of Your Body does a narrative job—Melchior haters can feel free to hate, but I can understand what the musical version was trying to go for with his character, and Word of Your Body was part of that.
Groff's Melchior came off more smarter-and-better-than-you but sort of giving up his pretensions in the process of seduction, and I can understand why that aspect might look appealing.
Doyle's Melchior doesn't have that "he's a ruthless boy but maybe i can change him"—I think he plays Melchior as more sad and desperate, and putting that energy into studying is how his Melchior thinks he gets a handle on his own feelings.
McKenzie's Melchior is an oafish, bookish 14-year-old boy trying to act smooth as he condescends to a Deaf girl. He has as much primal sexual energy as a newborn beagle puppy, which to be clear is none at all. I think that can be endearing, that he doesn't really know what he's blathering about in terms of life experience.
Wendla's a consistent constant performance-wise, all three versions I think balance out to a constant average...so it's really the Reprise that determines which one I like better.

OBC Reprise was very much worse than OBC Word of Your Body...but, Deaf West Reprise was a little better than Deaf West Word of Your Body and a lot better than the OBC Reprise. But I like the OBC Word of Your Body better than the Deaf West Reprise, at the same time that I like the Deaf West Word of Your Body an equal amount as the OBC Word of Your Body, contextualized comparatively being different than the chronological context that defines its vibe in an individual show's run time.
18. Touch Me or My Junk?
My Junk as a tune — but the Deaf West Touch Me did turn everybody into a boat, that was kinda cool.
19. Explain the song of purple summer.
Ilse recovered from her trauma and now owns her sexual identity, despite the history of everyone in her home and community doing their worst to her in ways that directly targeted that very intimate part of her. Her story is not the main plot of the show, but the fact that she survived and found personal definition means she now has her own voice on which to carry the wisdom of her life. That will be what heals and inspires others. Red or pink sunsets plus blue evenings make the sky in summer purple. At the end of the day, there still is beauty in living.
20. Explain the song of purple summer (wrong answers only)
Butterflies scatter ergot fungus while they fly around, so everybody thinks that everything looks purple this summer. The sky is purple. The rain is purple. The corn is purple. The horses are purple. The fungus is eating everybody's brains. They're all going to die.
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Spring awakening fandom tag
Onyx here ! Decided to do a little interactive game thingy and thought of some Spring awakening questjina in the style of those anon asks lists ☺️💕
You can answer these questions as a normal list by copy and paste
orrr tumblr fashion you can make them into ask prompts and have people request a number for you to answer,
ORR you can treat it like a daily challenge where you answer one question a day however you want !
Rules are only to tag your posts with #springawakeningfandomtag
Or #springawakeningfantag
You can also tag some mutuals in your post to get more people interested!
Blank tag here !
Happy posting !
#spring awakening#dwsa#spring awakening musical#john gallagher jr.#jonathan groff#melchior gabor#spring awakening bway#deaf west spring awakening#andy mientus
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