#how can you even say it’s about culture
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redjaybathood · 2 days ago
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That's probably because deep down you are tankie-adjucent or just not that good at judgment, maybe your own colonial past influences things, but you don't want to admit it. I recognise this manner of talking over Ukrainians ✨ for our own good✨ or ✨for the fairness ✨ , completely disregarding the current dynamics or how russia utilizes it's culture as a tool of imperialism and colonialism.
But Idk, I'm not your therapist or your priest. Face your idiosyncrasies yourself. Do some soul-searching. Read some Ukrainians. Idk.
I speak two Slavic languages, freely read another, learning yet another: believe me, speaking a Slavic language doesn't make you a tankie. Scaremongering and spreading pro russian misinformation about Ukrainians does, tho, depending on your motives
Where did I say it's good or bad for Ukraine? I said I will not support anyone who does learn russian in our god's year 2025, voluntarily, because it's fun, like I wouldn't support anyone voluntarily walking into a gas chamber because they have a kink for asphyxiation. But that never happened, and people are really learning russian and sometimes even proudly so.
Am I, a Ukrainian who spoke russian before they ever heard a word of Ukrainian; who grew up surrounded by russian language - at home, on the streets, in school, in books, TV, radio, movies; who grew up being told that I'm a russian because Ukraine doesn't really exist, but also that I am less than russian, because I am not really from russia, that I am from small russia, which makes me lessser than the true russian; that if I want to speak Ukrainian, read Ukrainian, watch a TV show in Ukrainian, I'm at best laughable, a village person, but I'm probably a Nazi and should be shot for my language of preference; I, someone who lived under russian occupation where people disappeared for just wearing wrong colours, much less speaking the wrong language; I, who is living under russian terror of rockets and Shakheed drones - and I am the lucky one, I'm far away from the front line, it's just won't help me to get even one night of sleep because my city under attack daily; am I allowed to feel a certain way about this, or do I need your permission?
And I dunno about russian breeds being cancelled. Maybe you are talking about Caucasian Shepherd, restricted because it is categorised as a dangerous dog, long before 2022 or even 2014 (but be for real, nobody cared about Ukraine in 2014). It's restricted by Belarus, too - what rusophpbia is this??? That's sarcasm if you don't get it.
I do know about cat and dogs shows that allow russian breeders to participate, giving them publicity and new clienttele. Like here, 2023, Geneva, World Dog Show: https://www.onlinedogshows.eu/Content/Catalog/v2.8/#/menu/breedDogs/ru/2548/2847
You can go look through the full catalogue, I spent literally 5 seconds to find the first russians:
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What long dead Ukrainian poets mistaken for a russian - except someone like Hohol, who was misappropriated as russian and never was a poet to begin with? And yeah, his surname never sounded russian. It sounded more like a slur on Ukranians if anything. What poets with russian sounded surnames cancelled? Unless you mean canceled as in killed by russia for, despite the surnames, not being russian like Mykola Zerov?
Or, from recent examples, Maksym Yemetz, or Oleksii Bezpaltzev, Yevhen Ponamoriov, Maksym Kryvtzov? And more, and more, and more: See for yourself in the "Nedopysani" project, to remember every poet and writer russia cancelled, permanently, for not being russian, for not speaking russian, for not writing in russian
What the actual fuck, really. Like, what?
there's literally no justification for giving people shit about what languages they've chosen to learn btw. some of you might not have dealt with it the same as i have, but it's been an annoyingly consistant theme in my life.
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kanmom51 · 3 days ago
Chapter 3 in the making
Traveling together to "film a show" was big (yes, this was to film a show, but we all know it was mainly to spend much needed time together, and if we didn't, let's be honest that we did, but if we didn't, then JK literally confirmed this for us in episode 1 of AYS). But back in 2023 when a public Jikook was a scarcity, left us with more question marks than anything else as to how this will actually be coming to fruition.
Enlisting together was HUGE. Like H U G E. Them being the only ones to do so not only within BTS but the first and only idols to do so. A choice made by the two of them. To do this together. With each other. Not with anyone else.
Are You Sure?! Do we need any words here? Like really? Because AYS was as loud as F$@&. No, seriously, idk what you want to call it, a soft launch, a smack in the noggin, whatever you do, it was quite clear to those who have eyes and a brain. With or without knowing who JM and JK are, their history, their culture. Louder to those who do know them.
Since their enlistment and even through Muse and AYS we got practically nothing from the two. Oh, we did have a couple of interesting pics from their basic training and graduation, a few pics from the unit, a shit ton of signatures, some more interesting than others (joint messages, pretty decorations...) and a few nice messages, but mostly silence from the two. This stood out even more so in comparison to the almost barrage we've been getting from NJ and Tae, both enlisted only a day before Jikook.
And then came December. With less than 6 months to go.
JK going live from his new place. Dare I say their new place? It's not like we haven't talked about this over the past 18 months. Speculating, wondering. But man (figure of speech y'all), these last couple of months, they are sure making me feel like what we saw as leaning to the delusional side or more so wishful thinking, ain't no delusion or wish, but more so a very possible reality to come.
But let's get back on track.
So, December gave us:
"We spend our free time together", "we sing together", "we sing while we shower daily together", not to mention JK's btw remark about seeking privacy away from others "to sing".
Then came JM in January with their "conversations before going bed" about "what kind of image we want to show" and "what kind of lives we will live moving forward".
And February rolls in and we think that we will be back to their silent treatment, but JK comes to us with a heartfelt message (they really feel the end and want out). But nothing prepared us for Hobi's birthday live and once again those two with their "we share a room" and "we have stories to tell, but not sure how much we actually can..." that won't scare us off, lol.
Funny how every single hysterical claim made by those who were hit so very hard by their joint enlistment has been shut down by the two of them by now!!
Anyway, do we see a pattern here? Can we call this a pattern? Is there more to come? Well, obviously there is post military service, but seeing as to how they have been in the past couple of months, I'm thinking that we will be getting more even before that.
I'm guessing that conclusion isn't a far fetched one, seeing what we got last night.
And OMG, that was another HUGE loud af Jikook statement.
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Ribbon on right: "I love you 🖤"
Ribbon on left: "BTS Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook".
Yes, a statement.
I stand by that.
Because even if you don't think it's anymore than a cute thing, just another thing that Jikook do together, then you are not seeing the cultural context here.
So, several content producers/directors that were Hybe employees (directors of I am still, AYS and JM's production diary amongst others) have left the company to open their own company (Idk too much about the company they opened, but my guess is that they will continue working with Hybe as contractors rather than employees, but also allowing them to work with other companies and create their own content, including producing a new boy band). And they posted the congratulation they have received.
From Hobi.
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Hoshi and Woonhoo of Seventeen.
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Each sending a separate wreath.
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And there are wreaths they received from more than one sender. Joint wreaths. But this was from companies (joint ceos), or business partners. Not two separate idols or people.
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Now, if you don't see what's huge here, let me show you the K side of this to maybe get some perspective (although, let's be honest, you don't need to be on the K side to see this is a couple thing).
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Yes, I wonder the same thing!!!
There is more.
So much more.
The K side of things is literally going mad. Good mad.
And there is a reason they are.
This is most definitley not something friends, as close as they might be, would do. Not friends, not multimillionaire friends. They most definitley can afford two wreaths. And that's one of the points here.
Once again.
This was a choice.
Not to send separate congratulative wreaths. They sure can afford to do so. Even if they aren't on vacation at the moment and are in the base. Seriously, two young men closing in on their 30s, independently financially sufficient and so much more.
Yeah, this most definitley was a statement.
And the frenzy K Jikookers are in at this very moment is well enough proof to that.
Btw, haven't been to the dark side, don't know just how crazy and rabid the cult and antiis are going, but my guess would be...
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Anyways, sitting here smile plastered on my face, I'm kind of starting to think, that this is maybe, just maybe, going to become our new normal. Jikook doing couplie things, openly, proudly, unapologetically.
And if this is them even before they are discharged...
What a great time this is going to be.
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mogwaipoet · 3 days ago
For decades, game devs have aspired to make their games more addictive, first as an explicit primary goal from when they were making arcade games
and later it got dragged along with all the other arcade tropes like lives and high scores when the culture moved on to PC and console games.
When I was growing up I constantly heard people say a game was "addictive" as a compliment, and the idea got conflated with "fun" and other things it's "good" for a game to "be." I think one reason we didn't see much pushback was that games just weren't that addictive yet. Nowadays player psychology is a literal science, and games are often extremely addictive, and many if not most players are just fine with this, even though it's now pretty clear that "addictive" and "fun" are axes that can be perceived, measured, and invested into fully separately.
There is absolutely a moral hazard in using addictive dark patterns in game design. It's easy to justify gacha mechanics because that particular trope goes all the way back to e.g. randomized loot drops in Final Fantasy, where it wasn't that bad because it was only kind of addictive. And short of having a moonshot hit, stuffing your game with these patterns is basically the only way make a living in the modern game ecosystem. When I last did the publisher rounds trying to pitch a game, they only wanted to hear about games that players would play forever. Roguelikes, PVP, etc. If it was a game you could finish once and be done with forever, they weren't interested.
I think the fun/addictive thing parallels how games have historically been both art and business. Like, Pac-Man is someone's personal expression of interesting ideas in an exciting new medium, and it's an attempt to expand the commercial audience and make a bunch of money. We're seeing the bifurcation of those two things. Nowadays the real moneymakers are games that lean hard into the addictive loops and gacha mechanics.
Then there are the pure art games made on no budget that make no money -- and remember, I'm using "art" really broadly here, meaning if someone makes a by-the-numbers run and gun because they grew up playing Contra, that counts. I expect that particular fire hose to spew full force at least until Gen X dies. But The hybrid of art and business, e.g. where the vast majority of AAA used to live, is disappearing.
I don't know what to do about any of this other than to hide in the Pico-8 community. It's cozy in here.
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lackadaisycats · 2 days ago
Hello Tracy, I've been a fan of Lackadaisy since the webcomic days and want to ask a quick question regarding Patreon. I'm also an indie creative myself and currently trying to raise funds for a show I'm working on. What are the best ways to market myself online, and what are some ways to obtain money for the production of merchandise that doesn't involve crowdfunding?
Any specific advice I could give about marketing oneself online at this point would be pretty outdated. I started making Lackadaisy years back, when the internet had a rather different geography and culture. DeviantArt was where all the art kids were. That is, of course, no longer the case.
My generalized advice, though, would be to start working on your project, start sharing it in some form, even if it's just concept art or experiments at this phase, and start building an audience. Nothing speaks to the quality and appeal of whatever it is you're making like the thing itself does. Pick your poisons, as far as social media goes, but probably don't focus solely on one. Platforms don't remain useful or pleasant places to be forever. Set up an avenue for viewers to support you (Patreon, Ko-fi, or something like it), but don't expect supporters to come flooding in all at once. The internet is awash with so many creators and shows and influencers and distractions, it's hard to make waves. Tenacity will be your ally, though. You are likely going to be pursuing your project on the side and possibly working at a loss for a while as you build. Keep things small scale, especially if you're working solo, or with a small team of people. Audience growth and support may eventually start allowing you to expand your ambitions. It's important to do the thing you're doing out of love for the art, for the project itself, for the experience of doing it, and not because you're expecting rounds of applause, accolades, and money to come rushing at you. There's no guarantee that last part will happen...so at least make sure you're having fun doing whatever you're doing.
About merchandise --
You can incur the upfront cost of producing, say, a small run of enamel pins. Sell them on your own shop storefront or offer them to supporters at certain tier levels and see how long it takes to earn back the production cost such that you start earning a little bit of profit. Get a feel for how well you can handle packaging and shipping things yourself. Test the waters before making any large merch orders, and don't order vast amounts of something that you don't have room to 'warehouse' in your own home.
You can go the print on demand route. It's got its drawbacks - like slim returns - but it allows you to offer an assortment of merch items without the huge risk of paying big manufacturing fees upfront. It can also do the fulfillment/shipping part for you. I did pretty okay selling prints this way for a time. (Research and be selective about what services you use here, though. Some have gotten markedly worse over the years.)
I know Patreon offers a subscription level for creators that includes some merch production and fulfillment. I haven't personally used it, though, so I'd ask around to see what other creators' experiences have been like with it.
One thing I would suggest relying more heavily on, especially at first, is digital/downloadable rewards, like PDF ebooks or digital sketchbooks - things like that. Shipping supplies and postage costs are ever-increasing and can easily end up putting you in the red. Also, if you have an international audience, it may be difficult to reach them with tangible merch items.
You might also check out some nearby conventions to see if they'd be a good fit for you and your project. Apply for artist alley space at one of them if that's appropriate, or investigate whether or not it'd be worth it to get a dealer table. You might even find someone willing to share dealer space with you for a trial-run.
At some point, when you have enough of an audience to warrant it, seek out a merch partner. Or, they might come scouting for you if they think you have something going that'd be soundly marketable.
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urhandsmypockets · 50 minutes ago
you’re acting as if caitlyn manipulated vi into being with her when thats not true at all. caitlyn did so much for vi and never expected anything in return and it’s so evident throughout the show. also, comparing a real life thing that happens where a woman is stripped of her culture and heritage to two characters that actually are far from that is insane.
vi getting “colonised” is an extremely strange way to put it. you’re insinuating in the first two paragraphs that caitlyn seduced her, took her away from her home, and then left her with nothing when that isn’t true at all. caitlyn never tried to indicate that she believed vi “wasn’t like the other zaunites”, she never had any negative opinions about zaunites at all (shown VERY clearly in season 1 and even parts of season 2). her treatment of zaunites was due to her rage towards jinx, and you can say about how she used the grey to — basically — gas the gangs, but if you look closely you could very well see that the people featured in that were silco’s goons, the same ones that attacked vi when she was younger. she never hated zaunites: she hated silco and his crew. she also began to hate jinx for… idk… kidnapping her when she’s naked, psychologically torturing her and then going on to kill her mother (even if it was unintentional, cait didn’t know that). you say that cait “fully [expected] her to step away from her people” which once again is incorrect. cait didn’t expect anything of her and vi never stepped away from her people.
the quote, “even going against her own ideals by becoming part of the people [enforcers] who killed her parents” is linked in with the point i made earlier that vi never stepped away from her people. vi became an enforcer because of the part at the start of season 1 when she saw the zaunite in the enforcer uniform, right when they were about to attack. she couldn’t get there in time, due to being stopped by other enforcers at the barrier, so obviously this would’ve made her think “would i have been able to stop it if i was wearing a uniform?” — she wanted to become an enforcer because she wanted to help. she wanted to make sure the world was safer for both communities. also may i remind you that cait NEVER tried to force vi to become an enforcer — obviously she was upset at first but she hadnt done anything until vi had agreed to it.
you say that “caitlyn never had to change her mind about zaun the way vi changed her mind about piltover, and remained oblivious to her own privilege and her family's legacy on zaun” and honestly i have no words for this myself. you have gone outright to just take this character at no more than face value and have seem to completely forgotten the character she has been always throughout the show. caitlyn never had to change her mind about zaun cuz her mind about it had never changed in the first place; she always cared for zaunites and even when she was the “dictator fascist” everyone makes her out to be she was still disagreeing with ambessa and suspicious of her intentions. caitlyn has ALWAYS had known “her own privilege and her family’s legacy on zaun” she literally argues with her mother about it in season 1?? she had also worked as basically our equivalent to someone who gives out parking tickets because she wanted to actually earn her job??
“it's just that the sacrifices vi has made for cait, on her identity and on a moral level, has been completely one-sided.” is also, again, not true. caitlyn has made sacrifices for vi aswell. with what i had said about what jinx had done to her, she forgave jinx and made all the guards leave the cells so vi could easily leave with jinx, knowing fully well she would never see her again (“do you think i needed all the guards at the hexgates?”). she literally gave up her anger and resentment towards jinx after what she had done because of vi (go back to when caitlyn and jinx were talking just before vi comes along). this also links back with what you said about her being … “colonised” … cait never expected vi to forgive her for what she’d done, she literally said to vi she “saw someone” to push her away since she didn’t believe she could be forgiven. she does all this for vi and she expects nothing from her in return, it was vi’s choice to forgive her and vi’s choice to kiss her in the cell.
i completely disagree with your point here. i feel like you’ve taken their characters at face value and not tried to delve deeper into their motives and thoughts and feelings. i’m not trying to hate on you, but i just feel like going as far as to say vi was “colonised” is just… extremely weird to me.
vi got colonised tbh. it gives me that feeling when a rich white old man gets with a young SEA lady, brings her to britain and she only gets to see her family through facetime, and that's also the only time she speaks her native language because her man refuses to learn it
cait basically erased vi's identity as a zaunite. she loved vi in spite of that, instead of as a part of her. like how she told vi that she's not like the other zaunites, and saying 'i thought you were one of us' fully expecting her to step away from her people.
vi's been assimilated into piltover, even going against her own ideals by becoming part of the people (enforcers) who killed her parents, who were responsible for executing the systematic oppression of zaun. yet caitlyn's never assimilated into zaun, never even stepping foot into zaun beyond the first caitvi meeting and later when she was gassing the citizens. the show ended with vi living with caitlyn in the top 1% of piltover; no mutual exchange of culture. caitlyn never had to change her mind about zaun the way vi changed her mind about piltover, and remained oblivious to her own privilege and her family's legacy on zaun.
it's just that the sacrifices vi has made for cait, on her identity and on a moral level, has been completely one-sided. this, the imbalanced power dynamic and caitlyn's subtle prejudice against zaun (*) have never been acknowledged in the show. so for them to get back together and have their happy ending without some sort of introspective reflection feels. very uncomfortable. feels like cognitive dissonance.
(*) i say subtle because other than the warcrimes moment, cait often voices her opposition to extreme measures against zaun. however, she supports 'no extreme measures' and 'they are people too' as normative ideas, not really having the ability to recognise the violation of these ideas when it's in front of her and especially not when she's the one violating them. there's constantly an undercurrent of subconscious prejudice in her attitude towards zaunites, and just, a real lack of understanding
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snowfall-jess · 2 days ago
I have no idea if people wrote about this idea yet but -
Imagine gifting Sylus a guardian bell.
He’s a biker, he would know what it meant. As much as he was touched, he couldn’t help but chuckle as his red eyes met yours. He tilted his head slightly, amusement filling them as his gloved hand brushed upon the weighty metal.
“Kitten,” He would say, a smirk curling on his lips. “You really think that I would get hurt?” He said, playfully offended as he turned to face you fully.
You could only roll your eyes, of course, you knew that Sylus couldn’t get hurt. Memories of your first meeting, putting a gun to his chest, and seeing his evol fixing him up in front of your eyes proved to you otherwise.
“I know you can’t, but I read into some biker culture and figured that a little luck wouldn’t hurt.” You shrug, stepping forward to take the bell from him and fasten it onto his bike. “You and I both know how notorious your luck can be.” You tease, reminding him of his awful luck at kitty cards especially when you had to take care of a certain caracal for a few days due to the horrendous luck he had.
Sylus' low chuckle would reach your ears as he held you close. His gloved hands rested on your waist as he leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead. His heart was warm with the thought. Even though he knew he wouldn’t get into an accident, the thought you had behind gifting him such a thing mattered a lot to a dragon like him.
“Thank you, sweetie.” He whispered against your forehead, breathing in the scent of your shampoo and perfume as he looked at you with those soft eyes. A smile curled on his lips as he took a good look at you before he had to leave.
Tis a short drabble but I somehow got on bikertok and ran into this concept. I have no idea if people wrote about this yet but I thought that Sylus would find it sweet that the MC would give him a guardian bell. Sorry if it’s ooc, this is a first in a looong time since I’ve ever written for a fandom lol
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tarotwithavi · 1 day ago
You are being brainwashed
The fact that many people get triggered by the simple idea of putting in effort says a lot about how social media has conditioned us to expect instant results without real work.
Think about it when pagan witches perform spells, they leave offerings to their deities. When Christians, Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs pray, they offer gratitude, food, money, or time. These offerings aren’t just rituals; they are acts of appreciation, an exchange of energy.
Even if the Universe or a higher power doesn’t need offerings, the act of giving is a way to align with the energy of receiving.
Yet, in modern manifestation culture, people have been misled into believing they can ask and receive without giving anything in return no self-work, no shadow work, no deep reflection. This is where the brainwashing happens.
Even if you manage to manifest what you want without deep self-reflection, it won’t last long. Why? Because you haven’t built the foundation to sustain it.
The true offering in manifestation isn’t candles, crystals, or rituals it’s your self-work. Your willingness to reflect, heal, and grow is what aligns you with lasting abundance. The Universe isn’t transactional, but it does respond to effort, awareness, and alignment.
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olderthannetfic · 3 days ago
Can someone please explain what amanormativity is and why my fanfictions are bad because I don’t care about writing platonic relationships…
I am here to read and write romance and smut that doesn’t mean irl I have no friends what the fuck? Also no, Jan, I don’t actually have a bio family I was disowned for being gay so no, I don’t care about how I’m ‘neglecting the sibling relationships from canon’. I’m not interested! I have zero moral obligation to any of this shit wth are you even saying? If you like those dynamics so much go read fics about them I’m not some AI prompt tool for you to demand tweaks to my work. Sorry for the rant I had the wildest back and forth about one of my fics.
Ahaha. God, this flavor of ~amatonormativity~, ~think of the boring platonic relationships~ troll is the worst!
If that was a legit question, the non-moronic use of the term is for shit like how culture is all "Literally everyone would be happier if they found their Hallmark movie one true love!" "You'll end up sad and alone if you don't [boring conformist thing that will make your life worse, probably via settling for a terrible partner]!"
Being a crazy cat lady is far better than most people's romantic relationships. Sorry, not sorry.
"I want to read fanfic about friendship, bawwwww!" is how it tends to turn up in fandom, though, and those people can shut the fuck up. I come to fanfic for shipping, and so do plenty of people who neither fuck nor date IRL and even more people who think the societal drive towards Hallmarky bullshit is annoying.
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like-the-midnight-sun · 12 hours ago
As an anti-Zionist Jewish conversion student whose first experience with Judaism was at an anti-Zionist congregation, I have to weigh in here, because I can’t in good conscience let hasbara go unchallenged.
Ethnostates are inherently immoral, even if Shoah survivors live there.
The State of Israel was founded by English philosemites who were hoping to curry Jewish favor for financial gain because they believed conspiracy theories about how we controlled the global banking industry.
The Nakba was in no way justified. I don’t care what Yasser Arafat said about the Palestinian identity in response, Israel is still a settler-colonial state founded on ethnic cleansing. (“So you oppose all settler-colonial states founded on ethnic cleansing, including the US and Canada?” YES IN FACT I DO. #LandBack)
Israel regularly uses white phosphorus and other inhumane weapons on unarmed civilians, including at least one instance of using white phosphorus on a children’s hospital.
Israel drove Hamas to the attacks last October by creating the world’s largest open-air concentration camp in the Gaza Strip. (Of course, this doesn’t justify the attacks. But when Jews fought back against the Nazis in 1930s Germany, they bombed railroads and fought dirty too. Just saying.)
There are literally Shoah survivors who see a repeat of Shoah-like atrocities in what Israel is doing to Gaza. https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/thirteen-holocaust-survivors-compare-zionist-policies-to-those-of-the-nazis/
Israel isn’t even a safe haven for all Jews. They gave Ethiopian Jewish women contraceptives without their consent because they didn’t want them reproducing. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26554851
Of course hating Jews because of Zionism/Israel is wrong. Of course using what Israel did to innocent Indigenous Arabs during the Nakba to fan the flames of antisemitism is wrong. Of course killing civilians is wrong.
But you can be Jewish and hate Zionism/Israel. Judaism is an ethnoreligion that is about 6,000 years old. Zionism is a racist settler-colonial ideology that is less than 200 years old. Conflating Zionism/Israel with Jewry is inherently antisemitic, but this is mostly because Zionism is a relatively new ideology that runs counter to many Jewish values, especially tikkun olam (“repairing [the] world”).
One of my closest friends, who was born Jewish, went on a Birthright trip and came back anti-Zionist because they saw through the hasbara. They are also of the opinion that Zionism is inherently Jew-hating because of the aforementioned British philosemites and because Zionism is a Jewish supremacist movement.
Don’t take my word (or my friend’s) for it, either. I highly recommend the writings of Rabbi Brant Rosen, a member of Jewish Voice for Peace’s Rabbinical council and the rabbi of an anti-Zionist Jewish congregation: https://rabbibrant.com. I also recommend The No-State Solution: A Jewish Manifesto by Daniel Boyarin, and I suggest you check out interviews with Israeli refusenik Yonatan Shapira. https://www.jurist.org/features/2024/03/29/from-zionist-dream-to-dissent-an-interview-with-yonatan-shapira-on-israeli-military-culture-personal-transformation-and-advocacy-for-change-part-1/ My aforementioned friend’s latest blog post also has plenty of other great resources by Jews: https://adhdredactedbrain.com/2025/01/10/when-you-a-k-a-i-have-hiatused-for-too-long-and-need-to-do-something-about-it/
miggyluv, you’re probably too entrenched in your philosemitism to understand or believe me, so let me reblog this for all the goyim who don’t want to be antisemitic: don’t believe the hasbara. Want to learn about/from Israelis? Read about Israelis who watch the bombings of the Gaza Strip and cheer. Read the Tweets by Israelis who dehumanize Palestinians by calling them “rats” or “not even human” or worse. And definitely read about Israeli refuseniks (and read the pilots’ letter). Don’t be Jew-hating—or philosemitic—by conflating Jewry and Zionism.
And don’t act like non-Zionist, Diasporist, and anti-Zionist Jews and Jewish conversion students don’t exist, because erasing us is fucking Jew-hating.
I did not want to come home from a lovely Kabbalat Shabbat service welcoming new members to my synagogue, take off my kippah, scroll through Tumblr to relax…and see this shit on my dash. Fuck.
Note: I accidentally referred to miggyluv as "OP" in an earlier version of this post. That was unintentional; I was talking to miggyluv, not the OP. Whoops.
The moment for thinking “what would I have done in Germany before and during Hitler’s reign” is over. Look back over the past two years. What did you do? What did you think and feel?
Did your opinion about Jews change?
If you went from supporting all Jews to thinking that a least some Jews, (namely “Zionists” or “Israelis”) deserve suffering, exile, and/or death, then you fell for modern antisemitic propaganda, and you would’ve fallen for it in Nazi Germany, too.
Maybe you would blink if the police today started rounding up the Jews in your neighborhood, or smashing synagogues, or arresting Jews off the streets. But would you feel better about it if they call them Zionists or Israelis? They’re not arresting “good Jews”, they’re arresting Zionists, to make them pay for their crimes.
It’s not too late to fix that, though. You can come back from being sucked into antisemitism. You can do better going forward.
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gffa · 2 days ago
I love your blog but I can't remember whether or not you're an author BUT I do remember that you know how characters are Supposed To Be.
Do you have any tips on how to write Mace Windu?
Hi! I've written a few Star Wars fics, but probably not ones you've read. 😂 But here is what I would say about writing Mace Windu (or even just if you want to have fun discussing him, I'd love to know what others would say are the best ways to write him!): Mace is someone who is severe with an undercurrent of deep care, this is someone who is serious but whole-heartedly believes in helping others and doing the right thing as best he can. He is a Jedi to his core, which means he holds compassion as the highest value and there's a subtle warmth to him if you care to look. He will place his life on the line to help people, if others have done their best, he will acknowledge it, if they have something of value to add, he will turn to them and ask them to say what they have to say, he will make sure his clones get through a battle if there's any way he can help them, he will gently touch the Zillo beast's face to comfort it, he will jump down into a ravine and smile at a child who needs help, he will stop to ask baby Anakin if his chip removal scar is healing, he will patiently explain Jedi beliefs to him if he's not quite getting it, he will grump at Yoda that their campaign isn't going the way he'd like, but will still easily sit down and meditate with him and find comfort in that. He's not someone who is a big ray of sunshine, he's too serious for that, he has far too much responsibility on his shoulders and holds them with gravitas, he'll tell someone to take a seat if they're getting out of line (he has more patience with children, but adults he'll treat as adults), he's not going to coddle someone who isn't trying their best, but at the heart of him, he is someone who genuinely wants the best for people, who will wrestle with his anger over injustice and win over it because he has spent a lifetime wrangling his anger into compassion, because he truly believes in the Jedi path, and always do what he believes is right. He takes administrative politics seriously, because he knows that he can't just defy them without consequences that would hurt people in the long run, which may appear cold to others who don't really know him but fundamentally, Mace Windu is a deeply caring man who is trying to help as many people as he can, he has dedicated his life to helping all people, even those who would spit on him, he still does his best to understand their circumstances and find sympathy for them. (Like when Prosset Dibs fell to the dark side, tried to kill Mace and said that he would dance on the Jedi's graves, Mace's response was to say that it was their duty to help him back to the light and put him on archive duty, rather than any serious punishment.) Mace can occasionally crack a very dry joke, he does have a sense of humor, but it's fairly rare. He'll be curt if he's having a bad day, especially if someone is getting out of their lane at him, but not unfairly and never with cruelty. He's a phenomenal athlete even among the Jedi, he's brilliant at what he does, there's a reason he helps lead the Jedi, this is someone who embodies the very best of them. Admittedly, I'm biased because Mace is one of my favorite characters, so I'm less aware of his flaws (even if I'll defend why he's sometimes short with people, it's true that he can sometimes come off as abrasive and not as patient as he might in better times, but I think Mace should be allowed to have frayed nerves sometimes, too), but I do genuinely believe that Mace should be written as someone who is a very serious faced person but loves the galaxy so deeply that it's woven into his bones, who loves his culture and his people, who loves the people of the galaxy, who would give all of himself to help them.
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234moon · 20 hours ago
I’ll admit a thing. Prior to Haikavetham I thought that Hoyoverse wasn’t interested in developing MLM ships too much. I was okay with that too because yuri gets less attention anyway and HYV was obsessively focused on it. But there was always that fear in me that their obsession with WLW ships was likely somewhat inspired by fetishisation.
But then Haikavetham came along and shattered that assumption for me. I thought no other MLM HYV ship could possibly come close to it but Phaidei is actually insane. You can see that this company, with their limitations even because of censorship, is trying pretty hard to make a good MLM ship that fans can decipher easily.
3.1 spoilers up ahead. And this post is absolutely an excuse to collate “evidence” for how gay Phaidei is
1. Phainon and Mydei being parallels to Kephale and Nikador (respectively), and also possibly being inheritors to their coreflame (Phainon left but it’s almost confirmed). Where Nikador allegedly fell in love with Kephale, who is their rival and fought them. A very direct parallel to Phaidei
2. But it’s less about their parallels and more about what they do at present in the story. The most conspicuous incident of this is the last part of 3.1’s quest, where they’re parting. Firstly, Phainon is the last person Mydei met. He was the last farewell Mydei wanted to give before he left. Secondly, when they do talk, Phainon asks this
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To which Mydei first replies that the Kremnoan philosophy can never be encapsulated in a dictionary. And then he says this
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Don’t tell me this doesn’t read like Phainon worried that the word for romance really doesn’t exist in the Kremnoan language but hoping that it does. Because language makes culture. And as a Kremnoan, that should mean, at least in theory, that Mydei is not fully capable of romance. But this reads like Phainon knowing they have feelings for each other, and teasing Mydei about it. Like “hey I know you say romance doesn’t exist in the Kremnoan language but you definitely like me so you’re probably lying”. Because why would this be one of his parting sentences? It’s too irrelevant at the moment.
Add to this what Mydei says in the end. Don’t tell me this doesn’t read like the most classic doomed gay ship trope! Because it is!! It is!!!!
(Also I don’t know how many people noticed this but when Mydei says the last sentence, his tone is uncharacteristically soft)
3. This GIF.
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I can’t stop thinking about it. Phainon knows Mydei has his back (and vice versa because… lol). Phainon feels absolute relief knowing Mydei is with him, and they will fight together. Phainon trusts him, and Mydei trusts Phainon even more.
There is also this scene.
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Since my post is getting long I’ll recommend reading a small breakdown of it here (much better explained than I could). They have each other’s backs, and they trust each other with everything. Also the way Mydei says “found you”. I cried.
4. Including their lives!
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What an insane scene man. Reveal your proverbial Achilles heel to one man and one man only, who coincidentally happens to be the man who you trust watching your back.
5. They help each other get better. Not much explanation needed but Phainon and Mydei understand each other deeply, and they understand the other’s desires and even masked feelings. Phainon helped Mydei make that final decision that he needed to change the lives of Kremnoans and be a better king (by recommending he go to Chartonus, to whom Phainon had relayed details about Gorgo’s signet ring)
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And Mydei helps Phainon with this
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There is, of course, a lot more “evidence”. The smallest of expressions (like damn Mydei smiles a lot around Phainon lol) to it being heavily implied their comfort zone is each other. My point, though, is that I’m very impressed by a Chinese company willingly making so much implied gay content despite censorship restricting them. Phaidei has become another one of those iconic HYV ships for me at least.
Btw, if you see this post, please don’t add “but they could be friends-“ I’m aware and it’s a redundant argument. There is a very thin line separating platonic and romantic love. Yes this could be an example of a beautifully higher level of platonic love. But I choose to read this as romantic because I trust in a game company known for making heavily implied gay couples to have made another one.
And please do not treat this as discourse despite how I started it!! This is about Phaidei and I wanted to give a background about why I think they’re pretty gay
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writhyv · 3 days ago
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⋆。°✩ [jay, jake, ni-ki, sunghoon] your bf comforts you from 'haters'
unsorted | park jongseong x male!reader + sim jaeyun x male!reader + nishimura riki x male!reader + park sunghoon x male!reader
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pairing: jay x male reader + jake x male reader + niki x male reader + sunghoon x male reader genre: sad angst vibes at the start but def fluff or comfort fgjkasjf notes: there's always going to be people who will hate you and your relationship. and yes, it's normal to be affected. however, it's also normal to accept some comfort by your side. everything's just better with someone you can rely on :)
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Of course, you weren’t Korean. Of course, you weren’t used to their culture. But… did they really have to throw that in your face? Did they have to make you feel left out? Or was it just a game to them?
Jay could only look at your face, which seemed so troubled and gloomy. You were going through a lot of emotions right now, and he hated seeing you like this.
He held your hand tightly, warming it with his grip before speaking softly, like a gentle thread of silk. “I’ll talk to them.”
You held onto his hand, never wanting to let go. Jay wasn’t surprised, waiting patiently for you to unclasp his arm.
He knew he shouldn’t do that. It felt embarrassing. It felt stupid. It was—
“I won’t make a scene,” Jay reassured you, placing his hand on your shoulders.
You continued to grip his hand firmly. Jay sighed and lifted your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles as you turned to face him.
“I’m just going to tell them how hardworking you’ve been.” He flashed his signature smirk, managing to relax your nerves for just a moment.
“And how grateful I am to see you every single day.”
You both exchanged thoughtful looks, gazing into each other’s eyes. In that moment, you felt your eyes begin to dampen. He wiped away the tears slowly falling from your cheeks. “And how I’m so in love with you that no one could possibly understand.”
Jay looked at you with such a loving gaze that you couldn’t help but wonder—what kind of life had you led before to deserve this kind of blessing?
“But Jay…”
“No buts.” Jay placed his hand gently over your glossy lips, his finger softly trailing down your bottom lip. “Just let me handle it.”
You tightened your grip on his hand one last time. You didn’t want him to get involved in something that seemed so silly, yet somehow, you felt relieved.
Relieved that someone cares for you. Someone who looks out for you.
Someone who sees your worth and values you.
Jay understood the silence that filled your head. So what’s the best thing he could do right now? A kiss. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, a soft sway in the wind as he landed his lips on the top of your head.
“I’ll be right back,” Jay said with a warm smile.
You let his hands go, knowing Jay’s intentions were pure and nothing more. You smiled back, trusting your lover to defend you.
It was comforting—to be defended and cared for, just as you would do for him.
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“Babe?” Jake knocks on the door, clearly waiting for you on the other side.
“This is nothing, I swear!” you call out, sniffing as you huddle in the corner of the restroom.
Yes, the place is damp, messy, and definitely not nice… but nothing could be worse than the hurtful things you’ve heard from other people.
And Jake can’t bear not knowing what happened.
“I... I’m sorry,” Jake whispers, his sadness evident in his voice. Even the tone reveals his regret.
You turn your gaze toward him. “Oh, don’t be!” you say, trying to wipe your face and smile as if everything is fine. “C’mon now.”
“But they said bad things, right?” Jake asks, trying to express his feelings. He cares deeply about what he missed. He swears that if he hadn’t taken his time at the counter, he wouldn’t have hesitated to teach those mean people a lesson.
Yet he needs to know how you feel first. When he saw you run to the restroom, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. He was scared, worried, and he wasn’t going to let this slide.
He was determined to be your protector.
“It’s not that bad…” you try to defend yourself, almost reflexively.
Were they really NOT that bad? Is that how you would describe being labeled as someone your boyfriend doesn’t deserve? Not bad?
Words sting. Words hurt. Is it really not bad if they call you an opportunist just because you love your boyfriend?
“I don’t think you’d lock yourself in a public restroom if it wasn’t, babe,” Jake sighs, hoping you’ll open the door quickly.
“They…” you suddenly burst into tears, remembering every single hurtful word you’ve heard.
Why must it be you who feels this way? Why must it be you experiencing something that shouldn’t happen to anyone?
“I’m gonna bust the door open—”
“HAH!!!” He successfully breaks through the distance between you and him. With a bright smile, he wants to comfort you right then and there.
Wherever ‘there’ is…
“B-baby!” Jake jumps in surprise, his heart racing as he sees you on the floor, all tumbled up.
“It’s fine…” you say in a gasping tone. You don’t mind it at all, though Jake’s strength is definitely nothing to be messed with.
“Sorry! I thought you were in one of those!” Jake points at the two restroom divisions, thinking you were hiding somewhere.
“So cute…” you coo, making Jake blush a little. “You’re trying to save me like a hero?”
Jake rushes to your side and helps you get up. “Ugh, look at your clothes! It’s your favorite, right?”
“Pssh. Like it matters.” You deny it, clearly relying on this mechanism to cope.
Jake looks at you with serious eyes. “C’mon. Don’t do that now.”
“You were hurt. Two times.” Jake raises his fingers. “In one day. It HAS to hurt.”
You look at him, realizing how much you’ve been denying your own feelings. Of course, you hate it. You hate feeling what you’ve felt today. Although Jake’s little push wasn’t much, that earlier situation scraped at your heart.
Just then, you notice your eyes are wet. They aren’t just damp; they’re soaking. You can only cry right then and there.
Jake sees your tears fall and lets you rest your head on his shoulder.
“Shh…” he says softly, trying to comfort you, patting your back as you sob against him. “I’m here.”
You continue to cry, letting it all out. Maybe on this day, or in this life, you feel like you don’t matter to anyone. You’re willing to accept that.
But you matter to Jake. Just as he matters to you.
Maybe that’s all you really need.
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“Something wrong?” Ni-ki asks, his voice low and filled with concern as he leans closer to you, sensing the tension rising in your body before you even fully process the words.
His gaze, sharp and hyper-observant from years of reading rooms as a performer, flickers to the source of the whispers around you and then back to your face.
At first, he thinks you’re just your usual unfazed self, but as he studies your expression, he realizes the truth—you are affected.
This awareness shifts something in him, prompting him to step closer. His shoulder brushes against yours casually, yet it feels fiercely deliberate—a shield disguised as coincidence.
“Hey,” he murmurs again, tilting his head down so only you can hear. His hand finds yours, warm and grounding, guiding you toward a quieter corner away from prying eyes and judgmental voices.
Ni-ki isn’t one for dramatic confrontations; he prioritizes your peace over their noise, ready to remove you from the chaos that surrounds you.
Once you find a moment alone, he faces you fully. His usual playful smirk is replaced by a quiet seriousness that catches you off guard.
“You know they’re wrong,” he states simply, his tone leaving no room for debate.
You recognize this side of him—the one that surfaces during tough rehearsals, when he’s pushing himself to perfect a move. He is stubborn in his convictions.
“I... I know. It’s just—” you begin, but the words catch in your throat.
“It’s nothing but smack.” Ni-ki tries to push away that trembling fear of yours, the snake that keeps crawling up your leg, the creeping anxiety that always seems to burn you down whenever something like this happens. He weighs his words carefully, wanting to make you feel better, or at least let you know you’re not alone in times like these.
“You’re... stronger than they think. And I know what’s real.” His thumb grazes your wrist, a fleeting touch that carries the weight of his loyalty, reminding you that you’re not alone. "I just-" A sudden kiss then touches your lips, warmth bathing your own. "Wah-" Another kiss graces you again. Ni-ki smirked as he prompted to wait another moment for you to speak. "He-" One last kiss to shut you up. That will do it, Ni-ki thought.
“Hehe.” You felt suddenly lighter than before. Maybe three kisses worked their magic already. As for Ni-ki? He looked proud as one definitely would, like winning a raffle prize. Bumping his head close to yours, he lightens the air with a half-smirk.
“Next time, I’ll ‘accidentally’ spill my drink on them. My clumsy era.”
“What the..." You looked at him, a familiar glance he knew well you'd do when he teased you.
“What?” Ni-ki smiles, mischief sparkling in his eyes. “Is that a game plan or what?”
You giggle, knowing how he always tries to cheer you up has been a success in the past. Even amidst the buzz of the world, just having Ni-ki right with you feels like enough. With him, you feel stronger and much better.
And Ni-ki? He loves you even more. Nothing compares to that.
The next day, he shows up at work wearing the hoodie you once teased him for borrowing, unbothered by the stares of others around you. Yes, it was pink. Yes, it was a Donald Duck comic panel hoodie and yes, it wasn't his taste at all. But with all of this, his presence is a silent rebellion against any negativity. For Ni-ki, comfort isn’t found in grand speeches; it’s in staying.
He proves, through every small choice he makes, that he will walk beside you—loudly, unapologetically—no matter who’s watching. In this moment, you feel a sense of reassurance, knowing that with Ni-ki by your side, you can face anything that comes your way.
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“You good?” Sunghoon asks, noticing the bad vibe in the air before you even do. His polite smile, which he uses in public, freezes just a little as his instincts kick in to hide his irritation.
But his eyes, usually calm and peaceful, darken with a hint of protectiveness, a fierce guardian ready to shield you from the negativity surrounding you.
“Mhm.” You nod, trying to show him that it’s not a big deal, even though you know it is. You want to be strong for him, to not add to his burdens.
Without breaking his cool demeanor, he steps subtly between you and the voices, standing tall like a strong tree, unyielding against the gusts of harsh words.
“Let’s get some air,” he says lightly, as if he’s just suggesting a casual walk, but you can sense the underlying urgency in his tone.
“O-okay.” His hand gently presses against your back—a silent command to follow, not argue. You feel the warmth of his touch seep through the layers of your emotional turmoil, grounding you.
Once you both find a quiet spot, nestled away from prying eyes and judgmental whispers, he turns to you, and his icy facade melts into something softer.
“You okay?” he asks, his voice low but steady. Sunghoon isn’t one for long speeches, but his gaze locks onto yours, intense and unwavering, making you feel truly seen.
“W-What are you talking about?” You smile, doing your best to deny what you’re feeling and hide it from him. You don’t want him to worry; he has enough on his plate.
As you try to shrug it off, he raises an eyebrow—that look he gives when he knows you’re lying. It’s a look that makes your heart flutter, even in such a heavy moment.
“They’re idiots,” he says plainly, crossing his arms. “The kind who’d fall flat on their face trying a single axel jump.”
The reference catches you off guard and makes you giggle a little. “A-axel jump? That’s a throwback.”
Sunghoon takes a good look at you as you settle, fixing the hair strands that almost cover your face. He can tell you’re trying to keep it together, but he’s seen you crumble before, and it breaks his heart to witness it again.
“It still hurts, doesn’t it?” He hesitates for a moment, showing a rare side of himself, before saying, “It hurts me too. Seeing you like this.”
You understand what Sunghoon is trying to say. People aren’t always kind about idols dating, especially when they’re the same sex. You’ve faced your share of hate and gossip, but it’s not something serious enough to ruin his reputation. It’s something very personal for him when he knows you’re being targeted.
But to him, none of that matters. As long as he can show his love for you while doing what he loves, he feels content.
“They want a reaction. Don’t give them one,” he says, firm but not cold. “We’ll show them this instead.” He flashes his bright, dimpled smile, warm and calculated, before linking his arm through yours and leading you back into the room.
You laugh again, seeing how cute your partner is. He’s trying his own way of showing how much he cares for you, and nothing can compare to his efforts.
You lean against his shoulder and tighten your grip on his strong arm, silently thanking him for everything he does.
Of course, Sunghoon smiles. Deep down, it’s all that matters to him.
That you feel happy, comfortable, and loved. With him.
“You’re better than every single one of them.” His breath feels warm as he kisses your forehead.
“And I’m never wrong about people.”
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wishing you comfort in these small drabbles. from me and enha <3
hope you guys enjoyed it! please like, comment, or reblog~
my masterlist!
made by writhyv 💘
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currentfandomkick · 15 hours ago
Have Danny hit his own emergency silent alarm tracker. You cannot convince me after a Phantom reveal they wouldn’t have one for him to send out a distress signal that loops until the Boo-merang and an ally to Team Phantom have located and secured Danny.
So for fun?
A pissed off Red Huntress storms Wayne Manor and demands they return the endangered species they kidnapped (referring to Danny) and when trying to deny, she asks why the fuck they stole a halfa from his preferred obsession during mandatory time, and that the boo-merang tracks his ass. It also clobbered into two batfam members (i say Cass doing stretches and Jason on his way to the library).
Bruce is stuck with a pissed off Small Town Hellmouth Maintaining Hero ready to rock his family’s shit for trafficking an endangered species of ecto-entity. One that was born human and made liminal via Government Sanctioned Experiments and is now a literal bridge between worlds.
A teen who wants to make coffee (current fixation, and a mild part of his ghostly obsession with cultures branched into drinks (food reanimation truama limits it to drinks) and helps Tim with R&D on engineering projects.
Damian is informed afterwards he broke a treaty between the UN and the Pathways of the Afterlife and varied planes of existence.
Danny just stays behind Val once it’s confirmed he is not going to be randomly dissected. Again.
Val escorts him back to his job before handing off the Legal Lecture to an Observant.
Said observant admits they’ve tried assassinating Danny countless times as “his species is a blight” but are now stuck legally explaining why you cannot capture a free roaming Halfa, or kill them before their determined expiration date.
Damian is mortified. Especially upon learning Danny can help liminal adjacent individuals (like Tim) become liminal and manage any prior curses on them (which the increasing ecto shots do).
Tim gets a new coffee and finds out his little brother is being lectured by a branch of the Undead Multiverse’s government for removing Danny from his preferred environment against his will.
Tim makes sure Danny is given a hefty raise for his trouble and bribes Danny to forgive Damian’s presumption of ‘this man is poisoning my brother’ by offering to have Danny help him piss off Luthor and Vlad in business meetings.
Largely by doing coffee drop offs, making drinks loudly in the background and even letting him interrupt a meeting with Vlad and revealing Danny as Tim’s “coffee assistant and engineering partner”.
Danny is Thriving Again. Tim is harassing billionaires, his favorite activity.
Damian is reminded to TELL people about presumed poisonings rather than kidnap the person.
Val now has Beef with Batfam and very obviously is loyal to Danny over them. Batman is not allowed to talk to her during joint JL and JLD missions.
She will just scream in ghostspeak on the comms and short non JLD ones if he tries as “nope. You taught you son to kidnap an endangered species of ecto and my favorite ex. Fuck off.”
The reminder Damian had kidnapped Red’s ex who she broke up to keep SAFE from her enemies only to have him be assaulted years later by an ally was…
It was not good.
Danny is glad to see Val more! Tim is plotting the two’s dating life and expects to be on Danny’s side at the wedding.
Tam has decided to ignore Tim’s decision to pre-plan Danny’s dating life and discusses the BS of having dated another hero with Val, the BS that is secret identities, and also how do you not get a headache from the suit with your hair?
Val is glad for another friend that Gets It on more levels they swap hair routines. She may go to Tam’s braider to see how she likes it.
Dcdp coffeshop
Tim pays danny and absurd salary to work in WE coffee place because he's the only one willing to make Tim's coffee because every time he does he faces reckless endangerment charges because of how strong the coffee is and no one else is willing to risk it.
Danny takes his coffee the same way but with a shot of ecto, which is fine until Tim sees Danny put the green!water into his coffee. Tim, being the most rational bat, doesn't freak out and kidnaps Danny for where he got Lazurus water and just asks his.
Danny explains that his parents are one scientists of the "only not a rouge on a technicality" variety and have been synthesizing this shit since before he was born, and that while it's the single best energy booster on the planet its also poison to humans, which Danny says he isn't quite sure he is anymore.
Tim's eyes light up at the "single best energy booster on the planet part" and asks for some, completely disregarding the poison aspect.
Danny says fuck it, but Tim is going to have to build up a tolerance over time, so a single small spirt of ecto once a day to start.
A few months to a year later Tim sends one of his siblings, preferably Damian, to get his coffee from Danny, and then proceeds to freak the fuck out when he watches Danny put Lazurus Water in Tim's drink.
Damien is not the most rational bat.
Tim never does get that coffee.
Danny is in a bat holding cell having a panic attack.
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cece693 · 14 hours ago
Man, I'm obsessed with anything related to vampires and Hannibal & Will. And your Hannigram x Vampire male reader work had me thinking about Alucard from Castlevania, especially from Castlevania Nocturne. I'm daydreaming about it all the time at this point. Here and here. Isn't he just so gorgeous and ethereal? You should watch Castlevania if you haven't seen it before. What I'm saying is, can I have more Hannigram x Vampire reader stuff? I'm daydreaming about Will and Hannibal falling for some who knows how many centuries-old (Alucard was born in 1456 and since Hannibal NBC takes place somewhere around the 2010s, he would be around 554 years old. Man, that's half a millennia) dhampir (half-vampire) with mid-back long, luscious platinum-blonde hair, gorgeous golden eyes and a handsome face. Love your work, by the way, amazing writings❤️
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Of Blood and Moonlight
pairing: hannigram x male reader tags: your a vampire hybrid, hannigram aren't together yet but will be, I haven't seen the show but he does look beautiful, new obsession perhaps?
You’ve walked among mortals for centuries. Ages have passed, empires risen and fallen, and you have always stood at the outskirts, watching. You are neither fully vampire nor wholly human—a dhampir, caught between two worlds. Some nights, it makes you feel invincible. Others, it leaves you burning with longing.
Tonight, the moon gleams overhead, a quiet silver disc in the sky, as you step along the streets of Baltimore. Your platinum-blonde hair catches the moonlight like spun silver, while your golden eyes are darkened with centuries’ worth of memories. Despite the hush of the city at such a late hour, you sense someone watching. Not an uncommon occurrence, but you can’t help the faint grin tugging at your lips.
He has found you again.
“Are you lost?” comes a soft, cautious voice from behind you.
Turning, you greet the man standing there with a faint nod. Under the lone streetlamp’s glow, you see the tension in Will Graham’s stance. His dark curls seem to frame a gaze that flickers between curiosity and empathy. You know that gaze well, the powerful empathy that draws him to wounded creatures—whether they walk on four legs or two. Or, in your case, something else entirely.
You offer him a slight bow of your head. “No,” you murmur. “Just alone.”
He studies your face. Anyone else might see only a handsome stranger, but Will senses the echo of something deeper—something not quite human. His brows knit gently. “There’s an emptiness around you,” he says, half to himself, half to you. “It’s like…” His words trail off.
You find yourself stepping closer, hair whispering over your shoulders. You speak with a calmness that’s centuries in the making. “It doesn’t bother you?”
Will only half-smiles. “Not sure yet.”
In the hush that follows, there is a faint rustle—another presence stepping out from the darkness. You turn sharply, your heightened senses recognizing this man even before your gaze can land on him. Hannibal Lecter’s refined aura precedes him. He stands just beyond the reach of the streetlamp, wearing a dark overcoat, and in his eyes glimmers a blend of intense curiosity and quiet fascination.
“I see you’ve met Will,” he says with his measured cadence. His voice is smooth, cultured, every syllable perfectly placed. “I’m Hannibal Lecter.”
You simply give him a polite, centuries-old courtesy nod, your own brand of chivalry. “I’m aware,” you say, giving a secretive little smile.
Hannibal inclines his head with intrigue. “You know me?”
“I’ve heard stories,” you murmur. You keep your own secrets well—this is one of the many reasons you have survived so long. You know these two are not ordinary men. One hunts monsters; the other one is a monster in human skin. Yet you sense no threat. In your long existence, you’ve learned that sometimes the most unlikely of bonds can be formed over fascination and darkness.
Your first night at Hannibal’s lavish home is a carefully orchestrated affair. You don’t need an invitation to slip into his world—some unspoken magnetism exists between you three. You come at his request, long hair tied loosely back, golden eyes absorbing the soft glow of the dining room. A single red candle flickers at the center of the table. The scents of rosemary and thyme float through the air. There’s a subtle, rich undercurrent that might disquiet a normal human. To you, it’s enticing. Hannibal’s eyes track your every move, while Will watches with a mix of wariness and longing.
Hannibal, always poised, presents a decadent meal. His skill with cuisine is legendary, and you admire his artistry—even if you have suspicions about certain ingredients. Your golden eyes flick to the plate with mild curiosity, then you raise them to Will and Hannibal. “I don’t typically partake in…human fare,” you say politely, leaning back into the chair. The flickering candlelight dances against your pale features.
Hannibal offers a gracious incline of his head. “No insult taken. I understand if your habits differ.”
Will’s mouth quirks at one corner. “You can tell us about yourself instead.”
They watch your every breath as you trace a fingertip around the lip of your wine glass. You let the tension wind in the air, enjoying their rapt attention. “I have existed for many years,” you begin. “Centuries, if you will. Time has a way of dulling the senses, which is why I search for new experiences…” Your eyes flash gold. “And interesting company.” There’s a flutter in Will’s chest. He can’t hide it; you hear the slight hitch in his breath. Hannibal’s eyes reveal satisfaction, his curiosity mounting.
It’s Will who first breaks down the walls. Over the following weeks, you find yourself drawn to him—his empathy, his vulnerability, his unwavering desire to understand even the darkest parts of others. On more than one occasion, you and Will take late-night walks through the woods behind his house. He confides in you the weight of nightmares, of feeling too deeply. You softly explain that time dulls certain pains, but your ancient heart remains capable of new scars.
One evening, the moon is bright overhead, silver illuminating every strand of your platinum hair, your golden eyes gleaming. Will suddenly stops, turning to face you. “How do you stand it?” he asks, voice thick with emotion. “How do you bear seeing so much and going on forever?”
You tilt your head. You’ve asked yourself the same question countless times. “I survive by allowing myself to savor the rare beauties of the world—like quiet nights, moonlit forests,” you say, stepping closer. You can almost hear the rush of blood in his veins, and your fangs ache. “And souls that fascinate me.”
His cheeks flush, not from fear, but from a sense of closeness he’s never quite felt with anyone else. A heartbeat passes, and he lunges forward, pressing his lips to yours. It’s a sudden, urgent kiss. You respond in kind, centuries of loneliness dissolving in the warmth that is Will Graham’s humanity.
Hannibal Lecter is different. Where Will is stormy and turbulent with empathy, Hannibal is cold fire, methodical in his pursuit of what intrigues him. His interest in you has grown with every meeting. You catch the traces of desire in the way his dark eyes slide over your face, your hair, your body. He is unflinching.
One evening, you accept another invitation to his home. You arrive just as a violin concerto plays softly on his stereo. He bids you to follow him to his parlor, where two glasses of deep burgundy wine await. “I took the liberty of procuring something special,” he says, handing you a wine glass filled with a liquid that is not wine. You inhale the scent—thick, coppery. It’s fresh blood, carefully warmed, laced with delicate notes of something akin to sweet spice. Your centuries-honed senses reel.
He sits across from you, elbows on his knees, studying your reaction. His voice is low. “I trust it meets your needs.”
Your eyes narrow slightly. “You toy with danger, Dr. Lecter.”
A hint of a smile crosses his face. “Danger is so often misunderstood. I prefer to consider it an exploration.” You sip—carefully, indulgently—and you feel his dark gaze track every movement of your throat. It is an intimate, visceral moment. The air thickens with unspoken tension.
In the hush, you lock eyes with him. “And what do you want to discover?”
Hannibal sets his wine aside, rising to stand before you. He tilts your chin upward with clinical gentleness, the pressure of his fingertips both polite and possessive. “Whether something as timeless as you can feel obsession or even love.” You let him bend to kiss you, a languorous brush of lips that tastes of fine wine and predatory indulgence. Like a snake around its prey, but you—oh, you are no helpless creature. You return the kiss with equal fervor, letting him sense the centuries of want coiled behind your restraint.
In time, you find yourself often in the quiet presence of both Hannibal and Will. They form a precarious balance—Will’s empathy bridging the darkness, Hannibal’s refined cruelty tempered by genuine fascination. They both watch you with desires they are only just beginning to articulate.
Will’s eyes shift from Hannibal to you. “It’s strange,” he admits one night after dinner, a meal that you’ve politely observed but not partaken in. “How could we…share this?”
Hannibal levels a gaze at Will. “Do you think we can’t?” His gaze drifts to you. “Is it not possible to crave more than one kind of beauty?”
You say nothing at first, letting them speak. In your centuries, you’ve known all varieties of hunger, passion, and love. Humans have so many rules, so many limitations. But Hannibal has broken them, and Will has shattered them in his need for connection. Leaning forward, you entwine your fingers with Will’s, and with your free hand, you brush a pale strand of hair behind your ear. “I’ve lived so long, I’ve learned that hearts can hold multitudes.”
Will’s breathing quickens, his cheeks flushing. You sense Hannibal’s pulse, steady yet heavier, as he slips behind you, breath ghosting over the shell of your ear. For a moment, you close your golden eyes and let the swirl of your centuries melt into the present—this closeness, this strange connection.
The nights that follow blur into a tapestry of music, whispered confessions, and clandestine hunts through the city’s shadows. Sometimes you walk with Will beneath the stars, the hush of midnight an unspoken promise of safety. Other times, Hannibal lures you into hushed corners of his home, drawing you into sharp-edged kisses.
You’ve never belonged to anyone—nor have they. Yet you discover a kind of belonging here that is both enthralling and perilous. Hannibal’s presence is a constant danger, and Will’s precarious grip on his own self flickers daily. But for you, who’ve roamed centuries alone, this dual dance of desire is the most alive you’ve felt in ages. They see you as both a riddle and a comfort. They see your beauty—and your deadly potential. You are not monstrous to them; you are mesmerizing, as they are to you.
One late hour, the three of you gather in Hannibal’s drawing room. Crimson curtains filter the moonlight, casting the space in deep shadows. You stand between them—Will on your left, Hannibal on your right—each with an arm around your waist, their breaths close, hearts beating to different tempos yet syncing in one intangible thread of belonging.
“You’ve survived so long,” Will murmurs, pressing a cautious kiss to your neck, “will we be enough to keep you from drifting away?”
Hannibal’s voice flows smoothly, low and intimate. “Or will you watch us wither as the centuries continue on?”
Your lips curve into a wistful smile. “I cannot stop time, nor change the nature of my being.” You lower your gaze, hair drifting forward like a pale curtain, before lifting your eyes to them both—golden irises filled with an ancient warmth. “But I’ve learned that each moment we grasp is ours alone. What’s important is not how long it lasts, but that we truly live it.” Hannibal’s hand tightens at your waist, a promise if ever there was one. Will hides his face in your neck, his empathy bridging the eternity between you.
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zooophagous · 3 days ago
PLEASE say more about your cultural understanding of tattoos if/when you feel up to it; your perspective on it is really interesting!
I can only really speak from my own perspective on it as a fairly recent initiate into tattooing, but the way tattoos have been viewed in the past (even the very recent past) had changed very quickly with new technology.
Finer lines become possible, and greater variety of colors, so the necessity of sticking to thick lines and heavy black with few color options is no longer the case. Improved technology means more styles become possible to tattoo in, and as such instead of the restrictions of the media informing the tattoo, tattoos are now available in a wide variety of art styles and the art world and overall cultural zeitgeist now heavily influence tattoos instead of tattoos by necessity having their own set style guides and language.
This means more mass appeal, you can do almost whatever you want art wise now and many tattooers are fine artists in their own right. So now we have more and more women and young professionals into it and not just bikers, gang members or sailors as the stereotypes used to hold.
So now tattoos are trendy for everyone, as the nation slowly but surely sheds its puritanical leanings. But now that tattooing is no longer an underground art form and is largely regulated and legalized, a new underground form of it lives on.
Thanks to online buy-anything sorts of sites like Amazon, Temu and Wish, it's easier than ever for the garage, apartment or party to host impromptu tattoos. And because it is often very difficult to get someone to agree to teach you how to tattoo, almost all of these people are self taught and receive instructions via youtube.
So why then, if you can get anything you want as a tattoo, would people still go for these dubiously sanitary pieces by untrained artists?
Part of it is related to why tattoos may have existed in the first place- they denote your culture, your people, who you belong to. For a lot of the apartment tattoo getters, they're allowing their friends or family members to practice on them as a sign of love and trust.
Part of it is cost. Cheap things always have a market, even if they're not good.
But part of it I think is nihilism. That is, a sense that you have no future, nothing to live for and therefore nothing to lose. Many young people cannot envision themselves in old age and many of them tell you they'll likely die young. So why not, then, get the bad tattoo? The tattoo is temporary because life is temporary. We lead such short desperate lives that refusing a tattoo because of some imagined professional setting you might be in seems as asinine as thinking one day you might be a billionaire. It's just as unattainable.
Throw in a little postmodernism, a little dadaism and you have the perfect storm for the rise of ignorant style tattoos. They're not good, but that's largely the point. They don't have to be. In fact the ugliness is largely the point of this art form. Much like how Duchamp's Fountain was never meant to be a beautiful piece of sculpture but rather a biting satire, ignorant style tattoos become the response to the former underground artform of tattooing going mainstream and suddenly costing thousands and thousands of dollars, and people showing off wealth with perfectly technically done sleeves.
It's for obvious reasons a very divisive style of tattooing, and now even legitimate shops are turning out things that look "bad on purpose" but are technically well applied when examined closely. Personally I think most of them are ugly as shit but what the Hell do I know I'm just some bitch.
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scribesynnox · 2 days ago
Sike! I seperated my first post into a second one anyways. More apocalyptic ponyo jazz and prowl thoughts because the first post was getting long. And I want to see people's thoughts on them, but that'll be hard to do if there's too much going on in just one post.
@keferon Sorry for the double post but hey, this is on you. You are just so inspirational, and your ideas are just so fun to play with.
Man, one my favorite parts about captive Jazz and him knowing human language is that Jazz knows from the get go that humans are sentient and sapient. Everyone else is playing "oh wow, I've befriended a very clever animal!" and the only mer who knows humans are in fact not a pet, is stuck with ANOTHER mer and can't even speak fluent mer yet.
It's going to be so funny when Jazz finally learns enough mer to tell Prowl about humans and Prowl is like "THEY'RE SENTIENT?!"
Jazz: man, did you really think I was held captive for so long by a bunch of NON sentient animals? Because if you did, I'm about to be very offended. Prowl: You were land locked, I was hardly going to think you were unskilled or dumb. Any normal and sane mer wouldn't have been able to escape. Jazz: I feel like there was an insult hidden in there. Prowl: No, I'm shocked because if they're sentient, then they HAD to know what they were doing was wrong! Jazz: don't blame them too much. They didn't keep me trapped out of malice, they thought I'd die if they let me go. And to be fair, without you, that definitely would have happened. Prowl: That doesn't make your treatment okay! Jazz: I said don't blame them TOO much, I didn't say don't blame them at ALL.
Jazz swimming around in the ruins of the drowned city and going up to read a city map that's been protected behind some glass. Prowl has no idea why Jazz is staring so intently at the human drawings, and impatiently tries to get Jazz to move along. Jazz frowns at him and waves him away, stiltedly replying back, "Listening now. Gathering information. Hold." What is Jazz learning from the drawings? Do they actually mean anything?
Jazz memorizing the maps and then using the street signs to navigate their way around. Prowl being baffled at how Jazz seems to know where to go despite having clearly never been outside before.
It takes so long before Jazz can convince Prowl that "see those weird squiggles? That's human writing" Prowl: no those are territory marks that humans make. Jazz: hey, who's the one that grew up around humans. I'm telling you, it's writing. Prowl: but it's only one color! Jazz: humans don't use color as a tone indicator, they have different symbols for that. Also, fuck you guys for using colors as a second secret language, why is your writing so complicated? And I thought Chinese was hard.
Hey speaking of not knowing things about his own god damn culture, WOW how must Jazz feel about getting to go back home, except when he finally escapes, there's a lot more rubble and deadly mutant sharks than he expected.
Except when he escapes and gets to the open sea, he STILL feels like he's inside a tank. An outsider looking from behind a glass wall as everyone else gawks at him.
he is a stranger to his own culture and it hurts more than he expected it to, to come back to what should have been his home, only to find that there is no magical instant sense of belonging. It is just as alien to him as the tank had first been all those years ago.
He expected it but it still hurts more than he thought it would.
But at least there IS a warm welcome, courtesy of Prowl warbling a "Welcome back" at him. It's a start.
There is just.. SO MUCH sea!! Jazz can swim forward and swim and swim and SWIM and he can swish his tail as much as he wants, and he'll never hit a wall. And there's more than just Forward, there's also up and down and left and right and just!!! EVERYWHERE!! There is so much sea EVERYWHERE!! He could swim a HUNDRED laps just going straight forward and still never run out of room!
there is almost.. TOO much sea, honestly. Jazz's whole world consisted of tanks that barely had enough room to swim in, and now there is a dizzying amount of room to swim in.
This whole experience has just been absolutely breathtaking but if Jazz is being honest, he's not sure if it's from awe or from fear.
haha, imagine if this is when Jazz finds out he has a fear of The Vast? Oof, rip.
And like, Jazz had been in a cell, trapped for years, yes, but he still grew up there. I bet Jazz misses things from the human world.
He named himself after jazz music, Jazz isn't going to want to give up on human things.
Does Jazz sometimes miss the processed food that had been given to him? Because I KNOW we all got that one garbage food that doesn't taste good but it's what you grew up eating so you love it anyways, so does Jazz have his childhood garbage food in processed fish food? Does Jazz dig up and find those buckets of fish food and just start chowing down and Prowl is just staring at him in disgust and judgement? Lots of judgement. Jazz is offended.
Oh! And what about the effects of being raised by humans! Like, yes, the ignorance about his own culture and own world and the lack of social knowledge and his atrophied tail and all that. But like. what about night vision?
Jazz having shit night vision because he grew up surrounded by humans, and humans are always leaving SOMETHING bright on. He's never experienced true darkness before, and the first time he sees the world without light pollution, he's scared shitless because FUCK, IT'S PITCH BLACK, HOW DO YOU SEE ANYTHING, HOW CAN YOU KNOW WHERE DANGER IS!
Can I just say, I absolutely adore the fact that Jazz is as terrified of the ocean as humans are because he only knows of the ocean through their eyes. It provides an EXCELLENT way to project our own fears of the ocean onto a mer. I love it.
you know, I'm really glad that Jazz is the captive one and Prowl is the "wild" one in here. Not just because it's interesting, since it's so easy to immediately go "Oh yeah, Prowl would be the captive one and that's why he's so analytical and aloof", but also because this way makes more SENSE.
Prowl as the "wild" mer, the free mer, was able to grow up in a society. He went to school and got a degree and shit. Ya man has gone to college.
Meanwhile Jazz doesn't get taught SHIT because everyone thought he was a dumb animal. Clever, sure, for an animal, but still just a regular non sentient animal. So Jazz had to learn tricks and how to read people and all that jazz (haha, get it?), learn how to get around and do things on his own.
Which seems fitting for these two. SO yeah, I like their current set up, it's great.
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