#how can people hate em im so confused
ididgettomeetyou · 2 years
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katara smiling at aang in a span of 10 episodes (:
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nereidprinc3ss · 7 months
okay i know this is kind of a specific request but can you do something with professor Spence and uni reader where they get into a spat and argue bc she did something stupid and he gets mad and she’s like “noooo pls don’t be mad i hate when you’re mad at me I’m sorry🥺” bc she literally cannot function knowing she let him down (me with everybody) but he’s like super stubborn and goes all closed up and quiet so that he doesn’t like blow up on her until she finally says like “pls talk to me” and he’s all pissed and like “hell na bitch u crazy!🗣️‼️” but then later he’s like “it’s ok i love u but neva do that shit again ho” then they make up and it’s good again 🎀 ok i explained that so poorly (and comedically if i may) but i hope u get it and pls make it SO DRAMATIC bc I live for drama! like she steals test answers or something or does something that could like get her kicked out of school OR him lose his job 🤔 sigh … idk I’m leaving now. Also i LOOPOOOCE ORRKGOOVI love your fics. Luv em
hey girl (gender neutral) this made me laugh bc genuinely sometimes i write spencer so ooc that is what he sounds like. and i'm not sorry! anyway this is potentially a vyvanse fueled nightmare but i wrote it and i'm posting it MY BLOG MY RULES BITCHESSSS!!!! but genuinely read the content warning LMAO this one got a lil kick to it
warnings/tags: ANGST, HURT/COMFORT, fem!reader, spencer and r get into a for real argument like they're mean to each other, spencer is a lil toxic but its resolved, emotionally neglects reader just for a teeensy second but then he's really nice and sweet again, discussion of his past addic+ion, gets fluffy because i'm not EVIL, gets suggestive at the end bc i am secretly evil.......
a/n: i don't know whats happening. this confuses me just as much as it confuses you. its 3 am in the morning. im gonna post nice happy things soon. Gootbye
“I cannot believe you right now. I don’t even—I don’t even know what to say.” 
“Spencer, you don’t have to say anything. It has nothing to do with you, and I’m not looking for your approval.” 
He looks up from where he’d been rubbing his temples, like you’re a headache, eyebrows raised and lips parted in indignant disbelief. 
“Oh! You’re not looking for my approval? Well thank god for that, because if you were one of my students I would recommend expulsion to the board.” 
“Are you fucking kidding me? I just said I don’t care about your opinion on this, much less your hypothetical opinion from some alternate universe where you have any authority over my education whatsoever.” 
“You distributed an answer key to half of your class! Objectively this is the kind of thing that gets people expelled. I don’t understand how someone so smart could do something so fucking stupid.” 
The words bite more than you were prepared for—but what hurts even more is how much he seems to mean them. In arguments past you’d both said things you didn’t mean, and then would immediately melt into I’m so sorry’s and the fight would resolve itself. Spencer’s clenched jaw and inability to make eye contact with you do not lend themselves to tender apologies. They cannot be attributed to miscommunication. 
You take a step closer to where he’s bracing himself against the countertop, arms crossed defensively in front of your chest. 
“Spencer, I’m sorry. I didn’t think it was such a big deal. People cheat in college all the time.” 
Still no reply. His head shakes so minutely you wonder if you’re imagining it. Panic wells in your chest. 
“Please talk to me. I really hate when you ice me out. I’m sorry, okay? Just... please say something.” 
Finally, his eyes slide to you. They lack the fiery anger of moments ago but there’s not much softness there either. His normally warm gaze now feels too abrasive, too cold and sharp on your bare skin. You're exposed, much too soft for that grating look, and it feels like he can see everything that’s wrong with you. 
“Believe me when I tell you this. I am doing us both a favor by not speaking to you right now.” 
And then he’s leaving the kitchen—nothing but a breeze against your cheek and the sound of a door slamming to prove he was ever there. 
The apartment is silent. You stand in the middle of the kitchen, unsure of what to do next. Spencer very, very rarely gets angry at you to the point of neglect, and you know he’s doing his best with what was modelled for him as a child and his tendency to feel things so deeply it’s nearly disabling; but that doesn’t make it hurt much less. It doesn’t make you feel less abandoned or alone.  
You’re sad, and you’re still pissed, and maybe you’re in just a bit of shock as you robotically move back to your nest of blankets on the couch and resume your schoolwork. What else is there to do? Unless Spencer is right—unless you really are about to get expelled after getting the answer key for an upcoming test from a friend, who then gave it to another friend, and so on. But is that really your fault?  
It’s a struggle to stay focused as your mind keeps drifting back to Spencer in the other room, those cruel words and that cold steely look in his eye that isn’t supposed to ever be aimed at you. It’s not a secret that side of him exists, but it doesn’t belong in this apartment. It’s not something he needs to use against you. He’s supposed to be on your side. But instead, he’d said you should be expelled and essentially called you stupid. And now you’re doing homework for a class at a school you may not even be a student of come Monday. 
The sound of the office door opening forty-five minutes later spikes your blood pressure and simultaneously makes your heart flutter, because no matter how mad at him you might be, Spencer is still Spencer.  
He comes to stand behind the couch quietly, but you don’t acknowledge him. Maybe your typing gets a bit more aggressive, but aside from that you flat out reject his presence. 
“Can we talk?” 
You let him sweat for a minute as you finish your paragraph. 
“I don’t know, Spencer. Can we? Or are you not done with your temper tantrum?” 
“That is... well deserved,” he sighs, rounding the couch and tapping the bottom of your foot, signaling that he wants you to move your legs. You despise how automatically you comply, pulling your knees to your chest to avoid touching him as he sits next to you. There’s a long moment of silence, in which you resume typing. Spencer scoffs, leaning in slightly to peer at your screen. “Are you doing homework right now? I’m a complete asshole to you and you just... do your homework?"
“What the fuck else was I supposed to do?” you almost-yell, slamming your laptop shut and blinking away potential tears. “The only person I wanted to talk to called me stupid and fucking left!” 
The tears realize their potential once you admit the blunt truth. 
Spencer carefully moves your laptop and pulls you into his arms—and you just let him. There’s not much fight left in you. There wasn’t a lot to begin with. 
“I am so sorry, angel. You’re right, I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have yelled, I shouldn’t have said what I said, I shouldn’t have walked away. I overreacted.” 
“Yeah, you really did,” you cry, allowing him to run his hand over your hair. “Why did you do that? Why were you so fucking mean?” 
His voice shakes slightly as he responds, betraying his own anxieties, and a new, unwelcome sense of trepidation slithers through your veins. 
“I was wondering that, too. Even as I was saying it, I knew—I knew it wasn’t what I wanted to be saying. And then I was in the other room and I wanted to be out here, and I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t. But I think I was just scared. Which—I know, doesn’t really make sense, but... I think about when Ethan dropped out of the academy, and ended up doing heroin in New Orleans for three years, and I think about when I almost left the BAU because I was so convinced I’d never get clean that I didn’t even want to anymore, and—and the idea of you losing your education and your direction like that terrified me, probably unreasonably, and I took it out on you. And I’m sorry.” 
“But I’m not like you or Ethan. You don’t have to worry about that. Even if I... even I do get in some sort of disciplinary trouble. That’s a road you don’t have to worry about me going down, ever.” 
He fixes some unseen wrinkle on your shirt.  
“Yeah, but, remember... I used to not be like me or Ethan either. Do you think twelve-year-old Spencer would have ever even considered that of the infinite realities and universes which exist, he was living in one where someday he’d be shooting up in the bathroom at work?” 
“Mm-mm,” you hum, shaking your head and burying your face in Spencer’s shoulder. The sound is more of a plea for him to be less descriptive than an answer to his rhetorical question. It’s still much easier for him to talk about that part of his life than it is for you to have to actually imagine it. You didn’t know him then, but you’ve seen pictures, and you know Spencer now, and it’s... it’s just too much. Too sad. 
“Okay,” he agrees soothingly, still playing with your hair. “I digress. My point is that literally anything is possible, and while it’s not necessarily likely, I more than anyone know that anxiety even over the most improbable of things is never completely unfounded.”  
You sniffle in response, too emotionally and physically exhausted to contribute much to the conversation by this point. Thankfully, Spencer can talk for two. An idiosyncrasy which you love and comes in handy every once in a while. He can play his own devil’s advocate; in this case, you. 
“But that doesn’t mean I get to take it out on you. Ever. I truly, truly, sincerely apologize for that. I never want to hurt you.” 
You let the apology sink into your skin like a salve, soothing every abrasion those earlier words had left in their violent wake. 
After a few minutes, you find the energy to ask a question that might best remain unanswered. 
“Are you still mad at me?” 
He’s quiet for a beat, seemingly contemplative as his fingers trace abstract patterns in a language all his own on your arm. 
“I’m not thrilled. But you were right earlier. It’s not my place to be mad at you for something like that.” 
“Mm... it’s a little bit your place. You’re an actual professor.” 
He chuckles. 
“At an entirely different university.” 
“Thank god,” you laugh. “You and me at the same school would be such an HR clusterfuck.”
While it’s almost a serious matter, the smile in his voice is evident. 
“Yeah... I, uh... try not to think about it.” 
“Okay, but seriously. In your professional opinion. Am I fucked? Like, do I need to prepare an appeal and character witnesses or whatever?” 
Spencer sighs. 
“It was incredibly reckless and irresponsible. You should be ready for disciplinary pushback from the schoolboard if you get caught. That being said... because over sixty of you got a hold of the answer key, I doubt anyone is getting expelled, and even if they did, it would likely only be the TA and the student he gave the key to. It’s my tentative, professional opinion that you’ll probably be fine.” 
You relax slightly, allowing a tension you didn’t realize was there to shed like an old skin. 
“I’m not gonna cheat again,” you promise on an exhale. It’s simply too much risk for too little reward.
Spencer’s response is quiet, and comes much faster than you’d expected. 
“Oh, I know you aren’t. Because if you do, you’re going to have to worry about disciplinary action from me. And I’m not nearly as nice as the dean of your school, darling girl.” 
But something about the way he says it—a thinly veiled threat/promise contrasted by a sweet kiss to your forehead—doesn’t exactly make academic honesty look all that exciting.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
How they react to you telling them you're pregnant
Obligatory reader is afab but like most of my posts they're gn/gendered pronouns aren't used
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Cue the confusion
Surprised more than anything, he didnt think that he could get you pregnant considering you're both different species
And also he didnt think he was fertile; at least not in the normal sexual reproduction way
Kinda just
Accepts it
Now do I think he would be a good dad?
Maybe? He wouldn't be horrible or absent, but some human things are still foreign to him, including raising a child.. so hes probably going to need a decent amount of guidance
I feel like he'd also be a helicopter parent? He already watches you like a hawk, he'd probably start doing the same with his kid as they get older
"Hey (kid name) who's that tall white boy following you??" "Oh that's my dad"/j
Becomes more protective of you during the pregnancy and the weeks after
Takes it in stride tbh
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Before you start to worry he scoops you up
Also thought it wasnt possible, but is hyped when he finds out the news
He WILL pamper you... may also dip into overbearing territory, though
He just doesnt want you or the baby to get hurt
He says goodnight to the bump later on in the pregnancy tbh
Oh you know hes gonna be decorating their room and giving them loads of toys
Would be a good father but may dip into unhealthy habits
This dude struggles with toxic positivity imo, so that's definitely something that's gonna need to be addressed
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Laughing Jack;
Okay obviously ALL of them are probably going to be sat down and told the news, but Jack is gonna need the most talking to given that he probably doesn't grasp the gravity of it
He KNOWS what pregnancy is, he KNOWS what a baby is; but he doesn't know the intricacies of pregnancy if that makes sense
Like he doesnt know about the soreness, or cravings, or how fragile those tiny human beings actually are. Dude already struggles with being gentle with adults
So it's going to require a long and in depth talk about everything that's going to happen if you guys decide to keep the kid
Reaction wise, he takes it seriously. Kind of uncanny compared to his usual silly demeanor
Again, due to him being a lil dumb hes almost under reacting
As a parent I think...
Okay he'd probably kinda suck
He would love the kid but he would be so so so irresponsible I'm so sorry
Gives the kid candy for meals (bro cant cook)
Get that man into some parenting classes PLEASE
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Eyeless Jack;
Another "I'm surprised because I deadass thought I was infertile" one, given my whole lore/Hc for EJ
The most worried out of them all
"What if they're like me and are cursed? What if they hate me? What if they grow to hate me? What if-"
He baby proofs his cabin... before insisting that the baby stays at your place primarily (if you haven't moved in with him) because he's scared of his whole... eating people thing
Please give him loads and loads of reassurance, hes gonna need it
He'll work hard to be the best father he can be, though!
He takes the kid out for walks in the woods, teaches them different plants and bugs and tells them which are dangerous
"Oh I don't want to hold them, what if I hurt em?" *falls asleep while holding his baby after reading them a story*
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You gotta baby proof him and the house im sorry, hes feral
Another "you're gonna have to sit him down and lay down the rules" type deal
Hes already mellowed out around you but he needs to mellow out a touch more for an infant
Hard to gauge his reaction but he seems.... excited? Hard to tell when hes sitting still and wearing a mask
When the baby comes he, like slenderman, also watches them like a hawk
You will walk in on him sitting over their crib at 3am/hj
Surprisingly gentle when it comes to handling the kid, just casually walks around with them and shit
Great for looking after the kid during the night while you rest
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V similar to Masky but he's already naturally calm
Putting this here now before I forget but he would take his mask off to make faces at the baby to try to make them laugh
Mf doesn't take his mask off for you though ☝️🙄/hj
Surprisingly good at calming down screaming infants for some reason
Similar reaction as Masky; hard to read but way easy to guess its positive since he lightly boinks where his mouth would be under his mask to your cheek while papping your stomach
Hes a lil silly
But hes got the spirit
Good dad, me thinks
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circebutbetter · 2 days
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Ao3 || pinterest || airbuds || spotify || secret 5th thing
Hard to describe something ill never miss"
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☆my name is Jana/circe!
☆my pronouns are she/her
☆biggest hater of green apples ever ever I HATE THEM THEY SUCK UGHHSGEHE
☆an avid reader and an wven bigger music consumer
☆biromantic/asexual/IN A QPR<3 @garden-of-runar
Transphobes, racists, homophobes, abelists literally anyone who somehow somewhat fits into these catogories is not welcome on this blog<3
Otherwise my ask box is open!
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♤Interest(?): marauders, the secret history, a series of unfortunate events, my babysitters a vampire, the hunger games, fnaf, true crime, murders, cannibalism, bugs (although i hate them sigh), makeup, law(?), conspiracies, rabbit holes, weird stuff ™, mythology, MORE STUFF IVE BEEN IN SO MAMY FANDOMS BEFORE SO YES I KNOW LORE 💔
im not weird i promise <3 im very sane and normal☝️☝️
Dislikes: GREEN FUCKING APPLES RAHHHHHHHHH, polos, umum alot of thibgs i js dk how to list them☝️
Music: olivia rodrigo, paramore, flyleaf, wisp, pierce the veil, billie eilish, falling in reverse, mother mother, the living tombstone, my chemical romance, deftones, paramore, nirvana, MITSKI, david bowie<3, alex g, liily, south arcade, sleeping with sirens, black sabbath, YEAH THERES MORE I LISTEN TO BASUCALLY EVERYTHING SIGH
slytherin, child of apollo(cabin 7), entp-t, sag
@definitionoffuckup STAR ML HES LIKE LOWKEY AMAZING GUYS has his issues but is literally wonderfuk and deserves everything good and also has no sense of online safety like um☝️☝️andand lowkey one of my favorites on tumblr☝️☝️☝️
@omelettejunkie ethan. Is there anything more to say? Jkjk ethan ,eeth, eef ,spleen , eef the furry and an omelette junkie through and through (theres rumoirs of alcoholism too but hmm☝️☝️) also has the most diverse music taste ive ever met
@kawaiibarty JAMES❗️ bigges loser ive met but also the coolest loser ive met MASTER OF PLAYLISTS AND HAD A BOMB MUSIC TASTE LIKE UM❗️❗️ also really very chaotic, gives off major chaotic energy, jim carrey guys☝️
@stargazing-reader NEPHYTHEIS 💓💓💓 they're one of my first mutuals here and one of the best people ive ever ever met, sososoos smart and has so much passion for almost everything they do and im highkey sososososo glad ive met them like <3
@hershey-the-confused LAUGHS AT MY SUFFERING ALL THE TIME SMH ANDANDAND TORTUROSUD ME WITH GREEN APPLES but overall theyre sosososo fun to talk to although a bit frustrating (in thr most loving way ever its very fun) ANDAND LOWKEY MY EMO IN LAW VERYVERY COOL PERSON☝️
@cheekyboybeth THE CHAPPELL ROAN TO MY OLIVIA RODRIGO, super duper cool with an obsession with cannibalism(relatable) and SUPER COOL THOIGH LIKE OKAY
@here-am-i-sitting-in-a-tin-can SKYE❗️❗️❗️ sososos cool and wonderful to interact with, also tortupsus me with green apples andand idk wonderful all around
If ive missed anyone tell me so i can add you sigh MWAH💔 IF YOU WANNA BE UNTAGGED TELL ME <3
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Moodboard(one of my most treasured thibgs ever made for me) made for me by @hershey-the-confused <333
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Shelby Sister- I Didn’t Know
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Last night I started to get these funny aches and pains in my stomach. Putting it down to my monthly arriving I ignored them after getting myself a hot water bottle and went to sleep. However I woke up about 3am in the worst pain I've ever experienced. These period pains are truly something else. Groaning I get out of bed and make my way done to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea hoping to ease the pain.
7am rolls around and I'm in agony. Aunt Polly and Tommy are now up and wondering what to do. Polly has tried everything she can think of to help with the pains, but nothing is working and the pains are just getting worse
"That's it's I'm ringing a doctor. This isn't normal"
"Yeah ok" Polly breathes out giving in, also so confused to why my pains are so bad this month. Tears are falling down my face
"Aunt Poll an I dying?" I ask
"No. Tommys going to ring the best doctor he can to come over and give you a check up"
"Poll I'm scared"
"I know, but you don't need to be, everything's going to be ok"
Within 30 minutes a doctor has arrived and had been checking me over
"Ok there's one last thing I want to check" he says taking our stethoscope
"You've already listed to her heartbeat" Tommy frowns in confusion, but the doctor proceeds to place his stethoscope on my stomach
"Aunt Poll what's he.."
"Shh" the doctor says as he listens "unbelievable. This is so rare. I've never seen this happen before"
"What? Am I dying?"
"No, your in active labour"
"I'm what?"
"She's what?" Aunt Polly, Tommy and I say all at the same time
"You had no idea you were pregnant?" The doctor asked
"I.. no. I had my monthly every month on time"
"Have you wet yourself yet?"
"He's asking if your waters have broken, but you will have wet yourself since you wouldn't have had any warning of it happening"
"Well then I think we should get you up on your feet and walking about. That should help"
"Who did this?" Tommy asks
"Who got you pregnant. I'll fucking kill em"
"No you will not. Unless that is you were forced"
"No he was sweet, promise"
"Tommy let's do this later yeah? Go and ring the others let them know whats going on"
After walking around the house and my waters breaking, I was checked over and now it's time to push. Polly holds my hand while the doctor is at the other end. My brothers are all at the pup trying to figure out who the father is
"Ok next wave I need you to push"
"I can't"
"Yes you can. You can do this YN"
"I'm not ready to be a mum"
"Nobody ever is, but you heard the doctor when you feel that wave of pain you push as hard as you can" the wave of pain hits me and I push like Polly said
"Ok good. I need another big one like that ok?" the doctor says earning a nod from me. This goes on for a while until Im finally holding my baby I'm my arms. A little boy
"It's Isaiah's isn't it?" Polly sighs. I nod my head. We had been secretly courting each other for the last year now
"Toms gonna kill 'im Poll" I say worriedly
"No he's not”
Everyone's going to hate me now. Im an unmarried woman with a baby. People are racist Poll they're going to hate us all"
"Who cares what people think. I'm going to find Isaiah and bring him here to meet his son and I'm going to stop your brothers from drinking themselves silly"
Isaiah came over to meet his son, while Polly does damage control with my brothers. When they come over they are a lot calmer that I expect them to be. I guess Aunt Polly can me very scary when she wants to be
"So what's little lads name?" Arthur asks through gritted teeth
"Walter Shelby Jesus" I smile looking down at the newborn
"I'll ask Esme where the kids old clothes are"
"Thanks John" I give him a little smile
"So when's the wedding?" Tommy asks
"Tommy not now" Polly scolds shaking her head "let them be for now. Right come on let's leave them alone"
"That's how they go into this mess" Arthur mumbles
"Out now. Come on" Polly usurers everyone out of the room leaving Isaiah and I to fall in love with our baby.
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stupidsketchpad · 4 months
hey guys. im here to rant about how 2econd 2ight 2eer (second sight seer) by will wood is secret life bigb's song because god its eerie how similar the song lyrics are to his character. AHEM (also spoilers for secret life)
My grip on my secrets slipping while I'm speaking in tongues
ok. this is a really good start lol. basically bigb's task don't mean much when he does weird shit anyway for fun and, quote from grian, "writes his own tasks"
Screaming at the top of my lungs in the confession booth
he's saying stuff that litterally makes no sense. even after his task is done he wont tell anyone (confession booth is kinda like people asking about your task after it's done. your confessing your task to someone)
Take it with a pillar of salt, H.A.L.T., it's not my fault
i got nothing man
The devil made me do it, but I also kinda wanted to
I'm cut from a different kind of meat
More than you can chew, hard to swallow me
"what the hell are you doing??" is a common question he gets asked. hard to swallow. y'know
Forget bored stiff, I got rigor mortis, call it morbid curiosity
How I cannot commit to reality, when my third eye's open and I like what I see
he's doing shit for the sake of doing shit.
Baby, I may be crazy but I didn't lose it, no I set it free
AAAAA THIS LINE TOOO!!! ok so he didn't just randomly start lying in secret life. it was weird before that too! i cant speak for double but LIMITED LIFE he was also confusing people about being the boogeyman. basically that one meme with the "guy weird about everything but its drowned out by how weird about everything the other people are"
I can't ignore what's under dance floorboards, the rhythm of my heart a dead-as-disco beat
But I still move my feet
To slip out of this groove, I'm free
dont got much here but i think this is just him having fun, yknow
Now to row, row, row my boat over the falls
And maybe wake up from but a dream, yeah
"but a dream" is the games. there are three rows in the line. lose your lives to get the game over with.
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I didn't lose it babe
There wasn't much to find
once again, this wasnt the first time he was being weird!!!
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I'm only passing through
say weird shit, refuse to elaborate, leave.
Oh, oh, o-o-oh
If you knew what I knew, if you saw what I see
You'd look through illusions, hallucinations, and lucid dream
And I know that meaning can be such a pretty thing to keep
But I got facts and I'm not afraid to use 'em, take the good with the bad, take off the back you make a new front
evo, anyone? anyway this man knows about watchers and doesnt care. he knows! he just doesn't give that any meaning.
Some days I'm glad that I am a madman and I'd rather be that than
An amicable animal, mild-mannered cannibal
red lives and how bigb doesn't have the same bloodlust as they do. this guy doesn't kill much, he's like the most passive on the server. /srs
But I'm more level-headed and clever than ever and I'm getting better one forever at a time
how many people guessed any of bigb's tasks? that's right, zero! (if i remember correctly.) he's getting better at the games (btw the games being referred to as "forevers" is just ahshahdghs)
And if sick is defined by what's different, well then pull the plug out and let me die
not much here
Vice-versa, vice versus virtue
Well who I am I choose through all the things I do
And if it rhymes, it's true, but I hate poetry
contradicting himself. easy peasy analysis here folks.
Now with my moral compass pointing south, I'm going down
With no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no respect for reality
could say this is going red! but also. "going down?" LIKE A HOLE? HE MADE A HOLE?????
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I didn't lose it babe
There wasn't much to find
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I'm only passing through
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I didn't lose it babe
There wasn't much to find
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
same stuff
A tourist passing through
Well that was fun, goodbye
he died. but hey, he had fun!
anyways thats all thank you for listening to me ramble about songs and minecraft i WILL do this again. sorry if this is incoherent i wrote it at 10:00 pm.
psst... moot... @bigb-enthusiast... would you like this?
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lillylvjy · 2 years
omgomgomg lilly!!!
can i get something like a new year party which wilbur or y/n gets drunk and just randomly confess to other
A/n- hi aimi!! I hope you enjoy this! It was poorly written but! It followed the request! So enjoy!
Warnings// one sexual joke (Tommy), swearing, kissing, teasing ig, tell me if I missed anything:)
I thought that I was dream in’ (when you said you loved me)
You honestly didn’t know how you got here. One moment you were talking to Joe and Ash, the next you were being pulled out of the house by Wilbur onto the roof of the apartment building.
“Wilbur, what’s up?” You question the tall man has he let your wrist go and turned his back towards you.
“You know. I’ve never liked when you talked to other guys. Especially my friends.” Wilbur slurred half his words, obviously drunk of his ass. But as people say, drunk words are sober thoughts.
“What? What are you talking about?!” You asked, confused on why he was saying this.
“don’t like how close you get to them. Don’t like how they look at you either. How they think you are free to take and are selfish about you.” Wilbur said laying down on the cold concrete roof.
“Well, I’m sorry Wil but you don’t get to chose who I talk to, who I flirt with, ect. And im sorry you feel that way towards them but I don’t know what you want me to do.” You said, crossing your arms as a breeze came over you. You walked over to Wilbur and sat down next to him.
“Why can’t you just be mine?” He asked in a hush whisper.
“What?” You looked down at him with wide eyes.
“I’ve been hinting and trying to get you to realize that I have fallen in love with you this whole year. And when it seems like you finally get it, poof. You go on and act all flirty with the guys. It’s annoying y/n. Frustrating. All I want is for you to acknowledge my feelings and show me some sign that you feel the same. Or show me that you only like me as a friend. God dammit, just show me something please!” Wilbur begs. He never looks at you. Only looks at the sky.
“Wilbur. I’m sorry. Im sorry I didn’t catch it. I’m sorry that I made you feel like this. In all honesty, I thought you didn’t like me. So I used my only way to get over it. By being flirty with others and trying to find someone else. It didn’t work. I’d only think of you. Wil, I’ve been in love with you since the day we met. And I understand that frustration. And I’m sorry for ignoring it.” You said , looking down at your hands as you played with them.
As tears began to sting in your eyes, Wilbur grabbed your hands and kissed them. He lifted your chin to make eye contact with you. “Darling, if knew that! I would’ve done this a long time ago.”
Wilbur cups your face and brings you in for a gentle, loving kiss. After a while you both pull back to catch your breath. You smiled at him as he leans his forehead against yours.
“I really hope you remember this tomorrow.” You told Wilbur as he laughed.
“Oh I’ll definitely remember this!” He said as he pulled you back into a kiss, but it soon got interrupted by an all to familiar gagging sound.
“My eyes! My beautiful eyes! I need bleach!” Tommy screeched as you covered his eyes.
“Tommy! Don’t be mean. Ash wanted us to come get you guys! 5 minutes before midnight!” Em said as she took Tommy’s hand and led him back to the apartment. But Tommy couldn’t leave without saying one more thing.
“Use protection.” He screamed.
Wilbur groaned as you laughed and got up. “Ok lover boy, let’s go back in there. We can share our first new years kiss together. How about that?” You asked him, while helping him off of the floor.
“That sounds lovely. But I have to kill Tommy first.” Wilbur said in a serious tone.
You slapped his chest and scoffed. “He does it to get you riled up, you know?” You pointed out to Wil.
“Yes! But it’s still uncalled for!” He exclaimed.
“Yeah yeah. You’d never kill him tho. You love him too much.” You said, taking Wilbur’s hand and dragging him down the stairs.
“I hate how you’re right.” He huffed as you walked back into the apartment.
Taglist: @deadphantomsociety (if you wanna be added, send me a lovely ask or ask me on this post:))
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
!Dabi x Bakugou’s Sister!Reader!
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Scenario:- How Bakugou’s sister and dabi met!
Pairing:- dabi x Bakugou’s sister!reader
Like before he joined the league kinda back
Because I honestly dont think he’d jump into a relationship.i think hed take his sweet time and honestly?good on him!
Im thinkin,dingy alley at night kinda setting.
He woulda been bummin a cig(I honestly hate this because BESTIE YOURE GONNA GET A CVD?????LIKE PUT THAT SHIT AWAY) and you sniff the air,pinch your nose closed and walk up to him
Now we know dabi hadnt committed and “flashy crimes” before joining the league so i dont think hed risk lightin you up then and there.especially if there’d be a way to to talk his way outta it
Cause as we know,this bitch can talk.hes smoother than a ferret in a piping system when he needs to/wants to be.
He’d be ready just in case he had to defend himself and all you’d do is snatch the cig from his lips and crush it under your heel
You’d give him a disapproving look up and down and just scoff before walking our of the alley and continuing on your way
Hed be STUNNED like
Fuckin confusion incarnate this mfer
But like after five seconds he shaked himself ot of his trance and gets out of that alley.
He thinks about it tho. About you.not 24/7 or anything just you pop into his head every now and then.
Over the nexr few weeks you continue to bump into each other and you noticed him every time
He isn’t exactly forgettable
And finally about three weeks in you actually stop him
You pull on his raggedy little overshirt and he’s like ‘shit not her again’
You look him dead in the eye and pull him into a side street. And confront him
“Hey what gives???”
“Okay let me rephrase.why the hell are you following me??”
“Pfft im not following you.”
“Oh so you do speak,well then why the fuck have i been seeing you literally everywhere for the past three weeks?”
“I dont know what the fuck youre talking about.”
You stared into his eyes and you could tell he genuinely didnt do it on purpose...after growing up with katsuki you learned how to search for the truth in peoples eyes because,as you’d learned by observing bakugou, their eyes often betrayed what their voice and words tried to mask.
“Hmmph you really havent been following me...sorry um about that.... im y/n.” You said extending your hand and he just looked at it warily
When he didn’t respond you proded further
“And you are?????”
“Uh dabi...the name’s dabi”
“You slowly retracted your hand(he didnt shake it{THE LION THE WITCH AND THE AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH})
Just then you heard a rustling from the back of the alley
You both turned to see a group of thugs ready to ambush you
He ignited his palms and you yours.
You were no damsel in distress.youd trained with your brother since you were a little girl!
You both fought them off him Ofc deal more lethal blows than you.
And finally when all the bodies which had been attacking you were either burned to ash or incapacitated you looked at eachother and smiled just a little
“We make a pretty good team,staples”
“I guess we do”
“Soo how about dinner and a movie huh? My treat. You got most of em,left less for me”
He naturally looked skeptical.
But after a few minutes he nodded his head
“Yh sure”
What was the worst that could happen? Him falling for you?? Not a Goddam chance!(hehehehehe)
So you went on your date that Friday and the rest is history!
please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the mha characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but this story? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Reblogs with tags>>>>>>>>>likes please
Tagging: @izueli @izukuisbaby
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coolattasclown · 3 months
Thinking about the guy ever... I feel like Olmi would have a bit of an interesting dynamic with the other characters so im gonna put how they would feel about em down below . for funnies
Marmors in general: Olmi's relationship with the marmors is a bit complicated. On one hand they should feel grateful, because they would've died in space had their spaceship not been taken in. Plus if they find their planet's location, Olmi will be reunited with his family and people. But on the other, the marmors treat them like a toy or a pet almost. In the vault they're kind of treated as entertainment for the marmors, only getting a window into the other room or hall after asking many, many times. They're not seen as equals and they don't like it very much. Plus, once they escape their cell and learn of whats happening to Teegarden and what the marmors do to the planets they find, Olmi is less trusting of them.
Ward: Too big. But pretty calm and quiet, much like olmi. I think between the two humans, Olmi would trust Ward a bit more just because he's more straightforward with his words than Oscar, and more serious.
Oscar: I imagine Oscar talks quickly and he talks a lot, which makes it a bit hard for Olmi to understand him sometimes. They see Oscar as an older sibling like Olmi themself, based on the care he shows for Alcor, and they find their relationship familiar to Olmi's with his family and younger siblings.
Holly: Olmi finds Holly very confusing. When they first meet they assume he's human like the other two, but I don't think they would fully grasp the shapeshifting. Both of their cultures seem to kind of be based around helping the planet/stewarding the ecosystems (I'm not too sure for Teegarden, but based on what we know, how helpful they are to each other, etc. I think it makes sense to say that) so I think they can relate to that. After Olmi learns about what is happening on Teegarden they would want to help, maybe because they don't want to see a planet with life so similar to their own get extinguished.
Ecliptica: I'm not sure if Olmi would know Ecliptica very well. From the way Oscar talks about her I think they'd gather that she is the leader of the marmors, and by extension Olmi wouldn't be super fond of her. Plus based on her treatment of Oscar I think Ecliptica would see Olmi based on their usefulness to her.
Sculptor: Pretty much the same for the rest of the marmors, although because sculptor is actively trying to find where their planet is by going through their memories, collaborating with other marmor ships maybe, etc., they feel the need to try and stop him, as well as stopping him from hurting others within the vault.
Alcor: scary . its like a marmor but their size. hate. but also kind of reminds them of their younger siblings in a way, so they mostly just avoid him.
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saintsir4n · 1 year
THE suffragette arson attack on Britannia Pier made news everywhere. The horror, the paper's headlines screamed which made Eden wish she was there to witness it all, except she was at work, discussing the women's movement in Great Yarmouth and what this meant for women everywhere.
She remembered hearing Tommy say a while ago, big fucks little and in her eyes, many women were bigger than men, more powerful in ways that didn't involve abrupt acts of violence or shouting and yelling to prove a point.
So when she finished her shift, she waved goodbye to the other nurses, exited the building and let out a deep sigh.
"Fuck," another long, tiresome shift, caring for people who couldn't give a damn about her in the slightest, who treated her like shit until they caved and allowed her to operate on their burns and bruises.
Eden Dawkins needed a break.
"Come on Edie," she turned around to see Dorris waiting for her, "You're late."
"It's six in the afternoon."
Looping arms with her dear friend, Dorris shrugged, "And? Let's get going."
And so they did, despite Eden's aching feet and drooping eyes, they walked towards their favourite place in the city.
The sun had almost faded, fortunately, the weather was heating up, Spring had its grasp on Birmingham and Eden and Dorris were grateful for it.
"You're still with 'im then?" asked Dorris.
Eden felt the disappointment in the air, "Not really."
"Don't lie to me, you've forgiven 'im right, Shelby's been forgiven?
Eden sighed, "Not completely."
"Fuck sakes Eden," Dorris didn't get it and she doubted she ever would.
"I know, it's fucked up," Eden already felt a great amount of shame for allowing Tommy back in.
"More than that," Dorris muttered bitterly, looking away from her friend, "You love 'im that much don't ya?"
"I can't help it," Eden whispered as they drifted closer to the green.
"You can leave," Dorris suggested.
"I've tried."
"Not hard enough."
"I know."
Dorris bit down on her lip, debating on what to say next, "He asked about you y'know? Enzo."
Eden's face lit up just as quickly as it dimmed.
"But he doesn't respond to my letters," she muttered, earning a scoff.
"Can you blame 'im? He was bedridden for two weeks, he could barely speak. Every time I went over, Angel and Mrs Changretta would curse you out," Eden bowed her head shame, "and Enzo would defend you, battered and bruised, he wouldn't let 'em say a word 'bout you – me as well, which is why I got kicked out a few times."
Angel was angry at Dorris for defending Eden, especially when he believed she was the reason his brother was all bandaged up. She didn't think Angel would talk to her after this and for once she wasn't fussed.
Truthfully she didn't love him as much as she thought she did and had her suspicions he didn't love her.
"Does he look better?" Eden suddenly asked, when they started their long walk up the hill.
"Better than before," Dorris answered, coyly smiling at the thought.
Eden tried to smile back, but it came out as a grimace.
"And what does your mum think 'bout all of this?" Dorris wondered how the Dawkins' even allowed her to continue to date a man like Tommy Shelby.
Dorris knew her mother would kick her out if she was dating a gangster... well, a more infamous one.
"She's on the fence," Eden said.
Dorris raised a knowing brow, "And ya dad?"
"Still hate's 'im,"
Cecil was never fond of Tommy, she speculated it was because he was mindful that he was a white man, from a not-very-respected family, which he would never confirm or deny.
Dorris snorted, "Good."
Eden rolled her eyes and they continued on their way.
"Did you really pull a knife on Shelby?" Dorris asked, seemingly excited by the whole thing.
Eden hummed, "Yeah."
Dorris started to laugh, startling her friend.
"What?" Eden asked in confusion.
"Maybe you two, do belong together."
Eden groaned, "Fuck off."
"What, it's true," Dorris kept laughing, "Wish I saw it."
"I wish it never happened."
Dorris pursed her lips at her regret, "Can't turn back time, no matter how much you want to, just 'ave to move forward."
A soft scoff escaped Eden's lips, "Oh yeah?"
"You don't wanna get out of this shitty town?"
"I've thought about it."
"I can't see you being a nurse for long," Dorris remarked, growing tired of walking despite getting closer.
"You love to read Edie," Dorris recalled all the times she'd seen her friend's face stuck in a book.
She and Enzo used to have to drag her away from the pages she got pulled into.
Eden slowly nodded, "And write."
She even began to write in the notebook Tommy gifted her, not that she told him, but she was certain he knew. It was only small stories about the lives around her, fortunately, there was a tale on every corner of small heath so she didn't have to go far for inspiration.
"And write, y'see I've never heard any writer come from Birmingham 'ave you?"
A frown settled on Eden's face, "I dunno, but I could be the first."
Dorris agreed, "You could, but under what name?"
"E. Dawkins," Eden blurted out, aware her name alone would get any traction, being a woman, a black woman, she knew she wouldn't be recognised let alone published.
Plenty of female writers had pseudonyms. 
"You've thought about it, good, got any more?" Dorris pressed on.
Eden huffed out a chuckle at the next name, "Adam Garden."
Dorris made a face, "The fuck?"
"What man was the first to step into the garden of Eden?"
"Adam. I get it now, big brain," Dorris ignored the eye roll she received,  "Clever."
"Fuckin' idiot."
"Shut up. All I'm sayin' is, this town is a cloud of smoke, you gotta get out," Dorris insisted as they neared closer to their favourite spot.
"Like you, I know you wanna go to London, there's smoke over there," Eden teased.
"And lights, you can at least see through the smoke," Dorris said, "don't you feel like you're gettin' left behind, stayin' here?"
Eden didn't what dawned on her, "It's all I know."
Bobbing her nose, Dorris smiled, "Keep writin' your stories and see if that's how you want to do."
Eden had talked to Enzo before about how dull England was for her, but she didn't think she had the courage to ever leave.
Slowly approaching the huge tree stump that was blossoming with flowers, Dorris smiled, then nudged the distant woman, who snapped her head up from the ground.
She let out a shaky breath upon seeing Enzo, who slowly walked out from behind the tree. Yellow bruises still scared his face and stitches decorated his eyes.
"Enzo," she didn't hesitate to break out into a run and jump into his arms.
Hearing his grunt, she pulled back, worried about the bruises underneath his grey jumper, but he tugged her back to his chest. A month had gone by without contact from him and she couldn't stand it, but she knew he needed space from her even if it killed her. It was the longest she'd gone without hearing from him, despite the copious arguments they had over the years, they would always find their way back to each other, well that's what he always said to her.
"Hello Edie, like the scars?" he asked jokily after drawing back and pressing a kiss to Dorris' forehead.
Eden's hand met her mouth,  "My god..."
Tommy did this to him, and she hated him for it, but she hated himself more for still being in love with him.
"It's alright," he took her hand a placed it on his face, "they don't hurt anymore, I kinda like 'em."
"Looks like a movie star," Dorris complimented, shooting him a wink that he returned.
"You do," Eden sniffled, wondering how he could find the light in all of this.
Dorris smiled, "Told you she would agree w'me,"
"You were right Dotty," Enzo chuckled, gently nudging her.
"Always am."
Eden retracted her hands, "I'm so sorry."
Enzo playfully rolled his eyes, "For these? Not your fault, at least I got to see you protectin' me."
"I shouldn't 'ave had to."
"You're right, you shouldn't 'ave had to," he agreed rather bluntly, his tone had Dorris gently shaking her head, sending him a knowing look that he acknowledged.
Enzo shook off his animosity for a moment and took Eden and Dorris' hands, leading him over to the blanket he set up that had a small basket sitting over it.
It made Eden feel like it was just like old times, but something was off like there was a secret she wasn't aware of, making her feel very unnerved.
"I brought sandwiches, last ones for a while I'm afraid," Enzo couldn't help but joke as they sat down, "Sardolive for you," he gave to Eden, after opening up the basket, "tomato soup for you Dot."
"Thank you," Eden beamed at him.
"Been missin' 'em," Dorris quickly dug in as he brought a bottle of pop.
"Neither of you allowed in my house anymore, so I don't doubt that," he teased again, making them crack a small.
Tucking into the food, Eden couldn't help but cast glances at Enzo, the bruises on his face worried her. Yes, they were healing, but everything between them still felt as broken as ever.
"Guess what I found," Settling her sandwich down, Dorris brought out old fragile and brittle flower crowns, forcing the other two to stop eating.
They gasped, noticing the petals had fallen and died years ago, it was a miracle the stems still hung onto each other.
"We made them before we finished school," she informed, settling them in their hands.
"Merde, you kept these?" Enzo chuckled.
"It was Edie's idea to make 'em," Enzo remembered, turning to the girl who was taken back by the flower crowns.
"I remember," Eden murmured, with a smile.
Dorris accepted them when they passed them back and placed them down on the picnic blanket.
Clearing her throat, Eden spoke up, "Since we're bringin' out old shit, Mum found this a few days ago," she took a picture out of her cardigan pocket.
Dorris gasped, "Oh shit."
They stared at their younger selves in a picture Eden presented them with.
Enzo was standing between the two girls, smiling widely, the Dawkins girls made funny faces whilst Dorris glared at the camera.
"What a sight," Enzo stared in awe, taking the picture to get a closer look.
Eden fondly nodded to the photograph, "Mum says she's got another one of those somewhere, so I wanted you to 'ave it."
"What 'bout Dotty?" he asked, turning to the Martin woman.
"I told her to give it to you," Doris responded.
He turned back to Eden, "Thank you."
"You're welcome," Eden smiled.
Carefully placing the picture into his pocket, he started thinking about all the times he'd lay in his bed, hearing all the curses his parents shouted all over the house about Eden Dawkins, the truce and the Shelbys. Wanting to tune them out he couldn't, because Angel would jump in, and even sometimes Stevie would whenever he checked in under the guise of being a friend and despite needing time away from the girl, Enzo couldn't let her or Dorris' name be slandered like that.
March was hell for Enzo.
"'Bout your letters," he spoke up after a moment, facing Eden whose eye widened, "I got all of 'em, sorry I couldn't write back."
"Why is that?" she dared to ask, then noted the frustration swimming in his eyes.
"Didn't have the energy."
She nodded rapidly, "Right, sorry."
"It's alright," Enzo caught the strained look on her face, "you alright?"
"I'm just happy we're friends again... what?" she sensed the change in their demeanours.
She saw the many times Dorris sent Enzo odd looks, which she tried to ignore, until now at least.
Nervously scratching the back of his head, Enzo gulped, "Need to tell you something."
Suddenly Eden's mouth went dry, "Tell me what?"
"Edie, just listen alright?" Dorris said, softly.
Wordlessly Eden turned back to the injured man, who stared out onto the green.
"I remember when I met you, you walked into class with a big bow in your hair, a big red bow remember that?" Eden smiled at the memory, "but some Segaiolo tried to rip it out 'cause they thought I didn't suit you. You pushed her over and got a detention on the first day," the girls laughed as he continued recalling the story, "and that was when I knew you were gonna be my best friend. You were so sure of yourself, that's what I loved, and I still do. Even when you dated my brother, it confused me and disgusted me a little, but when he proposed the idea of marriage had you ending it and you didn't turn back and I applauded you, the little shit deserved it. And I thought, maybe your taste in men ain't that bad," Eden's laughter died down, as did Dotty's, "but I was wrong."
"Enzo –"
"-- I was realy fuckin' wrong. You started datin' this gangster, and I thought why? Why would you give into this whores charms, didn't make sense to me, not in the slightest, but you looked happy, really happy, well most of the time, so I kept my mouth shut, even Dorris was shocked about that. And when you started comin' to me upset I thought I'll hold my tongue because it's an argument right, he wouldn't hurt you, well that's what you told me. And then he made you cry, my best friend, cryin', 'cause of that putina, but it's not the first time right?" Dorris turned to see the sullen expression on Eden's face, yet Enzo didn't stop, "he hurts you and you love him. And I can't keep seein' you get hurt by someone like that, I won't Edie... not anymore, I mean look me – look at you. One day I hope you push him like the Segaiolo he is," he gathered her hands in his, "but I won't be around to see it."
Eden went numb, every fibre of her body... she just couldn't feel anything.
All the words he spoke echoed in her mind, humming, then blaring almost deafening her, she had no choice but to let everything in. But I won't be around to see it, it was so final, why was it so final?
Dorris looked down, knowing this was going to happen, feeling guilty for leading Eden to this, the end of their trio.
"You won't be around for it?" Eden quietly muttered, more to herself than him, but from the corner of her eye, she could see him shakily nod.
Slipping her hand out from his, she heard Enzo choke back a sob whilst she came to terms with everything. They would always find their way back to each other... but not anymore.
Her heart begged him for another chance, but in his teary eyes, she knew it was over, for good.
Enzo knew he would never experience her kicks, pinches or long speeches full of random quotes from books she read, that he couldn't understand. The smell of cedar wood was his favourite, but it was a sacrifice he'd have to make, all of it was. He loved her with everything in him, but he didn't think he could deal with it anymore.
It almost cost him his life.
Eden forced herself not to cry, believing it was her fault he had to make the decision and no amount of begging would make him take it back.
So she nodded and let out a deep sigh.
"Fuck, I need a cig," she muttered, voice thick with sadness.
Dorris and Enzo chuckled at her, the former couldn't stop his tears from flowing.
"You're ending things and you're crying," Eden accused, with a small smile.
He nudged her, "Fuck off."
Wiping away a stray tear, Dorris mustered up a smile, "Hey, I didn't bring these for nothin'," she gestured to the flower crowns, "Put the fuckers on."
They laughed as they put on the flower crowns, each looked very ridiculous, but they didn't care, Instead, they basked in the memories they had because new ones wouldn't be made after that. Which was a sad truth that drove their laughter to die down and look out at the horizon.
Enzo reached for their hands, not wanting the moment to leave just yet.
A train going past caught their attention, it went at such high speed and along with it went a friendship.
Eden and Enzo's.
And what a friendship it was.
i didn't realise how many famous authors there were from birmingham, jrr tolkien (the hobbit/ lord of the rings), benjamin zepheniah (poet and plays jeremiah in the show) and steven knight (the peaky blinders writer). i've shed some light on eden's fascination with books, and her aspiration to become an author one day, but as a woman, a black woman, she fears that her work wouldn't be recognised let alone published. most woman used an alias for their work, so that's why eden is considering it.
some people might also think that enzo is being too rash in his decision to break up his and eden's friendship, but to be honest, he isn't wrong. he let her down gently and it hurt him to do so. he loves her, but can't watch her be with tommy -- and before anyone says anything, tommy may have been decent before he went off to war, but we saw what he became. plus he literally beat enzo to a pulp just because of speculation... so enzo leaving eden alone is for the best. also if you're in a relationship or something adjacent with a man like tommy, making sacrifices are bound to happen, unfortunately.
and if anyone is confused on the timeline, the suffragette arson attack on britannia pier, great yarmouth 17th of april.
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water-mellie-seeds · 7 months
If you genuinely want to start shit with me about it then you're free to unfollow i genuinely do not care about this stupif petty arguement anymore i exist outside the weird as fuck rules of media consumption on the internet. I want you to know the absolute truth about something. To preface just because this IS the piss on the poor website this is NOT us condoning proshippery or condoning the actions of any less than savory creators or pieces of media we happen to watch or talk about.
We actually quite liked some of the new hazbin hotel and we finally watched and enjoyed helluva boss. And we do still watch south park. And other pieces of media that apparently make you a terrible person for even looking at. For south park I have since i was 9 maybe 10 and it actually helped me to UNLEARN the shitty things i did and thought as a kid in a small town with heavily christian parents. In my very early childhood, my mom used to have basically fucking neo-nazi type ideals thanks to her parents and I had to unlearn all of that on my own because she didn't unlearn it before having kids and 'problematic media' helped. It helped me see what Not to do and what Not to say. And whatever! Sometimes its actually fucking funny and that's fine too! The jokes you have the right to laugh at. And im sick of like. People not getting that you can like something and not everything about it. And im ALSO sick of people dictating whats bad media and whats good media. Why cant we just go back to it being MEDIA. the death of media literacy and the weird holier than thou attitude behind finding a piece of media that has the least amount of controversy is just exhausting. The whole practice is so ridiculously detrimental and im serious. Like 10 odd years ago no one cared what you watched and no one Especially measured your moral standing with a fucking stupid tv show and i don't know when that shift was made but it makes me so genuinely upset because you're not going to find that perfect and pristine show. Everything has something wrong with it. You can acknowledge that and just, move on. It's incredibly easy.
Im not always eloquent as I'd like to be but i feel a lot better coming clean that yeah, Sometimes I find comfort in media that isn't super sweet and sanitized and I owe it to south park and things like it for teaching me how not to act,and especially how some of the things in my life were not normal or okay. However, never would I praise it.
Thank you, i didnt want to keep up some kind of unspoken ohhh i hate those fans lol vibe and confuse people who actually do think like this and who do judge people's morals based on what they consume. So if this is a thing you do and knowing this about us changes how you view us, it is more than okay for you to unfollow or break mutuals,etc. We will be in no way offended.
There's a lil more in tags if u wanna look @ those
Normal posting will resume after i get home from my party!
anons will be off tonight for obvious reasons<3. If you're really aiming to send a death threat though, this is not the case for any of our other blogs so if you're dedicated enough, find em♡ whatever gets you off
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laooneart · 2 years
Hello merry Christmas people i am here today because i will be headcanon-ing Harringrove love languages
Lets go
obviously gift giving You cannot tell me he doesn’t love giving Billy gifts, even if it’s literally just a flower he found on his garden
Physical touch This man can’t keep his hands to himself, he needs to feel the heat of another body, I also headcanon that he hates being alone cuz he definitely has PTSD due to all the shit that he’s been through since season one
Acts of service Try to deny that this boy is willing to do whatever it takes to keep you happy/help you/keep you safe, even if it could be extremely dangerous for his life as we’ve seen how he’s so protective. I’d imagine that when he finds out what Neil has been doing to Billy he’d go livid, like straight up would beat the shit out of him if he sees him lay a hand on Billy, he wouldn’t care if Neil is stronger and bigger. (You know what? As soon as i get my laptop imma write that into a fic)
Words of affirmation My baby doesn’t get any words of encouragement/affirmation or validation and his self esteem is nonexistent since the Halloween party in season two. So I can see Steve actually crying without even noticing when Billy says something like “Holy shit Harrington! You’re a genius!” “I hate to admit it, but you’re not that bad at fighting” “You might just have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen holy shit” (this last one is the one that breaks him)
He’s just not used to being loved, and I’m actually livid about it
Gift receiving He never gets gifts, period. Who would give him a gift? Nancy? No that’d be awkward for both. His parents? What a joke, probably not even a letter or call to check up on him, sure they send him money because they’re not about to leave their child without some sort of support cuz you know, Hopper would be on their asses about it since that’d be like child negligence. So when Billy gets him something,(a flower a letter even a goddamn cassette made BY HIM) Steve can’t help but be
A. Confused af
B.More in love than he already is
C. Overwhelmed and starts to cry
D. All of the above
Acts of service Billy won’t normally say anything sweet like Steve would or wouldn’t start the physical touch kind of love, so he sticks to SHOWING how much he loves or cares for Steve. Also im sure since Steve is willing to move heaven and Earth for Billy, Billy is willing to destroy the world for Steve (you’ve seen those texts where they say that a hero would sacrifice you to save the world and a villain would sacrifice the world for you? Yup, that’s Billy)
Quality time Let’s be honest, he finds EVERY excuse on the book to get away from his father and problems, so i imagine he’d constantly go to Steve’s house just to talk/smoke/ or do what fucking ever
Physical touch Listen listen, i know i said Billy isn’t the type to start physical touch but when already engaged in it he’ll continue it. Like Steve brushes his hand against Billy’s? He’ll grab his hand and intertwine their fingers or Steve will start cuddling him and Billy will start stroking Steve’s hair or something
Words of affirmation He has a higher self esteem than Steve but since he normally doesn’t hear anything related to love receiving whenever Steve tells him: “I love you” “You’re amazing” “How did i get so lucky to have meet you?” ,Billy would just go “Oh”
And that would be it! Thanks so much for reading this and I’d love to hear what you guys think about this, any suggestions? Feedback? Send em right up!
Merry Christmas and happy New Year loves!
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boo-moved · 8 months
1, 4, 6, 11, 28, 40 and 42 !! [no need to do all of em I just need to know about her so bad]
Also A) and B) if you feel like it <333
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
It depends on the reason fr fr, Iffat will sit as still as a fucking rock to snipe something out of range, but she also can't listen to people longer than five minutes unless it's something super serious. And even with sniping she uses the hand not on her gun to fidget.
tldr: for the bit
How easy is it to earn their trust?
Before the betrayal? Very easy!! Just be nice to her and treat her like how she is and boom, trust
After? Fuck it takes a WHILE for it, the only reason Abelard got the trust was because he saved her the first meeting, that's it- there's a reason she has it so she can feel the heartbeats and smell their scents within a mile. (overwhelming)
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
Lmao, born on a forgeworld yeah? She started a union because it was unfair- technically her existence is against a law, she hates them.
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
She doesn't get confused (almost breaks down because she needs to be in control but she cant let other people know she's confused or not in control. but usually it's fake it til you make it (but she will try so hard to understand.)
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
She will kill a liar, she hates them- so she prefers the truths
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
VERY! She tore out her own eyes because they were flawed, replaced her limbs because they were failing her. She needs to be perfect for everyone else.
How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
She doesn't have one!! She just wants to live ;-; and well... she isn't too devoted to that
Why are you excited about this character?
BECAUSE IVE NEVER HAD ONE LIKE HER!! She's not emo,,,,, and she's short,,,,, and so fucking kind, but also a hypocritical liar <3 She's jus a baby.... she lost a decade of her life because of she wanted to help people, she was a kid.... and she still is
What inspired you to create them?
I don't know......... Rogue Trader gave me a sniper to play, and so I was like at first: "OH COOL A PIRATE CHARACTER WHO GOT IMPRISONED AND TORTURED... EMO TIME" and then she came into my brain as a 5'2 drop of sunshine who has seen the unimaginable and decides to try and be good despite it
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ralofofriverwoods · 10 months
1, 3, 9, and 12 for the weird oc questions ask games for any of your lads?
Apparently this did not post so. Im so very sorry I did not ignore ur ask on purpose :(
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Doing some for different characters this time!!! I love my dragonborn trinity but my other guys need some love too <3
Also this took. So much longer than i thought it would I am so sorry haha I promise I was not intending to take so long😭
1. what’s the lie your character says most often
"it's whatever. Don't look into it." Wrong. Look into it so much. Technically not a lie, but it's the opposite of what ithvozal would actually want to happen, so it could be called a lie if u look at it at a 37 degree angle. The best way to describe it would be kind of a tsundere thing?? They just aren't used to being nice to people on purpose, so when they are they get a little cagey and annoyed about it.
As for real lies, they avoid them as much as possible. Things always get confusing when all the info doesn't line up, which is something they hate more than anything
Alriac doesn’t make a habit of lying, but out of everything he’s prolly lied most about his ability to just kinda. Turn into a merman on command. And everything related to that. He also lies quite a lot about where he goes to anyone that asks. He’s never said the same place twice.
3. how often do they show emotion to others versus just the audience knowing?
Ithvozal didn't grow up around a lot of new ish people, like travelers and whatnot, and most of the people they grew up with didn't have the expectation of performing emotions to the degree that most people would consider normal. Because of this they appear to be very stoic to the usual traveler or surface dweller. If you know them well it's very obvious that they emote quite a lot, if not as strongly. They're the type of character that gets accused of being emotionless and cold by the fandom
Oh alriac absolutely wears his heart on his sleeve. He's never concealed anything a day in his life and everyone he's ever known knows that. He cried because he accidentally startled a really cute fish. He cried because he thought birds didn't live any longer than a week. He's been absolutely ecstatic over a bee landing on his arm. He is so full of joy and whimsy that it's physically impossible to keep it all in.
9. do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Oh ithvozal gives only the toughest of love! When demonstrating it via things like gifts and actions it's very obvious that they're extremely thoughtful about what they're doing, but when it comes to more direct things like physical affection or thankfulness it's a lot harder to tell that it's love and not just how you'd affectionately bully a friend. They mostly use weaker punches when doing physical affection, but their version of a weak punch is the same as most people trying to actually fight. Hence a lot of the meaning kind of gets misconstrued with those. They prefer indirect things like actions and gifts, but they're not opposed to other types of love from the right people. They're used to tough love, but gentle love is also very appreciated.
Alriac doesn't necessarily have gentle love, per se, but it's not tough love. It's more extremely intense than anything else. Like when a cat loves you so much they're very strongly kneading against your leg, and like yeah those claws are digging into your skin like hell but theyre just so cute and sweet and they mean so well, so can you really blame em?? He needs to get told to calm down sometimes, but he doesn't mind. As long as he can still demonstrate his love he's happy. He likes it when people match his energy, no matter what type of love it is. Ithvozal is great friends with him for this reason! They get pretty close to matching it in his eyes.
12. what’s something that makes them laugh a little every time? Be specific!
Ithvozal doesn’t really surround themselves with things that would be considered funny/particularly joyful by most standards, but they always get a kick out of the dwarven automata being a little dumb. Between the spiders that are prone to falling off ledges and getting startled to the spheres that smack their heads on shelves, there’s plenty of things to laugh at with them. Alriac is also a rather large source of laughs for them :)
Alriac finds quite a few things laughable, but his favorite is when he messes with sailors as they panic over a ‘ghost’ on their ship(which is just him climbing up there and spooking people and messing with stuff lol). He collects jokes and stories to tell to Ithvozal as well, to try and get at least a smirk outta em! He’s gotta make up for lost time, since they didn’t become friends until about 100 years into their lives.
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away-ward · 1 year
Hellow, i'm a newcomer!!! I love your contents, and i might watch thailand f4(?) after this because of your blogs! Anyway, I like your blogs because there just seems to be so many different kinds of people interacting with you here?? It's so obvious and you can kinda see if they like dn or its characters or not by their asks. That led to me: You know, i've never thought the DN series books to be OVERLY repetitive but when you, your anons, and your mutuals put a lot of twos and twos together about how repetitive some plots points, characteristics and sex scenes were, it became even clearer to me about how a lot of them are just so similar now. As if it's a formula at this point.
Another scene that came to mind was when alex told aydin she can fuck whoever she wanted, this scene literally transported me back to winterdamon's bathtub scene where winter was touching herself and said some cringey shit about "little sister" "not being bossed around" or damon being her daddy or something and she can do whatever she wants. And alex moaned will's name also reminded me of that scene of rika moaning trevor/kai's name when she's with michael too, and banks with kai about damon during their first intercourse (these happened right? im pretty sure they did or my mind might just be messing with me?).
And winter calling other girls easy like how rika did in corrupt? Banks rika hideaway aka alex emmy train scene in nightfall? Even the misogyny was repetitive!!!! hELP i hate it here mom 😭 this makes me feel like rika/alex/winter are literally the same type of pd's ideal characters, the mary sue but slutty type, but not much of a whore though, but also badass, only with different hair colours and societal backgrounds. Banks is only similar to emory with her colour, Thank fucking god! Because the other FMCs were LITERALLY so similar in many ways to me. And i feel like it's so unfair because we already got so little of great FMCs in this series whatnot with the opening book: corrupt was just pure shit, but why did pd had to butcher them like that? Even the horsemen had very distinct personality, EVEN IF they had similar characteristics to their friends. Even kai and damon were told to be similar, but they were very different, thats why it wasnt confusing (to me at least). What's with pd and their formulaic overly repetitive writing? Idk if im gonna read their fall away series if they're like this too. Had anybody read it? What are your thoughts on it?
---And on a side note, funny (sarcastic tone) how a lot of things alex said or did about will or emmy's personality/situation in general could have hurt emmy (as a friend), but alex did it anyway, but then alex turned around and was always seen to be not-understanding of em's situation, and sometimes she was even inconsiderate towards how emmy COULD possibly feel about alexwill's past hookups as em's friend, even laugh at her when she was jealous of them (and also for moaning will's name!! Wtf! Pd was so wrong for making will sleep in the same bed with alexemmg. I also hate that we get to see willalex's friendship and trust building even in tidbits, but we can't get the same or more for THE main couples themselves? Will can build that trust with alex to the point she knew he would come for her and be there for he, but pd couldnt make will build trust with emmy? Will grayson deseve to die the most painful death ngl)
(Idk if these alexwill asks had been made clear by your anons many times before or not, but i have only seen your recent blogs so idk, but ig my point still stands. Please do pin/post something to indicate if it has been mentioned or if you're ever tired of seeing them for newcomers like me so we can filter our asks, if this is not too much for you) Then alex was hypocritically literally going batshit crazy for all the insinuations made by will and aydin about emmyaydin??? The situation was?? It's so???? It's like when it happened to emmy, emmy was expected to be okay with it, and not show much jealousy, expected to be perfect always, not only that, even emmy herself kept on doing all the emotional work of everyone on her own, but when it comes to alex (or even will), not only they were cruel with their words and actions, they were also irrationally angry at em at the weirdest of time? As if they had no common sense or something? Like they're the only ones suffering? Funny how will said how em didnt know how will suffered or how alex said to em about how em was not the only one suffering? But alexwill were insufferable as fuck, and they were the ones who kept on being dramatic and dgaf about em's feelings or safetyl, so?? Alexwill Truly had horribe personilities, and they were always seen to be inconsiderate of em's feelings with their thinking unless em called them out for it too, but why does emmy has to tell how much they were hurting her ALL THE TIME so only then they would stop and consider how she felt? So fucking selfish. Alexwill were really so fucking annoying istg---
Just like some of your anons, nightfall ruined will's character for me, i was so disappointed in him because he was described as "being different than his friends" in other books (and maybe the povs we got were from his worse friends, so maybe thats why the bar was under the fucking ground) but then anons were right, in his book, his outward actions were shown to be LIKE THAT. But then again, if he's been best friends with those same disgusting horsemen all his life, why wouldn't he pick up the same hurtful words and behaviour from them, even a little, right? Birds from the same feather after all. When you guys said how similar will and michael were about their misogyny and how that was the main reason why that anon hated will, it became clear to me even more why i hated will in nightfall, because gooododdd i hate michael for the same reasons too!!! That anon just put my hatred better into words. Sometimes i feel like i have a different expectations of how a dark romance should be and then i came across these books and they totally were not within my expectations, they're worse, so my expectations were the one to ruin my enjoyment of reading these dark romance books in general. Maybe idk.
Anyway, if theres any anons who love will grayson, or if KO (away-ward) yourself have some long paragraphs of why you guys love will, please do share because even as a will hater myself, its a bit existing to be in this space for Will and Emmy with so many will hates lol! Maybe if you guys share your cute reasons why you love him here, MAYBE i'll like him better and change some of my opinions about him. In very much need of will grayson appreciation in this will grayson love drought (but ONLY related to emmy please, idgaf about his cute scenes with others, especially damon. I had enough in canon, im sick of them.) 😂
Hey! Welcome.
It would make my day if you decided to watch F4 Thailand. No pressure though. The story is absolutely bonkers, but it's really close to my heart. It’s nice to know someone is getting something from the f4 posts. I mean, I’m entertaining myself, so not getting any notes hasn’t been a deterrent at all, but still. At least I know not everyone hates them. If you do decide to watch, I’m using Viki. It’s free there, as are several of the hana yori dango/boys over flowers versions, if you want to dive right in. Comparing them has been a lot of fun.
Idk if these alexwill asks had been made clear by your anons many times before or not, but I have only seen your recent blogs so idk, but ig my point still stands. Please do pin/post something to indicate if it has been mentioned or if you’re ever tired of seeing them for newcomers like me so we can filter our asks, if this is not too much for you
I’ll start off here. I, for one, don’t mind rehashing the same information. Sometimes it can be a bit redundant when I feel like I have nothing to add because I’ve said everything I have to say, but I don’t want the anon to feel like I’m ignoring their point, but for the most part anon usually bring up a new point or consideration I hadn’t thought of before, so it’s not too bad. There is a “Tag System” post on the desktop that goes over how I tag my posts to find what you’re looking for. However, if you’re using only mobile, it probably won’t show up. I’ve been meaning to add it to the master list for ease.
For a quick run-down, I tag all of my answered messages with “asked and answered”, so searching that tag within my blog will bring up all the previous discussions. You can also search by a character’s full name, but that will bring up all posts concerning them, even if it’s something I rb’d and just tagged as the character. However, that doesn’t always work. I get the best results when I just click the tag I want from a post. That typically works a bit better, simply because Tumblr’s search system is pretty bad by all accounts.
If that doesn’t work, let me know, and I’ll see if I can work out another method.
Anyway, on to your thoughts!
I like your blogs because there just seems to be so many different kinds of people interacting with you here. It's so obvious and you can kinda see if they like dn or its characters or not by their asks
I certainly wasn’t expecting the blog to develop this way. My thoughts are that people just like a place where they can express their thoughts or rant about something without having to fear being judged or someone attacking them for it. There are a lot of things about the series to complain about (obviously), but when people are so deeply entrenched in fandom stuff, it can be hard to realistically critique it without backlash. But it’s all fun to me, so I don’t mind. It’s worth a laugh.
And I hope it’s a lot of different people. It seems to be, but since most are on anon, I can’t really know. It hasn’t been a problem since everyone has been respectful and nice to the other anons, so I can’t complain about that.
DN series books to be OVERLY repetitive but when you, your anons, and your mutuals put a lot of twos and twos together about how repetitive some plots points, characteristics and sex scenes were, it became even clearer to me about how a lot of them are just so similar now. As if it's a formula at this point.
It didn’t feel repetitive to me at first, either. It really was after talking about certain parts so many times that I began to realize they felt like others parts in the series. I think there’s enough different about each scene that it’s not that easy to identify. And, to go along with that, I think it’s because of something you said.
The guys are different.
It’s hard to say which is worse in the series: the horsemen or the women. Obviously, the horsemen take more heat for their misogyny and general lack of accountability wherever they go, but there’s no denying that they are much more developed characters than the girls’. Because the horsemen are the heart of the series. They were there from the start; it’s really all about them.
So what we get left with is PD’s idea of an empowered woman. Which I guess looks one of two ways? Or the idea that these four friends would only be interested in one of two types of women?
You get sexy blonde or sassy brunette. Take your pick.
But I don’t want to break the characters down that way. I’ll never back off the idea that writing is hard, much less writing something of this size. Everyone grows in skill at a different rate, and I would have been excited to see what this story would look like in the hands of a more experienced PD. It’s a shame that the community’s fighting has tarnished their love for the series in a way. But since we got it the way we did, it seems that PD liked a few dynamics or that their imagination lead them down the same path because it’s what they liked, and in the end re-used them, maybe even unconsciously.
Alex told aydin she can fuck whoever she wanted, this scene literally transported me back to winterdamon’s bathtub scene where winter was touching herself and said some cringey shit about “little sister” “not being bossed around” or damon being her daddy or something and she can do whatever she wants
I hadn’t noticed this one, but then it’s no secret I don’t remember a lot of KS haha. Hideaway and KS are my weakest in the series, so they’ll have the most holes for me.
this makes me feel like rika/alex/winter are literally the same type of pd's ideal characters, the mary sue but slutty type, but not much of a whore though, but also badass, only with different hair colours and societal backgrounds
It is a bit frustrating that at times the girls felt like copy/paste. Like it wouldn’t matter who was in the scene, it would unfold the same way. I talk a lot about Alex’s weakness as a character, but that’s mainly because she could have been a good character if she wasn’t written to be perfect in every scene. At times Rika and Winter fall into this trap too.
Not playing favorites, but it could be why I like Emory and Banks a little more; they’re allowed to be imperfect and admit it without making a big deal about it.
Emory says something mean to her friend and apologies. It’s never brought up again, but Emory doesn’t become someone who never makes that mistake again.
Banks gets irritated that she’s dragged-out shopping, but later thanks Alex for her help. It just seemed in the narrative, the other three had to be right always, and if they were angry or mean, it’s because they were right meanwhile, Banks and Em were allowed to be wrong or needless mean sometimes, as we all are.
Idk if im gonna read their fall away series if they're like this too. Had anybody read it? What are your thoughts on it?
If someone has anything to share, feel free. I can post without commentary. All I’ve read is Bully and I can definitely say it was more tame that DN, and felt more like PD was just starting out, working their imagination while DN was more like them pushing their imagination pass it’s limits. It’s not a bad thing for a writer to do that; it’s good. But as a comparison to understand the two different feels of the books to me. Bully was like the first time you go for a run while DN was like a marathon, in terms of writing and creativity.
I still don’t know if that made any sense at all. Sorry.
And on a side note, funny (sarcastic tone) how a lot of things alex said or did about will or emmy's personality/situation in general could have hurt emmy (as a friend), but alex did it anyway –
There’s a lot to say about the Alex situation. To me, it feels like PD started with one intention for NF and Willemmy, but as they let their writing group get involved, those who already had an attachment to Alex, the intent went out the window to appease them. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement when ideas are flying, so if that is the case, I see how it could have happened. It’s just so sad that it did.
Alex should have either been Emmy’s friend or Will’s protector, but she couldn’t be both. That’s the most confusing part of the whole situation. Alex appears in NF first as someone one Emmy’s side and showing concern about Will. But as the novel progresses, she bounces around between being Will’s protector from Emmy and Aydin, to being Emmy’s friend and comforter, to hating Aydin and anyone who aligns with him – namely Emmy. She constantly rotates between these three states, and it never made any sense to me – and apparently several other readers.
I wouldn’t have minded seeing Will and Alex’s friendship developed more if it made clear why Will could never love her the way he loved Emmy, but I doubt that would have happened. I believe PD wanted us to see Will and Alex as being so close, they were basically the same person, having a deeper understanding of each other. It however, never comes to light that way in NF and instead we’re left with a shipping war that was never meant to be.
I can reason on a lot of PD’s executions, but there are a few I can’t let go. One that I’ve been thinking about lately is the fight scene at the cove?
I remember being so mad and hurt and confused that Will would leave Emmy to take on Martin while he fought Aydin. Why would he let Martin lay another finger on her? Why was Aydin more important at that moment, when we know that Aydin doesn’t want Emmy that way. He wants to hurt Will and Alex (at least as far as Will knows).
And then for Alex to be shot by Martin, and that’s what stops the fighting? And then that’s when Will finally kills him. Yes, it was for Emmy technically, and I have no doubt that Martin was trying to shoot Emory, that shooting Alex was a mistake because they were fighting.
But it’s just the narrative of it all. It really sends the message that Alex is more important to the story, to the family, to Will then Emory is.
Emory says Martin will never lay a hand on her again, and while I appreciate the overall idea of her finally fighting back, I would have loved it all the more if she had posed herself to fight him and Will refused to let her. She’d conquered her fear of him; it didn’t mean Will needed to let her fight that fight. I’m so tired of PD putting Emory in the backseat while Alex gets to right passenger in Will’s life. And it’s not fixed until Alex leaves to be in Aydin’s life. I just don’t get it.
Where’s Michael with his “I love you guys, but she is everything!” speech? I need that guy to sit Will down.
But anywho.
Funny how will said how em didn’t know how will suffered or how alex said to em about how em was not the only one suffering? But alexwill were insufferable as fuck, and they were the ones who kept on being dramatic and dgaf about em’s feelings or afety, so??
Yeah, that was pretty irritating. I just kept thinking, “do we all remember who was the one being physically abused for years? Are you talking to the girl who literally just lost her grandmother, the only person who every really cared about her? Oh, your pain is worse? Got it.” I would dare any of them to say those kinds of things to Damon and watch what happens. But no. Em’s got to suck it up.
will's character for me, i was so disappointed in him because he was described as "being different than his friends" in other books
To be honesty, I hated Will in the first three books. Except for in the past scenes. I don’t know how deeply you’ve read into the blog, but I’ve talked before about my DN reading journey, so I won’t go too in depth now, but I was really looking forward to Emory’s story and Will was so boring that I almost didn’t make it.
And then in NF, all I cared about was the past scenes. For me, that was the real Will and anything that happened after that was because he was emotionally disturbed by his heartbreak, and then stunted by his time in prison. It’s not an excuse for his behavior, but a reason I can work with.
Will is not nearly as bad alone, even in the present scenes, as he is when he’s with Alex. The WillAlex shippers really got the best of PD at some points, and it shows. Present Will is not great, but I can work with him in terms of character. Will with Alex is too much because Alex in general doesn’t make sense and is a poor character.
But then again, if he’s been best friends with those same disgusting horsemen all his life
I’m laughing because sometimes when I read sentences like this, I wonder how you as a reader made it through the series. The only reason I kept reading was for the horsemen and their friendship.
Will didn’t just pick up bad traits from them. He probably provided some of his own. It’s why the four of them work so well. I remember Damon saying that Will was the most trouble for his parents. He’s always been this way.
When you guys said how similar will and michael were about their misogyny and how that was the main reason why that anon hated will, it became clear to me even more why i hated will in nightfall, because gooododdd i hate michael for the same reasons too!!! That anon just put my hatred better into words
And this is exactly why it’s worth sharing your thoughts, even negative rant-y ones, because you never know when you’re saying exactly what someone is thinking. You’re probably not as alone as you think in your views. It’s no one wants to deal with the backlash if the wrong person reads it, so we keep silent.
Sometimes I feel like I have a different expectations of how a dark romance should be and then I came across these books and they totally were not within my expectations, they’re worse, so my expectations were the one to ruin my enjoyment of reading these dark romance books in general. Maybe idk.
I guess it depends. DN left a lot to be desired in terms of execution. I usually don’t go into with expectations other than somewhat decent writing, so it could be that you’re expecting literary worthy storytelling when the truth is you’re getting the equivalent of fast food. Maybe I’m wrong. But I think it’s worth for you to list out the things you want from a dark romance and that might help you identify what you’re looking for a little faster, so you don’t waste your time (and brain cells, if you feel that you’ve lost some just trying to process all of this).
if theres any anons who love will grayson, or if KO (away-ward) yourself have some long paragraphs of why you guys love will, please do share because even as a will hater myself, its a bit existing to be in this space for Will and Emmy with so many will hates
  I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s a Will that lives in my head that doesn’t exist in PD’s and that’s how I’m surviving. It’s a bit hard whenever I’m reminded that my Will isn’t the Real Will, but then I don’t care cause I think my Will is better.
I don’t know how to explain my Will other than he’s everything I wanted from NF and somehow he developed from the same place as Real Will.
All I can say, and I hate doing it because I feel like I’m assigning homework, is that if you want to understand how I see Will, you’ll have to read my Will grayson iii tag. Just click the one at the bottom of this post and go from there. That’s all I got.
especially damon. I had enough in canon, im sick of them
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So hey, everyone! If you’ve got any other Willemmy HCs or thoughts or scenes that you just really liked that you’ve been sitting one because you weren’t sure if it was the right time to share, this is a request to send them in. Sounds like this anon needs them.
Thanks everyone! and thanks, Anon, for your message. It's nice to hear from you and hope you enjoy the other content.
*This is unedited and will have some spelling and grammar mistakes. Edits will be done within the day*
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Spider-Man (2017 Cartoon) - Flash/Peter - Cleft Awareness Month Prompt 21 : Words
Prompt : Write a fic exploring a character's (this character has a cleft lip and/or palate) thoughts, feelings, etc. on terms considered to be outdated or offensive regarding their cleft. Headcanons : Peter has a cleft lip, Dyslexic!Flash, Autistic!Peter (if you squint) Author's note : Please don't use this fic as a guide for this sort of thing. As a person with a cleft, most of what I have Peter say aligns with my own opinions (though I don't really mind any of the words), but it varies largely for each person so if you have a friend or know someone with a cleft and you're wondering about what words are better to use, just ask them
Flash was trying to improve himself, be a better man.
He supposed that started with Peter.
It wasn't that he'd ever been horrible to the smaller guy. Sure, he'd push him around a bit and call him unsavory names when his jock friends were around, but he'd always had a good heart in there, and his support of Spider-Man (though he didn't know that Peter was Spider-Man) definitely helped Peter see him in a brighter light.
But still, he could be better.
His mind eventually wound up on the topic of Peter's upper lip. It was something he himself was always careful not to comment on, but there had been plenty of times when his jock friends would poke fun at it and he stood by idly as they did so.
That made him feel a bit sick, so he began doing some research on how best to handle that topic, so he could be as sensitive to it as possible and try and make up for his quiet enabling of the other jocks' rude behavior.
The issue was that, well, Peter's deformity, while more common than most facial differences, was still relatively rare, so it was hard to find any clear-cut answers as to what words and phrasing were considered acceptable.
Even the word deformity seemed to be of some debate. Some people didn't mind it or even used it themselves for a quick descriptor when they didn't feel like explaining what a cleft lip was. Others considered the term outdated and distasteful.
Harelip came up quite a few times in his research as well, though this one was more generally agreed upon to be offensive or, at the very least, outdated.
Other words like disfigurement, facial difference, and just cleft on its own came up and he found himself growing more and more confused.
He eventually caved and shot Peter a text.
spider_fan : yo tiny tutor
peter.parker : Hey, Flash. What's up?
spider_fan : i was locking into ur cleft lip things
spider_fan : **looking **thing
peter.parker : Okay..?
spider_fan : cuz yknow i wanna be like nife or whatver so i thought id ask what words im supposed 2 use when yalking ab it
spider_fan : **nice **whatever **talking sorry for all the typos im baf st this
spider_fan : **bad **at
Peter chuckled lightheartedly to himself as he read those few messages. He almost felt bad for laughing- He knew it wasn't really Flash's fault. He was Dyslexic, he couldn't help it.
He still found it the tiniest bit funny, though.
peter.parker : No worries in regards to the typos 👍 I can understand you just fine.
peter.parker : Circling back to the cleft thing, what words were you wondering about?
spider_fan : oh uh hold on i had em erotten down on my cpu
spider_fan : deformity. harelip. disfigurement. facial difference. cleft.
peter.parker : Oh boy. Hold on.
peter.parker : Deformity - I don't have any strong feelings on it either way. It's not very specific, but it gets the idea across fine. I don't mind it so long as it's not used in a derogatory way.
spider_fan : good 2 know
peter.parker : Harelip - I think some people find it offensive. I'm not necessarily offended by it, but I don't like it either. It's just really outdated and no one really calls it that anymore unless it's in a mean way.
peter.parker : Disfigurement - I don't *hate* it necessarily, but it just feels very extreme for how mild the scarring/misshapenness of my lip is.
peter.parker : Facial difference - I think that's the most politically correct placeholder term. I don't think I've ever used it, but it's fine.
peter.parker : And cleft - My favorite because that's what it's called, but I do understand that explaining what it means can be a bit annoying in the middle of a conversation.
spider_fan : thx tiny tutor
spider_fan : i wil keep all this in mind
peter.parker : Thank *you* for reaching out to ask about it, Flash.
peter.parker : I can see you're trying to be a better person, and I'm proud of you.
spider_fan : :)
Flash shut off his phone screen and laid it face-down on his chest, smiling to himself.
Do not repost on other sites! If you want to participate in this month's challenge, there are 31 cleft-centered prompts that you can find here
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