#how can i love you (without breaking your heart) - the struts
*aggressively hugs them* I just think they're neat
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polniaczek · 5 months
The Struts - How Can I Love You (Without Breaking Your Heart)
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slrmagazine · 7 months
The Struts Drop A Vday Anthem For Thoughtful Commitment-Phobes
The Struts Drop A Vday Anthem For Thoughtful Commitment-Phobes. #thestruts @TheStruts
Hot off the release of their Big Machine debut album, Pretty Vicious, The Struts are back with a new track that takes a refreshingly mellow detour for the usually boisterous Brit rockers. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, “How Can I Love You (Without Breaking Your Heart)” is an achingly sincere song that ruminates on handling a heart with care when caution is all you have to offer. The crafting…
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bruhnze · 1 month
Fuck this - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Summary: Jealous Lucy.
Warnings: A lot of bad words, smut. Minors DNI. Not proof read :) THIS IS X-RATED!!!
Wordcount: 4k
i dedicate this one to you @onabronze and to the anons that asked it's not really good but i tried :).
(i've emptied my inbox so if your ask is not on my WIP pls send again (if u still want it done) because i had so much garbage in there i just removed everything in one go, sorry not sorry😬)
Ps: We do not hate Germany (don't come for me, it was for the plot)!
´´fuck this shit´´ Lucy mumbled to herself as she was running faster and faster on the treadmill, ´´fucking dick-head ref, that’s not a fucking yellow´´. ‘’Cata is a fucking goalie, you fuck ass pigfucker, really strange for her to use her hands, huh, dumb fuck’’.
´´that’s a lot of f-bombs Bronze’’ Millie tried to joke, not noticing how worked up the English defender really was.
‘’Fuck off Millie’’, Bronze called as she stopped the machine and ran off with her eyes glued to her phone.
‘’Bruh’’ Lauran giggled, ‘’you know Spain Germany is on right now’’.
‘’Oh really’’ Millie said confused, ‘’ohh, fuck, her girl is playing for Spain right’’.
‘’Yeah, they’re losing’’ Sam called from the bench on the side of the gym, ‘’Gwinn is about to take a penal and she hasn’t missed a single one for club’’.
‘’Are you watching that?’’ James asked while she strutted over to the Australian, ‘’let me watch along’’.
‘’Ofcourse mate’’ Sam chuckled, ‘’I watch everything’’.  
‘’Do we check on her?’’ Millie asked, mostly directed to Lauren, as she knows her best.
‘’Nah’’ James says, ‘’if you like to live you’d best leave her alone’’.
‘’Yes, we’ll just give her some boxing gloves as the game is over’’.
‘’Ona doesn’t deserve this shit, what a horseshit head coach’’.
‘’Putellas missing a penalty what a fucking joke’’.
‘’You’re a cunt Berger, A CUNT!’’.
Lauren knocked on the doorpost of the locker-room, ‘’Ey Luce, they’re looking for someone to break in the new boxing gloves’’.
‘’I hate those German wankers with their ugly kits’’.
The English forward suppressed a giggle, ‘’yeah they suck, but you should turn it of bruv, it’s no point of watching them cry’’.
‘’Ona is going to be devastated’’, Lucy said as she looked up and stared ahead, as if she’s just realized it.
‘’Are you seeing her soon?’’ Lauren asked carefully.
Lucy snapped out of her trance and looked at her friend, ‘’yeah she coming tomorrow’’.
‘’To London?’’.
‘’Yes, she has ten days off’’.
''Well then you have enough time to comfort her''.
Lucy sighed ''yeah, I'll just quickly send her a text and then we'll box, I'm going to turn off this stream bullshit''. She says as she looked back at her phone and saw Paralluelo crying. ‘’my heart can’t take this’’, she muttered quietly without James hearing it.
When she was driving back ‘home’ from the training ground she received a call, it was Ona.
‘’Hey love’’, Lucy said timidly, not sure about if Ona’s mood would be more sad or angry, or maybe both.
Instead Ona answered pretty lightly, ‘’hey Luce, how are you?’’.
‘’Huh?’’ Lucy said, maybe a bit too loud ‘’I should be asking you that’’.
‘’Montse just scolded us for an hour’’ Ona said, ‘’but for some reason I don’t care about the loss, Germany was just better and I think Cata needs a psychologist after she’s broken her nose, she’s been out of it for every game after it’’.
‘’You deserved to win’’ Lucy said with tears in her eyes.
Ona chuckled ‘’I love you Lucy, but honestly, I’ve got respect for the Germans, they played well’’.
‘’I hate the Germans’’.
Ona chuckled louder, ‘’no Luce, you can not say that because they won Bronze’’.
‘’I hate Montse then’’.
‘’Okay’’, Ona laughed ‘’I agree with that one’’. ‘’But I am going to dinner with my family tonight, so I have to get ready in a little bit, you texted me to call you when I had time, so that’s why I called’’.
‘’Oh wow’’ Lucy said, a little hurt ‘’not because you wanted to hear your girlfriends voice’’.
‘’I see you tomorrow’’, Ona chuckled.
‘’That’s true but I still miss you today’’ Lucy sighed, ‘’maybe I’m a wuss, but I just feel bad for you Oni and I thought you might have needed some comfort’’.
‘’I love you, but I have to get ready’’ Ona laughed, ‘’see you tomorrow?’’.
‘’or you can call me tonight after dinner?’’.
‘’I think I will go to bed straight after, I am extremely tired’’.
‘’I understand, do you want to stay on the phone when you get ready?’’.
‘’Okay’’ Ona said as she put her phone on speaker.
After Ona had hung up because her cab was about to be there, Lucy thought about what she would eat for dinner.
She looked around her kitchen, ''fuck'' she mumbled ''i should clean this shit up''.
She opened her phone and ordered some sushi for tonight, 'because she deserved some comfort food' and got to work.
Her appartment was still a bit of a mess after the quick move in, and she needed it to be presentable for her girlfriend tomorrow. Ona would probably start cleaning her place and she didn't want to be a partner like that, that would be stupid because it was one of her own icks.
As she had cleaned up her apartment the bell rang.
With the sushi she took place at the table and opened the ipad that layed there.
Mindlessly she went on Twitter, she was logged on to her anonymous account and went on the hashtag 'Ona Battle'. She knew she shouldn't, but she was curious what the people thought of her performance this game.
Lucy had seen Ona was tired, but when you took in mind she'd played every single minute, and Lucy knew Ona slept very bad in the hotel, she had played very good.
She froze when she saw people joking about Feli and Ona being back together ''what the hell?'' she said to herself as she went deeper into the rabbithole and eventually came aross pictures of Ona in a Germany shirt, and not just any German shirt, it was the ugly 'Rauch 19' one.
Lucy was tempted to send a teasing text, maybe even with the picture attached, but she chose not too.
She couldn't help to feel a little anger inside her towards Feli, and as she came across a video of them chatting and giggling Lucy lost her shit and quickly closed the Ipad.
She jumped up from the table ''Fucking hell, not bothered about losing, fuck that'', she started pacing the room ''Germay deserved it'' she mocked, ''sure Ona, if you want to fuck her just say that''.
Lucy walked to her kitchen and fetched a beer from the fridge that was left from when Jorge had helped her with building some furniture ''fuck it'', she thought she might aswell have this because it was such a shitty night.
She took the beer to the bathroom and ran a bath, after that she went back to the kitchen to grab her ipad and got in, eventhough she had already taken a shower this afternoon.
Finaly she felt a little better, she had watched some episodes of a series she was watching and after two hours she decided to just go to bed early, Ona didn't want to call anyways so she didn't see the point of staying up. Might aswell get some rest before she saw Ona again tomorrow, eventhough she'd probably be very tired, so Lucy doubted they'd do anything, but atleast she'd be able to take care of her better.
As she got comfy in her bed she opened her phone to check one last time if Ona had sent her a text.
She hadn't.
Then she opened Instagram, scrolling for a little while.
She was just about to shut her phone when she saw @feli_rauch on her timeline, ''bitch'' she grumbled and as she took a better look she saw it was a teamphoto of the Germans, she only saw one person wearing a red shirt in the whole group.
''No way'' she said out loud as she zoomed in, ''are you kiddin' me'' - ''the only fucking shirt swap and it's my girlfriends' ''.
She closed her phone, trew it on the nightstand and dramatically dropped herself on the bed to go to sleep.
As she remembered she still had to put on an alarm and it would be probably best to have her phone on the charger she reached out to put the nightlamp on and fetched it.
When she held her phone it automatically unlocked with face-ID, and she saw that god-awfull team picture again ''fuckkkkkk'' she groaned as she swiped instagram away ''this is one big joke''.
After she had finally put in an alarm and found her charger, she put the light out and layed down again.
She tried hard to sleep but her mind kept wondering off to Ona.
Normally she wouldn't mind that one bit, sometimes her hand would even find it's way between her legs when she thought about her hot, beautiful girlfriend.
But not this time, her mind was polluted with images of Feli and Ona laughing together.
She knew Feli was Ona's ex, she had never really been bothered about it, eventhough she knew her mind was just being a bit stupid, she couldn't help to think back about what Ona had told her about Feli after Lucy had asked her how she had ever been with Feli.
''I wasn't really with her, we just fucked''. Ona had said laughing, ''but i soon found out she was very vanilla and for a relationship we would never ever work''.
Lucy knew she shouldn't have asked the question, but she had, ''but was she good?''.
Ona had asked her if she really wanted to know, and she had confirmed that she did.
After the answer she had regretted asking it, ''uhm, well, at the things she did do she was pretty good at, it just got boring very quickly'' Ona had said.
Now she was laying in bed with the thoughts of Feli fucking Rauch having her way with her precious Ona.
The thought that the German had tasted Ona sickened her.
The thought that the German had been inside Ona sickened her.
But the thought that Ona had, at one point, enjoyed it, got her blood boiling.
Maybe it was the distance.
Maybe it was because they hadn't been able to be intimate for a few weeks now.
Maybe it was the fact Ona hadn't told her about the shirt swap.
But Lucy felt jealous like she had never before.
Lucy woke up from her alarm, and checked her messages.
None from Ona.
She freshened up and got dressed.
Nothing from Ona.
In the kitchen she made herself some breakfast.
Nothing from Ona.
She went through the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator and wrote out a grocery list.
Nothing from Ona.
Lucy knew she would be flying in a couple of hours, so she decided to send a text herself, eventhough she had wanted Ona to text her first.
It was afternoon, Lucy was waiting in her blue Skoda outside of the airport. When she saw the beautiful freckled woman walking outside, searching for her, she jumped out of the car.
Ona was wearing sunglasses and a hat, but Lucy would always recognise her.
She opened her trunk and walked towards Ona.
''Hello baby'', she said happily.
''Luce!'', Ona said as she sped up her pace walking to her girlfriend.
They shared an embrace, ''i have missed you so much'' Ona muttered against the taller woman.
Lucy held Ona away from her to take a look at her face, ''i have missed you too''.
''I want to kiss you, so lets get in the car please'', Ona said smiling.
Lucy hastily threw the suitcase into the car and got back in the drivers seat as she saw Ona was already in the car.
''Your suitcase was pretty light'' Lucy said as she hopped in next to Ona.
''Yeah, i gave a lot of my stuff with Joan, i'm planning to wear your clothes anyways'' Ona stated.
''Oh'' Lucy said as she smiled at her girlfriend, ''and cool frames by the way''.
She leant in to kiss Ona.
They shared a kiss full of love, it was adamant that they had both missed eachother.
Not wanting to risk being spotted by anyone Lucy pulled back and got ready to drive off, reversing out of the parking spot.
''What yours is mine'' Ona chuckled, ''you said it yourself''.
''True'', Lucy said as she put her hand on Ona's thigh and drove away ''it's cute''.
Lucy carried Ona's suitcase to her apartment, and handed Ona the key to get them inside.
''Should i unpack your stuff? is there anything in here that needs to be washed?''.
''Uhm, i don't think so, i have only worn a few clothes, mostly the olympic stuff and those are with Joan, he is going to wash that for me''.
''Clever'' Lucy chuckled, ''putting your brother to work''.
Ona grinned, ''ofcourse, but maybe i will take a shower now and then we can nap together?''.
''I'd love that'' Lucy said, ''oh and let me show you around quickly, i almost forgot''.
It was a pretty quick tour, as the apartment wasn´t that big.
´´So here is the kitchen´´, Lucy said smiling as she turned on her heel and spinned.
Ona laughed, ´´are you making us dinner tonight?'' she asked stepping closer to Lucy.
''Of course beautiful'' Lucy said as she pressed herself against the Catalan, ''i was thinking that one tofu dish you like''.
''Hm yes''. Ona groaned, thinking about the dish Lucy made her often, because she liked it so much.
''Good'' Lucy said ''because I bought stuff to make that this morning''.
''You know me so well''.
''Yes'' Lucy smiled, ''and to be known is to be loved''.
''So romantic'' Ona laughed.
''Oh i'm feeling really romantic'' Lucy said as she bit her lip.
´´Really?'' Ona smirked as she put her arms around Lucy's neck and crossed them.
Lucy kissed her softly.
Ona hungerly answered the kiss and tried to get impossibly closer, getting up her tiptoes.
Lucy pulled away with a smile on her face ''but first you wanted to shower right?''.
The Catalan pouted ''i do.. but i also want you''.
The English defender kissed her girlfriend ''i'll be still here after the shower, and i know how you like to shower off the travel''.
''sí okay''.
They went to the bedroom, Lucy leading the way.
Lucy showed the on-suite bathroom and pointed to the towels.
''Leave the door open?'', Lucy asked in the sweetest voice she could put on.
''Sure'' Ona chuckled, ''are you staying in the bedroom?''.
''Yeah i'll put away your clothes really quick, i don't want you living out of a suitcase when you're with me, and i left some space in the closet for you''.
Ona kissed Lucy, ''you're cute''.
''You're cute'', Lucy repeated.
Lucy opened the suitcase, ''you need some underwear? and what do you want to wear or were you really planning on stealing my clothes''.
''huh'' Ona said, ''it's not stealing, it's my right''.
She chuckled until she watched Lucy's face who could appearently not laugh about it, ''what?''.
Lucy stayed silent.
''Sorry'' Ona ''i'll wear my own clothes if you really don't-
''No'' Lucy said, ''why don't you wear this'' she asked with a sarcastic laugh as she held up the white football shirt.
Ona chuckled.
Lucy looked at her in disbelieve ''you think this is funny? tell me why i have a damp German shirt in my hands right now?'''.
''I said my brother was going to wash my stuff right'' Ona said, ''well, match worn is worth more, you know you're supposed to keep the shirts you trade unwashed right?''.
''Fuck that''.
''It's financially responsible'', Ona laughed and stepped towards Lucy to kiss her.
With a quick peck she wanted to walk away.
Lucy didn't have any of that and grabbed her wrist, ''more please''.
Ona chuckled, ''let me shower, then we nap together''.
Ona sighed but gave in, she held Lucy's face as she kissed her again, this time more slowly.
Lucy hands travelled to Ona's ass and squeezed her cheeks as she pulled the Catalan in closer.
Ona grinned into the kiss, ''you missed me'' she said, with a tone sounding somewhere between a question and a statement.
''Where did you and Feli talk about after the match?'' Lucy said before she could stop herself.
Ona looked up with a mischievious smirk, ''is that what is bothering you?''.
Lucy huffed out some air, ''why did you swap shirts with her''.
''She wanted too''.
''So you said yes? and giggled about it with her?''.
''What did you want me to do then'' Ona chuckled, thinking it was funny seeing this jealous side of Lucy, it was something new.
''I dont know'' Lucy scolded lightly, ''just to tell her to fuck off with her boring shirt''.
Ona laughed ''boring shirt?, how can a shirt be boring''.
''Not the point'' Lucy grumbled, ''you talked to her after the match and you didn't want to speak to me''.
''I had a dinner!'' Ona laughed as she rubbed Lucy's arms, ''don't worry, you are the only one for me''.
She kissed Lucy's pouty face, ''my beautiful *kiss* strong *kiss* smart *kiss* perfect girlfriend *kiss*''.
Lucy pulled the Catalan thighter against her, ''i think i should give you a reminder''.
''What reminder?'' Ona frowned.
''About what good sex is like''.
''Luce!'' Ona slapped her shoulder playfully.
Lucy frowned, ''you want boring sex?''.
''Cus if you want that I could just put that ugly shirt on and we can roleplay that''.
Ona blushed, ''Lucee''.
Lucy's jaw dropped, ''you're not even saying that you don't want that?!''.
''I don't want that'' Ona rushed to say.
Lucy rolled her eyes. ''yeah i totally believe you now''.
''Sorry'' Ona pouted, putting on a cute smile ''i was distracted because you look so hot when you are jealous''.
''Í'm not jealous!''.
''Oh, és clar que no ets gelós'' (oh i see you are not jealous) Ona mockingly chuckled, she reached out to the suitcase and grabbed the shirt.
''Maybe i will wear it today''.
Lucy looked at her with dark eyes.
''It smells like her'' Ona added with a grin.
A second of silence hang in the air.
''Put it on.'' Lucy said.
Ona's smile faded ''No i was just joking''.
Lucy repeated herself ''go on, put it on''.
''I was kidding''.
''i'm not''. ''put. it. on.''.
Ona gulped and took her shirt off to put it on.
Lucy stopped her, ''no wait, first get naked and then put it on'' she said as she took her shorts off.
Ona felt her heartbeat fasten from the way this aroused her and followed the instructions.
''Your panties too'' Lucy said as walked to 'the drawer' and chose a rather large strap-on to wear.
Ona looked excited at Lucy, wearing a cheeky smile.
''You want this one?'' she helt the strap up.
Ona nodded furiously, a blush creeping on her cheeks.
''i can't hear you'' Lucy said as she pretended to put it back in the drawer again and took her shirt off.
''No wait'' Ona said ''yes, i want that one''.
''Okay, i suppose you deserve it right?''.
''Yes'' Ona said desperately ''please Luce, i-''.
''-laughed with an ex'' Lucy said sternly, ''i don't know if that is good girl-behavior''.
Ona kept quiet as Lucy walked towards her on the bed.
Lucy put the strap in her harness and hovered above Ona.
''that's basicly asking her to fuck you'' she wispered as she let her eyes roam the woman below her.
Ona put her hands on Lucy and chuckled ''Luce, you're crazy''.
''You know how i always say you would look perfect in everything?''.
''mhmm'' Ona grinned.
''Well this is awfull'' Lucy plucked at the shirt.
Ona tried to kiss Lucy but Lucy leant back just in time to dodge it.
''Turn around''.
Ona whined but quickly oblidged, this attitude was making her feel some things.
She was on all fours on the bed and without warning Lucy slapped her ass, resulting in a moan escaping her throat without her being able to surpres.
''Im so wet'' Ona whined as she felt herself dripping along her thighs, she looked over her shoulder to read Lucy's face.
''Don't look at me'' Lucy ordered, ''your pretty face doesn't suit this revolting shirt''.
She leaned against Ona to hold her face before she could turn, and gave her a kiss ''you are beautiful'' she said and softly kissed her lips.
When she released Ona's face and let her hand slide over the number '19' she huffed out some air.
''But you should be happy i have a fake cock'' Lucy grumbled, ''cus i could never get a hard-on like this''.
Ona whimpered.
A cracking sound and a moan filled the room.
Lucy watched the flesh of Ona's as jiggle and groped the skin when it turned red.
''Who does this ass belong to?''
Ona groaned ''you''.
Lucy rubbed the tip of her rubber cock along Ona's wetness.
The Catalan's breath hitched in her throat ''Luce'' she chocked out.
Another time Lucy's hand found it's way to Ona's behind with great force.
''Agh'' Ona groaned, ''please Luce''.
Lucy grabbed Ona by her hips and guided her to grind against her.
With one hand Lucy reached around for the smaller womans' centre.
With two fingers she traced her lips and collected some wetness before circling her clit.
''Fuck'' Lucy breathed out, ''so wet''.
She had problems with circling one spot at how wet Ona was, her fingers slipping away.
''Who are you so wet for?'' Lucy asked, talking in Ona's ear.
''You Lucy! you''. Ona practically cried out.
With that Lucy carefully slid the strap inside in one fluent movement.
''Merda'' (fuck) Ona moaned as her head slumped to her chest.
Lucy picked up a rhythm that she knew would drive Ona crazy, perfect for building the tension inside her quickly.
But after a few moments Lucy fastened her pace, not able to contain herself she fucked Ona hard and deep, the sight of the fabric around Ona fueling her anger.
She gave her another spanking to 'punish' Ona for wearing the shirt, but she knew it wasn't actually a punishment for Ona, which was confirmed by the filthy moan she let out.
''I'm coming'' Ona cried out as she gripped the sheets with clenched fists.
''Shit, already?'', Lucy groaned and kept thrusting.
''Lucí'' Ona said as her arch deepened.
''Fuck, come for me Ona'' Lucy said as her grip on Ona thightend.
With a loud cry Ona came.
Lucy slowly rode out her orgasm and released her grip on the girl, causing her to flop down on the bed.
The English woman shuffeld and took the strap out of the harness and layed it on the bed besides them, figuring the sheets were ruined anyways.
Lucy pulled Ona around by her shirt.
Ona looked at her with hooded eyes, wearing a content expression from her post-orgasmic bliss.
Lucy smiled, ''hi beautiful''.
Ona grinned as she took Lucy's hands, ''thought you hated it''.
Lucy scrunched her face ''the shirt; yes.. you; no''.
The Catalan smiled, ''i'll take it off'' she said as she sat up.
She stopped as she noticed reticence on Lucy's face.
A smile tugged on Lucy's mouth, ''i'm debating sending her a picture''.
'''Lucy!''. Ona punched her girlfriend.
She snapped out of her dream and redirected her gaze from the shirt to Ona's face. She shook her head quickly, ''sorry, i don't know why i said that''.
Ona chuckled, slapping a hand on her forhead ''jealousy''.
''I don't want her to see that pretty little fucked out face of yours''.
Ona chuckled and held her arms up, ''pull this off, we're throwing it away''.
''I'll sell it for you'' Lucy grinned, ''you didn't do all this effort for nothing, did you?''.
Lucy helped her out of the shirt and threw it so far it landed in the hallway.
''Well, that's gone'' Ona chuckled at the unreasonable attitude Lucy had, and tugged on Lucy's sportsbra ''this can go too''.
Lucy quickly took it off and got on top of Ona.
''Did i go to far?''.
Lucy tilted her head questioning.
''I'm sure, it was hot actually, a little gross, but hot''.
''Yeah, stinky shirt'' Ona said with a disgusted face, making Lucy chuckle.
''Oh and'' Lucy said as she traced her hands along Ona's skin, ''as much as i hate it, you did look beautiful''.
Ona smirked, ''i thought the things you said were really hot'', ''i am already thinking about who's shirt i'll trade next''.
Lucy narrowed her eyes and shook her head, ''ohh you're bad''.
''Sí, soy fatal'' (i'm a baddie) Ona joked chuckling.
''Que?'' Lucy said, thinking Ona just called herself terrible.
''In spanish we call someone that's unreasonably hot, fatal, it means they're bad but it is like slang'' Ona explained, ''a funny joke, because you called me bad''.
''I get that now'' Lucy laughed, ''that's funny actually, in English you can also say someone is a baddie, same thing''.
''Sí'' Lucy said, ''god, i will miss our language talks''.
''We call every day'' Ona said, frowning.
Lucy looked at her with a pouty face ''but you don't want to talk to me''.
''Luceee'' Ona dropped her head on the pillow ''I had a dinner!!'' she called out snickering.
''I love when you call out my name'' Lucy said as she ran her hands along Ona's thighs.
Ona looked up with a smirk, ''I love when you make me call out your name''.
''I think I forgot what you taste like'' Lucy said as she crawled on top of Ona.
The end, not theirs.
-Keep an eye out for Feli's shirt on Ebay 😂
Feel free to give me feedback/tips (anonymously) but in a kind way is the most appreciated xx
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moronkombat · 1 year
Havik, Shao, Rain, Raiko, and Quanshi love at first sight with an earthrealmer?
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It's just an ordinary day for Rain. Nothing special about it, nothing horrible about it either. Simply another day to pass his long lifespan. He's very much so absorbed in his studies of the arcane, intolerant for other distractions. That is until he comes across you. There's a rather quick glance as you walk by, thinking you to be a mere distraction. That all changes when his second glance to you lingers. Rain would stare quietly with his mouth agape. He watches you strut by wordless and without even noticing him. Eyes watch you until you have gone out of sight and Rain can feel the thunderous pitter patter in his chest. Perhaps his studies can end early today
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General Shao has never really preoccupied himself with thoughts of relationships and love. There are are more pressing matters to concern himself with. Then he sees someone new, someone small. Much smaller than he is and Shao finds himself pausing. There is something so tempting about them and he cannot help but keep his gaze trailed to you. You are feeble and fragile...It'd be so easy to break you but never would Shao dream of doing that. No, he feels this urge to cherish you, protect you. Yes, this what he wants and if to do so then he must know your name. He will make sure to seek you out later, away from other prying eyes
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It is when Reiko is training troops that he notices you. He is a tough and strict commander but he needed to be if his underlings were to survive. His arms would cross and a smirk is written on him while he watches the ensuing training. It is by chance that he glances your way but when he sees you, pale eyes widen. There you are, strong yet regal, taking down your sparring opponent with exceeding grace and vigor. His smirk widens and he continues to watch you move like a banshee while you continue to strike down your opponents. You are magnificent as you cut them down, strike them and Reiko's heart is pounding like the drums of war. He will be sure to compliment on your abilities before immediately wanting to take you under his wing which is a shock to all the other trainees
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Quan Chi's life is mundane and full of hardship. He slaves away in the mines, sweat drenching his brow. There must be more to life than this, surely? Thoughts of such things are cutoff when, during his break, he catches a glimpse of you. You are beautiful, stunning and someone who is so pure. You don't belong here, far too grand for it and yet here you are. Perhaps related to the owner? He isn't sure but he wants to know more about you but how can he? You are from a different life than he is and yet he simply cannot stop thinking about
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When Havik's eyes find you for that dreadful first time, he is consumed by your very existence. He feels a rise in his chest, something tingling. Thoughts twist and turn together into a mess of obsessions. Something wicked comes over him as he watches you from a distance and it is unfortunate that his gaze has caught you because now they will never let go. Oh how he looks to you from afar, a place you cannot see him. Havik thinks all he wants from you, all that he can take. You are perfect, you are art and Havik will have you. First he must find out more and more about you, he needs everything, all of it. Then, when that sweet time arrives, he will come to you in the night and devour all that he is enthralled with
i cant help but make Havik's creepy, sorry yall
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jamespottersdaisy · 8 months
A man without love
Peter Parker x fem!reader
a/n: just a fluffy banter during a cozy night
song choice has absolutely no relation to the fic whatsoever, i just listened to it the whole time and liked lmao. dedicated to my baby jay @hollandweather
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Moonlight to show the way so we can follow
Waiting inside her eyes was my tomorrow
Then something changed her mind, her kisses told me
I had no loving arms to hold me
Every day I wake up, then I start to break up
Lonely is a man without love
Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out
Lonely is a man without love
Somewhere amidst the mellifluous melody, the door clicks, and you know Peter is home. 
You’ve been captivated in your book for far too long to notice the hour; quite late, might I add. It must have been a rough night for him to decide to stay past two in the morning for patrol.
You grab your phone and toss it between the pages as a bookmark before hopping on your feet.
“Nice song, baby,” Peter murmurs as he dawdles to your room, leaving its door agape. You wager he is changing to something much more comfortable than that suit of his but still barge in the room nonetheless. “How was the night, big guy?”
You catch a few discoloration on his skin as his bare torso moves around beside the bed. He glances at you sidelong, swiftly hauling a grey shirt on. “Smashing success. No criminals left around.”
He might have rushed to shroud his skin with cloth from you, but you are shrewd enough to match his furtiveness. No chance he is hiding those tiny injuries from you. Perhaps he has a good reason to do so– such as the look on your face when you see him hurt– but still, not good enough of a reason to deny you. 
“Lemme see,” you clutch the hem of his shirt to lift it up, only for his hand to grab yours to parry.
“On my period, sorry, beautiful.” His eyes may be drooping from exhaustion, yet his smirk is as smug as always while you glower daggers at him.
“Let me see, Peter.”
“That’s harassment.”
“There’s something purplish on your back,” you try harder, but he is stronger.
“You’re delusional.”
“I know what I saw, quit gaslighting me.”
“Gaslighting is not real. You’re crazy,” Peter shakes his head.
“Are you hiding hickeys of trysting?” you jeer, making him chuckle and release your hand from his at last. 
“Nope, don’t have time for that,” he shakes his head gallantly. “Just bruises of valour.”
Which simply earns a mocking scoff from you.
You don’t see or feel his amorous gaze on you as your fingers trace the new bruises. They’ll heal, you know they will, and still, you want to kiss every one of them into evanescing.
“How was your night?” he whispers, bringing his hand to your hair and pushing a strand behind your ear. 
“Better than yours, apparently,” You now touch the small nick on his jaw tenderly and turn around to get a band-aid from the nightstand.
His eyes follow your movements around, gears working in his brain. “Please, not the pink one–” he calls when you grab a band-aid.
Too late. You are already springing back with a wide grin. “Pink one!”
“Not the pink one…” he closes his eyes in disdain as you strut back to his side and place a screaming pink plaster on his jaw.
He looks down in your eyes as you check his handsome face, clearly proud of your work. “I look so manly.”
“Most manliest you ever looked.”
“Wanna get in the bed with me?
“You’re on your period, Peter.”
He laughs and turns around before throwing himself into the bed. “C’mon, take your book and the music and come here.”
I cannot face this world that's fallen down on me
So if you see my girl, please send her home to me
Tell her about my heart that's slowly dying
Say I can't stop myself from crying
Every day I wake up, then I start to break up
Lonely is a man without love
Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out
Lonely is a man without love
When you sit on the bed, legs crossed with your book on your lap, Peter takes your phone, restarting the same song. He averts his eyes to your book. “Anything new?” 
“Oh, yeah, you’ve missed so much,” your eyes widen with excitement, and Peter’s smile widens intuitively. “I don’t even remember where you left off.”
“The girl’s memories got stolen,” he reminds you. “Want me to braid your hair?”
“I get so sleepy when you do that,” you shake your head and open the book to go through pages with hopes of remembering what you’ve read since Peter left.
“I should hope so, do you know what hour it is?”
“But I’ve missed you,” your head snaps up, and Peter narrows his eyes. His hand is already up in your hair, playing and caressing the locks gently. “Liar. You’ve been reading that book since I’ve left home.”
“And two hours before that,” you lean into his touch.
“You’ve officially lost the right to complain about your headache,” He props up in bed, switching to a more suitable position for easier access to your hair.
“I will do it regardless.”
‘I know you will,” his long fingers take three strands, and you are already feeling sleepy. “Now, please, tell me what happened after the poor girl lost her memories.”
You pause for a minute, mustering all the plot you’ve consumed to drain. As you remember the things the poor main character went through, your blood pressure soars, eyes widen and voice raise. “They lied to her! Can you believe that?”  you exclaim, at which Peter raises his brows in happy bewilderment. “God, I hate her mother so much!”
“Stepmother. Go on,” He interjects before passing to another strand of hair and dividing it into three. “What about her situationship?”
“He is not her situationship, Peter–”
“I mean, they flirt about killing each other, sleep together, but they’re not together.”
“That’s sexual tension and slow burn,” you scowl. Peter lets go of another newly done braid.
“Yep, that’s what I said,” he nods, caressing your cheek with his thumb. ”Situationship. What happened to him?”
That’s when you straighten your back, and Peter rolls his eyes. He never was fond of the male main characters of the books you’ve read. No matter how they looked and what they did, you always seemed to be infatuated with them.
“He was looking for her, and he found her and he freaked out when she didn’t remember her–” You start babbling about the male lead, but Peter is not amused.
“But he could not openly tell her everything, it would freak her out, so he–”
“Still not breathing, beautiful.”
“Stop interrupting,” you wave off your hand.”So he lied about who he is to gain her trust and–”
“He’s such a liar, what do you even see in him?”
“He’s hot,” you lightly slap his chest to stop him from cutting off your every word. 
“He is short, but sure, go on,” Peter grabs you by the arm and yanks you closer to his chest. 
This is his favourite time of the day, and you are always too busy to see it. Your voice echoes around the room, albeit he forgets most of the things you are saying by the morning. What matters is that you are talking. To him. With him. 
“Doesn’t matter, still hot,” You nuzzle against his chest, feeling his hands roam around your hair and back. It’s dizzying and yet the most comforting feeling you’ve ever felt. “So, they start spending time behind her mother and slowly grow a bond.”
��There we go, she’s gonna take forever to trust him again,” Peter’s tone is already lowered, welcoming you into a place of drowsiness. Both of you in your pyjamas, tangled together under a blanket that Peter wrapped around you. 
“So, you wouldn’t wait and fight for my love even if it took forever?” your words are heavy, and your voice is slumberous. Peter smiles down at your hooded eyes and rests his chin against yours.
“Baby, you didn’t acknowledge your feelings for me for six months.” He is right. You fought a lot to not ruin the friendship at first.
“I still could have taken my time,” you mumble, eyes closed. “Act oblivious to your flirting.”
“I could not be clearer that I was flirting,” he chuckles slowly, taking the book away from you and placing it on the counter. “And I would’ve waited another six months.”
“You would get bored.”
“Of you? Never,” is all that is said before you doze off and he shuts off the lights.
Every day I wake up, then I start to break up
Knowing that it's cloudy above
Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out
Lonely is a man without love
Every day I wake up, then I start to break up
Knowing that it's cloudy above
Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out
Lonely is a man without love
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thank you for reading! let me know if you liked it!!!! love you guys so much!
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misshoneyimhome · 6 months
Speaking of Italian flair, how would William react to seeing the reader wearing this outfit to one of his events. I can only imaging the thirsty comments on his feed https://www.instagram.com/wonder__jessy/?e=b7ed243f-bbad-4a92-ae30-1e0e25ba1243&g=5
Alrighty, so I wasn't entirely certain if this was intended for 「Dad!Willy x reader」 but since I’d written an Italian-inspired chapter, I thought it would be fitting to pair it with this 😉 Have we discussed how Lucas was created?
So, in my mind, I imagine that William and the reader get married somehwere between Eliot and Lucas, so in this part of the story, they'd be married.
Now, this dress speaks for itself, babe! The reader will undoubtedly turn heads and more in this outfit - and let's be honest, when she struts in looking like that, William will definitely be eager to resume the baby-making activities!
Warnings; well, baby-making activities; smut 18+; fingering, unprotected sex (obviously...), daddy!kink, mention of oral sex;
Word count; 3.3K
・✶ 。゚
That's Amore I William Nylander 🖋️⚡️🌺
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Amidst the whirlwind of emotions and adjustments that came with new parenthood, you found yourself navigating a path filled with both love and uncertainty. The journey following pregnancy had been turbulent, marked by a flurry of emotions and changes as you embraced your new role as a mother. In the midst of it all, your steadfast companion, William Nylander, stood by your side, offering unwavering support in the middle of the storm.
Recognising the need for a break and rejuvenation, William had arranged a surprise that would forever alter the course of your journey together. A trip to Florence, Italy—a city steeped in history, romance, and the promise of fresh beginnings. Just the two of you, embarking on a journey of rediscovery amidst the timeless beauty of the Italian landscape.
Under the Tuscan sun, you found solace and joy in each other's company once more. Away from the pressures of daily life, William's tender gestures and constant presence helped alleviate the burden of uncertainty, allowing you to embrace your new identity with confidence and grace.
And as you bid farewell to the enchanting country that had witnessed the rekindling of your love, you returned to Toronto, your hearts filled with newfound joy and a sense of belonging. Reuniting with your son Eliot, you realised that amidst life's chaos, your true home resided in each other's arms.
Now almost two years had passed since Eliot's birth, and life had settled into a comforting routine once more. You found yourself back at work, stronger and more resilient than ever. However, tonight was not just another ordinary evening—it was a special occasion, one that would add a new chapter to your love story.
As you prepared for the Leafs' charity event, excitement bubbled within you, mingled with a hint of nervous anticipation. Eliot was in the care of your parents for the evening, granting you and William a rare opportunity to enjoy a night out together.
Standing in the doorframe William's reaction spoke volumes, drowning out the clamour of the fans from last night's match.
The instant you completed the final touches to your hair, makeup, and outfit for the evening's event, his jaw fell open.
"Wow, älskling…" he murmured, utterly captivated as you stood before him, stealing his breath away. You slipped on your silky black gloves, the finishing flourish to your elegant ensemble.
You had opted for a very classic, Italian-inspired dress, as black as midnight, perfectly embracing your figure and accentuating every curve. The low heart neckline revealed your décolletage while maintaining a classy look with sleeves draped over your shoulders, revealing just enough skin to exude sensuality without being overly revealing. The final touch was a pair of black and red heels, adding height and enhancing a strong, feminine expression. 
Tonight, you felt incredibly empowered.
And the sight of William's partially open mouth as he gazed at you through the mirror only fuelled the fire within you.
"You know, it's not very polite to stare and drool," you chuckled lightly as you admired your reflection, then met William's eyes in the mirror.
Shaking his head, he responded with a chuckle of his own. "Can't help it, baby, you look absolutely amazing," William grinned, taking a step closer, tenderly wrapping his arms around you, his head gently resting on your shoulder as he planted a tender kiss on your bare skin. "Min vracka kvinna."
You couldn’t help but smile at his heartfelt words.
Throughout the years you and William had been together, he consistently made you feel like the most special woman in the world. His openness and unabashed affection for you were truly wonderful. Even during your darkest moments of self-doubt, he never hesitated to remind you of your incredible worth. He would express not only your physical beauty and allure but also your strength and admirable qualities. He'd often spend hours extolling your virtues, emphasising what an exceptional mother you were to his son and insisting that you were out of his league and far too good for him.
Of course, you found such notions ridiculous. In your eyes, William was the one who was beyond compare. While you were indeed a strong and independent woman, capable of taking care of yourself and pursuing your ambitions, William always made you feel even more empowered.
His unwavering support, especially considering his demanding career, was truly remarkable. Despite the differences in your professional lives, he always found a way to be your pillar of strength during difficult times, just as you were for him.
Through every high and low in his hockey career, you stood by him as his steadfast supporter. Whether he needed a shoulder to lean on during tough times or a friend to celebrate with during triumphs, you were always there.
This mutual support and unwavering dedication had transformed your relationship from mere acquaintances to close friends, then to devoted and deeply connected lovers, and now to parents. With each passing day, your connection grew stronger and more profound. In simple terms, William was your soulmate.
And on a night like tonight, there was no doubt as you both entered the venue, dressed in coordinated Italian mafia-inspired style.
William looked dashing in his dark blue pinstriped suit, a look you always admired on him. His mane of hair was freshly washed and styled, elegantly tamed to match his rugged scruff, while his chain necklace hung perfectly, and a few masculine rings adorned his fingers along with his wedding ring. 
Together, you emitted an aura of power and sophistication.
And as the MLSE charity event unfolded, you mingled with ease, catching up with acquaintances while enjoying the delightful champagne. The atmosphere sparkled with elegance and excitement, and you couldn't help but feel that your attire was perfectly suited for the occasion.
Standing in front of the cameras, a place you still felt somewhat unfamiliar with, William held you close. Yet to your comfort, his calm demeanour rubbed off on you as he wrapped his arm around your waist, drawing you nearer.
William couldn't help but notice that you looked like you stepped straight out of the 'House of Gucci' movie – your sparkling eyes and confident posture, exuding nothing but elegance. He had to steal a moment to admire your incredible style and the effortless grace with which you posed, almost like a professional model, causing a wide smile to spread across his face as he proudly displayed the woman by his side to the flashing lights.
And as you both walked away from the scene, blinking to readjust your vision, you couldn't help but remark, "Bloody hell, I'll never get used to those flashlights," with a light chuckle. William joined in your laughter, experiencing the same white spots in his vision.
"Well, you looked stunning, babe," he complimented as you made your way back to the group of players and their significant others. "And I'm sure those cameras felt the same way when you dazzled them."
Pausing for a moment, you glanced up at your husband, who wore a proud grin, clearly pleased with his smooth remark.
"Someone's quite the smooth talker tonight," you teased, raising an eyebrow playfully, sensing a mischievous air.
And as always, William simply chuckled and pulled you closer, his hands resting on your lower back, encouraging you to wrap yours around his neck.
"You make it so easy for me, baby..." he whispered flirtatiously. "The way you look so incredibly beautiful, this dress, these gloves... and your smile, älskling, it melts my heart every time."
You found yourself slightly taken aback by his sudden outpouring of words. Typically, your husband excelled in charming you through his actions rather than verbal expressions. His love language leaned heavily towards physical affection.
However, tonight was different. Words seemed to flow effortlessly from him. Throughout the event, he whispered sweet compliments in your ear, expressing how breathtakingly beautiful you looked and how proud he was to have you by his side. And each time, he left you speechless.
William was undoubtedly aware of his actions. Over the years, he had come to understand his natural charm and ability to sweep you off your feet with smiles and touches. Yet, it wasn't until after your trip to Italy that he realised the importance of articulating his thoughts. Since then, he had been practicing putting his deep emotions into meaningful words.
You felt a swell of emotions. Your husband had been incredibly sweet all night, showcasing his gentlemanly side in public. However, you knew just as well as anyone that behind that polished exterior, William possessed a mischievous and playful streak - both in public and in private. And as soon as you rode in the cab back home, his lips were on your neck, peppering it with butterfly kisses, his arm wrapped around you while his hand subtly explored your thigh, sliding just beneath the hem of your dress.
"Mmm… can't wait to get home and take this off you," he murmured seductively against your skin, sending a delicious shiver down your spine.
Your fingers played with his semi-long locks, tugging him closer as you closed your eyes softly, surrendering to his touch. "I thought you liked the dress," you teased playfully, prompting William to pull back slightly, and your eyes opened to meet his.
"Oh baby, I love this dress… but I like you naked more," he chuckled darkly before leaning in to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. Your hands glided smoothly to his neck, pulling him closer, signalling your mutual desire as the cab navigated through the late February night in Toronto.
The atmosphere in the backseat grew almost too steamy, but before long, you arrived at your apartment building. William paid the driver, bidding him goodnight, before escorting you inside, adjusting his crotch in his trousers along the way.
It was clear that your deep yearning for each other was palpable. With a child-free evening ahead and both of you exuding true high fashion and confidence, you swiftly found yourselves entwined in each other's embrace as soon as you entered your home. A trail of William's discarded clothes—shoes, blazer, shirt, and trousers—led to the large dining table in the open kitchen.
And as you reached the end of the long mahogany table, William spun you around with your back against his chest, his hands firmly gripping your hips as he pulled your hair to one side and kissed the crook of your neck.
Leaning on the table, supported by your silky-covered arms, you surrendered yourself to his magical touch, your mind blissfully consumed by his enchantment. William's mouth worked wonders, skilfully exploring every inch of your sensitive skin below and behind your ear, leaving you utterly weak for him.
As his hands roamed over the curves of your body, his fingertips eventually found the zipper on your back. With delicate precision, he dragged it down, gradually exposing more and more of your skin, his lips never leaving you, moving around to lavish equal attention to your other side.
And as the dress fell, revealing your naked breasts and black lacy knickers, he could feel himself growing firm and hard in his boxers. 
Stepping out of the pooled fabric around your feet, you kicked it aside.
"Leave the gloves and heels on," William commanded roughly against your skin, his hands finding your breasts to offer a gentle massage as his mouth sought yours in fervent kisses.
Unable to form a coherent reply, you simply met him halfway in the heated moment, pushing your backside into his crotch, eliciting a whimper from you as you felt his hardness pressing against you.
Understanding your eager signal, William broke the kiss to remove his last piece of clothing, revealing his hard and proud shaft. His palms then caressed your buttocks as he muttered under his breath, "You're so sexy," while slowly sliding your underwear down.
You couldn't help but smile as your husband admired your body from behind you, but the desire for more of his touch was overwhelming. Stepping out of your knickers and spreading your legs a little further apart, you silently urged him on.
"So needy, baby," William huskily whispered, yet he didn't hesitate to comply. Letting his fingers slowly trace down between your cheeks, he found your heat, gently exploring your moist folds.
"Yes, Willy…" you gasped as he carefully stimulated your sensitive core. "Mmm… feels so good…"
A smirk played across William's lips as he observed your body yielding to his touch, your head tilting forward slightly, eyes shut tight. As he circled your clit, a moan slipped from your lips, your fingers lightly gripping the wood beneath you.
William knew every inch of your body intimately, knowing just how to stimulate each curve and corner to send you into ecstasy, and tonight he had every intention of doing just that. As his fingers danced over your nerves and soft moans grew louder, he sought your entrance and gently eased two digits inside.
"Oh yes!" you exclaimed, letting your head fall forward even more as William stretched your walls, pumping his fingers slowly, skilfully curving them to hit your sensitive spot. "Please, Willy," you pleaded, feeling a knot of pleasure forming in your lower stomach and your legs beginning to tremble.
"Mmm… That's it, baby… come for me, cum for daddy," he whispered, increasing the speed of his pumps, the wetness of your cunt sounding with each motion.
Your breaths became erratic as William continued to stimulate your core, bringing the orgasm closer and closer, your mind entering a euphoric state. Your fingers clenched the table, and your legs tightened as the climax approached. And with a few more pumps, you finally reached the peak, tossing your hair back and arching your back as waves of pleasure coursed through your body.
William smiled as he felt your walls clench around his fingers, your cunt pulsating with pleasure as he gently continued to stimulate you through the high. "Good girl," he praised softly before carefully withdrawing his fingers, causing juices to slowly trickle down your inner thighs.
After catching your breath once the orgasm had subsided, your anticipation for more still tingling, you watched as William gently stroked his throbbing member a few times. Using his arm to pull you back against him, he shared a sloppy kiss with you, filled with nothing but lust and desire. Amidst hungry moans and deep breaths, William's hands roamed all over your body, his throbbing cock ready for further pleasure. However, you halted him as he was about to proceed.
"Willy, we need a condom," you gasped between moans, but William simply brushed off your concern.
"Actually, älskling," he hummed against your skin, "I want to make another baby…"
Though a small part of you wanted to object, you found yourself mesmerised by his touch and kisses on your neck, the desire to bear his child again overwhelming you. Nodding in consent, you let him turn you around, sharing another passionate kiss as you sealed the deal for a new addition to the family.
The moment took a more romantic turn, yet William showed no hesitation as he lifted you onto the table, spreading your legs wide for him as he lined the tip of his cock with your entrance.
It was already dripping with pre-cum, as he gently pressed it into your tight hole, a feeling he’d been longing for a while. Not that you never had sex, but with a toddler and an NHL schedule, it wasn’t as often as it used to be. And when you had sex, he usually had to wear a condom or use his best pull out game as you weren’t on any birth control. But tonight, he could let loose.
Thrusting deeply into your warmth, your moans reverberated throughout the room in unison. Your hands instinctively found their place on the back of his neck, while he held onto your hips for support.
"Mmm... yeah, this is all mine," William moaned, his hips swaying gently as he withdrew slightly before sliding back in. And soon, he found the familiar rhythm that brought you both pleasure.
With each thrust, his hips slapped against yours, occasionally meeting your lips in fleeting moments amidst the symphony of moans. It was a passionate, intimate exchange, reflecting the depth of your connection. Locked in a gaze, your eyes conveyed everything before closing in anticipation of the impending climax.
"Oh yes, Willy... you feel so good," you moaned, your voice growing louder with each thrust. Sensing your heightened pleasure, William increased his pace, driving into you with more force, sending waves of ecstasy through your body. "Oh god!"
And as William felt his own release drawing near, he surrendered to the desire to bring you both to the peak of pleasure. His movements became more fervent, his grip on your hips tightening as he pressed his forehead against yours. "Fuck, babe... can't hold back... I need to... fill you up," he grunted deeply, lost in the throes of passion.
"Yes, Willy... I'm about to come too... fill me up," you moaned in response, and with just a few more thrusts, both of you released deep breaths and satisfied sounds as you reached climax together, your minds clouded, and your visions blurred from the ecstasy.
Basking in the warmth of your bodies, you remained connected for a few more moments, ensuring William's seed was securely planted.
Smiles adorned both your faces as you slowly disentangled, returning to reality, and relishing the intensity and beauty of the moment. Locking eyes once again, you shared a tender kiss, followed by a light chuckle.
"Can't believe we're going for baby number two," you smiled, still holding onto William's neck.
"I can," he chuckled softly. "Can't wait to see you pregnant again..."
"Easy there, tiger," you chuckled, gently stepping off the table. "I know last time happened quickly, but we might have to try several times before we succeed," you reasoned, aware that conception wasn't always as straightforward as hoped. You knew too many women who struggled to conceive despite trying tirelessly, while others seemed to fall pregnant just by looking at an erect penis.
Strolling around still sporting a grin, William gently enveloped you in his arms once more. "So, you're suggesting we might need to have sex over and over again just to ensure you actually get pregnant?" he chuckled deeply, exaggerating a mockingly puzzled expression with his playful jest.
Catching onto the banter, you chuckled in response. "Well, yes – I'm afraid we might have to repeat the process until we get it right, and perhaps even a little afterward, given that sex is beneficial during pregnancy."
"Oh, well in that case," William raised a mischievous eyebrow, "how about we hop in the shower, and I'll take special care of you before we continue with round two?"
You couldn't help but grin widely at his flirtatious remark, well aware of his proficiency with his mouth, and naturally, you couldn't refuse.
Thus, with a sensual and thoroughly enjoyable shower, you both cleaned up from the passionate sex before retiring to bed, too exhausted from the night's excitement to entertain the idea of a second round just yet. However, the following morning, before your parents returned with Eliot, William made love to you twice.
The first time was a gentle and unhurried encounter, as you both slowly awakened from your slumber, wrapped in each other's arms, delicately caressing one another, and exchanging passionate kisses.
The second round, however, occurred about an hour later, after you had enjoyed a delicious breakfast following your morning exercise, and William had seen the photos from the previous night's event.
You looked absolutely stunning in your attire, exuding strength and confidence, which ignited his desire to undress you once more and hold you close. His cock immediately twitched din his boxers as he studied the photos from the online article about the event, and thinking that everyone knew you were his, only fuelled his lust within. So, just a few minutes before your parents rang the doorbell, William opted for a quicker, more intense session, filled with passion and urgency.
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cator99 · 7 months
I love making phone calls I love sending emails and being overall pleasant to interact with I love looking for solutions and being eager to understand how the world around me operates and to ask people about the role they play in this beautiful world I love being able to tell that other people are excited for any reason at all to strut their shit in this way and I always take notes on how they do it. It's all so funny to me. I am doing this because I am an insane person. I am the best person for the job. I am like the inverse of Jude St Francis. Born in a wet cardboard box doomed fucked in the head and forced to make an accommodation with life BUT I think its cunty and will commit awesomely violent ritual seppuku when my life is at its absolute peak. But yeah I dont get anxiety anymore if I dont like something it I can just thank them for their time and then find a way to leave and literally do anything else no one really cares as long as you do it right and you know like you can just keep looking for better things you literally never know you might turn out to be really passionate about fish mongering and didnt even consider it and it's not always easy but if the alternative is unbearable then fuck it pack a bag and stick your thumb out on the highway and spend 2 hours chatting about life with a fat 60 year old semi truck driver with photos of his happy fatty family plastered over the entirety of his dashboard and who was concerned why some kid was wandering the highway without a jacket and is nothing but totally kind and appropriate towards you which you kind of didnt expect when you hit the road but then you get to the city and go to an orgy party at some xi/xirs apartment who you met while on a psychiatrist-approved leave to attend an LGBT youth summer camp during the tail end of your 4 month stay at a youth mental health/detention facility but you can't stay there because his 40 year old housemate just announced that he's moving to the states and suddenly wouldnt be contributing to next months rent and didn't want to say anything until the night before when his boxes were being actively moved out of the apartment in order to avoid any sort of confrontation and the resulting altercation is heart breaking this 40 year old workig professional gay dude just absolutely betrayed this screwed up teenaged lesbian with no hesitation but maybe the drug fuelled sex parties had something to do with it but im just there stoned watching some tv show about anthropomorphic fast food and xe really did care about me but this was not the time to be pulling some cutesy whimsical runaway shit so we said our goodbyes and xe gave me directions the youth emergency shelter. As far as I was concerned, I was living the dream. This was just the "hard" part. I broke the high score on the ancient tetris machine at the day-shelter and barely ate anything because they relied entirely on donations and for whatever reason nobody thought to donate anything gluten free. I slept in the girls quarters of the cold shelter we were taken to every night, driven in huge vans by the staff at the day shelter. The girls were primarily quiet and didnt want to talk or even look at anyone. Some of the native girls were chill to play board games or watch tv with though. The guys were real rough. Mostly drug addicts. Mostly violent. They were known for treating each other terribly. I was told I could "use whatever rooms or washrooms that align with your gender identity". I told them I'd rather use the room that made me less likely to have me end up raped or my pillow pissed on.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 1 year
Clan of Three - Chapter 10
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Chapter Ten: The Heiress
Plot: A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the jedi, and a teenager with similar powers with an undiscovered lineage. An unlikely group to travel the galaxy together.
Word Count: 5.8K
Pairing: Father Figure!Din Djarin x Platonic!Teen!Reader
Warnings: fighting/violence, injuries, massive angst, tears
You woke up from the travels to you all just flying past the gas giant Kol Iben towards the moon Trask.
“Looks like we made it. Get ready for landing.” Din says as you rub the sleep from your eyes as you begin your descent toward the planet. A loud beeping makes him curse out loud, “Dank farrik! The landing array isn’t responding. Without the guidance system, it’ll be a manual re-entry. It might get choppy. Once we’re through the atmosphere, there should be enough fuel to slow down. If we don’t burn to a crisp.” The beeping only grows louder which in turn wakes up the Frog Lady and the child.
“What’s going on?!” As you see the ship begin to burn, you were going down too fast.
“Come up here. I need your hands! This lever needs to stay back. Can you do that? Keep it steady. Here we go.” Din looks at you pointing at a lever and you nod pulling it all the way back it had some tension almost as if it didn’t want to stay all this far back.
“Razor Crest, this is Trask flight control. Please reduce your speed to port protocol.” The Flight control comes through your transmitters as the approaching planet grows closer, “I’m trying my best here.” “Engage reverse thrusters. Brace!” He switches to the reverse the ship jerking as you see the landing bay getting too close for comfort at this speed.
“Hold on.” “Razor Crest, do you copy? You have to reduce speed.” “Almost there, almost there.” “Razor Crest, do you copy? Razor Crest, you’re coming in too fast. You have to re…” The ship hits the landing bay with a heavy thud as you’re back on the ground.
“Here we go. Nice and easy.” Din says and a loud crack fills the air as the landing struts break down and the Crest begins to tip over and you all crash into the water. It goes dark quickly with the water but with how fast you had entered the water you were out of it. The rushing water pours out of the ship as you’re placed onto the landing pad. You all disembark the soaked and very broken ship, the Frog Lady moves ahead as Din speaks to an octopus-looking man, the child in his pram beside you. The smell of salt was so strong here, the air chilly but almost refreshing. The main thing you had been staring at was the water, you’d never seen this much water. You hadn’t thought this much water could exist.
“Kid,” Din pulls you out of your thoughts and he’s standing further ahead with the child you catch up with the two. The three of you see the Frog Lady run up to another Frog Man as they embrace speaking to each other before they hold the canister holding their future child with such love. You feel your heart melt seeing the happiness on their face being reunited.
Din shakes hands with the Frog Man as he croaks his thanks, “You’re welcome. I was told you could lead me to others of my kind,” The Frogs lead them to an inn before they soon depart. Entering the establishment quickly eyes are drawn to the Mandalorian in his shiny beskar, the human girl, and the small child in the pram. A very unlikely group together as the server glances at you all before pointing to a table.
“Have a seat over there. What can I get you?” You all sit down as the server now joins the table.
“Nothing for me. Two bowls of chowder for my friends.” Din motions to the two of you and you see the server give him a look, “These seats are scarce, buddy. Everyone seated needs to eat.”
“I can buy something else. Information. Have you seen others that look like me?” Din asks and the man places two bowls of chowder in front of you and the child. You place the bowl closer to the child as he reaches out with his tiny hands.
“Others with beskar have been through here.” The server says and that intrigued the bounty hunter, “Who can take me to them?”
“I know someone who might help.” The server nods before leaving, you slowly eat your food, it is unlike anything you’ve tasted. Maker, you were so lucky to travel the galaxy. You hear a cry come from the child and you look down seeing a cephalopod creature latched onto the child’s face. Din holds out a knife prying it off his face,
“Don’t play with your food.” He scolds before a new person arrives at the table. “Hmm. You seek others of your kind?”
Din nods looking at the Quarren boatman, “Have you seen them?” “Aye. I can bring you to them.” The boatman nods,
“Where?” Din asks and the boatman points out towards the water, “Only a few hours sail. It’ll cost you, though.”
You would say getting used to being on a starship was easy but on a boat felt off, you could feel the ship rocking against the waves as it travels further out to sea. The Quarrens shout at each other as they work, seeing creatures of the ocean that you have never seen before. It was all so new as you follow behind Din and the child.
“You ever see a mamacore eat?” The boatman asks, gesturing you over to a large opening below the ship’s deck, “Quite a sight. They might take an interest. You should take a look. Come on over here. Get a good view. Let the kids see.” You are all pretty close to the edge,
“Never seen this much water before!” You say in awe your feet grace the edges but Din pulls you back slightly,
”All right, close enough.” Din says as you watch the grate in the middle slide open as a net full of fish lowers down into the water.
The Quarren grins hearing the rumble from the mamacore as it feast under the water, “There we go. She must be hungry. Oftentimes we’ll feed her in the early morning, but we missed that ’cause we were goin’ out of port!” It happened so suddenly. The Quarren whacks his spear against the child’s cradle pushing it above the water and the mamacore surfaces swallowing the cradle with the child inside.
“No!” Both you and Din yell out horrified by the action, you spin around to fight when hands shove you backward, why did you have to be so close to the edge? Your frightened gaze meets Din’s as you fall back into the water, his hand barely reaching yours as he’s thrown back by two Quarrens.
Tatooine never had large bodies of water, all of it had dried up years ago making it the desert planet it was. There was no reason for you to learn how to swim if you were meant to stay there for the rest of your life. Even during your travels with the Mandalorian you never had taken the opportunity to learn such a basic skill. On Sorgon when you would travel to waterfalls or large lakes, you stood at a safe distance or entered the water letting it reach your hips not going further in as the others swam or dived off the tall cliffs into the water. It was a shock of electricity from the idea you were in water that you couldn’t stand in and that you were in there with a creature that just swallowed the child whole. You burst through the surface gasping for air and spitting out water getting in your mouth, you try pulling yourself out but your hands slam against the bars just a foot away from your face. Your hands slip trying to grab onto the metal grate to pull yourself up so you could breathe and find a way to escape. Your heart was pounding in your ears as you hear the fight above as Din yells.
“Hurry up and drown the girl!” Someone yells before pikes come down on your hands making you slip back under the water, your arms and legs flail as you try to bring yourself back up to the surface, breaking through the water again your hand grabs one of the rungs the other grabbing the saber attached to your waist, bring it above the water the howling sound fills the air as the saber cuts through the metal, the orange blade melting through.
“She’s a jedi! Kill her already!” Someone yells and more pikes rain down on you making you lose your grip and you’re back under the water, the saber goes out instantly under the water. You move your arms rapidly trying to push yourself up but nothing works as you only sink further into the water. Your lungs burn as you try to keep the water out of your lungs but you accidentally breathe in through your nose in a panic making you open your mouth to get the water out only causing more water to fill. Your body grows weaker before your vision goes black the last thought being of Din.
Din never fought harder in his life tearing through the Quarrens, he could hear you struggling in the water as you cry out in fear. He had to get you and the child to safety but they seemed to not be letting up, the sudden arrival of other Mandalorian had been unexpected as they all bring down the Quarrens and the ones over the grate. They all wear blue armor with white details as the last Quarren falls dead,
“There’s a creature. It has the Child and the girl.” Din tells trying to move forward but one of them holds him back,
“On it!” One of the Mandalorians dives into the water his body shakes with anger but also fear. He knew you didn’t swim, why would anyone on Tatooine know how to swim?
“The children. Help the children.” Din breathes out heavily trying to calm his pounding heart as the female leader reassures him. The sound of underwater explosions doesn’t soothe his nerves, “Don’t worry, brother. We’ve got this.”
The female Mandalorian who dived into the water comes flying out with her jetpack under one arm the damaged cradle is quickly given to Din who opens it. The child looks frightened but otherwise safe, held in her other arm is you. His blood runs cold seeing your eyes cold, your lips and fingers blue.
The female Mandalorian lays you on the ground on your back leaning down her ear over your face trying to listen before she quickly pulls back bringing her hands together. “She’s not breathing…” Din rushes forward but is held back by the only other male Mandalorian,
“Kid!” “Stop it she has her!” Din struggles in his grasp watching her bring her hands to your chest pressing against it in patterns before stopping trying to hear your breathing and continuing cursing under her breath. He thought he already lost you once but you had proved yourself. You couldn’t leave now.
“Come on kid, you can’t do this!” He cries out his helmet hiding his fearful emotion as he watches the woman work to save your life. It felt like hours pass as he watch your body just lay there as the Mandalorian tries to get you to breathe. Water spurts from your mouth and she turns you to your side as water pours from your mouth. You cough intensely as your body forces you to expel all the water, Din felt relief cover him so quickly seeing you breathing. You were so cold as you continue to cough out water before it subsided.
“You okay kid?” A voice asks and you look over seeing a Mandalorian helmet that wasn’t Din’s.
“Am I dead…?” You ask and she chuckles shaking her head. “You are very much alive.” She says as she helps you sit up bringing you to a bench to sit on. Din is instantly by your side he brings you close to him words of Mando’a mumbled under his breath, prayers thanking his gods. Din pulls away looking at the three Mandalorians,
“Thank you. I’ve been searching for more of our kind.” He says and the female leader steps forward nodding.
“Well, lucky we found you first.” She says,
“I’ve been quested to deliver these children. I was hoping that…” Din trails off seeing the three of them remove their helmets revealing their faces, “Where did you get that armor?” He accuses standing up and placing himself between the children and these fakes.
The ginger woman scoffs almost insulted, “This armor has been in my family for three generations.”
“You do not cover your face. You are not Mandalorian.” He says their creed was broken with the removal of their helmets.
“He’s one of them.” The dark-haired man says and Din gives him a look,
“Dank farrik.” The leader curses which makes Din more confused. “One of what?”
“I am Bo-Katan of Clan Kryze. I was born on Mandalore and fought in the Purge. I am the last of my line. And you are a Child of the Watch.” The woman, Bo-Katan introduces herself.
“The Watch?” He inquires,
“Children of the Watch are a cult of religious zealots that broke away from Mandalorian society. Their goal was to re-establish the ancient way.” Bo-Katan says and Din shakes his head handing off the child to you as he helps you onto your feet, still feeling weak and still shocked that all had happened.
“There is only one way. The Way of the Mandalore.” He says and the other woman with braids going across her forehead, “Wait!” She pulls something from her belt and holds out your saber which you cautiously accept, “I didn’t know the jedi were training children anymore…” You don’t get to question what she said before Din picks you up and the three of you leave the ship flying back to land. From the shore you see the ship explode into flames as well as the three Mandalorians fly off as well.
“Come on kid…” Din calls out to you ready to return to the ship. The child rested in his arms as the night quickly took over. You were more dried off now, your clothes still sticking to your body each step of your shoes moist and gross but your hair had begun to air dry. The street lights lit your way before someone appear in front of your path,
“Hey! You… You killed my brother.” A Quarren steps forward, this must have been the boatsman’s brother. More appear from the shadows surrounding you all,
“Let me pass.” Din demands and the man laughs,
“I don’t you think you understand. You killed my brother and now I’m gonna kill your kid and your pet.” He says pointing a large spear at you and the child in Din’s arms mistaking him for a pet. Appearing from above is Bo-Katan and the two other Mandalorians who flank around you all.
“He didn’t kill your brother. I did.” Bo-Katan says and they quickly eliminate the threats before either of you could move to join the fight. Bo-Katan looks at Din, “Can we at least buy you a drink?”
At the bar, you all sat around a table, and Bo-Katan starts to speak, “Trask is a black market port. They’re staging weapons that have been bought and sold with the plunders of our planet. We’re seizing those weapons and using them to retake our home world. Once we’ve done that, we’ll seat a new Mand’alor on the throne.” She explains and you see Din shake his head.
“That planet is cursed. Anyone who goes there dies. Once the Empire knew they couldn’t control it, they made sure no one else could either.” He replies and Bo-Katan takes a sip of her drink giving him a look.
“Don’t believe everything you hear. Our enemies wanna separate us. But Mandalorians are stronger together.” Din ignores her proposal he already had something to worry about than to recontrol a whole planet, “That’s not part of my plan. I’ve been quested with returning these kids to the Jedi.” 
“What do you know of the Jedi?” Bo-Katan asks and she glances over at you pausing slightly looking over you.
“Nothing. I was hoping you would help me by Creed.” Din admits looking over at the girl who was still damp from the water and the child watching Reeves in fascination.
“I can lead you to one of their kind. But first, we need your help on our mission.” Bo-Katan offers, “Mission?” Din asks.
You all stood at the pier looking over the landing pads of multiple ships and Bo-Katan pointed at one ship far off in the distance, “You see that Imperial Gozanti freighter? It’s being loaded with weapons as we speak. According to the port’s manifest, it’s scheduled to depart at first light.”
“So we stow away?” Din questions, “We’ve been hitting ’em pretty hard. They scan for life forms as a precaution before pushing back.” Reeves comments.
“If you wanna do this with four, you’re gonna need the element of surprise,” Din says and you feel someone watching you and you see it’s Bo-Katan looking at you.
“With five. Having a Jedi on our side would increase our chances,” Bo-Katan says and Din looks over at who she’s referring to.
“The kid’s not getting involved with the empire.” Din refuses ready to back out of the whole deal altogether.
“I’ve not known a Jedi that didn’t get involved in fighting the empire.” Reeves says looking over you and examining you and you shrink back slightly from her gaze, “Where did you even come across a Jedi…thought they all died off.”
“She’s not involved. That’s final.” Din says pulling you to stand behind him away from the other Mandalorians.
“Alright…The freighter will maintain trawling speed while inside the shipping lanes and then ascend in orbit. We’ll jet up when they’re cruising in the atmosphere. The tower won’t allow them to climb until they’ve left the port’s airspace.” Bo-Katan says the plan is still possible without a jedi.
“Troopers?” Din questions and Bo-Katan is quick to respond, “A squad at most.”
“And they couldn’t hit the side of a bantha.” Woves quips a smirk on his face.
The plan had been made and three of you traveled to a home and you then found yourself with the Frogs. “Something’s come up. Can I leave them with you for a bit?” Din says placing the child at the table. “You are gonna stay here, so I want you to be respectful. And mind your manners. You know what I’m talking about. Thanks. I’ll be back for him.” He’s quick to leave the room and you follow after him.
“Din!” You call after him and he turns thinking you would stay behind. “Why would you keep me out of this mission, you know I’m capable of taking care of myself.”
“I don’t want you or the child involved with the empire, you’re safer away from the fight.” He says and you could tell it had to do with something else.
“If this had to deal with what happened earlier today, none of us knew that was going to happen. That shouldn’t stop me from fighting with you-” You say but he holds his hand up silencing you, “I’m not changing my mind! Now go kid.” He says harshly pointing at the home of the Frogs and watching a multitude of emotions cross your face before you turn walking back into the home. Din sighs knowing this deeply upset you but he was only doing it for your safety. He turns before making his way to where Bo-Katan and the others were set up.
At dawn, the Mandalorians quickly depart after the Gozanti-class cruiser flying beside it, what none of them knew was someone else had joined on this mission on the other side of the ship. So while the warriors had taken out stormtroopers on one side before forcing their way inside, a girl sneak on the other side. Your feet were silent making your way through the halls hidden in the shadows and corners when troopers would pass by. You turned down a corner only to a squad of stormtroopers.
In the cockpit, the Captain tries learning more about these intruders having heard it is only four life-forms, “Wait. They’re Mandalorian! We’ve…” A soldier yells out the information a new transmission comes through from a completely another side of the cruiser away from where the attacks were coming from.
“Sir! There’s another on the ship…a girl?!” The sound of blaster fire stops him from talking before it comes back again, “It’s a Jedi! A jed-” His scream cuts out with the sound of saber meeting flesh. The Captain stands still before looking at the other pilot who had also heard the news. A Jedi…there are no more jedi alive anymore all of them eradicated.
“Get me a message to the empire.”
As the Mandalorians fight their way to the cargo hold you make your way towards the bridge, with no map to lead you there, you just let yourself guide you to where the bridge was. The force spreads across the ship as you find where you need to go.
“We have them trapped, sir.” The deck officer says from in the cargo hull, they had trapped the Mandalorians in a room.
“Trapped them where?” The Captain questions, “In the cargo control area.”
“Where?” “In the cargo control area!” The shouts fill the air as the security officer and the stormtroopers with him are sucked out of the cargo bay.
“Come in. Do you copy? Do you copy?” The Captain shouts out before a voice comes in.
“I copy. Thanks for packing up all this gear so nicely. Imagine what a division of us can do when we get our hands on what’s inside these shiny little boxes.” Bo-Katan says as the others look through the weapons they had just retrieved.
“If you think you’re going to escape with those weapons, you are sadly mistaken. Even if you’ve managed to jettison a few of those crates, we will comb the entire area until you are hunted down and killed.” The Captain spits and the Mandalorian smiles, “Oh, we’re not jettisoning anything. We’re taking the entire ship.”
“What?” Din looks over hearing this new plan as Bo-Katan continues talking, “Put some tea on. We’ll be up in a minute.” She ends the transmission and Din comes over to her.
“This is more than I signed up for.” He shakes his head and Bo-Katan explains,
“There is something I need if I am to rule Mandalore. Something that was once mine. They know where it is and soon, so will I. Regardless, we are taking the ship for the battles ahead.”
“I got you your weapons. I have to return to my ship with the foundlings.” Din retorts.
“If you want my help finding the Jedi, you will help me take this ship.” Bo-Katan says though Din protests, “You’re changing the terms of the deal.”
“This is the Way.” She says finally before walking away leaving the Mandalorian no choice but to comply.
“What is it, Captain?” He looks down at the captain had received another message.
“Another pirate hijacking but more information,” The Captain responds to his superior.
“Were you able to eliminate them?” He questions and the Captain shakes his head,
“No. We need backup immediately.”
“Are these the same “pirates” that have attacked our other vessels?” His superior asks, “They appear to be, sir. But something else came up.”
“What is it?” He asks irritated this operation had been overtaken by some pirates.
“We experienced another enemy on the cruiser…a girl. They say she’s a jedi.” The Captain says and the officer’s eyes widen hearing the statement. So you had been learning or did you already know?
“You kill the enemies on that ship this instant. But keep the girl alive.” He says and the Captain is confused by this request.
“But sir, she’s taken down much of the ship-” “You will not question my orders!”
“Yes, Moff Gideon..” The Captain bows his head down in shame before the warlord nods.
“You know what to do. Long live the Empire.” Gideon responds and the Captain nods, “Long live the Empire.” He pulls out his blaster killing the pilot before taking control of the ship, sending a transmission of any alive troopers on the ship.
“Kill the pirates on this ship, and capture the jedi. That is an order from your superior.” He ends the transmission before taking the controls and beginning to nose-dive straight toward the water. The shift of the weight of the ship as you slide slightly digging your blade into the ground stopping you from moving, blocking another blaster fire with your saber you quickly rush through the remaining troopers cutting them down with ease. Fighting with your saber compared to your blaster felt more right, you felt whole like a piece of you was missing all this time. You make your way down the halls getting closer to the bridge when you encounter two squads of troopers, one squad focused on you the other focused on the Madnalorians coming down the other end.
“How many troopers?” Bo-Katan asks hiding behind a wall trying to avoid the gunfire,
“Six to ten. Two with heavy repeating blasters. We’re losing altitude fast.” Reeves yells back looking at her wrist that shows the quickly dropping altitude.
“We need to move now.” Bo-Katan yells out peeking out to fire before hiding back, “They have too much firepower!”
“Still dropping. Ten thousand. We won’t make it to the bridge!” Reeves yells as they try firing as well as hanging on to the cruiser that was at an angle.
“Nine thousand. Eight thousand. Seven thousand.” Reeves yells before Din moves forward, “Cover me. Come on!” He rushes forward fighting his blaster at the troopers while taking hits but the beskar protects him. The Mandalorians provide cover fire as he throws two charges at the squad moving back as they explode incinerating the enemies. The smoke is thick as they push through they were right at the bridge when an attack came straight at Din’s head. Bringing his arms up the beskar bracers protecting the orange blade from striking him. The smoke quickly clears as the Mandalorians see a girl with a saber staring back at them in shock.
“Maker I could have cut your head off!” “What are you doing here!” You both say at the same time as you lower your saber. Behind you from where you came from the bodies of troopers, slash marks, and stab wounds from your burning weapon.
“No time to argue,” Bo-Katan says as she leads into the bridge all of you quickly following. The door opens and the Captain is piloting the ship noticing the company he pulls out his blaster but it’s sent flying across the room and he’s pinned against the wall unable to move his limbs. You step beside Bo-Katan as she pulls out a knife threatening him as you hold him in place. Reeves and Din rush towards the controls quickly stabilizing the ship before it could crash into the water.
“Where is it?” Bo-Katan growls and the Captian smirks acting clueless, “Where’s what?”
“The Darksaber. Does he have it?” She says bringing the knife closer to his throat.
“If you’re asking, you already know.” He grins and Bo-Katan grimaces at the comment, “I’ll let you live. But you will take me to him.” She orders offering to spare his life.
“You might let me live, but he won’t.” The Captain says and he bites into a capsule in his mouth his body killing him with electricity. “No!” You lower your hand stepping away as the Captain’s body hits the floor.
“We have to go. He sent a distress signal.” Reeves says to Bo-Katan who is glaring at the dead imperial.
“Clear the atmosphere and prepare to jump,” She orders Reeves and Woves who quickly take control and she looks over at Din, “Are you sure you won’t join us?”
“There’s something I need to do.” Din shakes his head and Bo-Katan nods removing her helmet, “The offer stands if you change your mind.”
“Where can I find the Jedi?” Din asks stepping towards her,
“Take the foundlings to the city of Calodan on the forest planet of Corvus. There you will find Ahsoka Tano. Tell her you were sent by Bo-Katan. And thank you. Your bravery will not be forgotten. This is the Way.” She says stepping back and Din nods repeating her words,
“This is the Way.” Din leaves the bridge while you still stand there and she looks over you slightly, “Stay smart kid, being a Jedi isn’t easy.” She says and you nod.
“Thank you Bo-Katan..” You say before turning and leaving the bridge, the two of you reach the airlock exiting the ship as Din picks you up flying back to land as the ship leaves the atmosphere.
Back at the Frog couple’s house, the two of you enter seeing the child playing with a tadpole as their watch. “Thank you for watching him. Okay, kid. Come on. It’s time to go. Let go. Come on, kid. Congratulations. No, I have enough pets.” He picks up the child before you leave heading for the Crest. At the port, you knew the Crest wasn’t the newest ship by a landslide but this just looked like a hunk of junk.
“I gave you a thousand credits, this was the best you could do?” Din asks looking at the dock worker who just shrugs before holding out the datapad for him to sign. He sighs signing it before you enter the Crest, it was put together with random scraps of metal and had nets all over the place even inside.
“Mon Calamari. Unbelievable.” Din grumbles the entire way inside the ship pushing past a net hanging in front of the doorway, he situates the child in his seat
“I finally know where I’m taking you both. But it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.” He speaks to the child you down in the hull as he starts the semi-repaired Razor Crest leaving the planet and jumping into hyperspace.
You didn’t need to hear the beskar to know that he had arrived, you could feel the anger and frustration coming from him. Your gaze was glued to your books as you sat in the cargo hull on one of the crates. Past the pages, you could see him standing there but you continue your book though it was just you re-reading the same line. His hand pushes the book down taking it from your hands.
“Hey!” “Why did you disrespect my direct order when it was meant to keep you safe.” He says he puts the book to the side before crossing his arms and you lean back giving him a look.
“Order…? Since when do you give orders…besides, I helped you guys on that cruiser.” You say copying his stance and he shakes his head, “I told you to stay back because of the empire, but no it seems my warnings are not good enough for you.” Din says and you push yourself off the crate to head back to the main hull but he blocks you.
“I’m not apologizing for helping Din, I would do it again even if you disagreed. I’m not a child I can protect myself.” You say and you could feel the intensity of his gaze through the beskar helmet of his, “But you are, it was only a few months ago that you could barely handle a blaster but now all of a sudden you’re an adult that can fight off the people that are after you.” His tone was cold and harsh something you weren’t used to.
“Do you understand what your life means? Running off and putting yourself at risk? When I tell you something I expect you to follow it to the T but it seems like you’re only interested in playing hero when this life isn’t a game,” Din says referencing Tatooine and even now.
Your eyes narrow as you glare at the bounty hunter, “I guess we’re both disappointed with each other then. I was helping people. And it’s not like you care about others. You are only focused on the credits at the end of this. Our relationship…the child’s…is built on the fact that you had a reward at the end of it when we met. So don’t give me that protective father bullcrap because you’re only in this mess because you had a change of heart.”
“That change of heart is what’s keeping you alive or would you rather be tortured by the empire or better yet dead? Our creed…this clan-” He starts and you turn away pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Oh kriff that…This has never been our creed! I don’t understand how just because someone says we are a clan automatically makes us a family. I don’t know you Din…you don’t know me. Like I said I can take care of myself,” You point at yourself and at him.
“How many close calls have we had, with the empire or with bounty hunters?” He says you can hear the frustration in his modulated voice,
“Well, we seem to be doing alright so far.” “And we’ll be doing better when you learn the creed. I just have to teach you-” Din starts but you shake your head
“Din..I only just learned your name! You probably weren’t ever going to tell me anyways. No matter how much you try to teach me about the Mandalorians I won’t be one. I’m not your daughter and you aren’t my father!” You spit and the atmosphere is quickly cold and you step back realizing the words that came out of your mouth. Din had stepped back as if your words drove straight into his heart and he couldn’t help but deflect back at your harsh words.
“You're right…You're not my daughter and I sure as hell ain't your father. When we meet the Jedi we will be going our separate ways.” Din declares and you can’t ignore the malice in his words. You knew you hurt him with what you said but just hearing him say those same words back to you felt like a dagger in your chest. You nod sharply looking away from him trying to keep the quickly forming tears. You don’t deserve to cry...you caused this. You just ruin everything and push people away. Din leaves you in the cargo the silent tears falling down your face and returning to the cockpit with his own heart broken hidden behind the helmet. The child in the pram notices the upset feeling coming off the older man and further away the sadness and loneliness coming from you.
A clan of three…broken.
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vixentheplanet · 1 year
endless (love)
“I know, I've found in you my endless love.”
shuri x black!reader | 18+
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Summary: Nine years after a drunken love confession.
heiress series: 1. heartbeat | 2. afterglow
word count: 5k
themes: heiress reader, marriage, babies, reader is a nervous mommy which is okay, therapy, trauma healing, fluff, and smut.
warnings: mentions of drugs, panic attack, fear of abandonment, and sex.
dedicated to @shurislover because you’re so sweet omg 🥲🩷
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hi ✨- i think that’s all of them…. illicit nights part two never going back up btw lmao i have to find the energy to rework that
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The limo driver barely comes to a complete stop in front of the starry Esmé sign before you rush the door open, nearly knocking down the valet who had anticipated to be the one to open it for you. "I'm sorry!" you exclaim hurriedly without turning back. You had one thing on your mind, and you were almost there. You enter the rotating door without having to identify yourself to the police and Dora Milaje stationed outside.
Even with the heart-shaped herb's advantages, Shuri couldn't keep up with you as you strutted across the lobby. You're sure people were gazing at you with wide eyes as they recognized who you were—Hotel Heiress, Queen of Wakanda (one of them), and a new title that had you trending online all the time. Yet you were a woman on a mission, and nothing could deter you except the elevator wait time.
A frustrated grumble escapes your lips as you tap your feet impatiently on the carpet. "Fucking asshole," you mutter, continually hitting the button as if it will make the doors open faster.
You were so lost in contemplation that you failed to notice your wife's efforts to keep up with you. Shuri looks worriedly at you and says, "Y/N. My love, you must relax."
"I'm fine—can this elevator move any faster? I'm going to sue whoever built this elevator. Oh my-“ The elevator chimes, interrupting your tirade, and you rush into the gold cart, scanning the key card before pressing the button to move it.
A hand massages calming patterns on your bare shoulder while you're dazedly viewing the numbers on display above. "Look at me," your wife urges softly. "You have to breathe, Y/N," she says, making you aware of how tight your chest is, but you can ignore it.
The strain of the evening starts to break free with a deep sigh as you stretch your shoulders. You were back in New York on official business, which meant that you weren't interested in anything that didn't need your direct participation as Queen of Wakanda. Amaya and her boyfriend, on the other hand, had asked you and Shuri to dinner tonight.
Amaya wanted to introduce you to her new partner, but you refused. "If they're still together the next time we visit New York, we'll know it's serious and worth leaving our children." You argue, putting emphasis on the last word. Shuri was having none of it.
Your therapist and wife noted how often you needed to be reminded to maintain the equilibrium between motherhood and your identity—the importance of embracing this new aspect of your life while still having fun.
"No, this is their first time here. It's unfamiliar territory, and we've been gone for some time. God alone knows what's going through their heads. They’re probably so confused.”
First, you said no, but after a long stare-down and Shuri's insistence, you eventually agreed—though not without a few safety precautions. The infants had grown used to the safety and security of the Wakandan Palace. So, did you ask that police officers identify everyone entering and exiting the building? Yes. Did you call Marco from the bar and urge him to come to babysit the twins? Yes. Were the Dora Milaje stationed inside the penthouse, outside the elevator, and at the hotel's front door? Yes, as well. Everyone understood that it was best to take the extra step of caution, and they wouldn't dare argue with you.
Maybe you were being overprotective, but you were not taking risks with the hotel's penthouse housing the children of the Èsme Heiress and Black Panther, Queen of Wakanda. 
You remember the ultrasound during your first trimester. The doctor made the happy announcement that you were carrying twins. In your state of astonishment, you recall telling the doctor, "Two? We only asked for one.” Alternating your gaze between the screen and Shuri, whose eyes were as wide as yours.
The twins may have come as a shock, but they are the best present the universe could provide to you and your wife. The feelings of love, affection, and protectiveness were intense, to the point of being nearly overpowering. You became their mother the second you touched your babies. 
Vatusia and Vian Esmé-Udaku.
Their hazel-brown eyes looked directly at you, and as unmistakable as anything you've ever encountered in your life, they declared, ‘I'm entirely vulnerable. I need you.’ You'd never felt more important. The sheer sense of urgency caught you off guard. Yet only for a brief moment—a billionth of a second at most. You returned their gaze and signaled in every manner conceivable, ‘I've got you. I'm not going anywhere.’
"They're protected," Shuri reassured you on the way to the restaurant after everything was in place, but your body refused to ease. Even on the ride back when you knew you'd soon be holding your children again. It needed to be more. You have to see them. For them to see you and know you were still there. You hadn’t left.
You step out of the elevator, ready to sprint through the corridor to the entrance, but Shuri's unexpected grasp on your wrist stops you. For a split second, you feel betrayed, not understanding why Shuri wanted to keep you away from the twins for yet another moment or two. She opens her mouth to speak, but you immediately cut her off. "Can we talk about whatever it is inside?"
The queen shakes her head. "The twins are safe, Angel. There would have been communication if that were not the case. We're standing right outside the front entrance. However, you remain anxious. You're not being completely honest with me about how you feel."
The words of Shuri cut deep, rendering you silent. Shuri was correct. You were afraid to say it aloud, but you understood why you felt the way you did. It was ridiculous to believe you could hide anything from the woman you'd been with for ten years. You could tell each other's feelings and nonverbal signs without saying anything. When you surrender to her embrace, you take a deep breath and look up into her eyes. Those who meet yours are looking for you to say what's on your mind, and they won't stop staring until you do.
Dr. Faraji often stressed the importance of vocalizing your thoughts to your wife. The importance of when you're feeling low, lean on your partner for a bit of support. She was right. Shuri always helps bring you back in touch with reality and energizes you with words of encouragement. 
"They've never been in the penthouse before, and I'm not there. I don't want them to think I abandoned them," you whisper in the last sentence, your anxieties forcing you to bite your lower lip.
The pained expression on Shuri’s face at your confession makes your heartbreak. She’s in your space, consuming the entire area between you as a palm caresses your weary features, relaxing instantly. "Y/N," she replies firmly. "You are not your mother," she explains.
You look down, breaking eye contact. "I know. And still, I can't stop thinking about my childhood and experiences. I don't want them to feel that way even for a second." They wouldn't recall these times today since they were only a few months old, but they still had emotions and consciousness. Your memories of your younger self are vivid—a child who failed to receive constant loving or caring attention. You were unable to build close relationships when your mother abandoned you, leaving you with continuous tension and worry.
Gentle fingertips on your lower back entice you to avoid the traumatic past. "Y/N, such an assumption will only bring you down. You should be present. In current time with our beautiful family." Tender lips gently press on your cheek. "You and our children are a blessing to me. "You're an amazing mother," Shuri adds, and the sediment warms your body.
The tightness in your chest dissipates as your attention is drawn to the love of your life. "You are, too," you assure her, although you always tell each other this. Shuri adjusted to parenting faster than you did. It could be because she's constantly evolving and adapting to new conditions. Motherhood was no different; it was simply more permanent.
Above all, she was crucial for the kids and you. You felt a lot of stress and emotional drain as a mother. It's one thing to be a first-time mom, but it's quite another to be a first-time mom of two. The fear that you would forget something or make a mistake had become stronger. Your thoughts were so chaotic with all the worst things that may happen that Shuri had to make you stop and think about the good things.
Shuri was a calming presence in what can be a tumultuous and perplexing world—increasing your inner strength and being the rock on which your kids can depend.
When you were working through your abandonment issues with your therapist, Dr. Faraji questioned, "Would you ever want to experience motherhood?"
The question takes you by surprise. You pause for a moment to consider your response before speaking again. “I wouldn’t want to fuck up. One misstep and your child is wearing a dress that is just fabric. Snorting cocaine in Ibiza," the phrases are so raw and honest that you can't help but chuckle uncomfortably. The prospect of your child being anything like you is horrifying.
Regardless of how painful your statements are,  Dr. Faraji smiles. “You didn’t say no,” she notes, and you blink. You didn't say no since you hadn't considered having children, but now that she's brought it up, your primary concern is whether you'd be a decent mother. "I sense a lot of anxiety surrounding the matter, which leads to confusion, but I have to ask.  Is your marriage to your wife similar to your parents?"
The notion of comparing your parents to what you and Shuri have caused your brows to wrinkle. "God no," Your father was never able to be present during his marriage to your mother. Marriage requires effort. You were aware of this, so when the subject came up, you explained to Shuri that you wanted time to think things through first. Even though you were certain that Shuri would be at your side for the rest of your life, you still worried that some of your past trauma might seep into your relationship and cause problems down the road. Shuri encouraged you to see a therapist, and through her networks, you were able to see Dr. Faraji, a leading clinical psychologist in Wakanda. Once you came to terms with your history, you recognized you couldn't let the old you keep you from progressing.
"We're not like them at all." Shuri makes you feel intelligent, charming, gorgeous, creative, and like your best self. She helps you to flourish by highlighting and enhancing your best qualities. There are aspects of you that she understands that you simply can't put into words.
The atmosphere surrounding Shuri is warm and inviting, just as it should be with the person you hope to marry or spend the rest of your life with. You have discovered a level of safety in each other and the future. Following the wedding, you realize that the two of you are more evenly matched than ever before, and you wonder why you ever questioned otherwise.
It's not uncommon for Shuri to find you looking absentmindedly at your ring, at which point you proudly inform her of your good fortune in being adored by her.
Dr. Faraji directs your attention away from pleasant recollections and onto the current subject matter. "Yes, you can't let your upbringing's fear keep you from pursuing the things you desire in the future.  Imagine your life if your heart had not subconsciously yearned for love?”
Given all of the drugs, drinking, and partying. "I'd most likely be dead," you confess. Your lifestyle was unsustainable, and Shuri should not have fit in, yet she did. She literally and metaphorically saved you that night. Life is love. A human being cannot exist without love. Shuri brought new life into you by loving you.
“But you’re here. You've evolved into a brilliant woman, a prominent design and political figure, and an excellent wife."
When your therapist recited your many successes over the last seven years, you choked back the question, "Are you trying to make me cry?" I don't have time to redo my makeup after this since I have a very hectic schedule." Dr. Faraji is not offended by your forthright demeanor. I was aware of your aversion to showing your feelings.
She chuckles as she adjusts her eyeglasses. “No, I am not trying to make you cry, Y/N. My point is that you shouldn't allow your history to prevent you from attaining what you want. And, if it's any consolation, I believe you and Shuri would make wonderful parents."
Perhaps Faraji had psychic abilities since she was spot on. You and Shuri are both excellent mothers. Two years later, you gave birth to your children after much preparation and consideration. Two lovely representations of the love you and Shuri have created. Building something in which elements of the two of you can exist in your children.
There you are, where it all began holding onto each other. You're standing in the center of the hall, embracing each other tightly as Shuri gives you time to catch your breath. Shuri sighs contentedly, a little chuckle escaping her lips. "What is it?" you inquire.
“I remember getting your drunk voicemail, and the only thing running through my mind was, ‘Go get her.’ This ache in my chest, that if I didn’t get to you as soon as possible, I would lose my chance.” You grimaced at the thought of that night, but you were always thankful for the courage of your intoxicated self all those years ago. “Stop bringing that up,” you groan. 
Shuri shakes her head, still fond of the memory, “It was the start of our love story. Now, I’m walking down this hallway with my wife and two children waiting for us. Life is a funny thing.” 
You smile when she mentions 'my wife' and the world you've created together. A future you never expected to have, but you're so thrilled it's yours. Shuri is all yours. "You saved my life," you say quietly.
"You are my life," Shuri responds, kissing your forehead. “You’re the greatest gift Bast could ever bestow upon me.” And just when you thought it was impossible, you fell even more in love.
You press your lips together and give each other a brief kiss. "Come on, let's go put the babies to bed," you say, and Shuri agrees, relieved that your panic has eased. As you walk down the corridor, you pull apart yet keep your hands entwined. You are greeted as soon as you go through the entrance and into the living room. Vian is the first to notice his parents dropping the block he was holding and crawling from the playmat.
You crouch down instinctively, allowing Vian to crawl into your arms with wobbly movements before lifting the soon-to-be one-year-old in a solid grasp. You missed your children. "Hello, my little bear," you coo, tickling the delicate skin beneath his chin. Vian reacts instantaneously, soft joyous cries from his tiny lips.
You feel overwhelmingly happy whenever you hear your baby boy laughing. “Silly boy. Were you good for Marco?” You ask in a sing-song tone.
The man in question gets off the sofa. “Perfect angels,” Marco insists, cradling Vatusia in his arms. The young child was content until she discovered you and Shuri had returned. Your little girl reached out for Shuri with grabby motions, her eyes pleading for comfort from her mother.
Shuri sprang into action without hesitating, moving at lightspeed to take Vatusia. "Did you miss me and Mommy, Tutu?" Shuri coos, lovingly brushing her nose on Vatusia's button nose. Vatusia's loud and cheerful giggles echo through the room while Vian lays his head on your shoulder after his bout of laughs. On the other hand, his sister was a very active baby who constantly sought stimulation and enjoyed exploring. Vian was calm and easygoing. He could doze off anyplace and be content to play by himself. He watches everything around him but rarely demands attention, though, of course, you shower him with unending love and affection.
"Thank you very much, Marco."
“Yes, thank you.” Shuri agrees, having grown comfortable with the older man. Marco's wedding speech was a crowd favorite. "We would not be here today if I hadn't found the pen successfully." The guest went wild with amusement at his story. Marco was the only person you could entrust your children to outside of the Dora’s, though you soon discussed hiring a nanny whenever you returned to work.
"Anytime," the man says, beaming as he observes your miraculous transformation.
You're rocking Vian slowly while massaging small circular patterns on his back. "You have to operate a hotel. Get back to work,” you joke. Recognizing the promotion you gave the former bartender.
Marco humors you with a salute. “You got it, boss.” At Marco’s dismissal from the penthouse, the Dora’s stationed inside nod and leave, leaving you and Shuri alone with your children.  
You take slow steps to your wife, ensuring not to disturb the baby boy in your arms, and smile at your joyful daughter. You lean in for a kiss on the forehead and tell her, "We missed you too, baby." The brown-eyed girl cackles at the reception of your love, and it’s the most precious sound you’ve ever heard.
Later after you’ve changed, having let Shuri go first, you return to find her lying in bed. Vian peacefully rests on her chest, his little mouth creating a slight pout. Vatusia lies cradled on her side, not quite sleeping, but a small yawn escapes her lips as her eyelids droop. The babies are dressed in pale blue Christian Dior onesies that your brother purchased. Your heart melts at the view. "Do I need to put them in their crib?" You ask. The twins had separate beds in their nursery in Wakanda, but for this short visit, you chose a single crib to hold them both. They're still relatively small.
“In a little. I want to make sure they sleep well before moving them.” Shuri’s tone is hushed so as not to disturb the peaceful atmosphere.
Always so attentive. “Okay.” You climb into bed, cuddling on your side to watch the scene until Shuri needs your help getting the restful babies to their bed. You can't help but reach out to lightly stroke Vatusia's silky hair so as not to startle her.
Shuri's words about the significance of being present come to mind. That was a journey, and you had to be patient with yourself. Mindfulness is a technique that trains you to look for happiness in the present rather than dwelling on the past.
You block off any outside influences that can distract you and give your full attention to the now. Vatusia twitches slightly and breathes shallowly. A deep sleep should come quickly to her soon. Apart from the rise and fall of his chest, Vian is fast asleep, calm, and motionless. It's so easy to become absorbed in the tranquility of these two beautiful beings that are a part of both of you, literally made of you.
You raise your gaze to Shuri, who is already looking back at you. The expression on your face is sufficient to convey your emotions. You still have to say it. But Shuri beats you to it: "I love you," she exhales.
And you don't hesitate to return the sentiment. "I love you."
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The day you had started routinely. You and Shuri woke up beside each other. Griot alerted you the moment the twins woke up, opening the door connected to your bedroom. 
As you look down at the sleepy baby girl stirring awake, you notice an irregular pattern with her breathing. Nerves rise. “Do you think Vatusia’s breathing is weird?” you ask your wife, who was busying herself with gathering Vian. 
Shuri frowns, pausing to listen to her child’s breathing before calling out, “Griot, what’s Tutu’s oxygen levels.”
The AI responds immediately, constantly tracking the twin's vitals. “Princess Vatusia Esmé-Udaku’s oxygen levels are sustaining between 95-100%.” 
“And her respiratory rate,” Shuri inquires, bending down to retrieve Vian from the Vibranium crib. 
“20-40 beats per. The normal range for infants.” Griot answers. 
Even though you weren’t a doctor, you knew enough to understand the message; Vitusia was okay. “Please inform me immediately of any desaturation or if her rates decrease or increase outside the normal range.”
“Of course, Panther.”
Shuri turns to face you, holding a half-awakened Vian in her toned arms. Her clothing is securely clasped in her tiny fingers. It's adorable. Your wife assures you, "She's perfectly all right," You sigh in response. You were doing it again. Carefully picking up the young Princess, you say, "I'm sorry."
“You’re trying to give Mommy a heart attack first thing in the morning. Aren’t you?” You tease, using your customary high-pitched voice when speaking to the twins. Vatusia is wide awake now, chuckling as you press lips into her neck.
While taking in the scene before her, Shuri finds herself unable to suppress the grin that has formed on her face. "Please do not apologize. Never regret your concern for the well-being of your angels, sweetheart." How did you get so blessed to have someone in your life who is so supportive and understanding? "Come on, you have a big day today," Shuri said quietly, kissing your lips.
Understanding how busy today would be for you and Shuri, the new nanny collected the twins after breakfast. You had to put your thoughts back into work gear once the babies were out of sight. You had a few virtual sessions with the North American Chief Brand & Communications Officer and the Executive Committees.
Your job was Esmé's Head of Interior Design, but you'd recommended to your father that some of the most popular hotels and resorts include an on-site kids club and babysitters. The new granddad was overjoyed at the prospect. You expected to be needed as Esmé's Head of Interior Design throughout the construction stage, but your father urged you to take the initiative on the project. It took some persuasion from your wife and Dr. Faraji because it meant spending less time with Vatusia and Vian after sitting down and carefully adjusting your schedule. A great team supported you and handled everything well during pregnancy and maternity leave. Unless it was for critical choices or meetings, you felt comfortable relying on them.
The first task you'd assigned to the global Esmé teams was to collect statistical data to determine which resorts had the highest number of guest check-ins with children. You held a few meetings and came to the conclusion that you and your team would analyze the data before picking which hotels to upgrade first. Establishing on-site kid's clubs or hiring babysitters can provide parents with much-needed respite any time of day or night. Activities for children of various ages are planned at these supervised daycares. While you walked down the corridor to the playroom to check on Vatusia and Vian, you were filled with excitement about all the possibilities. Your wife appears almost unexpectedly. "Where are you going?" Shuri interjected.
"To see how the babies are."
"I went to the playroom, and they're great."
She didn't even wait for you to answer, instead using her enhanced strength to lift you with minimal effort. She's hauling you back in the direction of your bedroom over her shoulders. Shuri, perhaps due to your long marriage, intuitively understands the needs of her wife's body. There were moments when you needed it delicately and slowly as she showered you with compliments. Sometimes, like now, she'll change things by fucking you so hard that you can't even think straight. Hitting it from behind, you like you were a side chick.
It didn't matter how the monarch dealt with you. Sex with Shuri was always blissful; you were grateful to have it for the rest of your life. Call it cliché, but sex is a great stress relief for your hectic lifestyle. The rapid motions and powerful sexual satisfaction lead to an altered state of consciousness in which you can cognitively filter out all other inputs and concentrate your full attention on the sensations and emotional connection with each other.
“Keep your ass up for me,” your wife instructs, and you do as she says. "You want it so bad, huh?" Shuri teases, moving the tip back and forth across your entrance. You nodded, yes, yes, yes, because you needed it at this point—heat growing in the pit of your abdomen, yearning to be eased. Shuri smugly chuckles at your distress.
As she slips back in, keep your ass up in the air. Shuri pushes deep, her fingers digging into the flesh of your backside, and your breath hitches in your throat. Shuri leans back, seeing the length vanish inside your pussy. “Shit, baby,” she groans, and you sigh in relief at a stretch.
Shuri is standing upright while you are kneeling at the edge of the bed, legs spread apart, back arched artfully. The sheets' plush texture brushed across your sensitive nipples, and tits pressed into the mattress.
Covers shifted, eyes rolled in the back of your head;  Shuri began with a combination of slow, hard trust. As though you were floating, your head was light, and every caress was exhilarating. Your spine was tingling with chills. It's a fantastic sensation as Shuri drives into you, clearing away all thoughts and emotions that don't serve your satisfaction.
You rest your head on your arms, refusing to press your face against the covers and conceal the moans that fall from your parted lips. Let the woman behind you know how good she was giving it to you. "You sound incredible. I love how you beg for me."
Your tone is low and somewhat distorted as you're overcome with ecstasy. You gasp, "You feel so fucking amazing, fuck me so well." The words have the desired impact on Shuri, who accelerates her hips and works harder to extract more exquisite noises from your lovely honey voice.
"You deserve it," Shuri adds, unable to contain her admiration for you.
The vibrations of Shuri's hips hitting your ass, the hard impact of skin-on-skin contact, and sticky squelches filled the room with each slam. “Pl…please. So close. Baby, keep going," you whimper, your core throbbing with white-hot pleasure.
Shuri, who is no longer interested in slowing down, takes complete authority, pounding into you with such intensity that your body shakes. You arch into the contact, crying out loud, grateful for the sound protection, even though anyone with common sense could tell what was going on when the two of you vanished. Shuri fucks you with enthusiasm, pushing you up the bed before she needs to grasp you and hold you in place.
When Shuri speeds up the pace, your mind is in paradise. Praising you for how well you take it. You can bet Shuri was thrilled to see how your ass jiggled when her hips touched it. One of her hands slides over your ass and kneads the smooth flesh, guiding you back against her. "Damn," she breathes. Her tone was hypnotic.
The hand freezes when you let out a long, loud scream deep inside your gut. “R-right there,” you manage to stutter out. Now, you press your face into the fabric and scream Shuri’s name. As soon as you alerted her, she was positioned to strike the nerve deep within you precisely. Shuri shifted slightly and then pounded extra vigorously.
The deeper the penetration, the more your muscles relax. Shuri understood exactly how to curve her strokes to leave you gasping, panting, and sweaty beneath her. Shuri knew you were about to orgasm because she had the profound awareness that only comes from long-term relationships, from lovers who are very attuned to each other's rhythms. Becoming conscious of your breathing patterns, response levels, small motions, and reflexes.
Shuri leans over, sweaty skin sticking together, whispering in your ear, "Cum for me, pretty girl. Let me feel it," her voice is alluring, and all you can do is obey her. Shuri's quick speed never slows, and she brings a hand to your clit to intensify your pleasure. "Don't stop, baby. I'm going to cum for you," you warn, pushing back on her. Knowing the sight was enough to drive her wild.
The rhythmic pressure provides a unified experience of ecstasy throughout your body. Your walls spasmed, tingles pricked your spine, and your toes curled. Your body shakes as a wave of convulsive feelings washes over you.
"Oh my goodness, fuck baby, yes," you babble. Your orgasm hits you, causing your entire body to tense up. Your lips form Shuri's name as you cum around the strap, sending a jolt of pleasure all the way down your pussy. "Yes, take all you need, my love," Shuri exclaims as her hard thrust extends your orgasm.
She won't stop until the room is filled with your cries and the slick sound of her stroking the cum back into you.
It's pure ecstasy.
120 notes · View notes
If It Hurts You Bad, Put It On My Tab, I Can Pay It Back Ten Fold | Death By Anyone's Hand but His Would Never Taste as Sweet
Warnings: 18+, fluff, angst, jealousy, hurt/comfort, no smut but hints of a sexual relationship, slightly inappropriate use of the force
Another one that took on a life of its own. I reference lore I haven't talked about yet ie. Jeintians have purple blood because I said so
Word count: 4.4k
Only Place I Call Home by Every Avenue | Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Freida groans when Anakin rolls on top of her, away from the sun beaming in through the skylights.
"I should get going soon," He mumbles, burying his nose in her hair, "They'll be expecting me back soon."
"No," She argues, her arms wrapping around him.
"Precious," He chuckles when she nuzzles closer, her claws sinking into his back just enough to sting, "Freida, I..."
He pulls back just enough, or he tries to anyway, to look down at her, but she surges up to press her lips to his throat.
"I love you too," He sighs, "But sweetheart-... Frei..."
The whine she gives him when he pulls her arms away breaks his heart, "Don't want you to go..."
He swallows hard and pulls her close again, muttering against her hair, "I know."
He doesn't want to leave either, he'd gladly spend the rest of his life wrapped in her arms.
It's an hour later that he finds himself pulling on his cloak and she stops him by gripping his arm.
"I know," She rises to her toes to kiss him. Her fingers running through his curls as she pulls away, "Come back safe to me."
"I always do," He assures her with a small smile.
She nods but the quiver of her lip gives her away, "I love you, Ani."
"I love you more, Precious," He says teasingly, trying to keep her from crying, "Sweetheart, it's okay, please don't- How... How can I make it better?"
She just shakes her head as he wipes away her tears.
"I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise," He insists, cupping her face, "Come now... I knew you had a crush on me, but I didn't know you were obsessed. "
She laughs through her tears and pulls him into another kiss.
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Cria seems flustered when he comes strutting in like he owns the place four months later.
He greets her with as warm a smile as he can muster, "Is Freida around?"
The recent sieges have been taxing on him both physically and emotionally and he wants nothing more than to fall asleep in her arms.
"N-no. Her eminence has been off-planet for nearly a month and just extended her trip for another week," She explains, thinking her last-minute detour to Coruscant was to see the Jedi here now.
The whole situation sours his mood. He'd carefully planned his visit to Jein'ta to see her without drawing unwanted attention from the council, and she didn't even have the common courtesy of being there.
By the time he gets back to Coruscant, he just wants to collapse in his quarters, but something inexplicably pulls him to the Senate building. The whole place is swarming with politicians as a soiree goes on around him.
He doesn't know what he's doing here but just as he resigns himself to leave a familiar laugh pulls the very breath from his lungs. He whirls around, his eyes following the sound to the balcony on the far side of the hall. There she stands, beside Padme, giggling shyly at another senator.
His feet move before his brain can even register what he's doing.
As he crests the top of the steps she glances in his direction, her body freezing when their eyes lock.
Normally, he'd be delighted by the easy, loving smile that lights up her face, but he's too distracted by man across from her blatantly vying for her affection.
The displeased scowl doesn't leave him as he approaches. He holds his hands behind his back, his fingers flexing as he keeps himself from using the force to pull her to his side.
"Senators, your eminence," He greets coldly with a small bow.
She tries to hide her disappointment at his lack of enthusiasm, reminding herself they can't let anyone know about them.
"Ani," Padme grins at him, "I haven't seen you is ages, please, join us."
He agrees and Freida immediately feels as though she's drowning with him in reach but unable to hold him.
He suddenly inhales when he feels the force wrap around him like a warm, weighted blanket, tendrils of her love twisting between his ribs and around his heart. For a moment he forgets his annoyance, his weariness taking it's place until-
"Any man would be beyond lucky to have someone as sweet and beautiful as you by his side. How has no one snatched you up yet?"
Anakin's jaw clenches at the question as the senator takes her hand in his.
Her discomfort is palpable when she pulls away from him with a nervous chuckle, "I have more important things to worry about for now."
The soothing pressure around him dissipates as her anxiety rises and he decides to step in.
"If you'll excuse us for a moment," He interjects, taking Freida's elbow in his hand as gently as he can muster, "The Priestess and I have important matters to discuss."
He doesn't wait for an answer, trying to be gentle when he drags her away.
"You're hurting me," She says once they've wandered into an empty office, far away from the party and he instantly lets go with a muttered apology before leaning down to capture her lips with his.
"I went to see you," He murmurs into the kiss, "Why weren't you there?"
She snorts at the question, thinking it was a joke, but he pulls away with a serious expression.
"Anakin," She sighs, her fingers brushing through is curls, "Ever since I was voted to represtent Jein'ta in the senate, I've been pulled in a million directions at once. I was meeting with Senator Amidala on Naboo, she's been helping me understand some of the political goings ons and she asked me to accompany her here tonight. You don't honestly expect me to wait around every day for you to hopefully show up."
"I expect you to stay where I know you're safe," He argues. His rational mind knows she's right, it's completely outrageous to think she'd spend every moment waiting for him, but he's too tired to listen to reason, "The last thing I want is to have to worry about your safety while I fight on the front lines."
"I was with Senator Amidala, I was perfectly safe. I thought you two were friends?"
"We are! I just... Do you have any idea how much trouble she gets into?" He snaps, his worlds are colliding in ways he can't control, "It's just nice to have a warm bed to fall into after fighting for so long."
She knows he doesn't mean it as it sounds, but the implication stings.
"Is that all I am to you?" She frowns, "Something to warm your bed while you're away? Something to fuck when you're pent up?"
Of course not. She's his everything. That's what he wants to say, but his exhaustion and anger permeate the air as he leans down in her face and spits out, "And you're doing a pretty shit job at it by being here."
He regrets his words as soon as they leave his mouth, the hurt in her eyes overwhelming him.
"I-" The words catch in his throat when her glassy eyes fall and she steps back.
"If that's how you feel about it..." Her voice is barely audible, but then her face hardens and her gaze snaps back to him.
"I only accepted Padme's invitation tonight in hopes of seeing you," She seethes, "But if that's all this relationship was to you, then I'm done."
"Wait," He catches her arm as she turns to leave and she wheels back around at him.
"I'm not some distressed princess that can waste her life away pining for a man that clearly doesn't care about her the way she does he, to come and rescue her!" She berates him, "I'm just sorry I lost the time I did waiting on you."
Clearly doesn't care for her? After all he's risked for her? All he's been willing to lose for her.
"You're just a self important brat who thinks she's better than everyone else!" He accuses, "And it's been my absolute displeasure to serve you, Your Eminence."
He bows sarcastically before storming out of the office, brushing off Padme's concern as he exits the building, leaving Freida by herself.
Now alone, Freida covers her mouth with her hand to muffle the sob clawing its way from her throat as she sinks to the floor.
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It's been nearly two months and both Obi-wan and Ahsoka have noticed a change in him. He's more reckless, more aggressive, and less like the man they both care about.
It didn't take long for his regret to turn to rage and he takes it out on bounty hunters and battle droids.
The worst part is that it isn't helping. Even as he disbatches the last droid of this battalion with his lightsaber all he wants to do is break down in his love's arms.
He's felt as though he couldn't breathe from the moment they parted ways and he doesn't know how to remedy it.
He deflects another blaster shot before turning toward the next battalion, fire burning in his eyes that scares even the droids attacking him.
He's torn through a large swath of droids when a wave of despair crashes over him, emotions stronger than his own flood his veins, and panic freezes him in place. Freida.
He snaps back to the moment when shot grazes his arm and Ahsoka deflects three more from filling him with holes. They work together to quickly finish off the last of their attackers, but as soon as he beheads the last droid he disengages his lightsaber and starts for his ship.
"Where are you going?" Obi-wan asks as the younger padawan hurries to catch up.
"Something's wrong," He answers shortly, "I need to go to Jein'ta, I'll be back soon."
"Jein'ta?" The Jedi master puzzles, "But- Anakin! That's on the other side of the galaxy!"
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They've barely touched down when he jumps out of the cockpit and starts for her townhouse, calling over his shoulder for R2 to wait with the ship.
He barges inside, double doors slamming open in front of him, startling her as she fixes a flower arrangement in the main foyer.
He takes hold of her elbows, pulling her in as he looks her over for wounds.
"What happened? Are you hurt?" He asks, worry prominent in his voice, "I felt you from the other end of the galaxy."
She stares up at him with wide eyes and he cups her cheek, "You've been crying, what's wrong?"
"I-..." She flounders for a moment, her lips trembling before she collapses against his chest, her body shuddering against his grit-covered armor.
He doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her and pull her close, "I'm here now, it's okay."
She's spent every moment since they parted trying to act as though she didn't miss him or that every second they were apart wasn't killing her. She was exhausted, she needed him more than she could admit.
"I'm sorry," She sobs and the pain in his chest grows.
"Don't apologize," He begs, "You have nothing to be sorry for, Precious. I was the one at fault."
His rough hand buries itself in her hair as he kisses the top of her head and continues, "I was upset and I took it out on you. I hurt you..."
She pulls away just enough to look up at him, her eyes still wet with tears.
"I never meant to," He says quietly, "It's been destroying me inside knowing I did. I love you."
"I love you," he takes her face in his hands and kisses her forehead, "I love you," Her cheek, "I love you," Her other cheek, "I love you."
Finally, his lips land on hers, kissing her desperately. Her hands grasp his wrists, trying to hold him there when he moves to pull away.
"I missed you," She whispers meekly.
He pulls her back against his dirty chest plate, forgetting that he's even wearing it as he holds her tightly, "I missed you too."
"You smell like oil and sweat," She comments after a bit, once she's calmed down.
"I came straight from the front lines," He admits, "I thought you were hurt."
His body starts to ache as though saying it out loud reminded his bones just how tired he was.
"But you're safe... Right?"
Her arms tighten around his waist and she mumbles against his chest, "I am now."
With a heavy sigh she pulls away from him, taking his hand in hers.
"You look exhausted," He melts into her touch when her fingers graze his forehead to sweep his hair from his face, "Come with me, we'll get you something hot to eat."
He's about to trail after her like a dog when Obi-wan, Ahsoka, and a squadron of clone troupers come running in looking about as worried as he had been.
"Anakin, what happened? Where's the danger?" Obi-wan asks, lightsaber brandished.
The younger Jedi pulls his hands away, his face tinting pink, "There wasn't any."
He still doesn't know what triggered her sudden despair, as much as he would like to think it was her yearning for him, he knows something else must have happened.
"This is my fault," Freida steps in, "More of a... misunderstanding, actually."
The group relaxes and looks at her to continue. She swallows hard, her eyes flickering to Anakin nervously.
"It's been three years since my mother died," She starts, squeezing her fingers anxiously, "But this is the first year I've been home since it happened and I-..."
Anakin takes an instinctive step closer when her voice breaks.
"I didn't take being at her memorial well," Her admission breaks his heart, "I must have let my grief overtake my connection to the force and..."
"We're friends," He adds, tilting his head to look at her face, "After our time together we must have a strong connection through the force. I misread the situation."
"Well then," Obi-wan nods after a moment, not entirely buying their story, "I apologize for our intrusion, your eminence."
"No, please," She stops him when he motions for the group to leave, freezing slightly when he turns back to her, "I... You've come such a long way, I would be remiss if I didn't offer you a hot meal and place to stay for the night."
"Sir, the dreadnought does need repairs after that last attack, it might not make it back to Coruscant now," One of the clones mutters to Kenobi.
"In that case, I suppose it's best we take you up on that offer."
Cria on the otherhand isn't especially pleased by the soldiers tracking dirt, mud, and motor oil all over the clean floors.
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Dinner is... tense, to say the least.
Anakin and Freida are desperately trying not to act odd in any way that may alert to the rest of the group that they have a long-standing relationship.
But that doesn't stop him from hooking his ankle with hers under the table, an action that makes her cheeks turn a faint purple.
Every touch between them sparks like lightning and this one is no different.
She tries to play it cool and continue any small talk, but she has a hard time seeing them all in Jeintian garb like this.
Cria had insisted they not wear their armor in the house because they were making such a mess, so now the lot of them, save for Ahsoka who wore one of Frei's old dresses, were wearing simple green and blue tunics and pants, which really was a sight. It was strange to see them in something so different.
Anakin especially. She's not sure what Cria was thinking when she handed him those clothes because they were nicer than the rest.
Something her father left behind from his younger days, she's sure. A deep green, well-fitted shirt with a high collar secured around his neck and diamond-shaped cutout along his chest and upper stomach. It's sleeveless and the hems are decorated with silver embroidery.
"Maybe the housekeeper likes me more," he'd scoffed when the the others remarked at the fancier clothes.
He's caught Freida staring at him across the table more than once and it does little other than stroke his ego.
"... isn't that right, Anakin?" Obi-wan's voice pulls his attention back to the conversation. He's so distracted by her hungry gaze and low-cut gown he doesn't know what he's being asked.
"Master Obi-Wan?"
"I was just telling our host about our latest skirmish on Felucia, were you not paying attention?" The teasing lilt to his voice makes the younger man grimace.
The rest of the evening is spent this way, with his companions poking light-hearted fun at him whenever he gets distracted.
He sighs in relief when the meal ends and they can retire to their assigned rooms, knowing it won't be hard for him to sneak out to see her.
They're spread across three rooms, the jedi in one and the clones split between two others.
"I forgot Jeintians forwent more classic beds," Obi-wan sighs at the large arrangements of cushions, one of which Anakin ungracefully collapses into.
He seems far more at home here than the rest of their party. Obi-wan knows he's been here a few more times than himself, but the ease at which he walks around, as though it were his own house, concerns him.
His body is screaming for sleep, but once the sun goes down and the others seem to be asleep, Anakin quietly makes his way back into the hallway.
He effortlessly makes his way to her door, knocking softly and waiting for her to open it.
When she does, she looks up at him half-asleep, and he melts at how adorable she looks.
"I didn't mean to wake you," He whispers, his fingers brushing through her hair.
"You didn't," She mumbles, "'m wide awake."
"I can see that," He chuckles when she yawns, "C'mon, let's get you to bed."
He gently ushers her back inside before anyone can see them, shushing her little protesting whines.
"Don't fight me here, Precious," He warns lightly, "I wanna hold you for a while."
That gets her attention and she pulls him down with her into her nest of pillows.
He hums contentedly into her mouth, moving to kneel above her, "Missed these lips."
He hisses when she grabs at his shoulders and slides her hands down his arms, grazing the burn from his earlier fight.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," He insists, kissing down her jaw.
"Anakin," She huffs, sitting up beneath him.
"It's just a scrape, princess," He assures her, "I'm alright."
"Show me."
He does, sighing she she pouts and gets to her feet.
"Seriously Frei, I'm fine."
She ignores him as she sits in front of him with a small kit. She lets him pull her against his chest and leave a trail of kisses down her neck as she digs through it.
He whines when she pulls away again, but let's her take his injured arm.
His blue eyes stare intensely at her face while she patches him up.
Her fingers are soft as she wraps a bandage around his bicep, tying it off before pressing a soft kiss to it, making him shudder.
"All better," She smiles, and he doesn't know how, but he falls even more in love with her.
His hands tangle in her hair and he pulls her back against his lips, "How did I ever get so lucky?"
He tries not to laugh when he feels a familiar rumble pick up in her chest. Even now, he hasn't quite gotten used to the purring.
He moves her first-aid kit to the side with the force so he can lay them both down as she nuzzles against his neck.
Despite the warmth of her embrace, his mind wanders the look of her tears and pained expression back in the Senate building and he holds her tighter, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"We both said things we didn't mean," She says, "At least... I know I didn't-"
"Of course I didn't," He frowns, "I was just... I was tired and in a bad mood. I should've known better than to take it out on you like that, you're my everything."
He feels her smile against his throat before pulling away slightly.
"This suits you," She grins, fingers toying with the window on the chest of his tunic.
"Do I look as devastatingly handsome as I usually do?" He teases.
"Even more so," She hums, leaning down to kiss him again.
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Warm sunlight shines through the windows and her heart sinks when she finds herself alone.
He must have left not long after she fell asleep, knowing they couldn't be caught together like that.
She stretches out in the midmorning sun, her claws digging into a cushion as she does.
She takes her time waking up before strolling out to the kitchen in one of her more casual outfits, thinking their guests would have left hours ago.
"Well, that just isn't fair," The sudden voice makes her jump and knock her mug off the counter, "Careful!"
He catches it with the force, setting it back on the countertop as he steps closer.
"I thought you'd left," She gasps.
"Is that all I get?" He chuckles, "No 'how did you sleep?' No good morning kiss?"
"Oh, how rude of me," She grins, leaning up with her hand on his chest to press a soft kiss to his lips, "How did you sleep, Ani?"
"Terribly," He mumbles into another kiss, "Kept reaching out to hold you but you weren't there."
She hums, nuzzling against his chest.
"My pretty girl isn't awake yet, is she?" He coos.
"Haven't had my tea," She mutters.
"We can't have that now, can we?" He tuts, stepping away.
She watches with soft eyes as he starts her morning ritual for her, "You don't have to-"
"I don't mind."
She pushes herself up on the counter and crosses her legs, "What did you mean when you said this wasn't fair?"
"What was that, princess?" He asks, glancing over at her.
"When you walked in."
"Oh, that... I mean, just look at you," He shrugs, "We're supposed to keep this thing a secret, but when I see you look like that, how am I supposed to keep my hands off you?"
"Cause you're so easy to stay away from in that shiny uniform?"
He chuckles and parts her legs with the force, stepping between them as he hands her back her cup. His fingers graze her exposed midriff and pride ride swells in his chest when her cheeks darken, "Lovely little thing."
"Stop," She whines, trying to hide her blush from him, but he's not having it.
He hooks two fingers under her chin and turns her face back toward him, "Please don't hide from me."
They're just inches apart, his breath fanning over her face, intoxicating her as he presses his forehead to hers.
She sets aside her hot drink and grabs the back of his neck, tugging him into a hard kiss.
"Do you even know what you do to me?" He groans against her lips when she doesn't let up, "Fuck."
"Sweetheart... gotta be careful," He huffs breathlessly, pulling back as far as she'll let him, "You're gonna get us caught."
"Says the one pinning me to the counter."
"I can do more than just pin you to it," He challenges, about to nip at her lower lip when the sound of footsteps comes close to the kitchen. He quickly pulls away, leaving her sat there flustered as Ahsoka walks in.
"Am I... interrupting something?" She asks, freezing awkwardly in the doorway at the sight of Freida's deep purple cheeks.
"Nope," She squeaks, quickly lifting her mug to her face to hide her blush.
Well that wasn't convincing, the padawan thinks before glancing at her master, and neither is that.
He's glaring at their host like a predator staring down its next kill, his chest and shoulders heaving with heavy breaths, like he wants to devour her whole.
"Okay... Well, I'm just gonna take this and... go..." She says, grabbing a fruit from a basket on the island and backing out again.
"I think we may need to work on being less suspicious around other people," Frei mutters into her drink.
"Hey, it's hard to act though I'm not desperately in love with you when you're so close," He admits with a playful smirk. He closes the distance again, their noses bumping, "You've bewitched me, body and soul. Everything I am is yours and I don't care if people know it."
"But I do," She argues and his eyebrows furrow in confusion, "Anakin, you love being a Jedi... I would never ask you to give that up for me."
His face softens at her explanation and he surges forward to kiss her again, careful not to spill her still-steaming tea.
"I promise, someday I'll come back for you and never leave again," He vows, "And we won't have to sneak around like this love we have is wrong."
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Anakin wakes with a start when the woman beside him bolts upright, crying his name. Her hand hit his chest, scratching his skin as she feels it's really him.
"I'm here," He says, sitting up next to her and wrapping his arms around her waist, "You're okay, I'm here."
His voice is soft and reassuring as he holds her.
It's been less than a year since he'd been expelled from the Jedi after falling under Darth Sidious' thrall, and only a few months since the Sith lord's trial had ended.
This was still new to both of them, him being within reach every moment of the day, and openly being them.
"I'm right here, Precious," He mutters into her hair. His flesh hand rubs soothing circles on the small of her back while his mechno arm holds her tight to his chest. They both get force-terrors of that night at the Jedi Temple, of the things he did and can never take back.
Freida clings to him as she tries to catch her breath. He's real. He's safe. He's yours.
That thought alone is enough to calm her. He's yours. She holds him tighter and he lets her, kissing the crown of her head.
The force wraps around them like a comforting hug, both isolating them from the world and connecting them to everything in existence.
"It's over," The ghost of a promise whispered in the night, "We made it."
21 notes · View notes
bettathanyou · 11 months
okokok how abt some good ol' angst to fluff cedric and reader where she tries to suprise him with sumn but ends up breaking something of his and he lashes out at her?? Makes her very sad and all and he slowly comes to his senses and comforts her?? Happy endinggg! Thamksss!
Come To My Senses
A Cedric The Sorcerer x Reader Angst/Fluff Fic requested by @acupnoodle
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I'm listening to Mitski while writing this so uh if this ends up being more sad than you planned... that's why 😭 also credit to @natbat331 on Instagram for giving me this pic of Cedric that goes so well with the fic!! Anyways enjoy :3
Finishing the ribbon on the gift box, you hum to yourself in glee once again as you picture the look on Cedric's face once he receives your gift. The way his jaw would curve into a smile, warm mahogany eyes sparkling with intrigue- the thought alone filled your stomach with swarms of butterflies.
Inside the box was a piece of neatly folded cloth, its purpose used for making bowties- similar to what Cedric usually wears. However, unlike the simple yellow silk Cedric usually wears, this fabric was much more special.
The silk was a deep black in color, with hand embroidered constellations stitched with precision in real gold thread.
You grab the scissors next to you, cutting off the excess ribbon to make it more presentable. Once you're satisfied with your work, you nod to yourself with an excited smile.
"Done!" You exclaimed, flinging yourself up from your chair. Turning to head out from your room, you tuck the box within your pocket to conceal the surprise.
Strutting down the long castle corridors, you have to bite your lip and glance away at passing servants to conceal the grin that stays stuck to your face. In all honesty though, it wasn't really working that well. Your relationship with Cedric was far from being a secret, and most of the castle inhabitants knew where to find you when you weren't working or in your room.
You turn into that familiar corridor leading toward the staircase to Cedric's door. Heart thumping, your footfalls grow slightly faster, echoing from the stone floor.
Cedric is going to love this, I just know it! His face will be priceless, you think to yourself, biting back a cheeky laugh. Reaching your next destination of the stairs, you ascend without any hesitation.
In your love sick stupor, imagining the different ways Cedric could potentially react- you burst through Cedric's door, waltzing right into his workshop.
You open your mouth to greet your favorite sorcerer and partner, but before a syllable can leave your lips, the man is already cursing.
"Dammit!" The lanky sorcerer roars, and the shrill tinny of glass shattering echoes in your ears. Your first response is to freeze, your wide eyes boring into Cedric's back. Purple silk quickly turns into fiery golden eyes, glinting with anger and disdain.
The sorcerer faces you now, his mouth twisted into a scowl, deep trenches of annoyance across his forehead as he frowns.
"How many times do I have to tell you people-...!" Cedric's usual posh accent is gone now; torn to shreds by the gruff Cockney accent that sometimes peeked out, when he was pissed enough.
And Cedric was certainly pissed.
As his eyes finally processed that this wasn't just anyone, it was you- his guard dropped, slightly, reeling as his mind caught up with the fact.
You, on the other hand, had the opposite reaction. Upon hearing and seeing the rage Cedric emanated off his person, it sent shockwaves through you. Your muscles contracted at the new inflection of his words, that true accent from Cedric's lips always a warning signal for both of you.
You both stood in tense silence, your eyes screaming for any explanation as you search Cedric's face. Your eyes flit over the facial features you've long since memorized, looking for a hint of the Cedric you knew.
Cedric, however, couldn't stomach that look on your face, much less the truth that he was responsible for it- that hurt, the way your eyes shimmered with tears that reflected that temper of his.
Cedric clicks his tongue in annoyance, turning away from your form in one swift motion.
Back to the broken glass, and drip drip drip of a tedious potion that he has slaved away at for almost three days straight. He groaned, the image of King Roland's familiar look of disappointment already coming to mind.
"I'm sorry..." Your voice cuts through the thick haze of Cedric's thoughts. Cautiously, your footfalls come closer as you inspect the damage.
Cedric, however, didn't want another pair of eyes on this failure- he could hardly stand looking at the mess himself.
"No- don't. Just-..." Cedric huffs in frustration, cutting off his sentence abruptly. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he turns to face you once more.
The rage you saw at first had faded, but even worse, you decided, was the deep seeded annoyance on the raven haired man's face.
"Why didn't you knock-?" Cedric asks you, exasperated.
"I.." You stuttered, feeling at a loss yourself. Why didn't you knock? You knew-
"You know you can't just barge in my workshop like that!" Cedric chides you, his voice rising slightly. You turn your eyes away from Cedric, mumbling "I know, I'm sorry," under your breath.
You feel Cedric's eyes burning into you for a moment, before turning his head sharply back to the mess on his table.
Your eyes quickly glance at all the scattered papers around his desk, now soaked through from the liquid, and ink smeared beyond recognition.
"There's good reasons why I have that rule. It's a simple one, yet-..." The sorcerer mumbles to himself, snickering as his nose scrunches with the rest of his frown.
"I'm so sorry I didn't knock, Cedric- I know it's a lame excuse, but it really did just slip my mind! I..." You pause, unsure if it's even worth to elaborate further. The small box in your pocket now feels like a brick, the guilt weighing it down heavy.
"I was just excited to surprise you, and-" You babble on, and the man's warm brown eyes have since grown cold.
"Well, consider me surprised." He snips back in a sarcastic voice, beginning to magically move all the items off his work table to clean up.
The rest of your words have since died on your tongue, and you knew that Cedric was beyond talking until he calmed down. You couldn't blame him though- you messed up, big time it seems, if Cedric's mood soured so quickly due to one accident.
The sting of oncoming tears, along with the frustration you feel towards Cedric's cold demeanor, has kept you silent as Cedric stiffly begins to clean the space around him.
You stood, still as a statue, even though your mind was screaming at you to do something, say something! To fix this. But it was like you were frozen, glued to the spot next to the mess you created. You felt fear- that if you moved again, something else bad would happen.
Cedric, who had been in the middle of sorting through what magical ingredients could be salvaged from the spill, glanced over to where you stood. His face was stony, no discerning emotion left within any line of his face.
"Did you- need any help? I mean, this is my mess, you shouldn't be cleaning it up for me." The words manifested on your tongue in an instant, with you slightly tripping up over your words. Your eyes were hopeful, and somewhat pleading- but Cedric only replied with a long sigh.
"... It's fine. It's best I clean it up anyways- potions require a specific procedure when it comes to spills." Cedric replies in a monotonous voice, not sparing you a second glance as he continues his work.
Feeling dismissed, you hang your head and walk towards his door in shame. As you approach the door, you're hoping for Cedric to say "stop", "wait", or anything really that indicated changing his mind.
However, there was no such thing. Only the scuff of Cedric's feet against the stone flooring as a send off. You glance back, vision blurring slightly as the tears welled up.
Fishing in your pocket, you retrieve the black box that previously was the source of your excitement.
Now, it was nothing more bitter reminder- and you couldn't stand to look at it anymore. You set it down, softly, on another table nearest to the door.
Whatever Cedric does with it, it's out of your hands now. A part of you hopes he'd just toss it in the trash, along with the rest of the things you ruined today.
Without a word, you opened the door- a soft, final, "I'm sorry," leaving your lips.
You close the door, without waiting to hear a reply.
Cedric finally finished clearing away the rest of the accident, a final flick of his wand gathering the rest of the trash into the rubbish bin.
In the midst of all his clean up, he had forgotten that the bin was already overflowing- yet another mess to clean up.
The disruption crashes Cedric's motivation, the weight of your... argument? Conversation? He wasn't sure- it felt like he did most of the talking, now that the sorcerer thought about it.
Recalling it now made his heart sink, along with the weight of your last words now settling on his shoulders.
"I'm sorry."
Cedric winces as your voice echoes in his memory; that signature wobble in your cadence when you were upset, that usually was accompanied by tears.
Remorse clawed at his chest, and his stomach tightened into knots. The sorcerer runs his hands through his hair, his fingers tracing his scalp as he thought of what to do next.
Clearly, you both couldn't just pretend this didn't happen- no matter how much Cedric wanted to forget about it. Bygone are the days where he avoids confrontation- he knew that he also had to take responsibility for his own actions as well.
His hand reaches for something to fiddle with as he rehearses what to inevitably say to you- his gloved fingertips brushing up against a black satin box.
"What's this...?" Cedric's cat-like curiosity gets the better of him, as his hand curls around the object.
A soft rattle of metal came from inside- yet the box was very light, barely covering his own palm. His mind digs through the vast collection of his personal items to place a name to what was inside- but no dice.
Cedric shrugged, deciding to lift the snug lid upwards to look at the contents hidden within the box.
Casting aside the lid, his caramel colored irises land on the unfamiliar yet gorgeous fabric- the gold thread of stars and constellations winking back at him in the evening sun.
"This... Is-" Cedric's eyes widen, staring down at the fabric for a moment. His jaw hands slack as he cautiously lifts up the tie to inspect it further, taking instant note of the craftsmanship and quality.
It was beautiful, no doubt about it- but it certainly didn't belong to him; he would remember having such a tie in his collection.
"I just wanted to surprise you, and-"
Your voice pops into his mind again as he recalls what you had said earlier, which shoots down his wonderment for a moment. Guilt and anxiety wrack his frame once more, realizing where this tie had came from, and why.
"This was (y/n)'s surprise..." Cedric whispers to himself, bringing a hand over his lip as he gasps.
"Oh, God, I'm such a..." Cedric groans, leaning his face into the palm of his head.
I have to make this right- I... I have to apologize, Cedric thought hurriedly, already reaching for his door handle.
"Hopefully, it's already not too late..." Cedric mumbles to himself, his gaze fixed ahead as he makes his way to your room.
You sigh, tossing your book haphazardly aside on your bed once more. You've been trying to find any kind of distraction to keep your mind off of Cedric, but the silence of your room was only filling your head with more thoughts of the sorcerer.
You and Cedric rarely had spats like that, and the way his face warped into annoyance and anger at your mistake kept haunting the back of your eyelids. You rub at your eyes, trying once again in vain to just stop thinking about it, for even a moment.
We both just need some time to cool off, it's fine, you're fine; keep it together.
You repeat the phrase inside your head like a mantra, until the words begin to lose meaning; sounding like gibberish on your tongue.
In the middle of your chanting, you almost miss the subtle knock on your door- making your body flinch from the sudden noise.
"...Can I come in, dear?" That familiar voice cuts through the wood, seeing two feet shadowing the light peeking through the bottom of the door.
You pause for a moment, deciding if this timing was really good, or you were somehow hallucinating Cedric being there as a cruel trick of your psyche.
"(Y/n)?" Cedric calls out, his tone softer, laced with somewhat disappointment. Hearing your name being called snapped you back to the current moment. Scrambling from your bed, you tip over to unlock the door that stood between you and the man you love.
Creaking the door fully open, you're met with the comforting sight of deep purple robes, tired, yet soft brown eyes, and silver bangs framing the face of your dear Cedric. Your heart sang when you looked at him, but your body still remained stiff- still unsure whether it was acceptable to approach Cedric, given what happened today.
"I... It came to my attention, a little too late late, I might add, that I didn't apologize, either." Cedric fumbled through his words, his fingers fidgeting with his robe sleeve.
"Well... I didn't knock, either-" you offered, but Cedric is quick to cut you off.
"No, you didn't, but-... I shouldn't have lost my temper like that. It wasn't fair, or right, and I'm sorry. I should've come to my senses sooner." Cedric confessed, his eyes glued to yours as his voice grew hoarse from guilt. His shoulder dropped, even more so than normal, and Cedric's tall lanky frame appeared to fold in on itself as the words left his mouth.
"...Did you manage to clean everything up?" You ask, nimbly avoiding the apology for now.
"Huh? Oh- yes, yes, I did." Cedric cocks his head in confusion, wondering why you had avoided his apology. Were you still upset with him? Should he have waited longer to approach you? Should he just leave?
No. No, he can't just leave now- he can't, not until he can relieve you of that sad glint in your eyes, the sadness that he knew was his fault.
"A-actually, I managed to find something interesting, in the midst of my cleaning..." The sorcerer pulled out something from the depths of his sleeve, extending his palm out.
Revealing a small black box, the very same that you possessed.
Instinctively, you smile, your eyes lighting up. You raise your head to look at Cedric, who also bore a knowing smile of his own.
"I was hoping you could do the honor of helping me put it on...?" Cedric asks you, unsure but still hopeful- extending you an offer, as well as an olive branch.
Feeling your walls finally crumble, your smile widens and your eyes crinkle in the way that makes Cedric's heart flutter.
Grabbing Cedric's wrist, you lightly tug him into your room, his eyes widening in equal parts surprise and happiness. You glance up, chuckling to yourself slightly.
It was the face you imagined the sorcerer would make, upon seeing your gift- except, it looked even better in person.
You take the tie from the box, gently looping the fabric around his neck.
"It would be my pleasure, Cedric."
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This song came up on a random shuffle today and now I can't get Blitz out of my head about it.
This truth may be the coldest that I've come to know / There's so much about me that you don't see / And if I let you in, the ending would begin / You're waiting for someone I'll never be / I know your eyes only see forever / We taste so sweet together / When I look in the mirror / It hurts like hell, asking myself / How can I love you / Without breaking your heart?
aka "I destroy everything. I make everyone's lives worse."
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romaelettuce · 1 year
The Fire Within Us- Chapter Thirteen
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A/N: i apologize for the long wait, i have been very sick, and i cannot bring my dumb mind to brainstorm this chapter within just two days, i have planned it out and it didnt work, its a lil bit short bc im saving some for the fourteenth part hehe
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She hates the way she is prepared; the way her hair is styled and made to walk in the most ridiculous dress suggested by the queen of course. 
Her father's words echo inside her head despite the noise amidst the crowd in front of their dinner table.
"The responsibility I have handed to you, the burden of this knowledge..." The King's voice drops into a whisper, holding Aenar Targaryen's dagger.
"It is larger than the throne, it is larger than me."
Her love for him is larger than anything else.
"It is larger than you...and your desires."
She swallows as if she ate the words he said, trying not to look guilty in front of her father.
"The Old King would've disinherited you."
"For a lie? For a slander that your queen claims? You've yet to ask me for the truth of what happened."
In front of her, she saw him, refusing to believe her.
"The truth doesn't matter, Rhaenyra." 
"But If I were born a man I could father a dozen bastards and bed whomever I wanted."
She defiantly said, her voice raising as soon as her father came closer.
"Yes, you're right." He rasps. " But you were born a woman." 
He firmly said to her. "Your courtship is at an end, you will marry Laenor Velaryon, and you will do so without protest."
Hearing this, she couldn't help but feel her heart break, but didn't let her tears slip away.
She sighs as she ends their discussion in obedience.
But deep down, she knows that Daemon will find a way to smuggle her out of this.
"Congratulations, Princess." Her eyes swiftly advert to the Lannisters, bowing in respect as she takes in the presence of Jason. 
He offers to take her hand, but Rhaenyra does not move. Viserys chuckles in his seat, pretending to be amused and nudges her knee underneath them. 
"Glad to see you all again-"
"Except you," The Princess cuts him 
off, her eyes piercing on the man that once proposed to her.
"Strutting like a fine man, wished he looked like one." 
Hearing her, Jason glared, eyes narrowing.
"Then tried to lure me to be his wife but failed, stating that he can father dragons." 
Everyone in the room paused as they heard her, him receiving awkward glances, but still, he stubbornly replies.
If Daemon were here, Gods know where-
"And this is how our future queen 
converses with the one of the most beloved lords of Westeros?"
He steps closer to the table, the atmosphere tenses between them. Jason would stop at nothing, but his insides quivered when he hears her again.
"Yes, you can father anything. But with you insulting the heir to the Iron Throne, let me speak to you, plainly."
She leans back on her seat as everyone exchange looks at their heated conversation.
"Only a dragon can father more dragons. A lion cannot, and you will 
fucking not."
Viserys held her hand firmly, signaling her to stop as they witnessed Jason stepping away and still bowing in respect to the King, but his eyes bore into hers as he is humiliated because of his arrogance for the first time.
She's had enough, and cannot receive more guests that flooded the throne room.
"Carry on with your speech, that Lannister cun-" 
The room falls silent as she sees her.
Instead of donning one of the dresses Viserys had chosen for her, she descended upon the steps, her velvet green dress dramatically caught the eyes of those who are envious enough to wear it.
She tries to walk like a queen, circling around their table before stopping to place a gentle kiss on her husband's cheek, her gaze fixated on the Princess.
"Congratulations, stepdaughter."
She says, giving her a fake grin.
"What a blessing this is for you."
Rhaenyra did not have to contemplate for she knew she's pretending in front of everyone, and she didn't care anymore.
As her father continues his speech, she anxiously shifts in her seat, occasionally looking around to see if Daemon would arrive.
He wouldn't miss this, it is entirely impossible that he had not heard about this.
"Any sign of him?" She hears her betrothed, also uneasy beside her.
"No, but I'll make sure he arrives 
before you can even blink, I mean he's just preparing to look good for the both of us."
"Seven hells..." Rhaenyra chuckles softly as she hears him curse, straightening up in his seat before downing his glass.
"Waiting for someone?" They heard Alicent, standing up to take her husband's seat, audaciously taking a seat beside Rhaenyra.
Laenor looks away, staying away from the Queen's sight so that she didn't have a choice but focus on Rhaenyra.
"We do not have to say anything to you, Your Grace."
"Oh, but you do." She replies, eyeing her up and down as she recalls the past encounter they had in the Godswood.
"I am certain you can explain how the both of you still managed to be betrothed despite the events that have happened. This celebration is entirely impossible to even happen."
This little bitc-
"I'm sure you would also like to share about how you are being used and fucked like a common-"
"You are speaking to the Queen, Rhaenyra." Alicent reminds her, her voice firmer than it was moments ago.
"And you are speaking to the one and only heir, Your Grace."
She averts her eyes from her and slowly rises from her seat. "Ser Laenor and I can choose to report you to the king, such vile insults were levied against us."
She came closer as she towers above her seated figure. "I am to inherit the Iron Throne, Your Grace. This is the highest of treasons."
With that, Laenor chuckles quietly as 
she leaves, thanking her quietly, with Alicent regretting her words and for going too far.
Hell, she can't even speak like a Queen in Rhaenyra's point of view. And there she remained seated, awkwardly for the rest of the evening.
She wastes no time and begins to search for him, taking off her shoes, her feet hurting.
Has he heard? It is entirely impossible for him not to have heard of it. 
It was publicly announced, her mind 
yells, he should be here to smuggle her out of this, to fight for her.
Her mind is in turmoil when she has searched everywhere, but came to realize that he never really came.
He never came to...to stop this.
"There you are." She sees her father in the hallway, coming towards her.
" What did you do?" 
Viserys stops in his tracks as he heard her voice cracks, adrenaline 
coursing in her veins, she knew that her father had something to do with this.
They were silent as they exchanged looks, then she moved quickly, descending onto the steps, her father struggling to catch up to her.
Viserys yells, struggling to grab a hold of her as she sprints faster.
Her dress got all muddy once she reaches the dragonpit, the keepers moving aside to let her claim Syrax, then scanning the other cave, the cave where Caraxes sleeps, finding it empty.
She knew something was wrong. She mounted Syrax quickly, purposely ignoring the King from below as her dragon soars high into the sky.
It did not take long until for them to reach Dragonstone and find the Blood Wyrm, seeming he was about to depart, given the crates attached to him.
Her heart starts to beat faster as she runs into the castle, cursing as her dress drags onto the floor, delaying her from getting up the stairs.
As she tirelessly steps into a room, there she finds him, slightly coated with darkness as night creeps in.
When he hears her broken voice, it brings him back from the moment she begged him not to leave, crying ceaselessly as he restrains himself from touching her.
And this made him turn towards her.
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Shout-out to: @nyctophilic0vitnir , @grandlovescheme and @firefly-graphics
Thank you @nyctophilic0vitnir   (go to her page pls, there's a lot of fics waiting for you to read them), for the support and encouragement,for checking and correcting the errors of this piece, and for your time and effort. I appreciate you!❤
Thank you @grandlovescheme (go to her page or her A03, type in her name ⬆️) for the support and encouragement, I appreciate you bestie!💗
And credits to you @firefly-graphics , the dividers are pretty cool!! Pls Follow ⬆️❤
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Tags: @grandlovescheme @nyctophilic0vitnir @janelei @eschercaine @valkyrriee @taketotheskies @daemyrachaos @rhaenyratumbles @lady-phasma @multifandermissesvirgil @flamehairedsiren @theobjectofyourire @gipsydanger17 @deseretsolitaire @obsidian-hearts-deactivated2023 @profoundlydecadentmentality-blog @nyrasblog @missyviolet123 @foreverinmyguiltypleasures @ruby-dragon @vsenyatargaryen @foreverinthepagesofhistory @whateveryeah @mukduk-not-murder @queenoficeandfire @eyelinerandcigarettes @rhaeisthequeen
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marvelslittlewhore · 2 years
Naughty Captain
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PAIRING | sub!Steve x dom!reader
SUMMARY | Your Stevie decided to break your rules and now he's going to get punished.
WARNINGS | 18+ MDNI! smut, porn w/o plot, use of toy, cockring, orgasm denial, captain kink, mommy kink, handjob
He knew he shouldn't have done it. He knew there were cameras all over the house. He knew you could see him fucking his fleshlight. He'd bought it without your permission, he saw it in a video on pornhub and wanted it. He saw how the man was a moaning mess and how fast he came and Steve wanted it. He needed it. He promised to himself that it would be the only thing he'd buy behind your back. He just wanted to try it. So he did.
You came home from work ready to confront Steve when you had the brilliant idea to take him out and use the vibrating cockring on him while out in public.
"Stevie, come here now!" Steve came strutting into the living room you two share.
"Yes?" He said with fake innocence.
"Get in the goddamm bedroom now damnit," you yelled angrily. He ran upstairs to the bedroom with you walking behind.
Now that you're in your shared bedroom, you've asked Steve to pull his pants down.
"What are you doing mommy?"
"Too bad captain, you chose to touch yourself, use a fleshlight, one that I didn't even buy, and now you're gonna get punished for it," You said while kneeling and putting the vibrating cockring on your husband. You made sure to jerk him a few times before to make him hard.
"Now pull your pants up and get in the car we're going to the mall."
After getting in the car, you turned the vibrations to the lowest setting. You even made him drive to be mean. Fuck, he just wanted to pull over and cum. He doesn't regret buying the fleshlight though he's glad he bought it. He loved risky stuff in public.
When you arrived at the mall, your first shop, you hit, was Victoria Secret. You wanted to tease your poor Stevie.
"Stevie, go pick out mommy some lingerie please. I'll be in the second dressing room waiting," you said as you turned the vibrations up.
"Fuc- yes, mommy."
Steve walked in on you being naked already.
"Oh and captain, you're buying all of these since you wanna spend your money, of course."
"I picked out some of the Valentine's collection mommy."
The first thing you picked out from his selection was a black corset with sheer sleeves with pink and red embroidered hearts on them with matching bottoms.
"Fuck, mommy I love it."
"You did good captain," you said as you turned the vibrations half way up.
"Fuck- mommy please can I cum? Please?."
"Stay quiet captain."
He managed not to cum through you trying on your lingerie.
After you Stevie bought the lingerie you had turned the vibrations lower to make sure he wouldn't cum.
Next stop Build-A-Bear.
All you wanted was was a regular bear dressed as your little Stevie.
"Come here captain I want you to pick between the dark and the light brown bear."
"The lighter bear."
You turned the vibrations up because he picked the right choice.
"Good job Stevie. You're doing good for me, now let's pick an outfit."
"Black widow, Thor, or You?"
"Black widow is so hot but I'll pick me."
"Good I agree... with both."
Again you turned the vibrations up even higher.
"Mommy I really need to cum, fuck," Steve whimpered quietly.
"We're almost finished captain, just need to buy the bear."
As soon as you payed, Steve sprinted to the doors out to your 1949 mercury.
You decided to drive this time, you were finally gonna let your poor little captain cum.
"Ok, captain, pull your cock out."
He pulled his cock out as fast as he could. His cock was dripping precum an very red especially the tip.
You finally turned the vibrations up all the way while violently jerking him off with your right hand. You didn't even bother leaving the damn parking lot. You started jerking him off with your left hand while rubbing the palm of you hand on his tip.
"Cum captain."
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck mommy."
He came all over your hands and the seat. He couldn't stop trusting into your hand.
"Thank you mommy."
You wiped him and yourself off and started driving off.
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indigostreaking · 2 years
ooh! can you do a head cannon of the guys reacting to you surprising them at a show?
Yessssss! I love this idea 🙈❤️
If you managed to keep the secret, which we all know you struggle to do.. Josh would absolutely light up when he noticed you watching from Jake’s side stage. He’d be all smiley and happy, going into a long monologue about love and glancing over to you every time. He’d blush when one of the boys said something into their mic giving him shit about it, but he wouldn’t care. When he’d come off stage before the encore, he’d practically drag you to his dressing room..
Jake wouldn’t be surprised to see you because he has this sixth sense of knowing when you’re near. He always jokes about it, but it never fails. The curtain fell, and his eyes immediately locked on yours as if he knew you were there. Immediately, he’d murmur into his microphone, instructing Josh to save a rose for you. He’d spend the entire show smiling at you and pointing his guitar at you, as if he was dedicating the song to you. After the show, security would come find you and lead you back stage, where Jake would practically pounce on you, attacking you with kisses and telling you how happy he is to see you.
Danny wouldn’t immediately see you, in fact he may not even notice you at all in the crowd. He just gets so lost in the music and the outpouring of love from the fans. Sam would see you first, and make his way over to point you out to him. When Danny’s eyes finally landed on you, his smile would widen and his cheeks would flush. He’s crinkle his nose and stick out his tongue playfully. When he got a quick break without drums, he’d make a heart shape with his hand and mouth “I love you!” After the show, he’d hop off stage and pull you over the barricade, carrying you back to his dressing room in a fit of laughter, nodding and smiling at the fans that he passed.
You’d make sure to hide until the show actually started, but then you’d quickly find a spot on his side stage, hidden behind the mellotron. When the song finally called for that instrument to be used, Sam practically jumped out of his skin in fright. He’d bubble with laughter as he recovered, flipping you off as he took his seat to play. When it was time to switch back to his bass, he’d take a moment to sneak over and duck down to kiss you. “You’ll pay for that later,” he’d say with a wink before strutting off towards center stage.
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