phoelidae · 3 years
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Stand up to fascists. Never let them have the streets.
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phoelidae · 3 years
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'We live in one of the richest economies in the world, and the Governments reliance on individual macrophilanthropy and organised charity to patch up the safety net they have deliberately decimated for a decade is an outrage and an injustice' - Jack Monroe
Let's fucking scream this from the rooftops.
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phoelidae · 4 years
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behold the squishy paw beans
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phoelidae · 5 years
I am so antifa. Being antifa is important. Down with fascism!
okay but more of us need to say we are antifa - like if everyone who opposes fascism and trump just refers to themselves as antifa, its going to be harder and harder for moderates and conservatives to write it off as a “terrorist group.” 
i know people who are trump supporters. talking to them is the perfect opportunity to say “i’m antifa” or “i support antifa” watch them freak out and then follow up with: “antifa just means anti-fascism - it’s not an organization.. are you for fascism? because i’m anti-fascist.” 
i cant believe i have to say “normalize antifascism” but here we are
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phoelidae · 5 years
I had never hear of this term, but it makes so much sense for me. Enbyfluid. Yes!
Ever since I learned that the creator of the term “enbyfluid” no longer supports the identity, I’ve been wanting to redesign the flag. I’m enbyfluid, it was actually the label that made me finally feel comfortable after years of looking for the right one, and I don’t want to stop using it. But now, I feel uncomfortable using a flag made by that person.
(Side note: if you know who the creator of the term is or find out, PLEASE don’t harass them about this. They don’t deserve it, it won’t do anyone any good, and it’s not what I want.)
Describes someone whose gender is fluid between multiple nonbinary genders and only nonbinary genders.
I’ve been struggling to try and redesign the flag for months, but then inspiration struck me. I realized that the concept of enbyfluid is actually very similar to genderfaun and genderfae- your gender is fluid, but only within a certain category of genders. So, I decided to try and design a flag inspired by the other two.
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(The version without the symbol is under the cut, I just like how it looks with it lol ;P)
Here are the meanings of the colors:
Green represents nonbinary genders that are partially male or male-aligned. (Because blue+yellow, the colors typically associated with male and nonbinary)
Orange represents nonbinary genders that are partially female or female-aligned. (Because red+yellow)
Yellow represents genders that aren’t aligned, connected to, or related to the binary in any way.
White represents the lack of a gender.
Give me your thoughts! I’d also like to maybe coin an alternate name, that follows the scheme of genderfae and genderfaun, I just can’t think of what that word should be lol. Some people are uncomfortable using the word enbyfluid because of its origins, so an alternative would be nice, I think! So let me know if y’all think of anything
-Mod Lee
Keep reading
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phoelidae · 5 years
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Wholesome compares to cops killing innocent people in America.
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phoelidae · 5 years
not-so-friendly reminder to unfollow me if:
u think autism is a disease or illness
u think autism needs to be “cured”
u support Autism Speaks or organizations like it
u “feel bad” for ppl with autism and their families
u think autistic children are a burden to their parents/guardians 
u don’t believe in getting children vaccinated because vaccines “cause autism”
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phoelidae · 5 years
Me, spouting off armchair theory: You know, it’s far more common throughout history and among many cultures for people to live in large extended families.  Where there’s no expectation that children will attain adulthood by moving out and living alone or in nuclear families, the burdens of homemaking and childrearing and eldercare are lessened, and cultural ties are strengthened.  Perhaps modern Westerners are foolish for embracing a lifestyle that isn’t centered on this kind of interdependence.
Me, interacting with my actual family: I FUCKING LOVE ATOMIZED INDIVIDUALISM
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phoelidae · 5 years
So much energy. Fuck am I exhausted.
Being in Pain. Expends. Energy.
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phoelidae · 5 years
Thought: I do NOT think that 50% of the world’s billionaires should be women. I think there shouldn’t be any billionaires at all.
So you are saying 0% of the world should be billionaires?
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phoelidae · 5 years
don’t ever feel bad for asking me to tag a trigger
i do not care what the trigger is
i will tag it for you
you have legitimate reasons to be triggered by it
and i am not one to question those reasons
so just send me an ask
anonymous if you’re scared
and i will tag it all the time in future
your wellbeing is worth twenty extra seconds of my time at least
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phoelidae · 5 years
if you’re white and you act like race issues are just “unnecessary drama” or “discourse” then sorry to tell you but you’re just…. racist
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phoelidae · 5 years
“Due to law-enforcement sensitivities and the safety and security of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel, the agency will not offer specific details related to ongoing enforcement operations before the conclusion of those actions,” ICE said in a statement Friday.
Last year, the Executive Office for Immigration Review, which oversees the nation’s immigration courts, announced that it had begun tracking family cases filed by the Department of Homeland Security in 10 immigration court locations:
Los Angeles
New Orleans
New York
San Francisco
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phoelidae · 5 years
fat trans ppl deal with a lot of shit and its so sucky because some people will only support skinny trans ppl bc thats all they can conceptualize and accept when trans ppl in actuality come in all different types of bodies
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phoelidae · 6 years
Remove the White Supremacists
Dear Tumblr @staff, 
In light of the recent white supremacist terror attacks worldwide: 
We, the Tumblr community (your community), implore you to change your previously passive policy against white supremacy and white nationalist extremist ideologies. 
Every major news station, social expert, and experts on extremist ideologies have identified that these extremist ideologies are spread and grown on online platforms: specifically social platforms. They have identified the major ways that communities can confront these violent extremist views; the biggest one being for social media groups to actually start removing user accounts that post and spread extremist white nationalist dog whistles, memes, and rhetoric.
Your users are begging for your help in stemming the rising tide of xenophobic violence. As has become evident by the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, these ideologies don’t begin with violence, but with strategically spouted rhetoric and hate speech that riles up others who are vulnerable to being persuaded by their subtle methods. 
Please.  If you support the safety of your users.  If you support the Muslim Community. If you support the Jewish Community.  If you support People of Color.  If you support your users regardless of color or religious background. 
Then it’s time to start taking a proactive stance against extremist white supremacist and nationalist ideologies and remove them. 
The signatures and reblogs below should serve to show you how strongly your userbase feels about this. We all stand for a world without Hate. Do you?
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phoelidae · 6 years
If you are a Nazi sympathizer, White Nationalist , White Supremacist, KKK member, neo-fascist, and the like, unfollow my blog immediately
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phoelidae · 6 years
don’t follow me if you dislike aces, think they’re a funny thing to mock, or want to exclude them from the lgbt community.  please leave me out of your tumblr experience.  I don’t want to be involved.
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