#how are these girls supposed to just settle for whichever random boy their parents try to set them up with
see-arcane · 2 years
There's also the fact that Joanthan would visit her at her school where she taught
It inspires the lovely image of Jonathan 'Down to Make Out with his Fiancée/Wife in Front of Anyone' Harker showing up to ask her out for lunch. Which is sweet! She loves that!
But at the same time, she knows she's walking a thin line between, 'Okay, need to be composed in front of my students or I'll be a hypocrite in their eyes,' and, 'Ohhh but LOOK at him, I can't just NOT give him my arm and maybe share a kiss or two or three...' Like--
Jonathan: Lunch date? Hold arm? Kisses? c:
Mina: Lunch yes, the rest no.
Jonathan: :c
Mina, trying to dodge the many interested gazes of her girls from the door: Jonathan, the students.
Jonathan: <:'c
Mina, sweating: Look, maybe once we're away from the building...
Jonathan, full 🥺: Mina...hates Jonathan? Mina is unyielding? Mina is incapable of loving Jonathan? I am running away. I am packing my little law books and going out to the Aerated Bread Company as an unloved solicitor's clerk. I can no longer stand the heartbreak.
Mina: ...
Mina's etiquette students: :)
Mina, after letting Jonathan take her arm and sharing a kiss: Our next lesson will be on when to ignore the lessons. Extra good marks for everyone who breathes not one word of it beyond the classroom.
Mina's etiquette students: Yes, Miss Murray. :)
Later, Mina will red-facedly report to Jonathan that he is responsible for a minor insurrection among her class, what with them all now distracted by questions less to do with decorum and more about their own courtship, and do they kiss in public all the time, and demanding to know if he has an available younger brother and the like.
She hopes he's proud of himself.
(He is.)
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drawlfoy · 5 years
A Short Meeting
pairing: draco x pansy
request: yes! thank you to anon for sending it in :)
warnings: just mentions of war/fighting/minimal gore. i’m not all that into blood so i’ll keep it light if i put any mention in
a/n: i took a few liberties with the canon to write this one. but also i just got in a car crash so i’m kind of shaky so i apologize for any spelling mistakes
music recs: i was listening to insomnia by iamx
summary: i don’t want to give too much away but basically pansy is in a pinch during the war and a certain someone appears
word count: 1,343
Pansy couldn’t tell you how long she’d been hiding out where she was. She had tried to run to the Slytherin common room like Snape had instructed them to, but somehow she’d been split away from the group. With all the adrenaline rushing through her body, she ran right past the corridor leading to the dorms, and it was far too late to turn back now. She could hear the shouts and the spells being fired near the turn she was supposed to take. The chaos was only growing closer.
Keep going, keep going. If either side finds you, you’re dead for.
At first glance, the pureblood girl should’ve sided with Voldemort and the Death Eaters, but her family had deserted last minute by jumping countries and decided that she’d be safe at Hogwarts while they took their extended vacation in...New York? Sydney? For some reason she thought they might’ve taken a quick stop in South Africa along the way, but she couldn’t be sure.
Regardless, no one liked her. To the Death Eaters, her name carried weakness and treachery. To the Order, she was a coward and a bigot. Both seemed to forget who she really was: a very lost, very betrayed 17 year old girl who just wanted her family back. 
But then again, no one wanted to take the time to psychoanalyze Pansy Parkinson. She’d already been pigeon-holed and it was so much more worthwhile to guess how many freckles Harry Potter had on his right ass cheek. Or how Bellatrix took her tea, whichever side one fancied the most.
The commotion was growing nearer and Pansy was being slower. She couldn’t keep running for much longer.
Thankfully, she spotted a broom closet just off to her right, just begging to be used as a hiding spot. She exhaled a grateful breath before yanking the door open and piling objects on top of her.
Maybe they’re right she mused. Maybe I am a coward, hiding under a pile of household objects instead of going out there and fighting for what I believe in.
She cast these thoughts away. How could she fight for a side when both of them hated her? And regardless, she was alive. That’s all that mattered, after all. Maybe afterwards she could owl her family and join them in their exclusive penthouse or beach house or whatever they were living the pampered life in.
Pansy allowed herself to be taken away by all of these daydreams of life after the war, riding each fleeting thought like one would surf a wave. 
Yes, a wave in Hawaii she thought dreamily. Perhaps Mother and Father are there.
She thought that perhaps the war had stopped once the chaos had quieted down, but she knew better than to leave her spot. The war had probably moved to another part of the castle, but even so, there could still be people rounding up scragglers. And she was safe, so safe, in her cozy little broom closet. She felt an odd vibe of immortality, tucked away with random items covering her from view. It felt like she was a little girl again who was afraid of the dark, pulling blankets over her head and feeling invincible in her cocoon of softness.
This security only lasted for another few seconds, though. The broom closet handle was ripped open violently and someone else stepped in, casting a quick lumos and peering around.
Pansy couldn’t believe her eyes. She hadn’t seen him since the middle of the previous school year. It had been over a year. 
The time did not treat Draco Malfoy well. She had never seen his platinum hair so unkempt and ruffled and his face so dirty. 
“Pansy?” His voice, though hushed, was full of alarm. “Why aren’t you in the dorms?”
“Dunno.” It seemed like a rather trivial question. Did it matter why she wasn’t there? She was here. And that was that. “I generally prefer private rooms when I’m hiding from a war.”
If he had found that funny, he didn’t show it.
“It’s dangerous here. You need to get out.” His face was just as stone cold as she remembered, but  as she looked into his eyes, she noticed a glimmer of fear.
“And go where, Draco?” she asked incredulously. “My house? That’s currently being used to hold your prisoners? Or the Dining Hall, perhaps? The one that’s already blown to bits? Or to my parents? Whose whereabouts I’m not even aware of anymore?”
“Oh.” Draco’s eyes widened. “I thought you knew...where.”
The two sat in silence for a few moments. The memories of Pansy’s shameless attempts at flirting made a reappearance. The most recent had been when she was 16--just a year before--when she’d instructed Draco to lay his head in her lap and carded her fingers through his fine hair.
So embarrassing. He was so clearly never interested. How could she’ve been so naive to chase after boy that never cared about her anyways?
“I’m sorry about that,” he finally told her.
“So what now?” She pushed. “You’re gonna take me to your fellow Death Eaters? Let them see how cowardly I am, hiding away in a closet like this?”
He winced at the term “death eater”. 
The silence embraced them again, just as awkward as before.
“I am sorry, you know.” 
Pansy jumped at the sudden tone change. Draco sounded...remorseful, something  she’d never expected from him.
“For what?”
“For leading you on for...I don’t even know how many years,” he muttered, passing his wand back and forth from both hands, causing the light omitted from it to shake. “That was pretty shit of me.”
“I should’ve stopped trying,” Pansy confided in him. “I knew you didn’t care. It was just so hard to leave you alone.”
The silence returned, much more comfortable this time. Pansy never thought she’d be here--sitting in a broom closet with a Death Eater in the middle of a raging battle.
“Come here.” Draco’s voice came off as surprisingly strong, and she looked up to see him motioning to her with his free hand. 
“I have some things to make up to you.” 
Once Pansy had scooted over to his side of the closet, he distinguished his wand--even though it didn’t really look like his wand, now that Pansy was looking closer--and set it on the floor next to them. He adjusted to sit cross legged.
“Put your head here.” He pointed to his lap while Pansy squinted to see exactly where.
He couldn’t be serious. 
Slowly, she lowered her head down, letting it settle in between his crossed legs. She felt his hands encapsulate her head, his fingers stroking her hair in a fashion very similar to what she did.
“What’s gonna happen to us, Draco?” Her voice didn’t sound like hers.
“I don’t know. You should find your parents and get out as soon as you can. As for me....” Draco paused, his hands stopping as well. “We’ll just have to see what happens.”
Pansy accepted the weak answer, shutting her eyes and just enjoying the moment as it came.
“This is the last time, isn’t it?” Pansy asked. She already knew the answer. “I mean, for the two of us?”
Draco was quiet for a few moments before answering.
They stayed like that for a while. Pansy wanted to believe that he was doing this out of desire, but she had a feeling that this was just to settle the guilt inside of him. He was paying his dues.
Yells began to sound outside again, accompanied by screaming and blasts. Draco exhaled sadly, running his fingers through Pansy’s hair one more time.
“I’ve got to go.”
He stood up awkwardly, brushing off his pant legs and retrieving his wand from the ground. Before he opened the door, he turned back and caught Pansy’s eyes one more time. 
“Stay safe, Pans.” 
With that, he stepped out and shut the door behind her, leaving her alone with the knowledge that she’d never see him again.
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#5 - this home, this beating heart (a Jacques Snicket x Olivia Caliban fanfic)
I was watching S3 and I just really missed these two. There was a need for some random domestic fluff. Had this first image of Olivia in my head the whole way through the season, kept telling myself it was a nasty dream. 
I would love to do more of these! 
The rocking chair lulled her as a late night breeze danced amongst the curtains. Olivia’s toes touched the floor, applying pressure to keep the chair in motion. Beds surrounded her in the large room, three on one side, three on the other. The children laid in various forms of tucked in, a bed or two empty as quiet eyes watched on in the silver moonlight.
There would come a day where the Baudelaire’s and the Quagmire’s felt themselves too old to sleep in a shared nursery. But, for now, they felt safe, sleeping in rows, all six of them in the same place capable of keeping watchful eyes on one another.
In the recent weeks, since they had taken the children in, Olivia Caliban had learned how to project her voice across the room, keeping her tone quiet as she read from the pages of her favourite books. Each child had their interests in reading, but they could all agree that they enjoyed the simple comforts in having Olivia read to them from whichever book she chose.
Violet shuffled into the room, hair tied up in a ribbon and a pensive expression on her face. Olivia stopped, watching the girl find her bed with ease as the ribbon was tugged out of her hair and her head dropped to her pillow. There was no doubt that Jacques had found the girl in her studio, tinkering away at some invention or another, completely unaware of the time. He would have encouraged her to go to bed, and Violet’s frown was only a condition to her unfinished project.
Olivia watched her for a minute, noticing the way Violet’s brown eyes closed immediately, girl curled on her side, her breathing even and restful. She was out like a light. Her eyes graced the room, jumping from one bed to the next as she surveyed the quiet, peaceful faces of the children around her. All three Quagmires were asleep, Sunny too leaving Klaus the only one with open eyes.
She continued to read, for Violet’s benefit, wanting the girl to have the same graceful fall into her dreams as the others. Each of them drifting off with the sound of Olivia’s voice filling their ears and gracing them with a pleasant nights sleep. She was only a page or two away from the end of the chapter anyway, and Olivia preferred to leave it where the author intended instead of closing the book and starting again tomorrow in a jagged place.
The rocking chair continued to rock, the breeze from outside settling cool air across the children’s beds. She had one hand on the spine of the book, resting it against her knee as the other hand lazily stroked the back of the babysitting warm and heavy against her chest. Olivia thought, for a minute, that she would stay there and read another chapter, covered in the pleasant smell of a newborn, her six children sleeping easily around her. She knew if she read ahead of their consciousness that she would only have to backtrack the next night.
She didn’t have to think about it much longer when a figure in the doorway caught her attention. He was dressed casually, snug in a thick cardigan she adored, one leg crossed over the other as he waited for her to notice him. ‘Kit’s here,’ Jacques announced carefully, mindful of the sleeping children as he kept his voice low.  
She deflated a little, dreamy feeling no longer sitting warm in her chest as she pouted at the man in front of her. Kit was supposed to be gone all night and well into the morning. She liked his sister; her vagabond spirit seemed to light up every room and encourage a spark of excitement in each of the children when she appeared. But, Olivia was settled, warm and comfortable, happily rocking the baby she held. She was not ready to give that up.
‘Would you like me to keep reading?’ She turned to Klaus, the boy seemingly wide awake. He shook his head, happy to pull a book out from under his bed. ‘Okay, well, don’t read for too long. I’d hate for the others to be woken.’ He promised to try, but both he and Olivia knew how easy it was to get swept into a thrilling book and long since forget about the minutes and hours that were passing them. She made a mental note to come and check on him before she went to bed herself.
Jacques helped Olivia to her feet, one hand taking her wrist as the other found its place at the small of her back, centering her as she stood with the added weight of the baby she held. She didn’t move from the room immediately. Instead, Olivia wandered past the beds of each child, ensuring they were comfortable and sleeping well. Jacques closed the book she had been reading, leaving a bookmark on the page she was at before depositing it on the dresser by the door.
‘I thought we were supposed to be babysitting all night?’ She asked, door to their makeshift nursery closing behind her softly. The baby in her arms stirred, small head lifting as they grizzled before resettling.
Jacques chuckled at her dismay knowing that days ago when they had been asked to watch the baby, Olivia had stressed upon the fact that they would have seven children under their care. She had asked how they would manage as if their home was full of toddlers and not almost teens more than capable of looking after themselves.  
He wouldn’t be lying when he said he was all too overjoyed to see his sister’s early arrival, Dewey
Denouement by her side ready to pick up their daughter and head back to the comforts of their own home. It meant Jacques was free to spend the night with his wife in all the ways he wanted to without the interruption of an all too lovingly spoiled infant.
They adored Beatrice.
Every single person who came into contact with the baby adored her. The children, Olivia, Jacques himself. Even Lemony when he made a rare appearance despite the pain in his eyes every time someone uttered her name. Olivia was just as attached as Kit was, in awe of the little girl with her dark hair and round cheeks.
‘Is there something else going on here that I should be made aware of?’ He asked with a glint in his eye. It was hard to miss the baby fever that seemed to overtake his wife no matter how desperately she tried to deny it. He saw this coming from a mile off. The second things settled. No Olaf. No Esme. The fires calmed, and the smoke died. The children settled, stopped being as fearful as they had been. And Olivia, she married him, made herself at home in his home. Dedicated herself to them.
Kit’s belly grew and with that came Olivia’s excitement.
It was only natural that she felt a protective and disappointed surge towards the baby being taken earlier than they had anticipated.
‘What are you talking about?’ She asked, blinking at him over her shoulder before she took to the stairs.
‘I don’t know,’ Jacques shrugged, playing nonchalant. ‘Maybe seven’s our number … or eight.’ He winked at her, watching as she descended the stairs in a loose nightgown, arms wrapped lovingly around his niece. God, how good that image would be if it were their child she was holding. Flesh and blood made from love. They adored the children they had now, those they chose to take in and swore to protect. But, his little girl or boy rocked in the arms of their loving mother. That was something Jacques was intrigued to see. Just now letting himself dream it while the world was quiet.
She didn’t answer him, only grinned brightly at Kit and Dewey who met them in the sitting room off from the front hall. ‘That was a quick date night.’ Olivia announced with no shame at all, gliding effortlessly across the floorboards as she approached her sister-in-law. ‘We expected you to be back much later. Like we agreed.’
Kit laughed, arms reaching for the baby Olivia reluctantly handed over. ‘What can I say? We missed our little girl.’ With her arms empty, Olivia reached for Jacques, needing to hold something as Kit rocked her daughter easily, resettling the baby who had been disturbed in the changing of arms. ‘Thank you for watching her.’
‘It was no problem.’ Olivia shrugged, shy to admit that she was addicted to that fresh baby smell. Her heart already mourned the days that Beatrice grew out of it. It takes a village to raise a child, or so she had learned from the program run at The Village of Fowl Devotees. The concept didn’t work well there, but now, Olivia thought, knowing the people that would gather around herself and Jacques if they called for it. Just like they were all there for Kit and Dewey.
The baby cried, startling both her parents who gravitated towards each other to soothe their daughter. The cry was nothing, just a noise of discontent alerting her parents that the rocking motion her mother was making wasn’t enough, or had been too much and startled the girl in her sleep.
‘When are you two going to start popping out your own little ones?’ Kit asked with a teasing gleam knowing all too well what their responses would be. But, Beatrice Denouement-Snicket needed a cousin after all. Preferably one close in age. Kit was only going to eagerly nudge her brother and sister-in-law into it at every opportunity she could get.
They both blushed, beet red sliding from their necks to their cheeks. Jacques slid an arm around Olivia’s back, holding her close as she sputtered for an answer.
‘We’re still thinking about it.’ It was a simple and honest answer. One that made Olivia stop, allowing herself to feel warm as a smile crept over her cheeks. They were thinking about it. There was indeed room in the house, even after the Baudelaires and the Quagmires decide to take to their own rooms instead of sharing the combined comforts of the nursery.
Kit grinned, the answer enough for her as she watched her twin brother smile lovingly down at his wife. She made quick excuses then, shuffling herself and her own husband out the door despite Olivia’s requests for them to stay. The crib was already set up for Beatrice, and it saved them the trouble of putting her in the car. Nevertheless, Kit said goodnight with a knowing spark in her eye as Dewey took the baby so she could hug them each.
The front door closed behind the Denouement’s making Olivia sigh. ‘I hate seeing her go.’ Mournfully, she sighed. With her six children tucked in bed, safe and sound, the only thing Olivia was left to ache about was the departure of Beatrice every time her parents decided it was time.
‘What if you didn’t have to?’ Jacques asked, making his wife turn to him with a curiously raised brow. ‘I mean, it wouldn’t be Beatrice of course. But, what if it was easier to say goodnight to her because —’ he shrugged, suddenly feeling coy. ‘— you know, we would have our own.’
‘Jacques Snicket, are you trying to say you want to have a baby with me?’ Her grin was glorious, lit like the stars and Jacques could have sworn he saw a spark dance in her eyes. ‘We do have six children upstairs.’ That she was hoping were now fast asleep and wouldn’t wake for water or a need to quell the obscure curiosities that befell them in their dreams. Which had happened all too many times to count.
He shrugged before his lips turned in a devilish grin, mustache picking up at the corners. ‘That depends on if it is something you want.’ He had lasted this long, and honestly, the children upstairs were plenty but he would give anything to have a baby of his own … exclusively with Olivia Caliban. Only if she wanted it as well and for once Jacques was absolutely certain that she felt the same way.
She kissed him before he even noticed that the space between them had been filled. Her touch was soft and sweet as it always was. The kiss tentative, testing the waters as if waiting to be disturbed at any moment from any one of the children in their care. It was hard to find a quiet space within their day, but not entirely impossible.
‘There’s nothing I would like more.’ Olivia answered against his lips, pressed up on her toes as her hands held herself steady against his broad arms. If there was anyone she trusted enough for a task such as this, it was Jacques.
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joonievjones · 3 years
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Grace 🌼
Status: ongoing :)
Future Mature content 💞
Text Copyright © JoonieVJones & Miickiye.
Please do not copy or repost my stories, I post on Tumblr as JoonieVJones and on Wattpad as Miickiye but those are my only two accounts.
🌻summary: You always knew of your parents wish for expansion of their kingdom, however you never expected you'd be the key to their fulfillment. Being thrown into a sudden engagement with a faraway prince never seen of previously while having your childhood best friend act in ways also never seen before can leave a girl in complete confusion with a lot to lose and one choice to make.
🌻pairings: readerxNamjoon, readerxJungkook
🌻topics: romance, fluff, eventual smut, angst
🌼 Grace
🌼🌼🌼chapter 3
"A unity?" Jungkook looked away angrily.
"I guess our kingdoms are now allies."
"Y/n… you know what this could possibly mean."
"I refuse to believe they'd marry me off."
Once again, like a couple of days earlier, silence surrounded you guys, this time it was suffocating.
"Let's run away together." You said seriously.
Jungkook's face paled while his eyes simultaneously lit up.
You both stood up and grabbed the already packed bags, immediately setting them back down two seconds later.
You let out a frustrated grunt.
"If only it were that easy." He mumbled.
"You're telling me."
Tossing yourself onto the bed you scratched your head.
Usually it'd be styled into some sort of braid but today you had it loose and natural as well as instead of wearing a fancy dress you wore a lavender off the shoulder dress with a deep plum lace up corset belt.
Jungkook also wore casual clothes instead of his usual uniform.
"Imagine the headlines. At first we'd be assumed lost or kidnapped."
"Then I'd be suspected of treason."
"And don't forget the romance rumors." You quipped.
He laughed, making sure the windows were fully shut and covered before laying down next to you.
"I can read them already."
"Me too. It'd be the dream of many if we're being honest. I've seen a lot of people speculate on our relationship." You used his arm as a pillow and nuzzled up close to his chest.
"Do they?"
"Mhm." You nodded your head.
"They're idiots." He mumbled.
Your heart panged.
"They scrape at whatever to get some sort of drama from your family."
"Yeah…" A sigh escaped you, closing your eyes and breathing in his scent usually helped you yet today you couldn't help but be hurt by his tone of voice.
You didn't mind the rumors. Sometimes you even purposely fed them hoping they'd soften your parents up, why did he seem so annoyed by them.
"The trees were whispering today." Your voice was low.
"What did they say?"
"They told me about my future engagement." Your words were sour, immediately the atmosphere dulled. He stared intently at the ceiling.
Kook didn't say anything for a couple of seconds.
"Did they mention anything else?"
This time you took time to collect your thoughts. You couldn't tell him the full story, so you settled for trying to lighten the mood once more.
"They said I looked gorgeous as always."
Finally he turned to meet your gaze.
"Well, that sucks."
You gasped. "What the hell?!"
"Because-" He stopped your hand as you were about to smack his shoulder lightly. "Now we know they're right."
Your eyes met his, you swore your heart was suddenly pounding way too loudly. What was that about? Suddenly you were too aware of your position, when had you guys gotten so close? Your faces were mere inches apart, his hand was intertwined in yours and half of your body was atop his. This close up you could see the small scar under his left eye and the way his lashes lay ever so gently on his pretty doe eyes.
You took in a deep breath and released it slowly, closing your eyes and settling down. You needed a nice nap.
You stared wearily at the sight before you. You swore you recognized the man in front of you but also had absolutely no idea who he was.
Jungkook had left to go to the bathroom and had told you to wait at a table nearby but you'd left your post to order something for the both of you, and now you stood impatiently behind a man who seemed to not know what to choose. Abruptly he turned to look at you. He didn't seem much older than you, and was very handsome.
"What would you recommend?" He said shyly. His voice shocked you, causing you to stare widely at him just like a deer caught in headlights.
It was deep and melodic and seemed to pull you in.
You froze.
"I'm new to this kingdom and don't know what I should get." He awkwardly scratched the back of his head and looked away, a light pink coated his cheeks and as you looked up you noticed the tip of his ears were reddened as well. Although he towered over you in height, at that moment he seemed to make himself small and childlike.
That. Was. Absolutely. Adorable.
Immediately your eyes lit up and you sprung with life.
"Anything you get will be amazing!" You smiled brightly. "The chef here is the best in the whole kingdom."
"I don't doubt it. My father's friend recommended this place specifically for their baking abilities." He paused and met your gaze. "What will you be getting?"
His voice once again completely lulled you. It was so beautiful. The way he spoke was calling to you and it made you want to have hours of conversation with this man.
"I'm getting cinnamon tea with some mini strawberry puff tartlets."
"I'll get that as well then." He smiled at you and you nearly swooned.
Two dimples popped out as he smiled and turned to order, a slight frown overtook your face however when he turned to ask you how many tartlets you wanted.
"Uh, I'd like six?" Was he ordering for you?
"Okay." He turned to the cashier. "I'll take two cinnamon teas and nine mini puff strawberry tartlets." He smiled at the boy, who you recognized as Seungmin, you frequented this cafe, and reached in his pocket for his wallet.
What about Jungkook?
"Umm-" You were at a loss for words.
"Of course!" Seungmin grinned and rang up your total.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but could you please add one more tea and charge me for it." You smiled kindly at the boy and immediately pulled out your card.
The man beside you gave you a confused look.
"No, it's fine. I want to pay." You said to hopefully answer his internal question.
"I don't mind paying at all." He said. "If you wouldn't mind sir, take my card instead."
He offered the cashier his card and the poor boy stared at you both with panic.
"Please take mine Seungmin." You smiled as you said his name. "He is new to town and I think this should be my treat."
Seungmin carefully reached for your card instead and then also grabbed the man's card.
"How about I shuffle them behind my back and whichever arm one of you chooses is the one who'll pay?"
You bit the inside of your cheek.
"That sounds fair." Both you and the man spoke up at the same time.
After a couple seconds of shuffling Seungmin gave you both an expectant look.
"Which arm do you choose?"
Your eyes flew to the man.
Again your eyes met incredulously.
"Rock, paper, scissors?" You said.
He nodded and you both immediately began the game. In the end you won and chose the right arm.
Seungmin swiped it and then handed you both cards back.
"Kim Namjoon?" You asked.
He smiled shyly once more. "That one's mine, I believe."
You handed him his card back as he handed yours as well.
"Princess!" You turned to meet the wide eyes of Jungkook.
"Oh hey Lieutenant-"
"You weren't at the table?" He said as he finally reached you and scanned your body for injuries.
"Oh yeah, I was getting us dinner. You're cool with strawberry tartlets rights?"
He straightened his posture and turned to stare at Namjoon.
"This is Kim Namjoon." You offered. "He is new to the kingdom so I recommended one of Chefs Felix's best dishes."
"Of course. Good evening Mr. Kim." Jungkook stood rigidly by you.
This wasn't going well.
"Could you please make six of those tartlets and two teas to go?" You asked Seungmin.
"Of course."
"Thank you so much. Please pass my greetings to Felix. I wish I could stay longer but I'm sure I'm needed for something." You then turned to Namjoon and extended your hand. "It was very nice meeting you, and I hope you enjoy your stay here. I truly wish our kingdom doesn't disappoint." You smiled brightly at him as you shook hands and then immediately pulled Jungkook away to sit back at the table he had asked you to while you waited for your order.
"What was that about?" You asked as soon as you were seated.
"I'm not supposed to leave you alone for long, I just panicked when I couldn't find you."
You laughed.
"I doubt that counts as a long time. Besides, I enjoyed my time."
Jungkook raised an eyebrow.
"The guy I was talking to was alright." You smiled and lay your head on the palm of your hand while you looked out at the setting sun. "He seemed cool."
"He's not from here you said?"
You nodded your head.
Kook looked around the café and spotted the man. He seemed to be fully enthralled in the book he was holding and didn't notice the glares Jungkook sent.
"Stop glaring, it's rude you know?"
"I don't know… I didn't like how he looked at you."
You frowned. "All he did was smile. I don't think that's a valid reason-"
"That's not what I mean y/n."
A small, mischievous smile spread across your face.
His eyes immediately left Namjoon's form and flew to yours.
"No!" You laughed at how loud he was. Looking around and apologizing for his outburst to the other customers, he turned to give you a small scowl. "Why would I be jealous of a random stranger?"
You simply shrugged and kept a smile on your face. He was jealous, you were sure of it.
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