#how am i going to s rank rhythm master..........
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ap-sadistics · 1 year ago
im not a rhythm gamer in the slightest and yet im making my way to 100% hi fi rush through sheer force of will. and passion and hyperfixation. i think it might be the undiagnosed adhd tbh.
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iisuya-simps · 4 years ago
Hello! May I please request headcanons with the buster bros (+Samatoki? If that’s okay!) with an S/O who is into anime + idol (rhythm) games? Thank you! Hope you��re having a good day/night 💙
A/N: *Rubs hands together* Buckle up yall, this is a long one. I may have had too much fun writing this... :p lol enjoy~
Ichiro Yamada
Ichiro first saw you at a manga cafe rocking some merch from your favorite game franchise and had to go over and talk to you
he also found out that you're into anime too
he may try and quiz you to test how into games/anime you are
his eyes light up and his heart pounds but he plays it cool
after a long interrogation conversation, he asked if you would meet him back at the cafe next week
he lent you the latest issue of a light novel that you never got around to reading
now he would have an excuse to see you again
a few months later one of your favorite animes was being played in the theatre once so you both went on a date to see it
if its a sappy rom-com he will 100% deny that he cried and brush it off as an eyelash caught in his eye
but he totally did
to be fair you did too
though he may prefer light novels over anime most times
he will totally sit down at watch the new season of an anime you two enjoy together
prepare for a brain malfunction if you tell him you're into cosplaying
"oh yeah I cosplayed them a year ago"
"y-you wouldn't happen to have any pictures, w-would you?"👀"
*cue nosebleed*
"That's it, I've found my soulmate" he says he's kidding but actually means it
him being a weeb
Ichiro is also well versed in rhythm games
he will tell you if your waifu/husbando is trash or not
you both have your own little superstitions and rituals you do before gacha pulls
you might use a certain finger to click the screen because that's the lucky one
Ichiro turns the volume up and closes his eyes before clicking
"AHHH thank you y/n! Look at them! They're so cute!"
you both marvel over the cute characters
he is totally impressed by the songs you can do on pro/master
"NO WAY A FULL COMBO?!?!! You're amazing!" 😍
he will totally challenge you to see who can get a better score
but you always win
he did come close a few times
but gets flustered and flubs it up at the end when you're watching over this shoulder
he finds it cute when you're humming along to the songs while DESTROYING the beat map
*you unbox a package left on the doorstep to find a scanty cosplay* "Ichiro, what is this?!?" "What? I thought you would look cute in it" ;p "I'm not dressing up as your favorite idol!" "wh- babe why not?!" :"( "ok maybe..."
Jiro Yamada
Like Ichiro, Jiro is a big nerd too
you two met in a soccer match of all places
you were taking a break during halftime when you quoted a line from some weird obscure anime
"No way you watch ___ too? I thought I was the only one!"
you haven't seen each other before because you're on different teams from rivalling schools
after the game he gives you his number then the rest is history
you two end up messaging each other all night talking about other animes and games you enjoy
he likes sports animes along with action and adventure
you also found out he plays rhythm games too
after a while, he'll invite you over to the Yamada household and show you his collection of light novels and games
"There's more where this came from, my big bro is a bigger nerd than I am."
you'll sit down on his bed and show each other your cards and play a few songs
"Jiro why is your tap sound louder than the music!?!?"
"I need to hear the beats or I'll fail the stage!!"
He might challenge you to see who can get a higher score
you both play on hard
but you're pretty evenly matched
"Haha! That's a point for me, y/n!"
"No fair! I don't know that song very well..."
If you don't have the best gacha luck Jiro will cry with you during your loss
he's not much better...
and because of that, this boy spends all of his allowance on gacha...
"Jiro, don't tell me you actually bought a gacha pass..."
"Here Jiro I got you this." He excitedly opens the package. "No way! A ___ Figure??!" "They're your favorite right?" "YESS" He sets the figure down and bear hugs you. "Thank you y/n, I'll treasure this forever!"
Saburo Yamada
Saburo picked up anime from his brothers
they would all watch action animes together as kids
until Saburo started a fight with Jiro and they tried to one punch each other out of existence
ahem. moving on...
Saburo is a nerd too
but he may be a bit more casual (in his own way)
he spotted you playing a rhythm game in the corner of the hall during lunch break
"Is that _____? I play ______"
"Oh really? Whos your favorite?"
"What? you like them?!? You have no taste..."
"W-what?! Shut up! their cards always have good stats!"
"But look how pretty this one is!"
you two quickly become friends and meet up every lunch and discuss things like your methods to preserve gems
Saburo likes making charts and spreadsheets to predict what event will be next and what characters are featured
"Haha! look y/n I totally called it!"
He likes collecting cards and comparing the stats
cause that's fun too I guess :/
He must assemble the best possible unit
I can see you two having competitions to see who can get the best score
or who can rank higher in an event
Saburo is very good at analyzing the beat map at first glance
he will also point out patterns he sees to try and help you understand the rhythms
he usually plays on hard and pro
while you do pretty well on normal or hard
he likes a good action/fantasy anime
but he likes sci-fi too
maybe even mystery
he was nervous asking you over to his place to watch anime
because you suggested a slice of life rom-com
does this mean he makes a move or you just watch it together and that's it O_o
"Yes! New high score! Y/n, did you see that?" You giggle. Good job Saburo. You lean over to kiss his cheek then see the smoke coming out of his ears. "Y-y/n!" *blush blush* "Hehe, you're so cute when you're nerding out.
Samatoki Aohitsugi
Rio invited Samatoki out to a neat cafe because they offered cool exotic blends
When they walked in Samatoki was intrigued spotting your crazy colored hair and tattoos from the corner of his eye
which was weird cause that's not his type
or maybe it was
After ordering the coffee and sitting down Rio noticed that he was distracted
"I see you staring, why don't you go over and talk to her?"
"I wasn't staring! But there's just something about her..."
you were sitting in the corner of the cafe reading manga when he approached you a few minutes later
"uh hey, I like your tattoos"
"Oh thanks! Do you watch___ too?"
*casual panic* "Oh yeah totally, what are you reading?"
You knew he was faking it but continued anyway
"Eh, what's the difference?" 😮 "The difference is--"
He didn't know much about what you were saying but he loved watching you talk about something you were obviously passionate for
through an hour or so of conversation, you realized you both had more in common than you thought
he asked if you would like to do something like this again and gave you his number
You were happy to explain plots of random animes and games to him
Samatoki may not get the appeal but he likes seeing you happy
You go on a few dates and make your relationship official
he's absolutely fascinated by you and your nerdiness
"BABE!!!" "What is it?! Are you ok!?" "I JUST GOT A SSR CARD OF (insert favorite character here)"
Tch, *rolls his eyes. "That's good, right?" "LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!"
he may get a little jealous watching you fawn over you your fav
"Hmmph, why would you want a fictional character when you have a real man right here?"
*author sobs* :")
you let him try a song on normal difficulty
but it is still hard for him
"What the hell! Why are these notes coming at me so fast?!"
He doesn't pick up any manga or light novels
but he likes watching anime with you though
preferably a good action and or adventure one
he may become more interested when the female lead shows up on screen
hey, eyes up here buddy >:(
he won't say it but he secretly likes romcoms
maybe cause Nemu used to watch them growing up
I can see him getting so invested he'll yell at the characters
"Are you stupid?? She's trying to confess to you! Moron..." he huffs
(he does this with cooking shows too)
"Samatoki come on! The next episode of ___ is airing! You rush into the bedroom. "Hey, have you seen my pho-" "Shut up, I'm trying- to win." You laugh hysterically at him stealing your phone to get a full combo. "You got this babe, I believe in you!"
Thank you for reading!
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20thcentury-kylo · 4 years ago
A Day Without Boredom
It's Been quite awhile, but here i am with a lil short story
"And for today your royal highness we have a most riveting schedule planned~" The Prissy droning of the court attendant bored the prince to no end.
Prince Kiome, heir to the Shinjuku Kingdom almost desperately fought the urge to sleep, stifling a yawn as he sat amongst an empty throne. His father had been away making treaties, leaving him and his advisors in charge, most matters were settled quickly by the advisors court leaving the poor royal with nothing to do. Back and forth he watched them pace, stating one mundane task after the next. He’d surely die of boredom if he sat there any longer.
“Yes yes, that all does sound truly… riveting- alas I do have matters of my own to attend to and won't be able to join you, Agyo.” Part of him felt bad for lying to the therian, but as he made strides out and away from the throne room he found himself piqued with the sudden interest to do some exploring. Down the winding halls embroidered with their families crest, the wandering prince made his way from room to room. Surely there’d be something to hold his attention. On his travel he’d visited their libraries innkeeper shiro engrossed with sorting newly imported knowledge, the little D-evils waving as he passed by. Kiome found himself amused at how they attempted to lift the large stack of books in their tiny claws. Continuing, the prince found himself opening the castle's training barracks, finding none other than the two highest ranking paladins going head to head in what was sure to be at least their tenth brawl of the day.
“HaHa!! That now makes it 15 to 13!” Kengo’s gloating surprised the royal- had they really done this 28 times. Sure enough his opponent wouldn't let it end there.
“Again! This time you’re going down in one strike!” The bold claims of Onikawa spurred his fellow paladin further as they prepared to do battle again. Streaks of lighting began forming around the two, the air stilled around them as if anticipation of their clash. Kiome thought it best to slip away now before any major damage happened.
Cutting across the courtyard into the castle’s west wing, the boy arrived at the sorcerer's study. Stepping inside he was met with the sight of a young apprentice staring at a brown satchel in deep concentration. Beside him sat an almost comically large Chest- it seemed to hold some assortment of potions within it.
“What ya workin on Hanuman?” The prince's inquiry seems to break the boy's focus, and he falls back on his hands with a winded huff.
“I'm supposed to put this chest into the bag there, but I never learned a spell for that-” The apprentice replied, wiping sweat from his brow. Kiome chuckled and gave a smirk.
“More like you weren’t paying attention when master Tsathoggua was teaching it to you.” Hanuman pouts in response to the Prince’s jab. He stands taking a moment to stretch before trying again. With a glow of his hands the large chest begins to rise, and floats at Hanuman”s side. Guiding it slowly he tries once more to shrink it into the brown satchel laid on the floor.
“There we go- nice n easy now..” Hanuman’s focus almost impresses kiome as he watches in anticipation. Unfortunately the chest only gets about halfway down before it suddenly pops back to its original size, spilling the tiny flasks along the floor as well as tearing the small satchel in two. The bag, seemingly enchanted with Tsathoggua's magic begins to sow itself back together, Hanuman picking up the stray flasks and placing them back into the chest.
“Heh- you almost had it there-” Kiome says biting back a snicker at the apprentices sour expression.
“I- couldn't do it with you here watching!” he spouts as an excuse trying to hide his embarrassment. Kiome simply waves him goodbye and continues down the hall. He was nearing the kitchens, where a scent of cinnamon and vanilla seemed to permeate the air. Slipping past the bronze doors, Kiome finds himself staring at the cooks assistant whose expression is undoubtedly focused. He’s staring at the oven, seemingly counting the seconds under his breath. Before long something emerges from the stone oven the wafting smell of sugar and cinnamon drawing the prince closer.
“O-oh, your majesty I didn’t see you there.” Ryota stammers lightly dusting off his flour coated apron. Getting a better look at him Kiome notices the bits of dough and flour spattered on his cheeks, and can't help the small blush that graces his own. It was an impossibly cute sight.
“U-um, what brings you here today?” The baker steps closer to the royal, and Kiome notices the dusting of flour amongst his autumn red hair.
“Nothing really- just wanted to see what Choji was up to, i guess he must be off with my father..” Strangely enough the prince is nervous, poorly disguising it with a forced chuckle..
“W-well if his majesty isn't preoccupied would you like to come help me?” The bakers offer is topped with a toothy grin that Kiome can bring himself to say no to.
“Sure… but I’m not much of a baker mind you-” He’s cut off mid thought by Ryota taking his hand and leading him towards the marble counter. Kiome can’t help the ensuing redness in his cheeks at the contact. Ryota is blushing as well but the smile he’s wearing never falters. The prince removes his regal garments and is given a silver apron, rolling up his sleeves Kiome prepares for the challenge at hand, rolling dough. What he isn’t prepared for is the baker guiding his arms from behind, rolling the pin in a set rhythm. The prince can hardly focus on the task at hand with the sudden closeness between them, seemingly fixated over how smooth Ryota’s hands feel over his.
“There ya a go- wonderfully rolled~” Kiome finds himself at a loss for words at the compliment. It encourages him to try further, and as they move from task to task the royal begins to feel even more at ease.
Kiome is hardly aware of how much time has passed, only at the fading sunlight coming from the windows does he realize how late it's gotten. He’s sitting on the window’s ledge sharing the fruits of his labor with the redhead next to him. The buns are a bit lumpy and front loaded on the sugar but to the two of them it's perfect.
“So Good!! Do you always get to bake such sweets??” Kiome exclaims. The boy next to him shifts nervously offering a small laugh.
“Well with Choji here i don’t get to do much on my own-” Ryota’s response surprises the prince, he definitely seemed experienced enough on his own.
“Well I’d love to have more of your baking anytime~” Kiome says with a glazed smile. Ryota’s eyes perk up, and the expression of joy on his face renders the prince speechless.
“How's about I make you my own personal baker-” He adds with a wink, sending the redhead into a stammering fit, his face as red as the strawberry filling in the buns.
“I’d Love That~”
Please comment/ Review Pls help me improve!!!
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aerlths · 5 years ago
fourth rank. tseng
request: would like to request a tseng imagine where he finds out his S/o is pregnant probably back to the accounts of what they did in the office/home in your last fic and Elena being jealous of S/o tries to upset her as much as possible but tseng making sure what belongs to him but he happy to have a child with his s/o. Also can we get supportive uncles rufus, rude & Reno please.
previous imagine referenced (you don’t need to read that one, they’re independent works)
[reminder that requests are open for headcanons, imagines or fake text messages, all characters and pairings.]
word count: 3704
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You hid the pearl white object between your palms, staring straight ahead at the dark cherry wood of the cubicle’s door. Shinra’s bathroom wasn’t quite the place where you’d idealized such a moment, but as you’d moved in with Tseng a month back, it was the only viable option. Your knee began moving on its own accord, up and down in a rhythm that resembled your rapid heartbeat.
The passing of those unbearably slow couple of minutes was announced with a light beep – a new model designed for discreetness while reassuring it had done its job. You took a second longer, just one, and turned the test in your hand to see ��8 weeks pregnant’ written in bold letters.
“Fuck,” it left your parted lips before the magnitude of this new reality had even begun settling in.
You instinctively reached for your stomach, fingertips circling in a soft caress, as if to reassure this new life that you knew they were there, that mom was here. Fuck, mom. You were going to be a mom. And Tseng would be a dad - the two of you would be building a family? The thought of your fiancé coddling a small bundle immediately brought you to tears, and you had to bury your face in your hands to muffle the sounds of joy that escaped your throat.
Leaving that small stall you’d been sitting on for most of your lunch break proved to be a much more difficult task than it had been coming in. Your reflection clearly denounced that something had happened, and you could only pray that no one was to come in while you blew your nose and fixed your makeup.
When you finally walked out, you were met with a long-haired man leaning against the wall by the bathroom. You practically jumped at the sight of him, like a cat caught nipping at the fish. By the preoccupied look he threw you, it didn’t slip by unnoticed.
“Are you alright, love?” He asked in a cautiously low tone, and you couldn’t help the way your heart dropped in his presence. The little object buried within your suit jacket surely explained the overwhelming adoration you’d been feeling for him lately – you could tell daddy would be the favorite.
You considered him, leaving his comfort zone to approach you at work, and offered him a smile. “I am, shouldn’t I be?”
“You were in there for a while,” he gestured towards the ladies’ room behind you, “I was worried something might have happened.”
God, it would take immense willpower not to immediately blurt everything at him. You made an attempt at striking up a pose. “I was doing my makeup! You know I like to look good when we do field work.”
Tseng scrunched his nose and eyed you, searching. You felt yourself heat under his gaze, never quite getting used to the intensity of those eyes. “I don’t believe you. We’ll talk later.”
He’d caught you but didn’t seem the slightest upset. Instead, you were blessed with a brief kiss to your temple, the sweetness of it melting at your core. He guided you through the small of your back along the corridor, only inching away from you when you arrived at the office’s entrance.
The thought that graced your mind when he left for his desk in the adjacent room made you flush from head to toe, and you had to quickly turn away from him to avoid any questions. Eight weeks, the test had said. Six weeks dated back to a particular night in this very office, or perhaps its follow-up only a mere hours later. Six weeks in which he subtly eased your presence into his work life, where he slowly released his stoic façade to meet you in a healthier in-between.
You hadn’t had much time to think of just how you would reveal the news to him, but you instantly knew that you wanted to make him feel. For a brief moment the idea of requesting his friend’s help to surprise him crossed your mind, but you scratched that – you want him to be the first one to tell, and, figures, walls have ears and Elena does too. The last thing you wanted was her finding out this early, and your raging hormones would most likely have you clawing at her face or blowing up that annoying little smirk.
Breathing deeply to avoid feeding the thought, you searched for your two companions for the day’s mission – Reno and Rude. Tseng was to stay behind signing off some paperwork, and you would be exceptionally supervised by none other than the vice-president himself, Rufus Shinra.
No one knew exactly why he was involving himself in this case. Despite its importance, it was an extremely rare occasion to have him take even a smidge of interest in your activities. Some had speculated that he was planning to raise the position of one more Turk, but you doubted it – most likely, he had a personal connection to the group of men you were investigating.
And so, as cheerful as you had never been in the years you’ve served the company, the four of you arrived at the scene. Reno was tapping his nightstick against his shoulder, as if doing so enlightened him in some way, and you could see Rufus side-eyeing him, not maliciously, but with curiosity. He was about to go further ahead when you halted him with a raise of your arm.
“Wait,” you warned, and touched the yellow materia tucked within your wristband. When you felt no response from the sense command, you lowered down your arm. “Now it’s clear.”
Rude chuckled behind you, and you heard a chirp bark of something along the lines of ‘that’s tsengs girl’ from the fiery redhead already marching ahead. You proceeded with caution through the dark tunnel, fully aware that there was something very important that needed protection. Your fight style, though, was almost exclusively based on your powerful materia usage, as you had a particular endurance and skill for handling magic attacks than most. This meant that you could engage in a battle from a safe distance, and that you could just as easily cast a barrier upon yourself.
He probably won’t allow me to do missions like this once he finds out, though, were the words that found themselves into your head. Nevermind that, you continued on the second highest ranking turk’s heel, fingertips lingering around the green orb at your hip, just in case.
“Fuck!” You heard, and that was the catalyst to lead you all into a chase.
Reno, having mastered his impressive speed materia, was already way ahead, and in what turned out to be a very unsatisfying short-lived action moment, caught up to the runaway. He hit him right across the chest, harshly, and in the blink of an eye Rude had him secured, arms behind his back.
You remained in place, wary of the easiness with which you’d found this man. You’d been looking for an old Turk, a runway that had resurfaced with the threat of spilling all the dirty little secrets he’d learned while on the job, and the three of you – three of the very best – had been sent to take him down. Would someone who was fully aware of the risks and yet still provoked Shinra be this weak?
Just as you’d suspected, there was only the warning of rustling behind one of the pillars before something was shot in your direction. Without a thought, you cast Barrier on the Vice-president, knowing you should first and foremost protect him. Before you could shield yourself, however, a man came flying towards you, delivering a blow right in the middle of your chest. One of your hands came to instinctively meet your stomach as you fell to the ground, while the other reached for the metal staff that was shrunk in your pocket. As you pulled the object out, it extended to its full, massive length, and shone a silver-ish light around your body.
Beside you, Rufus was surrounded by the same protection, his pistol in hand prepared to shoot at the figure hiding once again. He looked over to you, blue eyes lingering a moment too long on your middle area, and back ahead. Reno and Rude rushed over two your side, and they too exchanged a suspicious glance, but said nothing. You weren’t certain if it was the hormones or the maternal instincts kicking in, but by the intensity of your glare and the iron grip on your staff, anyone could tell you had entered murder-mode.
“I know it’s been a while since you’ve been a part of the team buddy, but you really shouldn’t underestimate us fresh faces like that.” Reno taunted, clicking his tongue in disapproval. He too seemed more than a little pissed at the dirty trick.
“I don’t feel like playing.” You looked between the men around you and exhaled loudly, raising your weapon in the direction of their target. “We’re not giving you time to prepare, you stupid fuck.”
Rude winced behind you, but quickly changed his expression into one of awe as you wordlessly blew up the pillar where he hid with a powerful Fire spell, blasting him back in the process. You stepped back, knowing full well you should leave them to the rest if you wanted to keep up to barriers. They, of course, wasted no time in engaging him in battle, ultimately resulting in knocking him out.
As they fought, Rufus inched closer to you, his voice low. “The fourth spot is yours.”
You blinked, confused. “Pardon, Mr. Vice-President?”
He gave you the smallest of smiles, the silver shimmer still strong around his form. “At first, I was simply curious to see to exactly whose wedding I had gotten invited to, but I now see that there must be a change in rank. I can comprehend why Tseng would place a ring on you.”
The harsh sound of Rude’s fist against the target’s cheek had been unsettling enough that you were momentarily distracted, but Rufus continued, unphased. “I’m moving you up. You have very impressive control, especially considering your…situation.”
His gesture towards your stomach had your face going very pale, eyes wide. “H-How did you…?”
But you looked down, and realized your palm was still placed protectively against the area. Ah. “Thank you, Mr. Vice President. But please don’t mention the baby to Tseng, I have just found out myself.”
A very loud echo of “Baby?!” had you jumping in surprise, the seemingly finished duo turning towards you with cat-like grins. Well, there goes telling your fiancé first.
“Dude, Tseng’s gonna be a dad? What the fuck.” Reno practically yelled, twisting the arm of the detained man in his excitement. “Does this mean I’m like, an uncle?”
The usually calm and extremely quiet Rude nearly mirrored his colleague’s excitement, and it warmed your heart to see him as such. His expression changed significantly into one of worry as he seemed to have reached a realization – you braced yourself. “(Y/N), you do realize Tseng will murder us once he realizes we let you get hit, right?”
Reno widened his eyes and let out another loose ‘fuck’. You shook your head at them, smiling. “I can take care of myself, and I’m only eight weeks in. That trash bag hit me in the chest, I’m fine.”
They didn’t relax at all, but you didn’t blame them. Even you were preoccupied with the possibility of him being upset.
Holy shit, Elena was about to burn the entire Shinra’s Headquarters down. She’d been the previous fourth place, praised for her martial arts skills, and now not only had she dropped down from the golden quartet in lieu of you, but she would also have to swallow down the very big ‘you’ll have her crush’s child’ lump. She was going to lose her mind, you were completely certain – and, well, she did.
In the trip back the two men chose to ignore the death countdown above their heads to go back to the excitement of the news. Even Rufus himself seemed thoroughly amused, and you felt a bit like a celebrity with the amount of attention you were receiving from them. The commotion didn’t go unnoticed when you arrived back at the office, mission successful, and you had to practically implore the two Turks to act normal and go back to their jobs. They had, however, helped you come up with a sweet idea, and were currently ensuring that no one would disturb you as you went over to his office.
Seriously, if you didn’t tell him right then, it was bound to reach his ears before the end of the day. Reno didn’t quite understand the meaning of secrecy, and had rambled so loudly in the truck you took that you wouldn’t be surprised if all the lower ranking SOLDIERs – snow-balled information from the drivers in your trip – already knew. So there you were, a small package in your hands, and the softest smile you’d ever given him.
You closed the door behind you as you entered, granting you an immediate raise of his brows. “I gather it went well?”
“It did! The Vice President even gave me Elena’s place.” You mused, slowly walking up to him.
“He did?” He asked, and the pointed look you shot him had him backtracking. “Not that I don’t think you deserve it! He just doesn’t seem the type to make sudden changes like that.”
You leaned against his desk next to where he sat, trying desperately to hide the excitement. You faked a pout. ���I’ll have you know he was impressed by my quick response and magic use!”
“I know love, you’re the most talented I know.” He assured you, and you felt your cheeks warming at his words. He closed the laptop he’d been typing on to fully turn to you, giving you his undivided attention. There was something in that little gesture, something that was still novelty in your relationship, that had you melting inside. “You came here for something, right? Is everything okay?”
Smiling again, albeit a bit shyly this time around, you placed the nicely wrapped package in front of him. “It’s a gift for you. I think you’ll need it.”
He looked at you with that warm, loving gaze he reserved for your most intimate moments. It had you dying to jump him and hold him tightly, but you didn’t want to ruin the surprise. He palmed the packaging, instantly being able to tell what it was, and smiled. “I always need book; you know me well.”
“This one is special though.” You commented, almost as if absentmindedly, and waited for him to tear apart the dark blue wrapping paper.
The cover for the parenting book “Cribsheet” was staring right at him. You didn’t fully comprehend what it was from the way his expression transitioned from confused to understand to blatant happiness that turned on the faucet and had the water works begin. Wordlessly, and with every inch of him practically yelling adoration, he pulled you into his lap and sank his head in your chest.
You arms wrapped around him, holding him close. “We’re going to be parents.”
He nodded against you, still refusing to look up. He whispered against your body. “I love you so, so much (Y/N).”
Your heart was filled to the brim with a type of joy, a blissful feeling you couldn’t explain or pinpoint. Only then you realized, you hadn’t once considered the chance that he might not want this child. You knew the man you loved, and you knew he didn’t do anything on accident – if he was occasionally ignoring contraceptives, you knew that it meant that he was ready. And you were ready too, to love and protect whatever precious thing that you’d give birth to.
After a little while, he pulled away to take in your image, the goofy grin on both your faces priceless. “How long?”
“Two months.” You said, to which his smile only grew. “There’s actually a chance that they were conceived right here, you know?”
Tseng visibly gulped and scratched the back of his head, pretending it had nothing to do with him. You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped your mouth.
            The following day, it soon became evident that the entire floor was aware of your situation. On the pleasant side, it did feel good to have people gushing over you, praising you, and overall just being extra nice. You knew you wouldn’t tolerate it if you were to spend the next seven months being coddled as if you were made of glass, and you’d made it very clear to Tseng the previous night that you’d continue working for as long as it was safe for the child. However, this initial warmth from your coworkers was doing wonders to your ego and already excellent mood. That was, until Elena came into play.
You’d pondered before that if she were to bother you while you had something this important, precious baby growing inside of you, she’d finally get to see you at your worst. For two years – the time you’d officially dated Tseng, you tolerated her and her big mouth under nothing but respect for her as a coworker. She, on the other hand, had gotten bolder and bolder instead of realizing that he was playing catch with no one, as Tseng was completely off limits. You had yet to give her the taste of your metal that you’d been wanting to solely because of your man, who had to protect the order within the Turks.
Right now, with that lopsided smirked and the malicious twist of her hair, you were about to say a big fuck you to all of that.
It started in the early morning, when you were in the line to get coffee, when you heard a snicker and the words, “That’s why she’s been looking so fat,” out of Elena’s mouth. The baby inside of you not only was obsessed with daddy, but also apparently with blood, because you very nearly spilt the hot liquid in her flat chest.
Breathe, remember? You told yourself to find that perfect picturesque place inside your head, travel far down there, and leave the blond alone or she would, and emphasis on the complete certainty, get some serious bruises on herself.
The baby, think about the baby.
And so you ignored her. And you ignored her when she complained about her rank swap, when she commented on your appearance at least three other times, when she wondered aloud whether Tseng was cheating on you or not, and soon the “think about the baby, calm down” turned into “think about the baby, they want you to destroy her”.
At about the seventh time you heard another off-hand comment from her, you understood why she was acting so bold. Somewhere on that dysfunctional brain of hers, she concluded that you would sit quietly and take it because you had a child to protect. She’d apparently forgotten that you could most likely beat her up with an eight month’s belly, much easier with only two months.
Reno and Rude had been off on a mission of their own, nowhere near to hold you off, and Tseng was working from within his personal office. There was no one around with competence to pull you off from her if you did decide to give in to bloodthirst. Good.
It was at the eight comment, that was met by even her friends with disgust, that you flew from your chair to stand in front of her.
“What the fuck did you say?” You snarled, dared her to repeat. You’d heard her pretty clearly, much more than you ever wanted to hear.
Your profession wasn’t particularly dignified, and you all did a lot of bad things – but fuck if you aren’t going to bash her head in for the words that escaped her mouth.
She stared at you, clearly taken aback. “It’s a joke…calm down.”
“Say it,” you taunted, reaching for a blue orb that dangled in the belt by your waist, fully ready to go all out, “repeat how you just “joked” about me losing this child. Say it.”
Elena gulped visibly, and you were right to assume that she was under the impression you magically became a defenseless centerpiece. “Lighten up, I was obviously jo-“
She didn’t finish, because you’d already taken your staff out, fully intending to rip her a new one. Before you could even Poison her, though, a firm hand came to rest on your shoulder. You knew without turning around who it belonged to.
You attempted to explain. “Tseng, she just--“
“I know, I heard you.” His tone was cold, borderline terrifying, but you knew you weren’t the target of his rage. If there was a hole in the ground, Elena would’ve hopped in without looking back.
“Tseng, I can expla--” She tried.
“You’re suspended.” He stated firmly, a gloved hand pointing accusingly at her. “I’m taking up this matter with Vice President himself. I’ve had it up to here with your antics. Your big mouth has caused us enough troubles as it is, but you can’t even keep it to yourself in your workplace. Workplace harmony is also extremely important for a job like ours where we only have each other to rely on, and the only conflicts we’ve had in ages we’re solely provoked by you. You’re suspended.”
            You were left staring in a mixture of shock and absolute delight at your future husband, relieved beyond measure that he’d finally put her in her place. You were, however, disappointed that you didn’t get your chance to finally get revenge.
Later on, when the two of you lay in bed, his hand lazily tracing soothing circles against your back and chin tucked atop your head, he reinforced just how amazing you were, and that no Elena would change the fact that you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. (Ah, and perhaps you discovered that this man had an…inclining to seeing you fight. Figures.)
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astaralys · 5 years ago
In which Kristoff gets to be sarcastic, Elsa finally gets some answers, and Anna gets 🏹🔥
This chapter overtook chapter 6 in being the hardest to write but I think it’ll only get better from here. I have no idea what chapter 8 will look like yet but I sure am excited to get started!
As-spoiler-free-as-could-get snippet:
There was a shift in the rhythm of hoofbeats around him, and another familiar voice called, "Oskar? Hey, what's wrong?"
Why was her timing always so lousy?
"Your Majesty," Ragna said hurriedly. "It's nothing. He—the young master does not enjoy wagons."
"Why didn't you say so earlier? Do you want to ride with me? Havski is really steady, aren't you, girl? Oh yes you are."
Oskar didn't have the strength to say no.
The wagon rolled to a stop at the queen's request. Ragna and Emil helped him to his feet, and there she was—the queen who asked instead of ordered, insisted on riding her horse instead of sitting in a carriage, and always seemed to have an eye out for him. The queen who made no sense.
Grinning, Anna held her arms out. She had steered her horse close enough to the wagon's side that all he had to do was take a step. Towards her. "Come on. I've got you."
The queen who never seemed to tire of saying those three words to him.
Then a black horse bearing a man with a general's rank on his epaulets trotted down from the head of the procession. "The boy is welcome to ride with me, Your Majesty."
"It's okay. Oskar and I have rapport—don't we, buddy?"
"No, we don't." The nausea dropped away as he fixed the general with a flat look. "You want to search me? See if you can find the butter knife I'm planning to stab her with?"
"Oskar!" Ragna hissed.
"Thank you for the invitation," the general replied, rising in his saddle. "Don't mind if I do."
Anna's head snapped around incredulously. "Mattias!"
"I'll suffer no threat to your safety, ma'am. Butter knife or fork." Rising in his saddle, the general loomed higher than the surrounding mountains, his face as stern as their rocky surface. "Arms up, young man."
For a long moment, they stared each other down.
Oskar raised his arms.
The general regarded him, one thick eyebrow arched. Then he reached out and lifted Oskar out of the wagon, planting him on Anna's horse.
Oskar would have pitched off in shock if not for Anna's arms around him. "Gosh, Mattias—some warning would have been nice!" she admonished.
"Where's the fun in that?" The general chuckled as he settled back on his steed. "Remember, lad—in a real emergency, forget the knife and fork. Go for the frying pan and ladle."
He gave Oskar a mock two-fingered salute, then cantered back to the front of the line, shouting orders to continue the procession.
Oskar felt Ragna's eyes on him as the wagon trundled past.
"You really are something," Anna sighed as she helped him settle more comfortably on the saddle. "For a second there, I seriously thought you'd made Mattias angry. Not that I would have minded that, actually. I've never seen him get mad at anyone."
"Then he's as bad as you."
"Hmm? What was that?"
"You should take your safety more seriously. You're the queen."
"Did you know no Arendellian monarch has been successfully assassinated? It's actually so interesting. The first recorded attempt was on my great-great-great-I-lose-count-of-how-many-greats grandfather; he was visiting someone's farm and I kid you not, someone attacked him with apples—"
"This isn't a joke, Anna," Oskar scowled.
She fell silent. Then there was her warmth at his back and the weight of her head stacking on top of his. "Worried for me, are you?"
"I'll have you know I'm a very careful person."
"Uh huh. With a very heavy head. Get off."
"Oh, but it's so heavy I can't hold it up without you."
The procession began moving again, and so did her horse forward.
"Hey," she said brightly, "do you want to be my little bodyguard?"
Oskar stiffened. "No."
"Fine. Big bodyguard. Your special power will be your all-powerful glare; it can melt metal—"
"I said no," he snapped.
Silence again. That would teach her.
Then she passed him the reins. "Here. Olaf calls this 'controlling what you can when things feel out of control'."
"I'm fine." But he took it because there was nothing else to do with his hands, and he didn't want Anna's arm around his waist to be the only thing grounding him to safety. To reality.
At least this horse was far calmer than the jumpy one he'd seen Anna's sister depart on the other day. Too bad it was also uncomfortable.
As his hips started to hurt, Anna asked amusedly, "You don't know how to ride, do you?"
"How would you know?"
"You're bouncing like the Easter bunny. Wanna learn how to post the trot? Of course you do. It'll be a little tricky since you can't reach the stirrups—oh, don't look at me like that, we'll find you a pony another day. Just rise a bit in the saddle…yep, that's it. It's okay, I won't let you fall. Now try to get a feel for Havski's movements; find the rhythm and—oof." His skull smacked into her chin.
"Forget it," Oskar grumbled.
Laughing, Anna rubbed his head. "Nah, you're not even half the disaster I was. Let's try that again, shall we?"
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swilmarillion · 5 years ago
Ars Moriendi
For Terrifying Tolkien Week 2019  |  Prompt: to reek; to fester in the dark Big ups to @admirable-mairon for the inspiration!  |  read on ao3
               It is noontime, and the hasty midday meal has hardly begun when a murmur ripples through the normally silent ranks.  She ignores it, at first.  If nothing else, she has learned that it does not do to get involved. She keeps her head down and focuses on the rhythm of her own movements—the scoop of a spoon into her mash, the lift of her hand to her mouth, the methodical chewing of tasteless mush she forces herself to swallow.  It is not a particularly appetizing meal, but it is nourishing, and for that, she is grateful.  The days are long in Angband, and she knows better than to let her strength diminish. Weakness here is tantamount to death.
               A shadow falls over her, and she looks up at last.  An orc she does not recognize stands over her, and she flinches, averting her gaze to the ground.  They are nasty, fickle things, these orcs, quick to anger, slow to forgive.  “Are you the one called Indil?” the orc asks, and Indil nods her head without looking up.  “Come with me,” the orc says, and Indil’s blood runs cold.
               Her mind races, but she calmly sets down her bowl and stands.  She keeps her face neutral—another trick she has learned—and she follows the orc as he turns and leads her away.  She tries to think of what she has done, tries to suss out what she possibly could have done wrong.  The fact that her mind is blank is no comfort at all.
               Still, nothing here is ever helped by panic, so she does her best to calm her mind and follows the orc that leads her.  To her surprise, they are headed for the fortress.  A fresh wave of fear engulfs her.  She is a field slave.  She lives with the others of her kind in the barracks near the fields.  She hasn’t set foot in the fortress since—
               —the stink of blood in her nostrils, the drip of it down her face, the sweat that plasters her ragged, matted hair to her bruised and mottled skin—
               She swallows the gasp that rises in her throat and pushes the memory away.  All prisoners begin their tenure here in the dungeons, but not all make it out.  She was one of the unlucky souls who did, and she has put forth every effort not to give them reason to send her back.  Her mind races anew, desperately searching for the thing she has done wrong and quietly, uselessly looking for a way to escape. There is none, of course.  This is Angband.
               The orc who leads her is silent, utterly indifferent. She longs to ask him where she is going and why, but she does not dare.  Prisoners do not enjoy the luxury of questions.  So instead she worries, and she follows.  
               They pass into the fortress, and a shudder runs through her.  It is cold and dark and damp here, and she cannot bear the feel of the stones under her feet. They are too much like the ones she slept and cried and bled on all those years before.  They pass slaves that do not look at her; these have learned their lessons, same as she.  The orcs and fiends and maiar have no such qualms, and she shivers under their hungry gaze.  Still, the orc that leads her must have some level of protection, for no one stops or hassles them on their way.
               On they go through twisting, labyrinthine corridors and down narrow, spiraling stairs.  They are headed down toward the dungeons, to the underground heart of the fortress. Indil’s terror is a palpable thing, shaking her limbs and raising the hair on the back of her neck.  She grits her teeth against it and balls her hands into fists, determined not to break.  She walks on, forcing her feet to carry her close in the orc’s wake.  They are close to the breaking pits now.  She can smell them—the sweat, the blood, the piss and the fear made all the worse for their familiarity.  Her heart is hammering in her chest, so loud she is sure the orc can hear it.  Not again, her mind is screaming.  Not again, not again, not again.
               They turn down a corridor, and the stink and the clamor of the pits die away.  A cold wave of relief rolls over her, and she scolds herself for it.  She is on the dungeon level.  She is anything but safe.    
               They come to a door that is closed, but not pulled tight.  The orc knocks three times in quick succession and enters, and Indil follows behind. The room she enters could have been any ordinary study.  Bookshelves line one wall, overflowing with tomes and manuscripts and scrolls.  There is a neat stack of freshly cut parchment on one shelf, a handful of expertly sharpened quills, and several squat jars of ink in various colors.  Most striking is the desk, a beautiful, gleaming thing of dark lacquered wood.  The legs are intricately carved to look like scales, and the feet are long, sharp talons.  
Sitting at the desk is a creature she has seen fleetingly handful of times, most recently in her nightmares.  She stares at the back of his head, eyes tracing the plait of the fiery red hair. He is writing, head bent over the parchment before him, and he does not stop when they enter.  He continues to write, acting for all the world as though he has not heard them come in.  
After a moment, the orc clears his throat.  “My lord,” he says.
The quill scratches steadily across the parchment.  The orc knows better than to speak again.  Finally, the quill is laid aside, and he begins to shuffle the papers into order.  “This is the one?” he asks, neatening the stack and setting it aside.
“Yes, my lord,” the orc says.
The creature at the desk stands up and turns, and she shudders involuntarily. She is never prepared for the lieutenant’s beauty, and she is startled by it again now, standing before him. The translucent cream of his skin, the spray of freckles across the chiseled angles of his face.  He dresses well and moves with easy, assured grace, crossing the distance between them.  “You may go,” the lieutenant says, dismissing the orc with a nod.  The soldier turns to go, and Indil is alone.
Mairon looks her over.  She keeps her eyes carefully on the ground, her head bowed.  There is a moment of silence between them that makes her skin crawl, though she tries not to let him see her unease.  After a while, he says, “You are the one called Indil.”          
“Yes,” she says.
He nods.  “You know who I am,” he says, and she nods.  “You may call me ‘my lord’.”  The gentleness of his tone belies the command in his words.  
“Yes, my lord,” she says.
“Look at me, Indil.”          
She raises her head and meets his gaze.  There is no malice in it that she can see, and yet it fills her with fear.  His eyes feel as though they see through her, to the depths of her soul, and though his expression is neutral, ostensibly friendly, she knows better than to be at ease.  She knows the horrors this pretty face belies.
“You studied under Estë,” he says, and she is momentarily nonplussed.
               “Yes, my lord,” she says.  He is silent, watching her, and she gets the feeling he is waiting for something more.  “And Yavanna,” she adds, hoping this is right.
               “You studied herbalism,” he says, “and the healing arts.”
               “I did, my lord.”
               “And were you a good practitioner?”
               She is not entirely sure how to answer.  “I did my best, my lord,” she says.
               “Tell me,” he says, crossing his arms and cocking his head to the side.  “What would you recommend for a headache?”
               She considers the question for a moment, turning it this way and that in her mind, looking for the trap.  Time is working against her; the lieutenant is not known for his patience.  “Willow bark,” she says at last, clasping her trembling hands before her.
               He nods.  “And say I had no willow tree at my disposal?”
               She blinks.  “Feverfew,” she says.
               “And if I have none of that?”
               She thinks for a moment, toggling through the various pain remedies she knows, and then, before she can stop herself, she hears herself say, “For a headache, my lord, I would recommend you let it take its course.”
               He tilts his head, and for a moment, she is afraid she has been too hasty.  “Why?” he asks.
               “Because the other remedies I know have risks that outweigh the benefits,” she says, “and a headache is hardly life-threatening.”
               He smiles, then, and it is not as reassuring as it ought to be.  A shiver creeps over her skin, and she fights to keep herself still.  He turns, rummages in a drawer of the desk, and turns back to her.  “What are these?” he asks, holding out his hand.
               There is a collection of plant matter in his hands. She studies the flowers and leaves and roots, comparing them to a mental catalogue that has grown weaker with years of disuse.  “Yarrow,” she says, pointing to a flower with a yellow center and delicate white flowers. “Aloe,” she says, pointing next to the spiky green tissue.  “Burdock,” she says eyeing the purple flowers haloed by spikes.  “Valerian,” she says of the pale purple sprig of tiny of flowers. “The rest,” she says, “I do not know.”
               “Well, then,” he says, turning and replacing the detritus in the desk drawer.  “It’s a start.”  He turns back to her.  “Are you squeamish, Indil?”
               “Not particularly,” she says, forgetting herself.
               “You will not faint at the sight of blood?”
               “I haven’t in the past, my lord.”
               “And now?”
               She feels as though they’re having two different conversations, and the uncertainty is gnawing at her, making her head spin.  “I don’t think so, my lord.”
               “What I need,” the lieutenant says, “is an assistant. Someone with knowledge of herbs and the medicinal arts who can assist me in my research.  Someone who will not flinch at the sight of blood or of broken bones.  I need someone who can follow directions and learn the skills I require you to master. Do you think you can do that, Indil?” She is silent, frozen, torn between the dangers of answering and staying silent, of lying and of telling the truth. “I will not force you,” he says, his voice soft and honeyed, like the trap of a carnivorous plant.  “If you do not think you are up to the task, then say the word.  I will have you returned to your post.”
               She is tempted, then.  Every fiber of her being screams that this is dangerous ground, that there is a trap here, that nothing he says can be trusted.  She wants desperately to get away, to never look at his beautiful, terrible face again.  She longs to refuse him, to flee back to the toil of the fields, but she is afraid.  There is danger in refusal, in displeasure; she has learned this lesson well and does not want to learn it again.  
               “I will do it,” she says, hoping fervently she will not come to regret the choice, hollow though it may have been.
               He nods, and she knows that now, for better or for worse, her fate is sealed.
               “Very good,” he says, and pushes past her toward the door.  “Come with me.”    
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sp00kworm · 6 years ago
Faster than a bullet (Iaian x Female Reader)
Request by @ireaderstuff : Iaian x reader I want to see a dark side of Iaian when he's girlfriend is in danger or hurt by a monster. I want to see something new with Iaian like he can be dangerous and intimidating  at his moment.... Thank you so much have a good day :)
Iaian wasn’t a man to be messed with. Him and all of Atomic Samurai’s pupils had the capacity to become S-Class. The only obstacle in their way was the A Class Rank 1, Amai Mask. Iaian often ignored him in the hallways. He wasn’t strong enough to take the number one spot, at least not yet. Now he had lost his left arm, that was even more unlikely. Iaian glowered at the Rank 1 as he regaled some pretentious story about how they must be beautiful and stand for justice. Iaian was three coffees into his day and very much not able to deal with the pompous man’s acting today. Atomic Samurai wasn’t listening either, fiddling with the stick in his mouth before using a pen to write something on the back of his hand. 
Iaian leaned down over his master’s shoulder and whispered, “Master, can I be excused?”  Kamikaze raised a dark eyebrow, wooden stick twirling between his teeth and tongue before he shrugged, “Feel free. I know you’ll go do something productive. Say hello to your sweetheart for me?” He grinned and waved Iaian away as he stood himself, arrogance radiating as he left the pop star at the table, to his stories. Iaian followed him out before parting ways, sword clicking against his leg armour as he ducked into the midday crowds and made his way towards your work place. He hoped you wouldn’t be upset with him dropping in, so he sent a little text message before he turned in the direction of the jewelers. 
Monsters were normal, and Iaian was adept at cutting anything that crossed his path into diced pieces. Since he’d lost his arm, it had been a task, learning to balance and slice in a rhythm he had once known, in tune completely with his body. Synchronizing that again had taken time, but he was soon back to his job, disposing of monster threats against the cities. Now he could do it single handed. Atomic Samurai had been impressed with his recovery, despite the phantom pains and months of time he’d needed to realise the phantom feeling of his limb was just that. It hurt from time to time, but it didn’t stop him from protecting those that couldn’t do it themselves. 
“I am Silver Scorpion! Hand me the jewelry or I’ll sting you all!” Iaian was met with an incredibly large, armoured scorpion-man hybrid. The stinger was raised high over his head, a long body and great legs attached to it before it split into a human torso and head. The stinger smashed into the windows and concrete, showing an immense display of power. Iaian’s sword was out before the monster could touch you. You were cowering behind the counter-top, hands over your head as the monster smashed his legs and stinger around the store. He picked your co-worker up, holding the man high with a pincer. His neck was shredded, flesh tearing and blood spurting over the glittering, silver armour of the scorpion’s body. 
You were scared of insects.
Iaian ran faster, moving as quick as he had seen his master move before, teeth clenched and icy blue eyes full of fury. His blond hair rushed around his head as he drew the blade and sliced the stinger off. You gasped as the green blood slapped over the destroyed shop interior, looking up to see your boyfriend. He jumped back, readjusted his stance, katana shifted so he could thrust it forwards, embedding the blade deep in the monsters sternum.  “HOW DARE YOU THRUST YOUR FILTHY BLADE THROUGH MY SILVER ARMOUR!” The monster howled, pincers dashing forwards, forcing Iaian to slide to the side. With a shift dash, he tore his blade free, his wrists twisting and pullled it clean through the right side of the human torso’s rib cage. More blood poured from the creature as Iaian’s terrifying gaze locked with its own, armour glittering like the knight in shining armour that he was. 
“Filth. You will die today.” He swore, flicking blood from his sword as he planted his feet firmly, taking a breath as he moved faster than a bullet, the air whipping around him as the Air Slash was sent flying towards the creature. The scorpion flew through the shop window blood scrapping over the tarmac as Iaian followed, slashing three more times. The pincers clattered to the floor, followed by the monster’s legs. It was immobile, the man-monster writhing on the floor in agony, mingling red and green blood spurting over the concrete. A crowd of onlookers cheered, and Iaian ended the fight quickly, sword severing its head before he cracked the armour of it’s back open, making sure to stop the bodies’ heart. 
The congratulations were ignored as he rushed back inside, finding you on the floor still, heaving and crying softly. “Come here.” Iaian called softly, taking you in his arms, messy blond hair and icy eyes, filled with worry as he coaxed you up. He was quick to wrap you in a hug, pressing your face into his shoulder to hide the blood and gore from your gaze. “I should have gotten here faster.”
You looked up into the man’s worried eyes and smiled, scared and shaking still, “You got here just in time, Iaian. Thank you....I love you.” Fingers curled under the shoulder plates of his armour and you sniffled as the swordmaster kissed your hair softly, metal gauntlets catching in your hair before he pulled away and pushed you from the scene.
“Come on. Lets go home.” A man of few words. You only nodded, and followed close behind, clutching your boyfriends hand as he gently lead you towards home, messaging the association about clean up for the monster and damages. 
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vgckwb · 5 years ago
ML: Are They Worthy? Chapter 65: Feelings About People!/”Chloe”
Vlad was walking through Paris chatting with Beyyo. “So, Nathalie is Mayura” he said.
“What do you suppose that means?” Beyyo asked.
Vlad paused for a moment. “Well, she doesn’t do anything without reason” he explained. “She’s a professional through and through.”
“So, you think someone hired her?” Beyyo asked.
“It’s not out of the realm of possibility” Vlad answered. “But she also believes in Hawk Moth. That’s the strange thing.”
“Well, whatever the reason, I’m sure we’ll figure it out” Beyyo said.
“Yeah” Vlad replied. "But this begs the question. Do we test her tonight, or Sabrina?"
“Hmmm” Beyyo thought. “On one hand, we’d be that much closer to finding out who Hawk Moth is if we test Nathalie. On the other hand, I don’t think she’d be as willing to be tested, and on high alert. Sabrina might be the safer bet.”
“You have a point,” Vlad said. He then got a text on his phone. “I think this has tipped the scales.” He showed Beyyo the message. It was from Marinette and it read “The Master wants to see you after the dog's test. It’s important"
"Well that settles it” Beyyo said.
“We’re testing Sabrina tonight” Vlad said with a grin.
Later that night, Judgement Wolf made his way to Sabrina’s place. He snuck into her room and saw her asleep. He drew his sword. “Wolf Mist!”
Sabrina was in class, eagerly awaiting Chloe to join her. Chloe slammed the door open. Everyone was nervous. “Uh, hi Chloe…” Sabrina said. Chloe just pouted and sat down. “Ummmmmm, are you alright?”
Chloe glared daggers at Sabrina. “Why are you so concerned with me all the time?! Why don’t you mind your own business once in a while?” She turned back around.
Sabrina felt devastated. “I’m sorry Chloe. If that’s how you feel, I’ll leave you alone for today.”
“Hmm!” Chloe moaned.
Throughout the day, Sabrina maintained her distance, but couldn’t help but keep an eye on Chloe. Chloe was acting mean to everyone. Well, meaner than usual. Sabrina knew Chloe wasn’t the nicest person to be around, but today seemed odd.
Chloe was yelling at people, left and right; really trying to get under their skin about things. She didn’t care who she offended. She yelled at everyone.
“Hey!” Marinette said from behind Sabrina. Sabrina turned around to see her classmates. “What’s with Chloe today?!”
Sabrina was shocked. “I...I don’t know.”
“Cut the lies!” Ivan said. “You’re her only friend! You have to know what’s going on!”
“Yeah!” said Alya. “Why is Chloe being extra mean today?”
“I really don’t know,” Sabrina said. “She wasn’t meaner than usual when we were hanging out yesterday. I really wish I had an answer for you.”
“Pathetic!” Chloe called out. Everyone turned to meet Chloe. “Every single one of you! You all claim to hate me, and yet here you are, acting like you care! And YOU!” she said turning towards Sabrina. “I thought I TOLD you to leave me alone. That doesn’t mean following me behind my back.”
Sabrina was on the verge of tears. “Lay off Chloe” Marinette said. “She’s the only person willing to defend you.” Sabrina looked up.
“Yeah, well, I don’t need defending,” Chloe said. “That implies I’m not already perfect.”
“But you’re not” said Adrien, trying to get through to her. “Chloe, I know you. I know you’re lashing out for some reason or another. Now just tell us what it is.”
For a moment, it seemed like that worked. However, Chloe then responded with “Puh-lease! You think I’d actually fall for that, Adrikins? Pathetic. The lot of you!”
“He was just trying to help,” Nino said.
“There you go again. Acting like I need something” Chloe snarked. “You know what? I do! I need you all to LEAVE ME ALONE! And go on with your miserable lives, knowing you won’t be any better than me!” She sauntered off smugly.
The whole class was seething. That is, except for Sabrina, who was concerned. She ran after Chloe. A big shadow flew over the class.
Chloe was satisfied with herself. However, she was concerned when she heard “Chloe!”
“Ugh! What now?” Chloe said.
Sabrina pinned Chloe to the wall. “I want you to tell me what’s going on!” she demanded.
“I thought I told you to leave me alone!” Chloe said.
“NO!” Sabrina responded. “Something is definitely wrong, and I want to know what!” Before this interrogation could go on, Sabrina and Chloe noticed a large group of people surrounding them.
They turned to see the group. They were scarlet versions of the akuma forms of their classmates. Timetagger, Dark Cupid, Princess Fragrance, Relfekta, Gamer, Robustus, Evillustrator, Stoneheart, Horrificator, Volpina, Oblivio, and two neither of them recognized. One was dressed as a traditional superhero with a tiara on her head, and a black fist on her chest. The other looked like James Dean with an image of two fists snapping a chain in two on his shirt. Sabrina grabbed Chloe and ran off as fast as she could. “After her!” said Timetagger. The group followed.
Sabrina managed to hide Chloe before the group could get to them. “They couldn’t have gotten far!” said Robustus.
“We need to flush them out!” Gamer said. “Something we could do with a bigger army! Dark Cupid?” Dark Cupid nodded and took to the skies.
Sabrina was watching all of this in a panic. Chloe started to laugh, which caught Sabrina’s attention. “What’s so funny? Our class is angry with you and want to hurt you! Or worse!”
“I’m sorry” Chloe said through her laughter. “I just find it funny. They claim they all hate me, but they can’t ignore me.”
“Is this funny to you?” Sabrina asked.
“Uh, duh!” Chloe said. “It’s not my fault they can’t control their emotions. Look at them. Running out like chickens without heads. Looking for me. It's priceless!”
The door fell open in the room they were hiding in. Sabrina and Chloe remained quiet. The James Dean-looking villain entered the room. He looked around. “GAH!” he said, throwing a desk.
“It’s OK Chainbreaker” said the superhero with a tiara. “We’ll find her.”
Chainbreaker smiled. “You’re right Princess Justice.” The two left.
Chloe continued to laugh. “He wants freedom so badly that he became ‘Chainbreaker’? Pathetic.
Sabrina knew something was amiss. She asked “Chloe? You gave me something last week. What was it?”
Chloe looked at her confused. “I dunno. Probably some dumb trinket, or a stupid hat, or something.”
“No” Sabrina said, sternly. “You gave me your Ladybug costume. Saying you didn’t need it anymore because you were a real hero now!”
“Ugh, whatever. I give you a lot of things. How am I supposed to know which items you’re talking about?” Chloe asked.
Sabrina grew angry. “This isn’t the behavior of a hero.”
“So?” Chloe said. “Maybe I’m being my own hero now that I can’t be Queen Bee. One that sticks up for only me.”
Sabirna looked up, pointed her finger at her, and said “You’re not Chloe!”
Chloe was shocked. “Ah ha, what do you mean?” she said, nervously.
“You may look like her. You may talk like her. But you’re not her!” Sabrina said. “Who are you?!”
“Hmm. It took you long enough,” “Chloe” said. “And you say your her best friend.”
“I won’t ask again! Who are you?!” Sabrina demanded.
“Chloe” giggled. “I am what you call a sentimonster” she said. “Last night, after you left, Chloe thought about not being Queen Bee again, and cried herself to sleep. Mayura thought it would be a good idea to create something out of her anger and frustration with the world. They thought she was a failure? Well, look who’s failing now? Everyone is being turned into an akuma. And yet they aren’t seen as the hate-filled cretins they are!”
Sabrina got scared. “I gotta go tell everyone!” She ran out of the room and made her way to the courtyard, only to find that Ladybug, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, and Carapace facing off against  several villains. More than when she last checked. Dark Owl, Zombizu, Princess Charming, Stormy Weather, Reverser, Rogercop, Dark Blade, Silencer, Riposte, The Mime, The Magician of Misfortune, Rhythm Robber, Rocket, and the Mad King have all joined their ranks. “No.”
“You’re too late!” “Chloe” said. “Ladybug and Cat Noir will lose their miraculous one way or another. And then all of Paris will bow to Hawk Moth!”
Sabrina was furious. “YOU! YOU did this!”
“So? What are you going to do about it?” “Chloe” asked.
Sabrina breathed heavily. “I’ll...I’ll defeat you!”
“Chloe” scoffed. “I’d like to see you try.” At that moment, a giant battle ax manifested itself in Sabrina’s hands. She charged at “Chloe” and swung. “Chloe” blocked it with her hand. “Puh-lease! You really think that’ll do anything.” She forced Sabrina back.
“It’s better than nothing!” Sabrina hissed. She continued to attack “Chloe” but “Chloe”’s strength was enormous. She continued to block every attack. Try as she might, Sabrina could not land a clean hit on her.
“Chloe” pushed Sabrina down. At that moment, the heroes also fell to the pressure of the large amount of villains. “Look!” “Chloe” said. “It’ll all be over soon! And it’ll all be because of Chloe.”
Sabrina snapped. “NO!” She stood back up. “It’ll be because of you and Hawk Moth, and Mayura! But I won’t let that happen!” She charged at “Chloe” who now had a worried look on her face. Sabrina landed the attack, and “Chloe” shattered.
The noise was loud enough to cause all of the villains to look on. But all they saw was Sabrina dropping to the ground next to pieces of “Chloe” and breathing heavily. Ladybug saw this momentary distraction as an opportunity and started breaking several of the akumatized objects. Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, and Carapace started destroying them as well. Soon, everyone was freed.
Ladybug stood up, and started collecting the akumas. “Miraculous Ladybug!” she shouted, letting the butterflies free. The Ladybugs fixed all of the damages, except for the Pieces of “Chloe”.
Ladybug walked over to Sabrina, and Sabrina said “Oh Ladybug! It’s awful! Apparently, Mayura and Hawk Moth made this thing to look and act like Chloe, and it caused everything to go wrong. I’m sorry.” She started crying.
Ladybug lifted Sabrina’ head. “It’s OK. We’ll fix this. Thanks for all your help.” She stood up, and with the other heroes she left.
Sabrina looked up and smiled. Suddenly the world vanished around her into a pure white void. “Well, that was interesting” Judgement Wolf said.
“Judgement Wolf!” Sabrina said. “So, this was my test?”
“Yes,” Judgement Wolf said.
Sabrina was concerned. “Did I pass?”
“I don’t know yet” Judgement Wolf said. “I was hoping to take this time to talk with you about that. The way this usually works is that I ask a question with my Wolf Mist. Then I get an honest answer.” Sabrina nodded. “Sabrina, the question I asked you was ‘What would you do if Chloe was evil?’”
“But she was evil!” Sabrina protested.
“But she wasn’t Chloe” Judgement Wolf retorted. “You even said so yourself. Now, why wasn’t Chloe evil?”
Sabrina thought about it for a minute. “I guess I can’t imagine if Chloe actually was evil,” she said after a bit. “Don’t get me wrong, I know Chloe hasn’t been the nicest person in the past, and I know that I was a part of it, but I also know Chloe.
To me, she wasn’t a malicious demon out to wreak havoc, she was a wounded creature defending herself by lashing out at everyone because she didn’t know who could help her. I took all of those blows because I could see that in her. I wanted to help her, I really did, but I guess I got swept up in her. Maybe I’m not as worthy as Barkk thought…”
Judgement Wolf looked upon Sabrina feeling sorry for herself. He sighed and said “In a way, I feel jealous.” Sabrina looked up. “I can’t imagine trusting someone’s intentions so purely. I have to get to know people really well before I can trust them with even the littlest of things. To trust someone like you trust Chloe. I envy that.”
“So, what are you saying?” Sabrina asked.
“What I’m saying is that, in spite of that curve ball my test took, I would agree you passed.” Sabrina was elated. “BUT! It’s only because you were given the miraculous of support. It’s your job to put blind faith in those around you.”
“Thank you Judgement Wolf” Sabrina said. “But I wouldn’t call it blind faith. I know Chloe. I wouldn’t trust most other people the way I trust her.”
Judgement Wolf sighed. “I believe you.” He left and Sabrina went back to sleep.
Judgemetn Wolf left the Raincomprix household and ventured to the rooftops. After a while he called “Beyyo! Fangs Dull!” and detransformed. Beyyo flew out of his ring. Vlad got out a piece of jerky and said “Eat up. We still have to stop at Master Fu’s tonight.”
Beyyo took the jerky and began to chow down. “What’s up?” he asked.
Vlad sighed and sat down. “I’m just thinking about what Sabrina said. I thought I knew that landlord, but then he betrayed every expectation I had.”
“Well, like you said, you’re jealous” Beyyo said. “You wish you could trust people like that.”
“So, would you say she’s worthy?” Vlad asked.
Beyyo finished his jerky. ”I think so,” he said. “Even though it wasn’t Chloe, you still saw how she’d act if Chloe ever got that bad
“How can you be so sure?” Vlad asked.
“You heard her speak about Chloe” Beyyo said. “If Chloe changed that drastically, then she wouldn’t be the Chloe that Sabrina knows anymore.”
Vlad smiled. “I guess you’re right.” He stood up. “Say, when you tell her you approve of her, could you apologize for me?”
“Of course” Beyyo said.
“Thanks. Beyyo! Fangs Sharpen!” Judgement Wolf then continued his trek across Paris.
Vlad opened the door to Master Fu’s to see Master Fu, Marianne, Hao-yu, and Corina circled around the peacock miraculous. Master Fu said “Hello Judgement Wolf. What is your conclusion of Ladybug’s last recruit out of that particular miraculous box?”
Vlad thought about it, looked at Beyyo, looked back at the circle and said “Beyyo and I both think she passed.”
“Very good,” Master Fu said. “Have her visit me at her earliest convenience.”
“Yes Master Fu” Vlad said. He left.
“Almost” said Master Fu. Duusu gasped for air, causing a disturbance, knocking the four people out of their alignment. Everyone got up and saw Duusu. “She is better,” Master Fu said.
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spooky-dollie · 6 years ago
Now because rhythm games are one of my special interests, let’s COMPARE games!
OSU vs MUSE DASH thoughts and comparisons:
So one of the main things I really like about Muse Dash is it’s kinda a combination of two different osu modes! I am of course referring to mania and taiko.
When I played osu daily at my peak of skill, I played only Osu Mania with the 6keys mod. Kinda like more complicated DDR. The problem with that is it’s hard to find well timed songs because most beatmaps are made by the community (some are good, some are..meh. I don’t hold that against anyone because I still have fun). I was looking for a rhythm game to test my skill a bit.
Muse dash initially felt too easy for me (I’m not trying to brag, I’ve been obsessed with rhythm games since childhood so I’ve really cultivated that skill) because I was S-ranking every song I played in both easy and hard mode.
The difficulty curve is preeeetty big in muse dash changing modes. I tried my first Master rank song today and got a B on my first try, as opposed to breezing through S rank on hard. But! There is still the same sort of pattern, just more notes, unlike with osu beatmaps where most are completely different depending on the difficulty.
Now you may say, but it’s only a two key game! How are they comparable? Even with Osu mania the lowest you could go was 4 keys. Ah, but here’s what I love. Muse dash compensated by adding a health meter and enemies so not only do you have to keep the beat and attack everything but you have to quickly differentiate which things you are supposed to hit. Combo I would say is much more important in this game. I felt Osu relied more on accuracy, but muse dash is surprisingly lenient if you don’t get perfect hits every time. It still tracks your accuracy at the end of course.
Before this gets to novel length I basically just wanted to say Muse Dash perfectly puts every element I’ve wanted in a rhythm game in. Amazing songs, fantastic REWARDS for doing well, selectable difficulty depending on your skill level, just overall a really well made game and the base game is on sale for like $3 right now!!
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prettyallfriends · 4 years ago
Pretty Rhythm: My☆Deco Rainbow Wedding Chapter 11+12 English Translation
(Sorry for the uh... 5 month delay! I know I said I'd try putting these in video form but I have no idea how to use any video editing software </3 Tried Aegisub but that does NOT work well with 3ds footage)
Chapter 11: Aira’s Fashion Love Test?
Mia: Congraaats, Player!
Karin: After winning the Bronze Spiral Cup, you were able to win the Silver Spiral Cup too… That’s galactically amazing!
Mia: Keep going like this and you’ll fill up the Rainbow Charm in no time!
Ayami: That’s right! But how are you meant to collect the rest of the seven coord’s powers?
Mia: Well, you see...
Reina: Huh? Mia, don’t tell me you have some kind of amazing idea!?
Mia: I couldn’t think of one!!!
Karin: Your galactically random outbursts sure aren’t surprising anymore, huh?
Mia: Yeah. Hm, we need to think of something… Huh!?
??? (Aira): What’s up? Everyone’s gotten together and all.
Reina: Aira-san!!!
Aira: Hello. You’re Player-chan, right? Mion-chan told me about you. She said you’re suuuper cute and a reeeally hard worker! It’s nice to finally meet you! I’m Harune Aira!
Reina: Wait a minute! Even Aira-san knows who you are!? That’s insane!
Ayami: Aira-san is a huge, mega, GIANT star who became the Prism Queen!
Aira: I wouldn’t go that far!
Reina: Your modesty’s part of the reason why you’re a star, ya know~ Way different to Mia…
Mia: Hehehe! Harune Aira! Feels like it’s been a hundred years since we last faced each other! ...Wait, that’s it!!
Aira: Hm?
Mia: Harune Aira!!! Do battle with Player!
Aira: Whaaaaat!? Battle???
Mia: Yup, a Coord Rank Test!
Karin: Ooh, I get it. If you can beat Aira-san in a test, you’ll probably fill a slot in the Rainbow Charm!
Reina: That’s right! Aira-san’s in charge of MARs’ coords, after all!
Aira: Rainbow Charm, huh… Understood, I’ll help you out!
Ayami: What should the theme for the coord be, though?
Aira: How about an Ethnic Coord Rank Test, Player? Bring me 7 ethnic My☆Deco stones! If you do that, we can compete in a Prism Show… showdown? Does that make it sound too serious? A “showdown” would make you nervous, huh~
Mia: Oh, come on! Pull yourself together Aira! You’re our senior, aren’t you!?
Aira: S-sorry!!
Reina: Hey!!! Mia! Don’t speak to Aira-san like that!!
Ayami: Hm, ethnic coords are pretty difficult to coordinate.
Karin: Right, and they’re hard to pull off!
Aira: Umm… Player-san, do you like fashion?
Choice: Yes! I love fashion! / I kinda dislike it, to be honest.
Aira: Me too! I love dressing up fashionably! The most important part of coordinating is loving your clothes. “I really want to wear these clothes.” “I wonder what kind of new me I’ll meet if I wear this…” If you stay true to your heart, you’ll definitely be able to create a wonderful coord. Listen to the voice of your clothes…
Aira: Well, it looks like you have 7 ethnic My☆Deco stones. In that case, let’s begin your Ethnic Coord Rank Test! I’m sure it’ll be very happylucky!
(prism show, you may dream. Absolute banger ngl)
Aira: Your heart was wonderfully ethnic, Player-chan! Congratulations, you’ve passed the Ethnic Coord Rank Test!
Mia: Ahh! The Rainbow Charm’s…
(insert rainbow charm)
Reina: The power of the ethnic coord returned to the Rainbow Charm!
Mia: Phew! How many more slots do we have to fill?
Ayami: My memo says that all we have left are the pop, feminine and star coords! 3 to go!
Mia: 3 left, huh? It’d be great if we could complete the Rainbow Charm soon!
Aira: Show me the Rainbow Wedding when you get it, okay?
Reina: Thank you so much for helping Player, Aira-san!
Aira: No problem! I’m super happylucky that I got to talk to Player-chan! Pay close attention to the voice of your clothes, and wear lots of wonderful coords! Let’s go shopping together some time, okay? Ah, lovely coords would suit you really well! Or maybe cool… Ahhh~ I’ll get lost at this rate~!
Reina: Aira-san’s love of clothes is super serious…
Karin: It’s galactically unbeatable…
Penguin-sensei: It seems you’re working hard, Player!
Reina: Penguin-sensei! What are you doing here?
Penguin-sensei: I’ve been watching your progress. You’ve been entering contests and modeling, and you’ve even passed two Coord Rank Tests. Now, you must face a new challenge! And that new challenge is… singing!!!!
Reina: Singing!? So you’re saying she’s making her debut as a singer!?
Chapter 12: Singing PURETTY’s Song With You!
Mia: You get to make your singing debut! I’m so happy for you, Player!
Reina: Though it was a pretty sudden decision…
Ayami: Did something happen?
Penguin-sensei: Please look at this.
Mia: A magazine? “The genius Prism Star with the seven-hued singing voice…” Wait, this is… Rinne!?!?
Penguin-sensei: That’s right. It seems Rinne’s singing debut has also been set. President Asechi saw this, and said that you’d better not lose to Rinne.
Reina: Rinne can use the powers of the seven coords whenever she wants, so I’m sure her singing must be incredible too…
Karin: I galactically need to hear it!
Penguin-sensei: Moving on to the issue at hand, Player. Are your ready for your singing debut?
Choice: I’m so glad to finally debut! / I’m not ready yet…
Penguin-sensei: Good! Those guts are your best feature! It’ll be fine, you only need one thing to become an amazing, shining singer… Singing is all about heart!!!
Reina: H-… heart???
Penguin-sensei: Singing isn’t about technique. You sing straight from your heart. Singing is a pillar of Prism Shows, along with dance and coords. Mastering your singing heart is an important step in becoming a prism star! That being said, I’ve brought along some girls who are also doing lessons. Enter!
Hyein: Nice to see you, Player!
Mia: PURETTY are going to be doing singing lessons with Player?
So-min: Nice to meet you. I’m So-min. Let’s make the most of this lesson.
Shi-yoon: Yaaay! I’m Shi-yoon! Let’s sing some nice songs we can relax to!
Chae-kyung: I’m Chae-kyung! Let’s aim to become celebrity singers!
Jae-eun: Munch munch! I’m Jae-eun. This lesson’s got a really fun flavour to it~
Hye-in: The rest of PURETTY are prism transfer students like me, and we’ve been friends for ages. They’re my precious jeolchin. I hope you can get along with them, Player!
So-min: You’re that popular star, Rinne’s rival, right? We’re working hard doing lessons at Pretty Top to revolutionise our hearts. We cannot waste any of our lesson time, so if you want to do lessons with us… I would like you to prove your strength as a prism star!
Mia: So-min’s hated wasting time and effort for forever…
So-min: Of course I have! Well, I’m also interested in seeing if the rumours about Player were true… A-and is it so wrong for me to want to see their prism show!? Wah… WAAAAH…..
Karin: You should’ve just said so in the first place then…
So-min: Shut up!! Player, perform a show for us!!! Pleeeease~!!!
(basically so-min goes from >:( to crying at the drop of a hat lmao i love her sm. Anyways uhhh this is the live show segment and its not a puretty song so i too am >:( while being seconds away from crying)
Chae-kyung: Amaaazing! Your show was celebrally exciting!
So-min: Your show was so moving I’m wasting tears…
Shi-yoon: Yaaay! Let’s sing together!
Hye-in: Looks like everyone in PURETTY really likes you, Player. When we bring our hearts together as one, we can do anything together. Bringing together our different voices creates a harmony…
Jae-eun: Munch munch! It’s the flavour of friendship!!!
Hye-in: Now then, let’s sing together!
Penguin-sensei: Alright, if PURETTY lead the way, Player’s voice will also shine through. Perform many more shows and make your voice heard!
Mia: Doing a lesson with everyone sounds like so much fun!
Ayami: But Rinne-san’s always alone…
Reina: She doesn’t really need friends, she can use the power of the seven coords after all, right? Though that sounds pretty lonely…
Mia: Hm… Well, there’s no way of knowing how Rinne feels~
So-min: You’re wasting your energy worrying about this stuff.
Mia: I’m not wasting shit!! She’s just a really weird kid, I’m curious about her!
So-min: If you don’t know how she feels, just ask her!
Mia: Huh…??? Ask her???
So-min: Yeah, you’re wasting time thinking about it when you could easily just ask.
Mia: I see! God, So-min, sometimes you know just what to say!
So-min: What do you mean “sometimes”!? You’re one to talk!
Mia: Let’s go, Player!! You come too, Penguin-sensei!
Penguin-sensei: Huh?? Where are we going!?
Mia: We’re going to see Rinne! So-min’s right, if we don’t know what she thinks we should just ask her!
Reina: You don’t even know if she’ll actually answer your questions…
Mia: That’s fine, it’s not like we’ll find anything out unless we try anyway. Let’s ask Rinne about her true feelings! Kaboom!
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sheilacwall · 5 years ago
Legends: Rakim – Hip Hop Golden Age Hip Hop Golden Age
Introduction by @TrueGodImmortal – There are some rappers and MCs that transcend the culture. They become even bigger than Hip Hop in the neighborhood, they become worldwide icons. They become the greatest. They became legends.
One of the first true legends in Hip Hop, Rakim, is our topic of discussion today. Yes, you might know him for crafting classics next to Eric B., but make no mistake about it, Rakim is the premier lyricist in the history of the genre and one of the most influential artists in the entire genre of Hip Hop. Today, we wanted to continue our DAR Legends series with a look at the incomparable Rakim, talk some of his greatest verses, and his legacy as one of the true pioneers of the game.
@CherchezLaPorsh – There are a few MC’s who are frequently mentioned when talking about legends, but there is only one that is widely known and considered as the “God MC”. He’s someone who has influenced hundreds of artists and has established himself as the greatest of all time IMO. Hip Hop would be introduced to Rakim back in 1987 when he paired with friend and DJ Eric B. The two became Hip Hop powerhouses and through each album release, Rakim’s “God MC” claim became clear. Those of us who are familiar with the duo know the standard which they set. Eric B mastered scratching and DJ-ing while Rakim fascinated us with his lyricism. 1992 would give us their last album together “Don’t Sweat The Technique” and while the complications and label legalities were plentiful, Hip Hop said farewell to one of the most influential duos and the only MC that proved he really was “godly”.
So what makes Rakim such a God in Hip Hop? It’s his ease of delivery, the intricacy of his lyrics, the precision in his word choice and metaphors and of course his impressive level of creativity. His articulation and eloquence are still unmatched and while many try to uphold the purity of Hip Hop, Rakim did this naturally and consistently. 1997 would be the year Rakim resurfaced and he was better than ever (if that’s even possible). He dropped his solo debut The 18th Letter and once again fans were amazed. Apart from his early work, this would be my favorite album in his solo catalog.
Rakim has always managed to have impressive production on his albums and this one was no different. DJ Premier, Pete Rock, Father Shaheed and a few others made this flawless. Each track met the standard which he set (for himself) so many years before thus making it one of the greatest releases of the year. Every track is great to me but the one that stands out the most is “Guess Who’s Back”, as it’s got impressive tempo, incredible energy and it’s the perfect display of Rakim’s rapping prowess. In fact, the first verse shows exactly why he’s godly.
“It’s the return of the Wild Style fashionist
Smashing hits
Make it hard to adapt to this
Put pizazz and jazz in this
And cash in this
Mastered this, flash this and make em clap to this
DJ’s throw on cuts and obey the crowd
Just pump the volume up, and play it loud
Hip Hop’s embedded
Before I said I wouldn’t let it
But me and the microphone is still magnetic
Straight off the top
I knew I’d be forced to rock
Dance floors just stop, the spot’s scorching hot”
He rhymes words in the middle of each line/bar and at the end, while also changing the rhyme pattern every few lines and he manages to match it seamlessly with the increase and decrease of the beat. It’s flawlessly delivered and so effortless.
Although Rakim was never (and will never be) a big time household name in the mainstream so to speak, he established his ranks in the genre. He’s a favorite of purists and is credited for influencing almost every rapper of the “Golden Age” through his precision, confidence, eloquence and flawless skill. He referred to himself as a God MC and proved it over and over and over again.
@JADBeats – Back in 1985, Eric B. found the perfect MC to take his beats to the next level. Rakim was one of the guys back then that would be unknowingly changing the game before my official introduction to Hip Hop. He’s the guy that my pops, uncles, and older cousins regarded as the best along with the likes of BDK, MC Shan & KRS-1. I really fell in love with Hip Hop around 1993, but growing up I remember Rap City and Yo MTV Raps playing videos like “Paid In Full”, “Microphone Fiend”, “I Aint No Joke”, “Don’t Sweat The Technique”, etc. The TV was always blasting while we were glued to it in awe.
This man had a gift with words. It wasn’t exactly his message but more so how he said it with his relaxed and laid-back delivery with the ability to get aggressive at times. The way he boasts about his style with such confidence showcasing his clever, articulate, and metaphor driven flow with ease was so unique that no one could really copy. There are some rappers who just mesh perfectly over jazz and funk instrumentals, and Rakim is that. Although he has many classic songs, if I had to choose one it would be “The Punisher” of the Don’t Sweat The Technique album. He went absolutely crazy on that song. The song really embodied the title. It is one of those songs that you rewind to catch how dope the lines were. He’ll go down as the innovator of multisyllabic rhymes, internal rhyme schemes, alliteration with letters, referencing and sampling his old songs in new songs.
There are two MCs we regard as the greatest now, who like many others, have borrowed or sampled from Ra like Nas when he says “I’m the N, the A, to the S-I-R/ and if I wasn’t, I must have been Escobar/” and Eminem’s “I am whatever you say I am, if I wasn’t then why would I say I am”, which are both inspired by “It’s The R”. He’s had ups and downs in his career, but has created so much greatness that it is set in stone. It makes me happy that I see producers, rappers, commercials and movies using Rakim & Eric B. songs to carry on their legacy. Ra is my favorite rapper’s favorite rapper or at least in their top 5 lists, so respect to The God MC.
Outro By @TrueGodImmortal – Where do I begin? For a young MC myself, Rakim was a huge influence. Lyrically, his ability to showcase internal rhyme schemes, lyrical dexterity, and an abundance of wordplay is second to none. His influence on my favorite rappers like Nas, Jay-Z, and numerous others needs to be recognized. He’s paved a legacy that is majorly unmatched in the game and though as a solo artist later in his career, he didn’t experience the same success so to speak as with Eric B., I think as a lyricist, his strengths grew even more after this. Now don’t get me wrong, love Paid In Full,  Follow The Leader, Let The Rhythm Hit Em, and Don’t Sweat The Technique, but I wanted to focus on Ra when he was on his own. We hear so much of him with Eric B., and rightfully so, but aside from those 4 amazing albums as one half of one of the greatest duos ever in Hip Hop, Rakim has shown his lyrical growth through the three solo albums he’s had, most notably on The 18th Letter and The Master, his debut and sophomore solo.
This is clear on tracks like “When I B On the Mic”, the DJ Premier-produced banger from the 1999 release The Master. Lyrically, this is one of his strongest performances in the later point of his career. The third verse is the best example of his lyrical strength and growth to me. Take a look at how many rhyming words he fits into the verse. Check it out:
“To my elite peeps
With the murderous mystiques
I hit the streets with beats
And they critique for weeks
They be like, How that kid Ra reach the peak?
Pull out the heat and use my technique to speak
It’s dangerous
Sit calm and explain to kids
What part of the game this is in foreign languages
They hold Ra’s events in different continents
Put my lyrical contents in monuments
In ghetto garments, I rock a towel like a pharaoh
Mind travel, design style like apparel
My fashions last long as a lifetime
‘Cause I can see the future when the god write rhymes
They’re mad ‘cause I managed to reign so long
Like their chance to make money done came and gone
This is strictly for my listeners on the corners at night
And the sisters that be keepin’ this right, when I be on the mic
That is a masterful lyrical work IMO. Another verse that I’ve always loved came from his solo debut The 18th Letter, which has some amazing lyrical gems on it. My personal favorite song from this is the Pete Rock-produced “The Saga Begins”, and Ra kills it all three verses, but the 2nd verse has always stood out to me the most. Take a look:
“Yo, my never-ending epic
Got the world spinning hectic
I quickly spread it
Till the whole city’s infected
Suspense that I supply intensify
Then commence as my daily events go by
You get involved in thisParagraphologist
Narrating novelist
Market this, sound marvelous
I’m the star in this
Which means the author’s authentic
Most definite, every episode’s an epidemic
So when you research, check it, here go the evidence
They represent with lyrical negligence for presidents
My science existed, without the fiction
Every inscription is a special edition
So all hail the honorableMicrophone phenomenal
Microphone phenomenal
Persona is unbombable
Trust me son, I continue like a saga do
Bringing you the drama to
Allow you that the chronicle”
I think verses like those showcase why Rakim is a top 5 lyricist of all time and the original complex lyricist in the game. His ability to switch rhyme patterns, stuff line after line into one couplet, and his precise flow is quite possibly unmatched along with a very recognizable voice. While most people would point to the Eric B. & Rakim days for their favorite memories of Rakim (and I understand why), I think more credit needs to be shown to his days as a top tier MC alone. We often overlook some of the greatest legends’ best work based on nostalgia. In my humble opinion, The 18th Letter and The Master, as well as The Seventh Seal gave Ra his own true identify away from Eric B., and solidified him to me as one of the greatest to ever do it even more. There are many in Hip Hop who aspire to legends, and one name that a majority will say is their influence is Rakim. That right there says more than enough.
Source link
The post Legends: Rakim – Hip Hop Golden Age Hip Hop Golden Age appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/legends-rakim-hip-hop-golden-age-hip-hop-golden-age/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=legends-rakim-hip-hop-golden-age-hip-hop-golden-age from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/187609090283
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terryblount · 6 years ago
Tapsonic Bold – Review
Let me just say that Rhythm games have come a long way from just being a fun game you see people expertly play in arcades. It has evolved into quite a popular genre, especially for this one series you may or may not have heard before called DJMAX.
For them, spinning off their series might have been quite a task, considering how popular their series is already when they first release TAPSONIC TOP on mobile but it was a surprising hit. Gaining kudos from new and old fans alike, giving them the confidence to announce a PC release of a spin-off to a mega-hit series.
Which is where we come in. Though I haven’t been “in the know” for this genre, I have heard great things about this game and I’m pleased to say that it is.
When you boot up the game, the first thing you’ll notice is perhaps the good looking and very intuitive UI. From the nice usages of asymmetrical shapes and the smoothness of the menus on even the lowest of screen resolutions, the dev team has made snapping from menus-to-gameplay quick and snappy. Perfect for those wanting to play in quick bursts.
And if you head straight into the game, you’ll be greeted with a selection of songs from DJMAX and the mobile TAPSONIC and even a few new original songs from various creators. All of them are pretty nice to listen to. In fact, there is an Original Soundtrack that’s coming at the time of writing, so that just shows how the fans enjoy listening to the game’s music whilst pushing 200 beats per minute. It’s that good.
The foundation of a rhythm game is of course, how it’s played and how well the button presses connect to what you see on-screen. Well, I can say that all of the notes charts are crafted and tuned towards each BPM setting, which could help players learn or master a song quite well. Though I had few difficulties in some patterns on the slower beats, it’s probably on my part not being able to calibrate my settings. The game is hard but quite fair is what I’m getting while playing this game.
Key button presses are also rebindable to your liking, making it easier for those want to edit their key steps to further enhance their enjoyment in playing but, I did experience some keys not responding to my inputs during some instances but again, it’s probably on my part.
For playing the game itself, there’s a lot of modes that could tickle your needs. Besides Solo Play and Arcade mode, where you can play a song and compare your scores with the rest of the world, there’s also Mission mode where you could be playing two to four songs continuously while trying to meet criteria like having a FULL COMBO or not breaking the chain for a certain amount of time. These missions will test even the veterans of the game and it’s quite a fundamental add for those wanting to enjoy the game. All in all, Tapsonic Bold is quite solid on the gameplay front.
In of itself, Tapsonic Bold is quite a good spin-off of DJMAX Respect (which just had a console version released in 2017!) and it’s nice of the guys at Neowiz to bring that experience onto the PC scene. And it seems as though they are going to be constantly updating this game with more songs in the near future, so it will continue to bring in new updates for the time being.
Although, I reckon that after completing all songs and mission modes, there’s isn’t much for the casual players to play on beyond that point due to how easily everything could be played but harder to master. Perhaps the constant updates the devs have planned would elevate this issue in the long run but for now, there isn’t a lot going for after “Completing” the game.
Personal Enjoyment
I actually quite enjoy playing this title for the sole reason of taking me back to the olden days of playing Osu! 1.0 with the keypad notes. And boy am I not as fast as I were in high school. Probably all those years finally catching up to me but it’s actually thrilling to get an S+ rank after panic tapping for 3 minutes each time (which feels longer while playing, I kid you not).
Also here’s in-text how a session of playing would usually go: *PANIC Takakaka INTENSIFIES*
Tapsonic Bold is a pretty good rhythm game in the current indie game market. With its fair shares of quirks and features, it’s a perfect way to enter the genre that is known for quick wits and constant need for replaying to be the best.
Could it be more casual friendly? Perhaps. But for myself, I wouldn’t have it any other way.  It is a spin-off DJMAX after all.
Review copy provided by the publisher.
Tapsonic Bold – Review published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
0 notes
virgiiniaprince · 6 years ago
I’m a beat maker in the same line of business, but luckily...
I’m a beat maker in the same line of business, but luckily (for you) I’ve been on your side of the pond also.
Yes, that’s right! I utilized to call myself an artist and I had this insane fantasy of becoming an effective artist. Sounds familiar?
I utilized to spend hours on Soundclick.com to search for that right track. And when I discovered it, I downloaded the totally free variation (with tags and all) and tape-recorded the next day. I wasn’t even buying the beats online! (Oops. bad example).
So without knowing a thing about blending and mastering, I bounced the track to an MP3 (In low bit-rate so that it would not take too much area on my 128MB MP3 Player) and let all my friends hear it the next day. What do you think their response was? Okay enough, let’s get back on subject and provide you these ideas for buying beats online.
1. Go to the Producer’s own site (even if it’s Soundclick!!).
So, you wish to start buying beats online for your brand-new project( s) and you finally found that heat on, for instance, YouTube or Soundcloud. (Soundclick is not mentioned because it’s slowly dying).
STOP!! Don’t you even begin composing a single word!
Make certain the beat is still readily available. You really do not wish to know the number of times I have had to disappoint a great artist by informing him or her that the beat is no longer available. If your record is actually great, that’s messed up for both of us.
Also, inspect if the site is ‘alive.’ I have whatever operating on auto-pilot so when I’m away for a month whatever still runs smoothly. Not all producers are fortunate to have such an automatic system. Just send an email saying that you want to BUY. If the site lives, you’ll see how fast they are to respond.
By the way: I’ve read some articles from producers about this topic and the suggestions they have for purchasing beats online and somehow they claim you ought to not buy from Soundclick pages. Wow, what’s that about? If the producer’s site is a Soundclick page it truly does not suggest she or he is not trustworthy.
Simply make certain you use PayPal when you’re purchasing beats online. You can constantly open a claim if a producer is not sending you the audio you have actually purchased. (HA-HA! Another tip). 2. Don’t buy the MP3 Leases if you consider yourself an Artist!
Like I mentioned, I utilized to use lousy MP3 formatted tagged files. Given that you’re checking out purchasing beats online instead of downloading them for free, it tells that you’re serious about your craft.
MP3’s are poor quality and you can really tell the difference when you start mastering the last track. Ask any audio engineer you understand.
Significant Labels and A&R’s are constantly searching the online community for possible super star artists. Even if you composed a killer hook, taped lovely harmonies and have actually developed a possible Signboard charting track, when the audio is crap they fast forward to the next track even before they come to that hook.
Tracked-Out leases are the very best alternative because they (usually) consist of the raw files from the production project and have not been restricted or compressed. Unfortunately, this is not constantly in everyone’s spending plan.
Because case; Go for the WAV instead. 3. Know your rights for both special and non-exclusive licenses.
This is pretty apparent, however still, I want to attend to 1 specific topic. You probably know about all the producers having these great overviews with what comes with a particular license and what not. Don’t be fooled!
Everyone who establishes some type of an agreement has fine print added someplace and trust me (or better yet. don’t trust me. Simply trust no one!) it’s not going to be all up in your face while checking out the site.
4. The Online Beat Market is unclear, keep your eyes and ears open!
Wow, I stated it. However it holds true! Finding and purchasing beats online is just too damn easy. You can discover whatever you like and there are 100.000’s of producers out there that have actually produced 1.000.000’s of beats for artists worldwide. However.
MAKE CERTAIN YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE HANDLING! What are music beats? In music and music theory, the beat is the standard unit of time, the pulse (routinely duplicating event), of the mensural level (or beat level). … In popular use, beat can describe a range of associated ideas including: pulse, pace, meter, particular rhythms, and groove.
Have you ever discovered a producer who sells Exclusive OWNERSHIP for $50? I bet you do.
Those are the type of producers who are in it for the quick cash. They are offering you all the rights which is simply plain dumb of them, however likewise an unsafe person to be working with for you.
People who are driven by money and by loan only are the ones who can’t be trusted.
Whenever you’re working with an online producer, especially when it pertains to Exclusive Rights, ensure you have all the documentation reviewed prior to making payment.
Check out all the details and make certain you get a signed copy from the producer once you’ve made the purchase.
This is not an unusual thing to ask and if the producer is credible he will do that for sure. But when he begins acting all weird about it, it’s in your benefit to go out as quickly as you can.
I’m not stating that this is common for all producers who sell $50 exclusives of course! Just know who you are handling. 5. Bulk Offers– The Golden Suggestion (Producer World inside-information right here).
Okay, so state that you went on a producer’s site and you found 3 or 4 beats that you actually like, but your spending plan just enables you to buy 2 today. “Oh well, I’ll simply return later on when I get my income and acquire them then.”.
You’re super excited about it and can’t wait to acquire them and make some hits.
Okay okay, catch your breath and take a minute, because MAN (or lady). INSPECT THE BULK DEALS!
Producers have Bulk Deals going on all the time. Like, buy 1 get 2 free for instance.
You really do not wish to know on the number of celebrations artists acquired 3 licenses from my site while they could have gotten 5 instead. They simply didn’t see the advertisement to add 2 more to their cart free of charge.
I know how hyped you can be while you remain in your zone vibing to those beats. Trust me, I get it! You can’t wait to drop your magic on it but “come on!” Don’t let 2 Free Beats go to waste because of that. So now for the Golden Idea; What if the producer doesn’t have a Bulk deal going on?
United States producers are ALWAYS in to make a deal. Simply inform him that you found 4 beats, however can’t manage to purchase them all right now. Ask if he got any offers going on right now or anytime soon and if he would consider offering 4 for the cost of 2.
You will most likely get a reaction like;“ No, but I can do 4 for the price of 3.”
BOOM!! You just obtained 1 FREE license!
It does depend on how high the total rate of your order will be. Producers are probably to make a deal if the total amount that you are using is anywhere above $50. Just make a deal he can’t refuse.
Try it and you’ll see that it really works! That’s it, people!
These ideas I gave you all came from my personal experiences as both an artist and producer.
Once again; Discovering the best music for your project( s) online is ending up being far too simple. You just need to know what you’re doing and understand a little about the basics before you start purchasing beats online.
If you have any questions about this, let me know and I’ll assist you out with it!
Good luck on your Journey through music.
Nah simply kidding! Keep it fun and keep doing it for the love of music. Do that and you’ll see the opportunities crossing your course soon.
Very First Time Purchasing Beats Online?
I have actually been offering beats online for a number of years. Prior to I began doing anything related to making beats, I sat on the opposite of the table.
I used to rap. I used complimentary beats and I was purchasing beats from online producers.
Since I have actually sat on both sides of the table, I can think of the scenario that you’re in today. The whole reason you’ve decided to read this post.
You’re starting with music, however you’re planning to take this seriously. Or, you’ve currently been doing music for a while however things are starting to get more major. You’re looking into purchasing beats because you’re done using tagged beats. I get it, it’s distracting. Or maybe you have actually reached that level where the rational next step would be to appropriately license the beats you’re utilizing.
☝ If you recognize yourself somewhere in these lines, then you’re right where you need to be.
Because I am going to inform you everything you require to learn about buying beats online! Utilizing Free Beats
Initially, let’s discuss free beats.
The most convenient way to acknowledge a free beat is by the producer tags that you hear every 30 seconds.
When you buy a license for a beat, it will no longer have the tags in it.
If you remain in the ownership of beats without a license arrangement from the producer. Then you might think about that a totally free beat as well.
In that case, you’re not authorized to use it for business functions. Producers vs. Artists conversation on Free Beats
There’s been a conversation going on for many years. Certainly worth explaining a little more.
Producers dislike it when artists request complimentary beats. And yes, it takes place all the time.
When you’re trying to find beats on YouTube. Most of the titles you’ll find state “( FREE) BEAT” or “FREE DL.”
So, they’re providing free beats however then complain about artists utilizing their beats free of charge.
How is that NOT puzzling?.
The reason we do that pertains to marketing methods and ranking on YouTube. It’s simply click bait.
In defence of the producers, including myself. Believe me when I say that many artists are taking advantage of our craft and effort. And that is just ill-mannered if you ask me. What are music instrumentals? An instrumental is a musical composition or recording without lyrics, or singing, although it might include some inarticulate vocals, such as yelled backup vocals in a Big Band setting.
My music is downloaded hundreds of countless times in the last couple of years. Most of them unlawfully.
Envision the headaches …
So, I don’t feel bad about asking somebody to buy a beat with an appropriate license that includes it. It makes it simpler for all parties involved. What can you do with a totally free beat?
Very little … A minimum of, nothing commercially or rewarding.
Submitting on Facebook. Is that commercially? Nowadays, yes.
Very same chooses YouTube and Soundcloud (both are streaming services).
I offer complimentary beats to let artists …
Try it out prior to they purchase. Tape-record vocals and see if their vocals match the key of the beat. Record a demonstration and get feedback prior to buying a license for it.
I am permitting them to ensure that it’ll deserve the investment.
Often I do permit individuals to submit their tunes developed with my complimentary beats to Social network.
But if I want to take the tune down for no factor. It’ll be removed within minutes.
Yes, I can do that. Do not mess with free beats!
It’s amusing due to the fact that there is really no such thing as a FREE BEAT. If you are going to request for something totally free, ask for a free LICENSE.
If you’re using a beat for which you haven’t gotten a license agreement in composing from the producer. You’re unapproved to use it. And you might get in severe difficulty.
As you can see, the statutory damages for copyright violation are unbelievably high. Believe me, you don’t wish to tinker that.
Buying beats online– How does it work?
By acquiring a beat, you are purchasing audio files that are copyrighted by the producer. In return for your payment, the producer grants you several rights to use the beat.
This is what we call the License Arrangement. There is a difference in between:
Non-exclusive licenses Unique licenses.
The most significant difference is that a non-exclusive license for one beat can be offered to several artists.
Yet, an exclusive license can just be offered when and to one artist only.
In this short article, I will just resolve the subject of non-exclusive licensing.
Different licensing choices– Which one to select?
Online producers use different licensing choices. In my case, I have 3 options.
Fundamental Premium Endless
Some producers call them MP3 Lease, WAV Lease or Requirement Lease however it pretty much works the very same.
The more pricey your license, the more rights you obtain from the producer.
Also, the more costly your license, the much better quality audio files you will receive.
So, what is the very best choice?
I am not gon na lie. The majority of people that are purchasing beats online choose the cheaper licenses. One that includes fewer user-rights and low-grade audio files The user-rights approved in those cheaper licenses might be enough for them.
Yet, more notably are the quality of the audio files.
If you’re looking to develop quality music or at least wish to make music properly. Then make certain you get the Tracked Out files.
If possible, always opt for a license that features Tracked Out Files. In my case, that would be the Premium or Endless license.
Once I purchase a beat– Do I own any copyright?
When you write your lyrics and tape it over the beat, you will own the copyright to your lyrics just. And what you will develop with the beat is a Brand-new Song, also called a “Acquired Work.”
This implies that you will own and manage 50% of the so-called “Writer’s Share.”
The producer will own and manage the other 50% of writer’s share.
You do not own the master or the sound recording rights because New Tune.
You have been accredited the right to utilize the beat and commercially make use of the song you make with it. Based upon the conditions of the license arrangement you’ve purchased.
The producer will stay the sole owner and holder of all right, title, and interest in the Beat. Consisting of all copyrights to and in the sound recording. And the underlying musical compositions, written and composed by the producer.
What if I purchase a non-exclusive license, then another person acquires the exclusive license for that same beat?
When it concerns buying beats online, you’re given the rights that you received when you purchased the beat.
So, when someone else purchases the special rights, it will not (immediately) affect you.
But there are some things you need to understand …
In the old days, you were approved the user rights in the non-exclusive licenses for life. And most producers still operate in this manner.
Nowadays, some producers offer licenses that end after 2-4 years. In my case, my licenses end after 4 years.
This means that you will have to purchase a new license after that term.
If somebody purchased the unique rights throughout your term. That will only suggest that you will no longer be able to restore your license. After your term is due.
Producers don’t always reveal this details in their licensing tables. Ensure you check that before you make the purchase.
Another thing!
I’ve discovered just recently that some producers install a new term in their license arrangement.
One that grants the producer the right to end your license agreement even before your term is due.
The producer includes in their arrangements that they’re enabled to end the license contract upon composed notice to you.
In return, they will pay you double or triple of what you have actually at first spent for the beat.
That does not have to be a problem for you, however whether it is, depends entirely on the success of your song.
Always examine your agreements prior to buying beats online!
Purchasing beats online– Is it safe?
Many producers use a Beat Store Provider to sell their beats online. The most common ones are:
BeatStars.com Airbit.com
These platforms both have an excellent credibility for representing producers and their music. That’s why a lot of producers’ websites and music gamers look the same.
These music gamers have instant shipment after checkout.
After you have actually made the payment, you will be redirected to a download location. And you’ll also receive an order confirmation by email.
If you’re not sure if a producer is affiliated with among these platforms. Go to the BeatStars or Airbit site and search for the producers’ name.
If they are on it, you can make the purchase from BeatStars’ or Airbit’s Market, just to be safe.
If they’re not on these platforms, connect to the producer with any issues you have. They’ll respond as soon as you tell them that you’re interested in purchasing beats from them.
Before you connect; Ensure you have actually checked the website for a FAQ section. If you’re asking questions for which the responses are right in front of you, they do not constantly react.
Remember … On platforms like BeatStars and Airbit, producers still develop their own license agreements. They operate on their own terms.
Prior to you buy a beat, always check the full license arrangements or licensing terms.
Like I said, those flashy prices tables don’t always reveal you whatever!.
Here are some tips for purchasing beats online:.
Pay with PayPal or Stripe. Inspect if the producer sells through a BeatStars or Airbit gamer. Read the License Agreements. Reach out to the producer with your issues.
I’m a beat maker in the same line of business, but luckily... posted first on https://the4th3rd.tumblr.com
0 notes
aprilpillkington · 6 years ago
I’m a beat maker in the same line of business, but luckily...
I’m a beat maker in the same line of business, but luckily (for you) I’ve been on your side of the pond also.
Yes, that’s right! I utilized to call myself an artist and I had this insane fantasy of becoming an effective artist. Sounds familiar?
I utilized to spend hours on Soundclick.com to search for that right track. And when I discovered it, I downloaded the totally free variation (with tags and all) and tape-recorded the next day. I wasn’t even buying the beats online! (Oops. bad example).
So without knowing a thing about blending and mastering, I bounced the track to an MP3 (In low bit-rate so that it would not take too much area on my 128MB MP3 Player) and let all my friends hear it the next day. What do you think their response was? Okay enough, let’s get back on subject and provide you these ideas for buying beats online.
1. Go to the Producer’s own site (even if it’s Soundclick!!).
So, you wish to start buying beats online for your brand-new project( s) and you finally found that heat on, for instance, YouTube or Soundcloud. (Soundclick is not mentioned because it’s slowly dying).
STOP!! Don’t you even begin composing a single word!
Make certain the beat is still readily available. You really do not wish to know the number of times I have had to disappoint a great artist by informing him or her that the beat is no longer available. If your record is actually great, that’s messed up for both of us.
Also, inspect if the site is ‘alive.’ I have whatever operating on auto-pilot so when I’m away for a month whatever still runs smoothly. Not all producers are fortunate to have such an automatic system. Just send an email saying that you want to BUY. If the site lives, you’ll see how fast they are to respond.
By the way: I’ve read some articles from producers about this topic and the suggestions they have for purchasing beats online and somehow they claim you ought to not buy from Soundclick pages. Wow, what’s that about? If the producer’s site is a Soundclick page it truly does not suggest she or he is not trustworthy.
Simply make certain you use PayPal when you’re purchasing beats online. You can constantly open a claim if a producer is not sending you the audio you have actually purchased. (HA-HA! Another tip). 2. Don’t buy the MP3 Leases if you consider yourself an Artist!
Like I mentioned, I utilized to use lousy MP3 formatted tagged files. Given that you’re checking out purchasing beats online instead of downloading them for free, it tells that you’re serious about your craft.
MP3’s are poor quality and you can really tell the difference when you start mastering the last track. Ask any audio engineer you understand.
Significant Labels and A&R’s are constantly searching the online community for possible super star artists. Even if you composed a killer hook, taped lovely harmonies and have actually developed a possible Signboard charting track, when the audio is crap they fast forward to the next track even before they come to that hook.
Tracked-Out leases are the very best alternative because they (usually) consist of the raw files from the production project and have not been restricted or compressed. Unfortunately, this is not constantly in everyone’s spending plan.
Because case; Go for the WAV instead. 3. Know your rights for both special and non-exclusive licenses.
This is pretty apparent, however still, I want to attend to 1 specific topic. You probably know about all the producers having these great overviews with what comes with a particular license and what not. Don’t be fooled!
Everyone who establishes some type of an agreement has fine print added someplace and trust me (or better yet. don’t trust me. Simply trust no one!) it’s not going to be all up in your face while checking out the site.
4. The Online Beat Market is unclear, keep your eyes and ears open!
Wow, I stated it. However it holds true! Finding and purchasing beats online is just too damn easy. You can discover whatever you like and there are 100.000’s of producers out there that have actually produced 1.000.000’s of beats for artists worldwide. However.
MAKE CERTAIN YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE HANDLING! What are music beats? In music and music theory, the beat is the standard unit of time, the pulse (routinely duplicating event), of the mensural level (or beat level). … In popular use, beat can describe a range of associated ideas including: pulse, pace, meter, particular rhythms, and groove.
Have you ever discovered a producer who sells Exclusive OWNERSHIP for $50? I bet you do.
Those are the type of producers who are in it for the quick cash. They are offering you all the rights which is simply plain dumb of them, however likewise an unsafe person to be working with for you.
People who are driven by money and by loan only are the ones who can’t be trusted.
Whenever you’re working with an online producer, especially when it pertains to Exclusive Rights, ensure you have all the documentation reviewed prior to making payment.
Check out all the details and make certain you get a signed copy from the producer once you’ve made the purchase.
This is not an unusual thing to ask and if the producer is credible he will do that for sure. But when he begins acting all weird about it, it’s in your benefit to go out as quickly as you can.
I’m not stating that this is common for all producers who sell $50 exclusives of course! Just know who you are handling. 5. Bulk Offers– The Golden Suggestion (Producer World inside-information right here).
Okay, so state that you went on a producer’s site and you found 3 or 4 beats that you actually like, but your spending plan just enables you to buy 2 today. “Oh well, I’ll simply return later on when I get my income and acquire them then.”.
You’re super excited about it and can’t wait to acquire them and make some hits.
Okay okay, catch your breath and take a minute, because MAN (or lady). INSPECT THE BULK DEALS!
Producers have Bulk Deals going on all the time. Like, buy 1 get 2 free for instance.
You really do not wish to know on the number of celebrations artists acquired 3 licenses from my site while they could have gotten 5 instead. They simply didn’t see the advertisement to add 2 more to their cart free of charge.
I know how hyped you can be while you remain in your zone vibing to those beats. Trust me, I get it! You can’t wait to drop your magic on it but “come on!” Don’t let 2 Free Beats go to waste because of that. So now for the Golden Idea; What if the producer doesn’t have a Bulk deal going on?
United States producers are ALWAYS in to make a deal. Simply inform him that you found 4 beats, however can’t manage to purchase them all right now. Ask if he got any offers going on right now or anytime soon and if he would consider offering 4 for the cost of 2.
You will most likely get a reaction like;“ No, but I can do 4 for the price of 3.”
BOOM!! You just obtained 1 FREE license!
It does depend on how high the total rate of your order will be. Producers are probably to make a deal if the total amount that you are using is anywhere above $50. Just make a deal he can’t refuse.
Try it and you’ll see that it really works! That’s it, people!
These ideas I gave you all came from my personal experiences as both an artist and producer.
Once again; Discovering the best music for your project( s) online is ending up being far too simple. You just need to know what you’re doing and understand a little about the basics before you start purchasing beats online.
If you have any questions about this, let me know and I’ll assist you out with it!
Good luck on your Journey through music.
Nah simply kidding! Keep it fun and keep doing it for the love of music. Do that and you’ll see the opportunities crossing your course soon.
Very First Time Purchasing Beats Online?
I have actually been offering beats online for a number of years. Prior to I began doing anything related to making beats, I sat on the opposite of the table.
I used to rap. I used complimentary beats and I was purchasing beats from online producers.
Since I have actually sat on both sides of the table, I can think of the scenario that you’re in today. The whole reason you’ve decided to read this post.
You’re starting with music, however you’re planning to take this seriously. Or, you’ve currently been doing music for a while however things are starting to get more major. You’re looking into purchasing beats because you’re done using tagged beats. I get it, it’s distracting. Or maybe you have actually reached that level where the rational next step would be to appropriately license the beats you’re utilizing.
☝ If you recognize yourself somewhere in these lines, then you’re right where you need to be.
Because I am going to inform you everything you require to learn about buying beats online! Utilizing Free Beats
Initially, let’s discuss free beats.
The most convenient way to acknowledge a free beat is by the producer tags that you hear every 30 seconds.
When you buy a license for a beat, it will no longer have the tags in it.
If you remain in the ownership of beats without a license arrangement from the producer. Then you might think about that a totally free beat as well.
In that case, you’re not authorized to use it for business functions. Producers vs. Artists conversation on Free Beats
There’s been a conversation going on for many years. Certainly worth explaining a little more.
Producers dislike it when artists request complimentary beats. And yes, it takes place all the time.
When you’re trying to find beats on YouTube. Most of the titles you’ll find state “( FREE) BEAT” or “FREE DL.”
So, they’re providing free beats however then complain about artists utilizing their beats free of charge.
How is that NOT puzzling?.
The reason we do that pertains to marketing methods and ranking on YouTube. It’s simply click bait.
In defence of the producers, including myself. Believe me when I say that many artists are taking advantage of our craft and effort. And that is just ill-mannered if you ask me. What are music instrumentals? An instrumental is a musical composition or recording without lyrics, or singing, although it might include some inarticulate vocals, such as yelled backup vocals in a Big Band setting.
My music is downloaded hundreds of countless times in the last couple of years. Most of them unlawfully.
Envision the headaches …
So, I don’t feel bad about asking somebody to buy a beat with an appropriate license that includes it. It makes it simpler for all parties involved. What can you do with a totally free beat?
Very little … A minimum of, nothing commercially or rewarding.
Submitting on Facebook. Is that commercially? Nowadays, yes.
Very same chooses YouTube and Soundcloud (both are streaming services).
I offer complimentary beats to let artists …
Try it out prior to they purchase. Tape-record vocals and see if their vocals match the key of the beat. Record a demonstration and get feedback prior to buying a license for it.
I am permitting them to ensure that it’ll deserve the investment.
Often I do permit individuals to submit their tunes developed with my complimentary beats to Social network.
But if I want to take the tune down for no factor. It’ll be removed within minutes.
Yes, I can do that. Do not mess with free beats!
It’s amusing due to the fact that there is really no such thing as a FREE BEAT. If you are going to request for something totally free, ask for a free LICENSE.
If you’re using a beat for which you haven’t gotten a license agreement in composing from the producer. You’re unapproved to use it. And you might get in severe difficulty.
As you can see, the statutory damages for copyright violation are unbelievably high. Believe me, you don’t wish to tinker that.
Buying beats online– How does it work?
By acquiring a beat, you are purchasing audio files that are copyrighted by the producer. In return for your payment, the producer grants you several rights to use the beat.
This is what we call the License Arrangement. There is a difference in between:
Non-exclusive licenses Unique licenses.
The most significant difference is that a non-exclusive license for one beat can be offered to several artists.
Yet, an exclusive license can just be offered when and to one artist only.
In this short article, I will just resolve the subject of non-exclusive licensing.
Different licensing choices– Which one to select?
Online producers use different licensing choices. In my case, I have 3 options.
Fundamental Premium Endless
Some producers call them MP3 Lease, WAV Lease or Requirement Lease however it pretty much works the very same.
The more pricey your license, the more rights you obtain from the producer.
Also, the more costly your license, the much better quality audio files you will receive.
So, what is the very best choice?
I am not gon na lie. The majority of people that are purchasing beats online choose the cheaper licenses. One that includes fewer user-rights and low-grade audio files The user-rights approved in those cheaper licenses might be enough for them.
Yet, more notably are the quality of the audio files.
If you’re looking to develop quality music or at least wish to make music properly. Then make certain you get the Tracked Out files.
If possible, always opt for a license that features Tracked Out Files. In my case, that would be the Premium or Endless license.
Once I purchase a beat– Do I own any copyright?
When you write your lyrics and tape it over the beat, you will own the copyright to your lyrics just. And what you will develop with the beat is a Brand-new Song, also called a “Acquired Work.”
This implies that you will own and manage 50% of the so-called “Writer’s Share.”
The producer will own and manage the other 50% of writer’s share.
You do not own the master or the sound recording rights because New Tune.
You have been accredited the right to utilize the beat and commercially make use of the song you make with it. Based upon the conditions of the license arrangement you’ve purchased.
The producer will stay the sole owner and holder of all right, title, and interest in the Beat. Consisting of all copyrights to and in the sound recording. And the underlying musical compositions, written and composed by the producer.
What if I purchase a non-exclusive license, then another person acquires the exclusive license for that same beat?
When it concerns buying beats online, you’re given the rights that you received when you purchased the beat.
So, when someone else purchases the special rights, it will not (immediately) affect you.
But there are some things you need to understand …
In the old days, you were approved the user rights in the non-exclusive licenses for life. And most producers still operate in this manner.
Nowadays, some producers offer licenses that end after 2-4 years. In my case, my licenses end after 4 years.
This means that you will have to purchase a new license after that term.
If somebody purchased the unique rights throughout your term. That will only suggest that you will no longer be able to restore your license. After your term is due.
Producers don’t always reveal this details in their licensing tables. Ensure you check that before you make the purchase.
Another thing!
I’ve discovered just recently that some producers install a new term in their license arrangement.
One that grants the producer the right to end your license agreement even before your term is due.
The producer includes in their arrangements that they’re enabled to end the license contract upon composed notice to you.
In return, they will pay you double or triple of what you have actually at first spent for the beat.
That does not have to be a problem for you, however whether it is, depends entirely on the success of your song.
Always examine your agreements prior to buying beats online!
Purchasing beats online– Is it safe?
Many producers use a Beat Store Provider to sell their beats online. The most common ones are:
BeatStars.com Airbit.com
These platforms both have an excellent credibility for representing producers and their music. That’s why a lot of producers’ websites and music gamers look the same.
These music gamers have instant shipment after checkout.
After you have actually made the payment, you will be redirected to a download location. And you’ll also receive an order confirmation by email.
If you’re not sure if a producer is affiliated with among these platforms. Go to the BeatStars or Airbit site and search for the producers’ name.
If they are on it, you can make the purchase from BeatStars’ or Airbit’s Market, just to be safe.
If they’re not on these platforms, connect to the producer with any issues you have. They’ll respond as soon as you tell them that you’re interested in purchasing beats from them.
Before you connect; Ensure you have actually checked the website for a FAQ section. If you’re asking questions for which the responses are right in front of you, they do not constantly react.
Remember … On platforms like BeatStars and Airbit, producers still develop their own license agreements. They operate on their own terms.
Prior to you buy a beat, always check the full license arrangements or licensing terms.
Like I said, those flashy prices tables don’t always reveal you whatever!.
Here are some tips for purchasing beats online:.
Pay with PayPal or Stripe. Inspect if the producer sells through a BeatStars or Airbit gamer. Read the License Agreements. Reach out to the producer with your issues.
I’m a beat maker in the same line of business, but luckily... published first on https://the4th3rd.tumblr.com
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bmaxwell · 6 years ago
Top Games of 2018
For me 2018 was the year of Playstation VR. I never felt especially drawn to VR, assuming I’d give it a try one day years from now when the tech would be improved and more affordable. My buddy brought his headset over and I tried it out briefly but wasn’t blown away. My kids loved it though, so when opportunity presented itself, I traded in my Nintendo Switch* for my own PSVR bundle. 
Apart from that, 2018 wasn’t as strong a year for my kind of games as 2017 was. Most of the AAA blockbusters of year didn’t quite land for me or weren’t appealing enough to make me want to try them at full price. 
That said, I still had to put some games I genuinely enjoyed outside of my top 10. We’ll start off with a couple of categories I’d like to call out before getting into the ones that didn’t quite make the cut, followed by my ordered top 10.
Old Game of the Year:  SUPERHOT VR
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2018 was the year of PSVR for me. SUPERHOT VR pulled off the triple header of making me feel like a total badass, making me feel like a clown, and reminding me of how wholly out of shape I am.
In the world of SUPERHOT time only moves when you move. The VR stages each take only a minute or two, and are played in batches of ~5. When you are killed, you start that batch over from the beginning. At first, I hated this. I don’t want to replay the same stuff again and again! But then I started getting familiar enough with these encounters to do them really fast, make no-look shots and the such. And it feels fucking awesome.
The game made me feel like a clown when, after finishing a stage where I was ducking behind a low wall for cover, I reached out to put my hand on the wall to help me stand up and promptly fell right on my ass. This happened more than once.
One time I was sweating profusely after a SUPERHOT VR session and my wife asked “You okay?’ the way you’d ask a child if they’re okay after picking up all of their toys. “Superhot is a workout!” was my response. She just looked at me with a smile that said “That’s stupid in an adorable way.” 
I amend my statement to “Superhot VR is a workout for people who don’t work out.”
Also very good old games: Persona 4, Transistor, American Truck Simulator, The Lion’s Song
Best Music: Donut County
Sometimes it’s nearly impossible to separate a game from its music. One feels incomplete without the other. So it is with Donut County.
Also some fine music: Moonlighter, Pit People, Tetris Effect
Honorable mention:  Return of the Obra Dinn
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This game is such an impressive package. The visuals, the audio design, the entire concept is just cool and unique. I wish I was better at the game. There’s some combination of intelligence, patience, and focus that I lack for Obra Dinn. I have started over twice as of now. 
The game casts the player as a sort of insurance claims adjuster auditing a recently-discovered ship that had disappeared 5 years ago (in 1803). You are equipped with a magic pocket watch that lets you see and hear the last moment of each person’s life on the boat, you get to walk around a still scene like a diorama. You're tasked with figuring out each person’s name and how they died. It requires attention to detail, deductive reasoning, and a few minor suppositions along the way.
It is such a neat thing and it is so exhausting and difficult for me. If I could find a way to grapple with it in a satisfactory way, it would be very near the top of this list.
Honorable mention: Yoku’s Island Express
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Developer Villa Gorilla threw together Metroidvania gameplay, a light and breezy tropical setting, and pinball of all things and gave us Yoku’s Island Express. It’s a charming, well-made little game. I wasn’t sure it would come together as well as it did. It sounds like a gimmick, but it’s a quality game full of personality. I had it mentally penciled in on my top 10 until very late in the year. 
Honorable mention: Dead Cells
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Dead Cells is one of those games that appeals greatly to me on paper. The controls are tight, there are plenty of unlockables to work toward, and the game makes it easy to get into a good rhythm flowing from fight to fight. I put a lot of time into the game and, while I enjoy and admire it, Dead Cells never really hooked me the way I thought it would. I still had a great time with it, it just never quite reached my too-high expectations.
Honorable mention:  Florence
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It’s hard for me to know how to rank a game like Florence. It took me about 30 minutes to complete from start to finish and there isn’t much cause to replay it. I try to judge a game by how well it does what it sets out to do, and by that metric Florence was a huge success.
This largely dialogue-free mobile game beautifully captures the feeling of finding romance and tells a touching story that doesn’t play out in the way I expected. The music is gorgeous, and the game makes good use of the phone’s touch interface.
In this day and age, a short mobile game that you have to pay for ($3!?! *gasp*) is a hard sell for a lot of people, which is a shame because Florence is a work of art that deserves to be played.
10. Gris
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Seems like every year there’s one game that sneaks in right at the end of the year and complicates the top 10 list. This year that game was Gris. Gris may be the most artistically beautiful game I’ve ever played. The closest thing I can compare it to is Journey, though they aren’t similar enough to feel like one would make the other obsolete. Gris’ visuals are creative and inspired.  They frequently match the game’s melancholy tone, but they are also often vibrant, lush, and playful. It’s outstanding music walks hand in hand with the visuals, with mournful piano and strings.
Something impressed me about Gris is that it doesn’t feel like it’s trying too hard to be a video game, it is content with being a piece of art (something I wish I could say for 2017′s Hellblade, a near-miss for me that failed in this regard). There are no enemies to fight. No pits to fall in. And those elements gave me a freedom to explore with abandon. The game was never going to kill me or punish me for wandering off the track. The game’s puzzles never got complicated enough to fluster me, pulling me out of the experience. 
The game tells you very little in the way of story, leaving you to take from the imagery what you will. Because of that, it didn’t quite resonate with me the way Journey did. Gris isn’t a great video game, but it is a great experience that knows how to get out of its own way.
9. Tetris Effect
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Tetris is one of the best pure, easy to learn but tough to master video games ever made. The Tetris Effect added trippy visuals and terrific music along with the ability to play the game in VR. I’ve heard plenty of people say “I’m not paying $40 for Tetris.” While I can understand that approach maybe if you’ve bought a lot of the many versions of Tetris to have come out over years, the price tag is justified by how much the additional effects add to the experience
Tetris Effect bills itself as a trippy experience where you can, like just chill out and think about how we’re all connected and just, like, we’re all together, right? Get into a zen place with some Tetris and some chill music and, like, maybe you play Tetris in a dark room where every time you complete a line, the windows open momentarily letting some light in. Or maybe it’s snowy Tetris where each line is accompanied by the sound of snow crunching under winter boots. The game has dolphins, and birds, and windmills and just, like....space....man.
The crazy thing is, that all works. Especially in VR. A game where I’m Tetrissing against a backdrop of hot air balloons and hearing a song about how all of life is connected could have easily come off as tryhardy, hammy, and insincere. But Tetris Effect was a hopeful bright spot in a year that saw a lot of darkness.
8. The Red Strings Club
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This game’s themes of control and free will set in a dystopian future really resonated with me this year. The way you pour different drinks to put people in a specific mood during conversations is really inventive and just plain fun. Red Strings Club made me think about my world views and question them, which is rare for a game to pull off. It overstayed its welcome a little bit near the end, but it was still one of the most memorable experiences of the year.
7. Donut County
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When I finished Donut County, I was initially a little disappointed. I played the game from start to finish in about 2 hours, and I wanted more. I think that’s a normal reaction, I also believe that there’s value in a game that does what it does well and finishes before it overstays its welcome (see also: Moonlighter). On its surface, Donut County is a game about swallowing things up into an ever-widening hole in the ground. Looking a little deeper, it’s about gentrification and how those with privilege have no regard for those without.
BK is an awful little shit, but he’s also an adorable and well-written little shit. The game’s dialogue is smartly written and conveys conversations sent via text in a believable way. The soundtrack is a toe-tapping joy, and once again this game does not overstay its welcome.
6. Moonlighter
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A few years ago I played game called Recettear where you owned a shop dealing in fantasy RPG goods, and alternated between dungeon delving for stock and haggling over prices selling that stock in your shop. I never quite fell in love with that game, but I thought the concept showed a lot of potential. I’m surprised that we haven’t seen more of it. So when Moonlighter came along with its “get shit from the dungeons and sell it in your store” premise and and gorgeous pixel graphics, I was all in. When I heard the music, I knew this would be in my top 10 for the year. 2018′s game music pales in comparison to 2017 (as do most other years) but Moonlighter’s music was among the best of the year.
Everything about the town is peaceful and soothing, which is important in a game like this. Finding respite, and caring about home gives context to everything, and helps anchor me to the game. If the town is uninspired then there’s a voice in the back of my head while I’m fighting in the dungeons asking “Why do you care about any of this?” The dungeon runs have a lovely push your luck element where going deeper means more danger but also more wealth, and I am great/awful about convincing myself to push for one more floor.
The game isn’t without its faults, most glaringly the inventory system. You have to constantly move things around your backpack and throw stuff out, and there was no mouse support so a tedious task became mind-numbing. Which is a shame, because the game gives you good reason to be constantly shuffling things around your inventory. I also would have liked a few more options in the town for upgrades and new buildings, but the flip side of that coin is that Moonlighter took me about 20 hours to complete and never wore out its welcome. It left me wanting more, but I’m not sure that the gameplay loop would have held up for longer. It serves as a good reminder that not every game needs to be padded out to a 40+ hour experience.
5. Dragon Quest XI
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My very first RPG experience was Dragon Warrior on the NES. The experience of walking out of the starting village and fighting a smiling blue slime with a cypress stick is big part of my gamer DNA. Dragon Quest has never forgotten its roots - to a fault, some would say. It’s a valid complaint, but not one that I share.
One of my favorite games ever was Dragon Quest VIII on the PS2. I hadn’t played a Dragon Warrior Quest game since IV on the NES, and DQ8 recaptured those crusty old RPG’s that made me fall in love with the genre. Dragon Quest XI feels like more of Dragon Quest VIII, and that is no bad thing.
Give me more turn-based combat set in a colorful world full of the best worst puns, goofy monsters, where I am a mute hero who must save the world from the great evil. It’s tired old Japanese RPG tropes all the way, and I am along for every mile of this ride.
4. Moss
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Moss was not my first VR experience, but it was the game that really made me a believer in the medium. The game feels like being inside a diorama. You’re guiding your adorable little mouse heroine Quill on a journey to find her uncle. Much like with Astro Bot, making me fall in love with the character went a long way toward making me fall in love with the game.
The beauty of the forests broken up by moments in the library as the day turns to night and the candle burns lower and lower really made this feel like it was mine in a way that is rare for a game. I felt like a kid again for a few hours, something I never expected to feel again. The moment to moment gameplay is pretty by the book, and it isn’t impressive in screenshots or video. But that feeling of “Holy shit I’m inside this video game!” is something I won’t forget.
3 .Slay the Spire
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Slay the Spire is another game that reminds me how futile and silly it is to take these things seriously. How do I compare a card game to an RPG to a racing game to a game about rolling debris up into a giant ball?
If this list were ordered by time spent playing, Slay the Spire would be number one as I am nearing 300 hours. It’s a deckbuilding rogue like with 3 different classes, each with their own unique set of cards. You move from room to room through a map doing combat, buying cards, resting at campsites, and engaging in little story events. Each run has the controlled chaos of doing your best with the choices you are given. Most runs follow an arc where I come up with a plan for how to my deck effective, I feel unbeatable for a short time, then it all falls apart and I can’t believe I lost.
Don’t let the visuals put you off (I don’t think they’re bad but they’re not my style). Don’t be scared off by the term “rogue like”. Play Slay the Spire. It is perfect at what it does.
2. Monster Hunter World
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Like a lot of people, I’d never played a Monster Hunter game before and only knew of it as a weird, opaque Japanese game about fighting monsters. World was touted as a more welcoming game in the series, a Monster Hunter for the rest of us. And the fact that the game does a rotten job of onboarding new players to go along with the game’s awful implementation of (fun once you get it working) multiplayer were just enough to help me tip it down into my #2 slot.
Monster Hunter World scratched an itch I’ve had since I fell off PS2′s Demon Souls years ago after a dozen hours or so. It’s a game that made me work at it to appreciate the experience. The Barroth (the 5th monster you hunt) was the first monster to kill me, and it did so repeatedly. It was a point in the game that forced me to decide whether to work at improving or give up. I looked at the Barroth’s weaknesses in my journal, changed my gear accordingly, and loaded up on items before heading back out. This was the moment I fell in love with Monster Hunter World in a way that led to me putting over 100 hours into the game on my own, then more again with a friend playing on PC.
Monster Hunter World is a game where I got more powerful over time not just because of getting better gear, but because I feel myself getting more skilled at the game. Improving mastery is an incredibly satisfying feeling in any game,  and this one had me sitting at the end of the bed playing into the small hours of the morning, continuously doing One More Hunt when I knew I should have gone to bed hours ago.
1. Astro Bot Rescue Mission 
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Monster Hunter World dropped early in 2018 and had me captivated for months. I loved it and, after looking at the 2018 release schedule, mentally penciled it in as my likely 2018 game of the year. That held true for most of the year, until the most unlikely hero of all came along: a corporate mascot in a character platformer. I mean, it’s a robot wearing a fucking PSVR helmet. 
The robot rescue portion of Sony’s tech demo-esque Playroom VR was the highlight of that experience, but by no means was the idea of an entire standalone game a slam dunk for me. Quite the opposite. In fact, I would have likely never given the game a second thought had the game not started receiving the kind of praise I couldn’t ignore. People were saying that it did for VR what Super Mario 64 did for 3d platformers. 
That elicited one of those “What?! Bullshit!....let me see that.” responses from me. As it turns out, that’s a pretty fair comparison.
Astro Bot isn’t just an excellent platformer that happens to be in VR; it feels more like a well-made character platformer elevated to greatness by way of VR. The world is vibrant and joyous, but it also does an incredible job of integrating the player into the game world. In Astro Bot the player’s perspective is behind the robot you are controlling. He is ever running forward and you are being pulled along with him. This isn’t terribly unusual, the player is the god controlling his tiny avatar and surveying the world before them. And it is so with Astro Bot, at least at first glance.
It doesn’t take long to realize that you are in the game world. You have a physical form. You cast a shadow. Your little Astro Bot buddy will occasionally look up at you and wave excitedly. I wanted to hate this. But couldn’t. He is goddamned adorable. The entire game is goddamned adorable.
The stages are colorful and inventive. And they involve the player in some pretty creative ways. Obstacles and enemies must be headbutted. Your controller will get different modifications from time to time, changing it into a water blaster, or an automatic gun (that feels like it is shooting tennis balls), or a hookshot. The game frequently rewards being inquisitive about its environment. Peeking down over an edge, or around a corner, or standing up from your seat to look around typically pays off with some coins, or a little robot to rescue. 
And the little robots are so ecstatic when you rescue them. They fly around the screen and land in the touch pad on your controller. They pop out and wave at you gleefully before disappearing until the end of the stage where all the bots you rescued do a little dance for you. Your Astro Bot does the Carlton Dance. I can’t not love this. I really did try.
*I love the Switch hardware. I really do. And the library of ports is getting more impressive every day. I just wish it had more exclusives I could get into.
0 notes
djpunjabthings-blog · 7 years ago
Listen to our Punjabi Songs
Figure whos back? Jovan brings you section 3 of the Punjabi Music Industry blog. Recently, there has been much discuss craftsmen purchasing their own particular music to climb the music diagrams and rankings! I discovered for you what these specialists think about that! The help keeps on developing, the connections that I have been working with specialists have been developing and can hardly wait to continue carrying you folks greater and better with each blog I convey to you! For this version I have conveyed to you; Jaz Dhami, Bups Saggu, Panjabi Hit Squad, Geeta Zaildar, Serena Kern, Harsimran Singh and PropheC! Download Djpunjab Mp3 Song. How could you get to where you are at this moment in the Punjabi music industry, what made you so effective? Clearly, music has changed a great deal finished the years, what are your contemplations on what it used to be and what it is currently? There are presently an excessive number of specialists now who purchase their own particular music to support their evaluations and get themselves up the music graphs/rankings ... What do you think about the present circumstance in our industry? What would we be able to anticipate from you later on? Would we be able to expect some single or a collection sooner rather than later? Jaz Dhami JAZ DHAMI – "Separating it into a couple of sentences is a little troublesome on the grounds that there's been a long procedure of learning, commitment and forfeit. You need to comprehend I've been on this excursion since I was 9 years of age – do you recollect how being 9 was? Most children go through it playing out with their companions or on their PC diversions, my father made them sit before a harmonium learning. I need to concede in those days I simply needed to play out, and felt desirous of alternate children. However, thinking back now if my father hadn't imparted that teach in me I wouldn't have possessed the capacity to cut my melodic way similarly. So I'd say my responsibility regarding gaining from a youthful age had a major impact in the prizes I'm ready to procure now – on the off chance that I hadn't experienced the thorough preparing that I have, at that point I'd never have the capacity to unhesitatingly perform close by a portion of the nations most prominent symphonies. I was sufficiently fortunate to procure the abilities that I have, that thusly gave me the certainty to try different things with the melodies I've delivered and that has had a major part to play in any achievement that I have accomplished. Music and the way it's discharged has changed hugely. I think the expressive substance and musicality by and large was more grounded in the 80/90's, it's turned out to be so natural for individuals to put music out and expend music – which in my eyes has made it dispensable and the quality general is inadequate. I feel like individuals are pursuing the notoriety as opposed to having a veritable energy for the specialty of singing or making music, being perceived in their neighborhood market has now turned out to be more critical than making something believable. I believe there's a considerable measure of self-sense of self boosting going on yet who are we joking? Toward the day's end, you recognize what's certifiable and so forth. A hit record doesn't need that spot on the diagram, A hit just emerges and does its activity around the globe. Being number 1 doesn't really mean a melody is effective in the Asian business. We see tunes that are number 1 one week, hopping straight out of the outline the next week. I think those specialists purchasing their own track ought to possibly put that cash either into their item or to enhancing their aptitude base. We don't see huge Punjabi craftsmen like Gurdas Maan and Satinder Sartaj topping the diagrams yet they're as yet the greatest visiting Punjabi specialists over the globe – that is a genuine measure of accomplishment. Hitting number 1 with any track is constantly decent however it's not the most important thing in the world, I don't trust that it ought to be the concentration while delivering and discharging a melody. I'm taking a shot at such huge numbers of new melodies with some awesome makers. I'm amped up for the Bollywood ventures I'm taking a shot at but at the same time there's some genuine Bhangra bangers in the pipeline. I have two or three tracks with Tigerstyle who's hard working attitude I truly respect. I've likewise got an extremely cool move floor melody with Punjabi maker Jatinder Shah (meh Punjabi boli ah). I will discharge singles for years to come, that'll ideally prompt a collection." Look at Jaz's most up to date track 'Sithneyan' on Youtube panjabihitsquad Panjabi Hit Squad – "For Panjabi Hit Squad it's dependably been about diligent work and understanding our gathering of people. We have dependably prided ourselves on taking Panjabi music to the majority, regardless of whether it's through our week by week radio show on BBC Asian Network/BBC 1Xtra, performing at celebrations like Glastonbury/Liverpool worldwide music celebration or working with Nike and Apple. The more introduction we give the music and culture the greater it develops. Current bhangra music is for the age now. Individuals make correlations yet it's uncalled for. In the 90's you had one of the 'brilliant era's' of our music. Clubbers were pressing 3000+ to see Malkit singh, Alaap, Heera, B21 ect now the more youthful age have a great deal more they can tune in to. With social media,Youtube and Spotify it implies that music is on request and tastes are always showing signs of change. Panjabi craftsmen need to begin contending with urban music stars to keep music sweethearts intrigued. Two cases of how this should be possible are Diljit Dosanjh and Imran Khan. They both know their gathering of people and are making tunes that sound unbelievable In case you're just constructing yourself with respect to a music graph you won't be here for long. Purchasing your own tunes to get a number 1 isn't right and influences the scene bigly. Mr Blobby went to number 1 in the UK outlines however it didn't make him or his melody any more tenable. Despite everything it gets snickered at as general society comprehends what's great and so forth. How does any Asian craftsman believe that by influencing themselves to look well known (on 1 diagram) will mean they are prevalent, all things considered? We see it week in week out where distinctive tunes go into the best 10 and the following week they don't exist in the best 40, How would that be able to make any craftsman or his/her fan can rest easy? Future is solid. We have quite recently got back in the studio to deal with another collection and begin to create for some astonishing craftsmen, hope to hear more from us throughout the following couple of months. Our radioshow on BBC Asian Network is continually developing so we are centered around ensuring the general population get the chance to hear the best music consistently and interface with different fans" bupssaggu Bups Saggu – "Buckling down and not ceasing! I began off as a bhangra dancer...then turned into an artist.. joined the best Bhangra groups and djs playing dhol in the meantime turning into a DJ and discovering that workmanship. After my degree in bookkeeping, I examined music and creation and once qualified, I joined an aggregate called the Rhythm Shakers. Not long after the arrival of our lone collection, I did my performance venture Redefined which turned into a hit album...the rest you know. Its been a long voyage and now I can state Bups Saggu and his music is established in the Punjabi music scene! Music is form and it will always develop and change. I for one grasp change and acknowledge the world and music for what it is so to me, its significant to move with the circumstances however dependably commend, be greatful and recognize where Punjabi music began and our underlying foundations. I think its wretched ... frantic endeavor for consideration and just low. Music ought to dependably do the talking and one thing you can't purchase is real fan buildup ... theres one thing that a few specialists neglect to get it. Its like conning in a taunt exam for instance .... There is no point as with regards to the smash on your finals...you are in solitude and in the end will be gotten out. I dont overlook it as its not reasonable for specialists that unite to make their music, this circumstance ought to be taken genuinely and ideally in time it will. One thing without a doubt .... Music will dependably win the fight, cash wont! You can expect a considerable measure! Presently including my coordinated efforts I am in twofold figures of tunes that are set to discharge in 2015 and 2016 so exceptionally energizing! I may complete an album...or discharge singles, perceive how I feel truly. A few joint efforts which I am permitted to specify incorporate Jassi Sidhu, Jasmine Akhtar, Mafia Mundeer and a couple of new specialists that i'll keep secretive at the moment ;) Its an energizing year such a great amount of anticipating it! keep your eyes and ears peeled individuals :)" Dont neglect to look at Bups most current track Miss Kaur with Master Saleem, by and by one of my most loved tracks right now and ought to be played at each gathering or capacity! geetazaidar Geeta Zaildar – "Diligent work, spending each moment focusing on my work and having faith in what I do. You can't hope to prevail in any profession in the event that you don't have faith in yourself. I have bent over backward to continue as before as I was before any achievement. I have a little friend network and some of which I went to class with, they generally keep me grounded! Above all my achievement in the music business is a direct result of Waheguru. Music is especially a form, it changes so frequently. Over late years western music has impacted Bhangra, specialists and music makers have adjusted to this exceptionally well. Old exemplary Bhangra is still extremely agreeable to tune in to and a considerable measure of spreads have been delivered with more current music. It's extraordinary that Bhangra is so differing. Lamentably, this is all down to theft being so overflowing in the music business. Individuals aren't purchasing unique music or are downloading from illicit destinations. It's a disgrace that specialists are doing this to promote their vocations. I have confided in my fans and realize that they are the genuine judges of my music and not really the graphs. I am lucky to have such an unwavering and genuine fan following. My collection '302' was discharged not long ago and my all the more as of late a solitary titled LA, both have had a magnificent reaction. With respect to the future.
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