#i feel like my overall average is like. 64%.
ap-sadistics · 1 year
im not a rhythm gamer in the slightest and yet im making my way to 100% hi fi rush through sheer force of will. and passion and hyperfixation. i think it might be the undiagnosed adhd tbh.
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cassolotl · 1 year
Results of the nonbinary name survey
Hi folks, just thought I'd throw together a quick report about nonbinary names based on the recent survey.
The survey ran from 4th until 13th May, and there were 5,179 usable responses. For this one I won't share the full spreadsheet of all responses, as it contains potentially identifying information. Having said that, you can find a spreadsheet of the information I can share with you here. Every name entered only once has been redacted.
Most popular names
Let's kick it off with the main reason I did this survey, finding the nonbinaryest name:
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Alex was #1, with 1.6%, which is 1 in 62 nonbinary people.
Here's the full top 10:
Alex - 1.6% (83)
Jay - 1.2% (64)
Sam - 0.9% (49)
Charlie - 0.7% (36)
Max - 0.7% (36)
Ash - 0.6% (33)
Robin - 0.6% (33)
Rowan - 0.6% (31)
Kit - 0.6% (30)
Eli - 0.6% (29)
Name length
I'm familiar with the stereotype that nonbinary people choose names by taking 3 letters from a bag of Scrabble tiles, or that nonbinary people take letters off their given names until it's one ungenderable syllable, and I would like to take this opportunity to add that these are both excellent ways to create new names. :D
This graph takes a rolling median name length from the whole list, and it shows that generally speaking the most popular names tended to be shorter:
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The average name length was 5.1 characters long.
This seems to support the stereotypes, but I feel it's worth mentioning that we can't know for sure whether it actually does, because for all we know, binary people's names might show these kinds of patterns too.
Number of names per person
Participants could enter as many names as they wanted, in a list separated by commas. That made it pretty easy to count them, and it turned out like this:
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That's fairly straightforward, most people have only one name.
Problems with survey design
Overall I definitely feel that the survey had some flaws. I knew in advance that there would be some people who have more than one name that they like more or less equally, but for some reason the first question I came up with assumed that you have one name that you like most and then required a single answer from a list stating how that name happened to you - leading the respondent to a different section based on that answer.
What if you've got two or more names that you like equally, and one was given to you by your parents when you were born that you use for work, one is a nickname based on that name that evolved between you and your family and friends as you were growing up, and one is a name you chose yourself and your closest friends call you that? That's pretty much an impossible question, isn't it?
And there were several other questions in the survey that took that approach, making the data from those questions basically useless.
I didn't think it would cause problems for so many people, but it did, and I have learned my lesson there.
However, there was a question asking you to list all your names, and that's what I used to make the ranked list. I don't see how people with more than one name that they prefer completely equally (i.e. those people who would be thrown out of the survey by an impossible required first question) would prefer different names from people with one name only, so I think the ranked list is probably approximately okay, and same for the number of names per person graph and the average name length.
I haven't decided yet, but I definitely think there's scope for doing this survey annually - but separately from the identity/titles/pronouns survey, for anonymity reasons. It could be fun to track popular nonbinary names over time, similar to the popular name lists for babies that are usually split by boys'/girls' names. It might be a bit meaningless unless I collect country data as well though, which is why the list currently reads very....... American..........
Now that I've learned a lot from a big and not-so-well-designed survey run on my personal account, I'd feel more comfortable designing something a bit more fit for purpose, and running it from the @gendercensus accounts to hopefully get more participants.
~ Fin ~
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mister-qi · 4 months
Mr. Qi Friendship and Romance Mod Devlog 5/9/2024
Previous update
For those curious about the mod progress, read on!
Since the previous update, most of my efforts have been spent on Art and Implementation. While I've made some progress on Writing, that hasn't been my main focus.
Heart Events: no major progress, besides a bit of writing/blocking for the 4 heart cutscene.
Daily Dialogues: Generic dailies are 64% done. Unique dailies are currently on the back-burner. Marriage dailies are also on the back-burner, but I have quite a few written regardless.
Misc dialogues: A new section! This includes so many little details, which even get as hyper-specific as what happens if you divorce him and then attempt to invite him to a movie. What does he say if you give him a bouquet at low hearts? What does he say if you're married to him and there are slimes in the house? Stuff like that! There are 49 of these written so far, and it's hard to estimate my progress because as I continue looking through both the documentation and existing files I get more and more ideas.
Gift Dialogues: Not a ton of progress since the previous update, though I've written his birthday gift reactions.
Portraits: 2 new portraits finished: blush and shocked.
Sprites: You may have seen me posting about this, but Mr. Qi does not have a walk cycle in the vanilla game, so I had to make custom animations for him. I've also changed his color scheme to better match his sprites.
Besides that, I've also made a walk cycle for the Bouncer, who will show up in at least one cutscene, maybe two.
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look at him go!
Maps: I'm really excited to announce that I've recruited someone to help with maps! Their name is wovensong, and they're currently working on the Casino VIP Room, which features in the 10 heart cutscene. They're helping with both the sprites and .tmx files, which is a huge help.
Misc sprites: none yet
I have a functional version of Mr. Qi that can be befriended in my files now. He doesn't have a ton of dialogue in game yet, but you can give him stuff, raise his friendship, and trigger some placeholder heart events. But getting to that point has been kind of a hassle, in ways that the average modder doesn't have to deal with!
You see... the vanilla "Mister Qi" has a space in his internal name. If you know anything about coding, this should be setting off alarm bells.
Here's an example of where that's an issue: say you want to trigger a cutscene at two hearts with an NPC. You'd write something like:
f Jodi 500
which the game reads as "trigger this cutscene when you have 500 amount of friendship with the NPC named Jodi"
But if you were to write:
f Mister Qi 500
the game would go "you want me to trigger this cutscene when you have Qi amount of friendship with the NPC named Mister?? WTF?" and then SMAPI throws you a big red error and the cutscene would never trigger. Yippee!
It took me... a while to figure out how to get around this. Luckily the 1.6 update now allows for parsing for quotes in certain scenarios, so what actually works is:
f \"Mister Qi\" 500
So I'm glad that I started this mod now instead of pre-1.6!
However, it's definitely possible that the space in the internal name will cause issues down the line, so I have some (rough) code for what to do in that scenario. This involves hiding the vanilla Mister Qi, and adding a new, identical NPC with an internal name that doesn't have a space. Other mods, such as Morris Redeemed and some NPCs like Marlon and Gunther in SVE, do this as well.
And, if you're thinking that I could just change the internal name itself: maybe?? But probably not. There's some hardcoded stuff surrounding Mister Qi, and I worry about breaking it. Additionally, if any future official Stardew updates added new content revolving around Mister Qi, there's a risk that the mod would break in more serious ways.
Final Notes
Overall, I feel like I'm making pretty good progress! There's still a lot to get done, but I'm proud of the work I've done so far. Thanks for reading!
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cupcraft · 1 year
My Step 1 Study Guide
Hello! I recently took the step 1 test and passed and I thought I'd share what I did to study and prepare just in case it helps anyone out. Plus advice i'd give looking back on things i didn't do. Hopefully this helps and sorry it's so long. Feel free to send me asks on anything at all!
1: during m1/m2 year -> utilize the Anking deck/study sheets + first aid + things and videos like amboss/scholarrx/sketchy/boards and beyond + pathoma as you go through the blocks. Don't focus on step studying but utilize these resources to bolster your block exams. I used anking & sketchy & first aid primarily but kinda too late and i wish i utilized it earlier. Also, if your school doesn't have step 1 style test questions overall (like mine did for a bit) i'd do scholarrx questions to practice right before a test (it helped me with the tests and also got me to see patterns ahead of time). I wouldn't start using UWorld right away, at least not intensely. If you want a first pass you could start in November/December but honestly for me that was too much so I didn't.
2: Last block/pre-dedicated -> Make a study plan. You can use things like cram fighter or you can do it by hand or in excel/google sheets. If you need mine as an example feel free to ask, though my general plan was review first aid/content review/practice exams and questions/free 120/rest/exam in that order and i did the stuff i forgot first and ended with the info i did in my last block which was msk/derm/heme/onc/ct. It should be noted that you must tell yourself now that this plan won't be adhered to 1000% and you will get behind and you will just say fuck it to some stuff as you go. And be honest with yourself that you may give up studying earlier than you think or sleep in a lot of days. Just be kind to yourself now. This is just a guide to help you, not a strict rule book. For example, i meant to do cardio block review in 2 days and my mental health tanked so it took me like 5 days and i still had a ton of questions i couldn't do.
3: Dedicated ->
Prioritize getting through First Aid srsly and supplement it as you do content review. I read First aid one pass and then i supplemented information from Boards and Beyond videos and some information from pathoma. Mostly, i kept my notes within the pathoma textbook (as i bought a subscription and received the textbook).
As you do content review do Uworld questions and once you get through review really prioritize practice questions and finishing Uworld. You won't realistically finish all questions or blocks but at least try to do as much as you can. I ended Dedicated about 64% through. With Uworld your average will be low and at times will barely improve, honestly as long as you are improving on the net and your average is 40% or higher i think you're doing just fine imo (as that was my experience). UWorld is meant to be harder. When you do UWorld at first do tutor mode and always write down questions you guessed on/got wrong/don't understand in a notebook for review later. I wish i had made anki on them as i went along but i was too burnt out for that realistically for many reasons.
Looking back on it i watched every sketchy but i wish i at least did the anking for the sketchy (as i did no anking during dedicated) to help me remember.
Do practice exams. I did 1 uworld one and 4 NBME tests plus the free 120. the UWorld one in my opinion was not worth it and it lowered my confidence majorly as it was so fucking hard and full of trick questions. The NBME ones were much more useful. The free 120 was the most useful as many of the questions you get may reappear on step, and so it's the best one to do the week of your test so it's fresh in your mind. Make sure as always you review the questions you got wrong because it's so so helpful.
Day before the exam what do i do? -> maybe light review (ie stuff you got wrong a lot, some anki, first aid notes) but otherwise do nothing. srsly just rest, eat, and go to bed!
Remind yourself that you just need to pass. 60% is passing. No one will know your score. It's pass fail!
4: What resources do you recommend? Don't? Etc? ->
Resources I used: Boards and Beyond (videos), Pathoma (videos and textbook), First Aid, Sketchy Micro & Pharm, UWorld, NBME Practice tests (the CBSE), NBME free 120.
Usefulness of the resources: I really found everything I used to be useful but there's some stipulations. I found that neither UWorld nor First Aid prepared me for the biostats questions well other than memorizing equations. Biostats/public health is often a lot more problem solving oriented not just "can you do an odds ratio" for ex, so the NBME practice exams were more useful for that concept. I also did not find every boards and beyond video useful so there were many i skipped, esp pharm videos as i used sketchy! Along with first aid i bought the other first aid book, the clinical reasoning one. TBH it is a useful book (i used it a bit during my blocks) but during dedicated i was so tired and didnt have time to use it so do with that what you will. Sketchy was so so useful esp for micro but like I said i wish i supplemented with Anki. Also, Boards and Beyond cardio was so helpful but a lot of info i skipped through as i found it too detailed for step overall, but it is good to use looking back on it for clerkships i imagine (as there's info specific to clinical practice).
Anki specifically: I stopped all anki during dedicated because I just was too overwhelmed and couldn't keep up with it. Looking back I would've used Anki a lot earlier than i did during the blocks and kept up with it in small amts cumulatively, and then during dedicated done the sketchy ANKI primarily/old reviews/+anki for stuff i got wrong on questions a lot to make it easier. But, i still did well without it during dedicated.
5: test day tips ->
if you have stomach problems like me don't drink caffeine and prioritize sleep the night before (if you can tolerate caffeine then this is fine).
Pack lots of snacks that you know you will be able to eat while exhausted and stressed. I find it hard to eat something heavy on days like that, so i packed things like grapes/oranges/granola/pretzels/pbj/beef jerky. Stuff that would fill me and fuel me but not make me feel sick. Pack lots of water and potentially Gatorade or something.
Go to the bathroom before you enter the exam room.
Before the test day plan how you will take your breaks (this helped me because it was really overwhelming otherwise) and then you'll be able to read yourself on the test day to modify your break time.
Go through all the questions and then review marked ones and then review all of them together. Just know you will mark almost every question and it doesn't mean you got them wrong and failed.
6: other misc tips ->
just avoid the reddit. There are plenty of good advice plus links to resources (ie anking deck/etc.) on reddit and you should use it for that. But often i found the reddit to be a place that made me feel like i was gonna fail just like it was during MCAT/applying to school. I'd be like "is this score good" and they'd be like omg delay your test youre not gonna do well you should be scoring xyz. I just couldn't read that stuff, even if there was good and honest advice in between.
It's okay to push back your test/retake it if you have to (and can! It depends on your situation).
Consult an academic coach/advisor at your school during dedicated!
Work in groups: ie meet up with people at a library and use each other for accountability or if you need group review sessions please do that. All in all, just don't let yourself be isolated. Even do work with friends in other programs, just having ppl there will help you.
Prioritize sleep, food, water. Seems redundant to say but genuinely do this.
Change scenery a lot. Go to a cafe, go to school, go to a library or WeWork, go to your family's house, etc. It really will help you.
Regardless of your schedule and how well you follow it try to stop working at the same time every day. Set a time you will stop work forever and play video games or read a book or just collapse onto the couch. If you study 24 hours a day you will burn out faster.
Accommodations? How do i get those for the test -> this should be a post on it's own so i will just say if you want me to make a post on this I can. I had private room accommodations just to share! But there are many types of accommodations. Just know you really have to do this like a year/many months in advance!
That's really all i can think of. Just ask me if you have any q's! Goodluck ya'll.
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randomclam24 · 1 year
I don't know what to do with myself anymore.
For now, I'm writing out everything diligently, be it homework so I can focus properly or other texts.
I don't know what it is. Finding out the average amount of alcohol by volume people keep even as a long-term storage amount and the level of spiciness people in general will actually put up with
So the matters they consider important are also very important, yes?
In general, the sheer difference in spiciness in whether or not you leave in the seeds with jalapeno peppers or not already serves as a deterrent to newcomers. If you're just a kid, and you eat something with the jalapeno seeds cooked into it, it's like you're dying.
I don't know that it would help my case, but in a lot of cases I want to vent just like anybody else, except that doesn't match up with the sheer intensity of what I'm saying
Just take this with a grain of salt? No, that's not going to get me out of trouble
I spoke my mind because, as ghost says it, I'm a Republican and don't care if anybody thinks I'm racist, which is what's hurting the party Virtually zombified boomer take
I got a 4TB external hard drive in hopes that I would no longer have to deal with the transfer speeds of USB sticks, and given that the last storage USB is making its transfer now, that dream is being realized
Update I shortcutted the download of the vod where, by my influence downstream, someone saying "shit yourself" to his usual boomer sayings, that being their name in a donation, ironically managed to get drunken ghostler first from a downer or demoralized state all the way into a rant that was actually inspiring against the globalist cabal (in terms of something like "the light" versus "the darkness"), which is actually very off-key to what he's normally like. I basically wish for that more often
I don't know what to actually feel when we ultimately seem to agree in theory and then soberly diverge in about everything else, minus the basics
Update Speed-runs as a concept Even if you went through the trouble of charting out where, for example, every health drink etc. is in Silent Hill 2, there is still a range of choice for you to make like I did recently in Minecraft where I decided to keep the armor down to the 15 iron pieces necessary to craft the iron leggings and chestplate only so as to conserve iron if you lose lives and have to keep going without losing your materials.
Honestly, the top priority with speedruns in any case ought to really be kudos. Not unlike high scores back in their time.
Like it's an honest question, what kinds of runs do you want to make?
I think the Majora's Mask trading labyrinth was a prime example of what it means to use an external reference and built-up knowledge of the thing to trim down overall time spent on clearing the thing - *as opposed to* - using strategies that sound like they came out of an online forum that sound like they break the game whether they're technically cheating or not, like Quake wall-running. Technically, knowing where to execute the technique still definitely involves knowing specifically where to do things in advance. I don't know exactly how to define it, then.
And really, the Quake speedruns didn't rely on tool assistance like the Super Mario 64 speedruns involving backwards-long-jump techniques over a void.
Still, I'm trying to shoehorn the idea of meaningful speedruns sans godlike reaction times.
Update Trying to find the explanation of why Doom 3 with its mission packs as a whole seemed like the ultimate example of a non-tool-assisted speed-run game is difficult.
In concept, ideally, Doom 3 with some kind of spawning randomizer would be the ultimate speed-running game, because it would constantly challenge the player even who knew where everything was going to pop out in advance. There would be no guarantee, and that's where spawning randomizers for the original Doom shine as well.
Update I don't think people apreciate what Silent Hill 3 and 4 are enough. And then no wonder the Siren series doesn't get the love it deserves - it's all in sequence
Gamer confessions: I like Silent Hill 1 better than Silent Hill 2 That's just a stylistic choice
In a sense, I actually like Siren by all means the best, because of the complexity of what is involved in order to survive But I feel like, as gamers, we're entitled to certain answers as to the games' design like - I don't even know how to articulate that
#1: Trying to play Siren with a controller that isn't like the original PS2 controllers in having a good sensitivity about them - I don't know how better to describe that - it's borderline unplayable. But I love it.
Okay, definitely my biggest and most legitimate gripe - if Siren was supposed to be targeted towards the veterans of Team Silent's games, then why in all hell did they retcon the Silent Hill function of strafing while using the sprint button? (If you strafe in Siren, it's slow as all hell. I don't care what narrative appeal you're appealing to)
Update It feels like a deliberate throwback to the days of Wolfenstein 3D or such where people in general still weren't using the strafe function at all. It's ridiculous.
Update I'm internally conflicted, because I think the people's favorite, Silent Hill 2, is patently not scary enough, as opposed to the tension I always get with Siren. And I hear people recommending Siren in my local area too, so there's a real pressure toward that.
This pressure literally supercedes the urge to repeat "penis" over and over despite the audience - that's how much pressure is involved in Siren, and I kid thee not.
Siren is one of the few things that enters the realm of profundity in my mind as something like LSD Dream Emulator, which was never released in the West. But there are enough broken-feeling mechanics about it, I don't know if I feel like defending it.
*Literally*, comments I've read hold that Siren is like Silent Hill but doesn't give you breaks, meaning you have to do everything continually while zombies can potentially respawn, but that doesn't account for the broken-feeling mechanics. And yet I still love it.
So much so that I'm conflicted between considering playing *it* and just toughing it out over doing a speedrun of any kind on the most well-received of the games of Team Silent [(because I don't feel like that's intense enough)].
Update At any given time, I can hold it to my own name that I can retain my good judgment even when under the influence of what could make, as my parents called it, *five* grown men drunk - which is in relation to the fact that I have a very high ability to resist hypnotic suggestion. But at the same time, if people want to know me as a "pimp", that's not okay. Take what Common Filth said about the way society classifies people they hold in high esteem as "pimps" - they all have mommy issues, and they're not really alpha males.
Update So at times like these, it seems very clear what I want to do, but it's still the same with, do you really want to deal with these bad controls? I've had dreams about Siren by now. I think that already makes it larger than the thing itself.
Update Basically, the idea was, people with certain IQs, they could be put under the military practice of spraying them repeatedly with a fire hose to condition them to be normal unlike what they've discovered, and it still would not work. Ideally, that's the principle that sets me apart. I hope.
Update So ideally I'm a boon of my own ideology, be it good or bad.
And I don't see people making respectful argumentation one way or the other. I wish.
Update *But* - minus rep. - you're not really from tha hood - minus rep. - something completely autistic
I don't know what to think, if everything that I say ultimately gets applied all the way down to the lowest common denominator to make the judgment. Then what are we really talking about? I never thought about that. Honestly.
Update I got to the point, where, spoilers, with "Maria", she says, she's "not your Mary" - did no one ever make the connection with the whole social scheme of, "not your grandparents' xyz", like not your grandparents' Saturday morning cartoon, etc., meaning they've got it filled to the brim with cringey corporate attempts at coolness, like skateboards, etc.
And then for all that they give you game over if Maria takes enough damage What even is life What are they not telling us
Update Underrated despite everything: Silent Hill 2, still being the uncontested best survival horror game of all time, has the music exclusively in the bowling alley - technically you can have it play for a long time again when returning before making the great descent
Why are Siren's controls borderline broken - "Abba" - yeah, yeah
8/27 There's nothing to do. It's all over now. The r*ght lost the culture war with flying colors.
8/28 Honestly, the only reason that thing happened with ghost is because something very out-of-the-ordinary happened with his mental state as a reaction, *while* drunk. I don't even want to disrespect him that much because he gets trolled enough already, but normally he's a boomer faggot.
Update Continued on Saturday night's quip - things like actually considering the sheer levels of spiciness and the level of alcohol by volume in any case makes me reconsider, when we're talking people in general, what are the *units* we're really talking about?
I don't know how important it is, but there was recently a story about somebody who was saying all smiles despite my depression and whatever other disorders, and he was a well-renowned part of his community or something, and he just up and offed himself, just like that. That could happen to me, with alcohol, and thank God, by so many people, but I thankfully never bothered with all that "all smiles" crap - because I feel like it really just denies yourself the ability to work through your real feelings as they're coming, and they come in tidal waves.
Update soon after At some point, I guess the illusion breaks, and I have no choice but to be honest: the life I'm living right now is essentially perpetually on the cusp of falling apart into chaos, because it was never a permanent solution. What I'm doing is the closest I can get to being a NEET in secret in *spite* of what minimal effort my parents expect of me - like, I got really lucky and didn't get even my dad curious as to how much actual time was predicted for the courses I completed to actually take despite the months I took for them. Ha ha ha.
Incidentally, I'm starting to actually have a reaction to the sheer poverty I'm living in when I want something apart from what my parents already buy, which is just standard food plus the electric / air conditioner bills. And water. They don't make me pay rent. They *could* have, but - technically they know then that would mean having an entire confrontation, literally ongoing wherein they have to keep reinforcing that I'm obligated to have a job to pay for a rent that's right in their boomer standards, which would be significantly lower than the rent people pay on average to-day. Right, that would already be good for me, but they're essentially, secretly, pushovers. Of course the difference in base requirement in going from not having a formal job even part-time to *having* one is that you have to go and have a car in advance, which they would have to pay the rent and insurance for in the first few weeks or something to make the ends meet on that - honestly I think if it wasn't for the incident of me having a kind of mental connundrum at the last job with the way I was basically being flat-out overloaded, having multiple jobs to do where it was all in the back room where there was absolutely no one to ever notice - if that hadn't happened, mom and dad probably would have still thought that I still get the greenlight for holding down an occupation. Honestly though I do have issues with being in one place for several hours at a time. It gets to me very harshly. Then that starts to stack up over the sheer weeks. It doesn't just subside. It builds up. That's why I just went and held down a part-time job at a pizza joint after that. That's where I still had that - set of mental "lock-ups" I just described above where I just couldn't take the overload anymore for some psychological reason - meaning, I *could* physically keep going because I wasn't exhausted, but something about the acceptance of just being bogged down beyond any kind of reason just got to me. It was like no one really cared, and I was then going to be going out of my way to be rationalizing the overworking?
Everything I do, I got OCD or whatever to that effect where I'm completionist about getting it done, and it was even more intensified considering I was doing the dishes for the entirety of the restaurant at any given time at the pizza place. Then they give me this massive machine to clean off with non-distinct instructions as to how to get all the worst of it off and next to no experience to go on. Normally that doesn't sound that bad. How do I vouch for me? Well, at any given time, there was the additional job of collecting the dishes from any table out there that was done eating already, and I think they had me waiting tables on top of that. I think waiting tables was actively split up amongst the employees. Even among the guy in the back. Also, this was a team with an active system of cutting down the number of employees involved at any given hours to what they could milk them for all they're worth, basically. Essentially. I don't know if I could have toughed it out over the difficulty spike or not, but in such a moment that they gave me a large machine to wash by hand over a long period of time where I was already drowning in the requirements of trying to keep up with every other task, my mind told me that I had had enough, and I had a kind of breakdown where I got very nervous.
They didn't have more than one dishwasher at any given time, and I was working the most active shift of the day, so I don't think they were paying any mind to how balanced that shift would be compared to the other positions.
Honestly, I *did* open up socially during the event that, once a year, they all had a collective meeting at the place and then went to a bowling alley, and I talked with the employers, and they actually told me during that time they thought from the impressions I made that I was just antisocial and distant. But even though that happened, it was my first time dealing with these things, and I didn't realize I could have just asked them about the possible imbalance of the shift I was working, since, all things considered, I was working during the busiest hours of the day every day. It was part-time, but set up so all the hours I was working were as intense as you could get.
I can't apologize for being evil, but I can complain to find just a sliver of justification. I know how to do that.
Ikuso - shabba-dabba doo
This is the only result I managed to find for it
"* In Episode 20 Sakamoto shouts "Shabba-Dabba-Doo!" in the same way "[[WesternAnimation/TheFlintstones Yabba-dabba-doo!]]" is said, all while doing the classic Hanna-Barbara run startup."
History for ShoutOut/Nichijou - TV Tropes
I don't *have* anything worth saying
Update Even the New Testament says to be as crafty as serpents, for the sake of keeping yourself alive amongst adversaries. But a lot of the time, doesn't that mean doing nothing? And if I'm a Nietzsche fan, then that tends to go directly against that. I will read the Portable Nietzsche before continuing further in the book of Acts - not to abandon one for the other.
If we were in a world where no one knew about Christian theology, would that be the same? No
And second take: if Nietzsche is more a contrarian than he is productive ultimately, and doesn't really intend to help anyone - but at the same time, I legitimately haven't read enough to make the true judgment, being completely honest - even though you could probably tell by his followers whether or not they actually benefit anything - well actually they're spread out enough I don't actually know that
The obvious contrarianism to the idea that the value of kings on this earth is to be patient is something I identify with, so naturally I want to know more
Update And a legitimate concern I'm having is, after the books of the gospels, which reinforce each other as historical accounts by different people, the book of Acts has people being visited in visions with just the one account, and I don't think people in the modern day see things like the way they would back in these times with these things happening as they went along. Do modern people believe in miracles? It seems to rely very heavily on that.
Update I guess it's just very weird that there's this contradiction that goes unspoken within people's theoretical beliefs, that the historical record strength of the gospels gives validity to the idea of miracles *as something that could happen in those times*, but when it comes to the idea of miracles as something to justify the lifestyle of the actual original Christians, that's just defunct and no one listens, because clearly no one lives like that, and there are no miracles to even suggest the necessity of living like that.
Update I just don't think my illegitimacy as a source should even factor into that - the original Christian lifestyle described, that they shared in every bit of their finances and material wealth, is so far-fetched from anything we know today. I don't think it's unreasonable to say that it was reliant on the miracles still happening even after the passing of Jesus that people actively lived like that.
I asked my little sister who is already occupied as a teacher now whether she ever had Biblical groups, and she said she had classes back in high school - I tried asking her if it was in church or in the actual school, but that wasn't clear anyway. I asked her about it, and she doesn't know if she even read past the gospels in the New Testament or not.
Update I have a shirt of the Grinch with a Christmas tree behind him that was gifted to me by my cousin who took it up the ass once and said it wasn't that great to me that I'm wearing right now that says "You're a mean one"
My favorite rapper is the Grinch from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
"Mr. Grinch you're a bad banana"
That was my cousin's in-joke, not mine
Update So, no matter how you approach that reality with the post-gospels New Testament, it still leaves some loose ends untied, like, what exactly *is* the Holy Ghost that there are no longer any miracles? Are they not needed?
Update So what is left? I read the Portable Nietzsche by borrowing it from my local library which was apparently leaning liberal, because after they had me on camera looking at the cameras like an idiot, knowing that those books were right next to some kind of documentary on them titled "Hitler's Philosopher", which meant they were on to us or something, meaning it was dangerous to pick them up at all even, before ever purchasing the text from a bookstore elsewhere. After that, they removed all Nietzsche texts from that local library, so I figure they might have been reviewing that camera footage.
Nietzsche says certain things against the Nazis and other things in defense of international jews that I think are unnatural to whatever extent. So if that in particular is not what it's about, I'll have you know I *am* contrarian like that. I'll just not show up at that liberal library anymore. I have it right here.
Update So, while there is starting to be a definitive split between the Christian right and the political right - I guess over the fact that Christianity is now accepting gays? Functionally it has no reason to be being like that - for the short-term I'll be reviewing Toward a Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche, because it's the one I've seen recommended the most, next to Beyond Good and Evil, Thus Spake Zarathustra being too long for these purposes. The purpose of this search was to determine what his core philosophy was above all else.
Update Out of those two, we're going to review both of them before going in depth with either, because either way, we're typing out both in their entirety as they're sampled in The Portable Nietzsche, which is a hard task. We'll bounce back between then until a satisfactory conclusion is reached as to which one to pursue as serious over the other.
Update Essentially, I could reject him based on his core philosophy, but the job is to get to that point faster.
Update In addition to the one dream I described in short detail, there was one the day after that where there was first a very intimidating elaborate version of the special sky stages of Super Mario Sunshine where you find a secret warp pipe or such and arrive there as a special course, and then three segmented additional episodes of The Mandela Catalogue that will never be, where there was the same thematic involving fractured wrists where the alternate zombies made out of friends in the starting bedroom end up slicing the main character vertically with some kind of paper cutter that's larger than the real thing.
"Fuck all that let's get to it" - "What lil' shawty say?" Yes, as in, we disregard everything for whores, as being whoremongers, in the most strict interpretation
But I still have some part of me having belief in anything that glitters like gold
I found out from another 4chan post that the average age of marriage in classical America whom every appeal to the Constitution and the founding fathers derives from knowing it or not was ten years old, some reaching down to seven years old, and the original progenitors of the movement to raise the age of consent to more toward eighteen years of age were definitively feminist movements. So what's your conclusion
In any case if it went on that long, I feel like people have a right to know
Update So yeah, if you stop bullshitting in order to consider the actual units involved with the matters themselves, it's less like "what is the meaning of life" and more like, it's already, "you will live in the pod, you will own nothing, and you will be happy - World Economic Forum" in real life with the modern institution of marriage, given how she can divorce you and put you on eternal mortal alimony and throw it around like it ain't shit. So that's not good.
And one of the few stories from the Gospels that I *hadn't* heard and retained explicitly beforehand was that Christ negated the Pharisees' notion of marriage as an institution as well, in that he said that it was because of Jews' disobedience that it was granted to them the ability to put away one's wife in divorce in the first place. In theory it was never supposed to be divinely granted at all.
Update Definitely that bit about the average age of marriage in classical America was what set me off the most in relation to all these people of the modern day - contrarians are like in their satire videos, this girl's twelve years old? that's okay, I don't have any morals. All I have to say left is this annoying, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch
So then it would make sense to "put two and two together" with the ages of girls from anime in the modern day. What age is Shiro from No Game No Life? Eleven
Realistically, that sounds like a fantasy world, but if it truly went on that long, who am I to judge, even despite the entire multitude fearing the same poster who posted that's saying, this is something all Americans have to be embarrassed over?
Nobody was bold enough to go forward and try to verify that history one way or the other.
Update In summation from my present thoughts, I don't know what else to say, but, let's try to summarize what we have to "appreciate" about our feminists
The modern casual sex scene totally trumps young fertile pussy from the daughters in any generation or age (sarcasm)
Okay I had a clarity just now: what I want is definitely what they call "shed talk", where you only do it normally in privacy, which is what Trump happens to have been attributed with in 2016 in his first election cycle - that's absolutely a good thing for this day and age. But getting drunk as a necessity for such a thing is something that can be co-opted for evil. Right.
I feel like it's showing my ass to say there's porn and hentai out there without having to actually commit real-life fornication. That's not a moral proclamation. I'm just saying from experience.
I don't know what to say. People don't do their research, first and foremost
Update *I don't know.*
In any case, it's like there's this reality out there that has these clearly wider outer limits, that constitutes physical reality, and then even so, there's the lower "mild sauce for white people" limits that, when broken, even so, after that point people will still definitely go crazy and lose their minds in any case, so it's like there's no point in going into that range because people consider it like there's sharks in the water. It's like I just have to listen when I'm told of an upload, this is probably too pleasurable for most people.
Update Is it accurate to say, when you make the insult "white people", it's patently not classical Americana?
Update As someone who wanted to cause an uprising among the common people, I'm actually kind of insulted by proxy that something like "extra mild [sauce] for white people" ever came into prominence, as a meme. But what can you do
Update Okay, so I went by something said in an authentic classical American location that was made into a touring place, and I found out smoking was only made illegal ranging from ages 14 to 24 by the 1920s, whereas back in the founding days it wouldn't have been banned locally, but even so you can't make an appeal to that later than the 1920's.
And we have enough historical accounts even taught to grade schoolers about how historically, women impregnated in young ages like fourteen would die in childbirth, so that doesn't require self-explanation.
And yet that was approximately the age of both Romeo and Juliet in that play, which I guess would make people shit their pants.
Update "Extra mild for white people" - I guess if nothing else, let's just blow that out of the water
But then again, if people of other races wanted to justify their presences in repopulating all our neighborhoods in the coming years with, oh, if you wanted to be seen as so tough, why would we be such an issue despite the fact of you having natural instincts and all of that? Because, technically, it's still a meme running rampant as we speak that "white flight is a human right".
Update Honestly, I don't have any other means of violating the principles I would appear to have as a wh*te person without it being so edgy that it violates my principles as an actual person. Just, nothing comes to mind.
Update "I got a hundred problems, but a bitch ain't one"
Actually if a women died giving childbirth that would obviously be very bad
8/29 definitely already night One time when we were kids, and we had a night over across states - so not something that happens very often - I started making sounds from the sides of my lips with my tongue stuck up on the roof of my mouth like what I remembered from the weird tongue of the voice from Harry Potter 2's movie from the bunk above my older female cousin's bed, and I did this until she copped out and went to her father for moral support in the middle of the night, and then after she came back with his assurance it wasn't a real thing, eventually I just kept doing it
Update Once, I had a nightmare where the spinners from Cuphead's "Floral Fury" became incorporated in an interactive segment of Silent Hill 4's opening sequence where they came through your front door, where both them and you were stuck in a painful slow motion.
Definitely the meme "I give no fucks", as in, "they can't give me *nothin'*" isn't entirely true, as there are a lot of things that could go wrong that would be very bad - still, that doesn't mean I'm going to give the sources of these kinds of complaints any credence.
In retrospect, that doesn't sound very good at all
I had a few nightmares in recent months where a water slide where everybody was in an eight-person-or-so water-tube was constantly at risk of sliding off the edge at such a height that everyone would die at any given time
If I'm awake, I don't particularly like anything, and if I'm asleep, I get ridiculous things like that more often than not
"Fair dinkum" non-racism - I'm playing Cuphead and Mugman, of which the designers said, this actually *is* your grandparents' videogame - see n*ggers beat me in sheer skill level at this, clearing it beyond world 2 which I'm more or less limited to with my own skill level - then say you are worthy of my inheritance - no cucking, no bullshit
Then everybody's like, "I will beat you to an inch of your life" - epic
Update But millenials and zoomers don't *get* any inheritance generally, so that's that
Update At the limit of posting here, but - the genre of music ragtime was, that was primarily composed by blacks post-civil-war - I remember in some museum, it was claimed it was considered a radical genre of music at the time
The most complicated pieces of music I know are all composed by Scott Joplin
Update You would get the kudos; that's for sure. My younger cousin already did the whole game on the extra hard mode, whatever that is once it unlocks. I don't know how that's humanly possible, but so it is that it's been done.
0 notes
Interview : How Bro makes a level in Unreal Engine 5.1 Part 1
Hey, nice to see you're doing fine. It's been a fortnight.
I conducted an interview with my brother (a friend of the blog and fellow gamer). He prefers not to be named, but if you are on Twitch he's the one killing all of your favorite streamers; across the likes of Blue, Stanman, Huskerrs, etc. We'll refer to him as Bro. Is it me or does he already feel like our "the Stig" from Top Gear.
This chat was our first in a series about using Unreal Engine 5.1, experimenting with its capabilities, using the tech known as Nanite and Lumen (N&L). Get ready! Because after this you'll be able to download the free program and have some foundation required to create your own oasis.
First off, thanks Bro for your time. We slated the interview for 30 minutes, but it went on for hours because we went over his past levels, discussed problems/solutions needed to overcome, made two new levels (see below, further discussed near bottom), and made this walk-through to building with N&L. Super fun time to finally crack open the future of gaming development 1st hand. Overall, Bro and I could have had fun with it until the cows came home. And frankly, the possibilities are endless.
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The image above just doesn't do the Nanite mesh tech justice. The way it renders pixel scale and high poly counts effortlessly is beautiful. Unfortunately, will have to wait to wander this open world experience for some time. As we weren't able to get any info for an ETA on the release date moving forward, as it's in early stages of development.
Let's start out by going through the first steps of the process, the how, and the why. Bro watched some YT tutorials on the subject Unreal Engine 5 (UE5). He couldn’t figure out an optimal method to do the videos and work simultaneously, so instead he pivoted to the dive-in method and just googled things along the way, specifically shortcuts. The why, was simple -- sick of playing Warzone 2 and wanted to make his own game in that vein.
To preface, this demo was of his 1st virtual reality creation - we'll refer to as island oasis (photo below). He showed us a little of his method and gave us a rundown of what caused problems along the way. Bro wasn’t reassured that the PC was operating at safe temps. The temperature on average was around 72 degrees Celsius. However, he realized later he was using medium quality assets, when he should have been using Nanite. The Nanite assets allowed the PC to perform better and assets had a much higher quality.
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Also, the scale and tile served as a growing pain which was quickly resolved. Before making island oasis, he mentioned that in the past he did a paintball style level as a trial run where he first ran into this issue. The prior mentioned scaling/tiling problem occurred when designing a wall, floor, or ground with a specific surface texture, like hardwood floors. The surface texture needed fine-tuning. At first the tiles were enormous/too blown up to match the scale of other items like a chair. The result was a bizarre fun house effect.
He finally solved this problem when he made a new island. This level began with a flat tile (64 x 64 components), an empty infinite sandbox. He then added a surface texture to the landscape. When you do that tiling becomes an issue because the tiling number is too high (tiles too small) and the pattern repeats too often. To fix the repetition, you must lower the tiling for x and y, therefore increasing the tiling size, which disrupts the pattern giving it a more natural look. Then you add in the assets and that's when the real creativity begins.
The next obstacle was to make mountains. When you first add them, they look too basic, and cartoon-looking. To spruce them up, giving them some extra pop, you form them by dragging the vertices (spline points). Also you can use the curling function to tweak them even more by deforming the original shape. A combination of the 2 (when manipulated correctly) gives the impression of a more unique-looking mountain that might be found in nature. That is what we want. This part starts getting those creative juices flowing and one could spend hours doing it. Warning: 'Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.' Ferris Bueller
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Ok, back to it! Then, the next obstacle was figuring out the process to add water. It was a tricky plug-in to find because in UE5 water is classified as an actor and not an asset in the scene. Once in place, another water related tip that is a must is curling. This will make it appear more natural in design, so it's not a straight river. You can find all sorts of water plug-ins. They can be used to import other bodies of water like rivers and lakes.
To cap off the interview, he made a new level with a desert landscape from scratch to demonstrate the points that we've gone over in this interview that aided in his workflow. Making the landscape, doing the surface texture tiling, using some desert plants in a foliage brush, and finishing with adding skulls, cacti, wagon-wheels, etc. Then finally the sun. Ctrl + L gives some really cool lighting effects (see below). Clouds can be added too. We weren't able to encompass all of this interview in a single blog post. He only demo'd a portion of his UE5 knowledge. If you have any more questions about it, post it with the hashtag #Bromakesagame
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Next blog topic will be open source AI. While chatting, I asked Bro if he used an AI to code a level. He didn't. He watched a video from a more experienced coder who determined the tech will be much more advanced in the near future, so we'll have to wait and see.
On a side note: I learned that people can sell their 3D mapped places, objects, etc on the U marketplace which sounds fun for those of you looking to make a quick buck. We'll break down that in our next post on N&L, when we check-in with Bro next time about his progress.
0 notes
The Mighty Nein & Names: Episodes 1 - 100
This project started, because I wanted to rewatch campaign two during quarantine, but I needed a project so I wouldn’t be so easily distracted. Huge thanks to @ofsinnersandsaints​ for suggesting this. I’ve had a blast putting this together.
Below the cut, you’ll find some super fun statistics and graphs showing you the amount of times the Mighty Nein says each other’s names in conversation. This is divided up with some general stats and then a deep dive into each character. I may do a separate post that is more meta-oriented regarding these numbers later.
I have tentative plans to continue this project (especially since I’m planning another rewatch) for the rest of the episodes. But! We’ll see how that goes.
A few disclaimers:
This count only includes the times they say each other’s names in conversation. It does not include times that they provide “stage directions” using each other’s names (or similar occurences).
I wish I could claim 100% accuracy, but I won’t. I tried my best. Things like cross-talk and being fallible contribute to me only claiming a 98% accuracy rate.
This doesn’t not include Guest PCs. I needed to keep this simple.
The below stats do not include the ‘Caleb’ count from episode 75 when Liam was absent. I’ll go into further details in his section.
Veth and Nott’s statistics are, for the most part, combined. I do have the counts separated, but combined them for the overall data.
In an effort to make this a little more accessible, I will be typing the stats out underneath the graphs and charts when it’s possible. A few of these graphs unfortunately include too much data to easily type out, but I will try to figure something out.
I am not entirely pleased with how the graphs/charts look, but short of setting this up as a powerpoint presentation and posting a link to said presentation… this is what I’ve got for you right now.
If there is anything else anyone is curious about anything for the first 100 episodes (stats for a specific episode, more in-depth character question, etc.), feel free to shoot me an ask and I can pull up a little report for you.
Okay! Let’s just get started!
Overall Statistics
The Mighty Nein have said each other’s names 5161 times.
In a turn of events that should surprise no one, Jester says the most names at 1411 names. No one is close to catching up.
There are an average of 52 names said per episode.
The most names (110) are said in episode 76: Refjorged.
The least names (15) are said in episode 40: Dubious Pursuits.
The total number of names each PC has said.
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Jester: 1411. Veth: 965. Fjord: 929. Beau: 843. Caleb: 651. Yasha: 143. Caduceus: 142. Mollymauk: 77.
The total number of times a PC’s name is said
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Caleb: 895. Fjord: 888. Veth: 811. Jester: 773. Yasha: 563. Beau: 520. Caduceus: 485. Mollymauk: 226.
The name each PC says the most
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Fjord says Jester 277 times. Beau says Jester 170 times. Caleb says Veth 184 times. Veth says Caleb 278 times. Jester says Fjord 367 times. Yasha says Jester 39 times. Caduceus says Fjord 44 times. Mollymauk says both Beau 19 times.
The person who says each PC’s name the most
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Fjord is said by Jester 367 times. Beau is said by Jester 174 times. Caleb is said by Jester 296 times. Veth is said by Jester 251 times. Jester is said by Fjord 277 times. Yasha is said by Jester 183 times. Caduceus is said by Beau 136 times. Mollymauk is said by both Fjord and Beau 60 times.
Individual Character Statistics
Alright. I’m sure I won’t cover everything I’ve meant to in here. I was going to give you a short breakdown of what to expect, but I said the word ‘chart’ too many times. Suffice to say, there will be charts and graphs, etc. Let’s just get into it.
Episodes present: 95
Total names said: 929
Average names per episode: 9.78
Most names said: 43 / Episode 11
Least names said: 1 / Episode 65
Name use over time
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Total number of times he’s said a PC’s name in conversation
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Beau: 93. Caleb: 143. Veth: 180. Jester: 277. Mollymauk: 60. Caduceus: 87. Yasha: 89.
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Beau: 10 percent. Caleb: 15 percent. Veth: 19 percent. Jester: 30 percent. Mollymauk: 7 percent. Caduceus: 9 percent. Yasha: 10 percent.
Number of episodes he’s said each PC’s name
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Beau: 49. Caleb: 61. Veth: 70. Jester: 85. Mollymauk: 22. Caduceus: 45. Yasha: 45
Beauregard Lionett
Episodes present: 100
Total names said: 843
Average names per episode: 8.43
Most names said: 24 / Episode 30
Least names said: 0 / Episode 5
Name Use Over Time
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Total number of times she’s said a PC’s name in conversation
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Fjord: 129. Caleb: 118. Veth: 127. Jester: 170. Mollymauk: 60. Caduceus: 136. Yasha: 103.
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Fjord: 16 percent. Caleb: 14 percent. Veth: 15 percent. Jester: 20 percent. Mollymauk: 7 percent. Caduceus: 16 percent. Yasha: 12 percent.
Number of episodes she’s said each PC’s name
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Fjord: 64. Caleb: 58. Veth: 61. Jester: 77. Mollymauk: 31. Caduceus: 57. Yasha: 53.
Caleb Widogast
Episodes present: 99
Total names said: 651
Average names per episode: 6.58
Most names said: 22 / Episode 76
Least names said: 0 / Episode 8, 51, 86, 87
Name Use Over Time
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Total number of times he’s said a PC’s name in conversation
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Fjord: 121. Beau: 86. Veth: 184. Jester: 125. Mollymauk: 27. Caduceus: 70. Yasha: 38
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Fjord: 19 percent. Beau: 13 percent. Veth: 28 percent. Jester: 19 percent. Mollymauk: 4 percent. Caduceus: 11 percent. Yasha: 6 percent.
Number of episodes he’s said each PC’s name
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Fjord: 65. Beau: 48. Veth: 68. Jester: 62. Mollymauk: 16. Caduceus: 38. Yasha: 24
Episode 75 Stuff
I decided to exclude the times Caleb’s name was said in episode 75. This was a hard decision, because I haven’t excluded names the other few times a player was absent. Most of the times ‘Caleb’ was said was meant to tease Marisha or remind Marisha of a spell Caleb might use in that instant.
For posterity’s sake, Caleb’s name was said 15 times in Episode 75. I think that one of the Fjord ones and the Caduceus one may have been genuine, but it got very hard to tell when they were teasing Marisha and when they weren’t.
Nott the Brave / Veth Brenatto
Episodes present: 100
Total names said: 965
Average names per episode: 9.65
Most names said: 33 / Episode 76
Least names said: 1 / Episode 43, Episode 86
Name Use Over Time
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Total number of times she’s said a PC’s name in conversation
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Fjord: 194. Beau: 110. Caleb: 278. Jester: 145. Mollymauk: 26. Caduceus: 89. Yasha: 123.
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Fjord: 20 percent. Beau: 11 percent. Caleb: 29 percent. Jester: 15 percent. Mollymauk: 3 percent. Caduceus: 9 percent. Yasha: 13 percent.
Number of episodes she’s said each PC’s name
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Fjord: 75. Beau: 52. Caleb: 83. Jester: 66. Mollymauk: 14. Caduceus: 38. Yasha: 58.
Jester Lavorre
Episodes present: 92
Total names said: 1411
Average names per episode: 15.34
Most names said: 39 / Episode 89
Least names said: 3 / Episode 6
Name Use Over Time
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Total number of times she’s said a PC’s name in conversation
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Fjord: 367. Beau: 174. Caleb: 296. Veth: 251. Mollymauk: 43. Caduceus: 97. Yasha: 183.
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Fjord: 26 percent. Beau: 12 percent. Caleb: 21 percent. Veth: 18 percent. Mollymauk: 3 percent. Caduceus: 7 percent. Yasha: 13 percent.
Number of episodes she’s said each PC’s name
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Fjord: 86. Beau: 71. Caleb: 81. Veth: 79. Mollymauk: 20. Caduceus: 46. Yasha: 64.
Mollymauk Tealeaf
Episodes present: 26
Total names said: 77
Average names per episode: 2.96
Most names said: 10 / Episode 25
Least names said: 0 / Episodes 3, 4, 5, 8, and 12
Name Use Over Time
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Total number of times he’s said a PC’s name in conversation
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Fjord: 9. Beau: 19. Caleb: 13. Veth: 18. Jester: 3. Yasha: 15
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Fjord: 12 percent. Beau: 25 percent. Caleb: 17 percent. Veth: 23 percent. Jester: 4 percent. Yasha: 19 percent.
Number of episodes he’s said each PC’s name
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Fjord: 8. Beau: 10. Caleb: 8. Veth: 11. Jester: 3. Yasha: 9.
Caduceus Clay
Episodes present: 72
Total names said: 142
Average names per episode: 1.97
Most names said: 6 / Episodes 80, 84, 96
Least names said: 0 / (hold onto your hats) Episodes 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 43, 45, 55, 56, 65, 69, 79, 86, 87, 91, 93
Name Use Over Time
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Total number of times she’s said a PC’s name in conversation
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Fjord: 44. Beau: 21. Caleb: 32. Veth: 19. Jester: 14. Yasha: 12.
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Fjord: 31 percent. Beau: 15 percent. Caleb: 23 percent. Veth: 13 percent. Jester: 10 percent. Yasha: 8 percent.
Number of episodes he’s said each PC’s name
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Fjord: 26. Beau: 16. Caleb: 24. Veth: 15. Jester: 11. Yasha: 10.
Yasha Nydoorin
Episodes present: 45
Total names said: 143
Average names per episode: 3.18
Most names said: 7 / Episode 62, 66, 68
Least names said: 0 / Episode 59, 61, 93
Name Use Over Time
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Total number of times she’s said a PC’s name in conversation
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Fjord: 24. Beau: 17. Caleb: 15. Veth: 32. Jester: 39. Mollymauk: 10. Caduceus: 6
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Fjord: 17 percent. Beau: 12 percent. Caleb: 11 percent. Veth: 22 percent. Jester: 27 percent. Mollymauk: 7 percent. Caduceus: 4 percent.
Number of episodes he’s said each PC’s name
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Fjord: 18. Beau: 12. Caleb: 13. Veth: 22. Jester: 24. Mollymauk: 8. Caduceus: 6.
And that’s it for the basics! Again, if anyone wants anything specific about character interactions or is curious about a specific episode, let me know.
Not gonna lie, I was a little nervous to put this out, because I’m worried that I somehow got all the numbers wrong. But regardless, I like playing with excel sheets, so this was fun.
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Coran! 💜💜💜 for the fanfic writer ask game
Also sorry these arent in order
⏳ 🎶 🛒 👀
Liv!! 💙💙
⏳ : How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
It really depends, genuinely! On one hand, I wrote, edited, and published a 6k fic in two days. On that same hand, I wrote 30k words approx. in like, five days? But that was on a piece that I was just writing for me to get the creative juices flowing so I wasn't worried about word choices as much as getting scenes down. And that was during Christmas break.
But on the other hand, my current WIP which is almost at 30k has taken me all month between trying to find the time to write, editing, and research. Lots and lots of research on this one that isn't even making it into the final piece. Haha!
So I'll say, on average, if I'm free of time, I could easily write probably 10k in two days? Eh?
🎶 : Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Yes!! All the time!! It's crucial to my process. Like, that same WIP I was telling you about. Lately I haven't been able to listen to my music while writing which is why this last leg of the fic is taking forever to write!
I either have custom playlists for whatever ship I'm writing for, or I have a very generic pining playlist full of my favorites. What's looping definitely depends on what I'm writing, but I guess lately Share Your Address by Ben Platt and Don't You Dare (Make Me Fall In Love With You) by Kaden MacKay have really been critical pieces in my playlists.
🛒 : What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
It depends! I think I definitely overall default to a lot of storm imagery. I.E. Lightning, thunder, clouds over the horizon, etc etc.
But it also is completely dependent on what I'm writing for! For instance, in my WIP at the moment I'm using a surprising amount of dancing metaphors? But I think dancing metaphors are integral to my interpretation of those characters, so I think if I write for this ship more often I will probably come back to them.
That being said, now that I'm thinking about it, I think I'm just drawn to ships where the storm metaphor works.... Gentlebeard... Destiel... Hell, even in my VLD days I did it. Damn. Did I use storms for GOmens writing too?
Also for something other than a theme/imagery, I typically love writing First Kisses even if I never tag them? As such? I love that. But surprisingly I've really stepped outside of that with some of my later Supernatural works and definitely within OFMD. My "Getting Together" OFMD fic they DIDN'T EVEN KISS. THEY DIDN'T EVEN KISS. 2018!Coran would shake in FEAR at the animal I have become.
👀 : Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I've kind of done that already??? Whoops??
Okay, so here's the thing:
I'm supposed to be finishing the third installment of Bang Bang! And it's coming along, I promise!!! But I was having issues with some of the transitional parts. It just wasn't flowing, and I needed a brain break so I could come back with fresh eyes.
So I started the aforementioned and thus far unnamed WIP.
(It's a Bagginshield fic. Whoops. I'm so sorry loyal followers. I am trash.)
And it was just supposed to be a break!! Just a 6k at the max joke-centric fic!! To make me laugh and to post and then to go back to what I actually was trying to work on this month! [The third installment of Bang Bang! plus another WIP I have yet to mention (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] But then it quickly devolved evolved into... a 30k beast of pining and cultural discussion and guilt and love.
I cannot wait until it's done. So I can be free from it. I've loved writing it but at what cost.
Since it's you my dear Liv. If you want a snippet of the WIP, just send me another eye emoji with a number, and I'll send you a line off the corresponding page number. For reference, there's 64 pages so like go off on number picking. But I don't even know if you like Bagginshield, so I won't subject you to it anymore than I've already subjected you to my rambling, haha!
Thanks for the ask, dear! This was fun!
Emoji FanFic Writer Ask Game !!
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zelskzerker · 3 years
Mangadex went down so I read alot 1/7
Lets review a bunch of isekai and related stuff I binged because mangadex went down. The scale will be a single thumbs up to a single thumbs down in terms of how much I would consider recommending it in general.
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Chapters 1-51 Pretty straight forward in most aspects. For the best. Nothing crazy bad or good happening, making it surprisingly straight forward for an isekai. [Insert isekai startup here] but this time the MC is given a super magic body and the knowledge of ancient magic. Which he promptly uses to create a griffon buddy. Gets a THUMB IN THE UPPER CORNER for just being a nice, believable stay in a world, but I have read some stuff that really has interesting sparks the way this doesnt. MC is brutal at times and General Princess is cute. They make a good pair for each other.  Although there are no ecchi situations, that artist really knows how to slide in the lewds, whether its mid combat flourishes or pre chapter artwork.
The Black Create Summoner: Revolt of Reincarnated
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All Chapters
Truly is revolting. A resounding THUMBS DOWN.  Apparently this was just an advertisement manga, which means that its intentionally incomplete and unsatisfying. Ontop of that, the sketchy artwork was generally rough and got worse to look at the more it went on. [Insert isekai startup here] but this time he has a grimoire that lets him summon stuff he draws. The power isn’t used that much though or in that creative of ways. Characters didn’t really leave an impact except maybe the elf little sister that is stubborn yet knows she is incompotent and recruits a dragon out of stubbornness. 
Minotaur’s Sweetheart
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Chapters 1-16
So what if a minotaur accidentally seduced the adventurer that was assigned to kill him? This is a good romance manga deserving a THUMBS UP because the pure-hearted minotaur boy and the unmarriageable adventurer girl actually develop a relationship and progress as people. The manga is ultimately about monsters and humans interacting and is fresh due to having a plot that evolves the situation a lot beyond the initial setup of the manga.
Moon-led Journey Across Another World
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Chapters 1-64
[Insert isekai startup here] but this time the god of the new world calls the MC ugly and banishes him to the edge of the world to die off. In order to help out the MC, the god of our world (Tsukuyomi) gives him a bit of power. The MC is funny to watch once you realize that he is an incredibly cautious pureboy and expecting every common street thug to potentially end him but in reality he is a god-rivaling cataclysm himself and never realizes. He is so powerful that he recruits the blue haired mist dragon, Tomoe, and accidentally turns her into a weeaboo. Tomoe can read minds and access pocket space with her mist ontop of her sick weeaboo katana skills. She really shines as the most mature person in the story, gaining information that no one else in the story has and carefully withholding it from the MC in order to protect his innocence. She is a DAMN good tomboyish waifu and sarashii is a blessing. Other main girl is yandere spider, Mio, which has shockingly good and well conveyed bouts of emotion. She has an extremely rare “can’t cook at all” joke that is explained due to her “eat literally anything” nature. In terms of plot, the MC hates the god of the world he is in and pretty much plans to do everything she doesn’t want him to. Which means mingling with humans, and eventually, god slaying/usurption. Odd think about this manga is that it’s heavily Japanese-inspired. That may sound odd because its a manga, but generally isekai are most medieval/western skinned than this one which leans in on Japanese mythos. Just look at the god of our world in the manga.
The Unsuccessful yet Academically Unparalleled Sage ~A Cheating S-Rank Sorcerer's Post-Rebirth Adventurer Log~
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Chapter 1-10 So lets set up this genre here. This is a part of the “reincarnation” genre, which is a spinoff of isekai. They generally depict a very capable mage who reincarnates themselves into the future of their own world. At which point they realize that although they were pretty strong in their day, they are now practically a god in the deteriorated modern day. This genre will hereby be indicated by [Insert reincarnation startup here]. For this manga in specific, [Insert isekai startup here] but this time the MC could only use lightning magic and was the best at it but failed the gene gacha then [Insert reincarnation startup here] and he fails gene gacha again but is still the walking thunder god. These kinds of manga are always precious when the MC can walk through the world and see the fruits of their past labor. Specifically through Merlin, the MC’s adopted demon daughter who has grown up to be his heritor and bridge human/demon relationships. Truly adorable and heart warming. Lacks a bit of spice from themeing or ongoing plot due to its short length however. THUMB IN THE UPPER CORNER.
Older Elite Knight is cute only in front of me
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Chapters 1-17.1
THUMBS UP. This is an oneshota manga where shota is a chad with incredibly good tastes. A really good ecchi manga with a light hearted story featuring Haru(the shota) knight that joins Karen’s(the oneesan) knight crew. As with all good romance manga, the main plot isn’t romance. Knight shenanigins are always happening, with a big (and lewd) bad entering recently. Top tier variation on the lewds, even including a princess loli in on the fun. Must read for all oneshota fans.
Lonely Attack on A Different World
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Chapter 1-91
[Insert isekai startup forma de classroom here] but this time the MC gets leftover garbage skills and has to learn to survive. Learning to survive thus makes him the most op and he can magic trick his way out of literally anything. Strong start as the whole classroom first tries to get their footing, but after the starting arc is done this manga starts spinning it’s wheels. The manga is kinda lacking in themes, overarching plot and end goals, so stuff just happens to make this a sort of slice of life trap room escape manga. Magic “just works” in this universe so its not very dramatic when the MC pulls out a new trick out of his bag of million tricks. Just kinda stagnates too much for my liking. THUMB IN THE BOTTOM CORNER.
The Unwanted Undead Adventurer
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Chapters 1-34
Rentt Faina, the MC, is a good guy with no talent who aspires to be a legendary adventurer. But then he gets turned into a skeleton, giving the chance to evolve his way to greatness, kinda like in Spider isekai or Dragon isekai. The MC is most like Goblin Slayer in his serious and knowledgeable approach to the world, how characters that know him revere him. End goal so far is just him seeing how far he can evolve as he comes across other vampires and vampire hunters. Really want to see him go to the top. Fuckin great art. Girls drawn perfect. Like the hat on the guild girl, but nothing beats the witch Lorraine. THUMBS UP.
Teihen Ryoushu No Kanchigai Eiyuutan
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Chapters 1-13
THUMB IN UPPER CORNER. Pretty funny comedy about a lord of a poor land who wants to be a stereotypical evil lord but can only use healing magic. Therefore he bumbles his way into accepting a heretical cult nun, beast men who hate humans, etc. All the girls are to crazy for him to want to sex them(weak. give the assassin nun your babies). Most interesting parts are aforementioned nun, his fujoshi assistant, and the MC’s willingness to use his power to commit heretical and immoral warcrimes. 
The Undead Lord of the Palace of Darkness
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Chapters 1-11
Art average, don’t come to this one for spectacle. It’s strength is in the subertfuge that it’s recently-necromanced-back-to-life MC goes through to get his Master killed and to later, probably, evolve into a vampire. MC isn’t evil though, just wants to survive. Main girl on cover was born and raised to hunt vampires but has a compassionate heart. Obviously she goes easy on and relates to MC. Story is still kinda in it’s first arc so the overall trajectory of the story is a bit hard to gauge and not quite satisfying enough by its own right. Probably a thumb up with more chapters but for now THUMB IN THE UPPER CORNER.
The Reincarnated Inferior Magic Swordsman
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Chapters 1-38
[Insert isekai startup here] but this time.... uh... THUMB SIDEWAYS. Usually I am patient, but 31 chapters with no goal and just barely plot? Wow. Saving grace is uh... I guess the world of “other isekai people existed but they sucked because they didn’t level uncap like MC” could go somewhere but. I take it back, lowering this one to a THUMB DOWN.
The Invincible Sage in the Second World.
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Chapters 1-12
[Insert isekai startup here] but this time a pro mmo player in a game called “Broken Balance Online.” Guess what his class, the sage class, was considered in the game? Not far along enough to really pop off but it isn’t horrible. MC is moderately cautious to a healthy degree which is actually rare in most isekai. THUMB IN BOTTOM LEFT CORNER. 
The Dark Queen and I Strike Back
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Chapters 1-29.5
Although technically an isekai, no isekai startup here. This a battle manga with a big mystery on the backdrop of a war. That is to say, the MC gets teleported to a world to kill the demons but he ends up defending them from the humans with all he’s got. Of special note is the complete seriousness of this manga that whiplashes into debauchery like tentacles, the above cover, oneshota, and even really dark jokes in some of the omake. That tonal lash effect will be either make or break, and it is a HUGE make for me. I love when a single piece can have both absolute serious scenes and utterly lighthearted and fluffy ones. Or in this case utterly lewd ones. May the average-human-amount-of-perverted MC one day slam some demon lord loli. THUMBS UP.
Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers
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Chapters 1-24
THUMB SIDEWAYS. Has the feeling of a nerfed slime isekai. Nerfed in all ways except romance. Art surprisingly good.
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matchkaa · 3 years
Writing Prompts Fluff
1. “Hey–what’re you hiding behind your back?”
2. “Your smile doesn’t just light up a room–it lights up the world.”
3. “All I care about is you.”
4. “God, your eyes are so gorgeous.”
5. “Why are you embarrassed? You’re beautiful, don’t you see that?”
6. “I told you not to trust me in the kitchen! Now it’s going to reek of pasta sauce forever.”
7. “Let’s just stay here–I don’t ever want to move.”
8. “Don’t you dare give me those sex eyes right now! This is a serious situation, here!”
9. “Can you please go sit in another room or something? I can’t concentrate with you around.”
10. “Let me in, please.”
11. “I had a nightmare . . . can I stay with you tonight?”
12. “God, I’m so glad you’re alright.”
13. “Please help–there’s a spider on the wall outside my room and it won’t let me leave.”
14. “Dude–why the hell are you in my room?”
15. “Were you watching me sleep? . . . That’s kinda creepy. But, you’re cute, so I’ll forgive you.”
16. “Ohmygod, I’m in love with an adult man-child.”
17. “I get that you’re taller than me, but does that really require you to steal all the blankets? I’m cold.”
18. “I wanna cuddle but if I touch you I might not be able to stop.”
19. “How did someone like me be lucky enough to end up with someone like you?”
20. “Hey–my eyes are up here, you perv. No, I don’t care that we’re dating–it’s still rude.”
21. “Whoever loses this match has to do the dishes.”
22. “Ugh, do you ever even try cleaning up after yourself? You’re such a slob!”
23. “Why do you always smell so good?”
24. “Uh–why am I wearing your shirt? I think it looks good on me?”
25. “Call me as soon as you get home, okay?”
26. “Hold my hand.”
27. “C’mon–I don’t bite. Not unless you want me to, that is.”
28. “Why are you staring at me like that? It’s just a swimsuit, geez.”
29. “Uh . . . how long were you standing there?”
30. “Don’t judge me–you’re the one who sings Disney songs in the shower!”
31. “You make some really cute noises in your sleep, did you know that?”
32. “I heard you say my name in your sleep.”
33. “Here, lay down. I’ll stay until you feel safe enough for me to go.”
34. “Dude–did you really just throw salt at me? I’m not possessed!”
35. “You’re too good for me.”
36. “Hey–it’s okay. I’m here; I’m safe. And fine–see? Everything’s alright now.”
37. “Ow! What did I do this time?!”
38. “You may be a jerk, but you’re my jerk.”
39. “Stop wandering off! I keep thinking you’ve gotten abducted or something. I swear I’ll put you on a kiddie leash. Don’t tempt me.”
40. “It’s 4am . . . why the hell are you in the closet with a butcher knife? … Right. Well, no more scary movie marathons for you.”
41. “I love you and all, but you’re really stretching your luck right now.”
42. “Aw, c’mon! It’ll be fun; I promise!”
43. “Are you seriously still listening to this song? I was gone for four hours!”
44. “Ohmygod, stop! You’re going to make me pee myself!”
45. “I’m sorry I annoy you . . . but at least I’m cute, right?”
46. “Why are you mad at me? You’re the one who almost stabbed me! I don’t care that I snuck up on you; I almost died!”
47. “That’s it–no more Netflix for you.”
48. “But it’s so cute! … So what if I’m allergic–what does that have to do with anything?”
49. “I will murder you… . Softly. With lots of kisses.”
50. “Ack! Dude–your feet are freezing, keep them away from me!”
51. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you, you understand?”
52. “You really think I’m beautiful?”
53. “Are you jealous? That’s cute.”
54. “There’s only a handful of people in this world that I actually like. You may or may not be one of them.”
55. “So–uh, I’m not really good at this, but … I think I like you . . . like you.”
56. “You seriously need to stop watching sad dog commercials at 3am. You’re an absolute mess; this is ridiculous!”
57. “Hey–don’t you sass me! That’s my job around here!”
58. “If you don’t get away from me with that horrid little creature, I will throat punch you.”
59. “You really have to question me? … So what if I lied? That was one time!”
60. “Oh, God. We broke it–dude, he’s gonna be so pissed! This is all your fault–it was your idea!”
61. “… Is that my underwear?”
62. “I overall hate the human race, but you aren’t too horrible; bearable, at least.”
63. “I didn’t mean to scare you–I thought you’d like being surprised!”
64. “You’re cute, I’ll give you that. But not cute enough to get away with that.”
65. “Look–I hate to tell you, but you deserve the truth… . Your cooking almost killed me last night.”
66. “This is the part where you ask me out and I say yes.”
67. “Really? You made me drive all the way back here just to kill a fucking bug?”
68. “We should get matching tattoos–wouldn’t that be cute?”
69. “Oh, God. We’re one of those couples, aren’t we? Ugh–I hate us!”
70. “I got you something! I remember you mentioning it before … I hope you like it.”
71. “Shut up and kiss me, you idiot.”
72. “I get that you were trying to be romantic, but you nearly burned the house down!”
73. “I may be short, but you could at least try to make kissing you easier!”
74. “I’ve never felt safer than I do in your arms.”
75. “We may be soulmates, but that does not mean you can just waltz in here like you own the place! I could have been naked, or something!”
76. “Oh–this is far from over. I’m going to prank you back so hard you won’t even know what hit you!”
77. “Here–can you put sunscreen on my back for me? Don’t be weird about it!”
78. “I need you. Please, stay.”
79. “Promise me you’ll never leave me. I don’t care if you have to lie.”
80. “Dance with me! C’mon, it’ll be fun!”
81. “What? Oh–I’m sorry, does this outfit bother you?”
82. “If you don’t start getting undressed I may just rip your shirt in half.”
83. “Here–let me show you how to hold that thing before you hurt yourself… Like this, see? It’s easy.”
84. “I may love you, but I will kick your ass if you tempt me to.”
85. “Why are you always right? It’s not fair.”
86. “I have no idea what you just said, but I could listen to you all day.”
87. “What? Sorry–I didn’t hear you. I was too busy getting lost in your eyes… Ow! What?! I was just trying to seduce you!”
88. “You know you don’t have to try so hard with me, right?”
89. “Relax–it’s just me! Not an axe murderer, I promise!”
90. “Did you seriously just climb through my window?”
91. “So, I tried making dinner … keyword there is tried. Let’s just say it didn’t end well, so we’re having takeout tonight.”
92. “Yep–no, you’re never touching the laundry again. You ruined my favourite sweater and nearly flooded the house. Never again.”
93. “Hey–I accidentally cut my hand, I think I need to go to the hospital. Can you drive me? … Why are you looking at me like that? There’s not even that much blood!”
94. “I have something to show you; I think you’ll like it.”
95. “I love you. Never forget that, okay?”
96. “You’re so beautiful words can’t even do you justice.”
97. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter how short or long that is.”
98. “Hey–I’m perfectly average height for my age, thank you very much. You’re the one who’s freakishly tall!”
99. “I’ll catch you–trust me! … So I dropped you one time–we don’t have the time to argue about this!”
100. “I won’t forget just how big of a douche you were, but I may just be able to find it within myself to forgive you.”
FROM @just-another-prompt-blog
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milfspiggy · 4 years
Let’s Rank Snifits!
Hello! Snifits are my favorite Mario enemy! To share my love for them, I’m going to go through the entire extended Snifit family, and score them all on a scale from 1 - 10 for your reading pleasure!!
The OG Snifit
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Perfect! 10/10!! How could you improve upon such a great design?? Well, you’ll see soon enough, but Snifits are the ultimate being in any form. They’re like Shy Guys, which are already great and wonderful - but Snifit benefits from the addition of a little snoot!!! All creatures could be improved with a snoot, I think. Snifit’s snoot especially looks both boopable and smoochable. I wish I had a Snifit plush. Anyway, let’s move on to some of their friends and get started under the cut!
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So, weirdly, to start things off, Snifits aren’t called Snifits in Super Mario RPG!! They’re called Spookums! I’m not sure why, but it’s kind of cute, I guess?? This is still pretty much just a Snifit, just with a less cute and evocative name. 9/10.
Snifit, Again
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So, I lied!! Sorry!! There actually are enemies called “Snifit” in Super Mario RPG, but they aren’t your standard rank and file Snifits in this game! There are only eight of them, and they’re minibosses!! At least, that’s my understanding from the mario wiki. I haven’t actually gotten that far in Mario RPG yet! I’m bad at video games. Snifits four through seven are actually promoted in-game from Spookums to Snifits if you lose to them in battle, though! That’s a really cool mechanic, and I’d love to see things like that more often in video games. I also like the idea that the colour of the Snifit denotes rank, with black being the strongest. Overall, despite just being a black variant of a normal Snifit, I like these ones just a little bit more than your average Snifit! I just think they’re neat! 10.5/10!!!
Whistle Snifit, Slurp Snifit, and Spike Snifit
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Sorry, I lumped these guys all together because they’re kind of just normal Snifits wearing accessories!! They’re all from Paper Mario: Colour Splash. 6/10 for the whole set. I love them all very much but they could stand to be a bit more adventurous!! I like the Spike Snifit the most because they’re wearing a cute little hat and also don’t have something stuffed into their snoot. Why would you put something into an already perfect snoot?? It looks uncomfortable. I like that the one with the straw is called a Slurp Snifit, though!! Slurp is a fun word. Also, these guys all come in red, blue, green, yellow, and pink! Yellow and pink are my favorite colours though, so I used those ones to make up for them being kind of boring :3
Chariot Snifit
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Hey, this one is just in a car!! That’s somehow both worse and better than the last few from Colour Splash. It gets half a point though for teaming up with a Chain Chomp, which is another favorite of mine. 8.5/10!!!
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Aaaaaaaa!!!!!! Look at these two pals!!! I love them!! The Snifaro is actually just a regular sized Snifit with a cool pharaoh mask standing on top of a regular Snifit inside of a sarcophagus!! The Super Mario Wiki says that one of their attacks features Snifit hopping on top of Snifaro’s sarcophagus and riding it like a surfboard. That’s wonderful and perfect! Take notes, Colour Splash Snifits!! This is how you accessorize!!! 10/10!!
Ice Snifit
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Take a look at these two!! They are so adorable and look so warm in their little winter coats!!!! I like the walking head version used in the original Mario+Luigi Superstar Saga a lot, but the more standard looking version in the remakes are impossibly adorable. I would give the original Ice Snifit a 10/10, and the revamped one a 11/10!!! It’s quite possibly my favorite Snifit design.
Ice Snifit, Again
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For some reason, this is the only image of these guys on the Mario Wiki, but they’re just as adorable as the previous Ice Snifits!!! Yoshi’s Wooly World is, aesthetically speaking, one of the best Mario games of all time. Possibly the best game ever? It’s too bad that it’s such an easy game. Regardless, this Snifit is on par with the last Ice Snifits, but for whatever reason I like the redesign in Superstar just a liiiiitle bit more. 10.5/10!
Toy Snifit
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Absolutely lovely!! I’m not sure if these pals come in different colours, and I’ve never played the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series, but this Snifit makes me want to check them out!!! I’d like a real life wind-up toy of this Snifit. Let’s make it happen, Nintendo!! 9/10!!
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Very cute! Kind of plain though. Sorry, Scorchit, but simply spitting out fire won’t put you on the same level as Ice Snifit!! It’s also apparently called “Zeus Guy” in the manual for Yoshi’s Island DS? That’s a cute name! I feel like it would fit better if this Snifit spat out lightning bolts instead of fire, though! I like that it’s pink. 7/10
Laser Snifit and Gunner Guy
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Ohhhhhohohohohoho!!!!! Ohohoho!!!! This is where the real fun begins!!! Look at these friends!!!! I love them!!!! This is what Slurp Snifit up there should have been!! The snout is the defining trait of Snifits, and these two have bumped it up to eleven!!! Apparently Gunner Guy can’t move on his own, though, which is heartbreaking. Also, he might not actually be a Snifit??? He might be a Shy Guy with a gun on his face! Is that what all Snifits are? Are they the same thing? I choose to believe they aren’t, and the snout is somehow biologically part of their face along with the rest of the mask. I’m rambling, though. Laser Snifit earns an 11/10 from me, while Gunner Guy gets an 8/10 for making me feel sad while still somehow being delightful.
Propeller Mucho
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What the heck?!  What a whimsical name!! Unfortunately, this is the only image of them on the Mario Wiki, but they still look pretty cute to me! I imagine they’re the same as Fly Guys, but like. Snifits. I love the idea that Shy Guys and Snifits are kind of mechanical or toy-like in nature. Maybe that’s why they live in the toy box in Paper Mario??? Anyways, 6/10. I wish I could see them better! They would have scored higher, but they’re outdone by.......
Flying Snifit
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A friend with a way less whimsical name,  but a way more whimsical appearance!! Look at those wings!!!! Most Mario enemies, when given the gift of flight, have cute little angel wings slapped onto them - but not Flying Snifit!! No, instead, this little garden buddy sprouts a pair of adorable cartoon butterfly wings!!  I adore this Snifit!! They’re going to get a whopping 11/10 from me! We aren’t done with Flying Snifit just yet, however, because they also show up with a couple of friends!!
Flifit and Sneed
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I told you our garden party wasn’t over yet!! These are also easily some of the most inventive varieties of Snifit!! There are only a couple of others that stray from the general Snifit body plan, and these two are both some of the weirdest and cutest!! God, I love them. Flifit spits out Sneed, which in turn spits out (presumably inanimate) seeds! I love whatever the heck Sneed is doing in that animation. I choose to interpret it as a little butt waggle. Shake it, Sneed!! For both of these friends, I’m handing out a solid 10/10!!!
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So, like I said before, there are only a couple of Snifit-adjacent friends that change up the general body plan that is Snifit! Snufits are ghost Snifits that live in Hazy Maze Cave in Super Mario 64!! They’re very cute, but when I was little I was actually kind of afraid of them? I’m not sure why! In the original game on the Nintendo 64, Snufit was round and shaped like a Boo, which is pretty cute! I love the idea that all ghosts in the Mario universe are just big round balls of ghostliness. This version of Snufit gets an 8/10! It’s pretty cute, but the redesign of Snufit in the DS version is so much more appealing to me, for some reason! I think it’s the floppy little sleeves. As someone who always wore sweaters that were much too big for me and always seemed to have “puppy paws” as my mom would call them, this new Snufit just calls to me. Also, shouldn’t these guys have been called Spookums?? I guess Mario RPG did come out before Mario 64, but it wouldn’t be the first time some weird name shenanigans had gone down in the Mario universe. Anyways, the redesign of Snufit gets an 11/10 from me!! It’s up there with Ice Snifit and Flying Snifit as one of my favorites!!
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Hey, these guys aren’t even in any of the games!! I think that should change though. I like them a lot!! Pretty creepy, and bizarre, though! I used to watch The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! a fair amount when i was little, but I must have missed whichever episode these guys appeared in. I think I would have remembered them for the rest of my life if I had!! I used to be really afraid of spiders when I was little. I think they’re really neat now though!! Still, I’m only going to give these guys an 8/10 for virtue of never being used in a game, and also for being kind of creepy and also for not having eight legs. I know that stuff isn’t their fault! It’s just the way things are sometimes. Life is cruel, especially to spiders.
Spiky Snifit
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Okay, these guys are the last of the official Snifit friends! I probably should have put them up with Flifit, but I wanted them to stand on their own. I love cacti a lot, being from a desert, and saguaro cacti are just the best!! I also love how Flifit seems to have their mask organically growing from their stem, but Spiky here could easily just be a normal cactus with a Snifit mask slapped onto it!! Does it have a face underneath?? Is it literally just a cactus??? Could you make anything into a Snifit by putting a mask onto it??? Spiky Snifit here raises a lot of questions, and answers literally none of them, and for that I love them. 9.5/10!! 
Finally, I would like to give an honorable mention to one other Mario enemy that I think has been unfairly left behind and forgotten. Let’s take a moment to remember a dear friend....
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Tweeter is an enemy that debuted in Doki Doki Panic/ Super Mario Bros 2 alongside Shy Guy, Snifit, Bob-omb, Birdo, and many other friends that we all know, love, and continually see in Mario games even today!! Unfortunately, unlike many of the other enemies from Mario 2, Tweeter hasn’t really ever shown up again! They make the occasional cameo here and there, but even those are few and far between!! Why haven’t Tweeters ever shown up again?? It’s unclear, but they’re also pretty high up on my list of favorite mario enemies! It turns out I just love masks and snoots, especially if that snoot is also a beak. If I were to give these guys a score, and I will, I would give them a 100/100!! Gone, but never forgotten (by me).
If you read all of this, thank you for your time!! I love you, and so does Snifit and all their many friends!! Feel free to shoot me a message telling me your favorite Mario enemy, and check out the blog @weirdmarioenemies​​ !! I’ve been binge reading their entire archive, and as you could probably guess, it heavily inspired me to make this post! I just love Snifit so much, and wanted to spread the love!! I hope you all come to love them as much as I do. Also, @nintendo​, please bring back Tweeter and also make Snifit a playable character in Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Tennis, your next main Mario platformer, et cetera, et cetera... In fact, let’s ditch Mario and make the games all about Snifit!!!
New Super Snifit Bros!! Coming soon to a store near you!!
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wordsandsound14 · 4 years
Smash Appearances - Fox
5. Melee - While he’s a really fun character to play, I really don’t like this model. His green, here’s that color again, pants look horrendous. I’m also not a fan of his pointy long snout that doesn’t work with more polygons. It sucks that I have to see this model anytime Melee is shown since he’s top tier. I do love this voice tho. It’s just the model isn’t really adapted well. I guess he didn’t have a new model yet or even much of a new game. Since the game around this time was Adventures and Rare made it so I’m sure Nintendo wasn’t sure if they wanted to use a new model that wasn’t “nintendo made.” Not like Rare nailed that model either tho. Just... fox in gamecube era struggled in the appearance section.
4. Brawl - From here, all Fox appearances are great. I love how ambitious this design is and the voice acting is really good too. While it took a chance, it didn’t really stick the landing imo. He looks a little off and still does. Not so off that I dislike it, just not my favorite. I feel the VA actually helps this model come to life more and I appreciate it for that. I also like how this model of Fox fits Brawl’s aesthetic.
3. Smash 4 - I love this model more than Ultimate’s, I’ll be honest. So why is it ranked lower. The VA is bad. Even the VA says it’s bad and he voiced Fox for Star Fox 64 (presumably the first smash game too) and returned for Smash 4 and Ultimate. He disliked his voice for 4 so much that he rerecorded for Ultimate. But the colors in this game are really nice for Fox and I love how this model looks. It’s literally only brought down cause the VA is so tied to how this fox looks and is animated.
2. 64 - While I love how blocky this character model is and how it brought the character to life (Not many people got to the part where you could control fox on the ground in Star Fox 64), I won’t deny that it’s a little disappointing cause the character seems so stiff. I get that’s part of 64′s character models but it’s really apparent with this character. Regardless of that, Fox being a moving model that you can control is amazing! I also just have a great memory since I wasn’t really sure where Fox’s fire came from so I thought it came from his butthole so if I played this character, we know which move I was spamming.
1. Ultimate - Fox is a strange character that I love so many different parts of (model, VA, and animations) that different games get right and leave parts of other behind. This Fox doesn’t do either of those. That’s not to say they did a bad job or anything close to that. It’s that this Fox doesn’t leave anything bad within the creation of it. However, it’s at the cost of having nothing that makes him above the rest other than this fact. Overall, they took the best average creation theory from 4 and it applied it here. Thankfully, the voice lines were remade so that this Fox could be where he is.
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b0ychik · 4 years
People measuring how much time it would take to read all of the sanders sides fics by how many fics there are doesn’t make much sense because fics can range from 400 words to 400,000 words, you should be measuring by words. I used the longest fics assuming you start with the longest and work your way to the shortest
The first page with the longest Sanders Sides fics is 3,901,863 words, assuming you have an average reading speed of about 250 words per minute it would take about 312 hours or 13 days of nonstop reading just to get through the longest fics. If you only read for about half the day that’s 26 days for the longest fics. The first 5 pages of the longest fics have roughly 11,561,900 words overall which is about  770 hours of straight reading, assuming again you read 12 hours a day that’s about 64 days, and we’re only on the longest 100 fics. 
Not trying to discourage you from doing this of course, I think it’s a really cool idea, but it may be more difficult than you originally planned
A/N: true, true. Thought the same. I’m gonna try and do the finished ones first, and maybe only do the finished ones? But I feel like that’d discredit the incomplete ones that people are working on?
I do appreciate the maths though! Maybe if I could find someone to read with me, but my sibling has like no interest in tss and I’m not gonna force them to read haha.
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theliberaltony · 4 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
For the past few months, Alicia Wertz has barely seen her husband. Since schools closed in their northern Alabama town in March, they’ve been single-mindedly focused on a single goal: making sure that someone was watching their three kids. At first, Wertz tried working from home. But she wasn’t getting anything done, so they tried splitting the hours: Wertz’s husband watches the children in the morning, then a sitter comes to relieve him in the afternoon until Wertz takes over when she returns from work.
“When we’re not working, we’re by ourselves with the children. It almost feels like you’re a single parent. All you do is go to work and care for the kids,” Wertz said.
In her mind, Wertz is counting down the days until schools reopen. But there’s a nagging worry at the back of her head — what if they don’t open at all? “The thought of [my kids] not going back in the fall is devastating,” Wertz said when we spoke in early July. “It raises this question of — if one of us has to stay home with the children, whose job is more important? I think it was something that we did have conversations about before, but COVID-19 has made it much worse.”
Wertz isn’t the only working mother for whom the thought of the fall calendar sparks both relief and dread. And what comes next could have disproportionate — and long-lasting — effects on the careers of countless women across the country. Studies have shown that women already shoulder much of the burden of caring for and educating their children at home; now, they’re also more likely than men to have lost their jobs thanks to the pandemic. And the collapse of the child care and public education infrastructure that so many parents rely on will only magnify these problems, even pushing some women out of the labor force entirely.
“We’re in danger of erasing the limited gains we’ve made for women over the past few decades, and especially women of color,” said Melissa Boteach, Vice President for Income Security and Child Care/Early Learning at the National Women’s Law Center.
The crux of the issue: Child care just isn’t as available as it was before the pandemic. Data provided to FiveThirtyEight by the job-search website Indeed shows that child-care services have been much slower to hire again (a useful proxy for re-opening) than other areas of the economy:
Combine that with the news that many schools will remain closed in the fall, and it’s easy to see the crisis at hand. If polling is any indication, the vast majority of the fallout is being weathered by mothers, who were already doing the majority of household work even before the pandemic began.
In 2015, the Pew Research Center asked parents about how they divide family responsibilities when both work full-time.1 Some tasks were split relatively evenly: Twenty percent of respondents said the mother disciplined children more, 17 percent said the father disciplined more, and 61 percent said that responsibility was shared equally. For every task, however, more respondents reported that the mother carried a greater amount of the load than those who said the father did — including areas involving managing children’s schedules, caring for children when they’re sick and handling household chores.
Moms usually shoulder more of the load at home
Share of parents in households with two full-time working parents who say each parent does more work in a given category, according to a Pew poll
Share of parents who say… Category Mother does more Father does more Work split equally Managing children’s schedules/activities 54% 6% 39% Taking care of sick children 47 6 47 Handling household chores, etc. 31 9 59 Playing/doing activities with children 22 13 64 Disciplining children 20 17 61
Based on 2015 poll by Pew Research, with a sample size of 531 respondents. The sample included male/female married couples only.
Source: Pew Research center
Along similar lines, Pew also found in a poll from 2019 that 80 percent of women living with a partner who had children did the primary grocery shopping and meal-preparation duties for their families. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ American Time Use Survey — which tracks the average amount of time people spend per day on different categories of activity — married mothers with full-time jobs spent 56 percent more time doing childcare and housework than corresponding fathers. By contrast, fathers spent more time on work-related tasks, travel and leisure activities.2
All that extra time moms spend really adds up
Daily time spent doing various activities by married parents of children under 18 who both worked full-time, according to the American Time Use Survey
Hours spent per day Activity Mothers Fathers Diff. Household activities 1.87 1.23 +0.64 Physical care for children 0.59 0.28 0.31 Child care – other 0.36 0.22 0.14 Child-related travel 0.25 0.13 0.12 Education-related activities 0.10 0.06 0.04 Reading with children 0.05 0.03 0.02 Playing/hobbies with children 0.27 0.29 -0.02 Total 3.49 2.24 1.25
Survey data covers the combined years of 2015 through 2019 and includes both opposite- and same-sex couples.
Source: bls.gov
Even under normal circumstances, it was difficult for mothers of young children to balance work against the heavy burden of child care. The BLS found that in 2019, the labor force participation rate for women with children under age 6 was 66.4 percent, well below the rate for women with children age 6 or older3 (76.8 percent). According to a 2014 survey by the U.S. Census Bureau, 61 percent of women who were out of a job and have young children listed “caretaking” as a reason why they were not employed. Forty-six percent of women who were out of a job and have older children said the same. To put that in perspective, only 10 percent of all respondents who were out of work gave caregiving as a reason.4
A similar strain is apparent in working mothers’ decisions to take unpaid leave, or even part-time jobs instead of full-time ones. According to that same census survey from 2014, 30 percent of women who were part-time workers with young children — and 19 percent of women with older children — said caretaking was a reason they worked part-time. (Among part-time workers, the overall share is just 7 percent.)5
Now, with schools closed and day cares struggling to remain open, even more women may conclude that the best — or perhaps the only — choice for their family and their own sanity is to reduce their hours, or even press “pause” on their career.
“Sometimes I’ll get to a point where I’m like, ‘I’m so tired, I’ll have to go part-time to make it all work,’” said Lee Dunham, a lawyer who lives in Delaware. Since the pandemic started, Dunham has been mostly responsible for her 10-month-old daughter during the day — which means her work day doesn’t start until 8 p.m. and usually wraps around 2 a.m.. “I’m just basically not getting enough sleep because I’m watching the baby 40 hours a week and doing my job 40 hours a week. It’s really rough.”
Dunham feels she’s lucky to have an understanding employer who told her earlier this year that they’d be cutting all of their employees some slack because of the pandemic. But at the time, she added, everyone was assuming day care would be up and running by mid-summer. “It might be that I have to dial back my hours, which of course means I will get paid less.”
This kind of calculus already depresses women’s wages and makes it harder for their careers to progress. According to the National Women’s Law Center, mothers are typically only paid 71 cents for every dollar paid to fathers. In fact, a lot of recent research into the gender pay gap has found that much of it is simply due to the constraints on working mothers. For instance, a 2018 analysis of data from Denmark — which offers a counterpoint to the United States in terms of social safety net, yet still has a very large and persistent gender wage gap — found that women’s earnings drop significantly after having their first child, while men’s earnings aren’t affected at all. And crucially, several studies in the U.S. and other countries have found that the trajectory of wages for women who don’t have children resembles those of men, whether they have kids or not (although some research has actually suggested that becoming a father can contribute to men’s career success).
This disparity is particularly intense for women of color. Black mothers are paid only 54 cents for every dollar paid to a white father, according to NWLC; for Latina mothers, it’s 46 cents. Low-income women of color are also among the likeliest to have lost their jobs in the current recession. And they’re disproportionately likely to be the child-care workers who are being asked to come back to work, sometimes in unsafe working conditions, for low wages. “We’re in a vicious cycle where we need child care as one of the tools to get women to equal pay, and yet unequal pay is one of the primary reasons that women are pushed into staying home,” Boteach said.
Leaving the workforce, even if it’s just for a year or two, has ripple effects that can follow a woman for the rest of her life, even depressing her earnings in retirement. Finding a new job after a few years on hiatus can be very difficult for mothers, who may be stereotyped as less serious about their careers because they took time off to be with their children. One study from 2007 found that mothers were perceived to be less competent than fathers, and their recommended salaries were also lower.
During this pandemic, you can already see the disproportionate impact taking shape. The unemployment rate for women in April was 16.2 percent, higher than it has been in any month since at least 1948, before dropping to 11.7 percent in June — a percentage point higher than the rate for men (10.6 percent). Even more striking, labor force participation for women dipped to 54.7 percent in April before rising to 56.1 percent last month. Both of those numbers are reminiscent of the rates for women from the 1980s — back when the very notion of women in the workforce was still gaining momentum.6
Wertz has no plans to leave her job — at least for now. “I worked incredibly hard to get to where I am now,” she said. “I essentially paid my way through school with no family support. For years I worked entirely too hard for not enough money.” Already, she worries that she’s perceived differently in the workplace because she’s a mother. “Even if it was just a year, I know how that gap would look on my resume,” she said. “If I had to take that step back, I just don’t know if I’d recover from it.”
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fahadstechblog · 4 years
MSI GF65- The MacBook Decimator
The sub $1000 MSI GF65 definitely packs a punch and absolutely demolishes the competitors in this price range
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So this is the MSI GF 65 thin which is a very thin and light 15-inch gaming laptop that comes with a brand new Intel Core i7 10 750H CPU. Now the CPU is pretty much like the previous generation CPUs but with significantly higher clock speeds. The MSI GF65 thin series have always aimed at the affordable end of the market. This particular model comes with the Intel Core i7 10750H CPU, the Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 GPU with 16 gigs of ram(upgradable to 64 gigs), a lightning quick 512 gigabyte NVMe SSD and a great 120 hertz IPS panel for a buttery smooth FPS experience. I have personally used this laptop as my daily driver for about 60 days now and this laptop just feels FANTASTIC. From gaming to productivity, this laptop ticks all the things one looks in a laptop. This laptop will cost you $1000 so that’s pretty much the same as the AMD version, the MSI Bravo 17 and places in the same price range as the Asus G15.
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The outer design of the GF 65 thin isn’t that different from the MSI Bravo series. It is fairly compact for a 15-inch laptop as it’s only about 2 centimeters high and it weighs a bit less than 2 kilos so it’s pretty much a bit lighter and more compact than the Asus TUF A15. I bought this laptop mainly to use it for University work and to be very honest, it is extremely easy to carry in your backpack and is the best option for students(please don’t buy a MacBook instead, you’ll definitely be shooting yourself in the foot). It has a brushed aluminum on top which very premium but does show fingerprints occasionally. The Build Quality is great. It’s definitely not typical for this price range but there is a bit of flex here and there. The overall look is a bit old school as MSI decided to stick to Reds details(catered to the hardcore gamers) The hinge feels pretty good and it is very easy to open with one hand, the display feels fairly sturdy. The inside has a metal layer as well and has a glossy yet matte finish. So overall quality and finish is quite impressive for this price range.
Keyboard and Trackpad
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The keyboard of the MSI GF 65 is fairly typical at this price point. The actuation feels great and the key travel is a bit shorter, making it an extremely easy and swift typing experience. The backlighting of the keyboard is only red(a bit of a bummer for all the RGB fans), and the brightness can be adjusted through the macros provided by MSI on the left-side of the keyboard. The Trackpad on this thing is quite unique. It is equipped with windows precision drivers which is great for quick gestures, and the surface that MSI used is actually quite great. It is really smooth, the palm rejection is good and its overall nice to use for you. I mean it’s a touchpad you cannot really love a touchpad but unfortunately it does have a bit of a wobble so both tapping and pressing the corners to click does feel a bit awkward. A great addition would be to see added dedicated buttons.
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Connectivity is pretty alright, on the left we have an HDMI port and the charging port, while on the right side there are two USB 3.0 gen1 type-c ports and two USB 3.0 gen one type-a ports. There is an Ethernet connection and a combined audio jack although there is no Thunderbolt support or USB3.2 gen 2 connections but considering the price of this laptop I think it’s really fair to assume that the buyers won’t really spend big cash on the fastest external storage and are pretty much more concerned with having enough USB ports instead.
Now off to the main part you all have been waiting for- the performance. Considering the fact how well the AMD Ryzen CPUs did, it is interesting to see that Intel is neck-to-neck, on its way to reclaim their crown in this mobile segment. In the single core Cinebench 15 benchmark, the 10750 H manages to stay ahead of the Ryzen CPUs by a mile, but in all other CPU benchmarks including the much newer single core Cinebench 20, the i7 10750H CPUs are just ahead and the jump from the 9th generation to the 10th generation of Intel CPUs looks quite promising for productivity. So now the question is what does the new CPU mean for gamers? And the answer to that is actually not that much.
Looking at raw gaming performance-The Division, Far Cry 5 and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey which are all fairly CPU heavy games and turned up to the highest settings, the MSI GF65 consistently demonstrated its prowess by maintaining an 80 FPS average at 1080p. If you’re more into FPS and multiplayer gaming, you can certainly take advantage of that 120 Hertz screen. The MSI GF65 pulls a 140FPS average on Call of Duty: Warzone on the highest settings. Tweak those settings and hitting 240 FPS wont be an issue but be prepared to invest in a 240 Hertz monitor!
Battery Life
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Now lets take a look at the battery life of this thing. The GF 65 thing does a great job considering it’s a gaming laptop, with about six and a half hours in the heavy PC Mark 8 and just over nine hours of Netflix watching is not bad at all. It is considerably better than its counterparts, the MSI Bravo 17 which had a smaller battery so it could keep the 2.5 inch drive but at the same time it is a little worse than the Asus G15. Gaming on battery is not advisable as you will most certainly only get 3–4 hours of gaming out of this thing.thermals and noise
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If you’re into overclocking and undervolting, thermals are going to be very important to you and this is where the MSI GF65 proves to be impressive again! The MSI’s flagship cooler booster 5 does a fantastic job keeping this thing cool. After 9 hours of intense gaming, the peak temperature this machine hits is a 65 degrees Celsius and a 60 degrees Celsius for the CPU and GPU respectively. Now that’s a BARGAIN! The laptop the fans do have to work hard when running a CPU heavy game, it is coming in at around 50 decibels in extreme performance mode.
What’s Inside?
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The bottom panel of the GF 65 is really easy to open and after removing the panel you can see a lot of copper heat pipes and you have access to all key components. You can easily clean the fans, replace the battery, upgrade the memory or change out the network card, however since this already has a Wi-Fi 6 chip there is no reason to do so. Most importantly you can add a second SSD as well with the second slot taking both nvme and SATA drives.
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The MSI GF65 comes equipped with a120 Hertz IPS panel. Now it is a cheaper gaming panel that we’ve seen in other laptops as well and it is better than having a 60 Hertz refresh rate panel but still the color gamut is barely mediocre and the other results are also averaged. But none of this matters unless you’re looking to do some color correction work. Now I’m into that sort of thing so I’ve simple connected this to my LG 24-inch display monitor via HDMI. Now the gamut percentage sounds worse than it actually looks in reality and it’s not something you have to worry about when watching Netflix or gaming, especially considering the other results like contrast are actually quite good.
Overall, the MSI GF65 Thin is a fantastic machine, capable of running modern AAA titles comfortably at high framerates. It is more than equipped for doing your daily tasks, and is a wonderful machine for productivity tasks such as video editing, programing, development and what not. A perfect MacBook alternative, crushing the Apple’s overrated laptop in all aspects. I highly recommend this laptop to you all, especially students like me who need all the power in a compact and light machine. Don’t forget to share this article if it helped you. Cheers!
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letterboxd · 5 years
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Top 100 Women Directors.
Ella Kemp takes a deep-dive into our newest all-time stats addition—the top 100 films directed by women—and finds, to nobody’s surprise, that Agnès Varda is indisputably the GOAT.
There are countless ‘best of’ lists on Letterboxd to track your progress against; some are maintained by our staff, while others are contributed by passionate members. If you’ve upgraded to Pro or Patron level, there’s a section on your all-time stats page (accessible directly from your profile) where we’ve gathered twelve key lists against which you can track your progress at a glance (example below), and we’ve also added ‘Completed Collections’ for Patrons, showing all franchises of three or more films that you’ve seen in their entirety (excluding unreleased entries).
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In the interests of promoting a diverse range of titles, we’ve recently added a Top 100 Women Directors list to your all-time stats, compiled by Jack Moulton and ranked by overall weighted average rating. In other words, these are the female-directed (and female-identifying-directed) films that you, the Letterboxd community, have chosen as the best.
To celebrate, we invited Letterboxd member, writer and Girls on Tops photographer Ella Kemp to cast her eye over the current list (it’s bound to change in future based on new ratings cast).
Encompassing thousands of votes to meticulously rate and root for the greatest films we have courtesy of women directors, Letterboxd’s newest all-time list offers a sobering dissection of the way we consume movies—and how much we recognize the women responsible for these works.
At first glance, a scroll through the list boasts a generous handful of posters designed in the last couple of years. Five features released in the past twelve to eighteen months have made it straight to the top 20 (Portrait of A Lady on Fire, The Farewell, Booksmart, Lady Bird and Capernaum) with one of those films—not even publicly released in cinemas yet, but making waves at festivals around the world—already sitting at number two. That’s the power of Céline Sciamma and her Portrait.
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Céline Sciamma’s ‘Portrait of a Lady on Fire’ (2019).
Diving deeper, Sciamma’s top-tier triumph exemplifies a few key patterns. She returns at number 64 with Tomboy, reminding us what a great shame it is that her excellent feature Girlhood didn’t make the list, but confirming that France appears to be one of the best countries in the world for women to make movies: the list comprises 23 French features, which, considering the US’s oft-perceived monopoly on the film industry, feels monumental.
But of course, it’s not accidental either. This year sadly marked the passing of Agnès Varda, indisputably the GOAT. She stands proud as the most prolific contributor with six features, two in the top 20. To grieve, to remember, at least we can always keep watching.
Another singular trailblazer is Scotswoman Lynne Ramsay. She has four entries, but what’s most impressive is that these are, well, all the feature films she’s made to date. Her fourth entry, Morvern Callar, sneaks in at number 100.
Elaine May and Chantal Akerman both have three entries, which may come as no surprise to cinephiles, but it’s also the same number of entries as Japanese animator Naoko Yamada (whose A Silent Voice sits in sixteenth place on our list). This reveals an open-minded slant, one that acknowledges the widely perceived touchstones but also embraces further-reaching works from lesser-known artists. Five features are Japanese, four are German, three Italian, and three Indian.
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Naoko Yamada’s ‘A Silent Voice’ (2016).
The lean still remains very much with the US, and yet few films on the list break records for eye-watering budgets. The Matrix, courtesy of the Wachowskis, was made for $63 million, and Shrek, co-directed by Vicky Jenson, had a budget of $60 million. Aside from these two, projects on the list seldom had more than $10–15 million to get the job done.
When looking at the list’s omissions, one almost unanimous absence is that of the highest-grossing films of all time directed by women. No Sleepless in Seattle, no Frozen, no Fifty Shades of Grey. No Nora Ephron, No Nancy Meyers. No Ava DuVernay. It’s a peculiar gap, as the influence of these writers and filmmakers is hardly one to be contested. And, to close the circle on big budgets, $120-150-million-wielding Patty Jenkins is also absent. The highest-grossing film directed by a woman (with no male directing partner)—a cool $821.8 million at the global box office—did not make the cut.
On this topic, there are sixteen films co-directed by women on the list. A co-directing mention is a crucial credit. It’s like the trust exercises that used to be taught in school drama classes—how would they work if one party wasn’t there to catch the other as they fell? What’s the point in being brave if you don’t also have some kind of promise of safety? Partners need each other, and these directors needed partners to reach the heights they did. City of God, co-directed by Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund, was nominated for four Oscars, and yet Meirelles was still the only filmmaker credited at the ceremony. The Academy chose to disregard Lund, but our list does not. There are five female co-directors in the top 20. One of the highest-grossing films on the list, Shrek, would not be what it is without Vicky Jenson.
Also curious: Palme d’Or winner Jane Campion makes the list, best director Oscar winner Kathryn Bigelow does not. Overall, the list shows a vast body of skill, a crop of familiar names, some deeply felt absences and—hopefully—a whole lot of additions to watchlists. Further names that deserve to be sought out, in no particular order, include Mabel Normand, Maya Deren, Josephine Decker, Jennie Livingston, Mia Hansen-Løve, Dee Rees, Joanna Hogg, Gurinder Chadha, Barbara Hammer, and directors with new films soon to be released: Marielle Heller (A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood), Niki Caro (the live-action Mulan) and Kasi Lemmons (Harriet).
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Chantal Akerman’s ‘Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce 1080 Bruxelles’ (1975).
Writing this breakdown gave me plenty of homework, and it shed light on a lot of works that I’m yet to catch up with. At first I thought it pretty normal to not have seen as many on the list as I would have liked, taking into account my age, access and time, but the further I went, the more names cropped up that I didn’t recognize, and the more I recalled my three years studying film at university and not having learned anything about so many of these women.
I should know more names. I should have been set more assignments regarding more of these names. I can do more, but so too can those above me, those who taught me and continue to teach others, about who makes the films that are worth learning about. We now have lists such as this one—it’s high time we start to properly use them.
Header image: Agnès Varda (with her own 1962 self-portrait) in Faces Places.
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