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billionaire house, millionaire house, millionaireceoclub.com, https://www.MillionaireCEOclub.com
#billionaire house#house#houses#millionaireshouse#housemillionaires#billionaireshouse#housebillionaires#trillionairehouse#housetrillionaire#trillionaireshouse#housetrillionaires#houseclub#housegroup#houseclubs#housegroups#clubhouse#grouphouse#房子#房#亿万富翁房子#房子亿万富翁#百万富翁房子#房子百万富翁#亿万房子#房子亿万#百万房子#房子百万#millionaire house#house billionaire#house millionaire
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Hood Deco: Settlers Village Buildings
Converted, edited and separated from Settlers 5 - these village housesmake nice additions to your sim world.
All merged into one file as they share the same textures.
Place them in empty spots in you hood using T.O.O.L by TwistedMexi.
You can use my Blowtorch mod to have a sims world emptied of modern stuff - read more here.
Three different small houses with decorations - 4 edited housegroups - merged in one file, as they share textures.
Download Hood Deco: Settlers Village Buildings (Curseforge)
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🎧Channelping.com✨We love to share your posts. Let’s spread the music! @latenightalumni Band⭐️LateNightAlumni📀UNDEAD LAMENT #channelping#music#latenightalumni#housegroup#downtempomusic #halloween#dj#djremix#producer#techno#techhouse#housemusic#hardstyle#edm#trance#dancemusic#deephouse#nightclub#electronicmusic#darktechno#edmfestivals#radio#undergroundtechno#acidhouse#clubbing#acidmusic#psytrance#beatport#spotify#recordlabels https://www.instagram.com/p/B4LP7lJgpxW/?igshid=b5p0m7lkegra
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#summernights #housegroup #sharinglife #aperolspritz (hier: Dettingen unter Teck) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzEWSYxHX8L/?igshid=1m0v660r5il2z
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pray for my ex-biology teacher mother, who with every piece of scientific misinformation about COVID and the vaccine is getting one step closer to baying at the moon
#someone on her church housegroup Zoom call was worried a vaccine might affect her DNA and turn her into something odd#and I thought she was going to bite through a table#love in the time of corona
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Information and advice for living groups during the COVID-19 pandemic
Two weeks ago, I was making jokes about the coronavirus and still giving hugs to my friends because I didn’t realize how serious the current situation is. I’ll explain why I changed my mind and my behavior. The coronavirus is not like a regular flu. Not only older people and people with health problems are at risk, but also healthy people in their 20’s apparently. And if you get pneumonia from this virus, it can cause an immune-reaction that causes scar tissue in your lungs, lungfibrosis. Scar tissue cannot stretch the way lung tissue can and this will stay so for the rest of your life. It’s not possible to only put ‘the people at risk’ in quarantine. Not only would that put the responsibility on the wrong people (also, they’re already isolating themselves…), but it also wouldn’t work out, as they depend on others (for food etc.); others that will eventually make them sick if they don’t socially distance themselves and their housemates for example as well. We shouldn’t let members of our community and society die, just because we want to physically hang out with others. I’ve heard some people say that they’d rather get sick now, so that they’ll get immune and protect others this way. The problem is that it’s unsure if people can even become immune. And if so, we don’t know which percentage is needed for group/herd immunity. If it would be like the measles, we’d need 95% of the population to be immune, before they could protect the other 5%, meaning this would not be worth it. What’s also important to know is that the coronavirus can be spread by asymptomatic carriers, which means that even if you’re not sick, you can still unknowingly pass it on. And the incubation time is 2-12 days, this is the amount of days it can take before you get sick after you’ve been exposed to the virus. We have to try to have the least people sick at the same time. The death rate can be around ‘only’ a few percent, but only if there’s enough medical care, as apparently 20% will need medical care to survive. If too many people will get sick at the same time, we’ll have the same situation as in Italy: the intensive care units will be full and sick people will be let to die alone in a tent outside because there’s not enough capacity to help them. They will die without their family or friends around to avoid them from getting sick as well, and they cannot have a funeral because this is too dangerous. Currently, the military in Italy is helping to bring away hundreds of dead bodies from the hospital each day(!), to somewhere far out of the cities because the cemeteries are all full. Let this sink in. It’s already too late to stop the virus. The only thing that can be done is slowing down the spreading of it, so that not too many people will get sick at the same time. Slowing down the spreading can only be done by ‘extreme’ social distancing; actually physical distancing. I cannot stress enough how important it is to be solidary and not meet up with people when it’s not super necessary; limit the people you see. I know this contradicts our views of respecting people’s personal choices and ‘obeying the government’, but there is just no other solution. As a living group and in a community, we have this responsibility, whether we want it or not. It’s not a personal choice anymore. So, practically: • Try to stop seeing other people than your housemates. Every single contact is a risk. If you can do something by phone or online, do it that way. • Keep a distance from everyone; in the house, on the street, in the supermarket. The bigger the distance, the safer. • Wash your hands with soap, because soap destroys the lipid membrane around the virus. Wash your hands at least after you’ve been outside, after you’ve touched your face, before and after you eat. Make sure you wash them thoroughly. Consider washing doorhandles, light switches etc. regularly too. • Limit your exposure by doing groceries for the whole house only once every couple of days. • Take care of your mental state and of those around you when possible. Talk about how this situation makes you feel, what it does to others. Call the people that are dear to you, but cannot meet right now. • If someone gets sick, they should be quarantined. Others should bring food. It’s best when the whole house goes into lockdown; no partners/friends in or out. • Symptoms of COVID-19 could include: dry cough, fever, sore throat, headache, fatigue. Also only loss of smell and taste has been reported.
#covid19#covid2020#covid-19#living groups#housegroups#shared space#pandemic#corona#coronavirus#virus#social distancing#staythefuckhome
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THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO CAME OUT FOR HOMESPUN DISCOS SHOWCASE #5!!! We are gonna take a month off of throwing the showcase & plan to make a fully-loaded & triumphant return to the Thursday night Pizza scene in March <3 Also, stay tuned for the Randelles & Ram Hoss releases that Homespun Discos is pumping out in the coming months. Exciting stuff boys & ghouls!!! xXx
#Homespun Discos#Pizza Party#Astoria#Vancouver#BC#Canada#the Randelles#Ram Hoss#HOUSEGroup#Jordon Hossack#James Andrew
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Okay, so I’ve noticed there’s some misconceptions about what asexuality (and aromantism) is on this site, which leads to Aphobia, so I thought I should try and clear some terms up.
I have seen a lot of people discrediting Aces by saying things like “So, it’s a special snowflake term for celibacy” or “If you don’t wanna have sex, don't have sex, you don’t need to invent words to feel special’ Which shows they really don’t know what it is, and keep confusing it with celibacy, so I thought I would clear some stuff up and explain some terms;
Asexuality- It is a sexual orientation meaning you are not sexually attracted to anyone. It exists on a spectrum, for example you could be Gray Ace, or identify with one or multiple micro labels.
Libido- This is a desire/instinct for sex.
Celibacy/Abstinence- This is when someone abstains from sex (sometimes marriage too) for religious or personal reasons.
Asexuality is a sexuality and therefore NOT A CHOICE, you just are, in the same way you just are gay, or just are bi.
Celibacy is a CHOICE to not have sex, for life or until marriage/ meet the right person.
They are very different things.
(Sorry, the next part was longer than I anticipated but it gives some context)
For example I was raised a Christian and therefore I learned as a teenager that sex is a gift for marriage and therefore I should be celibate until such a time. So I decided I was celibate until marriage, which didn’t bother me because I wasn’t bothered with sex, it seemed kinda weird, but I guessed that I would be into it once I found the right man.
Then a few years later when I was 16 or 17 I was at my youth housegroup and we were talking about sex and my youth leader basically said that it is difficult to not have sex when you’re attracted to someone,(in the context of spending time alone) and that it’s hard to abstain. I remember my immediate thought was “That sounds fake” I could never imagine being so attracted to someone that it’s hard to control yourself around them. I always assumed that celibacy was easy (despite been told otherwise) that you would date someone and be like “I love you, but lets not have sex”
I didn’t get it when people were like, “It must be hard being celibate.” I was always like why? you just don’t have sex, it’s that easy.
Until a few years ago I came across a post on social media that explained sexual attraction as looking at someone and being like “yeah, I’ d have sex with you.” I realised I didn't get that. I have never looked at someone and wanted to have sex with them. That’s how I knew I was asexual.
Hope this makes sense, sorry it’s a bit long, but I have been getting annoyed with people just clearly misunderstanding Asexually, that I thought this might be useful to some people, also if anyone is questioning if they are ace or not you may find this helpful
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okay so i said im in class but INNERWORKS UPDATED GTG
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Процесс идет. Подходим к волнующему моменту монтажа обвязочного бруса. Объект Дальнее Константиново. 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 #качество_на_первом_месте #хаусгрупп #housegroup #строительство #строительстводома #домизбруса #стройка #строительствоизбруса #отделканн #отделкаквартир #ремонтквартир #хочу_в_систему (at Dal'nee Konstantinovo, Russia)
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It strikes me that when we discussed the “issue” of LGBTQ+ people in our housegroup the other night, and as I’ve talked to many folks from my new church, that so many people actually don’t really get why the church is homophobic and transphobic, and actually don’t think it’s a big deal, but don’t say anything because they think it makes them a bad Christian or they’re afraid they’ll get reprimanded.
And actually most people (here at least) are just a bunch of well-meaning, decent people who are just a bit clueless about queer issues. People who’s reactions to your coming out will be “oh, cool.” or “I don’t understand why the church makes such a big deal out of it, personally” rather than “well, you know I love you, but I can’t approve of your lifestyle” or “Let me pray for you because I fear you’re backsliding”
The evangelical church will have you thinking that every church and every Christian believes this, and there are only a few small fringe groups who are affirming, and they’re all liberal heathens anyway who don’t believe in the Bible.
When actually they, and the homophobia they insist is a fundamental part of Christianity, are rapidly becoming a minority.
#faith tag#christianity#religion#ignore me#queer issues#lgbt stuff#they are all so like... at LGBT 101#but you know what? that's actually refreshing#to come out and have people say 'i've never heard of that but thank you for telling me about it i want to learn more'#or 'i think God loves you just the way you are and wouldn't want you to change'#rather than getting uncomfortable or telling me they don't approve of my lifestyle but love me anyway or other bullshit#like people who are actually willing to listen and learn
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The Church Sofa Question of The Week
The Church Sofa Question of The Week
Here’s the thing.
Picture you’ve just arrived at Housegroup, and someone there refers to you briefly by your sons name / daughters name / some name that isn’t actually your name. The person in question moves on quickly, and you don’t a chance to comment…
Then… During the Bible Study you are again referred to by the same name / the name that really isn’t you.
At what point is it socially…
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What Happened Next?
So in my last blogpost I talked about how I came to believe in Jesus. But really that was just the start of my journey.
After I became a Christian I continued to go to the church and home group that my friend went to. I was so excited by these amazing experiences that I shared them with my workmates. By now I had moved on to a new temporary job this time in a Psychiatry Outpatient Unit. My workmates were NOT impressed as I exuberantly told them Jesus was real and talked about how amazing he was! In fact I'm surprised I didn't get admitted myself!
Around this time my friend got baptised in water which basically means she made a commitment to follow Christ and demonstrated this publicly by being fully immersed in a baptism pool. This symbolises the physical act that takes place when you become a Christian ie that the old you dies and the new you is raised to life with Jesus. When you go into the baptism waters this symbolises the old you dying and when you come up out of the waters it symbolises rising to new life. In her enthusiasm my friend asked when I was going to 'get dunked'! I remember feeling like I wasn't ready and feeling a bit freaked out about it. However my house group leaders explained what it was all about and I decided I would get baptised about 6 weeks after I got saved (which was 1 November 1998).
I invited family and friends and was pleased a number of them came. On the day I wore a brown blouse and black trousers (after being advised to steer clear of white or pale colours because they go see through!). I got up and gave my story of how I had become a christian then the leaders led me through the baptism declarations. I entered the lovely warm baptism pool. As I came up out of the water I got a vision of a newborn lamb, sleek, trembling and wet and I knew that the lamb in the vision was me. The bible describes Jesus as the Good Shepherd and I realised i was that lamb, newborn and shaky with a lot to learn. I knew I wasn't making it up as if I was going to imagine a lamb I would imagine one all cute and woolly, not a newborn wet sleek lamb. My baptism was a very beautiful and emotional experience.
The next rite of passage was the baptism in the Holy Spirit. My house group were keen for me to be able to speak in tongues, a gift of a heavenly language which cannot be learned but is received by faith. My experience of tongues was very limited. When I went to church in my teens I had a tape and I remember people praying in an unusual way which I now understand to be tongues. I was reading a book by now called Chasing the Dragon which was about an evangelist Jackie Pullinger who had travelled to China and was helping drug addicts get free. The main method she used to do this was getting them baptised in the Holy Spirit and having them pray in tongues. This way they would come off drugs with no withdrawal symptoms.
I had also started to go to a womens weekly meeting called Womens Aglow (now called Aglow International) which was lovely. They would have a speaker who would share their story of how they became a Christian and the ladies would worship and pray together. Some of these ladies sometimes sang in tongues and it was so beautiful, like angels singing.
Anyway each time I went to my housegroup they would pray for me to receive tongues but I would clam up and almost have a mental block. I couldn't understand how I could talk in a language I didn't understand!
I was getting quite frustrated especially as our house group were teaching us about all the benefits such as being able to pray directly to God according to his will and that it's a great way to build yourself up spiritually (exercising your spiritual muscle as it were!)
One night I was on my own in my room and I got down by my bed and started to pray. I was really hungry by now for the gift of tongues and I was really seeking God for it. I suddenly began to get very hot and a few unknown words began to form in my mind. As I spoke them out I got a few more. But then I got a bit self conscious and thought Well Fran you could be making this up as you have heard people speaking in this Hebrew type tongue before and you might just be copying what you have heard! I had also been listening to a tape by Jackie Pullinger about tongues and she had spoken in some similar words.
So I asked God to be patient with me but could he maybe give me a different language something there is no way I could make up like Chinese or something. Suddenly all these Chinese sounding words started to pour out of my mouth and I absolutely knew for sure there was NO WAY I could be making this up! Apart from anything else they were difficult for my western tongue to actually speak!
So now when I'm praying in tongues (which doesn't happen automatically. It is something you can choose to do or not), I can either pray in the Hebrew sounding tongue or the Chinese one!! I tend to find that when I have a very urgent prayer time such as if someone is very ill or dying I will pray in the Chinese tongue rather than the Hebrew one.
God is truly amazing!
Tongues is a beautiful gift as sometimes it is hard to know how to pray for something and at those times we can pray in tongues knowing that we are praying a perfect prayer according to what God wants.
I will blog another day about what happened after this.
#Tongues #HolySpirit #Baptism #Acts #HolyFire #Prayer
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Real-Life Haunted HouseGroupのコピー9prexit-closeGroup 16prexit-closeGroupコピー9prexit-closeOpened CopyOpened CopyOpened CopyOpened CopyOpened CopyGroup Copy 9

ブログトピック 市場動向 家の修繕 最初の人 ユニークな�� ヒントとアドバイス 注目のポスト ヒントとアドバイスヒントとアドバイス / 物語 動くドルとセントは、多くの要因によって大きく異なります。 全文を読む ジルツール それは幽霊ですか、それともあなたの想像力ですか?自分で見て。 何マイルも街灯がないため、ピラーズエステートは最も暗い夜に一人で立っています。 内部では、客席は薄暗いろうそくの明かり、風の強い階段、スコットランド出身の紳士に迎えられます。 Tony McMurtrieは、解体の準備ができたときに、ニューヨーク州アルビオンの南北戦争時代の不動産を購入しました。過去10年間にその栄光を取り戻した彼は、祖父の時計から銀器まで、あらゆる細部を注意深く管理しました。 「どこから来たのかわかりません」と彼は説明します。 「私はちょうどその時代とその時代が好きです。」 彼の骨品と洗練された生活への愛は見過ごされていません。コラ・ゴイエットはイギリスからアルビオンに移り、ヨーロッパの文化を共有することでマクマートリーと結びついた。 今日、彼女はまるで自分の家のように13,286平方フィートの家の世話をし、大宴会場でお茶会やイベントを開催しています。 しかし、McMurtrieとは異なり、GoyetteはThe Pillarsだけにとどまりません。実際、McMurtrieの友人のほとんどは夜を過ごすことを拒否しています。 「精神は本当に家の中にある」とゴイエットはまばたきせずに言います。 「非常に深刻です。」 不思議な足音から子供の声やそれ自体を演奏するピアノまで、McMurtrieが家を修復し始めたため、奇妙な出来事が報告されています。 懐疑的な過去を解き放つと信じる人もいれば、懐疑的な人もいます。 当初は2015年10月に公開されました。 andAwen Filmsによるビデオと写真。 関連: ビデオ:4本足のハロウィーンの楽しみに備えましょう 今日所有できるお化け屋敷5選 販売のため��「わずかに」お化け屋敷 × ×
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more of my hogwarts creation!!!!! I made housegroup themed rooms for 3 boy wizards, and then the 3 for the witches! also I made professors snapes classroom along with the dining hall (winter season decorated) let me know what you think!
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Looking for the best food to take on a camping trip? Then check out this survival food blog for the best food money can buy.
#campinghikingbackpackingcamping tripsmountain housegroup campingcampinghiking foodfreeze dried food
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