Hi it's Mini here. Agender |She/Her|Aro Ace | ADHD| This blog is going to be about LGBTQ+ stuff. Also books, reading and writing.
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could u imagine if ppl talked about catholicism the same way they talked about like… indigenous ppl’s religions….
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Getting a lot of asks about the BBC’s latest documentary ‘Sickness and Lies’ and what I think of it. And honestly? I wasn’t expecting it to be good. The BBC has a bad history with this sort of thing. But I also wasn’t expecting the absolute nightmare that aired.
It’s every hate message and death threat I’ve ever had in regards to being openly disabled online amplified times a million.
It’s disabled hate content, pure and simple. It demonizes disabled and chronically ill people while holding up online hate groups that have harassed people to death–something they conveniently leave out– as some sort of paradigm of unsung heroics and justice against welfare frauds. Specifically against those with invisible chronic illnesses, and believe me, the timing is not a coincidence.
In the wake of Covid, we are about to witness a mass disability event the likes of which haven’t been seen on a global scale for nearly 100 years. In creating this documentary that seeds doubt and anger into the minds of the general public, the BBC is helping to further the Tory regime in their dehumanization of disabled and chronically ill folk. By portraying them as frauds and fakers, they further enable the Tory justification of denying benefits to the most vulnerable, ensuring that their blatant disregard and abandonment of duty of care is normalized as acceptable because look, look how prevalent faking is! We have a documentary about it! It’s on the BBC so you know it’s legit… even thought they based all their research on a reddit hate forum…
But their incompetence and immorality doesn’t end there, oh no. Along with the title and presentation being outright disgusting and irresponsible, they’ve also stolen content from creators who declined to be involved and voiced their concerns over the creation of such a documentary. @jessicaoutofthecloset said on Twitter that she refused to be a part of it, yet her image is used to promote it. And some of the other featured creators (I’m not going to link to them, their social feeds are already a nightmare) have claimed that their interviews were edited in such a way to make them sound ableist or twist the meaning of their words to fit the “us vs them” dynamic the documentary was trying to instill against “real” disabled people (i.e. visibly disabled) and chronically ill people, which is not at all what they were saying—especially because the person involved is both disabled AND chronically ill.
It’s disgusting, and frankly all the journalists involved should be fired. There is not a shred of ethics or care to be seen for any of the people they have opened up for attack online by listing them openly as disabled content creators. But that won’t happen. Because disabled and chronically ill lives don’t matter. Not when you’ve got ratings and dangerous propaganda to uphold.
I’m not going to say don’t watch it to anyone who is curious. But I will say make sure you’re in an okay headspace to handle it. I was barely able to get through it in the end. And if you’re able bodied and healthy, please watch it with the knowledge that what is being shown is a highly skewed and ableist outlook based on literal hate forums that have harassed people to death for being vocal online about disability activism. These people want us dead. What they are doing is not moral or even needed. Please don’t fall for their lies. Please be better than that. Please be kinder.
Please, I’m so heartbroken and tired.
If anyone has the time and energy, you can help by making a formal complaint to the BBC here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/contact/complaints
I would especially urge able bodied and healthy people to complain and show that this kind of ableist misrepresentation and hate content against the disabled and chronically ill community will not be tolerated without major pushback. Thank you.
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something i feel like queer ppl have been steadily forgetting over the last ten years or so is that “genderqueer” isn’t a specific nonbinary term, or even a synonym for nonbinary - it’s an umbrella term that encompasses nonbinariness and more.
any flavour of trans (yes including “binary trans”)? you can call yourself genderqueer. fem, butch, androgynous, drag artist, crossdresser, or in any other way gnc? you can also use genderqueer. detrans but not in a radfem death cult kind of way? you too can be genderqueer. “i guess i’m basically cis but my other queer identity impacts my gender in a way that’s hard to put into words-” genderqueer!
it’s entirely acceptable and normal to be genderqueer but not nonbinary or genderqueer but not trans. it means literally nothing but “i’ve got a gender that’s queer” and it fucking rules we should use it so much more
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Not queer as in gay but queer is in a political movement against heteronormativity, amatonormativity, cisnormativity, ideals of parenthood with a single long term partner as 'THE natural part of life that everyone wants'
Queer as in sex ed for kids and the elderly, queer as in free condoms in old folks homes, queer as in destigmatize STIs and stop calling them dirty, queer as in pro-sex workers and decriminalization
Queer as in decolonisation, prison and police reform/abolition, as in education reform, as in medical reform, as in harm reduction clinics, as in not only more women's shelters but also men's shelters and gender-neutral shelters
Queer as in anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-transphobia, anti-queerphobia, anti-intersexism, anti-aphobia, anti-fatphobia, anti-islamophobia, and anti-antisemitism
Queer as in "yeah my gender IS sparkly blue and my sexuality is one you've never heard of and that's okay"
Not queer as in gay, but queer as in rallying call
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How did it start?
The protests erupted after Jacob Zuma, the former President of South Africa turned himself to the police.

The former president had to serve a jail sentence due to contempt of court.
Zuma had refused to appear before a panel.
The Constitutional Court of South Africa, the apex court of the country, sentenced Zuma to 15-months in prison for refusing to appear before the inquiry panel and contempt of court on June 29.
Zuma is additionally facing 16 charges of fraud, graft and racketeering.
Zuma was not immediately arrested and tried to delay his arrest but on July 8, the former president and Apartheid activist turned himself in.
His loyal supporters, especially from his home province of KwaZulu-Natal threatened to form human barricades to stop the police from arresting him.
Zuma supporters took to the street to protest in large numbers.
the protests soon expanded from the arrest of the former president to widespread agitation against poverty levels and record levels of unemployment.
South African military has deployed over 1000 troops to tackle the riot as the police forces are strained.
What's happening?
KwaZulu Natal and areas of Gauteng have been turned into literal war zones, with the police and SANDF going head-to-head with thousands of looters and criminals.
1,234 people have been arrested so far, and they will also be facing additional charges related to the Disaster Management Act and breaking lockdown rules.
medical supplies and emergency services also impacted due to routes being blocked.
The death toll climbed to 72 from rioting in South Africa.

many people trampled to death during looting at stores, as police and the military fired stun grenades and rubber bullets to try to halt the unrest set off by the imprisonment last week of former President Jacob Zuma.
Please amplify. Lives have been lost. The situation in South Africa isn't any better. It is filled with chaos, bloodshed and violence. Innocent people are losing lives. Decrease in employment. There is poverty and the medical situation has also worsened. Roads and streets are blocked. Shops are being looted. There are terrorist organizations that are further fueling the situation in South Africa. Don't be a silent spectator. The least we can do is use our priviledge and share. 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
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A good thread on whether “queer” is a slur and if it should be used or not.
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I haven’t seen anyone talking about this yet but. The British government is rapidly passing the Health and Care bill 2021 through parliament.
To put it simply it poses several risks to the NHS and the people’s right to healthcare. From removing the responsibility to provide secondary care and discharging patients too early to allowing private firms to make grabs for control over healthcare, this bill is a nightmare.
And yet I’ve barely heard about it. They think they can pass this bill under our noses while we’re still grieving, adjusting to the hell we’ve had over the year.
Please. Talk about this. This is a slippery slope into privatising the NHS, giving out shoddy, have rate healthcare with Staff who may not even need to have proper training.
This absolutely will kill people. We’re already struggling with social care issues and backlog from Covid, this would simply be the nail in the coffin for everyone.
Please don’t ignore this.
Please help this blow up.
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[ID: A square with a pale green background and dark green text that says: AcesAndAros.org, You don’t have to be “born this way” for the way you are to be valid! At the bottom there are grey and green color blocks in the shape of rocks and a plant. Image two is identical but in purple rather than green.]
So many people believe that our gender identities and sexual orientations have been with us since the day we were born, but that story can be really restrictive and invalidating.
For decades, activists have argued that queer and trans people deserve rights because they didn’t “choose” their identity: because they were “born this way.” As the argument goes, if I was “born gay,” that must have been how God wanted me to be. How then could my lifestyle be wrong?
LGBTQ+ rights have long been built on the “born this way” narrative. Instead of arguing that people deserve rights because same-sex attraction and trans identity are wonderful experiences that should be honored and celebrated, activists argued that people shouldn’t be punished for something they had no choice over. This whole narrative portrays queer and trans identity as lesser-than experiences that should be avoided at all costs. It implies that being straight and being cis are better, but we can’t help how we feel.
The truth is, sexuality and gender identity are far more complex and fluid than “born this way” suggests. People’s identities can change over time; they can change as a result of trauma; they can change alongside environment and culture shifts.
Sexual orientations and gender identities don’t exist independently of our other experiences either. Sexuality and gender can be influenced by neurodivergence, disability, upbringing, life events, and more.
None of these facts make queer or trans identity any less real or valid. None of these facts mean we shouldn’t accept people for who they are. Sexual orientations and gender identities should be respected and celebrated, regardless of circumstance.
It’s totally okay to be attracted to the same gender, and it’s perfectly okay to have sex people who share your gender identity. There’s nothing wrong with that!
It’s completely alright to be in an intimate relationship with someone who shares your gender identity. It’s still perfectly okay even if you weren’t “born that way.”
It’s absolutely fine to have no interest in sex with other people! There’s nothing wrong with you if you aren't attracted to other people, no matter the reason!
It’s totally fine to be single or non-partnering for any reason - whether you feel you were “born that way” or not!
It’s entirely okay to be in a relationship or partnership (of any kind) with a person of any gender, and your relationship isn’t any less valid if you aren’t attracted to them or to people who share their gender identity.
There are so many gender identities and presentations that go beyond masculine cis men and feminine cis women, and every single one of them is wonderful. The way you were born should never limit how you feel and how you want to express yourself!
Straight is not the default. Cis is not the default. Sex and romance are not the default. There is no such thing as “normal.”
All our identities are valid whether we’re pan, bi, aro, two-spirit, trans, lesbian, ace, genderqueer, gay, nonbinary, agender, or anything else! No gender identity or sexual orientation is more “real,” more “normal,” or more “acceptable” than any other.
A lack of interest in sex or romance never needs to be fixed, even if you weren’t “born that way.” You don’t need to be “born asexual” to not want sex. You don’t need to be “born aromantic” to not want romance. You’re perfectly fine just as you are, and there’s no reason for you to need to change.
You don’t have to be “born this way” for the way you are to be valid!
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Hi it’s me Jess! And I’m asking for your help!!!
I have a couple of posts on here asking for donations but reblogs and donations have slowed down!
I know and realize and recognize that things are very tough on everyone right now but sometimes posts with a lot of texts people skip over (understandable I have undiagnosed adhd)
What is this post about you ask!?? It’s to help me move!!
I’ve been through quite a lot these last couple of years (a physically emotionally and mentally abusive relationship) two emotionally and mentally abusive friendships by people I have known for years. Racism at my job and in my town and like.......this whole entire country. I’m currently stuck in the good ole Midwest and even though my town counts itself as “liberal” and “progressive” it’s ripe with racism. Not to mention the town I am is full of abusers. (Included the three that I dealt with last year)
I’m trying to move out of my town and finally live life for myself in a new environment where I don’t have to be worried about literally physically bumping into one of my abusers in the supermarket.
If you can’t donate plsssssss reblog this post or any of my other posts you might come across.
My gofundme is here: https://gf.me/u/y7g3vh
💖My Venmo is: rosyish
💖My cashapp is: $rosyish
Literally even a couple of bucks count and go straight into my savings account for moving because I’m so deadly serious about moving from this town.
I mentally cannot spend another year here and my last therapy session even my therapist said moving would help immensely for my mental health!
Every donation goes to relocation costs, necessities, moving truck, insurance, food, and a nurse to come by my home to help my mom because I will not be home to take care of her and hopefully a pet fee so I can take my beautiful lovely dog Luna.
If you’re interested I have an onlyfans (currently 50% off) and I will be opening my online shop in December. Pls message me about either.
Again pls reblog if you cannot donate.
I’m so eternally grateful to everyone who has followed me over the years, has sent me kind messages, my friends who have supported and loved me through my hardships these past few years, to the people who have donated, to the people who have reblogged, and for the people who have helped me achieve my goal.
Thank youuuuu so much. 💖💖💖
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hey just a fucking psa because apparently i still need to say this in the year of our lord 2021
being aspec, whether you are arospec, acespec, or both, is NOT A BAD THING. being aspec is NOT A BAD ORIENTATION. you are a whole person who is FULLY capable of living a fulfilling life HOWEVER YOU WANT and if anyone says anything that tries to negate that then theyre not worth your fucking time
you dont “seem” aspec to other people? i dont give a shit!! “aspec” is not a set personality trait and no one has the right to tell you who you are
you “cant give as much” as allo people can? thats BULLSHIT you are SO capable and you can give as much or as little as youre comfortable with in ANY given situation
its “a shame” that you identify this way? there is NOTHING shameful about being and identifying as aspec
your identity is “too complicated”? tough shit!! they can do some research on their own! you are not nor ever will be obligated to have to teach willfully ignorant people anything about yourself or your experiences
your headcanons “dont make sense”? ANYONE can be aspec. anyone can be ANY orientation fictional or real and whoever says otherwise can take it and stick it. we deserve diverse rep, and we deserve rep PERIOD.
you are not broken. you are not a mistake. you are not a waste of space. you are not a burden. and you are not evil or bad for being aspec. you are beautiful you are loved and you deserve to be celebrated. and anyone who tries to take that away from you can fuck off. 🖤🤍💚💜
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I just read this super sad post about this girl who’s asexual and married and everyone is basically telling her that she doesn’t deserve her husband/she’s just a prude/she should just do it anyway. So I want to tell you all right now that if people tell you this, or if they tell you you’ll never have a relationship, it is BULLSHIT. My husband is asexual and I’m not. He’s sex repulsed, we don’t have sex, we never have. And it doesn’t matter to me. You know what does? He does. His mental health and wellbeing matter to me. Because he is my best friend and he’s one of the smartest, kindest, funniest people I’ve ever met. And he’s had people tel him that he’s broken and it makes me SO ANGRY because they are WRONG. Being different doesnt mean you’re broken. If you don’t like sex/don’t want it/etc. Do not let anyone tell you that you’re inferior because you’re not. Do not let anyone convice you that you’ll never have a relationship because they’re wrong(if you want one). You are not broken, and it will be okay.
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The more I think about it, the more I think my autism is a big part of why I identify so strongly with queer, and queer liberation over gay assimilation.
I want to explain, but it’s both very simple and very hard to put in words, somehow.
Today I saw someone saw that “the whole goal of the community is to be seen as normal” as a reason they hate dirty freak queers like me.
But to an autistic person like myself, “normal” is harmful. The entire concept, the entire box. The whole suitcase needs to be thrown out, or people like me will continue to die because we will never be normal. The concept of normality needs to die for me and my people to be safe.
And the same applies to being queer. No matter how much we sanitize ourselves, insist that we’re just like them, give ourselves easy to consume labels, try our best to distance ourselves from stereotypes (usually by spitting on trans people that don’t (or don’t want to) pass/have dyed hair/are gnc, feminine gay men, butch lesbians, he/him lesbians, so on), we won’t ever be “normal”.
And we shouldn’t have to be. We deserve rights anyways. And those rights won’t be handed out for throwing all our “weird” identifying siblings under the bus. Rights are clawed out of our oppressors hands. Sure, they’ll join us on stepping on nb people, people with sexualities that are “too specific” or “too vague”, etc etc, but that won’t earn their respect.
“Normal” needs to be deconstructed, not stretched. “Normal” will always leave innocent people out for being “weird”. “Normal” will always kill, be it “filthy queers”, “autists”, or anything else that falls outside what our oppressors find acceptable.
We don’t need to be normal. We need to make it clear normality doesn’t matter. Reinforcing it will just help murder those of us that don’t make the cut. And we can’t break normal from the inside. We just can’t.
So I don’t know about YOUR community, but mine is about making cis straights uncomfortable, being loud, pissing on social norms, and letting them all know that there isn’t anything they can do about it. Kill me, torture me, arrest me, we will always be here. Bricks in hand.
(don’t tag as q slur, exclusionists/REGs don’t touch, discourse on this post gets you blocked)
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Everyone should know the international sign for Help Me. Let’s make this famous!!

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why closed captioning should always be provided on every video:
Deaf People Exist
auditory processing disorder is a Bitch
people with ADHD can find it hard to concentrate on what is being said without the words in front of them
^autistic people for the same reason
autistic people may also find it hard to interpret verbal messages within the context of the video, so it's useful to have written alternatives to fall back on
do you know how painful it is to be excluded from every joke, every video, every conversation because others just Can't Be Bothered?
some people live in a conservative household or with family who don't share the same ideals, and they may not have privacy to view things on their own, so they may need to watch things with the volume extremely low or muted
We Want To Watch Videos In Public, Dammit
feel free to add on!
as always, ableism will get you blocked (:
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Hi, if you care about us Autistic folks then please boost this
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Disgraceful that the UK Charity Commission has granted a hate group charity status - but it also doesn’t comply with their own regulation.
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