#house of ashes rachel
thisismedannyy · 2 years
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I'm just bored and this picture suits them very well. 😂
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rat-typewriter · 1 year
Dating Rachel King as a girl would be...
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Requested: @sixminutesofnight
Notes: I hope this is okay!! literally as I finished writing this, I checked your request and I guess i literally just imagined you asking for a fem!reader - so im sorry!! if you want other pronouns I can fix it!!
Ok so you and Rachel had known each other for years
and I mean y e a r s
You were both born around the same time - and since you grew up in such a small town - your mothers met on the maternity ward
So you had been friends more-or-less since birth
Growing up you had been best friends and did absolutely everything together - it was known by everyone town that wherever one of you was, the other wouldn't be far behind
By the time you got to high school, you had both been through various boyfriends - but above all else, you had each other
Lots of dumb adventures when you were teens,,,, going to supermarkets past midnight,,, concerts in far off towns,, even swimming in the freezing sea in september
by the age of seventeen,, most people had decided you were probably a little more than "best friends"
and maybe they were right - maybe your first kiss (and the only kiss that would ever matter to you) was at 4.32 AM in the empty waiting room of an Accident and Emergency Unit after you had fallen and broken your ankle
or maybe they weren't and you were just really good friends
who knew????
When Rachel had joined up with the marines - you were pretty heartbroken (as was she)
lots of tearful giggling and tight hugs on the day she left
Promise you'll come back?
Well, duh, you can't get rid of me that easily.
Pinky promise me?
Of course.
And she did come back - as often as she could - and you'd spend those few precious days talking non-stop
When she met Eric you were happy for her (really!)
She just smiled so widely when she watched him speak; listening to him rambling on about some piece of tech that you didn't understand
At first he was a little weirded-out by Rachel and you's relationship
but it's normal for girls to be super touchy and hold hands all the time, right? (right??)
You got along well with him nonetheless and you always had the pair over for dinner whenever they were back from service
But then things started to go wrong
It started with a bit of tension between the two; then suddenly Rachel was staying at your place
It took her a while for her to open up about what happened in the accident
(You felt really bad about egging Eric's car after that)
(he still does not know who did it to this day)
A lot of late nights sat opposite one another on the kitchen floor talking about everything
A lot of you talking her down when she starts to spiral
Sometimes terrible things happen, I guess.
But I should've been more careful-
Oh fuck that! It was an accident. Accidents happen.
But Eric-
Eric told you it's okay.
But I-
Rachel. We're all still here, aren't we? You could have both died. But you're here - and one day this won't hurt so much. I promise you.
The point when you actually started dating is blurry to say the least
like there was definitely an awkward period where everyone around you was like,,,, o k a y I don't think best friends are that close
jokes on them you guys were best friends AND dating
After like six months of her living with you, kissing each other goodbye, holding hands constantly and her wrapping her arms around your waist while you were trying to cook - you finally had a conversation about it
As she left for service
It was at the airport, as you hugged her tightly
Hey, Rach
Are we dating?
Sure, why not.
Okay, just checking.
I love you.
I love you too.
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everything i've ever let go of has claw marks on it
Frank Bidart The Third Hour of the Night / Ashe Vernon IT'S A CIRCUS AND WE ALL PAID TO BE HERE / unknown / Rachel Swirsky A Memory of Wind / unknown / unknown / @borzoidaily
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yoshidatommy · 2 months
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Revisited an old idea "If "House of Ashes" was a movie" 🎬
Previous parts
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hopesallwegotleft · 3 months
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nightlyravens · 1 year
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After fight chilling cause they deserve it
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taylorshope · 20 days
Greetings HOA fandom
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vihorde · 7 months
Yesterday I found my old sketchbook and cried because of nostalgia. It was the most productive and my favorite time.
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Two redraws, The first year I was in this fandom I joked a lot about Eric's disability "👉👈. Yes, I love him very much
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By the way, I sooooo love Jason's and Clarissa's relationship. They never danced together :(
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And this is an illustration for fanfic and Joey for one of my old AU. don't ask
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And Charlie. Just Charlie :))))
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caelusproject · 13 days
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Rachel and her golden retriever husband and boyfriend. Give her some space, guys-
Reference under 'keep reading'!
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ultrabananapudding · 3 months
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In which Salim visits America for the first time and the Marines makes sure to give him a very warm welcome.
Based on this audio that has completely overwritten my speech pattern this past week.
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vigilante-3073 · 5 months
Summary: A specialist in biohazardous materials and chemical weapons is called to Camp Slayer to assist in the excavation into a buried Sumerian temple.
TW: Mild angst, injured reader, hurt/comfort themes, guns, blood.
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Jason stood outside the entrance to the building as he waited for the doctor to arrive at Camp Slayer. A helicopter appeared overhead before slowly lowering down onto the dusty ground below.
Jason watched as a young woman pushed open the door and hopped out, leaning back into the helicopter to grab two large cases of supplies. She dragged them to the edge of the doorway with a grimace at the heavy weight.
Jason quickly made his way over, "Need a hand, Doctor?" He asked loudly over the thrum of helicopter blades as they spun.
"Yes, please," She said, stepping out of the way.
Jason lifted the cases easily, "Follow me," He said, tilting his head towards the building.
The doctor followed Jason across the dusty ground and over to the building, "I'm First Lieutenant Jason Kolchek, Ma'am," He said.
"Doctor Y/N L/N. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant," She said, pulling the door open for him, "Likewise, Ma'am. We have a workspace prepared for you inside," Jason replied, stepping through the doorway.
Jason led her through the winding hallways of the base before turning and pressing his back against one of the doors to open it, "This room is all yours, Doc," Jason said, watching her move past him and into the large office.
"Wow, this is better than my office at home," She said, looking around at the paintings and sculptures scattered around the large office.
Jason stepped away from the door, "Where would you like these, Ma'am?" He asked.
"Oh, gosh. Sorry, um- Right on the desk would be great," Y/N said, he lifted the cases up onto the tabletop before stepping back.
"What exactly does a chemist bring into the middle of the desert? If you don't mind my asking, that is," Jason questioned.
She took a breath, thumbs popping two of the latches before lifting the lid, "A lot of stuff, actually. I've been told that the Colonel is more prepared for exposure to combat weapons than chemical ones on this mission," She said, sifting through the contents of her case.
Y/N finally found what she was looking for, pulling out a gas mask, "This is going to become your new best friend down there, Lieutenant," She said, holding the mask out to Jason.
He took the mask from her hand, "What exactly do you think is down there, Doc?" Jason asked, "We're going to assume anything and everything," She stated.
Jason watched her as she pulled out multiple boxes of medication and small med cups, "What's that?" He questioned.
"It's called Ciprofloxacin," Y/N said, opening one of the boxes and popping two of the pills out of the foil and into the two medication cups, "It's meant for-" "Anthrax," Jason stated, she nodded.
"Preparing for anything and everything," She said, picking up the two cups and holding one out to Jason.
He took it from her hand, "Cheers," He nodded, bringing the med cup up to his mouth as they both took the pills.
The team made it to the sight of the bunker and the soldiers went ahead to clear the compound before bringing in the Colonel, the Doctor and Rachel. Iraqi forces arrived and a firefight ensued, Jason managed to get the Doctor to safety before returning to the shootout.
The ground suddenly began to rumble, knocking Jason off balance as cracks spread quickly across the dirt. Sinkholes opened all across the compound, dragging American and Iraqi soldiers down into the caverns below.
The Doctor had disappeared somewhere in the rubble and everyone was scattered and divided. Jason couldn't help but blame himself, she was defenseless and he had lost her in his effort to protect her during the firefight.
Jason had formed a relationship of necessity with Salim in the tunnels as they fought against the vampire creatures that had been trapped below.
Jason made his way down the tunnel with Salim by his side, their weapons were raised with flashlights pointing forward as they moved quietly down the path. Jason halted in his step when he heard a noise from inside the wall of the tunnel, he and Salim quickly moved to press their backs against the wall.
Jason leaned out, hearing more rustling from the hole in the wall, "There's somethin' in there," He said quietly to Salim.
"Should we try and sneak past it?" Salim asked.
Jason shook his head, "No, let's blitz the fucker," He stated.
"This is a bad idea," Salim muttered, leaning back against the wall with a shake of his head.
"The minute we move that son of a bitch is gonna be on us," Jason reasoned quietly.
"Fine," Salim huffed, "On three?" Jason asked, Salim nodded, adjusting his grip on his gun.
"One... Two... Three," Jason counted. The pair quickly moved towards the hole and shone their lights in, weapons poised to strike.
Y/N sobbed, curling up tighter with her head pressed into the crook of her arm as she held her blood-stained hand up.
"Oh, fuck," Jason muttered, lowering his gun, "Y/N? Is that you in there, sweetheart? It's Lieutenant Kolchek," He said softly.
Her head slowly lifted, she blinked at the brightness of their lights. Y/N was sitting on the ground in a spot just large enough to fit her body with her knees pulled tightly to her chest.
Tear tracks cut through the dirt and blood on her cheeks, "Put that thing down would ya?" Jason ordered, reaching out and pushing Salim's arm down to angle the beam of his flashlight onto the ground.
"Jason?" Y/N asked quietly, Jason squatted down to see her better.
"Yeah, it's me, darlin'. Think you can come out of there for me?" He asked.
She slowly released her legs, shifting onto her knees and crawling through the short but narrow tunnel towards the entrance to the hallway, "There you go, just a little farther, sweetheart," Jason coached, reaching in for her to take his hand.
He smiled when she finally placed her hand in his, brushing his thumb across her knuckles reassuringly. Jason helped her climb out of the wall, standing up and pulling her to her feet with him.
She immediately pressed herself against his chest, wrapping her arms around him as more tears rolled down her cheeks. Jason wrapped his arm around her, his other hand resting on the back of her head.
He buried his fingers in her hair, holding her tightly, "You're okay, I've got ya," He assured softly, hand rubbing over her back as she trembled.
"She's bleeding," Salim stated, shining his flashlight at her side.
The material of her shirt that was visible below her bulletproof vest was soaked with her blood, "Let me get a look at you, sweetheart," Jason pulled away, looking down at her.
The side of her vest was shredded, deep claw marks slicing through the fabric and into her flesh, "They got you good, huh?" He asked, she shook her head stiffly and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.
"I'm okay," She said.
"Knew you were a tough cookie," Jason smiled.
Jason's eyes flickered up to her hairline, noticing the blood on her skin. Jason reached out, taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger as he tilted her head up, "You hit your head?" He asked, the feeling of ice cold guilt settling in his stomach like a stone.
"When I fell," Y/N said.
"You're feelin' okay though?" He asked, eyes flickering over her body.
"Yeah," She said with a sniff, pressing herself closer to his side.
Salim leaned into the split in the wall, shining his flashlight inside, "My god," He muttered.
"What?" Jason asked, "You need to see this," Salim stepped out of the way, the beam of his flashlight still shining into the wall.
Jason stepped over, "What am I lookin' at?" He questioned, squinting into the divided rock.
"The walls," Salim said.
Jason felt the blood drain from his face when he finally noticed the claw marks carved deep into the rock on either side of the narrow passageway, "Holy shit," Jason muttered, he turned towards Y/N.
Her arms were wrapped loosely around herself as she watched them silently, "Did one of those fuckers try to get you in there? Is that-" He let out a huff, trying to calm himself down.
"Is that how they hurt you?" Jason asked.
"I didn't move back far enough," She mumbled.
"Fuck. I am so fuckin' sorry, sweetheart," Jason said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her body against his chest in a tight embrace.
She shook her head, wrapping her arms around his neck, "It's not your fault, Jason," She assured, voice muffled against his shoulder.
"I swear to God that I will get you out of here, alright? I'm not lettin' you die down here, baby," Jason declared.
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noblogsir · 3 months
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meme HoA dump, lez go
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grahoriasfancave · 5 months
Thinking about how in a single gameplay Jason (who already has blood on his hands and conscience from an incorrect call) can be faced with the decision to:
let Merwin face the vampires alone
stab Joey
shoot or abandon Clarice
shoot Rachel
lie to Nick about his chance of survival
leave Salim to die
And then thinking about how they find Balathu or Kurum half preserved and suffering and Salim decides they must put him out of his misery. And how when Jason automatically moves to follow through, Salim puts a hand on his gun and says “I’ll do it.”
It’s a choice born of practicality, not kindness. But to Jason, who’s made the call so many times he’s gone numb, it must also be a lifeline.
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zqmbiescorpse · 1 year
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note: everything i write is wlw, mostly video game characters and yellowjackets, all works are posted to ao3! i'm constantly getting ideas, but when i actually write these things is a whole different matter...
kaitlyn ka x female reader, the quarry, no werewolves, 2.8k words, oneshot
johanna mason x female reader, the hunger games, longer series, slowburn, ongoing, 7.5k total words so far
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4,
rachel king x female reader, house of ashes, work in progress :(
samantha giddings x female reader, until dawn, work in progress :(
laura kearney x female reader, the quarry, work in progress :(
lottie matthews x female reader, yellowjackets, oneshot, best friends to lovers, lottie gets possessed, 5.6k words
lottie matthews x female reader, yellowjackets, work in progress :(
lottie matthews x female reader, yellowjackets, work in progress :(
lottie matthews x female reader, yellowjackets, oneshot, s2 ep7 spoilers, looking after lottie, 1.3k words
older lottie matthews x female reader, yellowjackets, based on a submission, work in progress :(
lottie matthews x female reader, yellowjackets, work in progress :(
requests are open <3 (i think?)
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hopesallwegotleft · 4 months
Just randomly realized that ending where Rachel shoots Salim in the elevator can only happen when Jason died rescuing Salim.
It can only happen when Salim is without his shield.
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House of ashes "until dawn" au ideas.
The team got shipped off to a mountain holiday destination by CENTCOM to keep them out the way as they cleaned up what happened in Iraq. They say its to reward them for their discovery and to calm their minds. Then, they run into more monsters.
Probably doesn't follow the full plot of until dawn, but I can just imagine how pissed off they'd be at the idea of being sent to somewhere with more monsters.
"Come to America, you said. It'll be calming, you said."
"Salim, I swear to god..."
I'm basically turning the House of Ashes characters into a strike force for the supernatural, lol. Vampires, werewolves, and wendigos galore.
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