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eaaa10 · 19 days ago
Room Planner Design Home 3D
Merancang dan mendekorasi rumah atau ruangan menjadi lebih mudah berkat adanya room planner design home 3D. Dengan menggunakan teknologi 3D, Anda bisa melihat dan merencanakan setiap detail dari desain rumah atau ruangan dalam tampilan yang sangat realistis. Aplikasi room planner berbasis 3D memungkinkan Anda untuk menggambar denah, memilih furnitur, menata ruang, dan memvisualisasikan desain akhir sebelum mulai melakukan renovasi atau membeli perabotan.
Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas tentang room planner design home 3D, manfaatnya, dan beberapa aplikasi terbaik yang dapat digunakan untuk merancang rumah atau ruangan Anda.
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Apa Itu Room Planner Design Home 3D?
Room planner design home 3D adalah perangkat lunak atau aplikasi yang memungkinkan Anda merancang interior rumah atau ruangan dalam bentuk tiga dimensi. Dengan aplikasi ini, Anda dapat merencanakan tata letak ruangan, memilih furnitur, mengatur warna dinding, menambahkan pencahayaan, dan bahkan mencoba berbagai kombinasi dekorasi. Semua elemen desain ditampilkan dalam tampilan 3D yang memberikan gambaran yang lebih nyata dan akurat tentang bagaimana ruang tersebut akan terlihat setelah selesai.
Aplikasi room planner 3D sangat berguna bagi siapa saja yang ingin membuat perubahan pada rumah mereka, dari pemilik rumah yang ingin mendekorasi ulang ruang tamu hingga arsitek atau desainer interior yang merancang proyek besar. Dengan desain 3D, Anda bisa bereksperimen dengan berbagai opsi desain tanpa harus memindahkan furnitur secara fisik atau menghabiskan banyak waktu dan uang.
Manfaat Menggunakan Room Planner Design Home 3D
1. Visualisasi yang Lebih Realistis
Salah satu keuntungan utama dari menggunakan room planner design home 3D adalah kemampuan untuk memvisualisasikan desain ruangan secara lebih nyata. Anda dapat melihat dengan jelas bagaimana furnitur, warna, pencahayaan, dan elemen dekoratif lainnya akan terlihat di ruang Anda. Ini memberikan gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang hasil akhir dan memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan perubahan sebelum melaksanakan desain.
2. Mempermudah Perencanaan
Dengan menggunakan aplikasi desain 3D, Anda dapat merencanakan penataan ruang dengan lebih mudah. Anda cukup menyeret dan menjatuhkan elemen desain (seperti furnitur atau dekorasi) ke dalam ruang virtual. Ini menghemat waktu dan tenaga yang dibutuhkan untuk mendesain ruangan, serta membantu Anda menghindari kesalahan desain yang tidak diinginkan.
3. Fleksibilitas dan Eksperimen
Aplikasi room planner memungkinkan Anda untuk bereksperimen dengan berbagai pilihan desain tanpa harus takut membuat kesalahan. Anda bisa mengubah posisi furnitur, warna dinding, atau bahkan jenis lantai hanya dengan beberapa klik. Jika Anda tidak puas dengan hasilnya, cukup lakukan perubahan dan lihat hasilnya secara langsung.
4. Meningkatkan Efisiensi Anggaran
Salah satu tantangan dalam merancang rumah adalah memastikan bahwa anggaran Anda cukup untuk membeli furnitur dan bahan dekorasi yang diinginkan. Dengan menggunakan room planner design home 3D, Anda bisa mencoba berbagai pilihan furnitur dan material sebelum membeli. Anda dapat melihat apakah furnitur tertentu cocok dengan ruangan, atau apakah anggaran Anda mencukupi untuk membeli seluruh desain yang telah Anda buat.
5. Desain yang Disesuaikan dengan Kebutuhan
Setiap rumah atau ruangan memiliki kebutuhan dan preferensi yang berbeda. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi desain 3D, Anda bisa membuat desain yang sesuai dengan ukuran, bentuk, dan tujuan ruang. Anda bisa memilih furnitur yang sesuai dengan fungsi ruangan, seperti meja makan untuk ruang makan atau rak buku untuk ruang perpustakaan.
Aplikasi Room Planner Design Home 3D Terbaik
Berikut adalah beberapa aplikasi room planner design home 3D terbaik yang dapat membantu Anda merancang rumah atau ruangan dengan lebih mudah:
1. SketchUp
SketchUp adalah salah satu aplikasi desain 3D yang paling populer digunakan oleh desainer interior, arsitek, dan pemilik rumah. Dengan SketchUp, Anda bisa membuat desain 3D yang sangat detail, mulai dari denah ruangan hingga furnitur dan dekorasi. Meskipun lebih banyak digunakan untuk desain arsitektur, SketchUp memiliki berbagai fitur yang memungkinkan Anda untuk merancang ruang interior secara efisien.
Antarmuka yang ramah pengguna.
Dapat membuat model 3D dengan detail tinggi.
Banyak tutorial dan dokumentasi online.
Beberapa fitur canggih hanya tersedia di versi berbayar.
Memiliki kurva belajar untuk pemula.
2. Roomstyler 3D Home Planner
Roomstyler adalah aplikasi desain berbasis web yang memungkinkan Anda merancang dan mendekorasi rumah dalam bentuk 3D. Anda dapat menambahkan furnitur, mengubah warna dinding, dan menyesuaikan elemen desain lainnya untuk melihat bagaimana hasil akhirnya. Roomstyler juga memungkinkan Anda untuk mengeksplorasi desain ruangan dengan tampilan 3D interaktif.
Gratis dan mudah digunakan.
Tampilan 3D yang realistis.
Pilihan furnitur dan dekorasi yang cukup lengkap.
Fitur terbatas pada versi gratis.
Tidak sekompleks aplikasi desain profesional.
3. HomeByMe
HomeByMe adalah aplikasi desain 3D yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk merancang rumah secara lengkap, mulai dari ruang tamu hingga kamar tidur. Dengan HomeByMe, Anda dapat memilih furnitur, dinding, lantai, dan aksesori lainnya, serta melihat desain dalam tampilan 3D yang realistis. Aplikasi ini cocok untuk pemilik rumah yang ingin mendekorasi ulang rumah mereka.
Desain 3D yang sangat realistis.
Antarmuka yang mudah dipahami.
Fitur gratis dan versi berbayar dengan lebih banyak pilihan.
Fitur lebih lengkap hanya tersedia di versi premium.
Beberapa fitur hanya tersedia secara online.
4. Sweet Home 3D
Sweet Home 3D adalah aplikasi desain rumah open-source yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menggambar denah rumah dan melihatnya dalam tampilan 3D. Aplikasi ini menawarkan berbagai pilihan furnitur dan bahan untuk desain interior, dan memudahkan pengguna untuk membuat tata letak ruang dengan mudah.
Gratis dan open-source.
Dapat menambahkan furnitur dari koleksi online.
Fitur desain 3D yang intuitif.
Antarmuka pengguna yang lebih sederhana.
Tidak sekompleks aplikasi desain profesional lainnya.
5. Autodesk AutoCAD
AutoCAD adalah software desain profesional yang digunakan oleh desainer interior dan arsitek. AutoCAD memungkinkan pengguna untuk membuat denah rumah dan ruang dalam format 2D dan 3D yang sangat detail dan akurat. Aplikasi ini lebih cocok untuk pengguna yang membutuhkan kontrol lebih besar atas elemen desain dan membutuhkan desain tingkat profesional.
Alat desain profesional yang sangat akurat.
Banyak fitur canggih yang bisa disesuaikan.
Digunakan oleh profesional di industri desain.
Memiliki kurva belajar yang curam.
Mahal, dengan biaya lisensi yang cukup tinggi.
Tips Mendesain Rumah dengan Room Planner 3D
1. Mulai dengan Denah Ruangan
Langkah pertama dalam desain rumah adalah menggambar denah ruangan. Tentukan ukuran dan dimensi ruangan dengan akurat agar desain yang Anda buat sesuai dengan kondisi fisik ruang.
2. Pilih Furnitur yang Sesuai
Pilih furnitur yang sesuai dengan ukuran dan fungsi ruangan. Dalam aplikasi desain 3D, Anda bisa memilih furnitur dari katalog yang tersedia dan mengaturnya dengan mudah untuk melihat apakah mereka pas dengan ruang.
3. Bereksperimen dengan Warna dan Tekstur
Jangan ragu untuk bereksperimen dengan berbagai warna dinding, lantai, dan tekstur furnitur. Room planner 3D memungkinkan Anda untuk mencoba berbagai kombinasi tanpa harus melakukan perubahan fisik.
4. Perhatikan Pencahayaan
Pencahayaan sangat penting dalam desain interior. Gunakan fitur pencahayaan dalam aplikasi room planner untuk menyesuaikan lampu dan efek bayangan di ruang Anda.
5. Simpan dan Perbaiki Desain
Setelah selesai, simpan desain Anda dan lihat kembali apakah ada perubahan yang perlu dilakukan. Jangan takut untuk membuat revisi hingga Anda merasa puas dengan desain akhir.
Room planner design home 3D adalah alat yang sangat bermanfaat untuk merancang rumah atau ruangan dengan cara yang lebih efisien dan realistis. Dengan berbagai aplikasi yang tersedia, Anda dapat memilih perangkat yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keterampilan Anda, mulai dari pemula hingga profesional. Aplikasi desain 3D ini memungkinkan Anda untuk bereksperimen dengan berbagai ide desain, memilih furnitur, dan merencanakan ruang secara visual sebelum memulai perubahan fisik. Manfaatkan teknologi ini untuk membuat desain rumah Anda lebih praktis dan menarik!
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satheesh25 · 1 year ago
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franktabotta · 2 years ago
Commercial Building Design
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Commercial building design involves creating structures that are specifically designed for business and other commercial purposes. Such buildings include office buildings, retail stores, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools, and many others.
When designing a commercial building, several factors need to be considered. Here are some of the most important ones:
Site Selection: The location of the building should be carefully chosen, taking into account factors such as accessibility, zoning restrictions, and local market demand.
Building Size and Shape: The size and shape of the building should be designed to maximize space utilization and functionality, while also taking into account local building codes and regulations.
Building Orientation: The building should be oriented to maximize natural light and energy efficiency, while also taking into account the direction of prevailing winds, noise levels, and traffic patterns.
Interior Design: The interior design of the building should be functional and efficient, with adequate space for employees, customers, and equipment.
Structural Design: The structural design of the building should be robust and durable, with adequate strength to withstand loads and stresses, while also being aesthetically pleasing.
Building Systems: The building's mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems should be designed to meet the specific needs of the building, including heating and cooling, ventilation, lighting, and water supply and drainage.
Sustainability: Commercial building designs should also consider sustainability and environmental impact, with the use of green building materials and strategies for energy conservation, waste reduction, and carbon footprint reduction.
Safety and Security: The building design should include adequate measures for fire safety, emergency evacuation, and security, including access control, surveillance systems, and alarm systems.
Overall, a successful commercial building design must balance functionality, aesthetics, sustainability, and safety to create a structure that meets the needs of the business and its occupants while also being cost-effective and environmentally responsible.
Source Urls:
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apas-95 · 6 months ago
In most city builders the unofficial (sometimes, explicit) goal is to grow your city - get a large amount of money, a large population and large tax income, unlock cool buildings, etc - and, while you can play it that way, the real unofficial goal of Workers & Resources is self-sufficiency.
While in the early game you're necessarily reliant on foreign trade to purchase raw materials, even hire foreign skilled labourers, and depend on exports to make up your currency deficit, the excitement of the game comes about once you fully control all steps of a given production process. You go from importing electricity - to mining, transporting, and refining coal for your own domestic power plants. And that applies to every single resource chain in the game, from bread, to concrete, to railway carriages.
What really sells me on the whole thing is this - in 'realistic' mode, the ability to construct buildings purely from money is removed. You can still import materials and labour, but you need to actually get them there. The process for starting out your city goes like this:
Set up mud tracks (the only free road type) from a border customs office. Build the free versions (which is to say, designated dirt lots) of a construction office, a fuel depot, and a road logistics office. From the border, buy vehicles with cash - cement mixers, dump trucks, asphalt pavers and steamrollers, a bus to bring foreign workers to your construction site, and don't forget a fuel tanker to supply your fuel depot. At this point you have a muddy construction site with some cars parked on it. Start construction on worker housing, the electrical substation for the housing, a water pump and water treatment plant (or, just a water tower to import water into), a small store to feed them - and hopefully it's not cold enough that you need a central heating block. Congrats, now get your construction offices carrying out each individual stage of construction in turn, requiring different resources and vehicles at each part, until, over dozens and dozens of workdays, you've finally built a single worker accomodation. Take in some workers, who are probably a bit annoyed that there aren't any bars or sports complexes around, and you've finally, after months of construction works, got your first residents. Now they need an actual workplace - and, luckily, you've now got a local workforce to construct it. Give it time, and this remote patch of dirt will be constructing nuclear power stations.
I feel like, in the way games like Banished (or, more topically, Manor Lords, I think? I've never played it) turn city-building into a survival game, by just semi-accurately portraying the precarity of a peasant economy, Workers & Resources definitely makes you feel like a stressed planner fighting against production itself, rather than your own citizens, like in Cities Skylines or the like.
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snowdrop-ivy · 1 year ago
Chasing the Clouds: A Journey Back to The Beef | 2
Summary: Mikey left the restaurant to Carmen, Natalie, and you.
Trope: Second chances
T/W: Cursing, unresolved mental issues, trauma, suic!de, angst, and smut.
Word count: 2654
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YOU just finished editing the photos you’re about to send to your wedding planner when you saw Natalie calling you. You’re back in Chicago for a break and to plan the wedding since your fiance’s mom thought a year engaged and no plans is bullshit. So that’s what you’ve been doing for the past 2 weeks. 
“Hey, Sug,” You smiled, answering the phone. “How you’ve been?”
“Hey, baby doll!” She shrieked. They’re not going to die down the nickname you had since 4 because you thought that dressing up as a doll everyday till you were 7 was a good idea. “Not much. How are you? I miss you!”
“I miss you too, Sug!” You giggled and crossed your legs. “Not much going on. I just finished sending designs for the chairs I wanted and heading off to my dad for Jeremy’s birthday party. Are you coming?”
You heard Nat sighed on the other end. “No, I have to check with my accountant because I put in my house as mortgage for the restaurant and now that they’re behind bills, my house is fucked.”
“Oh,” You gulped as you knew that Carm was managing it and you’ve been trying to stay away with everything that reminds you of him but apparently, growing up together does not do that. “Do you need help with it?”
“No!” She exclaimed. “I just wanted to talk to you. And maybe, if you’re free, we can hang out. I really miss you.”
You bowed and lightly smiled. “I know! It’s been so long. But, I’m free tomorrow. Is that good with you?”
You heard Nat squeal as you planned your day-out tomorrow. You both exchanged stories on what’s going on until it was time for you to go to your dad’s house. It’s your little brother’s birthday. You love that kid even though you don’t have the same mom. Your mom died a few months after you were born. It was always you and your dad till your step mom showed up. She’s okay, you like her. But you’ve never been close to her. She’s one of those people you like but do not hate. It’s somewhere between that. 
“Hey, baby doll!” Your dad yelled across the crowd he was talking to. You beamed up a smile as you walked to your dad with his open arms. “I miss you so much.”
You hugged your dad and kissed him. “We saw each other last week, Dad.”
Jim laughed as he hugged you again. “What? I can’t miss you everyday?”
You laughed and shook your head. You hugged all the people you knew and went inside to look for the birthday boy. You looked around the house you grew up in. All the pictures since you were little hang around the house. You smiled at those memories. All the good and bad ended you up as a Nurse. You never thought you'd be a nurse since you’re scared of needles when you were young from the stories you heard from your dad about crackheads and whatnots. You searched around the house to find your brother but you can’t see him anywhere. You smiled to the guests you passed by till you got to the kitchen.
“Baby doll!” Richie roared then tackled you in a squeezing hug. “Where you’ve been?”
You screeched as he lifted you. “Rich, put me down!”
Rich looked in disbelief as he eyed you. The last time you saw him was a week before Mikey’s death. “You look so fucking different.”
“That’s because I am,” You laughed. You smiled at him before hugging each other. You did miss him. And you felt guilty that you didn’t show up or call him when he’s been through his shits. “Sorry for not calling,” You genuinely smiled before kissing him on the cheek.
“Nah, you’re good,” Rich dismissed his hand. “Enough about that! How are you?”
You opened your mouth to answer but you heard a very familiar voice calling Rich. “Cousin, how’s the hotdogs coming?”
You gulped when you saw him. That bastard. Carmen Fucking Berzatto walking to the kitchen. He stopped on his tracks when he saw you. He has a tray of lettuce in his hands. You saw his jaw clenched and walked to the counter to put down the tray.
“No, Carm, look who’s here?” Richie said all fucking excited and pointed at you like he doesn’t know where you are. “It’s baby doll!”
Rich was about to say something before you smelled the burning hotdogs and he came running to it. You bit your lip when he left the two of you alone. You felt your hands shaking as you put your purse and gift down. Carm sighed before leaning on the counter and looking at you. Both of you don't know what to say or where to start.
He cleared his throat making you look at him. “Hey.”
You felt your throat close up when he called. You eyed him intently. His shriveled hair, the noticeable bags under his eyes, and his stained white shirt that fitted him like a glove. “Hey, Carmen.”
Carm twitched his mouth and clenched his jaw when he heard you say his name. That’s the first time you called him by his name. You always called him bear or B or anything else other than his government name.
“How you’ve been?” You both asked after a long silence. You also both pointed at each other to answer. “No, you go ahead,” He suggested.
You cleared your throat. After years of not talking, not a call, text, letter, or email, that’s what he asked. You had this urge to scream at his face and tell him how you spent the nights in the bathroom as you were too drunk just to forget his fucking face for a second. You wanted to tell him how you almost failed nursing school since you had no will to live or even a tiniest motivation to get up in the morning. You wanted to tell him how you were prescribed sleeping pills from all the sleepless nights you had. You wanted to tell him how broken your heart and body was when he left. “I’m good,” But no, you just timidly answered. You’re unsure if he knows you’re engaged or not since you haven’t talked to him for how many years. You don’t know if your dad, Sug, or Rich mentioned it to him. “You?”
He looked at the floor. His arms crossed and nodded. That’s not how you usually answered. You always answer with a funny story that happened to you. “Good as well,” He slowly nodded and glanced at you. He noticed everything that changed about you. How your hair has been a bit darker, the new tattoo on your arm, and how you wore your lipstick darker than you used to. It was colored salmon before that’s why whenever he sees one, it reminds you of him. He can’t think of one thing that he can’t associate you with.
You nodded, acknowledging his answer. You were hoping for more but what can you expect him to say? You both sat in silence till he offered you a beer. He placed it on the counter and you reached for it. He saw the ring on your finger as you drank the beer.
Carm froze when he saw that. His heart dropped. He felt cold all of a sudden then sweaty. He wrapped his arm around him as he slowly nodded. Trying to acknowledge what is going on. His mind was going to a different place. He couldn’t wrap his head on the thought that you’ll be walking on a different man to the altar. Not that he could do anything about it. I mean, what can he do? Tell you to stop the wedding? He can’t do that. That’s fucked up. Not after everything he’s put you through.
“Getting hitched, huh?” He questioned then took a sip. 
You saw that he noticed the ring. You wrapped both of your hands on the cold bottle since you can’t feel anything. You just went numb. And it’s not a good numb. It feels different. 
You shrugged. “Yup,” you murmured. “Gonna be a Mrs. soon,”
“Huh.” That’s all he could say. He bit his lips looking for words or questions to prolong the conversation. “You excited?”
You blew out your cheeks. “Yeah,” You answered and looked at him. His face went blank. You can see him tensing his shoulders.
Carm pursed his lips and looked around. “Best wishes, then,” He whispered and raised his beer at you.
You timidly smiled and slightly raised your beer back. You looked at the window so as to not look at him anymore. His face brought back so many emotions and memories that you locked up in a chain somewhere deep in your mind. You never thought going back to Chicago meant you’ll see him again. You buried him in your head and soul. You heard him excuse himself to go check on Richie. When he left, you buried your face in your hand trying to prevent her tears welling up. You took a deep sigh and left the beer on the counter to look for your dad. You saw him in the backyard smoking. 
You stood beside him and snatched his cigarette. “You didn’t tell me he was here.”
He kicked the pebbles scattered around him and put his hands on his pocket. “If I did, you wouldn’t come.”
You sighed. “Dad.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” He sighed defeatedly. “It’s just that I’m sure you’re not gonna go if you knew and it’s your brother’s birthday. You can’t miss that. Not when he loves you more than anyone in the world.”
You took a deep breath and huffed a smoke. Your brother does love you more than anyone. And you love that kid. And your dad’s right, if you knew he’s coming, you’re not going to go. 
“And besides,” Your dad shrugged his shoulders. “You’ve been avoiding everything that has to do with him since forever. And if you’re really past that… you shouldn’t be afraid anymore.”
You scratched your brow and glanced at them making hotdogs under a tent. What your dad said is applicable if you’re past it. But you’re not. You didn’t even go through it. You skipped it. Your answer was halted when you saw your brother running towards you. You threw the cigar and hugged him. Jeremy took you away from your dad and introduced you to all his friends. He showed you all the gifts he got. Jer took your mind off Carm and you were thankful for him. How sweet and caring he is. How he made you happy by just being him. You laughed when he saw that you have a gift. The party went on to be a blast. Kids had fun. Food was great. It was a great day. You didn’t see Carm much that day other than the few glances and the conversation you had. Jeremy was bummed that you’re gonna go home but you promised him a fun day when you’re free.
Carm and Rich are cleaning up the place after the party. He was wiping the tables when Jimmy walked in and made a cup of coffee. He couldn’t help but look at the picture of him with his dad. 
“When is that from?” He asked and pointed at the picture sitting on the counter. It was a black and white photo. Jimmy had his arm around his dad and they’re both smiling.
“Repeat party. Grant Park, ‘92,” He answered and took a sip before standing next to him. “You ever miss him?”
He shook his head. “Didn’t really know him well enough to miss him.”
“Sounds like Y/N,” Jimmy mentioned. He placed down his cup and turned to Carm. “You get a chance to talk to her?”
Carm shrugged. “Yeah, we had a beer but she didn’t finish it. Still on the counter.”
Jimmy pursed his lips. “How’d you feel?”
He stopped and raised his brows. “What are you? A therapist?” He joked. Unc turned his head to know he’s serious. Carm straightened his face before continuing to clean the table. “Good, I guess.”
“Really?” He wondered. He didn’t seem satisfied with his answer. “After all these years?”
“Yeah, I mean, we didn’t have much to talk about but she did mention her engagement.”
Jim pressed his lips and tapped him on the shoulder before leaving. “Hey, Carm,” he called him.
Carm turned around to look at him. “Whenever I imagine giving away my daughter, I always thought it’d be to you.”
He nodded and watched him leave him. He took a deep breath. He also had the idea you’re gonna end up together. You both were a step away from being married. Hell, Carm even gave you a very beautiful engagement ring that made you feel magical. But that was all in the past now. He still wonders if you still have the ring. It wouldn’t hurt him if he knew you threw it away or burned it along with the other things you had that belonged to him. Carm shook his head and head on to bid goodbyes to Unc’s wife and Jer. Rich and Carm had to drive Pete home since he was knocked out from the punch infused with Xanax. Carm took the chance to talk to Natalie. 
“So, how’s the party?” Nat asked as he gave him water and sat down across from him in their living room. 
“Good,” He nodded. “Good yeah, Richie spilled a Xanax in the cooler but Unc didn’t kill us.”
“That’s crazy,” She said with disgust. Nat propped her legs on the couch. “You saw baby doll?”
Carm bit his lip and nodded.
“You guys talked?”
He nodded. Unsure what to answer. He propped his arms on his legs as it bounced. 
“How was she?”
“Why didn’t you tell me she was engaged?” 
Nat’s mouth went open then lightly shrugged. “I didn’t think you'd want to know that.”
 Carm bitterly laughed before shaking his head. “Yeah, right.”
“How’d you know?”
“Saw it on her finger,” He answered, remembering what it looks like on you. “Different from what I got her.”
“Does it still hurt?” Nat asked gently. Her eyes was soft and full of worry.
Carm stared at the picture of you with him, Nat, and Mike that was taken on Christmas a year after you got together. He smiled lightly as he saw his arms around your waist and you were kissing him on the cheek. He had the biggest smile on it. And you all looked so happy beside the christmas tree. “Yeah, and I think it always will.”
“Do you still love her?”
He bit his lip, soaking in her question. And the answer is he does. You have, will always have, his heart in your hands. You were gentle while he cared, but when he stopped caring, it broke you. And nothing will ever be the same. You gave him everything, and he won’t give it back. And now, you chose someone else, even though you have every piece of him. He hopes time will heal you both. Maybe not completely, but he hopes it will only hurt on the bad days. And he’s only have a few of those.
“Carm…” Natalie softly called him after a while when he didn’t answer.. “Are you okay?”
He repeatedly nodded before standing up. “Gotta go,” he bid before heading out to his car. He banged his hand on the wheel repeatedly trying not to scream. He’s not okay. How can he be? Seeing you after 5 years and seeing that you’re engaged. And how nobody gave him a fucking heads up about it. They told all the stories you shared with them but not the one where you got a fucking fiancé.
taglist: @th3h0nkz
A/N: Hi! If you want to be tagged on the next chapters, just comment down! Thanks for the support! <33 hope you like this chapter
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menasors · 1 month ago
Making some fan design Stunticons, and wanted to jot down and share some notes about each of em before I finished their designs to share! Please feel free to ask about them, I'd love to talk about them 🧡
Oldest to youngest is as they introduced themselves on G1, Motormaster, Dead End, Breakdown, Drag Strip, then Wildrider. Menasor likes to joke about them being the oldest, but gets treated like the baby sibling (not in a negative or babying way, just that the others are very overprotective of them). They're all basically teenaged for Cybertronians.
Any pronouns, closest with Dead End and Breakdown as friends/siblings, but closest within the gestalt bond with Menasor due to being their main component. They're very overprotective of their little siblings, and does everything he can for them. It's very draining, but he loves them. They listen to their siblings problems and ideas very well. Anyone else, though? Stubborn as all hell. No she will not listen to your advice, Blast Off. He's got it fine. She likes to steal bricks so they have something to punch at home that's not a risk of drowning every one in the entire ship. The others also like coming into his room at random points in the night if they're in pain and/or having trouble sleeping because she has a very rumbly and warm engine.
Dead End:
Undecided on a gender for them but probably male & he/him?? Closest with Motormaster and Breakdown, bit closest with Drag Strip in the bond, which he finds incredibly annoying. They're very much opposites of each other, though surprisingly are both very insecure about themselves almost equally. He's the team's planner. They don't listen to him, and it makes him really upset. By "they" I mean Drag Strip and Wildrider. He writes a lot of poetry but hates sharing it.
He/him, closest with his older two brothers, but with Wildrider in the bond, and due to the younger's clinginess, they're hardly ever apart. He carries a messenger bag sort of thing with him everywhere filled with tools he may need, like extra ammo, a flashlight, energon (+ some of Wilds fav snacks), etc, because what if his subspace doesn't work anymore? He has to be prepared! He's the team tech support which is anything from building bombs to resetting his brother's passwords because they couldn't figure out how. He also likes drawing, and draws a lot around Dead End because they have a lot of quiet time together when the other three are being to overstimulating for them. His alt is a 69 Mustang GT fastback.
Drag Strip:
He/they, closest to Dead End in the bond, but Wildrider in terms of their relationship. He's the guy blasting music so loud outside your house you can feel the bass through your floors. Says he's "above the law" but is genuinely deathly scared of committing crimes by himself or that aren't speeding, blasting music, racing illegally, or causing minor property damage. They would rather die than admit this to anyone. He's a 1981 Pontiac Firebird and collects car magazines if it's a featured car in them. They also steal Dead End's finishing polish and thinks he doesn't know. He does. They tried piercing their "ears" once and bent it, but ended up getting Dead End to do it and now they have a cool piercing on their audial fins. They also can't swear out loud near Megatron and Wildrider thinks it's hilarious.
He/him but could not care less. Closest with Drags and Breakdown, and Breakdown with their bond. During schooling (yes they go to school in this I swear it's important), he and Breakdown are more homeschooled while the others go to an academy, which is part of why they have such a close familial bond alongside their gestalt bond, while the others don't share that with their gestalt partners. He relies on Breakdown a lot because of his understanding of his delusions and hallucinations that the others do not have, and Breakdowns need for security is comforting to him. He likes to try and make friends with everyone, and considers everyone he's ever met to be a friend of his. He's very smart but likes to joke about thinking things like Cybertron being flat just to get a reaction from Dead End. He's got his same alt mode as he does in G1 because it's a gorgeous car and his colours look lovely.
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crimson-kas · 8 months ago
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For my yearly vision board/mood board thing, I did an exercise from Hemlock and Oak’s free downloads (check out their notebooks—they’re beautiful!) to narrow down my core values. Then I made this diagram and put it at the front of the yearly planner I designed so I can remember to keep my core values in mind as I make plans.
To the right, I pasted in some of my favorite photos I’ve taken and edited in order to inspire me to get back into photography again. I miss editing photos in this way.
The second picture shows the Traveler’s style notebook cover I use to house both my yearly and quarterly books. It is a5 size.
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the-city-in-mind · 1 year ago
Batman is the product of bad street design
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image: Vest on DeviantArt
If there were overlooking balconies and windows to provide eyes on the street, Crime Alley wouldn’t be “Crime Alley,” and Joe Chill would not have a place to rob people.
I mean in every depiction of Gotham other than the 1966 TV show, it’s portrayed like every American city that decided to raze the old main streets, put highways right through downtown, let industries move overseas, let the waterfront rot, has a weird Kowloon Walled City type slum in the middle?? permits industries to cloud the air with coal smoke (I mean, it’s dark DURING THE DAYTIME so what else could that be), let huge chains decimate local commerce…
If they had only read Jane Jacobs!
A good bit of analysis comparing Gotham to Metropolis posits Batman as Machiavelli’s Prince, ruling by fear but setting a moral standard in a city that was corrupt but “free,” and Superman as a Modernist, with Metropolis as Thomas More’s Utopia; an exemplar of civic improvement who helps make Metropolis, and in turn its citizens, better, by sweeping away the old.
One of the earliest stories Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster, the creators of Superman, wrote about the Man of Steel, was a story in which Superman confronted juvenile delinquency by tearing down the slums where the troubled youth lived so authorities would be forced to build “decent public housing.” In Batman's Gotham, human-nature makes the city a bad place. In Superman's Metropolis, exactly like More's Utopia, it is the city that makes people bad, and it needs to be physically reordered for it to be a "good place" and for "the rude and uncivilized inhabitants" to be brought to "that measure of politeness." Superman isn't just any sort of utopian; he's a Modernist.
The "Superman in the Slums" story appeared in 1939, the same year that New York World's Fair opened, celebrating the theme of the World of Tomorrow. DC comic would print special editions comics featuring Superman for the Fair and even sponsored a Superman Day. One of the Fair's organizers' and the man who embodied the vision of housing projects and superhighways that would "displace outmoded business sections and undesired slum areas" was the Modernist urban planner Robert Moses. Slum clearance was the heroic utopian labor of the day, and he was the man responsible for bulldozing more acreage of "slum" housing then any other.
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phoenixcatch7 · 13 days ago
Spent the morning on bloodborne and the evening on stardew valley... Very different states of play. In bloodborne I've got 19 in blood tinge and 23 in endurance. In stardew valley I've got a 6 in fishing and 4 in foraging.
I've started the beach farm, which is a fairly challenging one and not one I'd recommend to new players - sprinklers don't work in the sand that's 70% of the whole farm. I figured going in I'd have to change my usual methods (huge fields) in favour of, well, everything else.
Usually my main focus is on the crops, with only a small orchard and few tapped trees, one shed, one coop and barn each. Most space goes to crops and, of course, animal grass. I've never had enough grass to sustain itself no matter what fencing techniques I use, so this time I'm going to section off a full third of the farm just to let them run free and hopefully get something I don't have to keep replacing, especially once I swap to blue grass late game.
I've also dedicated the little grassy meadow area to just decoration, which isn't my usual style but I was a little overwhelmed with the size. It'll be nice. I've planned for a hut and a well, just to feel nice.
When drawing up the blueprints on the sdv planner thing I like to leave it fairly undecorated, because a) that takes ages and b) it's nice to be able to come up with the designs organically with the actual resources I have when it becomes time and not try to get it pixel perfect according to a map I drew up weeks/months ago and c) inevitably it will fall apart and I'll have to do it differently anyway. So. No idea on the details or even if everything will work out as I hope but fingers crossed!!
I don't have any hardwood on the farm, I like to use the quarry for that, so that saves space. And I've remembered to block out a space for the stable! Didn't do that last time XD. I hope I'll be able to even fence off a little pseudo field. I really need to check if trees work the way I remember, I'm hoping for a proper orchard!
Ooh and I moved the greenhouse! I normally keep it close to where it started, but man I appreciate the ability to move it around. Took it off the little island and moved it just below my house. In its place I've built a circle of obelisks! (... Eventually. Even on my main farm I haven't got the final one (dragon teeth my beloathed.) Quite proud of that.
All these buildings, but the main path runs along the very back! I hate having stuff or paths behind buildings, doesn't feel right at all. And I'm still not fully sold on where I'm putting the silos (because I'll need SO MANY to keep like 50 animals through the winter. Will need to do the maths later) but there should be space to move around.
One of my new problems was that usually I can put everything against the walls of the farm, but I can't do that now - it's all water! It'd be weird!
My favourite part is hands down the little sandy area sticking out with the return totem mouse, because I've put my fish ponds there and I'm going to put stepping stones scattered around so it's like rock pools :D.
The most important part of any sdv farm is the ability to match play progress. A patch dedicated to mystic syrup isn't much help in the first fifty hours, but you'll need space to put them on hour 60. I've got a patch ready for banana and mango trees, but for the majority of the time it's going to be more tree tappers, and maybe some seasonal forage seeds. The slime hutch is conveniently placed to leave empty, but if any of my other areas don't work the over flow can go there. I can fit it in the meadow.
But seriously, this is such a hard farm to design! I looked up inspiration and everything was either min maxed to death and stupidly high maintenance (think random tapped trees in every spare inch and 1 block wide paths) or way too aesthetic (random beehives and twisting impractical paths with long grass and stray fence posts EVERYWHERE and a plaza dedicated to the golden clock). A couple even had sprinklers in the sand, like way to show that you made it purely in the editor and haven't so much as looked at it in game.
But overall I'm really excited!! I've played a few other farms, but this is the project following in the footsteps of my year 5 wilderness farm. I feel like I've got a lot more experience and understanding of the game to bring to the table, especially late game stuff now I can't be spoiled, and I'm ready to tackle this challenge.
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mephestopheles · 22 days ago
So, Pinterest has pretty much killed it's web page for anyone with an ad blocker. And I know a lot of folks here don't like Pinterest, and for plenty of good reasons, a lot of art was added to it with no attribution, screenshots of popular Tumblr posts were all over the place (not nearly as egregious as those Minecraft AI voiced monstrosities). And a variety of other reasons.
The last year or two the ads on Pinterest have been getting progressively worse. Like at first it was one of two sponsored pins for every 20 or so 'homegrown' pins. Now on the app it's every 2nd or 3rd pin that's an ad for Etsy or temu, or some other fly by night scam site.
(There's a creator on tiktok who made an ADHD planner and I am being served ads for that planner on a site that is definitely not her site, and it's using her photos and her tiktoks to get views and purchases (I have messaged the actual creator on their proper site). )
When I used to use my laptop more, ublock would block so much on Pinterest that there would be gaps upon gaps in pins, it would honestly look like the site didn't load fully.
At least until today when I got an overlay that unless I uninstall my adblock I won't be able to use the web application any more. I can still use the app if I want, but the webpage with adblocker has been given the middle finger.
I don't use Pinterest for a lot, mostly crafts, I can find 3d paper houses, or quilting patterns, blogs with interesting techniques. I found a lot of free stuff through it, like svgs people have created, there's two creators I've found just a month ago that make really elaborate 3d structures that I wouldn't have found otherwise.
It was a good place to find small creators who were sharing their tutorials, their creations. I found so many homebrew DND stuff (yes a lot of reddit posts, but also dm binder and a few other more niche options).
It sucks that they're basically now saying we're just ads now. The Pinterest alternatives out there don't cut it, most of them are for designers or graphics artists who used Pinterest in a much different way than I do currently. I want to be able to find patterns and hobbies, or ideas for things and then make a decision on if I'm going to purchase it or not.
I've clocked through on several ads, and I've purchased a lot of things, and I don't mind ads that have their place. A knitter or crafter who is sharing their site or offering their product absolutely, show me your cool shit and if I like it, I'll buy it.
But I'm sick of temu ads, and the food ads, and the ads that are meant to look like pins but just take you somewhere shady.
I'll probably still use the app from time to time, but I'm on the look out for something new. And if there's a way to download pins so I can keep some of the stuff I've found over the years, that would be really nice.
If anyone knows how to get rid of the overlay that would also work, because I'll drop the site before I give up my adblocker.
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eaaa10 · 19 days ago
Room Design 3D
Desain interior merupakan elemen penting dalam menciptakan ruang yang nyaman dan fungsional. Salah satu cara terbaik untuk merencanakan dan mengembangkan desain interior yang efektif adalah dengan menggunakan room design 3D. Teknologi 3D memberikan gambaran visual yang lebih jelas mengenai bagaimana sebuah ruangan akan terlihat setelah didesain dan dihias. Dengan menggunakan desain 3D, Anda bisa melihat elemen-elemen seperti furnitur, pencahayaan, warna, dan tekstur dengan lebih realistis sebelum mulai melaksanakan perubahan atau renovasi.
Artikel ini akan membahas tentang room design 3D, manfaatnya, serta beberapa aplikasi dan tips untuk membuat desain ruangan Anda menggunakan teknologi 3D.
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Apa itu Room Design 3D?
Room design 3D adalah proses pembuatan desain interior ruang dalam bentuk visual tiga dimensi. Dengan teknologi ini, desainer dan penghuni rumah dapat melihat tata letak, ukuran, dan elemen desain secara lebih nyata, sehingga memudahkan dalam perencanaan ruang dan pemilihan furnitur. Dalam desain 3D, ruang yang dimodelkan akan ditampilkan dalam bentuk perspektif tiga dimensi, yang memungkinkan kita untuk melihat hasil desain dari berbagai sudut.
Desain 3D menawarkan visualisasi yang lebih mendalam dibandingkan dengan gambar dua dimensi, seperti sketsa atau denah lantai biasa. Anda dapat melihat bagaimana cahaya dan bayangan bekerja dalam ruangan, serta bagaimana berbagai elemen desain berinteraksi satu sama lain dalam ruang tersebut.
Manfaat Menggunakan Room Design 3D
1. Memvisualisasikan Desain dengan Lebih Jelas
Salah satu manfaat utama dari desain 3D adalah kemampuannya untuk menggambarkan desain dengan lebih nyata. Anda bisa melihat bagaimana furnitur, warna, dan elemen dekoratif lainnya akan terlihat dalam ruangan. Hal ini memudahkan Anda untuk mengidentifikasi apakah suatu elemen desain sesuai dengan keseluruhan tema ruangan.
2. Mempermudah Proses Perencanaan
Dengan desain 3D, Anda dapat merencanakan penempatan furnitur dan elemen desain lainnya dengan lebih efisien. Anda bisa memindahkan objek-objek dalam desain secara virtual, tanpa harus mengubah posisi furnitur yang sebenarnya. Ini mengurangi waktu yang diperlukan untuk merencanakan layout ruangan dan memastikan bahwa setiap elemen ditempatkan dengan benar.
3. Menghindari Kesalahan Desain
Melihat desain dalam bentuk 3D memungkinkan Anda untuk mendeteksi masalah atau kekurangan dalam desain lebih awal. Misalnya, Anda dapat melihat apakah ruang terasa terlalu sempit, atau apakah ada area yang tampaknya terlalu kosong. Anda juga dapat mengevaluasi pencahayaan untuk memastikan bahwa ruangan tidak terlalu gelap atau terang.
4. Membantu Pemilihan Furnitur dan Dekorasi
Desain 3D memungkinkan Anda untuk memvisualisasikan pilihan furnitur dan dekorasi di dalam ruangan. Anda dapat mengganti warna, ukuran, atau jenis furnitur untuk melihat mana yang paling cocok. Ini memberi Anda gambaran yang lebih realistis tentang bagaimana suatu elemen desain akan mempengaruhi tampilan keseluruhan ruangan.
5. Memberikan Pengalaman Interaktif
Banyak aplikasi desain 3D memungkinkan Anda untuk berinteraksi dengan model 3D dan menjelajahi ruang dalam tampilan virtual. Ini memberi pengalaman yang lebih mendalam, di mana Anda dapat memeriksa setiap sudut ruangan, mengubah elemen desain, dan melihat hasilnya secara langsung.
Aplikasi dan Software untuk Room Design 3D
Berikut adalah beberapa aplikasi dan software yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat desain ruangan 3D:
1. SketchUp
SketchUp adalah salah satu software desain 3D paling populer yang digunakan oleh para profesional dan pemula. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat desain 3D dengan mudah, termasuk mendesain ruang interior, furnitur, dan elemen-elemen lainnya. SketchUp menawarkan berbagai tools yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menggambar dan merancang dengan cepat serta visualisasi 3D yang realistis.
2. Roomstyler 3D Home Planner
Roomstyler adalah aplikasi berbasis web yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk merancang dan mendekorasi ruangan dalam tampilan 3D. Anda bisa memilih furnitur dari katalog yang tersedia, mengubah warna dinding, serta menambahkan elemen dekoratif lain seperti tanaman dan lampu. Aplikasi ini sangat mudah digunakan dan cocok untuk pemula.
3. HomeByMe
HomeByMe adalah aplikasi desain interior 3D yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk membuat desain rumah dalam bentuk 3D secara gratis. Aplikasi ini menyediakan fitur untuk mengganti furnitur, memilih bahan lantai, mengeksplorasi pilihan cat dinding, dan melihat desain ruangan dalam tampilan 3D interaktif. HomeByMe juga memiliki fitur untuk membuat desain lantai dan menghasilkan pandangan 3D yang sangat realistis.
4. Sweet Home 3D
Sweet Home 3D adalah software desain rumah yang memungkinkan Anda membuat rancangan ruangan dalam tampilan 2D dan langsung melihat hasilnya dalam 3D. Software ini cocok bagi Anda yang ingin merancang ruang dengan detail, mulai dari dinding, lantai, hingga pencahayaan. Sweet Home 3D juga memungkinkan Anda untuk mendownload berbagai model furnitur untuk melengkapi desain.
5. Autodesk AutoCAD
AutoCAD adalah software desain profesional yang digunakan oleh banyak desainer interior dan arsitek. Dengan AutoCAD, Anda dapat membuat desain ruangan secara detail dalam format 2D dan 3D. Meskipun lebih kompleks, AutoCAD memberikan kontrol lebih besar terhadap elemen desain dan hasil visual yang sangat akurat.
Langkah-langkah Mendesain Ruang dengan Teknologi 3D
1. Tentukan Tujuan Desain
Sebelum mulai membuat desain 3D, tentukan terlebih dahulu tujuan dari ruang tersebut. Apakah ini ruang tamu, kamar tidur, atau ruang kerja? Pertimbangkan fungsi utama ruang dan bagaimana desain dapat menciptakan kenyamanan dan fungsionalitas.
2. Tentukan Layout dan Dimensi Ruangan
Penting untuk mengukur ruang dengan cermat sebelum memulai desain 3D. Pastikan Anda mengetahui panjang, lebar, dan tinggi setiap dinding. Hal ini akan membantu Anda membuat desain yang realistis dan memastikan furnitur serta elemen lain dapat dimuat dengan baik.
3. Pilih Furnitur dan Dekorasi
Pilih furnitur yang sesuai dengan ukuran dan tema ruangan Anda. Dalam aplikasi desain 3D, Anda dapat memilih dari berbagai furnitur yang sudah tersedia atau membuat model khusus. Perhatikan juga warna dan tekstur yang digunakan untuk dinding, lantai, dan aksesoris lain.
4. Atur Pencahayaan
Pencahayaan memainkan peran penting dalam desain interior. Dalam desain 3D, pastikan Anda menambahkan pencahayaan alami melalui jendela dan pencahayaan buatan seperti lampu gantung, lampu meja, atau lampu lantai. Cobalah berbagai skenario pencahayaan untuk menemukan yang terbaik bagi ruangan Anda.
5. Lakukan Evaluasi dan Perbaikan
Setelah selesai dengan desain 3D, evaluasi keseluruhan ruang dan lihat apakah ada elemen yang perlu diperbaiki. Anda bisa mencoba perubahan warna atau furnitur untuk melihat bagaimana itu mempengaruhi suasana dan kenyamanan ruang.
Room design 3D merupakan alat yang sangat efektif dalam merancang dan memvisualisasikan interior rumah dengan lebih jelas dan realistis. Dengan menggunakan teknologi 3D, Anda bisa merencanakan ruang, memilih furnitur, serta menilai elemen dekoratif lainnya sebelum melakukan perubahan fisik di ruang tersebut. Software dan aplikasi desain 3D yang ada saat ini memberikan banyak pilihan untuk membuat desain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan gaya hidup Anda. Memanfaatkan desain 3D dapat membantu menghindari kesalahan desain, mempercepat proses perencanaan, dan memastikan hasil akhir yang memuaskan.
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solarpunkani · 2 years ago
So the way cities are designed is nasty and not really good for anybody. Do you have any resources or ideas on how this can actually, realistically change? I mean, we can't just tear down cities and rebuild them better. Is the way forward just adding more beneficial stuff to the existing, less-than-ideal cities, and then building the new cities with people and nature in mind?
Yknow, I thought I had a tag for this, but either I forgot what tag it was or things just haven't come out of queue yet because I'm not seeing much on my blog. I feel like I've seen specific posts about making things more accessible--I tend to see this line of thought be referred to as Walkable Cities or Accessible Cities--but I can't think of any off the top of my head at the moment.
To the best of my understanding, as someone who isn't a city planner or anything along those lines, I would think the solution would be along what you suggested; adding more beneficial structures--which may include rebuilding certain things/sections but I don't thiiiink would involve the entire demolition of a building--to preexisting cities and then building the new cities with these principles in mind.
What needs to be changed will be on different levels depending on how old the city is, how it was planned out before, and whats causing issues vs what needs to be improved. There's definitely a lot of talk about needing more bike lanes and sidewalks in the US, and how sparsely everything is placed in a lot of cities without a way to really access them. I think the closest I've ever been to being in a truly walkable city was my college campus, and not only was that not the whole city but just the campus, but I also didn't really have the leg strength to walk or bike the wholething. Even still, things were close enough together that walking or biking was feasible for a lot of people--and there was a robust bus system that was free for students as long as they had an ID (though most drivers didn't ID people who looked like students, or if you were being picked up on campus).
From there I guess I'd love if something similar was implemented in other places. Free (or at least very low cost, but preferrably free) and robust bus systems, bike lanes, wide sidewalks, and things made in more of a 'hub' kind of planning instead of having everything super spaced out. With lots of green spaces interspersed throughout, like small but frequent parks that people can go to hang out with lots of benches and flowers and such. Maybe a lot of the housing set-ups would be sort of like apartments on top of stores? Close to campus, there was a mini Target and several other stores in a plaza-like block that actually all had 5 levels of apartments on top of them--you needed a special key fob to get into the elevators to access them, so it wasn't like anyone going to Target could end up at your apartment door. This could be a good way to have more structures in less space, in a way? Granted, I never lived in those units, so IDK if the quality of life was different in any way...
I feel like I've seen videos and posts discussing how one city started slowly phasing things in and out to become increasingly more walkable over the years? Maybe in Spain or something? I can't find it at the moment, however. From what I remember, they started slowly phasing cars out of certain areas of the town, instead adding more bike lanes and plazas and benches and housing until eventually basically everything was accessible by walking, biking, or taking a transit system.
I've touched this point already, but I feel that transit systems would be one of the most important parts of making a city truly accessible--but that the transit system may look different depending on where you are. New York, for example, has the subway system that from what I know (I've never taken the New York Subway I haven't been there since I was 8) is extremely efficient in getting people around--could likely use some improvements, but is definitely a good model to look at. For places where subways aren't suitable--I know Florida would deal with lots of flooding issues, trying to dig and implement a subway system--an increasingly robust bus system or even something like a monorail system like my city (sort of) has would be excellent.
Now there's definitely something to said about accessibility into buildings itself. Sometimes ramps are constructed improperly, so those would need to be fixed. I can also see there being issues with doorways and stairs and such in older buildings--though even in those cases, many buildings get revamped with elevators and wider entrances. There's probably tons of other accessibility issues that I don't even realize, because though I try to keep these things in mind, I do ultimately live life as an abled person right now.
Though another point I do also remember being brought up is the height of landscaping, especially near crosswalks and such, causing problems with accessibility for children, shorter people, the elderly, etc. Also that trailing, low-hanging plants can also cause issues by getting stuck in wheelchairs and such. These would also have to be kept in mind when considering green spaces and accessibility.
This post is getting long and ultimately I don't really know what I'm talking about in the slightest. But I do hope this was at least a little helpful!
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procrastinatorproject · 1 year ago
Procrastinator's Kitchen Countdwon - The Measuring
About 6-7 weeks to go (with any luck)
In my quest to buy a new kitchen, I first turned to my trusty provider of decent, sensibly-priced furniture: IKEA. I'm sure I could have gotten better quality for less money elsewhere, but given that I will probably take this kitchen with me when I move and will have to fit it into a new space, the modularity and continued availability of IKEA furniture is a big plus.
So, I sat down with their 3D kitchen planner, diligently did my best to measure out each nook and cranny of my convoluted kitchen, and got to work.
One of the problems is that the very large slanted roof is 1. very hard to measure with furniture still in the room, 2. also hard to measure because it's fairly old and there are very few straight lines or crisp edges, and 3. extremely confusing to the 3D planner. Normally, you put in a detailed floor plan and the IKEA algorithm will spit out some suggestions for furniture placement in your kitchen.
When I tried it, at first, the model refused to show the slanted wall at all, because it couldn't believe it would come down as far as it did. After a bunch of prodding, I managed t oget the walls set up, but was then informed that there were n osuggestions available for a kitchen like mine. And every time I add a new piece of furniture, the software complains that there is absolutely no place it could possibly fit that and defiantly places it in the middle of the room.
I did eventually manage to play around with furniture options and got some ideas for what I might need and where it could go. But as soon as I really got serious about it (and climbed around my kitchen with measuring tape and chalk pens to sketch out possible cupboard-placement on the current furniture), it became abundantly clear that there was a huge margin of error. I might not know if my desired kitchen furniture fit into the space I had chosen for it up until the moment it actually arrived at my flat - at which point, exchanging it for something more fitting would be a fairly big hassle.
When I mentioned this to the IKEA kitchen adviser on Tuesday (because IKEA offers to go over your kitchen design with you free of charge, whether you end up buying the kitchen from them or not), he made a suggestion: they could send someone to my place to take measurements with a laser tool, that would give them an accurate model down to the milimeter! It would also allow things like ordering a pre-cut counter top from IKEA, rather than having to worry about cutting it myself to the extremely wonky shape required.
I had seen on their website that this option was available, but I'd dismissed it because of the additional cost. However, the IKEA employee told me that if I decided to purchase my kitchen furniture from them (which I had already decided to do anyway), I could get reimbursed for the measuring fee afterwards!
My next objection was that it might delay the whole process even more. Once you order a kitchen, it takes about five weeks to be delivered. Which, on the one hand, is good, because I still need to get rid of the old furniture, clean and paint the entire room, order new appliances, and hope that the construction site in front of my house will finally get done so a delivery truck can actually park on the street. But on the other hand, uni starts again in late October, giving me a deadline after which the whole endeavour will get exponentially more stressful.
Luckily, when my friendly IKEA adviser checked his system, he found that there was a measuring appointment available two days later, meaning I could be back at IKEA the following Tuesday for the final planning and ordering, and my kitchen furniture could potentially arrive in the second week of October! Or hopefully the third at the very latest.
So, yesterday, I had an appointment for someone to laser-measure my kitchen! Because the room is still fully furnished, I would have to remove everything from the countertops and empty the cupboard under the sink to allow an accurate measurement of the water pipes.
The technician was supposed to call me an hour before arriving, which would have given me plenty of time to move everything into the living room (and to make sure there were no crumpled clothes or other embarrassing clutter left anywhere in view in the rest of the flat). When the very nice man from the measuring company called me, however, he told me that if I was currently at home, he could be with me in 20 to 30 minutes. And of course, as someone who rarely thinks these things through properly, I agreed, since I didn't want to cause him any unneccessary delays in his day.
It was then that it occurred to me that I really, really should have emptied out the kitchen the night before. Alas, there is a reason this is the procrastinator's kitchen adventure 🙈
As it was (and with some lovely moral support from @regionalpancake, with whom I happened to be on a Discord call when the technician announced himself), I just managed to get everything out of the kitchen in time. 35 mintues after the technician's call, I was just about to run the hoover through the half-empty room when the doorbell rang.
I have to say, I am fairly prod of myself for actually getting everything out in time, and for removing as much stuff as I did. I even took out the 2 by 2 Kallax shelf after emptying it, since I figured the corner it was in was one of the more vital parts that needed accurate measurement. The technician was also very pleased, because apparnelty, a lot of people are not as diligent about making space!
Looks like I am getting a good grade in kitchen emptying, something that is entirely normal to want etc. 🤣
The measuring itself happened with the door closed. I got a brief glimpse of the futuristic device the technician mounted on an impressive tripod, and I could hear it beeping through the door for 40 minutes or so, but when he called me to say he was done, it was all packed away again.
It's wild to think, as Pancakes pointed out, that there is now a laser-accurate 3D scan of my kitchen just... out there in the world somewhere. We live in a time where that's possible! And where I can use it to sit down with the IKEA people on Tuesday to order furniture that will actually fit my space! Hopefully that means I won't have any of the issues we had with the current kitchen, like suddenly being unable to open the oven because we had pushed it a liiiiitle too close to the wall when installing a new countertop and now the door frame was in the way.
(Have I mentioned that any time I mention to someone who's cooked here that I'm getting a new kitchen, their reaction is "Finally!!"? 😅)
I really hope I'll get to take some version of the 3D scan home with me or at least get access to the model they build based on it. If I do, I will definitely post some screenshots here :D
For now, I need to finish moving all my Stuff back into the kitchen - because of course it's still spread all over the living room, 24+ hours after the technician left 🙈 I have moved about a third of it, which is pretty good by my standards, and part of taking it easy for a few weeks is not getting mad at myself for procrasitnating chores. But I think I'll try to tear myself away from blogging and mapping now to at least put cleaning supplies and spices back where they belong. I do enjoy smelling the potato spice blend when sitting in my armchair, but the occasional whiff of bathroom cleaner is not exactly a harmonious addition.
Next step: second IKEA meeting on Tuesday, at which we will hopefully put in an order for the furniture and I'll learn how long my countdown is actually going to be!
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punkshort · 11 months ago
sorry to bother you but what program did you use to make the floor plan for joel’s house? i’m also a procrastinating writer who loves to figure out floor plans and those are so much nice than the horrible drawings i do on scrap pieces of paper.
No bother! Here you go:
You have to pay to download your finished product but I just took a snippet and saved it because I'm a rascal.
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fulfillmentpath · 1 year ago
Installing a UV Water Purification Light: Step by Step Guide
Welcome back to Base Camp WNC. Today, we embark on an informative journey on how to seamlessly install UV lights in your existing water systems. UV lights are essential for purifying water, ensuring that it is free from harmful microorganisms.
Getting Started with the UV Light System The UV light system we're focusing on today is a 55-watt, 110-volt unit, designed specifically for the United States. It comes equipped with two holes at each end, accommodating water fittings. Versatility is key with this design; it can be mounted horizontally, vertically, or at any desired angle. The kit includes a slender glass tube, reminiscent of an elongated test tube. When assembling, slide this tube into the provided ring until it slightly protrudes from the other end. Ensure the ring's pyramid-shaped fixture is correctly aligned to secure the tube. This is a delicate procedure, and I have some tips to prevent the glass tube from breaking.
Assembly Tips
Slide the glass tube gently to ensure it doesn't snap.
The flange present will accommodate a seal, which when pressed, ensures a tight fit. Just let the glass tube protrude slightly and secure it hand-tight.
When sealing both ends of the tube, do not use pliers or exert excessive force. Gentle hand-tightening is sufficient.
Water flows between the glass tube and the metal frame, getting purified as it passes by the UV light, before exiting from the other end.
The kit I’m showcasing comes with one glass tube and three UV light bulbs. An important note on the longevity of these bulbs: while they may still emit heat and light after a year, their purification capability diminishes. Hence, an annual replacement is recommended. Handle these bulbs with care and avoid touching them with bare hands.
Installation Essentials For the perfect fitting, I've innovated with a shower fitting, designed to accommodate the PEX pipe. Applying two wraps of Teflon tape in the direction of the screw ensures a smooth slide. This is especially crucial with PVC components that may have residual bits from the molding process. Add a layer of pipe dope for a tight seal. The location of installation plays a vital role. In my setup, the spring below the house feeds a tank, which then directs the water towards the house. The UV light system sits in between. To ensure a sturdy installation, mount a board (like a 1 by 4) on the wall as a base. Once set, the PEX pipe is clamped onto this board with two plastic clips. This setup allows easy access for future maintenance or bulb replacement. The UV light system's transformer has an indicator – a green light – to show it's functioning.
Wrapping Up Installation can be swift with a bit of experience – it takes me about 15-20 minutes, having installed numerous before. But even if you're new to this, with the right guidance, it's a straightforward process. Thank you for joining us. If you found this guide useful, please like, share, and subscribe. For any further queries or if you need specialized assistance, feel free to shoot me an email or drop a comment on YouTube.  I offer free advice and guidance online, but consultations or installations at specific locations would be a paid service.
Until next time, stay informed and stay safe!
Visit us at:  Carolina Homestead Planner We offer services to help with your homestead planning and preparedness needs.
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kelseimae · 2 years ago
The Sims 4 Alphabet Challenge UPDATED !!!
The Alphabet Challenge (My version)
Founder Rules
Choose any premade sim in the save.
The sim must be a young adult. If they aren’t then you may use cheats to reset their age at Young Adult.
You can give them a makeover.
They can be single sims. For example, Johnny Zest
They can be sims already married. For example, Bob and Eliza Pancakes.
They cannot have children. If you really want to use that specific household though then you can delete the kids.
You can keep them in the house they are currently in, or you can use free real estate cheat to get into their first house.
Career: Freelance Crafter
Aspiration: Creativity-Master Maker
Gameplay Rules
Founder’s childrens name should start with the Letter A.
The youngest child becomes the heir.
Each generation’s kids name start with the next letter of the alphabet. For example, A Heir will have B children and B Heir will have C children.
Each generation has two different career options and aspirations to go with them. When you reach the end at letter Z, you can start over with A and do the careers you didn’t pick.
Letter A
Career: Actor/Actress
Aspiration: Creativity-Master Actor/Actress
Career: Education/Administrator Branch
Aspiration: Popularity-Friend of the World
Letter B
Career: Athlete/Bodybuilder Branch
Aspiration: Athletic-Bodybuilder
Career: Criminal/Boss Branch
Aspiration: Deviance-Public Enemy
Letter C
Career: Culinary/Chef Branch
Aspiration: Food-Master Chef
Career: Civil Designer/Civic Planner Branch
Aspiration: Nature- Eco Innovator
Letter D
Career: Detective
Aspiration: Popularity-Leader of the Pack
Career: Secret Agent/Diamond Agent Branch
Aspiration: Family: Big Happy Family
Letter E
Career: Tech Guru/eSport Gamer Branch
Aspiration: Knowledge-Computer Whiz
Career: Conservationist/Environmental Manager Branch
Aspiration: Nature-Outdoor Enthusiast
Letter F
Career: Critic/Food Critic Branch
Aspiration: Food-Master Chef
Career: Critic/Arts Critic Branch
Aspiration: Creativity-Painter Extraordinaire
Letter G
Career: Civil Designer/Green Technician Branch
Aspiration: Nature-Eco Innovator
Career: Gardener/ Botanist Branch
Aspiration: Nature- Freelance Botanist
Letter H
Career: Politician/Charity Organizer
Aspiration: Location- City Native MUST MOVE TO SAN MYSHUNO
Career: Freelance Photography
Aspiration: Family-Big Happy Familiy
Letter I
Career: Social Media/Internet Personality
Aspiration: Popularity/Friend of the World
Career: Business/Investor
Aspiration: Family-Super Parent
Letter J
Career: Writer/Journalist
Aspiration: Popularity-Party Animal
Career: Law/Judge
Aspiration: Fortune-Fabulously Wealthy
Letter K
Career: Entertainer/Comedian
Aspiration: Popularity-Jokestar
Career: Engineer/Computer Engineer
Aspiration: Knowledge- Computer Whiz
Letter L
Career: Gardener/Floral Designer
Aspiration: Nature-Outdoor Enthusiast
Career: Military/Covert Operator
Aspiration: Love-Soulmate
Letter M
Career: Business/Management
Aspiration: Family-Successful Lineage
Career: Conservationist/Marine Biologist
Aspiration: Location-Beach Life
Letter N
Career: Astronaut/Interstellar Smuggler
Aspiration: Knowledge-Nerd Brain
Career: Doctor
Aspiration: Love-Serial Romantic
Letter O
Career: Military/Officer
Aspiration: Any-Complete Strangerville Mystery
Career: Painter/Master of the Real
Aspiration: Creativity-Painter Extraordinaire
Letter P
Career: Painter/Patron of the Arts
Aspiration: Creativity-Painter Extraordinaire
Career Politician/Politician
Aspiration: Location-City Native MUST MOVE TO SAN MYSHUNO
Letter Q
Career: Engineer/Mechanical Engineer
Aspiration: Nature/Angling Ace
Career: Entertainer/Musician
Aspiration: Creativity-Musical Genius
Letter R
Career: Criminal/Oracle
Aspiration: Deviance- Chief of Mischief
Career: Law/Private Attorney
Aspiration: Fortune-Mansion Baron
Letter S
Career: Scientist
Aspiration: Nature/Curator
Career: Astronaut/Space Ranger
Aspiration: Knowledge-Nerd Brain
Letter T
Career: Style Influencer/Trend Setter
Aspiration: Popularity-Party Animal
Career: Athletic/Professional Athlete
Aspiration: Athletic-Body Builder
Letter U
Career: Social Media/Public Relations
Aspirations: Popularity-Friend of the World
Career: Education/Professor
Aspirations: Popularity-Party Animal
Letter V
Career: Secret Agent/Villian
Aspiration: Deviance-Public Enemy
Career: Freelance Programmer
Aspiration: Knowledge-Computer Whiz
Letter W
Career: Writer/Author
Aspirations: Creativity-Best Selling Author
Career: Freelance Writer
Aspirations: Popularity-World Famous Celebrity
Letter X
Career: Culinary/Mixologists
Aspiration: Food-Master Mixologists
Career: Freelance Artist
Aspiration: Creativity-Painter Extraordinaire
Letter Y
Career: Style Influencer/Stylist
Aspiration: Love-Serial Romantic
Career: Interior Designer
Aspiration: Location- Beach Life
Letter Z
Career: Tech Guru/Start-up Entrepreneur
Aspiration: Nature/Anging Ace
Career: Freelance Programmer
Aspiration: Love- Soulmate
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