#housamo lil sal
re-samo · 2 years
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Warmer weather = cuter outfits
(Juno (the one taking the selfie) belongs to @summonerscenarios! 💖💖)
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asterinstar · 1 year
Not LifeWonders posting some chapter 15 leaks on twitter 🙄
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mail-forwarding · 1 year
nightglows MC be like
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MC: I'll keep this secret right here (points to heart), and then one day I'll die :)
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tokyohousamosimps · 2 years
Snapped!AU MCs Dynamics
Since the MC got split into 5, there’s bound to be a sibling dynamics going on now since all five of them are bound to differ in every way. They are, after all, what the result of the MC’s despair and progressive lost of sanity and identity have become. The more they stay separated, the more they’re going to grow differently as they experience different things and form their own identities, beliefs, and opinions. But oddly enough, they’re still considered one as the ‘MC’ even though they’ve been split (perhaps through the rule of majority or something).
Regarding their ‘sibling’ hierarchy, MC 3 and MC 5 would take the eldest roles, MC 4 would be the middle child, and MC 2 and MC 1 would be the youngest, in that order. They just have that vibe, y’know?
MC 5 takes the eldest sibling role very seriously. MC 3 kind of does too, in an objective manner. Like, they wouldn’t do it out of feeling (because they’re having a hard time feeling) but rather with a sense of duty. Still, the two of them work well enough.
MC 4 likes to tease MC 2 and MC 1 a lot, so much that they even find it amusing if they can make MC 2 cry or MC 1 frustrated, as some siblings like to do. They have that older sibling privilege.
On the other hand, MC 2 and MC 1 get away with a lot of things more easily. MC 1 being a little troublemaker would just get a scolding and a slap to the wrist if they ever purposely cause trouble and MC 2 usually gets out of punishments if they cry, which they kind of do always, but anyway, younger sibling privileges.
But, as stated before, Lil’ Sal’s considered their oldest sibling so he gets the most older sibling privileges out of all.
Though, I think the MCs try to kill each other sometimes, just to show how much they hate themselves and their ‘destiny’ that they’ve been told a lot of times they can’t escape. They have an unhealthy way of coping, which is honestly understandable seeing what’s happened to them throughout all the loops.
Regardless, Lil’ Sal’s always is and always will be there for them, though. He comforts them when Father can’t (which Father usually can’t since he’s fucked off somewhere to buy milk and which Lil’ Sal is thankful for) and they appreciate him. The MCs genuinely care for and respects him.
Now that I think about it, regarding Lil’ Sal, would he be visible to others or would he not be visible as always? Since the MC split, there’s bound to be some glitches or errors with the system so maybe Lil’ Sal becomes visible to the others? Hell yeah, visible Lil’ Sal!
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werehoggin · 2 years
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I really want to see this happen for the next anniversary. It would be so good for all of the MCs and lil Sal to get together with dad Mononobe again.
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justlarkin · 1 year
LWs has released their first user survey and it's available from April 24th to May 21st, so go give your feedback on Housamo. Player Name and ID is required and you will receive 3 Lil Sal tickets when the time period is up. If you don't know where to find your Player ID, you can find it under "Friends" and "Search".
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kairunatic · 2 years
And the Genociders will host it
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More exchange tickets and a special log in bonuses we'll get a total of 150 stones and 10 lil sal tickets
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Ch 14 is also here with big foot and Kirito in it
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New AR
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UI change
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And last there selling a album of housamo original soundtracks
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hoesamo · 3 years
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Wow that Double Dragon technique is so cool
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felsdumpsterfire · 3 years
*dances in* yo hey hi hello, i am starved for housamo content since chapter 11 still looks to be untranslated RN and i want more of my bestest boy Shino, dost thou havest doodles or art of the goodest of boys
I apologize, anon, I do not have the Shino doodles (and I've been trying for the past fucking hour but it won't work jsldfkjs)
All of my Housamo WIPS if that helps:
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Ok, that's all
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chatwithana · 3 years
Cuando Mononobe te deja sin explicación alguna :'v
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summonerscenarios · 4 years
Can i ask no 16 hand holding witl lil sal^^
FINALLY GOT THIS DONE. I don’t think I’ve ever wrote a fic for lil Sal before but this one was super fun~! I do hope I did a good job with it!
16. Bringing it to your lips
Your alarm echoes around the bedroom, the ringtone blaring from the speakers at a shrill enough pitch that just about anyone would wake up if only to turn the damn thing off. The duvet on the bed is bunched up into a wad, and for a long moment there’s not a single ounce of movement from underneath it - you’d almost think it was empty if you were looking in from the outside. 
Eventually the mound shifts, rolling to the side as a hand breaches the covers and reaches out for the nightstand next to the bed, blindly seeking out the source of the noise. You pat about for your phone, not bothering to peek out and look at what you’re grabbing for; it takes longer than you’d like but eventually you find it, tapping at where you’re pretty sure the snooze button is a few times before finally the noise ceases altogether. The silence is welcome, and you let out a content sigh, retreating back under your covers and letting your face drop back into your pillow; you’re still drowsy and half asleep, so it doesn’t take long before you’re drifting off again, and you’re just about to fall asleep when you hear a voice calling for you.
It’s muffled by the blanket, which to your sleep-addled brain means you can pretend it doesn’t exist, so you bury your head further into your pillow waiting for it to stop. But it doesn’t, and then there’s something prodding at your shoulder through the covers, followed by shaking - whoever it is is persistent, persistent enough that after a few more shakes you finally cave and unfurl yourself from your covers. 
You lift up the covers with one arm and lift your head, eyes screwed shut in the hopes to not blind yourself from the sunlight blaring in through your window; you hadn’t bothered to close the curtains last night after getting home so late, and now you were really starting to regret it - it’s making your head hurt.
“Whaaaaat?” the words come out as a grumble, only stifled by a yawn as you finally, reluctantly, crack one eye open to look at whoever wants your attention so bad.
A familiar face greets you with an unamused huff, arms folding upon realizing that you’re finally looking at him.
“Ah, morning Sal” 
“Geez, master” Sal’s tone is disapproving as he shakes his head “I swear you make it  a habit to sleep in on important days”
Important; you have to wrack your brain trying to recall what you’ve got planned for today. It’s a weekend so it’s definitely not school, and Shiro hasn’t scheduled any meetups with the Summoners today that you’re aware of. It takes a few seconds before it finally clicks what lil Sal is talking about. 
Oh, right; you had a meeting to get to...whoops.
“It’s fine, I’ve still got time” you offer him a nonchalant wave of your hand before running it through your hair. “Besides, I’ve got a few more alarms set up - I’ll just wake up at the next one~”
“But that’s the fourth one this morning!”
At that you pause, looking over to your bedside where you’re phone’s charging. Sure enough, the time on the screen means that you’ve slept through every single one of the alarms that you’d set. Huh, guess you’d slept for longer than you thought you had.
Your familiar hopes this information is just the thing to get you up, you can tell from the look that he’s giving you that he expects you to at least get out of bed at the realization. Well, that’s not what happens. 
“Guess I’ll have to set a fifth one next time”
Saying this you make a grab for the duvet cover and start rolling over again, but the familiar catches you halfway, snagging the duvet with a exasperated noise. 
“Hey, hey! You can’t just roll over and go back to sleep!”
“Sure I can, I’m doing it right now” you tug a little at the blanket and Sal tugs back in return, just as unwilling to let go as you are.
“If you do that you’re going to be late!”
Having a staredown over a blanket with your familiar wasn’t on your plans for this morning, but neither of you falter; it’s actually kind of funny how determined he looks holding your blanket in both hands, shooting you a pout to match the pointed, groggy stare you’re clocking him with. If you really wanted to, you could snatch the blanket from his hands with no problem whatsoever and sleep the day away, but you have a sneaking suspicion that he’s stubborn enough to keep prodding and shaking you until you finally relent. Too bad for both of you, you’re just as stubborn about staying put.
So, time for plan B.
“Fine, I’ll get up”
For a split second Sal grins triumphantly, letting his grip go on the duvet, and that’s all the window of time that you need. In one swift moment you grab the duvet in one hand and Sal with the other, the familiar yelping in surprise as you retreat back into your half-formed nest of blankets and pillows and pull the covers over the two of you. You’re already feeling better getting the sun out of your eyes, letting your head drop on your pillow as you curl up and bring Sal to rest against your chest.
“Iiiin a few minutes”
“Oh no you dont!” 
Lil Sal still stubbornly wriggles in your arms, but that lasts about as long as it takes you to bring a hand up to give him head pats, and it works like a charm. As soon as you start petting his head he just about melts into your arms, leaning into the head scritches; you could almost swear you hear him purring (or would it be bleating?) at the attention. He tries to make another attempt to convince you to get up, but it’s hard to make a compelling argument when you move down to give him chin scritches and run your fingers through his fur, smoothing out some of the messier tufts as you nestle further back into your pillow in a bid to get comfortable. 
When you’re satisfied that he’ll stay put you lift up your hand and crane your neck to look at his face, flashing him a lax grin.
“See? Don’t you think it’s worth sleeping in, juuust a little bit longer?”
Sal gives you a pout, but it breaks down into a grin of his own when he shrugs, grabs the hand you were petting him with and presses it back down onto his head, right between his horns. You get the hint and start carding your hands through the fluffy tufts, occasionally looping around his horns to scratch that spot behind his ears that always has him tilting his head into the touch, bumping up against the palm of your hand.
You’re starting to relax, feeling your eyelids growing a little heavier thanks to the warmth you’ve got the two of you bundled up in, and you press your cheek further into the plushness of your pillow. From this angle you can still see lil Salomon’s face, and he seems to be thoroughly enjoying the affection you’re giving him, his expression a far cry from the unamused huff he’d settled you with when you’d first woken up. He sure can be a handful sometimes (which you’re pretty sure is what most people say about you too), but at the end of the day the two of you were in this together, having been inseparable (literally) since the first day you’d woken up.
You can’t help but think about that day. Really, to others it may not have seemed too long ago, and in a way it doesn’t feel all that long to you either, but when it’s the first memory you have it feels like so much time has passed already by comparison. Sal had been one of the first people in your corner - had guided you in learning some of the things that, at the beginning, had proved vital in your survival within the app - and he had been there every moment since. Granted, you’ve had your arguments, your bumps in the road, and the whole mess concerning the battle for Tokyo, but you can’t imagine not having your fluffy familiar by your side through all of that.
It’s weird to think where you would have been without him; which you don’t really have to think about. You’ve lived without him before, countless lives, and you’ve had too many reminders about exactly how those turned out to ever forget what makes this loop different - if you guys weren’t together, you doubt you’d have ever gotten this far…
A tug on your hand breaks you from your reverie and you blink, looking down at Sal. You must have stopped petting him at some point, as he’s holding your hand with both of his and has his head tilted back to look up at you, tiny fuzzy brows furrowed. It’s kind of funny how concerned he looks - after all, you’ve given him more than enough life-or-death instances to last a lifetime, so you crack another smile.
“Sorry, Sal - Lost in thoughts again, you know how it is”
Saying this you wiggle your fingers in an effort to convince him to release your hand - you’d rather focus on giving head pats and sleeping than entertaining that previous train of thought any longer. Lil Sal huffs but doesn’t let go, dropping his head back down to look at your hand in his grip; you have only a moment to wonder what’s bugging him when he pulls your hand a little closer and presses his face into your palm. 
Your hands are calloused, scuffed thanks to too many days swinging around a sword and getting dragged into more adventures than you can count, but Sal doesn’t seem to care in the slightest. Instead, the familiar presses a kiss to one of the marks dotting the skin of your palm, right below where your thumb connects to your hand. You tilt your head as much as you position will allow and watch him with raised brows when he moves to kiss a few more marks, ending just shy of your wrist by the time that he’s satisfied with the job and moves his face away from your hand, looking back up at you with a proud grin. 
You can’t help but mirror the action, laughing as you tug the familiar closer, burying him back against your chest as you use the hand he was previously holding to ruffle his hair. Sal flails his arms with a whine,making a half-hearted complaint about you being so rough before snickering when you snuggle closer, continuing to pet the familiar bundled in your arms.
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boundlesshousamo · 4 years
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Summer Summoners Part IV
Lil’ Salomon in Swim Attire
Artist: 早安祭司
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asterinstar · 1 year
The government is running out of money? That must suck! I have a proposal. WE. NEED. TO. MAKE. MORE. OF. THESE
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littlest-salomon · 3 years
Bonus--Gehenna speculation:
Has the Exile from Gehenna actually been identified as Faust on text? From what I know, he's nothing like the Housamo Protagonist other than that he has a familiar, which is not an uncommon attribute in this genre. Mephistopheles even says that he doesn't really care about the Exile, he wants one of Lil Salomon's alters (Snow seems to imply that Sal himself has his own personalities, as well as carrying our memories for us)--and the adorably selfish, greedy Lil Salomon does act like Faust.
There are very few other figures said to have been rejected from/never entered Hell: Enoch, Elijah, Jesus, one whom I highly doubt will be included due to racism, and Jack o' the Lantern. Probably more that I'm not aware of, but you get it.
Jesus didn't just die, he was straight-up sent to Hell for three days and then kicked back out again in the Bible, which a lot of people forget (happy Easter!). It's interesting to note that he was historically executed for causing political unrest under an oppressive empire, claimed to "bring a sword" which he used metaphorically to sever people from their attachments to the material world, and is portrayed in a rather draconic way in the Revelation, where the sword physically manifests as a representation of his message.
He was known for actually living out his instruction to "love your enemy" by befriending literally anyone who wanted to spend time with him, including both sex workers on one end of the spectrum and the Roman Jewish IRS on the other--which is how he amassed enough followers to make the Empire think he was starting up yet another Jewish anti-state rebellion cult and hit the panic button at his first public offense after only three years.
Finally, he's often speculated to have been bisexual/gay. Not for how sweet he was with his disciples (everyone in 30 AD Palestine treated their friends like that) but because he was apparently homeless and unmarried, which was really unusual for a man of his age and culture, particularly a rabbi. Even more so because of his intense relationship with St. John "the Beloved"--the most likely author of Revelation.
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tokyohousamosimps · 2 years
More thoughts on Snapped!AU
Okay, okay, I've thought some more on this AUs lore and have expanded it a bit.
Anyway, it may seem like the MCs are the mastermind behind the new troublesome things happening in Tokyo but in reality it's *drumrolls* Mr. Not-Mononobe!
This mystery person looks exactly like Mononobe but he isn't. He's not exactly Solomon, either. You could say he's a 'shadow' of Mr. Mononobe. He was the one who ordered the MCs to cause trouble throughout Tokyo. No one knows what his goal is (even me!).
The MCs are unusually and completely obedient and compliant to this Not-Mononobe, for some odd reason. They all call him 'Father' and they're completely obsessed with making him proud of them.
I'm completely just imagining a scene were the MCs get a bit too rowdy and they won't listen to Lil Sal so he has no choice but to threaten them with a 'If you don't stop what you're doing right now, I'm telling Father and he's going to be so disappointed in you!'
In an instant, all the MCs freeze in place, expression morphing to a look of terror as they look at their technically older sibling.
MC 1 - They stop jumping around and freeze in place, eyes darting everywhere as if they're afraid that 'Father' would just appear out of nowhere and scold them. That would be terrible! They fiddle with their clothes and shuffle their feet just to keep themselves occupied, muttering something gloomily under their breath.
"Father's... going to be disappointed? But... But I don't want to make him disappointed..."
MC 2 - They let out a low 'hiiiee!' and pull on their hair, eyes filling with tears but they don't let themselves cry. They don't want 'Father' to see them and think they're pathetic and abandon them so they keep themselves from sobbing loudly and try to keep quiet.
"Hiiiee! No, no, no, no! This is the absolute worst! The. Absolute. Worst! I don't want Father to be disappointed...!"
MC 3 - They jolt up, their back ramrod straight, the apathetic expression that was constantly on their face finally morphing into a look of horror. Their mouth is set into a thin line and they look like they're frowning but their eyes are unfocused and their hands are shaking. Anyone can tell that they're severely bothered by the thought of 'Father' being disappointed with them.
"...Father... Disappointed...?"
MC 4 - The smile on their face turns strained, their eye twitching. They clear their throat and nonchalantly sweep their clothes of imaginary dust before they fix their posture and try to negotiate with Lil Salomon. They totally try to throw the blame onto the others.
"Now, now, Brother Sal. Please, let's not be too hasty. MC 1 and MC 2 might both be a bit troublesome and noisy but we'll reign them in this time! There's no need to call Father. I assure you that we have everything under control."
MC 5 - They click their tongue in displeasure, glaring at Lil Sal with ferocious intensity for even putting the thought of Father being disappointed in them in their minds. If looks could kill, Salomon would've died ten times over by now. They clench their hands into fist, nails digging into their palms, and while they're obviously bothered by the thought of disappointing 'Father', they stay silent.
Salomon, while he does care about Mr. Mononobe and sees him as a father figure, just can't consider this Not-Mononobe as the father he knows and loves! But for the sake of not letting Tokyo burn to the ground, he pretends like he likes this Not-Mononobe and threatens the MCs with tattling on their 'Father' if they ever go out of line. Although, Salomon's sure he can't always use this excuse, he'll milk it for what it's worth.
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dorokora · 4 years
As we're discussing about crossovers, I've always wondered how one would go with housamo and the main character of skullgirls Filia would go, with Filia joining the summoners and their reaction towards her parasite Samson.
Amnesiac Protagonists interacting, Samson and Lil’ sal banter. There’s potential here.
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