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Hey, my name’s Ana! Hopefully we can get to know each other better. I’m okay with any pronouns. ( ˘ ³˘)~♥�� [An ask blog for a MC4 from Tokyo Afterschool Summoners! Please be mindful of potentially triggering content when scrolling, given the nature of the source material (and depending on the asks/interactions). Mun is @hoesamo ]
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
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((Famous Last Words))
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
What’s a positive memory you have?
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“… I used to think about when I first met Mr. Mononobe, usually when I was stressed out.”
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“He did a wonderful job of making me feel safe.” They sigh at old memories as they feel themself grow heavier with each step down the hallway. “It hurts a little to remember it now, though. Things just… don’t add up when I think about it for too long.”
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“Now I sometimes wonder if I can even trust those memories.” Now, Ana only gets concerned by those once warm moments. Their smile is devoid of its default earnestness. “I still respect the feelings it once gave me, don’t get me wrong… it was just… part of a bigger picture I’m only just starting to see…”
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
((ahhh ok, that makes a lot more sense now! Thanks for clarifying mun!))
((No problem!! ^w^))
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
((Inside a stable ana? Does that mean outside the story cthuhlu can't be interacted with? And Dagon and such?))
((Cthulhu can be interacted with— he’s just gonna be inside Ana since the circumstances that caused him to come ‘out’ of Ana are pretty specific (one of those requirements being an Exhausted Ana not in a good headspace). It’ll be like how people have talked to Canaanite Dagon, who’s inside of Old One’s Dagon. Everyone from this event can be interacted with— it’ll simply take place separate from the event’s story. Hope that helps clear some things up! ^w^))
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
(Hey mun, quick question. How do you feel about ocs interacting with Ana and Co? Like, I was thinking of maybe a being, like azathoth. Meets everyone. Another person from "the waking world". I was thinking of them being like, azathoth's father or uncle themselves and azathoth legit is still just a young adult in their eyes. I'm asking before so I know if it's ok or not)
((I don’t mind! That premise sounds pretty cool! I’ll treat interactions separately from the storyline. This’ll just mean Cthulhu’s inside a Stable Ana and inside the guild’s safe house with everybody. Ngl, I didn’t expect this event to take this long and I initially decided to hold off on interactions until I was done, but like… I am a Clown XD. Don’t get me wrong, though— this event’s story WILL be completed (albeit slowly and steadily), especially since I’ve still just been enjoying writing it. It’s still my primary focus on this blog rn. X3))
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
Wait. The MC is canonically made from shaytans imagine? Isn't shaytan a dragon though? (Then again the dragonborn title makes more sense now)
((Yep! To be specific, MC4 is made in the image of Shaytan (aka Lucifer)! It’s not the exact body, but it does bare a noticeable similarity in appearance to him. This also further implies that Shaytan had a human/humanoid form (similarly to his siblings Michael and Gabriel). Of the available 5 body types, MC1 is made in the image of Yoshitsune, MC2 in Eurynome, MC3 in Susanoo, MC4 in Shaytan, and MC5 in Cthulhu! Iirc, all (or a lot) of the exiles residing in MC are ‘draconic’ in some way, either quite literally or metaphorically (within housamo’s canon, anyway iirc— though I’m unsure how Yoshitsune, Varuna, Susanoo, and Eurynome are dragons). MC changing their role from Wanderer to Dragon just further solidifies that symbolism.))
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
((Currently spending my weekend with my gf so imma be a lil busy X3))
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
((I like to think that the devils eat like this X3))
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
How do you handle stress?
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At this point, Ana’s trudging along the hallway again at the same, slow pace as the decaying Cthulhu. “… Um… I don’t really… know how to answer this.” They feel heavier now, like they’re carrying rocks on their shoulders. “I haven’t, well… had time to… ‘handle’ it. It’s like… ugh…”
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Even talking about it is difficult. Why should they start this discussion when they don’t even know where to go with it? How can they? Better to just stick with what they’ve been doing since Day 1, and that’s rolling with the punches. Just keep moving along…
They leave your question without an answer as they make a left turn in the hallway.
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By the time they fly into the vibrantly painted hallway, it’s empty. The devil at least feels like they should be moving about this place, but they’re struggling to remember what they’re supposed to be doing. They suddenly smell something nice, and follow that scent into a dining room and… a kitchen! There’s even food! The sight of food makes their tummy grumble, so they immediately go and grab the glowing orb, and squeeze the soup into their mouth. So tasty!
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
Where’s that other Cthulhu?
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“I think he’s up ahead…? Actually… I’m not sure where he went. I’m just… following this hallway...” This hallway seems to be quite long, but soon enough Ana hears something. A boiling, sizzling sound, followed by a savory scent. It’s coming from the first door they see. When they enter the room, the first thing they see is a large, stone table in a massive room. It’s empty, but on the far end of the room, they find him there.
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He’s behind a counter, his tendrils putting things into a bright orb that his hands are holding at the sides. As soon as a tendril puts two bowls beneath it, he squeezes the contents out into them.
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He lets out a long, drawn-out sigh, picks up the bowls, and slowly makes his way to the doorway.
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It’s like he can’t even see me…
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Staring at the pretty paintings on the walls has gotten a bit boring for the devil. The place is beautiful, but it’s a little lifeless without anyone else in it. It’s so quiet in the room… it’s a little lonely. They mumble incomprehensible gibberish to themself for a moment. Weren’t they supposed to do something…?
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
Ana how flexible are you?
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“Bit of a random question, but I recently found out that I’m… decently flexible. I can do the splits, but I’m not really sure what else I can do…”
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The devil flies through the opening in the double doors. They look around the first room. “Awwwnnnaaaaaahhhh……???” They clumsily call out for Ana, but receive no answer. It’s quiet, and only the beating of their wings can be heard. After a few seconds of scanning, the pretty pictures on the walls catch their attention. It’s so full of fishies! They dare not touch the slimy floor, but they land their stubby feet on a strange furnishing near one of the walls. They clap their hands in excitement when they see a big octopus. The clear glaze on it gives it a nice luster in the glowing light. “P… Prrrehhddiii…” They’re trying to say it right, bless their distracted little heart.
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
What do you wanna be when you grow up ana?
Well that’s a pretty tricky question. They’re still a second year, after all. A kid like them still has a lot to figure out.
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“When I grow up…?” As they walk down a hallway trying to think of an answer, a memory plays in their head. One from when things felt bit simpler, from when Mr. Mononobe was still around. Something he said back then is starting to hit a little too close for comfort.
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“I… I don’t really know what I want to be. Never really had time to think about it...” What would their future look like? Would they be a painter, making beautiful portraits of all sorts of clients? What about a marine biologist, one who dives in the ocean to study the life there? Perhaps they’ll spend their adulthood as a florist, taking care of all sorts of flowers. Ana tries to think of all the various career paths they could take, but nothing really seems to fit. Right now, they truly have no idea what they’re going to do with their life. They speak so quietly under their breath.
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“It’s hard to think I even have a future…”
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
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While there’s a lull in the conversation, Dagon decides to speak. “… Cthulhu.”
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“I was wondering, now that we can talk… if I can ask you something.”
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"Of course. You’re free to ask me anything, Little One.”
“… Can yo—“ Sadly, Dagon is cut off by a loud, unnerving sound. A hellish sort of gurgling noise.
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Shiro nearly jumps out of his skin. “What the hell is that!?” The wretched mud bubbles around them, then… it rises. It wriggles and writhes as it quickly takes shape, and those shadowy forms are all too familiar by now.
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They say nothing, and the eyes haven’t formed yet. Ooze is still dripping from them as they stand there. There’s no change in the water’s temperature this time, either. The muck, however, is still babbling and bubbling.
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Both of the adults sigh, and take a stance. “Stay behind us, Shiro. They aren’t complete yet, so it’s especially important that they don’t touch you. We’ll handle this quickly.”
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The devil in the rat costume finally reaches the temple. They take a moment to stare in awe at the massive, decorated doors. “Ooooohhh…” The lil guy doesn’t have the best vocabulary, but hey— they’re impressed! They take a moment to admire the grand entrance’s carvings.
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
How is ubbs temple ana?
They stand at the entrance, and almost hurt their neck looking up and around the building. Even the doors, which are slightly ajar, are massive and have ornate carvings on them. The entire exterior can’t even be seen due to the heavy fog.
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“Is that the name of this place? It’s huge…” The decaying Cthulhu has already gone inside, so Ana doesn’t stop to stare too long. The floor is still coated with the infernal slime, but at least that damned fog isn’t inside. Unlike the building where Ana’s physical body is lying in, the temple is well-lit. The interior is aglow with the bioluminescent light of phytoplankton, lighting the colorful murals on the… concrete walls? The first room they’re in is massive, full of (presumably) large furniture of various kinds.
Unfortunately, Ana doesn’t look at the interior design. They don’t even notice it. “Where did that guy go off to…?” They see something move in the doorway at the opposite end of the room— a shadow. “Better not lose sight of him…” With that, they trudge further inside of the temple…
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
((Unfortunate circumstances aside, It is funny to me how even the socially-disadvantaged Cthulhu is aware that Yoggy boy has shit emotional intelligence. Like, he knows exactly what to say about him, even if he’s normally bad at communicating. XD))
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
Alright, Yog Sothoth seems to have a odd fondness for humans, like that one guy he literally allowed to open The Gate, and that poor woman he impregnated (and several others in that one Pathfinder expansion where Children and Spawns of Yog Sothoth are a race), is he like that to all intelligent species or just humans? Cause I never heard of him impregnating other species. Letting them open the Gate sure but never impregnation.
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“I don’t know his sexual history, Anon… but he does copulate with more than humans. Nug and Yeb wouldn’t exist had he not laid with Shubshub. I assume he’s like that with anyone he fancies…”
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“Even then, I find this ‘fondness’ to be… not worth it. For example, his… relationship with Lavinia, who wasn’t notably intelligent, looks more like a step in a failed plan than a loving one. She only went missing in the end, after giving birth to children he evidently never bothered to raise. Maybe he did genuinely like her, but that is something I simply do not know for certain.” I have no idea what Shubshub even sees in him…
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chatwithana · 3 years ago
Where are your wings?
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“I don’t really… use them nowadays… but— !!!!!!!!!!“ He suddenly stops walking, standing stiff as a statue.
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“Is everything alright, Cthulhu?”
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"… Ngh… Ah… ha…” He’s breathing a little funny now. Neither Shiro or Dagon expect him to start blushing, too.
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His antennae twitch. “Please… stop… touching… them…”
“Like… us…!!” Shiro knows that voice anywhere.
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“Hey!” He quickly walks behind Cthulhu and sees two of his own curious devils hovering, poking and prodding at the tiny wings on the god’s back. The appendages do look strikingly similar to the devils’ own— they’re even the same size. “You shouldn’t be touching people without their permission!” Their… ears(?) droop at their master’s scolding, and they slowly land back on their feet.
They waddle over to his legs and give Shiro an apologetic hug. Then they crane their necks to look up at the still-blushing god. “Sorriiiii, Tulu…”
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“I-i accept your apology… please just be mindful…”
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