#hotel restaurant consultancy services
ssahospitality · 2 months
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SS Associates: Premier restaurant consultants in India, offering tailored solutions to enhance your dining establishment's success. From concept development to menu optimization, we specialize in elevating your restaurant's performance. Contact us for expert guidance in operations, marketing, and culinary excellence.
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euphoriainteriors · 17 days
Home interior design in Dubai, UAE, by Style Habitat, epitomizes luxury and innovation. Merging contemporary elegance with traditional Arabic elements, their designs create opulent, functional spaces. Utilizing high-quality materials and cutting-edge technology, Style Habitat transforms homes into stunning sanctuaries, reflecting the sophisticated taste and lifestyle of Dubai residents.
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chefajaychopra · 2 years
Best restaurant consulting firms | Restaurant consultant
Do you dream of owning a successful restaurant? If you do, you’re not alone. Opening a restaurant is one of the most rewarding and important business decisions you can make. It’s also a complex endeavor full of potential pitfalls. That’s why it’s important to get help from a professional when planning a restaurant.
Restaurant Consultant, Master Chef Ajay Chopra with Zion Hospitality is one of the best restaurant consulting firms in India. They specialize in helping budding entrepreneurs plan, launch, and operate successful restaurants. With their combined expertise, you can rest assured that your restaurant will be a success.
What can you expect from a restaurant consultant?
A qualified restaurant consultant will provide you with advice and guidance on every aspect of opening a restaurant. From concept to design, staffing to operations, they’ll help you make sure that all the pieces of the puzzle fit together the right way. They’ll also help you develop a business plan that sets the stage for your restaurant’s success.
In addition to providing advice, a restaurant consultant can also assist with the actual implementation of your plans. From finding the right vendors to selecting the right menu items, they’ll be there to provide assistance every step of the way.
How do you find the right restaurant consultant in India?
The key to finding the right restaurant consultant is to do your research. Start by asking for referrals from colleagues and friends who have worked with a consultant before. You can also search online for restaurant consultants in your area. Make sure to read reviews and check out their portfolio to make sure that they have the experience and credentials to help you succeed.
Once you’ve narrowed down your options, it’s time to meet with the consultant in person. A face-to-face meeting is the best way to get a feel for the consultant’s style and to discuss the details of your project.
With Master Chef Ajay Chopra and Zion Hospitality, you can be sure that you’re getting the highest quality service in the industry. Both firms have the resources and expertise to help you open a successful restaurant. They’ll work with you every step of the way to make sure that your restaurant succeeds. So if you’re ready to take your restaurant dreams to the next level, contact Master Chef Ajay Chopra or Zion Hospitality today and get started!
Zion hospitality by celebrity Master chef Ajay Chopra is a progressive food and beverage consulting company that provides food and beverage owners with management expertise and effective operational solutions. The flexibility in our approach, treating each property as a unique asset with its own USPs enables the restaurant to project its own personality and character and unleash its true potential. Our restaurant projects have witnessed sustained growth through our team of subject matter experts and deep management capabilities ranging from pre-opening to full-scale operations.
Zion hospitality offers Services support through the entire value chain of the premium restaurant concepts From entry strategy to operational talent, the plethora of activities that a restaurant concept may need along its journey, have been skilfully designed to deliver operational benefits par excellence.
With the excitement of the upturn in the restaurant business in 2016, we threw ourselves completely into bespoke concepts across India, to deliver an avant-garde food and beverage experience with all the guarantees of exclusivity, luxury and upscale hospitality.
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tdsgroup · 2 years
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TDS Group takes great care of your demands when it comes to hospitality. It meets all your requirements and presents to you with services that your requirements are best met. We make certain that we do not overlook your comfort in the process. . . For more information, Call us at 0172-5090668, WhatsApp No. 7527003884. Visit or DM us at https://tdsgroup.in/ For Job Application, Apply here https://tdsgroup.in/career/
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foodresearchlab · 2 years
Let’s examine the goal of standard recipes in more detail, as well as how they are created issues that restaurants face in the formulation design and development of a customized recipe and menu development. The Pepgra’s food research lab mentions about the dilemma in unique recipe and menu development that entice taste and increase customers the impeding factors and resolutions.
More info: https://www.foodresearchlab.com/blog/new-product-development/restaurant-recipe-and-menu-development-challenges/
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sl-ut · 4 months
Abby proposing omfg
more college!abby
she strikes me as the type of person to have a very elaborate plan in mind, having consulted her own close friends for advise as well as some of her girl's closest friends/family members for help picking out the ring. in her mind, the proposal needed to be a big ordeal, something that would put any other proposal to shame. of course, she was able to talk herself off of that ledge, and instead focused on doing something that had a great amount of meaning to the pair of them as a couple.
the plan was a good one; she was gonna take her girl out of town for the weekend, consisting of a luxurious airbnb, a nice dinner, and a long walk on the beach only a few minutes from their rental. was it very original? no. was it so perfect and romantic? yes, yes it was.
except the plan very quickly fell apart before her very eyes. the airbnb was cancelled the day of due to an apparent "roach problem," which was easily fixable considering that there were plently of hotels in the area, though none were close enough to the beach for them to get there before sunset. then, the restaurant managed to lose their reservation, and were fully booked for the night, regretfully turning the couple away with a few recommendations for other restaurants in town, only every one of them were full.
abby wanted to cry when she got back to the hotel; her entire plan was ruined, but she wasn't about to let a nice hotel room with her gf go to waste.
instead, she instructed y/n to order some room service while she turned her attention to filling the large jacuzzi in the bathroom with steaming hot water, adding a mountain of strawberry scented bubbles to the bath and dimming the lights. the food arrived just as she finished, and luckily the time that it had taken them to eat was just long enough to allow the water cool enough to become a comfortable temperature.
it slips out of her mouth before she even realises it. she's in the tub, head tilted back against the wall and her girl cuddled into her chest. she doesn't even realise that she'd said it until she heard a quiet "what?"
her eyes shot open, panic filling her entire body for only a moment before she realised that, no matter how much effort she put into her plan, there wouldn't be another moment where it felt more right to ask her. so she silently reached for the velvet box in her pants pocket on the floor.
"i said, will you marry me?"
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Destiny & Deliverance: Chapter 7
Destiny & Deliverance Masterlist ||| Dieter Bravo X OFC Smut and Angst Warning - Minors DNI New as of 7/24/2023
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Series Rating: Explicit (18+)
Series Summary: Natalia Cohen is experiencing major life changes, beginning with leaving an emotionally abusive husband. She is learning how to navigate life on her own while dealing with high functioning anxiety, depression, and mild PTSD. Everything is looking up for her. She is a highly respected consultant for a major LA firm, has her best friend, Lauren, by her side, and is on her path to healing. Everything changes when she meets a handsome and broken stranger on a work trip. He turns out to be a well-known actor, with a heart-breaking past. They quickly develop a connection that will forever alter their lives. 
Warnings: Themes dealing with mental health, emotional trauma, alcohol use, and discussions about suicide. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn type of story. Read at your own risk.
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Chapter Quote: “I just keep myself busy. Otherwise, I wallow in depression."
It was close to six when I arrived back at the hotel. I was starting to feel anxious. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Would he feel differently now that he’s had the day to think about last night and this morning? I was starting to get lost in my head as I walked through the main entrance. I had planned to wait in the restaurant, as usual, since he mentioned dinner. However, there were no tables open, and the bar was a little too crowded for my liking. I decided to head back to the suite and finish up my preliminary report. When I got in, I kicked my shoes off and crawled into the middle of the bed, propping myself up on the headboard. I got my laptop situated and turned the tv on for some background noise. 
Around six forty-five I heard a quiet knock on the door beside me as Dieter stuck his head in. He smiled when he saw me.
“There you are. I figured you would be downstairs. I got a little worried you were standing me up.”
He laughed nervously. I gave him a mock look of horror.
“No way! It was just too crowded when I came in. There wasn’t a table open. Was it still bad?” 
“Yeah, kind of.” 
“Let’s just grab some room service and hang out here. Maybe we can watch a movie or something?” 
“I’m actually down for that. What would you like to eat? I’ll order.” 
“Surprise me.” 
“You sure?” 
He walked into the other room to scan the QR code with his phone for online ordering, then walked back in and flopped down on the bed with his legs hanging off the side. He leaned back and laid his head on my legs and absentmindedly reached up feeling along the hem of my skirt with his free hand. His finger was rubbing over the stitching. I watched him as he scrolled, occasionally reaching with his free hand to tap the screen, then putting it back down to feel along the hem. His familiarity and comfort helped me relax after having my earlier thoughts of doubt. 
After a few minutes, he realized I was watching him with a smirk on my face. 
“I’m sorry, am I distracting you from your work? I can…”
“No. You’re good. Carry on.” 
He raised his eyebrow from behind his glasses. I laughed and went back to typing. After a few minutes, he started playing a game on his phone. Clearly getting annoyed when he made a mistake. It was adorable to watch his face scrunch up in frustration. Sometime later, we heard a faint knock on the outer door to his suite. He paused his game and hopped up. 
“That must be the food.” 
“I’ll be in shortly, I’m almost finished.”
He nodded and walked through the adjoining door. 
I finished the final paragraph on the report and gave it a quick read through. I made sure I hit save, multiple times, then sent a quick email to Megan asking her to make copies for the meeting. It felt good to have this one done. Now I could relax and have zero things to worry about this evening. Not that any of it had crossed my mind last night. 
I got up and put my laptop away. Then I walked through Dieter’s room, looking around as I went. His belongings were everywhere. It didn’t surprise me. With the chaotic energy he tended to put out, he didn’t strike me as someone who was neat and organized. I laughed to myself at the thought. 
I opened his bedroom door to find him sitting at the small table in the kitchenette area. He was playing a game on his phone again. I walked over to the table, and he jumped up, wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed me. He leaned back and reached up to touch one of the wavy pieces of hair hanging down on my face. 
“I thought you said your hair didn’t look good curly. I like it like this.” 
I smiled and leaned into his hand. His words stirred some sort of emotion in me that I couldn’t decipher. I inhaled sharply and turned away before it showed on my face. 
“So, what are we eating?”
“I got a few different things. Feel free to sample.” 
“Geez this is a lot of food.” I laughed. He shrugged.
“I guess I’ll have leftovers for tomorrow.” 
Our eyes met, realizing what that meant. He will be alone tomorrow. Neither of us wanted to bring that up further at the moment. I hadn’t given much thought beyond this week. I couldn’t. Not yet anyway. 
We sat down to eat, each of us taking a sampling of the different meals he ordered. We both opted for water with our meal. The thought of not having liquid courage this evening made me anxious, but I needed to lay off the alcohol some. 
He told me about his day. All the meetings he had to plan for the movie role he was offered. He said it would take up to five months to film and several overseas locations were planned. He was really excited about it. 
I felt a twinge of sadness at the thought of him being in another country for such a long time. No wonder he wasn’t dating anyone. 
“Do you ever get lonely or homesick while you’re gone for that long?” 
“Yeah, sometimes. It can be rough, but I have a team I travel with that I’m pretty close to. I fly back for quick visits with my family when I get a chance and we talk a lot. Sometimes they visit me depending on where I am. I make it work. It can be hard on your mental health though. Not gonna lie.” 
“I don’t know how you do it. I’m not sure I would survive that type of living.” 
“I just keep myself busy. Otherwise, I wallow in depression.” 
He knitted his brows together as his eyes stared off in the distance at nothing. His thoughts appeared to take him to a dark place for a moment. It was brief, but I noticed it. Then he shrugged and moved to change the subject.  
“How about you, how was your day?” 
“Really good actually. I’ve definitely got the guy. Well, it’s mostly circumstantial at this point, but I have a plan. Carrington is totally on board with it.” 
I smiled, pleased with myself.
“So, he has managed to sail through because of their current setup. The fact that I caught it is just crazy because it’s really a perfect situation for him to rip the company off. Anyway, I’ve set up a camera on the entrance to the room that houses their mainframe. I think he is accessing it directly, but there are no security cameras on that door.”
Dieter mouthed “what the fuck” and threw his hands up at the ridiculousness of it. 
“I know…” I said, shaking my head in agreement.
“Anyway, so he’s going in to alter and remove records so there are no signs of the changes anywhere. He is also changing it on the backups. I think he was even smart enough to somehow get a copy of a key made so it isn’t registering on the ID card scans that he entered the room. He was accessing it during scheduled job times so as not to raise any red flags. He messed up though. On two instances he logged on 33 and 63 seconds too early. I talked to Carrington today and he’s agreed to let me install, what is basically spyware, on the station that accesses the mainframe. Anytime anyone gets onto it, it’ll do a screen recording and track key entries, then send that information directly to me.”
He had a look of shock on his face. 
“That’s like some spy shit. Maybe they need to make a movie about you.” 
He laughed at me as I rolled my eyes. 
“I think I’ll pass…. Anyway, my thinking is that it should catch him in the act. We’ll have proof he’s the one in the room during times the changes are made, and we’ll be able to see exactly what he’s doing.” 
“I’m not gonna lie. I’m impressed. You literally blow my mind every time you tell me about your work.” 
I smiled at his compliment. 
“The fun part is, I have a meeting with all of them tomorrow to go over my preliminary report.” 
He froze. Shock on his face. 
“So, what are you gonna say?”
“Well, I’m going to tell them about all the upgrades they need in IT and changes they need to make for payment processing and suggest some staffing reorganization to help things run better. I’m also going to tell them I found no evidence of security breaches or data loss issues.” 
“And you can do that with a straight face? Not give anything away?” 
He seemed skeptical. 
“I one hundred percent will. So good in fact, Jay will feel pretty damn pleased with himself at not getting caught while also panicking about the impending changes that are going to rock his world.” 
I said that with a pretty fierce look on my face to drive my point as I took a drink of water.
Dieter’s eyes got kind of big as he saw the change in my demeanor. 
“Point taken. Pretty fucking scary indeed. Now I get it.” 
He shook his head as he leaned back in his seat, laughing. I started laughing too. 
I loved that he seemed genuinely interested in my day and my work. Giving me praise rather than scrutinizing every shared detail and chastising me for the way I handled things. That was after all what I was used to getting instead. 
After we finished eating, we decided to change into our pajamas and crawl into bed to watch a movie. 
I changed into a racerback tank sleep shirt. It came down a little past mid-thigh, but I felt like I was showing a lot of skin. I decided I didn’t care. I kept the panties but lost the bra. It got Dieter’s attention when I walked into the kitchenette area while he was making popcorn. He was trying to not be obvious, but he was definitely checking me out. He had changed into his shorts and t-shirt combo. 
I grabbed a couple bottles of water, and we made our way into my bedroom. He set the popcorn on the nightstand, pulled the covers back, and jumped up to the middle of the bed. Propping himself up with pillows against the headboard. I set the waters down and he spread out his legs, motioning for me to come sit between them. I climbed up, settling in with my back to his chest as he covered us up. 
We decided to watch an old school zombie movie I had seen several times before. I think he was hoping I would get scared, but that wasn’t the case. It led to an ongoing discussion throughout the movie about the use of practical effects versus CGI. We sounded like a bunch of cinema nerds, but we were having fun with it. 
Toward the middle of the movie, he scooted his left foot back, bringing his knee toward his chest. I had laid my arm across his thigh and kept rubbing circles on the backside of it. Sometimes dipping lower and towards the inner side. He was trying to act like he was ignoring it, but he kept shifting under me. I knew it was driving him crazy. 
He wasn’t much better. He kept rubbing my arms. Occasionally giving my shoulder a squeeze before lightly rubbing along my neck and collarbone. We basically spent the entirety of the movie teasing each other while pretending we weren’t. However, I’m sure he could feel my pulse quicken as he grazed his fingers across my neck. 
At some point within the last 10 minutes of the movie, he finally caved. He leaned down and started kissing my neck, snaking his arms under mine. Pulling me closer. I turned my head to kiss him as I grabbed his right hand and guided it down under the blanket and between my thighs. He wasted no time getting to work as I writhed on top of him. It didn’t take long before I was rocked with an orgasm. I laid there for a moment catching my breath, while rubbing and massaging at his thighs. He continued to massage my shoulders while kissing and nipping at my neck. 
After a few minutes, I lifted my hips to slide my panties the rest way down my legs. Then I got up on my knees, turned, and straddled him. He looked a little surprised at my boldness but didn’t hesitate. While I stood on my knees, he too lifted his hips to slide his shorts down. I reached behind me to help him, and he eventually kicked them off. We both laughed at his minor struggle. 
He sat up straighter, wrapping his arms around me and kissing down my neck. I reached down and tugged his shirt over his head. A few quick kisses, then my nightshirt came off and landed near his on the floor. He grabbed my hips as I lifted myself to line his length up at my entrance. I slowly lowered onto him. 
This time felt different. It was soft and sensual. It was a physical and emotional connection that I had never experienced. There were a lot of light touches, caresses, and kissing. Our eyes locked together throughout when our tongues were not dancing with one another. I increased the pace of my movements as I felt my release building. I sensed Dieter was close too. The intense pleasure hit me as I arched my back, throwing my head backwards. He rubbed his nose up my neck, nipping at my chin before he buried his face, following behind me as he came immediately after. 
We both sat trembling in each other's embrace with shallow breaths. Placing light kisses as we pressed our foreheads together. I lightly rubbed the nape of his neck with my fingertips as his hands roamed up and down my back. We sat there for several minutes, unmoving. 
I eventually leaned back some, looking him in the eye as I pushed his sweaty hair back off his face. My hand came to rest on his cheek. He reached up to touch my hand, slowly entwining his fingers with mine, kissing them before pulling both of our hands to rest on his chest. I could faintly feel his racing heartbeat against the back of my fingers.
“Your mind is quiet,” I said in a low voice. It was a statement, not a question. 
He smiled as he smoothed my hair back. 
“For once, yes, it is. It’s nice to be here in the moment.” 
He searched my eyes in return. 
“Yours is quiet too.”
I smiled, shaking my head in agreement. We studied each other’s faces and an understanding seemed to pass between us. This wasn’t normal for either of us. The intensity of it actually scared me. I felt my brows draw down together. I pulled him into a tight hug before my face could betray my emotions. He buried his face into my neck as I continued to run my fingers through his hair. 
I wasn’t sure how long we sat like that, but it was a while. He eventually raised his head up, giving me an intense look with glassy eyes. He started tangling my hair between his fingers against my back, his eyes roaming my face intently. Like he was trying to decipher his emotions. He looked almost pained. My chest tightened as a lump formed in my throat. I took a deep controlled breath because I could feel the sting forming in my eyes. We both had anxiety rolling off us in waves. We were two incredibly broken people letting our vulnerability show. 
He put his hand on my face and pulled me to him, kissing me deeply. As I moved on him, with my arms wrapped around his shoulders, I could feel his hardness returning. It didn’t take long before he was inside me again and we were moving together. This time with an all-consuming frantic need with tight embraces and fingers digging deep into each other's flesh. It was like we couldn’t get close enough. 
We eventually fell into a heap on the bed after a rather intense finish for both of us. Both breathing rapidly and covered in sweat. My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest. Once we recovered, we untangled ourselves, laying on our sides facing each other. Taking in the moment and memorizing every detail. 
“What time are you leaving tomorrow?” 
“I have my final meeting at eight, then I’ll go to the airport immediately after.” 
No more words were spoken. He reached over and pulled me closer. I nuzzled my face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and sunk his face into my hair. I laid there wondering how this was going to go in the morning. I didn’t know how I wanted it to go, and I felt so confused. I’m not sure how long it took either of us to fall asleep, but we eventually did. 
The 5AM alarm came early. He turned it off on his watch, then we both laid there, unmoving, not speaking for at least ten minutes. He eventually pulled his head back to look down at me while pulling my hair off my face.
“Are you awake?” 
I lolled my head back to look up at him. His hair was all over the place. I chucked quietly as I eyed it. 
“You look like you stuck your finger in a light socket.” 
“I have a feeling you’re not fairing much better. I think we both need a shower.” 
He smiled as he leaned down to kiss me. Then he got up and walked toward the bathroom. 
“Can you bring me my brush off the sink? I need to get these knots out before it gets wet or else, I may have regrets.” 
“We definitely can’t have that,” he said with a chuckle. 
I admired his back side as he continued toward the bathroom, shortly returning with my brush. I stretched and groaned loudly. 
“You ok?” 
“My legs are protesting. Apparently, I worked muscles I haven’t used in a while.” 
I smiled at him as I sat up and started to brush my hair. It was a struggle. Between the sweat, his hands, and sleeping on it, it had turned it into a huge knot. He came over and took the brush from me while he continued to laugh at my struggles. He sat behind me with one leg up on the bed and began to brush through small sections methodically. It was a sweet gesture and it felt amazing. It seemed oddly intimate too. 
He announced he was finished, and I laid back against his chest and closed my eyes while he wrapped his arms around me. I loved the way his arms felt. I felt safe with him, I realized. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then reminded me about the shower. 
We showered together again. Attentively washing and rinsing in between the caresses and kissing. Nothing more than that though. The air felt heavy around us as that impending doom feeling began to bubble to the surface. 
Dieter had to leave pretty early for a meeting. Once we dried each other off, he had to rush off to his room to get dressed. 
He came back to tell me bye as I was putting on my makeup. He hugged me for a minute before giving me a long, needy kiss. 
“Can I see you again when I get back to LA?”
He searched my face. It was unreadable, I was going into my autopilot dissociative state to keep my emotions in check. It was the only way to get through this. I nodded and gave him a half smile. He looked… hopeful? He dropped his hands to his pockets. 
“Shit, I don’t know where my phone is. Where’s yours?”
I walked into my bedroom and picked it up off the dresser. Unlocking it and handing it to him. He quickly typed in his contact info and handed it back to me. 
“Text me when you get home, ok? I may not be able to answer right away, but I will as soon as I can.” 
He pulled me to him for another kiss. He was starting to get keyed up, I could tell. I heard his watch vibrate and he pulled away to look at it. 
“Fuck, my car is here. I’m running late.” 
He kissed me again quickly.
“I mean it, text me. We can talk later tonight,” he said as he ran over to his room. 
I could hear his phone pinging from his watch off in the distance somewhere. He must have found it because I heard the main door shut a few minutes later. 
Once I was sure he was gone, I sat down on the bed and nearly lost it. I was on the verge of a panic attack. There was no way I could do this. I wasn’t ready for whatever that was. It was too intense and too much. It took several minutes, but I finally pulled myself together. I couldn’t fall apart right now. I had a job to do. 
I hurried to finish getting ready and to pack up all my things. I rushed down to meet Joe, ten minutes late. Luckily, we had extra time built in for our commute. I got there with a few minutes to spare before our final meeting. I stopped in the bathroom to take a minute and pull myself together. I felt nauseous and hot. I could feel my heart racing and my head spinning. Between this meeting and leaving Dieter, I was a wreck.
I rushed into the conference room, everyone there, except for Mr. Carrington. I greeted everyone as I pulled out my laptop to open my preliminary report and key talking points. Willing myself to appear calm and collected. Megan came in to distribute paper copies of the report while we waited. 
Jay tried to appear casual as he flipped through the report. I knew what he was looking for. Indications that he had been caught. Seeing none, he relaxed back into his chair. 
Several minutes later Mr. Carrington entered. His face gave nothing away. There was no indication from either of us that anything was going on outside of what we were about to discuss. 
I took a few deep breaths, forcing myself to push Dieter out of my mind and focus. Outwardly, I was stoic and completely void of emotion. On the inside, I really just wanted to curl up in a dark room and cry. I could feel the panic rising. I reached down under the table and gave my thigh a squeeze to try and revert my focus and ground myself. Then I started to feel the cool leather along the seat of the chair. Trying everything I could to not panic. 
Mr. Carrington started the meeting by greeting everyone and thanking them for coming. Then he turned it over to me. 
I took another controlled breath before I started. I went through the report covering the needed changes for the mainframe. Heavily enforcing that tiered access would be needed and no one staff member should have access to all backups. Again, enforcing the need to beef up physical and digital security. 
Jay chimed in, “With all these mentions of security problems, is that indication of a breach?”
“It’s the opposite in fact. I couldn’t find any sources of a breach and all data and backups seem to be intact. Honestly, you guys got pretty lucky on that.” 
A sly smile spread across his face as he nodded and leaned back in his seat. Then I moved into financial processing. The moment I recommended switching to a third-party vendor for payment processing, Jay had to jump in. 
“Can you explain why that is recommended over handling all of that in house? It doesn’t make sense.” 
“Well, there are several reasons for that. It helps cut back the liability for whoever handles the money if there’s a problem. It can be tracked properly and provides tiered access to multiple users without sharing the account details. So, for instance, your assistant could be more involved with the payment processing because she will have controlled access. You don’t have to worry about security clearance because she will only see what she has been given permission to see. I’m sure that will free up a lot of your time. I know it would probably be nice to not have all the late work nights for once.” 
I smiled at him. He didn’t know how to take that. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the hint of a smirk on Carrington’s face. 
I proceeded to go over a 12-month transition plan for their IT upgrades and also laid out a few changes to maximize the use of their staff. 
Jay seemed uneasy for the rest of the meeting. He knew things were about to change for him, what he didn’t realize is how. 
Once the meeting concluded. Everyone thanked me. Carrington walked down the hall with me as I was leaving, Jay following behind. Carrington shook my hand as we were waiting for the elevator. 
“I’m sure we’ll chat soon once you have your final report completed.” 
He gave me a pointed look with a smirk. 
“Of course, I’ll set something up as soon as I have everything ready.” 
The elevator door dinged, indicating it was going down. I said a final goodbye then got on to head downstairs. Joe met me out front and asked if I needed anything before heading to the airport. I didn’t. I just wanted to hurry and get there. I wanted the flight over with. I had managed to keep it together thus far and wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold on. 
When it was time, I boarded the plane and immediately asked for alcohol. I felt sick and my head was still spinning. I needed to calm down. After finishing off the first round, I pulled my phone out. I went to the contacts and pulled up Dieter’s information. After staring at it for what was probably a good five minutes, I hit delete.  
Next Chapter
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bu1410 · 4 months
Since TUMBLR won't allow to post more than 4,500 carachters I'm obliged to put an additional post in order to complete the report of
Ch. I - August 1975 - Italy - Tunisia – Algeria – Morocco – Spain – France – Italy.
BENALMADENA COSTA - SPAIN Luxurious residence, swimming pool right in front of the entrance to the apartment, we were already looking forward to the two weeks of complete relaxation after so much travelling. We were close to the fence, it was very early, and my friend uncle's family were certainly still sleeping.
''Let's try to guess who owns the clothes hanging out to dry, right in front of the apartment windows'' I told Gianluigi. . Then suddenly something unexpected happens: the door of the apartment opens and an elderly lady comes out, dressed with a nightgown: she didn't look like Mrs. Proserpio at all! We look at each other bewildered:
''Maybe the apartment booked was not available, and the management assigned another one?'' It was my friend guess.....
''Well .......it happens sometimes...'' I reply. At this point we went to Residence reception in order to ask where the Proserpio family is staying. The kind receptionist consults a list and than, with a smile says:
''Disculpa, but Senora Proserpio called me' and canceled the apartment reservation'' -WHAAAAT??
Yes, asi es…….disculpa Senor…. Disconcertion - great - mine and Gianluigi's……….also because August 15th in the Costa del Sol - as in many other parts of Europe is the peak of the summer season. ''Do you have a free apartment for the next 15 days''? We ask hopefully. ''Forgive me, but the residence is complete''.
And this was the phrase we heard repeated from the ''1267 hotels'' where we asked for a room for the whole holiday, along the coast from Benalmadena to Torremolinos and surrounding areas. Desperate, but not defeated, we resorted to ''Plan B'': the tent! We had brought, just in case, the tent purchased a year earlier from Bertoni Camping for the holiday in Riccione '68. And now it was good to have it! We found a campsite but? Worn out! And what do we do? We installed our tent just beside the campsite entrance, so we could use the campsite services without paying a pesetas! In short, a reckless life, just a week, to allow the mid-August crowd to leave and vacate some apartments. We found an apartment just a week later in Benalmadena: a decent residence, but at this point we certainly couldn't be picky. Having found a roof for the day (we used to spent the night somewhere else) we only had to find a place to refresh ourselves in the evening, and once again our lucky stars met us: we discovered el ''Restaurante de Raoul! ''. He was an Argentinian by origin, married to an Italian woman, and domiciled in Biella, Italy. For the summer of 1975 he had rented a small restaurant on the road between Benalmadena and Torremolinos, and delighted the customers in a mix of Argentine, Spanish and Italian cuisine. The female cook was Spanish, and Roul had brought his twelve-year-old son from Italy, but not his wife, since she was managing a Bed & Breakfast in Biella. It was our luck: not only did the cook prepare us timbales of macaroni, delicious fish baked in foil, but we had become friends with Roul: so off to the aperitifs and sangria that flowed like rivers! And at the end of dinners Raoul was always asking us:
What do you want to pay??!!
In short, it was a lucky step from the unfortunate surprise of the Mr. Proserpio's non-arrival and we had few ''dias feliz''. By the way, we learned more about the reasons for Mr. Proserpio's giving up, once we returned home. They had arrived - it seems - all the way to Alicante, where they had had mechanical problems with the Opel Rekord they were traveling with. Hence the (absurd) decision to turn around, return to Italy, and cancel the reservation of the apartment in Benalmadena (did we recover the deposit? No, that was lost too…) Until the end of August nothing special to report, just a quiet life, sea-pool-sleepless nights, big moguls in the evening and revelry chez Roul. Then, inevitably, the day of returning to Italy arrived, and a request from Raoul literally left us speechless: - Guys, you know that I trust you, right? - Yes Raoul… - Well I ask you a favor: my son has to start school again soon, and I instead will have to stay here at least until the end of September - So? - If you agree, could you take him with you to Italy? The car is big, and there are only two of you…. - Well…yes……why not? This will only make us take a detour towards Biella, but in a journey of over 2,000 km it's a small thing in the end…… In truth we had decided to accept, given that, as it was the end of the holiday, money was scarce. So we were counting on the help that would certainly come from Raoul, since he would surely provide his son with a sum of money for a trip of at least 3 days……. (or not?). The moment we start our journey back to Italy, it always brings mixed feeling: returning home, seeing relatives and friends..... but also sadness for the end of the holidays, and the awareness that the easy life of the Saniard's was over. And we'll have to wait a whole year to the next holiday…. We left Benalmadena in the morning (not early because Gianluigi let's say he wasn't an ''early bird' guy) and the first stop was Valencia, some 800 km away, where we arrived in the evening. A drab city then, later the European Community funds and investments for the America's Cup sailing will transform it into a more pleasant place. That evening we choose a typical Valencian restaurant, because it is true that the city was not so nice like other Spain's cities, but the Valencian cuisine is excellent, starting with the famous ''Paella a la Valenciana''. The restaurant is called El Pederniz, typical local cuisine. Great feast of seafood appetizers, cold and hot, then paella para todos, and finally ''Arnadi'', a typical Valencian postre, a mixture of pumpkin and sugar, cooked in the oven and subsequently decorated with almonds and pine nuts. All washed down with excellent Blanco Bodega Reto.
We pay, but we were certain that Paolino (Raoul's son) will have enough money in store to guarantee us a night in a hotel nearby, but..... INSTEAD NO!!! After leaving the restaurant and returning to the car, while we were discussing which hotel to choose for the night, Gianluigi asked the fateful question that we should have asked BEFORE departure: - Paolino how much money did your dad give you? - Nothing…….. - ……….Silence……. - How….nothing? - Yes, says Paolino after a hesitation, Dad said that you would take care of everything…….'' - Machecazzzzzz……………..(Italian bad word) And now we were in the sh*****… if we had known we wouldn't have spent all those pesetas in the best restaurant of Valencia. But than it was like that.... cursing Raoul and sending him all the insults in Spanish we know, I started the car and go out of Valencia, took the motorway again, and then stopped at the first service area and slept in the car. Lucky for us, the Citroen DS19 has a paddle shift and front-wheel drive, so it was equipped with seats which, when lowered, form a comfortable bed. And this is how we slept, and how we would sleep next night too. After a trip in which we spoke little, we then took Paolino to Biella - his mother was very happy to see him again after more than two months of absence. The kind Lady also hosted us for lunch (goodness of her…) after which we set off for the last stage, towards our hometown. (sigh)
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Benalmadena - Spain
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Discover the Best Commercial Kitchen Equipment Dealers in Delhi
When it comes to setting up or upgrading a commercial kitchen, finding the right equipment is crucial for ensuring efficiency, safety, and quality. As one of the leading commercial kitchen equipment dealers in Delhi, Swastik Professionals is dedicated to providing top-of-the-line kitchen solutions that cater to a wide array of culinary needs. Our extensive selection of high-quality kitchen equipment guarantees that your business will run smoothly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on what you do best—creating delicious meals.
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Why Choose Swastik Professionals for Your Commercial Kitchen Needs?
Comprehensive Range of Products
At Swastik Professionals, we offer an extensive range of commercial kitchen equipment designed to meet the diverse requirements of our clients. Whether you are running a restaurant, a catering service, a hotel kitchen, or a food processing unit, our products are tailored to suit every need. Our inventory includes:
Commercial Ovens: From convection ovens to combi ovens, we provide advanced baking solutions.
Refrigeration Units: Our range includes walk-in coolers, freezers, and under-counter refrigerators.
Cooking Equipment: We offer high-performance ranges, fryers, griddles, and charbroilers.
Food Preparation Equipment: Find mixers, slicers, food processors, and blenders in our collection.
Dishwashing Equipment: Ensure spotless cleanliness with our efficient dishwashers and glass washers.
Quality and Durability
The quality and durability of our equipment are paramount. Each product is sourced from reputable manufacturers known for their innovation and reliability. By choosing Swastik Professionals, you invest in equipment that withstands the rigorous demands of a commercial kitchen, ensuring longevity and consistent performance.
Customization and Installation Services
Understanding that every kitchen has unique requirements, we offer customization options to ensure our equipment fits perfectly into your space and workflow. Our expert team provides professional installation services, ensuring that your kitchen is set up efficiently and correctly from the start.
Our Commitment to Customer Satisfaction
Expert Consultation
Navigating the myriad options for commercial kitchen equipment can be overwhelming. Our experienced consultants are here to guide you through the selection process, offering personalized advice based on your specific needs and budget. We help you make informed decisions that enhance your kitchen's functionality and efficiency.
After-Sales Support
Our relationship with our clients extends beyond the initial purchase. We provide comprehensive after-sales support, including maintenance services and technical assistance, ensuring your equipment remains in optimal condition. Our dedicated support team is always ready to address any issues or concerns you may have, providing prompt and effective solutions.
Competitive Pricing
At Swastik Professionals, we believe that top-quality kitchen equipment should be accessible to all businesses. We offer competitive pricing on all our products without compromising on quality. Our flexible financing options make it easier for you to equip your kitchen with the best tools available.
Understanding the Importance of Choosing the Right Equipment
Enhancing Efficiency
The right equipment can significantly enhance the efficiency of your kitchen operations. High-quality appliances reduce cooking times, streamline food preparation processes, and ensure consistent results, allowing you to serve your customers faster and more effectively.
Ensuring Food Safety and Hygiene
Commercial kitchen equipment plays a crucial role in maintaining food safety and hygiene standards. Proper refrigeration, storage, and cooking equipment help prevent contamination, ensure proper food handling, and comply with health regulations, safeguarding your customers' health and your business's reputation.
Reducing Operational Costs
Investing in durable and energy-efficient equipment can lead to substantial cost savings in the long run. Reliable appliances reduce the need for frequent repairs and replacements, while energy-efficient models lower utility bills, contributing to overall operational cost reduction.
Spotlight on Our Popular Products
Commercial Ovens
Our range of commercial ovens is designed to meet the high demands of any professional kitchen. From versatile combi ovens that offer multiple cooking functions in one unit to powerful convection ovens that ensure even cooking, our products guarantee superior performance and efficiency.
Refrigeration Units
Proper refrigeration is essential for any commercial kitchen. Our refrigeration units, including walk-in coolers and freezers, are designed to keep your ingredients fresh and safe. Advanced temperature control features and robust construction ensure reliable performance, even in the busiest kitchens.
Cooking Equipment
Efficiency and precision are key in any kitchen, and our cooking equipment delivers both. High-performance ranges, fryers, and griddles allow you to cook a variety of dishes simultaneously, while our charbroilers provide the perfect solution for grilling and broiling needs.
Food Preparation Equipment
Streamline your food preparation processes with our range of mixers, slicers, food processors, and blenders. These appliances are designed for speed and accuracy, helping you prepare ingredients quickly and consistently, saving time and labor costs.
Dishwashing Equipment
Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is crucial in any kitchen. Our dishwashing equipment, including efficient dishwashers and glass washers, ensures that your dishes, utensils, and glassware are spotless and sanitized, meeting the highest standards of cleanliness.
Our Installation and Maintenance Services
Professional Installation
Our team of experts ensures that all equipment is installed correctly and efficiently, minimizing downtime and disruptions to your operations. We handle everything from setup to testing, ensuring that your kitchen is ready for use as quickly as possible.
Regular Maintenance
To keep your equipment in top condition, we offer regular maintenance services. Scheduled maintenance helps prevent unexpected breakdowns, extends the lifespan of your appliances, and ensures they continue to operate at peak efficiency.
Emergency Repairs
In the event of equipment failure, our rapid response team is available to provide emergency repair services. We understand the impact that equipment downtime can have on your business, and we are committed to getting you back up and running as soon as possible.
Swastik Professionals is your trusted partner for all your commercial kitchen equipment needs in Delhi. Our extensive product range, commitment to quality, and exceptional customer service make us the go-to choice for businesses looking to enhance their kitchen operations. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your culinary goals with the best equipment available.
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ssahospitality · 2 months
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euphoriainteriors · 18 days
Luxury: Master Bedroom Interior Designs in Dubai
Dubai, known for its opulence and architectural grandeur, provides a perfect backdrop for luxurious interior designs, especially in master bedrooms. At Euphoria Interiors, we specialise in transforming your sleeping quarters into a lavish retreat that reflects modern elegance and comfort. Here's how we approach luxury bedroom interior services in Dubai.
Crafting Spaces That Reflect Opulence and Comfort
The Master Bedroom Interior Design in Dubai, UAE, is about creating a personal sanctuary that combines luxury and functionality. Our designers focus on incorporating high-quality materials, sophisticated colour palettes, and innovative layouts to craft visually stunning and incredibly comfortable spaces. Whether through plush furnishings, dramatic lighting fixtures, or custom artwork, every element is carefully selected to enhance the room's luxury quotient.
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Trends in Bedroom Interior Design in Dubai
In Dubai, the trend for Luxury Master Bedrooms in UAE is leaning towards a blend of contemporary and traditional elements. Think sleek lines and minimalist designs paired with opulent materials like velvet and silk. Automation is also a key feature, with state-of-the-art systems for lighting, curtains, and entertainment units designed to offer ultimate comfort and convenience.
Features of Dubai's Most Luxurious Modern Bedroom Designs
Dubai's Most Luxurious Modern Bedroom Designs often feature statement pieces that act as focal points, such as oversized headboards or custom-designed wall installations. Ambient lighting plays a crucial role, with integrated solutions that can change the mood at the touch of a button. Moreover, large windows and outdoor connections are popular for those wishing to incorporate natural beauty into their private oasis.
Personalized Design Approach
At Euphoria Interiors, we understand that every client is unique. That's why our bedroom interior design services in Dubai are highly personalised. We initiate the design process with a comprehensive discussion to understand your style, preferences, and lifestyle needs. This approach allows us to design a master bedroom that is visually stunning and harmoniously aligned with your personal living experience.
Through our dedicated approach and expertise, Euphoria Interiors ensures that every master bedroom design in Dubai meets the highest standards of luxury and provides a personal haven that you look forward to retreating to every day. Let us help you bring your vision of a luxury master bedroom to life with elegance and precision that is unmatched in Dubai.
1. What are some essential features of a luxury master bedroom design in Dubai?
A. Essential features include high-quality materials, custom furniture, advanced automation, and personalised artwork. These elements ensure the Luxury Master Bedroom in UAE is luxurious and uniquely yours.
2. How does Euphoria Interiors incorporate modern trends into bedroom designs?
A. We stay updated with global and regional trends in Bedroom Interior Design in Dubai, blending them with classic elements to create timeless spaces that reflect modern luxury.
3. What makes a bedroom design 'luxurious' in Dubai?
A. Luxury in Dubai's Most Luxurious Modern Bedroom Designs often involves extensive layouts, custom details, premium materials, and cutting-edge technology, all tailored to offer unparalleled comfort and style.
4. How long does it take to complete a master bedroom interior design project in Dubai?
A. The duration of the project depends on its breadth and intricacy. However, typical Master Bedroom Interior Design projects in Dubai, UAE, can take several weeks to months.
5. Can Euphoria Interiors design a luxury master bedroom for small spaces?
A. Absolutely. Our expertise in Luxury Master Bedrooms in the UAE extends to maximising space through intelligent design, ensuring that even smaller bedrooms feel luxurious and spacious.
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chefajaychopra · 2 years
Restaurant Consultant, Master Chef Ajay Chopra with Zion Hospitality is one of the best restaurant consulting firms in India. They specialize in helping budding entrepreneurs plan, launch, and operate successful restaurants. With their combined expertise, you can rest assured that your restaurant will be a success.
What can you expect from a restaurant consultant?
How do you find the right restaurant consultant in India?
The key to finding the right restaurant consultant is to do your research. Start by asking for referrals from colleagues  and friends who have worked with a consultant before. You can also search online for restaurant consultants  in your area.  Make sure to read reviews and check out their portfolio to make sure that they have the experience and credentials to help you succeed.
Once you’ve  narrowed  down your   options, it’s time to meet with the consultant  in person. A face-to-face  meeting  is the best way to get a feel for the consultant’s style and to discuss the details of your project.
Zion hospitality by celebrity Master chef Ajay Chopra is a progressive food and beverage consulting company that provides food and beverage owners with management expertise and effective operational solutions. The flexibility in our approach, treating each property as a unique asset with its own USPs enables the restaurant to project its own personality and character and unleash its true potential. Our restaurant projects have witnessed sustained growth through our team of subject matter experts and deep management capabilities ranging from pre-opening to full-scale operations.
Zion hospitality offers Services support through the entire value chain of the premium restaurant concepts From entry strategy to operational talent, the plethora of activities that a restaurant concept may need along its journey, have been skilfully designed to deliver operational benefits par excellence.
With the excitement of the upturn in the restaurant business in 2016, we threw ourselves completely into bespoke concepts across India, to deliver an avant-garde food and beverage experience with all the guarantees of exclusivity, luxury and upscale hospitality.
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anaheetahomes · 8 months
Elevate Your Lifestyle: Exploring Luxury Residential and Commercial Projects in Gurgaon
Gurgaon is a major city in the Indian state of Haryana. It is situated in the National Capital Region (NCR) and is a hub for business and technology. The city is known for its high-rise buildings, modern infrastructure, and affluent lifestyle. In recent years, Gurgaon has emerged as a major destination for luxury real estate.
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Residential Projects in Gurgaon:
There is a wide variety of luxury residential projects available in Gurgaon. These projects offer a range of amenities, including swimming pools, gyms, clubhouses, and landscaped gardens. Some of the most popular luxury Residential Projects in Gurgaon.
Check Out Some Residential Projects in Gurgaon:
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DLF unveils DLF Grove, The First ultra luxurious low-rise residence in the most prominent address of Gurgaon. Enjoy the benefits of urban living with the added privilege of independence and privacy in skillfully designed independent floors on Park Drive, DLF Phase 5, Golf Course Road, Gurgaon.
2. City of Dreams:
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Welcome to City of Dreams, a gated township where you will discover an unmatched lifestyle. Festooned in the heart of Gurugram, a residential paradise that is made with impeccable craftsmanship and elite designs. Intricately planned three and a half BHK M3M boutique floors are studded with a plethora of modern amenities.
Commercial Projects in Gurgaon:
We have a number of luxury commercial projects in Gurgaon. These projects offer a range of office spaces, retail shops, and restaurants. Some of the most popular luxury Commercial Projects in Gurgaon.
DLF Garden City Arcade:
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DLF Garden City Arcade is a high-street retail destination located in Sector 92 of Gurgaon, India. This premium retail project offers a diverse mix of retail spaces, including shops, showrooms, restaurants, and cafes. The arcade is strategically located in a rapidly developing area of Gurgaon, making it an ideal destination for both established brands and new entrants.
2. M3M Jewel:
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M3M Jewel is a new-age commercial project launched by M3M India in Sector 25, MG Road, Gurgaon. The project is sprawled across wide acres of land. The commercial expansion is a mix of office spaces, shops, and service apartments. The size of retail shops in numerous sizes. The commercial development is surrounded by premium communities, suburban societies, five-star hotels, educational institutes, hospitals, and much more.
Contact Anaheeta Homes: Best Real Estate Consultant in Gurgaon
Contact Anaheeta Homes, your go-to destination for the Best Real Estate Consultant in Gurgaon. As seasoned professionals, Anaheeta Homes specializes in providing expert guidance and personalized solutions for your property needs. Anaheeta Homes Provides Solutions for Residential, Commercial Properties. Whether you're buying, selling, or investing in real estate in Gurgaon, our dedicated team ensures a seamless experience. With a reputation for excellence, we prioritize client satisfaction, offering tailored advice and comprehensive market insights. Trust Anaheeta Homes to navigate the Gurgaon real estate landscape with precision and integrity.
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foodresearchlab · 2 years
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At Pepgra’s Food Research Lab, a team of development chefs and a network of preferred vendors utilize their expertise to build recipes that showcase produce, ingredients, procedures, or flavours based on the client’s goals.
Reach us: https://www.foodresearchlab.com/what-we-do/new-product-development-service/custom-recipe-and-menu-development/
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nbp-interiors · 10 months
Every project we undertake at NBP Interiors begins with a deep understanding of your needs, preferences, and lifestyle. We listen to your ideas and aspirations, ensuring that every design element we incorporate aligns with your vision. Our team of experienced designers takes pride in translating your dreams into reality, crafting interiors that resonate with your personality.
Services We Offer
Residential Interior Design: Your home is your sanctuary, and we understand the importance of creating a space that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Whether you're looking to redesign a single room or your entire home, NBP Interiors is here to transform your living space into a haven.
Commercial Interior Design: We excel in creating corporate environments that inspire productivity and creativity. From office spaces to retail stores, we design interiors that leave a lasting impression on clients and employees alike.
Hospitality Design: In the hospitality industry, first impressions are everything. Our team specializes in designing hotels, restaurants, and resorts that provide guests with a memorable and immersive experience.
Custom Furniture: We understand that off-the-shelf furniture doesn't always fit your unique space and style. That's why we offer custom furniture design and fabrication services, ensuring that every piece perfectly complements your interior design.
Why Choose NBP Interiors?
Tailored Solutions: We believe that no two projects are the same, and we approach each one with fresh ideas and a customized design plan.
Experienced Team: Our designers and craftsmen bring years of experience and creativity to every project, ensuring the highest quality results.
Attention to Detail: We sweat the small stuff so you don't have to. From color palettes to lighting fixtures, we consider every detail to create a cohesive and stunning interior.
Budget-Friendly Options: We work with a wide range of budgets and offer cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality or style.
Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of completing projects on time. You can trust us to meet deadlines and deliver results promptly.
Let's Get Started!
Whether you're embarking on a new project or looking to refresh your existing space, NBP Interiors is ready to make your interior design dreams a reality. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and let's begin the journey of transforming your space into something extraordinary. Discover the beauty of design with NBP Interiors!
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Commercial Interior Designers in Hyderabad - Before and After Pics
Hanging Hammer is a professional services firm that specializes in designing the interior spaces of commercial buildings, such as offices, retail spaces, restaurants, and hotels. Commercial interior designers work with businesses to understand their needs and goals, and then create designs that are functional, aesthetically pleasing, and meet the budget.
Commercial interior designers must have a strong understanding of design principles, as well as the latest trends in commercial interior design. They must also be able to work with a variety of materials and finishes, and be able to collaborate with architects, contractors, and other professionals.
If you are looking to redesign the interior of your commercial space, a commercial interior design firm can be a valuable resource. We provide Free Consultation!
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