#hotel owners
infodatapark · 1 year
Restaurant Owners Database - Email List
Connect with Restaurant Owners Worldwide Using Infodatapark’s Verified Email Database The food and beverage industry is highly competitive, and restaurant owners are always looking for ways to improve their business. As a service provider, reaching out to restaurant owners can be challenging. That’s where Infodatapark’s Restaurant Owners database comes in. Our database includes verified emails…
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lemonerix · 1 month
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maplewood's red uniforms
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moppets · 22 days
never forget what they took from us </3
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lvnesart · 10 months
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Ajax stumbles onto a quaint little hotel with his family, almost gets murked by a not-cannibal (hes HOW old??), falls in love and does the only sane thing a man in love would
Halloween au i wish I couldve done more for
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ezzypop · 2 months
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The hotel pod if it was ever made into a show
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Consider Husk finally spending the night and in the morning when Angel tries to wake him, Husk is doing that limp, floppy body, double eyelid thing cats do when they're sleeping really good and Angel reacts the way those tiktok cat owners do, which is to assume Husk just fucking died
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selineram3421 · 7 months
Heeeey, semi-insipred/totally inspired by "As the World Caves in" can you do a story that involves Alastor going after that one last killer he hadn't got yet. Like alot of serial rapist-murders, they have a type they go after. Maybe Alastor's fiance is exactly 100% the type, and he starts noticing a new car in their neighborhood and a new seemingly friendly face in their lives that seems to be VERY interested in his fiancé, but mostly he is just seen walking a dog and from gossip might be the new bf of a neighbor (who doesn't fit the type). Nothing OBVIOUSLY suspicious to your averge person but maybe not Alastor.
Maybe they can be kind of a foil to Alastor where Alastor in his own twisted way has a nobel cause of trying to stop extremly dangerous crime by killing criminals that the cops aren't getting either on purpose or theoufh incompetence.
Maybe the serial rapist murder also thinks they have a nobel cause thinking they are "saving women from this terrible world." Or whatever idea that they got in their head to justify their wants. Maybe just some guy. Crooked cop knowing how to dodge the system. Ifk.
Idk, I'm messy and here for the DRAMA!
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Ooooo~ Some of you wanted mooooooore. Lol.
Coming Apart
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As The World Caves In
Human Alastor X Human Reader Oneshot
⚠ she/they for reader, mentions of hunting, blood/gore(discriptive injuries), fluff/angst, food mention-breakfast, hinting at the start of cannibalism, stalking, attempted rape, murder, blood!, bad dog owner, reader gets their hands dirty, self defence ⚠
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Being engaged to Alastor is very much like being partners in crime.
It is never boring.
Instead, its quite exciting and unexpected at times. Sometimes its good but sometimes it could also be bad.
Like right now.
It was late at night.
Only students working on papers or assignments are up at this hour. Thankfully with blasting music, headphones or not.
You were up waiting.
Alastor was out on one of his "deer hunts", you like to call it. Only because you found antlers mounted in his dorm when in college and thought he hunted them.
It gave a good cover for his occasional late night outings.
The hour was way past twelve, quiet in the apartment save for the ticking from your antique mantle clock sitting on the windowsill.
Outside was a different story.
Modern times have a more active night life, and cars pass by now and again. Not too often.
Thank god I don't live on a main street.
You thought, scrolling through images on your phone. Trying to ease the multiple worried thoughts swarming in your mind.
He was late.
Later than usual. Both of you had a long talk about how to carry out his "hunting" properly to ensure it did not disturb nature too much.
It was still bothering you.
He's late.
Then you notice that you've started bouncing your leg in place, and your thoughts keep spiraling.
Finally, there's a sound by the door.
Practically jumping up, you rush over and check the peep-hole, seeing him looking down the hallway and leaning over a bit.
Opening the door quickly with a smile, it shifts into a gasp. "Alastor!", you end up saying in shock instead of happiness.
He's holding himself up by leaning his hand on the doorway, his other hand is red and pressed up against his abdomen. "Hello darling..", he gives you a wobbly smile. "I'm home."
"Get inside, quick!", you whisper shout and pull him carefully.
He hisses in pain but follows you inside the apartment, not going too far. Moving to the wall, he slides down against it to a sitting position in the entryway. Letting out a few more noises of pain when you peel away his hand and shirt from his wound.
"Al.. Al honey, we have to get you to a hospital.", you manage to not stutter out.
"No-what? No. Then they'll ask how I got stabbed.", he says and moves your hand away with a sound effect to go with it. "Pssshh."
"And that tells me how much blood you've lost.", you say as you call an ambulance.
Both of you end up learning more first aid so this doesn't happen again, and so there is no suspicion.
At least it was never boring. Both of you hate being bored.
Weekend mornings are Alastor's favorite.
Because every weekend morning starts off with music.
"Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful~", he sings and dances with his fiancé in the kitchen.
"Don't forget to flip the pancake.", they say and give a quick kiss, that turns into a slightly longer one.
Flipping the pancake quickly, he goes back to them to continue dancing.
"And everything that I do is out of lovin' you~", he hums the rest.
The radio continues to play the song as the two prepare breakfast.
Coffee is almost done and mugs are set out, plates are on the counter nearby the stove, and the table has a vase full of flowers that were picked from yesterday's grocery shopping.
Yes, everything should be perfect..
But why does this look lacking?
Alastor thinks as he stares down at the plate he is putting food on, which has scrambled eggs, toast and sausages.
"And every day my life is filled with lovin' you~", she sang while pouring coffee into the mugs.
Shaking the thought out of his head, he finishes up serving the food and takes the plates over to the table.
"Darling, do we have anything planned for today?", he asks as he sets the plates on the table and pulls out the chairs.
"Hmm.. I don't think so.", they say, making their way to the table with the mugs full of coffee. "I'd like to go thrift shopping though, we can try finding that old radio you wanted.", they say placing the mugs on the table.
"I quite like that idea. Let's do it!", he agrees with a smile.
The two sit down to eat and talk about what else they might buy.
Its a week later that his fiancé notices a new face in the neighborhood.
"Do we have a new neighbor?", they ask while looking out the window, but staying near the wall to be out of sight.
"A new neighbor?", he asks and makes his way over, standing next to them and also taking a look.
There's a man sitting at the bus bench on his phone with a dog leash in one hand. Odd thing is that a dog is nowhere to be seen.
"Do you think someone was dog sitting for him?", she asks.
"Perhaps, but we can't be too sure.", he says. "Let's go back to planning love. We're almost done with all of the food options."
"Don't forget the sweets table.", they say and head back over to the couch.
"How can I forget your sugar addiction.", he says with a light laugh and follows behind them.
"At least I know you won't steal my treats."
A few more days pass and the stranger is still hanging around the apartment complex. Not liking the odd vibes he gives off, Alastor visits an elderly neighbor that both of you like to call Grandmother.
He knocks on the door, holding a pie his love baked before heading off to work.
The door opens, revealing an old woman with white hair and wearing a purple dress, with a small pink flower broach pinned on their off white cardigan.
"Alastor, what a surprise.", the old woman smiles.
"Hello Ms Rosie, how are you today?", he offers a smile back.
"I'm doing well dear, come in!", she says and opens the door wider, walking to the living room. "Where is that lovely fiancé of yours?"
"They had to go to work today, one of the people called in sick.", Alastor answers and closes the door behind him before following the woman.
"Would you like tea? I just made some cinnamon tea.", Rosie now makes her way into the kitchen. "Set the pie down on the coffee table."
He sets down the pie like asked and sits down on the couch, knowing the woman would make a slight fuss if he didn't.
Rosie comes back with two mugs of tea and hands one to him before sitting down on the other end of the couch. "How are you dear? Anything interesting to tell me?"
"I'm doing well, nothing too interesting but my fiancé and I went to a few antique stores last weekend.", he says with a fond smile, remembering when they got excited over finding a 1930s typewriter.
"Oh how lovely, was there nice jewelry or tea sets?", she asked.
"There was a good amount of tea sets but most of them were incomplete. We managed to find you something that you might like.", he says before taking a sip of the tea, burning his tongue in the process.
Too soon. He thought with a small sigh.
"How sweet of you both. I'll make you both something to wear. Do you like sweaters?", Rosie continues to talk about different kinds of sweaters she could make for them.
"We both like sweaters, I'll visit again soon and let you know what kind with my fiancé.", Alastor says and puts the mug on the coffee table. "I wanted to ask if you know something about that strange man sitting on the bus bench across the street with a dog leash. He looks about like he's in his late thirties."
"Hm.. Yes, that man came into the building once. Asking to put up some missing dog flyers. Don't understand why he's just sitting on the bench. Maybe he's just waiting for someone?", Rosie says, mumbling the last bit. "Well, the other women say he might be a boyfriend of some young girl living in the apartment. Of course its just a guess."
"Hmm. I see.", he hums.
"Why do you ask dear? Did that man cause trouble?", Rosie asks.
"No, just surprised by the new face.", Alastor flashes a smile.
Before leaving the old woman's apartment, she gives him some red tea.
The next day both he and his fiancé are walking to the car when the strange man walks over.
"Excuse me, have you seen this dog around?", he asks them and holds up a flyer.
"No.", Alastor says after taking a glance at the picture.
The dog looks fluffy and has a bandana around its neck, but the image is terrible and you can barely tell what kind of dog it is.
"What about you miss?", the man then asks them, taking multiple steps forward.
"No, sorry.", they shake their head, taking a hold of Alastor's arm.
"We'll keep an eye out.", Alastor says quickly taking the flyer and the two keep walking. "Are you alright love?"
"Yeah, that guy just got too close.", they say.
That night, he looks up a list of stalkers and assaulters online. Only falling asleep after remembering that he has work tomorrow.
During work, there was an uncomfortable feeling in his gut.
When it hit five, he gathered his things quickly and left the radio station. The drive back home was a little annoying due to traffic, but he got there earlier then he usually does.
Then his phone rang.
Picking up the phone after seeing it was her, he let out a small sigh of relief.
"Hello darling. I just got home, so-", he started.
"Hey Red, remember that guy that kept sitting on the bench across the street? He- he followed me to work today.", they say shakily. "He had flyers like last time but he's been outside the building since putting some up."
"I'll be there. Stay on the phone with me and tell your boss the situation.", Alastor says quickly and gets ready to head out.
When he gets there its dark, only the street lamps, a few stores, and cars passing by are giving off lights. The phone call ended when he said that he was around the corner.
Getting out of the car and running over, Alastor heads inside the building they work in and asks for them.
"You're their fiancé right?", the woman, who he assumes is your boss asks.
"Yes, are they ok?"
"Yeah, but the guy is still around. I'm going to need you to "buy" something while they sneak out. That ok?", she asks.
"Yes, that's fine. I don't care.", he says and gets a few bags of candy in the front.
Then he sees them walk out to the front.
"Hey.", they wave.
"Thank goodness you're ok.", he sighs and pulls out his wallet and keys. "Take the keys while I pay, the car is nearby. You have it yes?"
"Yeah.", they nod and take the keys, then look over to their boss. "I'll head out now."
"Walk out with Anthony and be careful.", the woman says as they head to the back. "The candy is for them isn't it?", she says as she scans the items.
"They eat candy while at work don't they.", he says with a chuckle.
After getting everything, he heads back to the car and sees that they've made it inside safely.
She unlocks the drivers side when seeing him walk up.
Opening the door, Alastor gets in and passes them the bag of candy, locking the door quickly after closing it. "How are you feeling love?", he asks while starting the car.
"Uh, a bit terrified to be honest.", she says and takes out sour candy. "Thank you for the candy."
"Let's go home.", he says.
Both of them keep an eye out for any cars that might be following them. And to be extra safe they don't turn on the lights when entering their apartment.
After that, you called the police but of course nothing was done about it. They only said that they'd keep an eye out.
It was unsettling.
That guy knew where you lived and where you worked.
Seeing your uneasiness, Alastor suggested that both of you get away for the weekend and rent a cabin.
"We'll have Rosie come by and house sit for us so it looks like we're still here. I'll rent a car and we can go up to that mountain you told me about so much.", he holds you close, pulling you into a dance.
"Really? We can go anywhere, it doesn't have to be-", you started but were shushed with a kiss.
He pulls away with a smirk.
"Yes darling, you love it up there and you can show me all of the little shops you've explored, like that Little Dandelion bakery.", his smirk softened into smile as he lifted his hand up to caress your cheek. "I want to see you smile up at the trees again."
You hid your blushing face by resting your head on his chest with a soft huff. Alastor chuckles and continues to sway you in place, kissing the top of your head.
Rosie came to your apartment with her knitting tools and measuring tape the next day, a Friday evening. She had a book on patters for sweaters, yarn rolls almost spilling out of her bag.
"I'll take your measurements before you head out, go through the book if you want something specific.", the old woman said placing her things down on the coffee table.
It didn't take long before you both went out through the back of the building, going to the rental car that Alastor got. You helped put some of the bags in the trunk before he stopped you.
"Don't bother with this love, get in the car and lock the doors until I'm done.", he kissed your forehead.
"Ok.", you nodded and went into the passenger side.
Once finished, he joined you in the car and began driving. Both of you didn't know that the man had taken note of all the licence plates in the area.
The drive was peaceful, just an hour and a half away. You held the map on your phone as the car passed by familiar grassy hills and the old church ruins. At some point you both got off the car to get snacks and stretch your legs.
Driving up the mountain, you were beaming when the car drove through a cloud.
"I hope it rains, it's so pretty and smells nice in the rain.", you commented.
Soon both of you arrived and you told him to park near the shops.
"The restaurants are nearby, so we don't have to walk that far.", you explained.
Alastor smiled as you dragged him from shop to shop, and even praised the food from one of the restaurants that you took him to. The last stop was at the bakery you favored.
He took the orders while you found a spot to sit outside.
Paying for the sweetbread and coffee, he also got you a small pie. It didn't take long for the drinks to be ready and they quickly gave the baked goods.
Now I see why they like it here so much. Good service. He thought before stepping outside and looking for you.
But you weren't anywhere to be found.
"Darling?", he placed the items on a nearby table and looked around the area.
You would have told him if you were going somewhere, he knows that you would have waited for him. Something was wrong. Where were you?
Looking at the woodland floor, Alastor quickly went into hunting mode. It was quite easy to pick out shoe prints as the dirt was still damp from the morning rain. He knew your shoe size and the pattern on the bottom of your shoe, because you added little hearts to make markings with every step you took.
He found the little prints, but what had him more alert was the signs of struggle.
Someone had forcefully dragged you away.
Quietly, he followed the prints and soon found you pressed against a tree with a man covering your mouth.
"Don't you see I had to save you?", the man said as he tried to undo your pants.
"Mph!", you clawed and punched to get out of the gross thing's hold, effectively scratching the man's face till it bled.
"STOP FIGHTING ME!", he shouted and threw you on the ground.
You hit your shoulder on a rock which made you yelp in pain.
Alastor used this moment to tackle the man.
"YOU FUCKING PIG!", he growled and started beating the man in the face. "HOW DARE YOU! YOU NASTY, LOATHSOME-!"
There was a loud bark and then before he knew it a dog was trying to maul him.
"Get off you beast!", Alastor tried his best to throw the dog off but it just kept biting and ripping his jacket.
He was angry.
At the man and at himself.
How could he have ignored everything else? He should have noticed there was a mutt. But in that moment all he saw was red. He couldn't let that man lay another hand on you.
"Argh!", he yelled as the dog bit his leg. "You little shit!", he kicked the dog.
It took longer than he would have liked but he knocked the dog unconscious.
Alastor dragged himself to lean on the trunk of a nearby tree. Arms and legs firing up with pain, him barely able to move an inch before the burning flared up again.
He heard his love scream out.
Finding her and the disgusting man near the other side of the trail, he sees that they've taken the upper hand and pulled out their sharp pair of scissors.
Ah, its Mr. Stabbington.
"STAY STILL YOU BITCH!", the man yells, grabbing her by the neck and trying to choke her. "CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I'M DOING YOU A FAVOR!?", he rolled them over until he was back on top.
"L-LET GO OF ME!", you coughed before stabbing him in the neck.
Blood splattered and dripped onto your face as the man looked down at you in shock, his face staying frozen that way as he dropped.
You shivered in disgust as the body pressed against you, feeling how aroused the creep was when you moved your leg to kick his lifeless body off. Not sparing another glance at the body, you quickly turned to rush over to your lover's side.
"Alastor!", you cried, throwing the scissors as you stumbled over, kneeling down by his side to look over his wounds. "Oh god, you're bleeding so much-!"
The dog had left bite marks and gashes, his blood starting to sink into the soil.
"I-I'll call the local police and-and an ambulance will get here!", you took off your jacket and covered him before shakily taking out your phone. "Fuck!", you shouted at the no signal.
He called your name softly and held onto one of your hands. "I'm going to be ok, just go to the cafe and bring help."
"I don't want to leave you here.", you sniffed, and pulled the chain of your necklace, a whistle at the end of it. "I'll use this and shout but I'm not leaving your side."
Your love nodded and let you do what you wanted.
"You look beautiful in that shade of red."
It only took a few minutes before someone had come to help.
"HOLY SHIT!", the person yelled and ran over.
Local police arrived and the clinic vehicle as well, you told the police the summary of what happened before promising to tell the rest after Alastor was taken care of.
You got into the back of the clinic van and held onto your love's hand whenever you could.
He would be ok.
He had to be ok.
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This took me a while but yay. More human Alastor. There will be more✨
~Seline, the person.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Pet Owners: Hazbin Hotel
Angel: (swiping through his phone while Fat Nuggets sits on his lap)
Vaggie: (reading a book with KeeKee purring happily around her neck like a feather boa)
Charlie: (playing pattycake with Razzle)
Angel: ......Is that normal?
Vaggie: I've learned not to question it.
Alastor: (walks passed with Niffty on a leash) I'll be back shortly. This little darling needs to get some fresh air.
Niffty: Hehehehehahahaha!!! Bugs! Outside! Must destroy them all! Ahahahahaha!
Angel & Vaggie: ...........
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this-fine-day · 1 month
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Sometimes your pet falls asleep on you, and you end up going into hibernate mode to save battery.
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bb4tz · 6 months
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Guezz who stole the blonde bitch'z girl.
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superkitten-poison · 4 months
oh vaggie would Not dom, that girl did nothing but follow orders for nearly her whole life, if charlie ever went haha what if you like..bossed me around in bed vaggie would very valiently Try For Her but would be mentally physically spiritually unable to because of how unnatural itd be for her. coordinating subordinates? sure, she was high on heavens ranks but CHARLIE? sole object of her devotion and source of purpose and usefullness and reason to live charlie? person who saved her life and showed her how to live it charlie?
vaggie's the knight to charlie's princess, she cant lead, she only knows how to serve. she's the love as religious redemption girly of all time, searching for mercy and meaning by worshipping (in this case basically) the devil now that shes been deemed beyond forgiveness by heaven.
what she Is is extremely lucky that charlie doesn't use the power she has over her for evil bc i do truly believe that after a certain point charlie could ask Anything of her and she'd do it -- but of course, it's exactly the fact that charlie never would misuse her faith in her that made vaggie fall in love with her in the first place
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subsequentibis · 6 months
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original post good god how long has it been since i've drawn them.
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eeb-rody · 6 months
My favorite thing about the bonus episodes is that we see how the staff sees each other. Like, lobby boy episodes have the owner as a hulking monster that wants to hurt him (or at least a dickhead), while the manager is salvation but she might abandon him at any moment.
The manager sees the lobby as dependable and omnipresent, he's her little pet she can order around and if he's not there it disturbs her. The owner is also a big beast in her eyes but he's ultimately impotent.
The owner episodes are the best because the manager and lobby boy are his shitty wife and whining son, a united front against him. He is trapped in a sit com and he hates it.
This is made even better when you factor in how they see him, like he's this skulking beast with ill intent but in his head he's just like "if you don't get in the car right now we will be late for dinner"
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crispyliza · 7 months
I'm reading so many fanfics with the exact same ship and premise that whenever there's an update I have no idea which one it is lmao
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Husk having once been an Overlord makes so much sense when you look at his character design. The Overlords are the sinners who own the most souls. They also have visual theming that communicates what their entire "deal" is. Carmilla is made of steel and points and she sells weapons. Valentino looks like a pimp and works in the porn industry. Alastor is a radio host. Presumably their jobs and specialties (or simple conquest) is also where they get most of the souls they own, like Valentino with Angel Dust.
But there's a gap in the line-up. Gambling. There's no Overlord with an obvious gambling motif like Husk has. Out of all the exploitative industries where people could end up signing their very souls away, gambling seems like the most obvious. So as the only character who looks like they could be running a bunch of casinos where people go so broke they end up betting their souls, which Hell has to have, it fits Husk very well.
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ezzypop · 2 months
Speaking of crashbox hotel…
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You can tell I got a little lazy towards the end
(Plus a small spelling mistake behind manager. “Midievil”😔)
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