#hot oxventure take
oxventurequotes · 8 months
bug: one last thing before you go - killing? yes? no? maybe?
kasimir: ideally not
bug: ideally not. i can work with that.
bug: CHARGE!!!!
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the-last-teabender · 7 months
Oxventure hot take: I think it's great that we're sad.
No wait listen.
Remember that these are characters they put together for a thing they likely didn't foresee going for nearly as long as it did, becoming as popular as it did, becoming a brand with merchandise and live shows and actual WotC tie-ins. Like these characters were designed and created with minimal experience and minimal expectations, but we still all love them this much. For one.
For two. Imagine if the campaign had run to a point where we were all ready to see the back of it. Like, I can't see myself wearying of the characters, but I also know that even the best set of characters only has viable ideas for so long. Imagine an alternate version of this announcement where our reaction was relief because they'd sailed past that point. The fact that we will miss them, and that we could still conceive of watching more after it ends, means they're ending this campaign at the right time.
I'm not saying don't be sad, cuz I'm sad. Be sad. But then think about what it means that you're sad, and what great things that says for what Oxventure is, and what it's going to be in the next campaign. We are sad, we're gonna miss the Oxventurers Guild, and that's a big deal for something that started as a subscriber milestone celebration.
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drjdorr · 1 month
Guess who got some new pins abit ago but experienced isolation enough to dip into some minor depression and since no longer being isolated hasn't had enough stability to recover enough to share them till now? This girl.
Anyways, here are the pins(and other goodies I'm deciding to share) starting with some Overly Sarcastic Production stuff
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A nice cancer zodiac crab pin because I am a cancer (given my history of depression that sounds way worse then it should) and with knife crab being a meme, Red designed a knife crab variant, which I chose because... knife crab, duh. It also apparently glows(I'm assuming the pale green bits) though I haven't tested this feature.
As is standard for OSP pins, limited time thing but here is a link to the pin section when they are on sale
2 rubber backs
And because I've was asked general prices of pins at one point and realized I don't know, I'm adding a new section for prices. $9.99
I also got a cool mug
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Decent mug, I like the words on it, that's all I need out of a mug
Unlike pins, mugs aren't limited time, link
Should I price other things? Eh, I don't collect mugs
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Lastly from OSP, stickers. When I enviatavly need to replace my computer (it's batter capacity is apparently 7% what it should be, one of the hinges has been broken for months, and at times it's getting hot enough I have to be careful not to burn myself so not long before I'm going to have to) I'm definitely going to slap atleast one of these on it because I'm tired of living my life were I'm not allowed to indulge myself or leave a mark, and putting cool stickers onto my electronics seems like a good starting point
Again only pins are limited time but here's a link to all the stickers. There are some other good options too so I definitely suggest checking them out
Next up have some oxventure pins
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Pretty decent, they slightly bow outwards which is a good look for them, great stylzation though I'll admit I'm not a big fan of using that green to shade Eggert in this style but beyond that bit, they all look great
They seem to be on sale right now so if you like them... link
Each one seems to have 2 rubber backs, one above the other as one would expect.
Now I paid about 36 bucks which is also about its current sale price but apparently is usually $46.21
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An Astor Innoventions pin. A simple but really nice design from their Blades in the Dark campaign, what else is there to say about it.
Also on sale. Link
Single metal back. I did try using it shortly after getting it and the tip has some metal fuzzies on it which understandably made me not able to use it but I'm sure I can ask my uncle to deal with that, doesn't seem like that hard of a problem.
Apparently I also got this one on sale for about 10 buck, usually it's $13.20.
Also was given a random pin from Pride Knights and-
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Man is it pretty(the yellow and purple are nicer in person. Same with the glitter). I may not be nonbinary but I think I know someone who might be that I can give it to and I can't wait for the ones I ordered.
They are still on pre-order and there are several pride flag versions for dragons and swords and 3 large designs for the progress pride flag with a dragon, sword, and castle and you should definitely check them all out here, though if you specifically want the enby dragon, this link will take you there
Mine has 2 metal backs though the site says they will be rubber. Actually the site also shows more standard silver glitter look but mine has red... was I given an earlier design version? Still doesn't match me but it's still super neat.
Now I got mine as a gift(given how much I talked them up I suddenly feel I should stipulate, gift for something completely unrelated to this post, I just say good things about good stuff.) But they are priced at $12.99 both swords and dragons, the bigger progress flag ones though are $14.99
Those are all my new pins for now, though with alot of kickstarters I backed looking like they are about to start sending stuff out and the Pride Knights pins being sent out in September, not going to be too long before there's probably going to be more
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so I’ve seen some posts of quotes from the oxventure, and OH BOY. I have full-on NOTES about the oxventure and every piece of canon and fan theories I can get my grubby little paws on, AND I HAVE A LOT OF QUOTES. SO…. HAVE FUN WITH THESE!
“Spicy… like a rat.”
“You asked the whales name?” “I’m just thoughtful like that.”
“Always check your bonfires for hedgehogs.”
“Needless to say Cthulhu is pleased and lunch is ruined”
“Oh no the cube! Not the cube!”
“He looks like dob but somehow evil and sexy”
“Nooooo… my mojo…”
“Oh you totally give the baby a dagger!” “That’s parenting 101”
“I flinch greasily.”
“Guys be real are we murder hobo’s?”
“I just wanna say I’m really proud of the amount of murder we’ve done.”
“Have you heard of the guild of the national trust?”
“Oo man I can’t wait to get redemption let’s kill everyone.”
“Do you have pamphlets?” “Let’s bore them to death!”
“Decisive action: throw that cat.”
“I have a moral objection but I’m going to let it happen because this seems cool.”
“🎵it’s getting hot in here. And they will all explode🎵”
“I lick the book and I am pleased”
“I know a lot of my plans revolve around watching dob sleep”
“Shut your filthy mouth Corazon”
“Let’s have a spooky sleepover.”
“Nature is beautiful.” “It sure was”
“+4! +2! +2! NUMBERS!”
“It’s not on fire or anything!” “Not yet, give me time!”
“We’re gonna have a sleepover in this crypt!”
“It couldn’t have been me-meant? If it wasn’t already… broked. That’s what I’ve always said”
“🎵maaaagic hand! Come out of my real hand!🎵”
“Wear whatever you want! Your bones, probably.”
“Their prudence hat”
“Is it orphans? You gotta tell us if it is.” “Ah. It’s orphans boss.”
“Skeletons… AHHHHHH”
“I love these loophole skeletons!”
“I would like to attempt to cast mend on the orphans”
“We just want less orphan juice”
“I’m imagining you making a snowman out of orphan paste”
“Oooo Skeletons be dexterous”
“We’re all team skeleton just some of us have flesh on top”
“I never liked you Kevin”
“Guys I’m not not in trouble”
“And then I turn the internal heat dial to cremation”
“Do you want a vomit hug?”
“I’m putting my foot down on the husks.” “But then they’d just burst!”
“Is it bad that bear me wants to eat the husks? No I won’t I’ll be good”
“And I’m trying desperately to remain eye contact with HER, and not look at you guys swimming around in sandwiches”
“It’s in runes or something what is that?” “That’s a seven.”
“The consequences! They’re here again!”
“Awh. And I’ve got his BOOTS!”
“Dob what did I tell you about necromancy?”
“Let’s put capitalism in the lake!”
“We can always claim it’s the fireworks show!” “NOT IF WE’RE DEAD!”
“Dogs are bound in skin!”
“Have we tried to befriend the footprints?” “Talk to the footprints!”
“Two very impulsive boi’s”
“Grease man from the ocean”
“Respectfully yeet him off the mountain.” “A somber yeet”
“If I was in something for 2 years”
“I saw the holes on the front and thought ‘that must be all the holes’ but then I looked on the back and there was ANOTHER HOLE THERE!”
“What are you dreaming about?” “Salmon.”
“Oh no they’ll take over the world with inexpensive furniture!”
“Break his spirit.” “And his back 😈”
“3 dimensional chess is just chess!”
“What’s in this drawer? Dob? Oh no that’s a paperclip.” 
“Person in charge of the Prudence mech”
“🎵yees I’m the best at thunderwave turns out!🎵”
“My shin!” “My Shin!” “… our Shin.”
“I’m just a chicken walking around with a flameblade”
“🎵Eleanor rigbee, lived in a hive because she was a bee. Whooedy whee!🎵”
“The pirate. Didn’t. Say that.”
“This is the energy in the room we’re all going to regret later” “says that of the orphanage.” “I regretted it later!”
“Though he could discover spoons at any point”
“Phase one: walk to crime. Phase two: do crime”
“I’ll just do it and be a legend”
“In a way we’re already married in a very deep and legal way.” “For tax purposes.”
“Why is there so much tentacle milk here?”
“You just hear anarchy noises from out the window”
“We’re running out of time before he murders us accidentally with an idiom” “with beans”
“I’m buying ecstasy from an owl?”
“The sounds of muffled pirate violence”
“She might just destroy the world, which is where we keep all our stuff!”
“I faint.” “Okay dob’s having a short rest” “OH YEAH!”
“Thick orange hot water”
“She’s got the cutest little forces of darkness 🥰”
“As the Druid, no.” “As the dm, INSPIRATION!”
“I cast shatter on the only planet we have”
“I cast fracking”
“The eldrich being Flannery”
“We’re fracking landlords”
“Now we leave you and see if you go buduhduhduhduh”
“Cattle go missing, we never find out what happens to all the Harris’s” “season over.”
“It’s practically a victimless crime, unless there’s a victim, in which case hopefully it’s a hard to trace crime”
“I grease Merilwen to give her the best chance”
“Because you told me to piss off!” “So you did THIS?” “yeah” “I HAVE MINUTES TO LIVE!” 
“How’s the shat?”
“I cast mending on our friendship 🥺”
“How does a jackle… lift a bunch of cars?” “I don’t know.” “You jack ‘em all.” *weird laughter*
“Yes. No more pain where you’re going friend. No, you’re not very nice actually.”
“Well, solved the Richard problem!” “But what about the Dob problem”
“It’s very demeaning, so okay.”
“Well no Millie or ori that is obviously not okay. Little idiot.”
“Oh I HATE nature”
“Who wants in on my corpse sled idea?”
“Dob.” *quiet laughter* “oh no.”
“I give them an appraising look as if sizing up their corpses”
“I am literally everyone else in the world which means I am the best at sighing crying sad goodbying to my plot, the npc’s, the sanctity of lore…”
“These patrons aren’t gonna lick themselves!”
“Ohhhh it’s a sex thing.”
“Rule 3 no kink shaming.” “Damn right.”
“He drifts out the door… to go find something to kiss.”
“WAIT! I’ve had a thought! I want to kiss the dragon man.”
“Well. You’ve effed this right up Dob.”
“Well, if you’re dreaming about that, it’s probably out to get you.” “Every time you sleep, it gets a little bit closer.”
“It is always agonising Johnny!”
“Let me use my bonus action to slip in my own grease”
“All things must drink. I say wisely, and inaccurately”
“You take 4 points of… becoming soup damage”
“It occurs to all of you, and pardon my infernal, this is a shit idea.”
“Why do i have find steed if it’s not a rodeo?”
“I cough up some hemp and rope.” “Oh perfectly horrifying! Sure, yeah.”
“We never elected a leader!” “How could you talk to your leader like that?”
“I like turning into a cat all the time, the problem is I can’t do it.”
“that horny crew member sticks his head out to watch”
“So it’s slightly uncomfortable… and you outlive all your lovers… sounds like a good thing!”
“I wish to arrest Cthulhu now start screaming”
“Sir we’re in an antique shop.”
“What a great excuse to do some crime, though!”
“Nothing bad has ever happened to me in my entire life, I don’t think it’s going to start now!”
“Is it meant to be on fire? Because it’s on fire.”
“ITS A MASTERCLASS! It’s not a masterclass…”
“Classic squiffy, what a lad.”
“Hey! I need you to do me a favour! Well I say a favour, I’m compelling you.”
“We do a literal hitman, as in you run up, and hit the man.”
“He’ll live, but not well.”
“Spinning tops in places you don’t want them”
“I want a ghost who’s obsessed with me!”
“Everyone’s going out the front door! I’m just gonna set the house on fire!”
“Here’s what happens Barnaby, you glorious liability.”
“Have you heard about this thing called a union?” “… Let’s montage the rest of this conversation”
“Roll me for ‘Dave? Dave!’”
“Barbaby and workers rights are on the opposite end on the political spectrum”
“It’s not apoplectic with rage, it’s apoplectic with being right.”
“Fresh fish!” “Lovely crimes!”
“It’s going terribly here in the present! Maybe it went better in the past!” “Let’s retreat to the safety of the past.”
“I didn’t want to taste the sweat of the poor in the air!”
“So you want to be a nice, clean, sanitised butcher?”
“It’s like riding a bike” “a violent bike” “it’s like punching a bike”
“I came here to study ghosts, not become one!” “Imagine how much study you could do if you became one!” “I can’t hold pens!”
“The gilded idiot”
“Hands in the middle. Aaaaand dead Barnaby!”
“I’m choking a guy out… with my thighs”
“I smile. In a way that  conveys limitless rage”
“I do not want to be traumatised because of archiving!”
“Won’t someone think of the molluscs?”
“Lilly and Zilly on a wedding adventure”
“Generally I judge things, but sometimes I choke them unconscious”
“The tiny urchins really wanted us to do it”
“No one tell him he has NO SOUL”
“Who is this anthropomorphic mouse?” (It was a child)
“Sorry I tried to fix it with fish”
“I’m going to start a clock that the wonderful mechanical man is working on without any of you”
“Are these children going to be okay?” “We’re they okay to begin with?”
“Stop making out with that brick!” “I’m not- do you know what making out is, Edvard?”
“I let my hatred of stairs get the better of me”
“I’m furious at my forearm.”
“It’s a piece of trash! Looks like something Edvard would make!”
“Mechanical man parts”
“Moving on briefly from infanticide, good job, I just asked you for your name”
“A healing cloak is quite hard to fill so I thought stuff that, I’ve acquired 2 giant goats”
“How old are you?” “Old enough. Are you old enough to make good decisions?” 
“No more digging graves for neat, I’m gonna be putting people in graves for money!”
“I had a mule once.”
“That’s adulthood. Being angry all the time, but pushing it down until it’s the right time.”
“Have you ever met someone in your life who doesn’t like jerky?”
“Let’s hope they’re extremely religious”
“Yeah well Andy’s lying, Andy wants us to fail.”
“I like to drink milk after I shoot two men in the throat”
“Very well then, Mr… not free”
“As you pass by the door, it does clip on the brim of your hat and it falls over your eyes and you can’t see anything.”
“Okay, okay.” *silence* “AAAAAAAH”
“I look at the other one, which seems like his spirit it hasn’t been broken yet 😡”
“I’m saying it nicely but in my head im like: I will kill you later.”
“Not trying to be rude, why do you smell so bad? I’m not trying very hard”
“Contracted late-stage tuberculosis. Got better.”
“Animal that’s been jerked”
“Tell me your life story”
“Horses can play, and you’re worried about if they can sit?”
“I’ve got a d8, but it’s now -2, because I’m DEAD”
*stabs someone in the eye* “oh sorry, I simply stopped paying attention!”
“Heck. Furthermore, dang.”
“One of the strangulation ones.” “Oh fun!”
“Is sharp rope a thing? WELL SHARPEN IT.”
“Sticky mc bang bang!”
“It was a terrible crime, I cut my lawn and i cut it too short. Anyway I’m to be hanged.”
“The cell is now swarming with ants.” “Yay!”
“Murder, for example, would be a no no!”
“He’s the same old Nate he’s just soft and cold”
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grumpyhedgehogs · 2 years
egbert is the youngest oxventurer was not the hot take i expected to find out from today’s stream 
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cicaklah · 2 years
Yay, an ask game!
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Because it's always fun to learn something new.
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
Apart from the canon fuck cabin hehe hehehehehehe
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
Expose your plot bunnies! 😀
Lessons: to keep going, and to keep indulging your id. Write the story you want to read. Push down shame and write the absolute filth.
Canon: my writing idol is Una McCormack (I'm hoping to take my novel to her writing retreat next year) who went pro from writing good fic (albeit back in the early 2000s), and so yeah, I'd love it if there needed to be say, another hitman tie in novel. I don't think I could say no to that. Call me, io.
Wips: so I've been in a slump for a while but I have two fics basically ready to go, oxventure in the dark foundry no 5 hot tub fic and oxventure auditors made them do it. I'm also half done with a very ambitious tropeiary hitman fic which is kicking my ass. And of course, watch me.
But mostly I've been really thinking and working in my novel, a sci-fi farce called white elephant.
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leana-armen · 3 years
Saturday Morning Kisses
A/N: So, this is a sequel to @dobsmoneylake‘s two-part Oxventure fanfic, Saturday Morning Cuddles (Part 1/Part 2). Written with their permission, and inspired by the tags at the bottom of part two.
(Also tagging @randomthunk because I know you were excited when I mentioned I was doing this)
Merilwen tried. She really did try to relax. She was comfortable, Dob was clearly VERY comfortable. She could feel his slow, sleepy breaths, the rise and fall of his chest on her back, and his warm exhales through her hair and tickling her ear. She could feel his heartbeat, slow and steady. It wasn’t fair, every time Merilwen succeeded in calming her heart down to something resembling “relaxed”, Dob would shift slightly, reminding her of the decidedly “different from friends” way in which they were cuddling. His knee would shift up, curving around Merilwen even more, or the arm draped around her would pull her in tighter, or he would shift ever closer as if he couldn’t get close enough to the warmth of the elf in his arms.
Merilwen mentally celebrated her most successful attempt yet to just relax and let her mind drift off into a trance. She didn’t need it, of course. She had already gotten plenty of rest before Dob insisted she stay while he fell back to sleep. But it wasn't often she got extra time for her trance.
However, this attempt was once again thwarted when she felt lips press against the back of her neck. She snapped back into being alert, heart pounding in her chest as she froze, unsure how to react to such a tender gesture.
“Mornin’,” Dob sleepily greeted, though he sounded a bit more coherent than he had earlier when he initially woke up. Merilwen felt more than heard a thoughtful hum as he lifted his arm from her waist and brought it up, tucking his arm under hers and laying his hand back down over her racing heart. “Are you okay?” he asked with concern after a moment. “Your heart doesn’t always beat this quick, does it?”
“Well, what do you expect after…” Merilwen started, though she trailed off as she sat up in the bed, her body instantly missing Dob’s warmth as his arm fell from around her. “You just KISSED my neck!” A hand went back to the back of her neck, where she could still feel the touch of Dob’s lips.
This time, Dob pushed himself up to sit up as well, his hair a messy mop over his forehead that would be falling into his eyes if it were any longer. “Was that okay?” he asked, sounding almost fearful that he might’ve overstepped. “I thought, since you were okay with the cuddling, you seemed…”
“Dob,” Merilwen interrupted, placing a hand on his shoulder, taking a brief moment to marvel at how small it looked compared to Dob’s half-orkish build, “I’m not upset. Quite the opposite, actually.” She took her hand off Dob’s shoulder to brush his hair aside so she could more easily see the bright blue of his eyes.
Dob grabbed Merilwen’s hand in his. “So it’s okay if I…” Instead of finishing his question, he brought her hand to his lips, watching Merilwen’s face as he placed a kiss to the back of her hand.
Merilwen could feel her face get red-hot in a very obvious blush, though she didn’t pull away, even though Dob’s gentle hold of her hand showed she could if she wanted to. She suddenly felt way too exposed, Dob’s eyes taking in every feature of her face. Her very red face. She probably looked as red as Prudence. Embarrassed, Merilwen looked away, letting her hair act as a curtain to hide her face from the adorable half-orc she called her friend.
Not deterred, and in fact feeling emboldened by Merilwen not pulling away or telling him to stop, Dob scooted closer. He made sure to give Merilwen an easy out, a method to escape should she decide she didn’t want any of this after all, but Dob had a gut feeling that if that were the case, she would be long gone out of the room by now. He reached up to brush Merilwen’s hair back over her shoulder so she was no longer hidden by it.
“Dob, what are you doing?” Merilwen managed to squeak out once her face was once again exposed and Dob’s was just a few centimeters away.
“You seemed to like the kiss to your neck and to your hand. I thought I’d kiss your cheek next,” Dob replied, brow furrowed in confusion.
“No, not that, I mean…” Merilwen stammered. Dob’s heart dropped when Merilwen pulled away from him, though she didn’t move far. She put a little space between them, but it was mostly to sit directly facing Dob, her legs crossed in front of her. “All of this.” She motioned vaguely with her hand, indicating Dob and the bed. “The cuddling, the kisses, the ‘I like being this close to you.’”
“Merilwen, you know I like you,” Dob stated, as though it were a simple fact that would explain everything. Which, Dob figured, it should.
“Of course. We’re best friends, as you said earlier,” Merilwen said. “But cuddling like we were, and especially the kisses, that’s not a friendship thing. That’s a… a romantic thing.” The word “romantic” sounded strained, like Merilwen struggled to say it.
Merilwen’s explanation only made Dob more confused. Of course he knew that. “Right,” he agreed with a nod. “We are best friends, but I liked being romantic, and you seemed to like it too.”
“I did like it, but…” Merilwen replied, fighting to find her words. Her mind was a fog of joy and expectations of betrayal. “You can’t just SAY these things and DO these things and make my heart flutter like a lovesick kid just because we’re friends and I’m here and you’re in a cuddly mood and the women you want to be with are actively plotting to kill us!” Instead of trying to sort through the noise of her brain, she just let it all tumble from her mouth in a heap. She didn’t even realize she was avoiding Dob’s gaze until she finished, finding herself looking at the blanket in front of her. She slowly looked up, wincing when she saw sadness in Dob’s eyes. Sadness always looked so foreign on his features. “Dob, I’m sorry,” she apologized, reaching over to touch Dob’s arm, though she hesitated. Maybe it would be better if she just turned into a cat and let him pet her while she purred and forgot about her outburst.
Dob, however, interrupted that train of thought by grabbing the hand that was reaching out towards him and scooting closer to Merilwen until his legs bumped into hers. “Merilwen. I liked cuddling with you because I want to be with YOU. Forever. I never said anything before because I always assumed you had no interest in ME.”
Merilwen could hardly believe her ears. She would occasionally entertain the idea that maybe Dob had a crush on her, but then he’d say something about Liliana that snapped Merilwen back to reality. Could he have really been crushing on her this whole time?
Dob’s hand that wasn’t holding Merilwen’s reached over to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. Now that she knew that this wasn’t just some fleeting cuddles, Merilwen couldn’t get enough of Dob’s touch, leaning her head slightly into the brush of his fingers.
“Can I give you that kiss on the cheek now?” Dob asked, a playful smirk across his lips.
Merilwen gave a nod, humming an affirmation. Never one for a dull moment, Dob instantly leaned in, pressing his lips gently to Merilwen’s cheek. Merilwen couldn’t help but giggle, suddenly feeling silly in her earlier doubt. When Dob pulled back, Merilwen decided she wasn’t done with him quite yet. She brought both hands up to cup the sides of his face, halting him before he moved much at all, and before she could talk herself out of it, closed her eyes and brought her lips to his.
Dob’s eyes widened in surprise when Merilwen pulled him into a kiss, and he could feel heat rising in his cheeks, but it didn’t take long for him to begin kissing back, his eyes fluttering closed to just focus on how Merilwen’s lips felt against his. One of Dob’s hands found its way to the back of Merilwen’s head, fingers brushing through her hair, while the other wrapped around her waist to pull her closer.
“Yo, Dob, you just missed one awesome-OH MY GOD!” Corazon exclaimed, walking into the room without knocking and instantly regretting it. He’s seen Dob naked before, he’s seen Dob in the middle of all kinds of shenanigans. But nothing could’ve prepared the pirate to walk in on Dob and Merilwen wrapped up in each other’s arms.
Both Dob and Merilwen made startled noises as they jumped at the intrusion and threw themselves backwards, out of the kiss.
“Hey, Corazon,” Dob greeted, sounding a little sheepish.
Merilwen, however, looked quite angry as she glared at the pirate. “Didn’t anybody ever teach you to knock?” she scolded.
Corazon started backing out of the room, as if afraid of Merilwen lashing out. Of course, whether or not he was afraid of the wood elf, he had to get one more word in. “I am so telling Egbert and Prudence,” he announced before dashing down the hall.
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floret-botanica · 3 years
Ship game! Dob/Corazon and/or ...whatever the Blades equivalent of polyguild is. XD Polycrew?
Oh, Dob and Corazón my beloveds. I will now have to learn how to put stuff under a cut because this might get long. got long.
Ship It — Dob/Corazón
I will say first off that Dob/Corazón is probably my favourite ship of all time, and certainly the one with the most staying power.
What made you ship it?
Wow, this has changed so much since the start of the Oxventure. This was the first thing, and for a long time, the only thing I shipped, and I did so almost immediately. There are so many things I love about the two of them together, but, I have to admit, the original reasons are that Corazón is hot, I am gay, and I didn't fancy him with Egbert.
What are your favourite things about the ship?
This is a fairly inane answer, but just. The character interactions. The banter! The hijinks! They're so different but also so similar, and I love it. They're both so insecure. Corazón is sure that everyone will leave him eventually, so he tries to make it happen on his terms, while Dob is very much on team "be the good, funny emotional support person and make them need me so they have to stick around." I'm honestly really struggling to articulate why I love this ship so much. They see themselves in each other and that's scary but also incredible.
I also love the drama, and I just think that they'd make each other worse (then maybe build back up together).
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I'm not really sure. As you said, there aren't really enough people in this fandom to have unpopular opinions. I guess it's that I want them to be competent? I enjoy this ship because while they are very foolish, and inept, they are also competent (yes, those are antonyms, no, I will not be taking any criticism). I also found Dob quite annoying for ages because I'm the party treasurer and rules lawyer and he's just. Very chaotic and quite A Lot. Grew out of that one though.
To ship or not to ship? — Polycrew
I'm going to answer the not shipping questions for this one because I haven't done them, but there will be an elaboration on my feelings about it.
Why don't you ship it?
The format of Oxventure Blades in the Dark means that we very rarely get to see the whole crew interacting. I know that I will definitely eventually ship it, but until we have some more full crew hangouts (or I read fic about it lol), I'm going to keep shipping (almost) every combination separately.
What would have made you like it?
Mostly answered above, but I think it is just a matter of time. Barnaby is also a bit of a sticking point for me, because He Isn't Very Nice Right Now and I'm struggling to fit him into the dynamic. I think it's because I imagine polycrew happening "right now" in canon, while him and Kasimir or Edvard is, in my mind, quite far in the future.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I already know it's going to be so good. Even though I can't imagine the dynamic or sequence of events at the moment, I'm so looking forward to the beautiful chaos. It'll click, like polyguild did, and it will be incredible.
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a-casual-egg · 4 years
Dob stands in front of the door next to his. The size of the door makes it intimidating even though what’s behind it is maybe the least intimidating person in the world. Maybe it’s because he knows him so well or maybe he knows if Egbert ever decided to fight the other members of the oxventure guild they’d probably be able to take him. Probably.
Dob breaths in and knocks on the door. There’s a tense silence for few seconds where Dob contemplates going back to his room. Then he hears the sound of feet hitting the ground and making their way to the door. The door opens to reveal a very sleepy Egbert leaning on the doorframe.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” Dob asks nervously
Egbert laughs softly, “Dob, it’s the middle of the night.”
Dob rubs the back of his neck, “yeah, right”
“So, what brings you a door over?”
“Um, well,” Dob runs a hand through his hair. “I-uh-I had a nightmare and I was wondering . . .”
Egbert raises an eyebrow
“If I could,” Dob lowers his voice so it’s almost unhearable, “sleep in your bed with you?”
“I didn’t get that last part.”
Dob rubs his arm and asks, “Can I sleep in your bed tonight?” Not making eye contact with the giant dragon man.
He goes to fiddle with his shirt while he awaits Egbert’s response and realizes he’s not wearing one when he pinches himself.
Dob’s eyes widen, “really?”
“Yeah, I don’t see anything wrong with it. Come on” Egbert motions for Dob to follow.
“Do you want inside or outside?” Egbert asks.
Dob looks over Egbert’s bed. It’s the only corner bed on Necropolis on Sea other than his. Neither of them have reached the apparently inevitable state of bed in the middle of the wall Prudence and Corazón talk about. Dob detests that idea.
“I’ll take the inside.”
Dob lays down and pulls the blankets close to him.
He feels Egbert get under the covers and hears him whisper, “G’night”
“Good night” Dob whispers back
Dob figured he’d be able to sleep soundly in Egbert’s bed. After all, the smell of smoke has become what helps him fall asleep. Albeit it’s not the best thing to help you fall asleep, but it’s what helps Dob. He thought he would be able to sleep if he sleeps next to the walking smoke machine, but he’s unable to. His heart feels like it’s beating out of his throat and he feels his face heat up unusually hot.
He lay there trying to figure out why he’s having these issues and his mind flashes back to Merilwen when she talked about Prudence before they got together. She said she always felt her heart rate jump when they would accidentally touch and her face would always heat up when she was near her. Oh fuck, is he in love with Egbert. Oh fuck, he definitely is.
Fuck, shit, fuck, he’s half naked laying in bed with the love of his life. He doesn’t know what to do. It’s not like he can just get up and leave. He’s the one who asked if he could sleep in his friend’s bed. He runs his hands through his hair to try to calm himself down. It somewhat helps but it’s all fruitless when an asleep Egbert turns around, grabs Dob around the waist and rests his head on his chest. Dob tries his hardest not to hyperventilate. He breaths in and out and flaps his hands until they feel like rubber.
He guesses it’s best to try and sleep rather than be stuck in his head all night. He leans into Egbert the best he can so he can be warm, as if the blankets don’t radiate enough heat and holds tightly on to a pillow. Somehow he manages to fall asleep.
The next morning he sits up and stretches. He briefly freaks out seeing Egbert asleep laying next to him, but quickly reminds himself of last night. As much as he would love to go back to sleep and cuddle up to Egbert he gets up throws on the closest shirt he can find and makes his way downstairs.
Corazón and Merilwen seem to be arguing. A normal sight for the rest of the guild.
“Mornin’” Dob groggily says
As soon as he says it the argument stops almost as if Dob pauses it somehow. Dob rubs his exhausted eyes and looks between his two formerly arguing guildmates.
“Dob,” Merilwen starts
“See! I’m right!” Corazón cuts in gesturing to the shirt Dob is wearing.
“That’s flimsy evidence and you know it!”
“Oh, I’m sorry but when we’re you the expert on these things?”
Dob slams his fists on the table and the other two quickly turn toward the source of the sound.
“What is going on?!”
“Ok, Dob where’d you get that shirt?” Corazón asks
Dob looks down at his shirt and sees that it’s got a cow on it. Not Le Vauche Mauve, just a cow. A cute one.
“Uh, Egbert’s room”
“And why were you in Egbert’s room?”
Oh! Uh”
“Did you sleep together?”
Merilwen’s eyes widen and she looks between the rouge and bard.
“Dob! Do you even know what that means?!”
“Why do you not?”
“No I know, I just want to make sure you know what it means”
“It just means we slept in the same bed at the same time.”
“No. That’s not what I meant.” Corazón interjects, “I meant like, did you and Egbert . . . yknow do it?”
“Do what?”
“Yknow, it?”
“I don’t know Cor. What is it?”
“It doesn’t matter. why were you sleeping in Egbert’s bed?” Merilwen asks
“I had a nightmare and I didn’t want to be alone.”
“But now I’ve got a bigger problem than nightmares”
“What’s your problem, Dobbo? Corazón asks
Dob squints at Corazón, but responds, “I’m in love with Egbert.”
“That’s not a problem dude! That’s great news!” Corazón responds
“Yeah it’s great to be in love” Merilwen adds
“Well yeah, but what am I gonna do?”
“You gotta tell him.”
“No, too much can go wrong.”
“Since when do you care about what can go wrong?” Corazón asks
“Since we’re talking about me possibly confessing my love to my best buddy.”
Merilwen opens her mouth to say something most likely reassuring but closes it at the sound of Egbert’s voice.
“Prudence, what in hell are you doing!?”
The others see Prudence come down the stairs carrying components for rituals and spells followed by Egbert carrying more components. Egbert goes to follow the warlock out the door but stops to look at Dob,
“Nice shirt” Egbert says before turning around and following after Prudence.
“Thanks” Dob says giggling a little too much.
He freezes and turns to Corazón and Merilwen, “what am I gonna do?”
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tarakaybee · 4 years
Oxventure Thoughts: Gnome Alone
Egbert’s back! Whilst taking care of his new baby Mike evidently looked at his abilities and learned about his second Channel Divinity for the first time (or should I say “Chanel” Divinity?). I especially love the really blase way that he mentions “Nature’s Wrath” and everybody else’s reactions.
Luke being missing was very unexpected, is he writing more stories or does he have something else in mind? I’m very intrigued, I still hope that Luke will continue to play as Dob, but I think it would be cool if on the alternate Fridays he DMs a group of different characters with the same players, I’d love that.
I really like that in the first half of the stream there was no quest and it was just all RP, I like that the story didn’t just start with the group randomly hiking yet again and that there was some plot that lead into the scenario. I would love if the hot air balloon made a return sometime soon, it’s a cool sounding vehicle for additional stories. 
I would love to see what their character sheets look like that they continuously read out incorrect numbers and fail to notice very useful class features, like Egbert having a buff against AOE things and Prudence outright claiming she’s not telepathic when she chose the one subclass in the Basic Rules that is literally telepathic as a passive LV 1 feature. Corazon’s health appears to change in between the two level ups for one thing.
Sadly another nerfed boss fight. A single Mind Flayer against four LV 7 characters is an Easy difficulty fight, and on top of that Johnny reduced the power of the stun attack to last one turn for some reason, as well as had the Mind Flayer fight the group on its own, which isn’t a very in-character thing to do for a creature that thrives on creating mind slaves.
Also, Johnny says that a 60 ft cone hits all four party members, he seems to forget that Corazon is hiding behind the Mind Flayer at the time.
I’ll just say now, Prudence holding the head of the Mind Flayer aloft after her kill is one of the coolest descriptions they’ve ever done.
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briannafrostgirl · 5 years
Hot take: The Titans is just literally the skeleton episode of the Oxventure but with more virgin shaming
Obviously evil creature just awakened from their obvious prison: what do you command oh master?
Gabrielle and Dob: I see absolutely no problems with this. Please build me an orphanage 🙂👍
Xena and Egbert: um... babe?
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Oxventure University/School AU
Because it’s part 2. Do watch out for a little gayness, you might catch it! Oh no!
When Percy had shouted that she threw rocks at him from her window he had not accepted the fact that maybe it could have set of a chain reaction that resulted in everyone airing out their dirty laundry at each other. 
So far Dob had shouted in agreement with the rock statement, hitting the delicate fancy-boy in the arm and making him grimace. Why did he have to sit next to him, surely everyone should know he hates people by now...maybe he should try and burn down a building. Seemed to work for Pru.
Talking of Pru she had then argued that she never HIT them. Merilwen then said that it was still unacceptable to which Egbert, with his meek voice muttered that she's one to talk.
"What do you mean?" Percival had decided to ask, from all he knew, which wasn't much since he hated paying attention to people, the gardening spirit had always been kind and maybe a little quiet but nowhere near as bad as Pru.
"I-I...ummm..I just mean she made a dude transfer to a 'special needs' school...right?" Egbert had then muttered out, visibly shuffling in his chair. Percival had known he was weird but not this weird. Despite this though he wasn't...bothered by Egberts habits, he found them quiet...cute.
"In my defence he kicked a mouse." Merilwen casually explains as if that makes it justifiable and Percival is horrified to see Dob nod in agreement. What kind of weird people is he stuck here with!?
Rolling his eyes and sighing, avoiding the sting he feels when he does so Percival watches the carnage go down. Rubbing the bridge of his noise he tries to reduce the migraine pounding against his head but it does nothing.
Apparently as he had been trying to wake himself up and rolling his eyes Dob had taken to squaring up to Prudence, Prudence had taken to poking Egbert about his past and Merilwen has taken to staring at Percival.
"What?" Percival snaps at the meek looking girl staring at him, giving her his best glare. For all he knew she was just asking him if he had a pencil or something but he couldn't take that risk, could get close.
"You are Percival M-" Merilwen starts and is quickly silenced by him snapping a quick 'yes' but she continues, "Aren't you the boy who drove over my prise poppies at the start of the year?"
Percival narrows his eyes and mutters a small, 'How do you remember that?' But nods.
He now knows that is NOT what he should have done. He should have denied it because now the short girl has him in a headlock, she is surprisingly strong for her smaller size.
Percival makes noises in pain as his head threatens to twist off before the door to the room swings open and he forces himself to be quiet.
He cannot be caught like this! Percival shakes with the thought of what his father would do if he heard that he had been caught in a headlock with the other children fighting.
“...okay...I'm just going to...If you promise not to hurt me I won't say a single thing about this." A confused voice calls from the doorway and Percival assumes Prudence nods as he sees a slightly blurry red blob move slightly from her position holding a golden blob under a brown blob. Percival doesn't recognise the voice; he considers maybe it is the new teacher that he hadn't met yet...
Percival slowly hears the door close and click shut as he wonders if he might need glasses. He then feels cool freshness return to his throat as he is released from Merilwen's grasp.
"Come on Mer, he's pale enough already. I thought you were going to kill him." Dob mutters to Merilwen who glares at the fancy boy but backs off further at Dob's request. Percival has to wonder if Dob was the one who stopped Merilwen's headlock.
In silence they resume their seats, Dob deciding again to sit next to Percival and making him uncomfortable.
"So what's the deal with you fancy-pants?" Prudence addresses Percival who huffs. He had a name; he doesn't like to use it but fancy-pants is no better.
"Nothing." Percival answers swiftly with a glare at Pru, he always though they'd got on but now he knew he was wrong. She turned on him just like he thought she would.
"Oh come on Percy! You wear that blazer constantly, even in summer, you only take academic higher classes, you barely speak and you're deathly pale." Dob lists and makes Percival wince at the name.
"Don't call me Percy." He grunts and death-glares the taller boy, giving his best vibe of 'I will punch you. I will also tackle you to the ground'
"Okay, okay. But please can we learn a little about you?" Prudence softly asks and heads turn to her, surprised at her soft tone. Maybe she's trying to trick them into false security.
Percival looks at the people in this room, no one would believe he actually likes these people, never mind told them anything about himself. No one would believe the wasted jock, the garden girl, the occult goth or the clumsy golden-boy...
"You already know about me."
"No. We know you're the son of..." Merilwen starts but cuts herself off, knowing he doesn't want to talk about it, "We know your name but we don't know you."
Percy rolls his eyes and shuffles as he realises Dobs arms are wrapped around his shoulders. This all sounds and looks like a terrible 70's movie. Plus it's almost time for them to go.
"Fine." Percival gives in and addresses Prudence, "What do you want to know?"
"What's with the hair Perc?" Prudence asks and the rest nod, Percival sneering but sighing as he agreed to this.
"Nothing "
"Oh, come on, you agreed to answer us. Now spill the beans on why you hate your hair." Merilwen stares with a smile, Percival's sneer dropping as she sees straight through him. It's not THAT obvious is it?
"I don't." Percival tries to deny it again, it's not like they would understand or not use it to tease him. He knows he's just a snob and that's how everyone sees him.
"Percival, you fiddle with it constantly, you freak out whenever it gets out of place though smile when it gets messed up after sports and you constantly have a hairbrush on you." Prudence notes and smiles at Percival giving her a small smile back, she knew he was not all snappy under his defences, "Either you have a problem that we need to address right now or you hate your hair."
Percival grunts but doesn't deny that Prudence has got him, he does hate his hair.
"Okay. Fine." He sneers and takes a breath in, "I do..dislike-Not hate!-my hair. It's always to one side, it frames my stupid face, it draws attention, it's a weird colour, it has to constantly be neat and the length is off. It needs to be shorter or longer or ANYTHING but what my father makes me have it as."
Turns out the quiet brooding Percival is quite talkative once you get him to talk and this surprises the people in the room, all except Prudence, she though he might be. It might be due to the sitting next to each other for a while in physics or possibly the fact she, during that time, noticed Percy's habit of fixing everything about him subconsciously or the stiff posture or the way his eyes dart a little too swiftly around every time something happens or the random opening of his mouth to answer questions or talk but the quick closure of said mouth a few seconds after, no sound coming out.
"Okay...Why don't you cut it?" Egbert asks to break the silence and Percival narrows his eyes as the blond, seeing if he's trying to make a joke.
"Umm..." Percival starts but realises by the expressions on the people’s faces he probably shouldn't load all his issues onto them this easily and simply refuses to accept that fact he can't cut his hair. Not with his father.
"I-I..umm..Guess  I could...actually..." Percival muses and fails to notice the bell ringing, signalling the end of their time here.
"See you dudes later, tomorrow probably." Egbert shouts as he stands up and marches out of the room, everyone assumes he's going back to his room to sleep. Sometimes he doesn't even make it to his room.
Percival wonders why the blond is so ready to leave them, is it possibly he hates them and will leave as soon as possibly when given the chance? Is Egbert secretly hating them....He has been awfully quiet. He probably hates them. Percy was just in the middle of a story. Does Egbert not want to finish the story?
"Yeah..I'm afraid I've got to go. Nice meeting you. Also, Percival, do it. You're worth it." Merilwen explains and waits for a second by the door to support the posh-boy. Maybe they’re all just tired, Percival thinks as Merilwen seems nice enough to tell him if she hated him.
"Really...what do you guys think?" Percival turns to ask the two remaining people, a spark of something just catching.
"You should do it. I don't like your hair like that anyway." Dob muses and Percival smiles slightly; he has one person who thinks it's a great idea and with Dob smiling at him he can't think of any reason not to do it.
"Yeah. If it makes you happy do it, that's how you make a better life for yourself. Don't care what others think or say, as long as you're happy and you don't kill anyone, do it." Prudence inputs as she slings her bag up and walks away, her hair and hips swaying. Percival wonders if she does that on purpose.
"Okay...thank you...Umm...want to...walk me to my car?" Percival asks the tall jock, who quickly grabs him and ends up dragging him down the stairs and to his car, his need to run more about being excited than wanting to get Percival out of his way quicker. In all honesty Percival doesn't know why he asked tis boy he met an hour or so ago to walk him to his car but he doesn't exactly have time to correct himself when Dob is dragging him down the stairs of the school.
This dragging ends with a huffing but smiling jock and a wide-eyed, hot fancy-pants.
"That was fun!" Dob exclaims and smiles, making the snob huff at him, he almost broke his legs getting dragged down those stairs.
"Oh! Wait!" Dob exclaims and Percival raises a brow, it's not like he was going anywhere. Dob looks down at the shy boy before reaching hand out and ruffling his hair, making the boy jump back in surprise. If there was ANYTHING Percival was expecting to happen today being..touched was not one of them. Disgusting! 
"There. Now you look better." Dob muses as Percival hears a car drive and park behind him. Percy doesn't know what he looks like but as he turns to look at the car, he catches his reflection and true to Dob's words he looks better. Of course Percy then remembers that his father definitely wouldn't think that and panics.
"Oh, come here you idiot." Dob laughs at Percy's panicked face before grabbing him and slowly flattening his hair and fixing it into a crude version of what it was before, all the while Percy is face to chest with Dob, wondering why him.
Quickly Percival walks away from Dob, keeping his head low and placing a hand in front of where Dob could possibly see his blush. Percival knows he really shouldn't be this easy to fluster, he's not even meant to show any emotion if his father’s example is anything to go by but he can't help it. Dob is strong, sweet and muscular. Plus...it's natural chemistry, right? He can't decide who he likes...right?
Dob stands there and waves a cheery goodbye as Percival's black car drives away, for the millionth time failing to notice Percival’s smile drop and the fact he looks like he's getting taken to a government facility.
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weirdponytail · 6 years
Ongoing DnD mini attempt: Young Deep Dragon
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Young Deep Dragon I’m attempting to form the base skeleton of before doing the usual hot glue. It’s wings are drying separately so I can get some curl to them. I’m hoping to run a variation of OxVenture’s Quiet Riot (swapping final encounter monsters) for my beginners group once we figure out where and when we can meet next.
At least, if they’re open to me running it. Our Dragonborn rogue (the broken cervix guy, who I just give good natured shit to all the time) threw his arms up with a “YES!!” When I offered to run a campaign or two, but then looked horrified and turned to our DM “Wait, NO! If she’s DM then Ket can’t be in the party! You gotta keep running it, man! You can’t take the Rocklicker away, I love her crazy shit!!”
Love that group. Really hope we can keep playing together. I already REALLY miss them xD
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cicaklah · 2 years
Oxventurinos! Fic Recs!!!
I don't know if you've realised but someone has started writing some ABSOLUTELY FIRE FICS but I don't think she uses tumblr, so I haven't seen them being posted...therefore it is my great pleasure and privilege to say please consider this an extremely enthusiastic rec for sabinelagrande's fics which ARE extremely hot and extremely funny and EXTREMELY GOOD and are:
For oxventure D&D:
Hell Raiser - Where Cthulhu demands that Prudence provide him with an heir, and she volunteers Corazon and Dob for the job. DELICIOUSLY hot.
Hell for leather - The gang have to infiltrate a bdsm society ball and Corazon is absolutely fine with it why would you ask. The banter in this genuinely made me laugh so loudly I startled the cat.
make up your mind to have no regrets - look, its got a lower case title so you KNOW she means business with this one so gird ur loins: Dob is undercover as a music teacher for young human ladies, so naturally they have to send Corazon in undercover. Everyone has feelings about this. New, interesting, confusing feelings. Absolute filth in the best possible way, I cannot underline that this is weapons grade sex farce.
for Oxventure Blades in the Dark
The nature of the female condition - this fic is so hot it makes me angry that I didn't write it because its such an OBVIOUS trope: Edvard needs a woman to test out his new invention. For science. Sexy science.
we knock each other senseless, love - Edvard decides he can solve life's problems by just getting married for money. Kasimir and Zillah have other ideas. Like, did I ship the three of them before? no. Do I now? Yes. That is the power of good writing, people.
try and take the high road - this came out THIS MORNING and it is marked as part 1/5 AND it says it 'bears quite a debt to watch me' and look, I am a simple woman with a complicated ego, you couldn't stop me reccing this just to smugly go INFLUENCED BY WATCH ME, YOU KNOW, THE SERIES WOT I WROTE.
But its also genuinely lovely and absolutely could have just been a porny post-dimmer hookup story. But there's going to be FOUR more chapters??? Oh also its Ghostly Japes too??? On top of being Edvard/Kasimir/Zillah???
Anyway all of these have been posted in like the last, two weeks or something, I'm swooning, absolutely swooning, but also I dont understand why she's got like, 1 or 2 comments when her stories are fire sex farces, aka the best types of fic ever.
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cicaklah · 3 years
I before i go tackle my inbox of ficlet prompts I just caught up on oxventure blades in the dark and have feelings about Zillah teaching Edvard to swan dive so...miiiild spoilers for the second episode of the Astor Gambit.
Walking the streets of Volisport, it's obvious that Astor knows his stuff, takes seriously security, probably to stop people breaking in and taking their stuff back, if half of what Edvard says was true. Zillah's not sure exactly how he manages to steal all of Edvard's good ideas, but she's got theories. Not ones she'll speak before she's given more hints, but she's a woman of the world. She's seen a spurned lover or two in her time.
Though, men are weird. It might just be common or garden betrayal, but if Zillah was a better rather than someone people bet on, she'd have a flutter that there was something emotional there too.
Edvard's muttering about how the upgrades on his zipwire are going too slow, berating himself for being distracted with mechanical men. Zillah interrupts him, "How tall do you think it is? In feet."
"if it's a regulation building" he says, "75 feet. But it's likely to have high ceilings. Say 85 to be safe, old girl."
She waves her hand. "Pfft. Easy. Come on."
"What? No, Zillah."
"Trust me. You trust me right?"
"Of course", and she likes that about him, how sincere he is, how this isn't a lark for him like it is for Barnaby or Lilith, and how he's still learning, not jaded like Kasimir. She feels kinship, both professionals trying their hand at this new world, determined to make a success of it.
"Then meet me tomorrow at...you know the furnicular stop at the magnolia wall?" He nods. "Okay meet me there at 11. Bring something to wear you don't mind getting wet."
When they meet there, he's wearing loose trousers and a jacket fastened over the distinctive striped woollens of a swimming costume. Hes traded his safety goggles for a pair of waterproof ones, and they're pushed up in his hair.
They walk the short way to the cliff face, and make small talk about the rubbish Barnaby has been spouting, and the aftermath of the last heist, until they reach a secluded spot known as cowbell drop.
He's a good learner, and it's fun teaching him how she wish she'd learned, rather than just shoving him over the edge and praying to her ancestors he won't die, or at least if he does he won't leave a corpse. She's always had affinity with the mysteries of the deep. Loved those stories the best, but whule she's never felt l'appel du vide, she's often felt l'appel du depths.
In return he explains why certain things work, but not in a condescending way, but as equals, as if she was a colleague at a university and not a brawler with a few too many concussions under her belt. He's produced a picnic as thanks, and it's a lovely day up on the cliffs, just the two of them and the seagulls. The sandwiches are good ham and sharp cheese and pickle, ladies choice, and it's been so long since someone bought her lunch for nice reasons.
Look, you've got the theory, she says. Just watch me.
She stretches, and notices he keeps his eyes on her face, respectfully.
As she turns to face the edge, Edvard calls her namr. "Aren't you going to change?" He stutters. Zillah looks down at her clothes, she picked her second best set on purpose, and shrugs. "Why? Saves a trip to the laundry this way," spreads her arms, and falls.
Diving had always been a pleasure, the closest thing she'll ever come to being a bird and escaping the seedy streets, no matter what Edvard says about his amazing icarationaries being close to being done. Man wasn't meant to fly, not when the gods made him so good at falling.
She breaches the water with a splash, and when she resurfaces she can just see the tiny figure of Edvard peering over the edge.
She swims to the side of the river and perches on a rock. The sun's nice and hot, now it's nearing midday, and she'll be dry in no time. She pulls out a pair of darkened glasses so as to be able to look up, no one wants to get cow sickness from staring at the sun, and watches Edvard prepare himself. So far away she can't see the detail, but she's sure he's psyching himself up. Finally, the figure stretches it's arms out and gives a little jump, and falls in a perfect swan dive into the calm blue waters. Zillah watches the shape under the water brace and then kick, and then Edvard resurfaces. He isn't half as scrawny as his slim cut suits make him seem, she realises as he swims towards her. Underneath, and in his soaking wet costume, his body is, well, fit. Fit and masculine and deliciously hirsute where the wool has sagged and exposed his chest and ridden up on the thighs from the downdraft. Behind her sunshades, Zillah takes a moment to appreciate him as he pulls himself onto the riverbank, his luxurious moustache dripping with river water, his compact frame nicely muscled, and the sheer delight in his ice blue eyes, and thinks "oh no."
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floret-botanica · 3 years
Headcanon asks: Merilwen + 5 (fear); Edvard + 10 (sleep)?
This has really reminded me that I do not think about Ox BitD enough and that I always envision the Oxventurers being happy. Challenging but interesting!
Not that long but it’s going under the cut anyway.
Edvard Lumiere — Sleep Headcanon
While I have not thought specifically about this, my characterisation of Edvard (so far) leans pretty hard into the whole "chaotic academia," impulsive inventor thing he has going on, so his sleeping habits are likely a bit of a mess. I imagine that he's one of those people who can stay up until one, go to bed and instantly black out for four or five hours of the deepest sleep you've ever seen, then wake up and just be fine. It'd take maybe half an hour to properly get it together and then he's on with his day. His mind is going all the time and anything that isn't the current number one priority is immediately forgotten, so he doesn't think about sleeping until he absolutely must and otherwise it simply doesn't occur to him to feel tired. I think if anyone got him to chill tf out he would immediately feel exhausted and be quite annoyed with them. 
This is very much inspired by two friends who I live in constant fear/awe of.
Merilwen — Fear Headcanon
I don't have too many thoughts about how Merilwen copes with fear, because she's generally less of a hot mess and probably seeks the advice of those close to her/finds ways to problem solve like a sensible person. I do think that she’s very afraid of rejection, and often finds it difficult to assert herself (or even "live her truth," if you will). I’m very fond of how Ellen has interpreted true neutral to mean that Merilwen very adaptable/changes to more closely match the people around her, and that’s often a significant aspect of my interpretation of her. She really wants to meet people’s expectations, even when they don’t match aren’t what she really wants for herself. Essentially, I think she has a hard time defining who she is outside of other people, which, combined with the fear that others might not like her if she does, means that she often just goes along with people and their (possibly inaccurate) perception of her.
Lots of this is mainly in my head because of a *very* vague polyguild modern fantasy AU (which only exists to make me happy), so it might be complete nonsense.
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