#hot demon dude
satsalloni · 2 years
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uuuuh what christmas special??
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sp4mja · 10 months
Also never going to stop thinking about Fit and Mouse's friendship. Mouse, a feared demon with the power to obliterate any creature but who is just a bit clumsy; and Fit, a simple but dangerous human who can kill in seconds and has a soft spot for anyone who needs help.
Fit saw this literal demon and said yeah I need to help her. I always think of the moment in Purgatory where Mouse was about to die of dehydration and Fit gave her water at the last second, or how he gave her materials all the time and drove her around in his boat.
And now Mouse trust him enough to leave her daughter under his care, and he's just a human!! Just a guy!!! I'm sure they talk to much shit when they hang out
Fit is like a magnet to dangerous creatures who like him enough to not kill him
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samijey · 10 months
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Reason #837423 why everyone should be a fan of Ilja Dragunov
bonus: RIP Nathan Frazer 😔
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currymanganese · 1 year
I am blessed to be sheltered enough that Mikey and Richie talking Claire up to Carmy is easily one of the more oafish conversations I've heard in my short life, not the most oafish mind you, that distinction belongs to some real men I've heard, but damn! It's certainly up there...I'm captioning that scene for one of my Sydcarmy edits that's up on YouTube right now and the secondhand embarrassment crazy. 🥴
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yumemiruuuu · 8 months
Wei Wuxian: Jiang Cheng please be fine, I watched the worst, most depressing movie ever which made me worry about you more 🥺
Jiang Cheng: You’re worried about me…???
Jiang Cheng: …. What movie?
Wei Wuxian: …..
Wei Wuxian: The Joker
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luckyarcana · 28 days
Mithrun is a transfem, but for lesbian elves shes hella butch.
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eddies-lips · 2 months
ngl most of the time when i get all giggly and blushy and kick my feet over a ship it's bc i'm laughing hysterically at myself for acting this way over fictional characters. like it is simply very funny that a split second clip of someones facial expression towards someone else can entertain me and bring me joy every day for literal years when in real life i have zero interest in romance or more. but fictionally?? when i can take myself out of the equation entirely and immerse myself in someone elses queer little world?? losing my mind. can not get enough.
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nwarrior777 · 1 year
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i couldn't choose the capture so here is top3:
if we agree than Izzy Hands from ofmd is hot, then we can handle farm woman & librarianess in their 50's and immortal fem demon romance, ama right
is it counting as threesome if you are having fun with the demon, but the demon is sharing the body with a woman also known as "totally normal librarianess, who is definetly not having a strange secret room in the library"
are those my new ocs?... idk you tell me (in the notes 👀 by "you tell me" i mean "do you want to see them more?" >:3)
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truantng · 3 months
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192/366 Linktree
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
Was there ever a time, ever a moment?
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Pairings:Aemond Targaryen × OC
Summary: "That bastard truly loves her. And she's been toying with him this whole time"
Warnings: Explicit language(more will be added later on, gotta come up w it first)
Multiple Chapters
Next chapter/s: 2 , 3 , 4
Thou shan't repost/ copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off!
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
A/n: Last time I posted on here was eons ago, can't believe I'm back. Anyhoo, I want to see that twat Aemond get his ass kicked by a hot demon chick who just so happens to be from Asshai (Gawd, I love that place sm)
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"And where is she?"
"Your Grace, no one has seen her since her arrival. Nor has anyone seen her men".
"I have heard tales of the Asshai'i ,they're an odd people. Live by their own means"
She didn't ever hear her lord husband's words. Queen Alicent scanned the throne room once more, in hopes of spotting her son's betrothed somewhere in the crowd. She could see the young prince's face in the corner of her eye, cocky grin on his face. Nothing but a mask, something to hide the anger that was bubbling inside. Alicent knew her son well. He was not happy with the news of the betrothal his mother had arranged for him. Surprisingly, he consented. As stubborn as he was, he knew it would be for the best to have Asshai as an ally. And yet, he couldn't help it but feel annoyed at this scene his betrothed was causing. The Targaryens hosting an entire feast in honor of the union and the other half wasn't even present.
"Ser Criston, send out a search party. Find them and have them brought here immediately."
"At once, Your Grace."
"That won't be necessary, Ser Criston. Alicent, that's enough. We cannot insult our guests like that, especially not our soon-to-be daughter-in-law. We'll wait."
Viserys didn't understand. Or simply did not care.
"My husband, they are insulting us! First they do not present themselves at court, now they refuse to attend the feast. What will the people say once they hear our own son's betrothed would dare show such disrespect not only to her future husband, but to us as well! To you, my King!" The Queen reasoned "We cannot have that, she must be brought here at once!"
King Viserys only shook his head. He would not have his wife spoil this feast by letting her have the Asshai'i dragged into the throne room as if they were some common criminals.
"Alicent, I said enough!"
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"So...brother... Looks like you won't be meeting your betrothed any time soon, aye?" Prince Aegon delivered through hiccups and drunken laughter, patting his brother's shoulder in pretend consolation. "Such a shame, you didn't even get to meet her before she ran off..."
"You're drunk, you don't even know what you're saying."
"Well, of course I am drunk! I'm happy for you, brother! I want to celebrate your marriage! That's why we're all here, right? To celebrate!" Aegon's attention quickly turned to the young servant that was pouring more wine in his glass. After a few seconds of ogling the poor girl, he turned back to his brother "That is, if there's even going to be one."
Aemond had learned to ignore his older brother through the years. Very little of what he said had any meaning to it. However, that bastard could still land a hard blow from time to time.
"Not to worry, brother! I'm sure we'll find you something...eventually" Aegon bursted into a fit of giggles and more hiccups.
"Do not pay him any attention, brother. She will come" Helaena, their younger sister, offered with a warm, reassuring smile. "Stone melts and vines envelope the cold of the night. The bat's teeth shatter as it bites down."
Aemond offered a faint smile in return, while his brother rolled his eyes at his sister-wife's words. Aegon gulped down his almost full glass and signaled for the servant to pour him another one, then turned back to his brother.
"Save it, brother. I care not for anything you have for me."
"Fine, fine. I was j-just trying to chee-"
The loud music, the buzzing of the crowd and his family, his brother's meaningless chatter,it all dissappeared at once. Even his anger dissipated. The world around him quieted down as Aemond looked over to the main entrance.
There stood a stunning young woman, surrounded by about a dozen men. Her shimmering black dress was in total contrast with her ghostly complexion, hugging her figure perfectly. She was staring straight ahead, her eyes not moving to look at anyone or anything around her. Blood red lips moving ever so slightly, she was talking to the man on her left. If he weren't staring at her face, Aemond would've no doubt missed it. She was stunning.
Her men were all covered in black as well. The group stood out like a sore, gloomy thumb. Just like their lady, they were all staring ahead, blank faces and eyes not blinking. Ever.
Suddenly the prince could hear his brother's chatter again. But that was it. The music had died down, so had the crowd and the remainder of his family. Now they were all hushed whispers and wandering eyes.
"Lady Vessard of Asshai! The Ubiquitous Thorok Ainū! Master of Shadows!" Someone's voice stated for all to hear.
"Why is she alone?" The prince heard his mother whisper, seemingly to herself.
"Lady Vessard!" King Viserys rose to his feet, the rest followed. "I hope your journey was pleasant!"
"Indeed it was, Your Grace."
Her words could be heard through the entire throne room, her voice ringing off the high walls, tone flat and words firm. She was moving towards the table the royal family had been sitting at, at unnerving calmness. Her men following close behind.
"My Queen, my King."
"My lady! I'm glad to have you with us at last! We were starting to worry, no one had seen you since your arrival in the capital earlier this morrow." Queen Alicent said.
"Ah, yes." The young woman replied. It was obvious the Queen was expecting some sort of apology. She was not going to get it from her though. "My companions and I decided it'd be best we get familiar with the city, seeing as we'd be spending a large portion of our time here." The woman in front of them said just as calmly.
"I may be the drunk one here, brother, but at least I know I ought to stand up in the presence of a lady." Aemond heard a faint whisper coming from above him. He looked up at his brother. Then around the room. Everyone was on their feet. All except him. He was so smitten with this mysterious woman, the king's second born son didn't notice the people around him stand up as she approached.
Aemond slowly rose to his feet, his chair dragging on the floor with a screech. He winced mentally. The woman's eyes immediately turned to him. She didn't say a word, just stared. Two incredibly large, incredibly black eyes staring at his blue one. Still not blinking. As if they were drinking him up. The normally confident prince averted his gaze.
"Oh, yes-yes! I don't believe you've met my son..." the King began.
"No, I haven't." the woman interrupted. "Prince Aemond." She nodded her head.
Silence. Then a small nudge on his left. He spared his brother an annoyed glance, Aegon was practically shrugging his shoulders at him and the woman in front of them.
"My lady!" The Prince shot at her loudly. She knew his name, and yet he had not even the slightest of an idea who she was.
"It's good to meet you at last."
"Yes,yes it is."
By this point, the whole room was staring at the pair. Observing the rather awkward moment the two were sharing.
Her men's demeanor had changed completely however. Suddenly they were all smiles, all knowing eyes.
"My lady!"
"Prince Aegon. Princess Helaena." Small nod of her head. A smile towards their sister.
"We've heard tales of your beauty, my lady and I must admit they come nowhere near the truth!" Aegon said loud and clear, as if he had completely sobered up in less than a few minutes.
"You have?" She asked playfully, her gaze returning to the prince Aemond. Then they turned to the empty chair on his right.
"My lady" Aemond was quick to get the hint. He circled around the table and stopped in front of her, hand out. She was at least a foot shorter than him, long black hair and sharp, yet somehow soft features. The lady flashed him a toothy smile,dimple appearing on each side of her face. Long fingers found their way around his forearm.
Aemond walked them both over the table, while also trying to prevent himself from stumbling over his own feet. As he even so gallantly offered her the chair next to him, he took another look at the men that were escorting her. They hadn't moved an inch. The same smiles from before still plastered on their faces. The prince sat back down.
She looked at him and then at her men. With a short wave of her hand the dozen men in front of the table dissappeared in small puffs of black smoke, gasps from the people in the room following short after.
"Well, shall we have some music then?"
King Viserys said as he looked over at his son who was staring with amazement at his future wife. He had yet to learn of the true powers the Asshai'i possessed.
The throne room came back to life. The heavy air around them was no more. Aemond, even if not by much, felt slightly better than he did few moments before. Both in soul and mind. Like a heavy curtain he wasn't aware of previously, suddenly got yanked from in front of his face. Everything seemed brighter, even the music was louder than before. He could've swore he could make out the conversations of the people down below them.
"Oh, Prince Aemond..."
His head snapped towards her so fast, he winced a bit. He hoped it went unnoticed. It didn't.
"Yes, my lady?"
She let out a soft laugh. To him it came out as a song. One he'd love to hear over again and again.
"Seeing as we're soon to be wed, I think it best you call me by my name. Rebonna."
"Rebonna." Prince Aemond whispered to himself. Then he realized what he did. A blush crept up his face.
This did not go unnoticed by the lady either. She laughed again, her eyes lighting up a bit.
"Yes, Rebonna."
She smiled, red lips pulling back to reveal white, sharp teeth. Aemond offered a small smile in return. The young prince was so consumed by her mere presence, he missed how the light dissappeared from her eyes and how they darkened by a few shades. The fact that she hadn't blinked once through this whole encounter slipped his mind too...
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gummy-sharks666 · 11 months
Dudes with fangs and horns do something so evil to my brain ,,
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perfectserenad3 · 2 years
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Fanart for the “One Hell of a Story” webcomic because it’s the tits. You should read it. Like. Right now. GO GO GO: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/one-hell-of-a-story-bl/list?title_no=766136
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zuffer-weird-girl · 1 year
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Your honor, I love him.
I'm sorry tanjiro but he is SO- UGH
I'm a true simp for this man. A TRUE SIMP
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allthehues · 4 days
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Take My Hand
I was listening to HONEY ARE YOU COMING by Maneskin when I made this cause when I hear Damiano David’s voice I think of this scoundrel 🥺💕
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
still thinking about how one of my first yyh meta posts got reblogged onto an sjw cringe comp blog in the year of our woke 2022. truly tumblr dot com, the last bastion of progressivism, has fallen (<- sarcasm) and also i'm kinda baffled that they didn't choose like. me putting yusuke in a skirt or something
#the post was a joke about how sensui might've been lackluster/bad DID rep i liked that all 7 of them were on board with wiping out humanity#like a LOT of my yyh content would make really good fodder for this kind of blog and they went for THAT?? damn#i could probably run a better sjw fail blog than them. i won't bc i choose to spend my time on equally unproductive yet nicer things but#like. guys my he/him nb bi arospec yusuke content is RIGHT THERE. the trans hiei stuff. the kuwameshi rants GUYS IM PRACTICALLY#SPOONFEEDING YOU DELICIOUS NUTRITIOUS CONTENT AND YOU CONTINUE TO SHOVEL DIRT IN YOUR MOUTH INSTEAD#note: i don't think i've actually posted about yusuke being arospec but it might actually be my strongest hc about him#nb yusuke is mostly bc it makes me happy and a tiny bit bc of his approach to gender social norms and group divisions#i think he would think gender is stupid yknow? why the hell should he be a man just bc a bunch of ppl decided it for him?#i think it touches on his anti-authority + anti-chivalry thing well. he has a certain kind of openmindedness to him (emphasis on 'certain#kind' there) visible in his approach to fighters and demon-human relations#bi yusuke is bc he has some of the most 'yeah obv i'd fuck a dude guys are hot. this is an opinion everyone has' energy i've ever seen#but i think arospec yusuke touches on his arc (esp his relationship with keiko) much more prominently#anyway i think it only ended up on there bc someone rbed it talking about a limitation in my perspective (judging 90s rep by 2022 standards#and while i think the points raised were largely valid the guy who made them seems to have been in that kinda circle#also this post reminded me that i (probably?) haven't made a joke on here i've been making to myself for years so im gonna go post that now#anyway most of you weren't around for that so i thought this would be a fun bit of lore to share
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kitnapz · 1 year
i dont think any other show has had an impact on me as huge as awae. that show consumed my entire life for months and months when i was 15 and nothing has changed its so so dear to me
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