#hot couple shot
nateezfics · 7 months
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hongjoong’s vlog is so boyfriend coded, and he did that intentionally. this man knows our delulu asses love this type of content from him, cuz he’s aware of how down bad we are :))
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imthursdaysyme · 6 months
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arwen spotted at the club and who are they if they don’t pose when a cameras in front of them
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kinnbig · 1 year
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Kinn trying (and failing) to forget about Porsche
KP Anniversary | Underrated Moments [5/?]
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breezypunk · 11 months
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Off the grid.
I'm currently in the process of giving Goro his own custom facial complexion. I use Kala's Liam complexion for Vaughn, and I love it bunches, so I decided to put it on Goro as well, but I've been tweaking it a little to my liking. This is a WIP right now, and I'm still working on it because I don't want him to appear so much "younger" but rather, worn.. Since this will mainly be his nomad complexion. This was just my first approach, I do think it takes away his "older" look, but not entirely. He still looks.. well gorgeous as ever, and it was so funny when I first checked it in game how equally terrifying and hot he looked lmao.
Anyways I took these kind of spontaneously because I wasn't going in for a photoshoot, but he looked too good not to take photos, but since taking these I have tweaked the complexion more, and he does in fact look more worn out, aha. I had to give him more eyebags and I gave him a couple new scars as well, and also defined his current ones so they show more. Overall I love him and I wanted to pamper him, so yeah this is just a teeny thing. ♥
I've also been wondering if I should give him a couple more smaller tattoos, but that's for another WIP hehe.
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kenjakusbraincum · 11 days
the neighbor shop owner was so fucking hot today
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bright-cloud · 5 months
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Miscellaneous screenshots of my little cleric: Basil ✨
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keepthetension · 10 months
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NO??????? it's clearly not dissolved yet what the FUCK are you doing oh my GOD
there's so much of it left, too, that's lightly flavored fizzy water at best so DIY la croix then lmao
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I've just realized that I use youtube exactly the same way I use pinterest.
Liked videos=profile
My brain really just sees media I like and goes "sort it bitch"
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bleaksqueak · 1 year
I wanted to ask you a couple questions about the school structure for the Veil if you can talk about it. It seems like the academy and university are fairly closely linked but do they operate basically the same as our hs/uni do? Like picking a major/trade kind of thing. I think I saw that Audric was listed as a post grad but still a trainee so is there reaper uni classes then a sort of practicum afterwards? I hope this makes sense. I’ve tried to write this ask 5 times now
So, I spent some time rooting around my files, because a long while back I drew a map of the campus grounds for the spire...but now I can't find it, so i wonder if it's one of the unfortunate victims that got jumbled when I moved to my new machine. Ah well. But yes! They're quite literally linked, since that's why I even went looking for the file. The two campuses are side by side and share certain amenities.
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so these are some super rough unfinished concept things from my files, but this ought to at least show the physical setup. There's a primary school within the spire as well. Somewhere in there. I haven't decided yet, not that it ultra matters, so let's just say it's somewhere in the middle. As for how they operate-- You got it already, more or less! The schools themselves are famous for their reaper program, having been founded by the same scholar who founded the organization itself. Of course, with Veil attuned students being one of the rarer attunements, the island's --uh, resources , to put it kindly, and the focused study needed to train those who would take on the veil's blight, the schools have a bounty of academic wealth to impart on hopeful magi graduates as well as those seeking to become eidolons. So there's several fields here that will gain a shining education in their field if they put in the hard work (... And, strangely enough, they have a pretty good classic lit department.) Using reapers as an example, the path would be as follows: Enrollment to secondary school and all basic curriculum classes as normal > attunement > undergrad prep courses for the reaper program if it's accepted (most do) > first stage of graduation undertakes the Eidolic Aperature (Uncap Ceremony, breaking the limits of magi's natural magic limit) > If successful, second stage will complete the full graduation ceremony and go on to university > training /studying intensifies, focusing more on study (the nature of liminal tears, wraith winds, corruptions, and the tools reapers operate) and choosing which field they will pursue in the program, while all are given a basic training course in specific magics and hunting techniques that ramps up until > completing the four year program, grad students engage in full trade training, working as the island's main service of hunters, scouts and sentries. Audric is currently in the final stage of this, hence the gossip quoting him as "Just a student, but practically the real deal." Primary school is fairly standard as can be, but it's a bit more fun to learn those classic subjects when you have the fun of enchanted textbooks and a kind, quirky siren for a teacher who plans fun aquatic fieldtrips. At least she tends to be everyone's favorite (She's also a grad level professor who works specifically with Aetherbiology majors and Reapers in their first years of university. She's one of Audric's favorite professors-- if not his top favorite.) Lichgate in general is something of an outlier for how its schools operate, though. It isn't exactly standard practice to smash them together at the very top of a spire, or to offer such an exacting focus from the moment of enrollment (on in some certain cases, attunement) until you've essentially gained your equivalent of a doctoral/masters. The location sitting right on the Veil's most unstable liminal tear is to thank for that-- and of course, even if you don't care as much about your education, it somehow manages to be the safest campus. As long as you follow the rules, obey curfew, don't wander off, and do exactly as your professors say during any off-spire excursions, especially.
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c0rpsedemon · 4 months
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quick sanrio haul . kuromi + her pj's from build a bear and cinna overalls + my melo charm from hot topic
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
I miss y5 so much kiryu is trying his best to just be some guy and everybody in the world keeps trying to seek him out and tell him no ur not
#Yakuza loveblog#like NO YOURE NOT it was your endorsement that made daigo chairman it was your street cred and influence that made so many things happen and#people still listen to you and you still have a job to do .... i do wish i could get driven around by that hot taxi driver though#like literally i do like aizawa because he made a fair point about daigo being chairman#sohei dojima was a pos but the dojima family was extremely influential in the tojo clan and yayoi YAYOI <333 🔥🔥🔥 was acting chairwoman for a#time that was crazy ... like howd she get up there !!! and then she just bailed#anyway daigos her son and she wanted him to be chairman so he was chairman and it was during a crisis period too and daigo just had to step#in to clear some things up and he ended up literally being chairman forever and he outlasted charman 3 to 5 i do lole him hes awesome#like i really like the fact that kashiwagi and yayoi were running the clan in yk2. power couple. also i like to think they were using the#hq as a hotel and just living there because it would be funny and theyre ALWAYS there#anyway daigo didnt even want to be chairman thats the difference between them he wishes he could be a punk again but now hes a politician#and keeps getting so shot and comatose every day like he has lasted so long but hes the chairman that has taken the most damage#he literally is just a little baby too like all his associates or almost all are older than him its so funny#i am completely dumbfounded over the fact that daigo literally sought kiryu out and asked him directly for advice and kiryu was like figure#it out ho and daigo is saying are you saying i should be more independent? and then he killed himself#daigo-chan lets go kill ourselves. okay majima-san.
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writebackatya · 1 year
this joke from Hot Shots! except it’s Della and Selene on the beach of Ithaquack and Donald is the guy in the canoe
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beesinspades · 10 months
pros of starting T: many in the long term
cons of starting T especially during a streak of anxiety-caused health issues: wondering if I'm about to die every time I get a new symptom
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i'm sorry i can't hear you over the sound of the DOA movie being the greatest film in existence
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floral-hex · 1 year
It’s a nice, quiet afternoon. Everything is peaceful. So why am I being hit with anxiety?
Maybe I need more coffee.
#I don’t but I like coffee so… 🤷🏻‍♂️#I just need a special little treat for my bad bad brain#it’s Memorial Day so drs are closed but I’ll call tomorrow and ask about starting something new to chill me out#buspar was a no go so… vistaril?#god I tried a prescription of vistaril maybe 8-10 years ago and it just made me drowsy#like boosted benadryl#just added a layer of drowsiness on top of my anxiety so I felt extra helpless#BUT! I’m willing to give it another shot#and I hear from some people that if your body can adjust to the drowsiness then you’ll be left with mainly good effects#well… I’ll take sleepiness as a side affect over ‘oh god I feel hot under my skin and I’m scared’#I’m not really super anxious right now. just… I dunno#walked out of the room to a quiet dark house feels so empty and lonely and I feel alone and the future is lonely and terrible and and and a#just chill dude it’s all good#the last couple of days getting out of the house and being around people was really nice#buuuut now I’m back to a quiet bedroom with just me#like going from this living breathing place to the small dark dead room#so I’ll turn on some lights. turn up the tv. let the sun in. remind myself there are other people out there#this world’s not dead yet#it’s not ending. it goes on and on. I just have to be aware of that.#this is a downer!#things are good! today is good! I promise! brains are just stupid!#it’s a wet lump of electrified tissue and it’s fucking shit up for me dude#I need to get my shit slonked bro. emotionally.#you can ignore this#text
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onyxhellebore · 2 years
My mother is engaging in some real Mrs. Bennett behavior and I am losing my MARBLES.
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