#he always greets me with a smile but didnt strike up conversation yet
kenjakusbraincum · 3 days
the neighbor shop owner was so fucking hot today
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tigerlilliz · 5 years
For you, I would- Anthony
Drabble Challenge!
This was was asked by @3pawandme <3 Hope you like it!
Just a little disclaimer that the story features some violence.
I'm still learning tumblr and I dont know how create a link to click away to in order to finish reading the story 😣 So I'm sorry if it appears super long to some people. It's juicy though hehehe
91) Sorry, I'm protective over the things I love.
Desi hadn't left her room since last night. Her eyes were puffy and red from the tears she cried. She sat on the edge of her bed for she dreaded having to go downstairs. Luckily, she had a few minutes to get ready before she would be called to dinner.
With Caesar hosting a special meal tonight for some of the leading men of the legions. That of course means, Antony would be coming as well.
"I cant let him see me like this," Desi murmured, frantically searching through a bag of cosmetics for anything that can conceal. She had made the decision to wear her hair down today. She thought to herself maybe the change in style and a splash of color added to her face would be enough to disguise the fact her lip was swollen.
Everytime Cleopatra angered Caesar, he would find a way to take it out on her. And it seemed like Cleopatra was doing that a lot more lately. She was barely around anymore. There were whispers of the queen being seen leaving the villa with an different men. It was as if she were taunting him. Something was different last night, however, it was the first time he struck her. She thought back to when Sabina spoke of Aquila striking her for giving her attention elsewhere (by writing poetry). For Caesar, however, his rage grew from the fact that Desi didnt appear jealous of his time with spent away from her to be with Cleopatra. He wanted her to miss him and when he asked is she did, she replied, "No. I dont know you well enough to miss you yet." He was so used to people telling him what he wanted to hear that he couldnt accept his advances has yet to win her over too. It happened so quickly, he didnt realize that he hit her. His ring cutting away at her lip. She kept replaying that moment in her head. She couldn't act irrationally for it would ruin all she worked for and possibly ruin her ability to gain information for Antony.
With one more brush of her hair, she exhaled and made her way down the stairs. She smiled sweetly greeting the legates and soldiers who were standing throughout the room awaiting for Caesar to call them to the table. Desi took her seat which was a few spots down from where Caesar's usual seat. If she had to be there, she needed it to be on her terms. He was vain in the sense that he preferred to sit in the middle versus the head so he embellish in the admiration of those all around him.
Caesar entered the room as the men cheered. His hand grazed Desi's shoulders as decided to sit beside her.
"It's about time you came down" Caesar asserted as he ran his hand up her thigh under the table. Desi adjusted her chair in attempt to create some distance between them as Caesar commanded the men to take their seats around him.
Caesar stood up raising his glass before addressing the guests. "Welcome! I am pleased to announce that we are moving forward with our plans regarding the remaining members of the Senate."
He knew to remain vague the details of his plans whilst Desi and the servants were about. At this time, Antony walked in and took his seat at the empty space left directly across from Desi.
"Antony! Your timing is impeccable as always. I was just informing everyone of our decision to finalize the plans we discussed days prior." Antony nodded as he encouraged Caesar to proceed. However, his words became background noise to Antony as noticed Desi's effort to avoid making eye contact with him.
Antony nudged at her leg under the table in an attempt to get her attention. It worked for a moment as he was able to look at her long enough to exchange a smile, but she did not return it. Antony always calculating, noticed her subtle flinch the moment Caesar grabbed onto her shoulder during certain moments of his speech.
Antony was staring harder than ever now almost in a daze. He could hear a strong repetitive sound in his ears as he didnt realize that Caesar was calling his name.
"Antony! Right...Antony?" Caesar repeated as the soldiers all turned towards Antony awaiting his response.
Antony nonchalantly nodded as Caesar continued, "Then Antony is in agreement. We cant let anyone get in our way or know of our plans. For I am Caesar and no one says No to me." Caesar looks beside and and abruptly pulls Desi up by her arm. His grasp was tight enough to leave Mark's on her arm, the table shaking enough to mess up the placement of the silverware and plates across the table. Caesar exclaimed, "Even this former warrior whimpers in front of me and obeys my every command." His hand behind her head, he pulls her to him closer gesturing for her to kiss him.
The men began to holler out, "Hail Caesar! Show us, Caesar." This was only encouraging his behavior further. Anthony silent as the cheers around him only intensified the anger building up inside him. She jerked her head to the side at the last minute forcing Caesar to kiss her ear instead. Infruitated feeling embarrassed but also disrespected in front of the soldiers, with a quick brush of his hand, she smacked Desi who fell to the floor. She looked over at Antony before turning away hiding the tears that ran down her face. It was then that he noticed the swelling as the blow smeared the color on her lips.
Antony jumped to his feet shouting, "That's enough, Caesar!" Antony's voice was commanding and forceful, quickly silencing the commotion occurring in the room.
Caesar turned his attention back to Antony. "This doesnt involve you, Antony. It's best if you know remember your place around me!"
Antony was not afraid of Caesar. Not in the slightest and definitely not today. "Interesting coming from a man who wouldn't have secured Gaul and what's left of Rome without his trust stead. How easily we forget who really leads the legions and appeals to the people."
The soldiers looked at each other in shock as the tension grew around the table. They knew the hand that fed them and the one that fought not only with them, but beside them too. Antony was right, they would follow his orders into the depths if he asked them to.
Caesar and Antony stood staring at each other before Caesar added, "You will regret this stand against me."
Antony laughed to himself as he looked around the table. "I'd be curious to see how far you get in executing your plans without my input and the backing of the legions." He broke his gaze only to look over at Desi who had sat up to her waist partially hesitant on leaving the room and in disbelief of Antonys showmanship towards her.
Antony tone now much softer. "Desi, why dont you head upstairs. You dont need to be here for this." Desi noticed the soldiers who looking at her with sympathy now realizing just how hard Caesar hit her. Desi nodded while slowly picking herself up off the ground as two soldiers ran over to assist her. Their hands patting away at her dress as small pieces of chicken fell to the floor. She just noticed the fall had caused her plate to spill.
"Thanks" she spoke softly to the soldiers. She wrapped her hair behind her ears before exiting the room.
A few soldiers followed suit, dismissing themselves from the table waiting for the next set of instructions from Antony.
Caesar stood quietly as you could see a glimpse of regret wash over his face. Desi had been the one of the few constants in his life since she was gifted by Antony. He was really starting to take to her and it bothered him that he may have actually set himself back with her. She's stood up to him before, she was strong like that, but the way he struck her today, the look on her face, he realized how damaging his power can be. Caesar replied, "Very well. I think we should reconvene in an hour after everyone has had a chance to cool off."
The soldiers returned to the main hall splitting of into small groups where they resumed their previous conversations. Caesar lightly grabbed Antonys arm as he moved to walk passed him. "You know I couldn't have gotten this far without you." Antony paused briefly, saying nothing leaving Caesar at the table. Antony passed through the hall and headed up the steps.
Desi's door was closed, but he had hoped she wouldnt mind if he stepped in. Antony creaked open the door closing it behind him. Desi lie in bed sitting up enough to pat the empty spot beside her. He laid propped up beside her, but deliberately above her sheets. He wanted her thinking he had a different motive for coming to see her.
"I can't..I guess what I mean to say is" Desi scrambled as she was trying to find the words to say. Antony placed his finger over her lips and began to speak, "I apologize for not noticing sooner. And for you to have to see my anger" he sighs , "it's something that I try to shield from from."
Desi placed her hand on his cheek, her eyes memorizing his face in this moment. "I would never ask for you to stand up for me. Especially to someone whose allegiance means so much to you. Im able to fight my own battles, but after he hit me yesterday for not answering the way her wanted. I just didnt have the strength to do it today too. What you did down there, for me, it may not have been your intention to mean as much as it did, but it meant everything. Because you...you are what keeps my world from falling apart."
She noticed a single tear drop from Antony's eye. He turned away as he took her hand into his. "As you are to me, Desi. You were always someone who could fend for herself and, because of that, I didnt worry as much about your time spent here. I wouldve never asked this of you if I knew for a moment he would hurt you. I knew there would be times where you would be placed in danger and I couldnt protect you, but I never imagined... he would I hit you. There are countless ways to assert authority, but not like this and not with you."
Desi laid his head on her chest as she gently stroked his hair, his breathing slowing down to match hers. Desi added, "What if he decides to retaliate against you for standing up to him as you did?
Antony inhaled deeply and replied, "Sorry, but I'm protective over the things I love." He pulled her hand to his lips kissing her fingers softly before lowering it once agian. "And besides. He knows I'm right and what I spoke was the truth. The reason I made it this far with him was because he knew the company he kept with me. He knows he can rely on me to te him the truth about everything whether it be a truth that appealed to him or something he despised. So He couldn't have expected anything different from me today. How could I have looked at you again if I hadn't intervened when I had the opportunity to protect you for once?"
He lifted his head, leaned in, and kissed her softly on her lips mindful of the swelling. She smiled as her tears stopped, the first time in days.
"And that smile right there, I'd fight a hundred men if it meant that smile would never fade again." Antony grabbed the cloth and ice beside him as he placed it over her lip. He held it in place as she rested by his side. Antony didnt mind playing guard as he knew her feeling safe would allow her to finally catch up on rest. He sat with her until she began to dose off her. He covered her with the blanket, kissed her forehead, and quietly closed the door behind him. He had a meeting to run in a few minutes and Caesar expected him to show up by his side. And that's what he would do, with her sleeping knowing he didnt leave her side, he could return downstairs with a clear mind.
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lifeasitis21 · 7 years
Meant To Be (Part 2)
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Pairing: Pietro x Reader
Summary: Part 2 of my story Meant to Be. Part One here. And for those of you waiting for this, thank you for your patience! I hope you enjoy.
Warnings: Injuries
Blood was dripping down your forearms, comms were down. All you could hear was static.
You could feel yourself fading, first would be the dull pounding headache, then the blurry vision. You were losing blood, and quick.
“Fucking bastard.” You spit through gritted teeth, holding one hand to your torn abdomen and another to the wall to steady yourself.
Just a couple more feet and you’d be out, you could see the moonlight seeping through a crack in the door at the end of the hallway.
10 feet. 5 feet away now. The room was spinning. Warm blood now trailed down your thigh. Leaving puddles of it in your wake.
Your arm weakly reached out towards the handle, 2 feet away.
In front of the door now he stood. Like a prison wall between you and life.
Your legs had given out by now. On your knees, you looked down at the hole in your stomach, the blood staining your hands.
You looked up into familiar eyes. They were filled with love. It made you sick.
“Let me out.”
Your plea was met by silence.
“Let me—“ you muttered weakly. “Le’me out you son of a bitch. You son of a bitch! You did this let me out!”
You screamed it with all the strength you had left. The sounds of pain and agony intertwining themselves within your blood curdling scream.
You jolted up, the echo of your own scream fading in your mind as you clutched the sheets around you.
Your head was damp with sweat.
It took you a moment to recognize your surroundings as your eyes adjusted to the darkness.
“I’m okay.” You whispered, chest still slowly rising up and down. “I’m okay.”
It was early, probably around 5. That was when you usually woke up after a nightmare. And no matter how many times you tried you could never fall back asleep.
Whenever you were overseas and this happened, you would jog to the nearest beach, or into the deepest forest you could find. But here, the only escape was to succumb to the noise inside a city that never slept.
You rolled out of bed and threw on some jeans. Now that your identity wasn’t hidden, you felt that you had to be on edge. You hated that, but you were used to it.
You pulled a beanie as low onto your head as you could and left the loft.
This part of town was actually pretty quiet so early in the morning.
You had to go to the tower sometime today anyway and it was only about a 30 minute walk.
You just hoped someone would be awake, as to avoid awkwardly waiting in the living room until someone showed up.
The security guard saw you approaching and ran to open up the door for you. He seemed to have taken a liking to you since you showed up. He was an older guy, maybe in his 40’s.
“Good morning Frank. How are you?”
You smiled and tugged at your beanie. Fiddling with the fabric as he greeted you.
“It’s pretty early Y/n. I didnt expect to see anyone.” He said, convincing you that he was emotionally invested in whatever your answer would be.
“Couldn’t sleep.”
That was enough for him. You were a person of few words, and he understood that you didn’t mean any offense by it.
“You have a great day then miss Y/n.”
You got off the elevator on the fitness level. Maybe if you got your blood pumping, it would tire you out enough to pull your mind from that stupid nightmare.
At Clint’s suggestion, you’d left a bag with some clothes and toiletries in one of the lockers. If you ever needed to crash here you could, but for now you changed into some workout clothes and put in some headphones.
The gym was empty, only lit by the early rising sun. You kept the lights off and headed for the punching bags. It always felt good to release a little tension by beating the crap out of something that couldn’t fight back.
It had been a couple minutes and you were beginning to lose yourself. Which is what you’d hoped would happen.
A few yards behind you entered Pietro, he wanted to get in his workout for the day before the gym got crowded. But to his pleasant surprise he saw you across the room. Your back was to him, and he could see the wires of your headphones swaying back and forth as you moved around the bag.
In the blink of an eye he was standing right behind you. Unwisely, he placed a tentative hand to your shoulder. It took you no time at all to grab said hand and pull it down over your shoulder, followed by his entire body.
He landed on his back in front of you with a thud.
“Jesus christ. Pietro, what the fuck?!” You shouted.
“Ugh, la dracu pe mine.” Pietro took a moment before standing up. “Good morning to you too Y/n.”
That brought a smile to your face, you bent down and grabbed his arm to help him up.
“I’m sorry about that. You–just surprised me.”
A grin formed on his lips. “If that’s you surprised, I don’t want to see you angry.”
You returned to your bag and threw a couple more punches, expecting him to walk away and do his own thing, he didn’t.
“So, what are you doing here so early? I know you didn’t sleep here,” You shot him a sideways glance as he continued. “So you must have come from your home.” 
He waited patiently, like a child waited for a present on his birthday. 
“Sometimes I like to work out. Get some of my energy out when I can’t sleep as well.”
“Who said I couldn’t sleep?” You said, jabbing a few more times. 
“Well, excuse my assumption frumoasa, but if you could sleep, wouldn’t you be sleeping?”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little, finally taking the bait and giving him your full attention. 
“I go back to sleep, just happens sometimes. And when It does, the only thing I can do is go somewhere or do something, so I came here.” You rested one of your arms around the bag and watched him watching you. You found the way he looked at you strange. Most looked at you like a puzzle. Minds buzzing to try and figure you out. You hated that. But Pietro, he looked at you like a painting hung in a museum. Something that was in and of itself complete and whole. He was just a bystander lucky enough to see it with his own eyes.
A jingle began to play in your headphones, it caught you off guard and you jumped a little. Your phone had begun to ring, when you pulled it out a silly picture of Clint with his tongue sticking out popped up on your screen.
You glanced up at Pietro before taking a few steps away and answering.
“Y/n hey.” He sounded in a rush, “How fast can you get here? I need your help.”
“Well here as in the tower? I’m already here. Downstairs.”
Pietro felt a little out of place listening in on your conversation, but as you’d turned to talk, he couldn’t help but notice how much your workout gear was doing for your curvy figure.
He stopped himself, of course…But every time he did he couldn’t help but glance again. One thing he couldn’t risk was you catching him. After strike one with that young recruit, he didn’t want you thinking he was a jerk. Did he find it easy to seduce women, yes. Did he flirt with them often, yes. But he didn’t want you to know that. And maybe that meant something.
“Uh, Yeah. Okay I’m my way up.” You turned to Pietro, who seemed to be very interested in something on the top of his shoe and said, “Clint needs my help upstairs, says he’s in over his head? Do you know what that’s about?”
“In over his head?” His head tilted to the side ever so slightly. His accent did something to you, you couldn’t deny it. You loved hearing him talk. “It may have something to do with him agreeing to host some national leaders for dinner tonight, promising they would enjoy a home cooked meal, and then forgetting he doesn’t know how to cook.”
Sounded like Clint.
“We better go then.” You said as you turned. You hadn’t even thought before you simply expected Pietro to join you, but he didn’t say a word about it, just followed close behind you all the way upstairs..
“Oh–my god.”
As you and Pietro approached the kitchen you could smell it before you could see it. And when you did see it, well. It was bad. 
“Oh thank god you’re here. Y/n I may be a little fucked right now.”
“No shit.” A blood splatter like pattern of flour littered 4 of the 6 cabinets. At least two eggs had either fallen to the floor or just cracked right there on the counter. 
“So we have some guests coming for dinner. And I decided to cook up some of my famous double chocolate brownies…I may have forgotten a few steps of the recipe so–”
“A few?” Pietro chimed in. “I’m pretty sure you don’t own a fucking cookbook, much less follow the steps of said cookbook.”
You walked towards Clint and used your thumb to wipe a clump of…maybe egg whites, from underneath his eye. 
“What about the dinner part of this dinner?” You asked.
Clint rolled his eyes. “That is going to be provided by one of Tony’s finest caterers. I told him my only job should be dessert. Then he told his caterer to make a cake, so my job is the dessert that people will have the option of eating.”
“Just tell us what you want us to do old man.” Pietro laughed. He grabbed an apron and tied it around himself, and then he handed another to you. “I think you might need this prinţesă.”
You took the apron from his hand and tied it around your waste. You were starting to grow found of his little nicknames. 
“Okay Pietro, whats the next step?” You held your flour covered arms over a bowl full of what you hoped would turn out to be a good cookie dough. Pietro had gotten assigned instruction reader after Clint asked him to crack an egg into his bowl and he had just crushed it in his hand, shell and all.
“Stir the cookie batter until it is wet enough to stick together.”
You looked down at the bowl, which at this moment only contained dry ingredients. “Yeah I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” You looked over your shoulder at Pietro, who had an open bag of chocolate chips that he was pouring directly into his mouth.
“Pietro. You didn’t tell me any of the wet ingredients yet.”
A devious grin formed on his face and he pushed off the counter he was sitting on and leaned in towards you. “Well dragă if it’s wet you want, leave it to me.” He was close enough for you to feel his breath on your neck, and holy shit were you okay with that?
“Okay, my god kid just read the directions!” Clint interrupted.
You laughed when you were embarrassed apparently, you didn’t know that until now.
Things were actually coming along. It was almost 5:00 and you guys were on your last batch of cookies. The caterer was supposed to be there at 6:00 for the party which began at 7:00. 
“I think we’re going to pull this off.” Clint sounded very surprised. Way too surprised for someone who agreed to this in the first place.
“And Y/n. You two still have enough time to get ready for tonight.”
You looked at Clint for a moment and then up at Pietro, hoping he understood what Clint meant.
“You know, for tonight, the thing we’ve been cooking for all day.”
“Hmm, yeah no. You didn’t say anything about me going so you know I’m not..going.”
Now both Pietro and Clint looked at you like you were crazy. 
“Y/n. Please.” When he said your name your eyes found his. “Don’t make me spend my evening with a ton of pretentious assholes. I mean, if you don’t go I will most definitely be the only.. interesting person there.”
By this point Clint had trained himself to automatically roll his eyes anytime Pietro talked.
You on the other hand, couldn’t help but notice the stall before Pietro said ‘interesting.’” 
You were really doing this. Knowingly walking into a room filled with people who would run if they knew even half of the things you had done.
Luckily Natasha gave you access to ‘anything in her wardrobe that you wanted.’
You chose a strapless black midi dress with floral print on the corset. 
You couldn’t even remember the last time you wore heels, and as soon as you put them on your feet began to hate you. Only a few hours of polite smiling while you pretended to know or care about what anyone was saying. Not too bad. You could do that. 
 A floor below you, you could hear the chatter of arriving guests. You didn’t want to do this, not even in the least bit. A quiet knock at the door startled you out of your trance. You opened it a crack to reveal two green eyes leading up at you. It was Wanda. 
A disarming smile graced her lips as she placed a tentative hand to your door, encouraging you to open it. 
 “Are you ready yet Y/n? I don’t want to walk down alone.” Her voice was sweet, very motherly. 
As you pushed open the door you saw the deep red of her long ball gown. Her hair was pulled up tight into a bun and that same smile was still on her face.
 Without a second thought, she weaved her arm through your own and guided you towards the stairs. “You look absolutely gorgeous Y/n.” 
 If you were honest, you really felt it too. Looking down at Wanda on your arm, you felt safe. Which is something you hadn’t felt in a long time.
 As the two of you got closer to the stairs, the noise grew louder. Between the music, and the crowd of people you now saw, the first thing on your list was a drink. Apparently Wanda had felt the same way because without a word she led the two of you to the bar. 
 As you all but glided across the room, eyes fell upon you. You could feel them staring. And the twinge you started to feel in the pit of your stomach was not a good one. Beside you, Wanda squeezed your arm a little, pulling your attention to her. 
 “I know what you are thinking. A life on the run will do this to a person. But I guarantee you, the stares are not ones of malice.” 
 As the two of you arrived at the bar, Wanda ordered for the both of you. When your drinks arrived, her choice surprised you. 
 “Whiskey neat has always been a favorite of mine.” She swirled the amber liquid in her glass and took a sip. 
 Not wanting to be fully aware at this party for much longer, you did the same; savoring the feel of the alcohol warming your insides. 
 From across the buzzing room, Clint caught your eye and smiled big. He made his way over to the two of you with a glass of champagne in his hand, his cheeks beet red. “Ladies, great to see you this evening. And may I say Wanda, you look amazing.. and Y/n.” He turned to you with what seemed a confused look. “I don’t know if I should be a ‘proud older brother’ or a ‘protective father figure’ right now but either way you look beautiful.” 
 “Holy shit,” You laughed, “that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” He stayed by the two of you and talked your ears off about the multiple high class attendees that made it to the party. In all honesty you could care less, but he seemed excited and you were proud of him.
You felt a presence at your side and turned to see Pietro. He’d kept it simple, just dark blue suit and white shirt, but god did it catch your eye.
As he stood beside you he shamelessly looked you up and down. 
“Măiculiță Y/n.”
This caught Wanda’s attention and she whipped her head towards him. “Watch your mouth brother!” She hissed.
Pietro only caught your eye.
“Not too bad huh.” You said, giving him a half a twirl.
“Breathtaking.” Was all he said, eyes wide. But the way he said it; the honesty in his voice, the captivation in his eyes.
A grin began to pull at his lips. “I didn’t know you had been so worried about trying to impress me Y/n, but rest assured, you have.”
Aaand he’s back.
The rest of the night was increasingly better after Pietro had found you. He made you laugh like you hadn’t in a long time. His personality changed a bit after he’d had a few drinks. But it was a good change. Like he was beginning to let his guard down.
“Don’ worry. I’m not embarrassed to say. My first time was…less than satisfactory.”
You almost spit out your drink as Pietro continued. Was he really about to go there?
“…there was chocolate everywhere by now. She was saying something about not liking the feeling of it. I was confused as to what went wrong, until the next morning..when I saw that the chocolate I bought was the kind that doesn’t uh..tu stii, stay soft?”
It took you a moment to understand what he meant. 
“You mean the chocolate that hardens–”
“Yes! Thats it!” He laughed and took another sip of his drink. The joy in his eyes shone bright as he watched you.
“So what about you? What was your–”
“Absolutely not.” You said with a smile. “You aren’t as bad as I thought you were..but still no.”
He parted his mouth a little and tried to look offended. “Well thanks for that. I’m glad I’m not as horrible a person as you thought I was.”
That made you laugh and feel a bit guilty at the same time. “Oh, no! That’s not what I meant. I–” The smile that had been stuck on his face faltered as a woman approached the two of you.
He glanced over first, pulling your attention from conversation.
The girl you’d seen in the training room approached Pietro with a grin on her lips and a twinkle in her eye. She’d gotten much more confident and much more familiar very fast. She draped her arm around his shoulder and stared at you head-on. Obviously secure enough with Pietro to do so without even acknowledging him.
“Y/n. It was such a pleasure to learn from you today. The way you and Pietro went at each other today–” Pietro tensed up just like he had the other day, but Jordan wasn’t giving in so easily this time. “To be honest, it made me a little jealous. After last night though,” She said, leaning close to his ear.
Before she could continue doing, whatever the fuck she thought she was doing, you stood and grabbed your drink. “I didn’t think recruits were allowed on this floor.” You glanced down at her, and for the first time all night you were grateful to the heels.
She stuttered moment before responding. “They are if someone invites them.” She glanced over at Pietro as she spoke, but he was now on the offensive and physically removing her arm from around his shoulder. 
From what you could gather, he was explaining to her that he’d told her that her presence wasn’t a good idea. But you didn’t hear much more as you walked away.
Your body went cold as you left. Behind you Pietro ached as he watched you, but you weren’t going to do anything about that.
Whatever it was he did with her last night was banging at the door to your mind but you were doing everything in your power to keep it out. 
As you made your way to the stairs you passed Natasha who you hadn’t even seen all night. 
She beamed up at you as she saw you and you felt guilty passing her after she’d lended you her own clothes. 
“Y/n, you look amazing! I’m so happy you made it.” Her eyes were glazed, a big smile on her face.
“Of course I made it. I had to show off this beautiful dress you lent me.”
Her mouth fell open as if she’d just realized that was hers. 
“O’my god! You have to keep that. Please, I won’t take it back. It was made for you.”
Drunk Natasha was apparently extremely nice, but you glanced behind you and saw Pietro surveying the room, most likely looking for you, so you said your goodbyes and made your way towards the elevator instead. The only place you wanted to be right now was not here.
You made it onto the elevator before Pietro saw you, but not before Clint had followed you on.
“Quiet the party if I do say so myself. I spent half the night watching the dessert table and surprisingly, a lot of people went for the brownies I made. I mean, that is–”
Your silence caught his attention and he looked over at you. The quietness of the elevator as it carried the two of you downstairs was deafening.
Clint was the only person who ever saw you cry, he was there for you at your weakest point, but it had been so long since you needed him like this. You hated that you did.
Without another word, Clint followed you out of the tower and just stayed beside you as you walked. He knew you were headed in the direction of the apartment, but he knew if he wanted to get anything out of you he would have to wait for you to talk.
And you didn’t until the both of you were inside the loft. 
“Should I pour us a drink?” Clint asked as you walked up stairs.
“Better bring the whole bottle.”
He waited for you downstairs as you changed into something more comfortable. As you walked down you noticed him swirling his drink, waiting for you to join him.
As you did you took a big gulp of the bourbon he’d picked. You could feel his eyes on you. You had to give him something.
“I have these, nightmares now.” You started. “Almost every night now. I’m hurt, bleeding out. And I’m trying to get out of this building. I don’t know where I am, it’s always so dark.”
“I push myself to the end of the hallway, and every night it’s the same. Someone is standing there, blocking the door.”
“Someone, or…”
You glanced up at him, but the moment you caught his eye you looked back down.
“It’s Mark.”
He started to become uneasy now.
“Y/n you know what this could mean. All of that sounds painfully familiar and it seems like you are purposefully ignoring it.”
You hated how right he was. 
“Tell me this then. All those years ago, when we met. I found you close to death.  And that son of a bitch was nowhere to be found.” 
“Oh, fuck Clint.” You yelled, standing from the table and walking away.
“Honestly, have you never thought that maybe the faceless person who shot you in the dream was you remembering that it was–”
“Clint, please just stop.” You warned.
You ran your hands through your hair, tears covered your cheeks.
“Y/n. I know it’s hard to think about someone you love, betraying you. But maybe you didn’t know him as well as you thought. I know I didn’t know him but you have to consider that he may have been the one who–”
“Mark couldn’t of shot me because I killed him okay!” Your chest rose and fell sporadically. Clint was rendered speechless as he watched you.
“When you found me we’d been on a mission. I–I told him we shouldn’t of gone in alone. He told me to trust him and I did and it got us both caught…They tortured us both. Mark had information they wanted. Things he hadn’t even told me. There was nowhere else for us to go.”
Clint stood and slowly walked over to you. You were shaking as you spoke.
“He knew I wouldn’t get out with him. I could see it in his eyes. He’d given up. We both had but he-h wouldn’t let me…after forcing him to watch as they tortured me, they shot me and pushed me over into a corner. The minute they left the room I forced myself up and I picked up a gun…The last time I looked in his eyes was the day I, killed him. I..I killed him. I left him there–”
Clint held you close to his chest as you sobbed. He held your weight for you. You could barely breath through tears, much less move.
You repeated those three words to yourself. The reality of Mark sinking in.
“Y/n. You didn’t kill him. Do you hear me? You did not kill him.”
He placed his hand on the back of your head and wished he could take your pain away. 
“You saved him in the only way you could Y/n.” 
Clint lifted you up and sat with you on the couch. He stayed with you all night.
The next morning Pietro woke up with a dull thud in his head. After you’d left the party he pulled Jordan aside and told her whatever it was they had going on was over. It was a lot of yelling. All of which he knew he deserved.
He didn’t know how he was going to fix things with you but he knew that when he looked at you, when he heard you laugh, it was the first time in a long time he’d felt like that. And he was willing to do whatever it took to get that back. In whatever form it took.
He saw you leave last night with Clint, so he remembered to order a black coffee along with a Vanilla Chai for you. He left the drinks outside your door, knocked and then left.
Baby steps.
You were due back at the tower for a training lesson you’d promised Natasha and Wanda you’d be there for. No one knew anything about this, and you would rather go than be asked later why you didn’t. 
“Y/n, they would understand if you didn’t show. It’s not a big deal.”
The last time you saw this side of Clint was 7 years ago. So protective, you appreciated it, but after all that time you’d learned that this life didn’t leave you much time to feel sorry for yourself.
Clint was in step right behind you as you went to leave the loft. As you opened the door, you all but stepped on top of the cups outside your door.
“–what the fuck.” You took a giant step over top of them to miss them. 
“Did you order coffee’s or something?” You asked him. He looked just as confused as you were. 
“The bad planning and consistency of ignoring my actual coffee order and getting me a black coffee says Pietro all over it. He do something to piss you off?”
“Do you even have to ask.” 
It was a cold morning, so the two of you opted for a taxi to the tower instead of walking.
The streets were eerily quiet. As you pulled open the front door, the unmistakable smell of blood over took your senses. 
A few feet from you you saw Frank slouched down on the ground, holding his hand to his shoulder that was gushing blood. 
“Frank!” You yelled, beginning to rush to him, but before you could even make a move, a forearm grabbed you around the neck and yanked you hard in the other direction. 
They put a gun to your head as Clint ran in after you. His eyes fell on you before they found Frank. 
“Help him.” You were able to mutter. The arm grasped down around your neck harder with every move you made.
“Just, let her go.” He said, hands warily extended towards the gunman. 
“I did that once. I won’t do it again.”
That voice made your blood run ice cold. 
Behind Clint, you heard the elevator ding as it arrived on the ground floor. Someone must have heard the gunshot.
Pietro and Steve rushed out of the elevator but came to an abrupt stop when they saw the gun to your head.
He leaned in close to your ear, sending a shiver up your spine. Tears streamed down your cheeks. “Last time I saw you, I was dead.” In front of you on the wall, you focused on the reflection of yourself in the picture. “But don’t worry too much about that Y/n. Cause like always, you were right.” Next to your face, you unmistakably saw the face of the man you’d let go of all those years ago. 
“Mark..” Was the last word you could get out before a blunt thud hit the back of your head and your world went dark.
Tag List: @jaderbugz @a-girl-who-loves-disney
@chillnadia @pietrosprincess
@cojootromuelle @smexy-bucky-waifu  
@maragaretcarter  @tomhollambucky
@supersleepyfangirlthings @shortstoryimagines
@omg-fuck-i-love-you @thebutterflyxx @posiemax
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