#hot chocolate prompt
littleseasiren · 1 year
Hot Chocolate
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Mostly fluff
Words: Just over 700 words
A/N: Welcome to day 2 of Flufftober. Alternative Prompt: Hot Chocolate. Hope you enjoy! Thanks @flufftober
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The sound of thunder booms in the small apartment, windows rattling at the display of nature's power. Your clothes are dripping with rainwater, causing your whole body to shiver.
"Here you go, doll. Why don't you climb in the shower and get warm while I grab you some clothes? I'll set them on the counter for you," Bucky says as you enter his apartment.
A hot shower sounds divine. "What about you? You must be freezing too?"
"I'm used to the cold, I guess years in cryo can do that to you. Plus, I have the serum, so I'll warm up fast. I promise, as soon as you jump in the shower, I'll change into dry clothes. But you need to warm up quickly. I don't want you to get sick."
"You're so sweet, Bucky."
The lines by his eyes crinkle as he gives you a soft smile, "I have to take care of my best girl, don't I? I plan for you to fall madly in love with me, so I need to keep you healthy for the next hundred years or so."
"Hundred years? That might be pushing it, you'll get tired of me eventually."
"I doubt it, doll." He leans down and kisses you slowly, making you feel so cherished that a tremor runs down your spine.
Hasty, he breaks the kiss and turns you towards the bathroom. "Shower now, babydoll," he growls, mistaking your shiver for being cold. He gives you a gentle nudge and watches as you leave with a smile on his face.
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When you enter the kitchen, you find him stirring a pot over the gas stove. "I'm making some hot chocolate, have a seat on the couch, and I'll join you as soon as it's done."
"Mmm, I love hot chocolate, especially with weather like this. I told Steve the weather was going to cause issues with our mission, but the idiot didn't listen," you huff as you sink down onto Bucky's soft couch. You pull your socked feet under you and stare at the gorgeous man in the kitchen. How did he manage to look so sexy in a soft jersey, sweatpants, and socks? It should be a sin to look so good.
"Of course, doll. Steve should have known that the car we stole would break down miles from home and leave us stranded in the rain. He's Captain America, he should think about these things!"
Laughter bubbles out from you, Bucky is so adorable! "Exactly!"
Bucky pours the hot chocolate into two cups and then hands you one as he falls down onto the couch next to you. You take a small sip and then groan in delight as the taste explodes in your mouth. "OMG, Bucky! This is delicious!"
A small blush appears on Bucky's cheeks at your words. He still struggles with accepting compliments, regardless of whom they're from. "Thanks, my mother always had this idea of a decadent hot chocolate recipe that she wanted to try when the war was over. I remembered bits and pieces, so I tried to make what I thought she would have liked. This was the result."
Your heart bleeds for Bucky. Every day, you discover something new that was taken away from him in some way. You knew without asking that he never saw his mother and sister again after he joined the war. He was either too busy fighting Nazis or he was a captive of Hydra.
"I'm sure she would have loved this, Bucky. It's so chocolaty, rich, and creamy, it's to die for!" You take another sip and moan again at the amazing taste. It was like drinking melted chocolate but better. "Jeeze Bucky. I don't want to sound weird, but I think this might even be better than se-"
Bucky cuts you off before you can finish your sentence. "Don't say that, babydoll, or I'll have to prove you wrong, and we're not at that stage in our relationship just yet," he says with a smirk as he looks down at you.
"Fine, but I'm holding you to high standards, Bucky. Especially after this hot chocolate."
"Duly noted." Bucky laughs as he pulls you into his side and wraps his arm around you, making you forget about the drink in your hand.
Well, almost.
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hot chocolate
Hot chocolate
Sometimes the only thing that can save a day is a cup of hot chocolate.
"I brought you some hot chocolate. With the little marshmallows you like."
"Hot chocolate bombs are so fun to look at." "Hopefully they also taste good."
"We need some blankets. And hot chocolate. And a really cheesy movie."
"Have you tried spiked hot chocolate? Life changing."
"Put some more marshmallows on there. And cream. A lot of cream. We need calories."
One Word Prompt Lists
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tutterypuff · 10 months
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You peek inside your mailbox on a cold winter's morning and... What's this...? An invitation to a winter ball handwritten and addressed to you! For the feast of Winter Veil, Becky is having a princess themed party, and would love to see you there!
Draw your characters in their fanciest, frilliest winter regency clothes, and tag with #WinterPrincess2023 to attend!
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abhainnwhump · 1 year
Whumpee feels like they don't deserve love, help, or happiness for the intrusive thoughts they can't control.
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keldae · 7 months
Winter prompts: whipped cream on the nose post-hot chocolate
Baldur's Gate was a warm city, situated on the southern Sword Coast – for most of the year, it was pleasant, if humid and frequently drizzly. Devi had rarely had to worry about the cold during her childhood in the Lower City.
Waterdeep, being further north than Baldur's Gate, actually experienced winters, as Devi found out. She burrowed deeper into the blankets in her and Gale's bed, shivering at the cool air inside the tower. When she reached out a hand to Gale's side of the bed, she only found cooling linens, and not the warm body of her husband.
“Ignis,” she heard from the foot of the bed, and a moment later, she heard the whoosh of a fire igniting in the expansive fireplace. She heard a chuckle before Gale came up to her side of the bed, gently shaking her shoulder. “Wake up, my love,” he murmured, kissing her cheek. “It's morning.”
“‘s cold,” Devi grumbled, burrowing into the blankets. The fire Gale had just spoken into existence hadn't yet warmed the air sufficiently for her liking.
She heard Gale chuckle as he gently pulled down the coverlet over her. “It snowed last night,” he said, kissing her cheek again. That got Devi's attention; she rolled over enough to look at his smile. “Come and see.”
The promise of snow, a rarity in Baldur’s Gate, was enough to pull Devi out of bed. She shivered as she pushed the covers back, and immediately felt Gale wrap her robe around her slim shoulders as she stood up. He had magically heated the garment, along with her slippers; she sighed happily, wiggling her toes in the soft footwear. “Gods, I love you,” she said with a soft laugh.
“Just for heating your slippers?” Gale grinned, then took her hand in his and drew her to the balcony door. “Look at this!”
Devi gasped as Gale opened the door to the balcony, and not entirely due to the cold air hitting her face. Waterdeep was covered in a thick layer of white, fluffy snow, and more was still falling from the grey clouds over the city. She stepped out onto the balcony, cautiously extending her hand for a few large flakes of snow to land on her palm, turning to drops of water on her skin. With a little laugh, she looked up at the sky, watching more snow come falling down, blinking as flakes landed on her eyelashes.
“Beautiful, is it not?” Gale asked, leaning against the doorframe with a fond smile on his lips. “Have you seen snow before?”
“Not like this,” Devi answered, twirling in the falling flakes, and immediately squeaking as the motion made her robe rise, exposing her legs to the cold air. “Snow was so rare there, and never lasted long enough to look like this!”
Gale smiled, stepping out onto the balcony to wrap his arms around Devi. “Was this worth waking up early to see, my dear?” he asked with a chuckle.
Devi nodded and stretched up to kiss him. “Thank you, love.”
“Of course.” Gale fondly returned her kiss, then tugged Devi closer to his chest. They remained still for several long minutes longer, watching the snow fall, until Gale hummed. “You're shivering,” he murmured, rubbing Devi's arms through her robe sleeves. “Back inside, my love. Don't worry; it will probably keep snowing all day. You won't miss anything.”
It was cold, Devi had to admit. She nodded and let Gale draw her back indoors, moving to stand in front of the fireplace as the wizard secured the balcony door again. “Do you have classes to teach today?” she asked, holding her hands closer to the flames.
Gale shook his head. “Not today,” he said with a smile. “Which means you will get to experience a perfect snow day today.” He approached her from behind, his hands caressing her stomach, just starting to swell with their babe within her. “And I have plans to make sure that it is perfect for you.”
“As long as I'm with you, it will be perfect,” Devi murmured, smiling as Gale kissed her. “First in my heart.”
Gale smiled and kissed her again, then released her. “Get dressed,” he softly said. “I'll go start breakfast for us.”
Devi smiled as her husband kissed her once more before taking his leave of the bedroom; once he had left, she turned back to her wardrobe, looking for the warm sweaters and pants he had insisted on buying for her in anticipation of her first winter in Waterdeep. 
Gale had insisted on bringing Devi out to the public gardens after breakfast, taking care to make sure that she was warmly bundled up. And truthfully, it hadn't taken much coaxing from him to get her to agree. Holding Gale's hand through the gloves they both wore, she walked through the park, snow still falling over the city. The other residents of Waterdeep seemed to have the same idea – other couples strolled along the snowy paths, while children raced with gleeful abandon through the drifts. Setting her free hand on her concealed belly, Devi watched as a group of children started building rudimentary walls of snow and throwing snowballs at each other, with laughter and shouts drifting through the falling flakes. Other children were busy assembling statues of snow, using sticks for arms and pebbles for eyes and mouths. “It's like something out of a story,” she said with a smile, her eyes soft as she watched the children playing in the snow.
At her side, Gale chuckled. “Ah, yes. I spent many a winter as a child playing in the snow, engaging in winter warfare and building fortresses. One year, my friends and I managed to construct a fortress that was easily ten feet tall, with ramparts and a moat. We were the undisputed kings of the park until the spring.”
“A ten foot tall fortress?” Devi laughed. “Did you use magic for it?”
Gale shifted slightly. “There may have been some magic involved,” he admitted as Devi's grin grew wider. “But there was plenty of manual labour too! Both from ourselves, and the fathers and elder siblings we recruited to the cause.”
Devi laughed, imagining Gale as a child, packing snow into a tall wall with mitten-clad hands. “The snow battles that year must have been legendary.”
“Oh yes, they most certainly were,” Gale confirmed with a wink. “Although we were all banned from winter warfare after Elminster was caught in the crossfire of one such battle.” He grinned ruefully as Devi doubled over with her giggles. “Truthfully, he held his own perfectly well, considering he bewitched our snowballs to chase us through the park. Let me tell you, Mother was not amused when she heard about it later.”
Still giggling, Devi tried to imagine child-Gale fleeing from enchanted, flying snowballs. “Oh, hells, I wish I could have seen that,” she laughed. “It doesn't surprise me that Elminster retaliated like that!”
Gale grinned, if a little sheepishly. “It was great fun. He still threatens to conjure up new snowballs to chase me with, on occasion. And I'll take it as a personal kindness, darling, if you don't encourage him to do that.” With a chuckle, he gently adjusted the scarf around Devi's neck. “Are you still warm enough, my love?”
Devi nodded and stretched up to kiss Gale’s cheek, uncaring of who might see her kiss her husband. “Yes, thank you.” She smiled fondly as he gently rubbed his nose against her own. “This feels like something out of a fairy tale – walking through the snow, with my darling husband, watching children playing in the fresh snow…”
“And you're due for another treat when we get home,” Gale promised her with a wink. “Am I correct in assuming you've never experienced a hot chocolate before?”
Devi tilted her head curiously at him. “What's that?”
Gale chuckled. “My favourite winter beverage. I have my mother's secret recipe for it memorised – I'll make it for you when we return to the tower.”
Chocolate had been one of those luxuries that a Lower City urchin would never have been able to even dream of sampling, even with how good thieves Devi and Jehn had been. She smiled happily at Gale. “I'm excited to try it!”
Gale's eyes softened as he kissed Devi's forehead. “And I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Come on.”
An hour later saw Devi curled up on the couch in Gale's study, bundled under a soft blanket and with a book in hand before a roaring fire, Tara sprawled comfortably across the back of the couch, purring away, with Scratch curled up on the floor before her. She could hear Gale puttering around in the kitchen, preparing their treat; when she sniffed the air, she could smell something sweet and heady wafting through the tower. 
She looked up from the pages of her book when she heard her husband's footsteps approaching the study. Gale appeared in the doorway of the study, holding a loaded tray in his hands; he paused, his eyes soft as he gazed at her. “This is a sight that I could look at forever,” he murmured. “You are the picture of peaceful contentment, my love.”
Devi smiled up at Gale, setting her book down. “I feel completely happy,” she said. “I'm warm, and comfortable, and being spoiled by my handsome, caring wizard – how could I not be happy?”
“If only you knew just how happy having you in my home makes me,” Gale softly said, stepping closer to her. “Mere words do not adequately describe my happiness with you.” He set the tray down on the table before the couch; two mugs sat on the tray, white cream on the surface not doing anything to suppress the tendrils of steam wafting off the top. A plate of biscuits accompanied the drinks. “Hot chocolate all but requires biscuits to go with it,” he said with a chuckle, handing one of the mugs to Devi before he sat down beside her, his own mug in hand.
Smiling, Devi accepted the mug, taking a curious sniff. “It smells really good,” she said – she eyed the mug for a moment longer before tilting it to her lips. Her eyes went wide as a warm, rich, sweet drink flowed over her tongue; as she swallowed it, it seemed to spread a pleasant warmth through her entire body. She shivered in enjoyment, and started to take another sip, then looked up when she realised Gale hadn't moved. He was still watching her, a fond smile on his face.
Seeing that he was caught, he chuckled. “And what are our first impressions?”
“It's so good!” Devi said, taking another sip of the drink. The second sip was every bit as delightful as the first – she smiled as the sweet taste lingered on her tongue. “And you grew up drinking this?”
“Only on special occasions,” Gale grinned. “But your first snowfall in Waterdeep is a worthy occasion.” He sipped his own drink and sighed happily, then chuckled at Devi. “You have a little something on your nose, darling…”
“Hmm?” Devi tried to look at the tip of her own nose; if she strained her eyes, she could just see a vague white smudge in the centre of her vision. It must have been the cream topping the hot chocolate, left behind on her nose.
Gale laughed, then leaned in to kiss away the evidence on her nose. “Gods, you're adorable,” he said with a fond smile. “How did I get so lucky as to have you as my wife again?”
“Gale, if I didn't already love you more than life itself, and if we weren't already married, I would ask you to run away and elope with me again, just for this hot chocolate,” Devi said with a grin. “And then there's the reading to me, and how you snuggled away all my bad dreams, and how you spoil me now…”
That got a chuckle from Gale. “You could have stolen anyone's heart that you wanted, and you still chose me when I was at my lowest point. I am the luckiest man in Faerûn.” He kissed Devi again, this time on her lips, then sat back and took a sip from his own mug. “Spoiling my perfect little wife is one of my greatest pleasures in life, my love. And the aforementioned perfect wife should let me spoil her more.”
“You already spoil me plenty,” Devi said with a laugh. “I'll become unbearable to live with if you keep this up.”
“Never.” Gale grinned, then settled back in the couch cushions. Devi shifted enough to snuggle against his chest, feeling him comfortably wrap his arm around her to hold her close. She glanced to the window, seeing snowflakes still falling outside, and smiled, utterly content with her life. This, as far as she was concerned, was the perfect happiness she had never thought she would experience in life. She was warm, and comfortable, with a delicious treat in her mug and her husband's arm around her, and their unborn child in her womb.
This was perfection. And she wouldn't trade this for anything in the world.
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seaside-writings · 8 months
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Hello and hi, all you wonderfully, jolly people! I'm back with yet another prompt list for my "12 Days of Prompts!"
This one is based on the hot chocolate-themed gifts that I made for my managers and co-workers that some of you might have seen.
Because what's the Winter and Holiday season without some good, old-fashioned hot chocolate and some new-fashioned hot chocolate!
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day.
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays: Celia ❤💚❄⛄🎄☕
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"You know, I heard that hot chocolate makes everything better," - "Whiskey? In hot chocolate? Really?" "You want it or not," - "We could make hot chocolate and go walking around the neighborhood to look at the Christmas lights," - "How many cups of hot chocolate have you had?" "I stopped counting after ten," - "One hot chocolate coming right up!" - "Drink your hot chocolate and then we'll see about opening a present or two," - "When I was your age hot chocolate was one of my favorite drinks," - "Finish up your hot chocolate and then it's off to bed with you," - "Come on, I know a place that makes amazing hot chocolate," - "Whoever invited hot chocolate knew what they were doing,"
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Types of Hot Chocolate: ☕ Hot Chocolate ☕ Spiked Hot Chocolate ☕ White Hot Chocolate ☕ Mint Hot Chocolate ☕ Candy Cane Hot Coco ☕ Slow Cooker Hot Chocolate ☕ French Hot Chocolate ☕ Vanilla Hot Chocolate ☕ Sugar Cookie Hot Chocolate ☕ Nutella Hot Chocolate ☕ Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate ☕ Snickerdoodle Hot Chocolate ☕ Chocolate Chip Hot Chocolate ☕ Cookies and Cream Hot Chocolate ☕ Red Velvet Hot Cocoa ☕ Cheesecake Hot Chocolate ☕ Irish Cream Hot Chocolate ☕ Frozen Hot Chocolate ☕ Lavender Hot Chocolate ☕ Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate ☕ Hot Chocolate Float ☕ Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate ☕ S'mores Hot Chocolate ☕ Maple Cinnamon Hot Chocolate
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
Your reindeer
12th December - Fluff
Chase Stokes x Reader
Summary - Chase dresses up his doggy, Milo as a reindeer. You and him cuddle on the sofa with Milo and hot chocolate.
Word count - 998
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You sat on the sofa, cuddled up with blankets as you waited for Chase to get back with your Hot chocolate and movie.
“Chase, are you going to bring my hot chocolate?,” You shouted, he is taking quite a long time, wondering where he got up to. You stand up, his dressing gown dragging along behind you as you walk to the kitchen.
“Hang on buddie, I’m getting your duckie,” Chase tosses Milo, his dog his toy. Him gladly taking it into his mouth with a happy woof, “Such a good boy,” he ruffles his fur.
“Oh my,” You gasp grinning, “We got our own little reindeer,” Milo runs to you, barking at your presence.
“Yh, I’ve dressed him up because I thought it was cute,” Chase bends down to kiss your lips, “I wanted to surprise you but this one was too excited, weren’t you baby boy,” Chase strokes him, Milo keeps barking excited, “Yes, you were,”
“Here Milo,” You toss him his duck after he dropped it, “Good boy, such a cute baby,” You hugged him, ruffling his fur.
“He’s getting more cuddles than me!” Chase playfully huffs, crossing his arms as he pouts.
“C'mere then, you big baby,” You laugh, taking your two boys into your arms, “You know that I love you both just the same,” You wink, Milo barks happily to you and chase, before running off again to see his duckie that he loves on the floor.
“I know,” Chase smirks, taking you into his warm embrace, “I am going to make you that hot chocolate, princess,” He gets off of the floor, helping you up.
You hug him from behind as he makes your hot chocolate, “And you say I’m the clingy one,” Chase chuckles, pouring the milk and chocolate into the cup, putting it into the microwave.
“Mm,” You hum, Chase pops you on the counter, him now between your legs, “As you say, sweetheart,” he kisses your lips passionately, taking your tongue into his.
“I love how you taste,” Chase whispers into your lip, “You look so cute with my clothes on you, look at my hood over your head,” he stares in awe.
“You do?” You giggle, “I do to you too,” You express, hugging him as he lifts you up, your legs wrap around his waist. Chase carries you to the sofa, “You sit there, while I go take care of your hot chocolate,”
“Milo,” You squeal in delight as you take the fluffy baby into your arms, “Woof,” you ruffle his fur, “Woof” Milo sticks his tongue out panting happily.
Milo has fake antlers on his head to make him look like a reindeer, as he walks it jiggles. He rushes towards Chase, “Milo, come sit,” You pat on the sofa for him to come to you and not knock Chase over with the hot chocolates.
“Thanks, Babe,” You smile, kissing his cheek, Chase sipping on his own hot chocolate, and Milo settles down to sit next to Chase, cuddling him with you.
“Your welcome,” Chase kisses your cheeks, hanging an arm around you as you cuddle into his chest.
“Did you pick a movie?” You grin bringing the blankets up to your face, “Yh,” Chase turns the Tv on, the lights in the living room going off as the Christmas movie comes on.
Later into the night, Chase and you fell asleep. You woke up to Milo’s barking, “Good boy,” You ruffle his fur, knowing he wants feeding before he sleeps.
You turn back to go to the living room, seeing your other baby boy sleeping. His cute little snores coming out of his mouth, his hand clenching the blanket, you chuckle at how fast his hair grows it’s nearly grown out.
“Hey sleepy head,” You whisper, Chase’s eyes flutter open, “Are we going to go to bed?” You ruffle his hair as he pouts rubbing his eye, he nods standing up.
“Our reindeer has already fallen asleep in his bed,” You teases, “Yh he has,” Chase smiles looking at Milo sleeping, he takes your hand leading you upstairs, “Are you sleepy too?”
“No not really,”
“Do you want to have a hot, relaxing bath with me?” You nod, Chase takes out towels for you both.
Chase runs a bath as you strip out of your clothes. you set yours and Chase’s pjs out on the bed, “I’ve turned the heating up on earlier because I knew you would want to have a bath,” you smirk, kissing his lips.
“That’s why I love you,” he teases, turning off the tap, Chase gets in first, taking your hand into his to help you in.
“Mm, I love you too,” You hum, sitting against his toned, ab chest, “Relaxed princess?” His arms wrap around your midriff, “Yh,” You smiled, feeling Chase’s lips on your neck and shoulders.
“Let me take care of you,” he uses your sponge to wash you, “Chase,” You giggle, “That tickles,” You splash the water, bubbles bubbling up even more.
Chase massages your shampoo into your scalp as you lean back further into his chest. You turn around into the bath to wash his hair with shampoo too. “Love when you wash my hair, baby,” Chase coos, peppering kisses all over your face.
“Mm, love your hands into my hair too,” You kiss his forehead, laying your head onto his shoulder.
“We can make cookies tomorrow,” Chase whispers, “I know how you love to bake,”
“Mm,” You nod, your eyes slightly closing, “You're sleepy.. aren’t you?” Chase lifts you up, helping you out of the bath, helping you dry yourself with a fluffy towel. He carries you to your bedroom, you sleepily put on your pjs with him.
“Goodnight, My princess,” Chase pulls the cover over you, turning the light off and kissing your forehead, “Love you so much,”
“Mm, Night,” You smile into his chest, drifting off to sleep as you cuddle under the warm duvet, “Love you so much too, chase,”
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lana7779 · 9 months
Back up secret santa gift for discord user @bwuba! Just our favourite blorbo enjoying some hot cocoa by the fire in a cozy sweater! 🥰
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rockingrobin69 · 2 years
It got cold in the mornings, little patterns in frost on the windows. You had to get up early to see it; Draco used to hate the days his job forced him out of bed, but now there was something sweet to it. Putting the kettle on to sounds from the bathroom, Harry’s a singer, preparing two cups instead of one. Milk for Harry, sugar for him; something comforting in it, in the knowledge. Going in after him through apple-shampoo steam, into Harry’s towel-ed embrace, into every gentle kiss. A murmur, morning darling. Morning.
If it rained, they had lunch inside. Harry always served his favourite soups around this time of year: lentils, cream of mushroom, broccoli and bacon. There was something pleasant to the buzzing of people in the café, to sitting in the kitchen at the back, stealing one more piece of toast. Of Harry, always smelling like coffee, bright and awake and lovely. Draco would sneak kiss after kiss until the chef shooed him out, or until he had to go back to work. Softly touching his fingers to Harry’s lips, to his cheek, to his eyes. Afternoon, sweetheart. Afternoon.
The days were shorter, but in return they got the evenings. Harry liked to play—exploding cards and chess but also strange games, ones that didn’t move or shout or hurt you. Although Draco did get very upset when Harry used that card in Uno, the truly unfair one with the… anyway. They had the evenings to play, to drink Luna’s homemade ‘wine’ and laugh until their throats burned. Evenings that smelled like log fires and felt like Harry’s old jumper, tiny kiss on the top of his head, enough for now. Let’s go to bed. Night, love.
Then there were nights. He used to dread them, to try and stall as much as he could, avoid altogether if possible; now he had Harry’s arms wrapped around him, Harry’s curls in his mouth. And sometimes when he snuck out of bed, back to the moonlit kitchen—sometimes he’d lean against the counter and sigh. Look for his constellation beyond the clouds, think about home, about belonging. About what it means to have something, to have it truly. Then hear a sneaky pair of feet, feel a warm hand on his shoulder. All right? Yes. Just needed some… don’t worry. I know.
So they’d do the silliest things, fight or invent new identities, a whole new life for themselves they’d forget in the morning. Warm up milk for hot chocolates they always leave half-drank, kiss their way into each other, into the dark. Go outside barefoot to run on wet grass, be terrible, be idiots, be free. It was easiest then, pretending the whole world was just for them. Lovely and full to the brim. And all the things that frightened him during the day were just shadows, unimportant. The dark gave them shelter, and they took, grateful and quiet. Close-close, with a little kiss: night, love. Night.
(Day 19 of @flufftober​! Find all previous ficlets here, or on AO3)      
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thecosmickight · 11 months
Prompt: Hot chocolate (Izumo, Rin, Shirou)
She sighed happily as she was hit with the sent of chocolate and spices as soon as she stepped into the house.
Coat, shoes, and workbag were left in the hallway as she briskly walked to the kitchen.
Izumo leaned against the entrance of the kitchen as she watched her husband move about.
Rin had pots heating on the stove, one with a glass bowl above it. Two mugs sat on the counter next to an old cookbook opened towards the back forgotten. On his other side were different jars of spices. He grabbed one and dashed its contents into what ever he was mixing in the glass bowl.
After a minute or two, with mitten cover hands he poured the mixture into the other pot. With one hand he whisked the pot and turned the burner under the pot and bowl off.
after another thirty seconds he grabbed the single pot and poured the steaming liquid into the mugs.
Izumo pushed off the entrance and entered the kitchen.
Rin picked up one of theugs and turned around just as she was in arms reach. With a smile he handed her the mug and wrapped his tail around her waist to pull her closer.
"It's a recipe my old man use to make when we were having bad days." He grabbed his own mug and took a sip.
Izumo had heard the stories of Shirou Fujimoto since her freshman year of highschool.
Paladin, Clone, A great man, An amazing Exorcist. Most importantly, The man who raised her husband instead of killing him. She took a sip of the hot chocolate.
"It's wonderful Rin. Thank you."
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distant-screaming · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: รักสลับโลก | Vice Versa (Thailand TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Puen Pranon Charunchairoj/Talay Rawi Leitpanya Characters: Puen Pranon Charunchairoj, Talay Rawi Leitpanya Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Future Fic, Post-Canon, Wedding Planning, Fluff without Plot Series: Part 4 of Flufftober 2023 Summary:
“I just can’t wait to get married to you,” Puen's grin widens. “My husband.”
(Puen and Talay plan their wedding. As usual, they don't stay on track for long.)
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serickswrites · 2 years
Polar Express
Warnings: referenced drowning, referenced torture, caretaker and whumpee, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery
Caretaker set the steaming mugs of hot chocolate on the table. Whumpee was wrapped up in a blanket on the couch while staring out at the falling snow. 
“You ready for your treat?” Caretaker asked softly. Whumpee had been very jumpy since everything that happened with Whumper. Jumpy and quiet. 
“Yes, thank you,” Whumpee whispered. Their throat was still raw from all the screaming they had done when Whumper had them. 
“Are you warm enough?” Caretaker said as they sat down next to Whumpee on the couch. 
Whumpee pulled the blanket around them tighter. They, with shaky hands, lifted the mug and pulled it back against them. They huddled over the steaming mug. “I...I can’t seem to get warm after...everything.”
Caretaker only knew a little of what Whumpee had endured prior to their arrival to save Whumpee. What Caretaker did know was that they found Whumper holding Whumpee under the flowing river in the back of the farm. And that Whumpee had been held under the water for who knew how long. 
Caretaker shook their head, shaking the image of pulling a still, limp, and slightly blue Whumpee from the river after they had dealt with Whumper. Because Whumpee had survived. Had lived. And would live. 
They wrapped their arms around Whumpee. Whumpee sighed and nuzzled into Caretaker’s touch. “I’ll be here to keep you warm,” Caretaker murmured as they kissed the top of Whumpee’s head. 
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hot chocolate dragon
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devtemrys · 1 year
Day 4 @flufftober with an alt prompt
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fanfics4all · 9 months
Nice Warm Drink
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Request: Yes / No List was made by @alpaca-clouds 
Requests are open only if it's CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY/ WINTER related <3 Have a nice day/night
Dennis Cooper x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 703
Warnings: Nothing!
Y/N: Your Name 
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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It was the middle of the night and I had just woken up. I always had trouble sleeping around the Holidays. My family and I were never close, so Holidays always triggered my depression. I stared up at my ceiling and sighed. I turned and glanced at my alarm clock. The bright red numbers blinked four twentyfour through the darkened room. I sighed and decided to get up. I quietly made my way through the codere and into the kitchen. I searched the cabinets and found the packets of hot chocolate. I busted out a pot and started heating up some milk. As I was pulling out a mug I heard someone padding down the steps. 
“Y/N?” Dennis asked, while rubbing his eye. 
“Hey, sorry, did I wake you?” I asked and he shook his head.
“Nah, I was up for a little bit now, but heard someone in the kitchen.” He said. 
“Oh, well sorry for the noise.” I said and he just shook his head. He took a seat at the counter and gave me a small smile. 
“What’s got you up so early?” He asked and I sighed. 
“Holidays are just hard for me, so I have a hard time sleeping sometimes.” I answered and he frowned. 
“Anything I can do to help?” He asked and I gave him a small smile. 
“Thanks, but I just wanna try and get back to sleep, you want some?” I asked as I grabbed an extra mug. 
“Sure, what are you making?” He asked and I smiled. 
“Hot chocolate.” I said and he chuckled. 
“I used to have some with my son around the time.” He said with a small sigh. 
“It always helps me get back to sleep.” I said, trying not to send Dennis into a depression as well. The milk started boiling and I quickly picked it up so it wouldn’t boil over. I gingerly poured some milk into each of the mugs. Once they were mostly full I put the powder in and stirred. I placed the pan in the sink and made a mental note to clean it later. I handed Dennis his mug and took a seat next to him. 
“Thanks.” He said and I smiled at him. The two of us drank in silence, but it was comfortable. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He asked out of no where and I took a deep breath. 
“My family and I were never really close and I wish we were, so every Holiday kind of sends me into a depression.” I shrugged. 
“I understand, sort of.” He said and I glanced at him. 
“I think you have more of a reason to be upset around this time.” I said and he sighed. 
“Don’t invalidate your feelings like that, Y/N.” He said and i sent him a small smile. 
“Isn’t that what I always say to you?” I asked and he chuckled. 
“Yeah, but it’s good advice.” He said and I giggled. 
“True.” I said and he smiled. 
Each of us finished our drinks and placed our mugs into the skin. I made another mental note to clean those along with the pan. I turned to face Dennis and he gave me a small smile. 
“We should get back to sleep, hmm?” He asked and I nodded. The two of us headed up the stairs and Dennis stopped at his door. 
“You think you’ll be able to get to sleep on your own?” He asked and I shrugged. 
“Maybe.” I answered. 
“Do you wanna stay with me?” He asked and I blushed. 
“Are you sure?” I asked and he nodded. 
“Maybe not being alone will help both of us.” He said and I smiled. 
“Okay…” I whispered and followed him inside his room. We got into his bed and he wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest and smiled to myslef. 
“This alright?” He asked and I nodded. 
“It’s perfect.” I said sleepily. I felt my eyes slowly drift closed and I thought I felt Dennis kiss the top of my head, but I couldn’t be sure in my tired state. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He whispered. 
“Night, Dennis…” I whispered back.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction
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berenaadvent · 10 months
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