#horticulture applications
electronicseranews · 10 months
Grow Lights Market Will Reach USD 13,183 Million by 2030
As per a report by P&S Intelligence, the grow lights market will advance at 28% CAGR, to generate a value of USD 13,183 million, by 2030.
The growth in the industry is ascribed to the growing requirement for food as a result of the rising disposable income, increasing population, rapid urbanization, advancement of technologies in the agriculture sector, and the increasing preference for enhanced and new practices of farming.
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The LED category is expected to dominate the grow lights market in the years to come. This is attributed to the increasing government programs to encourage the adoption of LED lights and drivers and the increasing demand for energy-efficient and affordable grow lights by consumers.
In the past few years, the retrofit category generated a larger revenue share in the industry, and it will remain larger in the years to come. This is because of the rising adoption of such lights in farming facilities due to their decreasing costs and the increasing number of new advanced farming facilities all over the world.
A key factor driving the industry is the necessity of more cost-effective grow light technologies in the cities. The expenditure on food production is high, and as a result, the requirement for economical food production is growing rapidly in urban areas.
Vertical farming is expected to observe the fastest growth in the years to come, growing at a rate of approximately 29.8%. This is attributed to the mounting requirement for herbs & food and the increasing number of such farms, mainly in developed countries, owing to the lack of space required to establish conventional farms.
In 2021, Europe generated the largest revenue share in the grow light industry, at approximately 33%, and it will remain the largest in the years to come. This is ascribed to the large consumer base and the substantial adoption of LED lights to grow plants inside commercial greenhouses in the region.
Developing nations, for example, India, South Korea, and China are the main buyers in the APAC grow light industry. This is credited to the rapid implementation of enhanced agricultural approaches, for instance, indoor horticulture, which resulted in a high horticulture light requirement in emerging nations.
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tnsfrbc · 10 months
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https://www.futureelectronics.com/m/mean-well. For LED luminaires application, MEAN WELL officially releases the new generation waterproof LED driver series—XLG series. The whole XLG series, which has been highly expected by the market, covers from 25W to 240W. It can be used for LED Bay light/Streetlight/Horticulture lighting and flood light applications. https://youtu.be/OIksSI8WA5c
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https://www.futureelectronics.com/m/mean-well. For LED luminaires application, MEAN WELL officially releases the new generation waterproof LED driver series—XLG series. The whole XLG series, which has been highly expected by the market, covers from 25W to 240W. It can be used for LED Bay light/Streetlight/Horticulture lighting and flood light applications. https://youtu.be/OIksSI8WA5c
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elljayvee · 4 months
today's topic: that fucker RoundUp
It's time for more Don't Believe Everything You Read with me, elljayvee!
A friend encountered this the other day: 
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This contains a lot of false information and should not be spread around as true. It's scaremongering in the first half and almost entirely wrong in the second half.
I will state my credentials and biases up front: I am an inactive Penn State Master Gardener (which means I have all the education and credentials, but am not currently an active volunteer), I have a permaculture design certificate and an active permaculture garden on my property, and I'm an agriculture & food systems researcher. I also fucking hate RoundUp (aka glyphosate), which I think is very bad, especially at industrial scales. I pretty much think all agricultural inputs have serious problems at industrial scales; RoundUp isn't special. In general, and particularly for home-scale or small-scale ag use, I prefer non-chemical controls; in my own garden I use manual control for all weeds except for poison ivy and tree of heaven, for which I use 2,4-D foliar herbicide. 2,4-D is also pretty nasty stuff, but I use it because unlike RoundUp it's very widespread in my environment already -- some of my neighbors have their lawns sprayed and that's what the lawn companies use. Me spraying a stray tree of heaven once a year isn't even a drop in the 2,4-D bucket of the block. 
Let us take these pieces of Wrong Information from back to front!
Dish soap: people love dish soap in the garden. Just love it. There's mixed evidence on what it can do in the garden but it's completely ineffective against weeds -- the reason it's so popular in garden applications is that it doesn't harm plants. How is something that doesn't harm plants going to be good weed control? Answer: it isn't. It does nothing against weeds. The one thing dish soap is proven to be good at is assisting with aphid control -- the best aphid control is manual/physical control, like blasting aphids off plants with water, and dish soap assists with that and also seems to do some damage to the aphid. Any other pest control involving "soap" almost certainly means "insecticidal soap", not dish soap. 
Takeaway: Unless you're trying to control aphids, don't use dish soap in the garden. (And make sure it's dish SOAP, not a detergeant. In the US, original Dawn is the go-to.) For anything but aphid control, you're just wasting soap.
Salt: No. This is bad. It will definitely help kill some weeds, but it's a bad idea. Don't put extra salt into soil. It's bad for the soil and for the inhabitants of soil; it's bad for water. One cup of salt isn't going to kill a river or a stream or whatever but if you're worried about killing animals, let's just say that poor innocent things like amphibians and worms do not do well in hypersaline environments. Do not use table salt like this. 
Takeaway: Leave table salt out of your garden altogether. You're just wasting salt, messing up soil, and hurting animals.
Vinegar: This is completely fine. Depending on the species of weed you have, it may work very well indeed. However, household white vinegar is only about 5% acetic acid, while horticultural vinegar -- which is sold as a weed killer commercially -- is 20% acetic acid, and works MUCH better on a MUCH wider variety of weeds. It also seems to work best when it is mixed with canola oil. Horticultural vinegar is not as safe for your skin/eyes/etc. and you should follow the safety instructions on the bottle when you use it. If you would like some more information on how well vinegar works to control weeds, you may enjoy reading "Impact of Acetic Acid Concentration, Application Volume, and Adjuvants on Weed Control Efficacy" (Webber et al. 2018). 
Takeaway: Household vinegar in the garden is fine and may work for some species of weeds. Horticultural vinegar works better. Follow safety information when using it. 
Now for RoundUp (aka glyphosate). 
RoundUp will kill pollinators, bees, hives: I will include all invertebrates that seem affected by RoundUp spray in this category. There is good evidence that AT INDUSTRIAL SCALE, RoundUp negatively affects pollinators and other beneficial invertebrates, such as pest-controlling spiders. When applied to a broad area in heavy concentrations, it seems to have lethal effects (particularly in bees who ingest it or come into physical contact with it), and it also seems interfere with reproduction in some bees, wasps, and spiders.
"Is glyphosate toxic to bees? A meta-analytical review" (Battisti et al 2021) is a good meta-analysis about toxicity to various bee species. (It is paywalled, sorry -- but some of its sources are not.) This analysis found that it's easy for bees to get a fatal dose from pollen from sprayed flowers, physical contact with sprayed flowers, or ingestion of nectar from sprayed flowers. At individual garden scale, you are extremely unlikely to harm more than a few individual insects unless you're doing something very weird, like, I don't know, pouring a whole bottle of RoundUp over your patio, or specifically filling flowers with drops of RoundUp. 
Takeaway: In general, I recommend not using RoundUp in your garden. If you do use RoundUp, snip off flowers from the weeds or do not spray the flowers, to avoid pollen contamination and lower the likelihood of bees touching the RoundUp. I strongly suggest instead using manual controls, which is what I do -- I weedwhack and hand-pull weeds (again, with the exception of poison ivy and tree of heaven). 
RoundUp will kill your pets and kids and you: In general, not unless your pets, your kids, or you drink it. This is how it kills mammals: a mammal drinks it. There is some evidence of toxicity to amphibians, but again, this is at industrial scale and high concentrations, not a household preparation used on like 5 weeds in your patio. There is conflicting evidence on whether or not glyphosate is carcinogenic in humans, but the risk -- if it exists -- seems at this point to be low and probably mainly affects agricultural workers who are regularly exposed to a LOT of the stuff.
Takeaway: Secure RoundUp from pets and children. I personally keep garden chemicals in a padlocked plastic box in the garage. If you are suicidal and may drink RoundUp, call your area's suicide prevention hotline or ask someone for help. If you are an agricultural worker regularly in contact with glyphosate in the environment your best resource is probably United Farm Workers (in the US), your local farm workers' org, or La Via Campesina (which is an international farm workers' organization that has taken a stand against the widespread industrial use of glyphosate). 
If you would like to read more about RoundUp toxicity, try: "Glyphosate Poisoning" (Bradberry, Proudfoot, and Vale 2004) and "Glyphosate: A review of its global use, environmental impact, and potential health effects on humans and other species" (Richmond 2018) -- this one is particularly useful because it collates a LOT of research together in one place, so you can get to many, many other articles from it. 
General takeaways: You should take precautions if you use RoundUp not to hurt bees in your garden, but you are unlikely to hurt anything larger than invertebrates if you do use it. Do not use random weedkilling formulas involving random household items in your garden. In particular, dish soap and salt have almost no good garden uses at all and if someone tells you to use them, they are probably misinformed at best. There is a lot of complete bullcrap out there on the internet.
If you want to use organic controls for stuff in your garden, which lots of people do, a good place to start is the OMRI lists. Items on these lists are approved for organic use in the US or Canada and free to download. You can also look for information from Extension in the US about organic controls and home gardening advice; county extension is government-funded and provides a wide variety of free educational material about gardening, forestry, agriculture, etc.
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suppotato123 · 1 year
Screw Hogwarts Houses (and JK Rowling) tell me what degree you would be taking at a magical university:
Thaumaturgical Artificing- The scientific study and application of magic as it pertains to Alchemy (the creation of of potions) and Arcana (the engineering of magical devices).
Necromantic Studies- A degree for those looking for the most modern and ethical methods of raising the dead.
Arcanic Anthropology- This degree walks students through the history of magical artifacts, how to find them, and their proper uses to aspiring Sorcerers and non-magic users alike.
Linguistic Incantology- The study of the properties of magical languages as well as the characteristics of those languages in general ascertained in order to gain mastery over the magical art of incantation.
Magiphysical Sciences- The study of Humanoid systems, anatomy, and physical health and fitness as it pertains to magical gestures and more physically involved magic systems.
Mystic Virology- The study of magical diseases and curses, their effects on the humanoid form, and the treatments and counterhexes for such magical conditions.
Enchanted Horticulture- A branch of Enchanted agriculture that focuses on cultivation of magical gardens for the purposes of spells, medicine, and consumption.
General Studies- This degree covers the most basic information on various magical studies and provides a great opportunity for students to discover their magical passions and/or complete their prerequisite courses before moving on to a more advanced degree.
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“Alright! Let’s just quickly go over your answers to our questionnaire in your application.”
As far as job interviews went, this one was rapidly moving up the list of utterly strange ones. For starters this was the fanciest office he had ever been in, and this was supposed to be an animal sanctuary. The amount of decorative pillows piled onto the chair he was currently trying to sit on would have been more appropriate for a lounge in a posh hotel.
The sanctuary manager – at least that’s how she had introduced herself – peered at the printed sheets of paper.
“So you have experience with animal handling?”
“During several internships, yes.”
“Wonderful. And horticulture?”
“I know how to keep a healthy habitat.”
“Excellent. And do you have any siblings?”
There it was, barely three questions in and already off the deep end. “Yes, three.”
The woman fixed two keen, dark eyes on him. “Three including you?”
“No, three besides me. I’m the second oldest, if that matters.”
“Ah! That’s alright then, Second of four, very good.”
By now he was looking at the manager with unrestrained wonder, eyebrows almost disappearing under his fringe.
“Well that all seems to be in order, just one more question—are you comfortable?”
He faltered, blinking. “I...well, to tell you to truth this chair could do with a few less pillows.”
To his amazement the manager’s face lit up with genuine delight. “Oh that is very good to hear. I do apologise for all that nonsense, but there’s rules against asking people about the circumstances of their birth, you know. Here, let me.”
He got to his feet, still rather stunned, and watched how the manager removed three pillows and, from underneath them all, a small green pea from his chair.
“There we are! Now, we’d be very glad to have you, you certainly meet all our qualifications, and I assure you we offer excellent terms and benefits. You clearly have plenty of experience with amphibians and birds, but you will need some on the job training, because apart from the usual frogs, swans and ravens, we also have clients in some of the rarer categories.”
“Clients? I thought this was an animal sanctuary,” he stammered.
“It most certainly is! Except our residents have not always been animals.” The manager smiled meaningfully. “You’d be surprised just how many people, especially royals, decide they would rather stay enchanted.” She looked a little embarrassed for a moment. “Which is of course exactly why I need to take certain precautions with my employees, you understand.”
He was pretty sure he did not at all understand, but he wasn’t about to admit that now. “Right.”
She peered at him again. “I do still need you to promise me not to fall in love with any of them.”
“Why on earth—”
“It’s happened before,” she said gravely. “We also have a couple of private parks, with a more human enclosure, I mean house, because we do get the occasional beastification.” She shook her head. “The last person we hired, well, our client was kind enough not to file an official complaint, on account of the whole finding his true love thing, but it was really very embarrassing.” He sat very still for a moment. “So, how many of those are there?”
“Beasts? Only two at the moment, since that unfortunate incident.”
“And your other...residents?”
“Hmm lets see, seven swans and seven ravens, three frogs, a stag, a hind, a fox and a bear. Well, and the cat, but she’s an exception, she lives in our head quarters and mostly looks after herself.” She gave him a rather worried look. “I haven’t scared you off, have I?”
He gave her a weak smile. “You promised me five weeks paid time off, so no you haven’t. But I am going to need some more information.”
“Wonderful,” she sighed. “In that case, let’s start with giving you a tour.”
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sulatni-flerida11 · 8 months
htbahb au dump !! because the brainrot is too strong
general context things
currently, the characters are in their college years. even though the plan is to have the main storyline happen when they already have jobs, their college years established dynamics between them. some dynamics luckily haven't changed over the years, but others may take longer to rebuild.
cleo owns an apartment close to uni, and they share it with grian & etho.
joel & scar live as interns on campus.
lizzie, jimmy, bdubs, and pearl are also interns, with lizzie & pearl as roommates in a different building and jimmy & bdubs living across joel & scar
au prolly takes place in a semi-rural area; it started as a town with a small population and lots of farmland, but it's slowly evolving to follow other highly urbanized cities.
the town hasn't gone fully urban since it takes pride in utilizing its land with locally manufactured agricultural resources and artisan goods.
courses/classes they're taking prolly
cleo - horticulture (with sculpting at the side)
joel - agribusiness management & entrepreneurship (he's not super into it yet)
scar - economics
etho - agricultural chemistry (secretly also likes music)
grian - literature (also enjoys photography)
lizzie - music (likes to experiment with different art mediums tho)
bdubs - architecture
jimmy - horticulture
pearl - economics
and other dynamics between the group !!
lizzie sometimes pulls bdubs & cleo to her experiments. every summer break, they take an art related class together. so far, they've done painting and dancing. (bdubs has already enrolled them in a modeling class for the upcoming break, but the other two don't know yet.)
joel, pearl, and scar would discuss their business and/or economics related classes to grian, and grian just smiles and nods in respect (of them and their friendship) even if he doesn't understand most things they're saying. ("wait, what is a griffin good?" "griffen, grian, with an e.")
the real reason why joel, pearl, & scar talk about their classes to grian is because they like messing with him. (he's not as good with hiding his confused look as he thinks.)
jimmy once accidentally found an opening to one of the private properties of a big business in town - a flower field. whenever he and cleo have floriculture assignments that involve getting flowers, they pick their flowers from there. sometimes, they'd discuss the flowers there, ways to care for them, flower meanings, etc. sometimes, joel and etho join them. as loud as they are, they've only had one instance where they almost got caught. (they never brought joel and etho with them since then.)
pearl & scar buy newspapers daily by the campus gate to chat about the current events, especially ones relating to their degree. they quickly befriended the newspaper vendor as he also had a lot of food for thought regarding the things going on. their discussions help them a lot, aiding them in their essays and analysis about economic policies and applications.
etho would sometimes ask lizzie about music theory. what was supposed to be a few messages would end up in hours of them talking about music. eventually, lizzie found out about etho's music hobby, and she's the only one that knows.
grian owns a polaroid camera, and he sometimes takes candid pictures of the gang. his subjects are usually cleo & etho, mostly because they're his roommates and he spends the most time with them, but there's also a handful of pictures with scar & pearl.
joel and lizzie started dating after scar, bdubs, & pearl convinced him to go to an open mic event in the dorms during their first year; lizzie happened to be one of the performers.
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if you've made it this far, any thoughts on what music genres/artists each life series member listens to? totally not for oneshot purposes in this au,,,
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sailtomarina · 1 year
Would you like to practice on me?
She caught him alone in the hallway standing in front of the ornate mirror. He postured and preened, muttering under his breath so softly she was tempted to disillusion herself and creep closer. Thankfully, she always kept a pair of Extendable Ears on hand, and so it was with absolutely zero qualms and strong curiosity she tuned in to what held the Malfoy heir’s attention.
“Would you do me the great honor of…no, no, too formal. I found myself inconveniently free and thought you’d like to join…now it sounds like I could care less. Are you free this weekend? I’d like to take you out…maybe? She’s so dense that she might think I’m only asking her as a friend…”
Good Godric, was he working up the nerve to ask her out on a date? Hermione knew they’d been circling one another for the better part of the past couple of months ever since Harry and Pansy had started dating, throwing their social groups together more often than not. They’d even made their peace far before that with a handful of exchanged owls. While she wasn’t the only single witch among their mutual friends, she and Draco somehow always gravitated towards one another almost seconds after entering the same room.
What started as competitive repartee over the application and creation of potions soon moved to all aspects of magical theory, eventually expanding to include literature, theatre, and even horticulture. Their intellectual fascination with one another preceded a form of friendship Hermione had never before experienced, which was exciting and terrifying at the same time. She wanted more of it, and of him.
Coiling up the Extendable Ears, she took a casual stance and sauntered into his view, restraining her giggle as he immediately straightened and turned to face her.
“Granger! Is everything alright?”
“I just needed to step out for a bit and couldn’t help but overhear you just now.”
He flushed an attractive shade of pink, and she decided to tease him a bit for it.
“Would you like to practice on me?”
“Practice…on you?”
“Your invitation to whichever lucky witch or wizard you’ve got your eye on.”
It was adorable really, the way his mouth hung open. Her intentional misunderstanding of the situation went completely unnoticed. She walked up to him, so close as to be nearly touching, and looked up through her eyelashes.
“Do you have something you want to say to me?”
“I…yes. Yes, I do.”
“Go on, then.” Could he see the way her lips kept trying to curl up at the edges? The delight she took in his discomfort?
“If you’re free this weekend, would you like to accompany me to dinner?”
She wanted to applaud him for getting the question out so smoothly in one go, even if he did look like he was about to pass out. Hermione decided to push him a bit more.
“I am free, and would be glad to join you. What’s the occasion? Who else will be there?”
He couldn’t help but shuffle at her additional questions. “No occasion, I mean, other than the pleasure of your company, and only your company. It would be just us.”
“Yes? As in…a date.”
She tilted her head in mock confusion, wrinkling her nose as she pretended to think over this revelation. Draco’s eyes never wavered from hers, though they were wide in their pleading. They crinkled at the corners with his smile when she finally nodded her assent.
“That sounds lovely.” Before he could reply, she jumped up to peck him on the cheek and continue her act. “Do it just like that with a bit more clarity at the start and you’ll be set!”
He stiffened at her advice, and she spun around as if to rejoin the others outside.
Once more fully facing him, Hermione taunted him with an arched eyebrow and waited as asked. His fingers clenched repeatedly into fists at his side before he yanked them behind him. She couldn’t help but straighten her posture to match Draco the moment he took a deep breath and stood tall to do what they had both wanted for much longer than either of them would admit.
“It’s you, Hermione. Would you like to join me for dinner this weekend as my date?” His earlier nerves seemed a figment of her imagination with the way he closed the distance to stand once more just a hair’s breadth away, grey eyes boring into her own.
Hermione rewarded him with a triumphant smile, her light nearly blinding him with its brilliance. He could already imagine them there together, heads bent together in confidence, hands tugging at one another from one location to the next, kisses both stolen and shared openly. As if there was anyone else but her for him.
“I’d love to.”
WC 804
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dailycharacteroption · 9 months
Herbalist (Pathfinder Second Edition Archetype)
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(art by ivonadenovic on DeviantArt)
When we look at Second Edition archetypes, we go in knowing that same-name syndrome is going to come up, and that it’s not necessarily a bad thing, since it’s a new edition and while things may be a bit different, these 2e options are essentially the inheritors of their 1e counterparts. Usually.
That’s not super the case here, though, as well the 2e herbalist has the same thematic roots, there’s no connection to leshies here.
Indeed, this archetype seems more to be about the more general applications of herbalism, bringing to mind other horticulture-focused archetypes rather than it’s 1e namesake, with perhaps a smattering of having a way to bring the herb-gathering themes from Ultimate Wilderness into 2e.
Additionally, despite being free for any class to take, herbalists maintain some of their old alchemist feel in their mechanics.
In any case, this archetype promises some lovely answers for nonmagical healing, curatives, and even buffing!
(Also note that this archetype got an additional feat from the Knights of Lastwall book)
The dedication to the path of the herbalist grants the ability to procure daily ingredients like an alchemist, but only to make healing tonics and various herbal concoctions.
The herbs in their arsenal are always the freshest available, letting them use natural medicine with greater effectiveness at the cost of some of their daily prepared batches.
Those from Lastwall often learn how to make especially potent brews of Lastwall Soup, making it easier for others to hide from the undead.
Some also learn to prepare their medicines as poultices, no longer requiring others to consume them to apply the effects, but also helping to seal bleeding wounds and smother other forms of persistent harm in addition to the normal effects.
Many also learn how to bring out the best in local herbs and plants, adding a small bonus effect to them, usually tied to whatever dangers lie in that biome, such as resistance to extreme cold in the artic, or greater agility and balance in mountainous terrain.
Normally these herbalists learn only the basics of finding and preparing these medicines, but some learn to break that limit and grow in skill, even adding higher-level healing elixers to their arsenal.
This is a simple archetype, but one that can provide many benefits to those seeking to help allies resist and overcome negative effects without magic in a fun, thematic way. The final feat granting actual higher crafting levels is super important if you want to do more than just dip into the archetype, but even if you go with the minimum you’ll never know when an elixir will com in handy. Thematically speaking, try pairing this with alchemist, ranger, druid, or witch. However, it can be quite useful for any class and build where you want a small supportive edge.
With the concept of the herbalist comes a lot of assumptions, such as the character being wise, kind, empathetic, and having a gentle bedside manner. You can lean into this or go the opposite direction. Heck, perhaps the character is only the “team mom” reluctantly because these idiots of a party can’t take care of themselves? It can certainly be a lot of fun to explore or subvert.
The herbalist Keysha Everbloom once claimed that her aloe vera extract could soothe even the eternal burning of the undead known as combusted. An exaggeration to be sure, but a dreadfully ironic one as one such creature has trapped her on the second floor of her home. While the walls are stone, her many plants are not so impervious to fire, threatening to choke her with the smoke… unless a party of heroes just happens to be on their way to visit her.
The ways of the Great Healer, god of medicine, teach that a person’s true value lies in their ability to provide comfort and aid to others. So then is Kovas of Rathaam dually blessed, the redeemer champion also having a knack for medicinal healing in addition to their divine healing touch. However, they have gone missing, and the path to find them again will take the heroes into the sewers, where their calling has led them to an ysoki warren.
Though shunned by other cultures, the goblins of Valdheim are surprisingly skilled at herbal medicine, having come to rely on it when they rejected the old goblin gods. Those seeking such herbcraft can learn a lot from them if they will only listen.
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fizzytoo · 2 years
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cedar for @minamill's rhea :D
he/him | young adult (24) | traits: self-assured, squeamish, loyal
The last place Cedar wants to be is back on his family’s ranch in Strangerville. He would have avoided it at all costs, but he’s dead broke and drowning in student debt. The thought of staying any longer in his ex’s apartment is eating him alive. Their breakup was amicable, but watching her fall in love with someone else is crushing.
The last time he was home he was someone else and, although his mom was understanding, his abuela is a whole other story. Having to deal with her ignorance is the last thing he wants to be doing. The quicker he can get out of that house the better.
At least on the ranch he can make use of his biology degree. With the new Strangerville laboratory making headway in it’s horticulture department, Cedar’s trying his damndest to get in the doors. The lab he interned for in Willow Creek was nothing compared to this place. But until he receives some sort of reply on his application, he’s doing anything and everything he can to stay out the house. During the day he’s tutoring in the library, and in the evenings he’s bartending.
When it comes to relationships, he’s like a dog: loyal to a fault. Even when he’s hurt, he’ll still find a way to forgive. Always the giver and never the receiver. After being stung so many times, he’s not sure of what to look for in a relationship. Maybe he’s just not cut out for them. This bachelorette game is just another excuse to ignore his problems.
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amy-hitechpcb · 7 months
LED PCB Assembly
What is the LED Circuit Board assembly?
Generally, LED PCB assembly is considered to be a circuit board that has the LED components soldered to it. The LED is soldered to the printed circuit board and features a chip that creates the light as electrically connected. A thermal heat sink and a ceramic base are used to bond the chip. Not all the PCB products can be used in Led industry, as an LED PCB is easy to create a high volume of heat, but making it hard to cool with traditional methods. For this reason, metal core PCB is widely used in LED application because of their enhanced ability to dissipate heat, especially aluminum pcb is often used to fabricate PCB for LED lights.
We’ve had great LED PCB assembly experiences with top LED chips to brand such as Cree, Luxeon, Osram, Nichia, Lumileds, MLS, EVERLIGHT, Samsung, LG, Seoul., etc. PCB LED lights can be incorporated into numerous lighting applications due to their combination of excellent energy efficiency, low cost and maximum design flexibility.
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Application of LED PCB Assembly
Hitechpcba serves customers in different industries, providing highly reliable and innovative LED PCBs for various applications:
• Horticulture light LED PCB Assembly
• LED controller PCB Assembly
• Computer LED display and indicators
• LED lights PCB Assembly for medical use
• Automotive LED PCBs Assembly include PCBs for brake lights and headlights
• Street lighting LED PCB Assembly
• Flashlights and camping accessories
• Traffic light PCB Assembly
• Commercial lighting LED PCB Assembly
LED PCB Assembly specification
Number of layers for LED PCB
These layers are made up of aluminum and magnesium, but now have Copper base material  and Ceramic base materials for LED PCB industry, we can meet it.
Aluminum LED PCBs stand out among other PCBs because it has a good insulation characteristic and has a better machinery performance, the cheap cost is one important factor too.
Types of layers for LED PCB Assembly
Normally, the base layer is made using aluminum alloy metal.
This aluminum alloy substrate used in making the base makes it ideal for through-hole technology which transfers and dissipates heat.
A thermal insulation layer is made using some ceramic polymer which has good viscoelasticity characteristics.
It is highly heat resistant and protects the PCB against heat and mechanical stress.
The circuit layer, which is covered by a copper foil which can range from one to ten ounces.
LED Board type- single or in panel
Some boards are shapeless. For this reason, LED PCB panels are used. This reduces time, labor production and testing time.
Some LED PCB Assembly is done on a single board while others are done on panel boards.
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LED PCB Assembly Process
Roughly, the PCBA process can be divided into theses phases: soldering paste printing > SMT (surface mounted technology) > reflow soldering > AOI (automated optical inspection)> THT (through-hole technology) > wave soldering > touch-up and cleaning > IC-programming > FCT (functional tests) > aging testing. 
Below we show you the process.
Step1. Summarizing Project Information
Before contacting your supplier, make sure you have all the project information. Suppliers will need info following for quoting LED PCB assembly:
LED PCB specification
Quotation quantity
Once you have gathered these information, you can contact us and request for a quote.
Of course, you can also provide the schematic, LED PCB Assembly pictures and even samples to us. The more details they have, the more accurate the supplier’s quotation will be.
Step2. Discussion and details about custom LED PCB Assembly
Different projects will have different requirements. Remember the special requirements mentioned in step 1? That’s going to be the focus of this session. Equipment and engineering capacity will not be identical between suppliers. Make sure your supplier has the equipment to produce and assemble major components and the corresponding testing capabilities.
For example, some vendors don’t have X-ray testing equipment, which means they can’t check the mount quality of BGA chips. Outsourcing this step will increase risk and cost. That’s what you don’t want.
Also, pay attention to time taken by the supplier to quote. Motherboards often contain hundreds or even thousands of components, and they are supplied by different manufacturers. To ensure the quality of the components, the supplier sourcing team will make multi-inquiries from these manufacturers or authorized suppliers to match customer’s requirement, which usually takes 2-3 business days, and even longer for some scarce chips. Therefore, if your project is complex and the supplier quotes you within few hours, double check with them.
Step3. Sample and feedback
After confirming the PI, the supplier will usually provide pre-production samples for your approval. At the same time, the supplier will also confirm with you the logistics plan of the bulk goods. Make sure they understand your shipping requirements, including details on packaging, customs clearance, taxes, etc.
For us to have a successful LED PCB Assembly process, its functions must be defined. Compliance requirement is defined to reduce the effect when components are selected.
The Bill of Materials is then generated from the information installed on the LED PCB.
All this information is used to assemble components which are identified from MOB to the LED PCB.
After that, the routing of traces is determined to each component, based on the size, shape of the circuit board and location of connectors.
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Hitech Circuits is trusted by thousands of electronic engineers on their LED PCB assembly projects, from consumer, led bulb to precisely medical LED light, we can help you from the beginning of design stage; From commercial flood LED to industrial high power LED, from automotive LED to military LED, Venture is the perfect place for your LED PCB assembly requirement.
Hitech Circuits has been participated in hundreds and thousands of LED lighting projects, by providing LED PCB and also LED PCB assembly service.
Our LED PCB assembly had covered both ends of the Lighting Class LED size spectrum, assembling some of the largest (2 meter long boards) and some of the smallest LED Lighting applications which used in Medical Endoscopes.
LED PCB Assembly is very crucial in the current industrial development. Many electrical devises are being innovated and the old once being improved.
LED PCBs are useful due to the fact that they are made using materials that can transfer and dissipate heat. This characteristic increases device durability.
The world is changing with new technology, especially PCB technology that plays an essential role in the application of LED circuits. And the LED industry is taking advantage of this technology and growing faster.
As a full feature PCB solutions provider with more than a decade of experience, we're capable to provide LED PCB fabrication, components procurement and LED PCB assembly all under one roof. We can work with you to develop metal core PCB, aluminum circuit boards customized to your specific applications. We feature competitively priced PCBs made with standard FR-4 material that includes a thermal aluminum clad layer that will efficiently dissipate heat, keep all LED PCB components cool and significantly enhance the performance of your products.
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LED pcb board, LED pcb assembly
LED with its advantages of high brightness, high efficiency, low heat, long life, is considered the most development potential in the 21st century lighting. In the market and policy driven by the rapid development of the domestic LED industry blowout has formed a relatively complete industrial chain, including the production of epitaxial wafers, chip preparation, packaging, integration, LED application. In 2010, China's LED industry scale, up from $ 827 billion in 2019 to 220 billion yuan, an annual growth rate of over 70%, higher than the 50% level of growth of the global LED lighting industry output value. Among them, the middle and lower reaches of the most complete industrial chain, accounting for 90% of the overall percentage of the GDP.Chinahas become the world's leading LED manufacturing base and important application market.
To further promote the technological innovation of the LED industry, construction and wide application of independent industry chain, China Electronic Appliance Corporation and industry associations to organize the theme of "Focus on the core energy LED Exhibition will be held November 9-11, 2010  in Shanghai International Expo Center and the 78th China Electronics Fair over the same period will be held will create from raw materials, epitaxial wafers, chip, LED bracket, LED accessories, LED packaging and supporting materials, the LED backlight upstream firm to the upstream and downstream enterprises of the display, lighting, landscaping, decorative lighting, traffic lights, automotive lighting, special lighting, to the equipment, instrumentation, software, finance, consulting and other service enterprises and technological exchanges and market trading platform, help the domestic industry sustained and healthy development, and promote the steady expansion of the LED application market.
In the LED industry chain upstream of the epitaxial wafers and LED chips accounted for 70% of the profits of the whole industry, and technology-intensive, capital-intensive, where the core technology of the LED. Well-known epitaxial wafer and chip production enterprises will be exhibited a number of energy-efficient, low heat, cost-effective LED products, many of whom have excellent products of international advanced level.
LED electronic pcb assembly manufacturing 100% Original LED Chip with one-stop in-house pcba services
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cathkaesque · 1 year
New research by the Landworkers’ Alliance, Sustain and others has raised serious concerns about exploitation of Nepalese workers in the UK horticulture sector. The 60-page report, called “Debt. Migration and Exploitation”, examines the recruitment practices and working conditions of seasonal fruit and veg pickers employed under the UK government’s Seasonal Worker scheme. Some Nepalese workers are having to pay extortionate, illegal broker fees of around £4,300 to third-party recruitment agencies in their home countries to secure a visa. One young woman paid £12,000, according to worker testimony included in the study. This means after paying for accommodation, subsistence and travel costs, they are left out of pocket and pay more to come to the UK and work than the retained income they take home. The report includes an extended interview with a former Nepalese worker recruited to work in the UK via a Seasonal Worker scheme visa, who says around 70-80% of workers are paying illegal broker fees. The worker states: “Many people do not know how to use the internet for applications, how to use it properly, how the process works. There is a lack of information everywhere about recruitment, and a lack of education. The brokers are 10 steps ahead of the candidates. The brokers make them victims, they take people for fools." The report also includes a supply chain analysis carried out by the New Economics Foundation, of a fruit farm in Kent. It estimates migrant seasonal workers picking soft fruit receive an average of 7.6% of the total retail price of this farm’s produce. The supermarket receives 54.7% of the value, while the farm receives 26.2%. In 2022, Nepalese migrants accounted for 8% of Seasonal Worker scheme recruits. Ukraine supplied the most workers (20%), down from 90% in 2019 due to the ongoing conflict with Russia. The report concludes with key recommendations for the UK government, labour market enforcement bodies, supermarkets, trade unions and social movements. These include recruiting through one authorised department of the origin countries of workers, cutting out brokers and middlemen, and the establishment of information centres to spread correct information on the process. A UK government spokesperson said “The welfare of visa holders is of paramount importance, including in the Seasonal Workers scheme, and we are clamping down on poor working conditions and exploitation. We work closely with scheme operators who have responsibility for ensuring the welfare of migrant workers, requiring them to provide at least 32 hours paid employment per week and managing the recruitment process overseas. We will always take decisive action where we believe abusive practices are taking place or the conditions of the route are not met"
Love that the government's response seems to be "look we're trying to fix it honest we are"
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aecologia · 10 months
Since 1829, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) has presented the Flower Show - an annual competition in horticulture, floral arranging, and gardening demonstrations.
The PHS Flower Show is both the nation's largest and the world’s longest-running horticultural event.
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Running concurrent to the PHS Flower Show in Philadelphia from March 2-10, 2024 - the Alternative Flower Show seeks to present works that invert, question, and engage the Show, its meaning, output, and impact.
The Alternative Flower Show requests artwork and proposals for installations, performances, workshops, lectures, and events that examine and explore concepts surrounding horticulture, botany, floral display and arrangement, ecology, and the environment.
Applications close January 15, 2024
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neathbound-fiends · 9 months
💀 and 🌈 for any/all ocs!
This is a lot so I'm gonna stick it under a cut (and hope that a readmore works in an ask??)
💀 — What's their relationship with the Boatman like?
Elliott: he's met him a few times. The first time was filled with utterly horrified Catholic screaming, but subsequent times he's been relatively peaceful about it. He doesn't play chess, but he make idle chitchat with the other passengers, and directs conversation towards the Boatman which is rarely, if ever, returned
Warren: she thinks he's soooo cool. Imagine being a skeleton that's dead but also alive but also not. Standing in a boat all day sounds kind of boring, but he was nice to her the two times she's been there and met him
Arthur: he's never met him! It kinda seems like as an animal you get one (1) shot at the whole living thing, so he doubts they'll ever meet unless as a sacrifice, but that's fine. He doesn't have much opinion on him on the whole
Florence: she thinks he could stand to really liven things up (ha) around the slow boat. Frankly, it's boring. She asked him once if he'd ever seen her husband pass through here, or if the Zee bypasses him entirely. She got no response, which she figured was a pretty resounding 'no', and left it at that
Doc: I don't...think Devils hit the slow boat? I think they just sort of flutter back towards Hell and get a new body? maybe? I think he's certainly aware of the Boatman, but doesn't particularly give two shits about him
Bolormaa: he thinks he's fine. They've played chess a few times, he thinks the Boatman might be hustling with his fast improvement, or he's just very quick to learn, so he's stopped playing chess with him and just sort of chills to wait it out
Rhoda: their relationship is tense, but cordial. He is improving just as quickly as she is in chess, and this is starting to feel like an arms race.
🌈 — Do they do anything unique or interesting with Neathy colours?
Elliott: he's been experimenting with using the Neathbow to grow plants. The results have been...mixed, at best. He keeps this a secret, lest anyone find out and get mad (or, worse, demand to expect something from it, when he has yet to produce any results worth sharing)
Warren: she's been receiving training as a Silverer, so she's been making use of cosmogone! (though in the form of the ferule on her cane, given that spectacles aren't really gonna do much for her)
Arthur: nah lol
Florence: she's mostly just chillin as far as the Neathbow is concerned, but she has been making a killing hawking empty mirror-catch boxes to people to do their own random Neathbow shit
Doc: I would not be shocked if I heard he's been running unethical studies regarding the application of the Neathbow to medicine. I know in my heart he's probably doing some weird inhumane shit that may or may not actually produce any results that are worth having received
Bolormaa: he is probably starting to see some of the effects of peligin. He's not a monster hunter strictly, and rarely partakes of the things he kills aside from field dressing and getting things prepped to sell, but when food's running short, anything that might be edible is considered to be so until proven otherwise
Rhoda: I like to think she's finding some way to incorporate it into her millinery. I don't know how she'd do it, maybe in dyeing the fabrics, or in some naturally occurring manner in the horticulture for it, but she'd be remiss as someone in fashion to NOT be including a whole new array of colors that nobody else has access to
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tubetrading · 10 months
Common Applications of GI Pipes in Construction and Infrastructure
In the dynamic landscape of construction and infrastructure development, the role of Galvanized Iron (GI) pipes has become increasingly significant.  As Tube Trading Co., a leading GI Pipe Dealer, Distributor, and Supplier in Gujarat, we understand the pivotal role that GI pipes play in various construction applications.  In this blog post, we will explore the common applications of GI pipes and shed light on why they are the preferred choice in the construction and infrastructure sectors.
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Understanding GI Pipes
Galvanized Iron pipes are steel pipes that have been coated with a layer of zinc to prevent corrosion.  This process, known as galvanization, not only protects the pipes from rusting but also enhances their longevity.  The combination of durability and cost-effectiveness makes GI pipes a popular choice for a wide range of applications in the construction industry.
Water Supply Systems
One of the primary applications of GI pipes is in water supply systems.  The corrosion-resistant nature of these pipes makes them ideal for transporting potable water over long distances.  As a GI Pipe Dealer in Gujarat, we have witnessed a surge in the demand for these pipes in municipal water supply projects and rural water distribution networks.
Plumbing Installations
GI pipes are widely used in plumbing installations due to their versatility and ease of installation.  Whether it's residential, commercial, or industrial plumbing, GI pipes provide a reliable solution for conveying water and other fluids.  Their strength and resistance to corrosion ensure leak-free plumbing systems, making them a preferred choice for plumbers and contractors.
Irrigation Systems
In agricultural settings, where water distribution is crucial for crop growth, GI pipes find extensive use in irrigation systems.  The zinc coating protects the pipes from the elements, ensuring a longer lifespan even when exposed to varying weather conditions.  As a GI Pipe Distributor in Gujarat, we have supplied pipes for irrigation projects that contribute to sustainable agriculture practices.
Structural Support in Construction
The strength and durability of GI pipes make them suitable for providing structural support in construction projects.  From scaffolding to framework structures, these pipes offer the required strength without compromising on safety.  As a GI Pipe Supplier in Vadodara, we have collaborated with builders and contractors who appreciate the reliability and structural integrity that GI pipes bring to their projects.
Fencing and Handrails
In the realm of infrastructure, GI pipes are frequently used for fencing and handrails.  The corrosion resistance and robustness of these pipes make them an ideal choice for creating secure and long-lasting barriers.  Whether it's for highways, bridges, or industrial facilities, GI pipes contribute to the safety and security of these structures.
Oil and Gas Pipelines
The oil and gas industry relies heavily on robust pipelines to transport resources from extraction sites to processing facilities.  GI pipes, with their corrosion-resistant properties, are employed in these pipelines, ensuring the efficient and safe transport of oil and gas over long distances.  As a trusted GI Pipe Supplier in Gujarat, we have been a part of projects that facilitate the energy infrastructure of the region.
Fire Sprinkler Systems
Fire safety is a critical aspect of any building, and GI pipes play a vital role in fire sprinkler systems.  The corrosion-resistant coating ensures that these pipes remain reliable even when not in constant use.  This makes GI pipes a preferred choice for fire protection systems in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.
Greenhouse Structures
In the realm of agriculture and horticulture, GI pipes are utilized in the construction of greenhouse structures.  The ability to withstand varying climatic conditions, coupled with their durability, makes GI pipes an excellent choice for creating the framework of greenhouses.  This ensures a conducive environment for plant growth and protection against external elements.
In conclusion, the applications of GI pipes in construction and infrastructure are diverse and crucial for the development of resilient and long-lasting structures.  Tube Trading Co., as a prominent GI Pipe Dealer, Distributor, and Supplier in Gujarat, takes pride in contributing to the growth and sustainability of the region's construction and infrastructure sectors.  Whether it's supplying pipes for water supply, plumbing, irrigation, or structural support, GI pipes continue to be the preferred choice for builders, contractors, and engineers alike.
If you are in need of high-quality GI pipes for your construction projects, look no further than Tube Trading Co.  Our commitment to providing top-notch products and excellent service has made us a trusted partner in the construction and infrastructure industry.  Contact us today for all your GI pipe requirements in Gujarat and Vadodara.
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