#horse girl mira rights !!!
jacarandaaaas · 3 months
a little underappreciated detail about mirabel is how it’s likely she has an interest in horse riding! the only basis I have for this is a small scene in the movie but I love the implication of this being one of her hobbies!
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we see how bruno approaches mirabel & alma on horseback but he’s uncoordinated and struggling (poor guy lmao) whilst this could be due to being in the walls for a decade I also think it’s because he doesn’t actually know much about horse riding as he’s never had an interest in it!
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now compare this to mirabel who seems to know EXACTLY what she’s doing, she’s cool calm and collected and it almost comes naturally to her! I believe this is because she actually has an interest in horse riding! we already know she has many hobbies so I don’t think it’s far fetched to speculate this is another one!
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also take in mind she is riding bare back here! notice how Bruno appears nervous (and is the whole ride back to the encanto) but alma is smiling she’s fully confident I believe this is because mirabels done this many times before!
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also the way she does this jump so effortlessly!? and riding bareback is way harder too! Usually only experienced riders do this! so I think the fact mirabel 1. Isnt nervous at all about this and 2. alma isn’t nervous at all implies she’s experienced in some way
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she just seems like she really knows what she’s doing and the horse doesn’t seem uncomfortable either! so yeah this is my mirabel is a horse rider theory!
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werewolfcave · 1 month
Lucy Heartfilia bears a stunning resemblance to her mother. This fact has colored much of her identity and life.
At first she was just a mirror of a woman still living... Free to be herself.
I think Lucy was a tomboy before her mother died. I think she scraped her knees all the time, I think she wore shorts or breeches and t-shirts all the time and climbed trees. I think she mouthed off and couldn't help doing 5 different cannon balls into the pool until she got it right. I think she wouldn't be caught dead in a skirt because it snagged on the bark too much and she couldn't ride her horse if she wasn't wearing pants.
And then... One day... that little tomboy kid was crushed, the seed of butchness stomped out, she was made to be a replacement for her mother.
She lived in dresses and skirts, taught how to sit like a lady, taught the proper posture, taught that proper girls don't get dusty in the stables, don't play in the mud, don't throw tantrums when their father doesn't play with them.
She lived the life of a noble girl turned woman, and then she ran. She tried to become her own self.
But the remnants of being Layla remained, even as she fully resolved to never return home she couldn't stop... Not when she felt like the only way to be a good celestial wizard was to be a reflection of her mother. She never stopped feeling guilty that she wasn't her mother when it came to Aquarius.
Out in the world she uses that feminity she has learned like a tool. It's not something she is comfortable in it's something she is using to survive, to haggle men out of high prices, something that makes her that much more like her idols. It's an ill-fitting hand me down dress.
And one of her idols is Mirajane Strauss, model for Sorcerer Weekly, barmaid, softest smile in all of Fiore. A feminine icon. Maybe if she can be like Mira... Maybe she'll be good enough.
But here's the grand secret: Mira's feminity is a mask
So where does that leave Lucy?
At times Lucy catches sight of this sort of dance that Erza and Mira do. They perform the roles of a butch and her femme. Mira prepares the food, shares gossip, and flashes a pretty smile. Erza pulls out the chair, carries whatever's heaviest, and gives Mira a kiss. It's a show of sorts.
And then, at another point in time, she catches sight of Mira, who is sitting on the steps behind Fairy Hills. In those quiet moments, without the makeup that hides her eye bags, without the cute dress, without the smile... smoking a cigarette and sharing a late night beer with Erza... And the two look so alike that for a moment she cannot recognize Mirajane Strauss. For this small moment she really catches sight of the She-Devil, not just the rage that triggers her monstrous transformation, but the person she was before that grief, and who she really is after that grief.
She realizes what lies underneath Mira's facade. She sees that little butch kid in Mira get some air, get to breathe for that slim fragment of time and she understands. Sees the way Mira's posture changes, her attitude changes, her dynamic with Erza changes. And most of all the way that she looks truly and genuinely unguarded.
And Lucy realizes... That maybe she's just like Mira... Her true self is buried under 6ft of dirt... And that maybe she's suffocating herself alive
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rain-day-today · 4 months
A few more baby fairytail headcanons because their the found family that haunts me in my dreams🫶🏽 these are a little more natsu and gray centric cause those are my favs
Gray and Natsu did not have a place to live until they were in the guild for like a year . There were too many parentless orphans running around and not enough people to keep track of them, so It was couch surfing hot potato like nobody’s business.
Natsu’s stuff was scattered to the high heavens. You would find his sandals in Laxus’s room, bag in the Strauss Siblings place,any clothes were scattered between Erza, Cana and Levy. Really its a miracle he had clothes at all considering the fact he also refused to wear a shirt his first month( “you don’t needs shirts in the forest snd their itchhhyyy” ) . Gray was a bit better and just had a card board box that he took to people’s house when he decided (without the person’s permission) to crash there for the next week. Ironically,The two would always end up trying to crash with the same person on the same night. Natsu would be climbing into the room through the window right when Gray was breaking in by picking the lock.
Speaking of which, Everyone but erza can pick locks. Lissana is the fastest followed by Cana and then Natsu. Mira just broke the door down.
Whenever they were smaller and Erza went on a job with Levy they had an unspoken understanding to only speak like they were from medieval times. There were alot of questions afterward and more lost in translation.
Little Cana would cut and dye everyone’s hair. She Once dyed natsu’s hair black, mistaking the hair dye as extra shampoo-y shampoo
That was the worst week of Natsu and Grays life. Whenever they were out in public together they got mistaken for brothers.
*cana and laxus dying of laughter*
*maco and wakaba choking*
natsu and gray couldn’t look at each other that entire week.
EmoTeen!Gray discovered the girls taste in books after being locked in the library closet during “book club”
Natsu knows exactly what Erza and Levy read. super hearing y’know? He wont admit to it but he knows not to be in the guild whenever those high pitched giggle start.
Laxus gets severely motion sick. He used to deal with it by using those stupid looking motion sickness glasses every time he got on a train. Now he just sells his soul to the devil (mira) for a bottle of magic elixir ( straight vodka) that lets him pass tf out.
Erza lost an Erza look alike contest once
Mira lost a Mira look alike contest
Lissana won both of them back to back
Natsu has a collection of hand me downs that he refuses to wear or get rid of. Most of them are Erzas old armors or things gray stripped and forgot about, but he has a little of everyone. His favorite one is Laxus’s old big coat.
Elfman does a little quote of the day thing in the guildhall
Elfman once got all the fairytail kids including s-class Laxus, Erza, and Mira to Jump Guildarts. No one knows the outcome because at some point all the smaller kids got knocked out with only Erza,Mira and Laxus left awake and they wont tell who won.
When they were younger there was a cute skate park the girls would visit often, thats why they can do all the cool skate board tricks.
Levy bought a motorcycle after getting the money from her first “big” job
Natsu once put a tin full of mentos in multiple buckets of coke in the guild hall infirmary
One time gramps was feeling really down and kids did a little play to cheer him up. They did sleeping beauty with Levy as Sleeping Beauty, Cana as the prince, Mira was maleficent, and Laxus as the prince’s horse. Gray, Natsu, and Elfman were obviously the fairies. Erza wasn’t in the guild at the moment much to her dismay. The play genuinely went incredibly well except instead of waking the princess up with a kiss, Cana head butted Levy so hard it caused Levy to pass out.
Little Valentines Day scenario
(No i do not care that its may)
The first year they were all together, Natsu and Gray got in trouble with Erza the day before valentine’s day. Them hearing everyone gush about wanting someone to give them something, decided that the best way to apologize (save themselves) would be to give her a bunch of valentines day candy and presents. They gave them to her at the guild with cute cards and she was so so happy she started to tear up. This marks Erza as the first person among them all to get a Valentine present.
The others were silently seething, which turned into alot of teasing “ Aww looks like Grays got a crushhh,” “ Look at natsu being all gentlemen like , Erza must be a special special girl,” Erza promptly beat them all up for it, and Gray and Natsu were successfully in their mission to save themselves!
They did feel kinda bad afterwards seeing the others look longingly at Erza quite large pile. Natsu sneakily went out and bought some more chocolates to hand cheer everyone up, gray joined in because “No way am I letting flame brain be liked more then me!” They obviously fought, which melted the chocolates. No fear however! Natsu tempered the chocolates to perfection and gray used his magic to make fun molds.
The next day they handed them out and now its a tradition. On Valentine’s day you get candy from the boy of your dreams, the next day Natsu and Gray give you a creepily detailed mini you made out of chocolate.
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emlee81 · 5 months
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Whiskey and Sunsets-Joshua Faraday-Pt. 1
This is a little three part story that I originally posted on Wattpad. It's just a little story about Chris Pratt's character, Joshua Faraday in The Magnificent Seven.
Warning this story mentions death, strong language, sex, alcohol, violence and prostitution.
I'd always considered myself a strong woman. Not someone who was intimidated by many. And in my line of work, I couldn't afford to be timid.
My parents were decent, hardworking people, who had a small farm on the edge of town. We lived a slow, simple life and I suppose if someone had asked me, I would have replied that I was happy enough.
Until the day the storm came. It tore through the county, bringing heavy rain, wind and hail. The damage was insurmountable. Especially when I discovered that my pa had been killed from a falling beam inside the barn, while trying to free our horses.
My ma was inconsolable. She refused to budge from the broken bed inside the battered cabin. I was only thirteen at the time and barely old enough to get any decent kind of job to support us.
I did some work at the general store, although I know the kindly old man who ran it could hardly pay me much of anything, I appreciated his charity.
One day, one of the saloon girls was out back, smoking a cigarette and spotted me dumping out the dirty wash water from scrubbing the floors. She beckoned me closer and I timidly complied.
"Honey, I know you're in a bad spot at home, and that old shopkeeper, bless his heart, he can't pay you enough. How's about you cone work with me?"
I didn't answer right away. I'd heard the rumors, what kind of shameful acts took place in the den of temptation, as our preacher referred to as, and was worried about what my neighbors might say.
"Isn't it...bad in there?" I whispered to the girl. She just laughed.
"It ain't always a picnic, honey, but it's not all bad. It pays real good."
"I'm just a kid," I mumbled weakly. "Those men would scare me."
"I'll protect you, honey." She flickered her cigarette into the dust, leaned down and gently took my chin in her fingers.
"If anyone tries to hurt you, I'll kill them." I stared, wide eyed at this woman, whom I barely knew. I wasn't sure if I believed her or not.
"You're...telling me the truth?"
"Yes, I am." She turned to leave. "I'll let you think on it a spell. Let me know when you decide."
She hurried back inside the saloon, where loud, lively piano music was playing and I heard some angry shouts, along with a loud crash. I stood, thinking about her offer. I wasn't sure if I had enough nerve to go work inside that den of temptation or not.
"Mira, get yourself over here!" I roll my eyes, deciding to make the asshole who's hollering at me, wait a few extra minutes.
"Mira, get over there!" Salina, the young woman who'd recruited me all those years ago, snaps quietly at me.
"He can wait a bit. Serve the jackass right." Salina gives me a rough nudge, drawing a fierce glare from me. She pretends not to notice, instead only giving me another push. This one means business.
I drag my feet a little, cringing on the inside. Most days, I'm perfectly content to mingle with the crowd. Unless Cletus Smith is among them. Cletus is the type that you can't see them coming a mile away, but smell them.
Cletus gives me a wide grin, his teeth stained yellow from tobacco juice and who knows what else. He's wearing the same shirt and trousers as always, stained with tobacco juice, alcohol, dirt and various other stuff that I'm better off not knowing about.
"Mira, dear, you look as pretty as a picture!"
"Mr. Smith." I take a seat beside him and immediately, he's leaning towards me, an eager look in his eyes.
"Oh hell, Mira! No need to be so formal!"
"You know it's part of the job," I say, shifting away from him, his foul breath and body odor nearly wanting to make me vomit.
"I won't tell if you won't," Cletus says, giving me a wink like we're the closest of friends.
"Fancy a dance, Mr. Smith?" Cletus laughs, standing and slapping his thigh in delight. I plaster what I hope is a convincing smile on my face and take Cletus' cold, clammy hand, leading him over to a less crowded area and reluctantly putting my arms around him.
"You're the best damn dancer in this whole joint!"
"Thank you kindly." We dance for several minutes before Cletus starts getting impatient, dropping less than subtle hints about something more...private.
"Very well, Mr. Smith." I take his hand, weaving our way through tables, chairs and the other patrons, heading upstairs. I nearly stumble as Cletus gives me a rough tug. I toss him a dirty look, but he only pushes me again.
"Hurry up, you dumb bitch! I got an itch that's just waiting to be scratched!"
"Mr. Smith." Salina is by us in a moment, a fierce look on her face. "Need I remind you that you must obey the rules here?"
"Oh calm down, Mama! I didn't do nothing wrong! 'Sides, I am a paying customer!" With that being said, Cletus pushes me and this time, I stumble, nearly falling down half a flight of stairs, cracking my head on the wall.
Salina jumps in, but before she can, I hear an unfamiliar male voice speak up, along with the soft click of a gun being cocked.
"That's no way to speak to a lady, sir. Nor any way to treat her. I strongly suggest you apologize. Before I get trigger happy."
Someone grabs me by the arm, dragging me out of the way, my head throbbing as stars appear in my vision. I shake my head a little as Salina has her arms wrapped around my shoulders, my upper body pressed into hers. She's trembling.
My vision clears and I turn my head, gazing at the man who thought it was a good idea to intervene on my behalf. What he doesn't realize is that once he leaves town, Cletus will really let me have it.
He's tall, slender, although muscular, with dirty blond hair and blue eyes, a patch of rough stubble across his lower face. There's a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and he briefly flickers his gaze over to me. Our eyes lock.
"You sorry son of a bitch!" Cletus snaps, facing this mystery man, who appears as cool as can be.
"Do you like card tricks, mister?" Cletus' brow furrows in confusion.
"Card. Tricks," the man says in an exaggerated way.
"Are you loony?" Cletus starts to push past the man, who's far more solid than he first appears, pushing Cletus back a few steps.
"Nope. But we're not talking about me. I was asking you a question."
"Did ya mean like playing cards?"
"Again, no." The man reaches into his pocket, removing a pack of filthy playing cards, fanning them out in front of Cletus, who looks downright baffled.
"Pick a card," the man instructs. Cletus does so. "Look at it. Commit it to your memory. Cletus looks the card. I'm looking at the man, who turns, giving me a wink. I scowl.
"Replace the card." Cletus replaces the card and the man shuffles them for a few seconds, before pulling one up off the deck and holding it up for everyone see.
"Is this your card?" It's the five of hearts. Cletus scowls.
"Hell, no! Fraud!"
"I wasn't finished." The man reaches behind him, appearing to pull the card out of thin air. I blink. Huh. Even I'm impressed.
"Your card is the Ace of Spades." Cletus' jaw drops, looking shocked.
"How'd you do that?"
"Can't tell you. It's a secret." Suddenly he's pushing the barrel of his gun into Cletus' chest. The poor man looks like he's going to piss himself.
"I'll make you a deal. You leave this here saloon and never bother these women again."
"W..What's the...deal?" Cletus' knees are practically knocking together. I've never seen him this lily livered before. It's entertaining.
"Oh." The man moves another gun up to his face, scratching it, as though he's thinking.
"And I won't fill you full of lead."
"Y..Yes, sir!" Cletus turns and flees, his face as pale as snow. The man chuckles, turning to Salina and I. She helps me to a standing position.
"You're welcome, little lady."
"I don't recall asking for your assistance!" I push myself away from Salina, turn and promptly crash into the man, who immediately reaches out to steady me.
"Easy." His gaze turns soft, catching me off guard. I quickly apologize, extracting myself from his arms. We step apart.
"I hope you realize that you've only made things worse by stepping in, Mr...?"
"Faraday. Josh Faraday."
"Mr. Faraday. Cletus Smith is a regular here. Once you've left town, he'll take up his place, right where he left it. And probably be bragging about how he scared you away."
Mr. Faraday turns to exit the saloon, a jaunt to his step. He's quite sure of himself.
"Who says I'll be leaving town, Miss..?"
"Ross," I supply. "Mira Ross." Joshua Faraday touches the brim of his hat, smirking as he heads out.
"The pleasure has been all mine, Miss Ross."
"He's trouble," Salina says to me.
"No shit."
As I'm running errands to collect some food items Salina and I's supper, whom should I see again, but Joshua Faraday. He grins, approaching me as though we're old acquaintances.
"Miss Ross, pleasure seeing you again."
"I wish I could say the same for you, Mr. Faraday." I thank the shopkeeper, grabbing my bags and head for the door. Mr. Faraday follows behind like a lost, little dog, begging for scraps.
"Have you recovered from your injuries?"
"Mr. Faraday, I had no injuries."
"Looked like to me you'd hit your head pretty hard on the wall. Not to mention, falling down half a flight of stairs."
"In my line of work, Mr. Faraday, that shit happens all the damn time."
"Not very ladylike, are you?"
"No, I think I've probably forgotten how to behave like a lady, truthfully."
"What about your family?"
"You're a bold one." I stare at him. I suppose he's the sort who charms every woman he meets, using his good looks and card tricks to get into their panties.
"That I am." Mr. Faraday chewing on some straw. He's staring into the distance. Is he worried someone catch with him? Maybe he's an outlaw, on the run.
"Your card trick was mighty impressive," I say.
"You liked that?"
"Yes." I side eye him. "I bet you use shit like that when you're playing cards, huh?"
"Sorry. I can't give away any of my secrets."
"Heaven forbid," I mutter. We reach the back entrance the saloon. I'm ready to get myself some supper and relax for a bit before getting back to work until closing time.
"I have to go. You watch your back, Mr. Faraday. Cletus Smith might not look like much of a threat, but he has friends."
"I have friends, too." Mr. Faraday grins, patting his gun holster. I roll my eyes.
"I'll be seeing you," he adds.
"Not if see you first."
"Mira, can I ask you something?"
"You can ask, doesn't mean I'll reply."
Salina and I are closing up the saloon. We're about to drag our weary bodies upstairs and get straight into bed. My back is killing me. I massage it for a moment before moving the last two chairs.
"I think that Faraday character is sweet on you."
"That's not a question." We blow out the last of the lanterns and head upstairs.
"He's handsome, no?"
"He's a pain in ass," I retort as I begin undressing and tossing my dress aside, reaching for my night dress, slipping it on and collapsing on my bed. Ooh, it feels amazing.
"Mira, he defended your honor." Salina moves to blow out the lamp before climbing into her bed.
"And? I owe himself for that?" I roll over on my back, staring into the darkness. I recall Joshua Faraday's ruggedly handsome face. Damn. Now I think he is getting under my skin.
"No. But who knows if I would have been able to stop Cletus from...harming you."
"Salina, anybody could take on that sack of shit, Cletus. He's as dumb as a post."
"I don't know. He is a man, after all."
"Men are men," I retort, rolling back over and closing my eyes. "Cletus, Mr. Faraday, they're all the damn same. Aggravating, stupid and full of themselves."
"I bet Joshua Faraday isn't as bad as you think," Salina murmurs.
"Sorry," I reply, grinning, thankful for the cover of darkness. "I'm not much of a betting woman."
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flutteringfable · 1 year
horse girl (gender neutral) kaeya hcs bc i am also a horse girl (gender neutral)
oh yeah baybeeee time to be a horse nerd for the benefit of my fanfictionssss <3
kaeya isnt a huge favorite character of mine but as an equestrian myself i love thinking abt his own horse experiences lol. also soft-ish ragbros content because i desperately want them to be happy *shakes fist at hoyoverse*
warnings: mentions of character death, major spoilers for kaeya and diluc’s story (mostly what’s covered in the manga), and possible contradictions to the canon timeline? like idk if i got stuff right about the timeframe/age of kaeya being adopted, joining the knights, etc but hopefully it can be overlooked since it isn’t a major part of the hc list lmao
kaeya has loved horses his whole life
both his original father and diluc’s had horses, so he’s been around them a lot
when he was little, he spent all his time playing in the stables
by the time he was around 10-12, a little bit after he was taken in by the ragnvindrs, he could care for the horses by himself
crepus would ask him and diluc to help him name new foals
he started learning to ride almost immediately after getting better at caring for the horses
diluc and kaeya would follow crepus on horseback through the wilds of mondstadt sometimes when they accompanied him for errands
after crepus died, kaeya taught himself, and surprisingly became rather skilled
i like to think that there was a period where kaeya and diluc were close immediately following crepus’ death before they drifted apart
so, kaeya taught diluc a lot of what he knows now about horseback riding
when kaeya joined the knights of favonius cavalry, he felt right at home
he learned some vaulting and one-handed skills from training with the other knights
so now he’s REALLY good
he excitedly tells diluc everything he learns whenever he can
diluc listens, but this is during the period when they started to drift apart, so he feels the smallest twinge of jealousy
regardless, a small part of him is proud of kaeya, and he does his best to voice this since he doesn’t want to dampen his brother’s mood
nowadays, kaeya likes to go for quiet rides around windrise on his days off
(context + horse nerd rambling incoming!
for those of you who might not know, most horse’s “names” are nicknames! domestic horses have what i can only describe as “legal names” or as they’re more commonly known, “show names.” these names are typically structured similarly to actual names, with two words (“shooting star”), but some people will use phrases (“a walk with grace”) or titles of movies, songs, etc (“dark side of the moon” “candy crush”). i don’t wanna bore you with the details here, but if you’re interested just look up how horses’ show names are chosen! okay back to the kaeya horse girl hours)
kaeya bought his own horse about three years after he joined the cavalry
she’s a fresian (very pretty breed i love draft horses so so much mwah my big fluffy babies) named shining miracle
kaeya calls her miracle or mira for short
everyone in mondstadt knows mira
kaeya sometimes walks her through the city on patrols, and will almost always be stopped by people leaving gentle pats on mira’s neck and saying hello
during the windblume festival and weinlesefest, kaeya likes to braid cecilias and windwheel asters into her mane.
mira is gentle and soft tempered, so even in the most chaotic of festival settings she will stand quietly
during festivals she gets lots of extra treats, and bakers in mond have taken to making special horse-friendly treats especially for her
needless to say, she’s very well taken care of by both kaeya and the entirety of mondstadt
sometimes, when he’s stressed or otherwise upset, kaeya will take mira out to the shore and gallop her up and down the beach
(with breaks, of course. no matter how pent up he may be, kaeya would never push mira to exhaustion because of it)
okay if anyone has more questions about mira and kaeya i would be so so happy to answer them i’m kind of obsessed
hoyoverse give us horses to ride ingame challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (look i know that would make it feel more like a zelda clone but come ONNNN i want a pretty horse)
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ultimate ship meme | lewgrove
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[ original post ]
How long will they last? - once they get through some obstacles, they're endgame, baby
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - quicker than they expected, though neither of them wanted to admit it.
How was their first kiss? - angry and desperate
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Who proposed? - Billy
Who is the best man/men? - Steve
Who is the bridemaid(s)? - Max
Who did the most planning? - Win
Who stressed the most? - Billy
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Neil
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Who is on top? - It's about 50/50 as to who's on top.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Again, it's pretty equal who starts things.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - 20 - 30 minutes
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - it's only fair
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
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How many children will they have naturally? - two, a little boy, Joseph William Hargrove, affectionately known as Joey & a little girl, Mira Jane Hargrove
How many children will they adopt? - none
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Billy
Who is the stricter parent? - Billy
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Billy
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Win
Who is the more loved parent? - i'd say they're loved pretty equally
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Win drags Billy to them
Who cried the most at graduation? - Billy
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Either of them
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Who does the most cooking? - Billy, do not let Win into the kitchen
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Billy
Who does the grocery shopping? - they usually go together
How often do they bake desserts? - not super often, only for special occasions, like christmas cookies or birthday cakes
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - meat, though Billy tries to keep things somewhat healthy
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Win
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Win
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? -  Win
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Who cleans the room? - Win
Who is really against chores? - i'd say neither, though Billy somewhat balks at them
Who cleans up after the pets? - Win
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - neither of them
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Win
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Win
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Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Billy lol, tho Win really likes to bathe with him, so that tends to make them take longer
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Billy
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - for the major holidays, but they don't really go all out, except for maybe halloween and christmas
What are their goals for the relationship? - to be each others' safe space, being there for each other when no one else is
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Win
Who plays the most pranks? - they both do, and they're very competetive
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My Percabeth kids.
the first child - Jason Xavier Jackson-Chase
• looks like his Dad but has his Momma’s grey eyes
• was born in New Rome right after Percy and Annabeth graduated
• is the most roman out of all his siblings
• struggles with Greek but speaks Latin perfectly
• becomes praetor at age 15
• earthquake powers
• named for Jason Grace
The second child - Mira Elizabeth Jackson-Chase
• has hair like her Momma’s but black, grey eyes and her Dad’s complexion
• died the top of her hair teal
• is five years younger than Jason
• loves horses
• water powers
• very Greek
• dyslexic
the third child- River Jackson-Chase
• sea-green eyes, blonde hair, and his mom’s complexion
• died his hair blue
• seven years younger than Jason and two years younger than Mira
• ironically has no water powers
• loves architecture
• genius
• Momma’s boy
• adores his Aunt Estella
• has no middle name as Percy and Annabeth could not decide on one
the forth child- Brooke Selena Jackson-Chase
• has her dad’s hair and complexion, and grey eyes
• eleven years younger than Jason, six years younger than Mira, and four years younger than River
• died the tips of her hair blue
• water powers
• nerd and loves reading
• loves the Lord of the Rings
• master swordswoman
• named for Selena Beauregard
the fifth child - Charlie Grace Jackson-Chase
• looks just like her Momma
• Brooke’s twin sister
• eleven years younger than Jason, six years younger than Mira, four years younger than River, and eighteen minutes younger than Brooke
• water powers
• Dad’s little girl
• Jason’s favorite sibling
• spends most of her time at Camp Jupiter
• named for Charles Beckendorf and the Grace siblings
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zaenight · 1 year
ch 5 of his down bitch , her cholo
Daisy helped the boys with saddling the horses.
"Alright , button up those shirts ,tuck em' in , and roll down those sleeves." J.t said to the boys.
"Órale chica mis nombres ernesto , aye mira que lindas , chiquita." Ernesto said to the horse.
(Orale girl my names Ernesto, oh look how pretty, little girl)
"Cute , his name is ranger." Daisy snickered as Ernesto looked at her , before looking down to see if he really was a boy.
"It's good talking to your horse , forms a critical bond , Like me and Seraphina." She stated as J.t came over.
"She's right , now mount up." J.t said.
"What you gonna make me button up too?" Ernesto questioned.
"That's right , Button up , tuck that shirt in , and roll down those sleeves." J.t said as Ernesto rolled his eyes , Daisy walked over to him helping.
"sabes nena ernesto le gustaria mas esto si me estuvieras quitando la ropa." Ernesto smirked as Daisy blushed a bit before scoffing out a laugh.
(you know babe Ernesto would like this more if you were taking off my clothes )
"Your a flirt." Daisy laughed as he kissed her hand.
"Watch it boy!" Colt yelled to him.
"Hold still damnit !" Booker exclaimed , yanking the horses harness.
"Booker , how'd you like if I put a metal bar in your mouth , Pulled it to the back of your teeth and started yanking it around." J.t said to the boy.
"Well the damn thing won't listen to me , what the hell am I supposed to do?" Booker questioned.
"Your a big man right , you demand respect? , well so does he , now step back here and show him some." J.t stated.
"Alright shorty." J.t said.
"Take this saddle and throw it on em' ." Shorty said.
After getting Keith on his horse , bareback , due to fact he didn't want to , they rode off , Daisy laughing as Ernesto said somthing to the Ranger .
When they got back , Daisy and Ernesto headed with shorty , to give calves their shots.
"You mexican , ain't you?" Shorty asked the sixteen year old boy , who was almost distracted when Daisy hopped the fence , a great view of her - Shorty wacked his head as Ernesto replied to his question.
"Oh Sí , sí . " Daisy heard Ernesto say , as she was petting the calves.
"Don't be a smart aleck boy , no intendo Español ." Shorty said to him as they reached the gate.
"Mexican vaqueros , they taught us old cowboys everything we know about horse backin' and how to work the cows." Shorty explained as Ernesto looked at Daisy.
"They have a holiday for it , call it Charro day , you ever hear of it?" Shorty said.
"No." Ernesto said.
"You didn't , well you ought to , it's in your blood , them cows there , their mexican." Shorty said to him.
"Corrientes , And we're gonna vaccinate them wuth four way." Daisy explaied grabbing Ernesto's hand , leading him over to the cows.
"Pay attention here and learn somthin." Shorty said whistling to the cows , using the Lasso.
"Come here and hold this rope." Shorty said to Ernesto as he put the calf on its side.
"Get that leg up like that and it can't go anywhere." Daisy said holding a shot.
"Daisy do tha' honors." Shorty sId as Daisy gave the calf a shot.
"Alright there you go." Shorty said handing Ernesto the empty shot from daisy's hand.
"Now then, Go on." Shorty said as Daisy released the calf from the lasso.
"Man , looks like it doesn't hurt him none." Ernesto said.
"Doesn't hurt em' att all , your turn." Daisy said.
"You know these ropes were given to us by the mexicans too , they call them la reata , thats where we got the name Lariat we just knocked off the a at the end." Shorty explained as he lassoed the other calf .
"Man shorty watch were your flingin' that thing." Daisy said as the two teens dodged the lasso.
"All yours." Shorty said to Ernesto.
"What- I ?" Ernesto stamered as be he went over to the calf , copying Shorty's actions.
"That's it get that leg , okay here we go." Daisy said passing him the shot.
And they released the calf , as Ernesto got up and cheered.
"Yeah if the homies could see me now!, Ernesto!" He exclaimed as Daisy laughed , Going over to him , pecking his cheek.
"That was a good job!" Shorty said , Although the boy was a blushing mess from the kiss Daisy gave him.
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"Mark Marissen"
Rims—Maersk/Makers—NA (North America)
Rims—NRA. Ask me.
Arms in Maersk/Makers
where Rims is Wall and arms are illegally trafficked weapons.
That's probably not right but I don't really have anything else, I'm afraid:
Rims near Kams. (eg, Kamloops)
or a very uneasy Mari/Mira "not even" 'gram:
Mark Maris/Miras "SEN" (eg London Southend)
Press or G
where Press is Pack and G is Geeb or Gee.
might be:
Using Oh/Ho
H in US Go (eg Go Buses)
Hog in US
Gin—US/OH (Ohio or PSA Airlines)
Guns—HIO (Portland)
Gun is OH (Ohio or PSA Airlines)
Hugs in O
Hug is ON[tario]
where Oh is Oz and Ho is 1/2Oz, H is Horse, Hog is Pig Killer, Gin is Girl, Guns are weapons or Rigs and Hug Drug is Dancing Shoes.
"Housing Coalition Party/HCP"
might be:
H—CP (Cathay Pacific or Canadian Pacific)
My Mini Bs
Mini Bs—YM (Yang Ming Shipping)
where Mini Beans/Bennies are Drivers.
The F—C (eg, Calgary)
The C—F (eg, Fredericton)
what else?
"The Greens"
I always assumed this was a way to refer to Plant. Tonight I learned that it's a popular way to refer to Humid in some parts of Vancouver, where it is sold in dark green tablets or rocks.
0 notes
onyourhyuck · 2 years
𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 ℛ𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃𝓈. | 𝓃.𝓳𝓶 (M)
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synopsis; na jaemin is a young prince who doesn’t want to get married because he finds it pointless. shin mirae is a young princess who refuses to get married due to her gamophobia, a fear of commitment in relationships, what happens when these two meet paths?
warnings; cottagecore/royal au, lowercase intended, romance, fake dating later falling in love trope, bachelor noncommittal princess and jaded prince, angst, mentions of death, smut!!, mature language and audience.
1/24. PART 2 LINK
Chamberlain Gala, the only time where every royalty flies across to france to attend such important greet met up. it’s mainly for the single young royalties who are of age to get married however.
hence why shin mirae dislikes such events, it casts a shiver on the skin, makes the heart race to the point she’d feel like her heart will explode, furthermore it gives her tons of headaches! who needs to get married? definitely not mirae.
“mirae is there any boy catching your eyes in france so far?” ms shin asks in the carriage, mirae looking up from the page, taking a small glance to the surroundings; beautiful ancient france buildings and many beautiful people dressed in extravagant victorian type dresses. “nope.” mirae told bluntly, shifting eyes back to the book.
ms shin scowls at the dry response. “tut, suit yourself. maybe you’ll find someone at the chamberlain’s palace.”
“which won’t ever happen,” mirae said as she glances to look at her mother, noticing the fed up face. “just pointing out, mother.” mirae gave a short sweet smile to aggravate the older woman more.
horses pouting aloud as the galloping of the horseshoes stops, the carriage moving shrieks, multiple servants and butlers coming to assist the shin royalties down the build. ms shin smiling at the sight of the white building in front distance. the palace was truly magnificent— it held different balconies, wide stair range, fountain in the middle, multiple field plains and a rose garden maze. the bright blue france sky stunning the landscape with its bright sunshine.
mirae glances to the male butler’s hand in which she completely avoided, going down herself from the carriage. her mother calls mirae to come forward.
mirae looks towards the front. “mirae meet lady and sir garcia.” ms shin said, mirae gave a short smile bowing down to the older royal elders.
“oh gosh you have a beautiful daughter, ms shin.” mr garcia jeeps. ms shin laughs a little staying humble. “my daughter, mirebelle is here.” ms garcia introduced.
a sight of a young girl around the same age as mirae was shown. mirebelle bows a little before glancing to mirae with a wide smile. somehow mirae feels like those two will be good friends.
“hello mirae,” mirebelle said as the two walk away from their parents conversations. mirae looks at the beautiful girl, “hello mirebelle, where did you fly from?”
“spain, how about you!” mirebelle asks in an awful cheerful tone, mirae would whoa, she never met someone from spain yet. “korea, you didn’t travel a lot then?” mirae questions. mirebelle would nod. “indeed, it was like a walk down to the garden of your own home.” mirebelle jokes.
“i see, lucky!” mirae beams, for her it felt like a torturous ride, especially because she had to sail to france most of the time travelling.
the royalties have arrived later, since the palace itself is getting full and crowded by other nobility to attend the events, mirebelle and mirae have ventured out to the piano room amongst other females.
mirae laughs a little, pressing a random chord on the piano onto the left side. mirebelle sitting next to the princess, pressing the same chord on the right side, making a large high pitch cluck, whereas mirae’s chords sounds more like a clug with deeper tone.
the room itself was quite comforting, most of the girl’s here get along together— and some speak to each other with their languages as many are from different countries. most royalties know english from young by being taught to maintain peace together.
“is there anyone who caught your eyes yet ladies?” mitsuki comes forth interrupting mirae and mirebelle on the piano. mirebelle shakes her head, “not yet, how about you?”
mitsuki would let out a small sigh out, leaning on the grand piano wooden structure. “hmm i’m afraid yes,” she said. mitsuki is a true hopeless romantic. mirae would roll back her eyes. “who is it?”
“glad you asked, mirae!” mitsuki squeaks. “sooo he has blonde hair, light blue eyes- oh gosh did I mention he’s handsome?”
“i mean, his name! not how he looks slowpoke.” mirae shouts, mitsuki stands up. “oh, his name is prince tomas.”
“ahhh, prince of Atticus?” mirebelle would say, earning a nod from the japanese princess. “i heard he’s a massive player though,” mirebelle trails.
“i don’t understand why everyone is looking for someone to marry.” mirae huffs out the cheeks forward, she can’t relate to anyone here. mitsuki tilts head at the girl, “do you not want to find love?”
mirae nods. “yeah, i don’t get it.” mirebelle would nudge forward towards mirae smiling, “awh that’s okay right, mitsuki? you don’t need to understand love.”
mirebelle paused. “love will happen naturally for you, no worries!” mitsuki nods, “yeah naturally.” mirae gave a short smile at her two friends, “awh thanks guys, you’re so understanding.”
the large golden court doors swung open with a older korean woman and a boy beside her tracing behind. the woman looks around the girls in the room before turning to the boy with a frustrated expression; the boy having the most annoyed and tiresome face.
“look around, na jaemin! which girl do you want to marry?” ms na shouts forward. her son casually glances to the women in the room currently, his eyes faltering at the girl that caught his outmost attention, brunette porous curls, layered upon the sunlight shunning down causing a light effect of blonde; thinly soft shape brows, eyes monotonously glancing about the room, soft white skin, rosey cheeks, nicely shaped collarbones resting out by a white shoulder corset dress that extends out into poofyness of almighty glory.
“her,” jaemin points towards mirae, a smirk forming upon his lips.
mirae felt the room gasp, bursting in quiet gossips in less than a second, her friends next to her sharing the same expression.
“m-me?” mirae repeats forward, the boy nodding casually. “yeah or should i tell you in korean instead?”
This is lowkey a Bridgetone type theme LMAOA
@onyourhyuck please refer from copyrighting and plagiarising my work! remember to reblog, like, follow and comment if you enjoyed this and want to see more content like this~
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5ammi90 · 3 years
Encanto first watch.
Tell me I did not start up encanto for the first subtitle to be (abuela speaking Spanish).
This film is beautiful, oh my days
1:40 minutes in and we already have the death of a family member, Disney is ruthless.
Death of a family member for “magic” candle. Seems like a good trade.
Oh dang the house is sentient. Be afraid.
“Magic” candle doesn’t give gift to family member just to have plot. Rude.
First song. I like it.
Those three kids are on way to much coffee. I was only joking. That kid was seriously drinking coffee. I’m very much agreeing with the kids. There are so many people. What on earth is a ‘grandkids round up’
List of superheroes and their powers. Weather girl, back to the future, food heals all, super hearing, shapeshifter, currently unknown is now dr dolittle, super strength, flower power and broken af.
Wow dissing Bruno right from the get go.
Excuse but you’ve still not mentioned what you’re gift is. I mean I know you don’t have one but still. Drop that bombshell already.
Woo, time to start dragging down Mirable, this is gonna be fun. Delivery dude really beating that horse and he’s only had 40 seconds of screen time. Rest of the movie needs to step up if we really want to destroy this girls self esteem before the first 10 minutes. 9:48 nailed it.
Someone calm the weather girl, she is messing up the floral arrangements.
So Isabela is gonna be that character, great 😒. I wanna punch her, 10:30. That is a definite record. Nice work Encanto.
So dad has more puff than the marshmallow. Poor dude fought bees and they definitely won. Dad you ain’t helping.
Fuck you Abuela. Way to kick a kid while she’s down. I mean dang.
Wait a second did the girl not get a door/ her own room because she didn’t get a gift. Seriously, that’s so messed up. How has she not went down the path of Bruno. She’s legit stuck in the nursery. Bruh.
Oh now it’s translating the subtitles. Thanks.
Super strength lifted a whole cart and donkey. Dang.
Stairs really said ‘nope’.
Yeah keep hyping this, nothing bad could happen just look at how well last time turned out…….wait a second. Poor boy is terrified. He wants his sis with him but the rest think she’s a jinx. That’s sad for both of them.
Kid has a jungle room. Cool.
Fuck you Abuela.
The took the picture without her. She’s still part of the family. Not having ‘a gift’ doesn’t change that. You a**holes. No you have many reasons to be upset. This poor girl. Let it out babes. Wait a second what’s Abuela’s gift?? Did it tell me and I missed it.
“The matriarch's magical ability is the gift to bestow magic on others” I googled it. So does this mean that technically it’s Abulea’s fault Marible doesn’t have a gift then???
Oh dang the house is breaking. Not good. Also you might want to clean that cut and maybe YELL FOR HELP. Oop no wait, everything is fine apparently. Rude. Thanks mum, loving the support. Wait how do they explain the cut??? Oh great compare her to Bruno. That will make her feel better. Mira, what you doing??
Abulea is a lair. Also side note how has she not spotted Mira. Goes to save family *pause* how do I do that. I love when characters are self aware.
Poor dude, wanting to marry Isabela. I guess love really is blind. Super strength is hiding something. Lusia are you good girl?? I’m sorry, they took a perfectly normal child and destroyed her. Look at her she has anxiety now. Someone help her. Unidonkey. Thank you Mira, I was just about to suggest a hug.
Bruno had a vision and probably could have helped prevent this mess. What’s the bet that he tried to tell Abuela and she dismissed him. (Lusia just chucking donkeys). Bruno has the sands of time for a room. Well that’s a lot of stairs. Positive vibes have died but she reached the top only to find a chasm and no bridge. Bruno your room sucks.
She stuck the landing. Ten points. Also that bird is heavily judging you. Turns out he’s a scaredy-cat. Oh she’s trapped. Although I think she’s found the vision.
Oh shit Lusia is losing her strength. Yeah thanks Abulea blame Mira. Like the poor girl doesn’t feel bad enough. Poor Bruno. Wow, no wonder he left. You all blame him for things that might have happened away. Also Isabela shut up and do one. Oh dang Dolores is in love with the dude (Mariano?) whose in love with Isabela. Poor girl. Fuck you Isabela.
This song is an earworm. Yep tell your dad all about your problems. Dolores knows. Oh shit. Good luck guys. Dolores lock it down babes. Shit too late. Oh shit Pepa has been told. Rain clouds in coming. Lusia having a moment. Poor girl. Dude just got punched by a flower. Mira didn’t do anything, stop being dicks. Oh yeah rats in the walls.
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Oh hey Bruno. Dude is fast. Almost made it, Bruno help her. Thank you. Shit she dropped him. 😂😂😂😂. I need a second to recover. It’s the way he just pops up. Oh my days, that is my kind of humour.
Also if he’s been in the walls this whole time how has Dolores not heard him??? Bruno are you superstitious?? Oh, he’s hopeless. Right, we must protect this man at all costs. Oh someone reintroduced him into society. Poor guy, that’s heartbreaking with the table mat. No they just didn’t try, definitely isn’t your fault Bruno. Okay so what I’ve learned is the family are a bunch of dicks.
Goddamn it Abulea. Bruno is the best out of this whole family so far. So is Antonio. Kid is awesome. Yes dad stand up for your daughter. Abulea sucks. Family weirdos unite.
That capybara just chilling in the circle is giving me life. Also the fact that Bruno went around because he knew it wouldn’t shift was perfect. Yup I definitely feel like capybara just watching this destruction.
Hugging Isabela will fix everything, seriously. Bruno please don’t leave you are the best thing. Oh dang Isabela is about to go off. Duck and cover Mira. Oh nope she’s just being a bitch. Oh crap never mind here we go. Wait she just popped a cactus. So wait she’s only gonna marry this dude for the family when Dolores is already over here in love with the dude. Sucks I guess. Oh dang it she’s gonna get a redemption. I’m gonna have to tolerate her after this.
Oops love interest got punched again. Oh Mira is here to show them they don’t need to be perfect or carry all the responsibilities. Yeah okay. Great Abulea is here to ruining everything. Fuck you Abulea.
Go off Mira. Tell that hoe. Oh shit the candle went out. Now what?? Oop she’s gone.
While crap now I’m crying. Thanks encanto. Doesn’t really make up for the years of alienation but sure. Bruno is here to help. Awww he got a hug. Dad has been stung again. Poor dude. Okay Bruno is getting a lot off his chest but home boy just sang the line “let it go” so I’m judging him. See I knew Dolores had to have heard him. Stop giving that kid coffee. Finally Dolores gets her guy.
So does that mean they have no more powers anymore?? Oop never mind. That would have been an interesting ending to see how they would have coped without their gifts. Yay new family photo.
All in all I liked it. 4/5 just cause i think it might have been more interesting for them to stay without their gifts. Bruno is my favourite and I love the soundtrack, animation is beautiful and I do like the story but it’s far too easy to relate to Mira and it kinda mucks with my opinion.
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loving-daisy · 4 years
Cry For Me | George Weasley x Reader
Masterlist | Cry For Me Masterlist 
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Chapter 6 - Bad Boy, You Make Me A Mad Girl 
Words: 8.9k 
Warnings: angst  
Instead of good bye, I wear an innocent smile
“Fred...hey” Y/N reluctantly greeted, slightly feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. 
As another school year has come to an end, the Hogwarts express stood at platform 9 and ¾. Students of Hogwarts came out rushing to their families, but not until expressing their farewells to the family they had in the wizarding school. 
On the way to the platform between 9 and 10, Y/N sat with Daphne and her sister, along with her cat and fairy, at one of the end compartments. The one where groups of Slytherins always occupy to avoid the storm of energetic Gryffindors with their side-kicks from the house of Helga.   
The Slytherin-Gryffindor couple already said their farewells in advance the night prior, not really expecting to bump into one another at the station as it was always packed with people. However, a certain redhead female (and the only Weasley girl currently studying in Hogwarts) pulled the girl apart from her Slytherins, bringing her to face the rest of the Weasley family. 
Right now, she found herself under the gaze of one of the twins, however, not the one she has given her heart to.  
“My friend, Icestone!” The older Weasley twin greeted with joy. “You haven’t spoken to me since what? Since…” 
“That one Quidditch match where you twins yelled at me.” Y/N completed his sentence in a teasing manner, an attempt to release the tension and awkwardness building inside her, an attempt to push whatever thought was advancing forward in her mind. 
“Hey! We apologized!” Fred argued, waving his hands in disbelief. Y/N crossed her arms, raising a brow towards him. “No, George, apologized!” She argued back. 
The boy gave a grunt, his shoulders slumping. “Truce?” He suggested, laying his hands in front of the girl. For a short moment, the Slytherin stared at it, contemplating whether or not to accept it, Fred’s personal image in her mind fueling her to decline. 
The Master mind of him and George’s pranks, the game planner, the director, the instructor, the mischief maker, and the twin who suggested to continue playing with Y/N Icestone’s heart.
Somehow, the girl couldn’t find it in her heart to reject Fred’s offering hand, even after recalling the news that had been delivered to her a few weeks prior today. Shutting the thought with force, she gave a nod, grabbing the ginger’s hand to shake. “Truce.” 
“Keep your hands off my girl, Fred!” George demanded, slapping the back of his twin’s hand as it held Y/N’s. In which the older twin gave another grunt.  
“Okay, okay! I’ll let you two have your moment. Impatient git.” Fred obliged, moving away as he muttered the last sentence under his breath, shaking his head from side to side. 
The couple now stood face to face, small and shy smiles plastered around them as they stared at each other's eyes. Before George was able to break the short silence, he was interrupted by his sister.   
“Y/N!” Ginny called, grabbing one of Y/N’s hands as she looked up to her before looking down at the bracelet she was gifted, that gives her the ability to talk to the Slytherin’s cat. “I’m going to miss you. And Lixie too.” Ginny confessed, sudden melancholy in her whole being. 
Y/N felt her stature soften, her usual confidence and overflowing charm of authority breaking down for the young girl. She slightly bent her knees to reach the young Gryffindor, wrapping her arms around her. “I’m going to miss you too.” She muttered behind the redhead, softly brushing her locks with her fingers. 
While Ginny was pressed against her figure, Y/N caught the sight of green orbs under black round glasses, burning holes at the girl in front of her. She then moved her eyes to the youngest ginger boy who gave her a shy smile, in which she returned with a small one. 
After the hug broke apart, Y/N kept her level to whisper to Ginny. “Now, if you need someone to tell your secrets to, you know...girl stuff, you know who to owl. I’ll send photographs of Lixie too.” 
Before the Slytherin was claimed by George, who desperately wanted to have their one-on-one moment, the mother of the family came in sight, querying. “Who is this?” Molly asked. 
After noticing how each passerby had their eyes glued on the girl, whispering Merlin-knows-what to whoever they were with at the moment, curiosity enveloped the woman’s mind, not really familiar with the feeling of attention. 
Y/N regained her composure, giving a small bow to Molly as she offered a small smile and her hand. “Hello, Mrs. Weasley. I’m Y/N. Y/N Icestone.” She introduced, Molly introducing herself after she shook the Slytherin’s hand. 
“Y/N Icestone? The daughter of John?” Arthur asked, sudden interest all over his eyes. Y/N nodded in response. “Yes, Mr. Weasley. I assume you know who my father is?” 
“Oh yes, dear. Very great man, he is. Greatly respected at the Ministry. Do send him my regards, will you?” 
Y/N gave the head of the Weasley family another nod. “Yes, sir.” 
“Oh, please. You can call me, Arthur.” 
“So…” Molly began, an intimidating tone in her voice that made the girl in question have shivers crawling at the back of her neck. Regardless, she projected a calm and collected self. 
“You’re not actually in love with one of my boys are you? Definitely not Ron since he’s too young for you but is it one of the twins?” Molly questioned, her hands on her waist as she shot narrowed eyes at the girl, however, a teasing smirk on the woman’s face. 
“Mum!” George groaned in embarrassment, pulling Y/N away from the rest of the Weasleys. In order for Y/N to not feel rude, she grinned at Molly, shrugging before waving her hand in goodbye.  
“Sorry about them. They’re really all over the place, gosh this is so embarrassing.” George quietly said, his eyes locked at the marble floor, hoping to hide his red face. 
“Don’t worry about it, George. It just felt so foreign but I really love their warmth.” Y/N comforted, placing her hand on top of George’s fidgeting one. 
For the nth time, before George was able to say another word, he was interrupted. This time, by Mira who came flying down in the girls face. “Y/N, your driver has arrived and is currently loading your items.” The Slytherin nodded in response, telling her to wait in the car before turning her attention back to the ginger who sighed in disappointment. 
“I guess that’s your cue.” George muttered, sadness in the tone of his voice. Y/N gave the ginger’s hand a squeeze causing him to look up at her, to which she greeted with a grin. “See you after the summer?”  
“Promise to write to me?” George asked in hesitance. The girl nodded, wrapping her arms around the boy’s neck to press their lips together, which made him feel better.  
“Promise.” Y/N reassured, bidding her last farewells before heading to her family car, to which the Greengrass sisters we’re waiting inside. 
“Explain yourself.” Daphne demanded, hands in her waist as she gave her best friend a disapproving look. 
Y/N raised a brow, crossing her arms against her chest. “What is there to explain?” 
“I’m not stupid, Icestone. I know you know about the twins’ stupid plan against you. They’re playing with you, remember? George is just playing with you! Wake up!” Daphne scolded, causing Y/N to sigh in frustration. She pressed two fingers in her right temple, massaging them as she contained her building anger. 
Silence enveloped the atmosphere of the black leather seat car, the sound of its engine being its only noise. Tension, however, was highly present in between the two Slytherins. 
After a few moments, Y/N noticed how the raven-haired girl was still giving her the same displeased look, which in turn, highly annoyed her. 
“What?” She asked coldly, trying to prevent herself from saying foul words as it was Daphne she was talking to. It was her best friend she was talking to. She has so much respect for the dark haired girl as she was one of her genuine friends. She can’t just let unfiltered words go flee in her mouth like she does with strangers who judge her. She just can’t. And so she contained herself together with her building nerves. 
“You know what.” answered Daphne in the same tone. 
Y/N, who had her eyes locked forward, gave the girl a side glare, rolling her eyes as clenched her fists. “This, Daphne, is in no way or form, your business.” She muttered, her voice full of venom. 
None of the girls inside the Icestone family service car knew that this day would be the last time they would speak to each other over the course of a few weeks. 
Summer break for Y/N was still the way it was before. She would be woken up every morning by her fairy, who hands in her breakfast, then would be forced into the morning tub for a nice but short bath. From Monday to Friday, she’d be force to have at least 1 advance study lesson with her tutor, Mr. Princeton, and 1 activity such as painting, playing a variety of instruments, or a physical activity. Her favorite was riding a horse. By 4 PM, she’d be free to do whatever she pleases. In Y/N Icestone’s case, it was reading. 
Everything was just the way it is except for one tiny thing. Letters. She still received letters, but not from the usual raven-haired girl, to which if Y/N was completely honest, disappointing. However, she was the reason for their petty fight anyways but being someone who is prideful, she dared not to send the first one. But to make up for it, fortunately for her, there was a certain ginger, who owled her almost everyday. It was bitter but sweet. At least she had George. 
Dear Y/N, 
How have you been? I didn’t want to admit this but I really miss you. 
Mum has been nagging me and Fred lately. Scolding us for not taking a lot of O.W.L.S and for working on our products for Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes. Recently, she confiscated our order forms with our toffees. I feel really bummed out. You know me and Fred have been working on those for a long time, right? I just wished she supported us a little more… 
On the bright side, dad has scored us some tickets for the upcoming Quidditch World Cup. Are you perhaps going to be in attendance? It would be really great to receive one of your warm hugs right now. You know...the ones where you nuzzle your face in my neck or vice versa. I really wish you were here with me. 
I can’t wait to see you. 
The most good-looking bloke, who has an identical twin (reckon this wizard who sends you this letter is more good-looking though), and the tall awesome wicked Gryffindor ginger who loves Y/N Icestone with all his heart, George. 
The receiving end of the letter, which was messily written in an old looking piece of parchment, was currently seated in her study, a room inside her personal quarters, that had a huge desk in the middle. This letter she received was her favorite yet. It was sent a week ago and yet she read it over and over again, the same fluttering feeling in her heart every time, as she grinned from ear to ear. 
Her moment, unfortunately, was ruined when her pet Siamese cat entered the room quietly, jumping on her desk to block the girl’s sight of the letter. 
“Are you honestly still with that pathetic boy?” Lixie asked, a scolding tone in his voice. 
Y/N huffed in annoyance. “He’s not pathetic! Whatever you heard that day, none of it was true! He would never do that to me.” She defended, keeping the letter in one of the drawers under her desk. 
“How do you know what's fake and true then? Listen, Y/N. We’re only trying to protect you. Me and Mira heard it with our own ears! We saw them with our own eyes! They’re playing with you, Y/N. He’s gonna break your heart!” the cat reasoned, concerned yet angry at the girl. 
“Oh, c’mon, Felix. Do you really think that the Weasley twins would go to such an extent just to satisfy their pranking needs?” Y/N argued, blinded of her cat’s reality, all because of her fondness for ginger. 
Felix. Y/N called her cat with his full name, something that she doesn’t do often unless she’s crossed. She must be enraged. Furious, even. 
“Yes.” answered Lixie, earning a loud groan from the girl. 
Y/N leaned back at her big black leather chair, eyes planted on the ceiling as she breathed in and out. “You must be out of your mind.” She muttered in disbelief, shaking her head from left to right.. 
“No, you are out of your mind!” Lixie exclaimed. “I can not believe that you agreed to be actually one of those git’s girlfriend. For Merlin’s sake, Y/N, you are an Icestone! A Slytherin! And he’s just...George.” 
Y/N’s heart felt like it was being pricked by a thousand needles. It was as if one of her heart strings broke. She knew about how her social status compared to George was way, way, different and she didn’t give no care about it. She just hated the way others would judge the Gryffindor based on his status when they all should look past those and actually appreciate who he is. George Weasley, who has a bright personality and a big kind heart. 
“He might be ‘just George’ for you but to me, he’s more than that. He’s actually a great person if you get to know him more.” Y/N defended once again. 
“What makes you think that you know him?” 
“Because I really do!” She scowled. Right now, she was really feeling the stress and anger build up. After the cat delivered the news at the hallway, Y/N didn’t know what to believe in. She was confused like a lost puppy. At first, she was skeptical, thinking that Lixie and Mira might have misheard the twins but when it became the night, Y/N couldn’t help but think about it. She trusted George, yes, but right now she was having doubts. It was like she was in a carousel, spinning round and round.  
“No. You. Don’t.” Lixie stated. Highlighting each word with stern as he spoke. 
“You didn’t even know them when they played their stupid prank on you. You didn’t even know them before you met them even if they were already so popular all around school. You don’t know what they’re capable of, Y/N.” He reasoned. 
The girl closed her eyes, her icy eyes melting but shielded from falling away. She remained silent. Unable to utter another word to defend herself and her relationship with the boy. “Save yourself from the heartbreak, Y/N. You must end this.” 
Save yourself from the heartbreak. The girl scoffed at the thought. One way or another, whatever path she chooses with the ginger boy, her heart would still break. Somehow that’s always her end game. She always loses. She always gets her heart broken. 
Suddenly, a woman, who was wearing an emerald dress that was long enough to cover her ankles, opened the door to Y/N’s study. Which was peculiar, because Y/N Icestone’s mother tended to ask Mira to call her instead. 
“Y/N dear, come down. We have visitors.” Her mother ordered, immediately closing her door once she finished her words. Clearly not bothering to spare a glance at her daughter’s defeated state who still had her eyes closed. 
The Icestone heir made her way outside her main room and to the body mirror displayed outside her closet. She straightened the black dress she was wearing before heading out her quarters to greet the unknown guests. 
“They’re here? It’s today?” Lixie asked Mira, keeping his voice low in case that the girl was still an earshot away. Mira, who had an apologetic look on her face, only gave the cat a small nod. 
In one of the Icestone manor’s living rooms for highly appreciated guests, stood John Icestone, Aurelia Icestone, and Y/N Icestone. Side by side they waited for whoever was visiting to be escorted inside. The feigned the kind and innocent smile that she usually gives. The one she was educated and practiced to do ever since she was a little witch, due to her father’s role in the Ministry of Magic. 
Her smile, however, faded into a thin line when the guests entered but she quickly regained her composure as she welcomed the powerful pureblood family who was represented by the words Sanctimonia Vincet Semper. Purity will always conquer.
“Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Malfoy, and Draco.” Y/N greeted one by one, shaking the hands of the Malfoy family.
Y/N slumped at the chair behind her desk, tired and completely drained from today’s events. For a few moments she stared at her white ceiling, her thoughts running 9.8 meters per second squared as she was free falling into the depths of despair. Right now, all she wanted to do was cry in George Weasley’s warm embrace but she can’t. She can’t even cry. She can’t because she had none left. She was empty. 
In hopes to distract herself from her own misery, she looked over her wide mahogany desk that was disheveled. Books were piling up at a corner, empty rolls of parchment scattered all over, and just some random knick knacks. The headline of yesterday’s Evening Prophet caught her attention, her eyes widening as shock creeped all over her body.
Almost immediately, she grabbed a piece of parchment, scribbling a note of concern, before asking her fairy to have it delivered by the Icestone family owl. 
I heard about what happened last night. Please tell me you’re not hurt. Deliver me news that not a single one of you is hurt. Just tell me, if you came home safe and in one piece. Please. As soon as you read this letter. I’m really worried about you. 
The morning after, Y/N laid on her bed, eyes wide open as she stared at the ceiling, even after minutes since her fairy delivered her breakfast on the bedside table. She didn’t have the courage nor the energy to face whatever challenge is going to be handed down upon her today. Yesterday’s battle was ruthless. She was defeated. And she still hasn’t recovered. 
She sighed, turning to her side as she stared at the bowl of strawberries Mira left. Immediately sitting up after eyeing a small roll of old parchment she was familiar with. 
It’s George. I’m fine. Everyone is fine, just a bit shaken up. Good thing no one got hurt. 
Please don’t worry about me, love. Hopefully this weekend turns out nicer, yeah? 
We’ll see each other this Monday. Can’t wait to see you. 
Y/N felt a relief envelope all over her body, sighing in contentment. 
Fortunately for the Icestone, Monday came quickly. Ever since the Malfoy’s visited the Icestone manor, her mind has become a blur. Her summer has become a blur. She can’t even remember the good times she spent. 
Somehow, no matter how hard she tries to push the happy thoughts in front of her head, the memory of the events and words spoken towards her remain superior. And so, she was just glad that she was back. She was grateful that she was away. At least for now.  
Y/N Icestone was seated somewhere around the Slytherin table, her chin rested on a palm as she waited. As usual, she was alone. I mean, she was surrounded by other people but she was lonely. She was quiet, only talking to herself for once in a while but only to come back staring into the space. 
The students of Hogwarts were seated at their assigned house tables, waiting for the feast to be served. All were happy, excited, and just grateful to have another year in the wizarding school. Groups of friends were chit chatting with one another, talking about how their summer was spent and how much they were looking forward to this year. The hall was greatly filled with noise from all over the place. 
It was not until the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, ordered the hall some silence. Announcing how an important event is to be hosted by Hogwarts this year. The Triwizard Tournament. Where one champion from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, will compete in three different tasks to win the cup. 
“Great. And here I thought that I’ll have a quiet year.” Y/N muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes.
“I know right.” muttered a voice, making her turn towards where it came from. 
“Daph- Daphne.” Y/N stuttered. “You’re here.” She said.
The raven-haired girl gave her a small shrug, a small smile displayed on her face. “Oh yeah, I am. It’s not like I can skip a grade or anything. They’d disown me!” She sarcastically said, obviously joking, to diffuse the tension. However, Y/N slightly felt uncomfortable, suddenly recalling the events at the Icestone service car during the 1st day of summer break. But Y/N held her head high, gaining the courage and confidence to speak further. 
��Look...about that day…” She began. Daphne blinked at her twice, slightly tilting her head to the side as confusion flooded her mind. “What about that day?” Daphne asked. 
“I’m...sorry for snapping at you. I was frustrated, lost, and just...heartbroken. I didn’t know what to believe, who to believe, and I just felt so lonely again. I knew you were always there to look out for me but I was happy that besides you, there was another, who didn’t have other intentions with me. I guess that’s what I thought.” 
“The summer...it was awful. I didn’t have anyone to tell my deepest secrets to, I didn’t have anyone to hangout with in the pool, I didn’t have you. And I miss you. I really do. My actions...were not thought properly and now I’m faced with its consequences. But then again, I was taught to never get stuck in the past and move forward. Being Y/N Icestone, you know I don’t finish what I have started so right now, I’m going to swallow my pride and make amends. So sincerely, I apologize to you, Daphne. For doing you wrong. If you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me, I would be really grateful. If not...then...I’ll work harder for it.” Y/N said, her voice being an outlet of what's in her heart and on her mind, never faltering as she apologized to her best friend. 
Daphne rolled her eyes in disbelief. “Icestone, honestly?” She began. 
“I thought you know how I don’t even hold grudges too long. If you would have sent me an owl during the summers, I would have replied before you could even say ‘quidditch’. Besides, I can’t lose someone like you. You’re my best friend. So yes, you’re forgiven. Now...you better not have plans tonight because you and I are going to hang in your quarters and tell each other how our summer has been.” 
Y/N agreed. “Of course, I’d love that!” 
And so, the two Slytherin best friends pulled each other into a tight hug, wide smiles in their faces as they finally made up. Y/N felt as if a weight had been lifted in her shoulders, her heart being filled with warmth at the missed presence of the raven-haired girl. 
Abruptly, most of the crowd situated in the hall belted out disagreeing statements and a series of “boos”, making the two pull away and turn their attention around their surroundings. 
“That’s rubbish! That’s rubbish, I tell ya!” Y/N particularly heard a familiar voice from the house of Gryffindor. 
“What did they say?” Daphne asked the boy beside her. 
“Underage wizards can’t participate in the Triwizard tournament. You must be seventeen and above to enter.” He briefly stated, turning his attention back to the headmaster. 
Y/N’s eye caught George’s from the Gryffindor table who gave her a wink, pointing to himself and Fred then to the front where Dumbledore stood. A smirk plastered around Y/N’s face, a thought crossing her mind. Of course. With George being George and Fred being Fred and the both of them being twins, it’s obvious that they’d do something as stupid like joining the tournament. 
The Slytherin scoffed at the thought. Wouldn’t be surprised if they actually cook up a potion tomorrow morning. 
Later that evening, through owl, Y/N and George agreed to not meet each other at their usual hideout for the reason that the Slytherin just made up with her best friend and would like to spend the night doing hot girl shit, and for the reason that the Gryffindor will try to manage a mischief him and his twin are planning that involves joining the announced school event. 
As much as the two wanted to spend time together, they thought that a day wouldn’t hurt as they had the rest of the year and maybe the next 2 years or so together. At least that’s what they thought. But both parties agreed to make up for it the next day anyways. 
“What’s with the face, Icestone?” Daphne asked as she brushed her hair, eyeing her best friend from the mirror, who was simply seated at her bed and staring into space. Again. 
Y/N parted with her thoughts as the raven-haired girl spoke. “What? What’s wrong with being pretty?” She conceitedly asked, huffing, to which Daphne paid no attention to. 
Daphne had a reluctant look on her face, debating within her head whether or not to bring up the subject and the cause of their misunderstanding at the start of summer break. She decided to go for it. “You..looked so troubled. Erm...did you…” 
“No, I haven’t.” Y/N answered immediately, knowing exactly what her best friend was about to ask. She sighed in frustration, a couple of thoughts re-entering her mind. 
Y/N sat up straight, shaking her head. “But that’s not what I was thinking about. In fact, over the course of the summer, my problems have been piling up and I can’t seem to solve at least one!” She exclaimed, her hands waving in the air. 
Daphne dropped the brush on top of the dresser, moving to sit next to the Icestone heir. “What? Your Arithmancy problems? I thought you had a tutor…” 
“No, not my arithmancy problems! My life problems!” Y/N left out a frustrated sigh, getting overwhelmed by her ocean of feelings. 
“What happened?” Daphne asked, concerned. 
“The Malfoys…” Y/N began, which made Daphne’s eyes go narrow, a feeling that her best friend was having conflict within herself because of the mentioned family. “Well...they visited the manor one day.” She said, her voice quiet, her voice shaking. 
“And?” Urged Daphne, clutching the girl’s hand and squeezing it. 
Y/N Icestone looked as if she was about to burst into tears.  
“What’s with the hair, Weasleys? Too poor to get a haircut?” Fred and George heard from behind, immediately recognizing the sour and annoying voice that belonged to a certain blonde Slytherin boy. 
The twins turned their attention to Draco and his goons, both crossing their arms and feigning disgust. “Do you smell that, Fred?” George mocked, covering his nose. 
“Oh that’s bad, mate.” Fred mirrored his actions before turning towards the Slytherin. “Do us a favor, Malfoy and don’t open your mouth again. It stinks!” 
George grinned in his mind. Proud to have applied what he learned from his girlfriend. 
The scowling look on Draco’s face deepened, as well as Crabbe and Goyle who had their arms crossed. 
“How dare you! Is that the best threat you got? Should I be scared now?” 
Fred and George both shrugged. 
“You better be.” George stated, followed by Fred. “Because there is no way we’re going to hesitate in making your life more miserable than it already is.” 
“Actually, Weasel bee, it’s YOU who have to be scared.” Draco suggested, an evil smirk on his face and a finger pointing at George’s face. “You don’t actually think that you and your identically git-like twin are the only ones who know about your secret, huh?” 
The blonde Slytherin let out an airy laugh, his thumb playing with the ring around his index finger. “Planning to make Y/N Icestone fall in love with you and break her heart in the end? Dangerous game that you started, Weatherby.”
George felt a million strings of guilt and worry creep around his body. His heart felt like it was dropped on a 40 feet cliff. He stood frozen as if a bucket of ice-cold water was splashed towards him. His mouth felt dry, unable to speak as if a snake had wrapped around his neck. Maybe there was a snake. Figuratively. 
Fortunately for the slightly taller ginger, the older twin was quick to defend his brother by threatening the young Slytherin. “If you ever open that filthy mouth of yours, you’ll- Where do you think you’re going?! We’re not done here!” 
Draco’s retreating figure looks over his shoulders, shrugging before giving the twins a malicious wink.
“Is everything alright, Icestone?” A young female bushy-haired Gryffindor asked as she sat next to the 6th year Slytherin, who was looking so exhausted and unlively. 
The next morning, Y/N Icestone found herself seated at the Great hall. The house tables were put aside, leaving a big space in the center in which the Goblet of Fire was located. To those who wanted to try their luck and enter the tournament, they were to place their name and which school they were from in a piece of parchment then drop it at the goblet. The goblet chooses the three champions who will participate. 
The Slytherin gave the girl a blank loo, shrugging as she waited for her fairy to fetch her food. “Yeah...all will be fine eventually. Why’d you ask, Granger?”
Over the course of the last few months of last school year, whenever Ginny would ask Y/N for her support in studies, social life, or whatever it is, Hermione would tag along, making the three develop a small friendship. Y/N was one of Hermione’s girl friends as she either spends her time at the library or hanging with Harry and Ron.  
“Nothing. It’s just that...you looked so deep in thought.” pointed Hermione as she opened the thick book she was holding after slightly getting uncomfortable under Y/N stare. 
“Just...tired.” The Slytherin reasoned, shrugging. 
A few moments after Mira came back with Daphne, students situated in the hall bursted into loud cheers as the notorious Weasley twins entered with a vial in hand. 
“Cooked it up just this morning.” The Slytherin heard Fred announce, making her to mentally slap her forehead and huff, visibly crossing her arms in disapproval. I knew it. 
“What do you think they’re doing?” Daphne asked, stuffing a muffin in her mouth. “Dumb stuff.” Y/N answered. 
“It’s not going to work~” Hermione sang as she clutched her book shut, an unamused look plastered all around her face as she raised a brow towards the twins. 
The twins moved towards the girl’s side with a teasing smile plastered around their faces, “Oh yeah? And why is that Granger?” George asked. 
“You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself. I don’t think anyone under seventeen will stand a chance.” Hermione confidently said, crossing her arms. 
“Dear, dear, Granger. You see this?” stated Fred as he lifted his hand to show the small vial of liquid. 
“This is an Aging potion.” George informed. 
“Do you really think that potion of yours is able to fool a genius such as Dumbledore himself?” 
“Yes.” The twins synchronously answered, blinking at the same time.
The girl let out an annoyed groan. “If you’re so confident, let's see then.” 
Fred put an arm around Hermione’s shoulder, squeezing her. “Have some faith in us, Granger. After all, one of us will be winning the cup by then.” 
The twins made their way towards a bench, both shaking their vials before popping it open. 
“Ready, Fred?” “Ready, George.” 
“Bottoms up.” 
The tall gingers jumped in Dumbledore’s age line, pumping their firsts up high when they saw no visible consequences. The crowd cheered with them, chanting “Fred and George! Fred and George!” 
Together, they dropped their piece of parchment in the Goblet of Fire, a contented and proud grin on their faces before the goblet roared and sent them flying across the hall. The crowd gasped then immediately bursted into laughter after seeing how the twins were ginger no more and had white beards spurted on their faces. 
Daphne tried to contain her laughter, nudging Y/N at the side. “THAT is your boyfriend? You really didn’t lie when you said they were doing dumb stuff.” She uttered, shaking her head. Y/N only gave her a knowing smirk, shrugging before grabbing her cup of morning tea. 
The hall suddenly muted itself as Viktor Krum from Durmstrang Institute entered, dropping his name at the goblet. He caught the eye of Hermione, who suddenly turned red, then landed his eyes towards Y/N Icestone and Daphne Greengrass, who both gave him a small wave. 
“You know who Viktor Krum is?” recovered from her flustered self, Hermione came back to her curious ways. Y/N gave her a nod. “Yeah...everyone knows who he is. He’s the seeker of the Bulgarian Quidditch team, isn’t he?” She answered. 
“Yeah...but like...do you know him personally?” 
“Oh she knows him, alright.” Daphne remarked, smirking. 
The Gryffindor continued to give Y/N a confused look, waiting for her to expound further. Y/N raised a brow, sighing in defeat before elbowing Daphne’s chuckling self. 
“It’s not what you think it is, Hermione. You see, my family has a lot of connections. Viktor is an acquaintance.” Y/N clarified. “Why are you asking anyways? Are you perhaps interested in him?”
“No!” Hermione defended, her cheeks back to a shade of pink. She moved closer to Y/N’s ears, whispering quietly. “I was hoping you could pull some strings and ask for his autograph? Ron is a big fan.” 
The Slytherin let out a small laugh. “Now I know who you’re actually interested in.” She teased. 
Suddenly, Y/N felt a small tap at her shoulder. She gave a glance, only to see George and Fred, who looked way, way, older. She gave a raised brow, crossing her arms against her chest. Daphne was trying not to laugh, again. 
George had a sheepish look as he faced Y/N, who was trying to suppress the upward curving of her lips. “Hi” He quietly greeted, slightly feeling embarrassed. 
Y/N shook her head, standing up to head towards the entrance of the Great hall. “Come on, you two. Let’s get you back into your normal forms.” 
“This won’t turn us into cats, right Icestone?” Fred questioned, examining the goblet in his hands. 
“I don’t need potions to turn you dimwits into cats.” Y/N declared, handing George his own goblet full of antidote that reverses the anti-aging potion the twins took. 
“Thanks, love. I don’t know what I would do without you.” The younger twin commented, pressing his lips on the girl’s forehead as he grabbed the goblet. Y/N only gave a small hum, a thousand thoughts coming back to flood her mind. 
As the twins’ face turned into unpleasant looks due to the foul taste of the antidote, Y/N stood by the door, arms crossed as both complained at the taste. “You wouldn’t have that foul liquid sliding down your throats if you didn’t drink that stupid aging potion.” she remarked, getting a “it’s not stupid! It was marvelous!” from Fred. 
After the two turned back to their normal looks, Fred immediately pulled the Slytherin into a short hug, muttering “thanks” before making a beeline towards the exit of the Room of Requirement, leaving the couple alone. 
George put his hands in his jeans pocket, leaning at a table. “What’d you say we hang out by the lake later? You know...catch up a little. I miss you. Let’s skip supper? Unless you’re hungry, love. We could sneak into the kitchens and ask for the house elves to -“ 
Y/N put an index finger above George’s lips, shushing him. “I’m sorry, George.” She apologized, giving him a sympathetic look. “I love the thought of spending time with you, but I’m afraid I have to decline the offer.” 
The ginger’s face fell, placing his hands at the sides of Y/N’s face. “But -“ 
“I have plans with Daphne.” She reasoned, completely lying in front of George, who was pouting. She leaned in one of George’s hands before leaning in to give him a quick peck, much to George’s dismay.  
“Fine.” George muttered before groaning. “See you in potions tomorrow?”  
“Of course.”
“First week of school and that Snape already gave homework.” George complained, resting his forehead on the desk library he and Y/N occupied. 
“That’s professor Snape to you, George.” Y/N scolded, turning her potions book. 
George gave a loud grunt. “Whatever. You only favor him because you’re a Slytherin yourself and that he favors your house too much.” He mumbled, turning his head to the side to examine the girl. 
Y/N raised a brow towards him, her chin resting on her palm. “Well, that’s because he’s head of the house. And you know how I love potions. If you actually read your textbook and listen to his classes, you’d actually learn something.” She said, earning a snort from George.
“Like what? Bewitch the mind, ensnare the senses?” He asked, mocking the tone of the potions master’s voice. 
Y/N nodded. “Yes, to bottle fame, brew glory,”
“and even put a stopper to death!” They simultaneously said, bursting into fits of laughter after making fun of Snape’s yearly speech to the new students of Hogwarts. It was when Madam Pince let out a loud cough that made them shush themselves. 
“So you do listen…” The Slytherin commented, amusement in her voice. 
George displayed a wide grin on his face. “In the first half of my first classes with him in first year, yeah. The rest...well...I just slide. I Slyther in.” 
“HAHA very funny.” Y/N monotonously said. 
Their atmosphere was enveloped in silence as the couple stared at each other’s eyes. Y/N examined the ginger, counting the freckles on his face that looked like stars in the night sky, admiring his honey skin illuminated by the lamp placed on their desk, and getting lost at his bright eyes. 
She was grateful for having someone like George. Someone that looked past her name and treated her like a normal girl. 
Unpleasant thoughts came back rushing in her mind. Worries, doubts, and distress majorly creeping into her feelings. 
She was worried. Worried of her future, with George, with other Slytherin families, and simply just being Y/N Icestone 
She had her doubts. She was doubting herself, doubting if she was the main cause and reason why the twins decided to play a heart-breaking prank against her, doubting if she was truly loved by George, and doubting if she was worthy of receiving love from anyone. 
She was distressed. Distressed from her worries and doubts, all caused by George Weasley, her boyfriend, the boy she gave her love to. 
Shaking the thoughts away, she gently reached for the ginger’s hair, caressing it softly which made George flustered. “Your hair...has gotten very long.” She pointed out.
“Oh...yeah.” George mumbled, nodding. He suddenly felt conscious under the girl’s observant stare. “It did get very long during the summers so I had it trimmed.” 
“But your hair still looks like what you had last year, which was long too.” 
“I like it being long. It looks cool, like my brother, Bill. You have to meet him. He’s actually a Gringotts charm breaker.” said George. “Why? Does it not suit me?” 
The Slytherin gave him a small smile. “I never said anything about not liking it nor you not suiting it. I was just wondering why...doesn’t it get hot?” She questioned.
“I like it being long because I love it when you brush your fingers against my hair. Like what you’re doing right now.” 
Y/N’s hand retreated much to George’s dismay. She sat up, crossing her arms against her chest. “Well, you’ve been struggling in focusing on your essay without your hair covering your eyes.” 
George sat up as well, shrugging as he did so. “Oh but that’s alright. Because having long hair covers my face. I get to look at my seatmate’s paper without the teacher notici- ow! What was that for?” He complained, rubbing his hand in his stinging arm after getting hit by the girl beside him. 
“I’m your seatmate in potions.” Y/N replied, unamused by the ginger’s antics. 
The Gryffindor only blinked, completely not getting what Y/N was trying to point out. “Okay, and?” 
“I will NOT let you copy my work!” She vocalized causing George to slump his shoulders and let out a grunt. “Why not? I thought you liked me?” 
Y/N nodded, grabbing her black hair tie from her robes pocket. “I do. And because I do…” The girl reached George’s ginger locks, gathering them together in one hand to tie it into a ponytail. George felt the pace of his heartbeat quickened. She combed his hair with her fingers, putting them in place, before wrapping the tie once, twice, and thrice, to keep it together. 
“...I’m going to help you study for it, with the first step of keeping your hair away from yours eyes.” She continued, a proud look on her face after seeing her boyfriend’s hair in place. He looked more neat and more handsome, his jawline being showcased. 
The boy was slightly embarrassed, not used to having his hair tied up. “But I hate potions…” George murmured. 
“Oh think about it, George. Knowledge in potions will help you make more Weasley products!” The Slytherin urged, finally turning her attention back to the laid out work in front of her.  
“You’re right! You’re so smart, love. That’s one of the reasons why I love you.” George claimed, finally facing his own series of potions work as well. 
I love you. Y/N didn’t know if she was going to believe what just came out of her boyfriend’s mouth. Nevertheless, her heart skipped a beat. 
“Please tell me you have a plan. You can’t just let him play you like you’re some kind of toy!” Daphne advised as she softly caressed Lixie’s sleeping figure. 
“That’s the thing, Daphne. I don’t even know if he’s still playing. I mean, he told me he loved me for a couple of times now. I don’t know if I should believe him but he really does seem so sincere with it.” Y/N pointed out, placing her hands on her waist as she stopped from her pacing.
“Maybe you should confront him about it.” Daphne suggested. 
“Why not?” 
“Because I know that he’ll lie in front of my face. He does it like a pro, believe me. You know how I hate being lied to.” Y/N muttered, sighing in defeat. “I hate this. I’m giving him until tomorrow to tell me. I’m going to give him hints to make him have an idea how I know. If he doesn’t confess to me by then, I’m going to have to resort to my plan.”  
After Y/N’s conversation with the raven-haired girl, she sneaked her way out the dungeons to meet George at the Astronomy tower. “Y/N You’re here.” He greeted with open arms, Y/N complying to wrap herself in his warm embrace. 
“Yeah...can’t sleep.” She mumbled. 
The couple pulled away, making their way towards their usual spot to sit down. “Why is that?” George questioned, concern laced in his voice. 
“Something has been bothering me lately.” Y/N informed. “A lot happened during the summers. Family gatherings, my father’s important events, and my mom’s own set of tea parties. Which meant me meeting blokes who tried to earn my favor.” She ranted, half lying, half telling the truth. 
“People with their bad intentions... Make me sick.” Y/N added before slipping her glass of chocolate milk. She met George’s staring eyes, giving him a small smile. “I’m glad that you’re not one of them.” She remarked. 
The familiar pang of guilt flooded in the boy’s mind, his chest hurting as if a million of needles were pricking it. George remained quiet as a series of thoughts flooded his mind. 
First, did Y/N Icestone finally find out about how him and Fred were initially planning to break her heart? 
Second, if she did know, who told her? Was it Mira? Was it Lixie? Or was it Draco Malfoy? 
Third, if she knew, why isn’t she confronting me about it? Didn’t she usually get straight to the point with other people? 
Fourth, is she waiting for me to say something to her? Does she want me to be the one who confesses it? 
Fifth, but if I do confess it, what would her reaction be? Would she break up with me? Or would she let it go and forgive me? 
Sixth, if I confess to her, she would never forgive me. That is certain. I know how her head works. 
Seventh, if she wouldn’t forgive me, I could make it up to her...but how? 
Eighth, what if she breaks up with me? What will happen to me? I know for sure that she’ll pull strings from her Icestone name to seek revenge. I don’t want my family to be involved. 
Ninth, this is stupid. Y/N would never use her Icestone power to hurt me. She’s kinder than you think. 
Tenth, now this really is getting stupid. George Weasley, you’re overthinking. She probably doesn’t know and will never know so that’s that. Besides, she fancies you. Nothing could go wrong. Right? 
Y/N took a notice of George’s behavior, feigning a look of concern. “Are you...okay?” She questioned, placing a hand in the boy’s cheeks. 
“I’m fine.” He said, leaning in Y/N’s touch. “Just thinking of ways on how I could kick whoever bothered you.” He added. 
Y/N gave him a smirk. “Even if that someone is you?” She phrased out, catching George off guard. 
“Did I do something?” George questioned, getting a shrug from the Slytherin as a response. 
“Huh?” Y/N feigned confusion. “Is there something I should know?” 
Relief spread through George’s mind. “Besides that I fancy you like crazy? None.” 
“I have a feeling that somebody gave her hints about our previous plan.” Fred suggested, thinking deeply of different possibilities.
“Do you think it was Malfoy?” George asked, concerned and a nervous look plastered around his face. 
Fred briefly nodded. “Possibly. But I think that you should be the one to tell her. You have to tell her today otherwise you can say bye-bye to your precious relationship”
“So?” Daphne asked, curious of last night's events. 
Y/N let out a groan. “Nothing. But I have a feeling that he caught the message. He only has today. He should really let it out or else I won’t hesitate.” She threatened, anger boiling inside of her. 
“You got everything you need? You didn’t forget anything?” George asked as he handed Y/N her bag after walking her to Professor Trelawney’s Divination class, which was located at a very high tower. 
The Slytherin gave him a smile, pulling him for a hug. “None. Thanks for walking me here.” She muttered against the ginger’s chest, making the boy grin. 
While the Gryffindor had the girl wrapped in his hug, he started to overthink about everything again. The beat of his heart quickened due to nervousness and uncertainty. 
As they pulled away, Y/N gave the boy a quick peck on the lips before making her way towards the entrance to Trelawney’s classroom, her pace slow in hopes of George calling her back. To which he did. 
“Yes?” Y/N asked, glancing over her shoulder. 
George looked like he wanted to say something.
“Something troubling you? Do you want to talk about it?” The girl suggested, moving back to stand in front and under the tall ginger’s worried gaze. When the boy remained silent, Y/N narrowed her eyes towards him as she crossed her arms against her chest. “George? Are you feeling alright? I’m...starting to get worried.” 
George gave Y/N a grin. “See you later? The usual?” He asked, insisting rather to himself to just tell her later at the Astronomy tower. 
Y/N didn’t bulge, the look on her face not faltering. “Are you sure you don’t have anything else to say to me, George?” She crossed-examine. George felt cold sweat dripping at the back of his neck, his heart beat faster than before. 
“You’re pretty?” George quietly muttered, the uncertain look coming back on his face. 
The Slytherin decided to give up, planning to try again later at the Astronomy tower. She feigned a smile, nodding in agreement to what her boyfriend just mumbled out. “Damn right I am.” She responded, a knowing smirk on her face, making George groan. 
“I said petty.” He vocalized before giving the girl a kiss on the forehead and walking away. 
“Are you happy?” Y/N suddenly asked, making the boy stop in his tracks. “Does this make you happy, George?” 
He looked at her, giving her a wink. “Anywhere with you makes me happy, Y/N.” 
When the ginger was finally out of sight, the Slytherin groaned in frustration, entering the classroom to hastily sit beside Daphne, who was giving her a sympathetic look. 
15 minutes past four hours after midnight with Y/N Icestone laying on her bed beside a snoring Siamese cat, wide awake as she stares at the ceiling with her head full of thoughts. Even after countless times of being put in an identical situation, somehow, she never got used to it. As the night shuts down and the sky becomes dark, that time is her greatest fight. Her head, her thoughts, herself, her own enemy. 
Usually, she would heave out a frustrated sigh and sneak to see the stars in the Astronomy tower and after her midnight escapades, she’d feel tired from the swellness of her eyes and fall into a slumber. However, she already did this method earlier but coming back from the tower tonight did not let her rest. In fact, she was even more bothered. He knows I know but didn’t even say something about it. Not even a word. Not even an apology.
Y/N turned to her side, caressing Lixie’s small head before giving it a small kiss and sitting up. Turning her eyes to her bedside table, she grabbed a vacant parchment and her wand to illuminate the dark room. With her quill, she started to doodle the interior of the astronomy tower with herself and a certain Gryffindor ginger seated on the floor beside each other. Above them were the beautiful night sky enveloped with billions of shining stars as well as the moon. She smiled to herself. 
“I’m gonna make you miss me.” She muttered, drawing horns on the side of the boy’s head. 
“I’m gonna make you so mad.” She continued, this time drawing a devil’s tail on the boy. 
“I’m gonna make sure that I’m the best you ever had.” 
For a few moments, the girl stared at the parchment, admiring her work of art as she tried to silence herself. She breathed in, and breathed out before crumpling the drawing and furiously wiping her fallen tears. She commanded her wand to turn the light off before draping her thick blanket above her head. 
Y/N Icestone always had a heart. A heart that treasures four-legged furry animals that purrs when they’re delighted and hisses when they have been wronged. A heart that aches to see innocent first years getting bullied by the students from her house. A heart that beats rapidly for the younger individual of the prominent Gryffindor ginger twins, who goes by the name George Weasley. 
Y/N Icestone. Always being labeled for having a stone cold ice as a heart when what she had was warm, pure, and strong. Y/N Icestone, who most people thought had no heart, just got her heart taken, thrown away, and smashed broken.
End of Chapter 6
Tag list:  @abrunettefangirlnerd​ @gloryekaterina​ @lilypad-55449​ @memekingofwwiii​
Author’s note: Enjoy ;)
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
Have you done Camilo yet? I think I forgot
LESS GOOO! I was waiting for this one along with Isabela!
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual.
Gender Headcanon: I know everyone sees him as genderfluid, but I just see him as a cis male with some gender non-conformity tee-hee!
OTP them with: My OC Emiliana Jimenez. Yeah, that's right, he, Isa, and Mira all have OC girlfriends courtesy of myself!
BROTP them with: Mirabel and Pepa.
NOTP them with: Mirabel, Isabela, Dolores, Bruno, Mariano(one-sided on Camilo's end until Emiliana enters the picture and he falls for her!), Coffee Kid(saw someone write porn of the two and the tags were beyond cursed, wtf is wrong with AO3?!).
Random Headcanon: He suffers from auditory processing disorder and Suicidal OCD. What irony. Mirabel helped him out when he was a kid. Dolores however terrorized the fuck out of him for not being born a girl, because all she wanted was a sister. Then he had to protect Antonio from that same fate. Uh oh.
General Opinions: I love him and all! He's cute, he's friendly(my fanfics beg to differ, though), he's funny, he has a nice singing voice, some cute snarky lines here and there, and he is a mama's boy! But at the same time, he's still overrated just like Bruno and I hate it! Tbh it's kinda to the point where I kinda get bored of reading Camilo fanfics, with the exception of Pushing up the Daisies" by @camencanto. Aaand "Reasons to Hate Camilo Madrigal" which seems to be in permanent hiatus, soo...anything up with the author of that one? I mainly seek out fanfics about Isabela, Luisa(coming up short on her, btw, any recs?), Dolores, Pepa, and Mirabel. But back on topic, as much as I love this character, I am still capable of realizing that he ultimately didn't do much to deserve his ensemble dark horse status within the fandom, while Isabela, Dolores, Pepa, and Julieta barely come close. Mirabel at least is the main character(and even SHE is sidelined!!!) and Luisa has lesbians on her side, and Dolores shows up in a lot of fics...to comfort Camilo.
BUT at the end of the day all he did was be light-skinned and male and that was enough for the fandom to clamor all over him...a little too much, may I say? It just does a really good job of showing how fandom will ignore the female characters they claimed they've been longing for because all that matters is cute boys and male characters. I often worry that I come off like a Camilo simp sometimes too, ironically enough. I know it's stupid, but still. The end goal of this isn't to say that you should stop liking Camilo because again, I like him too. But at least give the other female characters(especially the darker ones like Isabela and Mirabel, not just Pepa and Luisa!) some love too, hmm? We finally get a movie centered around women of color, everyone! Why are we trying to make it about the light-skinned male again? What did he do to deserve it? Other than be light-skinned and male? That doesn't make him entitled to anything. It's the female characters that really deserve our love and praise, everyone. It's long overdue, so let's give it to them now. Who's with me?
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amirajones · 3 years
Forbidden love: The Pirate and the Pirate Princess pt. 1
Pairing: Princess Amira White x Killian Jones (Hook) 
wordcount: 2293
I question when it started or when it was all going downhill in my royal life that things just seemed...dull. I could never complain about my life, except well the worst day of my life as a child. It was a good day I was eight going to be nine soon and Snow's birthday was the next day. We were both so happy about it to celebrate with our mother and father. Had mother never gotten sick and tried to make it like she was fine we could have possibly done something to help her instead I was useless to help one of the two people I cared about most in this world. We had no choice but to watch her slowly die and even when Snow had gone out to find a cure the answer was something dark that neither of us wanted to consider.
I think during the funeral is when my world started to look not as bright anymore with my mother's death. I was so young so the sadness had a good hold on me but even so Snow tried making me feel better. After a few months dad made us Travel by horse, while Johanna our hand maiden who had taken over being the mother figure in our life was walking beside the horses. The one I was riding was a beautiful white horse but like Snow I loathed the constant traveling.
We traveled for days going from kingdom to kingdom in search of what father called our future stepmother. I was tired of the traveling to the point of just leaning against the horse and about to just collapse. Johanna was the one who made it easier to keep going knowing this was never going to be an easy thing for the two of us.
"Snow, Amira your father King Leopold is a lonely man now that your mother has passed away." Johanna said "I know Johanna but that does not mean we are not tired." Amira said
We made it to another kingdom where we were welcomed by the royals of the castle, I expected much of the same with the last two kingdoms. Snow had gotten down and she was so cheerful and social while I was merely watching without speaking. Johanna had learned between the two of us which one wanted to talk to the people and who would rather stay in the background.
"Amira, you should be more like your sister and talk to people. Someday you will run a kingdom of your own next to a King." Johanna said "Wishful thinking but I want to see what is in the world before I settle down." Amira said
No one approved of my thoughts but I was different than most princesses, I guess it came with being second in line. There was a pier close by from what I looked around but saw father and Snow were having a good time talking. So I decided to speak up.
"May I look around your kingdom?" I asked "Of course Princess, you can look as far as you want even to the village." The king of the kingdom said "I will go with you." Johanna said
I walked for a bit glad to get off the horse for traveling and we walked until we made it to the pier. I sat on the edge looking out at the sea wanting to know what was out there beyond the land. Beyond these meaningless traveling and this royal life where people did what he asked cause we were in higher society than them.
"You seem so lost in thoughts." Johanna said "I just want to see what is out there, father says when I'm older but hat if he doesn't?" Amira said "You'll have access to your father's ship." Johanna said "yes, when I am older." Amira said "You will be able to do everything you want in time, but you must keep yourself going forward for your mother's wishes." Joahanna said
My mother, it was hard to even think that she wasn't here anymore and the fact that we didn't even know why or how she died. Life was just beating through the time but it was easier with father than living without him. It was easier with doing so much more but there was ways to do it and waiting for it to be done the right way.
We stayed here for a few days but just like all the other kingdoms dad didn't find what he was looking for so we were back on the road with the horses. I blocked out most of what happened just to get through it but it was during these travels we met our stepmother Regina. She was nice in the beginning but people can change for the worst.
When we returned home I was overly happy and ran to my room to put away the gifts we got on our travel but to lay in my own bed was a blessing.
A couple years passed since then as Snow and I took up learning how to sword fight in case we ever needed it someday. Father was over protective but with Snow and I as his daughters he knew we needed to know how to fight. I heard him talking about a party when we were older. A masquerade ball in our honor which actually helped me get into a good mood with something to do as we practiced for years. Time passed with our practice and though I hadn't had much match against Snow in the beginning we became apart of those who got to be better.
All that practicing payed off but still the time came when the masquerade ball was happening. Johanna had some outfits made for us. I went to my room and checked out what I had option wise and It was hard to decide. Blue dress with a pretty blue mask to go with it or a red dress knee high with a gold mask. It made it so hard to decide whether I wanted to go proper or I wanted to be a bit rebel.
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I decided to go with the red dress as it gave more mystery and I didn't want the people bowing to me. I didn't want to be proper so I had to figure this out on my own but Johanna came in seeing what I was doing and she helped me. She didn't even show any disapprovement in my choice for tonight just went along and tended to it. She also styled my hair to where people wouldn't recognize me. It was the first time my hair had been up since mother died and when I put my mask on I didn't even recognize myself.
"You look so pretty Amira." Johana said "thank you Johanna." Amira said
When I left the room I knew Johanna wouldn't be attending so when we could walk in I was glad we didn't have to be announced. I saw father talking with the people, this masquerade had a mix of royals and the people of the kingdom. I walked being at ease with no one approaching and bowing glad that I could do as I pleased. As I walked I went over to the drink table getting a cup of punch when I heard a familiar voice and looked.
"You look amazing tonight Mira." Derek said "What gave it away it was me?" Amira asked "Every princess or maiden is wearing a dress that goes down to the ground." Derek said "Right, I didn't feel like being proper tonight." Amira said "Rebellious as always, less expectations on you so you don't have to worry." Derek said
Derek is my best friend from another kingdom, he went through that boy phase of not liking girls with having to see his intended every summer. I have met her a few times and didn't mind hanging with her but I wasn't allowed to go crazy. Father has been very over protective with me and Snow. We were always social with each other during events with everything going on but we walked through the crowd when I landed on one of the peasant girls in my village named Analise.
"Analise!" I yelled
Analise was already having punch with her brown hair, black dress and mask on for the party as she noticed us. I walked over and we all started talking like it wasn't some big event as I saw my sister come in. She was a bit later than I expected as I saw her white flowing gown and her mask. I knew she always represented what we stood for but she was next to be Queen. I admired my sister so much but I wanted to be just like her.
Snow's Attire:
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I talked with my friends knowing that this was good enough for me but when I was out of punch I went to get some more. I was on my own as I refilled my glass taking a sip of my glass when I heard the sound of foot steps. I knew it was possibly my imagination but I felt someone tap on my shoulder which made me look.
"Forgive me, you're quite beautiful tonight." The man said "thank you, uh.." I realized I never saw him before "Where are my manners, I'm Prince Nicholas. I was wondering if you could tell me where I might find Princess Amira." Nicholas said
My whole body about tensed hearing this prince was looking for me but he was looking for someone dressed more properly than I was. Snow was sort of easy to tell her name was Snow and she was wearing white. I knew I could lie after all I couldn't do it with my family but I could give it a try.
"Sorry No. I..I don't know where Lady Amira is." Amira said Nicholas seemed to notice my hesitation and he seemed to be about to say something when another man joined in and suddenly put his arm around me. "Luv, here you are I've been looking for you." He said I didn't know this man but he was helping "why Yes, I was getting some punch." I said going along with it.
Watching as the prince left seeming to buy the sudden intruders ways of cutting in the conversation I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I felt the man let me go but not leave as I was looking around. I wanted to know why a sudden stranger would just jump in and save me like that without even knowing the situation.
"thank you sir." I said I saw him take my gloved hand and kiss it "Killian Jones." He said as I looked at him through my mask and saw he was also wearing one. "Now Princess Amira, you should be a bit more careful."
My whole body went into sock as he realized who was I was, this couldn't be happening to me. I as so sure no one would figure out my disguise but all the more reason to figure out who was behind the mask. I still inquired about what he was doing here after all I was curious now.
"How did you figure out who I am?" Amira asked "What brings you to the ball? gold? Jewels?" "Quite perceptive of you to be so bold Princess." Killian said "No one helps out for any reason if not for some gain." Amira said "Why I came is my business, but you seemed very uncomfortable with the prince." Killian said "How perceptive." Amira said
I thought my next words carefully knowing this was a man I'd never met and yet here I was talking with him. I took another sip of my punch keeping in mind that I had to represent this kingdom. My father was out dancing with my sister and my step mother was just sitting at a table. My world had seemed dull for quite some time but now it seemed color was resurfacing.
"Let me guess, you want to do things before you get married." Killian said before I could answer. "Yes, I want to sail the seas see what is out there. Fall in love on my own terms with whoever I want." Amira said "Well, I've been around some time. Maybe you should meet me at the tavern. I would love to know just how Amira is." Killian said
To say I wasn't interested was a lie cause he had my attention even when I didn't think any man would ever have my attention on anything. Derek and Analise came over which got my attention for a minute. Analise smiled seeing I was talking to someone for once she knew I wasn't very social with people.
"Mira, who is this?" Derek asked "My savior for the night, seems there is a prince looking for me tonight and he was able to rescue me from an awkward encounter." Amira said "Does your savior have a name?" Analise asked "Killian Jones." Killian said
The surprised look on Analise's face told me more than I needed to know that something was up she recognized that name. She pulled me over to her where Killian couldn't hear her and she whispered one word in my ear.
"He's a pirate, the one people call Hook." Analise whispered.
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 4 years
All The Good Girls Go To Hell
This is based on the ask I got of Snow being the bad guy and which turned to Snow White Going Evil AU. Also the title is from Billie Ellish's song. Also thanks to @thegayestasexual for helping me with the title. Also genna base Mira's looks on the comics but add the parts from the show as well. As well as change a few things.
Warnings: none so far really just slight mention of alcohol use
Diana was excited for her story to start right away. Her class had graduated a few months ago and she was eagerly waiting for her fairytale to start.
Mira hadn't even enacted anything on her which was strange really.
She must be planning something spectacular!
She was pacing the walls of Good Castle when she curiously looked out a window and furrows her eyebrows.
A black horse, which oddly had a skull crown decorating it, with knights guarding it, which was somewhat odd since the only person in the land of Ever After who had a black horse with skulls delicately placed on it was...
Mira Queen.
Diana frowns, 'why would Mira be here?' she thought before she lit up at the realization.
Every past telling of the Snow White story had the Evil Queen of the story marry into the White family. However, that really couldn't be the explanation
She rushed her way downstairs and skidded as she heard the giggles of Mira Queen who was smiling at something Snow's father, Good King (Edward King), had said.
The giggling caught her off guard, but she shook it off.
"Hey dad," Diana said with a bright smile before furrowing her brows as her father looked at her nervously before smiling big again.
"Diana dear! The person I was looking for," he said with a kind smile.
"What for?" she asked curiously as she glanced at Mira who was wearing a lovely dress that had more bright color in it really.
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"I have some news to tell you my dear," he said softly as he glanced at Mira before looking at his daughter, "Mira and I are courting," he says.
Diana blinked and took a step back at the news. Sure her mother died when she was just a few days old and sure it had to do with her birth combined with how her Evil Queen made the poisoned apple a bit too strong.
Or so they say.
That and because they had to start the tale early because Diana's mother had gotten pregnant at 15 years old with her Good King and didn't want word of what Alice White had done.
Of her being pregnant, so Grimm had told her parents and the Evil Queen of their tale to start the tale early. So as to not have a scandal.
No one suspected anything really.
Mira's mother, Miranna Queen (who was in a way Diana's step grandmother), had been 21 years old because Mira's grandmother had Miraralla first while Alice's mother had Alice 6 years after the birth of Miranna Queen.
So all this time her father spent his time raising her with her maternal grandmother, who was resurrected for the specific purpose to raise Diana, by his side. Never getting in a relationship with anyone, since he was raising the next Snow White.
So to hear that her father, who is 34 years old, is dating Mira is a shock.
Especially since Mira is the same age as Diana.
Even though past tellings had Queens marry that age as well.
Or a bit older.
She smiles weakly, which went unnoticed by Mira and Good King who were holding hands.
She was weary now.
She... didn't think this would happen at all really.
"They make such a lovely couple," Diana jumps as she turned to look at Red Ridding Hood, Crimson Hood, and The Big Bad Wolf, Remus Badwolf.
Mira's bffas of course, whom came to the party dinner Good King had hosted.
How odd she had friends who were supposed to be enemies.
Diana smiled weakly and glanced at Diana who was with Edward, the couple were happily talking with Fiona Thorn, better known as Maleficent, and Valarie Goodfairy.
Mira wore purple fish tail skirt that had black stitching that helped make it seem as if animal bones were decorating the skirt, a black queen Anne top with black platform heels. Her hair was done in a fishtail braid, her small crown with the bone of a raven sitting on top delicately on her head.
The sight of beauty.
Diana pushed down the burst of jealousy she had for Mira.
It was ok, she was Snow White, the most fairest, of course Mira would be the fairest 1st. That's how the story goes.
She looked away after a minute to look back at Crimson and Remus and smiled wearily, "indeed."
Crimson bit back a smile, she and Remus knew from Mira that she felt as if Diana was uncomfortable with the relationship of her enemy with her daddy dearest. However, to Crimson and Remus it was clear Mira truly did love Good King. The man had wooed her well and he didn't care at all about her being his daughter's enemy.
The two have been dating for over 5 months, well 7 if you count the 2 months when they kept their relationship a secret, and they looked to be going strong.
"Nothing wrong with it," Diana said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes as she looked back to see Good King place a kiss on Mira's cheek.
Diana wished Willow was there, but her tale was already in progress and well... she wasn't really allowed to dinner parties or anything really.
She did see the ugly stepsisters and their evil mother. So there was that. However, they left after a while once it was 9 PM, she just hoped Willow was ok.
The poor girl never had a chance to leave the home she was now trapped in.
Emerald Lockes was here though, but the woman was so annoying with how she silently criticized the palace each time she came for a visit.
Diana bit back a groan before putting on a dazzling smile and walked up to Emerald.
At least she could talk with her.
Albeit probably not that of interesting things.
A year in a half (or almost 2 years and a month really) to Mira and Good King's relationship and Diana was getting impatient.
When the heck will their tale begin?!
She was thinking this during a ball that her father had thrown for Mira's 21st birthday and everyone was invited.
Diana wore a sweetheart gown
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With her hair in a curls, but she felt a bite of anger seeing what Mira was wearing.
(Mira wore this)
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With her mint blonde hair in waves with a small braided part in it.
It was a simple but elegant look that she had somehow been able to pull off with the many animal bone jewelry she wore.
She smiled sweetly to guests and danced with random Charming princes before pausing in confusion as the music stopped.
A spotlight flashed onto her father, who was smiling at Mira who had her hands on the pockets of her dress, whom held a microphone.
The next few things her father said caused her to stand there frozen as the whole room cheered and clapped.
Her father proposed to Mira.
Mira was marrying her father, the Good King, Diana's daddy dearest.
She felt her stomach clench before breathing deeply.
A few hours after the ball ended she paced her room and took deep breaths.
"It's no problem! Plenty of Queens have married a Good King to progress or create a story before poisoning their Snow White," she whispers to herself as she chugged on the bottle of wine that she had sneaked out of the wine cellar.
Her lips were a light blue, the bottle half empty, it was full when she entered the room.
"Yeah...no need to worry! Plenty of them even divorced their Good King," she giggles nervously.
Not remembering that it was a rare few of Queen who did end up divorcing their Good King, but that was years and years after their tale was done.
"Our tale is meant to start," Diana hisses before taking another drink as she remembered how her father called Mira beautiful.
"He's speaking out of love of course," she mumbled to herself.
Diana stat there frozen as Mira walked down the isle.
A week had passed after Mira's 21st birthday and the wedding was happening.
Everyone who was important was invited, even the common folk.
Much to the surprise of no one, Mira opted to wear a black wedding gown.
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Her blonde mint hair now dyed black was in curls and she held the black roses close to her as she reached Edward. Remus having walked her down the isle.
It very much suited her.
The rest of the wedding was a blur, all Diana remembered was feeling ice in the pit of her stomach.
'Just part of the story,' Diana chanted in her head throughout the whole day.
3 months later Dia- no! Snow White was now in the woods with the seven dwarfs.
In the glass coffin they made her.
3 months after she had been awoken by her prince, Prince Draiden Charming, and married him she was now living the best life.
She had her own kingdom, well... the kingdom that all past Snow Whites were able to rule over once their story finished.
Her grandmother had given it to her after she got back from her honeymoon.
She fixes her hair when she pauses a little.
"I haven't seen father for almost 4 months," she whispers shocked before finally deciding to go over to Good Castle to visit her father. Surely Evil Queen and him have already divorced.
The story already ended, no need for them to be married!
Snow made her way to Good Castle, she hopped off the carriage and in excitement threw open the doors. She looked around furrowing her eyebrows.
There were many dark knights guarding the place.
....that could only mean one thing.
Evil Queen was still here.
"Ah! Snow! What a lovely visit!" Mira called out from the top of the stairs, her mint blonde hair in a messy braid as she wore a black and violet fish tail skirt with a long sleeved button up black shirt with slingback heels.
"Hello Evil Queen," Snow said with a weak smile which wasn't noticed by Mira who smiled as her husband hugged her.
"There's my beautiful wife! The fairest in my heart," Edward said playfully.
Snow freezes at that. Evil Queen? The fairest?
But.... she was the fairest! Her! Snow White! She, Diana White,THE Snow White was the fairest!
She felt as if she was splashed with cold water.
But she felt as if a damn had been broken.
Mira couldn't still be married to Snow's father unless.... unless their story hasn't actually finished.
If it did then Mira and Good King have to have divorced by now....
"Snow?" Snow blinked and fought off the urge to sneer at her enemy as shr looked up st Mira.
"Would you like to stay for lunch? Me and Edward have a few things to do later on so really lunch time is the perfect time to catch up," Mira said with a bright smile.
"Sure!" Snow said ignoring the hisses in her mind as Good King cooed at Mira and called her beautiful.
'Draiden never calls me beautiful,' Diana thought bitterly.
'Surely our tale isn't done,' Diana thought darkly as she was handed her plate.
The anger inside of her continued to grow the whole week as she kept visiting and watched how wonderful her father and her enemy's marriage was. Her marriage wasn't like that at all.
How unfair.
Mira couldn't be the fairest. Snow White was!
But Good King kept calling her beautiful! He HAS to call Snow that.
She is his daughter. It's fair.
But he never did it.
How unfair.
Jealousy continued to grow.
She was the fairest.
All of Ever After knew that.
But it looked like they needed a reminder.
Tag: @2sunchild2 @thegayestasexual @unmaskedagain @captainrose35 @falling-electricxangel @calliopeia @mlbchaosqueen @animalgirl05 @alicesangelofmusic @thyladyanput
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Original artwork by me, dedicated to @wine-drunk-on-elizabeth my muse and the reason I'm so in love with these two dorks 🤍✨
Chapter 1
It was warm, the air humid, the late afternoon filled with the familiar buzz of cicadas, tinged with the scent of blooming magnolias. Thunder rumbled in the distance, the storm clouds building on one side of the long stretch of road, the lightning dancing and jumping among the imposing thunderheads. It was in stark contrast with the view on the other side, a clear blue sky cradling a fiery orange sun.
Jamie Castillo smiled slightly, arm hanging out of the window of her uncle’s old Silverado, letting the warm Florida air ruffle her hair, taking in the smell of summer and rain.
The so-called Sunshine State hadn’t been ‘home’ to Jamie for a long time, but after four grueling years of college, she knew that she needed to get away from the bustling New York streets, escape to somewhere familiar where she could unwind and celebrate her twenty-second birthday in true Castillo family fashion.
“Happy to be back mija?” Raul Castillo, Jamie’s uncle, asked as they merged onto their exit ramp, the surroundings familiar, filling Jamie with warmth, excitement and a peace she only felt around her family.
“Yeah, tio, I am,” Jamie replied with a smile, picking out familiar landmarks and checking to see if all of her old hangouts were still open. “Is that one Cuban place still open? I’d kill for some of their tostones.”
“Yeah, they are but you know your tia has a feast prepared for you,” her uncle replied with a grin, adjusting the hat on his head. “She’s had all of us making tortillas since five this morning.”
As if on cue, Jamie’s stomach growled, the thought of her aunt's authentic Mexican cooking almost making her mouth water. She looked out of the window again, warmth filling her chest.
“It’s so good to be home.”
“¡Mira quien llego!”
“Amá, Jamie’s here!”
Jamie shook her head with a laugh as she slid out of the truck, not at all surprised by the amount of people that filled the front yard of her aunt and uncle’s house. Vincente Fernandez's voice filled the air, and Jamie could smell the carne asada already.
“There’s my favorite sobrina!”
Two arms surrounded her and Jamie was immediately engulfed by her aunt's perfume and the smell of good food and home. “Hola tía,” she murmured, allowing her aunt to squeeze and kiss her as much as she wanted.
“Mi niña, my handsome Jamie, I am so happy to see you.”
The next twenty minutes were a whirlwind of ‘hellos’ and ‘how are you's’. Jamie reconnected with her cousins, her other aunts and uncles and a few old friends. She was introduced to people she was positive she’d never met before but that somehow knew her.
Finally, after all of the greetings and hugs and kisses, Jamie was finally able to sit down and eat. She took a bite out of one of the tacos her aunt had handed her, moaning softly when the flavors exploded in her mouth.
“I’ve always loved a girl that enjoys what she eats.”
Jamie looked up, gaze locking with what had to be the prettiest eyes she’d ever seen. She chewed for a moment, swallowed and wiped her mouth. “Uh… what?”
“Not very articulate are you, city girl?” the young woman teased as she took the seat across from Jamie’s at the table. “That’s alright, if I have my way we won’t be doin’ that much talkin’.”
Jamie took a sip of her soda as she took in the rest of the girl's face. She was beautiful, tan, her hair an unruly mess of thick curls that Jamie had the weirdest urge to run her fingers through. The lopsided grin that curved her pretty pink lips gave Jamie the distinct feeling she was being flirted with.
“I’m Serena, and it’s a pleasure to meet you handsome,” the brunette drawled silkily, extending her hand which Jamie took and squeezed politely, noting in the back of her mind how soft the girl's skin was.
Jamie smiled, politely, feeling her cheeks warm a little at the compliment. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Serena. I’m sorry if we’ve met before and I don’t remember. It’s been a while since I’ve come to visit.”
“I haven’t had the pleasure, I’m sure I would’ve remembered,” Serena replied with a wink and Jamie felt her cheeks flush again. Yeah, she was definitely being flirted with.
“How long have you and your family lived in Ocala?” she asked, digging into her dinner again as Serena began to speak.
“I’ve been here all my life, or at least that’s what it feels like. Kyle and Lexie were born here too. We live up the road a bit, on the old Sanders farm. Daddy owns the stables now.” Serena’s grin turned a little more sultry and she asked: “Do you like to ride, city girl?”
The suggestiveness in Serena’s tone almost made Jamie choke, but she was quick to cover it up with another sip of her soda and a chuckle, albeit a surprised one because who even was this girl. “I haven’t ridden a horse since I was fifteen. Not many of them in New York.”
“Well, I’d be happy to take you for a ride,” Serena offered, batting her lashes a bit. “On one of Daddy’s horses of course.”
“Right, of course,” Jamie said with a smile of her own, shaking her head slightly. “That actually sounds like fun, if you promise that you’ll be there to teach me, since it’s been so long.”
Serena grinned and leaned forward on her forearms, smiling wide and making Jamie’s heart beat a little harder in her chest. ‘She’s so pretty.’
“Long is definitely what I’m hoping for,” Serena answered. Jamie knew she was blushing hard when Serena giggled. “Lord, can your ears go red! Bless your heart.”
Before Jamie could recover, someone called out to Serena from a group of girls. The brunette waved back and then turned to Jamie. “I’ll see you around, city girl.”
Jamie smiled and began to speak, surprised when a soft kiss was pressed to her cheek. ‘She smells like strawberries.’ Before she could say anything else, Serena was already sashaying away, smirking at Jamie over her shoulder as she joined her friends.
“Been in town 5 minutes and you’ve already got Serena Benson’s attention.”
Jamie grinned up at her cousin, before turning to look back in the direction Serena had walked away in.
“Mikey, what can you tell me about Serena Benson?”
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