#horrors: the loneliness
emulation-0 · 7 months
i hate my appearance so much i hate what people think when they see what i look like because no !!! im not some oppressed or stuck up hermit who knows mothing about anything and is super traditional and conservative !! im just like you !!! please 😭
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dapper-lil-arts · 6 months
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Darlings. is it gay when the phantom you created as a manifestation of your dreadfull loneliness takes the form of one of your closest friends.
Fanart of this pretty good horror rarijack fanfic, "The haunting of carroussel boutique" personaly i am surprised the writer didnt take the chance to point out how fucking funny this is. Me n kim started laughing about it during stream and i just had to draw this
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tapeworrmart · 9 months
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"Being lonely does things to you"
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madcat-world · 6 months
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A Quiet Evening - Alexey Egorov
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panncakes · 6 months
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"If you look closely, you'll see that Latte is the only being Ongsa talks to."
23.5 (2024)
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twilightprince101 · 4 months
So! The ost for Indigo Park chapter 1 released on youtube. and they come with official titles for all the songs
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Do with this what you will Rambley Fans
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armourofayda · 6 months
i don't care what brennan or any of the intrepid heroes say, FHJY is a horror season, they've deceived us
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reddieswift · 4 months
anyone else out there loving and adoring ben hanscom on this fine day
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for-better-or-verse · 3 months
what being hunted feels like
the moment before the predator closes in on you is perhaps worse than the feeling of her jaws latching onto your neck. tearing through flesh and blood and bone. you stand there, shrouded in shadow. her approach is silent, deliberate. she thinks you don’t know, don’t know what she’s going to do to you. you pretend to be startled by the quivering of ashen leaves, as she inches forward ever so slightly. 
it’s nature. you eat until you are eaten. 
you understand her desire. the way it consumes her better judgement. her hunger. she is starving for a taste of something real, for reality is tainted by falsities and disappointment that festers within the wound of your existence. 
when she pounces, you don’t make a sound. instead, you glance up at the ink-blotted sky. a laugh bursts from your aching lungs. you are what you always have been: prey. her teeth puncture your core and you reach up, up, up into empty air, filled with the remnants of ancient stars. this is what you were made for. 
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themissingnumbers · 16 days
Note: well, it's all downhill from here. also FUCK its 2am again. WARNINGS: Scopophobia, Disturbing Imagery, Blood. FIRST || PREV | NEXT ["I was just wondering if you were ready to go!"]
Thinking quickly, you decide to just play innocent. If you can't lie, why not just... Avoid the truth?
"I was just wondering if you were ready to go!" you exclaim, folding your hands behind your back and smiling down at him. He looks up at you, quirking an eyebrow. He looks like he wants to question you further, but... He sighs, and just shakes his head.
"Not yet bud. Sorry," he replies simply. "You can go on ahead, though. I'll be fine. 'sides, I didn't exactly ask you to come in the first place, did I?"
You feel your cheeks heat up a bit. He's got you there- you had really insisted on tagging along, and here you are, wandering off and trying to drag him away before he wants to leave... How rude!
He must notice how you're quietly kicking yourself, because his expression softens into a warm smile.
"Hey- don't sweat it. Remember, we're neighbors, Leaf. You can come and bug me any time you want. Promise."
That gets you to calm down a little. Sometimes you forget, you'll admit... You're lucky that Blue turned out to be so patient with you, despite everything.
You're grateful to have him by your side.
"You got it!" you finally chime in reply. "Well... I guess in that case- I'll see you soon, okay? I'll make sure to come over!"
He nods, standing up before you get on your way. You can see him mulling something over in his mind, judging by the look on his face...
Before you can question, he leans in, squeezing you tight in a hug.
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The worry of oh Gods what if he feels the bag flashes across your mind, but...
You can tell that's not what he's doing. You relax into your friends arms, returning the gesture with all the warmth you can muster.
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After a long moment, Blue pulls away, averting his gaze and rubbing a hand over his eyes.
"Alllllright, get outta here," he insists, "And don't tell anyone I'm going soft, you got that?!"
You beam and nod quickly. "Course! Big Bad Blue Oak being a hugger... Your secret's safe with me!" you chime, before turning to jog off towards the exit.
"I'll come visit soon!!!" you call over your shoulder, waving goodbye. You see him wave back at you, before you lose sight of him as you hop down the stairs.
Once you're outside of the tower, you call out your Dragonite, and fly home. You hope to visit Blue tomorrow... But for now, you've got an Eevee to take care of.
Two weeks pass.
Trying to nurse the Eevee back to health has been more difficult than you anticipated. You've tried everything. You've fed and watered it well, played with it, slept with it, tried a whole variety of medicines and home remedies.
No matter what you tried, its condition just won't improve, and it looks just like how you found it, if not worse. Worried about deeper ailments, you even managed to drag it into a Pokemon center last week, in spite of its screams and protests. The nurses did a checkup and everything- nothing abnormal came up, other than the stuff you already knew, that it was scrawny and runty and whatever. The only remarkable things you took away from the visit was the surprising strength of the claws on the little bugger, and that weirdo Nurse Joy who told you to "be careful with a Pokemon like that."
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It's like they assumed you just waltzed in with an untrained wild Eevee!
It frustrated you so much that you just went back to trying to treat it yourself. Of course, Eevee calmed down as soon as you got home, and you've barely left the house since then- you can't bear to leave it alone for how bad its separation anxiety is.
At least it doesn't act up at home like it did in the Center... Other than that one day, it's been nothing but a little angel for you.
... You're regretting not getting out more, and you wish so badly you could just take it with- especially to visit your friend, like you keep meaning to... But you've noticed, every time you mentioned visiting your neighbor, Eevee freaks out and hides. You figure it's one of those abused Pokemon that's afraid of men, honestly. The thought makes you chuckle- a cruel means of gender affirmation for the boy, if you could tell him. But... You've decided to continue keeping its care a secret from him for now.
Still, not leaving the house as much as you do usually is taking a toll. You feel like you're coming down with some kind of awful cabin fever- For one, you've started losing your appetite... Add on general weakness, sleeping in later and going to bed earlier, and increasingly frequent headaches, and you'd have already been worried.
But these past few days have gotten... Severe.
You think you're starting to hallucinate.
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White figures peering through your windows. Whispers in the back of your mind. Bloodstains throughout your house.
You've decided this has gotten bad enough. You're going to the hospital.
You roll out of bed. Trudge over to your closet- throw on the simplest clothes you can find- a comfortable black dress with pockets, black slippers, and your trusty old bucket hat. You just grab your wallet and turn to leave, half-dazed as you start towards downstairs before something grabs at your legs.
Don't leave me.
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You look down at the Eevee, as it chirps, cries, and paws at you fearfully. In the exhausted state you're in, you'd almost forgotten about your little buddy.
Despite how much it hates leaving the house...
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haunted-planes · 4 months
Me: Yeah I’m normal.
Also me: Addicted to loneliness, isolates from friends and family, burned out, overwhelmed with everything, depressed, too embarrassed to talk or share any thoughts or art (except for a couple of fanarts), the constant fear of not living up to expectations of the people that look up to you
Me: a 12h nap can fix me (lie)
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tapeworrmart · 7 months
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clemsfilmdiary · 2 months
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I Saw the TV Glow (2024, Jane Schoenbrun)
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linddzz · 7 months
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Been getting my jugular slowly torn out by this read today. When the horror writing is so good it turns into instant writing-inspo 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 If you're the sort of edgelord queer who loves you some viscerally described horror themed on hunger, consumption, and aching loneliness, then this is for you
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abelas · 5 days
you guys are gonna go feral for the characters im writing
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