#horned serpent house
l-egionaire · 10 months
You know what? I'm bored, and I've got some ideas, so here are my Ilvermony headcanons.
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The separate houses are treated as little more than an aesthetic difference by the students. While there might be rivalries and prank wars between the houses, it never gets to the levels of near discrimination that it gets to at Hogwarts. The students all just consider themselves students of the same school and members of the houses intermingle and hang out with each other all the time. They're even allowed to be in each other's dorms for limited amounts of time each day. The teachers encourage it as they often say that each house represents a part of what every great wizard needs, and coming together helps bring them all together towards the ideal wizard.
It's not uncommon for there to be students from other countries who don't speak English perfectly. Thankfully, there are charms to help translate their speech for the teacher, and the only part of their work that needs to be spoken English are their incantations. Though some might still ask for help in getting the pronunciation correct.
The dining hall students eat in is vastly different from Hogwarts's Great Hall, being a large room with mahogany walls filled with multiple circular tables covered in red tablecloths with gold trim and set with silver untensils, fine blue China plates, and crystal glasses. In the center of the room is a vast roaring fireplace with a picture of the Sayre family overtop of it. During feasts, the Pukwudgies bring out platters and pitchers of food and drink that stay magically hot and cold until the students serve themselves from them. Students are allowed to sit at whatever table they please, and the staff eat at a massive table in the middle of all the others.
The dorms are just different buildings of the castle that have five floors of T-shaped hallways with long red and gold rugs bearing the houses symbol. Along the walls of each hallways are dorm rooms for each years students. Students are assigned two each to a dorm, with their roommates's names being included with the letters they receive at the start of each new year. Roommates can't be changed unless two students agree to trade with each other. The dorms all have two large half poster beds with red and gold sheets and blankets, the blankets also carrying their houses symbol and pillows with blue pillow cases. There's also two desks, half dressers, wardrobes, and a set of three shelves above the dressers on both sides (the rooms are enhanced with expansion charms to give them extra space). The halls for younger students all have a dorm manager in them, an older student who was chosen to sleep on their floor to act as a chaperone and disciplinary figure to the students.
The students get to the school by way of multiple magical single decker busses that all arrive at Rockfeller Center in New York. They drive for around an hour before making a stop at a magically hidden pit stop where the students can get snacks, drinks and use the bathroom before the rest of the journey.
Thanksgivings at Ilvermony are always huge. The decorations include fall leaves that flutter and blow themselves through the halls, realistic turkey figures that jump around and gobble, and in the center of each dining room table is a red and gold hat that plays music. Each table gets its own turkey to carve (any leftovers are served over the next few days as sandwiches) along with boats of gravy and cranberry sauce, bowls of corn, mashed potatoes and carrots. And for dessert, a veritable buffet of pies, including Ilvermony's famous cranberry pie, the recipe said to have been invented by Isolt Sayre herself.
Any students without a wand before coming to school is allowed to select one from the hall of wands just past the sorting room. The hall holds hundreds of wands stacked inside their case along the walls. The room holds both wands so new they were just ordered yesterday and so old they were created at the very start of the school. After each sorting ceremony, the head of the school helps each first year's find a wand that "chooses" them, a process that can take up to an hour at most. It's also heavily guarded at all times by both a pair of heavily armed, muscular Pukwudgies and a rotating member of the staff as it's a prime target for thievery either by students or dark wizards.
Ilvermorny boasts a massive roaster of international magical studies electives. In each one, students can study the government, magical creatures, and magical history of the country of their choosing. Some even go on summer trips to those countries to further their studies.
Rather than O.W.L.s, Ilvermorny students takes the W.I.T. or Wizarding Intuition Tests, something similar to an SAT tests. The tests are taken twice, once during sixth year and once during seventh year for each class the students take, and the combined scores of each year are added together, and that average becomes their score. The better the score in certain subjects, the more job opportunities the students have.
To receive mail, students go to the mail room in a tall tower at the southern side of the castle where every owl goes to bring packages and letters for their deliveriees to receive. The mail room is student run and students are selected at random to do the job.
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kind-hufflepuff · 5 months
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official-ilvermorny · 2 years
Did you graduate from Ilvermorny already, Selwyn? If so, what wizarding job do you have, or are planning to get?
I did, in 2018.
The second part is something of a complicated question — I don't have a traditional job at the moment. First, I've got some threads to pull to see where they lead. Lots of crazy stuff. I'll write it all down sometime soon, I hope. But I do keep myself quite busy with various... adventures.
After that, who knows! Maybe a freelance Curse Breaker, an Auror perhaps.
My little brother is in the MACUSA Bureau of Magical Research and Development, if you're curious about jobs!
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wild-saber1337 · 2 years
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in harry Potter the American wizard school is in graylock forest Massachusetts and the school is called Ilvermorny and the four house are named after magic creatures in America, horned serpent, wampus (multiple legged cougar), thunder bird, pukwudgei (small humanoid creatures closely related to goblins and has a head of hair like a porcupine and teleports like a house elf)
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emilypan · 2 years
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d-lone-vultywr · 2 years
Ilvermorny Houses as the TMNT
(A/N: Again, not requested; just something I created myself)
Thunderbird: Leonardo, the leader.
Horned Serpent: Donatello, the brains.
Pukwudgie: Michelangelo, the party dude.
Wampus: Raphael, the rude but crude hot-head.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Ilvermorny house
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bimobuddy · 8 months
Just Like (Really) Old Times
SFW Hazbin Tickle Fic
Lee!Adam, Ler!Lucifer
Spoilers and Swearing
AdamsApple if you squint just a little
Summary: Adam moved into the Hotel and that means living with the very people he tried to Exterminate, and with the very man he's hated for so long. However when Lucifer brings back some 'old memories,' he starts to warm up to the idea of living there.
It had definitely been a shock for... everyone.
The day someone knocked at the Hotel doors, and when Charlie opened them, she was met with someone.. familiar.
There stood Adam, now with grayer skin, red eyes, leathery wings, and horns. As he opened his mouth to speak, it was revealed that he even had fangs now.
"Uh... hi..."
He had expected for the doors to be slammed in his face, for Charlie to tell him to get lost, hell, he even expected to be killed again.
But as Charlie looked up at him for a moment, she stepped aside, and opened the door wider.
"Checking in? We have room."
Weeks had gone by, and everyone was tense. How couldn't they be? The crew had to live within close proximity of the man who's been leading exterminations for years to kill them. And Adam was living within close proximity of the people he's been exterminating for years.. it was awkward as shit.
And for the first time, he felt like he didn't belong somewhere. He felt as though he had invited himself into someone else's house and was overstaying his welcome- But he had nowhere else to go.
He didn't even know what to do with himself. He had become the very creature he had sworn to destroy. The very pest he had been exterminating. His beautiful golden feathers were gone, his halo was gone.. Everything about himself, to him at least, was gone.
Lucifer leaned against the wall, arms crossed, as he watched Adam from across the room. The First Man was on the couch, looking down his his clawed hands that looked so unfamiliar to him. It reminded the king of when he had first met Adam, back when the man had been created. And back before he had fallen.
Adam looked down at his hands in awe. He turned them over, amazed before looking down at the rest of himself. He had been alive for about a month at this point, but he couldn't get over the fact that he was alive and existing. He loved it. He loved being able to see the world around him, being able to hear birds, the wind in the leaves, even his own voice. Especially his own voice. He had spent quite a while just sitting and speaking to himself, even just making random noises, stretching his words out, making the tone go up and down. One of the angels sent to check on him told him it was called 'singing.' He liked singing.
As Adam sat there, just making random noises to himself, he hadn't noticed a familiar white serpent approach him. Not until it chuckled at the noises he was making, startling him. Lucifer transformed back into his normal form. "Sorry for scaring you. I see you've discovered singing." He mused, sitting next to him.
Adam nodded, grinning. "It's fun, I really like it. I think it sounds nice... Um- ... I'm sorry, which one are you?" Lucifer tilted his head and laughed lightly. "Lucifer. I usually stay as a snake when I enter the garden?" The man perked up. "Oh yeah! The white one! I'm Adam!"
Lucifer couldn't help but grin at the human's enthusiasm. He adored it to be honest. "Trust me, we all know who you are. How are you enjoying life so far?" "Oh, I really like it! I like learning new things about myself. So far I've learned that I like sweet things, like fruit, and soft things like those other horse things- with the.. branches.. on their heads?" "Deer?" "Yeah, deer, I like those."
The angel smiled along with Adam, just as excited as he was about his discoveries. "You wanna know what else is soft? Here, I think you'll like it." He extended one of his wings out for Adam to feel, accidentally brushing it against his side. The human jumped and covered his side, a surprised grin spreading across his face followed by a sweet sounding giggle.
Lucifer gasped and scooted closer. "You're ticklish! I didn't know we were giving that to humans! Oh this is great, you're going to have so much fun-" "What's.. What's ticklish?"
The angel grinned, excitedly. "Lift your arms a little bit, I'll show you." Adam did as he was told, lifting his arms up. Again, Lucifer extended his wings, gently brushing them against Adam's sides. The human snorted and slammed his arms down, laughing. Lucifer pulled his wings back to avoid having them stuck under Adam's arms, instead reaching out and gently digging into the sides of his tummy.
Adam shrieked and threw his head back, laughing. Not wanting to overwhelm him, Lucifer slowed to a stop, and pulled his hands back. After a moment of giggling and catching his breath, the human looked back up at the angel, sitting up and smiling.
"Can you do that again?"
Adam looked up at Lucifer. "The fuck are you staring at, loser?" Lucifer raised a brow. "I'm sorry, who lost?" He asked, leaning on his cane. Adam flinched a little and looked away, back down at his hands. They were clawed, darker at the hands than the rest of his arm.
The couch dipped down, causing Adam to look back up at the angel next to him. The angel he was so familiar with. The angel he had once been friends with. Lucifer smiled. "Actually I was just remembering some things.. Back when you were still alive. Like how you told me you liked sweet things. Do you still? It's been a couple years since then."
Adam snorted. "Yeah, just a couple thousand.. Yes, I do still like sweet foods." The king chuckled. "And I remembered you telling me about the 'horse things with branches on their heads.-'" "Oh fuhuck off, I didn't know what deer were."
"But one more thing I remembered," Lucifer skittered up his side, "Was when we discovered you were ticklish." Adam jolted upright, batting his hand away. "Fuhuck off- Don't-" "I specifically remembered you asking me to do it again. Do you remember that?" He asked, abandoning his cane to gently scribble up both of his sides.
Adam immediately burst into giggles, slamming his arms down. "Fuck! fuhuhuhuck you fuhuck off noho I dihidn't!" Lucifer chuckled and tweaked his sides, gently squishing the pudge between his claws, causing Adam to shriek and curl up. "Yes the fuck you did, you liar," he laughed along with him, "That wasn't the only time either, buddy. It seemed any chance you got, you were asking me to tickle you."
Adam was blushing, and blushing hard. He grabbed ahold of Lucifer's wrists, but couldn't really push him away as he was giggling so hard. The king continued, "You loved it so much you introduced Eve to it, I remember that," He gently kneaded into Adam's ribs, earning some squeals, "You're not as sneaky as you think you are, Buddy."
Lucifer raked his fingers down Adam's ribs, and gently skittered across his belly. The sinner tried to curl up and bat his hands away, letting out a snort. "Dohohont- Shuhuhut the fuHUCK uhuhup!" "Oh, don't shut the fuck up? Alrighty~!" The teasing got to Adam. He gave up fighting back and just covered his face.
"I know during our fight I said you 'let yourself go,' but you know what, I think this is better," he started to scritch at his tummy, "Now I have more tickle room." Adam's face turned an even darker shade of red at this, growing more and more flustered.
"Fuck- st- nohohoho!" "See? Even now you're still stopping yourself from saying 'stop.'" Adam started to bat at him again, grabbing for his wrists, "SHUHUT THE FUHUCK UHUHUP!"
Lucifer pulled his hands back, grinning as he watched Adam just go completely limp, his giggles mixing with his panting. "Question for you Addy," "Don't you ever fucking call me that again." "When you were an angel, were your wings ticklish?"
Adam's black and red eyes snapped open. Instinctively, his wings folded over his body, as if he were cocooning himself. "Don't you fucking dare, Lucy."
Lucifer stopped.
"You called me Lucy." Adam paused a little, too. "Yeah.." Lucifer smiled a little. "You haven't called me that since Eden." The sinner looked away momentarily. "I guess.. All this sort of just.. reminded me of the Garden," He looked back down at his claws, "Things were.. so much simpler back then."
Sensing his discomfort with his new body, Lucifer took one of Adam's hands in his own. "You don't look bad, y'know. I know it's different, scary even, but it's not bad." He turned Adam's hand over so it was resting palm-up. He softly traced it, watching as the other's claws twitched from the soft ticklish feeling. "It'll take some time, Adam, but you'll get used to it. Comfortable, even-" "That's what I'm worried about.." Adam looked down at him, being a full two feet taller. He sighed and pulled his hand back.
They sat in silence for a bit before Lucifer broke it. "You know, Charlie is thrilled that you're here." Adam scoffed, "After I destroyed the place and nearly killed you guys?"
"She's happy that you chose to be here. You made the decision to check into a Hotel meant for redemption. That means somewhere deep down, you at the very least have hope. And that's a good start."
Adam huffed. "What if it's not possible..?" The king looked up at him. "Then I guess you're stuck here with us." He offered a smile.
The sinner couldn't help but smile back. As much as he would have loathed the though even just a week ago, it didn't seem so bad now. Lucifer seemed to want to be his friend again, and Charlie was a sweet kid who truly seemed to believe in him.
Back in Heaven, he had a lot of power, sure. He was The Man. He always got what he wanted, whether it was power, bent rules, or sex. But here? He was seen as an equal, as someone who was flawed, someone who had been human. And he was surprisingly okay with that.
His soft smile, turned to a smirk. "I remember something, too." Lucifer tilted his head, curiously. Adam continued, "I remember the first time I retaliated, and found out your wings were ticklish as fuck." "Shit- you back the fuck off-" Lucifer hopped up and took off running.
Adam unfolded his wings, which seemed to be stronger than they once were, and with a powerful flap, immediately caught up to him.
Who knew the King of Hell hiccuped when he laughed?
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a-case-of-attachment · 7 months
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The Lamb & The Serpent
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x sinner fem!reader
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Lucifer being a chaotic mess, sex, p in v, swearing, virgin reader, first time, awkwardness, Lucifer being awkward, fluff, relationship are hard sometimes that’s why communication is key, romance isn’t dead, Lucifer and his oral fixation, wholesome smut, they are in love your honour.
Please click -> here <- to read on AO3
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After his little chat with Asmodeus and his subsequent awaking to what had actually been going on over the past couple of months Lucifer had every intention of sitting you down so he could apologise for his poor behaviour and reassure you that he was very much interested in what you were offering. That had been the plan anyway but unfortunately things just hadn’t gone his way and Lucifer had been forced to spend the last three day refereeing the ongoing argument between Asmodeus and Mammon as they bickered over the little clown imp they both had their eye on. It had been a headache inducing mess, one that had ended with Lucifer snapping at the embodiment of greed, his horns and tale making an appearance when he had missed yet another call from you.
He was beyond glade it was over with, and Lucifer had barely even managed to say goodbye to Asmodeus before he was teleporting home, appearing in his lobby and just about ready to hide away in his work room until he could stomach being social again. Maybe with an exception or two. Lucifer would very much like to waist a couple of days curled up with you on the sofa as well as having the chance to catch up with Charlie. He could always invite Charlie over for afternoon tea and a chat, maybe even invite Vaggie along as well. Considering she was the love of Charlie’s life he really hadn’t spent enough time getting to know her. Plus, she was an angel, so they already had something in common. Though maybe not the best thing to bond over considering neither of them was likely to want to talk about that aspect of their lives. Maybe you could come along as well and after Charlie and Vaggie had gone the two of you could actually have that conversation about what you wanted from the other physically that you probably should of had a month or so ago.  With a plan in mind Lucifer had planned on going straight to bed when he got in but apparently, he wasn’t the only one with plans for his evening. 
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He knew something was off the moment he appeared in the lobby, the small space feeling warmer than normal and smelling faintly like apple pie. When he opens his eyes it’s to find candles scattered across every surface, the yellow flames glowing warmly and casting long shadows up the walls. The floor is scattered with petals, the light of the candles making them shimmer like an oil spill. Confused Lucifer eyes the trail of petals and candles suspiciously calling out a tentative “hello?” in the hopes of getting an answer for the unusual décor. There comes no answer but the floorboards above creak, letting him know that he’s not alone in the house. 
With a frown and a huff Lucifer followed the trail of petals and candle light down the hall and up the stairs, going as slowly and lightly as he can as not to make a sound. Logically he knows that no one down here can hurt him, not unless they had some form of angelic weaponry but that was unlikely considering they were still a rare and expensive commodity despite the amount of angels that had met their end down here over the eons. That doesn’t stop him from being cautious though. Just because a knife to the chest won’t kill him doesn’t mean it’s not going to hurt and despite his reputation amongst the living Lucifer isn’t really that into the whole pain and torture thing. It doesn’t really occur to him that it could be someone he knows who is responsible for the moody and romantic vibe. Even as he steps onto the landing and finds the trail leading to his bathroom door Lucifer doesn’t consider it, that is not till he’s stood in front of closed door and reading the note that had been stuck to the wood with a little duck shaped pin.
His hand trembled a little as he reaches up to take it down, tears clinging to his lashes as his heart swells with the love he had for you. He reads it twice, eyes dragging across the page slowly because he can’t quite believe what he’s reading. You wanted to take care of him, worried that he had been overdoing it the last couple of days and knowing full well he wouldn’t look after himself. You had given him strict instructions to relax, insisting that he spend at least an hour in the bath and that he not think about anything work related. That had him laughing, wiping away his tears as he imagined you stood there with your arms crossed over your chest and looking at him expectantly, your little lamb ears completely ruining the stern look you were going for. Adorably cute and just begging to kissed. 
He couldn’t believe you had done this for him. Yes, the candles and petals seemed a bit over the top, but Lucifer liked it all the same. It must have taken you a while to set it all up and his heart feels like it might burst when he realises what that means about how you must feel about him. Surely if you didn’t love him then you wouldn’t have gone to such lengths? And if you were doing romantic things like this then that meant he hadn’t messed up as badly as he had feared. 
You were wooing him! The realisation had Lucifer feeling giddy, practically bouncing in place he was so excited. He had never been wooed before. Yes, Lilith had loved him, had told him often and never denied him any physical displays of affection but she had never been one for grand displays or romantic gestures. That had been Lucifers thing, always the one showing up with gifts or ridiculously large bouquets of flowers. He was the one who made romantic dinners for the two of them, the one who would run her baths and brush her hair whilst telling her how beautiful she was, how he loved and adored her. He had done the wooing, not the other way round but now? Knowing that you were doing something special for him? Lucifer hadn’t felt this loved and cherished since, well, not for a very long time and he wasn’t really sure what to expect when he opened the door. 
He knew what he would do if it was him doing the romancing, had done it enough for Lilith before that it seemed like a logical conclusion that you would be waiting for him inside. Maybe he would catch you leant over the bath, fingers testing the water temperature and smiling ever so sweetly over your shoulder at him. Maybe you would be perched on the edge of the tub, waiting patiently for him to come to you and place a kiss upon your lips. Or maybe, just maybe you would already be in the bath, the bubbles keeping you hidden from him until he had stripped naked and sunk into the water with you. They’re all welcomed scenarios and Lucifer finds himself holding his breath as he slowly pushes the door open, leaning around it in an attempt to see what it was hiding from him.  
You are not in the bath, not in the room at all but what there are is more petals scattered across the tiled floor, candles placed on every available surface and giving the room a warm and inviting glow. The bath tub is full, steam curling up from the red bubbles and carrying with it the smell of cinnamon and clove. There’s a small table next to the bathtub, a small selection of candles sat on top of it along with a couple of bottles of toiletries. Bottles that hadn’t been in his house that morning when he left. The whole room looks like a scene from a romance novel, inviting Lucifer in and offering him something that he had never thought he would get to experience for himself. Yes, he is disappointed you aren’t there to share in it with him but after his behaviour these last few months he isn’t surprised that you are keeping your distance. Oh well, Lucifer will follow your orders, planning on luxuriating in the warm waters of his freshly drawn bath and then he would look for you, hopeful that you were still somewhere within his home and not having snuck back to the hotel whilst he was preoccupied. He had a lot to thank you for and didn’t feel like waiting till morning to do so. 
With a smile still firmly in place Lucifer followed the trail of petals over the vanity, already pulling off his jacket and eyeing his bath excitedly only to be brought to a sudden stop when his foot hits something soft and squishy. Frowning Lucifer looked down, stepping back slightly so he could get a better look at what he had trodden on. Two sets of black beady eyes stare lifeless back at him from within a round yellow face. Ducks. He’s looking down at ducks. Two large squishy duck plushies with holes in their backs. Are they slippers? Confused Lucifer went to bend down and pick one up, placing his hand in the counter for balance except his hand didn’t touch the cool marble it should have. Instead his fingers sank into something soft and fluffy, Lucifer turning his head to see what it was only to come face to face with even more ducks except these ones are printed onto a deep blue fabric, the space in between decorated with little white stars that seemed to sparkle in the candle light. 
Abandoning his original task Lucifer stood back up, frowning down at the neatly folded fabric and the small white card that sat on top, his name scrawled in your familiar font on the front. Turns out they were a gift for him, a set of matching flannel pyjamas and plushie slippers for him to change into after his bath. Lucifer had stood there for a long few minutes, card in hand and staring down at his rubber ducky slippers trying not to cry because of how happy he felt. 
It had been centuries since Lucifer had been gifted anything. Yes, he had received bribes and sacrificial offerings but that wasn’t the same. This was heartfelt, picked specifically because of who he was as a person and not because of his status. A part of him does question how you could afford the obvious expensive items because he knows that Charlie doesn’t pay you for the work you do at the hotel, but he squashes that down quickly deciding that it wasn’t important. He knew you, knew that however you had come to possess them it wouldn’t have been by nefarious means. Plus, he’s too happy to care. Not only had you arranged a candle lit bath for him, but you had also given him a gift. There was no doubt in his mind you were trying to woo him now, Lucifer feeling giddy and excited for what would come next. But first, he had a rather lovely bubble bath to sink into. 
He makes sure they are folded nicely, slippers tucked in against the vanity before he starts removing his clothes. He’s quick but methodical about it, removing one item after another and folding them neatly so he can stack them next to the pyjamas. His shoes get tucked under the unit next to his new slippers, his cane clipped onto the hook on the side and his hat placed gently atop the hat stand towards the back. Once naked Lucifer runs his hand over the soft fabric once more before turning and heading to the bath. 
The groan Lucifer makes as he sinks down into the warm spice scented water sounds practically sinful, but he doesn’t think he would have been able to contain it even if he had tried. It feels amazing, the water almost instantly soothing his aching muscles and helping him to relax. He doesn’t know what you had put in the water but whatever it was surely had to be made of magic of some kind because Lucifer doesn’t think he had ever felt this light and boneless before, just drifting peacefully as the warmth from the water seeped into his very core and left him feeling like he was floating on a cloud. Or maybe it’s just because it’s you that had done this for him that makes it feel a thousand times better than it ever had before. Magic or love? Maybe they were one and the same, intertwined so closely that you couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began. Lucifer couldn’t tell, all he knew was that he felt happy and loved and that was something he hadn’t felt in a very long time. 
He sits there for what feels like hours, mind blessedly calm and the water never getting cold. It’s only then, as he truly relaxes, that Lucifer hears it. The soft sound of music comes from his adjoining bedroom, the gentle mix of piano and violin creeping through the gaps under the door, hauntingly beautiful and painfully familiar even though Lucifer can’t quite recall where he had heard it before. He doesn’t remember if it had been playing the whole time and his breath catches at the thought of you being in his bedroom. So close yet hidden from him. He wants to call out to you, see if you will answer but he also doesn’t want to break this strange spell he finds himself under. Nor does he want to ruin something you must of worked so hard on. So, Lucifer stays quite, eyes slipping closed as he sinks further into the hot water and lets everything that had been weighing him down go, giving in to the tranquil bliss you had gifted him. 
Lucifer doesn’t know how long he stays there for but when he stirs, he finds that most of the bubbles have gone, and the water is lukewarm at best. Deciding that it had probably been over an hour at this point Lucifer finished washing quickly, using the things you had left for him and delighting at the crisp apple scent mixed with cinnamon and ginger with a hint of nutmeg and cardamom that wafted up from the open bottles. He makes sure to wash every inch of himself, even conditioning his hair as well as shampooing, wanting to make sure he used everything you had left for him.
He feels fresh and relaxed when he steps out of the bath, wrapping himself in the ridiculously large and fluffy towel that had been left next to the tub for him. He dries himself quickly, eager to try his new pyjamas on and by the time he’s taken the few short steps across the room his body is mostly dry if not a little pink tinged from how vigorously he had been rubbing at it. The pyjama trousers are just as soft as they had looked, Lucifer letting them sit low on his hips as he shoved his feet into the slippers. He forgoes his shirt for now, a smaller towel draped over his shoulder and catching the water that dripped from his hair as he looked for his hairbrush. It’s not there though and without thinking he is already heading towards the adjoining door to his bedroom, tugging the towel up to rub vigorously at his still wet hair as he flings the door open. He’s already a couple of steps into the room when he suddenly stops, the small gasp catching him off guard. 
Lucifers head snapped up at the sound, his eyes going wide when he found you stood there. Oh, but what a sight you were, all wide eyed surprise and lips slightly parted as you took in his half-dressed state. But that wasn’t the best part. Oh no, the best part was that the two of you matched, all the way from the yellow duck slippers on your feet to your pyjamas. They were the exact same ones you had gifted him except where his were trousers yours were shorts, cutting off mid-thigh and leaving your legs blessedly bare. The two of you just stand there, Lucifer completely enraptured by how adorably beautiful you are whilst you stare at his bare chest like you had never seen a half-naked man before. 
You are the first to come to your senses, coughing nervously before purposely looking at a spot somewhere over his should as you asked if he had “enjoyed your bath? I know it was a little over the top, but I just wanted to surprise you and, well you seemed a little stressed when we spoke last night, and I thought this might help you relax a little.” Lucifer lets the towel fall forgotten to the floor, striding across the room so he is standing before you, taking your hands in his and waiting for you to look at him before thanking you. You look so relieved when he tells you how much he had loved it, giving him one of your sweet little smiles when he admits that “no one’s ever done something like that for me before and I…thank you, for taking care of me.” He means to say a lot more, but his voice gets caught in his throat and Lucifer can only hope that his choked up little thank you conveys everything he hadn’t been able to say. 
Despite his lack of words, you had seemed to understand, cupping his cheek and looking him in the eyes as you swore that you would “show you every single day from here until forever how much you mean to me Lucifer.” Smiling tearfully, he had placed his hand over yours on his cheek, turning his face slightly into your palm as he told you how perfect that sounded and promising to do the same. Lucifer would spend the rest of eternity showing you how much he loved you, would tell you at least twice a day and make sure that you never stopped smiling, always feeling happy and loved. You were too pure of a soul to be down here, and you were definitely too good for Lucifer, but you had chosen him all the same and if heaven had denied you paradise, then he would create a slice of heaven in hell, just for you. 
Lucifers the one who breaks the silence between you this time, taking the hand that’s on his cheek and placing a soft kiss on your knuckles before asking about your current state of dress, and noting how adorable you look. Turns out there had been more to Lucifers surprise because not only had you given him a gift and helped him relax you also apparently had plans for his sleeping arrangements, gesturing behind you to the camomile tea that sat on the night stand whilst explaining that you thought the two of you “could snuggle. JUST snuggle. I thought it would be nice for us to, well you know, cuddle.” Lucifer hears what you are saying, would love nothing more than to climb into bed with you and spend the night wrapped in your arms but there’s just one slight problem with that. Lucifer isn’t so sure he would be able to spend the night with you in his bed without experiencing some physical side effects. 
His mind kind of gets stuck on that, pulling up every scenario that could unfold by agreeing to sharing his bed with you. Only two out of a dozen possibilities don’t end up with you both naked, and only one of those isn’t sexual in nature. It’s bad, so very very bad to be thinking about such things, especially when you were trying to be romantic and show him how you felt but by the way you were blushing and pointedly not looking at him or the bed Lucifer thought that maybe he wasn’t the only one with less than pure thoughts about the situation. His first instinct is to steer the conversation well away from anything even remotely close to sexual, but he knows better than that now. That being said it doesn’t change the fact that before anything like that could happen between the two of you Lucifer needs to apologise for his behaviour over the last few months and also get verbal confirmation from you that adding sex to your relationship was actually something you wanted. 
Lucifer makes sure to tell you that “spending the night with you in my arms sounds like a dream come true,” and it does. He has often dreamed of just holding you, getting to feel your body against his as the two of you simply lay beside one another but considering how he had been reacting to your most simple of touches these last few months he knows that an innocent snuggle wouldn’t be possible for him. The question is how does he tell you that without sounding like some sort of sex obsessed weirdo that can’t even make it through a night of cuddling without getting hard?
Trying to buy himself a little extra time to think Lucifer had directed you to sit at the end of the bed, coming to stand in front if you and nervously running a hand through his still damp hair. Maybe doing this when he was shirtless was a mistake, but he knew that if he disappeared back into the bathroom, he would probably lose his nerve and either end up embarrassing himself or upsetting you. No, he needed to do this now. You deserved the truth, though maybe getting you to sit on his bed was also a mistake, Lucifers eyes drawn down to your bare thighs, realising that if he were to drop to his knees his head would be just the right hight for him to…. NOT HELPING! 
You would think that after having been through all this with Asmodeus it would have been easier to tell you he was sorry for his behaviour and explain exactly why he had acted in such a way, but it wasn’t. Not in the slightest and Lucifer found himself stumbling over his words once more, looking over your shoulder to avoid the temptation of letting his gaze wander down too far. You don’t question his lack of eye contact, letting him ramble on about how he “didn’t mean to make you think that I wasn’t interested because I am. Very interested actually but you’ve never, you know, been with anyone before and I didn’t want to rush you into something you weren’t ready for. Not that you can’t make those decisions yourself. It’s just, well, umm, sex, can be messy and complicated, even when you know what you’re doing and I ah, I didn’t, DON’T! want to hurt you.” It’s like Asmodeus’ all over again, Lucifer making a complete mess of trying to tell you what he had thought was happening and what was actually going on. 
Why was he so bad at this? All he needed to do was apologise for  misunderstanding your attentions and reassure you that he was completely committed to this relationship, regardless of if it included sex or not but if that was something you were interested in then he needed you to just tell him that because he would be thrilled to have the pleasure of well, you. There! That’s all he had to say and yet the words that came out of his mouth were “sex is good. Would, be good, with you. If that was something you wanted to have, with me?” He can’t help but grimace at how ridiculous he sounds, hiding his face in his hands and contemplating opening a portal up underneath himself so he can save you from listening to any more of his embarrassing drivel. 
You don’t seem to think he’s messed up though, gently taking his hands in yours and lowering them so you can look him in the eye. You’re all soft smiles and gentle words as you apologise to him, cutting off his insistence that you had nothing to apologise for by placing a finger against his lips, Lucifers voice disappearing in an instant. He watched you with wide eyes, captivated by you as you told him that you “hadn’t considered your feelings and I’m sorry for that. Just because I don’t care about my lack of experience doesn’t mean you feel the same and I should have realised that instead of continuing to try and start something and making you feel uncomfortable. I know now that you were worried that I might be pushing myself into it without really knowing what I was asking for but I am an adult Lucifer and I need you to realise that I wouldn’t have even considered sleeping with you let alone trying to initiate it if I didn’t think I was ready for that with you.” You say it so much better than he ever could, having a way with words that leave Lucifer feeling like he is on the edge of tears and yet full of so much joy he might burst from it.
There are so many things that Lucifer wants to say to you. Like how deeply he cares for you. How he would be willing to go as slow as you needed him to if it meant you felt safe and comfortable with him. How he wanted you in his life, however he could have you because you made it that much better, smile as bright as an angels grace that never failed to chase away the gloom that hung over him like a cloud. He doesn’t say any of that though, taking your hands in his as he declared “me to. I’m ready,” because he was. Lucifer was ready to take that next step with you, both inside and outside the bedroom. 
The kiss you give him is chaste, but it doesn’t stay that way, your tongue sweeping across his lips. He parts them eagerly this time, welcoming the gentle cares of your tongue against his. The two of you should probably talk more but for now it seemed like the time for words was over, the months’ worth of denial finally catching up to you both. Lucifer follows you wordlessly when you scooch back onto the bed, his lips never far from yours as he climbs up onto the bed until he’s hovering above you. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer so you can whisper in his ear, lips brushing teasingly against the sensitive shell of his ear when you ask him if he would “be my fist? There’s no one else I would rather it be. Please Lucifer, take it, it’s yours.” It sends a shiver down his spine, a long buried ache growing in his chest and pressing almost painfully against his rib cage. You’re offering him something precious, something that once given can’t be taken back. A part of yourself that will forever be his, a mark on your very soul that will never fade. It’s an honour that Lucifer would be a fool to refuse so he doesn’t, murmuring his devotion against your lips even as he slides a hand under the fabric of your pyjama shirt, deft fingers dancing across your stomach and up your side, your startled gasp like the start of a symphony written just for him. 
Lucifer makes love to you that night. It’s the only way he can describe it. He’s slow, gentle, the two of you pressed as close you can get without it interfering with him slowly stripping your clothes off you, Lucifer enraptured by every inch of you that is revealed to him. 
There’s something addictive about the little moans and gasps you let out as Lucifer explores your body with his hands and mouth. He liked the way your breath hitches when his fingers skim across the swell of your breasts and pinched gently at your hardened nipples. He craves the little gasps you make when he kisses his way down your body from your lips to your hips, nipping and sucking gently as he goes before soothing over the slight sting with a delicate kiss. You respond so beautifully to him, unashamedly vocal in your pleasure as you squirm in his hold, arching into his touch like you were chasing it. He’s already addicted to it, to you but there’s one thing he loved above all else, the most beautiful sound to fall from your parted lips and leaves him whimpering, desperate to hear it again and again. 
“Lu...Luci…Lucifer! Please, I…oh gods, yes! Please. Lucifer I…LUCIFER!” It’s like music to his ears. A symphony of moans and gasps, his name falling from your lips like a prayer and all because his wicked tongue had made its way between your legs. Lucifer had moaned like a starving man when he had gotten his first taste of you, pressing his face as close to you as he could get. He had tried to go slow, aware that no one had ever done this for you before and he had started out like that, tentative and gentle as he tried to figure out what it was you liked and didn’t. As soon as he had started to figure it out though Lucifer was relentless, alternating between fucking his tongue into your tight cunt and sucking gently on your sensitive clit. He felt drunk on you, hungry to taste your climax on his tongue and desperate to know how loudly he can get you to scream his name. Hopefully loud enough that all of heaven will be able to hear. 
Lucifer spent a while between your legs, his own neglected cock tenting his trousers and begging for attention. This wasn’t about him though. It was all about you, about your pleasure and Lucifer was all for denying himself when he got to listen to you fall apart on his tongue. He could happily stay there for hours, days even, feasting on your sweet nectar and listening to you cry out for him in pleasure filled desperation. Maybe another time, he didn’t want to overwhelm you, plus this was about what you wanted not him and from the way you were practically grinding against his face Lucifer could guess what it was you were after. 
His fingers replaced his tongue, two slipping into you easily as his mouth latched onto your clit, licking and sucking on the little nub as he fucked his fingers into you. He knew that no matter how gentle he was with you it was going to hurt to some degree but the more relaxed and looser you were the easier it would be for you when Lucifer finally got to feel you around his cock. So, he worked another finger into you, his teeth nipping at the little bundle of nerves as you pressed down against the intrusion, moaning ever so sweetly at the stretch. It doesn’t take long for Lucifer to add a fourth finger or for you to clench down on them, crying out his name as you climax. Lucifer lets out his own moan, working you through it and lapping up your juices as they flow out around his fingers. 
He works you through it, fingers slowing down till they were barely moving as his tongue drags across your opening. He stays there till you let out a little whimper, tugging at his hair as you press your hips back into the bed. Reluctantly Lucifer moves, not wanting to leave you feeling to overstimulate or overwhelm. It is only your first time together, first being the important word there because Lucifer plans on there being many more times in your future, maybe even again tonight. If he’s lucky. 
Feeling how wet his chin is Lucifer doesn’t even think about letting his tongue snake out of his mouth, dragging across his chin and savouring every last drop of you, his eyes falling closed as he moans softly. Your choked off moan has his eyes snapping open, dragging his gaze up the naked expanse of your body until his eyes meet yours and the dark hungry look you give him as you stare at his mouth. Lucifer can’t help but smirk, lifting his still slicked fingered to his mouth. He watches you from under hooded eyes as he drags his tongue up them, slipping them into his mouth one by one so he can suck them clean. 
He’s barely removed them from his mouth before you’re surging up to claim his lips in a bruising kiss, swallowing Lucifers startled moan as you pull him down slightly to meet you. It’s an interesting position, Lucifers thighs shoved under yours and an arm wrapped around your waist to help keep your balance whilst he cups your neck and jaw with his other hand. You don’t seem to care, weight braced on one arm and a hand buried in his hair. One of your legs is wrapped around his waist, pressing his hips down even as you raise yours up to meet him. It’s too much, Lucifer breaking away from the kiss with a gasp and a shudder. He stays close, forehead resting against yours as you breathe each other in, Lucifer shamelessly grinding against you like he had no self-control. He doesn’t, not when it comes to you and he probably would have carried on as he was, grinding against your core in a pale imitation of what he really wanted until he crashed over the edge and spilt inside his trousers like an inexperienced teenager if it hadn’t been for your breathy little “please” so desperate and wanton and Lucifer couldn’t wait a moment longer. 
He gives you one last kiss, nipping gently at your bottom lip as he pulls away before shuffling off the bed. He’s already pushing down his pyjama bottoms before he’s even got one foot on the floor. It goes about as well as could be expected, Lucifers foot slipping as the other gets caught in the fabric. He goes down gracelessly with a thud, landing in a sprawling heap on the floor. It doesn’t deter him though, yanking the offending garment off and quickly jumping back up onto his feet only to find you kneeling at the end of the bed and looking down at him with concern. Lucifer laughs nervously, rubbing at the back of his neck and insisting that he was fine. There’s a beat of a second, a small pause as your eyes narrow slightly like you’re trying to figure out if he’s telling the truth. You must decide he is because you smile fondly at him, shaking your head slightly and rolling your eyes even as you offer him your hand. 
He takes it gratefully, following you up onto the bed once more as you shuffle back to lay against the pillows. You are beautiful in your innocence, your bottom lip caught between your teeth and head turned slightly to the side, your eyes cast down in a display of shyness that hadn’t existed the rest of the evening. You’re led in a way that leaves you both on display and hidden all at once, your arms raised and gripping at the pillow under your head whilst your hips are slightly turned away from him, one leg over the other and bent at the knee. You look like a sacrifice, led across his deep red sheets with the dim glow of the candles flickering across your naked body and Lucifer feels every inch like the devil come to claim you as tribute. It doesn’t bother him as much as he had feared though, knowing you were here willingly, giving in to your own desire for him. It helps a lot, easing his worry and boosting his confidence because he knows you wouldn’t be here like this if you didn’t want to be. 
Lucifers touch is gentle as he slides his hands up your legs, slowly moving you so he can crawl between your legs. As soon as he’s hovering above you, his weight resting on his hands either side your head, you wrap your arms around his shoulders, fingers slipping into his hair and guiding his head down to yours. He goes willingly, dropping his weight down onto his forearms as his lips meet yours in a slow and gentle kiss. All the desperation and hunger from before is gone, this kiss less about the desire you felt for one another and more about the love you feel for each other. Though neither of you had said it yet Lucifer knew it must be true. It was for him and if it wasn’t for you then it wasn’t far off. 
The kiss ended when you shifted, his neglected cock rubbing against your stomach and reminding you both of the lust and need you felt for the other as it sparked back to life. Lucifer pulls away from you with a groan, head falling to rest on your shoulder as he calms himself down enough so that he doesn’t start rutting against you again. Something that isn’t helped by the fact you whisper in his ear that you’re ready, ever so sweetly begging “please Lucifer, I need you.” And oh, that does something for him, his dick twitching when you say you need him. He pulls back just enough to look you in the eye when he tells you it’s going to “hurt, just a little at the beginning but I promise it will feel so good after that, just, if it’s too much, tell me and I’ll stop. We don’t have to do this tonight, not if your umph.” You cut off Lucifers ramblings with a quick kiss, cupping his cheek as you tell him that you know and how you trust him.  It brings tears to his eyes, ones you quickly wipe away, but he can’t help it. You are giving him such an amazing gift, trusting him with something precious and he’s overwhelmed by the trust you had put in him to take care of you. Maybe a little to overwhelmed if he was being honest. 
Lucifer doesn’t want to admit how nervous he is about this part, but it surely must be obvious from the fact that he stares down at his dick for a good few seconds before he even thinks about moving into position. He knows he’s a lot bigger than the average human male, both in length and girth and though he spent quite a while making sure you were stretched, he fears that it might not have been enough. It’s your first time, Lucifer knows he’s going to hurt you despite everything he’s done to prevent it and unless he shoved a bunch of drugs down your throat that fact isn’t going to change but that doesn’t change the fact he feels almost guilty about it. This will be nothing but bliss for him whilst you have to suffer through the pain of him tearing you apart and forcing your insides to fit around him. It’s not fair, a flaw in Gods design but unfortunately there isn’t much Lucifer can do to rectify that. 
The only thing he can do is go slow, checking you’re okay at regular points and stilling when you need him to. He is right though, sinking into you is heavenly. You’re warm and tight around him as he slides in torturously slow, his breath heavy as he watched your face for any sign he may be hurting you too much. He stops when he feels resistance, covering your face in kisses in between apologising for the pain that’s about to come. Your hands tighten where they’re curled around his shoulders, bracing yourself for what’s to come even as you urge him to continue. Lucifer kisses you, deep and hungry as he snaps his hips forward and breaks through your barrier, swallowing your pain filled cry. He thinks you might have drawn blood, your nails digging into his shoulders, but he doesn’t care, holding himself still as he kisses away your tears, waiting for your command to continue. It feels like an age before your nodding, your grip loosening on his shoulders and whispering that “it’s ok, you can move. Please Lucifer. I want this. I want you.” With one last kiss Lucifer promises that you have him, mind body and soul, from here until eternity. He doesn’t give you the chance to answer, pulling his hips back and sliding back in, your hitched little gasp the only answer he needs. 
It’s slow going, Lucifer fighting the urge to just slam into you all in one go because fuck, he wants to be in you already, filling you up and making you scream as he fucks you hard and mercilessly. There a mantra of next time in his head, promising himself that next time he’ll fuck you harder, faster. Next time he’ll bend you this way and that to get the best angles and get even deeper, but not this time. This time is for slow and delicate, working you up gradually so it’s even sweeter when you fall apart around him. When he’s all the way in he stops again, giving you both time to adjust because even he’s a little overwhelmed by how tight a fit it is, how your body clings to him, your insides fluttering around him and making his cock twitch from the stimulation that he’s not even sure you know you are providing. It’s taken him at least ten minutes to get here, and he feels like he’s teetering on the edge of this being over embarrassingly fast. That’s the last thing he wants, to give you the impression that sex with him would be painful and quick, leaving you unsatisfied and disappointed. That is not the kind of lover he is and Lucifer refuses to ruin your first time all because he had the self-control of Gods first man. 
That surprisingly helps, the thought of you and Adam together angering him enough that Lucifers able to drive back his impending orgasm. Your patience seems to have run out though, rolling your hips against his and dragging a low moan from between Lucifers parted lips. He nips at your lip, tells you to behave but all that gets him is a seductive smirk as you do it again. Lucifer closes his eyes, arms trembling as he holds himself as still as he can, letting you rock ever so slightly on his cock. It’s not enough to be anything other than a tease but Lucifer loves it all the same. He’s always prided himself on being able to please a lover, getting off on knowing he’s driven them to such exhilarating heights. If you were to use him as a living breathing sex doll then he would have no complaints, would probably even thank you for it because he was just that desperate to please. You have other ideas though, hooking a leg around his waist, foot pressing against his ass and urging him down as you roll your hips up to meet him. Your hands back in his hair, cupping the back of his head and keeping his head tucked into your neck. Your other arm is curled under his, hand gripping his shoulder tightly as you moan ever so sweetly in his ear, asking him to “move. Please I…I…please.” You cut yourself off with a desperate little whine, pushing your heel into the small of his back and pressing him as close as he could get. 
Lucifer feels awful, having made you wait whilst he collected himself when clearly you were so desperate for him. He places lots of little kisses across your shoulder and up your neck to your jaw, apologising in between because he’s “so sorry I made you wait so long for me. Promise it won’t happen again. I’m going to take such good care of, give you everything you want and more.” He’s not just talking about now and hopes that you can understand that in your current state. For as long as you want him Lucifer swears that you will want for nothing, at your beck and call every hour of every day. He will treat you like a queen, might even make you one, one day but for now he’s going to start with this. 
Lucifer starts off slow, your tight grip on him loosening enough that he can pull all the way back until his tips the only part of him left inside you. He presses back in just as slowly, both of you moaning at the feel of him pressing against your walls. Lucifer can’t help but lean in, his lips finding yours in a gentle kiss, his pace just as slow and languid as the kisses you exchange. He stays as close to you as he can, his chest pressed against yours and legs intertwined as he moves within you. There’s nothing hard or fast about it, his hips rocking gently in and out of you and slowly stoking the flames of desire that burned within you. It was intimate, Lucifer unable to call it anything other than making love because that was exactly how it felt to him. Just the two of you, so close that all you can feel is the other, all you could see each other, breathing in the other’s air and lips meeting in gentle and love filled kisses as your moans and gasps mix with the sounds of your gentle love making. 
It was too much, yet not enough all at once, Lucifer feeling like he was going to fall apart at the seams at any moment. It’s been a while for him, even before Lilith had left and Lucifer had known there would be a possibility that he might not be able to control himself when with you. There had never been a doubt in his mind that bedding you would be anything other than spectacular, capable of reducing him to pathetic desperate mess but this? It feels too good, too much like divinity and Lucifer can feel his tentative hold on his form slipping, overcome by his own emotions as he losses himself in the moment, completely surrounded by you. 
Praise falls from Lucifers lips in a mumbled mess of words, telling you that you’re “perfect. So good. Doing so well for me. You feel amazing sweetheart, so warm and tight. Fuck. So beautiful like this and all for me. Just me. Oh fuck. Yes!” in between sloppy kisses as he trailed his lips  from your mouth to your neck and then back again, stopping occasionally to suck marks into your neck, the same part of him that had delighted in being your first practically glowing with delight at all the other residents of Hell being able to see his claim on you. Or that could just be the fact he was actually glowing, what remained of his heavenly light growing brighter the closer to his climax he got. 
As much as he wanted this to last for eternity Lucifer could feel his orgasm getting closer and closer, the coil in his stomach tightening as your walls fluttered around him, pulling him back in and leaving him a moaning gasping mess on the edge of tears. He can’t put it off again, approaching his end to quickly for him to slow down now. Panting Lucifer rested his head on your shoulder, closing his eyes and giving himself over to his pleasure. He is not a selfish lover though and Lucifer refuses to let himself fall over the edge without you there with him. It takes a slight bit of manoeuvring, but Lucifer managed to get a hand between the two of you, his thumb rubbing against your clit and making you cry out almost loud enough for all of Hell to hear. It wasn’t an ideal position, being pressed so close to you but he didn’t want to move, didn’t want to stop touching your because if he did this might all disappear and he would find himself alone once more, that gaping black hole of loneliness too much for him to bare. 
Lucifers climax hits him suddenly, his cry of pleasure muffled as he sinks his jagged teeth into the delicate skin in your neck. Vaguely he hears your answering scream, can feel you getting impossibly tighter around him but Lucifer is to lost to really notice, his vision going white as the room floods with light, the sound of wings flapping and something smashing all but a distant hum compared to the white noise ringing in his ears. Euphoric doesn’t even begin to cover how Lucifer feels in that moment. Rapturous maybe, possibly even heavenly. All Lucifer knows is that it feels right, like being welcomed home and loved unconditionally. He falls into it, into you with, with reckless abandonment, letting the feeling drag him under the roaring waves of bliss as they crash into him. 
When Lucifer comes back to himself it’s to find that he’s laying half on top of you, his leg slung over yours, arm draped over your chest and head tucked underneath your chin. You’re humming softly along to the music still playing, arm wrapped around his waist as you card your fingers through his hair. He feels boneless, happy and satisfied in a way that he hasn’t for centuries. He’s so content in-fact that that he can’t help but hum, snuggling in closer and delighting in the little chuckle it gets him. It’s only then that he realises his wings are out, three of them half hanging off the bed and draping across the floor whilst the three on the other side are bent protectively over you, keeping you hidden and safe from the outside world whilst Lucifer himself was to out of it to do so. 
He’s embarrassed by his lack of control, groaning loudly and trying to hide his face in your neck as he apologises for his lack of restraint even as he tried to justify it because “it’s eh been a while since I’ve, well since I’ve done that with anyone and you were, it was, I was just…” Thankfully you stop his ramblings, your fingers pressing on the underside of his chin so he will look up at you. You understand his reaction, even going as far as to tell him how flattered you are that it happened. It makes him blush even more, wings fluttering slightly but no more so then when you thank him, looking him in the eyes and sounding so sincere and serious when you tell him that you were “glad it was you.” He wants to shrug it off, insist that it was his pleasure, quite literally, but there’s something about the look in your eyes that stops him Lucifer instead reacting up to cup your cheek and telling you how honoured he was that you had given him such a gift and promising to treasure it and you for all eternity.  
The two of you share a kiss, as soft and languid as your love making had been. Lucifer was happy to take his time, to spend at least the next hour wrapped in your arms and exchanging lazy kisses but it seemed you had other ideas, pulling away to yawn loudly. Lucifer waves off your apologies, insisting that he too is feeling quite tired considering the time and your choice of evening activities. He tries to move, tries to hide his wings and pull up the covers but you put a stop to that quickly, asking ever so sweetly if the two of you could stay like this, as long as it wouldn’t cause problems with his wings of course. Lucifers to stunned by the request to do anything then just nod, curling against your side and allowing his wings to shrink to a more manageable size that’s less likely to brake something else within his bedroom. Your hand returns to his hair, fingers gently toying with the strands at the base of his skull as you a wrap your other arm around him, slipping it under his bottom wing so you can gently stroke your fingers up and down his spine. He just about resists the urge to purr like a cat though he does find himself relaxing into it, sleep finding him quickly. 
It’s nice, the two of you led in his bed and enjoying the afterglow of your love making. There’s no need for either of you to talk and though Lucifer knows that at some point you will need to, a whole lifetime of things still between you that will need addressing at some point, there is no rush. He’s forever grateful that you chose to stick by him despite his misguided attempt to preserve your virtue and as he drifts off to sleep in your arms Lucifer lets himself truly feel the happiness you inspire within him because that’s what he is, happy. Happier than he had been in a long time, and he hopes, with every ounce of his being, that he can hold onto that happiness until the end of time. 
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eileenslibrary · 7 months
Man Of The Hour
A/N: Just needed some fluff today so I wrote this, hope you enjoy 
Tiny Dragon! Zhongli x GN! Reader
Warnings: Only mentions of work stress and crying, Zhongli is a lil shit, fluff, me listening to Norah Jones too much.
Song: Man Of The Hour, by Norah Jones
GIF is not mine
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“It’s him or me”
The two men stand in the doorway looking at you incredulously as the tiny dragon sits in your lap you look up at him “Neither I am happy now” you hum petting behind his ears as the dragon purrs like a cat.
That’s what he said
But I can’t choose between a vegan and a pothead
The two men scoff and leave your house the door slamming behind them the dragon curling his small tail around your wrist and letting out a big yawn.
So I choose you because you’re sweet
And you give me lots of lovin’ and you eat meat
“No more complicated meals for us huh?” you pick him up from under the shoulders and flop onto your back looking up at him, his little tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth you chuckle and pull him under your chin.
And that’s how you became 
My only man of the hour
The tiny dragon wiggles in your arms as the sunlight peaks into the curtains before dancing over your head “It’s not breakfast yet” you grumble grabbing the tiny cat serpent and tucking him into your arms.
You never lie
And you don’t cheat
He stands on his hindquarters as he watches you cut up the salmon you chuckle at the cuteness throwing him a piece for him to catch and eat.
And you don't have any baggage tied to your forefeet
You boop his little nose when you return home immediately falling onto the bed to say hi to your little dragon your work attire ruffled from a long day. “So quiet in here?” you hum picking him up and placing him on his pillow his tail swatting in excitement, watching as you switch into his favorite hoodie immediately slipping into the big pocket his head coming out one side, his cute butt out the other.
Do I deserve, to be the one, who will feed you breakfast, lunch,
And dinner and take you to the park at dawn
He peaks out of the top of your shirt as you meet with your friends downtown his forked tongue peaking out taking in the new smells, you feel his tail wag as he smells all the delicious food. You chuckle as you approach Wanmin restaurant sitting with your friends as they coo at the tiny dragon poking his head from your shirt, you all order and feed some of your noodles to the little one until he slips into a food coma.
Will you really be
My only man of the hour
You feel the tiny dragon climb up your pants with his tiny claws as you wait for your coffee to be done as you read the paper, he finds your lap and curls still sleepy, you stroke one of his horns making him purr in content as he naps on your lap.
I know you'll never bring me flowers
Flowers they will only die
You once again find a shiny rock on your bed waiting for you on your bedside table, They weren’t flowers but it was just as meaningful, you stash it in one of the drawers with the other knick nacks he brought you. 
And though you'll never take a shower together 
You put him in the bath with you as you rinse the grime off his scales making him pout as the mud falls from him “No rolling in mud Rex! It tracks mud into the house” you scold washing under his belly.
I know you'll never make me cry
You sink in front of the door sobs wracking your body from the hard day at work, Rex’s little head pops up from one of your boots yawning as he climbs out of it and walks over to you rubbing against your leg and getting your attention, you look up and peak at him before scooping him up into your arms sobbing into the soft scruff of his neck. 
You never argue
You swing him around at the soft jazz making you smile as he gives you an odd look, none of your significant others did this with you always breaking into an argument due to your “childish” nature. You kiss his snoot pulling him into your arms once again and cuddling him next to your heart.
You don't even talk
Even though he can’t talk he does make a bunch of ruckus as he ruffles in your sock drawer making you chase after him when he grabs one of your socks his tale wagging frantically as you try to corner him and grab the sock but he dashes between your feet. “Oh come here you little shit!” you huff chasing after him as he climbs up the towel holder, you finally grab him and gently yank the soaking sock from his mouth making sure not to hurt him.
And I like the way you let me lead you
When we go outside and walk
You bought a chicken harness so you could take him out on walks as you stroll down the harbor the gold collar that has REX in bold red lettering. He leads you down the harbor and sits on the dock you sit next to him and swing your legs over the edge your socks and shoes to the side as you dip your toes watching the fish swim by.
Will you really be
My only man of the hour?
He was glad you dumped those pea brains and lived this nice life with your cute dragon, maybe someday you’ll catch him in his human form and he’ll tell you his true feelings for you, maybe he’ll finally swing you around the living room, bring you flowers, and finally share a shower with you.
My only man of the hour.
My only man of the hour.
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wisteria-lodge · 3 months
What do you think JKR did best in Harry Potter, and what do you think she did worst?
I'll just do the first five good and first five bad that pop into my head.
JKR writes about grief and fear extremely well. It's complex, nuanced, visceral, messy. When I pull out really good passages of her writing, that's almost always what they're about.
She has a good eye for friend group dynamics. Harry, Ron and Hermione work. The way they crack and splinter, the way that two of them will gang up on the third and then work it out, that's really well observed. Their banter works. Their arguments work.
She has an incredible knack for side characters. There are SO MANY of them, and most spend very little time on screen. But the details we get are memorable, interesting and well-chosen - not only do you remember who all these people are, it's perfectly reasonable that your favorite character is like, Tonks - even though we barely see her.
JKR never wastes a transition. These books have a *lot* of scene transitions, and they are used to drop characterization, clues, worldbuilding, or build suspense. You never get "Harry was late to class." You get "Harry was late to class because Peeves had vanished two-thirds of the stairs up to the astronomy tower." It's a good trick for making a world feel alive, and make a mystery feel satisfying. Also, JKR ends *chapters* really well.
She's good at naming things. Good place names, product names, character names. They're memorable, whimsical, build a really strong brand identity and no wonder themed entertainment based off this series does so well. It's hard to invent a word that means something to your audience, but she's good at it. Dementor, apparate, muggle, Slytherin, Gryffindor. There's a ton of specialized vocab in this universe, and that's how she gets away with it.
... she's good at naming so long as the thing she's naming exists in Western Europe. The second it doesn't, we run into problems *real* quick. No-Maj? Cho Chang? Ilvermorny and the four houses Wampus, Pukwudgie, Horned Serpent and Thunderbird?
JKR can't write romance. It's strange, because her grasp of family and group dynamics is so good, but she just can't write a romantic couple being romantic. She can write pining, she can write longing, she can write cringingly awkward couple, arguably she can even write exes - but she will bend over backwards so the two halves of a romantic couple never actually have to be in the same scene, interacting with each other. In HP this mostly shows up in the way the Harry/Ginny stuff (and the Ron/Hermione stuff...) falls flat, and Remus/Tonks comes out of absolutely nowhere. But the Cormoran Strike books and the Fantastic Beasts movies clearly *want* to be romances, and she just can't do it.
Being uber-femme/girly in the Harry Potter books is consistently a very negative trait. Pink, bows, ruffles, painted nails, styled hair, being interested in fashion, being interested in boys (versus boys being interested in you...) It hovers somewhere around being pathetic and being villainous. If you're girly, you can redeem yourself by becoming a mother (like Fleur) or you can reject girliness (like Hermione - who can look all pretty and femme for the Yule Ball, but "that's far too much bother to do everyday.")
There is often a disconnect between a character's actions and the way the way that character is framed by the text. Like, JKR obviously has a very clear idea in her head of who Severus Snape or Draco Malfoy or Molly Weasley is... and that idea does not 100% make it onto the page. Most characters are hit with this to some degree. Someone like Ron is the exception: I do think that the version of him on the page and the version of him in JKR's head are exactly the same.
There is a very *young* sort of moral simplicity in these books... kind of. The Ministry of Magic gets more nuanced and grey as the story goes on, Dumbledore and his plan gets more nuanced and grey... JKR clearly wants to make the thematic underpinnings of her story more complex and adult... but the Slytherins are all just the bad guys. That's not a stereotype, that's not 12 year old Harry with a simplified worldview, they're all just like that. They all run away from the final battle (and/or want to turn Harry over to Voldemort.) She goes out of her way to make Snape an honorary Gryffindor, when it would have been easier and better to just... say that this is a guy who used slytherin traits in a positive way? There is something very deep in her that just wants an infallible force to pick out the Good People, and then put the Good People in charge. that's literally the plot of fantastic beasts 3.
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coinandcandle · 3 months
Hathor Deep Dive
One of the most popular deities in Ancient Egypt and still popular among Kemetic followers today, Hathor (𓉡) is the Egyptian Goddess of women, love, and many other things.
Let’s get to know this Kemetic queen!
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Parents and Siblings
Ra is her father in most mythology
Shu (brother)
Tefnut (sister)
Sekhmet (sister)
Mafdet (sister)
Bastet (sister)
Satet (sister)
Anhur (brother)
Ma'at (sister)
Mut (sister)
Lovers or Partners
Due to her role as a “queen” goddess, she often subsumed the role of other goddesses and was commonly said to be the wife of whoever the ruling god of the city was.
Horus the Elder - The most popular version
Thoth - in Hermopolis
Neferhotep of Hu
Horus the Child (sometimes)
Being as popular and ancient comes with many names, here is a non-exhaustive list of some:
Lady of Dendera
Eye of Ra (an epithet shared with other goddesses)
Lady of the sky
Ruler of all gods
Lady of the Two Lands
Lady of bread, who brews beer
Lady of Dance
Ruler of the jba-dance
Lady of drunkenness
Lady of making music
Lady of jubilation
Ruler of joy
The Primeval
The Lady of All
Lady of the West
Lady of the Holy Country
The Foremost One in the Barque of Millions
The Distant Goddess
Hathor of the Sycamore
Lady of the Southern Sycamore
Hathor of the Sycamore in All Her Places
Hathor in All Her Places
Hathor Mistress of the Desert
Hathor Mistress of Heaven
Hathor’s worship likely started in the early dynastic times.
Her name means “Estate/House of Horus”--referring to both the sky and the royal family.
She is one of the oldest gods in the comedic pantheon.
She is depicted as a woman with a bull's head, a woman with cow ears, a cow, a woman with cow horns and a sundisc.
She was also portrayed as a lioness, a serpent, a papyrus plant and a sycamore tree.
She is associated with the constellation Ursa Major or Mesketiu.
She is regarded as a goddess of love, fertility, marriage and motherhood.
She was also known as a goddess of gratitude and as a sky goddess.
She also represents a vengeful aspect protecting Ra from his enemies.
She would be considered a psychopomp helping deceased souls transition to the afterlife.
In Greco-Roman times, she was seen as a manifestation or another version of Aphrodite.
She is also the goddess of pleasure and music with the sistrum being an important part of her worship.
Her imagery was found often on beer or wine containers, and she is linked to alcohol.
She is often seen wearing a menat, which is a beaded necklace representing rebirth.
Hawthorne's cult became popular in the 4th and 5th dynasty, and her cult believed that she played a huge role in the creation of the universe. They also believed due to her role in the creation of the Earth that she is her own mother.
She was considered to some as being connected to foreign lands.
She is often misrepresented and conflated with Isis.
She was the main deity in Gebelein, Denderah, and had separate temples in Memphis and Heliopolis.
Her most prominent temple was located in Denderah.
In Imu/Kom el-Hisn she was fused with Sekhmet.
Daily offerings were common in Ancient Egypt.
Goods such as incense, semi precious stones and other votive offerings were a part of her worship.
She is connected to the dead and said to nourish those in the afterlife by providing food and milk from her seven sacred cows.
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These these seven cows were called the Seven Hawthorns and were named in the Book of the Dead: 
Lady of the Universe
The Hidden One-Presiding Over her place
“You from Khemmis”
"Your Name Prevails Over the West."
The Seven Hathors may or may not also represent the Pleiades constellations. The Seven Hathors were said to have a red ribbon that binds evil.
She was often depicted wearing red, the color of passion.
She is honored in the festival of sacred marriage, which is 18 days into the month of Paoni.
As mentioned earlier, she often absorbed the roles of other goddesses as her popularity grew. Some of these roles included Seshat's role of a witness at the judgment of the dead.
While she was worshiped among all social classes. She was especially popular among the poor.
She had both priests and priestesses, which was uncommon since most clergy had to be the same sex as the god they served.
In the funerary text known as the Book of the Heavenly Cow, her father, Ra, sends her to punish humans for plotting against his rule. She is sent as Sekhmet, the lioness goddess, and massacres the rebellious humans relentlessly. But in order to prevent the wiping out of all of humanity, Ra orders that beer be dyed red and poured all over the land to mimic blood for the (literally) blood-thirsty goddess. Sekhmet then sees the “blood” and drinks all of it. In an inebriated state she passes out and reverts to a benign and calm Hathor.
Selenite, hematite, gold, turquoise
Papyrus, sycamore tree, lotus flower
Bull, cow, snake
Sistrum, Bull horns with sundisc
Stones, especially those worn by royalty in Ancient Egypt such as turquoise or carnelian.
Acts of Devotion
Read the Book of the Heavenly Cow
Daily prayers
Show and share gratitude
Donate either money, clothes, or time to those less fortunate
Play music
Create a song for her (or a playlist!)
References and Further Reading
Ancient Egypt Online - Hathor
Britannica - Hathor
Hathor and Music
Hathor Epithets
Music and Dance in Ancient Egypt
Mythopedia - Hathor
The Complete Gods And Goddesses of Ancient Egypt by Umair Mirza
The Pleiades: the celestial herd of ancient timekeepers. By Amelia Sparavigna
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official-ilvermorny · 2 years
is wampus house the same as gryffindor
All of the Ilvermorny and Hogwarts House have some crossover. For example, many Gryffindors tend to be warriors, since they are suited to bold and courageous (and sometimes reckless) acts.
However, they are not directly parallel. For example, a Wampus can be ambitious and adaptable like a Slytherin, or hardworking and consistent like a Hufflepuff. Likewise, a Gryffindor can have a strong sense of spirituality like many Thunderbirds, or they can be studious and intellectual like Horned Serpents.
It all just depends on the individual!
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thewulf · 1 year
Why Not? || James Potter
Summary: Can you do a James Potter x reader set during the Marauders time at Hogwarts? I always like the student from america trope if you can. He's tired of chasing after Lily and then you show up. Sirius pulls a prank on the newbie and it goes wrong or something and James has to take you to the hospital wing and he decides he's going after reader next type of thing?
A/N: Whew! This turned out WAY longer than I was expecting. I had fun with it though! Enjoy!
Pairing: James Potter x Y/N
Word Count: 8.0k+
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“Mom, come on!” You begrudgingly continued packing your trunk, throwing your clothes in haphazardly. Something you knew would drive her crazy, “I don’t get it. You and dad can move to England for his fancy ministry job, and I can stay here and go to Ilvermorny with all my friends. It totally works mom.” You pleaded with her. You were heading into your sixth year at Ilvermorny and really didn’t want to start over. Much less with the stuck-up students at Hogwarts. You’d heard countless stories of exchange students and their attitudes it put you off the school entirely.
“What do you not understand?” She snapped. Truth be told you did understand why she was exhausted from your incessant questioning of their decision. It was a huge promotion for you dad, one he’d been trying to get for the last five years. It was a no brainer for your family.
You decided to push it anyway, test your mom’s true limits, “I mean, you don’t see me during the school year anyway. What’s the difference?”
“We wouldn’t be able to get to you quickly in an emergency. Apparition is only so fast Y/N.” She gave you a pleading look from the doorway. She looked exhausted. Utterly exhausted. You knew it was best to back off.
You sighed heavily knowing you weren’t going to win, “Fine. Whatever.”
“You’ll like Hogwarts honey.” She walked over patting you on the shoulder, “Your dad studied over there for a few years when his parents did the same.” She tried reassuring you. You simply nodded not feeling like putting up a fight anymore. It wasn’t like what you said mattered. The decision was made without you. You were moving to the UK and going to Hogwarts. That was that.
You’d sent off a hundred letters before heading across the ocean. You’d gotten semi-settled before you had to move into Hogwarts. It was like time was passing and you were stuck. Lost in a world you weren’t ready for just yet. You’d just wished you had more time to process everything as you walked into Hogwarts for the first time. Last week you were set on going back to Ilvermorny. This week you were starting an almost entirely new life.
Your father dropped you off with Professor McGonagall. You learned he’d been sorted into Gryffindor during his three years at Hogwarts. He’d told you all about his time with the house. You didn’t think you’d be a Gryffindor like your father was. The two of you weren’t exactly all that similar.
Your dad was far more outgoing than your quieter one. You’d prefer to sit back and observe in the shadows than take control. Rather learn through watching than doing.
“No offense dad, but I don’t think I’ll be a Gryffindor.” You interrupted him while he was chatting with McGonagall as if it was a sure thing, you’d be joining the Gryffindor house, “I’m a Horned Serpent and you were a Wampus at Ilvermorny. Those are two very different houses.” You said a little more bluntly than you really needed to. You were tired of hearing about Gryffindor. It was more so your stubbornness that was coming out now. You kind of wanted to hurt him. He took you away from your friends, your house, your home. He didn’t even come to talk to you about it before he ripped you away from life you’d already built. He thought just because he loved Hogwarts when he was there, you’d be just fine moving half a world away without even getting to say goodbye first.
A look of hurt briefly crossed his dace before it vanished, “Yeah, we might be a little different sweetheart. But you never know.” He patted your back as he took in the walls he’d known years ago. Nothing had changed. But why would it have? The school had been around for thousands of years and had hardly changed since its inception.
McGonagall nodded, “He’s right. You truly never do know. Let’s go get you sorted.” She smiled knowingly sensing the hesitation of the unknown in front of you.
You gave your dad a long hug before seeing him off, “Love you. See you in a few months.” You gave him a half-assed smile. You tried. You really did. But you weren’t excited. You had no want to be here. You should be getting ready to go to Ilvermorny. Not starting this new life. You knew you needed to get over it, but you were intimidated as hell. It wasn’t easy to make friends. And here you were already quiet as hell going to attempt to make a whole new batch. It was going to be an impossible task you weren’t really ready for.  
You followed quietly behind McGonagall giving her short answers to the prodding questions. You didn’t want to be rude, but it was just feeling like too much for you. You didn’t want to start here on such a negative note, but you just couldn’t seem to get happy.
To your surprise she got you smiling by the time you made it to the sorting hat. To your even further surprise you were sorted into Gryffindor. You saw the small smile and nod from the Head of Gryffindor. Almost as if she already knew that was where you were heading. It still didn’t make much sense to you. You’d have thought you would’ve been put in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff before Gryffindor. The sorting hat must’ve seen something you couldn’t recognize in yourself.
McGonagall got you set up and gave you a quick tour of the important spots to help you get around. She said a girl named Lily would be there early the next morning to help her with the arrival of all the students later on in the day. The girl named Lily would be the one who’d be showing you around. Apparently, she was on track to become Head Girl next year. You could only smile as McGonagall gushed over the girl. She sounded lovely but so completely different than you. A night and day difference. You were curious to see if McGonagall would have such nice things to say about you when you were to leave at the end of the school year.
You spent the night wandering the castles unafraid to get lost knowing you could just ask a picture on the wall for directions if need be. Your favorite room had to be where the enchanted staircases moved under their charm. Ilvermorny hadn’t anything like it, so you watched as they moved into and out of place constantly. You watched for so long you were started to get heckled by the pictures and paintings. To which you gave them the good old fashioned middle finger salute telling them to shut the hell up. You didn’t have it on your list to start arguing with a literal picture on the wall but here you were.
“Oh! Would you just put a can in it?” You rolled your eyes giving the man in the picture your most annoyed expression.
“I don’ know what that means.” He returned your stare with one equally as annoyed as your own, “Yankees.” He scoffed shaking his head as if he were disappointed.
“It means shut the hell up.” Glaring at him now you were in a defensive stance. You couldn’t believe you were letting an enchanted painting offend you so deeply. But you were too far into the argument to give up now. All the other eyes in the room were on the two of you going back and forth.
“Miss Y/L/N?” A male voice from behind you made your blood run cold. That was certainly the last thing you were expecting. Who in the hell was in the castle that knew your last name? Spinning around on your heal you observed an older wizard giving you a curious glance.
“That’s me.” You confirmed giving him a once over. Tall. Long white beard. Kind eyes. It had to have been Dumbledore. Your father was… obsessed with the man to say the least. He never shut up about the great wizard.
He nodded taking a step towards you, “Were you arguing with Sampson?” He peered behind you shaking his head at the man in the painting.
“Well, yes. I was. If that’s Sampson.” You didn’t elaborate any further pointing to the painting behind you.
He nodded cracking a small smile, “Might I ask why?”
You shrugged, “He was making fun of me for watching the stairs. They’re rad. We didn’t have anything like this at school.” You looked up admiring how they all effortlessly moved locking into place. Hogwarts was so much grander than Ilvermorny, something you didn’t really expect. Nobody ever seemed to talk about the nice the castle was when they came home.
The old wizard laughed, “Rad?” He questioned your vernacular.
You groaned realizing that these students probably didn’t talk like you were used to, “Please don’t tell me I have to learn a whole new language on top of having to meet an entirely new group of people tomorrow.” It stressed you out a little thinking about it. You were used to you American vernacular and slang, not whatever they said over here.
“On the contraire Y/N. You may just be ahead of times. I don’t know what the students are saying these days anyway.” He sounded like any other older person with that statement bringing out grin onto your face.
You questioned him for being so blasé about the whole thing, “How do you know my name?”
“That’s my job.” He smiled sweetly at you before continuing on the walk he happened to be on prior to stumbling on you arguing with the picture. You decided he wasn’t getting away that easy and followed being him quickly, “Which is?” You knew. But you wanted him to tell you. Just to confirm it.
He peaked behind him seeing you following him intently, “Headmaster…”
“Dumbledore.” You cut him off. You wouldn’t normally be so brash with somebody let alone the headmaster of the school, but you were already very comfortable around him for some reason. You knew he wasn’t going to be mad at you for doing so.
He nodded pausing to let you catch up, “Welcome to Hogwarts.”
“Thank you sir. I’m… excited to be here.” You stuttered a bit.
He smiled, “I may be old, but I can still spot a lie from a mile away. I believe you may grow to like this place. Now, I’m off. Get some rest.” He walked away without saying anything further. How odd. You’d heard that he was a bit different. You’d wish your dad would have detailed that a bit further for you.
You took his advice, attempting to find your way back to the common room was comical but you found it eventually. Not realizing how tired you were your eyes closed almost as soon as your head hit the pillow. A dreamless sleep took over not giving you the chance to prepare for the next day.
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“Okay!” Lily smiled right at you, “The girls are here but they went straight to the dining hall. They promised to save us some seats.” She waited by the door for you. You paused looking at yourself in the mirror. It was now or never. You’d met a few other Gryffindor’s but tried to simply stay out of the way, “Come on, you look beautiful.” She nodded holding the dorm room door open for you.
“I’m coming. I’m coming.” You nodded slightly before following her quickly out the dorm and down to the common room. The two of you walked quickly, blowing right by a group of boys who seemed to be very close in age to you.
“Evans!” Lily groaned hearing a voice call from behind her. She had such a peaceful summer without James Potter. But he’d found her in record time this year. She paused. Before you could even register what was going on you smacked right into her back. It wasn’t really your fault you didn’t know it was her last name and the boy was calling for her. If you’d have known that you might’ve slowed down a bit.
“Sorry.” You groaned holding her steady by the shoulders, keeping her from falling over backwards.
“It’s okay.” She smiled at you before moving in front of you. Her smile downturned quickly as the group approached the two of you.
“And a gorgeous new girl.” The one with long dark hair stated looking right at you. Staring so deeply it almost made you uncomfortable. Like he was trying to peer into your entity. Trying to discover you through such a simple look.
“Sirius!” The tall one with light brown hair punched him in the shoulder, “Be quiet for once.”
Sirius shrugged, “Call it like I see it. Absolutely ravishing.” His gaze darkened a shade taking you in. Eyes raking up and down made you feel exposed in the black robes. Suddenly you missed your blue robes you’d gotten used to at Ilvermorny. The look was more intimidating than you would’ve liked. He was handsome that was for sure. But the looks were already too much for you to handle.
“Anyway,” James looked annoyed at Sirius before turning back to Lily not letting you get a response in before he turned the conversation back to where he wanted it, “How was your summer, Lily?”
“It was great. Without you.” Her seemingly sweet exterior was so viscerally annoyed by him your eyes went wide hearing that response. Sure, you’d only known her for a few hours but it didn’t seem like she had it in her.
James let the insult roll right off. He was used to it. He was growing tired of it by now. He’d been trying for years at this rate. The gig was running up on his accord, “And yours?” He turned his attention towards you. The new Gryffindor girl.
“Honestly, not so great.” You knew you weren’t the best liar. It was better to be honest. You’d learned that early in life after countless failures at trying to lie.
Sirius’ eyebrows raised as he listened, “An American?”
It was now or never, “You’re so observant. What gave it away?” With a surge of confidence, you answered his question with one of your own.
The one with unruly brown hair and the cutest round glasses started laughing, loudly, at that, “I like you.” He appreciated when people could throw it back in Sirius’ face. It wasn’t often someone could go toe to toe with him. You seemed up for the challenge though.
He scrunched his nose up a bit apparently a little offended by your own question, rolling his eyes in defeat at the same time.
“No, you don’t.” Lily shook her head grabbing your hand in preparation of pulling you away, “The girls are waiting. Let’s go Y/N.”
You nodded, “Nice to meet you four.” You tried waving to them, but she pulled you away almost the second you spoke.
“Likewise stranger.” The one that originally called for Lily yelled out to you. The cute one with the adorably messy hair and way to cute glasses.
“Who was that?” You asked after she slowed down outside the common room.
She shook her head urgently, “Bad news. Stay away from him. That entire group. Remus is the only decent one. But look at the company he keeps, so who knows.” She sighed leading you towards the dining hall. Each time you made it out of the common room you picked up a little bit more of the castle. It was still an enormous living maze, but you were slowly getting there.
“Alright.” You nodded along continuing to follow her along. You took the seat across from her ignoring all the stares you were receiving from all the different tables. You were the new girl. It was to be expected. It all still felt so foreign to you. The colors were much different to start. The castle was much grander. Everything was the same but so slightly different.
“You made it! And you brought a new friend.” She turned towards you, “I’m Marlene.”
“And I’m Mary.” The pretty girl sitting next to Lily introduced herself.
“Hi.” You nodded to each girl, “Nice to meet you both.” You wanted to implode in on yourself after seeing the curious glances each girl tossed Lily.
“Oh, you’ve got to tell us how you ended up here.” Marlene squeezed your arm immediately once hearing your accent, a detail Lily had left out when she told them there was a new sixth year transfer.
That’s how you became quick friends with a few of the girls you were sharing a room with, by divulging your life story. They were attentive listeners and even better at asking questions as they learned about you. You were only interrupted when the four boys from earlier found seats next to you and Lily. The one who was trying to grab her attention earlier, the brown haired one, sat next to Lily and Sirius sat down next to you.
“Lily! Y/N. So glad we ran into you.” James grinned attempting to scoot closer to Lily who was having none of it.
“What are we then James?” Marlene stared at the boy who you didn’t have a name for yet for excusing her and Mary in the hello’s.
He wanted to roll his eyes but stopped short. It was always best to stay on her good side though, “Marlene, Mary.” He nodded acknowledging there presence as well, “Have a nice summer holiday?” He asked Marlene who just rolled her eyes in response.
“We don’t want your pity questions James.” She turned back towards Mary. A small smile crossed your lips as you observed the interaction between what you assumed to be old friends. You looked back over to Lily who didn’t look so thrilled to be interrupted by the group, her arms crossed over her chest and a frown not so happily across her face.
“And I don’t really want you here Potter.” She spat out his last name. You made a note to ask her about this later. She really seemed to dislike him.
“Ouch.” Sirius tried defending his friend by deflecting the conversation back to him.
“Oh, you always have something to say!” Lily was visibly frustrated now. You weren’t quite sure what to do either. The two groups clearly having some sort of history that you weren’t privy too, yet. You couldn’t wait to grill them tonight like they just grilled you about your own life.
“Let’s just go.” The shier one from earlier stood, “James you have all year to annoy Lily. Sirius you have the same to flirt with Y/N.”
Sirius grinned standing next to his friend, “It won’t even take a month. Give me more credit than that.” He countered making sure to wink right at you. You were more shocked than disgusted. American boys were straight forward but nothing quite like this. This was right in your face kind of flirting.
Your eyebrows were surely raised in visible surprise by now. He might’ve been the hottest guy you’ve ever laid your eyes on, but his personality was something left to be desired. You decided to take on the confident American route. It was either that or get eaten alive by him, “You’d be so lucky.” Rolling your eyes, you turned your attention back to Lily and the group. That wasn’t before you caught the sly grin spreading across James’ face.
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“I’m telling you both!” Marlene laughed as you, her, and Lily walked to potions together. Luckily you and Lily had nearly identical schedules. You were sure McGonagall had something to do with it, but she just brushed it off. You were utterly thankful for the so-called coincidence though. You didn’t think you’d be able to make it around without her. The castle being over a thousand years older than Ilvermorny truly made Howards feel like a gigantic maze you were never going to figure out.
“Alright,” Lily laughed feeling the warmth radiate from Marlene. For as snappy as Marlene was she was truly one of the kindest people you’d met, “say Remus really does like Dorcas… what do we do?”
You shook your head, “Nothing. Nothing good happens when you meddle in between two people!” You warned the both of them. Marlene had heard a rumor that Dorcas was interested in Remus and Remus was very interested in her. She wanted to do something about it, of course. Finding the two of them too shy to make any moves. But you knew better, that would never end well.
“That’s no fun Y/N.” Marlene visibly pouted trying to make you feel a little bad. It wasn’t going to work on you though. You were the queen of doing shit like this.
You laughed to your new friends, “Go for it then. Gives me something to watch.” Eyebrows raised as if to challenge them you only laughed harder seeing Marlene’s shocked expression.
Both girls joined in your laughter as the group made its way down to the potions classroom. Potions wasn’t your least favorite class but it’s not like you enjoyed it. It never really came that naturally to you like it did so many other students. Your favorite class, almost like anybody at Ilvermorny would say, was charms. Unfortunately, you couldn’t take that all day, or you would.
The three of you continued chatting until something wet, sticky, and far too gooey dropped onto all three of your heads. Marlene gasped as she started trying anything to get the disgusting smelling goo off of her. Lily started yelling that James and his stupid boy group was behind it. You were a little too stunned to speak. You weren’t the biggest fan of surprises, and this so-called prank came out of nowhere completely taking you off guard. You’d never felt so… exposed?
You heard the snickers of Sirius and the one you’d learned was named Peter up ahead. James wasn’t to be seen and Remus looked almost apologetic. Like he couldn’t stop them but needed to supervise his friends. You had a feeling the two of you would be fast friends.
Taking out your wand you knew the charm that would do the trick. Whispering out a soft, ‘skurge’ holding your wand out to Marlene who was more in a fit of rage than in any state of trying to figure out who had done it. She shot you a thanks when she realized you were the one who used a charm to clean her up. Once she was cleaned up you cast the same spell at Lily who gave you a thumbs up before taking off to go yell at the boys who had the audacity to do that to them.
You probably should’ve cleaned yourself up before taking a step, but you weren’t really thinking all that clearly. Unlucky for you the goo had seeped down your robe and onto the stone all around you. Being as clumsy as you were you stepped right into the slippery stuff. Your legs slipped out behind you. Before anybody could even react your head contacted the stone stairway behind you knocking you nearly unconscious. Your eyes opened quickly. Placing a hand behind your head you hazily remembered what just occurred.
“Oh, shit.” Sirius knew he was in trouble when you didn’t immediately stand up.
Lily’s face went a little pale. Marlene stepped back. Remus was the only one who seemed to come to his senses enough to react. Quickly, he walked over to you whispering another charm to close up the back of your head. He might not be able to fix the internal damage, but he’d be damned if he let your head continue to bleed.
“What happened?” James asked looking at the scene before him in confusion. He decided on taking the morning to train for quidditch on the pitch with his captain. He was a good chaser. But he wanted to be remembered for being great. He knew he needed to put in the time so that’s he worked it in. Before class. Between it and after it. He was still working on the whole timing thing though. He didn’t mean to be late, he just forgot to set the timer.
Sirius took a step forward before shyly looking away from him, “She slipped. It was an accident.” He didn’t want to elaborate. The angry look already evident on his friends face. Remus helped you to your feet making sure you could actually stand before taking a step back.
“Slipped on what Sirius?” James looked mad. Like he wanted to punch Sirius right in the face. Both Lily and Marlene watched the interaction curiously. He’d only shown that level of protection over Lily before. Had all her years of pushing him away actually worked? Was Lily actually free of James Potter’s advances? Was it at a cost to you? Sirius looked away like a puppy being scolded for doing something it knows not to.
“That goo we made the other night.” It wasn’t often that James yelled at Sirius for a prank. More often than not he was egging him right along. Remus was the one who stopped a majority of their pranks. He let the more innocent ones go. He thought this one was going to be innocent enough.
James was more than angry. They talked about it literally last night. Lily was off limits. You were off limits until they either got to know you better or you pranked them first. James didn’t want to admit how intrigued you made him in just the two short interactions you’d had. That same possessive nature came out when he saw you on the ground holding the back of your head with blood running down in.
James rolled his eyes at his best friend. He’d have it in for him tonight. But for now, he was more concerned with the delirious gaze your eyes seemed to have held. It’s like you were there but you weren’t. James knew that expression. He’d seen countless teammates and himself in that state after a bludger or bat knocked them off their brooms. You’d be fine but it should never have happened. That’s why he was upset.
“Remus, tell Professor Slughorn what happened. I’ll take her to the hospital wing. They should know what to do.” He took one of your hands in his. You weren’t feeling too great at this point. It looked like there were at least three versions of himself in your vision. It was hard to even focus on James’ face in front of you.
Remus’ eyes shot up in surprise. James wasn’t usually the first one that sprung to action. Certainly not for somebody he’d just met to boot, “Alright.” He watched him curiously for a moment before turning to the rest of the group who were all watching just as questioningly. James wasn’t like this. He was the pompous asshole usually standing tall next to Sirius.
James turned his attention back to you and the gash on the back of your head. He nodded in approvement of Remus’s ability to heal. It was usually him or Sirius doing the healing, not Remus. This too was a change.
“Can you walk love?” He asked squeezing your hand gently after turning away from his friends. Remus made sure to usher them into the classroom no matter how bad they all wanted to watch the strange scene before them. It was so seemingly out of character for James.
Turning your head towards him you winced feeling the extent of how hard your head really hit that step, “Hmm?” You heard him but you didn’t really hear what he had said.
When he asked again you tried to form words in your head but was seeming to come up just short. Only seemingly to be able to nod or mumble out responses. You might’ve hit your head harder than you thought. How wild was it to be able to comprehend but not able to communicate back.
“Okay.” He frowned trying to pull you but not being able to get far before your legs wanted to give out. He sighed turning back towards you, “I’m going to have to pick you up now. Is that alright?”
Nodding your head was all he was going to get out of you at this point. You were starting to fade faster than even you thought. You heard a faint, “I’m so sorry, I told him not to.” Before you brain decided it needed you knocked out.
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“Ahh, Miss Y/L/N. You’re awake.” You heard the healer speak before your eyes were even open. It always amazed you that they seemed to know your status before even you did. Sucking in a sharp breath you felt the back of your head with a dull throb, “Drink this.” She handed you a cup of dark nasty smelling liquid.
You tossed it back trying not to gag on the medicine. You never questioned what they gave you because it was always beneficial. But it always tasted like shit. No matter what it was it tasted like your least favorite food multiplied by a hundred.
“Yeah, guess I am.” You opened your eyes again slower this time, glancing at your surroundings. You’d expected to see many places in your first week here, but the hospital wing was certainly not one.
“Knocked your head there pretty good, yeah?” The woman smiled standing next to you, “You’ll feel a little fuzzy for the next few hours before the potion kicks in. Mr. Potter here offered to watch over you for the afternoon.” She smirked at you blocking his view. Like she knew something you didn’t.
“Sure.” You nodded your head gently. You were surely going to have to find a good, albeit less painful, stunt to pull back on Sirius. Because this whole thing was too embarrassing when you thought about it. You were already the school gossip that was slowly dying down now it was all going to be reignited after this whole thing.
“Very well.” Her thick Irish accent made it almost impossible for you to understand, “You’re free to go.”
“Thank you.” Pushing yourself up you took a moment to get your bearings straight.
James stood out of his chair quickly walking over to your side, “Easy now love.”
You laughed more to yourself than him, “I thought that was just a rumor.” You mumbled. He gave you a confused expression as if ready to call the healer back over, “The love thing.”
He offered his hand for you to take. Without even thinking you took his offer using him to balance as you stood on your feet. You felt the potion kicking in as the fuzziness began to fade slowly. You always thanked your lucky stars that you were born as a wizard and not a no-maj. You’d have probably killed yourself from how clumsy you were.
James smiled, understanding your comment, “Does it make you uncomfortable?” He asked. You thought for a moment before breaking out into a smile of your own. Had a guy ever been so thoughtful before? He asked for permission before touching you, asked if his words were too much. You needed to be careful before you got yourself into too much trouble. Your thoughts wandering too far. There was deep history there with one of your newest friends. You didn’t want to mess anything up with that either.
You shook your head, regretting it almost instantly, “Not at all. I think it’s cute.” Your filter was clearly gone with the potion working its magic.
“Cute?” James smiled taking your hand in his.
“Cute.” You reaffirmed hoping he’d let it go and not tease you too incessantly about it.
James made a mental note of it before changing the conversation. He’d agreed to make sure you were in good hands. He’d happily skip class at the doctor’s orders. At least he had a very valid excuse, “Come on, let’s get you back to the common room.”
You agreed with a hum, “Sounds like a plan, Stan.” You grinned goofily following in his footsteps quickly. He wouldn’t let you fall too far behind with his hands still in yours.
James shook his head while half-way puling you along, “I knew that rumor was true.”
“Which one?”
He paused, smiling to himself, “That Americans are really strange.”
A shocked but goofy expression came to you, “I’m hereby offended for all Americans with a comment like that James Potter.”
He shrugged continuing the small trek back to the Gryffindor common room, “Have you tried not being strange, love?” James was having a little too much fun now. Knowing he was crossing the line between friendly and concerned to one of a much flirtier nature. Conversations with Lily were always negative and ended up being too exhausting. All the while he found himself drawn to you just by short conversation he’s shared with you. He quickly came to admire the quick-witted nature about you. How sure you carried yourself for being thrown in the situation you had been in.
As nervous as you were to spend the whole afternoon with James there was nothing to worry about. The conversation came so easily between the two of you. It was almost as if two old friends were reconnecting after not seeing the other for a while. The two of you having more in common than you would’ve thought. Both of you not having any siblings but coming from a very rigid but loving home. Both of you having to move around for your dad’s jobs. Your father being in the government while his you learned created a hair product that was becoming rather successful uprooting their family from normalcy.
He even went on to explain his and Lily’s relationship, or lack thereof one. He admitted all the faults he’d made throughout the years and how he actually started trying to mend the relationship last year, but she wasn’t buying it.
“I think you should keep trying.” You encouraged him, “At least to just be friends. I know I don’t know her like the other girls do but she’s really a great person. I’m sure she’s got a soft spot for you somewhere.” You nudged him. The two of you had started on opposite ends of the couch but had slowly migrated closer together. Neither of you caring about the curious looks you were getting from each and every Gryffindor student grades one through seven that passed by.  
He nodded letting out a sigh, “I’ll keep trying. She doesn’t make it very easy.” He laughed with a sad look in his eye, “Enough about her. How are you feeling?” He’d noticed how your eyes had gotten progressively more tired throughout the afternoon. The potion must’ve been wearing off. No matter what it seemed to be it always left the recipient tired after a certain amount of time.
James looked at the clock closing in on five. He knew the guys would be meeting in the cafeteria. He’d all but abandoned them today. But they had to have known. As gross as it was to admit he was almost thankful everything went down. He’d gotten to spend time with the new girl who’d immediately grabbed his attention. It scared him how quickly you swooped in and stole his focus away from Lily.
Lily noticed immediately. Instead of pestering her throughout class he started going for you. She bit her tongue when she saw him toss you a note charming it to unfold when Professor McGonagall looked away. Lily would’ve immediately crumpled it up and tossed it back to him. You smiled from ear to ear seeing the sweet little note sent your way. Scribbling back a reply quickly to him you tossed it as soon as McGonagall turned away again. She didn’t know how to feel about the change. She wasn’t sad or jealous. She really didn’t want him. She missed the attention a little. You were now getting it all. She couldn’t blame him though. He’d been trying for years. He finally got the hint.
You definitely welcomed the attention. It felt good. Refreshing. Sirius backed off immediately getting the not-so-subtle hints from James. James had decided he was going to get to know you. He was going to do it the right way. Get to know you, become a friend and then hopefully more. He’d never expected this. He had every intention of pursuing Lily when he got back to school but then you showed up. He found you absolutely fascinating and just downright adorable.
“I’m good. Just a little tired.” You admitted after not being able to stop the yawn from coming.
He nodded, “Why don’t you go take a nap? I’ll tell one of the girls to bring you back some dinner. I’d help you upstairs, but those stairs are charmed.” He smiled knowing he’s tried damn near everything to break the charm. Turns out old wizards are better at magic than he was.
It started slow. With those notes that Lily noticed. Then it progressed to cute little lunch dates away from the group. James made sure that you attended his quidditch matches throughout the beginning of the school year. He knew if you were there he’d play better. He wanted to impress you. And impress you he did. He was everywhere out on the pitch. Playing out of his damn mind every time the ball came his way. After a few quick weeks of small gestures, he’d finally got the courage to ask you out on a real date, a dinner date away from the dining hall and prying eyes. He’d promised a candlelight picnic up in the astronomy tour since the sun set so early in the night.
He'd delivered on his promise, big time. You’d gasped lightly when you saw what looked like thousands of white candles all over the top of the tower with a small picnic set up in the middle. Roses, your favorite flower, as décor and all.
“James, wow.” You took it all in walking around the footpath he had made. You were sure he’d found a spell or something, but it was always the thought that counted. He’d actually listened to you. For the first time in forever a guy listened to what you liked and what you wanted and then executed on those wishes. How were you not going to absolutely give this guy a shot? You’d felt a little bad taking him away from Lily, but she gave you her full blessing. She started dating a handsome seventh year not long after James’s interest in her had almost completely vanished as it shifted towards you.
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he watched you take it all it, “Hopefully you like it.” He looked at you with a hopeful expression.
You stopped before abruptly walking towards him giggling to yourself, “Do I like it? James Potter this is incredible. I love it. It’s everything and more.”
He sighed in relief suddenly feeling so much more confident, “Oh, that’s a relief. I’ve never done anything like this.”
Your smile was one that could really light up a room. Especially since you were already so smitten with the unruly haired man, “I would’ve never have known. It’s beautiful. Thank you James.” You hugged him quickly. Giving his lips a brief flash before you squeezed his torso into your own. It’s crazy how much you’d grown to care for the boy over the last three or so weeks of knowing him.
You grew to care for his insane friends too. Sirius ended up apologizing. While things started rocky the two of you quickly became scheming buddies. Remus tried his best to stop the two of you but often came up short. He was able to stop one mischievous mind but three altogether? There wasn’t a chance. Lucky for them you were clever and often thought your way out of the problems that always inevitably rose. You’d help them avoid detention for the last two weeks which was almost unheard of for them.
When you weren’t with Sirius you were studying with Remus. You had a lot of different small things to catch up on. Thankfully Remus offered to help knowing how difficult it all probably was. Especially since he knew James was after you now. Making it official to the guys the previous night before bed. Oh, how quickly the heart can change when it needs to.
He decided to throw caution to the wind as he wrapped his arms fully around you, thoroughly enjoying the height different between you. He kissed the top of your head before resting on it gently, still holding you close, “Anything for you.”
You hummed holding him peacefully. Luckily for you the usually gray Scottish sky decided to clear up for you this fine autumn evening. After a moment you pulled away, “I’m starving.” You admitted before you heard a rumble in your stomach you were sure James heard.
The laughter that left his lips confirmed your fear, oh well, “Let’s eat. I had a few of the house elves from the kitchens pack this up, so it should be good.” He let you walk ahead. He followed close behind you though. Making sure to keep his hand around your waist in the process.
“Really?” You asked curiously sitting down next to the basket in the spot he had made, “How’d you pull that off?”
He shrugged, “I know a lot of secrets about this castle. I can teach you sometime.” His goofy grin pulled yours right out alongside his. He was so handsome as the candlelight lit up his features with the moon behind him.
You nodded while memorizing his features in this rare light, “I’d love that James. I really would.” You wanted to give him all of the confidence he usually had. Of course, you found it adorable he had gotten so nervous. But you truly were starting to fall in love with the chatty James. The unashamed to be himself James.
You were nervous too though. You’d never had a boy care enough to go to such lengths. It made you horrifically nervous that you’d mess it all up, say the wrong thing at the wrong time. You knew better than to stress about it. It was too easy to spiral when those thoughts would never even cross James’ mind. You needed to relax. He had feelings for a reason. He was interested in you.
“It’s a date then.” He said so casually you weren’t sure if you heard him right. But the smile on his face confirmed what you thought was true. This one had hardly started and the two of you were already setting up the next one.
It took the pressure right on off when you nodded confirming, “It’s a date.”
“How’s Saturday afternoon sound? We have practice in the morning but it’s our first Hogsmeade weekend if you wanted to come with me.” He looked nervous asking but he didn’t need to worry, not one bit.
You nodded excitedly while taking a piece of cheese off the plate, “I’d love to! Seriously, that sounds like so much fun.” You’d heard the girls talking about Hogsmeade and how fun it was to go and get away from the castle. You were planning on going with Marlene and Dorcas since Lily was going with her new fling. You weren’t too worried about telling them that you’d had a slight change of plans, they’d been pushing it surprisingly. Even after Lily rejected him for years, the group seemed much more open to the idea of you and James together.
His soft smile at your response sent your heart into a frenzy. The physical reactions you were having because of him was unlike anything you’d ever experienced. Sure, you’ve been on dates and had a supposed ‘boyfriend’ but this… this was something entirely different. You didn’t feel anything that deep. Nothing like this. The effortless nature of the relationship. The desire to be always around him. The want to see his face, hear his laugh and touch his skin was growing stronger by the day at an alarming rate.
“How do you like flying?” James asked as the two of you continued to eat in a comfortable silence.
“I’ll be honest. I’m tragic at it. Never got the hang of it.” It was easier to just admit the truth than trying to hide behind a lie.
James leaned forward, eyes gazing over every point on your face. He too was admiring your beauty as the moonlight cast a soft shadow over your face. He got butterflies as he began to see a future with you. He wanted to make plans. He wanted to show you how to do things you didn’t know how to. Hell, he even wanted you to meet his parents. He was ready to dive first into this entire thing without fear. James had so much love to give and nobody to give it to. He wanted to give it to you.
“I can show you.” He spoke after the brief gaze he had given you.
Your eyes were all but sparkling by now. It amazed you that Lily was so anti-James. But you’d gotten her story and understood. Third- and Fourth-year James was a total menace to any desired peace at Hogwarts. Even James agreed to the accusations. Admitting he probably wasn’t the best person during those years.
Fortunately for you, you’d only gotten to see him at his best. He was still his goofy, fun-loving self just toned down a bit. Or a lot.
“You would?” Leaning back onto the palms of your hands you sat there an observed him. It was hard for you to believe that you’d managed to get such a handsome and fun guy to fall for you like you were him. You never found yourself to be the most desirable at Ilvermorny. All the guys seemed to go for your friends leaving you to fend for yourself. It never bothered you, just left you wanting to feel desired.
He nodded taking your hand in his, “Absolutely I would!” He grinned scooting closer to you, “Let’s do it.”
He moved as if to stand confusing you, “Now?”
He shrugged still making sure to hold your hand while he got up, “Why not?”
You looked around, “It’s dark?”
“So?” His smile was so big you began to feel the excitement that was radiating off him. Your smile slowly matched his as you thought about it some more.
“What if I fall?”
He shook his head pulling you to your feet now, “I’d never let that happen, love.” He could sense your unease as you surveyed the lands in the moonlight from the tower, “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you ride with me tonight? Next time I’ll get you your own broom.”
Nodding quickly, you didn’t want to lose your courage. You trusted him. Probably more than you should. You had only known him for the better amount of three weeks. But there was something so pure and honest that you knew he was telling you the utmost truth, he’d never let you fall, “Okay. Let’s do it.”
“Yeah?” He asked once more making sure you were actually okay with the spontaneous plan.
“Come on, let’s go before I can think of all the reasons not too.” You squeezed his hand this time to reassure him.
“I knew I liked you.” Placing a quick kiss on your cheek, to your surprise, he happily escorted you out of the castle and to the pitch where the two of you spent the next few hours flying around occasionally checking to make sure nobody was onto you. You had a certain feeling that this was going to be the start of a brand-new life for you. One filled with the utmost love and the most insane adventures. You were going to have to thank you mom for not letting you talk her out of moving you half a world away. But man, were you thankful.
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Taglist: @twilightlover2007 @kayreblog
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evolutionsvoid · 5 months
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When hunting the great seas for blubber, meat and oil, there are a variety of species that whalers are eager to spot. Massive flabby beasts that are sure to fill their holds with valuable materials to be sold back on shore, and perhaps ones with some extra meat on them so that the crew can be spared of gut steaks for a few nights. You can certainly tell when one of these favored creatures are sighted, as the voices that ring out from the nest up high are filled with excitement, which soon spreads through the entire crew. They rush to their stations and ready the ship for the hunt, eager to sink their ivory harpoons into that valuable flesh. However, the vast oceans house many beasts and monsters, and there is no telling what leviathan will rear its head during a voyage. Some are sought for, others ignored, while others fill the hearts of the sea folk with dread. And in some rare cases, it can be a bit of both. This can be seen in the Harpoon Leviathans, whose presence typically creates hesitation in the most hardiest of whaling crews, as they wonder if the chance for a big payout is worth the risk of sinking to the bottom of the ocean. 
Harpoon Leviathans are sea monsters whose very image speaks of their deadliness and ferocity. When one wants to depict the dangers of the ocean in scrimshaw, you will commonly see one of these horned beasts carved into the ivory. They are certainly a sight to behold, armored scales running down their bodies, maws filled with sharp tooth and tusk, and of course that massive spike jutting from their heads. This great horn is sharp and serrated, perfect for piercing prey and causing a ton of damage going in and out. This ivory spike is connected to a muscular socket in their skull, which allows it to pivot and rotate according to the situation. Said situation is the gutting of other leviathans, using this weapon to slash open hides and pierce thick blubber. Harpoon Leviathans feed upon whales, porpoise and great serpents, going after organs to ensure a fatal wound. Prey is detected through their snout covered in vibrissae, and their sharp eye sight helps them zero in on large silhouettes. They make sure to strike fast and hit crucial weak points, and then leisurely follow the wounded beast til it bleeds out. Since they fight large leviathans like themselves, they are aggressive and determined, even more so when another beast tries to steal their kill. Their armored plating not only helps survive a hunt, but to help defend themselves from scavengers and ensuing feeding frenzies that wish to benefit from their hard work. Thus, Harpoon Leviathans are quick to anger and quick to throw down, and that massive horn is more than capable of backing up this ferocity.
Though Harpoon Leviathans come off as rage-filled beasts, there is a different side to them. They are very sociable creatures, seeking company with their own kind and even mating for life. The horn that spears prey can also be used as a signal for other Harpoon Leviathans, raising and lowering this horn like one would message with a flag. Social grooming is also a behavior seen in their pods, as individuals take turns cleaning off the bloodied horns of their fellows. When they have young, they are fiercely protective and keep close to them well until they are armed and armored enough to face the world. Harpoon Leviathans are known for good memories, being able to recognize and remember fellow beasts even after years of separation. But this also means they are more than capable of holding a grudge, which is exactly what they will do if one kills their mate or offspring.
Due to their aggression and obvious weaponry, Harpoon Leviathans are a worrisome sight for whaling ships. These beasts are always ready for a fight, be it with an attacker or competition. Unfortunately, these beasts have learned that these odd ship things are a combination of both, hunting both Harpoon Leviathans and their prey. So they are quick to fly into a rage and try to destroy whaling ships that get too close. Their bulk allows them to ram into the boats in an attempt to capsize it, while their armor helps ward off harpoons and blades. The infamous horn can pierce through hulls, but it isn't always easy to remove once stuck in. Some would think this is a good thing, as the beast is now trapped, but they would quickly realize the opposite once it starts panicking and thrashing. Tales enjoy the symbolism in a ship sinking with a drowning Harpoon Leviathan still embedded within it, a tale of two aggressors dying while locked in battle. Obviously, the folk who don't enjoy these stories are often the ones who actually have to live them. The other worry that comes with the sighting of one of these leviathans is the chance that the captain may command them to hunt it. While these beasts are certainly a threat, they are also a lucrative catch. Their meat, oil and blubber is as good as any whale, and it also adds the bonus of hardened scales and a wonderful trophy. Harpoon Leviathan horns are capable of making one rich, and there is no end to buyers eager to add it to their collection. These horns are also important to the sea folk, who often use them for scrimshaw and crafting elaborate shrines and memorials from a single huge spike. They sometimes are even used as weaponry, though too big for a single man. Whaling ships may strap one of these horns to their bow to ram into prey, or construct elaborate devices fueled by explosive whale oil or Yellow Bile to launch a powerful spear into the sides of leviathans. But of course, carrying a horn or killing one of these beasts is sure to enrage another Harpoon Leviathan, who will not stop to destroy the ship responsible. And thus the hunt and fight begins once more. Certainly there is something to be said of these two sides, who are not too different from each other, forever locked in this endless battle.
"Harpoon Leviathan"
Fall of Ichor needs sea beasts too!
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