Library for 18+ only/ 21/ D&D Lover/ Sleepy weekend hobbies
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Help this family get reunited and to safety, they are at almost 14,000 and they need to get to 30k, please donate when you can. Much love Eileen
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Hello 👋,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Aziz, and I’m reaching out with a heartfelt plea to help my family find safety and reunite with our mother. 😞
The ongoing war in Gaza has torn my family apart. My mother and newborn sister are stranded in Egypt, while I, along with the rest of my sex family members, am trapped in the midst of the genocide in Gaza. We have not only been separated but have also lost our home and are enduring unimaginable hardships. 💔
Your support can make a difference. Whether by reading our story, donating, or sharing our campaign with others, you can help us reunite, find safety, and start anew. 🙏🕊
Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for your kindness, compassion, and solidarity during this difficult time. ❤🍉 🔗
Hello dear, I am unfortunately a broke college student, but I will post and share your link around for those who are able to donate.
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dance monkey instrumental
Hi, sorry for the very late response. Could you please give me a character to work with for writing this fanfiction? Much appreciated, and have a good day!
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Keep Your Eyes Peeled
(Part five 3/3)
Warnings: violence, fracturing bones, blood, wounds
You step out quickly and bang your claymore against the wall loudly “Oi! Eyes on me!” you shout “The Marquess!” the teen shouts in excitement “How did you get down here!” The woman growls, grabbing a sword from the wall “Seams our lives just got a lot easier guys” the burly man grunts pulling a crossbow from his seat. “I wouldn’t count on that yet” You laugh nervously. Still, it seems to come out like you are a crazy conniving villain, you swing your claymore at the man, and he puts his crossbow before him like a shield blocking your hit, the metal making an echoing sound as he slides back, the woman rushes up a large gauntlet upon her left hand, you duck quickly and swing your claymore to her knees missing, the young teen pulls out a sword and also comes at you quickly, you kick a wooden box effectively tripping him “You dumbass!” the woman shrieks attempting to grab your coat, you dodge and aim for her head with the flat edge of your claymore, landing a hit knocking her out. A bolt whistles by your ear making you look at the man with the crossbow “Oh no you don’t” you growl and rush him swinging your claymore down on his crossbow, while you were distracted the boy runs up and slashes you in the back with his sword you gasp at the cut he tries it again but you make quick work of the man and whirl around hitting him with your claymore knocking him down to the ground, his sword scatters to the floor the sound of the metal clanging when it hits the floor “Wait wait wait!” the boy puts his arm up over his head. You glare at him forcing him to lie on his back as you press your boot to his chest “You expect me to wait when you attempt to assassinate me!?” you growl pressing hard into his chest, he gasps “Tell me where La’Cron is now” you hiss, feeling blood slip down you back and soak into the fabric of your once pristine shirt “I-i don’t know, please spare us we are trying to pay off debt!” he shrieks when you slam your claymore next to his head into the ground “You think I care! After what La’Cron and his cronies have done I could care less” your boot presses further, you hear a small crack, the boy screams in pain, one of his ribs fractured you let up slightly “Tell me where La’Cron was on April 19th at 9:24 P.M.” The boy’s eyes widen “I advise you hurry up boy” Your eyes seem to glow in anger as he stammers “Sir La’Cron was at the smithy at that time, picking up his new sword, I escorted him there” The boy heaves a sigh when your foot moves off his bruising chest “Good, now I am gonna give you a chance to leave with your comrades, find a boat and leave Fontaine and don’t think of coming back, or there will be consequences” You spit out the words. The boy nods and sits up wincing as he does, he asses his friends finding the woman knocked out and the man somewhat conscious. He quickly wakes the man up and tells him to get the woman they all leave quickly with their stuff. You breathe in looking around for bandages quickly finding a health kit, tape up your wound then jot down and snap a photo of the revelation, you will head to the smithy next.
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Keep Your Eyes Peeled
(Part 5 2/3)
Warnings: Violence, Crime, Trauma
You breathe in pulling at your gloves as you approach Hotel Debord, blurred memories flash in your mind as you approach the crime scene. You check out where he was shot, you search the ground tracing your eyes to find anything, you turn back to where Dominique was standing, and you search the ground. Nothing. You check the bushes, your hands trace. You feel something brush against your hands, grasping onto it, and pulling it out. You hold a silky white glove in your palm, it belonged to a woman of noble stature, you flip it over and see blood on the palm of the glove, you gasp quickly flipping it inside out to see if there was a name. On a small tag in the seam of the glove, there are two initials S.R. It was sewn with fox orange thread “Sirene Reinhardt” you whisper under your breath, you pull out a bag to put the evidence in, you step over the bushes and check the other side, you see blood in the grass. You pull out a Kamera from your bag and take multiple photos. You look around and see bloodied footprints and indents of heals in the ground, you take more pictures and follow them, you follow them until it lead you to the stone wall, you look at the bushes and see a little piece of blue fabric. Sir La’Cron is all you can think. You press on the wall to see if maybe there's a secret door of some sort, You knock on the stone pressing your ear to the wall to see if you can hear if it’s hollow or not. You can’t, you continue to prod at the wall seeing if your suspicions are correct, you step from the wall and look at the ground, your eyes searching the footprints, they both stop in one place right before the hedge, and you slide your gloves off shoving them in your pocket bedding down and feeling the cool dirt beneath your fingers. You freeze when you feel a seem in the dirt, you press down and confirm your suspicions “There’s a sewer plate under the grass” You smirk, pulling up the plate you look down and there's a tunnel with a metal ladder. You breathe in and shuffle into the hole closing the plate carefully, you climb down a rickety ladder, the tunnel is dark and damp you grimace as you hear rats nearby keeping your hands on your chest and walking through the tunnels the cold and musky air wafts through your skin, and makes goosebumps rise, you smell a coppery smell making you stop and summon your Mailed Flower claymore. As you continue into the sewers you hear faint voices, you approach silently seeing a dim light around a corner, you shift your claymore a bit so you can get ready to swing if need be, ducking behind the wall to listen in “Heard the funeral’s right after the trial y’know” A deep burly voice says, you can see a shadow of a large figure sitting hunched over with his arms on his knees and a long beard. A high-pitched voice cracks up “That noble is mighty rich, no wonder boss told us to ambush ‘em, probably want’s all of their gold” It is a male who seems to be fifteen or younger “We still have to execute this plan cautiously dim wits, the Marquess is known to be smart and strong. We must not be cocky when taking them down. And you heard the lord he said he wants them alive, I have already received the brunt of punishment for you both once. I will not do it again.” Your breath halts at the mention of you “The Marquess of Fontaine, always known for their quick thinking and ability to get control of any situation” is what you always heard around town and from your friends who came to talk to you. “Ugh, I can’t wait for our final payoff to be done then we can finally leave that psycho” The young male sighs dramatically “Keep your mouth shut, what if La’Cron is down here and he hears you” The woman gasps and the sound of a clank is heard “Oww” he seems to have been hit with something metal. You sigh quietly hearing them banter, ‘They might have important information, I should get them while they’re not paying attention’ you think breathing in and grasping your claymore tighter ‘3. . . 2. . . 1. . . GO!’
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Keep Your Eyes Peeled
(Part 5 1/3)
Warnings: Crime, OOC Wriothesley
The other parts of chapter five will be out in a moment, the rest goes over the text limit
You stretch finishing up your notes and stacking printed photos of the proof “What now?” Wriothesley asks “Now I go back up to the overworld and collect evidence at the crime scene, trace my brother's steps, and figure out why my brother killed my fiance.” You rub one of your hands over your eyes “I am gonna guess you are done here then” Wriothesley comments “That would be correct, thank you for letting me stay in your bedroom” You put all of the evidence needed in your bag “Of course, I wouldn’t have a guest stay in one of the bunks. Unless I see you in court as the accused of course” he jokes “Let’s hope that doesn’t happen” you chuckle, he opens his office door for you “See you around I guess. . .” you smile waving your hand and walking up to the guards “Are you ready to go Mx. Vincent?” One of them asks “Yes I am ready”
A/N: Hey my followers I'm back from purgatory (Mental Health break) sorry I've been gone long I will get my blogs up
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Hey I will be gone for a few weeks for my mental health and to finish up some work, and to give myself some more time to write from other works I appreciate all your guy's support and I will see you guys soon!
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Big Enough Bedroll For The Two Of Us
Thorin x Reader
Warnings: Rain, Not The Greatest Writing, Hypothermia (Mentioned x2), Nudity, Sharing A Bed Trope But A Bit Different, Fluff
It’s raining, water pours down on all fifteen of you cold to the bones, thirteen dwarves and a hobbit try to catch up to you “Stop walking so damn fast with your long legs” Fili cusses nearly slipping on the mud “I have a reason to walk fast! I am more susceptible to hypothermia than all of you don’t you remember!” You shout back turning around and huddling your blue cloak around you trying to stay warm. Fili and Kili grumble in frustration as the other dwarves start catching up with you, Thorin quickly finding his place next to you, his hair sticking to his face. His blue eyes calculate the scenery “What’s the layout?” You hum shivering letting out a shaky breath as water starts dripping down your neck into your shirt, your armor doing nothing to stop it. “I think I see a cave over there, we can set camp until the rain clears” He sighs, Thorin shouts the order to the others, and a series of “at last” and “finally” can be heard from Kili, Fili, and Bilbo. You all hurry over to the place Thorin says he sighted the cave.
You see it and sigh in happiness. It is a cave, and it’s dry, you begin unpacking and check if your bedroll made it out dry, to your luck it did. You place it on the ground keeping your boots off of it, you strip your cloak off and undo all of your armor throwing it in a pile, and you dig in your pack to grab some dry clothing. You hum in frustration at the open wide cave giving you no privacy to change, you feel a presence behind you and a big blanket suddenly be thrown in front of you. “I’ll hold it up, get changed” Your eyes widen surprised that it is Thorin of all people saying that. “Thank you, Thorin” You hush slipping off your boots and socks and putting them next to your cloak. Thorin picks up the blanket holding it in front of you as you change out of your wet clothes and into your dry ones “I’m done” Thorin drops the blanket down at that “You are still in your wet clothes, you should have changed” You scold noticing his tunic sticking to his torso in what seems to be an uncomforting way “I also change in privacy (Name)” He says quickly looking down at you “Oh, well would you like me to return the favor?” You stand offering to hold the blanket, Thoring stays quiet for a moment thinking of a response “I would yes” He sighs handing the blanket to you. He leads you to his pack, his dry clothes on the ground, you notice his bedroll didn’t make it out dry due to the harsh rain “Thorin, Where are you to sleep?” you sigh as you turn around holding the blanket up giving him privacy, he does not give you an answer. You shake your head, at least this blanket is dry “Are you planning to sleep only with this blanket?” You ask, seething when more cold beads of water drip down your shirt from your head. “I was, why?” He grumbles “Because I will not allow it!” You fuss your eyebrows creasing in worry. He chuckles, only you can hear it “And where am I to sleep?” He presses. You listen to him clasping a cloak around his shoulders “I have enough room in my bedroll. It will benefit me as well, I will have a lower chance of getting sick if I have another person to keep me warm, due to my body temperature being significantly lower I am more susceptible to catching an illness that can end up in death or amputation” You point out to him. You hear him sigh and the both of you fall into silence, you feel anxiety rise “Did I overstep?” you think biting your lip at the silence.
“I am dressed,” He says after a while of silence. You fold the blanket and turn around looking at him handing it back, you turn and go back to your bedroll, unrolling the wool-lined fabric and slipping into it, you pull it around yourself, still shivering. Kili and Fili gather as much dry wood as they can from outside pilling it up for a fire, You watch Bofur tear a few pages from his notebook as kindling, they finally get a fire going, Balin and Dwalin start cooking up some dinner for all of you.
You sip down the hot soup quickly feeling the warmth flow through your system. You were huddling between Fili and Balin trying to find more warmth “I hate how the cold wind blows right through me” You grumble in protest of the weather, some of the dwarves chuckle at your statement. Bilbo agrees with you happily making you cheer up slightly at not being completely alone in this horrid freezing state. You look across from you and see Thorin staring at you, his hair beginning to frizz up as it dries. You nod toward him in acknowledgment before finding interest in your stew sipping it up hungrily. Supper comes to an end and the dwarves all start going to bed, you move back to your original place, pulling on another tunic and an extra pair of socks to stay warm. You hear someone approaching you, Thorin you realize, he stares down at you “May I still take you up on that offer?” He asks, you nod and hold up one side of your bedroll for him to slide into. He willingly slots himself next to you throwing the blanket from earlier over you both. You shift to lay on your side so he has more room, he thanks you quietly and lays down next to you, turns on his side facing you, and shuffles closer to you. To your surprise he offers his arm as a pillow for you “Rest your head, it will warm you up” This Is all you get from him. You nod and lay on his arm, your cheeks heat as he pulls you flush to his chest tucking your head in his neck, the moment becoming intimate quickly, Thorin's soft breathing calms you, his body heat quickly warming you up. Your eyes flutter closed and you begin slipping into the land of dreams, but you faintly feel a pair of lips pressing quickly to your forehead.
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Next Lotr/Hobbit fic who do you want me to write first
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Tumblr Issues
Hey Tumblr won't let me post for some odd reason, if you want to read my next chapter of Keep Your Eyes Peeled please go to my Wattpad, it is @Eileens_Library
Here is the link as well:
Wattpad: Keep Your Eyes Peeled (on Wattpad) After your brother murders your fiance Claude Dumas you are left uncovering the truth of your brother's misdeeds and his conspiring friends, along the way you meet the dashing Duke of The Fortress Meropide. Will you reveal everything and will Wriothesley win your heart along the way?
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Imagine Helping Thranduil Style His Hair
Soft alabaster hair weaves between your fingers as you braid his long elegant hair, you hum a soft tune as he tries to keep his eyes open, your gentle hands lulling him to sleep. Your husband sits on the ground letting you style his hair, his blue eyes blinking in bliss at the intimate moment between a husband and his spouse. He feels you pin the small braid to the side of his head tying the other small braid around the crown of his skull almost like a circlet, two strands of hair framing his handsome face perfectly. He hums when you brush the rest of his hair with your fingers “You’re putting me to sleep” Thranduil murmurs opening his eyes and looking at himself in the mirror then looking at you as your face contorts in focus and some frustration when a few rebellious strands escape your hold. He smiles at your expression as you look up at him through the mirror “Sorry love” You hush and go back to braiding and pinning hair.
Thranduil eventually rests his head on your lap, letting your legs brush his back to ease him into sleep as your hands continue to work. He is brought to his dreams sitting in an opening in the forest, sun shining down on you, feeling your hands twine flowers and leaves carefully into his soft alabaster hair.
A/N: Sorry I have starved those of you who follow me for LOTR and TH content, I am coming back I am just trying to find ideas.
#x reader headcanons#lord of the rings#x reader#the elvenking#thranduil x you#thranduil x reader#thranduil#mirkwood
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Leave A Traveler's Path
Krall x Reader
Part six not nsfw ver.
Warnings: Memories, A lil angst, Fluff
Krall watched you cling to Elaran’s form you were riding with her today because of what happened a few days prior. You were both holding a good conversation with one of the other orcs. Krall laughed gently watching as you and Lin began bickering over something, he couldn’t help but smile as you got along with his friends, you looked back at Krall he stuck his tongue out at you, rolling your eyes playfully before turning back towards Elaran’s back.
Evening rolls around you were coming to the end of your travels, only two days until you were at your destination in the northern city. You felt overjoyed at the sound of rest and warm tea while sitting and reading with your friends who lived in the northern city. You all sat around the fire as the orcs softly sang a song in their language you were scribbling down your journey in your journal, turning the next page before looking up to see Krall staring at you. He motioned for you to come over to him you closed your journal and stood up before walking to him, he stood and pulled you towards his tent gently you followed his silent orders.
You enter the tent. He sits down and pulls out a letter before handing it to you, you sit down after taking the envelope opening the letter pulling a folded piece of paper, you unfold it gasping as you see a drawing of you when you were younger. “How do you have this?” you ask him “Remember the orc in the water you saved all those years ago?” Krall looks into your eyes deeply, and your eyes widen “You- you are him!?” you say in disbelief. He nods, and you lunge into his arms at that “Why didn’t you say so earlier!” he laughs “I wanted to know you first before telling you” he sighs wrapping strong arms around you. “I have searched for you everywhere I hope you know” Krall admits “Well now you found me.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “I’m sorry for how I acted that night” he sighs “It’s okay just don’t do it again, okay Krall?” you put your hands on his chest “I wouldn’t dream of it (Name)”
#dnd orc#dnd5e#dnd character#dnd races#dnd#dnd orc x reader#orc x reader#orc boyfriend dnd orc dnd oc#orc
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The next chapter for Keep Your Eyes Peeled is coming out in about a week and reader uses their claymore which one should reader use.
#genshin impact#claymore#genshin impact weapons#genshin wriothesley#genshin fontaine#wriothesley#wriothesley x reader
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Hi! haha, I just saw your recent post and wondering if requesting this or not :')
I've been thinking about this for a while, what if Wriothesley tells stories (like that sea water monster's one he told us in his voiceline about his scars) to the children who live in the Fortress in his free time and reader caught up him do that?
I couldnt take this out of my mind for days haha, anyways, have a lovely day ^^!
Thank you, I rewrote this five times because I couldn't decide if I wanted to make the reader a teacher or not, I hope you like it! You saved my life my creativity was dying a slow and painful death due to writer's block.
Ship Wrecks and Sirens
Warnings: Mention of Wriothesley's Parents/Past, Mention of becoming parents, Fluff
Wriothesley x GN! Reader
As you step out of Wriothesley's office, you look around for him to go to lunch. Suddenly, you hear someone talking. ‘Kelpies are creatures that can take any form but are mostly seen as horses. However, they are not friendly and are known to be dangerous. The Kelpie can appear as a gentle pony to lure children on their backs, but you must be careful. Once you sit on its back, its sticky hide won't allow you to dismount, and it will drag you into the water and eat you!’ you recognize the voice as Wriothesley's you walk around the corner and see Wriothesley telling stories to a group of children.
‘But that’s not all, these water horses can appear as humans, taking the forms of young beautiful women to lure in lonely young men to their deaths, they also like to scare travelers and wanderers and eat them for dinner. But you can tame these epic beasts if you grab the Kelpie’s bridle will have command over it or any Kelpie.’ As you approach, you notice Wriothesley surrounded by a group of children who are listening intently as he tells them fairy tales and ghost stories. He brags about his heroic act of fighting off a giant Kraken. The children are captivated by his story and look up at him with wide eyes. You can't help but smile at the cute scene, a little surprised that he was doing this. Wriothesley notices you ‘Oh hello (Name) are you here to listen to my awesome stories too?’ He asks. You accept the invitation and sit down on the floor. Wriothesley sits next to you and begins to tell tales of sirens and shipwrecks, much to the delight of the children.
You hold his hand while walking down to the cafeteria. 'I am not gonna lie, I was surprised,' you say, squeezing his hand. 'Was it weird?' he inquires. 'No! But I mean, you're this big intimidating guy telling stories to little kids, just surprising, you know.' He rubs the back of your hand with his thumb. 'It was a nice sight to see.' You whisper out the last part, and his blue eyes dart to you, a smile on his face. 'Is that so?' 'Yeah, I think you'd be a good dad or teacher.' You blush slightly at the notion of the future.
Wriothesley feels a warmth in his chest feeling assurance that he won’t be like his guardians, he chuckles and pulls you into a hug randomly making you look up at him in confusion “I’m glad you think so” Wriothesley sighs in your hair rubbing a hand up and down your back he feels his smile grow wider at your words excitement filling his chest from thinking about the future.
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Pls send in requests and asks, I am stuck with writers block. As long as it's.
Lord Of The Rings
Dungeons and Dragons
Genshin Impact
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just letting you know that His name is nEUvillette gotta switch the e and u
Whoops! Oh well I will take note of that in future works thanks for telling me Anon!
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