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Yui: You can trust me! Let’s not forget who pulled you out of that river when you were 14.
Yuna: let’s not forget who pushed me in.
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coolassyansimblog · 8 months ago
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my yui rio redesign + hcs 🫶🫶
(ignore the fact that she doesnt have a uniform)
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marcolikestowatch · 2 years ago
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Sadaharu Horio
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takmiblog · 1 year ago
0 notes
best-unibrow-competition · 2 years ago
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0 notes
sunlight-and-calliopes · 1 month ago
Lord Apollon
God of sunlight, medicine, healing, plague, oracles, truth, poetry, arts, the muses, and more.
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Phoebus ~ The Bright and Shining
Alexikakos ~ The Averter of Evil
Proopsios ~ The Foreseeing
Hekatos ~ The Far Shooting
Paian ~ The Healer
Lykios ~ Of The Wolves
Theoxenios ~ God of Foreigners and Strangers
Argyieus ~ Of the Streets
Latoios ~ Son of Leto
Pythios ~ Of the Python
Horios ~ Of Bounderies and Boarders
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Animal Associations
Crows and Ravens
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Laurel / Bay
Hyacinths and Larkspur
Cyprus Trees
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Offerings and Devotional Acts
Wine and other alcohols
Laurel wreaths and branches
Solar imagery
Lemons, oranges, and other citrus
Fresh or dried flowers
Books and journals
Divining tools (tarot/oracle decks, pendulums, casting bones, scrying, etc.)
Handmade artwork
Lighting candles and incense
Playing or writing music
Drawing, painting, or otherwise creating art
Writing stories and poetry
Learning first aide
Donations and volunteer work
Community outreach
Spending time outside or in the sun
Learning new languages
Spending time with family (given or chosen)
(credit to @samspenandsword for the beautiful sun dividers!)
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songofapollon · 3 months ago
Apollon Epithets
Phoebus: Bright
Thearios: Of the Oracle
Proopsios: Foreseeing
Klerios: Distributing by lot
Kledones: Omen in words and sounds
Hekatos: Shooter from afar
Agraios: Of the hunt; hunter
Musagetes: Leader of the Muses
Oulios: Of Sound Health
Paean/Paeon/Paian/Paion: Healer
Akesios: Of Healing
Alexikakos: Averter of Evil
Epikourios: Succoring, Helping
Boedromius: Rescuer
Lykios: Of the Wolves
Smintheios/Sminthaios/Smintheios: Of the Mice
Parnopios/Parnopion: Of the Locusts
Erythibios: Of Mildew
Delphinios: Of the Dolphin
Aktios: of the foreshore
Theoxenios: God of Foreignors
Epibaterius: Of Sacrifices
Korynthos: Of the Korynthos-Cake
Enthryptos: of the Enthryptos-Cake
Argieus: of the Streets
Prostaterios: Standing Before
Pythios: of Pythia
Delpios: of Delphi
Delios: of Delos
Amazonios: of the Amazons
Diradiotes: of the Ridge
Platanistios: of the Plane-Trees
Meliai: Of the Ash-Trees
Spodios: Of Altar Ashes
Aktaios: Of the Coast
Aigletos: Shining
Horios: Boundaries; of Borders
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himebushou · 8 months ago
Okay, I think this is happening -- I've been drawn in and I'm now rewatching The Prince of Tennis.
Thoughts on Episodes 2 through to 6 below.
Ep 2 - Samurai Junior
Inoue appears! This guy is so important for the audience as he explains so much tennis teminology to us (at Shiba's expense, whoops) but the fact that he works for a (presumably) well-known tennis magazine yet spends so much time covering the middle school scene is... odd. Like, he's there for the entirety of Seigaku's ranking tournament? What about the other Kanto schools?
HE TALKS ABOUT NANJIROU and says how Nanjirou 'might have even won the Grand Slam'. To my memory, Nanjiroh was one match away from becoming World No. 1 (is that possible without winning a slam?) but suddenly quit because, y'know. The boy.
Ryoma does this lil glower after the first time he meets Momo and it's so funny, lol
Ryoma's contrary nature is RIDICULOUS. Arai demands that the freshmen introduce themselves, which the Ichinen Trio do, but Ryoma? Just stands there. Like, CHILD. He asked for your name! these are not state secrets!
So of course, we have the whole thing with Arai trying to con the freshmen and Ryoma gets pretty mad about Arai trying to fleece the freshmen -- he gets pretty heroic (?) about the whole thing and, with it, very bratty: "If I hit the can 100x, do I get 100,000 yen?"
Then Momo is there and it really seems like he just wants to beat Ryoma up!
Rather adorably, Horio umpires the Ryoma v. Momo match. When Ryoma's about to serve, the Triple Counter OST starts playing (I really don't remember any of the titles from the OST -- except Yuugure -- but I'm sure everyone knows what I mean). It's very cool.
Tomo-chan sees Ryoma serve ONCE and calls him Ryoma-sama -- MY GIRL.
And then we get our first Nanjiroh appearance! And it turns out that he even has an umpire's chair at the temple, so? Who is umpiring his games against Ryoma? Nanako? RINKO??
Ryoma also tells the Ichinen Trio that he learnt to play tennis at a temple. Um. Ryoma is a big liar because he has only lived in front of said temple for about 5 minutes. What a DORK. In the best way!
(The temple is absolutely gorgeous by the way.)
Ep. 3 - The Seigaku Regulars Make Their Debut!
Man -- so we see Sakuno and Tomo-chan in one of the classrooms overlooking the courts and they comment on how cool the team is -- and then the camera pans up to Tezuka who's on the floor above, watching silently and I just enjoyed that so much. Like, at this stage, Tezuka is a bit of a mystery, so it's so fun!
Then Horio brags about how strong Momo is and Ryoma spends an eternity tying his shoelaces. Many moons ago (we're talking about 15 years ago, at least), I read this blog post about how much screentime is dedicated to Ryoma TYING HIS LACES and, honestly, I've never been able to get that post out of my head. Truly incredible stuff.
Guhhh I hate the obsession with heirarchy at Seigaku... Hyoutei and Rikkaidai are a heck of a lot more flexible, whoops.
Oishi! Beloved Oishi! Until he gets to the courts, the freshmen are just running around doing Tasks -- then Oishi arrives and tells them to practice playing because he wants them to get a good feel for the way things run at Seigaku. And it's so heart-warming! Oishi recognises that these kids are there because they want to have fun and he does these little things throughout the early eps to build camaraderie -- like when the freshmen are cheering for Seigaku in episode 8 or 9, Oishi teases, "Freshmen, we can't hear you!" and it's just... wow. Oishi's not there to pull rank: he's there to encourage the team. Tezuka honestly could not have had a better VC.
(I'm honestly just loving this so much... everyone's regarding Ryoma as this potential problem and sussing him out and being in this privileged position of knowing how much this team will grow to love him -- and how much he'll grow to love them -- is really special. It's really incredible to see this journey again.)
Arai behaves like a dork, gets scolded by Tezuka and told to run laps, questions this, and is then told to run more laps. Ryoma just dutifully runs his laps without any argument (the slight contradictions in his personality are so funny -- like he will sometimes rail against authority and, at other times, just accept it without question).
Come to think of it... Ryoma and Gon Freeccs get pretty similar treatment, I think, in that we don't get a look-in at their literal thoughts? Compare that to how often we're in Killua's head, for example, or Inui's or Oishi's or whoever's and... it's a very interesting way of storytelling.
Eps 4 & 5 - The One Named Viper & Snake Shot
Man, there are so many girls watching the ranking tournament? The tennis club is so popular lol
WE SEE RINKO FOR THE FIRST TIME. Of course, her face isn't shown, but!! She's there!
Ryoma's match against Kaidoh is a lot of fun. Momo's on standby to provide commentary to the Ichinen Trio (and they correctly determine that he's so knowledgeable about Kaidoh's playstyle on account of having lost to Kaidoh, which is hilarious). Ryoma impresses everyone by pulling off his own version of the Snake Shot -- the Buggy Whip Shot! -- and phew, good stuff. There's a lot of technical tennis talk.
(I hate how Kaidoh hurts himself at the end of the match. Both Kaidoh and Sanada need to be seen by school counsellors or something.)
I love seeing Ryoma get squashed by the Ichinen Trio -- he looks slightly bewildered, haha.
Ep 6 - That Man, Echizen Nanjirou
OOFT, probably my favourite episode so far! Nanjirou has become my second favourite in The Prince of Tennis (no prizes for guessing my favourite) and this episode is wonderful.
Inoue barges over to the Echizen house and ends up playing a game with Nanjirou -- the stipulation is that Nanjirou will only answer Inoue's questions if Inoue manages to get a point past him. Despite this, Nanjirou ends up telling Inoue a lot: he explains that he quit his pro career because playing with the 'impudent' Ryoma is a heck of a lot more fun than playing his pros and geez, Nanjirou loves his son SO MUCH. Nanjirou also explains that Ryoma's tennis style is currently identical to his and, to go further, there are some things Ryoma has to achieve. We get to see some of Nanjirou's skill.
The only question Nanjirou doesn't answer is when Inoue suggests that Ryoma's being trained to go pro. Nanjirou's pretty dismissive of this idea (AND WE KNOW WHY! YAHOO!).
Ryoma has a conversation with Sakuno and says that he doesn't know when he started playing tennis -- it's been part of his life for as long as he can remember and he couldn't quite even if he wanted to because there's something he has to do. So, once again, this episode sets up one of the major themes/conflicts of The Prince of Tennis.
(It turns out that the temple is behind the Echizen's house! Nanako -- the sweetheart -- explains that the monk is currently on a retreat and that Nanjirou just made a court without permission. This is one interaction I desperately want more information on.)
So... yeah. I'm genuinely having a whale of a time.
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Saki: We are throwing a Halloween party at our school. It’s gonna be the greatest thing ever!
Yui: Someone will die
Saki: Of fun!
Yui: And of murder
Saki: There’s going to be sake, pumpkins—
Yui: Bloody goblins
Saki: Fake ones. It’s gonna be awesome. We have decorations—
Yui: Dead people that we just murdered
Saki: Not murdered! But pictures of dead people from horror movies
Yui: Mutilated bodies
Saki: But fake ones. Candy, dancing, whisky. All kinds of food and snacks
Yui: Blood orphans
Saki: No—no blood orphans…I don’t know what that is
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nuisancehelicopter · 1 month ago
tenipuri exorcist au
Tezuka - Dragoon, Knight
Oishi - Doctor
Eiji - Tamer
Fuji - Tamer, Aria
Kawamura - Dragoon
Inui - Doctor
Momoshiro - Knight
Kaido - Tamer
Echizen - Dragoon, Knight
Horio - Aria
Kachiro - Doctor
Katsuo - Knight
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smilingangel582 · 2 years ago
Long time no seee how r u all darlings!
This year is a pretty harsh year but we can all make it through with love and laughter!
By laughter I mean tickles!!! Geeheee
Sooo, I haven't watched any new animes except for jigokuraku and oshi no ko. Well they are still updating new episodes and I might wrote something on them soon a little later.
This fic now is to indulge me. U guys might find it irritating.... sowwyyy
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Yh yh, I'm writing this.... cuz I just finished it. I will be writing a genshin next time. But I haven't had ideas in a while... I got a big demand for kinnporsche too! Will do as u please, dear fandoms!
Warning spoilers alert! If you watched Prince of Tennis, then pls proceed with caution... this is cute!
Fuji's plan (sus)
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It's always Momo-senpai and Eji-senpai that's been getting on his nerves. (Senpai is a term for seniors - in case some didn't know)
If he were to draw a comparison, it would be his immature father. He sighed, wondering if he was actually related to him... but he wondered if his senpais were actually Najiroh's kids... they bear an annoyingly vast similarity.
Ryoma Echizen found both Kaidou-senpai and Tezuka buchou (captain) similar - mostly buchou while Kaidou was just frightening. However, right now, he was at a loss when everyone agreed to a silly game mentioned by Fuji, unsurprisingly. He hadn't known until they started planning behind his back.
Eji's tone was puzzled, "Eh...? Lighten up Ochibi (meaning kiddo or shorty - a term of endearment)?"
Fuji said with a cool demeanour, "Mn, ever since the kantou tournaments, he's been tensed... so I really wanna see a bubbly sweet side of him"
Momoshiro gave prolonged his thoughts now. Then realised it was a good idea as he hadn't seen Echizen in such a situation. He had always been stoic like Tezuka.
"Well..." Fuji spoke up again as if he read Momo's mind "I tried this on Tezuka but... that will make us run laps... so my first thought was Echizen... even Kaidou agreed with me"
Turning to the viper kid, he glared but was unable to hide the blush of embarrassment. "Fshhhh! I want to know that brats weakness and humiliate him, I don't care about him"
Inui pushed his glasses, now having an eerie grin, which made the rest of the regulars feel uneasy. "It's good for my data... hehe"
Tezuka, on the other hand, had been eavesdropping. He turned to Oishi and then back at Echizen, destroying the second years with his serves.
Silently having a slight earnest to find out the hidden side of Echizen, he turned away. "If this goes too far, make them run twenty laps"
Oishi smiled inwardly, "Even he's got a soft side for the kohais (juniors the opposite of senpai)." he watched Tesuka, who was probably trying to observe from the background, while watching the freshmen pick up balls again.
"He said t-that...?" Kawamura stammered now, surprised by what Oishi said, the other third year shrugged with a tilted smile.
"Initiate plan... loosening up Echizen. " they silently made nods of agreement to go up against the youngest regular.
Beginning with Eji, who suddenly reached for Ryoma after his warm up Horio.
Ryoma was startled, but it was a calm reaction when he felt arms from behind now ruffling his hair.
"O-Ow ow... senpai... stop that"
"Caaan't! I wanna play with you, kiddo!"
Ryoma sighed inwardly, "If its a match u want....let's do it..."
"Nooo!" Eji tightened his grip, now removing the cap, "play with you!"
Instead of being embarrassed, he was annoyed, Fuji sensed this and signed to Oishi. This time, seeing how Oishi dragged a whining-Eji by the collar made Fuji smile as he rubbed his chin with his hand. "fuuhuu... this will be interesting"
Kawamura heard Momo whisper now, "why is everything Fuji-senpai say that I get chills"
"Trust me, I do too" shivered the split-personality guy.
It was when Inui came up with jokes as Ryoma was stretching his limbs, made him realise his seniors were planning something. He was intuitive to see how they were huddled in a group now, watching him too closely even without him playing a match.
"Mattaku (jeez), what is wrong with them?"
What's stranger was when Tezuka was ignoring this slacking off technique. Was he in on this scheme? What were they planning?"
"Ne, Echizen... what do you call a fish with no eye?"
"I heard that one before, Inui-senpai"
Pushing his glasses, he crossed the joke from his notebook "Mission failed..."
Eji pouted from a distant. "Mou! Why is Ochibi being so difficult, nya?" (Note that nya is a cat term this guy uses, as an onomatopoeia ~plus its super cute).
Momo cracked his fingers... "Alright, time for me to be a big brother..."
Fuji's eyes opened now, serious "What are you doing Momo?"
"Some childish technique that worked on guys like him..."
"Oh really... is this effective to break me?"
"Ye...." Before Momo could reply with confidence, he falters when Echizen was already there, folding his arms and looking unimpressed by this. Fuji chuckled into his hand. "Oopse"
"Ehhh...hee ahem! Echizen what...?" Momo tried to laugh it off but Ryoma was already seeing it through, shaking his head in disapproval he snapped "We got few days for the nationals and this is how you guys waste time? Sorry for being disrespectful but..."
"Ochibi, you need to lighten up!" Eji pounded his head gently, making the youngest look up with confusion as he felt his cap being taken off again.
"Oi!" Turning his back to the rest as he turned to Eji, he calmly stated in a stern tone "why are my senpais this childish"
Momo snickered now, seeing the opportunity to attack, "I'll show you childish, brat!"
"I know I say that, but -gah! Wahahat?"
Surprised, even Fuji hadn't been prepared for Momo to resolve this in this way. He smiled mischievously, "ne, Echizen you were saying?"
"Cuhut thehe crahahap... ahaa Shihit!"
"Echizen, mind your language!"
He was surprised to see the captain in front folding his arms in a slightly serious manner not fitting the circumstances at hand.
"Buhuhuchohohohu??? Ahahahare yohohohou ihihin Ohohon thihihis?" He struggled for words when Momo hit a sensitive spot on the backs of his ribs and Eji held his arms in a strong hold.
"I have noticed your tone against seniors. Consider this a lesson on manners,"
Ryoma lowered his head with shocked giggles, it made Inui snicker in excitement "The ribs are more effective than the sides... the higher ribs increases his laughter in a jolt... that means... the probability of Echizen weak in the armpits is 97.99%"
Widening his eyes in shock, he kicks his heels on the ground. Eji had Fuji help to restrain his arms higher, it was not hard since Ryoma is small in contrast to the seniors.
"Now, now Echizen, let us hear your giggles..." Fuji's icy voice sent shivers down Ryoma's spine. He couldn't help but unwillingly oblige.
"Teehehee W-whoohoho's gihihigglihihing??? Ohohohoiii! Ehehehehenough!" He began to blush when Fuji's teasing voice became more effective as Momo attacked his armpits. Eji happened to leave his spot and take over his knees.
This made Ryoma shriek out and grasp the attention of the other players, including the freshmen trio "E-eh? Is that Ryoma-kun?"
Kashiro smiled uneasily, "U-un, mn... it looks so... I never seen him like this"
Horio, on the other hand, snickered with a satisfied hum. "Even the great Seigaku freshman regular has a weakness"
Inui grinned, now scribbling on his notebook as fast as Momo scribbling his ribs. "Bingo, Eji..."
Fuji was competitive now, slightly scanning an approachable area, he reacted by massaging his right shoulder where its reachable while pulling his arm to expose him.
His laughter suddenly reached a pitch that was an octave higher, "Jackpot..."
"As expected of Fuji..."
Tezuka folded his arms, seeing how he couldn't keep his facade any longer, "ten more minutes and go back to practice, I'll go meet Ryuzaki sensei" he added sternly to them, "If it doesn't stop there, everyone will run twenty laps"
"Hai, hai Buchou!" Fuji smirked cheerfully, "How far can Echizen-kun take without begging?"
"Nahahahaa ihihihin yohohour dreheheheheams!" He managed to stick his tongue but also collapse into another bought of laughter. Fuji hummed menacingly, "Are you sure... because I just started"
Ryoma's golden eyes widened with shock when he felt the finger on his neck slide to his collarbone, he arched his back now twisting to the side and managing to overthrow the powerhouse Momoshiro.
"Uha! Careful Echizen!" Momo got off but then watched the third years following Echizen's movements, mercilessly pulling him into hell.
"I never seen a persistent Fuji, even during matches?"
Kawamura's words made Kaidou nod too, though he was also blushing like Echizen, his thoughts messing with him, Dammit, why is Echizen so cute? That stupid punk!
A sudden jolt that made Echizen narrolwly miss a kick Fuji in the face, made him turn on his back and embrace his middle with a gasp.
He was like a child, Fuji seemed to have won the game this time. Eji cooed now, grabbing his wrists to pin them to the sides to help Fuji. "Awww, Ochibi's ears are ticklish!"
Momo widened his eyes when Fuji grinned with a glint of sadism "Found~ it~"
Inui clapped now, "We officially put the cocky rookie down a peg"
"Ma, Echizen-kun is cute like this...ne Eji?" (BTW, this 'ma' is something japanese people use, idk the meaning, but Fuji uses it all the time)
"Right? He's so adorable"
"Ehehenough! Cuhuhut ihit out plehehease!"
Finally easing the torment, the youngster remained where he was, hands over his eyes, the blush still visible on his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
"Who knew your ears were this bad, nice Fuji" Momo said slightly amazed, "though you sort of won the game, it was my idea..."
"Hn, yes it's both our win"
"I hahate yohohu, seehenpai-tachi!" (Senpai tachi is a plural form)
They laughed and Oishi sighed in relief "Thankfull we finished before seven minutes"
"So it only took eight minutes to break him," Kaidou hissed, "Fshhh! So weak"
"Shut up!" A tired Echizen snapped rebelliously but squeaked when Fuji poked him in the stomach, "Manners... remember why you got in this situation,"
"W-w... Mada mada dahahahanee! HEHEHEY!" Fuji reached to poke him more and try to tease him with a sneer "Say that again, and I'm ready for round two, even if it means running laps"
Seeing how they were serious, Ryoma growled with irritation, looking away from them.
"Fine, fine! Let's practice. " he took his cap and shyly put it back, now seeing how he was clearly embarrassed by the non-regulars. The seniors laughed at the super freshmen plight and went back to practice as assigned by the captain.
Speaking of Tezuka, the captain stood above from the window, smiling softly at the sight below.
"Be Seigaku's pillar Echizen... with your seniors"
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months ago
Holidays 12.29
Assembly of Notables Day
Boba Fett Day
Bowling Ball Day
Broadway Day
Day of the Information and Media Structures of the Ministry of Defense and the AFU (Ukraine)
ESP Day (Eating, Sleeping, Partying)
Festival of Autonomous Media
Fifth Day of Christmas
Game Day
Genista Heath Day
Illegal Pants Day
International Cello Day
Kagyed Dance (Sikkim, India)
Literati Day
Mother’s Day (Serbia)
Nano Day
National “Get on the Scales” Day
National Ha Day
National Hero Day
National Paula Day
National Tik-Tok Day
Paternoster Row Day
Peace Day (Cambodia)
Saltpeter Day (French Republic)
Still Need To Do Day
Tick Tock Day
Wounded Knee Massacre Anniversary Day
Yodel in the Shower Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
I Love Vegetables Day
National Chocolate Again Day
National Fried Okra Day
Pepper Pot Day
World Day of the Pepper Shaker
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Ireland)
Mongolia (from the Qing Dynasty, 1911)
San Pedro Cityhood Day (Philippines)
Texas Statehood Day (#28; 1845)
New Year’s Days
New Year Holiday (Russia; Transdniestria)
5th & Last Sunday in December
King Mango Strut (Coconut Grove, Florida) [Last Sunday]
Last Sunday of the Year [Last Sunday]
Seven For Sunday [Every Sunday]
Souper Sunday [Last Sunday of Each Month]
Sultry Sunday [Last Sunday of Each Month]
Sundae Sunday [Every Sunday]
Sunday Funday [Every Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning December 29 (4th Full Week of December)
Last Week of the Year (thru 1.4) [Last Week of the Year]
Festivals Beginning December 29, 2024
Comiket [Comic Market] (Tokyo, Japan) [thru 12.30]
Edinburgh’s Hogmanay (Edinburgh, Scotland) [thru 1.1]
Northern Bass (Mangawhai, New Zealand) [thru 12.31]
Rhythm and Vines (Gisborne, New Zealand) [thru 12.31]
Feast Days
Albert Tucker (Artology)
Broussais (Positivist; Saint)
David Alfaro Siqueiros (Artology)
David, King and prophet (Catholic, Lutheran)
Day of the Nymphs (Ancient Greece; Everyday Wicca)
Ebrulf (Christian; Saint)
Evroul (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Holy Family (Christian)
Fifth Day of Christmas
Guising and Mumming Play Day (Celtic Book of Days)
International Jewish Book Day [5 Tevet]
Jean-Baptiste Pater (Artology)
Jenny Lawson (Writerism)
Jonathan, Prince of Israel (Christian; Saint)
Julia Wertz (Artology)
Keith Milow (Artology)
Kwanzaa, Day 4: Ujamaa (Cooperative Economy)
Marcellus Akimetes, Abbot of Accemetes (Christian; Saint)
The Mosquitos (Muppetism)
Rasputin Deaths Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Sacrifice to Zeus Horios (Ancient Greece)
Skadi’s Blot (Pagan)
Thomas Becket (Christian; Saint)
Trophimus of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Twelve Holy Days #4 (Cancer, the solar plexus; Esoteric Christianity)
Twelvetide, Day #5; Feast of St. Thomas Becket (a.k.a. the Twelve Days of Christmas or Christmastide) [until 1.5]
Vanessa del Rio Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Vera Brittain (Writerism)
William Gaddis (Writerism)
Yad Sdrawkcab (Pastafarian)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Hanukkah, Day #5 (a.k.a. Chanukah; Judaism) [thru Jan. 2nd] (Light 5 Candles at Dusk) [28-29 Kislev]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Adventures of Kathlyn (1st Movie Serial; 1913)
Animal Farm (Animated Film; 1954)
Beyond the Sea (Film; 2004)
The Book of Boba Fest (TV Series; 2021)
The Entertainer, by Scott Joplin copyrighted (Song; 1902)
Everyday Horton in Buried Treasure (Adult Animated Cartoon; 1929)
Explorers on the Moon, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1954) [Tintin #17]
The First Robin (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Film; 1967)
La Mascotte, by Edmund Audran (Opera; 1880)
Mars (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
Martian Through Georgia (WB LT Cartoon; 1962)
Mr. Holland’s Opus (Film; 1995)
Mr. Popper's Penguins, by Richard & Florence Atwater (Children’s Book; 1938)
Mysterious Mose (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1930)
New York Daily Gazette (Daily Newspaper; 1788)
Pan’s Labyrinth (Film; 2006)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, by James Joyce (Novel; 1916)
Richard III (Film; 1995)
Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fest (TV Series; 2021)
String Quartet in G Minor, by Claude Debussy (String Quartet; 1893)
The Sunday Express (UK Weekly Newspaper; 1918)
The Sunny South (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Trans, by Neil Young (Album; 1982)
Treat Me Right, by Pat Benatar (Song; 1980)
12 Monkeys (Film; 1995)
Violin Sonata No. 10 (Opus 96), by Ludwig van Beethoven (Sonata; 1812)
Wild Elephinks (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1933)
Today’s Name Days
David, Jonathan, Thomas (Austria)
David, Davor, Toma (Croatia)
Judita (Czech Republic)
Noa (Denmark)
Merili, Merle, Merli, Mirle (Estonia)
Rauha (Finland)
David (France)
David, Jessica, Tamara (Germany)
Tamara, Tamás (Hungary)
Davide, Tommaso (Italy)
Ileana, Ilgona, Ilgone, Solveiga (Latvia)
Gaja, Gentvainas, Teofilė (Lithuania)
Vemund, Vidar (Norway)
Domawit, Dominik, Gosław, Jonatan, Marcin, Tomasz, Trofim (Poland)
Marina (Russia)
Milada (Slovakia)
David, Tomás (Spain)
Natalia, Natalie (Sweden)
Georgina (Ukraine)
Dave, David, Davida, Davion, Davis, Davy, Dawson, Dayton, Jess, Jesse, Jessica, Jessie, Jessy, Vida (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 364 of 2024; 2 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of Week 52 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Bing-Zi), Day 29 (Ding-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 28 Kislev 5785
Islamic: 27 Jumada II 1446
J Cal: 4 Fest; Foursday [4 of 6]
Julian: 16 December 2024
Moon: 2%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 28 Bichat (13th Month) [Gall]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 9 of 90)
Week: Last Week of December
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 8 of 30)
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marcolikestowatch · 2 years ago
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Sadaharu Horio
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epestrefe · 11 months ago
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Τσεπέλοβο, το πέτρινο χωριό του Ζαγορίου με τα γραφικά λιθόστρωτα σοκάκια
Πρόκειται για το μεγαλύτερο χωριό σε πληθυσμό της περιοχής του Ζαγορίου, με απόσταση 51 χιλιομέτρων από την πόλη των Ιωαννίνων και αν τα καλοκαίρια του είναι ήσυχα, δεν συμβαίνει το ίδιο με τους λευκούς του χειμώνες.
Περισσότερα στο:https://www.bovary.gr/living/escapes/tsepelobo-petrino-horio-zagorioy-sokakia
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goexploregreece · 2 years ago
Tilos: Where peace meets nature.
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The charming island of Tilos, also known as the "Island of Peace and Nature," Tilos is a dream destination for those who want to unwind and experience authentic Greek island life.
Tilos is nestled in the Dodecanese between the larger islands of Rhodes and Kos and boasts an area of about 64 square kilometres. Unlike its bustling neighbours, Tilos is an oasis of tranquillity that has managed to preserve its natural beauty and charm.
Getting to Tilos is a breeze. You can hop on a ferry from Rhodes or Kos, with regular connections available throughout the summer. For a more convenient option, book a flight to Rhodes and then catch a ferry to Tilos.
Now, let's talk about what makes Tilos so unique. The island is renowned for its lush flora and fauna, which can be attributed to its status as an eco-friendly destination. In fact, Tilos was the first Mediterranean island to become energy self-sufficient through renewable sources. How cool is that?
Tilos is a proud producer of honey, almonds, and olives, all of which you can find at local shops and restaurants. Don't miss the chance to sample these delicacies and take some home as gifts for friends and family.
Ready to explore? Here are my top three choices for things to do on Tilos:
1. Visit the Monastery of St. Panteleimon: Perched atop a hill with stunning island views, this 15th-century monastery is a must-see. Explore its beautiful architecture and take in the tranquillity that surrounds it. 2. Hike to Mikro Horio: Nature lovers, this one's for you! Hike to the abandoned village of Mikro Horio and discover its history while enjoying the beautiful scenery. Don't forget your camera. 3. Relax at Eristos Beach: Unwind on the golden sands of Eristos Beach and take a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear waters. Perfect for a lazy day in the sun.
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problematicfanfics · 2 years ago
rant/vent but
since i’m on vacation with my family i’m actually at my wit’s end. i have no privacy. i have been sleeping in the same room as both my parents, my sister and my grandma for the past two weeks. i’m genuinely crying dude. like i can’t be happy around them. they decimate everything i find joy in and everything about myself i like. i’m so over this. sleeping in close quarters is just making me feel like shit again and reminds me of all those fucking years i spent as a kid fucking battling poverty and couch surfing with my family. like i hate it. it’s so traumatizing. my sister has like no memory of it because she was like 3 so for her this is all cutesy poor core aesthetic. i’m ripping my fucking hair out. before we left my mom was hounding me, asking me if i wanted a hair appt, a nail appt, to go buy clothes. i said no. i said the only thing i wanted was a wax because shaving is a pain in the ass. she forgot. but u wanna know what she didn’t forget? my sister’s wax appt. my sister’s chemical hair straightening treatment. all the stores my sister wanted to go to. my sister’s $160 nail appointment. like are u fucking kidding me? then the day before i asked my mom “when is my wax appointment?” and she BLEW UP at me saying i should’ve made it, it’s my job to make it. last month i made a dentist appt for my tooth whitening like she told me to and she got mad because I MADE THE APPOINTMENT. i can’t fucking win. then on top of it all for the first time in like months i wanted to get my nails done bc they’re hella cheap and really high quality in greece and once again, my mom forgot. she said “if you wanted it you should’ve gone.” i said mom, i can’t speak greek like that. i don’t want them to scam me. i don’t know what nails are supposed to cost. i’ve gotten my nails done professionally two times in my seventeen years of existence. idk shit about them. but no, i’m the issue. i’m the fucking issue. every time i open my mouth they say i’m giving them attitude when i’m literally just speaking or asking a question. they say i’m too quiet then yell at me for being too loud. they say everything i enjoy is stupid or childish. they won’t give me ANY personal space. they keep ganging up on me with my sister. my sister has been the biggest thorn in my side though. she’s such a pos. like idk how to explain this to y’all. she’s a fucking brat. we couldn’t be further from different. i’m scared to buy myself food with my parents’ money. my sister spends upwards of $100 a week on food, clothing, makeup, etc. with no regard for my parents’ time or finances. she steamrolls over everyone’s emotions to make room for hers, which are usually disgust and anger, and constantly puts everyone in a bad mood. my dad is ALWAYS out to get me despite the fact i try my fuckin hardest to keep the peace between us. my mom is so fucking bipolar i never know what i’m getting. my dad and mom are at each other’s throats. my yiayia lectures me on shit when i’m mad that isn’t even remotely related to the reason i’m mad ever and it pisses me off even more and i desperately try to give her the benefit of the doubt bc english isn’t her first language but she does the SAME DAMN THING IN GREEK LIKE BRO. i met ONE GIRL in this STUPID fucking horio BUT I LEAVE IN TWO DAYS. AND TOMORROW IM NOT EVEN IN THIS HORIO IM OFF TO THE MAIN AREA. like fuck off bro. and the girl mainly speaks greek which is fine but it gets hard bc i’m not the absolute best in it (i’m sm better in other languages bro no one bothered teaching me greek and you’d THINK my GREEK FAMILY would teach me greek and wouldn’t be mad over the fact i don’t know greek bc yk THEYRE MY FAMILY AND THEYRE SUPPOSED TO TEACH ME but no everything is my fault). and she’s sweet but this is her summer vacation spot so she has hella friends here already and i can tell i’m just “the girl next door she has to hang out with”. i feel bad i don’t want to drag her from her friends or insert myself in her plans but for the first time in god knows how long i felt normal today just because i finally had someone close in age.
elevator music and the smiths have carried the brunt of my emotions these past two weeks i can’t lie.
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