#hopper being a good dad
writer-in-theory · 2 years
okay i see we've been talking a lot about hopper and billy's mom today and how about
hopper wasn't sure how he felt about letting his adopted son's boyfriend be at the cabin when he wasn't there to supervise the door rule, especially since el had now started asking why mike can't come over all the time the way steve does. still, he told himself it was fine because they'd gotten away with it for so many weeks by claiming they were just friends, that the two brats would probably just find a more sneaky way to see each other that could get them into trouble.
he was glad he'd made that decision on this particular day, though, because hopper was swamped with work and would've stayed late at the station if it weren't for the phone call sent directly to his office. not many had that number, the ones that did were either his children or the people who had gotten wrapped up in the upside down business. neither was a good sign.
"this is hopper," he said gruffly into the phone, eyes still focused on the papers all over his desk.
all focus was abandoned at steve's slightly breathless voice. he could tell the boy was trying to put off an air of calmness, but there was a barely-there shake to his voice that had hopper immediately standing, hands trying to find where he'd tossed his keys. "hop, it's an emergency. billy, he...he needs you, he's asking for you."
the whole drive home, hopper considered those words. it hadn't been easy, taking billy in after joyce caught neil hargrove smacking him in the melvald's parking lot, but he tried. they both were rough around the edges from years of trauma, both had a lot to unlearn still in ways they interacted with others, both constantly said the wrong thing because they were scared. but there had been so much progress, and though billy would never be totally soft around the edges the glass-sharp points had dulled. hopper had beamed when he overheard billy casually telling steve that his dad was coming to the grad party steve was throwing himself at the harrington house. so while hopper gripped the wheel with a white-knuckles, fearing how badly billy could be hurting if it caused an emergency call from steve harrington, he couldn't help but feel a little warm in the chest that billy had asked for him, that he trusted him enough to let him in.
the cabin hadn't really been quite in awhile. it was full of life in a way hopper never would have even thought to wish for a couple of years ago. usually when he came home from work, billy and steve would be lounged out on the couch, either watching tv or helping el and sometimes max through their homework. it wasn't uncommon for joyce and the byers boys to be over too, in which case billy and will would be cooking in the kitchen and smacking anyone with a wooden spoon if they dared get near the food because good lord could no one else in that cabin handle it.
so when hopper walked into the cabin to hear deathly silence, every hair on his body stood on end. el was sitting at the dinner table, a plate of eggos in front of her that she was picking at. hopper had never seen her do anything less than devour those silly waffles. "what happened?" hopper asked her, not seeing any signs of the upside down being back or neil having escaped prison.
"the phone made billy sad," el explained simply before turning back to her eggos, seemingly having the courage to eat them now that hopper was home.
that...didn't make sense, but he supposed there was only one way to really get the full story. he made his way to the little room in the back of the cabin that had been cleared away for billy a year before. hopper might've smiled triumphantly on any other day upon seeing the bedroom door still open a few inches even when he hadn't been home, but the hushed voice of steve interspersed with the occasional sniffle made hopper abandon that thought quickly.
"hey, kid, i'm home. you wanna tell me what's goin' on?" hopper asked in the most gentle voice he could muster up. he knew to be careful with billy when it came to volume, to what words in what orders were too reminiscent of neil.
the sight made hopper's heart break. billy was sat on the ground, knees brought up and upper body thrown across them, head hanging down. his shoulders were shaking, convulsing in a way that proved billy was crying or panicking. steve was sat beside him, more distance between their bodies than their usual constant—and fuck was it constant—cuddling, but his hand was splayed out across billy's back, rubbing up and down in a slow pattern.
"i'm not crying," billy immediately defended himself, head still facing to the ground.
"i know you aren't, hotrod," hopper returned, knowing billy knew he saw through the lie. he'd give him this, though, knew it was important for the kid to have some sense of control over situations.
billy looked up then, eyes focused only on the boy just beside him. hopper tried not to take it personally that he sought comfort from his boyfriend over him, told himself that was normal for people the kid's age. it was the same with el, calling max over for a girls night before she was ever ready to talk some things out with hop.
the boys had grown undeniably close. it was a miracle in and of itself, hopper thought, considering the first time he'd ever seen them together was after a fight in the hawkins high parking lot. now they seemed to have their own language, simply giving each other a look and billy nudging steve with his elbow lightly before steve was turning to hopper.
"billy called his mom today."
and that. well. what the fuck was he meant to do with that? there was so much to unpack in a singular sentence that hopper had to sit, leaning against the desk tucked into the corner of billy's room. he wiped a hand over his face, considering how any of this made sense.
billy didn't talk a lot about california, or his mom. hopper knew that she had left when he was young, and that fact alone was enough for hop to hate her because how could a parent ever leave their kid in a situation like that? how dare she claim to love him then leave him and give billy the false hope that she'd come back someday?
"you what?" hopper finally asked, head already hurting from thinking it through.
"fuckin' wheeler said she could find her. got an address and a phone number n' everything," billy forced out, finally turning to look at hopper. that wild fire in his eyes had returned, the kind that reminded hopper of himself at that age. it was that exact kind of fire, the deeply rooted, burning rage that sent him enlisting in the first place. "she has a family, a son eight years younger than me. she's happy, said she didn't want any 'reminders of her old life'. i dunno what i expected."
"you expected her to be a fucking mother," hopper couldn't help the anger that slipped out, hoping billy understood that it was never directed at him. he seemed to, because the kid just scoffed and looked away. "it's her loss, you hear me, kid? any person would be lucky to have a kid like you—hey, no shaking your head. they would be, i am. i am so proud every day that i get to see what a great man you're becoming, don't doubt that for a second."
it was quiet in the cabin. the mini-speech floated up and up until the words had completely dissipated, leaving only two crying boys and a heaving hopper, a little girl trying to eavesdrop in the other room. then billy stood, grabbing a pack of cigarettes from the little end table by his bed and taking off out the front door of the cabin.
"he'll be back," steve offered, shrugging a little and likely feeling as helpless as hopper did in that moment. "he's just..."
"...letting off some steam. i know." hopper sighed, clapping his hands together and fully standing up. "c'mon, let's see what kinda dinner we can scrounge up."
it was only when the smell of burnt pizza filled the cabin when billy came back inside. his cheeks and nose were tinged pink from the cold, having forgone a jacket when he'd made his quick escape. he didn't make eye contact with any of them. "hey, what are you doing? that's my job."
"you needed a break from work tonight," hopper sighed, the way billy had gasped out something about respect and responsibility the first time he'd forgotten a chore still scarred in his mind.
"no, what i need to do is cook for my family," billy huffed out, hands flying about until steve got the hint and stepped away from the oven. billy focused on the stove, staring at his hands as he pulled together a few simple ingredients into something undoubtedly delicious. "you and el. steve. mrs. byers, johnathan, 'n' little byers. that's my family. you're who matters."
and god did hopper want to hug his son.
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
the gayffiti artist
fandom/ship: stranger things, byler
summary: based on an old screenshot from a tumblr post i found! it read: “@christmasbarakat: my dad is a cop and i just called him and he was like ‘hey i have a 17 year old boy in the back of my cop car right now that i’m running him to the station’ and i asked if he was cute and my dad said ‘hey my daughter wants to know if you’re cute’ and the guy said ‘i want to say yes, sir’ and my dad started laughing so hard”
genre: one-shot, fluff
warnings: swearing, brief mention of alcohol/hangovers, mentions of cops (hopper doing his job), aged-up party (17), intentional lowercase
word count: 2,599
will byers was laying on the couch in his living room, scrolling mindlessly through his phone as the tv droned in front of him. he was incredibly bored. it was a friday night at 5pm. most teenagers would be scarfing down pizza with their friends and getting ready for a fun night out, which would ultimately end up in a hangover the next morning, but the memories would be worth it, nonetheless. will had never been like that, though. not that he didn’t want excitement by any means, but he preferred literally anything other than the typical cliche parties. popular people scared him. but who could blame him for that?
the front door opened and will looked over his shoulder. it was his mom, coming in with an armload of groceries. will immediately jumped up and went over to grab a few bags from her. 
“oh, thanks, honey.” joyce dumped the rest of the bags and her keys on the table. “you really don’t need to help unpack, it’s alright! in fact, could you please call your father and ask when he’s going to be home?” joyce sighed and took a breather before reaching to unpack a bag. “i need to know when to start dinner.”
“sure, mom.”
will set down the bags he had and went to his room. he flopped down on his bed and pulled up his call log, clicking on “dad <3″. it rang a few times, then there was a click, signaling that it had been picked up on the other end.
“what’s up kiddo?” 
hopper smiled when he picked up the phone, switching his hands so that he was steering with his left and holding the phone with his right. his gaze lifted to his rearview mirror at the kid in his backseat. the kid glanced over at hopper for a second, then put his chin in his hand and turned to look out the window.
“hey dad,” will said. “mom wanted to know when you’d be home tonight so she knows when to start making dinner.”
“depends,” said hop, “what are we having? i know she was debating between a few different things. if it’s tacos, i’ll be home in 20 minutes. if it’s that eggplant casserole, i’m stuck at the station until midnight.” the kid in the backseat smirked.
will laughed.
“no idea,” he said. “guess you’ll just have to take a chance.”
hopper sighed and chuckled.
“fine,” he said. “listen, i’ve got a kid here that i need to bring to the station. and then wait for his parents to come him. but i’ll be home after that, alright? probably 6 at the latest, if he gets a ride home quickly.”
will raised an eyebrow.
“a kid?” he asked. “what on earth did a kid do to get in trouble with the cops?”
“okay, i use the term ‘kid’ loosely,” said hopper. “he’s probably about your age. kid, how old are you?”
“he’s 17. so yeah, your age.” hopper cleared his throat. “one of the more polite perps i’ve had. and one of the more interesting cases i’ve had too, but that’s not my business to tell you.”
“perp?” the kid muttered, raising an eyebrow.
“interesting,” said will. he grinned. “is he cute?”
hopper laughed and glanced back at the kid, who was now watching him with mild interest.
“hey, kid.” will smiled as he heard hop talk to the guy through the receiver. “my son wants to know if you’re cute.”
the kid in the background cleared his throat.
“uh, i want to say yes, sir.”
will grinned widely as he heard hopper lose it on the other end. he kinda wanted to meet this guy.
“you know what, kid, you’re making my night a lot better,” hopper said to the kid in the background. “i got real lucky busting you instead of breaking up some annoying shitty party of something like that. you’re a lot like my will, you know?”
will felt his heart skip a little when hopper said that. this guy was a lot like him? and hop didn’t meet him by breaking up a party or doing some stereotypical teen shit like that? intriguing. 
“alright, will, i’ll be home in a bit.” 
hopper’s words shook will out of his daydream. 
“s-sure,” he said. “yeah. yeah, see you soon, dad!”
“see you soon, bud.”
“bye, kid in the background!” will added quickly, almost instantly regretting his words. that was weird to say, wasn’t it?
“uh, yeah! yeah, bye!” the kid called up to the front seat. he almost instantly regretted his words, too. he had never even seen this guy but he found himself thinking he was cute. what was WRONG with him?
will smiled slightly to himself after hanging up the phone. all of sudden, he stood up and went to the kitchen, grabbing his keys off the table.
“honey, where are you going?” joyce said. “what time is your dad gonna be home?”
“no later than 6,” said will. “and i’m- i’m just going out, okay? i’ll be back for dinner.”
“oh, okay, h-”
but will was out the door and starting up his car before his mom could finish saying “honey”. 
maybe it wasn’t a typical teenage rebellion thing, but the idea of going to see a kid in jail and possibly getting his number was enough to make will’s heart race.
hopper opened the door to the station and held it, gesturing for the kid to go ahead of him. he did so begrudgingly. hopper followed after him and went over to his desk, picking up a phone. he held it out.
“come on, bud, time to call home.” 
the kid stared at him. it was very clear that he did NOT want to call home. hopper smirked.
“you know what, because i like you so much, i’ll do you a favor,” he said. “give me the number and i’ll call home for you, okay?”
the kid perked up and thanked him profusely before giving him his home phone number. he went over and stood further away from hopper as he dialed, hoping to be out of earshot of the call. however, after a few seconds of being on the phone, the kid heard an all too familiar “he did WHAT?!” screech through the receiver. he groaned as hopper explained the rest of the situation to his mother, then hung up the phone and stood up.
“she’ll be here in 20 minutes. come on, kid.” hopper picked up his keys and headed over to a small holding cell in the corner of the room.
“wait a second, you’re putting me behind BARS?” the kid exclaimed, looking panicked. “doesn’t that seem, i don’t know, a little extreme?”
hopper chuckled.
“all standard procedure, kiddo,” he said. “you’re not actually getting arrested or anything, it’s just a holding cell.”
the kid sighed and headed over to the cell, plopping down on a metal seat attached to the wall. 
“for the record,” hopper said, as he locked the cell, “i didn’t want to pick you up. i liked the stuff you were spray painting. good messages.”
“then why DID you pick me up?”
“i had no choice, bud,” hop responded. “i circled the block and ignored you SEVERAL times until i couldn’t anymore. just doing my job.”
the kid put his head in his hands.
“you know,” hopper continued, “i really do think you’ve got some good stuff to say. maybe just, in a more non-vandalismy way, next time? listen, my son will, the one we were talking with? he’s an artist. i’m sure he’d like the stuff you were writing and i’m sure he’d probably be able to give you pointers on better ways to- um- express yourself.”
the kid looked up, tears at the rim of his eyes.
“i’m sorry,” he muttered. “i really am.”
hopper waved it off.
“don’t be,” he said. “really. corrupt asses like mayor kline need to be called out like that. and i can assure you that i won’t be in any rush to clean or cover that up.”
the kid smiled slightly, but put his head back down. he was going to get chewed out for this. a second later, he heard the door to the station open, but since it wasn’t followed by the yelling of his mom, the kid didn’t look up.
“hey! what’re you doing here?” said hopper.
“hi, dad.”
THAT got the kid’s attention. he snapped his head up and instantly spotted what was possibly the most ADORABLE person he had ever seen in his LIFE. the boy had brown hair, not messy, but slightly tussled. he had gorgeous hazel eyes, and a cute, crooked smile on his face. he was pretty tall and broad, but from his demeanor, seemed to be a complete teddy bear. 
“i- uh,” the boy stuttered, “um. i decided to be rebellious.”
hopper raised an eyebrow.
“really?” he said with a smirk. 
“yes!” the boy insisted. “but, like, not in a sneak out of the house to go to a party on a friday night kind of rebellious,” he said. “in a, sneak into your dad’s work, but not really sneak in because your mom knows you left the house and your dad knows you’re at his work, kind of way.”
the kid in the cell raised an eyebrow and watched with amusement. what a cutie pie. he was stuttering and blushing so much, the kid couldn’t take his eyes off of him.
“and why are you sneaking into my work?” hopper said with a grin. he already knew the answer.
“to see the cute 17-year old you picked up!” the boy spit out. 
the kid in the cell felt himself burning up. so this WAS will. he had secretly been hoping that it was.
hopper laughed and shook his head, gesturing back to the cell. will turned and locked eyes with the kid. they both immediately started blushing and smiled and waved at each other shyly. “will, don’t seduce my convict. and kid, don’t corrupt my son.”
will rolled his eyes and laughed a little as he walked over to the cell. he sat on a chair next to the cell and the two boys looked at each other awkwardly. after a minute, they both laughed.
“um, i’m will,” will said finally.
the kid smiled. “i’m mike.”
“so, uh, what’re you in for?” will asked. 
“vandalism,” mike said, rolling his eyes. “even though your dad said he liked my work. nothing serious, i was just spray-painting shit to call out our stupid government.”
will smiled.
“i think that’s quite possibly the best crime you could commit,” he said, making mike blush. “i wish i could’ve seen it.”
“well, you still can,” said mike. “your dad said he wasn’t gonna cover it up for a little while.”
“good,” said will. “i’ll certainly make sure to go take a look.”
there was a moment of silence between the boys as they looked at each other’s eyes, then away and at the floor. it wasn’t awkward, though. just full of typical teenage hormone-fueled tension.
“um, other than commit crimes, what do you do?” will said, once again breaking the silence. mike laughed.
“well, i write,” he said. “not just on bridges, on paper. and i play d&d because i’m a total fucking loser.”
“no way!” will exclaimed, his face lighting up. “i do too!”
“oh shit, really?” mike said, grinning. “oh my god, that’s awesome! we should start a campaign!” 
“we totally should!” will agreed. “but i have to warn you, i’m a pretty good dm.”
“you’re also just a pretty dm,” mike added. his eyes went wide the moment he realized what he said, and he began stuttering and fumbling for some kind of recovery. “i- um- i mean-”
will, whose face was bright red, couldn’t help the smile spreading across his face. “i- um- thank you,” he said quietly, making mike shut up at once. “i’m really glad i called my dad. you are just as cute in person as you sounded over the phone.”
mike looked down at the ground and smiled. 
“um, th-thank you,” he said. “you know, your- your dad said something about you being an artist. and i write. and he said i needed to figure out how to get that out in ways that aren’t graffiti so... maybe you can help me with that sometime?”
will beamed.
“of course,” he said kindly. mike smiled back at him, getting lost in those gorgeous, gorgeous eyes.
will and mike’s heads snapped up to the door. mike instantly turned red. it was his mom, looking absolutely FURIOUS. and his dad, looking annoyed for being dragged along.
“you are in BIG trouble, young man!” 
karen wheeler marched over to the cell and glared down at her son, who was looking up at her sheepishly. hopper was watching, amused, from the corner, and eating a candy bar.
“i’m gonna take a stab at this and assume that this little troublemaker is yours,” he said, smirking and standing up. 
“yes, unfortunately, he is.” karen peeled her eyes away from mike and turned to hopper with an exasperated and apologetic look on her face. “i’m so sorry, chief. what can we do to make it up to you?”
hopper shook his head and stood up, going to unlock the holding cell.
“just get him some sidewalk chalk or something, okay?” he joked. karen smiled slightly and nodded.
hopper unlocked the door and mike walked out, clearly embarrassed. his mom grabbed him by the ear and practically DRAGGED him out of the station. will raised an eyebrow as she did so and gave mike a half-hearted wave goodbye. well that wasn’t the cliché, romantic parting he was hoping for.
hopper glanced over at will, who was staring out the window. he smirked.
“he’s a nice kid,” hop said, making will look over. “and i meant it when i said i thought you’d get along. and it would appear that i was right about that, wasn’t i?”
will blushed and opened his mouth to answer, but at that moment, the door to the police station flew open, and mike rushed it, panting and shoving a paper in will’s face.
“h- here,” he gasped. “it’s- it’s my phone number. it would have been written romantically in graffiti on the side of the station instead, but your dad took my spray paint, so....”
will looked up at his dad and smirked. 
“buzzkill,” he said. hopper put his hands up and rolled his eyes in mock-offense.
“mike! come on!”
mike glanced out the door behind him, then turned back to will.
“please call me,” he said. “i don’t want to talk to you through your dad’s phone next time. no offense, sir.”
“none taken, kid.”
“please?” mike asked hurriedly as his mom called for him again.
will stared at him. then a small smile started on his face and ended as a huge grin. he nodded ecstatically.
“i will,” he said, “i will.”
mike grinned back and opened his mouth to say something, but his mother stomped in at that moment and dragged him out by the arm.
“okay, talk to you soon!” mike called behind him. “um, you, will, not you, chief.”
“i was hoping that.”
“bye mike!” will called enthusiastically, waving. he felt himself get just as embarrassed as he was when he said bye to mike over the phone.
mike smiled and blushed, waving back.
“bye, cutie pie!” hopper raised his eyebrows at mike, making him gulp. “and sir.”
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this was my sisters reaction to the chapter i was working on of my stranger things hogwarts au. feel like that summarises what you should expect.
(we sleep in adjacent rooms and she still text me)
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hrrgrve · 2 years
hopper becoming billys adopted dad is what we deserved
i just want to see billy finally being comfortable enough around an adult to talk about his problems and finally getting the bear hug he deserves
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I got distracted working on part of a chapter later than the one I still need to finish and post and
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Mike: Everyone’s afraid of Hopper, right?
Will, whose previous father figure was Lonnie and whose first memory of Hopper is him carrying him out of the Upside Down: 🤨
#I can't put Will or El or Jonathan's thoughts on this scene until I get there in the so far unposted fic in the same universe as The Things#in Life That I Can't Find but I *can* make a post making it clear that Will is internally like bitch wtf??? because he hasn't witnessed#Hopper intentionally being ominous to Mike and to Will Hopper was already becoming a dad figure before Hopper and Joyce even got together#Because he didn't even know Hopper when Hopper didn't give up on helping Joyce finding him even after his fake dead body washed up#And Hopper went into the Upside Down back when no one had ever come back out alive to get him and carried him out#And Hopper came along to the check ups Will had to have at Hawkins Lab and Hopper was already there for him more and doing more as a father#figure than Lonnie ever did even before they suddenly became a 5 person Hopper-Byers family unit so Will is one of the only ones that#didn't start off petrified of Hopper before they realized that he was on their side and he's seen the way that El is the boss out of Hopper#and El a lot of the time and he's seen the way that Hopper goes along with whatever Joyce wants 99.9% of the time even if they do bicker in#a more lighthearted way that never has Will hiding in Jonathan's room with loud music on to get away from it so he's like yeah Hopper's#big but he's just Hopper??? He's tough in a good at protecting us way but he gives in all the time to what people he cares about want and#he goes out of the way to do things for people regularly???#Plus Joyce never looks scared of him and she's happier when he's around and Jonathan and Joyce and El all trust him so Will fully trusts#him and likes having him around too#Oops I didn't mean to go on such a long ramble in the tags but I have a lot of thoughts on that family dynamic#Hence the turning the fic into a series so that I can have a fic that focuses on their dynamics#Mine
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ima-ghost-art · 2 years
You know what? More steve getting vecnad let's go!
I want steve to be vecnad and I want him to be tired of everything that has happened in his life. From everything that started after 83, from being neglected and hated by his parents, from having only had shitty toxic freinds most of his life, for falling in love so easy only to have the people he loves and trys to care for call it all, them, him bullshit, to have risked his life multiple times to save his kids only for them to look over or down play his achievements and injuries!!
I want steve to be so so tired of trying, never having a chance for a rest because he's constantly waiting for the next thing to go wrong. And Vecna? Vecna is the first person to offer him that rest. Vecna turns to steve and offers him a break, telling him that if he joined him, he wouldnt ever have to feel tired again.
That this exhausting existence he is forced to live wouldnt have to hurt him anymore. He wouldnt need to worry about helping others, wouldnt need to fear he wasnt enough, wouldnt have to continue being the one getting beaten up year after year after year only to be overlooked by the people see called friends, the people he saw as family. That steve could finally be given Peace.
I want steve to consider it.
I want steve to want it so so bad.
It's not like he could escape any way, theres no music playing, his friends didnt even know his favourite song, and vecna tells him that. That they cant even bother to find it, let alone remember it!
Steve knows it's not true, it CAN'T be! His friends would be fighting for him, they had too... Wouldnt they? But Vecna sounds so real, and hes just so tired, tired of fighting, of running. He just wants peace...
"You promise?" His voice is barely a whisper, hes terrified, but the offer sounds too good to be true.
"Of course." Vecnas face twisted into what one could only believe to be the closest thing to a sincere but sinister smile.
Steve stared at vecna, trying to read the monsters eyes for any hint of a lie, while tears steamed down his cheeks. He nods the best he can around the vine that has pinned him by his neck against the wall. He was so tired.
Vecna grinned, his slimy hand moving towards Steve's face, a elongated coming up to stroke the tears from his cheek,"Dont cry steve, it's time for yo-"
his words are cut off by a scream, and the sudden unmistakable sound of the opening to "every body wants to rule the world" playing faintly around them.
El looks as exhausted as steve felt, blood dripping down her chin, as she made her way to vecna a second time. She knew what she was doing this time however, and she was going to save Steve. There was a portal behind her, not big, but big enough to see the whole party gathered around Steve's body.
Hopper was standing directly below, arms braced ready to catch steve when her fell. Joyce was holding into will and Jonathan as they were knelt by a kiddy pool with el floating in it. Max along with dustin held desperately onto her Walkman. Lucas and erica was holding onto Robin who was shaking, she was on the ground like her legs had given out on her. Eddie, Nancy and Argyle were not there, but with how mike was frantically yelling into his walkie talkie, steve had a guess at where they were/ going.
Everyone was crying, even hopper-
And they were trying to save him!?
"Steve you need to fight! Please- do not give up!!" El was crying, she had seen vecna take max, she wasnt going to watch that happen again. Not to steve, he cared about them too much to go out this way, especially when they hadn't shown him how much they appreciated him yet.
"So- tired. I'm so tired El, I cant" Steve sounded so broken, El had never seen him like this before, not even as she faced him memories to find him here. He was always so strong for them, but now he was barely holding on and vecnas had was right over his face-
His arm snapped
"YOU CAN! Please Steve!! We cant lose you, you make sure we are all okay! You look after us! You make us happy! You would alway bring me icecream on fridays after you work, or call me and will to tell us new movies!" She was crying hard, as she used her powers to send vecna flying backwards before running to where steve had fallen to the floor.
They didnt have long, steve needed to run now before vecna could get up, but he was still so tired. He looked up at El, the girl looked so scared, she had almost watched him die for christ's sake!? "El, I'm so-"
She silenced him as she pulled him up and holding onto him tight, god she was still so young. Her gaze was hard as she glared as vecna who was fully standing now. She let Steve go as she raised her left arm towards the monster... "no need for sorry steve." Her words left no room for argument, "we love you so we came to save you."
Steve wanted to weep, it had been to long since someone had to him they loved him and ment it. And sure, he was still, tired, still longed for rest. But he realised that he couldn't just give up now. Finally, people were fighting for him, and he was going to make sure he kept fighting so they didnt loose.
So he ran, not looking back as he hears the monster and el scream- the familiar words of his favourite song pushing him forwards as he held onto his mangled arm. Sliding and dodging rocks as they fell from the sky, getting closer and closer to the portal. He could see his freinds, all so terrified on the other side.
Things were not going to be easy, that was for certain. But life wasnt ment to be easy, and not for the first time after he asked vecna if what he was offering was true, he realised just how much he wanted to live right as he jumped through the portal. Because he really did want to live.
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Listen we all know Hopper is hot all the time and it's a short moment but I think this is an underrated Hopper look:
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
The officer leans close, jabbing a finger into Steve’s chest. “You’re damn lucky it ain’t ten years ago or one state over,” he growls. “You could be looking at a felony charge, serving 15 to life. We didn’t stand for this kind of thing in Hawkins when I joined the force.”
Steve just folds his arms and gives the officer a bored look. “Okay,” he says. “Good talk. Can I see my boyfriend now?”
The officer sneers, but he steps aside to let Steve through. They’ve got Eddie cuffed to the hospital bed with another gun-toting guard in the corner. 
“Jesus christ,” snaps Steve. “He’s not gonna escape, he can’t even walk right now. Why don’t you clear out and give us a little privacy, huh?”
“Sorry,” says the guard, not sounding all that sorry. “It’s for his own protection.”
Fuck. He’s gonna have to hope Eddie can follow his lead. All that practice pretending to be a wizard or whatever has to be good for something, right?
He perches on the side of Eddie’s bed and takes his hand. He can do this. “Hey, gorgeous. How’re you feeling?” 
“Uh,” says Eddie, eyebrows doing something hilarious. “Steve?”
“It’s okay,” says Steve. He rubs his thumb over Eddie’s knuckles. This is the most they’ve ever touched, he thinks—the most that was just skin, no layers of denim or leather in between. Not even a layer of blood and dirt. 
He swallows and keeps going, willing Eddie to develop freaky mind-reading powers all of a sudden. “I know you didn’t want to tell anyone about us, but I had to, baby. I’m sorry. I had to tell them you were, y’know, with me when…when Jason killed Chrissy.”
“You didn’t have to tell them about us,” says Eddie slowly. He’s giving Steve kind of an intense look. “Honey-pie. I’m sure there’s gotta be another way. One without as many consequences for you that you might not have thought all the way through.”
“There really isn’t,” Steve says. Thank god Eddie’s so quick on the uptake. Sure, he’s being a stubborn dick about it, but at least it doesn’t seem like he’s going to let anything slip. 
“Fucking hell,” sighs Eddie. “Don’t suppose we can put that pesky little cat back in the bag. Okay. Darling angel, light of my life, corndog of my soul, who else knows?”
Corndog of my soul, Steve mouths to himself. “Just the cops. And Robin and Nancy, obviously. And—oh, remember Hopper?”
“Do I remember Hopper, he asks. Oh, pudding-pop. The late Chief Hopper and I spent so, so much quality time together over the years; he was practically a father figure to me. And just as with my actual dear old dad, his departure was cause for great rejoicing in Casa Munson.”
“Sorry to break the bad news, then. Hop’s alive, and he—uh, he knows everything.” Steve tries to communicate the scope of everything by kind of tilting his head back and forth. “He’s been…helping.”
“Huh. No shit,” says Eddie. Steve can’t tell whether or not he’s getting it. To be fair, there’s a lot to get. “Okay, gallant knight errant of mine, any news on whether or not I’m getting sprung from this charmingly appointed dungeon?”
“We’re…Hopper’s working on it. That’s why I’m. Y’know. Here. To tell you that they know about us.” 
“Cool, right, understood.” Eddie closes his eyes, leaning back on his pillow. It’s so strange to see him in nothing but a hospital gown against white sheets. He looks like a wrung-out dishtowel. 
There’s a commotion from outside, raised voices saying something like you let him what and haven’t even interrogated the Munson kid yet and not a legal status you fuckin—
“Time’s up, sweetheart,” says Eddie, mouth quirking up into the ghost of a smile. “Anything else you wanna say before they decide to upgrade my security?”
“Uh,” says Steve. He’d mostly been focusing on getting the basics of Eddie’s alibi across in a convincing way, and he can’t remember if there were any other details Eddie should know. 
He hears the door slam open behind him, and panics. “Love you, bye,” he says, and ducks in to brush a quick kiss across Eddie’s chapped lips. The last thing he sees as he’s hauled bodily out of the room by a pissed-off detective is Eddie with his eyes gone enormous and shocked, lifting his uncuffed hand to his mouth, looking and looking at Steve like something is always going to be different from now on, forever.
(ETA: small continuation here!)
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cherryc1nnam0n · 9 months
Daddy's good girl | Jim Hopper x FEM!Reader
Summary: Getting your guts rearranged by Hopper <3
Cw: Rough sex, daddy kink, mating press, creampie, unprotected sex, piv, big dick, dad bod talk
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Getting fucked doesn't begin to describe it, you were getting railed, pounded, rammed into, getting your guts rearranged by your husband Jim Hopper.
How did he get the stamina to do it? He's a cop, he's got to have it and he used it for the better
Legs bent to your chest, face a mess and drool everywhere while your cunt was being pounded mercilessly
"Fuck, such a good girl for daddy, that's it take it like a good girl baby" he spoke with that raspy voice you loved
Everything about him got you going, he was just a treat and you wanted to fuck him every second of the day
"Daddy- gonna cum!" You managed to say in between moans
"Yeah? Gonna cum all over daddy's fat cock? Yeah?"
You nodded dumbly along with him, completely cock drunk from his huge dick that was hitting your g spot dead on every time
"Cum baby, cum for daddy, be a good girl and cum"
You always wanted to be his good girl
With a loud shriek you came all over him, your pussy gripping him like a vice, making him moan as he finally came deep inside you
"Fuck, there we go, all nice and stuffed baby, fuck such a pretty pussy deserves to be bred" he said patting your mound
Soon he pulled out making you whine at the loss of him, he chuckled at how greedy you are for him
"It's okay baby, I'll give you another one when I come back home okay?" He said getting up to get dressed for work
You had forgotten it was 6 am on a Tuesday and he had to work
"Yes daddy" you said to him totally blissful
"I love you baby" he kissed you again before leaving the room
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luveline · 5 months
Please.... I beg of you... any KBD
<3<3<3 dad!steve x mom!reader, 1k
“I love you,” you say, bending down to give Steve a quick kiss. “But I’m going to spend fifteen minutes by myself in the bathroom. Cool?” 
Steve laughs. With the babies asleep and Avery not far from it in his lap, you’ve earned that and more. “Don’t get lost.” 
“Yes,” you say, slouched and tired as you limp away. “I won’t.” 
Avery rests her head on Steve’s arm. “Is she okay?” 
“Just tired. Someone’s always tired in this house, right?” 
“Not me.” She yawns.
Steve laughs and wraps his arm around her shoulders carefully. “Not you, you’re my trooper.”
“I’m the state trooper. That’s what Chief Hopper says.” 
She’s talked about Chief Hopper nonstop for the last week since he visited her class as school. He apparently wasn’t half as much of a hard ass as he was when Steve was in school. He brought candy. 
“You are?” he asks.
“Yeah!” she says, unaware of the stunt Steve is about to pull. She snuggles into his arms as he begins rubbing her back. 
Steve looks at her and all he sees is himself. It’s so fucking weird —he’d love to show teenage Steve, hell, even Steve at twenty, how his daughter will come out a carbon copy. He might as well be looking in a mirror, though her head is a little less square, her lips ever so slightly fuller. She’s all brown eyes and a silly giddy smile as she tells him her story again, her soft lashes drooping, and drooping as he hums uh-huhs, the side of his pinky running down her spine. 
She falls asleep in his lap. He knows how nice it feels to be held closely by someone you love as you sleep, so for a while he just holds her. They aren’t kidding about kids. You don’t have a clue in the world how much you can love another person, how badly you want to look after them, until you have your own. 
And Steve wouldn’t have his without you, so he owes you everything. He always has, regardless. 
Which reminds him. 
Steve carries Avery upstairs to her room, still small enough for a princess carry. He’s careful not to hit her head on the door jam (a marker of past experience), toeing open her door and yanking back the sheets on her bed. 
“There,” he whispers with a smug smile, laying her down, and tucking her in snug. “Love you, Ave.” He kisses her forehead and the line of her nose, rubbing her little chubby cheek in goodnight. 
He stands on the landing listening for you. You’re sniffing in the bathroom, forcing a rough bumping of his chest —he thought you were kidding about being upset. 
He knocks the door with one knuckle. “Honey? Can I come in?” 
“Depends on how eager you are to see me naked.” 
He rattles the door handle aggressively. You laugh from the other side. “No, but can I?” he asks.
“Stop being weird and come in.”
He opens the door. You’re in pyjama pants and a bra, your shirt on the radiator and water shining on your neck and collar. A vigorous face washing has occurred, hence your sniffing. “I thought you were crying,” he says, relieved. 
You hold your hands out to him and let him grab you by the waist, holding you up, your tacky face immediately dropping down into one of your shoulders. “Just got water in my nose.” 
He pulls you stomach to stomach, hand behind your shoulder and working up to your neck. You breathe out funny at his touch, maybe like you’ve missed it, your eyelids fluttering closed. 
“Don’t fall asleep on me,” he implores. 
You shake your head. “I’m not tired. I think I missed you today.” 
You spent the entire day together, but with the girls acting as hectic as they’d been he understands what you mean. It’s not like you got much time together. It was a good day, he just wishes there were more moments of you like this, in arms reach, under his hands, and totally at ease. 
“Who wouldn’t miss me?” he asks. 
You nod, as if to say, yeah, I forgot you’re a dick. Your eyes don’t open and yet he can see them rolling. 
“I missed you too,” he amends honestly, encouraging your face to his to kiss you while you’re unsuspecting. 
You sigh softly and kiss back, before working your way into the curve of his neck, where you also kiss. Your lips are soft as velvet. 
He covers as much of your naked back as he can with his arms. “Today feels a hundred days long. I’m so excited to go to bed, I’m like, thinking about it. Is that pathetic?”
“Très pathétique.”
He rubs the curve of your side quickly in agreement. “Super pathetic.” 
“Where’s my Avery?” 
“Sleeping in bed. Just you and me, honey.” 
“I’m too tired to brush my teeth.” 
Steve chuckles at your aggrieved moaning and stands you up properly. I can fix that, he thinks. 
First, he helps you into your shirt. You’re a grown woman who doesn’t necessarily need help getting dressed, but you’ve been his to look after for so long that you don’t question him when he holds the neck and arms out for you and pulls it over your head, down onto your torso. You’re smiling as he skirts around you for your toothbrush. You hold your hand out. He doesn’t give it, squirting toothpaste onto the bristles. 
“Show me those pearly whites,” he jokes, murmuring now so as not to disturb the quiet that’s descended in the house. 
He can see you thinking it through. “You wanna brush my teeth for me?” 
He takes your cheek into your hand. “Too weird?” 
“No,” you say, smiling at him with a generous, ridiculous amount of devotion, “not weird. I’ll probably laugh though, but if you don’t mind then sure, you can brush my teeth. I’d love that. I’ll just close my eyes and let you do the hard work.”
Steve ducks in for a careful, doting kiss, the smell of spearmint between you. 
“I’ll even floss for you,” he promises against your lips. 
“No, I don’t think so.” 
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coolpointsetta · 2 years
things i see in steddie fics that i absolutely adore
1. tommy/other jocks having a crush on steve and being super protective as a result but steve thinks they’re just being good friends
2. eddie flirting shamelessly until steve starts flirting back and then he shuts down because steve is supposed to be straight
3. steve’s big empty house and his asshole parents
4. dustin and the rest of the party calling them mom and dad unironically
5. dustin being the favorite son
6. robin tearing out her hair trying to push them together
7. eddie walking into a pole when he sees steve in his scoops uniform
8. hopper/joyce immediately connecting the dots
9. “i like eddie, but he’s a guy” “okay, you can like boys and girls. it’s called being bisexual” *steve.exe shuts down*
10. wayne: did you ask him out yet? no?? fine. gimme five minutes to talk to him, i’ll have you two married by this afternoon
11. also wayne, rolling up his sleeves: time to bring this harrington boy into the family
12. argyle, high as a kite: you mean they’re not together?
13. vampire eddie trusting steve before anyone else
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Steve Harrington hadn’t talked to his dad in a year.
The last thing the two of them had talked had been after the earthquakes, across the room in the den; his dad barely stepped through the front entryway, and Steve’s back pressed against the back door. The house was messy but still standing, unlike Steve, who was broken and barely keeping himself upright. The only thing Richard Harrington had said to Steve was,
“I think it’s time to move on.” Which was his way of telling Steve they were selling the house and he should figure out his own arrangements. Steve hadn’t cared, though. Didn’t even look at him as he spoke. Instead, he stared at the cracks in the ceiling and wondered if it was some kind of metaphor.
He tried not to think too deeply about it.
It had been a year since then. There had been time to move on, as his dad said. There was no more Upside Down. There was no more worrying about the next move. Max and Eddie were healed. Everyone was back in Hawkins. Robin and Steve lived in a little house on Fifth while Robin took community courses. Eddie practically lived there, too, with the strange friendship bond that had grown between the three of them.
Eddie had argued once it was because their couch was comfier than his bed, but Steve liked to think it was because Eddie wanted to be close to them. To be close to him. Sometimes Steve thought about letting him stay in his bed together.
Time had not moved to that yet.
Everything seemed good. Despite Steve’s resentment towards Richard, and his reluctance to admit the man was right, sometimes it was good to let things go, break apart and move on. Though Steve was sure, this wasn’t exactly what Harrington Sr. meant.
Steve hadn’t talked to his father in over a year. And he didn’t really miss him. Sure, there were moments that passed when Steve would yearn for the small happy moments between them. Secret smiles at baseball games, lunch at his office, and him cheering Steve on at the one swim championship he managed to show up to.
But it always got mixed in with bigger, badder moments. Being left alone for months on end. The belittling. The missed graduation. The yelling. The slurs when he grew his hair out too long. The cold way he said to Steve,
“I think it’s time to move on.”
Like he had been breaking up with a high school sweetheart before leaving for college.
So Steve didn’t miss the man, not really. But in moments like these, in the back of the Byers-Hopper’s backyard at the Father’s Day BBQ, where all party members and parents alike gathered, Steve couldn’t help but ache.
Steve ached for something better than Richard Harrington.
It wasn’t because of parents who stuck around that made Steve’s stomach churn in jealousy, but the ones who decided to show up. It was the way Wayne threw his arm around Eddie’s shoulder and the cheers their beers to something probably ridiculous. The way Steve knew that man would crawl to the ends of the earth for someone who wasn’t technically his, but was nothing short of a son.
It was the way El and Hop manned the grill together. Him laughing at something El said, probably something ridiculous, and her smile back that could light up the sun. The way Steve knew that El wasn’t a replacement for the things Hop had lost, but instead an addition to his life he would choose over and over again.
Steve ached to be loved and care for because someone wanted to. Not because of obligation or by accident. Steve wanted to loved deliberately.
Steve sipped his beer instead of bringing down the celebration with his thoughts. Eddie caught Steve’s eye across the yard and gave him a megawatt smile. Steve couldn’t help but smile shyly back.
“Hey, Steve.” A shy voice said beside him, startling him out of his thoughts. Steve turned to find Dustin standing beside him, nearly up to his nose now with his recent growth spurt. Steve couldn’t help but miss when he was small and could throw him over his shoulder.
Steve was a little surprised to find him there. Dustin wasn’t one to speak small or shy. He liked to make his presence known (much like the lovable metal head he was staring down earlier).
“Hey bud, what’s up?”
Dustin looked around the two of them before answering. Everyone else was with their dads, or talking to one of the party members. Even Robin managed to wrangle her dad and Mr. Sinclair into a conversation about WWII. Dustin looked a little relieved everyone was doing their own thing.
“Okay so you know how like, everyone is celebrating their dad today? And mine isn’t here?”
Steve felt his stomach drop. Somehow in the midst of his self-pitying, he had forgotten that Dustin’s dad wasn’t around either. Didn’t even stick around long enough for his first words. “Yea, dude, I’m sorry this must suck for you.”
Dustin looked nervous. He shifted on his feet back and forth, as if he was trying to find a rhythm to calm himself down. “Yea, so that’s what I actually came over to talk to you about.”
“Yea, Dustin. Im here if you need to talk.”
Dustin seemed to finally be at ease and rolled his eyes at Steve. “No, asshole, I don’t need to talk. I haven’t thought about the dick in years, if I’m honest. I just, it’s something else. And you don’t get to be weird about it.”
“I’m confused.”
“That sounds about right.”
“Hey!” Steve laughed despite his protest. A year ago, stuff like that hurt Steve’s feelings. But now Steve knew it was all in good fun, that Dustin was kind of dick to everyone. And he knew that the joke wasn’t about his intelligence. It hadn’t been a long time, since Steve threatened to push him out of a moving vehicle last time. Steve was pretty sure it had to do with a particular conversation involving his feelings for more than women.
Only Dustin and Robin knew. She was overly supportive, and Dustin instantly made a joke. Both made Steve supported and safe.
The dumbasses.
“Not my fault this happens to you often.”
“Is there a point being made or are you here to just be a dick?” Steve questioned, laughing behind the lip of his beer.
Dustin fidgeted again before pulling something out his back pocket. “Just—promise not to laugh.”
Steve crossed his heart with a giggle before he took a folded white piece of paper out of Dustin’s hands.
Suddenly, Steve’s face got serious as he saw what was on the front.
A poorly drawn Steve with a nail baseball bat, with the title “Happy Father’s Day”.
Steve swallowed thickly before placing his beer on the ground and opening the card. There in Dustin’s chicken scratch, was a message.
Dear Steve,
Don’t be weird about this. Okay here it goes.
My dad wasn’t around a lot, big whoop. Big surprise. I honestly don’t care anymore. Don’t give me a look.
I honestly didn’t think I would really care about any of the dad stuff, didn’t feel like I was really missing out. My mom and her annoying love for cats has always been more than enough. But as time went by sometimes I thought maybe I would be better, I would be different if I had a dad. I see it with the rest of the party, how willingly or unwillingly they all reflect their dads. And how I don’t.
Sometimes I don’t feel like my whole self because if it. Thought maybe I would never really be a whole me because of it. That maybe the world was better off anyway because I know I am a lot.
But then I met you asshole.
I didn’t think I would like you, and more importantly I didn’t think you would like me. But suddenly we are battling worlds together, and you’re hanging out with me even outside the end of days, and I have a new best friend.
If I’m being honest I do see you more as a brother. Someone I look up to. But the more I think about it (again don’t be weird), I do see you as a dad some days. Although the hands on hips do scream mother hen, you’ve been a dad to me in the ways the asswipe who made someone as amazing as me hasn’t been.
You are brave, and funny and despite popular belief you are kind. One of the kindest people I know. You make me feel safe and loved, and give me rides despite me never giving you gas money. Some days I look in the mirror and see parts of you in me, and I feel proud.
Some days I look at you and hope that I can see the braveness and kindness in myself too. I don’t yet, but you make it feel possible.
I don’t need a sperm donor (thank you Robin for that one), I have the world’s okayest dad right here.
Love you brother, friend, dad.
Happy Father’s Day, from your fellow nerd,
Dustin <3
Steve was crying. He knew that. He knew he promised not to make it weird, but Steve couldn’t help it. The little shit got him right in the heart.
He couldn’t be blamed for scooping up Dustin in a hug. “I love you too, Dusty Buns.”
Dustin squeezed Steve tight, “You don’t get to call me that.” He grumbled, but Steve could feel his tshirt getting wet.
“As your father it is my right to get to call you embarrassing nick names.” Steve squeezed Dustin even tighter.
Dustin just laughed and pushed him away jokingly. They both wiped their eyes, but the smiles on their faces remained.
Steve thought about Richard at that moment again, about how he ached for someone to care. And maybe Steve would never get it, but he could be that someone for someone else. He could give that care, Dustin.
The little shit.
“Thank you Dustin.”
Dustin shook his head, his crooked smile remained. “Nah man, thank you.”
They both just stared at each other in comfortable silence before they were interrupted by a barking force.
“What are you two saps talking about?” Eddie slung his arms around the both of them, mouth spread wide in a grin. But then he noticed the tear tracks, and suddenly his face dropped.
Eddie took Steve’s face in his hands, “What’s wrong? What happened?”
Steve shook his head fondly, “Nothing—“ He started, preparing to wave it off. But then Steve realized he couldn’t lie to Eddie. “—nothing bad. Happy tears. I promise.”
Eddie looked at Steve for a moment before nodding, giving his face a tight squeeze, and then dropping his hands. “Okay, Stevie, as long as their happy tears.”
“What am I? Chopped liver?” Dusting grumbled.
“Aweee Dusty, I could never forget you!!” Eddie threw himself at Dustin in a horrible attempt at a hug.
Dustin just pushed him off before rolling his eyes. Steve swore they were gonna get stuck one day.
“Whatever, man. Just make sure that you treat my dad right, or I’m going to have to make some tough calls.” Dustin stared down Eddie seriously before laughing evilly and walking away.
Steve wanted to freeze at Dustin’s implication, but Eddie looked adorably confused, so Steve didn’t feel too bad.
“What’s that supposed to mean? Is this new? Him just getting protective about this without explaining?” Eddie asked Steve.
“Don’t worry about it.” Steve looked down at the card again wistfully, before glancing back up at Eddie. Steve took one of Eddie’s hands and started to play with his rings. A blush bloomed across Eddie’s cheeks; Steve wanted to kiss him. Instead, he just said,
“Just think he’s trying to be a little like his dad.”
Dad’s are complicated, and family isn’t always blood. I hope you enjoyed my little Father’s Day contribution. I do headcannon Hopper as Steve’s father figure/replacement, and usually write it that way but this seemed like a fun opportunity to show how Steve is his own father figure for others.
He is a good egg.
Now with Father’s Day over, my birthday is in two weeks which is making me feel all sorts of things. So I’m distracting myself with steddie. Either way expect a lot of writing and updates soon.
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sleep-paralysis-buddy · 6 months
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Jim Hopper x Reader
Warnings: smut, age gap, size kink slightly, praise, foul language, Jim being fucking oblivious.
Hoppers old.
Or getting there at least.
And he knows it.
   But somehow you're still here in his bed, your youthful cheek squished against his chest, your arm thrown around his middle that he knows isn't as toned as it used to be. 'A Dad bod,' you'd called it. Said it was hot. He'd just rolled his eyes, giving your ass a playful swat.
   You'd met when you began secretary work at the police station. It was a long, pining heavy minute before he ever approached you romantically. You'd flirted with him, or tried, but he couldn't possibly fathom someone as young and vibrant as you wanting him. He'd tried to avoid you, despite working so closely together. That all changed one night when he had to stay late to do paperwork, and you'd volunteered to stay behind to help. He'd tried insisting you go home, telling you he'd take care of it, saying you should get some rest. But you'd stayed, helpfully pointing out that it'd go twice as fast with 2 people.
   So there he was, 1am with the prettiest girl to give him any attention in a long time, your thigh bumping his under the table. He crosses his legs. Partially to put space between the two of you, partially to hide the growing tent at the front of his pants.
The view you'd given him wasn't helping. The white button down you wore was slightly undone at top, unbuttoned in you're frustration, allowing him a view of your breasts swelling past the top of your bra everytime you bent to retrieve your dropped pen.
   You're barely through half the stack of reports and files when you suddenly stand and lean across him, your hair in his face, your chest brushing his arm.
   'Sorry Cheif, just looking for the notes that go with this case,' you explained, flipping through the stack. He let out an involuntary groan, the scent of your shampoo flooding his senses, his cock straining painfully against his pants. If you heard, you never let on, finding the folder you were looking for and sitting back down. Looking back now, the memory makes him chuckle, wondering how he'd been so oblivious to your advances.
   'I'm gonna..ima run to my office quick,' he said, standing and turning quickly, 'left some notes somewhere in my desk. Might be a minute.'
   'O-oh! Take your time!' You told him, but you looked-and it had to be his mind playing tricks on him-disappointed? He shook his head as he hurried off to his office, quickly shutting the door behind him, fumbling with his belt, desperate for some relief from the pressure. He fell back into his chair, giving his throbbing cock a couple long pumps.
   'Fuuuck,' he breathed, precum leaking out of the angry red tip and onto his fingers. He used it to glide his hand over himself with ease, moaning as he imagined it was your spit, your pretty lips wrapped around him, bobbing your head up and down, those big innocent eyes staring into his. Your name tumbles from his mouth, sweet on his tongue.
   Just as he felt his release rising in him, there was a knock on the door.
His door.
That he forgot to lock.
    There was no time to stuff himself back into his pants before you're opening the door and peaking your head in, so he just spun his chair to face front, hiding his lap under his desk.
   'Hop? Everything good? You find those papers?' You asked, knitting your eyebrows together, making him want to kiss the bump that formed between them.
   'Oh, yea, no, sorry,' he said a little too quickly, 'I uh, I think Flow might have had them last, but she keeps her desk locked at night. No big deal.' He shrugged, wishing you'd take his explanation and leave. He was still exposed under his desk, twitching, his release still sitting on the brink.
   Instead of leaving, you stride into the room, shutting the door behind you, 'maybe they're still in here. Here, lemme che-,' you'd walked around the edge of his desk and he'd nearly jumped to stop you.
   'No! That's REALLY ok, it doesn't matt-,' he didn't speak quickly enough, watching in horror as you shut the drawer open next him, finally exposing his dirty secret to yourself. He braced himself, ready for you to scream, ready for you to call him a dirty old man, a pig, ready for the profanities to spill like venom from the mouth he'd wished so many times to kiss.
   But it never came. You just stood there, your mouth open in a small O shape, your clear and intelligent eyes wide.
   'I'm so sorry,' he breathed, and moved to pull his pants back up, his face cherry red, 'God, I'm sorry, please-' you stopped him in his tracks, resting your small, soft hand on one of his large calloused ones. You bit your lip and looked up through your lashes at him, and he swears he's never wanted anyone or anything like he did in that moment.
   'I thought- thought you-,' you spoke softly, fumbling over your words, and then you whispered 'I thought you didn't want me.'
   He pulled you forward by your waist at this, leaning his forehead against yours and breathing out shakily, 'you have no idea how long I've wanted...' He trailed off, brushing his hands lightly over both sides of your face, like you're delicate and precious, like he could break you if he touched you too hard.
He wanted to break you.
   'Can- can I?' He looked at your lips as he asked his half question. He didn't need to finish. You knew what he meant because you wanted the same thing. You nodded slowly and bit your lip again. He threw  his head back and whispered a curse under his breath, and sighed, 'let me do that for you.'
   He kissed you softly at first, his pointer finger and thumb tilting your head by your chin. And then he got hungrier, greedier. He kissed you like you were fresh air and he was a man drowning, his fingers digging so hard into your sides that you could imagine his fingerprints bruising onto your skin, his teeth nipping the soft flesh. He kissed down your jaw and neck, his stubble scratching and tickling your skin in just the right way, and you moaned, digging your nails into his back. He pulled you down onto his thigh, one leg on each side of his, the pressure and friction on your clit making you dizzy.
   'So damn beautiful,' he said it against your skin, like it pained him, and it did. In his mind, this was a fluke. There was no way you'd want him more than once. Sex with an older man, that's all it was. Just a taboo to you.
   So when you ran your hands down his chest and sang his praises, he thought he was going to melt right then and there.
   He put his hands on your hips and began guiding you on his thigh, relishing the way your eyes flit back into your head. 'Yeah sweet girl? Feel good? Come on, ride my thigh, get yourself nice and wet for me. That's a good girl' he growled the last part, ripping open your shirt, the snap buttons coming open with a loud CLACK. He bent his head and softly kissed your chest, sucking and leaving hickeys anywhere that wasn't covered by your bra.
   As if reading his mind, you reached around and undid the clasp, letting both your shirt and your bra fall off your shoulders. He felt his breath hitch in his throat as he looked at you. The moonlight from the window behind him illuminating your skin, your head thrown back and your eyes shut tight as you ground yourself onto him. The need to be close to you was settled in his very bones, every fiber of his being wanted you like an addict wants a drug.
   He had so much he wanted to do. He wanted to sit you on the desk and bury his face between the pillowy thighs he so often found himself daydreaming about. Wanted to see you bruising your knees for him, your eyes glassy while he hits the back of your throat. But all that could wait. He needed you too badly to take his time, to worship your body like the alter it was to him.
   'Want me pumpkin? Hm? Need me to stretch you out good? Make you feel full?' He purred, brushing the hair from your face. You could hardly answer, your mind already so scrambled for him, babbling your pleas and cries.
   He lifted you by your thighs, his hands finding home on your ass under your skirt as he held you above him, ready to lower you down onto him. He couldn't believe his luck as he watched you in wonder, his head falling forwards and into the crook your neck as you lowered yourself onto him, your tightness wrapping around him, ripping a loud, full moan from his throat. He helped you bounce, keeping you upright as you fucked yourself onto him, kissing him hard and deliberately.
   'Jus' like that honey. Fuck, you're so good. Wanted you for so long. Drive me absolutely insane,' you felt him say against your lips. He hugged you tight to him, one hand cradling the back of your head, and bucked his hips up into yours, holding you and cooing sweet praises as he used you, just like he always wanted to. The amount of times he'd imagined this exact scenario at night, when the only one to keep him company was his hand, was uncountable.
   He could feel his orgasam rising again already, and he would have been disappointed in himself if he couldn't feel you reaching your own breaking point.
   'Gonna cum for me? Hm? Gonna cum for your Police Cheif like a good little whore?' Oh, he was loving this. 'Where do you want it baby? Where do you want me to cum? All over that pretty face? On those perfect tits of yours?'
   You're were panting, your face pressed to his shoulder as he brought you closer and closer to the edge.
   'Jim- I,' you stumbled over your words, moaning as he hit your sweet spot over and over again, 'pill. Have the pill.'
   His head spun, 'yea? Want me to fill you up with my cum? I wanna see it leaking all over those perfect fucking thighs of yours, oh FU-' he almost loses himself to his own words, hips slamming messily against your ass.
   'Cum for me princess. That's it, be a good girl, scream it for me.'
   And you did, your release white hot. You pulled down the collar of his shirt, biting his shoulder, leaving teeth marks he was still admiring in the mirror the next day.
   He followed you closely, shooting thick, hot ropes inside of you, moaning and cursing, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head as you shook against him.
   'Did so good f'me honey. Made me cum so hard. God,'  he buried his face in your neck and breathed in, high off the scent of you and him mixed together.
Now, as you stir against him, whining softly in your sleep when he kisses your forehead because he just can't help himself, he smiles softly.
   He might be old, but damn do you love him. And if a few gray hairs don't bother you, then he can keep coping with it.
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reysdriver · 1 year
One Call | E.M.
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Eddie calls you to pick him up from the police station — eddie x fem!hopper!reader fluff
warnings: eddie gets taken to the police station for peeing in the lake lol
words: 0.8k
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“Alright, you know the drill. Someone’s gotta pick you up; you get one call.” Your dad told Eddie, even though they had been through this routine before. “Your uncle again?”
Eddie shook his head. “Nah, Wayne’s out of town. Fishing trip with his buddies. He told me not to bother him unless it’s an emergency.”
“This doesn’t qualify as important enough to call?” One of the officers piped up. 
Eddie turned his neck to look at the cop. “Nope. This is just a normal Tuesday for me.”
Your dad held the phone out for your boyfriend. “Well, you got anyone else you can call?”
Eddie held back a mischievous grin, taking the phone. “I have one person I can call, but I don’t think you’re gonna be happy about it.”
You rushed down to the station as quickly as possible, only making one stop along the way to grab a peace offering from Benny’s. Before going inside, you looked through the window to scan the tone of the building, making sure it was okay to go inside. 
You opened the door and saw Eddie in handcuffs at one of the officers’ desks, twirling a pen with his fingers. Before he got the chance to look up at you, your dad came out from his office looking surprised to see you. 
“Hey, kiddo, what are you doing here?” He asked. 
You held out the take-out bag for him. “I, uh, I brought you lunch.”
“She’s got ulterior motives, Hopper!” Eddie piped up from across the room. You turned and shot him a glare, along with a whispered 'shut up'. 
Your dad looked confused, now starting to understand the food you brought. "What's he talking about?"
There was an awkward silence as you tried to figure out how to word the reason you were really here. 
"Well, Dad, I'm also here to pick Eddie up." 
He dropped the takeout bag on the nearest desk and pointed an accusatory finger at Eddie, who sported a smirk. 
“This punk?” Your dad asked, raising his voice. “You’re friends with this punk?”
Much to your dismay, Eddie spoke up again. “Dating, actually. But I can’t believe it either, Hopper, honestly.”
Even in the tensest of moments, your Eddie still finds a way to flatter you. You wanted to smile and thank him, but then you remembered he was just brought into the police station and hadn’t told you why, so you stopped yourself. 
“Yeah, Dad, I am. And I know that you can’t stop me from bailing him out, so give me the form to sign.”
The officer whose desk Eddie was sitting at handed you a clipboard and a pen so you could sign and say that you would bail him out and keep him out of trouble for the time being. You flashed a cocky smile to your dad and started filling out the blanks. 
Your dad rubbed his forehead like he was tired of everyone around him—which he was. “Don’t give her the clipboard until I’m done scolding her.” He mumbled. 
“You know I brought him in for pissing in Lover’s Lake with his punk friends, right?”
You did not know that. But you weren’t going to let him win this round. 
“Oh, like Lover’s Lake isn’t already full of piss!” You countered.
“Is that really the hill you want to die on?” 
You forcefully handed the completed clipboard to the officer while rolling your eyes. 
“I don’t want to die on any hill, I just want to pick up my boyfriend!”
Eddie gasped happily as the man took off his handcuffs. “She called me her boyfriend.”
You had to admit, it made you happy too. Even though you were mad at everyone in the room, your angry expression morphed into a smile. “I know, it felt good to say.” You then turned back to your dad. “I’m going now. If you have more to say to me, we can talk tonight.”
With that, you and your boyfriend started walking towards the door. He opened it for you and motioned for you to go first. You started to walk out, but shot a glare at Eddie as you walked by. He messed up and he knew it. 
Before Eddie closed the door behind you, your dad shouted one last thing at you. “You know, kid, just ‘cause he’s out of trouble, doesn’t mean you are!”
You looked back at him through the doorway. “Oh, believe me, Dad, he’s not out of trouble yet!”
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neonghostlights · 8 months
i have a request !
popular cheerleader reader comes back after summer break sporting a small baby bump. it’s eddies. theyve been in a secret relationship, drama ensues!
This is cute! I changed it around just a bit but I still hope you like it!!
Warnings: Sunshine!Mom!Reader x Dad!Eddie, Food/Eating, Pregnancy, Nausea and Vomiting (Morning sickness), Cravings, Protective Eddie, everyone’s in their early to mid 20's.
Wordcount: 1.8k
It was the summer after college and everyone was leaving. 
Not permanently, thankfully. 
It was a weird feeling to have the little family you had built over the years break apart and go their separate ways, even if it was only for a few months. 
It was like a coming of age moment in a movie. You were adults. College educated adults that were having one last piece of freedom before settling down at boring jobs you would work at for the next forty something years before you had to retire.
Nancy and Jonathan were going back to the small California town that his mom, Hopper, sister and brother were located. They would spend the whole summer there before their new jobs as a journalist and photographer at a New York newspaper. 
Steve was going to Washington state for some training before he started his new cushy business job. He was excited and nervous of course but hiding it behind a suave exterior. He bought some fancy new cologne to go with his new suits and you had a feeling that he wouldn’t be coming home alone at the end of the summer. 
Chrissy and Robin would be spending the summer in Florida at one of Chrissy's cousins' beach houses. Robin was terrified to meet Chrissy’s family but soon got over it when Chrissy reminded her of the days they would spend in the sand with the cool ocean breeze kissing their skins. 
That left you and Eddie. The two polar opposites of your group of friends. 
Eddie was rough edges, spicy cologne and wild hair from head banging while playing his guitar. 
You were soft skin from your vanilla lotion, sweet lips from your strawberry lipgloss and a lover of fluffy pillows that look like clouds. 
You were sensitive, easy to tear up at the wrong tone of voice. Eddie was the opposite, using brash words and sticking his finger up to anyone he thought had done him wrong. 
It wasn’t like you and Eddie hated each other. You just weren’t super close. He was kind to you, never mean. And there were times he would speak up for you at restaurants when they got your order wrong and you were too anxious to complain. 
And there was the time he punched a guy in the face at the bar for putting his hands on you without your permission. 
But those were things you thought came from being in the same friend group. You stood up for each other. 
You knew without your mutual friends around that you and Eddie would have no reason to see each other over the summer. It would be like you two were strangers for a few months before the people you loved came home and gave you a reason to be around each other again. 
You hadn’t had any jobs lined up or anything exciting to do over the summer. The job search local to Hawkins had come up dry. You dreaded the thought of having to move far away just to put your degree to use and to make enough to pay the bills. 
Steve was the last to leave. You and Eddie stood at Steve’s doorstep, waving at him as you saw him pull away in the cab to go to the airport. 
There was a brief and awkward silence when the tail lights disappeared around the corner. The last thread holding you and Eddie together stretching and stretching until it broke right in front of your eyes. 
You turned to give him an awkward smile and wave before climbing down the cement steps of Steve’s home and heading towards your car. You thought about maybe curling up on the couch to watch a romantic comedy that would make you laugh and cry simultaneously. 
A good laugh/cry was good for the soul. 
When you hit the last step you heard Eddie clear his throat behind you before calling your name. 
“Do you wanna go get some pizza?” He asked you, hands shoved in his pockets as rocked back and forth awkwardly. 
You nodded, a small smiling gracing your face as you stared up at him. 
Maybe you wouldn’t have to spend the summer alone after all. 
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You fixed your skirt and then fixed it again. 
“Relax,” Eddie muttered in your ear as he came up behind you, pulling you against him. 
“Do you think they’re gonna be mad?” You asked again for the twentieth time that day. 
“No,” Eddie answered again, also for the twentieth time that day. 
Everyone’s return to Hawkins happened to land on the same weekend. You were excited to see your friends again after so long apart and to hear about everything they did. 
You were so excited t4o get your secret off your chest. The weight of it was crushing you and you weren’t sure you could keep breathing if you didn’t let it off your chest. 
Eddie was cool and calm as usual, the only sign of his stress being his chewed down nails. You had wrapped some bandaids around the ones that bled earlier. 
Nancy and Jonathan showed up to your apartment first with some cool photos they took while hiking in California. There were some of the pretty sunset and also some of Jonathan lying on a rock when he got tired halfway through and threatened to crawl back down. 
Chrissy and Robin showed up next, smelling like coconut and happiness. Robin gushed over the bonding she did with her girlfriend's family while Chrissy stared up at her in awe. The both of them looked even more in love than they were when they left. 
Steve showed up last, dressed in his suit. He apologized for showing up late, blaming a last minute meaning that was part of his training. 
The slight blush on his face and lipstick on his color had you thinking that it wasn’t the training that made him late. 
You didn’t want to embarrass him so you didn’t point it out. 
Robin didn’t catch the memo though, teasing him gently before pulling him in for a big hug. 
You didn’t have anything big planned in your small apartment. Eddie had ordered some pizzas which you were excited for. You had been craving the cheese and pepperonis so bad that your mouth had watered all day at the thought of finally sitting down to eat. 
The first one to notice something was off was Robin. She sat in the middle of your couch with Steve on one side of her and Chrissy on the other. 
You hadn’t done anything particularly incriminating except for getting up and making an excuse when Eddie sat too close to you. He shot you a look that told you to chill out as you fumbled to the other side of the room, faking an interest in Jonathan's new camera. 
You caught the way Robin’s eyes danced between you and Eddie, probably putting together pieces of a story that you were thinking of the best time to tell. 
You shied away from her accusing eyes until Eddie went to go get the pizza from the delivery driver at the door. 
You offered to help him, following him to the entryway that didn’t shield you from your friends' gazes as much as you thought it would. 
“I can help,” you offered, holding out your hands to take some of the weight off of Eddie. 
“It’s too heavy, baby,” Eddie said as he brushed a kiss across your temple as he walked into the living room. 
You sighed. It was hard having to keep your distance from him after three months of always being alone together. You had gotten into a routine of soft kisses and music playing as you made breakfast together. He had practically moved into your apartment at this point. 
You were both aware that you were moving fast but it was the way the circumstances lined up for the two of you. 
You sat on the floor next to Eddie, ready to dig into the pizza you had been dreaming about. Eddie smiled at you knowingly, he knew how much you had wanted this. 
He fussed over you before you ate, making sure you had a pillow to sit on and a blanket covering your lap so you wouldn’t get cold. 
You were both so caught up in your little love that you didn’t realize the hush that fell over the group as they took in what was happening. 
Steve broke the silence leaning over to open the pizza box as it sat on top of the coffee table. You did a little shimmy, excited for the food. 
That was, until the smell hit you. 
It hit your stomach, nothing like how you imagined all day. You felt the cold sweat break out on your forehead and you realized what was about to happen. 
“Excuse me!” You yelled into your hand as you crawled over Eddie and ran into your hallway bathroom. 
You heard Eddie curse and get up to chase after you as you made it to the toilet just in time to retch. 
The morning sickness had been awful and you thought since you had been craving the pizza you’d actually be able to keep it down this time. 
“You’re okay,” Eddie assured you as he crouched beside you, wiping a wet cloth against your face. The room still spun as you closed your eyes and leaned against him. 
“We gotta figure out a way to get some food in you,” Eddie worried, chewing at some of his poor nails. 
You reached up, pulling his hand out of his mouth. 
“Doctor said this is normal. I’ll be able to eat eventually,” you told him as you pushed up, some of the dizziness easing and your senses clearing. 
“Give your mom a break, kid,” Eddie whispered towards your stomach. You weren’t showing yet but Eddie made it a point to talk to your baby daily. He wanted to make sure his baby knew his dads voice. 
You thought it was adorable. 
“You’re pregnant?!” You heard Steve practically yell from the bathroom doorway, a glass of water held in his hands. 
The rest of the group crowded behind him, staring at you and Eddie sitting on the floor with wide eyes. 
“Surprise!” Eddie said in an enthusiastic voice. 
You thought you were gonna be sick again. This wasn’t how you wanted to tell them. You wanted to break the news to them gently that while they were away you and Eddie had fallen completely in love. 
You hadn’t meant to get pregnant so soon into your relationship but you wouldn’t do anything to change it. 
You held your breath, tensing up as they all continued to stare at you. Only letting out a breath in relief when you heard the loud voices of them arguing over who was going to be the favorite aunt or uncle. 
“I told you it would be okay,” Eddie mumbled into your neck as he pulled you close. 
You pressed a kiss to his lips, ignoring the fact that you were both still sitting in front of the toilet. 
“I love you, but you need to brush your teeth,” Eddie said to you, making you laugh and roll your eyes at the same time.
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