#Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson friendship
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Steve Harrington hadn’t talked to his dad in a year.
The last thing the two of them had talked had been after the earthquakes, across the room in the den; his dad barely stepped through the front entryway, and Steve’s back pressed against the back door. The house was messy but still standing, unlike Steve, who was broken and barely keeping himself upright. The only thing Richard Harrington had said to Steve was,
“I think it’s time to move on.” Which was his way of telling Steve they were selling the house and he should figure out his own arrangements. Steve hadn’t cared, though. Didn’t even look at him as he spoke. Instead, he stared at the cracks in the ceiling and wondered if it was some kind of metaphor.
He tried not to think too deeply about it.
It had been a year since then. There had been time to move on, as his dad said. There was no more Upside Down. There was no more worrying about the next move. Max and Eddie were healed. Everyone was back in Hawkins. Robin and Steve lived in a little house on Fifth while Robin took community courses. Eddie practically lived there, too, with the strange friendship bond that had grown between the three of them.
Eddie had argued once it was because their couch was comfier than his bed, but Steve liked to think it was because Eddie wanted to be close to them. To be close to him. Sometimes Steve thought about letting him stay in his bed together.
Time had not moved to that yet.
Everything seemed good. Despite Steve’s resentment towards Richard, and his reluctance to admit the man was right, sometimes it was good to let things go, break apart and move on. Though Steve was sure, this wasn’t exactly what Harrington Sr. meant.
Steve hadn’t talked to his father in over a year. And he didn’t really miss him. Sure, there were moments that passed when Steve would yearn for the small happy moments between them. Secret smiles at baseball games, lunch at his office, and him cheering Steve on at the one swim championship he managed to show up to.
But it always got mixed in with bigger, badder moments. Being left alone for months on end. The belittling. The missed graduation. The yelling. The slurs when he grew his hair out too long. The cold way he said to Steve,
“I think it’s time to move on.”
Like he had been breaking up with a high school sweetheart before leaving for college.
So Steve didn’t miss the man, not really. But in moments like these, in the back of the Byers-Hopper’s backyard at the Father’s Day BBQ, where all party members and parents alike gathered, Steve couldn’t help but ache.
Steve ached for something better than Richard Harrington.
It wasn’t because of parents who stuck around that made Steve’s stomach churn in jealousy, but the ones who decided to show up. It was the way Wayne threw his arm around Eddie’s shoulder and the cheers their beers to something probably ridiculous. The way Steve knew that man would crawl to the ends of the earth for someone who wasn’t technically his, but was nothing short of a son.
It was the way El and Hop manned the grill together. Him laughing at something El said, probably something ridiculous, and her smile back that could light up the sun. The way Steve knew that El wasn’t a replacement for the things Hop had lost, but instead an addition to his life he would choose over and over again.
Steve ached to be loved and care for because someone wanted to. Not because of obligation or by accident. Steve wanted to loved deliberately.
Steve sipped his beer instead of bringing down the celebration with his thoughts. Eddie caught Steve’s eye across the yard and gave him a megawatt smile. Steve couldn’t help but smile shyly back.
“Hey, Steve.” A shy voice said beside him, startling him out of his thoughts. Steve turned to find Dustin standing beside him, nearly up to his nose now with his recent growth spurt. Steve couldn’t help but miss when he was small and could throw him over his shoulder.
Steve was a little surprised to find him there. Dustin wasn’t one to speak small or shy. He liked to make his presence known (much like the lovable metal head he was staring down earlier).
“Hey bud, what’s up?”
Dustin looked around the two of them before answering. Everyone else was with their dads, or talking to one of the party members. Even Robin managed to wrangle her dad and Mr. Sinclair into a conversation about WWII. Dustin looked a little relieved everyone was doing their own thing.
“Okay so you know how like, everyone is celebrating their dad today? And mine isn’t here?”
Steve felt his stomach drop. Somehow in the midst of his self-pitying, he had forgotten that Dustin’s dad wasn’t around either. Didn’t even stick around long enough for his first words. “Yea, dude, I’m sorry this must suck for you.”
Dustin looked nervous. He shifted on his feet back and forth, as if he was trying to find a rhythm to calm himself down. “Yea, so that’s what I actually came over to talk to you about.”
“Yea, Dustin. Im here if you need to talk.”
Dustin seemed to finally be at ease and rolled his eyes at Steve. “No, asshole, I don’t need to talk. I haven’t thought about the dick in years, if I’m honest. I just, it’s something else. And you don’t get to be weird about it.”
“I’m confused.”
“That sounds about right.”
“Hey!” Steve laughed despite his protest. A year ago, stuff like that hurt Steve’s feelings. But now Steve knew it was all in good fun, that Dustin was kind of dick to everyone. And he knew that the joke wasn’t about his intelligence. It hadn’t been a long time, since Steve threatened to push him out of a moving vehicle last time. Steve was pretty sure it had to do with a particular conversation involving his feelings for more than women.
Only Dustin and Robin knew. She was overly supportive, and Dustin instantly made a joke. Both made Steve supported and safe.
The dumbasses.
“Not my fault this happens to you often.”
“Is there a point being made or are you here to just be a dick?” Steve questioned, laughing behind the lip of his beer.
Dustin fidgeted again before pulling something out his back pocket. “Just—promise not to laugh.”
Steve crossed his heart with a giggle before he took a folded white piece of paper out of Dustin’s hands.
Suddenly, Steve’s face got serious as he saw what was on the front.
A poorly drawn Steve with a nail baseball bat, with the title “Happy Father’s Day”.
Steve swallowed thickly before placing his beer on the ground and opening the card. There in Dustin’s chicken scratch, was a message.
Dear Steve,
Don’t be weird about this. Okay here it goes.
My dad wasn’t around a lot, big whoop. Big surprise. I honestly don’t care anymore. Don’t give me a look.
I honestly didn’t think I would really care about any of the dad stuff, didn’t feel like I was really missing out. My mom and her annoying love for cats has always been more than enough. But as time went by sometimes I thought maybe I would be better, I would be different if I had a dad. I see it with the rest of the party, how willingly or unwillingly they all reflect their dads. And how I don’t.
Sometimes I don’t feel like my whole self because if it. Thought maybe I would never really be a whole me because of it. That maybe the world was better off anyway because I know I am a lot.
But then I met you asshole.
I didn’t think I would like you, and more importantly I didn’t think you would like me. But suddenly we are battling worlds together, and you’re hanging out with me even outside the end of days, and I have a new best friend.
If I’m being honest I do see you more as a brother. Someone I look up to. But the more I think about it (again don’t be weird), I do see you as a dad some days. Although the hands on hips do scream mother hen, you’ve been a dad to me in the ways the asswipe who made someone as amazing as me hasn’t been.
You are brave, and funny and despite popular belief you are kind. One of the kindest people I know. You make me feel safe and loved, and give me rides despite me never giving you gas money. Some days I look in the mirror and see parts of you in me, and I feel proud.
Some days I look at you and hope that I can see the braveness and kindness in myself too. I don’t yet, but you make it feel possible.
I don’t need a sperm donor (thank you Robin for that one), I have the world’s okayest dad right here.
Love you brother, friend, dad.
Happy Father’s Day, from your fellow nerd,
Dustin <3
Steve was crying. He knew that. He knew he promised not to make it weird, but Steve couldn’t help it. The little shit got him right in the heart.
He couldn’t be blamed for scooping up Dustin in a hug. “I love you too, Dusty Buns.”
Dustin squeezed Steve tight, “You don’t get to call me that.” He grumbled, but Steve could feel his tshirt getting wet.
“As your father it is my right to get to call you embarrassing nick names.” Steve squeezed Dustin even tighter.
Dustin just laughed and pushed him away jokingly. They both wiped their eyes, but the smiles on their faces remained.
Steve thought about Richard at that moment again, about how he ached for someone to care. And maybe Steve would never get it, but he could be that someone for someone else. He could give that care, Dustin.
The little shit.
“Thank you Dustin.”
Dustin shook his head, his crooked smile remained. “Nah man, thank you.”
They both just stared at each other in comfortable silence before they were interrupted by a barking force.
“What are you two saps talking about?” Eddie slung his arms around the both of them, mouth spread wide in a grin. But then he noticed the tear tracks, and suddenly his face dropped.
Eddie took Steve’s face in his hands, “What’s wrong? What happened?”
Steve shook his head fondly, “Nothing—“ He started, preparing to wave it off. But then Steve realized he couldn’t lie to Eddie. “—nothing bad. Happy tears. I promise.”
Eddie looked at Steve for a moment before nodding, giving his face a tight squeeze, and then dropping his hands. “Okay, Stevie, as long as their happy tears.”
“What am I? Chopped liver?” Dusting grumbled.
“Aweee Dusty, I could never forget you!!” Eddie threw himself at Dustin in a horrible attempt at a hug.
Dustin just pushed him off before rolling his eyes. Steve swore they were gonna get stuck one day.
“Whatever, man. Just make sure that you treat my dad right, or I’m going to have to make some tough calls.” Dustin stared down Eddie seriously before laughing evilly and walking away.
Steve wanted to freeze at Dustin’s implication, but Eddie looked adorably confused, so Steve didn’t feel too bad.
“What’s that supposed to mean? Is this new? Him just getting protective about this without explaining?” Eddie asked Steve.
“Don’t worry about it.” Steve looked down at the card again wistfully, before glancing back up at Eddie. Steve took one of Eddie’s hands and started to play with his rings. A blush bloomed across Eddie’s cheeks; Steve wanted to kiss him. Instead, he just said,
“Just think he’s trying to be a little like his dad.”
Dad’s are complicated, and family isn’t always blood. I hope you enjoyed my little Father’s Day contribution. I do headcannon Hopper as Steve’s father figure/replacement, and usually write it that way but this seemed like a fun opportunity to show how Steve is his own father figure for others.
He is a good egg.
Now with Father’s Day over, my birthday is in two weeks which is making me feel all sorts of things. So I’m distracting myself with steddie. Either way expect a lot of writing and updates soon.
#Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson friendship#steddie#just boys and gals and their replacement fathers#they all deserve a little love and a little reminder of it#give Steve Harrington the support from the party he deserves!#Steve Harrington#dustin henderson#eddie munson#bisexual steve harrington#gay eddie munson#happy fathers day#stranger things#my writing#hurt/comfort#but mostly comfort#long fic#ficlet#the party
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Before the Upside Down, Steve Harrington could sleep like the dead. Once he laid his head on the checkered pattern pillow, Steve would be oblivious to anything happening in the world around him as he found solace in his dreams.
Steve would never admit it to Tommy H or Carol, but his dreams were his only safe place. In Steve's dream world, he wasn't the son to absent parents or the perfect King Steve; he was whatever version of himself that would've never been allowed around the Harringtons or the population at Hawkins High. Steve was comforted by the anonymity that was created as he slept till an alarm or the sunlight peeking through his curtains woke him.
Before the Upside Down, Eddie Munson would laugh as he told the rest of Corroded Coffin about how much he slept during the weekend. But, groan when Uncle Wayne stomped into his bedroom at 4pm wondering, "Boy, since when did you become a vampire?"
Basically, Eddie found it hilarious that he could sleep 16 hours a day and still go to bed at 9pm every night. One thing about Eddie Munson before that fated afternoon with Chrissy Cunningham, he could sleep like a corpse and never worry about sleep avoiding his clutches. Because as Uncle Wayne or a member of Corroded Coffin could tell anyone, Eddie loved to sleep and would theoretically kill anyone who tried to disrupt his slumber.
After the Upside Down, Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington found solace in one another as they struggled to remember who they were before circumstances led them to emotional, mental, and physical scars. Steve could no longer find comfort in his dream world as it replayed his most traumatizing moments from the last couple of years. Eddie could no longer sleep like the dead since he actually knew what it felt like to lay limp and face death.
Eddie and Steve stare into one another's eyes as they share a pillow in Steve's massive bed. Eddie whispers to Steve about how envious he is of his past self as he dramatically recounts Uncle Wayne's stomps or Corroded Coffin's scoffs. As Eddie spoke, Steve wonders if Eddie could be trusted with his deepest secrets about who he wishes he could be.
As Eddie's giggles fade into the dark of the night, Steve clears in throat and begins to tell Eddie about the lack of safety he has felt since turning 12 and being handed bundles of money that were to be budgeted until his parents came back home from whatever business trip Jonathan Harrington needed to attend. Steve mumbles about Tommy and Carol, or anyone else, never being able to fill the hollow space that was this mausoleum of a house until Dustin Henderson hijacked Nancy's roses and forced Steve to go on a wild demo dog chase. With a smile that actually reaches Steve's eyes, he tells Eddie how he finally knew what a mutual love felt like when Robin refused to get a new job without Steve.
Eddie desperately wants to read between the lines and believe himself to be someone who brought something into Steve's life. The begging words he sends up to whatever universal force doesn't want to continue fucking his life are interrupted as Steve looks Eddie in the eyes and admits, "Eddie Munson, you brought light and noise into my life."
Steve Harrington never understood how significant it was to feel the sun on his skin until Eddie woke up from his coma after his encounter with the bats, and begged for the blinds in his hospital room to be opened. Eddie's smile changed as he adjusted to the new scars on his skin, but Steve has never seen something so beautiful in his life.
Steve flinched in noisy environments when he remembers how angry his father would get if Steve existed too loudly. But, since Eddie took Steve to the middle of nowhere and convinced him to just scream, Steve has found himself seeking out music that taught him to release his emotions instead of pushing them further and further down.
Steve Harrington finally found safety in the real world when Eddie Munson whispers, "Stevie, please let me kiss you."
#steddie#steddie fic#steddie ficlet#steddie fanfiction#steddie au#steve x eddie#steddie blurb#steddie thread#steddie writing prompt#steve harrington#eddie munson#steve and eddie#platonic stobin#dustin henderson#nancy wheeler#robin buckley#stobin friendship#codependent stobin#wayne munson#steddie writing#steddie fic rec#steddie hcs#steddie headcanon#steddie hurt/comfort#pre canon#pre relationship#this has been brewing in my brain for WEEEEEEKS
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Anyone who calls Steve Harrington a cunt gets the receiving end of his left and right hooks. Their names are Dustin and Robin. Steve dies? They die. Someone calls Steve a name? That someone gets their ass kicked. Dustin and Robin meet up once a week to discuss Steve’s love life. Sometimes, they hold a meeting right in front of Steve. I like to think that Robin let Dustin in on the fact that she's a lesbian. It was Dustin who came up with the idea, after Vecna, that Steve likes Eddie. Steve would open his mouth to say that he likes girls when Robin beat him to the punch.
"Okay, but Steve likes women," Robin said.
"Okay, it's possible for you to be a lesbian, but can't Steve like both?" Dustin asked.
"Steve is right here!" He would yell, and they would just ignore him.
"Okay, it's called being bisexual," Robin said.
"Wait, it's a real thing?" Steve asked with wide eyes. "You can actually do that?"
"Yes, dingus," Robin said, rolling her eyes.
Meanwhile, Robin started arguing with Dustin about whether or not Steve was bisexual. Steve was sitting quietly now as he actually had a full-blown crisis.
"Guy? Guys?! GUYS?!" Steve asked.
"What?!" Dustin and Robin exclaimed.
"I think that Dustin's right. I think I like Eddie," Steve said softly.
"I'm right? I mean, I'm right?! I'm right!" Dustin exclaimed with a grin.
"Dustin," Robin snapped and turned to Steve. "Are you okay with this?"
"Yeah, suddenly, everything makes sense now?" Steve grinned. "Holy shit! Robin, guess what?"
"I'm bisexual!" Steve laughed and then he stopped. "Oh, shit, I like a boy. What do I do?"
"You ask him out," Dustin said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"As if it's so simple," Steve said.
"Ha!" Robin exclaimed gleefully.
"Okay! New plan: Operation Find out if Eddie likes guys without pushing him into outing himself is a go," Dustin said.
"There's gotta be a better way to say that," Robin said.
Dustin frowned thoughtfully, and then he grinned, clapping his hands.
"Operation: Discovery!" Dustin exclaimed.
"It still needs work," Steve shrugged. "It'll do."
Was Eddie outside Steve’s door prepared to knock when he heard all that? Definitely. He was prepared to tell Steve all about his feelings when he overheard them. They were all rather loud. They all sounded so excited about their little mission that Eddie wanted them to give them the opportunity to work on it a bit. Plus, he loved a good quest. Meanwhile, he was going to search for the person who called Steve a cunt. Eddie flipped the switchblade out of his pocket and whistled as he skipped to his van.
#stranger things#stranger things s4#eddie munson#joseph quinn#eddie stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson lives#steddie#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#robin buckley#lesbian robin buckley#dustin henderson#henderfam#dustin & robin friendship#because she's an awesome wicked godmother#robin & steve#platonic stobin#platonic soulmates#platonic with a capital p#bisexual steve harrington#bisexual eddie munson#bi4bi#stranger things fanfiction#ficlet
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Here's to three of four pieces for the @steddiebang I'm super excited to share my piece for @acidicbarkbeast's fic "death. (pull up to the second window, please)"
The text on this one was a fun challenge to work out. This scene is from chapter 8. I can't wait for you to read it!
The fight has been won, and the war is over, but not without its casualties. When Eddie wakes from his coma, he is devastated to find that Steve has, inexplicably, not been so lucky. With doctors at a loss, El recruits Eddie, Robin, and Dustin, to delve into Steve’s sleeping mind, and to find what has sunk its claws into their friend and babysitter.
What they discover is the bloody mess of Steve’s various past lives—And deaths. The group must not only find the real Steve, but also convince him of his reality; one where Vecna is dead, and where they can finally have some peace.
Ao3: x
#stranger things#fanart#steve harrington#steddie#eddie munson#robin buckley#platonic stobin#steve x eddie#st4#cas draws#stobin friendship#dustin henderson#eleven stranger things#el hopper#eleven hopper#the upside down
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Stranger Things | Chasing Cars (S1-S4)
#stranger things#friendship#found family#family#mileven#lumax#jopper#stancy#jancy#byler#eleven hopper#mike wheeler#nancy wheeler#jonathan byers#will byers#steve harrington#eddie munson#robin buckley#dustin henderson#lucas sinclair#max mayfield#jim hopper#joyce byers#Youtube
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Under what circumstances would Steve choose to save Dustin over Robin?
Under what circumstances would Steve choose to save Robin over Dustin?
If Steve asks Robin to save someone else over him, would she listen?
If Steve asks Dustin to save someone else over him, would Dustin listen? (post season 4 because pre-season 4 Dustin subconsciously views Steve as invincible, but after Eddie…)
How would Erica and Dustin remember them if Steve and/or Robin dies?
How would Will react to Robin dying after they come out to each other and bond in that way?
This is not an extensive list of my questions. If anyone has any thoughts I’d love to hear them
#stranger things#stranger things 5#robin buckley#steve harrington#dustin henderson#erica sinclair#will byers#platonic stobin#stobin#will and robin friendship#scoops troop
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elmax/ronance au where Max works at the summer camp and El goes there with her friends (it's her first time there, but the boys go every year and Max and Mike don't get along like in the show and it just intensifies when Max meets Mike's girlfriend, not that she will do anything about it tho)
Robin, Steve and Eddie have also worked there for some time and know the boys well.
Nancy volunteers every year to help the monitors because she knows they are becoming fewer and fewer people (she swears it has nothing to do with Robin, but we know that's a lie)
Max can't stand watching Nancy and Robin dance around each other any longer and decides to give them a little push. Dustin, Lucas and El decide to help and this brings Max and El closer than they could have imagined, making El realize that there is more to life than stupid boys.
I would write, but I honestly don't have the time or energy for that right now, so if anyone wants to use this plot, feel free.
I would love to read this as long as elmax remains the main couple, followed by ronance because god knows we don't have enough fanfics with elmax as the main couple
#elmax#ronance#eleven hopper#max mayfield#max x eleven#eleven and max#jane hopper#el hopper byers#mad max#eleven#mike wheeler#will byers#nancy wheeler#robin buckley#steve harrington#eddie munson#steddie#lucas sinclair#dustin henderson#lucas and eleven friendship#background byler maybe#byler
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The fact that there aren’t more Scoops Troop interactions in post-S3 fics makes me pretty mad. GIVE ME MORE SCOOPS TROOP PLEEEEASE!!!
#stranger things#scoops troop#stranger things fics#fanfic#steddie#platonic soulmates stobin#stobin friendship#steve harrington#robin buckley#erica sinclair#dustin henderson#stranger things s3#stranger things s4
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sometimes i forget season 4 happens less than a year after Starcourt. meaning the party had yet to experience a little 1 year trauma anniversary of the horrors from that summer and a good few new members would be so out of the loop for it
thinking about Scoops Troop getting hit particularly hard by the anniversary of kidnapping and torture (and especially because the Russian shit is distinctly different scary than the upside down horrors that plague the party year-round) and Max's conflict with Billy's death, all of those feeling from right after starcourt coming back like it happened last week instead of last year
so with the resurgence of the old pain, Scoops Troop all decide to reuse their old coping mechanisms too
meaning for the first week of July they are physically inseparable again, the four having nightly sleepovers and basically living side-by-side. Camping out at Steve's or Robin's or Dustin's or even Erica's house different nights of the week (Steve and Robin asking the week off from work, claiming a family vacation if they can't trust their manager with the truth that its a PTSD Extravaganza)
Max joining in often to avoid being alone with her thoughts (she also hangs out with the rest of the party splitting her time up pretty evenly but ofc Scoops Troop is the ideal choice for those odd hours of the night) and all 5 (or 6, ofc Lucas joins too if they're at the Sinclair's) have fun distracting themselves most of the week with whatever they need. Silly kids movies and board games and card games, playing with Erica's dolls and discussing MLP, looking at all Dustin's science projects and playing with Tews, going through Robin's instrument collection and language books, Steve trying to teach everyone basketball or little games like horse (Lucas joins too ofc, Max watches mostly and is deemed the 'judge' of if something 'counts' aka Dustin and Erica keep barely missing and want credit for almost getting a shot)
but just like last year, distractions only last so long. every day they're doing something harmless and someone at some point breaks. maybe they let themselves space out and think a little too long, sometimes theres a reminder nobody could've avoided, sometimes they just went a little too long without acknowledging it. either way they all work with it no matter who it is or whats bothering them.
Steve and Dustin usually need to sit with whatever emotion broken them, let themselves feel after spending so much time keeping it together for the people around them. Steve needs to sit and cry, if he's around people he needs to feel like theres no rush to be better again, like he has all the time in the world to sit and cry and be useless. Dustin needs a cry with reassurance, that he did his best in a situation he had very little control over and having him there helped everyone so much. This means Steve's crys are pretty quiet, filled with hugs and soft silence that lets time slip away, while Dustin's crys have a soundtrack of gentle words with them
Robin also needs spoken reassurance. She spirals and catastrophizes very easily and needs to work through stuff out-loud without being allowed to work herself into a self-deprecating frenzy. Steve is used to working that balance of letting her let things out without getting out of hand, and Dustin and Erica are great at giving logical solutions whenever she starts catastrophizing
Erica is a middle ground between the two. She needs to sit and feel her emotions because she constantly feels she has a reputation to maintain, and she needs to work things out out-loud like Robin but doesn't catastrophize as easily. The hard part for her is getting support without pity, which has a learning curve but eventually Scoops Troop has it down and it helps her a lot having a guaranteed safety net for her more vulnerable moments
Max doesn't break around them nearly as often, partially because she's not spending all her time with the group but mostly because she grew up having to keep that stuff in for so long she still struggles being seen while vulnerable, and having open emotions is extra difficult when the person you're sad about is also responsible for your struggles being openly vulnerable.
when she does break, she needs the control over those moments. she needs to be able to control whos seeing and hearing her, how long she cries and how hard, how much she tells and who she's talking to. she prefers to be alone or with only one person with her, ideally Lucas because they have the most familiarity and trust built up. She'll either find a room to leave to or everyone will move to a different room for the time, and Lucas sits with her and lets her let everything out at her own pace. When Lucas isn't there and can't be, she'll pick someone else to sit with her, usually Robin because she's pretty easy to read and Max knows shes good at sitting and listening with Steve when he's breaking. Sometimes she'll get Steve if she needs reassurance, someone who'll know what to say to bring her out of it.
and sometimes multiple people break at once. Steve and Robin's trauma have similar triggers so often times its the two of them breaking and clinging to each other like the earth beneath them will crumble if they let go. Robin usually holds onto Steve like a little teddy bear, keeping him close so she can protect him, and Steve loves how she'll hold him and makes him feel safe. Dustin and Erica help talk Robin through her breakdown while she's holding onto Steve.
Dustin and Erica will sometimes break if they loose sight of Steve and Robin for a moment, prompting a more-talk-less-cling-and-sob pile with Robin and Steve going back and forth helping talk them through it and letting them cry it out
And if everyone breaks? chaos, at least from an outside perspective. lots of hugging and crying with the talkers working through their shit together and reassuring the others. from the outside it'd almost be comical if it weren't for the circumstances causing it
It all becomes an unspoken agreement, taking less than a day for Scoops Troop to get on the same page (after all, they're treating it basically like post-Starcourt part 2) and about a day and a half for Max to join them. Even as the emotions come back full swing, its a lot easier to deal with because of the general understanding from everyone. Their parents realize its the anniversary of The Fire and are better equipped to support their kids however they need (even if it means letting them have sleepovers all week, they learned the first time that it helps a lot and the intensity of it will pass). The Party also understands whats going on (they all have their own trauma anniversaries that hit harder like the end of November for Mike and the Byers) and being supportive too, like inviting Scoops Troop and Max to any get-togethers instead of just Dustin (so he doesn't have to awkwardly ask if they can come too) and in general inviting Max a lot so she always has the option to not be alone.
Hellfire though? and the newest party members (Eddie, Vickie, Argyle, maybe Chrissy too because i love her)? they're Lost™ at first.
Vickie is the first to kinda grasp whats going on, being closest to Robin (and Steve by extension dtjsjysj) she was hanging out with her when Robin realized she needed to be around all of Scoops Troop again to be able to calm the panic and she joined their first sleepover
Eddie and Chrissy next (assuming she joined Hellfire, which she so would) who noticed the Upside Down Trauma a mile away and just had to piece together the reason this time ("no its not back, its just the third and fourth marks a year since the Starcourt 'mall fire'- yeah no not really a fire. a lot worse actually')
Hellfire never really gets the full explanation of why Steve, Robin and Erica all also need to attend this weeks session specifically or why Gareth still isn't allowed to do a Russian accent for his Chaotic Neutral Halfling rouge Geörgov the Gruesome. Eddie gives him the most intense stink eye if he so much as attempts an accent close to it and when asked he just insists and throws in a new excuse every time thats so wild its comical and almost distracts from the fact that he's refusing to tell them
and once they actually witness Scoops Troop together (especially Steve and Robin 'what do you mean they're not dating? not even like crushes? nothing?) they just kinda have to accept that they're Just Like That Sometimes with the Party awkwardly deflecting and Eddie being amusingly cryptic
and Argyle is the last one to know, entirely because he just assumed they were close like that entirely unrelated to trauma. And everyone assumed he knew based on how chill he was. Until he asked what a Starcourt was, wondering if it was a new Star Wars thing he missed
Just Scoops Troop bonding like stray cats that should not be seperated. They've seen so many horrors at this point they definitely give No Fucks about how weird they look as long as the rest of their group doesn't have a problem
#stranger things#scoops troop#stobin#dustin henderson#max mayfield#erica sinclair#steve harrington#robin buckley#platonic stobin#platonic with a capital p#platonic soulmates stobin#stobin friendship#qpr stobin#queer platonic stobin#codependent stobin#stobin headcanons#scoops ahoy#the battle of starcourt#steve and dustin#dustin and steve#steve and robin#background lumax#canon typical billy hargrove#background robin x vickie#god that's a lot of tags#not tagging characters that appear just the ones focused on#also implied ships but also not ship-centric feel free to apply your own ships to this#mostly just implied canon ships tbh the rest is fair game (except billy cause he dead)#also i didn't go into the rest of the party because im a scientist that specializes in one field of study sorry slays :(#feel free to write your own for the other tho and maybe tag me in it cause thatd be cool as fuck 💞
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Did you see rogueddie ‘s post that according to the comics Joyce blamed Steve for the demo dog in her fridge so he spent Christmas alone? And that was after the beating he took from Billy :(( I just thought of your posts about Joyce hating Steve and that was just another apparently canon event that just makes that more and more likely
I saw this ask and went searching for it!!! (The comics are always a toss up tbh of whether or not I consider them canon. I haven't read them all but I have seen the scoops troop play DND to cheer Erica up one so that's #CanonToMe. Love me some scoops troop)
but this one! Holy Toledo! I can see Steve not really...wanting to be at the Byers' Christmas/holiday dinner considering everything with him and Nancy and Jonathan. He has very big reasons for not wanting to be there! But to not be welcome because of demodog goop in the fridge ? After a month? To a whole gang even with even Lucas and Dustin and El? When literally all he did was help, other than leaving a dead monster in the fridge (which like. Granted she had a right to be ticked about but I'd say that in the face of everything else.... damn Joyce. Cold.)? Aaahhh :((( Joyce doesn't like Steve holds water...
#stranger things#findaanswers#basementhands#tbh i know ppl like making her group mom but i just see Claudia Henderson scooping steve up within a month of steve and Dustin's friendship#steve harrington#joyce doesn't like steve au
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the scoops troop is so team rocket coded
#steve/robin are just jessie/james in a different font#dustin is meowth#and erica is obviously giovanni lmao#stranger things#steve harrington#pokémon#team rocket#scoops ahoy#scoops troop#stobin friendship#erica sinclair#dustin henderson#robin buckley#netflix
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Actually, based on the previous post sparking a thought, and the common desire we seem to have for seeing Steve recaptured by Russians, have we considered: Russians capture Steve AND Dustin? Because Dustin would be a very effective pressure point to get Steve to do what he's told. And if the Russians found out that Steve has fought demo-monsters before, has been into the tunnels before, he'd be the perfect candidate to be sent in again for research.
ps whenever I post a random thought, it is an invitation to send me fic recs close to the concept
#Steve Harrington#Dustin henderson#use their friendship as a manipulation tactic#and maybe Dustin realizes that everytime Steve goes in to#the UD#El and Will might notice something#and be able to help
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Reposting from a Twitter prompt meme, because it's technically my first Stranger Things fic but I'm not going to be posting it on AO3 I don't think. Soo... Enjoy?
"The Dragon what of Who now?" Steve's eyebrow was raised in that quizzical way it did when Dustin or any of The Party started talking D&D.
"The Dragon Alliance of Gamers and Role-Players," Dustin repeated, tone unimpressed as if Steve should really know this. "It's a D&D group in Atlanta. I've been following the updates and they're finally launching their own convention. We have to go!"
The rest of Steve's haphazardly acquired younger siblings were staring at him with wide, hopeful eyes. Steve crossed his arms, eyes flicking between Dustin and Eddie, who was hiding a grin behind his hand as he watched on.
"Ok, so go," Steve put on an air of dismissal. The whole Party groaned. Dustin, bouncing on his toes, raised his voice to be heard over them.
"We're trying!" He waved a flyer in front of Steve's face - heaven knows where it came from. "Dragon Con is in Georgia, Steve. No way our parents are going to let us go without a responsible adult, and no way will they take us themselves!"
"Alright, so why can't Eddie take you?" Steve was still acting like he wasn't interested, and Eddie almost laughed aloud at the mention of his name.
"Responsible, Steve. Responsible!" Dustin pressed. "Obviously Eddie is coming, but I can't tell my mom we're riding cross-country and staying the weekend with a guy who only just got cleared of mass murder - no offence Eddie," Dustin turned his head to throw the apology Eddie's way, but he wasn't really focussing, so he missed the sight of Eddie absolutely losing it at the scene.
"So you want me to come to this weird Lizard Con."
"DragonCon," a chorus of objections ran out.
"The co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons will be there."
Steve turned his attention to Will as the younger of the group spoke up. Steve couldn't help that his expression softened.
Looking between each of the assembled faces, Steve made a show of rolling his eyes.
"Ok fine," Steve raised a hand when the group burst out into shouts and whoops of joy. They quieted down enough for him to add. "But I'm not sharing a room with you guys."
The kids all agreed quickly and began chattering amongst themselves, making plans and talking about their costumes.
"Don't worry, Big Boy," Eddie whispered in Steve's ear. Steve jumped; hadn't even seen Eddie move across the room. He leaned towards Eddie's warmth at his back, and shivered when Eddie spoke again. "You can bunk with me."
#drabble#prompt meme#repost from twitter#steddie#stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson#the party#dustin henderson#steve harrington/dustin henderson friendship#sibling dynamics#dragoncon started in 1987 btw#fanfic#fanfiction
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The Revenant of You
Summary: At Dustin and Eleven's wedding, Eddie and Steve reunite after 10 years.
This fully finished and will be released weekly. There are 5 total chapters. AO3 link at the bottom.
Chapter 1: Steve
Steve and Abby stood hand in hand outside the church. His little girl was so excited to see her uncle Dusty again and watch him marry Auntie El, but Steve wasn’t ready to see Eddie again. He couldn’t do this.
He scoffed at himself. It had been nearly ten years since they last saw each other on the night of their break up. At the time, Corroded Coffin was on their first album tour, Steve was with them, and he watched as Eddie’s dreams of being a Rock Star became a reality. He was so proud of him, but he was resentful too. Why should Eddie get everything he ever wanted when Steve didn’t? Never mind that Steve wasn’t sure exactly what he wanted; it was about the principle.
But more than that, Steve was scared. Terrified Eddie would realize he could do much better than Steve and he’d break his heart. So, he resolved to break Eddie’s first. He picked a fight out of nowhere, screamed about how he hated being on the road, he wanted kids, and Eddie would never be able to give him that.
What Steve hadn’t anticipated was the Munson resolve. Eddie offered to quit. He’d quit the band, settle down where ever Steve wanted, and they’d have some little nuggets: adopted or surrogate, it didn’t matter as long as they stayed together, stayed married. Said he loved Steve and his life with him was more important than his dreams.
Eddie was so genuine, Steve knew he would have quit then and there, but he couldn’t live with the guilt. So he told the biggest lie of his life, your love isn’t enough, you’ll always be too much.
Eddie’s biggest insecurity, Steve’s ticket out. Or so he thought; but, here he was ten years later, nursing the bruised ego from his second divorce, and the broken heart from his first husband.
He shook his head, ducked into the last row, and did his best to hide. Normally, he’d be in the front row but Eddie was the best man. Steve tried not to be bitter about it. He’d known Dustin the longest...but thanks to Abby’s mom, his relationships with his friends weren’t as strong as they used to be; he didn’t even remember the last time he spoke to Robin.
As the ceremony started, he forgot about his worries as he watched Dustin take his place at the front of the church. He looked so handsome in his all black suit, even if he had a goofy pink bow tie on. But as the procession made their way down the aisle, the pink made sense. All the bridesmaids were in soft pink dresses with black accents, all the groomsmen in black suits, with pink accents. Different than Dustin’s like they all were allowed to choose what the accent was.
The maid of honor was of course Max, she was arm in arm with Eddie. Steve tried to keep his eyes on Max, but they drifted. Just to see what his accent was he whispered to himself. Pink ribbons were braided into his long hair, little bows at the end. It kind of pissed Steve off that he didn’t look stupid with his hair like that; he looked really cute.
Even though Steve was the reason they weren’t together anymore, he still hated Eddie a little, he wanted him to be miserable like him. Which was so shitty of him but if there was one thing Steve was still trying to unlearn, it was his level of pettiness.
Even as everyone stood to see the bride, his gaze never left Eddie’s form. Abby yanked on his arm finally pulling him away and toward Eleven. Her dress was a blush princess gown, she carried black daisies, her only jewelry was her smile. Her arm was wrapped in Hopper’s as they moved, her eyes never looked away from Dustin and his never moved from her.
He teared up as Dustin wiped his face. He remembered that feeling. Seeing the love of your life walk to you, looking as beautiful as ever. His first wedding was full of that heart stopping, lung filling, joy. He couldn’t help but look at Eddie again, hoping their eyes would meet. But no, he watched El with a sad smile, a few stray tears sliding down his face. Steve selfishly hoped he was thinking the same thing.
The reception was...exactly what he would expect from Eleven. So many candles and colors. Flowers everywhere, but there were touches of Dustin too. D20 candle holders were the centerpieces and the food was Dustin’s favorite: grilled salmon with a honey glaze.
Steve tried to engage with the people at his assigned table, but he wasn’t very enthused. The only people from Hawkins who weren’t in the bridal party were the parents and siblings of the kids-now adults- of the party. Somehow, exchanging parenting tips with Karen Wheeler was not on his wedding agenda. By the time dinner ended, Steve was ready to drown himself in champagne.
Then the speeches started...and he willed lighting to strike him. Max’s speech was beautiful. Anecdotes about their childhood spent together, omitting the monster stuff but Steve knew the truth. “I hope you and Dustin live a long and happy life together Ellie. And remember, if he breaks your heart, I’ll break his bones.” The room laughed but those who knew her, knew Max would do it.
Eddie was up next, Steve slumped down more in his chair. “Dustin I hope you know how lucky you are” he began with a chuckle. “El is a great woman and don’t forget she has super powers.” Those in the know laughed as Eddie continued his speech. A few stories of how they met and Dustin’s more...creative experiments. He looked at the crowd and Steve knew the moment he saw him, his eyes widened before he schooled his expression.
“Seeing you at the alter tonight, promising to love each other until the end, I knew you meant it. Dustin, El, you two made me believe in love again. Seeing your relationship change from friendship to full blown love has been...amazing. The two of you have that old soul type of love.” He glanced at Steve again.
“Not to get too into it but I went through a divorce some years ago that made me bitter.” Eddie said, his eyes never leaving Steve. “I hated my ex, I hated love, I hated...myself.” Steve gasped. “But Dustin,” he turned to the groom. “You wouldn’t let me wallow. You practically dragged me by the ear out of my misery. You said ‘don’t let the heartbreak drag you down. Channel that shit!’” Dustin chuckled and smiled big.
“You played the most metal concert once, you can write the most metal album now” Dustin yelled, likely repeating what he’d said those years ago, causing the party to groan good-naturedly.
“You’re the reason for our third album, man.” Eddie’s band cheered from a table over, startling Steve. He hadn’t realized they were here. He saw Wayne sitting at their table and felt his heart twinge. He was older now, but he still looked good. Like he could kick Steve’s ass.
Eddie turned to El next. “El, you said to me, ‘boys lie. Men love their partners.’ Words of wisdom given to you by Max and Joyce, that you gave to me.” He grabbed his champagne flute and held it in toast. “Thanks to you two, I could forgive my ex, I could forgive myself, and I was able to get back out there and find love again.”
Steve heart dropped, though as he glanced at Abby, he supposed he shouldn’t be upset that Eddie moved on. Even if he felt the green monster peak out.
“Dustin, you’re one hell of a man! Thank you for letting me be a part of your wedding, and sharing in your joy. And though, she can’t be with us here today, I know that Lyla would stand with me and say Congrats you two! Long live the Hoppersons!” Eddie declared before he took a sip of his champagne. “Now, DJ? The first dance please.” He stepped off the dance floor to let the couple take their place before he reached for the flower girl being held in Nancy’s arms.
The little girl looked adorable in her pink dress. She had on a black ribbon like a belt and pink ribbon braided through her hair just like Eddie’s, when he spun her around Steve’s jaw dropped. She had Eddie’s big brown doe eyes. Steve stood shocked to his core as the two giggled together.
Eddie Munson, had a daughter.
Steve couldn’t believe it. He didn’t think Eddie actually wanted kids and the petty part of him wondered if he knocked a girl up on accident or had one to spite Steve. But just as quickly, he hated himself for thinking something so awful. Especially when Abby grasped his hand; sh e’d been an unplanned pregnancy. W hat was that phrase Robin used to use you shouldn’t throw stones if you live in a glass house.
He watched Hopper and Eleven take the floor, then Claudia and Dustin. The two parent dances brought tears to his eyes and a sadness to his heart, he and Eddie skipped them since Steve’s parents didn’t approve and with Wendy...they barely had a wedding, let alone a reception.
The DJ invited everyone to the dance floor and he took Abby to join in at her insistence. She pulled him into the crowd and wrapped herself around Dustin’s leg.
“Yay Uncle Dustin!” She shouted at him. Dustin lit up and lifted his niece into his arms, swung her around, before turning to pull Steve into a hug.
“Hey man! You made it!” He shouted over the music, Eleven pulling him into a hug next.
“Thank you for coming Steve and Abby.” El said in that quiet way of hers.
“Thanks for the invite! How have you been?” He asked. As the three danced, they caught up. Steve telling them about his divorce, Dustin telling him how he proposed.
A few songs in, the flower girl came up to Eleven and pulled on her sleeve. She turned to the girl and bent to her level. “Yes, Lily?” She asked. The little girl, Lily apparently, waved her hand down so she could whisper in Eleven’s ear. El stood and nodded, Steve watched as Lily hugged Dustin’s leg, before she scurried off back to Eddie. He lifted an eyebrow and Dustin chuckled.
“Dustin, it is time for cake.” She said to her new husband.
“Already?” Steve asked. They just ate dinner.
“Lily asked very nicely.” El said. Based on the way Dustin responded, it was obvious the two adored the little girl.
“Lilith, is our goddaughter.” Dustin said as way of explanation.
Steve was envious of the display. He wished Abby got that kind of reaction out of his friends, but since Wendy hated them all, it was hard to get together. He was envious of Dustin too, he knew Eddie’s daughter in a way Steve didn’t, and likely never would.
As the couple went to cut the cake, Steve took Abby to the little girl’s room. After she took care of her business, they exited the bathroom and bumped into Eddie and his daughter.
The two men stared at each other in silence for a minute, before the girls caught sight of each other. Lily hid behind her dad’s leg but peaked shyly at the other girl. Abby ran over and introduced herself.
“Hi, I’m Abigail, but you can call me Abby. I like your hair!” She said sweetly. Lily looked at Eddie uncertainly. He nodded encouragingly at her and she stepped out from behind him a tiny bit.
She tugged on her braid. “Tank you, my aunt Nancy did it. To match my dad’s”.
“That’s nice! My dad’s hair is too short to do much with it.” She said, in that kid like way that was obvious she was repeating something an adult said. Eddie huffed a laugh. “What’s your name?”
“Wily. Short for Wiwif.” She whispered. The gap from her missing two front teeth made her have a lisp. She looked at her dad again but stepped forward and stuck her little hand out for a shake. “My gwanpa Wayne says when you meet new people you shake deir hands.” Abby grabbed her hand and Lily moved their hands up and down.
“My grandpa’s dead.” Abby said proudly. “I’m eight by the way, how old are you?” Lily holds up four fingers but when Eddie cleared his throat she lifted her thumb. “Five? I remember being five. Wanna play?” She asked confidently with a questioning look at Steve.
“If, Eddie says it’s fine.” Steve said, saying Eddie’s name for the first time all night.
“Can I daddy?” Lily asked excitedly. Eddie looked at Steve, and dropped to a knee in front of Lily.
“All right my little demon. If you want you can. But!” he said to grab her attention again. “What are the rules?” Steve froze for a moment. He never thought Eddie would have rules for his kids.
“Make sure I can see you. If I can’t see you, yell weally loud or find an adult I know. If a stwanger asks me to go somewhewe, ask for the magic woud. If it’s wong, say no. If dey twy to gwab me, bite dem.” Lily replied dutifully.
“Two more” Eddie said encouragingly.
“No means no. Respec bounwies” She said resolutely.
“Alright, go you little gremlin.” Eddie said and laughed as the two girls skipped hand in hand to the dance floor.
The two men stood awkwardly for a moment, but Steve couldn’t let Eddie leave. He wanted to catch up even if it was only for a bit. “You named your daughter Lilith?” Steve asked with a teasing smile. Eddie smiled sheepishly.
“Her mom picked it actually.” He said quietly with a soft smile but a sadness in his eyes. “Lyla’s parents demanded a biblical name. I wanted to name her Jezebel but Lyla said she didn’t want to name her after a traitor.” He chuckled at the irony. “What about you? Why Abigail?” He asked.
“Her mom, Wendy, didn’t want to choose. I opened a book of baby girl names and picked one.” Steve answered with a shrug.
“Is Wendy here?” Eddie asked innocently; but, it made Steve get defensive.
“Nah, we got divorced.” He admitted.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” He said. Steve wanted to ask if he meant it, but chose the safer option.
“I wouldn’t think Eddie ‘fuck the establishment’ Munson would have rules for his kid.” Steve chuckled, it was supposed to be a joke, but it came out accusatory. The tensing of Eddie’s shoulders. wilted Steve a bit.
“Yeah well, my dad wasn’t famous.” He said tightly as if that explained everything. And it did, Steve supposed.
“He kind of was though, wasn’t he?” Steve snorted meanly. Eddie scoffed and moved away.
“Her rules keep her safe. Unlike my father, and yours,” Eddie growled. “I actually care about my daughter, not that you’d know that.” He turned on his heel to go back to the ballroom, but Steve’s hand caught around his wrist.
“Sorry, that was shitty. I shouldn’t criticize how you parent.” Steve admitted.
“Why not? It’s not like you had faith in the type of parent I would be anyway, right?” Eddie asked bitterly.
“That’s not true! I knew you’d be a great parent!” Steve exclaimed. Eddie didn’t react beyond nodding in acknowledgment.
“Abby’s eight?” Eddie asked tilting his head toward the dance floor, clearly wanting to move away from this conversation.
“Yeah? So, what?” Steve asked brazenly. Eddie sighed, defeated.
“Nothing, Steve. Just trying to make conversation, excuse me.” He turned to walk back to the ballroom again.
“I didn’t cheat on you, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Steve called after him aggressively. Eddie stopped but kept his back to him.
“I wasn’t wondering anything, Harrington. I was just asking.” The use of his last name prickled his skin. He’d been Steve Munson until he married Wendy, reverting back to his original name. But he doubted Eddie knew that, so it felt like a low blow.
“You know what Munson?” Steve said angrily. He didn’t know why, but all his resentment toward Wendy, his regret for ending things with Eddie, and now his hurt feelings at being so easily dismissed, were culminating in a bad way. Eddie turned to face Steve. “You can act high and mighty all you want, but you’re here alone too aren’t you?”
“Yeah” Eddie said quietly, his jaw clenched, his eyes wet, and even after all these years Steve knew what he looked like before he cried. After all, it was the last face he ever saw Eddie make before today.
“So, who are you to judge me?” Steve asked but didn’t give him a chance to answer. “Abby’s eight because the girl I went out with a few times after our divorce got pregnant. We got married before she started to show so no one would suspect a thing. She was unhappy, I was unhappy. We got divorced so we could be better parents. It is what it is.”
With a glance at Eddie’s left hand, he scoffed: a gold band sat there, nothing like the silver of his old one. It pissed Steve off, reminded him that he picked out the silver so the rings would blend in with his normal ones, even as Eddie insisted he wanted it to stand out. Undeniable proof that Lyla was better than him. “At least I don’t still wear my wedding ring!” He ranted hypocritically ignoring his old silver band from his marriage with Eddie that hung around his neck for the past ten years.
Eddie didn’t say anything, he just looked at Steve in that way that he used to, like he could see right through him. He knew why it hurt so much to see Eddie happy and with a kid. It was a future he could have had if he wasn’t so scared. He knew it was selfish but he wanted to make Eddie feel a fraction of the pain he did seeing his ex so happy.
“Why’s Lyla not here huh? Lyla get tired of you, too? Life of a musician’s wife too much for her?” Steve snarled. A single tear slid down Eddie’s face but he didn’t bother to wipe it away. Still, he said nothing. It pissed Steve off more. “Answer me! Why’d she leave you? Where is she?” He stepped into Eddie’s face, nose to nose, digging the knife in deep.
“She died.” Eddie said, never breaking eye contact with Steve as he cried silently. His eyes were far away, lost in memories and pain. Those two words took the wind out of Steve’s sails so fast he almost got whiplash. It was only then that he noticed a different wedding band hanging on the necklace with his pick. It was smaller, dainty; Lyla’s ring.
“Eddie…” he began shutting his eyes in regret but was interrupted.
“No, now it’s my turn.” He took a breath. “I honestly asked how old Abby was because I wanted to know. I wasn’t wondering if you cheated because frankly, it doesn’t matter if you did. I stopped worrying about why you threw me away a long time ago.” Steve flinched at the phrasing. “You broke up with me Steve, not the other way around. You filed for divorce. You ended it. You don’t get to be in my face screaming and accusing me of shit just because you’re pissed that I ended up in a happy marriage and you didn’t.” Eddie huffed, his eyes hardened into that look that convinced a whole town he was a murderer.
“And you definitely don’t get to come here and talk about shit you know nothing about. You never met Lyla but if you had, you wouldn’t have said a single thing you just did. We loved each other more than anything. We started trying for a kid because I wanted one. I offered to quit the band, she went to my manager herself, and convinced him to add a clause into the band contract that said we would only tour when the kids were out of school and that I would have a back up guitarist that traveled with us. So that if I ever had to dip out of a show for a kid, I could. She traveled with us, the band loved her, the crew loved her, I love her.” The use of the present tense hit him in the gut.
“She never complained about being on the road, in fact she said it was great for Lily to experience so much of the world. I promised her I would drop everything the second she asked me to, and she actually believed me when I said it.” The emphasis wasn’t lost on Steve. Eddie said the same thing to him, but he never trusted it.
“When I asked her to marry me, she laughed, and pulled out a ring she got to ask me to marry her. She loved me exactly how I am and I know we would have been together for the rest of our lives if it wasn’t for that asshole drunk driver.”
“I’m sorry Eddie. I shouldn’t have said any of that.” Steve said sufficiently chastised. Eddie scoffed.
“You’re right, you shouldn’t have. I get that you’re angry. But don’t take your bullshit out on me, alright? You don’t get to be screaming in my face about my dead wife, because you’re mad you didn’t pull out in time. I was never too much for Lyla, I was enough for her. My love was enough for her! So keep her name out of your mouth.” Eddie growled before he wiped his face on his sleeve and walked away, never looking back.
Steve watched him go, full of even more anger at himself than the last time he saw that look on Eddie’s face: pure heartbreak. Because of Steve’s insecurities. Again.
See it on AO3 here if you liked this and you can, donate to my surgery fund here every little bit helps!
#steddie#eddie munson#steve harrington#stranger things#corroded coffin#steddie fic#wip#dustin henderson#el hopper#jane hopper#claudia henderson#jim hopper#wayne munson#henderhop#max mayfield#original female character#Eddie Munson/oc#Steve Harrington/oc#robin buckley#platonic stobin#protective robin buckley#robin buckley and Eddie Munson friendship#jeff stranger things#unnamed freak stranger things#his name is Bear#gareth stranger things#the party#exes to lovers#post-break up#getting back together
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7 friendship bracelets for the barbie movie

#stranger things#netflix#stranger things 4#steve harrington#jane hopper#eleven#mike wheeler#max mayfield#lucas sinclair#dustin henderson#will byers#barbie#barbie movie#friendship bracelets
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🡒 🌾 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 & 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐝 • crossover • 𝘑𝘰𝘦 𝘒𝘦𝘦𝘳𝘺 & 𝘊𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘺 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘴
S: «Where...» D: «OMG he's alive!» M: «Of course he's alive, you idiot, he's just been knocked out!» D: «Shut up Mike. Steve! you are alive! thanks God. Shit, Richie, go faster!» S: «Woah... where am I? And why is Richie driving my car?» R: «Are you awake huh? welcome back to the world of living things, mate.» S: «Richie, you don't have a license.» R: «Yes... and?» S: «Richie... YOU ARE HEADING STRAIGHT FOR THE CLIFF. STOP, NOW!» R: «HOLY SHIT.» All: «AAAAAAAAAAH.»
#steve harrington#joe keery#dustin henderson#gaten matarazzo#mike wheeler#finn wolfhard#stranger things#richie sheperd#casey likes#dark harvest#movie#serie#series#crossover#au#collage#friendship#caseyxjoe#joexcasey#stevexrichie#(collage)#(crossover)#(au)#(tv serie)#(movies)#(character)
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