#feel free to write your own for the other tho and maybe tag me in it cause thatd be cool as fuck 💞
kasper7489 · 4 months
I kinda hopped into the dc fandom by reading fics (I know I know lmao)
But as I've read more comics and looked into different characterization and analysis I now have a more developed idea as to how I view a lot of the characters and have preferences to how their written. I'm def the type to click out a fic if I find myself thinking 'he would not fucking say that'
Anyway this is just to say it's very funny to me when I go thru some of the fics I bookmarked at the begining of my interest and find myself going Uh Oh! I don't think I can read this anymore!
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thesmokinpossum · 2 years
for real tho, i managed to get away from the inherently erroneous belief that people are against me by default quite a long time ago but my traumas still manifest in the latent belief that people kinda forget me the minute they stop seeing me on the reg so it's incredicly comforting/validating but a little hard to believe when people say or do things that very much confirm that they still think and care about me even if they haven't see me in quite a while, idk
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islandofsages · 8 months
Hey ! Can I ask for a male!reader that is a 4th or 3rd year at the NRC (in the dorm you want), and Yuu, Grim and Ortho after seeing him just decided to adopt him like their father ?
The reader is the definition of a good father, and Yuu, Grim and Ortho made him sign the adoption contract (give by Azul).
(Maybe the reader can be the boyfriend of Idia ?)
I just want a reverse adoption with Grim, Yuu and Ortho bc they need a good father.
characters: ortho, yuu and grim with fourth year male reader
tags: platonic, fluff, fic format
warnings: none
author's notes: sorry i didnt do the characters separately, i think they would have similar reactions. also reader isnt with idia bc im keeping this blog fairly romance-free :) thank you for giving me an excuse to write fourth year reader tho, the concept is so interesting and fun to explore!! and hes not in any specific dorm, wanted to keep it ambiguous hehe. honestly this whole thing was my own spin so word count: 974 words
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You haven't gone back to NRC in a while. Despite the absolute chaos that goes on way more than often in that school, you’ve grown to harbor fondness for that familiarity. Luckily, you're due for a report of the progress of your internship. Instead of merely sending an email to your professor, you’ll go meet up with him yourself and check up on your underclassmen (maybe even get to know the freshmen) in the meantime.
You are just one of the many seniors of NRC but you found that your dorm members are quite fond of you for whatever reason. So when you come back for that short time period, a few of them come to greet you and catch up with you. Apparently, the abandoned dorm is now occupied by not one but two new students. You didn't even know there was an abandoned dorm!
“One of them can't even use magic and came from a different universe or something? And one of them is literally a magical monster! The school totally got weirder when you left, (Y/N),” one of your dorm members explains. You try to imagine it in your head. Yeah, no, if nobody told you that’s exactly what happened, you wouldn’t have known. You only believe the dorm member because you trust them enough.
“Oh, and remember Idia? The one with the robot brother? He’s a housewarden now. And his brother's a student now. He's an actual freshman,” more gossip makes their way to you. Your eyes widen at the news. You feel like you may remember them, the Shroud brothers - you could tell Idia was trying really hard to stay on the down low so you did him a favor and left him alone for the most part.
You don’t stay at your dorm for very long - you did come to NRC for a reason - and that was to send in that report of yours. Though you already dropped it off before checking up on your underclassmen, you plan just walking around school and taking in the sights that were once so familiar to you. And you haven’t even really graduated yet.
You walk down the hallways and say hi to whoever you recognize, basking in that comfortable familiarity. Some friendlier students stop to chat with you and to be perfectly honest, you feel a little old compared to everyone. You don’t mind but what’s rubbing it in is how some of the students are calling you “Dad” to tease you. You know they’re being playful for the most part but you can’t help but feel a little awkward with the nickname.
Then you run into those three.
You recognize the younger Shroud brother - hard not to with his flames for hair - but you can only guess the other two are the new students occupying that abandoned dorm; one’s uniform seems foreign and the other is not even remotely humanoid. They're definitely eye-catching, especially together. And apparently, you're pretty eye-catching too, with the way they lay their eyes on you while you were talking to another student.
The younger Shroud brother leads the group as they make their way to you excitedly. You're already preparing yourself for what you assume is a normal conversation with these kids. Too bad normal is the wrong thing to expect from these three, you will come to know.
“(Y/N)! You’re back at school!” The younger Shroud - Ortho, that’s his name - exclaims as he flies slightly upwards, happy to see you again. The other two look at you curiously, head tilted to the side and all. You offer them a jolly laugh as you tell the other two who you are and update all of them of how your internship is going. They’re eerily silent when you’re relaying your story but you appreciate not being interrupted. ‘What polite freshmen,’ you thought.
Until they aren’t, because they interrupt you with-
“Can you adopt us?!”
Their eyes twinkle as they clasp their hands together and gaze at you with their best puppy-eye look. Oh, they’re being genuine. This is escalating way too quickly - the nickname was weird enough, you’re not sure what to feel about a bunch of age-ambiguous freshmen wanting a fellow (though presumably older) student to adopt them. You sigh and put on your best smile so as to not disappoint them.
Truth be told, it really isn’t as bad or weird as it sounds. People were already teasing you about it so might as well run along with it. But still. Legally adopting these freshmen would still be too much for you to handle. After all, you’re still going to be preoccupied with your internship. You won’t be present for most of their school years and the last thing you want to be is a father who forgot to bring the milk back home.
You tell them you will think about it, in case they were actually joking and you’re somehow dumb enough to not catch on. They agree to allow you to take your time… but then they start muttering about “getting a contract from Azul” and you immediately step in to stop them from taking any drastic measures.
After that whole ordeal, you leave school more exhausted than you thought you would be. After all, three freshmen literally asked you to become their father and adopt them and were about to get you to agree to some contract.  But then, you find out, they turn out to be the best children you’ve ever had. 
They can be a handful, sure - Ortho is way too curious for his own good sometimes, Grim can’t sit still and picks fights with people often, and Yuu is… Yuu. Being a single father is definitely not the easiest thing to do with them as your children.
Yet you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
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lesbianslvt666 · 1 year
Please please part two of road trip, I crave it
Road Trip?
College au!
Mean! athlete!Ellie x trying to stand up for herself! Kind of an art major?(f)reader lmao
Ofc not proof read
(Btw, I don’t know the credits of the photos I use for these, so if they are yours or you know who are these from, pls dm so that I can add them, thanks <3)
pt 1 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5
Synopsis: Ellie and you are roommates in your shared dorm, both in different majors, you ever see each other when it comes to be at the dorm, on parties or with Dina, your shared best friend. At first Ellie was nice, always kept to herself but never mean, until she got her first college girlfriend, everyone keep telling you how much she looked like you, including Dina. So when Ellie "cheated" on her ex, her reputation went from friendly reserved football player, to fuck girl, "I got all the girls" asshole, or so it seemed to you…
Aight, I have been writing this while being in exam season, sooooo, sorry if this is shit lmao.
Also, another thing to note here is that there are some outfits on the future for YN here that I describe, normally don’t like to do that, cause maybe you don’t feel like that style fits you or whatever, so feel free to change that in your mind (also I don’t mind if you tag me on your own fit inspos, or send them 2 me?? I love fashion lmao) however, I do describe some for story purposes orrrrrr just cause I imagined YN waring something like that?? Idk lmao that’s it, I am just nervous lol.
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I put up my yellow tinted glasses in my head while I entered the ban.
"holly fuck" I looked to my right, the small kitchenette, the drivers cabin.
to the left a very spacious corridor with a couch that could be built as a bed. in front of it, a tv that you could hide behind some cabinets.
further left, there was a small room. I approach the door to open it, a toilet, and a shower, very small, but better than nothing.
there was a door past that. Opening the door showed a big king sized bed. underneath space for storage, and some pretty reading lights to the sides of the bed. how the fuck are we four gonna fit here?
"fuck, it's so big right" Dinna was dancing around throwing herself in the spacious couch.
"bigger than my dorm for sure" I plop beside her.
Ellie, who had insisted on taking my luggage. Entered the van breathless from coming downstairs with it.
"you know, when you told me it was heavy? I thought you were joking" I rolled my eyes, standing up to help her get both our suitcases up the van.
"so... Jesse and I have already use some of the storage underneath the bed for our own things... there is some more beside de bathroom, and even more underneath this couch." her face showing a bit of remorse. giving away the fact that they had already claimed the room for themselves.
"look, we are gonna be here for two weeks, we can change the room to the sofa after the first week, yall get the grand finale!!" she was looking Ellie, with an innocent smile, her eyes tilted downwards a bit.
"is not all bad tho, look!" Jesse drew the couch revealing a queen sized bed. "see? Is not that big as the king, but yall get it next week." with a cheeky smile, he hold Dina from behind towards him and jumped in the couch. "umm… so comfortable…" I looked from Dina, to Jesse, to Ellie, I raised an eyebrow. "so… we'll be sharing bed?" I pointed back and forward, from Ellie to me, back to Ellie, back to me.
"well, yeah, unless one of yall wanna sleep on the passenger seat"
when Jesse was saying that, Dina pushed me to the room, and closed the door behind her. she was fidgeting with her fingers, "look, baby, I know you don’t like Ellie, and its gonna be a bit uncomfortable." she said while guiding me to the bed, sitting down and patting the space beside her.
"Jesse and I want some privacy... we are a couple after all." she was now bouncing her leg up and down, cleaning the sweat from her hands on her denim short shorts.
"look I am sorry… pretty please? I know Ellie is not a bad person and she won't hurt you, and if she tries something you know you can always tell me and-"
my mind was going 100 miles per hour, does she thinks I am kid? Of course I know that she was going to sleep with her boyfriend. I stopped her on her rant with my hand on her knee, also to calm down the bouncing.
"Dina, I am an adult not a kid. I knew you where gonna sleep with you boyfriend and I wasn’t expecting anything else, why are you-" she cut me off now. "is just, I don’t want you to not wanna come with us, and that you feel like I let Ellie drag you here for me. even tho it was her idea... I mean I do want you here but I-"
I put my hand in her mouth. my head was now spinning, "first of all Dina, I am not here cause Ellie dragged me, I wanted to come… with you…?" the last part sank in "her idea you said?" my eyebrow raised, my hand fell from her mouth "didn’t she told you?" her eyebrows curbed up, her face hit up, "she said it was your idea Dina…" silence fell "oops…?"
"Hey Dina! YN! I am driving to the nearest 7/11 to get some snacks, want something?" as soon as jesse said that, Dina jumped out of the bed, running towards the passenger seat, connecting her phone to the speakers and playing some music, I was left thinking, and soon enough we arrived to the 7/11, both Dina and Jesse went to get us things, Ellie went down to load some gas
I went out of the room, starting to put my clothes away, underneath the storage cabinets of the couch/bed. soon enough ellie was back
Why did she lied? There was no reason to do so, could've just say something like. "look we might be roommates for the next three years to come and I wanna make the passes with you. or, hey I wanna start again, let's be friends. or, we want to be four instead of three to split the bills more evenly" or whatever.
"fuck YN, what happened, are you okay?" Ellie kneeled down beside me. her eyes fell to my hands, the sting growing.
"crap, yeah I am fine, I caught my finger in the drawer when I closed it."
Ellie tried to take my hand but I sat down, gaining some distance from her. "I am fine, don’t worry, I was just distracted."
Ellies veiny hands were now stroking up and down her strong forearms. "shit, let me help you, you have any more clothes to put away?" her eyes where scanning still over my body, I came back to my posture, my hand hurting less and less. "don’t baby me Williams. I am fine, for real."
she rolled her eyes at that, planting on her feet when she stood up, looking down at me. "whatever, you are such bitch when you want to"
I rolled my eyes at her, my face felt hot. how fucking dare she call me a fucking bitch? I didn’t even said it in a mean tone... or did I?
I frowned my eyebrows, standing up and getting closer to her face. "fuck you, like you aren't worse than me."
she came closer this time, mare inches from me. I could smell her incredible scent, some of my baby hairs tickling her face from the proximity.
"I was just trying to be nice. tell me doll, a time I was more dreadful than you." well shit, if you ask!
I crooked my head to the side, looking at her eyes. expecting for her to be looking at me challengingly, but, her eyes were on my lips. I licked them drawing her attention back to my eyes afterwards
"the time where you ask me to get out of my class to bring you another pair of "cleats"." my fingers up making emphasis on the name. "well maybe if you didn’t doll yourself up with your pretty little high knee boots on a rainy weather." she interrupted me before I could finish.
Fall was starting. the weather in Seattle cold and humid. my brown leather boots splashing underneath the glistening floor. the splashes of the water beneath my soles weting the hem of my bell jeans. I was sprinting now, trying to get to Ellies practice on time. I looked at my watch, flicking my left wrist to my sight line, fuck, I am so late, I am so late.
From afar I could see her figure coming with her teammates. their chat was loud and I could hear their bright laughs from across the campus.
Ellie seamed mad, she wasn’t talking to none of the other girls. walking straight ahead with a look that could bury six feet deep, "Ellie! Fuck, I am sorry I am late, shit!" I came running as fast as I could, getting closer to her. "I don’t need you anymore" her eyes weren't even looking at me. "well damn, I was in class when you called me... came running all the way here while raining and trying not to fall" I was gasping for air. "whatever, your hero run is useless, the match is over." she tried pushing past me. I put a hand on her shoulder. "fuck you! here, your fucking trainers." I put her shoes on her chest, the nasty look she gave me would've intimidate me if I wasn’t so mad. I started to walk, "cleats" she said loud so that I could hear her "what the fuck?" I turned. I could feel hot air coming out of my god damn ears and nose. "they are not shoes, they are called cleats." her smug know it all smirk was enough for me. walking fast to get mare inches from her face, trying to reach upwards so that we could be in front of each other. "fuck you Williams. next time you call me in the middle of the class to go all the way from my class hall to the fifteen minute walk towards the dorms... on the fucking rain! and then come all the way to the courts! which mind you. is a thirty minute walk... make sure to call me at least forty five minutes in advance." she was quiet.
"and not to get mad at me when I can't get your fucking things in ten minutes" i said a bit les loud.
"well princess. next time don’t be so fucking slow, maybe if you did some exercise once in a while you could've done it faster" oh she did not…
"or what about the time you call me to pretend to be your date at that party to scare off your stalker and turned out on me. you left me half the party alone when you went smoking with your friends"
"or the time that one girl thought we were together after you fucked her at another party... and when she came crying and screaming you let me to solve your! fucking! problem! with her." her eyes grew, the memory flooded her vison. "fuck well that was different, I told you I didn’t had sex with her! she kissed me and then told the entire school that I dick and dash!" "YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE A DICK!" "well not a real one, but that is exactly my point too!" her voice was a bit more high pitch, her hands going straight for her hair, "shit fine, I know you’ve got more, we are even…"
"why where you so upset tho? So distracted?" ellie now looking out the window, checking on Dina and Jesse that where still picking things up.
"i don’t know, I mean yeah I do know, but I am confused…" I was looking from my hands to the window avoiding her. "what do you mean?" she looked at me, her eyebrows furrowed. "just something that Dina said that took me by surprise" Ellie looked so confused, her eyes scanning my face. "she said that… me coming wasn’t her idea" Ellies eyes opened wide "it was yours?" silence fell between us. Her eyes now everywhere but me, her hands fidgeting and her feet bouncing "no, I mean, yes but not, well technically yes?" I interrupted her "why did you lied tho? I mean, why not tell me you wanted me here, maybe, I don’t know, you wanna make up from you being mean, or you just wanted to be nice?" I was now the one coming closer to her, stepping with every word until our shoes touched, she was looking at me. " I don’t wanna be nice to you princess. I didn’t wanted you to come with us, I offered it to Dina because I am a nice friend, that’s all."
her eyes went from my lips to my eyes, back and forth, her voice trembling, her veiny hands traveling to my hips.
the words she spoke would've hurt me if I didn’t knew her enough. without thoughts my own hands went straight to her waist. she pull me in closer, her grip stronger, our breaths getting more agitated. Our chest rising and falling so that sometimes our clothed breast slammed together. I might hate Williams, but she looked just so good... the last sunlight making her skin glow in a very delicate way. her freckles shining so preciously, highlighting all her features. her rough eyebrows with her sexy slit, her delicious lips that I longed to kiss since the last time.
"wanna kiss me Williams?" my voice sounded way smaller than I expected, but she heard it. "I wanna do more than that to you doll." she was so close, her lips almost touching mine, I wanted to close the kiss so bad but I was gonna make her work for that. I slowly moved my head a bit backwards her own face starting to chase after me. when she realised what I was doing she groaned, her hands roughly reaching for my ass, groping it hard. I let out a whimper, my cheeks glowing red but I didn’t care, she was so close to kissing me, I didn’t let her.
I went straight to her neck, placing warm and wet butterfly kisses all over it. Ellie let out some soft breaths, she was trying hard not to show how much she was enjoying. my grip on her waist softened, my hands travelled towards her breast. softly stroking them on top of her shirt. "fuck" now we were talking.
as soon as she let that moan out I smiled on her neck, and she took that opportunity to take me from my own. her large hand covering almost all of it, pressing hard. "Ellie…" shit. her smug face was so close to kissing me. she knew I liked being choke, hell, she knew almost all my fantasies. oversharing after parties and smoking weed together before she started to be mean. earned some very explicit talks.
"what the fuck?" the door opened fast and aggressively. "I can't believe it!" Ellie and I jumped from each other. I stumble to the couch and Ellie went walking to the little kitchen. I sat down crossing my legs, there was no other way to do so cause the ache between my legs was too painful, too good…
"LOOK! NINE DOLLARS. NINE FUCKING DOLLARS. FOR ONE, ONE! PACK OF MALVOROS!" Dina was screaming. furious, seemingly not realizing what just went down between Ellie and I. "damn, how many did you bought?" Ellies question earned a chuckle from Jesse. "four packs." Jesse said "and nothing less than two lighters." Dina plopped down on the couch. letting the plastic bags on the little table in front of it. grabbing one of the packs and a pink lighter "it was good deal okay? 25 cents each lighter? You kidding?" she lit the cigarette in between her speech. passing the pack to me, I took one, I was going insane from earlier and I needed some relief.
"well ladies, I am gonna take a pack to the front, yall can keep the other three" Jesse took the opened pack taking one cig in his lips, extending the hand to Dina "my lady, would you like to be my co-pilot for the evening?" the cig hanging from his lip.
Both took off for the driving cabin, I stood there smoking and looking at the window, Ellie doing the same, sitting on the other side of the couch, the music blasting.
After a couple of minutes, two beers down and half a pack of cigs, both Ellie and I were just dancing to Dinas music, the ambiance was beautiful, the sunset beaming through the windows, satanist by boygenious playing, the four of us singing so loud, Ellie took my hands on her, her feet bouncing side to side, my own trying to pick up on her poor dancing skills, I could hear Dinas laugh from behind us, our ugly dance moves making her laugh even harder.
One hour passed, I wanted to keep on dancing but I my feet were screaming for me to sit down, for at least a few minutes, Ellie, like a psychic, came closer to me, placing a water bottle in front of my face, I took it while looking at her beautiful eyes, the blue hour tinting everything beautifully, it felt like I was In a dream, and I did not wanted to wake up from it. 
This was supposed to be longer but I didn’t wanted you guys to wait more, I love writing this story, is so warm and flirty. Also I choose for it to be 5 parts cause I want all the smut in individual chapters, so you know where to go when you wanna read them :))
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kpop-with-mars · 10 months
|Ateez X Trans (Ftm) Reader|
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{disclaimer; I dont own any gifs used, this is also inspired by @kittensyoonie and their ateez x trans reader so please check them out as well~.}
{Summary: Ateezs reactions to learning that your trans/you coming out to them.}
{Tags; fluff, angst, hurt comfort, just having a silly old time (mostly),}
{⚠Warnings⚠; I haven't had top surgery or any other forms of gender affirming medical care so some things might be wrong. this also might not relate to every trans person so im sorry T^T. Also look out for misgendering, dead naming, transphobia,}
{ Hi guyss I haven't been writing alot cuz I have so many drafts and i've been working on NONE of them T^T, but don't worry I will post them soon once finished. i've got some goodies in the vault so please look forward to them. alot of these scenarios might be pretty dramatic so sorry ✌ but without farther ado you can read now. Enjoy! maybe? idk its up to you - 🃏}
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You were with him on vlive for your 1 year anniversary of being together so you both read atinys questions and blocked disrespectful ones.
hongjoong attached himself on your arm while you read. "Do you look at other idols?!" you read in shock, hongjoong looked directly at you menacingly. you looked away from him "no~" you answered tucking hair behind your ear.
"You better not" he kissed your cheek making you giggle while hongjoong looked at the other questions until he found one.
"Is y/n transgender?".
hongjoong stared curiously at you "yes, im transgender" as soon as you said that, the viewers and comments spiked upward.
"Im so proud of you for coming out, ill always support you" he gave you a gentle peck on your lips before he turned to the camera.
"Atiny, lets all show our support for y/n okay?. if I see anything that doesn't i won't stand for that, this is a space for everyone so lets make it feel like it" he smiled at the camera when he finished.
You both read more questions and felt thankful for the support from atinys, eventually the camera was turned off and when it did, you and him were getting ready for bed when he pulled you into his chest "I can't believe you came out like that, you didn't feel pressured into it right? " he gently stroked your hair.
"I never thought i could do that, but ever since i met you i've felt more like me" he hummed in response before he put his hand on your cheek lifting up your face "I love you~" he cooed "I love you too" he chuckled at your shyness and he hugged your head to his chest.
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You were at home recovering from your top surgery, you felt like tired didn't wanna move from your bed while you hugged your pillow to your chest, until you finally decided to get up and eat.
But as you walked into the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast you heard the front door unlock. you looked at the door wondering if this is the day you die until it opened to seonghwas smiling face.
"Hi honey" he walked up to you and kissed your forehead before he looked you up and down "Did you just wake up?" "No i woke up an hour and a half ago, i just got out of bed tho" he brought his hands up to your face and turned it from side to side "Did you eat yet?" you shook your head "good thing I got you some food" he handed you the food, which you ate in minutes after seonghwa guided the two of you to the table.
"Are you alright y/n?, you seem tired did you get enough sleep?" he bombarded you with questions while rubbing your back. "I feel fine, maybe just about sluggish" "I know im busy alot, but i just wanna know if something happened while I was away, please?" he moved his hand from your back to your free hand.
You decided to tell him "im sorry I didn't tell you sooner but, I got top surgery" seonghwa looked into your eyes waiting for you to explain "because im transgender" you added.
"That's cool, im glad you're okay" he smiled brightly you responed by giving his lips a gentle peck "I love you" you said making eye contact with him "I love you too, my handsome man".
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You and yunho were looking at pictures from his childhood while he told the stories behind them, alot of them making you laugh.
He was flipping though more photos when he paused "what?, what is it?" you asked him and he turned his head to you. "I don't think i've seen your baby photos before, have i?" he tilted his head to the side with curiosity in his eyes.
You didn't know what to tell him other then lying "Well i- um" you stammered "You're not embarrassed about them, right?." yunho asked when he noticed how anxious you were getting.
"Yeah, a little bit" you took a deep breath, you pulled out you're phone and showed him a picture of you as a kid. he looked at for a moment then smiled "I don't see any problem with it" yunho said with confusion.
You scrolled through your phone until you found one from prom, and you showed it to yunho. He took in the photo he was seeing before he responed "Oh, oh, you looked..." he had an awkward smile on his face "What" you asked knowing exactly what he was gonna say, until he said something you haven't heard.
"You just don't look happy in that picture, and i don't like it" he put his hand on your back. "I like who you are now because I know that you're happier this way" yunho wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into one of his special hugs.
You would cry but yunho made you too happy to, that's what you loved most about him, and that's what he loves most about you.
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You and yeosang started working out together, nothing more sexy then seeing a muscle-y yeosang with an extra shine on his skin.
After more grueling exercise the two of you were taking a break and eating lunch together. "t-that was...alot to say the lest" he wiped sweat from his forehead with a rag and drank his shake.
"Yeah, I think im all worked out for the day" you smiled at him, mean while your sleeveless shirt puffed out and yeosang couldn't help but look "woah-" he admired your toned arms and chest, making you straighten yourself up and cross your arms over your chest.
"It's no secret your totally hot, even with scars" he laughed "Wait what scars??" yeosang made a confused face "the ones on your chest?"
"What- I don't-" "but you do?" he was getting concerned about the way you were suddenly so defensive. "Are you getting self conscious about yourself?-" "no it's just-" you felt you'd just ruined this nice day working out with yeosang by making him upset.
Yeosang came up to you and held your hand "What's wrong honey?" he asked in a sweet but worried tone making your heart sting a bit. but that made you realize this was stupid to keep from him.
"Those scars on my chest..." he looked intently at you "they're from top surgery... im transgender" yeosang pulled you into a hug while he stroked your muscles "that's nice. Im glad you're happy with who you are" he looked at you and gave your lips a quick kiss "and with me~"
You and him laughed about it and continued on with lunch "oh y/n!, can I see your abs again?...please?" his confidence faded to embarrassment when he asked, this caught you off guard but this was at KQ's gym after all, might as well give him some fan service.
"Sure" you lifted up your tank top for him, making him choke on his food for a second. you asking if he's okay until he answered "im fine...but not as fine as you~" you laughed at yeosang's cheesy pick up line and enjoyed the rest of the day with your boyfriend.
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San was having the best day of his life when you came out wearing some of his clothes, the way his clothes looked so baggy on you made him feel like he had to protect you at any cost.
"Cute~" was the only thing he could say in awe as he stared at you, you gave him a little spin "All of your stuff is so comfy~ it was hard to choose which to wear" you went up to him and threw your arms around his waist and hugged him tightly.
He pet your hair lightly "ill let you wear anything of mine if it makes you happy" he stroked your cheek and kissed your forehead. "Are you ready now?" you nodded your head and san began to walk you through the bouncy choreography.
The two of you were having a fun time and laughed whenever you made a mistake, or when he did. he was showing you how to go down for the chorus. "Then we do that for one, two, three, four. got it?" he demonstrated for you while he spoke "yeah I think so" san nodded then played it for you.
You started going down with the beats while san counted. but even though the shirt you were wearing provided some good ventilation, it was going down your chest more and more with each move.
"Oh-" san laughed out and paused the music. you laughed too with him and the shirt was falling off, revealing most of your chest. san noticed this and smirked when he walked toward you then noticed your scars. "What are those?" he pointed to your chest and you looked down.
"Oh" you pulled up your shirt "those are top surgery scars" san nodded then he suddenly got a look of surprise on his face "you're transgender!?" you put a thumbs up and smiled "Ooo that's cool, like pungja right? but just the other way around?" You nodded.
San picked you up in his arms and lifted you "no wonder you have such a feminine body" he teased you and ruffled your hair "That's why I kinda like wearing your clothes, they're good at hiding it when I want to" you giggled he squeezed you tightly.
"Well like I said, ill let you wear anything of mine if it makes you happy~" he kissed your cheek and put you down. "Alright now since you wanna know how, let me show you right now~".
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Mingi had took you with him and the members while touring around, he really needed cuddles after performing his heart out and you were his stress reliever.
He walked into the hotel room and you were on your phone and he went straight to the shower after greeting you, having been covered in sweat while you waited quietly for him on the bed.
He came out of the bathroom with his pajamas on and his hair wet. you opened your arms out to him "come here princess~" you understood how tired he was and he flopped down on your side, his head on your shoulder as his hands moved around your body.
He was obviously much taller then you but he felt so small hugging your body. "I love you~" you told him and kissed his forehead while your hand held the back of his head. "I love-" mingi froze when his hand reached a small long bump on your chest, his sleepy eyes widened a bit.
You chuckled lightly at his reaction and you held his cheeks "those are just scars. im transgender, I used to be a woman so I got surgery to get a flat chest" you explained and he nodded "That's cool~ are you happy?" he asked in a deep sleepy voice. "Of course I am. im even more happy with myself after I met you~" you kissed him lightly on the lips.
He gave you his gummy smile and he cuddled you closer to your body, laying his head against your collarbone. you turned your body to him and wrapped your arms around his head and back.
"I love you" his voice was muffled against your chest. "I love you too princess~" he smiled and you turned the lamp off and the two of you fell asleep. your princess finally getting the sleep he needed while knowing you're happy.
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"Come on babe!, let's go to the beach-each what they gonna say~" you heard him sing from down the hall while you were getting ready. you and wooyoung decided to go on a beach date when he had a break from promoting, and now that day was here.
You hurriedly searched for a swim shirt of any kind but to your dismay you couldn't find one. "im coming!" you threw on a shirt and run out the door with wooyoung.
At the beach you and wooyoung ate lunch that the two of you prepared together, after wooyoung finished he threw his shirt off and on your towels and booked it to the water, "Come on y/n!, let's cool off!" He yelled for you when he was in the water.
You grimaced nervously and walked over to the shore, you sat down and brought your legs to your chest. you felt the water lightly brush your feet. wooyoung raised his eyebrow at you "is something wrong babe?" he was confused by your actions.
"N-No.." you denied, but you knew wooyoung would keep pressing you til you dropped dead so you stood up and took your shirt off. you stepped into the water near wooyoung.
"See~, its not so-" he noticed your scars. "Babe?!, did something attack you in the water??. Is that why you were nervous?" he quickly stepped up to you and took your hands.
You chuckled lightly "No... im just transgender" you smile feeling your unease drip away. "Oh, well of course that's alright dummy" he hit your shoulder lightly. "I love you~" he said in a cheesy tone. "I love you too~"
He pecked your lips "I've never actually been to the beach without a shirt on sense surgery, i just get kinda nervous you know?" you admitted while the two of you were in calif deep in the water.
He smiled sweetly "I understand but lets not worry~. I promised to give you some of my confidence when we started dating..." he took a short pause to look in your eyes before he gave you a big smile "so come on lets go have fun!" He dragged you further into the water while the two of you laughed.
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A sudden knock interrupted your thoughts while in a cracked voice you said "Come in". the door opened to jongho's handsome face making you straighten up and try to make it look like you weren't crying.
"I was told you weren't feeling alright" he explained himself and sat next to you giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he looked at you with pleading eyes.
He held your hand in his squeezing it gently until you gave in and started tearing up again, "If -i was different back when I was younger, would you still love me?" he stayed silent allowing you to continue. "I know I shouldn't care what people think, but i don't feel like ill be- anything to anyone, really. I hate how people looked at me---and still look at me---especially because I knew what they were thinking"
you took in some more fresh air and wiped some tears before jongho spoke "Why would people ever judge you?". you responded "because I didn't want to be what they wanted" he thought on that for a moment before he asked another "What did they want you to be?" his voice held nothing gentleness and compassion, instantly you felt safer.
"A girl they could control" you put your face on his shoulder and lightly sobbed, jongho wrapped his arms around you and helped control your breathing. he held you in his warm chest for awhile, until you pulled away.
"You don't have to deal with this alone, okay?... I'm sorry you didn't feel safe telling me before but," he paused for a minute and held out his pinky "Let's get through this together now, promise" you let out a light chuckle and interlocked pinkies with him.
His arms snaked around you while you held him tightly hoping to never release, jongho turned your head to him and he gave you a kiss you'd been dieing to get. his lips fit onto yours like a puzzle piece, and like a puzzle you were complete.
{Hi guyss~, I sadly couldn't finish my hongjoong x trans reader one shot I was writing for his birthday so ill be working on it and ill post it when its done or just work on some other fics, speaking of them ill probably do some sort of poll or vote for these other fics I really wanna write so that I know what y'all will wanna see next~~. I got inspired by @kittensyoonie I read their ateez x trans reader thing and I was inspired by them to write this. So thank you to them and also read theirs!. - 🃏}
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Seeing the numbers compared, I realized that you are right, anon. It's a privilege to be able to write long fics, regardless of them thinking they're unable to write short fics because short fics are mostly scenes so it's not that long fic writers are incapable of writing short stories, deep down, they don't want to. Maybe it feels wrong for them since they've made an impression they always write long fics, maybe they find short fics less impressive, or believe that people won't give the same feedback as when they post something longer.
But I would like to argue that longer doesn't mean it has a plot. I've read 80k words of a character getting tortured with no chance of figuring things out or getting out of that situation and ended quite the same as the start. I've read 25k fic of characters just hogging. These fics have no stakes, no crisis, no buildup, no development, nothing just series of the same scene over and over with different sets or different positions.
Fanfic is free and that is why you encounter things that are, in a way, out of the box and technically are not allowed in the publishing world. But that's the beauty of it. Is it really that big of a gap for people who can write long fics vs people who can only write short fics? Because of how free fanfiction is, most things are okay to do, including only being able to write plotless or short.
One reason why I get jealous of other authors who manage to write longer fics than me is because I was too busy at the time. I found a good system for myself (dedicating a certain time to finish a chapter and then uploading them as I edit and so on) and you can build your own. I think with the right system, anyone can do it.
Pantsers, plotters, and hybrids are equal to me and it's true because how do you know that a person didn't just recycle the same plot they use from their previous fics, thus being able to write different versions of that story? We've seen the viral meme abt fic writers recycling the same thing and a lot of people admit to doing it. Does this mean they're mediocre or bad writers? It's not like that's against the TOS or illegal. Nobody paid us to keep making fresh new ground-breaking stories. The quality of a fanfic is decided from how you treat it. Do you still like it even after five years? Do you think about it sometimes? Do you feel so ashamed you'd rather put it in an anon collection or close your acc completely and orphan it? Do you wish for it gone to the point you delete every trace of it?
It's not from the amount of kudos, hits, or comments, tho yes it is easier to find good ones if you filter by kudos but there are lots of underrated ones and I've DNF a lot of fics that are not to my liking but have high-kudos because people keep rec-ing it. I want underrated fics to be more popular but not because it needs to be popular but because I hope to be in a community with more like-minded people. Fanfic has no publisher, we can't earn from it so traffic is merely informative so it's the community that matters the most.
In fact, to tell you the truth, after 17 years of being in ao3, I've curated my tag very specifically and stopped using the fandom tag and went straight to the ship tag. I also mostly rely on bookmarks, private collections, word from mouth of people I trust or believe to have the same writing style and taste as me. So it was very niche and limited.
Lots of stories have plots but not all must be in your favor so you gotta figure what you like to start. Are you team canon divergence or AU? what trope do you like? Telling someone to stop comparing is ineffective. We always compare because that's how we communicate. But people feel inferior because they don't feel worthy of themselves. If you start to know what you want, it's easier for you to write more. Whether you're still stuck on making 1k-2k, etc, at least you don't waste your time feeling sad or down and you keep writing. That'll help stimulate your brain and you will improve.
(Also maybe just don't listen to authors who you think are humblebragging. Mute or block them if you need to because I know, to some people who are in the same fandom, these types of attitude have more context to it. Idk abt anon, but in some cases maybe they were moots or the account was owned by another fan they've encountered on tumblr or other social media often, a BNF maybe, or just a popular author that other fans praise or talk about often, and things could get personal. Shit can go south quickly in the community tbh)
There's definitely an art to condensing one's thoughts into only a few words.
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princessoflalaland · 2 months
maybe in august I'll come back to my senses and start writing again. even tho school will be starting up too. I miss being here, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed. I dont want to let down those kind enough to follow me and enjoy my content. I'll find my balance one day. im sorry to all of y'all for coming and going so sporadically.
for those I've befriended so far on here, let me say this
@forbidden-sunlight I am reading the yuushi post and im loving it so far. im so so so sorry for not checking in, even when im online
@nanamiscocksleeve I never forgot about that ask game I asked to be a part of, the free use one. I am still writing my response to this day, and I promise to send it if u still want it
@mommyrara I hope you're doing well. I know we haven't spoken in some time, but I miss our little talks and hope we can rekindle our small friendship again
@gamblersdoll you keep me motivated day and and day out. I love reading your work so much. When you commented under one of my recent posts, that made me the happiest that day
@teddybeartoji my baby. I love your goofiness and your writing so much. You make me smile with the silly things you say in your tags. I miss youuu
@nkogneatho you and toji never fail to make me laugh or wetter than Niagara Falls. I love your beautiful, unfiltered energy and I hope you continue to grow for your own betterment
@miybeii I miss my fellow Leon fanatic. I hope you are doing well
@blkkizzat you don’t know how appreciative I am to be one of your moots. I love your writing greatly and the stylistic ways you format your blog and fics. I think your a beautiful individual and I’m happy to know your work and follow you
and for my other moots and followers, I’m sorry for my absence. I’m doing my best to navigate this new chapter in my life, but I promise I haven’t forgotten about you all. I appreciate your patience and support, I love you all so so so so so much
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bastardblvd · 1 year
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hold onto your beach balls – the slimiest corner of the internet invites you to join the second collab event, hosted by stepdaddy merc & daddy cherub! ( ´ ▽ ` ) consider this our invitation for you to join our first grimetown block party event.
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we have a wheel of 20 summer-themed prompts. if you're ready to get down and dirty this summer, send a 🏖️ to our inbox to claim your prompt. what you get is what you get! prompts will be deleted from the wheel after they're claimed.
write a short piece about your prompt with the slimeball of your choosing (maybe anywhere from 500-2000 words max). nsfw and dark content are always allowed as long as everything is tagged properly.
⚠️ out of respect for your hosts and fellow slimeball enthusiasts, please have your age or an adequate age indicator visible on your blog, especially when submitting nsfw content!
deadline for this collab is july 27th, 2023 – all submissions will be compiled onto a masterlist for our summer block party event. collab will remain open until july 23rd, or until all spots are claimed.
we encourage you to have as much fun with this as possible! slimeball au is meant to be ridiculous, non-serious and so on and so forth. references to existing grimetown lore are always appreciated! this is also meant to be like a glorified writing challenge so please do not stress yourself about it.
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it goes without saying but please make sure all characters involved in nsfw/dark content are aged up to the age of 18 or older.
all prompts are first come-first served. be prepared for anything.
let hosts know asap if you're unable to follow through on your submission so we can offer up your prompt to other participants!
hard deadline is july 28th, 2023 – our block party. posts will not be accepted any later than that!
keep entries short and slimy! this is really just a glorified writing challenge. maybe at least 500 words (i'm not counting tho), maximum 2000. no full-length fics necessary unless you're absolutely certain it can be done by the deadline.
level of sliminess is up to you – whether you want to create the most ridiculous piece full of grimetown lore, or wanna treat it like a cheesy porno.
choose existing slimeballs or feel free to make your own. most of our slimeballs are characters from jujutsu kaisen, chainsaw man, my hero academia, naruto, and some one piece. all reader types are welcome!
you're free to post submissions as soon as they're done, but as this is for our block party event, submissions will not be shared on @bastardblvd until july 28th!
if you have any questions, don't hesitate to send an ask or contact me (mercury) at @zeninsama :)
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Hi thereee ! Im a huge fan of your work (ur writing is rlly amazing ehejeidkwiwn) and ive had this ideea for a while so like
Reader and the pjsk guys (maybe tsukasa and rui, separately) are hanging out in reader's sekai (wich doesnt have a song yet) and the boys decide to confess to reader and reader accepts their confession the song from reader's sekai gets born, what would be their reaction?
(Also this is my first time requesting sorry if i didnt do it properly!! •○•)
Awhh thank you so much! And I absolutely love this idea, it's just so so sweet!! You can say I had a little too much fun writing it so... I hope you enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
Tsukasa, Rui are the reason for readers first song
TagList: @alicewinterway18 - come get your future star!
I won't tag you here since you'll get pinged either way heh
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After Tsukasa discovered that the both of you have your own SEKAIs, it definitely was his idea that you should start hanging out with each others SEKAIs. It just so happened that you mostly hanged out at your SEKAI since your was usually free and his was often crowded by his troup.
So when you told him you don't have any songs, he decided to help you find the right feelings but of course he still had friendly hangouts with you. Today was one of those days when you just hanged out but he had some more serious plans, and fact that he was stressed was painted all over him, but he kept telling you that he's alright.
When he finally felt like it was the right time to tell you his feelings, he went on one knee and took your hand in his.
"YN, I am very aware that you probably think of my only as your friend but this star cannot hold his feelings any longer! The truth is, I have fallen deeply in love with you so will you give me this honor of being your lover?"
The moment was already so unbelievable for you and for him as well once the word "Yes" left your mouth. He literally stood up and hugged you tightly once he heard this one pretty word.
What both of you didn't knew this is the fact that his confession helped you create your first song. Unlike him, you noticed it the next time you were about to hang out in your SEKAI so of course you showed him. The song described the moment, your feelings, what you saw, how nervous he was, how he felt so perfectly! And the two of you even were singed as artist even though none of you remember singing that but I guess that's just the charm of SEKAI?
When you showed him that song, he was stunned... but in a good way! He simply couldn't believe that confessing his true feelings towards you was all he had to do to help you create your song. He doesn't mind tho, after all he helped you and now got you as his lover at once!
"W-We what?! So... at the end I helped you create your first song? I knew a star like me could do it! How about we get singing that song? It can be pretty fun!"
If there are some cheesy lines in the song then he may stutter a little but he quickly tried to go back to normal since he wants to impress you and a star shouldn't make mistakes like that. But he mostly wants to just impress you.
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After Rui discovered the two of you have your own SEKAIs, he definitely was interested in yours so it's not a surprise that you hanged out mostly at there.
When you were hanging out there with him, the two of you usually just wandered around and maybe discovered some new places or things about your SEKAI. So of course he definitely noticed that you don't have any song but decides not to mention it and instead he tries to help you create one.
Today tho he had a plan in mind. He knew that you probably will hate him after it but he simply can't hold it inside him anymore. So when he felt confidence in him, he proceed to tell you what he wanted.
"YN, there's something I need to tell you and it's alright if you won't want to see me afterwards... but I really feel for you and if you let me then I'd love to be someone more than just a friend for you."
He really was ready for you to kick him out of your SEKAI and say no you don't want to ever breath the same air as he but surprisingly you agreed, and he couldn't be any more happier.
Although Rui felt like something happened right there, he thought it's just his imagination so none of you really noticed that song was created. After he left your SEKAI tho, you wandered around it alone for a bit of time and saw a song that wasn't there before, because hey you didn't had any song! And when you checked it out, authors happened to be you and now your boyfriend.
When you showed him that song, he really was shocked that his confession could create a song. But of course he listened to it and remember he'll pay really close attention to lyrics since he knows that songs are made from true feelings. So if there's something cheesy and we know there definitely is then he most likely will tease you about it.
"Awhh~ You really do have strong feeling for me, don't you? And I thought I was the cheesy one in our relationship!"
To be honest, he's a little relieved to know that you really do love him and not playing just some jokes on him.
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river-muse · 4 months
That WIP ask game is seriously an underrated concept tbh, authors should be able to air out their works and ideas if they want to, even if those are unfinished.
Since I've been bugging you a little about MH I think I have to ask about the Monster Hunter Derelict WIP. MH Is an interesting setting for sure, but it's also hard to think of something to write in it, except maybe a dnd-like hunter party? Anyway, I'm rambling, definitely interested what you had going on There.
Also, I'm a filthy cheater and a sucker for time-themed fiction, so I definitely have to ask about Whatever Time May Bring. Feel free to ignore my filthy cheater double request tho
I agree! Being able to show off stuff we're working on without perfection being expected is super fun because I can pick out highlights and hold it up without needing to go "is this polished enough to be read?"
Since one is sort of a mini-fic that's an AU me and one of my close friends are messing around with for the funnies I'll answer both of your requests! I'm giggling and rubbing my hands together.
Monster Hunter Dereliction is the working title of a DMC MonHun AU that centers around a small Guild outpost in the Old World that pretty much has its shit figured out due to there not being many settlements in the area that need to be protected. My friend and I went "fuck it minimal family loss trauma in this department" so a lot of the cast is Around(tm) except for Sparda(we haven't decided what happened to him yet if anything).
There's sort of a plot figured out, though most of it's up in the air because we haven't had too much of a chance to talk more thoroughly about it and are just in the brainstorming department. We really just wanted to come up with our own biomes and monster designs for fun. It would involve a clash between two Elders breaking open a crevice in the earth that reveals an underground cavern system- and unknowingly awakening an Elder that has almost cosmic horror-esque traits to it. There's a sketch but it's not mine so I'd have to ask my friend later if he'd be cool with me sharing it.
For a little insight into some character placements, since I'm a bit obsessive about how lore in MonHun goes xD I won't go into what everyone is doing but I will share a handful.
I don't have much in way of writing, since I just got a few key ideas down- but have at it!
I think we decided Dante was the master in that area? He's mostly chilling around the outpost unless something super dangerous comes up that he's needed for.
Vergil is a high-ranking hunter who tends to do tasks for the Scholars that takes him into dangerous areas for the challenge and potential to explore old ruins. He's in and out of the outpost a lot on a whim so unless he's requested specifically good luck finding him.
Nero is an established hunter who tends to get a little babied by the others, which leads to him being more adamant about pushing his limits to prove himself and get them to stop worrying.
Eva regularly travels, recording locales and monsters in general peace.
Kyrie acts as the guild sweetheart for the location, handling quest assignments and making sure the hunters are properly prepared.
Credo is one of the residing guild knights, which is a rank in the guild that handles upholding guild regulation and deciding on punishment for anyone caught illegally poaching monsters.
Nell is the residential smithy! She's been training Nico for a long time now to take over in the future.
For now Nico tends to tag along behind Nero on a lot of hunts to observe them, swipe some new materials for herself, and experiment with equipment that diverts away from standard expectations.
Patty is a guild sweetheart in training, if I remember right? I only wrote her name in all caps in this post-it note and nothing else fdsgfbsdxjkgbj
Dante’s late to leave his room today, not expecting too many requests to come in if any. It’s been quiet since they’d sorted out the sudden influx of larger wyverns that had migrated South from their own territories. Which isn’t a good sign. It could mean something bigger is on the way soon. However nothing’s turned up. So to him the problem’s been solved. The peace lasts about as long as expected though, because the door pushes open without so much as a knock from the incoming visitor. It’s Lady. Not even in her armor yet but scowling as if she’d just gotten tossed around by a Diablos. “Where’s your fucking brother?” “Not even a good morning?” Dante yawns. “Passed morning a few hours ago.” Lady crosses her arms and leans against the doorframe “Now about Vergil-“ “Do I look like my brother’s keeper?” When It’s obvious Lady isn’t accepting that as an answer he groans and rests his feet on his desk “Out. On an expedition. That’s why one of the aptonoth aren’t in the stable. He’s North, checking out whatever caused that Wyvern displacement. Should be back in a few days.”
Vergil lingers by the ledge of the massive crevice, peering into the darkness to see faint shimmers of light that waver as if moving. It’s odd. With most of the trees decimated there should be plenty of sunlight shining down to show whatever’s down there. The darkness opens its eyes. Swirling colors and glowing light as faint pupils shrink to paper-thin slits when they focus on him. From the positioning of them Vergil isn’t sure if he’s looking face-to-face with a creature or with multiple. He doesn’t recognize any visible traits and stumbles away from the ledge. There’s a snapping noise and Vergil looks back to see the aptonoth has broken her binds in her attempt to flee, taking all of Vergil’s gear with her as she disappears into the treeline. A rattling, warbling noise that resembles a broken horn echoes loud enough that it hurts Vergil’s ears. He covers them with his hands and regrets not bringing earplugs. Something cold enough to leech the temperature through his armor wraps around his ankle, and drags him into the crevice. He grasps at the rock. His gloves dig in and he struggles to grab his blade. It slips from his hands and he falls with it. Darkness engulfs his vision made to feel darker by the eyes that fill his peripheral. One more eye, larger than all the others, opens up in front of him to blot out his last view of the sun.
Nero’s the first to volunteer and the first to be ready to depart. He shuffles about, fretting over what equipment to take and how long of a trip it will be. “Don’t you dare authorize that mission.” Credo objects, smacking his hand on the table “There’s no telling how long he’ll be gone, and if there is a wyvern strong enough out there to take Vergil down then I don’t feel comfortable sending him out.” “He’s qualified. Just as capable as the rest of us.” Dante insists “You need to stop babying him or he’ll never get his feet under him.” “How dare you accuse me of coddling one of our hunters?” “You’re not really beating the allegations. Especially since he’s got a crush on your sister.” “Do not-“ Nero objects. Dante stares, raises an eyebrow, and Nero clicks his tongue. Nero looks away while his cheeks flush red.
NOW onto-
Whatever Time May Bring. You have sniffed out the ONE NASNAH part that I think you're going to love the most, because it takes place when Nero's 15 and a certain 8 year old girl finds her way into Dante's life. It skims through the anime timeline and a bit beyond, since for reasons not yet revealed in the plot Dante decides to keep Vergil and Nero out of most of the details of his demon hunting work. It's a scene compilation like how "In Leaps and Bounds" was for little Nero. It's also finally the time where Nero starts questioning his family's behavior and secrets more than before.
Vergil watches the ensuing exchange with all of his attention he can muster. There’s something comedic about a young child pushing Dante to wits’ end when Nero at that age earned nothing but Dante’s adoration. He then notices Nero’s uncharacteristic silence. It takes just one glance to see Nero’s eyes are wide, watching Patty with an expression that he hasn’t seen before. “Nero?” Nero startles out of his thoughts, straightening up. “Uh, hi.” Nero says. He picks up his coat from the floor and dusts it off. “A little slow on the uptake. Did you overheat trying to wear that over here?” Dante asks. “No just-“ Nero looks away and seems to get his bearings “-wasn’t expecting to see you taking care of a kid. He’s being nice to you, right?” Nero looks at Patty with his question. “He’s horrible! He doesn’t clean, never explains anything until after it happens, and won’t eat anything but pizza and strawberry sundaes. I’m surprised he even knows what tomato juice is let alone drinks it.” Patty pouts and motions at Dante with a pointed finger.
Patty is- energetic. She’s outspoken and from how she speaks her mind is sharper than she leads others to believe. Yet she’s very much a child in how she behaves. Much like how Dante had been at her age to an extent. It had been obnoxious to deal with when younger, but Vergil can rationalize it as normal behavior for children in hindsight. Nero’s odd phase of having become quiet and calm as a child must have been a special case. “Would you advise I rescue Nero now, or later?” Vergil questions. “I think they’ll get along just fine without us hovering.” Dante pushes up from his chair and nudges a box of stuffed animals to the side with his foot. He tilts his head to the hallway door “Let’s leave them to it.” “And what will we be doing, instead?” “If you don’t want to know the weird details of the job, then I guess we can stay here and listen to Patty go on all day about that stupid show.” “Hey! I heard that.” Patty speaks up, looking over from the couch. “I wasn’t talking to you.” “But you were talking about me, so that’s pretty much the same thing.” Patty sticks her tongue out.
“What happened to my mom? Who was she?” Vergil’s gaze flicks away. Guilt passes over his face and he keeps cleaning without giving an answer. “Hey, you can’t just ignore me. I asked you a question-” Nero objects. “I can, and I will.” Vergil holds out the sauce pan “That is a topic for another time, Nero.” “Another time? Seriously?” Nero scowls as he uses a bit more force than needed to dry the pan “You’re gonna dare say that to me after years of this? I don’t even know what her name was.” Vergil pauses washing the dishes, resting his hands on the edges of the sink.
Thank you for letting me go insane and giving me a chance to share with you some Patty Propaganda! I had to seriously dig around and be careful with what I show since there's quite a few parts between the fic I'm currently uploading and this one, but I would be damned if I didn't give you something to look forward to. <3
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Do you happen to have any sort of positivity post for fictives who lost their source, or it shut down, etc stuff like that? Or just some advice?
We recently found a figure of a character from an anime and mobile game we used to love back in ~2020/2021/2022 somewhere in there. It reminded us of it... and it alerted me to the presence of her. The character from that figure is actually with us. Upon putting her into simply plural, I went to find something to use as a profile picture. Only to find a reddit post that says "day 3 of drawing [source name] until EN shuts down" from sometime last year. Looking it up, it turns out the game was shut down about a year ago. I can feel she is feeling a lot of grief about it--and especially as she is probably still feeling a bit confused about everything if she is newly formed. I don't know the best way to approach this, as I myself just formed a few days ago.
Feel free to give advice if you have any, but it's alright if not.
-@cloverstarsys (the tag on our blog isn't giving us notifications right now tho so in just gonna tag a (mostly) blank sideblog so I get the notification lol @zakaithecatboy )
Hi! So first off, we did write a positivity post for introjects who have lost or can no longer access their source. It will be posted on Thursday night at 8:00PM EST!
And as for some specific advice for you and this headmate, the biggest thing that comes to mind is to remind y’all that it’s okay to grieve, to mourn, and to feel negative feelings. Trying to ignore the pain won’t make it go away, and often can make it worse! So if this new headmate is feeling lost, hurt, or sad that her source has shut down, we’d encourage y’all to allow her to grieve however she feels most comfortable (as long as she’s not causing harm to your body or other headmates, of course!).
If you haven’t already, maybe see about getting her a journal or some other sort of space where she can vent and process her emotions privately. Having an outlet is really important for any system member, and especially those headmates who often find they’re dealing with big, heavy, or painful emotions!
She also might just need some time and space in order to come to terms with this. It might be good to check in with her often, see how she’s doing and how she’s adjusting to life/handling the news about her source shutting down, and do your best to honor her requests (within reason). If she wants a bit of space, try to give her that! If she wants someone to listen to her gush about her source and recall fondly different aspects of it, try to be that listening ear! Simply having someone in her corner who is ready and able to provide support could be a wonderful thing for her.
Also maybe see if she would like to have a little photo gallery with pictures of her source that she can look back on whenever she’s feeling wistful or nostalgic. Our own alters each have their own photo album on our phone, and they fill the albums with whatever sorts of pictures they want! Definitely ask her beforehand, but if she’s interested in the idea, putting together an album or gallery with pictures from her source could maybe help remind her of it while encouraging her to make peace with the fact that it’s gone (kind of like a shrine or a grave in a way!).
We hope something here might work for y’all - we’re really sorry if nothing we said here sounds useful! We’re wishing this headmate peace, hope, and acceptance in the future, and hope that y’all will be able to form some positive memories together very soon!
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hewwo ! im vv new to fairy tail (started watching it w my bff maybe a year or so ago bc its her fav (then i only got super attached like a month ago)) and i wanna follow a bunch of ft blogs so i can fill my dash up w it! but i havent found many :(( any suggestions? artists especially would be great
Hey hey hey, Sorry it took me a lil bit to answer you, i've been uh, ive been havin one heck of a week.
But ya know, welcome to FT 👉😎👉, glad theres still new peeps jumping into it still.
I can't give you a super definite list, but i can give you a few peeps off the top of my head:
@kiliinstinct <- i gotta of course, plug my good good comrade, my braincell homie. They mostly write (current fic of focus is Flame's Desire, check it out 😏) but they also draw from time to time! And theyre gettin better every day
@pencilofawesomeness <- Pencil's blog is a bit multi fandom but! Their FT art tag has got tons of good stuff in there and i got a particular fondness for how they draw Natsu tbh. (Also they write fic as well, How To Raise Your Dragon Slayer which is their ongoing one *wink wink*)
@silken-sails <- Silky, nother good comrade (even tho theyre british rip😔). Super unique n stylized art style tbh.
@grayseyebrowscar <- Milo my insane comrade. 'Nother combo fic writer and artist. Their fics lean a lil more to silly good times which is always fun lol. Fun fics, fun art (its very shaped) . Win win 👍
@oryu404 <- Stingue expert with top notch colouring 👌👌👌
@celestialrayna <- Another Sting and Rogue expert, has a rlly cute chibi style.
@acnologias-ass <- probs one of the cutest art styles out there.
@zai-doodles <- literally god tier FT character redesigns
@heartonxions <- gajevy and just a team shadowgear afficiando overall. They keep giving Gajeel more piercings and i love it lol
@crowind1 <- the blog for Acnologia art.
Also, of course, I gotta plug the blogs i help run that can help you find other FT blogs easier:
@fairytail-redraw (where lotsa artists take a shot a redrawing the prompts of the month)
@ft-reboost (blog that reblogs art and fic to help give em more love)
@theguildawards (fandom awards event that you can skim through and see the lists of past nominees and winners)
But there's only so many blogs i can remember off the top of my head 😅
So if any other FT artists or fic writers wanna promo their own blog or you got some FT blogs you wanna reccomend as well feel free to reblog this and promo em 👍
It's all about that shameless promo babeeeeyyyy
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angels-playspace · 5 months
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note: please don't use my angel dust dni banner! as an angel dust fictive it feels really personal and the idea of others using it makes me uncomfy (you are free to make your own or use others, just don't use mine)
hey! i'm angel dust (i'm a fictive, this isn' an rp blog, tho i do have an agere rp blog!)
he/she/love/spider prns, masc terms preferred but fem oki!!
decided ta make a new blog ta separate my agere blog from m' others, which can be a bit more nsfw-y... also it's nice ta have a sep db for when i'm little and don' wanna see all tat icky big stuff!
this is a general agere blog, i might try an' do requests maybe sumday?
we're a traumaendo pDID sys, so it's gonna be mosty me. we have a few disorders tat make us sensitive to perceived undertones and overreact to 'em.
valentino is a comfor char fur me peese don talk bout hatin him aroun me!
Otherkin/therian wih manee identitees. while angel and da abov ponowns always okay, u can also use aneetin under a kin mawked as cuwen!
fandoms hazbin/helluva danganrompa mha pokemon genshin voltron wings of fire
links headcanons 100 Agere Questions kins + names n pronouns (i hav pronons related 2 sum adul tings so be caweful peese!)
other blogs
@little-angie - little rp blog
@papa-kitty - husk cg blog
@seraph--stim - stim blog
tags: ×angies thoughts× -- talking ⇡ ×angie files× -- original art/writing ⇡ ×angie steals× -- reblogs ⇡ ×angie stims× -- my stimboards
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Welcome to the Kaleidoscape Phoenixes' shared office! Feel free to come in and grab a snack - make yourselves at home :)
<we take requests for doodling you/ur ocs as one of the kaleidoscape phoenixes! just send an ask, more info below>
>> more info here
>> kaleidoscape spotify playlist
red - Crimson • [they/them]
orange - Zinc • [he/any]
blue - Midnight • [he/him]
purple - Mayflower • [she/her]
pink - Persimmon • [she/her]
blue typewriter - Handler • [he/him]
this blog is run by @bewithdagays and @agent-toast!
This is an askblog for an IEYTD au (kaleidoscape au) set post-IEYTD3, where Agent Phoenix's regeneration is somewhat similar to Doctor Who, except each Phoenix is basically a different person. The Phoenixes represent each of our irl friends!
| TAGS |
• [[ieytd kaleidoscape au]] - lore stuff and blog stuff
• kaleidoscape phoenixes 🪶 - the gang altogether!
• mod ari 🪶
• mod gionsimp 🪶
• agent playlist 📀
\/ character tags \/ (for when they appear pretty prominently or it's a lore post about them specifically)
• crimson phoenix 🔥
• mayflower phoenix 🌸
• persimmon phoenix 🍊
• midnight phoenix ⭐️
• zinc phoenix ⚠️
[[do message/ask @agent-toast if these links don't work!]]
-no nsfw. mild flirting that's clearly meant to be a joke is ok, but you probably won't get a positive response. just don't be weird
-be chaotic and random that's very cool, don't spam like ten million asks or something
-swearing is ok!
-no shipping any of these characters!
-fanart is very cool we love to see it :D if you send an ask with fanart and want to see it used in other places in our au thingy, please make a note in the ask!
-you can ask about the lore we have im fuckin dying here only having @bewithdagays to talk abt it dont get me wrong shes awesome tho
-there will be occasional IEYTD spoilers.
-please ask below if you have any questions!
(time: ~1 week. we have lives outside of this :>)
send us an ask! we can doodle you or your ocs (they don't have to be ieytd-related) as a kaleidoscape phoenix! they won't be in the canon lore but you can write your own lore for them (which can include the kaleidoscape characters) and send it. here are the rules:
the doodles will be DOODLES only. no full on illustrations as we're doing this for free. they will be in colour though!
please send in references and specify as much as possible what kind of doodle you want to see!
you can request for the character to be drawn alongside canon characters in ieytd/kaleidoscape
if we get inspiration maybe you'll get a lil character reference sheet too :)
no nsfw, no ships etc
please do not request the same exact thing multiple times or spam us if we haven't done your character. also, do not request redraws of an ask we answered unless we've stated otherwise in the post.
but you can request to draw more of a character we did for you! if you want the character to be drawn again (not the exact same image) but with some changes, specify and we will try our best to accommodate!
you can use any drawings/character designs we have done for your own stuff, just credit us (@ whoever drew it + @ this blog)
if you send crimson propoganda you might get a better drawing + earlier answer to ur ask
After Operation: KBOOM in IEYTD3, every Phoenix came back to life and assumed separate bodies which is very cool :D As a reward, they got their own special office! It has to be shared though, the Agency doesn't have that much money.
some of this lore stuff is outdated. because i keep changing it and not writing it down :(
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[note - Midnight's lore has been changed to him not dying, instead being saved by Zinc in Operation: KBOOM, kind of like with Doctor Who and his bi-generation with the 14th and 15th doctor. Unfortunately we get less Zinc screentime, but at least we can change it so that Ollie gets to live in Hot Water, and we move the dramatic Midnight scene to KBOOM which is cooler cause Prism exists! Also now that I think about it we should add some more Ollie into the lore heehee]
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[note - Zinc's lore has been changed to him only appearing in Operation: KBOOM. angst go brrrrr (i keep teasing story stuff that even @/bewithdagays doesn't know abt heheheh)
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dullweapons · 8 months
If you could give a single piece of advice to new people in the roleplay community, what would it be?
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i see you've sent this to a few others nonny : twiliae's post is v good & so is puxrlunae's . i haven't seen others on my dash at the time of writing ( tho i can guess other ppl have been asked but idk lol ) but imma try not to duplicate what they said but / shrug
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i'd recommend learning when you do need to stay in your own lane & have some critical thinking . don't push yourself into drama cause the rpc says you just have to stay informed & don't believe everything you see . i've seen a callout where they screamed that the person the callout was about was transphobic cause they used the wrong pronoun for a muse ..........in a whole roleplay where they than used the correct pronoun & it was simply a mistype in one or two places . but the callout post highlighted the wrong pronoun use to make sure you believed them & not the would-be offender & people are quick to the gun . this wasn't in the zelda rpc nor any connected one & was years ago so i don't remember anything beyond it was so shitty to bend the truth . like maybe english was their second language so they got confused or forgot or maybe someone writes the same muse with different pronouns ?? idk
sometimes it's better to just turn around & go back to writing ur little doll kissing ur friends doll lol
this is why my rules states this :
i do read the callout posts but i reserve the right to my own opinion that may differ from yours . please do not come to me if someone i am writing with has a callout post unless they have done something illegal ( child grooming , abuse , major harm , ect )
it's not so much my own opinion in the way of " oh i don't think what they did was wrong ✨ " & more of " does this callout have any weight ? " & sometimes i find that no , no it does not .
beyond that idk ... write for urself , be nice to others . you don't have to have fancy graphics to special formatting you just need to follow common courtesy . you want fun questions & starters you gotta also send them to others . tag ur triggers . don't reblog threads if they aren't for you & enjoy your time here because its a hobby !! don't stress if you feel like your writing isn't the best ⸺ you will only improve the more you write & soon you'll find yourself writing some really sexy threads with amazing friends <;3
also !!!!! you can find resource blogs that have posts about what you need to know or what might be helpful if you're super new & find xkit weird ( i had such a hard time figuring out xkit vs new xkit vs xkit rewritten omg but resource blogs helped a lot ) or don't get what reblog karma is or other little things like that . some even have templates for free or good prices ! i'll list a few that i follow & use still :
poohsources , rpclefairy , soulrph , & plenty more are here ! just search some tags like rp resources , rph , carrd templates , ect ! you're bound to find the help ur looking for !
anyway this isn't a single thing !!!!!!! i just went off !!!!! i event trimmed some of the advice cause it was repeating what other ppl said but oops lol hope this helps !!!
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moonstruckme · 1 month
Hiii Maaaeee, how's everything going?? I've been loving this one Spencer fic you posted recently about him helping reader come to terms with her SH scars since I have a history with SH myself. They way he's so gentle and understanding has me melting🥹
But that's besides the point cz apart from checking on you pookie I wanted to ask if you have any tips on how to start writing and publishing your own fanfics/drabbles etc.
I've been checking regularly for the past few weeks whether you've written one of my requests because I have so many more ideas for cute marauders x reader stories but I'm like naaah I can't send Mae 20 requests😩 (Pls don't feel pressured btw I'm just impatient🧍🏻) So I've been considering starting to write some of them myself but I was really confused when looking at other people's posts cz here on Tumblr no one seems to have any copyright disclaimers on their profiles. Yk those " HP and the character don't belong to me but JKR, sadly" phrases. I used to see them on AO3 and fanfiction.net all the time but here no one does that which left me wondering do you have to do that? Do you do it under every post or once on your profile? Do you need it for profile pics and other images as well🤯😩
So yeah my head's kinda bursting with all those questions and I thought maybe you could bring some light into the darkness of my brain since you've been publishing stories for a while. I totally understand if you don't have time/don't want to tho!! I'm probably blabbering anyway cz it's already so late where I live🥱💖
Anyway Ily & your fics feel like how warm chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven with vanilla ice cream taste🫶🏻💖
Hey lovely! So first of all feel free to send me as many requests as you'd like, but if you want to write them yourself that's so cool!! To the best of my knowledge we don't need to do those disclaimers on tumblr (at least I don't have them and I haven't seen them around, but I could just be totally missing something), so you should be all good. Other than that I feel like I'd always have the same tips as usual, so I'll tag this with my writing advice tag so you can look through those if you feel like it.
Thank you very much and hope you're having a wonderful day! <3
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