#- probably know abt it most among mutuals
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Hi! am working on big resource library of writing by nonspeaking & nonverbal people , ( some stuff by speaking people who know us deeply or disabled people who have similar but not same experiences that important to understand our lives but I am mostly centeirng us). is sorted by topic - communication methods is one , relationships & emotions & trauma is another , sensory & motor & cognitive & language process & body experiences is another , ableism is another section , terminology section , section on race culture language ect.
1 ) is it ok if I include some of your posts on our library? is mostly so far writing by nonspeaking spellers & supported typers but really want include more diverse range experience.
2)if yes , do you have any specific posts you want linked? or recomendations for posts of other people.
3) do you prefer links to your tumblr , instagram or other social media?
ough this made me so excite!!. would love talk more w u abt this!!! would love see
1) yes, absolutely!
2) none on top of head. tag “#loaf screm” maybe helpful for this. need go through them n sort them some point anyway tho so can talk in DM abt it
3) tumblr have everything. but also been thinking long time about (re)create website blog on wordpress (or sth else. WP is only thing know abt) for list more formal writings, since this tumblr is mess. plus if try look tumblr link without account can get weird funky lock you out.
TL;DR yes! can link tumblr + future more put together blog. will look thru my posts n you also feel free look thru, n then tell me which ones u wanna link n so can prioritize post those on (wordpress?) blog :)
oh some good ones
#🍞.txt#also do u know online community that not speller only (since am not one don’t wanna intrude)? so desperate for one to lurk in. since u -#- probably know abt it most among mutuals
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27 and 42
((I am a fool who reblogged this while on mobile, forgive the questions not being word for word-
27. Clan they don't like:
See, I think the expectation is for me to say Brujah here. But that's a misconception - she actually really likes Brujah. The feeling isn't particularly mutual because many Brujah don't tolerate how -vague gesture at her whole. self- she is, but she really values the idea that they're dynamic & challenge a complacent status quo & that by resolving that challenge, the society is made better. She thinks they're funny, and she genuinely likes having them around, and in some ways, admires them.
Tbh, she's pretty open to most people, regardless of clan. She'll decide a particular individual isn't worth much, but rarely would she consider an entire clan inherently dislikable. However- Antonia loves all clans equally. [Earlier that day]:
Antonia does not much care for the Tremere. Part of this is competiton - she likes to make her domains in college campuses, and the Tremere often do as well. They definitely do in OKC. So she kind of distrusts them on principle of competing over domain, even if they currently each have a different college.
But she also finds them kind of insufferable. This is because she and they are the same kind of insufferable. Like two magnets with the same charge. She also kind of thinks their fixation on the occult is head-in-the-clouds nonsense that distracts from the reality of day-to-day for everyone else.
42. Alternate clan they'd thrive in:
Early on in her creation, my ST pointed out her (mortal) academic specialty could have drawn attention from Lasombra. I am not mentioning this bc I think she would have thrived among the Lasombra but because sometimes I think abt it bc au!Lasombra!Antonia hot.
Realistically, and while she's self-aware to know this, she would never admit it: she'd probably best thrive among the Tremere, if she couldn't be Ventrue. What can I say, this girl loves a bureaucracy, overly complicated social systems & academia are her natural habitat. She wasn't particularly interested in the occult, but really it's just a hop and a skip over from theology, so she'd have made good, I think. Which is pretty funny, see above.
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1, 2, 4, 5?
1. Your first OC ever? somewhere in the depths of the drawer with my old drawings from elementary school is the design for a guardians of gahoole oc called Aryn- a melanistic barn owl with rose gold battle claws. she was a total mary sue/self-insert but i was like,, not even 10, so i don't feel too bad about it
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs? even just of the one's i've talked about on here, that's really hard. i've got to go with cass, but kellen is really growing on me the more i think about them
4. A character you rarely talk about? of the vampires, i def talk about apollo/leora the least. not bc i find her less interesting -i actually think he's probably one of my most interesting, since he's so vastly different from the archetypes i usually play to- but just bc talking abt her gets my hopes up abt being able to play her again, which is looking less and less likely. other than that, i don't think i've ever properly talked about Essin before, just tagged some posts. Essin is a pathfinder alchemist that i made actually around the same time as cass but only just got to use as a pc in a game recently. he's got three arms, a flying pig homunculous, and a character sheet that is a master class in minmaxing because i had like 8 years to optimize him. he's very evil and very fun to play, and i'd probably talk about him more if i had more pf mutuals than just you lmao
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? i feel like cass probably has like, the most mass appeal. and i also kind like the thought of her being popular enough that other people would like use them as an npc in their games- i think she'd make a very good addition to the political terrain of a chronicle, but since i have no idea if/when i'll ever st a large scale game, who knows if i'll ever get to use them like that
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forgotteneithne 19h KATE! I love this! Im def going to look up what eithne and Aoife’s numbers are… I think I did the quiz for both of them! Also I def bought myself a tarot deck in the fall knowing nothing abt it (I liked the artwork on the cards!) and I’ve been reading up a bit on it lately too! asp I will probably put forth the discussion forgottenroisin 12h Original Poster omg legit saaaaaame ive always just thought they're really pretty and i was like 'yknow what this is all abt interpretation and movement and symbolism and i bet that'd b great for character work' and so ive been delving in a bit over the past few weeks! lkjasdfklsdfjsdf its really interesting!!! and i mostly got it to do stuff for like my novel probjects but like???? the more i learn the more i just keep thinking its soooo lfr coded!!!!! like right down to the elemental aspects and stuff and like???? so the pentacles are the earth suit and like???? queen the pentacles gives soooo much eithne imo; and swords are air and queen of swords gives sm eilia too!!!! and just <3333333 lakjsdfkljsdfjksdf also i def rec checking out the 'tarot of the abyss' artwork i saw it on pinterest and it SCREAMS lfr!!!! forgotteneithne 11h @forgottenroisin I will def check those out. And omg yes!!! It def feels very LFR coded… and v much smth @forgottenroderick would hate 😜 I def want to dig into it more but that’s so interesting using it for character development!!! I love that! I def have always loved looking at the various decks and the artwork. Mine is v silly and based on over the garden wall but it still has all the cards… some are just renamed for the characters from the show! (And some with puns… which I appreciate 😅)
forgotteneithne 19h Omg I hit send too early! Anyway put forth the discussion @forgottenarthur and @forgottenarias are the two of cups card forgottenarthur 12h THE TWO OF CUPS CARD! ok so i just ran to look it up and ahhhhh!!!!!! the harmonious connection card!!!! <33333333 cups are also the suit of water (not me like 'did he asp cross an ocean to come to astaira perhaps? ;D also me: it doesn't have to be that literal kate calm down! ;D) and emotion annnnd in the rider waite (aka the most common deck) the image is a man and woman standing close to drink from cups together which iirc we said was part of the varmont wedding ritual ;DDD aria varmont but fr this time? ;DDDD forgottenarias 11h @forgottenarthur DID HE CROSS AN OCEAN 😅 but honestly maybe? If we’re looking for insane connections Aria DID have a connection to the water via her mother so 🤷🏻♀️ also I probably thought too based abt this but I found… somewhere ‘keywords’ for the card upright are “unity, partnership, attraction, connection, close bonds, joining forces, mutual respect” and the for the reverse are “separation, rejection, division, imbalance, tension, bad communication, withdrawal” and like… they’re kinda hitting on a lot of what’s going on with these two! Plus YES the couple drinking from cups! I think that was a varmont wedding thing?! I hadn’t even connected that! The OTHER thing that is often depicted is Hermes’ caduceus which among other things can relate to ‘cosmic energy’ (Aria being a seer? Just her connection to the stars in general?) and protection (a major motivation for Arthur in multiple aspects of his life we might say?) AND FINALLY there is also often the chimera which can symbolize fire and passion in a relationship which… given their penchant for arguing 🤷🏻♀️😅 forgottenarthur 2m @forgottenarias omg and just to add to all this (bc ahhhh!!! agreed!!!) bc im a mythology nerd even outside the tarot, and caduceus also represents a messenger of the gods (aria's a seer), healing (aria's a seer but also like...the spiritual healing of these two's meeting of the minds), peace/commerce (again two sides coming together), annnnd resolving disputes and like!!!!!!!! if that aint their story laksdjflkjsdjf!!! @forgottenarias also chimera's symbolize a lot of things, too, but another thing is like...a foolish dream, smth that can never truly be yknow and ik arthur is def lowkey struggling w that re: aria and alkjdfklsjdf forgotteneithne 13h So I think I did the quiz for both of them and just never posted anything about it. EIthne is a 2 and Aoife is a 9! forgottenroisin 12h Original Poster lsdkjfklajsdafkljsdkjlfjdsf omg i love that for them bothhhh!!!!!! (also arthur's type further unlocked: brunette astairan type twos <3 hahahah) forgotteneithne 11h @forgottenroisin BAHAHA omg brunette Astairan type twos. ITS SO REAL forgottenarthur now @forgotteneithne arthur: i only ask three things... everyone: this list is so insanely specific! arthur: well...ik what im looking for <3 (this is a lie, he didn't alksdjflksdfjsdf he lucked into it bc he had an instinct abt them both <3333 [edit: he might know what he likes but he def didn't know what he was looking for aklsjdfklsjdf])
ok so!! ur kate did some digging and here're the five '2' cards (i made my own personal cheat sheet last week so its based on that so this is just extremely cursory but yeah and [ here ] is a really great guide!):
II. THE HIGH PRIESTESS (major arcana)
intuition/unconscious awareness
cognitive dissonance
ok ok so!!!!!! the enneagram 2 at its core fears that that (imma say 'he' bc my 2 is arthur so...) cannot be loved/is unlovable, right, and so he gives and gives hoping if he can do enough he can be loved/may be entitled to some affection etc.
The High Priestess represents intuition, the subconscious, and the spiritual. upright, the high priestess speaks of connection but -- for arthur, at least -- i think she's reversed at the start of his story. he's out there killing himself to try and win some ounce of approval (that'll never come btw) from his father, just reinforcing this fear that he is intrinsically unlovable/never enough, locking him into this cycle of yearning and hoplessness.
but the irony is that roderick ~does love him, but also simultaneously, arthur ~is right that it ~will never be enough. ro derick will never respect arthur till he bucks his authority and then will never approve of him. his only hope to be loved the way he wants is to die and then he'll automatically be raised to roderick's fav child in his memories -- they will go nowhere wo a statue of him being erected, do nothing wo saying a word abt arthur of blessed memory to the flames before any deed...but all too little, too late, and arthur will never get to feel that love, anyway.
and then he meets a literal high priestess, aine of kil-kennar. and he ~does buck his father's authority bc he starts thinking in different terms, trusting more to his heart...and later he encounters another kind of high pritestess in aria...
but despite the literal high priestess figures looming so large in his arc, there's also the symbolism of it: the journey of rejecting your own intuition for the sake of roderick's hyprocracy and self-deceit...to beginning to trust in it and think more deeply on what ~he as an individual truly thinks and believes...and this, in turn, plays into the over-arching two themes re: numerology of duality and dichotomy, opposites, balance, extremes, crossroads...
II of WANDS (suit of fire)
personal power
inner conflict
ok so wands is the suit of fire, and you can read more on the elements in tarot [ here ], but -- and arthur ~is an aries, not to mention a varmont ;D so he does align v personally w fire stuff -- its all the usual fire sign stuff: energy, passion, ambition, challenges, endurance, anger, growth, vision, change, etc.
annnnd i ~would say that this card really does play into a lot of what arthur brings to the table and grapples with! labyrinthos.co notes that this card when upright also deals w planning, making decisions, and leaving home; and when reversed with fear of change, playing it safe, and bad planning. and all these themes are ~so arthur!! he is bold and bright: his color is red, his symbols include a golden eagle and the burning sun -- subtlety aint his game!
buT he does also suffer from burnout, and he either cares intensely or...not at all, and ~that's part of what he's learning, too: to care. but he deals w that particularly restlessness that comes out of his entire ~position in life and he can't quite seem to break out of -- either complete action or just...waiting for god knows what, and while he's a literal prince he also feels utterly powerless a lot in the face of everything that really matters to him. so, in short, as you can see, both faces of this card really do imo apply to him!
enneagram 2s tend to be demonstrative and even possessive, and i think this is where you'll find that side of him. significally, arthur has a 3 wing, making him also concerned w his image, ambitions, vision, and hopes, someone who tends to wear a mask of relentless certainty and glow while playing his internal sadness, resentment, and bitterness close to the chest.
yknow what? segwey to do a lil analysis of his 2w3 bc...obv its important to this discussion in general (tho ill probs revisit where it becomes significant etc, and also you can read more [ here ])! ok so 2w3's tend to be charming, playful, adaptable, and seductive, w a charismatic knack for instinctively knowing how to make a positive impression (part of why aria took him so by surprise im convinced is bc she was like 'i dont like you!' right off the bat and he! is! not! used! to! that!!!! lksajdflakdjfjk), but they're also deeply self-critical, workaholic, and characterized by a kind of yearning for success and achievment to set them apart and (they believe) get them the love they so crave but fear they can never have.
at best they're inspiring, selfless, authentic, and generous, but defensive and self-aggrandizing at their worst, and believe to some degree that deeds and achievement can get them what they're ultimately after (the feeling of being loved), feeding into their image-conscious workaholism. in short, he believes all these things are him being dutiful, proper, and good, he's just got a warped impression of what being those things entails from his father.
also, this from the link, imma just: "There’s an underlying grief of the Two enneatype. That grief stems from a deep sense that they are unlovable, and the only way they’ll get their needs [i.e. being loved] met is by altering themselves for others. Even when Twos do receive love, it usually isn’t enough because the love they’re getting is for the persona, not for their true self. Sadly, this inner self becomes more and more hazy and distant if the Two never gets the opportunity to grow, heal, and experience genuine affection."
anyway, you can see where this showmanship aspect really jumps out as related to this card!! arthur ~wants you to think of the sun, of a golden eagle when you think of him, he ~wants to impress you!!!! he's been raised to be an emperor or else view his whole life, and by extension, his whole self, as a failure if he doesn't, so he's doing everything to be larger than life, and grab that crown whatever it takes -- no others need apply (looking at you edmund and guinevere!!!!! alsdkjflkdsjfsd). he ~wants to make an impact, bc that's the thing he thinks will give him any value to others. 2w3s also tend to be physical and practical w their demonstrations and their power, and obv that's a v arthur approach!
TL;DR: arthur, as a 2w3 wants to make a positive impact (not just impression) through his deeds and thus become lovable, smth he does through all the above. and his journey, even if he gets past roderick!brain is in defeating his own apathy and fear of powerlessness and failure so he can go out there and try and, hopefully, succeed: arthur stands in his own way half the time.
II of CUPS (suit of water)
trust issues
labyrinthos.co also says upright: unity, partnership, attraction, connection, close bonds, joining forces, mutual respect; reversed: separation, rejection, division, imbalance, tension, bad communication, withdrawal
water cards' undercurrents ;D represent emotion, spirituality, dreams, creativity, relationships & soul connections, healing, sensitivity, the subconscious, depth, etc.
so this one, however you play it, def does v much relate to his love life, but also to his relationships in general -- both w others and w himself
so kate's and my discussion in the replies above largely had to do w all of this, but also that italicized quote above really plays in here, too. obv, being at the v core of arthur's personality, you're gonna see that everywhere but like!!!! ok, so i was only ~kinda joking abt arthur's type in the sense that....i think in both eithne and aria he can kinda sense a similar sorrow, and 1) he wants to help heal them and 2) in so doing is kinda starting down a path, particularly w aria, of maybe being able to start healing ~himself as well.
but also that's the literal enemy!! and remember the bit we were talking abt above where arthur's convincied himself that he's already doing that!!! he's already on the right path doing the right thing and anything less would be to be a bad person, corrupt, and just proof that he is in fact disgusting and unlovable etc so there's that turmoil playing out here, that acceptance/rejection dichotomy playing out in his own heart that he just can't quite seem to figure out
while the reverse def plays out w aria, as well, its def indicative of his familial relationships as well, where there's love but there's also obv tension, imbalance, and trust issues esp re: the other court factions
II of SWORDS (suit of air)
blocked emotions
negative mind
traditionally, this card features a seated woman holding two crossed swords. she is blindfolded. the crescent moon hovers overhead. it also represents upright: difficult choices, stuck in the middle, denial, hidden information; reversed: indecision, hesitancy, anxiety, too much information, no right choice, truth revealed
air: intellect, beliefs, truth, justice, wits, skills
II of PENTACLES (suit of earth)
loss of balance
OOC | Enneagram & Tarot Numerology
ok so i stumbled on [ this post ], which talks abt the enneagram as sort of a...numerological play on tarot! w rosie being, herself, a type 7, this applies to her, big time!! i also have been looking into the tarot of lfr a bit myself (v new to tarot but find it really interesting for character work!) -- partially bc of a planned graphic that lbr will probs never actually get done! laksdjfklsjdf -- and id def associated her a lot w the seven of cups, too, bc of the imagination kinda thing, but the pentacle suit, in general, w house malconaire (bc of the earth associations to both) and...anyway im getting carried away but yeah reading this i was like !!!!! bc character arc reasons and im kinda like 'does this work out for all the characters' and kdsljafsldkjfjdf
anyway...no reason at all... ;DDDD what're your malconaires' various enneagrams? and/or do you have any thoughts on what tarot card(s) might represent them/their journey (regardless of whether the numbers match up!)? also non-malconaire characters!!!! i love character analysis i wanna hear it all (and ~~~~maybe potentially someday possibly do a graphic which may never ever appear i don't wanna get any expectations raised...that one i did of the malconaires for christmas was smth id been meaning to do for atp literally over a year soooo yeahhhh l;akjsfkljsdjf)
also also! what do we think bran and sorcha's might've been?
also if you're interested, here's a chart abt this:

the enneagram only goes from 1-9 ofc but yeah!!
anyway, so below is pure speculation ok but like!!!!! i think this might kinda be a thing???
another example: i know lizzy said that @forgottenbrigit is an enneagram 8, and numerologically, 8 lines up w the card of movement and action and, in that way change, which is esp interesting bc lizzy has also mentioned that brigit really hates change, but also she's got the literal fire of the gods (seeress!) going and in that sense does have the power to help inact change, etc.
additional example: i also know that kate's said that @forgottenarias is a type 2, and that's the number in tarot numerology that deals w balance but also opposites, opposing ideas, harmony, duality, dichotomy, etc!! and she's literally a captive and a powerhouse; a princess and a bastard, all at once, not to even get into the romeo and juliet thing she and arthur (who is also a two!) are giving into like!!
idk its not ~not there ig is what im saying alkjsfjksdf i just like digging into characters tho so...ngl this is just...largely all an excuse to do precisely that bahahaha
so i haven't done ~all my characters enneagrams officially but here're the ones I have:
rosie: 7
arthur: 2
roderick: 3
eilia: 1
valentina: 3
undecided/vibes based/not official:
godfrey: 5/1
tristan: 1/9
eabha: 6/3
cormac: 4
ronan: 1/8
cillian: 4/7
saoirse: 8
rian: 5/6
amira: 8
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[2.12 am]
You’re held close by Jaehyun on his king-sized bed, a scene often taking place during one of your meets. At first, his tendency to be a little touchier than you’d prefer in a friends with benefits setting put you off, but you’ve grown quite used to it. He was the one initiating this relationship, as you both knew each other through a university club, and he hit you up through a mutual friend after seeing how you’ve physically changed in the past few years. Although he keeps his interactions with you pretty shallow, his lingering touches and gazes sometimes would say otherwise. During your first nightly meet with each other, despite him only mostly saying raunchy things to you, as you part, he held an indecipherable gaze towards your eyes, before stealing a kiss from you. That took you off guard, as you would not expect to kiss a friends with benefits outside of the vicinity of the bedroom.
During the next several times you’ve met each other, he made it a point to hold conversations with you before actually getting down to business. You asked him the first time—what was the point of making conversation? He just lightly dismissed it, saying that he’d at least want to get to know you before doing it with you. Again, you thought that was strange, but you went along with it. During one of your pillow talks, you wanted to know if he was clean (perhaps you both could do it raw), so you asked him how many sexual partners he has at that moment. He just smiled, shooting his all-too familiar dimples at you, saying that he’s not sleeping with anyone right now other than you. You decided that he was lying, because you’ve heard from several mutual friends that Jaehyun’s known as a player among other girls, breaking hearts left and right, always trying to find the next one to sleep with. Your friends warned you not to get too caught up with him, but you dismissed their worries easily, knowing that you don’t easily get attached.
At the present moment, both of you find yourselves watching Youtube videos on your phone, Jaehyun holding it above your still unclothed bodies sprawled on top of his bed. You still feel like there are parts of Jaehyun that you can’t seem to make out, but you decide that he is definitely one fun guy to just hang out with.
“I find it cool that we have the same favorite classical piece. Clair de lune. It’s obvious though,” He says nonchalantly, before turning his head to you. “Always on the lookout for Debussy, am I right?”
You chortle at his horrible joke, laughing heartily until you’re gasping for breath. It might be bad, but it really is funny to you. You’re probably just easily amused. Either way Jaehyun’s got you in stitches. He always does. Jaehyun looks at you for a second, before he laughs with you, eyes turning into beautiful crescents as his dimples accentuate his features in the most charming way. God, you get why all these girls would go so far for this guy. He’s literally a vision.
Suddenly your phone lets out a small ping! and both your attentions are redirected to your phone, a row of notifications popping up on the top of the screen.
Jaemin (2.20 am): wyd? ;) Jaemin (2.20 am): thinking abt u. miss u on my bed Jaemin (2.21 am): still coming over tmr night?
“Oop, sorry bout that, hand me my—”
“What--What was that?” Jaehyun asks, gaze slowly shifting towards you.
“Na Jaemin asking me for a bootycall—”
“Yeah, I could see that,” He responds, jaw tensing up. “You’re seeing him?”
You feel alarmed by the sudden change in Jaehyun’s attitude, confusion filling you up yet again.
“Yeah, why?” You ask simply, trying to snatch your phone from Jaehyun’s hand, him pulling away quicker.
Jaehyun holds his gaze upon you, eyebrows knitted together, knuckles turning white.
No.... it couldn’t be. Could it..?
“Jae…. Do you not like me… Seeing Jaemin..?” You ask gently.
You swear you could see him flinch ever so slightly at the sound of Jaemin’s name. He keeps quiet, yet you could feel his breath start to quicken, eyes narrowing at you.
“Jaehyun,” You say.
He looks away, gnawing on his lip.
“Jaehyun.” You say, firmly this time, earning his attention. “What are you thinking? You gotta tell me. Otherwise I won’t get it,”
“...You can do whatever you want.” He answers, looking away.
“What do you want?” You ask him.
“Okay, I’ll try to make this simpler. What do you feel?” You ask him slowly, as if speaking to a 5-year-old child.
“…Not the best,” He finally responds frankly, “I don’t think I like it.”
“There we go, wasn’t that hard, was it?” You say sarcastically, starting to feel annoyed with the unwelcome situation you’ve been handed. “You gotta be honest with me, Jae, that was the deal, we gotta be super clear about the conditions and boundaries—”
“Do you like him?” He asks suddenly.
You sit there, eyes wide, not expecting at all that he was going to ask such a question. You try to make sense of the situation, blinking your eyes rapidly while your mouth hangs ajar as you try to concoct an answer—any answer—but nothing comes out.
You shake your head to snap yourself out of it, because it really doesn’t even matter if you do, or do not. This shouldn’t be about Jaemin.
“Jae—I don’t—I don’t know, why are you asking me that? It’s not even relevant to whatever’s going on with this right now,” You say, gesturing between you both.
“But it is,” He says, raising his voice, as he looks at you straight in the eyes.
You pause to gather yourself at this turn of events.
“What, do you like me or something?” You finally ask bluntly out of utter exasperation.
With that question, his gaze softens and he lets out an exhale, before trying to calm himself down.
“…Jaehyun, what do you want with me?” You ask as you lean closer to him.
He looks down at his hands blanketed by the white duvet, as he seemingly tries to gather his thoughts before he answers.
“..I—” He starts. “…What do you want with… Jaemin? What… What does he want with you?”
You frown almost instantly, noticing him deflect the question. But you decide to just go with his flow, trying to answer his questions as best as you could.
“I don’t know, Jae, I think he’s cute, and I quite like being around him,” You answer, “He did tell me he’s liked me ever since he saw me in our shared anthropology class during the last year of our bachelors, I mean, that really was ages ago…. I don’t know, man, I’m just hanging with him, see where that goes,”
“… So… You’re going to keep hanging with him while you… Hang with me?”
You look at him disappointedly.
“Jae. It’s your turn to answer. What do you want from me?” You ask firmly. “…Do you like me?”
He keeps quiet.
“Do you want to be with me?”
He looks at you with a gaze too vague to figure.
“..Is it bad that I want you to stop hanging out with Jaemin?” He finally asks.
“What, do you want to be exclusive with me? ..Make it official or something like that?” You ask bluntly out of frustration, your question starting to scare even yourself.
He grimaces at your question, before looking away from you.
“I… I don’t—”
“Then it wouldn’t be fair for me, wouldn’t it?” You ask him with a deadpanned face.
With that, you feel like you’ve had enough. You let out a last sigh, before grabbing your phone and quickly making your way towards your clothes on the hardwood floor, quickly wearing them as you usually would after your hookups with him. Jaehyun follows your movements with widened eyes, frozen in place, mouth hanging ajar.
You move to take your handbag sitting on the bedside table, before Jaehyun grabs your arm, stopping you mid-movement.
“y/n. Do you really feel nothing with me?” He asks you, face desperate.
“Do you?” You ask, furiously eyeing him down due to his entire ambiguity.
“I feel like—I feel like you just get me,” He sputters, “I’ve never had anyone understand me that much, y/n, you don’t need to leave—”
“So you want me here just because I get you? And I’m not even allowed to do whatever I want because of… Whatever this is?” You ask.
“I—I don’t know y/n, just give me time,” He says hastily, still gripping your arm despite your attempts to shake him off, “Just—just stop hanging out with Jaemin for a little, let me figure this out—”
You scoff at his remark. “For what?” You ask, “What’s in it for me?”
He gulps, eyes quivering wildly as he tries to search for an answer.
“For--For me.” He finally says.
You shake your arm off of his grip, before grabbing your purse.
“Jaehyun baby,” You say, “I really don’t have the time to teach a man to be mine.”
#jaehyun angst#jaehyun smut#jaehyun blurbs#jaehyun fanfic#nct fanfic#nct imagines#jaehyun imagines#jaehyun blurb#nct angst#nct smut#nct#nct 127#nct 2020#jung jaehyun#jung yoonoh#jaehyun timestamps#timestamps angst#jaehyun timestamps angst#jaehyun x reader#jaehyun scenarios#nct jaehyun angst#jung jaehyun angst#jaehyun timestamps smut
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thank u so much, @hoeranghaee, for tagging me 💖💖 name: clary sign: libra (shocking, right?) height: 167 cm/5'5.75 inches time: 10:30 AM, and i should be studying birthday: october 6th favorite band/artist: skz and svt; i don't really have any faves among western artists, so i'm putting all time low, and neck deep here because their songs are on my high rotation playlist on spotify last movie: the interpreter (let me tell ya: too much incongruence, i wanted to smash the tv screen for 90% of the time) last show: currently watching 'forecasting love and weather' (i'm on episode 6) when i created this blog: in 2018ish?? i ran another blog from 2011 to 2016, but i deleted it because i had my former best friend among my followers, and i didn't like the shadowhunters saga anymore (applause for character development, i guess) what i post: whatever reflects what's going on in my mind, honestly. which are... kpop boys, outer space, expensive clothes that i'll probably never have, gg members i wish were my friends, movies i like, and my internal monologue other blogs? my recs blog! i opened it because i've seen too many excellent writers leaving this hellsite, so i decided to actively support those who stayed because they deserve love and appreciation for their hard work! u can find the link to my recs blog in my pinned post (yes, this is a self-promo yes, i'm shameless) do i get asks: not really but pls feel free to interact with me if u want to 🥰 followers: 80ish?? most of them are p*rn bots, but! to my beloved mutuals and all the real people who chose to follow me -> thank you so much 😭💖 i'm not very good at expressing my feelings. still, please know that i'm incredibly grateful for your existence, and it always baffles me that some of my favorite blogs follow me back! pls, listen to 'darling' by svt as a gift from me to you 💕 average hours of sleep: 5 - 7 instruments: piano, my voice what i'm wearing: my pajamas dream job: political analyst at the european space agency dream trip: japan and south korea favorite songs: they change all the time! rn i'd say 'ice.cream' by hyune, 'alien' by hanji, 'intermezzo' from 'cavalleria rusticana' by pietro mascagni, 'ash' and 'fearless' by svt, and 'december' by neck deep thank u so much again, sa, for tagging me 💝 i'm tagging @akhire and whoever wants to spill some tea (?) abt themselves and have some fun!
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big post abt a bunch of my twilight-centric aus (i have lots more that arent about twilight hahah) along with her partner in each au bc i dont want to draw and describe the entire cast of each one rn. also the designs here arent “final” or anything, just what comes to mind when i draw them usually. ok
1. basic au
this ones pretty close to canon and its the one i draw/reference most often. there are minor changes to events in the show (ex. chrysalis gets reformed, starswirl becomes a villain, etc) but its basically the same, especially when it comes to the actual characters! not much to say about this one! pinkie and twilight get married sometime before the finale
2. starryverse au
my most cherished au... i could go on forever about this one!! this au is a “reboot” type thing— all the characters have new names, different designs, and altered personalities and roles. twilight twinkle is a pony created by princess solstice out of pure magic (although twilight doesnt know that). i would write many essays about this if i could so ill Not do that right now... twilight twinkle is very eager to make friends but is pretty bad at it. rose quartz pie (aka rosie pie) becomes her first friend and from then on, twilight has a silly puppy love crush on her that eventually becomes mutual love. rosie pie is an energetic and empathetic baker who specializes in baking party treats.
3. swap au
all the mane 6 ponies are different types of ponies now! ta daaaaa! twilight is an earth pony specializing in potion magic, and pinkie is a party planner who has REALLY weak magic when it comes to anything but chaos and parties. fluttershy is a super strong earth pony who is kind of afraid of her own strength—however, it gives her an advantage when dealing with large or dangerous animals. rainbow dash is a unicorn with the dream of becoming the first-ever unicorn wonderbolt, using her special magic that allows her to run on air. rarity is a pegasus who loves making artistic weather patterns, though these arent always very effective at... weather. she also makes beautiful aerodynamic clothing. applejack is also a pegasus, and feels out of place among her earth pony family. (the secret twist is that her mom was a pegasus! wowww!) she makes special apple treats made from the best apples at the top of the trees, which only she can reach.
4. ascension au
in this au, all of the mane 6 become alicorns and live together and love each other forever and ever YAY
5. time travel au
in this au, twilight accidentally travelled back in time as a teenager to a time before luna was corrupted by nightmare moon. she didnt know about luna, as she was kept a secret by celestia in the present. she and luna fell in love, and had twilight stayed, luna probably wouldnt have become corrupted, since she wouldve had someone who appreciated and believed in her. however, twilight was eventually transported back to the present, thanks to her family finding a spell to bring her back. after learning ehat eventually happened to luna, twilight began trying to create a spell that would free her from the moon. in this au twilight would temporarily be a “villain”
6. basically just canon
in this universe pretty much nothing from canon is changed besides designs. the only thing changed is that instead of “spreading the word of the storm kings defeat” (lol?? thats what magic is for) tempest becomes twilights personal guard. (seriously, why do all the other princesses get guards?)
7. starlight glimmer fucking dies au
ok kidding she doesnt die she just never gets redeemed... instead the “seventh mane 6 member” is luna! after lunas return, she is sent to live in ponyville (because, like, theres NO way she was ready to just. rule equestria) luna is super powered down, out of fear that she could become corrupted again. some of her power is stored in the moon pendant she wears, in case she needs it in an emergency! luna becomes great friends with all of the main characters... i have ideas on how she’d get along with each one heheh! but her dearest friend is twilight sparkle... they just understand each other in a way nopony else can!
anyway ya theres all my silly aus... im very in love with all of them so ask me about them/any characters in them and ill gladly tell u
#of course these arent even CLOSE to all my aus i just. specifically felt like talking about my twilight live story aus#also sorry lunas designs r so ugly i got tired and also i SUCK at the color blue#but ya umm also feel free to ask what other characters are like in these aus... like ‘what does applejack look like in the swap au’#i would be so delighted
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gonna brainrot a bit abt one of my current wips :D it’s skizzjoke centered but will also have a bit of br0dyzoan and ethpulse (maybe tangtho as well)
- among us au because of course it is. map is polus btw
- skizz and etho are the imposters, specifically vampire imposters (although it doesn’t work exactly like it does in the mod)
- the crewmates stay in groups or pairs most of the time so skizz and etho can’t really j kill someone lmao
- because of this, skizz pairs up with joker and etho hangs out with impulse and tango
- since skizz hasn’t had blood in a while, he collapses in specimen while being with joker and the story progresses from there
- i very recently (aka like an hour ago) thought of astro also being a vampire imposter but not one that skizz and etho know of since he tries to stay more on the dl ig
- brody knows what astro is and, if needed, let’s astro drink his blood
- it would probably be a mutual benefit situation where astro provides brody protection from other imposters in exchange for his blood
- (also they’re besties and at one point will be bfs)
#wips#stabbyshipping#not tagging all that lmao#i hope this is coherent bc it’s 3 am and i’m going to sleep#fns vampire au
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Hey. I usually don't do this but right now i am in a big mess. Honestly, i have great friends and family. Like the ones most people dream about and very grateful for them.
But my romantic relationship hasn't been great. But recently (like in 2020 ) i started talking to this one guy in my tuition and now he is like among the best of my friends and like anything and everything that happens, i text him first and he does the same. We call / video calls and even send food to each other when the days are low. Honestly, we now are talking about things that we both haven't been vocal about. Sharing everything and being there on days when it gets tough. Basically he is everything i ever wanted it seems.
But before meeting me in 2020. He knew one of my closest frnd (we met through her)And he had feelings for her. She turned him down given that they knew each other for like 3 months or so. but things got rough between them later and both of them have blocked each other.
Now, i know both these amazing people but it sucks that if i confess i would be probably losing 2 of my most precious friends.
I don't know what to do. I don't know if i can be vocal and I don't wanna regret anything. Why is it so difficult. Why are feelings so complicated. I cannot stop talking to the guy (we talk every day and i will have to tell him why am i mot talking to him) and i cant lose my closest friend either. Ah its messed up.
I would really really appreciate if you could suggest something out. I cannot think what should i do now.
Thank you
hey, if i were you before going to the guy about it i would talk to the mutual friend to see if she would be okay if smth were to happen with him and someone else ask her how shed feel abt smth like that and also talk about what went wrong bw them and if she is over it. trust me its not worth it to ruin platonic relationships over romantic ones. & if shes okay then you can kind of slip it in a hypothetical convo w the guy to see how he would react
but at the end of the day, do what you feel like but be sure about it so you dont end up regretting it, hope this helps <3
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The seijoh 4 yandere gangbang was HOT! This concept is now living in my mind rent free and i love that. I'm interested in knowing more about the dynamics and im not sure if you've thought abt it that deeply haha but here they are. Do the 4 ever get genuinely jealous of one another? How do they deal with it? Is there a hierarchy btwn them? Who initiated in your opinion, or was it a team effort? Who fucks the best 👀 and who's the worst 👀 who's the kindest and who's the meanest?
yOOOO THANK YOU FOR READING AND WOW I DIDN'T EXPECT A QUESTION LIKE THIS HAHA but here's an in-depth analysis of your questions if this dynamic was real 😎 (tiny break from writing thirsts to answer this)
♡ Do the four ever get jealous of one another?
considering that they decided to pursue a relationship with the reader, i don't think they get jealous of each other. they get jealous of other people, but not of each other. while at times there may be moments that one of them takes up more time than the others (which does happen, reader is one person being shared with four other people), then it's teasing and slight passive aggressiveness towards each other. their feelings are never malicious, though. trust is very important to them.
♡ How do they deal with jealousy?
haha they most definitely take it out on you afterwards. when the situation comes up (like in that drabble i wrote), they were most likely aggressive to whoever made them jealous. i mean they're all big guys so they strike fear into anyone who they see as a threat anyway so they don't need to physically harm anyone else to assert their dominance, but they'd imply that someone might not come out alive. this is where it's malicious and they need to take care of their jealousy or else it won't turn out good, for you and for the law.
♡ Is there a heirarchy between them?
i feel like it depends on the situation?? in social situations and speaking in general, oikawa is at the top bc he's the mf who talks the most and is the most outgoing/confident out of all of them (cocky bastard). so, he's more likely to lead the way when you're out and about. however, in your personal space, the heirarchy shifts where makki, mattsun, and iwa are more domineering and take control of the relationship. i think oikawa is just super playful with the reader so his treatment of her is different (less serious) than the other three. he's instantly at the bottom of the heirarchy. because of his confidence, you'd probably think that he's at the top but nahhh. iwa walks over him. makki and mattsun walk over both of them. mattsun walks over all of them (but he's kindest to makki).
♡ Who initiated it? Was it a team effort?
i think the decision to pursue the reader was mutual among the four and they understand each other on an emotional level to be able to coexist in reader's life. they rely heavily on teamwork so it's no surprise that they would work towards their goal together. and since they work so well together, they don't have a problem sharing one person.
♡ Who fucks the best? Who's the worst?
me, trying not to let the oikawa stan inside me come out: 👁👄👁
IN ALL HONESTY THO, i think iwa would fuck the best. he just seems to know what he's doing and he shows the most selflessness!! oikawa or mattsun would be the worst, and not that i think they'd be absolutely terrible tho cs for sure all of them have your best interests in mind. oikawa would be the worst because he probably cums fastest or he's going too fast to where it's uncomfortable or he's very picky and wants it a certain way so it makes him seem a little selfish sometimes. mattsun? he'd be the worst cs he'd be the roughest and won't be able to control his strength and no i'm not taking any criticisim HAHAHA idk why i see him going apeshit. like you're trying breathe but he's like *growling noises* and forcing you take all of him.
♡ Kindest? Meanest?
from kindest to meanest: iwa, makki, oikawa, mattsun
i think iwa would show the most care for your wellbeing and be king of aftercare (and he’s the boyfriend you'd be able to talk to the easiest), makki would watch over you to make sure you're okay and take care of your necessities, oikawa would constantly tease you and instigate conflicts or arguments if he feels like it and is the MOST patronizing, and mattsun would beat you into submission no cap. he's the one who decides the punishments and doesn't hesitate to teach you a lesson if he feels that you really need it. he's like the scary dad. but once again, they all have your best interests at heart and their personalities as yanderes are supposed to balance each other out to create an equilibrium in your relationship.
anyway, this made me want to write a whole oneshot/fic about yandere seijoh third years...😗😗
i really appreciate your curiosity, anon!!
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I'm interested in the math university stuff! What kinds of jobs can you get with a degree in math?
What are you wanting to do after university?
If you want to talk more about this, please ask on my main @mattieandmatter
You can do a lot with a degree in math, depends what kind. I mean that’s true of any degree. Do you want to do more math? Or are you looking to get a job? What kind of math?
I’m a pure math major, which is not what most people think of when they think of math. I hate that I have to clarify that but if one more person asks me how I’m a math major when I can’t do arithmetic I will Scream.
Anyway, I’m not really a great person to ask about jobs. My dream, since I was five, has been to work in academia. So everything I’ve ever done has been with that goal in mind.
So after university — I go to grad school, get a PHD, and then look to get a job as a professor. Not that that’s easy, but. I can hope.
Anyway, to be a good little math plug, studying math is about studying logic. Math is — a chaotic field. It’s about asking “what if?” and finding an answer, about asking “what about?” and finding an answer.
I have a very serious joke presentation about forks that features a system of fork notation and several forms of fork equality that’s a spoof on topology, but it’s also fairly serious.
And that skill set — being able to prove something, solve a puzzle, build complex theorems up from axioms, is a very useful skill. Your local math major is probably the kind of person who thought, “it sounds like fun to draw a graph of all of our friend groups mutual relationships to make event planning easier.”
(An example, for once, not taken from my own life. Just something I absolutely support.)
Anyway, pure math is great for logic. We’re very good logicians. Applied math is — well. I always say if someone says they’re an applied math major, you should ask, “applied to what?”
(No shade on applied math here, other than my usual not-serious teasing. It’s just a genuine question — what ARE you applying it to?)
But like I said, I’ve wanted to work in academia since I was a child. My earliest memory is my mom reading over her medicinal textbooks while I was coloring. I frankly don’t Know what other jobs are out there. Like I legitimately don’t know what most white color jobs are about.
What is an office job? What do people do in them? I don’t know and I’ve never stopped to find out. My entire family works in specialized industries. My mom’s a doctor and professor. My aunt is a social worker. Etc.
That said — I think math teaches you how to think in a very specific way. It’s critical thinking. I think the world needs more math politicians. We probably still wouldn’t get very much done, but it would be for a better reason than we didn’t want to break party lines.
As for math as an industry bc im sorry my brain is jumping around So Much — I will say, people think of math as introverted, but it’s very social. There’s some famous tea time stories, my core math class (university specific thing: there’s only 7 of us left but we’re tight) does problem sets together, etc.
We talk a lot. I find math majors tend to get on with engineers for the mutual fuck around and find out.
(Again, I’m speaking abt pure math. Applied math, actuarial science, statistics, etc., all tend to attract a very different sort. My view is colored for some personal reasons like my ex who couldn’t cope with his math major bf being better at math than him among others but it’s just a different vibe.)
I could ramble on abt my passion for math for ages, but warrior cats blog and also u just asked for post university plans and such. Again, I would Love to talk more but preferably on my main just for — organizational purposes. So I don’t have to feel bad abt rambling abt my thoughts on discrete math or comp sci or what have you.
So yeah, if u wanna talk more! Would love to! When it comes to — what do I do for a job? — im prob not the Best to ask bc my goal for my entire life has been to get a research position at a university, but I will gladly talk abt what math is like, study tips, my general anxieties abt the four semesters of analysis I’m staring down, how mad I am abt discrete systems, and my crippling fear of numbers that lead to a long email chain with the physics department bc everyone in the math department agreed with me.
And if you want like — to talk abt what kinds of math r out there n stuff, yeah! I can gladly help w that kind of thing. Again my main is @mattieandmatter and you can send an ask, or dm me if u want. Okay. I’m gonna shut up before I ramble on endlessly.
#not about warriors#mine#ask#anon#I literally won’t shut up abt math#once I get going#so if u have more qs#lemme know
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i’m having more of my tmnt au/2012 rewrite-ish thing so i’m gonna post this doodle of Karai and Leonardo bc it also summarizes one problem i have with 2012 and then the rest of my thoughts will be under keep reading

if you can’t read my handwriting/the quality of the phone picture is too bad: Karai: You ever think about how we’re in this mess just because our dads were fighting over a girl? Leonardo: ...... Y. Yeah. All the time.
yeah so obviously i don’t really like the reason for The central conflict of the series and shredder’s motivation to begin with, especially when they put in a much better reason in his backstory but still focused on “gorl didn’t like me back :(”
like really this guy devotes his life to revenge, kidnaps his niece, tries to murder several children, allies himself with colonizing aliens, and literally dooms the earth to destruction all because... he’s an incel. like i do like how crazy devoted he is to his revenge bc i love that stuff but with this it’s just kind of funny when it’s not supposed to be. so! i would change his motivation to what it should have been and is actually in the show, namely: the whole thing about the Hamato Clan taking him in as a baby after they launched a devastating assault on a Foot Clan village, where they found him.
they do add in a little bit of it but. it should’ve been his main motivation, not just an extra thing! it could’ve even made him something of a sympathetic villain! like how i would’ve done it, he finds out about his origins as being part of the Foot Clan and the fate of his home village, and is enraged that he’s been lied to his whole life. he questions the honor of the Hamato Clan since they clearly attacked civilians - this was a village, and there were clearly kids there, he wonders if he really was the only child there and how many were not given the same mercy he did - and his family were apparently killed in the attack. so he confronts his brother yoshi about it (not sure if i’d have yoshi know about it or not but his reaction remains the same). saki expresses his desire to have revenge, tear the Hamato Clan down since he doesn’t believe that it deserves to continue to exist, but that doesn’t mean yoshi has to die too, and asks yoshi to join him. of course, since saki wants to kill yoshi’s dad as revenge, yoshi refuses, the two fight, tang shen jumps between, house burns down, big ol’ domino brick effect.
i think he still has feelings for tang shen and while he’s jealous he leaves it be and remains best friends with tang shen, and her death at his hand drives him further off the edge. he takes in miwa/karai partially as a way to make it up to tang shen, though he knows it’s not enough. oh and also as a dramatic irony/more revenge against the Hamato Clan since that’s exactly what they did to him.
while he is entirely dedicated to eradicating the Hamato Clan he gets more and more obsessed with revenge as the story goes on. like i’m thinking of having leo and karai suggest a truce between the Foot and the turtles with the Kraang threat afoot and shredder actually ends up accepting bc he agrees they can’t let the Kraang win. maybe more bc he genuinely cares abt karai in his own way and wants there to be a world for her to grow up in (even though at this point she’s been trained as an assassin for her entire childhood but. well. he’s still a villain yanno. “this is how my adoptive parents treated me when i was growing up, i don’t see what the problem is.” “your parents who you hate?” “yeah. what of it.”). but then, later on, he would become entirely obsessed with revenge and not care about anything else that happens, probably after killing splinter and finding it brought him no peace or satisfaction
seriously what’s up with 2012 allying with the Kraang. how do you see that working out for you sir. sure he was expecting a betrayal but. still.
of course he takes opportunity of the truce to steal mutagen and Kraang tech while they can and makes sure to make use of the fact that the turtles can’t interfere in his business to make more weapon deals and gain more territory.
... hmm... i could... have tang shen live... potentially surviving the wound... and she and yoshi both believe that miwa perished in the fire, and they either get divorced or they both move to usa together and then yoshi gets mutated and tang shen is left alone, not knowing that her husband turned into a giant rat... i mean that’s just a potential thing. it sounds a little bit melodramatic and contrived but i think tang shen should get to survive sometimes and making splinter Epic Divorce Man would be funny. i dunno just a thought!
while we’re on the topic of Foot Clan stuff i might as well talk a little about other Foot Clan goons
bebop and rocksteady join way earlier. i care them ok. not sure if they’d still be anton zeck and steranko... idw and bay movies are peak bopsteady ok, and i like them being friends from the start! also for design changes i just don’t agree with bebop being skinny. he’s fat :)
Xever doesn’t get mutated, i like his human design more and there are, what, three major black characters in 2012 and they’re all villains and all get mutated? let xever be human!! he’d also be a bit more of a major and respected villain, a very Neutral Evil type, and makes a point to show he’s out for himself and for his own survival. if possible he’ll try to talk his way out of situations when he can and speaks in support of the truce i mentioned earlier because he’d prefer it if the earth was still inhabitable. karai proclaims that he is her favorite among her dad’s cringe henchmen but the only thing they bond over is their mutual disdain of bradford. he just thinks karai is kind of a brat, if a very skilled and dangerous brat.
while bradford/rahzar is a fairly formidable threat, there would be more emphasis on how pathetic he is. he’s chuck norris so he deserves it. also he’s like a 50 year old guy who acts so entirely devoted to shredder who’s. what. 39 years old? 40? he deserves to be dragged more
i’m thinking mr baxter stockman wouldn’t be mutated either, i like his human design a lot too. he would also be much less of a loser in this rewrite since bradford would take that role. instead, he’s just... an absurdly normal genius scientist/engineering guy who happens to be part of a really evil crime organization full of evil ninjas. he’s polite and eccentric, happy to have someone who finally funds his many inventions and experiments, even if that someone happens to be someone literally called The Shredder. however, while he is a nice man, he is rather impatient when people rush him with inventions. whenever shredder tries his usual “if you fail there will be consequences” it just doesn’t work bc baxter points out that failure is part of the process and that shredder absolutely needs him to make the inventions shredder wants.
karai is weirded out by baxter the most bc he just seems so normal
later on when karai goes double-agent to try and take the Foot Clan down from the inside: i trust baxter the least leo: it’s the sweater isn’t it karai: it’s just so pink, i can’t stop looking at it whenever we’re having an Evil Ninja Crime Organization meeting! do you know the tonal dissonance of seeing him next to The Shredder? and listening to shredder speak in grunts and growls while baxter just keeps a chipper tone?? i don’t think i’ve ever used the word chipper to describe someone before but with him, it’s the only word i can think of!!! leo: he is disarmingly pleasant. karai: right!!! he looks more like someone’s wacky dad!! the other day he literally told me a dad joke. i felt like i was light-headed
i don’t think i’d change tiger claw very much, if at all. maybe make him a little less invincible at times, and a little more regretful of the outcome with alopex.
i have more thoughts but this is. already several walls of text so i’ll end this nonsense post here
#tmnt#tmnt 2012#tmnt au#the shredder#oroku saki#foot clan#i like working on this even if it is nonsense#it's fun!
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sappy rant under the cut sry
i dont say it enough but genuinely i am so thankful for my mutuals. most of us have only been friends since october or later but it feels like we’ve been friends for years. i’ve always been kind of a side character in everyone else’s lives but you guys make me feel like all of us can be main characters and while my mental health is still tricky sometimes my sense of self worth has improved loads since quarantine just because i can be reminded that like. if i send a text in a gc i won’t be totally ignored.
everyone is included but esp the space station gang like. we only have a gc in the first place because we had an among us group and got one (1) too many people and had to make a server but like. that is such a funny and endearing thing. some of you i like to think i know pretty well and some of you i am just trying to be supportive of your interests from the sidelines bc i know nothing abt them but like. at the end of the day i know that i can say something stupid and at least one of you will say something jopiguyfdxtr
i’ve always kinda drifted between friend groups and looking back it was probably because of neurodivergence but like even within my mutuals here we get along so well even if we don’t have the same types of brain things going on. and it has some things to do with the inherent dynamic of the website but also because sometimes someone who has never seen my face and vice versa refers to me as one of their best friends and i legitimately start to cry because quarantine has been hell on the physical end but honestly the best time of my life when it comes to my social life.
ngl this past year has been hard for me with the transition between school and now being out of it. and school had been infinitely hard for me before that. but looking back and realizing that out of all that pain and misery i gained a group of friends that genuinely care about me and who i care about too. just really makes me melt a little bit. after years of being everyone’s second choice i am finally tied for first choice (/hj).
every so often i read a post that talks abt how the dream team was friends before yt/twitch and how they were all there for sap’s graduation n stuff and like. that’s us. that will be us. if v says i am a dream kinnie then officially i am making you all be sapnap and george kinnies because i love you more than anything and also please move in with me
anyway everyone has been very supportive of me here even when i do weird things like post covers or stream and i seriously could not have a better group of friends. including the mutuals who i dont rly talk to.
#i may not have clout#but yall sure do make me feel like i do#and every time i send an ask to someone and they say something nice about me i am tied between being on cloud 9 being on top of the world#and being over the moon#if i was more coherent i would send specific messages to certain people#but also if i was more coherent i probably would not be so in touch with my positive emotions#so i will take what i can get for now
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Hey. Saw your "ask me abt corvids". Gimme a lecture on bluejays pls I love those funky lil asshats
My primary interest lies in crows, branching out heavily into magpies (they’d probably be my favourite corvid if any lived near me) and ravens, with bluejays as the irrepressibly stupid cousin-in-law that I, the Crow Witch, know only through those awkward family reunions where you chat about the weather and pretend not to know that Uncle Fred has a nasty habit of stealing ritual stones from cemeteries, yknow?
Having said that:
Blue jays are one of the most noisy and territorial breeds of corvid, more so than crows and even magpies. They will fight pretty much anything with a face, and the feeling is mutual--despite the fact that blue jays rarely eat any other birds, most species will respond with immediate aggression if a blue jay gets too close. Probably for good reason, as they’re notorious nest thieves (especially preferring to hijack robins’ nests if they can manage it). They’re known for being raucously loud and pushy, yes, but blue jays can also be downright sneaky when they want to. Stealth home invasions and subsequent habitation of other birds’ nests are a popular alternative among jays to doing the hard work of building their own place.
Jays are also alleged to appreciate shiny objects, snatching and carrying them off (though probably not hoarding or collecting them). However, it’s hard to find credible sources on this, and given that the widespread understanding of magpies as doing the same was recently demonstrated to be false, I would hesitate to put too much stock in the idea without further research. Then again: young corvids are the delinquent hoodlums of the bird world, everyone knows this, and it’s far from implausible that particularly daring young jays would take an interest in flashy things that catch their attention. Corvids are, after all, curious creatures.
What blue jays do, without question, actually hoard are nuts and seeds. They parallel squirrels for their tendency to hide their food away for later, and like squirrels, they often just straight-up don’t come back for it. This has led to initiatives like this Santa-Cruz research effort to use the local jays for reforesting purposes to combat fire scars. Jays are actually much more efficient reforesters than squirrels and other nut-hoarding mammals, since they tend to hide their foodstuffs in highly dispersed locations, whereas squirrels and chipmunks typically have only a few hoards located close to their home tree. Also, multiple studies have shown that jays will only select perfectly viable seeds to take to their cache--any acorns or seeds that have been tainted with rot or infestation are left lying on the forest floor. (tw for discussion of animal death in that particular link, though)
Also! Yes, jays are known for their raspy loud cry, but like other corvids, they have a vast repertoire of other sounds and a strong capacity for mimicry. They’re often known to imitate the sounds of their more common predators, making up for their slow flight patterns (which render them easy midair targets to hawks) by tricking local birds into thinking they’re dangerous!
anyway corvids are cool, blue jays are valid, and thank you so much for swinging by with this ask, friend
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I would love to hear your main 3 opinions/feels abt each character. Can i ask for that? Pweeze
My feels/opinions? Well, sure, I’d be happy to! ❤️ But please keep in mind everyone that this is just how I experience the game! Nothing here is ironclad or a deterrent to anyone with differing opinions, I think everyone should enjoy the game as they like!
Also I hope I interpreted the request right, though if I misread please feel free to let me know! I understood it as my thoughts on the current three route boys out right now, but if you meant a brief take on all of the characters I’d be happy to oblige (it’s very late and I can’t read, I’m not sure of anything anymore 😂)
Interpretations beneath the cut since I’m a bit verbose LOL
First, and poster boy of the game, we have the Nightmare of Europe--the famous soldier Napoleon Bonaparte. I for one really liked the premise of his story; being a demi-vampire and struggling with his odd existential reality. He’s dead, but somehow not dead at the same time--I imagine that’s a rather unnerving place to be 😂. As for the romantic aspect, I think the descent into love is sweet and rather natural, and I like that he enjoys the normalcy in being with the MC after years of being a soldier.
Given the amount of gore and strife this man has probably seen in his lifetime, it felt believable. Maybe it’s because I have the soul of a grandma, but the older I get the more I truly believe joy is in the little things in life (at least for me). An inspiring song, a pleasant chat, or even a simple meal you cooked yourself--all these things have a kind of subtle, enriching happiness that come with them. I love that Napoleon’s route is about showing him beauty where he’d never seen it before, and in places he never thought to go looking. I like that he doesn’t see it coming--just sees it as another obligation before it morphs into something so much greater, until he’s inspired and in love with her just as she’s enamored of him.
Granted, he’s not quite the type I tend to leap for in otomes, but I can safely say that I enjoyed his route. He’s got a wonderful heart, he loves her deeply--and treats her with the respect and consideration she deserves, always aware of her strength. I also love how adorably moe he is; walking into walls, sleeping into the afternoon, buying her a little plush because he thought of her. Even in other routes, he has shining moments of compassion and concern for the MC.Tl;dr: Unexpectedly cute and heart-warming, definitely among the routes that I liked! I like his capacity to be blunt without being insensitive, and how desperate he is to maintain his humanity to walk beside her--second only to his desire to protect herSecond, we have the great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart himself--though perhaps quite unlike his historical interpretations to date. From what I understand he is presented as the quintessential isolated genius--so passionate about his craft that he has silenced every possible interruption that might manifest in this new life. If I’m quite honest, I think he can be a bit high-handed at points; but I like that he doesn’t quite reach arrogance. There is a self-awareness that he possesses, an ability to step back and ask the question: what did I contribute to create the outcome of a situation? I like that--despite his social ineptitudes, he doesn’t place the brunt of that responsibility on other people. He tries. Even if his attempts are clumsy and coarse--and to me that makes all the difference. It makes him more human, more interesting; it creates a dynamism sorely needed to invest a clever audience.
Strange as it may sound, at least for me, the places where he shines most are in Jeanne’s route and in his later story events. He’s just such a marshmallow the more he mellows into his love; I liked watching him grow, watching him stumble and smooth over his indiscretions--just as MC learns to recognize his efforts for what they are. He has no shortage of love for her, even if he seems a bit prickly or reserved about expressing that affection. While he, also, might not be what I usually go for--he can still be a delight to experience. He’s often surprised me for the regard he’s been able to inspire from me, it’s very rare that I have the patience to enjoy such tsuns! That, and, I must admit--he holds a very powerful weapon at his disposal: music. This is probably more of a personal experience with his content, but music has always been an especially emotional and powerful thing to me. When he talks about it in terms that might seem grandiose to others, it makes sense to me--I share that feeling, and I can’t help the admiration that comes with his mutual appreciation--devotion, even. I find it incredibly sweet that he shares that fervor with her, and doesn’t hesitate to express himself that way!
Tl; dr: pretty grumpy baby wins this romantic sap’s heart with soulful melodies, the capacity for self-awareness, and the capacity to apologize/humble himself/learn along the way in love 😂
Third, we have the absolute UNIT himself, Leonardo da friggen Vinci. Where do I begin with him? He’s my absolute kryptonite in this game, I’m an absolute fool for him, so I’ll try to be as unbiased as I can 😂😂😂
I think my favorite part about this route is that he falls in love with her so quickly after meeting her--but in a way that just feels so raw and true and earth-shattering, rather than gimmicky. It’s rare to see an otome, or even romance novel for that matter, make something as simple as love at first sight feel real. It’s not grandiose or outlandish or unwarranted; rather, it feels like a spark flew and then set to blaze over a hearth.
What I love about Leonardo is his deep perception when it comes to other people (not himself ofc, and in those moments he is--as the kids call it--big d u m b). He pays such close attention to why and how people do things, and he’s able to discern with almost alarming speed that the MC is being considerate of the Count’s offer, sure. But she’s doing it with a remarkable amount of courage, and very little naivety; she’s giving them all a chance to prove her trust well-founded. In her situation that takes a lot of faith, but also a lot of strength. She sparks his curiosity and attraction precisely because she remains true to her own convictions, and cares as deeply for other people as he does. She’s not under the misapprehension that nobody will ever hurt her; rather, she knows full well it’s a possibility, and chooses to face that head-on.
And Leonardo? Not only deeply honors that choice, but does his utmost to help her bloom in her time there. He spends every moment helping her get closer to the other residents, and makes sure she doesn’t have a moment alone to worry--until he comes clean directly about wanting to help her. His route is one layer and revelation after another, and while he’s incredibly crafty--his intentions are just so surprisingly pure. He just wants to see people happy, even if it’s something he can never have. If they can smile--if he can do anything to ease their hearts--he’ll be the first to act, and it’s something that’s enormously admirable to me. It speaks of a deep maturity, and perhaps wounds that haven’t quite healed for him either; to be unable to watch others bear a moment’s hardship alone.
Whenever I think about Leonardo, I very often think about the separate layers without realizing it’s all one man. Despite his impressive capacity to socially situate himself and other people, he’s very, very alone at the same time. He struggles to be honest because it’s hard for him to face his own reasons (that he’s so deeply in love with her he can’t see straight). And yet, it’s refreshing how hard he works to be honest with her when it counts--to see him finally accept the concept of his own happiness at her insistence. For somebody so capable, so well-loved by the people around him, so patient with others--he seems to have no ability to reflect that inward. It’s heart-breaking to watch, and it makes him tragic in a way that always levels me.
Tl;dr: the sheer range and depth of Leonardo’s compassion is always inextricable from his belief that he is a burden/abomination--most especially to the ones he loves most. It’s this flagrant contradiction, and his endless battle to maintain hope in an increasingly self-imposed solitary existence that wins my heart most powerfully of the first three contenders.
#asks#ikevamp napoleon#ikevamp mozart#ikevamp leonardo#today on: i got too carried away again good lord#i just have a lot of feelings^TM#but to anyone interested i hope it was an enjoyable read!#ive been thinking about and enjoying these characters for a long time#every day i tend to find new reasons to love them and assess their content LOL#it was a bit of a surprise to find this ask today but im more than happy to provide my thoughts if people are curious#i just hope i haven't deterred anyone--they're all wonderful boys!
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i suck at introductions so what fun fact can i say that has me being relatable™ ajkdnk;l if ur a bundle of constant nerves like myself raise your hand??✋ lol. anyways, hey cool kids!! i’m mina ( 22, she/her & they/them, mst ) and seeing how i love the oddballs, i’ll be writing my bb forrest caulfield aka ur local morbid outcast, so !!! if you’d like to plot smash that ♡ button and i’ll come to you or feel free to hmu. 🤗🧡✨
cody fern + demiboy + he/him & they/them — jinkies ! is that forrest caulfield? the twenty six year old is known around coolsville as the nightmare enthusiast because they are peculiar + intriguing, as well as moody + hateful. they currently work at mystery inc as a case finder and everyone there knows that they love abandoned buildings with dried blood smeared on the walls, a completely blacked out room, and collecting animal skulls.
*MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY VC* alright, alright, alright!!! let’s get into this, shall we??
there was no such luxury of being stable and surrounded by a healthy environment for forrest caulfield, and continuing to suffer from this bad luck from the first hour he were born to present day, showed a significant toll on him later in life. but to start at the beginning, june callfield and devan waters were old friends through high school and even attended church together. they were relentlessly flirtatious with one another and eventually june got pregnant, much to her dismay and shock seeing as how her and her husband ( read: who is NOT devan ) had been trying for a baby with no such luck. she announced her pregnancy one night at a housewarming party to her loving friends and family, those of which among them were her husband doug and their mutual friend… devan.
to his horror, devan soon connected the dots and realized that june’s baby was in fact biologically his as well. through much debate, both june and devan settled on keeping the secret of their tumultuous affair under wraps and neatly hidden from june’s husband, doug. buuuut when feb 19th came around the corner it was clear that forrest was not doug’s at all. and truthfully doug always suspected june of having an affair so,,,, u know.
after a huge explosion of accusations, screaming, yelling and the doctors having to remove newborn forrest into another room for his safety, it was clear to the medical staff that they couldn’t send him home with them. inevitably they called in law enforcement, who took the infant and placed him under foster care. his mother, doug and his father never actively put in the effort to regain custody and thus he would grow up in the system all his life, bouncing from house to house, orphanage to orphanage, group home to group home, and so on. as if this wasn’t horrid enough, he dealt with the inner turmoil of being neglected and abandoned by his parents, authority figures and peers, who continuously picked on him and made fun of his out-of-the-ordinary character. everyone but one person, and he was glad to have found her so young or he wouldn’t have survived anything at all. that person would become arabella gore, who he met at one of the wayward orphanages.
eventually tragedy would strike again though as a series a violent crimes were being committed and teenagers like arabella and forrest were being murdered in horrific ways. instantly the small southern town pointed their fingers at the two, weirded out by their appearances and the rumors that they were devil worshipers as many of the locals knew that they had an affinity for practicing wicca and honestly look like 90′s goths sometimes u feel me. its a LOOK
after being arrested, both forrest and arabella then went on to attend several of court hearings and eventually were dropped of all charges as the evidence did not match up bc,,,, well, they’re innocent, though no one in the town thinks so
eventually forrest heard of mystery inc. from that of ella and seeing how he grew hatred against the town, it guided his actions into moving to ohio. soon enough they became apart of mystery inc. though not much is known abt his past and he would rather keep it that way, this being one of the main reasons why forrest is a case researcher: he wants to ensure no one digs up unnecessary drama y’all feel
𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒎 𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔.
he has a kitty who he would die for in a heartbeat and name is elvira ( her name coming from u guessed it!!! elvira. **he’s a sucker for strong gothic women lmao ). she’s all black and she makes really goofy faces and tbh this is how i picture her 100%!!!
he’s a pisces, born on feb. 20th which individuals born on feb 20th are said to be “secret attention seekers” with character traits as followsssssss: charismatic, sympathetic, & perceptive but also restless, needy & hypersensitive WHICH TRUE FAM. feb 20th ppl also are best suited to be art teachers or poets bc of their skills in emotional intelligence, originality & depth. which pretty much sums up forrest’s entire personality oo p s
usually ( we’re talkin’ like 9/10 times ) he wears black high top converse. the white tips have sketches all over them bc he has a habit of just jotting random shit down on them and also doodling, lmao
probably also highkey has notes to himself written on his inner wrists
he’s a horror movie fanatic but he LOVES horror literature most of all!! horror makeup also is rlly interesting to him and he could literally talk ur ear off abt any three subjects, lol
he has milk chocolate brown shaggy hair.
his style is never one kind of aesthetic ig??? he goes from like casual clothing with black sweatpants and a black sweater with probably some sort of saying on it that’s dark and humurous to really kinda,,,,, i’m just gonna say it,,,, lookin’ like henry winter from the secret history. click here for a better idea!
SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO NOTE: forrest is one of the most triggering character i’ve come up with and write simply bc his mind is v dark. but i will, by all means, tag everything accordingly and be respectful of others triggers. if a certain thread is going somewhere that makes you uncomfortable, please lemme know and i’ll adjust to what makes you feel most secure!! :^)
#mystery:intro#this is a mess#i'm also abt to go to bed but i will hit everyone up tomorrow for plots!!! :^)
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