#hoping to talk w my doc more about this
studiousbotanist · 1 year
good news everyone ! I was told for my liver problems I just need to drink more water ! : ) (HEAVY SARCASM)
*I'm just airing out a complaint ! I'm very upset ! I'll bite anyone who comments !!!!!!
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
i actually had a dr's appt this morning (regular checkup) and. man do you know how relieving it is to hear her say "weight's not important, just as long as you're active" when asked if i exercise
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Dear author, I would like to know if you are taking requests for Twilight? Do you write to Carlisle Cullen? If yes, please I request something for Carlisle Cullen!Wife (in this universe, Esme does not exist). Where others treat her like a mother and she has a certain affinity with wolves (even though she is a vampire). So just a mommy to my vampire clan a best friend/mother figure to my shapeshifter clan 🫶🏻🫶🏻.
I hope I wasn't rude!!!
Carlisle as your husband HCs
Paring: Carlisle Cullen x Wife!Reader
Summary: life as a motherly figure to the wolves and Carlisle being your man.
🩵MasterList 🩵marriage mood board
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Carlisle and you:
So I think Carlisle would want you to stay human as long as possible. You knew he'd never turn someone who had a choice, it annoyed you but you weren't gonna push it like Bella did to Edward.
To say the least he was nervous to talk to you at first, you had just gotten a job a pediatric surgeon at the Forks hospital. He was smitten from the moment he saw you. He would say he's a calm and collected man, but when he saw you he lost all confidence.
It would probably take him a bit for him to talk to you rather your mates or not, this was the first time he actually felt shy around a woman. He would steal glances at you all the time at work and admire you from a far.
You would always smile at him and be so kind and gentle. That being said you actually asked him out, that pissed off the whole femal staff of the hospital. You so confidently asked him to see a movie with you and he immediately said yes.
“Yes! I mean I w-would love too, thank you for the offer... I-it's a date”
You guys get married before you changed. From the day you started to dating up until your weddings you guys just sorta lived in the moment.
There was times he would be nervous or scared that he'd hurt you but he wasn't a big baby about like your dear son Eddie. You trusted him with your life and being around you for so long the fear was gone quickly.
So, I said he'd never turn someone who had a choice, well unfortunately you got sick around the time you turned the same age as him. There's no amount of words that explain the sadness Carlisle felt when he heard you had cancer, but on the bright side he could turn you and you wouldn't be in any more pain.
The family welcomed you with open arms and the kids got attached quickly. They all love you and you treat them like they were your own children.
Carlisle is and will always be husband meteral. He treats you like a queen and you guys even sorta acted like a married couple even before you actually tied the knot.
He's very affectionate person with you. Always kissing your forehead or hugging you.
If you want attention you'll seek it, it doesn't matter if he's reading or doing paperwork you'll cuddle up to his chest and he'll continue working.
He loves having you in his lap while he's doing God knows what in his office. He'll have you against his chest and he'll his rest his chin on your shoulder and continue working.
“Doc, you almost done?” you asked, playing with the buttons on his shirt.
Yeah, you call him Doc. You use that more than his actual name, that and Carr. If he hears his actual names he thinks he's in trouble.
“Hey, Carlisle can you come here please!” you shouted from another room.
His eyes widened and he raced into the living room where you were. “What did I do?”
You raised an eyebrow confused. “nothing that I know of, what's wrong with you?”
“why did you call me that?” he asked with puppy eyes, yeah he's been around Emmett for too long.
You chuckled a bit. “Can you please get that book for me” you said pointing to the high shelf. “of course” he nodded relived he didn't do anything wrong.
If he dose something wrong Emmett will rat him out, trust me.
His kisses are always full of passion and love. He makes sure you know your the only girl he wants and since your a vampire he isn't afraid to hurt you, but that doesn't mean he's rough with you or just doesn't care.
You guys dance alot too, at night when the right song is playing you guys just sway around in your room without a care in the world.
He loves leaving love notes for you, sometimes he'll just put them around the house for you to find. Sometimes it'll be on the bathroom mirror other times it'll be on your nightstand. They're always so sweet and loving
'If I were to kiss you and then go to hell I would, so then I can brag with the devils I saw heaven without even entering it.'
And the sex... 😏
You make him watch a lot of medical shows and vampire movies with you.
If your watching greys anatomy be prepared for him to correct EVERYTHING.
“that's not how that surgery works” he said rolling his eyes, the show actually aggravates him sometimes and it's not because of the drama and their bad decisions is because they get medical stuff wrong.
“it's just a show dear”
“Derek Shepard doesn't know shit” he mumbles.
I don't think you relize this man would do anything for you. He'll kill for you and he's not a violent man.
Your relationship with the Cullen kids:
You've always had this motherly personality and you love being around kids, this would probably lead you to baby the Cullens a lot. This would drive Carlisle crazy a bit especially when you start doing things they are well capable of doing.
“Emmett she shouldn't have to do your laundry”
You shrugged carring a basket of everyones clothes. “I was washing stuff anyway”
But that doesn't mean you don't know when to put your foot down. You can be very stern when you need to be, something it even makes Carlisle nervous.
You made a rule that the boys aren't allowed to wrestle in the house not, not after Emmett accidentally pushed Edward threw the wall and completely destroying the living room wall. You and carlisle came home from work and a deer had wondered into the house. You grounded them both.
“well I hope you guys don't have anything planed this weekend beacuse you're spending it fixing the wall.” you said.
There are times your the mean parent and carlisle is the gentle parent. Not in a bad way of corse it only happens when needed but then you immediately feel bad for yelling at them.
“Emmett your grounded, no video games till the garage is fixed”
“you can't ground me, I'm a grown ass man” all the kids and even Carlisle went wide eyed at how Emmett talked to you. He said in a playful manner in his defense, you guys have that type of teasing relationship. The others missed thst.
“can she do that!?” he quickly asked Carlisle, Rosalie quickly butted in. “she's queen of the castle she can do whatever she wants” carlisle smiled and agreed with a nod.
You and Rosalie have a strong bond, she goes to with anything and everything having full confidence you can help her.
Sometimes you guys will just ditch Carlisle and Emmett so you can just sit and talk.
Alice is very attached to you, almost like a young kid would be to their parent. Holding you hand sometimes or having her head on your shoulder while you're watching a movie.
You pick each other's outfits and sometimes intentionally match.
Emmett, Jasper, Edward... They are all mama's boys and you can't change my mind. Emmett is the trouble maker but honestly he's babbied the most. Edward treats well and loves you and so dose Jasper.
You love Edward but you don't like Bella, you'd never tee him that, but she's just a headache to be around.
Your not a hateful person and you believe everyone deserves a chance, but when's he's consently putting your husband and the other kids in danger you don't take that lightly. Especially when Edward decided he couldn't love without her and tried to get the vulturi to kill him.
You weres so angry you started to cry when you weres scolding him.
Your the only one who understands why Rosalie doesn't like being around her.
“We're stuck with her Rose, let's try and stay civil”
You and the wolf pack:
You've known both the Uleys and the Black's for a long time. You Became friends with them long before the Cullens showed up.
You and Sam grew up together, naturally you helped him with every single pack member when they phased.
You treat them all like little brothers, you'd take a bullet for them but at the same time you want to knock their heads together.
At the beginning you understood, but the pack wasn't too keen on Carlisle and the whole situation. The young ones like Jacob and Seth who at the time didn't know the truth was there to cheer you on though.
Your very protective of both Seth and Jacob. You jokingly call them your sons.
The pack has huge respect for it which is why they all willingly help you and the Cullens, they know if they want to keep you safe then they have to help the vampires.
You guys take care of each other.
After a while they grow to like Carlisle, Sam respects him and he's just happy that your happy. And of course Carlisle treating you like a queen helps too.
Seth liked him right off the bat and carlisle even became a father figure to him.
You help keep the peace for both sides and in the end your the glue and the reason that keeps them together.
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lovelynim · 6 months
Tiny Problems
Honkai: Star Rail - Dr. Ratio x Aventurine
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A/N: I just finished playing 2.1 and I needed to get this out of my head
Summary: While trying to figure out one of Sunday's puzzles, Aventurine starts to have a little too much fun at the sandpit.
Word count: 1373 words
Warnings: Minor spoilers from Honkai's 2.1 main quest!
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Ratio rubbed the side of his head, closing his eyes as he hoped to make time pass a little faster. Yes, it shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes for that pretentious gambler to find the missing pieces and they could move on.
What was missing on Ratio’s calculations, however, was how amused Aventurine would get with Sunday’s sandpit.
“Woah! Hahah, they even made tiny clothes for the stores around here!” Aventurine beamed with excitement, paying attention to every detail - except for the ones he actually should look for. “Look, doctor, don’t I look handsome in these? Do you think they have a regular-person’s size of these back in the Golden Hour?”
That futile, mundane idiot.
“I honestly think it’s impossible for me to care less about it, Aventurine. Did you happen to find any clue to where the missing piece is?” Ratio sighed, looking down at the sandpit as uninterested as he could be. 
His eyes could easily spot the shrinked blonde, running around like a little kid at some kind of amusement park. Was he really enjoying the sandpit that much?
“That man really outdid himself in these buildings, huh? But he could pay a little more attention to the NPCs…” Aventurine mumbled, clearly not paying any mind to Ratio’s concerns as he stopped by one of the food trucks. 
While the doctor complained about something that he promptly ignored, Aventurine walked around, trying to check if there was some sort of miniature food that he could try. “Hmm, is this thing hollow?” The gambler hummed, knocking on the truck’s window.
Maybe this was all part of the Family’s trial, Ratio thought while pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing in defeat. The key to the next room was just right there and, yet, Aventurine was refusing to collaborate. 
“How can you be having fun at a time like this?”
“How can you not have fun?” Aventurine snapped back in a cocky tone, looking up to see his giant coworker. “If anything, we can always tell that man about how hard we worked to get past his puzzles and meet him in person. Facing such hardships must be worth something, right?”
I gained nothing from dealing with a hardship like you, gambler,” Ratio groaned, crossing his arms in front of his chest while Aventurine resumed his little (pun intended) exploration. Was he talking to one of those NPCs he just complained about?
“Damn, these guys are so dull! I think they could use some of your teaching, doc!” Aventurine shouted with an audible chuckle, almost as if mocking Ratio’s growing frustration with his constant delays.
“Gambler,” Ratio called, his voice carrying his clear annoyance, “quit fooling around. Did your brain shrink beyond your body’s proportion? We have no time for playing around.”
Even with the size difference between them, just by Aventurine’s (small) body language, Ratio could tell the man was rolling his eyes. How utterly distasteful. “Come on, what’s the problem in having some fun while we are- w-wOAH!!”
Just as Aventurine was about to boast, Ratio reached out to the top of the miniature building where he was. The gambler could swear he had reached the limit of Ratio’s patience and he was about to get squashed like a bug… but, instead, Ratio carefully pinched the back of his coat and picked him up.
“You. You’re my problem,” Ratio said firmly, holding the other man in front of his eyes and watching him flail like a worm on the hook - a fitting metaphor for this situation, if you asked the doctor.
“H-hey, I could hear you just fine from the sandpit,” Aventurine giggled nervously, curling his legs and tugging at his coat, not really sure if Ratio would bother to catch him if he slipped past his grip. “But look at the bright side, doc, at least you only have a tiny problem, h-heheh…”
Aventurine gulped. Ratio’s angry face could be even scarier when he was a thousand times bigger, huh… “C-come on, don’t be angry! I was just trying to give you something to laugh about, you know? Have fun!”
“I’ll have plenty of things to ‘laugh about’ when we get back - after our work is done,” Ratio scolded, making Aventurine flinch in his grip, “but all you do is fool around. Are you understanding the issue here, gambler?” Ratio narrowed his eyes, scoping Aventurine’s body to allow him to sit on his palm.
Leaning against Ratio’s thumb, Aventurine remained in silence for a couple seconds while he looked around.
“Are you listening to me?” Ratio sighed, giving his best efforts to not squeeze the blonde like some sort of stress ball.
“Hmm…” Aventurine turned his attention back to Ratio’s face and, from that distance, his stupid (read: silly) smile was clear in the doctor’s sight. “Are you sure you don’t want to try to slip me in Sunday’s clothes? I think I’d even fit in his pocket like theEHe- h-hey!”
“You insufferable idiot,” Ratio groaned, poking Aventurine with his index finger, “are you even listening to me?!”
“H-hehey, doc! Thahat tihihickles!” Aventurine protested, using both his hands and all of his strength to try to stop Ratio’s finger from poking him. “C-cohome on! This ihihisn’t fair!”
“It tickles?” Ratio arched his eyebrow, resting his finger on top of Aventurine’s body while pondering about that new information. At his size, Ratio expected it to hurt, maybe even crush one of his ribs if he used too much strength… but tickle? Well, it was reasonable. Maybe with the right pressure and move, his touch could’ve - indeed - tickled. 
“You mean, like this?” Ratio grinned, gently wagging his finger against Aventurine’s small body.
“Y-yehes, stohop it!”
“Interesting,” Ratio mused out loud, leaning against the sandpit’s border. Swiping his thumb over Aventurine’s body, the doctor managed to push his arms out of the way and trap them between his own digits. “To think something like this would still work,” he continued, using his free index to rub Aventurine’s side.
“W-wahAHAhait, what ahahre you dohoing?” Aventurine laughed in confusion, bringing his knees up in a vain attempt to protect himself. It wasn’t rare for Ratio to overpower him, but having him doing it while he was in clear disadvantage was way worse! “DohOHOhoctor! Don’t ihihignore me!”
“I wish I could, but you’re too loud for that, gambler,” Ratio muttered and, despite his cold eyes, there was an amused smile on his lips. “As for your question, I’m doing as you suggested: seeking things to have fun.”
Ratio moved his finger against, poking Aventurine’s stomach as if he was some sort of toy. “You looked like a doll like this, gambler,” Ratio teased, watching the small man writhe in his palm, “you even make noise if I squeeze you like this.”
“AhAHAha, RahAHAhatio, stohop!” Aventurine whined, desperately trying to pull his arms down, but it was like his wrists were locked under boulders. All he could do was laugh and curse the moment he passed through that little gate - this was so unfair! “LehEHehet gohOHoh!!”
“Hm? Well, I could…” Ratio said, flicking his finger against Aventurine’s body and making him giggle some more, “if we went back to work and solved this puzzle. After all, how do you expect to meet Sunday when you look like a cheap toy?”
Deciding to show the gambler some mercy, Ratio lifted his finger and watched Aventurine’s little chest wave as he caught his breath. “I-I… ahah, damn, I’m not cheap, doctor!”
“...Is that the part that concerns you?”
“Of course, heh, my clothes are expensive and- waitwaitwait!!” Aventurine cried out, curling up into a ball in Ratio’s palm as he saw that evil finger approaching him again, “fine! Fine! I will work to solve the puzzle!”
Ratio huffed, turning around to put Aventurine back in the center of the sandpit, “very well. You do know how to make the smart choice sometimes.” As he stood back, Ratio watched the little gambler pat his clothes as if trying to fix them. 
Tsk, he was simply incorrigible.
“I know, I know! ~ Just hang in there, doc!” Aventurine chuckled, waving to his giant coworker as he resumed running around the sandpit. Time to get back to business!
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makenoplans · 1 year
all gale banter! (that i am currently aware of)
hiii gale enthusiasts, i just spent the past few hours picking through videos trying to find all of gales party banter and transcribing it! check under the cut for verbose details
copied directly from the doc i transcribed this into so youll have to bear with the initials to denote who is speaking when! generally speaking, initials are a=astarion, g=gale, h=halsin, j=jaheira, k=karlach, l=lae'zel, m=minthara, s=shadowheart, and w=wyll
(except for two minsc quotes that are also m, both where he mentions his name so like... it's obvious)
transcribed with attention paid to particular noises characters make that aren't quite whole words and also words that are emphasized!
please let me know if youre aware of any banter ive missed!
warning: long
G: Karlach! A hypothetical question for you. If someone - not me, of course - detected a hint of romantic interest in them from another… unnamed individual, erm, what might that someone… do about it?
K: Whoever it is, just talk to them, Gale! And leave out the hypotheticals.
G: Talking. Right! I'm good at that!
A: So, Gale, how is your sad, hopeless pining going?
G: [Ach!] I'm hardly pining! Been a year or more since Mystra cast me aside!
A: Oh, my dear wizard, I wasn't talking about Mystra.
W: I used to believe the beauty of first love was unable to be surpassed, but Gale, you are so much more tolerable now that you've found your second.
G: I'll take that comment with the sincerity and good will I assume it was intended.
G: Have you noticed any attachments of the more, er, romantic variety flourishing in our camp, Wyll?
W: I think I'm not the right person to be asking. I can recognize a troll silhouette on a far horizon, but I wouldn't know a flirtation if you whacked me alongside the head with it.
G: I see you waste no time pursuing your quarry, Astarion.
A: Hmph! I rather thought I was a little slow this time. Usually they're begging me to dream them on the first night.
G: Tell me - you always woo your lovers with such patient attention?
A: As the vampire ascendant I can grant my lover immortality and bind them to me forever.
G: Hmm. I trust you speak of the bonds of love, not the shackles of servitude.
G: Am I to understand that you are in love now, Karlach?
K: I sure am. [heh] If there's hope for me, there's hope for anyone.
G: I'm surprised you're permitted to choose a partner outside of your own people.
L: We had to use and misuse each civilization in the stars in every way we know. I do not conquer by blade alone, Gale.
G: I can't imagine Mother Gith would approve. Doesn't she prefer us lesser species enslaved? Or eviscerated?
M: You've been smiling like a fool of late, wizard. Explain yourself.
G: I found love. Surely even you wouldn't begrudge me some happiness?
M: All I can say on the matter is that you were wise to lower your standards from the godly to the ghastly.
G: Tell me, Lae'zel: is it common for githyanki to fall in love?
L: Love? Is that this feeling in me, then? This passion to peel every layer of one's heart to see what light and shadows lurk there? I doubt I am the first githyanki to… to feel this way, but few would ever declare it. Githyanki have playmates, thrill partners but I've never heard anyone profess love, nor read of it in our slates.
L: Gale, I've heard you talking in your sleep. Your mate needs better rest for our journey.
G: And deprive them of the pleasure of hearing my nocturnal postulations? I'd never be so cruel. The mind absorbs much while we believe ourselves dormant. To lie beside Gale of Waterdeep is positively educational.
G: If you're feeling faint after your bout with Cazador, Astarion, I don't mind donating some blood.
A: Aha! Well, you're still full of that Netherese bile, I'll pass, thank you! Besides, I have someone else to nibble on, and they are delicious.
G: I'm glad to know you have a softer side, Minthara. I was beginning to think you rather… heartless.
M: Loving another is not soft, wizard. It is one of the hardest things a person can do.
G: So you admit you found love! Aww. How delightful. I'm happy for you both.
A: So, how was your night with Gale? Did you have a long, hard debate?
G: Ugh. Ignore him. Astarion envies the depth of a bond because he's of a shallower inclination.
G: So Astarion, I hear your relationship has taken on a new aspect recently.
A: My life has taken on "a new aspect." It's only natural that my relationships change as well.
G: Halsin! You must have accumulated considerable wisdom on matters of the heart in your long life. Anything you'd like to pass on to a… strapping, lovestruck wizard such as myself?
H: [hehehe] Dispensing advice on matters of the heart would be like swapping boots. What suits me may be a… poor fit for you.
G: Ah. Well. There's no faulting that logic. At least you didn't tell me to "be myself."
H: Oh no, perish the thought. That can be outright cruel advice to offer in certain cases.
G: Indulge me, Lae'zel, as someone unfettered by Faerunian beauty standards: how would you appraise my appearance?
L: Your beard looks like the hairy tufts upon the [surlon], the largest of wyrmkind that sliver our skies.
G: Hm. I suppose that's… a bad thing? No. Don't answer that.
G: Wild-shaping must sprinkle some spice on your love life, Halsin.
H: Heh. Indeed it does. Did you… never experience such delights with Mystra? I, uh, hear the gods enjoy taking on the forms of swans, horses, eagles and the like when… visiting with mortals?
G: Oh no, quite the opposite, actually! She mostly preferred our interactions to be abstract, and incorporeal. Most invigorating.
G: So, Lae'zel, have you ever been tempted to use psionics in your, uh, romantic endeavors?
L: Only once. Did you know, in low-gravity settings, githyanki can maintain aerial suspension for hours at a time?
G: Fascinating! I think the arch-mage Tasha described a spell with similar affect! I really must look that up.
G: I've always felt flames to be a rather perfect expression of love, Karlach. Passionate! Primal! Capable of bestowing the most life-affirming comfort - or - inflicting the profoundest damage.
L: That's… pretty nice. Never thought about it like that. But… now I will.
G: I've been pondering something, Lae'zel. Why is it that githyanki have bellybuttons, hm? When they hatch from eggs?
L: I did not grant you permission to gaze upon my midriff.
G: I- I wasn't gazing! Merely observing! Though that can hardly be said for a certain someone else.
G: Y'know, Karlach, there are other ways to express love beyond run-of-the-mill physicality.
K: Ugh! Are you going to try and teach me about exceptional uses for a mage hand or what?
G: W-well actually, I was thinking of poetry!
K: Oops. Sorry. But, uh, now that I think of it… is mage hand especially hard to learn?
G: Even shaped by shadow as it is, Sharran architecture has a kind of beauty to it.
K: Beautifully intimidating. This place was meant to scare people into submission.
G: There you go. Cutting right through the ephemera to the heart of the matter. Hm! Your finest quality, I think.
K: Uh. Here I thought I rubbed you the wrong way.
G: Nothing wrong with a bit of friction now and then. You help me keep my mind sharp.
K: Aw, thanks, pal! I think.
G: When we met, Shadowheart, your gaze seemed to linger in the distance on some unseen goal, some insubstantial purpose. But I notice now your gaze settles on something or someone much closer.
S: Is it that obvious?
G: Of course! There's nothing escapes a wizard's powers of observation.
A: I gave my return to Baldur's Gate a lot of thought. I never pictured this, though.
G: Ah, what did you have in mind? A quiet party? Toasting your own return with a few good friends?
A: Less "quiet party with friends", more "days of hedonistic debauchery", but otherwise… yes!
G: Hmm. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. But you know what? I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in.
G: I've heard that in Baldur's Gate, "wizard" is also a term used for one who eschews their more, [hr-hrm] carnal desires. Is that true, Wyll?
W: Where are we going with this, Gale?
G: Oh, nowhere. Just think it's a rather cruel misnomer, not at all reflective of the glamor wizarding life affords.
A: So Gale, you laid with a goddess? You must have some sordid tales to tell.
G: Sordid? I lay with the Mother of Magic herself! What we had was… transcendent. Euphoric. Incandescent. Not sordid!
A: You actually made sleeping with a goddess sound boring. Hm. Incredible.
A: I am enjoying our walks together, aren't you, Gale?
G: Uhh… sure! In silence.
G: When you've loved a goddess as I have, people often think you less experienced in the way of romance.
S: She just lives on another plane! [heh] Only jesting. I'm in no position to judge, especially after what happened with Shar.
G: It's true for a time, I neglected the physical in favor of celestial euphoria. But our relationship was no less real for it.
G: I feel I've been rather hasty to judge you, Astarion. One heartbreak was quite enough for me, but to experience it as many times as you have… must change a person.
A: Thank you, Gale, but let us both hope that broken hearts are a thing of the past.
A: So, do you have loves waiting for you once this is all over?
G: You know what, that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.
S: You mean just… waiting? Like a lovesick puppy?
M: Do you have elder siblings, wizard?
G: You're about to say something awful, aren't you?
M: In Menzoberranzan, after a house has two sons, every subsequent male-born child is slaughtered at birth, as it is useless, even for breeding. You have the aura of a third child about you.
G: The architect who built this must have been remarkable. Pity their vision didn't stand the test of time.
K: All's not lost. I mean, just look at this place!
G: You've quite the knack for finding the bright side of things, haven't you?
K: Hope keeps you going.
K: So Gale, got any book recommendations for me?
G: You can read?
K: Hmph. Yes, very funny. I can read. School put me off big, boring tomes. Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing.
G: Ah! Say no more. I'll find the perfect book for you. I might even lend it to you from my library in Waterdeep, ooh.
K: Ooh, something with magic please! And no devils!
G: Do you feel that? The darkness, pulling at the strands of the Weave?
K: Er, you'll still be able to do your wizard thing though, right?
G: Of course. Doesn't make the shadows less dangerous.
K: Joy.
M: Gale. Minsc worries you might send a fireball up his butt with all of this… stringy hair in your face.
G: Is that why you keep your head shaved? I assumed it was a custom of some sort.
M: Oh, no. Most warriors of [Rashinan] wear long battle braids weighed down with stone. Minsc can show you, when next we camp.
G: Thank you, but I'm more wizard than warrior. Not sure my scalp would stand up to such a plaiting.
A: Gods! We're not back, are we?
G: On the Nautiloid, no. This is a different nursery. Similar, but not identical. There's likely one in every colony.
A: I don't care what's in every mind flayer colony, Gale. Nobody does. Except you.
A: Ugh, another ruined temple full of foul-smelling beasts spoiling for a fight.
G: No mere temple. This was a monastery, devoted as much to study as to worship.
A: Oh, how ignorant of me. So it'll be free of foul-smelling beasts then?
G: Quite the opposite. Some monastic orders celebrated their pungency as proof of their devotion. "To think is to stink" was the motto of one ill-fated brotherhood near Arm. Oh! Huh, but you meant beasts of the life-threatening variety. Yes I'm sure it's teeming with those.
A: Moonlanterns to keep the curse back? Burly guards to fight off any monsters? I could get used to this place.
G: Don't get too comfortable. We shouldn't overstay our welcome in such a place.
A: No, of course! Why stay somewhere safe and comfortable when we could be in mortal peril?
H: Ah, Last Light Inn. Half aglow and lanterns lit. Just like a hundred years ago.
G: I imagine the vista was more idyllic back then. As were its patrons' chances of surviving the walk home.
H: [Grunt.] Still though, when you are expecting nothing but desolation, even a small glimmer of hope fills the heart. To think long ago, the druids feared this market down would grow into a city and threaten nature's realm… little did we realize what the true threat was.
G: Divination is a skill few can master. The rest of us must simply muddle along, content to view the past with a clarity the future rarely offers.
H: Perhaps I can yet turn hindsight into foresight, provided the curse is lifted. The better way for all. Whole generations were denied their chance to flourish… I must put this right, for them.
A: That orb seems powerful. What could it do once it's extracted?
G: Nothing good can come of it unless it is contained. Why.
A: It might be useful. Who knows?
G: I must tell you, Shadowheart, the bathing waters here leave much to be desired. The ablutions offered at the Temple of Beauty in Waterdeep were far superior - and, they have the most excellent soaps.
S: Hmm. I was wondering why you always smelled like a wealthy dowager.
A: From sweet woodland to stinking swamp. Can you do tricks like that, Gale?
G: Easiest thing in the world. Though I'd do it the other way around.
H: Brickwork and stonework. This place is far out of balance with nature, but the Oak Father will reclaim this all eventually.
G: Not too soon, I hope! I've a craving for a soft bed, a hot bath, and a large glass of Arabellan Dry. None of which I've ever found hidden under a log.
H: Hah, you may thrive, but what of other life? A city is no place for wild creatures.
G: Cities teem with life! Rats, pigeons, flies… they count no less, for all their more pestilent qualities.
G: The Society of brilliance has quite the reputation. Even Waterdhavian academics refer to their works from time to time.
S: They talk a great deal but do very little. Which may be for the best.
G: I take it you're not inclined to study the wonders of the Underdark?
S: Its inhabitants and cultures, maybe. Its fungi and cave slime, no thank you.
W: Ethel mentioned Netherese magic. What in blazes does that mean?
G: Magic from the fallen empire of Netheril. Ancient. Exceedingly dangerous. And quite unrivalled.
A: Wonderful. I'd hate to be destroyed by any common old magic.
G: Home and hearth, reduced to ruins. The shadow curse stole more than the light from this place.
H: That is why it must be stopped. Imagine a whole century of life and love denied the chance to ever take place.
G: A hidden shrine dedicated to the Moonmaiden herself. Even amidst this darkness, Selunites are stubborn enough to cling on.
K: Pretty beautiful, isn't it?
G: Look around you! Indulge your curiosity! Sorcerous Sundries is the finest purveyor of magical miscellany for miles around.
K: Where's the axes?
G: What they sell is far more precious than mere sword or shield! They sell knowledge! Ingenuity! The wisdom of mages past.
K: [yawns] Ugh, sounds like more your thing than mine.
K: Doing alright, Gale?
G: Oh, you know. Still alive and kicking despite being surrounded on all sides by an endless manifestation of… darkness and decay.
K: I feel it too. Here if you need a pick-me-up.
G: It strikes me that, for a mind flayer colony, there are remarkably few mind flayers about the place.
K: Squiddies have gone to war, is my guess.
G: On the Absolute's behalf? Now there's an alliance I'd've been quite happy without.
K: Aw, man, adventuring is thirsty work.
G: There used to be a monastery in this region known for producing a wonderful ale.
K: Ah, that sounds like heaven. Wait. Used to?
G: Oh yes, long ruined, I'm afraid. No chance of a frothing pitcher awaiting us there, but still. At least your thirst for knowledge is quenced!
K: Ugh!
W: It might seem a bit ramshackle, but this place is a boastworthy bar.
G: A bar is only as good as its cellars. Which vintages can we expect on its racks?
W: Here, a bottle is judged more by its ability to crack heads than the quality of its contents.
G: Ah. If that's the main criteria then I shall reset my expectations accordingly. Water it is!
K: We're not taking a boat to Baldur's Gate, right?
G: And give the Absolute free reign to use us as target practice from the banks? I think not!
K: Ugh. My mum always said the Chionthat was unlucky.
G: I don't suppose you've any clue where we are in relation to Waterdeep?
K: From this distance between Elturel and Baldur's Gate, I'd say… a long way away.
G: Ah. That will make getting word to my mother rather tricky. No matter. What she doesn't know can't hurt her. Not at this distance, anyway.
G: Nothing like a brisk stroll through the forest to invigorate the spirit.
K: I was just thinking the same thing! But… poetically.
G: And without so much as a stirring from our tadpoles.
K: A girl could get used to this.
L: These children and their pets lack discipline. Were they githyanki, I'd recommend further training.
G: Not everyone approaches the raising of their young with such militaristic vigor.
L: That is the very purpose of training. To determine which children shall be warriors, and which are suited to other roles. As for the unruly animals, they would make for nutritious marching rations.
G: Mm, that's certainly one way to make them behave.
L: These flowers are quite vivid, not to mention pungent. Not to my liking.
G: Are there no flowers in [tunirath]?
L: In the city of death, the m'lar cultivate the fruiting bodies that sprout from the corpses of the slain.
G: Huh. I'd rather get them from my florist in Waterdeep, if it's all the same to you.
G: That zaith'isk you mentioned intrigues me. Care to tell me a bit more?
L: An intricate device crafted by m'lar, our most gifted artisans. I am sworn to say no more.
S: Why must the Dead Three be so obvious and ugly with their decor? Blood and bones, bones and blood… Pointy nonsense. At least Shar had some panache.
G: As did Mystra's home on Elysium. Her ribbed vaults and buttresses created a magic entirely of their own… not to mention their pleasure domes.
S: Hah! Pleasure dome.
G: It's a perfectly legitimate architectural feature!
G: The road to Baldur's Gate is a long one. Who knows how long it'll take these folks to get there on foot.
S: If they make it. They're slow, vulnerable. Half or more will die long before Basilisk Gate.
G: Doesn't seem to trouble you a jot.
S: What good would it do for me to be troubled? We can't save them all.
S: You seem to know a good deal about our condition, Gale.
G: Everything, really. Not to put too fine a point on it.
S: A humble specimen, aren't you?
G: On occasion.
G: They're not mutually exclusive! The weave is served best with a dash of eloquence.
G: There's magic here, but it's of a rancid, impure form. Nothing like the true Weave at all.
L: This is why I appreciate a sharp blade to a ball of fire or a bolt of lightning. The Weave is inconsistent, unruly.
G: The Weave is constant, but its users - anything but. We must be on our guard.
L: A githyanki warrior hardly needs to be told that.
L: What is this? This place makes me feel sad, melancholy.
G: Ah, so you're susceptible to the tragedy of a broken home. Maybe you've more in common with us weaker beings than you thought.
L: There's no call to be insulting.
G: Not to diminish our efforts, but. Was rather simple getting here in the end, wasn't it?
L: The obstacles ahead prove to be higher still, which will make the pleasure of overcoming them all the more potent. Imagine the glorious din of it all, the streaming banners, the charging knights. The piles of severed limbs and heads.
G: Mm, I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you.
G: Whatever I expected to find lurking in this cursed gloom, it certainly wasn't this. A glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.
S: That's one way of looking at it. You could also say it's a prime target, the one pocket of light in the gloom.
G: Oh pragmatism, thy name is Shadowheart. You're not wrong, though. Best we keep our sojourn here to a minimum.
G: So! Shadowheart. Such a name implies yours is a difficult heart to find.
S: It's not that hard to find. Perhaps any difficulty is more telling of you, Gale.
G: I always wondered what a vampire's lair would look like. Can't say I pictured it being quite this… theatrical.
L: I find it surprisingly similar to Queen Vlaakith's aesthetic.
G: That makes sense. She does have a flair for the dramatic.
G: No day, no night. It's as though time itself has abandoned this place. Similar to the Astral Plane in some ways, wouldn't you say, Lae'zel?
L: Mm, hardly. It is said that the Astral Plane is threaded with light and silver, life-giving and wondrous in all directions. Nothing like this dismal abyss.
G: Tell me, Lae'zel, what is it like on the Astral Plane? Your home realm intrigues me.
L: Githyanki lay their eggs on other planes. They cannot mature in the Astral.
L: A tadpole nursery, as on the Nautiloid.
G: Quite right, so long as the attempt won't leave us similarly dismantled.
L: Caution is commendable. Boldness is extraordinary. In this case, I recommend the latter.
W: You're an impressive fighter, Gale. You should consider a new name.
G: I take it you have some suggestions?
W: The Wizard Wonder. Or, how about… the Master of the Weave?
G: Tempting, but I think we already have the maximum number of theatrical titles.
G: Pigeons, gulls, sparrows. These streets would make a fine hunting ground for a tressym like Tara.
M: In the Underdark, we have packs of winged hounds to deal with vermin like your precious Tara.
G: Flying hounds? Come now, you're pulling my leg. Aren't you?
M: Yes, I am. It is the bats that would make a meal of her.
M: Umberlee. Her clerics possess a nasty streak as wide as her oceans.
G: So their reputation suggests, especially among the good folk of Waterdeep. I'm curious to learn how you fell foul of them.
M: Blasphemy, said the temple priestess, but Minsc says do not give horns to your statues if you do not wish the visitors to try and make them toot.
G: Yes. That would probably do it.
W: I admire your courage, Gale.
G: Thank you! Any particular reason?
W: Between the orb and the bug, you've got more than your fair share of unwelcome passengers.
G: What can I say? Mother always told me to be a gracious host.
G: My, my. Well I'll say this for the bonecloaks: they know their mushrooms.
S: Perhaps they should expand their horizons. Too much time spent obsessing over fungi seems to leave them a bit, well… like them.
G: Oh, a byproduct of their profession. Few can spend a lifetime inhaling fungal spores without turning out a bit… muddled between the years.
W: This is it, Gale. Today, we annihilate the heart of the Absolute's power.
G: Entirely unnecessary. Though, if they are so inclined, I might be convinced to share a stanza or two of my own for inspiration! Whatever outcome of what's just ahead… it will be the stuff of legends.
G: I knew you were a graceful man, Wyll, but I hear you're quite the dancer, too! I've been known to trip the light fantastic myself. Mine was a popular hand at the annual Blackstaff's Ball.
W: I'd have loved to have witnessed it, Gale. I wager you are as elegant on the dance floor as you are on the battlefield.
S: What did you mean before, Gale? "A woman with shadows for eyes", you said.
G: Merely that if the eyes are the mirror to the soul, yours have dark curtains across the mirror. No offense taken, I hope.
S: Not necessarily. I haven't made up my mind about you yet.
A: Ever heard of a vampire called Cazador, Wyll?
W: I don't think so, no. Why? Friend of yours?
G: He's patriarch of the Szarr family. Nasty fellow, if the histories are accurate.
A: I imagine they are.
L: The right of these prisoners to die in mortal combat was stolen from them.
G: Hardly the worst atrocity the Absolute's committed.
L: One of many, but by no means the least. To die properly is a matter of honor.
W: This is no aimless horde. The Absolute's forces are organized. What do you make of it, Gale?
G: All enemies have some chink in their armor, no matter how much they like to believe themselves invulnerable.
W: And if we don't find any clear weakness?
G: Then we hope our mutual strengths are enough to dominate them. Or! We die nobly in the attempt.
G: I was wondering about your queen, Vlaakith. What tales of her reach us are terrifying. I suppose that's not how you would describe her.
L: Vlaakith is unity. Fear and beauty, life and unlife… eyes like onyx, teeth like daggers. There is none more perfect.
S: Sounds vile. I assume the meaning of perfect was lost in translation.
G: Moonrise Towers lies ahead. We're nearing the heart of the Absolute, I'm certain of it.
W: Then let us push forward, head high, weapons in hand, and turn this tower to rubble.
G: Your confidence is encouraging, but a little premature. Let's keep our eyes on the task ahead- or eye, as the case may be.
W: Who's in charge of the mind flayers, Lae'zel? Is there a squid king or something?
L: No. Each ghaik is servant to an elder brain. No king unites elders, only their collective tyranny.
G: A mind flayer monarch! Imagine that. Such a thing could shatter worlds!
K: Ready to enter the belly of the beast?
G: Ugh. It's the stairs I'm dreading.
G: No sign of tentacles so far.
S: The same. Except for a knot of worry in my stomach that's in no rush to go away.
G: That I can relate to.
G: The masons here thought they were building something to last. How wrong they were.
W: Perhaps it's a blessing that none of them survived to see it fall to the shadows.
G: No need for such a grim assumption. Halsin helped many to escape these shadows before the town was consumed.
W: Then some masons were more blessed still, if they could put their talent to use elsewhere. Perhaps some of their work even graces Baldur's Gate.
S: You seemed quite forward with your compliments earlier. We'd only just met.
G: Seize the day, I say. More now than ever.
S: Careful you don't pull a muscle in this place.
S: Isn't it so that every time you speak as you cast a spell, you're endeavoring to call upon Mystra? I'm surprised she still listens to you.
G: She has no choice. She's sworn to hear all magic users. Even me. I'm sure she at least stuffs her fingers in her ears to muffle my invocations.
G: The history of the city itself is captured in the archives here. A fascinating resource.
W: I wonder what those archives will reveal about us a hundred years hence.
G: Only the most excellent and complimentary things. With some encouragement from us, of course.
G: Look at this place. Such horrors defy description.
S: Silence can be best. Give it a try sometime.
S: What if this creche doesn't work out, Lae'zel? What if your kin fail you?
L: If I can reach the creche, my kin will provide. Any failure will be mine alone.
S: If you say so. Just don't expect me to put all my eggs in the same basket.
G: That expression must sound curious to a githyanki ear, given the way they're birthed.
G: Gods. Who knew such a vile abscess lurked in the bedrock of this city? The very stone reeks of misery and despair.
J: Mm. A sad shrine kept by the lunatic and the lost. The last time I was here, I promised myself I would die beneath open sky. I have not changed my mind.
G: Nor should you. Far better to feel a cool breeze on your skin than whatever foul expirations blow through these halls.
A: Eh, can't say I love what they've done with the place.
G: Unsurprising, really. Fanatical cultists tend to care more for ambience then aesthetics.
A: Hrm. Reason enough to put them all to the sword, I say.
A: Heh, what's this? A clever little hideaway. A little too clever, if you ask me. Watch out for traps.
G: Not just clever. Rather ingenious! Somehow its construction keeps the shadow curse away.
S: The end must be near. No regrets, Gale? You may have been better off staying inside this boulder.
G: Unlikely. Had I stayed there much longer, the orb would have reduced it to rubble. Besides, think of all the fun I'd've missed out on.
S: Fun? Well, yes… I suppose we did manage to make the best of things.
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httpsserene · 1 year
ʟᴇᴛ’ꜱ ɢᴏ ɢᴏʟꜰɪɴɢ ᴡ/ ʟɴ4
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📖ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: maybe you shouldn’t be late to any event you go to, or bare minimum don’t make any bets you know you’re not going to win. having no hand-eye coordination is not great when you’re being forced to play golf.
📖ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: i think i’m funny. one or two dirty jokes. and reader does have a lil injury (nothing bad). not edited at all 😎
📖ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: the doc says 900 words?? it feels longer idk
📖ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: lando x black!fem!reader (it’s mainly twitch trio focused-alex,george & lando)
📖ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smau
📖ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅᴛʀᴀᴄᴋ: swang • rae sremmurd
ᴘʀᴇꜰᴀᴄᴇ: i’d like to remind everyone that the people asked for this hellscape! you 🫵🏽 asked for it. it’s long, like LONG. anyways: max is definitely the type of dude to use the cat emojis. my bad to my charles girlies, he did not make the cut for this 😔 i had to get rid of like three or four ig posts and stories to make this all fit into one tblr post, and none of that had charles content 🫠. also, the plot damn near ran away from me, but it’s barely there—it’s kinda more friend focused than lando x reader until the end! uh there’s one part in here that was inspired by tik tok comments, y’all will know which one 😅 inspired by the fact that my brother hit me with a golf club when i was a child 🙂i think i’m pretty funny so i hope you guys find this funny asl, otherwise what did i do this for?
if you want me to post the outtakes lmk
send me some requests or talk to me pls 😅
want to be on a tag list? tell me in my inbox <3
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liked by lilymhe, mercedesamgf1, and 4,100,123 others
georgerussell63: off to a terrible start for golf day. my girlfriends “wife” is crashing the party, and my mates gf is already -4 after two holes 🙂
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lilymhe: light work 💪🏼 no reaction🥱
user: not his girlfriend’s wife ☠️
➥ user: who does he think keeps carmen’s bed warm when he’s not at home???
alex_albon: welcome to watch mojo! and today we’re counting down our top 10 times our gf’s ditch us for each other 🤨
➥ user: and?
➥ user: what else are they supposed to do alexander 😀
y/ninstagram: put some respeCK on my name princling, or next time i see u its on sight 😡 im aiming the golf club straight at you
➥ georgerussell63: you can’t even hit the golf ball in under three tries, or aim anywhere near the holes
➥ georgerussell63: i think i’ll be fine
➥ y/ninstagram: 😟😐 i'll remember this george william russell, ur asking for it
carmenmmundt: george failed to mention that he’s +3 already
➥ georgerussell: like, literally nobody asked you to say that 😒
➥ landonorris: drag him !!! he doesn’t get to say shit about our wife 😤
➥ carmenmmundt: *my wife
➥ user: lmfaooo im 💀
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liked by y/ninstagram, carmenmmundt and 3,431,543 others
alex_albon: ladies and gentlemen, introducing: *my* girlfriend 🤤✨
tagged lilymhe
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y/ninstagram: we MUST stay focused sisters
y/ninstagram: gawd damn‼️ wifey could hit me with that golf club any day
➥ carmenmmundt: fuck the club, i’ll let her run me over w the cart🥴
lilymhe: next hole, i’ll show you guys what a proper stoke is 😏
➥ lilymhe: since our bf’s seem to underperform…on the golf course obv
➥ user: AYOOO?!!
➥ carmenmmundt: okay 😇
➥ y/ninstagram: why r my thighs wet rn
alex_albon: i’m at a loss for words
➥ landonorris: this is literally your fault
➥ georgerussell63: can’t believe you mate 🫤
➥ alex_albon: how is this MY fault??! whattddiddiddoo
lilymhe • 5hrs ago
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y/ninstagram: idk y ur complaining? the cart is parked. on its side, but it’s parked😊
carmenmmundt: i think we’ve punished ourselves
alex_albon: should’ve left her ass at home like i said 😒
francisca.cgomes: idk even know why y’all let her drive the cart😨
y/ninstagram • 4 hrs ago
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maxfewtrell: ur joeeee kingggg. ur joe king 😐
francisca.cgomes: i wouldn’t even trust u with the scorecard—but pop off !!! girl boss shit
danielricciardo: SO I HAD TO, GRIND LIKE THAT TO SHINE LIKE THIS 🗣️🗣️‼️💯
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liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, and 3,862,431 others
lando.jpg: “i have the highest score out of everybody here! +26 up on y’all hoes!” - y/n
tagged y/ninstagram
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➥ maxfewtrell: SHE SOUNDS FIRE 🔥 ON MUTE ‼️💯
➥ alex_albon: no talent ✅ JUST STRAIGHT ASS 💯💯🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
georgerussell63: THIS IS FIRE 🔥 PUT IT OUT ‼️
y/ninstagram: y u hurt me 😪
➥ carmenmmundt: i think you’re underrated, honestly <; 3
➥ y/ninstagram: aw ty carmie :)
➥ carmenmmundt: I HOPE IT STAYS THAT WAY 🥶🥶‼️‼️🙌🏻🙌🏻
➥ y/ninstagram: bee-eff-eff-aur: be FUCKING for real 😒
y/ninstagram • 3 hrs ago
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maxverstappen1: i don’t want to laugh—man who TF am i kidding 😹😹😹
alexandrasaintmleux: how THE fuck did u manage to give yourself a concussion??!
carlossainzjr: pobrecita😪 how 😭 terrible 😭 can you tell lando to come over when ur done
carlossainzjr: hello
carlossainzjr: niña i can see you reading my messages
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liked by carlossainzjr, mclaren, and 6,234,765 others
landonorris: thank you for all the wishes about y/n (not u carlos, you’re in time out). she only has a mild concussion, and verbally assaults me when i wake her up every two hours 😒 to make sure she’s alive 🤗
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landonorris: god forbid i stop her from dying 😱
➥ carlossainzjr: heyyy be nice to her she’s in another world right now
➥ landonorris: u r not slick sainz. don’t expose our affair to my gf when she’s injured
➥ carlossainzjr: she won’t even remember this 🥺
➥ user: sir👁️👄👁️, this is a wendy’s drive through
➥ user: they know this on the internet 4ever right…?
lilymhe: this girl swung the club, missed the ball, and let go of the damn club no follow through
➥ carmenmmundt: it hit the ground and ricocheted back at her
➥ alex_albon: and she got knocked on the forehead hard asl
➥ georgerussell63: the noise it made was hilarious 😂 y’all should’ve been there
➥ user: geORGE WILLIAM????
➥ georgerussell63: i’m mad we didn’t get it on video smh 😔
taglist: @saintslewis @cherry2stems
© httpsserene 2023
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hjparisian · 25 days
so long, london- remus j lupin x reader
p: remus lupin x fem!reader w: sad, angst, like one or two cuss words, mentions of death s: the deaths of lily and james potter and the imprisonment of sirius black have led to a rift between (y/n) and remus' relationship. both haunted by that one night, it was only a matter of time until one of them left a/n: please bear with me in this as im not super knowledgable about the mauraders era but i hope this is okay! if yall have a 1000 page doc about this era, send it my way
Halloween of 1981 had to have been one of the darkest days in history. Lily and James Potter were dead, killed by Voldemort. Peter Pettigrew, dead, killed by his own friend Sirius Black, who is now in Azkaban.
Remus was still grieving the death of Marlene McKinnon when he found out about what happened to his best friends. He could barely hold in his tears as he held (Y/N) in his arms, who was already sobbing at the news.
The two couldn't believe it. How could Sirius Black sell out his own best friend and his wife to the Dark Lord? How could he kill his friends? Had he been hiding his loyalty this whole time?
The days following James and Lily's deaths were spent in darkness. Remus would sit in the room he and (Y/N) shared, staring at the fairy lights stringed about the walls. (Y/N) would spend her mornings doing tasks for the Order, while at night she would wallow in the arms of Remus.
Just when they thought things were terrible, it unfortunately got worse.
(Y/N) and Remus' good friend Dorcas Meadowes was found dead. Killed by Voldemort himself. Why? They'll never know.
The two were distraught, (Y/N) more so than Remus as she was closer to Dorcas. It appeared that (Y/N) would follow in Remus' own routine, hiding away in the spare bedroom that they used to let their friends rest in when they were over. At nights, she would return to her and Remus' bedroom to shower and sleep.
Remus could hear her sobs during her showers.
As the days went on, (Y/N) had began to accept the fate of her friends. Or she was hiding her true emotions from Remus, who remained a mess at the loss of his mates. Each day, (Y/N) would try to talk with Remus and get him out of the house. Unfortunately, the only time he would leave was during the full moon so not to hurt her.
Remus began distancing himself from (Y/N). He'd wake up earlier than her, he would have lunch before her, he would keep himself locked in the bedroom during the day, wait 'til she was asleep to turn in.
Anything to be alone.
(Y/N) had tried to follow Remus' new routine, trying to catch him whenever she could. Even if she had to wake up earlier than she would, even if she had to stay up later to see Remus join her in bed. Anything she could to try to talk with Remus.
Silly girl.
It became rare for the two to even have a long lasting conversation, let alone a lighthearted, joyful chat. Any words spoken were those of sorrow and anger. The young woman had once attempted to talk to Remus about his mood changing, trying to get him to talk through it.
It ended in tears and slamming doors.
Since that talk, tensions between the two were higher than ever, and not in the way one may think. They began to have more arguments in a month than they ever had in their entire relationship.
Though one argument was not like the others.
"Rem, come on!" She pleaded with him. "You haven't been outside in months! Everybody is starting to assume you're dead!"
"Well let them think that! Everyone I cared or loved is already dead. Anyone who's ever loved me is gone."
"But what about me?" She asked him. "I'm still here Remus. But lately you act like I'm not!"
Remus stops his tracks in the living room. "Sorry that our friends dying has affected me so badly."
"Remus, you're acting like you're the only one affected by their deaths." She says to him. "I'm upset about it too. They were my friends as much as they were yours."
"You never knew James or Sirius or Peter like I did," Remus yells at her. "You never spent most of your school years with them, knowing every little thing about them."
"That doesn't mean we weren't friends and you know that Remus. You're acting like they were the only people you've lost," the woman says. "I lost Lily. I lost Marlene, Dorcas. Hell, have you even heard about what happened to Mary? She's gone missing Remus! They're saying she might've been killed."
"You don't need to remind me everyone that's gone, (Y/N)! I'm more than aware of what's happening and I don't need to be reminded."
The woman huffed. "Well with the way you're locked up here, it seems like it."
"Not everyone can carry on with their lives after finding out someone who was basically like family is dead!" Remus shouts.
"Well, sorry I've been busy distracting myself with work from the Order! Trying to do what I can to help anyone that left!"
All Remus could do was roll his eyes, frustration clouding his emotions. "Why even bother? They couldn't save our friends, now they're gone! You're being stupid."
"Bloody hell, I can't do this. I'm leaving." The boy declares, having enough of this.
Remus stomped out the door, slamming it behind him. All (Y/N) could do was dropped to her knees in tears, exhaustion hitting her. Sobs filled the empty room.
The man fled to the streets of London, finding shelter in a hotel near the heart of the city. He spent a few nights there, getting the space he felt he deserved. Remus had no one to talk to about this, and sitting in a lonely white bed had reminded him of it.
No James. No Lily.
No Sirius. No Marlene.
No Peter. No Dorcas.
No Mary.
He had no one. Except (Y/N).
Oh what an idiot he is.
Remus had let his anger get the best of him. He had yelled at his favorite girl and basically told her to fuck off. What a dick he is. The fight had began to flood his head, reminding him of how much he screwed up.
He had to go find her.
The werewolf quickly left the hotel, determined to return to where he and (Y/N) were last together.
He ran to the streets and waved his arms haphazardly, aiming to flag down the nearest cab. He stumbled inside the next one that stopped for him and told him the address.
As soon as the cab stopped by his house, Remus gave him money and ran to the door. He took the key from his pocket and unlocked their apartment door. He pushed the door open to a silent living room.
"Hello?" Remus calls out. "(Y/N) are you here?"
The young man began wandering through the apartment, which seemed slightly emptier than usual. His bedroom seemed the most off to him. He couldn't have been away that long, right?
A white envelope sitting against a vase on the night stand had caught his eye. 'Remus' was written on the front in pretty handwriting that he knew belonged to his girlfriend. He opened it up to reveal a letter for him.
He sat on the floor against his bed and began reading it. As he read through it, he felt his heart crumbling to pieces. It felt like everything was hitting him all at once.
I've decided it was time for me to say so long to the place I once called home.
As much as I love this place, London, England, I cannot bear being here anymore. All the memories I've made with everyone will haunt me knowing I've been the unfortunate one who was chosen to be alive out of them.
I'll be leaving the country to go who knows where. Anywhere will be better than here. I think I'd implode if I stayed here any longer.
I've also decided to start clean and leave my wizarding roots behind. As much as I loved being a witch, going to Hogwarts and learning magic, I can't think about it without being reminded of what happened. I don't want my past to follow me around.
I'm sorry I couldn't have done better, Remus. I'll miss you, and I hope your life gets better. Hope you find someone better.
The letter fell from his hands.
Remus couldn't believe it. He had lost the last person in his life that cared for him. His whole world was gone, taken from him.
He stood up and shoved the vase to the ground out of anger, watching it shatter. Water ran across the floor under the broken pieces and ruined flowers.
A wave of emotions hit Remus all at once. He didn't know what to feel. There was nothing he could do to change the past.
Poor young Remus. He was truly alone, forever.
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generalmoonpolice · 5 months
Paul Lahote x reader (fluff/angst)
Just a random little idea that I had.
I hope you enjoy - if you have any feedback I would love to hear it!
W/C: 1262
I was beyond angry as I glanced at my boyfriend in front of me. Trying my hardest, I willed myself to calm down. Exploding with anger wasn’t going to help anyone. Deciding to be the bigger person I tried to back away from him, trying to keep my wolf at bay. I could only hope that Paul would do the same. As I took steps away from Paul he stepped closer to me, shaking in anger. I could feel the anger radiating off him. 
“You’re friends with the leech lover.” He growled at me. It came across as more of a statement rather than a question. I didn’t respond, knowing that it was best if we talked about it another time. When we weren’t so worked up.
“We can talk about this another time.” I hissed at him, gritting my teeth together. My response seemed to make him angrier.
Without warning he pushed me up against the wall.
I heard Jared and Leah yell at him, but he didn’t seem to pay attention to them. Without realising what I was doing, my hand moved up and slapped him across the face. The room went silent, the only sound was our heavy breathing as I took a step forward. Tilting my head up my eyes bore into Paul’s. His brown eyes were full of fury but one thing I didn’t expect to see was fear. My eyes widened as I realised what was about to happen before he exploded into his grey wolf, his claws digging into me making me fall back.
I didn’t feel the pain at first, though I heard a scream that sounded much like mine. The pain hit all at once and I saw the grey wolf above me before everything turned dark.
Pain was the only thing I felt. It radiated throughout my body and left a bitter taste in my mouth. I could hear breathing to my left and the continuous beeping of machines. My chest felt heavy as a groan escaped me. I tried to peel my eyes open to make sense of what was happening. When my eyes finally cooperated with me, a clean white ceiling was the first thing that I saw. 
A hospital.
Internally I knew where I was - the overly sterile smell, the incessant beeping of the heart monitor and the bright white walls only confirmed this. I just couldn’t piece together why. My eyes travelled further around the room where I was met with Emily sitting in the chair next to me looking at me anxiously with Sam standing behind her, the same look etched onto his face. When my eyes met Emily’s, she grabbed my left hand in hers. I looked at her hand in confusion when I saw the bandages on my chest. 
Suddenly everything came flooding back. Paul. The heaviness in my chest grew and I could feel my breathing pick up. Everything seemed too loud, too much. There seemed to be a ringing sound that reverberated across the room. Sam stepped forward seeing my panic and Emily’s hand tightened around my own. 
“Calm down. You’re okay. You’re safe. Paul is safe.” His words grounded me slightly, the ringing sound stopping as tears started to stream down my face. 
“Is he okay?” I asked. My throat ached as I said the words. Sam gave me a curt nod as the door opened. Half of me wished that it was Paul. The other half was too afraid for it to be Paul. I wasn’t afraid of him. I didn’t want him to be angry at me. 
However it wasn’t Paul that walked through the door, but Carlisle. His golden eyes met mine as his brow furrowed. 
“You healed rather quickly.” He muttered to himself.
“Wolf healing doc.” I attempted to joke. The sound of my own voice made me cringe as did the pain that came with the words. Carlisle gave me a small smile before his eyes flickered down to the board in his hands.
“He got you on your chest, neck and chin. You’re going to be on bedrest for at least 2 weeks - wolf or not. Definitely no exercise, no phasing and certainly no shouting.” My jaw clenched at his words, but I nodded nonetheless. Carlisle continued to tell me about an ointment I had to apply before he showed me how to re-bandage the wounds.
With a small “thank you” he left the room, leaving me with Sam and Emily once again. 
“Is he okay?” I asked the pair. Needing to know that he hadn’t and wasn’t doing anything stupid. Emily gave me a gentle smile. 
“He’s beating himself up, but he’s okay. You should get some sleep.” She said to me. I nodded and settled back into my bed before closing my eyes. 
The next time I woke up, Paul was in the chair next to my bed. His red-rimmed eyes met mine before more tears fell from his brown eyes.
I stretched out my hand towards Paul wanting him to grab it. When he did, I intertwined our fingers and took one of his larger hands in mine before tracing the lines on his palms smiling to myself. Even though I wasn’t looking at him, I could feel Paul’s eyes burning holes into me. After a few moments I finally looked at him. 
“I’m sorry.” I whispered to him, my voice raspy and soft. “I shouldn’t have put you in that position. I need you to promise me something.” 
I glanced up at him, peering through my lashes to see his gaze intensely on my face. His eyes left mine to trail along the scratches that now sat on my chin and neck before meeting mine again. He gave me a hesitant nod as if he was afraid of what I was about to say.
“If you ever feel like you need to cool off then you just go. Don’t even think about it. You don’t have to tell me why or for how long. Okay?”
Once again he said nothing and only nodded. I grinned at him before bringing his hand up to my lips to press kiss on his palm. At this, he practically flew out of his seat before he pressed a firm kiss to my head. I tried to look up at him, but he buried his face in my hair and broke down into sobs. The sound brought tears to my own eyes as I rubbed his arm trying to offer him some form of comfort. He pulled back from his embrace and our brown eyes met.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do it and you were telling me to go cool off and I just wouldn’t. When I saw you on the ground there was so much blood and all I could think about was how you were dead and it was all my fault.” He stopped. Taking in another breath he said, “And the last time we ever talked was a fight.” I squeezed his hand tighter as more tears dripped down his face.
“You could never kill me,” I told him sternly, shaking my head. “You wouldn’t ever go that far.” I looked into his brown eyes, my heart clenching painfully. I could practically feel the pain and regret seeping from him. 
Moving forward I pressed my lips to his softly, pulling back quickly. The corners of his lips twitched upwards and he connected our lips again. 
“I love you.” He whispered to me. I didn’t respond, but connected our lips once more. 
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accioprocrastination · 9 months
One Day At A Time (Part 6/?)
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader
Summary: Hangman's fiancée is hospitalised and Jake waits for her to wake up
T/W: Anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD, POW, hints to torture, SA, abortion, pregnancy references, death
A/N: Sorry this got so much darker than I was expecting... Also as per I haven't proof read so ignore the grammar
Part 5 in case you missed it
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Jake POV -
Jake wakes up stomach rumbling with a dead arm from clutching your hand as he sleeps. He momentarily breaks your hand hold to move his arm a bit, hoping to regain some feeling.
A consultant walks in smiling slightly at Jake as they make eye contact through the glass of the door.
"Morning." the doctor says walking in.
"Any news today?" Jake responds hopeful that you'll be coherent enough to talk to him soon.
The man proceeds to walk Jake through all of your bigger injuries - you arm and several ribs are broken; your ankle is sprained; they've operated on your shoulder to make sure it heals correctly. No haemorrhage from hitting your head but you might have a mild concussion.
"There's one other thing as well." The doctor says meeting Jake's gaze.
"I don't like that look doc, what is it?" Jake's nerves skyrocket from the doctor's obvious hesitation.
All of the colour in Jake's face drains as the doctor starts explaining to him what an ectopic pregnancy is. He shudders in repulsion as the doctor says the same thing in a slightly different way in an effort to fully express that it's not viable.
He cuts the doctor off when they start talking about treatment options. "I-I-I just need a minute." Jake says tears filling his eyes. "It's not about the abortion. I just need a minute to process that someone's done that too my Y/N." Jake tries to explain that this isn't a pro-life meltdown.
He doesn't see the doctor nod but he hears the man leave.
The second the door shuts Jake lets out a loud sob at the glimpse of what the last few years have looked like for you. He hunches over stomach clenching from worry - he knows that the minute you find that out that particular diagnosis, you're going to freak out.
Jake continues to cry he thinks back to the only other time you've been pregnant. The time that it was his kid and there were complications. Whatever bastard did this to you is going to unknowingly force you to relive that day.
Jake fruitlessly wipes his eyes on the sleeve of his hoodie then turns back to you face still wet from the tears silently falling down his cheeks. "This changes nothing with you and me sweets. I will be here every step of the way if you want me to." Jake says kissing your hand.
Having gone through a million emotions in the span of a few minutes Jake needs to step out of the room to try and let go of his rage.
Reader POV -
Every muscle In your body is tense in the knowledge that someone was nearby when you were trying to wake up earlier.
Wires and tubing press uncomfortably against your back. Why would they lie you over them that seems stupid?
You lie there controlling your breathing, eyes shut tightly just listening for signs of someone else.
I really don't want to open my eyes in case I'm not alone.
It's eerily quiet. All you can hear is the faint buzzing of tinnitus in your ears and a machine steadily beeping.
Okay, no one else is here, you tell yourself before gently opening your eyes. You scan the otherwise empty hospital room frowning in confusion. You're not sure whether someone was next to you or whether you dreamt that someone was in the vacant chair by your side?
There's fresh flowers and a card on the windowsill, so someone has been here.
A male nurse walks in as you try to disconnect from the machines behind you.
"Please don't do that! You're in the hospital." He says to you.
God my head is pounding.
"I got out?" you murmur in response, so drained that even talking is more of an effort than it has been recently.
"Yes you got out. You're okay." He confirms.
You nod slightly in recognition of what he just said, but mentally you completely disagree that you're okay right now.
"How's the pain on a scale from one to ten?" He questions.
Groaning in pain you shift slightly, you don't verbalise the feeling that you can only imagine is similar to being hit by a bus. Instead you ask "Can I self discharge?"
"It would be strongly against our medical advice if you were to self discharge right now. I would recommend that you stay here under observation and on the IV for a few more days." He grimaces at the prospect of you leaving this room.
"I'm not staying here." You exclaim, wincing slightly as you rip out a needle from your arm.
"Let me just go get a consultant to talk everything through with you and if you still want to leave after that, then you can." The nurse says hesitantly before jogging out of the room. I think he must be new to the role.
The door to your room opens and you suddenly understand the nurse's hesitancy as two police officers walk in.
You try to dart into an upright position to be more alert but whimper at your body's reluctance to move. The agony radiating from your left arm is unbearable. I can't imagine what sitting up would've felt like if that hadn't put my arm in this sling.
"Oh great you're awake!" The young police lady says standing pencil straight by the side of your bed ready to start questioning you.
"You're in the hospital, do you know what happened?" The guy questions you.
"What happened to Ghost?" You begin your own interrogation for answers.
"High on painkillers?" The female officer turns to the man who shakes his head.
"Was that your back seaters callsign?" He queries.
"Yeah. Is h-h-" You nod but you're cut off by the officer.
"It was instant. He wouldn't have felt anything." He answers without making you ask.
You cover your eyes with the palms of your hands fighting to regain a semblance of composure at how abysmal that news makes you feel.
The anxious ringing in your head eventually subsides and you remove your hands from your face. You're somehow still surprised to see that the officers stayed for however long it took for you to be able to fake okay.
"I need to go home." you admit quietly more to yourself than to them. You don't articulate that you just want to blanket cocoon on your sofa while Jake silently assures you that everything is going to be fine.
Your hands quiver slightly at the reality that he might not have waited for you; your home might not even be your home anymore.
Thoughts torrent your mind before you finally muster the courage to ask the room what date it is.
"April the 8th" The police lady answers.
"W-w-what year is it?" You speak up. The police man standing silently in the doorway looks horrified at the prospect that you might not know that but he interjects and answers you anyway.
"Shit." You respond in momentary disbelief that it's been that long.
I mean it felt like forever but I had convinced myself it had been a couple of months and i'll go home to everything the same.
"Jake thinks I've been dead for four years?" tears flood your eyes and your voice breaks, for the first time in years it's not from disuse.
How the fuck am I meant to go home after that amount of time?
If he hasn't moved onto someone else, surely he would've at least mourned you. If he's said goodbye to you like that how is it fair to suddenly reappear?
None of this is fucking fair.
Ghost should be here too.
Jake POV
Jake's heart drops to the floor as he carefully opens your room door to reveal an empty bed. From the haphazard sheets and wires flung across the room, he knows that no one has taken you into surgery without consulting him.
You're still in fight or flight mode.
He discards his unopened sandwich on the table and runs to the nurse's station.
"Room 26 - where is she?" Jake asks the guy behind the desk.
"She asked to self discharge; she's gone." he shrugs.
"She's gone?" Jake clarifies.
"Yep. If you can convince her to come back to hospital I think that would be in her best interest." He responds.
Five minutes - I was gone for five fucking minutes. Jake flings himself down the stairs, running at full speed to the exit.
He forces himself to stop when he's out of the hospital. He glances over everyone in the immediate vicinity.
You have to be here somewhere. And yet you're not here.
Where on earth would you go?
After all this time would you go home?
Home is fucking miles away - how would you get there with no phone and no money?
Jake's heart pounds in his chest as he walks to his car. He walks at a snail's pace so that he can check everyone that crosses his path isn't you.
I'll find you. I promise I'll find you.
Part 7
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A/N ::: Was feeling a little psycho at work so I started this on Friday and brought it home to finish. Also, this might be my life now. I haven’t written anything but that blip whenever about Takemichi HC’s. It could also not be permanent? I’ve got about a month left of training before they release me into the wilds of working at D.H.H.S. So maybe after I’m out there, I’ll chill a bit and write more. But until then, I sincerely apologize for how long the shit I’ve written lately is. 
C/W ::: Baji x (.Calmly.)Obsessed F.reader (sorta? She has admired him from afar for way too long. You know that feeling you get when you like someone and you've kept it to yourself the WHOLE time and you feel like you're going to go absolutely fucking nutzo if you don't tell someone? Yes. It's exactly like that. Enjoy bby burbs!
WC ::: 3,303 (10 pages - give or take an inch? - on G-Docs)
MDNI under the cut. Please and thank you.
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You watched his hands move across his thighs and the jealousy that bubbled up in your gut because they weren't your hands caught you completely off guard.
You were obsessed with Baji.
Like, to the point where your friends had started to notice and you could barely hold a conversation with anyone when he was around. You'd taken to hiding in the shadows and watching him from afar. But not in a creepy way. You just really, really liked him. And you had never found a good way to approach him and let him know. So you watch. You watched from a spot where you thought no one could see you seeing him.
And if you're being honest with yourself, it drove you wild how his lips got to sit there, like smug little assholes, right next to each other. Against each other. All. Of. The. Time.
The unfairness of this was unbelievable.
He doesn't know the luck he has, getting to be in his own skin. That he gets to be with himself 24/7, 365. Day and night. Dressed and undressed. Wet or dry.
It's absolute bullshit.
And you're starting to think it's time you do something about it.
But what? You've never said a word to him. What would you even say?
The question haunts you as you watch him talk with his friends. His eyes light up and his smile is so fucking cute. And the way his hair falls in his face sometimes? God, it's so perfect.
"Hey, you okay?" your friend asks, leaning over and snapping her fingers in your face. "You look a little..."
"I'm fine," you say sharply, trying to shake off the haze of Baji's face that had hypnotized you.
What was it about him that had you so transfixed?
WHY was he the bulls eye on which you honed in?
You've had crushes before, but none have ever been like this. You can't stop thinking about him. Can't stop imagining what it would be like to touch him, to kiss him, to make him yours. To let yourself be his.
"I gotta go," you told your friend. "I'll ... later. I'll talk to you later." They looked up at you as you walked away from the table you were sitting at and knew you were up to no good by the expression on your face.
They mumbled something as you left. Something like "Don't do anything stupid" or "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." But you really didn't care.
You were on a mission now.
You were going to tell Keisuke Baji how you feel.
Right now.
You found him sitting alone on a bench outside the school, scribbling something down in a notebook. He seemed to be in his own world.
You walked over and stood beside him, trying not to stare too hard. Trying not to make it so obvious that you were practically drooling over him.
"Hey," you said, feeling your heart race like it's never raced before. "Can I talk to you about something?"
He looked up at you and smiled, gesturing for you to sit next to him.
You took a deep breath and just said it.
"Hi, Baji. So - oh, th-thanks for letting me sit here with you. Um, I don't know how to really get into this. So I'm just going to dive head first and hope I don't hit the bottom. Ok. Here ... here - here I go."
You took a deep breath and shook your hands at your sides. It was not discreet. But Baji was looking you in the eye and you were hoping he didn't notice your outwardly expressed nerves.
"Ok. Pfffooo. I ... I like you. I've liked you for ages now. And ... and I don't know what else to do because I go crazy every time I see you and I can't be with you. I want to be with you, Baji. You're so beautiful and I just want to lay next to you for hours and talk about the most mundane shit you could ever imagine. I mean, it doesn't all have to be mundane. We can talk about exciting things, too. I just ... ugh, fuck. I don't know. I just need to be with you. Does that make sense? Fuck. I'm sorry to dump this on you all at once. But I seriously can't take another second of carrying this around on my own."
He laughed.
"What the fuck is so funny?" You yelled.
Baji reached up and pulled his ear buds from his ears. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear a word you said. Mind repeatin' that for me?"
You felt your entire body deflate. Your hopes and dreams and fantasies and everything that you had been building up to just crumbled to the ground and splattered all over the sidewalk right in front of you.
You shook your head and stood up. "Ffffffucking kidding me RIGHT NOW?!" you screamed, pointing your finger in his face. "You're really going to make me do this again? You fucking asshole!"
Baji looked genuinely confused and a little frightened. He's used to men - large men - being pissed at him. Used to them throwing punches and calling him names. But you, a sweet-looking, chubby (and dare he say, pretty sexy) girl getting in his face like this was something he'd not experienced too often.
He was kind of enjoying it.
"Fuck, Baji!" you said, trying to hold back tears. "Why did you have to go and do that?" You stormed off and left him sitting there. Completely and utterly stupefied.
"The fuck did ... what the fuck just happened?" He stood and looked around to see if anyone else had caught the scene that just unfolded. He didn't see anyone that could help him out here.
Baji began to walk after you into the forest across the street from the school. "Hey! W-wait up! What the fuck was that all about!? Goddamn it, y/n. Stop!" He called out to you.
You stopped. "You ... you know my name?" You were already on the verge of crying again. That was the last thing you needed. Well, short of him telling you to fuck off and never speak to him again.
"Huh? Of course I know your fucking name. Jesus. It's not that big a school."
You turned around and faced him, eyes still wet with tears. "Really? That's the only way you know my name? Nice. Because you've never talked to me before today. And now you're standing here, calling me by my name."
Baji rubbed his face a few times, groaning into his hands. "That ... oh my god. That's not the only way I know you name. And that literally means nothing."
"It means you know who I am. It means you've thought about me. It means you've noticed me, Baji."
He rolled his eyes and tried not to smile. "Don't go making it into something it's not. I've noticed you. But that's all. I just ... you seem interesting. That's it. Nothing more."
He shrugged. "Yep."
"Well, I'm sorry for dumping all that on you just now," you said, wiping your tears away. "Even though you didn't hear a fucking word I said to you."
"Don't go assumin' shit. Heard plenty. An' what I didn' hear, I read your lips when you were screamin' at me. You're kinda crazy, you know that?" He chuckled.
"Don't laugh at me, asshole." You said.
"I'll laugh at whatever the fuck I want to laugh at, you shit." He smirked at you.
And god. Your pussy clenched when he spoke to you like that. How could one man have the key to your whole world. How could he have the power to make you melt with just a few words and a look?
"So, you wanna hang out or somethin'?" He asked. "Seems like you've got a lot of thoughts and shit to talk about. What're ya doin' righ' now?"
You bit your lip, trying to hide your smile. "N- I'm not doing anything right now. You want to ... hang out?"
"Sure, I mean. If you're cool with it. We can grab a bite. I like biting - bites - fuck! Food. I mean food."
You blushed. "I like bites, too."
"Oh yeh? What's your favorite, um, where's your favorite place to get ... a bite?" He asked, his voice getting low and heavy with darkness. He took a couple of steps toward you and tucked his hair behind his ears.
The smile gracing your pretty face had fallen into some abyss of horny. The depths of which you'd never known. And you wanted to delve deeper. You wanted to delve deeper with him.
"Baji, I-"
"I know what kin'uh bites you're talkin' about, y/n. It's written all over your face." He took another couple of steps toward you, almost closing the gap that remained there between your body and his.
You couldn't believe this was happening. Baji. The guy you had been obsessing about crushing on for months was standing in front of you, saying all the right things, giving you all the right looks.
"I think we should do something about it," he continued, his eyes scanning your face with a determination no one had ever looked at you with before. "'M fucking hungry as fuck, right now. What 'bout you?"
You gulped, trying to steady yourself. You weren't sure what to say. Your head was spinning, your heart was racing, and your cunt was throbbing. But you managed to nod and say, "Yeah. H-hungry. T-too."
He took your hand and led you out of the forest, away from the school and toward his bike. "Let's go somewhere ... somewhere we can be alone." He said, looking back at you with his patent-pending 'Baji grin.'
You nodded again, unable to form any more words because it's hard to talk when you're heart is about to beat out of your throat.
He handed you his helmet and helped you climb onto the back of his bike. "Hold on tight. 'M in a hurry, so, not gonna go slow. Got it?"
You wrapped your arms around his perfectly tapered waist and dug your fingertips into his hard abs. "Got it." You said.
He sped off into the street, weaving in and out of traffic like a pro. You closed your eyes and just held on, feeling the wind whipping against your skin. Feeling his back against your chest. It was like a dream. The kind where you're flying. It was exhilarating. It was the perfect piece to finish out what had been an incredibly frustrating day.
And soon enough, you found yourself in a secluded spot overlooking the city. It was beautiful and serene, and you had never felt more alive (or at peace).
Baji leaned back on the grass and patted the spot next to him. "C'mere."
You laid down next to him and stared up at the sky. "So, what are we doing out here?" You laughed, "I thought we were going to get a bite"
He shook his head, "Well, you're gonna get a bite. Several probably. But you just let me worry about that, doll." He reached out for your hand and laced his fingers with yours. "You know, I've noticed you for a long time too. An' I thought you were the prettiest girl. But I never found a good way to talk to you, ya know?"
You sighed, "I understand. It's hard to just ... walk up to someone and say, 'Hey, I like you.'"
"You did, though."
Rolling your eyes, you corrected him, "No, I screamed it at you, more or less."
He smiled, "Yeah. fair 'nuff. I ain't worried 'bout it though. Least ya told me what you're thinking." He paused and glanced over at you, "You wanna know what I'm thinking?"
You nodded.
"Well, I think you're sexy as hell. An' I wanna kiss the fuck out of you."
"You've got some nerve."
He looked confused, "Wha- some nerve? How the fuck so?"
You leaned in close to his face and said, "Taking this long to do anything about it."
His brow unfurrowed. That signature smile he has returned. And all bets were off.
Baji grabbed you up into his arms and pulled you onto his lap. His lips met yours and you felt like you were in heaven. He tasted sweet and a little smoky and it was driving you wild.
His cologne was filling your senses. You felt heady. You felt so high and it was not any time soon that you wanted to come down from this with him.
"God, I've wanted to do this for so fucking long," he groaned as he nibbled on your bottom lip.
"You?! You've wanted this for so long? Have you not seen me -" you started.
And he finished your sentence, "in the dark recesses of the school? F'k yeh I've seen you. It's fucking hot that you're following me 'round. Spyin' on me 'n shit. I started leavin' my curtains open for you. I kinda hoped you'd come 'round my apartment building s'I could give ya a show. But ya never did."
Your face turned a bright shade of red, "I wasn't ... spying on you. I was just ... admiring you from afar. Closely ... from a-afar. Shut up."
He chuckled, "Same fuckin' thing. An' I'm glad you did. Cuz now, we're here. 'N I get to do this," he pulled you closer to his chest and kissed you again. His tongue moved across your lips and you opened up for him. You felt his hands move up your back and tangle themselves in your hair, pulling it back. Exposing your neck to him.
Baji bit down on your neck and you gasped, "Fuck, Baji! That's - feels - hoh fuck!"
He licked and sucked on your neck, doing little to ease the sting of the imprint of his perfect teeth. But you loved how it felt. He continued kissing you, leaving a trail of wetness from your collarbone to your earlobe. You moaned loudly and he smiled against your skin. "That's it. Wanna hear you make those pretty sounds f'me."
His hands wandered down to the zipper of your jeans and pushed them down over your ass, exposing your panties. "Let's see what you got goin' on down there, y/n."
"Mm, well, Baj' ..." You lifted your hips up and let him pull your pants off, along with your shoes and socks.
"Don't tell me you're embarrassed," he said, smirking up at you. "Don't you know how fucking hot you are?"
You shook your head, "Nope - not really, no." You shrugged.
"Well, lemme show you, then," he said, moving his hand up your thigh and sliding it under your panties. He rubbed his fingers against your slit and you bucked your hips forward. "That's it, baby. Like that? Course you like that. Fuck, you're so wet already."
Baji pulled your panties down and put them in his coat pocket. "For later, when 'm all alone in my room."
You moaned again and he spread your legs wide, "Can't wait to taste you, y/n. Been dreaming about it for so fucking long."
"YOU'VE been dreaming about this for so long? Have you fucking met me?" You were only half kidding. Because you'd been on one about Baji for nearly the whole school year, accounting for the last 8 months of your life. Your time. In school and especially out. This was a fucking dream come true for you.
"Yeah, yeah. Now shut up and let me eat you out. Please?" He looked up at you with puppy dog eyes and you nodded.
He grinned and lowered his head between your legs, his tongue darting out to lick your clit. You moaned loudly and gripped his long, dark hair, pulling it hard. "Oh fuck! Baji!"
He lapped at your cunt like his life depended on it, laving and licking and sucking your pussy.
Your hips took on a mind of their own, moving in a way that you've never experienced. You're not sure if it was Baji or if it was you determining your physical articulations.
You're no virgin. But the people you've been with have never made you feel the way Baji is making you feel.
And he's barely touched you.
"I'm ... oh god ... I'm gonna cum, Baji. Don't stop! Please ... don't fucking stop!"
He sucked on your clit and you felt yourself let go. You came all over his face, drenching him in your juices. And he didn't seem to mind one bit.
"Fuck, y/n ... hot as hell."
You grabbed his shirt and pulled him up to you, kissing him deeply. As he lowered his body down against yours, you could feel his cock. Hard and bated in his clothing.
You thanked every God you could think of in that moment that he wasn't wearing jeans today. This was so much better.
You reached down and untied his pants, pulling his cock out of his boxers. He groaned and you looked up at him, "I need you inside me. Please. Baji. Fuck me."
He nodded, "Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna fuck you so good, y/n. So hard you won't be able to take a single step tomorrow without cursing my name under your breath and your pussy clenching up around nothing when you think about how fuckin' good this dick felt."
And he did. He fucked you in the grass, under the stars, where anyone could see you.
Baji was unpredictable in his movements but potent in his execution. He kept you poised for almost anything. If you'd been standing, you'd have been on your toes the whole time. Literally and metaphorically.
He felt so good, dragging his cock in and out of your dripping hole. You were moaning so loudly that it egged him on. Driving that intense desire deep within him to show itself in the cool night air.
"I feel you. Gettin' tighter f'me. Fuckin' feel so good, doll. Fuck. Keep that up 'n I migh' jus' cum with ya. You wan' me t'fill ya up? Mm? Where you want this at?"
You moaned, right on the edge of wringing his cock dry, "'N'side, 'n'side, Baji. Want you t'cum inside of me. Please! Fuck, I'm gonna cum!"
He thrust into you, irregularly. Frenzied, almost.
You felt his cock throbbing as he buried himself inside of you. He grunted loudly and held you tight, his body shaking. "Fuckin' take it, y/n. Fuck! Take it all, baby."
Your pussy contracted around him, squeezing him, greedily drawing from him every drop of cum he had to offer.
And you were happy to take it.
"Jesus ... Baji. I ... fuck. I've ... fuck." You giggled and kissed him back as he brought your face to his.
"Mm, don't go gettin' all gushy on me." He pulled out and tucked himself back into his pants and you put your clothes back on and stood up, looking at him with a smile.
"Gush is my specialty, though." He laughed and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Fine, fine. So what now?"
You tilted your head, "What d'ya mean what now?"
He buried his nose in your neck and said "You know what now."
"Baji, I don't want to leave you."
He nodded, "I know. I don't wanna leave you either. But what NOW?"
You pushed away from him a little bit, "If you say that to me one more time I'm going to shove you off of this cliff!" Laughing, he kissed your forehead.
"Let's go back to town. We'll grab a bite - with our clothes on - 'n I'll take you home - back to my place, I mean."
Leaning into the kiss, you nodded and walked back to his bike.
Hand in hand. 
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@kazutora-kurokawa @viburnt @katkusuo @darkstarlight82 @arlerts-angel @southside-otaku @trevengersprincess
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pariahsparadise · 2 years
riff lorton x shy!reader hc's
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requested by @luckyrabbits - hi! if requests are open, can i request something (fic or hcs are alright!) w riff lorton and a fem / gn reader who’s very shy? ty and have a great day! 
word count: 500
a/n: sorry this took so long to make! and as a shy person myself, i totally loved this prompt lol. hope you like this 💗
pairing(s): riff lorton x fem!reader
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riff first sees you when he stops by at doc’s. you’re working alongside tony and laughing at something he’s saying to you, one hand coming up a little self-consciously to cover your smile
riff melts on the spot
he bothers tony for next few days, trying to convince him to introduce the two of you
tony first says no, he knows you aren’t too comfortable around strangers
but riff manages to wear him down eventually
you’re a little scared when you first talk to him, and you’re really thankful that tony and riff manage to carry the conversation on their own with little input from you
but over time, talking to riff gets a little easier
until the mf starts flirting with you
my god, you get so flustered
riff’s a pretty smooth guy, with lots of confidence, he knows what he’s doing
you’re the exact opposite
the first time riff calls you “girly girl”, you get so flustered, you have to walk away to the staff room
he always keeps himself in check though
yes, he loves making you blush, but he never wants to actually make you uncomfortable, so he stays within his limits
he takes you out on multiple dates, usually in secluded places
originally, he did this so you’d feel better, but he ends up liking it more himself, it’s quality time with you AND he’s the sole receiver of all your attention
this isn’t always the case though
sometimes you insist on going dancing because you know all the jets are
and riff loves it too, but he won’t go without you
so you try and bear with it as much as you can
you’re too shy to dance in the hall with all the people milling about you though, so you encourage riff to dance with grazie and the other girls
and even if he does, he always manages to find his way back to you
will probably drag you out of the hall to dance in the parking lot
the music is muted, he sings along to it as he sways you around before pulling you into a kiss
you melt against him, knees unsteady, thankful for the arm he secures around your waist to keep you standing
riff’s also great at extracting you from social situations you don’t want to be in
all you have to do is tug on his sleeve once, and he’ll offer the people around you a pleasant smile and believable excuse before whisking you away
he’s usually the one to initiate physical touch, but on the rare occasions that you do?? fucking dead
just imagine, dragging him down by the collar of his shirt to kiss you?? out of absolutely nowhere?
he always makes the most surprised gasp, too
it fuels your ego, gives you the very necessary confidence boost that you need
riff kind of tends to keep the jets away from you, they’re a really loud and often rude gang
he knows you don’t need to be a part of a crowd like that, so the only jets you properly know are riff and tony
all in all, he’s a great boyfriend, and he finds your shyness endearing instead of annoying
it’s just one of the many things he’s loves about you :)
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reads4hotch · 2 years
little crush
aaron hotchner × fem!BAU!reader
summary: you're tired of your boss, and best friend, not making a move on you no matter how much he wants to, so one night you decide to take matters into your own hands.
warnings: dirty talk, kinda smutty, alcohol consumption, heavy make out, reader is going commando, pls tell me if i'm missing something
note: i was telling @ihavemanyhusbands about having ✨dirty thoughts✨ about hotch during my class and i promised to share my ideas w her. and while editing my doc i ended up with this piece. the first piece i managed to fully write and finish since my writer's block started 2 years ago and i couldn't be happier (or more nervous) about it. also hi @beelmons this is it🙈 i love you guys too fucking much pls, ty for everything🥺💖
note 2: also, this started as one of the chapters for the series i'm writing of bau!bestfriend!reader w Hotch where they would have sex for the first time, buuuuut since i ended up discarding this idea, i thought i could share this piece with you. hope u enjoy!💖
two days into a case with almost no leads, aaron felt the stress consuming him. and apparently it was too obvious for everyone. the first thing coming out of your lips when you entered his hotel room in the middle of the night, fully aware that he was still awake, had been an:
“damn Hotchner, the stress is really ‘bout to eat you alive, huh?” you said teasingly.
this wasn’t rare. you were comfortable around him and he was comfortable around you. you two were friends, good friends actually, and had been for a while now. there was no one in the world he trusted more than you, and moments so casual yet so intimate like this were very common between you.
which made him hate even more the tension he felt. you were just keeping him company, having a conversation to try and relax a little from the hard day you two had.
and there he was, fighting every cell on his body to not look at you for too long, to not let his mind wander with images of you towards dangerous territory…
you were giving him such a hard time ever since you walked through his door only wearing a tiny and very delicate silk nightgown and nothing else... not even something underneath it. a detail he had discover while you were walking around the nightstand, the lamp on it illuminating your silhouette so intensely that the thin fabric of your dress became slightly see through. truly, your lack of panties was not that visible, in fact, he probably wouldn’t have noticed if it wasn’t because he was paying too much attention. his eyes had been fixed on you, completely entranced, as you talked on the phone with Morgan over some details of the current case. it felt impossible for him to look away from your figure and he indulged himself for a moment as you were too distracted on the conversation to pay attention to him. or so he thought.
you were now sitting on the border of the small desk in the hotel room, aaron sitting on a chair in front of you, a glass of whiskey in hand and his mind fully fixating on the image of your exposed thighs, since your already short dress had rolled up from the position you were in, barely covering you in the right parts. he cursed himself, feeling awful for objectifying you like this. it was only a stupid, little, simple dress -that made you look hot as hell- and he was losing his head over it.
“now,” your voice pulled him out of his thoughts, “i have a very special question for you…”, you said placing your glass of water next to you in the desk.
“shoot”, he answered playfully before taking another sip of his drink. he knew you were down for no good as the mischievous smile appeared on your face.
“how many times have you cum all over your hands while thinking of me?”
he choked on his drink and started coughing. he could hear you chuckling at his reaction.
“YN, no, i-…”
“don’t even try.”
he stared at you for a moment, how could you possibly knew? he was sure he was being cautious, he forced himself to look away from you all the time, he fought so hard against all his urges and desires so no one could learn about them, specially you. but with the confidence that radiated from you he could tell you knew everything, and you have for a while. this wasn’t news to you.
he did his best to fake some confidence, he had to in order to play your game.
“you’re being quite bold” his voice was full of arrogance, taking another sip of his drink before speaking again, “considering the fact that you don’t even know if i like you,” he tried to act -and look- calm, the exact opposite of how he was truly feeling.
“darling, you're not as subtle as you think you are”, the petname fell from your lips like a sweet curse. you had him at the palm of your hands and you knew that… how he had lost his mind the second he saw you for the first time, how crazy for you he was since that day… “i mean, you’re so hard to read, not even an entire team of experts profilers, hell, i bet not even Rossi knows about this little crush of yours”
it wasn’t a little crush and you knew that too. that’s why you were in full control here.
“and yet you saw through me…”, he wanted to believe his disinterest was credible… but he was truly a fool when it came to you.
“i always see through you, darling”, you were outright mocking him, full on using the power you had on him. “c’mon, i learned how to read people’s emotions since i was a little kid. you can surely trick the best agents of the FBI sir, but not me”.
he knew that, from the very beginning. that was probably one of the main reasons why you two became friends so easily. he could pretend perfectly well with the rest of the world, but not with you. if anyone knew how to play pretend it was you, too many times he had witness your acting skills while working a case, the whole team had agreed from the beginning that you could easily go for an acting career if you wanted to and become very successful at it. and if you were capable of faking perfectly, you were capable of knowing when someone else was faking as well. which is why he now felt stupid for even daring to think he could hide his feelings from you.
“mmm, i’m sorry sweetie, but i couldn’t keep waiting for you to find the courage to do something about this anymore…”, you touch the tip of his nose gently with a small bop! he took in a sharp breath, trying to clear his mind to do something.
“YN, YN, this isn’t right. that’s why i did nothing about it. do you know how much this could jeopardize your career? what everyone will say if they find out that you and me… your boss… that we…” but once again, your laugh interrupted him.
“that can only happen if they find out”, the smirk never left your face, leaning towards him to talk in a more intimate way, “so tell me, aaron hotchner, are you good at keeping secrets?” the teasing in your voice, the way your face was so close to him he could admire perfectly every little detail of your features…, how was he supposed to act rationally and not give in to his desires when you looked so fucking beautiful?
“cat ate your tongue?” you chuckled, leaning back to your old position, pulling him out of his trance, “c’mon Hotchner, you didn’t answer my first question”
what was he to do now? he was doomed. there was not scaping this anymore. and to be honest he was beginning to question why did he do it in the first place. the memories of those long nights he pleasured himself at the thought of you came rushing in on his mind… fuck it.
he swallowed the knot that was forming on his throat, “too many to count”, he whispered, completely unable to look at you.
“mm, sorry, i couldn’t hear you, what?” you mocked him.
“too many to count” he finally let out looking up just to catch your very much amused expression, “i’ve had thought about you in… not very appropriate ways… too many times to count”.
your malicious smile only grew wider at his confession.
“would you like to show me what you’ve thought about?”, you said in a sweet and innocent tone, leaning towards him and placing your hands on his chest, looking at him through your lashes.
“are you sure you want this?” he put his hands on top of yours, pressing them gently against him.
instead of replying you leaned forwards again, your face was so close to his he could feel your breath on his skin, you tilted your head slightly so your nose could caressed up his jawline delicately until your lips reached the level of his ear, almost touching it, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. Oh, he was doomed.
you felt him tense as you whispered: “are you sure you don’t want to bury your cock inside me?”.
suddenly it became hard to breath, words and oxygen stuck inside him as a raging desire traveled through his body, making it impossible for him to hold back the loud groan that came out of his mouth.
he straightened himself on his sit, then left his drink next to yours on the desk, “talk to your boss with more respect”, the usual commanding tone he used at work made its appearance, he was clearly trying to take back some of the control.
“is that what you want from me sir? to respect you?”, you inclined your head slightly, the purest most innocent look in your eyes, although the look on his face told you he didn’t buy your little act at all.
“yes”, his intense gaze burning into your skin.
“then i’d be more than happy to do anything you want me to, sir, out of respect, obviously”.
you gave in. closing the little distance left between you and capturing aaron’s lips in a passionate kiss. you felt his hands on your waist first, traveling south to grab your thighs, pulling them gently. you understood the message, moving to straddle him, feeling how his firm strong legs gave support to your body as you adjust yourself on top of him.
breathlessly the two of you pulled away breaking the kiss, but not even seconds later his hands grabbed your face to pull you into another kiss. he was desperate and it showed. but honestly? so were you.
with the new position you couldn’t help moving your hips against his, rubbing your bare cunt against the growing bulge inside his pants, pleasure growing inside you with every move.
“such a fucking tease”, he said as your mouth moved to his cheek and then to his neck, placing gentle kisses all over him, “what shall i do with you?” his grip on your hips tightened, keeping you still. you moaned at the pressure on your bare clit against the soaked fabric of his pants.
“anything you want, sir”, you stop your attention on his neck to look at him, and he couldn’t help but groan at the sight of you biting your lower lip expectantly, your hands wandering all over his chest.
“how?”, he guided your hips, pressing you harder against his crotch, a moan scaping your lips from the pleasure it created, “like a good girl or like a slut?” it was his time to tease you now, guiding you again to keep grinding on him. you threw your head back at the pleasure, exposing your neck to him. he couldn’t wait to leave marks all over it.
“trust me sir, for you, i could be anything”, you answered almost breathlessly, your movements becoming more eager by the second, “because i love being a good girl”, you looked at him again with that pure, innocent face of yours before rotating your hips on him, making him moan.
“good girls don’t dress like whores for their boss to see”, the small smack of his massive hand on your ass made you moan louder than before.
“can you blame me? i can’t help to be a slut for you”, your hands traveled to his hands, guiding them to your hips, where the edge of your nightgown stood, “but if you don’t like it, we can take it off…”, you looked to him through your lashes once again, knowing perfectly well the effect it had on him, guiding his hands to pull up your dress at a painfully slow pace.
“no”, he stop your movements, “not until i’ve fucked the shit out of you in it”.
“mm yes sir, please, please do it”, rubbing yourself against him with a new-founded intensity.
“you want me to fuck you?” his hands started to wander dangerously around your waist and up your body.
“oh...-oh! yes sir, please, pleaseee” he was making you desperate, desperate for his touch, desperate for more.
“where?” he chuckled at your pitiful sounds as he finally grabbed your breasts with harshness, pinching and twisting both of your nipples.
“anywhere! i’m entirely yours... fuck, wow!” you were almost screaming and he knew he could come just from seeing you fall apart from his touch.
“first, you’re going to be a good slut and suck me off,” he stopped your moves and laugh at the groan you let out in protest at the interrupted pleasure, “are we clear?” the firmness in his voice sent shivers down your spine.
“yes sir,” you couldn’t help but pout at him, his hands keeping you in your place, unable to move. one of his hands left your waist to softle caress your cheek.
“can i come in your mouth?” this time his voice was softer.
“yes sir,” aaron was impressed at the effect you took on him, one look at you and he was a goner. and now the idea of what he was about to do was painfully pleasant, “but, only on one condition” you interrupted his train of thoughts, your hands fiddling with the first button of his shirt,.
“what is it?” anything. for you, he would do anything.
but he certainly wasn’t ready to hear your request.
“that you pretty please come inside me later” you said in the sweetest tone he had ever heard. he could hardly swallow and you had to fight the urge not to smile triumphantly at the shock on his face.
“are you sure?” he asked nervously. god, you were the end of him.
“yes sir, very”
“you shouldn’t have told me that”
“why, sir?”
“because now i’m going to make sure all of your holes are always full, how does that sound?” now it was his time to mock you as you loudly moaned at his proposal.
“oh! sounds perfect sir, please” you desperately tried to free yourself from his control to grind yourself against him again.
“you truly are the biggest cumslut i’ve ever met, i haven’t even fuck you yet and you already want to dry me entirely”, he chuckled at your poor attempts to get some pleasure.
“for you only, sir”, you started blinking fast, a look on seduction of your face. he smiled knowingly. you were trying to coerce him into letting you move again.
“i can’t wait to have my seed flooding out of you”, he said caressing your face with one of his hands, his thumb ghosting over your lips.
“mmm, sir, please, stop teasing”, you pouted after you tried to capture his thumb with your lips and he quickly put it away.
“fuck, you really want that, do you?” he truly was surprise at how you seemed to go feral with the idea of him filling you with his cum. and god was he happy to fulfill that wish of yours.
“yes sir, please, i want nothing more”, you pleaded.
“prove it then, on your knees”.
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yuseirra · 24 days
Onk Chapter 159 review~
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(a small comic for starters :) either way, Ai will still kick his butt)
yes, I had been spoiled; yes, and I actually like it, as much as it leaves at a cliffhanger and leaves you in confusion(why is this comic always like this) The way it ends is indeed, quite shocking, isn't it? But I think I understand where it's coming from.
I honestly won't have a clue on just what this story is going to be unless it's not going to be like what I write here; If that's so, then I'll just sit back and just.. let the story run along after this~ I'm pretty confident, for now though!!
The development in this current episode aligns with the interpretation I initially had back when I hopped onto the series, right after 153-154. It feels like I've been reset XD
It's pretty good, right? It's entertaining and well done. There is no need to fuss whether "Kamiki is evil!!" or "He's the final boss!", at least not right now, that'd be determined in the following eps. but for now, I think I have an idea of what it's trying to convey.
He DOES look super evil in that last panel (I keep staring at it for how ridiculous he looks)but let's look into the things that are being discussed for now-
Judging by the reaction he has, Kamiki never stopped loving Ai. The reaction in chapter 154 and the current one can coexist as emotional responses.
But it seems that after Ai died, Kamiki did a lot.
It actually matches really well with the interpretation I made after reading chapter 154 for the first time! I mean this comic I drew. I thought I might have went a bit overboard with it for awhile, for Kamiki's actions after that chapter felt milder than that, but now that 159 is out, it... seems pretty similar.
Sometimes, the first answer you pick on a test is the correct one, right? I laughed...perhaps I should trust my initial feelings about things more...they may tend to be the most accurate.
He has this, "I'm already beyond hope now, I can't be saved" vibe to him. And I saw this coming all along, I kept wondering just what is it that he'd have done. It's been pretty vague except for that case with Yura, right? (To be honest, the one death that bothers me a lot is Gorou's. Did Nino and Ryosuke kill him?? Why did Gorou die?? I really hope Kamiki wasn't involved with that case because that leads to really weird sorts of conclusions... killing the doc that helped deliver his own children;;; I hope it's just Ryosuke and Nino that's played a part there)
Judging by how he reacts to Aqua, he does have paternal love, and Kamiki’s attitude towards his children is consistently kind and gentle. His way of speech is...I've been sent the leaks in another language right..; I can tell. He speaks in a really.. kind and gentle way. Even in that last panel as well. He's so tender with his way of speaking when he talks towards his kids, so much like the lyrics of Mephisto (how the song is like as it ends) I feel like he is, or at least used to be, a sweet person. Talking to his fully grown son like that.
It seems like he genuinely wants to watch his daughter's performance. I feel Kamiki cherishes and cares for Aqua and Ruby. As for whether he would go so far as to harm the children to save Ai... I think the chances of that are low. Ai’s judgment seems correct, and if Kamiki had married Ai and lived with her, he would have been a kind and gentle father to their children.
At the same time, though, he thinks it's too late to save himself now. The attitude he has feels like self-mockery or despair. He's a bit out of vigor, in my opinion(aside from that last panel).
The key is figuring out what exactly the "lies" he told was.
Judging by Aqua's reaction, Kamiki’s involvement in Ai’s death should be minimal. If it weren’t, there should be some anger connected to the mention of Ai’s name as Aqua brought it up. For example, "Ai trusted you until the end, she wanted you to help you, but you made her die!" Because it's very natural, right? If Kamiki killed the very person who wanted to help him, it's natural to bring that up as you mention the "help".
But that’s not the case. Instead, Aqua's reaction is something like, "I’m supposed to help you, as Ai said, but you’ve been telling this 'ugly lie for your own sake' so I can’t."
I think that, to evoke this kind of response, Kamiki must have done a lot after Ai’s death, thinking he was doing it for her, but deep down, he knew it was a lie he told himself all along, and Aqua is calling him out on it.
It doesn’t seem like Kamiki killed someone with the thought that "no one can outshine Ai" (that would be really stupid;;), but rather, that he made sacrifices because he wanted to save Ai or bring her back to life. In that case, what Aqua is saying here translates to: "Hey, would Ai have wanted that? That was a crazy thing you did for your own sake and pleasure, thinking 'Ai would want to live' or 'Ai would want to reunite with the kids in any way possible.' You know that's NOT what she has ever wanted, but you lied to yourself convincing it would all be okay as long as it came true. That makes you an ugly liar."
If Kamiki did kill someone, Aqua really should report him to the police instead of meeting one-on-one. Report him, for crying out loud! Why doesn't he do that in 155 and why doesn't he try to do it now, either? He just walks up to him and starts a conversation. Didn't he figure things out with Akane earlier? Can't they just turn those pieces of evidence they found to the police if they have them?
So... that's why I’m not sure if what Kamiki did actually involved killing someone... Maybe Aqua didn’t report it or he can't because there wasn’t enough evidence? Yura is dead, that's a fact, but well, we know now for sure that Kamiki did not play a part in Ryosuke's death(who cares about him but yeah), and if he isn't the one who's killed Gorou (the one who did it is Ryosuke and Nino is his acquaintance so I think there's low chance?;) Maybe he didn't kill Yura either. He says it's his fault but at this point, I don't think he's the one that's responsible for Ai's death. There is a reason I'm saying this, stay with me for a while, okay? But he's still done something that Aqua deems as a "selfish lie".. I just don't know how severe this guy can get and what he's done but I guess he's done some terrible things...
Moving on, I don't think this character would hurt Ruby or Aqua or anyone else at this point. (Although... who knows; if he feels like he has nothing to lose, he might...) It seems like he intended to end his life to offer as the final tribute, and Aqua came to stop him. (Like, Aqua came to him to "save him" on Ai''s behalf. He didn't say he's come to "punish him" for his misdeeds... so I think it's safe to say Aqua's come to save his butt) It might tie into the supernatural elements that pop up occasionally, like when Kamiki mentioned the "gods" in chapter 147 or talked about no longer needing to offer "sacrifices." There were many intriguing and important things mentioned in that chapter.
It seems like Kamiki thinks he’s done wrong, but he can’t stop himself from continuing on the path he was, so he wants his children to kill him or get revenge on him.
Nino is truly crazy... It's unhealthy to be fixated like that on just one single person... I don’t want to think too deeply about it because it’s not something I want to empathize with. I don’t wish to feel any pity. If I were to analyze it deeply, I could, but this is the kind of dark human psyche I don’t want to delve into because it takes energy and I don't feel it's that worth it. It's already been displayed so well in this chapter, and it's creepy and perfect as it is so I don't think it needs further explanation, she's just as I pictured her to be and even.. damp and scarier in eerily realistic ways.
If I were Ai, I’d grab Nino by the collar and ask, "Nino-chan, Why are you doing this to me? Why are you like this? What did I ever do to deserve this?" what the heck...poor Ai. it's too much. She's scary.
Ryosuke is out of his mind, and what has Ichigo been doing all this time if he knew something?... Perhaps he needed solid evidence and wished to catch her when she took action? But...; I really wish Ichigo did better when Ai was still alive if he knew what was going about with Nino and Ryosuke and Ai......
So, was Kamiki the one who made Ryosuke and Nino "that way"...(as in, hopelessly insane about Ai)?
No, that's not how it's going to go.
Looking at his past, there’s no big reason or motive for Kamiki to have done something like that and I don't think he could have coerced them to feel that way about Ai, they brought it upon themselves; (Honestly, I'm curious, what’s the connection between him and Nino and Ryosuke? At this point, I feel like they did not have any particular connection before Ai's death, at this point)
Kamiki clearly recognizes that Ai is just a normal girl who has cruel and selfish sides (this is a strong difference from Nino and Ryosuke). I'm not sure when he formed that idea, but he is at least aware of that, as he's doing whatever he's been doing.
That means, if Kamiki decided to take some extreme actions "for Ai", it wouldn’t have been because of some superficial motive like wanting Ai to be perfect or the best idol(Ryosuke and Nino's actions fall here) . Instead, it would have stemmed from a more practical desire, like wanting Ai to come back or get closer to her. For Kamiki, Ai isn’t a fantasy; she’s real. She’s a person he loves. That’s why the song Mephisto and Fatal suits him. Kamiki doesn’t need Ai to be an invincible idol; he just wants the person he loves to be alive.
So, tying it into the theme of this manga, I come to the conclusion that:
It wasn’t a single person like Kamiki who made Ryosuke and Nino the way they are, but rather, the public’s expectations of Ai.
This connects to the story explored in the movie arc, where people expected Ai to be the invincible idol, leading her to lie and conceal her weak self completely.
If my interpretation is correct... this is where the story is heading.
From the start, there was no such thing as an evil mastermind or anything like that. What happened to Ai was always the result of a fan’s twisted desire for their idol to be flawless, and the public's expectation of idols reinforcing such a behavior.
In reality, it’s Ryousuke and Nino who are insane, but the culture or fervor that creates such crazy people isn’t entirely absent in this world. That seems to be the point being made.
I mentioned this in a previous post: (it's paraphrased and condensed)
"But more than that, I think the main focus of this work and the message it's trying to give is: "Even celebrities are just people in the end"... Ultimately, that's it."
This is... probably it.
If you look at it that way, Kamiki is someone who was separated from the person he loved due to such malice (if Ai and Kamiki weren’t celebrities, they would have stayed together after having the kids and lived happily... What made Kamiki’s life miserable, and brought Ai to believe it'd hurt him less if she broke up with him was the dark side of the entertainment industry. After all, the pain he went through in his entertainment career was too much, and even afterward, they couldn’t reunite despite their feelings for each other because Ai was too successful as an idol. I think that’s why they couldn’t be together). In that sense, Kamiki is almost like the biggest victim of the entertainment industry in the story because not only did he suffer from it all his life, he ultimately lost the very person he loved because of it. Ai was an idol, so there was social pressure and expectations that she shouldn’t have kids or a boyfriend. That’s why they couldn’t stay together...
Kamiki, having his life destroyed by the dark side of the entertainment industry, and upon he lost the one person he loved, Ai, ended up doing a lot of things in desperation to bring her back and see her again. That’s what's going on about in the songs Fatal and Mephisto.
We haven’t seen exactly what he's been doing in the story, but I think the songs fill that narrative. "The gathering of light"... "finding things to fill in what's missing"...
Kamiki just wants to see Ai again. He wants to see her, but he doesn’t think Ai would love him or want to meet him, so he wished for her to come back to life, and when that didn’t work, he tried to get closer to her himself.
His true feelings were that he loved Ai sincerely and only had eyes for her.
But if what he did involve needing someone else’s life to achieve that goal (and the songs do suggest that...), that’s terrifying. Lol
Ai wanted Kamiki to be saved... If there really is a sliver of chance of such things to be a possibility, what he's done should not be that extreme. Kamiki does seem to think he's beyond saving, though.
I made an analysis earlier that he may be lying to appear as evil as he can be to persuade Aqua into believing he should just die there, and that he isn't worth saving... this was before I saw the actual images, but that could be the case too. if he's really planning to give himself away as a sacrifice of some sort or die to bring Ai back/reach her, then I guess it'd make sense for him to appear as menacing and horrible as possible so that his boy wouldn't have to care about him. He IS a liar and he IS a genius actor. He wants to do something for Ai, and I think that still stands. He said he'd do it in 155 - if that means it takes his life to do so, he'd still, definitely go through with it.
We’ll probably find out what he did all along within the next 10 chapters. I also think that the manga now needs to address the stars and the gods;; The idea that Ai became a star was mentioned directly, and Tsukuyomi was also brought up. The stars were beautifully shining during the B-Komachi concert, right? It feels like Ai is giving her blessing. If my guesses about this series is correct, Kamiki should mention stuff along the lines of the supernatural when talking about his motives. I think Kamiki tried to bring Ai back to life. If he hadn’t had that hope, I feel he would have followed Ai long ago. He doesn’t seem particularly attached to his own life. That means there must have been something that gave him that sort of hope. The songs imply something like it. It's made Kamiki believe Ai could come back to life...
I wonder if Kamiki can be saved. The fact that Aqua even brought the idea of helping the guy may mean there still might be a chance. Otherwise, Aqua would just throw him in jail; there’d be no point in talking to him like this, even if it's Ai's wish. Impossible things are still impossible.
But it’s true that Kamiki really fell apart after Ai died. Whether he’s just a pitiful guy or a victim who became a perpetrator (the latter seems more likely...sadly), we’ll have to wait and see.
To be continued, I guess.
That character’s life was truly miserable, but if he ruined other people’s lives, then he should still be punished for that.
Still, In the end, it seems like everything will turn out as Ai wanted, so I’m looking forward to seeing how much Aqua can fulfill Ai’s wishes.
It was a good chapter! :)
Come to think of it, in my analysis of Ai (this was written wayy back in June, when ch 152 was fresh) , I wrote something like this:
Ai didn't want to get back together with her ex because she wanted to continue being an idol. She couldn't have a public relationship. But I think she wanted to show her kids to him because she gained a little bit of courage while raising them. That she could show her real self. When you look at a Ai, you can infer she has a lot welled up. They had always hidden themselves, and now they have "secrets" that are not just their own, living, that grow with time. She's always had vicious circle that led to self-hatred from all the lies she'd been creating, which led to anger and stress…and it was this close to being let out through the movie. Maybe that's why Aqua believes making movies is for her. It's to fulfill her desire to be freed from the lies.
This might have hit the mark. The reason it has to be a movie is because of this… if it was only Kamiki, he could have just been shown the video Ai left, but-
Aqua’s “revenge” has to be fulfilled through a movie because Ai’s situation was caused by the public’s perception of her.
If people had accepted the real Ai as a person, twisted individuals like Ryosuke wouldn’t have appeared, and Ai wouldn’t have had to lie to the person she so dearly wanted to love. If… If only Ai had survived, I think Kamiki could have reunited with her after the movie was released. Because people would have understood and accepted their circumstances. Ai would never have had to die because she had children - for being imperfect and human, as she is.
This is not a story about a psychopathic murderer getting back at his ex-girlfriend or just one crazy fan attacking their idol, it's tackling a much bigger theme than that.
So no, this isn't going to be about Kamiki being the crazy mastermind, quite the contrary. He's the one who's lost his beloved due to a societal belief that idols have to be perfect and flawless. He's the one who desperately wants to get her back after having lost her.
When I think about it, it’s really heartbreaking. Ai and Kamiki could have been happy, for sure. They really could have had it weren't it for this, I feel.
The public isn’t always so cold, so I think Ai might have wanted to take that risk…
++ Oh, wow… Aqua showed up wearing the exact outfit from the Mephisto video!
Then, if my thoughts are correct, the next chapter, or at least within a few chapters, should reveal more about the Fatal/Mephisto storyline in the series. Those songs aren’t Aqua’s, they’re Kamiki’s.
+++ Didn't mention but Kamiki looks even younger than Aqua in that last panel, he looks kinda adorable in a very freaky way. Ai didn't mention his looks for nothing.. he still has it over the age of thirty...
yeah, I'll believe in him for just a little longer. I really hope the next chapter continues where it left off and just TELL US what he's been up to for once. This chapter is 159 so I guess it'd be the last ep of a volume, Yeah, that'd definitely make people wish to buy the next copy
but I really want answers at this point, stop the taunts.
If Mephisto and Fatal ain't the story of this guy then tbh, nothing would make sense to me about this guy nor the story. Aside from the fact that it matches his characteristics and lores in a perfect sense, it's just a really strong hunch I get. The moment I first heard Fatal, I knew it had to be it. I can't explain how it happens but I just know what it's supposed to imply. So there!
Till next week!
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bossbutch · 1 month
halfway thru chapter 1 of umineko. idk how meaningful it is to speculate this early, The Real Umineko hasnt even properly started. these arent fully thought out and organized it's just scattered thoughts
battler's gender politics are entertainingly weird. he's like "when i meet a woman, even if she's my cousin or my servant, i NEED to make a big show of grabbing her tits so that she can hit me and everyone will laugh at the Classic Gag and it'll lighten the mood" which is just ridiculous enough to be something a rich teenager in the 80s could convince himself is okay. and then he sees the dinner seating and he's like "damn my family's so patriarchal. thought gained: inexplicable feminist agenda". i'm assuming this is a genre deconstruction thing. also lol that he is right next to maria in grandpa's tier list
maria is awesome btw i hope she gets to infodump about magic a lot more. some goon in the SA thread said the umineko author was once a social worker, so like. even if they don't use the word because it's japan in the 80s she's gotta be Intended as autistic
kinzo's room is so telegraphed to be a locked room mystery. he's entertaining too but i kinda zone out when he's talking about how his magic system works. i get the basic of more risk = more magic power but i worry it's the kind of thing that has Important Clues that my brain autofills with [arcane rambling]
battler constantly gasses up how good george is with kids and then george sees a family member repeatedly hitting their 9 year old disabled child and says, out loud, "not my problem"
assuming the epitaph is a puzzle intended to be solved and not the kind of puzzle that frames all the other puzzles and isn't solvable til the end: until the first butterfly i thought all the death and traveling was metaphorical. it still could be. like the six chosen by the key could be objects. the hands of a clock may be involved because that's in all the promo stuff and chapter start art. kinzo acted like the riddle was totally solvable by the doc or kanon or any of his kids. but if it was unsolvable until People Started Dying, it seems kinda pointless to have put the painting up years ago? but beatrice is a Dramatic Bitch.
Who Took The Rose?! no idea, but i'm sure it's important. if there's a 19th person, definitely them. totally possible the wrapper fell off but they'd still recognize the withered rose i reckon
Who Gave Maria The Umbrella?! again, if there's a 19th person, it's them. if not, natsuhi was my prime suspect because her alibi didn't have any witnesses but everyone else's did (if you really count grandpa and the doctor, like doc could easily say "i was with kinzo" and no one would verify that with kinzo). but then there was a scene right after from natsuhi's pov (migraine and can't sleep without meds, literally me) where she speculates who did it. so either the narrative is heavily fucking with me, it's gramps or the doctor, or it's someone with an accomplice
the narration is from battler's pov except when it's not and it's strange. it even isn't from his pov in some scenes that he's in, like the letter reading scene. this is the type of thing that could Mean Something way later but is just a little confusing sometimes right now
kyrie saying there's a contradiction in beatrice showing herself to maria but hiding from everyone else, failing to consider beatrice may be a Dramatic Bitch. i think there's probably a 19th person even if they are not necessarily a witch with magic powers
the furniture being totally able to break promises but can't disobey orders is the kind of exact words semantic sillies that umineko memes made me expect
goes w/o saying that the way the servants are treated is supremely fucked up. going to servant school and then working in the mansion at age six... george proposing to a girl that he has so much power over is lol. it's nice that umineko cares who the servants are and why they're there, and other logistical human things like how kinzo made his money and what they're all doing with it
at midnight, where was the doctor?
they drop some hints that the non-shannon, non-krauss bodies have their faces disfigured and Could be other people but that is pretty ridiculous and there's no reasons to consider that yet
i wish the LP used the doughy original art but that's the price i pay for convenience
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goobernormieomi · 2 months
this is a semi serious post so if u don’t want to read this bc its related to interpersonal conflicts and issues I had w others thats all good! Just felt it was time I said something for some people
So, I want to make it clear that if anyone has anything to apologize for to me, I’d prefer if it was directly and personally. I understand feeling anxious to do so but I find it more disingenuous if someone just makes a doc or a post talking about it instead, yes the behavior some people did against me that was quite honestly disgusting was public, but I prefer a direct apology before one decides to make a post.
I don’t want to talk too much about the whole Mel situation, ever since that whole situation where I left youtube and hid most of my stuff from the public I have wanted to do nothing with the situation let alone her ever again. I am willing to answer minor questions but only in private not publicly, I left behind that whole thing for a reason it was incredibly damaging to me.
To the people who harassed, bullied, shit talked, spread rumors, or generally had the guts to wish death on me because you were in a group with mel or in general in the fanbase. I do hope you guys mean it when you say you’re sorry, and I don’t mean that in a threatening way but in a more genuine manner. Time and time again I’ve seen people get influenced into taking wrong choices and acting so vile all for some “fun” and “bonding” and its been really, really harmful through the whole community from what I can tell.
I just want you all to feel better, find some peace, and let go of whatever it is that makes you cling to this whole situation, I mean this to everyone involved. I don’t generally hold a distaste for many of the ones who acted rudely towards me during the ordeal, most I’m willing to talk things out or simply leave in neutral terms, the only one, and I mean this clearly have it be said and done the only one I refuse to interact, forgive, and generally have anything to do with is Mel. But most of everyone else is fine by me, I understand some of you still hold negative opinions on me and thats all good and understandable.
That being said, I am making this post because of the burner account that recently made a post, I will not respond to it directly because as I’ve said before I would prefer a personal and private apology over a post in a burner account.
I wish all of you guys well, that you heal soon and that you have a peace of mind knowing I don’t hate any of you for what happened. I do get it, and I can’t hate any of you for it, I might not be happy about it but I won’t have hate towards you for what you did. Forgiven or not, don’t feel as if you need to feel guilty forever for what you said on me, I would rather you worked on forgiving yourself and not indulging in that destructive behavior again.
Thats all I have to say! this will prolly b the only time I post anything about this whole situation and its primarily for the third party people not the main person. Again, I just want to live my life, I worked to correct my wrongs and grow as a person and I intend to continue doing so, and I believe that everyone else can do the same as long as the effort is put into it.
take care you guys, I hope you all have a good night/morning/evening 🫶🏼
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mjalti · 14 days
I cheated on med school exams in first year during Covid maybe 3-4 - and I’m in residency now at the same school and feel like slowly the docs I work with are starting to slowly find out. Every month there’s someone new whose demeanor with me seems to totally change up and it gets tense and awkward where before I never felt like we had any kind of an issue in fact I felt like we really got along well together.
I’m only in my first year of training and I’m worried that this underlying talk about a current resident who’s a previous cheater will continue to spread and make my time here that much more distant with people and really hurt the way I relate to others, to the point I’ll miss out on community and support.
Is there anything I can do about this? I almost want to ask certain docs if they have a particular issue w me and if there’s anything I can do to smooth things over by talking things through. I’m feeling an incredible amt of anxiety about the whole thing and I don’t know what steps I could take to mitigate it.
It sounds like you're going through a really tough and isolating experience right now. The anxiety you're feeling is completely understandable, and it's important to acknowledge and address these feelings rather than letting them build up.
Firstly, it's commendable that you're reflecting on this and seeking ways to improve your situation. It shows a lot of maturity and self-awareness. Although it is wrong to cheat, it’s not because it is a cardinal sin. The reasons are because of what you are learning right now. Information compounds in everything. But especially things like medicine. I think that your view of how others treat you is tainted by the fact that you know you have cheated. They do not know YOU have cheated, but the stress and anxiety is heavy in your heart.
You can always ask specific doctors for feedback but understand that they have a thousand things to do and may not respond kindly, quickly, or in as a validating way as you want. They are not responsible for soothing your conscience. The only thing you can do is, if you remember the exams you cheated on, go back and take them blind. See if you can pass an equivalent online exam.
Especially in medicine, do not cheat because of the fact that even one poor decision can cast a huge doubt on your professionalism, your judgement, and the respect others have for you. You do not need to suffer a thousand lifetimes for a mistake you acknowledge and regret. But you do owe it to yourself and the future patients you will have to mitigate the effect of this time on you as a practitioner. I hope you use this experience to become the best practitioner you can be but do not put a script in people’s mouths; they do not know what you did. They should not be punished for what your insecurities are telling you to suffer over. Do better.
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