#hopefully to america to meet some friends
waterfallofspace · 1 year
💚✈️📺 for the ask game? <3
Hello~~ thank you for the asks <3
💚 where are you from?
I am Canadian! Still living in Canada, though I recently moved one province over~ Pretty close to the border though, so don't picture the 'stereotype' Canadian accent, mine's closer to American~
✈️ favorite place you’ve traveled
I've actually not really travelled anywhere sadly~ I've only been out of Canada once, and that was 5 minutes across the border. Sooo, I'd have to say Alberta, since that's the only place I ever used to visit! (and now live~)
📺 last show you watched
The F/osters! Been on a real anime kick lately, but I paused it to rewatch The F/osters when my youtube showed me a clip from the show again~ (and it's not a tv show but the g/ame g/rumps have been playing allll day haha~)
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anki-of-beleriand · 8 months
Bad Liar ch. 17
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers - Mentions of Natasha/Maria being married
Warnings: Slow burn - Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - violence - mentios of abused and sexual assault - idiots in love - violence - suggestive themes - drama - angst - fluff - top!reader - dom!reader - bottom!Wanda - switch!Wanda
Author's note: Life is settling down after what happened, America is growing up and ready to face the consequences of what happened. Wanda is letting go of the past while Reader is just being her showing Wanda happiness and love it is possible.
So sorry for the late posting, guys. Life was a little harder this week that what I was used to, and something happened that really got me anxious and a little bit...I mean, I was not in a good place, but hopefully everything is better now and here is the new chapter! Just one chapter to go and this story would be over. I hope you like it because I made it with my heart!
Please rmemeber English is not my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes, hope you like this one.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 17
The promise of the future
You never thought that going back home would be so difficult for you or even America. The place had been tied up and changed after the incident, with different furniture and painting you had allowed America free reign on her imagination to make the necessary changes into the living room.
The world had not stopped turning around, the news was still rolling on the TV and people were enjoying the weekend of the new year. You stood by your sister's side with a hand on her shoulder, America tensed lowering her gaze furrowing her brows before turning to you.
“What do you want to do?” Her question came with a trembling voice, she sighed, shaking her head while looking away from you.
You turned to look at Wanda's place then back at yours.
“I was thinking about vacations.” You hugged America, winking at her, “we could ask Tony about the cottage he had in Italy.”
America offered a shaky smile, “Italy?”
“Yeah, we could get away from this place for a while and then…get a new house.”
America chuckled, stepping away from you. You waited, ever since the both of you left the hospital America had tried to evade the topic of what had happened while she was under the claws of Agatha and Vision. The young woman scratched the back of her neck, with her eyes sweeping around the front yard. Her teeth playing with her lower lip, her feet taking slow steps towards the front door only to stop midway before turning to you.
“You don’t have to.” She finally said frowning, “it was difficult but not the end of the world, I…Hope offered her help, and I acceded to see a friend of hers that could be of help.”
You nodded curtly taking a few steps closer to her, “you know that even though we grew here we are allowed to leave, right?”
America snorted hugging you tightly, she knew it. She knew you would do everything in your power to make sure she was comfortable and that whatever traumatic event she had gone through could be healed and forgotten. Selling the house and even offering a vacation was your way to make things easier for her, but America had already talked this through with Christine and Hope. She had been scared, but more than that, she had felt powerless to help Kate, to help the twins and even to help Wanda.
“I know that, and perhaps in the future when I go to college you can think about it.” She replied shrugging, “I know you’re dying to get that Villa near Tony’s place, because you had always wanted a huge house with a pool and a bigger playroom.”
Your eyes glistened over with your lips curling into a content smile at the mental image these words evoke in you. America rolled her eyes, but she too could imagine the same; it was something she wouldn’t say no to when the both of you were ready, not because a bad experience marked their lives and they were doing it because of that. She had felt powerless to help the people she loved, but America would be damned if she allowed that man and that freaking woman to govern her decisions from now on.
“I want you to be comfortable, and happy.”
“I know, Y/N, and I am.” America nodded towards the house before pointing a finger at you, “come we need to get everything ready before we pick Wanda and the twins up.”
You watched as your sister went inside the house with the same determination she did everything else. Hope had already told you of the conversation the both of them held while you were unconscious, America had been angered by the whole situation and it took her a while to understand that there was no one else to blame but Vision and Agatha.
Kate had been the one to convince America to go to therapy for a while, just to perhaps let go of the growing fear and darkness the situation itself had created in both of them. You were thankful that America had always surrounded of good friends, and that you had always had someone by your side as well. Everyone seemed understanding, and while the situation was still fresh in your minds, you knew you would be okay.
“Come on, slowpoke!!” America screamed from inside the house, you rolled your eyes and followed her thinking about what would happen once Wanda was out of the hospital.
Wanda glanced at her reflection with a critical eye.
She scowled openly to the bruises around her neck and face, the paleness of her skin and the tiredness behind her eyes. She had spent the first weekend of the year in the hospital, waiting for the doctors to clear her up and sent her home while you and America took care of the twins while coming every day to visit her.
It had been hard.
While you had offered her the best end of the year and had been keeping your word of being by her side. Wanda couldn’t help the nightmares at night, when she was alone with her thoughts and the shadows of the past trying to crawl back inside her heart and mind. She placed a hand on her chest, holding tightly the sudden oppression threatening to cut of the air from her lungs. She clenched her jaw refusing the tears in her eyes, or the thoughts of fear that had creeped out once more. She had tried to hold onto what Hope had been teaching her in the therapy sessions, while also holding onto the bright side of her life.
Billy. Tommy. You. America and her students.
Wanda let out a shaky sigh before turning around and leaving the bathroom, you straightened up offering a half smile while holding up the bag with Wanda’s clothes.
“I put everything away, ready to do laundry duty as soon as we get home.” You walked towards her giving her a once over wiggling your brows, “you look nice.”
Wanda rolled her eyes, her lips curling slightly.
“You’re such a sweet talker,” she leaned in kissing your cheek, “it will get you everywhere.”
You blushed with your mouth hanging opened at the cheeky wink Wanda sent your way stepping out of the room, you snorted running to catch up to her.
The ride home was filled with music; Wanda kept her eyes out of the window watching the world pass rapidly through the window while you drove down the highway before taking the long way home. You caught the small smile adorning Wanda’s lips when you made the right turn, she sighed leaning back against the seat letting her eyes drink into the trees and the forest surrounding the road while watching the blue sky right above her head.
Wanda knew she needed to get home, Billy and Tommy were waiting for her. And life had to keep going, but something inside her stirred with fear and memory. She tried to keep away the words Vision had said to her, the feeling of his breath and hand on her, everything that the man had imprinted on her. Wanda clenched her eyes closed trying to erase those memories while replacing them with the beautiful sight in front of her, and the songs playing on the radio.
You creased your brows noticing the sudden change in Wanda, your eyes glanced at the road lighting up when you caught side of the road sign you usually dismissed when driving down that highway. You looked through the mirror before turning left, Wanda frowned turning to you slightly confused.
“Where are we going?” She asked softly, you smiled at her driving just a little faster until there was only one single road taking you deeper into a forestry area.
“You will see.”
Wanda opened her mouth to reply, her heart almost leaving her chest when she realised you made a turn she was not familiar with. For a brief moment she thought how foolish she had been. As long as she was with you everything would be fine, but the memories were not so easy to dismiss and she decided that at the moment she needed the comfort your warm stare usually brought to her.
The driving didn’t take far too long, soon you were turning left then right and then another right until you drove into an open space leading to a great cliff. Wanda opened her eyes glancing at the open sky with growing clouds approaching the city, she leaned forward until she saw the sight of the big city down into the valley. You stopped the car turning off the engine while resting comfortably on the seat, your lips drawing a small smile.
“Is this the place you used to bring your girlfriends?” Wanda asked at your side, you couldn’t help but laugh shaking your head.
“No, I never brought anyone here.” You confessed shrugging, “this was my little secret, I used to come here to think from time to time. Just me, it was comforting. I thought you may appreciate it.”
There was something stirring with deep affection in Wanda’s heart, the young woman snuggled on the car seat this time around turning completely so she could face you while still have her eyes take into the amazing view spreading before them.
“I don't know how to continue,” she all but whispered to you, her eyes glistening with the deepest of her emotions flickering in her green eyes, “I keep on thinking of my mistakes, the secrets I kept…I should have told you the dangers he posed to me and you.”
Silence filled the car, your eyes never leaving the sky above your heads. You pressed your lips together, your hands resting on the wheel, playing a soft tapping with your mind working on what to say. Wanda closed her eyes, looking away from you the afternoon falling slowly with the tension building up around the both of you.
“One day at a time, Wands, there is nothing much we can do.” You shrugged, lowering your head, still looking everywhere but at Wanda, “I didn't expect you to tell me everything right away, but I suspected as much. This was not your fault, Wanda. And this doesn't mean I love you any less.”
The word love rolled out of your tongue with such an easiness, Wanda couldn’t help but gasp with her eyes opening wide and her lower lip trembling slightly. You snorted shaking your head while leaning in your face just a few centimetres away from hers.
“You’re not used to hearing such words, are you?”
Wanda leaned closer, her eyes fluttering close for a moment before she allowed your eyes to lock with hers. You lifted a tentative hand to cup her face, tenderness was quite evident in your features and Wanda allowed the warmth of your body to bring a soothing calmness she was not familiar with.
“I love you, Wanda.” You whispered only for her to engrave those words in her heart, “perhaps it is too soon, but for some reason, I just love you. I feel in love with you, and I don’t think there is nothing I can do against my feelings for you but make sure you feel loved, the way you deserved to be loved.”
Wanda swallowed down her words and tears, she offered a tentative smile before closing the gap between the both of you her lips dancing shyly with yours. Her heart beating fast, almost escaping her ribcage while she melted under your hands; you didn’t need to say anything else for her to know you certainly did love her. And she knew soon she would be ready to say those same words to you.
“It will take time, but you will heal.” You winked at her, your fingertips brushing against her cheek and jawline until your brows creased finding the marks on her neck.
“Some marks take time to…fade away.” Wanda mumbled slightly mortified by her wounds, she tried to lean back and hide away from you until her breath caught on her throat with her eyes growing big and her body tensing completely.
She felt the contact of your forehead against hers, the gesture was comforting and it made her experience an emotion she was not completely familiar with. Wanda’s heart fluttered affectionately surrendering to your gaze. She opened her lips ready to speak, but her words got tangled in her throat leaving her unable to express what she really wanted. What she really felt.
It didn't matter, though.
You were still there offering the same reassuring smile, and the same comforting touch. Wanda had to wonder how you did it, how was it possible for you to offer so much without asking for anything in exchange.
“We never got to have the date I planned.” Wanda said all of a sudden, you leaned back with amusement gleaming in your eyes.
“That's right,” you cocked your head wiggling your eyebrows, “and I got curious about it, what did you have planned?”
Wanda dipped her head with her lips curling into a tender smile, she straightened up on the seat glancing outside the window. 
“It's a secret, I guess I just have to plan it all over again so we can go.” Wanda sighed, still looking away from you. “Of course, if you want to…I mean, if you still want to go out. With me.”
The last part was said in a broken whisper, Wanda shifted on the seat creasing her brows while making sure her eyes were glancing at the city. The light of the day was soon fading away, and the city was starting to light up the artificial lights. 
“I would love nothing more than to go out with you, Wanda.” You replied with a tender smile on your lips, Wanda shivered trying to smile at you but failing.
The old insecurities were still there and you knew the work Wanda had done in the last couple of months had been shaken but the recent events. You could see her self-doubt, her uncertainty and the lost stare she gained after leaving the hospital. The bruises were pretty much visible at the moment, the pain was still pulsating through her body and Wanda was just trying to hold onto her sanity and her own determination to not fall into desperation. 
You lifted a hand slowly, your eyes seeking out those green eyes of Wanda. After a moment of hesitation, Wanda finally lifted her face looking at you expectantly. Her eyes flickered to your hand, then to your face.
“I was thinking…” Wanda winced, her throat sore and dried bringing discomfort to her voice.
You let your arm lifted for a moment before dropping it to the side to grab the bottle of water you brought early in the day.
“Thank you.” She mumbled almost dropping the bottle of water when you tenderly brush the spot on her neck. 
Her breath caught on her throat, trembling lightly with a mixture of emotions tingling through her body. Her face heated up, following with your eyes the movements of your arms and your own expression while mapping out the dark bruises on her neck. 
“Y/N…” your name left her lips tenderly, with some uncertainty that called your attention.
You frowned, stopping any movement from your hand, your eyes flickering from the bruises to her face.
“I'm sorry, did it bother you? I just…”
“No, no it's just…”
You broke into an easy smile that Wanda returned without losing her blush. She bit her lower lip, without any doubt behind her gestures she grabbed your hand placing it on the left side of her neck. 
“You surprised me, that's all.” Wanda sighed looking away for a moment before continuing. “I'm not used to such tenderness.”
You tensed lightly, your eyes flashing with anger before they softened lightly. Wanda offered a crooked smile, this time around she let go of your hand embracing herself.
“With you, everything is…different and sometimes I just can't believe this is happening.”
“May I try something out?” You asked suddenly, Wanda narrowed her eyes at the sudden flush showing on our face. Your fingertips trembled, with your lips pressed together while your eyes travelled from her face to her neck then back again.
“What are you going to do?” Wanda couldn't help the tone of wariness and curiosity; she tilted her head and your eyes gleamed strangely falling on her neck.
“Just something to show you how you should be treated, how you should be cherished.”
It was the husky tone behind your words what made Wanda tremble, she swallowed down her trepidation with a tingling void taking home in her abdomen. 
You waited patiently, your fingertips never leaving the soft skin of Wanda's neck. For a moment, Wanda just thought of her possibilities, of what exactly you were planning. Then her eyes went to your own bruises, to the wound on your hand and arm and she softened lightly. If there was anyone she trusted more than herself, that was you.
“Okay, you…you can try it, would I…I mean, is it dangerous?” 
You snickered, shaking your head, this time around there was a glint of mischief in your eyes. Wanda felt her stomach do a flip, and soon she let out a gasp while her hands clenched into a fist with her eyes fluttering close to the sensations you were creating with your mouth.
She never imagined you would lean in to place your lips on her pulse point, nor that you would start leaving open-mouthed kisses that went to draw the marks left on her neck. Wanda was not sure what to do with her hands, her body went rigid but her lower stomach and her heart were tingling over with an emotion she was not familiar with. 
You let your lips mapped out her skin, brushing lightly while letting your free hand cup her face tenderly. You wished to let Wanda know she was loved that not all touches directed at her were meant to harm or to mark, that she deserved the tenderness you were trying to show. 
You didn’t know what got into you, the only thing you knew for certain was that Wanda needed love, she needed to understand how wonderful she was. How she deserved happiness, and that no number of wounds or injuries from her past should get in the way of her new life. And thus, without any thoughts in your mind you leaned in to kiss away her neck your lips dancing tentatively on the bruised skin.
Wanda trembled under your touch, she let her hands wrapped around your arms her lips parting slightly while her body ignited with a fire she was no familiar with. Just as you started you finished it, leaning back with your heart hammering against your chest, your cheeks flustered and a timid smile adorning your lips.
Wanda was not in a better state, she was trembling with her face completely red and her breathing erratic. She could not hide her lust, nor the complete affection those green eyes shot at you as soon as she opened them.
You opened your mouth to speak, but whatever you were going to say was cut short by Wanda kissing you harshly. You welcomed her in your arms, allowing the passion she was trying to contain while kissing her back with the same need she was showing.
The afternoon finally gave way to the night, and while you allowed Wanda the control of the kiss you could feel her tears wetting your face. Until she could not continue and allowed herself the relief of your arms, unable to say what she had been trying to tell you for a very long time.
I love you.
Wanda held onto the blanket, her eyes dancing around her room while the silver light of the moon sneaked into the room. 
The nightmare was still fresh in her mind, the shadows of the past haunting her in her sleep. Wanda let out a sigh putting the blankets away before sitting up, she was no longer tired and sleep was not an option, her eyes fell on her mobile showing the hour.
4 a.m.
The silence of the early hours of the day was deafening to her ears, Wanda turned around and decided a trip to the kitchen was a good idea. She put on some sweatpants, a hoodie and left her room with the memory of her nightmare dancing around in her mind.
The morning came with light snowing, the new year had come and gone bringing with it a world of possibilities Wanda never thought possible before. She grabbed the mug tightly around her hands, her eyes watching the snowflakes fall on her backyard. 
Wanda blew some steam out of her mug, her mind soon bringing over the memories of the day before. Your words, your smile, your touches; last day she had experienced a deep affection and protectiveness she had never felt before. The passion you had ignited in her with your kisses and your tenderness had made her soul tremble with want, but she had not dared to move forward and confessed what you had done so freely.
I love you. I'm in love with you.
Wanda couldn't help the smile breaking at the memory, without a single doubt she felt the veracity of those words whenever she was close to you. Whenever you went with her, or helped her children, or you simply were yourself. 
The young woman wished she could say it back to you, that she wasn't so afraid to be open and confessed the love she was feeling for you. Wanda wished things were easier, but she was still afraid. She had failed not only once, but twice and now that she was freed of her past, she was afraid of messing up a third time.
“You couldn't sleep either?” America crossed her arms putting the heavy coat closer to her body, she glanced at Wanda from her yard not really sure if her presence would be welcomed by the older woman.
Wanda glanced at America with eyes wide open, she tilted her head shrugging lightly.
“Not really.” Wanda all but replied with an effort, she hesitated for a moment before adding, “I have a nightmare.”
America made a face nodding, “yeah, me too.”
Wanda could see the indecision in America's face, she lifted her mug before patting the spot beside her. America tilted her head and for that moment Wanda could see the same gesture you did when you were weighing your options. The young woman turned to her house before stepping closer and moving past the side door to Wanda's yard. 
The snow kept on falling, America sat down furrowing her brows while watching at the sky. She could feel the eyes of Wanda on her, and the memory of her harsh words resounded in her mind. Before going to you, America had made sure to share her thoughts with the redhead, she made sure to let Wanda know America was not happy with what had happened. 
“I'm sorry.” America finally said huffing while turning to the shocked woman. 
America shifted on the spot furrowing her brows.
“Back in the hospital I just…I was stressed out, and finding out about this man and my sister, I was…”
“I know, I understand.” Wanda replied, placing a tentative hand on top of America's one. “You don't have to apologise.”
America shook her head frowning deeply, “but I do! Look I was unfair, when I was trapped in my house and then when I got to the hospital, I was partially blaming you for everything.”
Wanda winced ready to speak but America was firm on her explanation. She put her hand on top of Wanda's making sure to be as open as she could with her expressions.
“Y/N is the only family I have left, and I love her dearly. She has sacrificed so much for me, I just couldn't bear the thought of her suffering or losing her in any way.” America huffed, shaking her head with her eyes taking in the visible wounds on the woman before her.
“I never thought how much you and Billy and Tommy suffered all this time.” America confessed; Wanda tensed not wanting to interrupt America in the middle of her rant. “And after I got to see him, and everything I heard afterwards. I was not fair to you, I'm sorry I screamed at you and…that I was mad for something you couldn't control.”
Wanda shook her head offering a tiny smile to the young woman sitting beside her.
“There is nothing to be sorry for, America, I understand why you did it and I never hold it against you.” Wanda huffed, turning to see the snow fall, “I'm also sorry you and Kate had to live that, I wish things had been different. That he…”
America nodded curtly, and Wanda just shrugged.
“I guess right now he is where he must be, and he won't be hurting me or my children or even you and your sister anytime soon.” Wanda took a long sip from her tea, she glanced at the clear beverage before offering some to America.
The young woman grabbed the mug in her hands, she placed her elbows on her knees shivering lightly while glancing at the frozen ground.
“You really make my sister happy; you know?” She whispered pursing her lips a little.
“She makes me happy, and sometimes I just think I don’t deserve it.” Wanda cleared her throat wincing lightly when the old pain came bothering her again, “I never got to take her out, you know?”
“I know, I bet she would have loved the date you planned out for her.”
“You think so?” Wanda inquired with a hint of doubt in her voice, America nodded enthusiastically her lips curling lightly.
“You guys should really try it this time around, I mean now that everything is back to…” America was about to say normal, but the truth was nothing was normal anymore. Things were different, but they didn’t feel normal.
Wanda leaned back with hint of determination gleaming in her green eyes, she smiled lightly nodding to herself.
“Then, you should help me out.” Wanda turned to America who had her brows raised and eyes slightly opened. “I mean, I will have to plan it all over again, but this time around I want it to be perfect for her, I want to…”
Wanda didn’t finish her thought, but for America there was no need to. America could see the affection there as well as the will to offer you a perfect date. Silence fell between the both of them, no more words were needed it and America could see how little by little her family had grown in such a small amount of time.
She wished upon the falling snow for everything to finally fall into place and happiness to be possible again.
This time around, she also wished for Wanda, Tommy and Billy to be part of that happiness and to allow you and her to be part of that family.
Time passed slowly with the recovery of the wounds and the unstoppable meetings with Hope.
Wanda realized the nightmares were back, and she had to face the ghost of her past and her present while finally speaking about what had happened during those hours in which Vision had come back to her life. Hope was always patient, telling the young woman that the progressed she had made was still there but that the current fear and uncertainty she was feeling was just natural and in a matter of time she would let go and move on.
Wanda wished it was easier, and faster.
As of late being closer to you had been easier yet allowing you a single touch was difficult to experience. A part of her, the one that sound eery familiar, told her she didn’t deserve your affection much less the tenderness behind your touch. Wanda was afraid that her insecurities would finally push you away and she would be like at the beginning, alone.
“You have to be patience as well, Wanda,” Hope tilted her head smiling softly at her, “Y/N would never get tired of showing you her affection, and she knows and understands what you and your children are going through. You have told me of the conversations you both held regarding this situation.”
“Yes, but I just…” Wanda passed a hand through her hair, she turned to the window watching as the cold sun of winter sneaked through the clouds, “I’m just afraid she will get tired eventually, that I won’t be able to change this.”
Here she pointed to her chest, clenching her fist while growling lowly. Hope observed the young woman for a very long time, this was not a new discussion and in the last two weeks had been the main topic around their sessions.
“How is going with the planning of the date? Have you gotten what you need?” Hope asked trying to divert the topic to something that would ignite the flames of hopefulness in Wanda.
Wanda stopped her frustration giving way to a tender smile, her eyes softened nodding lightly.
“Yes, actually this time around I got America and her friends helping me out with the planning,” Wanda chuckled taking a seat, “they really are good teens, and I just need to pay the last part and I will be able to finally get her to the date I promise.”
“She will love it, you know that, right?”
“You think so?” Wanda pursed her lips resting her chin on her hand, “America told me she really loved this, and I just…God, she had been so good to me and my children, and I just…”
Hope waited for Wanda to continue but the other woman merely trailed off shrugging. Wanda wanted to be perfect for you, she wanted to make sure that what she was doing for you was enough to let you see how much she loved you. Wanda wanted to make sure that she was the right person for you, that in this new adventure she was enough.
“You are enough.” Hope commented offhandedly, ignoring the stare coming from Wanda, “but you need to start believing it yourself and giving yourself the chance to experience this.”
“I know.” She mumbled letting her hand rubbed her neck, “I’m really trying, you know? I don’t want this to consume the time I could spend with my children, with Y/N and with my new friends.”
Hope shrugged offering a comforting smile, “we have seen your efforts, Wanda. Don’t sell yourself short because this is not moving at the speed you want it, be patient and persistent. That’s the secret.”
Wanda sighed breaking into an easy smile when her eyes fell on her mobile and a new message appeared on the screen. Hope chuckled recognizing the name, and her eyes went to the clock on the wall. Right on time.
“I guess this is it for today, isn’t it?” Hope said chuckling when Wanda nodded putting the mobile away.
“I don’t know how to thank you for your help.” Wanda stood up waiting until Hope got to her to wrap her into a comforting hug.
“Nonsense. At the end of the day, Wanda, you are my friend as well and the important thing is for you to be and to feel safe.” Hope winked at her nodding to the door. “Now go, I bet they are waiting for you.”
Wanda nodded turning around and leaving the practice. Hope shook her head making her way towards the window where she could see you were standing right on the sidewalk with Tommy and Billy by your side grinning widely holding some posters on their hands. Wanda put a hand on her mouth, laughing before hugging her children while leaning into your embrace as well. Hope smiled tenderly watching the scene with fondness, you really were pretty much in love with the woman and your every action was to ensure her happiness.
Time was all you and her needed. Of that, Hope was completely sure.
The cold of winter came crashing against Wanda, but whatever coldness she was experimenting was soon forgotten when the warm of your hug and the arms of her children engulfed her completely.  She couldn’t help but smile when you planted a single kiss on her lips, and her children snickered calling out to her with posters in their hands.
“What are you guys doing here?” Wanda took the first poster that Billy had made, it was a drawing of their home decorated with many toys and colours representing her, Tommy, America and even Y/N.
“Y/N thought you missed us, and we decided to come and invite you to some snacks.” Tommy said also presenting Wanda with his own drawing. “And, she said you need support.”
“And thus, they did this for you.” You continued grinning, “this is mine, but of course not as good as theirs.”
In your you had written a single declaration of beauty and love in Sokovian, Wanda softened at the words and the drawings not being able to take her smile off of her face. She breathed softly when your lips found hers, her laughter breaking the moment when she heard Tommy and Billy making gagging sounds.
“Ugh, no, mommy!” Billy grabbed Wanda by her hand shaking his head, “come on!! I’m hungry!”
“Me too!”
You chuckled wiggling your brows while winking at Wanda, “come, America is waiting for us and then, once we have them distracted I will kiss you again.”
Wanda flushed but she decided she wouldn’t wait, instead of letting you go she grabbed you by your hand and placed a singe kiss on your lips. You blinked away your shock, while the twins merely snickered covering their mouths.
“Now, where are you taking me guys?”
“We’re going to the park!” The twins screamed running towards the car, you smiled at Wanda who merely blinked confused at you.
“The amusement park.” You clarified scratching the back of your head, “they have this new carnival and I thought you guys would like it.”
Wanda let her eyes wandered to her children then back at you, her heart shrank under your stare and the innocent happiness behind her children. She nodded stretching her hand to grab your right hand in hers.
“We’ve never been to one, so I’m pretty sure we would love it.”
“Good, then let’s go!”
The park was located it in the southern part of the city.
Winter was the perfect time to bring forth the ice-skating rinks, the place was filled with families and friends enjoying the falling afternoon light and the bright lights from the different attractions. Wanda felt her heart jumped anxiously when she lost sight of Tommy and Billy only to see them talking animatedly with Kate and America.
It didn’t take too long for her to see the familiar faces of her students, and some of your friends walking around the place while sharing a good time. You intertwined your fingers with hers, smiling softly at her while leading her to the closest food stand. You glanced around seeing as America shook her head while negotiating with the twins, Wanda leaned closer to you offering the same tender smile she reserved for you.
“This is amazing.”
“You liked it?” You asked softly, Wanda nodded squeezing your hand reassuringly.
“I do.”
“Good, I was thinking of doing something different with you and the twins, I know as of late you have been stressing out and they haven’t slept well.” You lowered your gaze to the menu, sensing as Wanda tensed by your side.
“You knew?” She turned to America then back at you, your lips broke into a crooked smile shrugging.
“I suspect as much.” You sighed pointing at the combo for a hot dog and soda, “this one look fine, what do you say?”
“It has been difficult but, nothing we can’t deal with.” Her tone of voice had improved since new year, but sometimes you could catch the scratching of her throat and the fading wound Vision had left on her.
“You know I’m here for you and the twins, don’t you?” You faced the young woman, this time around forgetting all about the food and focusing your attention on Wanda.
Wanda shifted letting go of your hand, she felt the cold breeze of the afternoon sneaked inside her clothing. She shivered missing the warmness your hand was providing, though if she were to be honest with herself, it wasn’t your hand. It was you. All of you.
“I know.” Wanda lowered her gaze, her arms wrapping around herself. “Sometimes it’s just difficult for me to know…to actually realise I’m not alone. And that…”
She trailed off when a young man came from behind the counter asking for your order. Wanda observed with care just as you asked for her favourites, while also making sure to ask for Billy and Tommy’s favourites. You knew them so well, Wanda wondered why she had never noticed how attentive you were, how much you knew about them without any difficulties.
You need to let go, and give yourself a chance.
Wanda had already had this conversation before, and she had already fought over with herself against the uncertainty that these new emotions and this new relationship might bring to her life. With a softening heart she sneaked her arm around yours leaning closer to you, you lifted your brows surprised by the gesture but smiling smugly at her closeness.
“Which one is your favourite?” Wanda asked all of a sudden, you furrowed your brows pursing your lips before speaking.
“I like it spicy; you know? No pineapple because, yuck,” Wanda chuckled taking into your every word, “and I like all the sauces I can get my hands on.”
“So basically, a hot dog that may kill you in the near future or get you an upset tummy?” Wanda commented shaking her head, you rolled your eyes shrugging.
“Come on, is not that bad!!”
Wanda snorted but she could not say anything else for Billy and Tommy came right there, both of them were quite excited talking at the same time pointing to a different set of attractions they wanted to try over. You smiled fondly just as Wanda tried to negotiate with her children, America chuckled lifting her arms when both of them pointed to her while pouting. Soon the food was brought over, and you decided it was time for you to intervene.
“Okay, okay, I have a proposal!” Everyone turned to you, your good arm lifting above your head before pointing with your head the table filled with food. “We are going to eat first, then we will go to the Carousel, then we will move onto the bumper cars.”
Billy and Tommy cheered high fiving while hugging you with smiles on their faces, Wanda chewed on her lower lip glancing at those rides before turning to you. You winked at her leaning forward while lifting a single finger.
“Then, we will go to the Ferris Wheel to see the lights show from the park, okay?”
“Yes!” The twins then proceed to drag you to the table eager to start eating and go to the different attractions.
Wanda and America stayed behind grabbing napkins and helping with the beverages.
“They really are happy.” Wanda stated glancing at her children then back at America.
“They really are, are you?”
“I am.” Wanda shrugged smiling softly, Kate came right at that moment helping around while turning to Wanda.
“My mom just called me, she told me everything is ready and that if you confirmed her right now she would get everything ready for Friday.” Kate grinned when Wanda opened her eyes excitedly.
“You mean it?”
“Yep, I know Y/N would love her so…”
“You just have to say the word.” America pressed over smiling as well. Wanda turned to you where you were sitting with the twins helping them around while also allowing them to help you with the food.
Wanda felt her heart beat a tad bit faster, shrinking with pure emotion at the familiar scene she had gotten to witness in the last couple of weeks. She turned to the two teens nodding excitedly.
“Yes, tell her I take it.”
America squealed excitedly hugging Wanda before turning to an equally excited Kate.
“She is going to love it, you will see.”
Wanda surely hoped so, for the only thing in her mind was to make sure you also experience the love, affection and happiness she had felt with you from the moment the both of you met. From the moment, the both of you gave the friendship a chance to grow into something else.
Wanda Maximoff had never had such a wonderful time before.
She was dragged by you or America or even her children around the park to try the different attractions. She got to experience the adrenaline of the roller coaster, while also gave in the excitement of the bumper cars while laughing alongside you.
You were by her side at all times, without being overwhelming it was as if you knew what it was she needed and you were right there to make sure she got it. Wanda admired the easiness in which you and the twins soon found a common ground and they sought you out for comfort or confirmation of what to do next.
Whatever doubts that came after the incident, or whatever reluctance Wanda felt when around you were soon forgotten and she just gave in standing by your side with a beating heart and a tingling body whenever you brushed your hand against hers or your lips found hers when alone.
In the end, and after going through all the different stands holding games with prizes everyone ended up on the Ferry Wheel.
“Come on guys, you can go first.” You nodded to your sister and Kate, winking lightly while America just rolled her eyes.
“Let us take Billy and Tommy…” Kate started but you shook your head placing your right hand on her shoulder.
“No, this is for you guys, go and snog my sister when you get to the highest point,” you chuckled when Kate blushed looking away while America looked mortified, “you guys have been taken them with you most of the day, so it’s only fair. Go.”
Wanda was standing back with Billy and Tommy furrowing her brows when, after a moment of discussion America and Kate finally went inside one of the passenger cars. You stepped back joining Wanda who was trying to hold back the twins that were waving happily at America and Kate.
“I think we shouldn’t eat those candy apples,” Wanda snickered when the twins talked amongst themselves excitedly.
“Oh, come on, those are quite delicious, and I don’t mind them being this hyperactive.”
“You don’t?” Wanda blinked a couple of times stepping forward, waiting until the car stopped and the door was opened for you and the others to go in.
“No, I actually think it’s kinda cute.” You blinked at her before calling for Billy.
“Come here, little guy, you’re sitting with me, and Tommy is sitting with Wanda.” You pinned them with your eyes, your face transforming into a mask of pure seriousness. “I need you to be well-behaved because while this is fun, we need to make sure it is also safe, okay?”
“Yes, Y/N.” Both of them said at the same time, Wanda cocked her head lifting a single eyebrow impressed.
Soon the ride started with classical music playing through the speakers, you looked outside with Billy pointing out the different spots. You leaned forward answering his questions, while also telling him and Tommy about a past you had experienced with America and your parents. Wanda leaned back hearing the sound of your voice and the question of her children while taking in the scene.
“Woah, look mommy!! This is so pretty!” Tommy said pointing right outside the car where the lights show was being played near the skate rink.
“It is, it looks really pretty.” Wanda mumbled glancing at you and noticing you had your eyes on her.
“It is just beautiful.” You replied as well, smiling tenderly at her before turning your attention back to the outside world.
“This is the best day ever, Y/N, thank you.” Billy said softly turning to you and giving you a tight hug.
You returned the hug softening your features while feeling your heart skipped a beat under the display of affection from the little boy.
“I’m glad you like it, Billy.” Your voice was loud enough for him, Tommy and Wanda to hear you out, “I just want to make you enjoy the beautiful things in life, if you guys allow me to do so, I will be more than happy to show you the world.”
Wanda wrapped her arms around Tommy, shaking her head while her eyes filled with tears.
“How about you let us show you also the beautiful and fun things in life, and we share those experiences with one another?” Wanda replied glancing at you, the silent invitation there.
You chuckled nodding, “I would love that.”
Wanda nodded turning again to the world outside the passenger car, her heart leaping with happiness at the moment she was living with you and the twins. Suddenly, in the midst of such peaceful moment Wanda came to the realisation that everything she needed, whatever she had been looking for was just there, sitting right across her loving her children and her without asking nothing in return.
And for that, she loved you without any reservations.
For that, she promised herself to make sure you were happy, the way you were making her and her children happy.
Final chapter: The date Wanda planned finally comes to be, there will be smut, and happily ever after.
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alittledizzy · 3 months
this a big ask and feel free to ignore but you seem like the right person to come to.
can you give like a dnf overview for those of us who know almost nothing but are sooo curious (minecraft? face reveal? queer?)(i follow for dnp lol)
Okay so... I'm gonna try and do a bullet point overview and for the purpose of not getting in the weeds I am not going into the controversies. I'll be happy to discuss that part - OFF anon.
Dream and George met on a Minecraft server when Dream was 16, George was 18/19 and became best friends.
When Dream decided to start youtube when he was 18, he asked George (and Sapnap) to come along with him. They both said yes.
In 2019, George started talking about moving to America. At the time Dream lived with his girlfriend, though they broke up by 2020. (George and the girlfriend did not get along. But that's also a whole other can of worms because she fucked Dream up pretty badly with consistent cheating and verbal/physical abuse.)
Plans for George to move to the US got more concrete and at some point over 2021 became him moving into a house with Dream and Sapnap.
Dream also came out multiple times in this general period of time. He came out in a post on reddit, on twitter, and on a stream. He does not explicitly state that he's bisexual, but he does explicitly state he isn't straight.
Sapnap had already moved in with Dream for Dream's protection since he was being swatted pretty regularly. Dream had plans for a face reveal but people were stalking and harassing him both to 'reveal' him and also because at this point the Kiwi Farms targeted attack on him had gained a lot of steam.
Speaking of: George used face cam pretty regularly, but Dream did not face reveal. Based on things he's said it seems pretty clear he was trying to lose weight but at some point set the goal of face revealing once George was in America because he wanted George to see his face before anyone else.
George applied for his Visa and would have had about a 6-9 month wait, and then was denied. He had to apply a second time, and wait another extended period of time, which put it September 2022 when his visa finally was approved. This means they'd known each other for seven years and he'd been trying to move to the US to live with Dream for three years at that point.
George arrived in the US and Dream posted his first video with a face camera on. George posted a vlog meeting Dream irl for the first time, which is a great starting point for a watch.
In terms of the ship stuff: they've always had a heavily flirtatious relationship and Dream is open about how attractive he finds George. They've acknowledging having a conversation about if they'd date or not.
Once in a while Dream will reiterate that they're not dating, and we know he spent 2023 having a variety of hookups but no confirmed relationships. (Which lines up with his long history of women that flirt with him complaining he'll be great to them and make them feel good but always says he doesn't want a relationship.)
2023 was pretty wild for them in terms of nonstop travel, events, and making very little content besides Dream's music. So far in 2024 we've seen a complete 180 of that and Dream and George have noy traveled at all, staying at home in Orlando together. (Sapnap has traveled and spent time in LA, but alone.)
This is partially due to controversy, I'm sure, but also seems to be just in line with a rededicating of themselves to Minecraft and content impending. They're working on a project that hopefully will come out soon.
Right now in terms of what they've publicly told us, they're just in the category of Super Not Normal About Each Other. Here are a few of the Not Normal things that are just fun from a shippy pov:
Before George moved, they were open about living most of their life on a call together. This includes sleep calling and staying on the phone while taking showers.
One of Dream's early videos was gifting his friends money to thank them for supporting him. He gave Sapnap and another friend $500 each. He gave George $5000.
Dream took 'am I in love with my best friend' quizzes on stream twice with George on the call and neither treated it quite like a joke.
Dream sent George an oversized Dream hoodie which George has worn repeatedly and even admitted to spraying with cologne before he'd put it on. Dream took pictures of George in the hoodie (a private call, not one fans were in on) and then later shared them saying they were the cutest pictures of George ever.
The first time we really got to see them interact irl at length was a stream they did around Christmas. Here's a supercut that just really shows the vibe between them.
Initially in late 2022 Dream was wearing a very specific chain. At some point in January 2023, George started wearing that chain (the specific one Dream used to wear) and has not been spotted without it since.
At one of his concerts Dream described George as a friend he just met a year ago that he's so in love with.
The entire song Spotlight which everyone immediately associated with George, to George's embarrassment and pride.
And there's obviously way more... but I feel like this is a good starter kit for Them.
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demonqueenart · 3 months
I left answer as a comment but I thought I’ll explain myself better to you here. This is not a defense by any means! Just my thoughts to why I think I didn’t react at all to the wad comment. I am Mexican and I went to school in Mexico and my parents and people in my generation used “third world country” denominations in their language too. I realized the inherent racism during a discussion in college, but my parents still to this day have never had someone explain it to them and some of my friends don’t even realize either.
Here it’s often used in context of criticism towards the government for example the metro in Mexico really needs better infrastructure so my friends would say something like “this wouldn’t happen in Sweden but no surprise here in the third world” (but with a lot more insults toward the gov thrown in lol), that’s why when I heard Dan use that term I immediately heard the same satire that my friends and parents use when they criticize why some things are harder here cause of the government. Not to say corruption is inherently a Latin American problem (hello last US elections) I just think the term is not extinct yet and it’s even been reused lately I seen tweets go viral using it to criticize the US like “America is a third world country with a Gucci belt on” which goes to show places like the US and the UK would not meet the “standards” either according to whoever came up with the term.
Absolutely! The more perspective, the better! I have a latam friend of mine who’ve watched that clip of him saying that, and it had made them want to cry. So, very reasonably different reactions from everyone. Although to me personally, if anyone calls me being from a 3rd world country, I would be absolutely pissed! Like, just that usage of that word itself can make me go to rage lol, because of its bad association
Auto-message: This ask’s purpose is to acknowledge dnp’s past/present exclusivity, not to cancel them! But to embrace mistakes that they’ve made so that 1. we won’t exclude people in need in this community, and 2. we can normalize bringing up exclusivity so that improvement can happen. Hopefully this will one day help dnp realize that this is a safe space for them to talk about their mistakes, so that this space can become safe for people of all kinds too <3
*If you don’t understand what is happening, scroll through my blog for context. And I’ll be taking time to answer my asks, so don’t think I’m ignoring youuu*
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kudzucataclysm · 1 month
OKAY SINCE NOBODYS ASKING BUT AT THE SAME TIME EXPRESSING INTEREST I will give a barebones rundown on these 4 until i do the powerpoint. BE AWARE that each’s backstory is under heavy reconstruction due to the fact that theyre moving over from another wip entirely but their base personalities should be the same-
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Dorian: hes from the UK. his hair is BLONDE, NOT WHITE. hes an arrogant spoiled loser whose family just took a beating down the social ladder so hes got all sorts of hubris and an unfounded sense of superiority. was sick a lot as a kid and so becuz of that was isolated from others…he can certainly be a jerk/bastard/ignoramus but he truly does experience empathy and cares abt people (cuz of certain Events in his Youth), he just doesnt really know how to…express that ig. hes currently stuck in america as the photographer for some storm chasers. germaphobe. afraid of homeless ppl
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Raleigh: a 7 foot tall bioengineered supersoldier of sorts from Louisiana, where she spent half of her youth as an oil pirate in the gulf of mexico and the other half under the care of a catholic priest in deux orleans. shes super cool and chillax, loves helping people, has an interest in fungi, so why is she a storm chaser? i dunno yet but she does provide a pretty good layer of security for the team when theyre traveling through the southeast and the plains. has all the energy in the world and probs the most competent/trustworthy person to meet ever….umm she is also very blunt and reckless. she does not value her own life a lot so she is always getting injured. erm…tramsgender
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formerly-osea: i am still figuring out his new name leabe me aloen…uh he is an aspiring revolutionary of sorts. hes def a stereotypical twitter leftist of sorts and likes to talk abt burning down police stations and walmarts but doesn’t do any of that. he reads a lot of theory but doesnt practice. he also has some anger issues and struggles a bit with his roots as the son of asian immigrants in america…hes very selfish and has an inferiority complex but hes super optimistic and charismatic so thats cool…he and raleigh r very mischievous. hes the radar tech
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West, formerly Windsor: this guy is from the western US hence his name, but he never tells anyone where hes from exactly or what he used to do. as of rn im thinking like, former militant for some terrorist organization lol. hes done a ton of shady shit and war crimes…hes always bored and tired. always likes to listen in on what people r talking abt and what theyre doing. hes not very good at making friends but he is like, super reliable and down to earth. he does a lot of driving for the team and helps with navigation…also tramsgender 🙂‍↕️
AND THERES MORE PEOPLE ON THE TEAM BTW!! i just have to flesh them out…so theres like 8 or 9 peeps on the storm chaser team plus one pygmy goat. i will have a post for them as well hopefully
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joltning · 2 months
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@fishfingersalad it’s almost 2am but i can’t sleep and ts probably only going to be seen by like 5 people anyway so let it rip
this au started out as a self indulgent pocket sized au that I ignore as all my aus do…..then I couldn’t sleep and started imagining things im good at that. it started as an au I could do ship focus on and well I love lore I guess. despite all this the main story still focuses on my blorbos. maybe I will make a storyline for the main cast, if I can imagine things again
one day, all across (abridged) America (this is why I made that carolina/puerto rico/dc post btw), 50 children, each for 1 state, pop up at the same time, with varying ages, mostly tween years but with some variation up and down. while some are humanoid creatures, others are completely monstrous and lack sentience. however, they all share one common factor: a tag identifying what state they came from. The majority of the sentient ones assume this is their name, and that’s why they run with it.
conspiracy theorists and cryptid fans nationwide take notice of a bunch of shit happening overnight and develop “The 50” list. depending on if it’s commonly agreed upon what monster you are and if it’s commonly agreed upon what state you’re from, you’ll be ranked higher or lower on the list, with, of course, the highest ranking being the most sought after and hidden. Most of the higher tiered creatures are humanoid; it’s easier to blend in if you don’t look out of place
i forgot to mention Btw it’s like. myths and legends and shit too. i mentioned york being the pied Piper I also think the implication that the pied Piper is a monster is funny. also only one monster per person and
ofc my blorbos…….Everyone run now!!!! Ohio has just moved to a new city yay go girl But her coworkers are fucked up!!! There’s this bitch Sherry that she may or may not have a crush on and like her two little friends who absolutely know that. but Watch out there’s a freaky green man It’s Georgia her old friend Georgia. they were their first freelancer friends but geo Loves making deals for souls slash servitude slash their power slash take over the world slash he doesn’t know what souls are and neither do I. but they gotta be normal and not fight in the office.!!! And fight outside of a Walmart at 2 instead. he’s kinda bad at it though which is why only Ohio cares.
anywya Sherry keeps running into Ohio and Georgia fighting and you know Ohio’s kind of like. well if you see her when she’s not masking you’ll probably go insane huh. so Ohio has to keep wiping her memories and Sherry’s getting CRAZY deja vu.
this is so stressful Good thing Ohio’s got her trusty friends Iowa and Idaho!!! They’re causing chaos somewhere else but she’s always texting them and video chatting. hopefully they can meet up again soon!!
Utah is a paranormal investigator and currently georgia’s only the only person who’s currently made a deal with him. he’s made past deals but Ohio scared them off by ‘Do Not Be Afraid’ing them. it’s either that or they have to get killed lest the green fuck get too powerful and Ohio would rather not do that thanks. utah doesn’t even get anything in return he just wants to know wtf is going on tbh. Georgia stays at his apartment because he’s a squatter I guess
well That’s too bad I guess I can’t share any more because they’re just plotpoints. hey do you wanna know what the other freelancers are
Ohio: Angel (duh. So low because when she spawned she was literally in the middle of a bunch of people and blinded them with her corporeal form)
Georgia: Demon (the devil but literally this time. manages to be a little higher due to being able to teleport short distances. Stayed a little too close to home base, though.)
Iowa: Harpy (kept flying in the air like a dumbass everyone fucking saw him. denialists claim it to be a big bird. and they’re right.)
Idaho: Werewolf (he didn’t know until a full moon came out. oops.)
Carolina: Siren (keeps the bad singing voice.)
York: pied piper….
Wash: Shapeshifter
Florida: Alien (when he came on the fated day he rode in on a meteor instead of plopping in, breaking off the state from the rest of the US. its highly debated on whether or not the meteor itself was the creature.)
Maine: Bigfoot (but he shaves his whole body every day so he just looks like a big guy)
Connie: Kitsune
Wyoming: Fairy (despite being obvious, no one fuckinh lives in wyoming so he just flew far away immediately. fucks up the rankings of others by being spotted far away from his state.)
North: The Sandman (Both spawned across from eachother at the 2 state’s borders. They immediately declared eachother twins.)
South: Mare/Dream Eater (Their high ranking is very dependent on the confusion on which twin is which, since they work together to sleep and then feast.)
Tex: Ghost
you may see here I did not include Utah Did I forget No No No (kinda) I have an idea for what he is but i don’t intent to reveal it ever really. idk how id incorporate that. jsut know I searched really hard to find a creature that wasn’t a ghost that disrupted electromagnetic fields so that every time he went ghost hunting the machines would go off causing him to assert there was a ghost there. but no alas I did not find that
ok tahts it I think. for now. maybe. if you have any ideas for this background fucks wise or rnbs wise I would like them. for meThanks goodnight im gonna pass blout Out Out
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withacapitalp · 1 year
For the STWG Daily Prompt today! This one is a little roundabout, but I just wanted to write some of the boys being goofy little besties!!!
“Class, this is Dustin Henderson. He just moved here all the way from Arizona, isn’t that interesting?” Mrs. Wren said, gently nudging the boy further to the front of the room and giving him a soft smile, “Dustin, why don’t you tell us about yourself a little?” 
Dustin looked like he would rather eat raw goat brains, and Mike couldn’t blame him. If Dustin was a kid who looked like Jimmy or Troy, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, but Dustin was a chubby short kid with a shock of wild curly hair and two missing front teeth. His shirt was black with a picture of a microscope with the words ‘Enjoy the little things’ underneath it, and he was wearing a wide brim hat with Einstein's theory of relativity stamped on it. 
The new kid was a total nerd, and Mike’s heart went out to him. 
“I moved here from Flagstaff. Um that’s a city in Arizona-” Dustin started to mumble, his eyes firmly on his shoes. 
“Wow. We thought it was in Canada,” Troy interrupted with a mean little laugh. 
A twitter went around the class, which was completely stupid in Mike’s opinion. It wasn’t even a funny joke, just something mean to say, and it made Dustin cringed back like he had been physically hit, his shoulder curling inward as he reached up to tug at the brim of his cap. 
“Shut up, Troy,” Mike said without really thinking. He kind of wished he could take it back when Troy’s entire desk clump turned to him with murder in their eyes, but the tiny grateful look Dustin shot up at him made it worth it. Sort of. 
“Boys,” Mrs. Wren droned, calling them both out even though Mike hadn’t done anything but defend Dustin when she should have. She sighed and shook her head, turning back to their newest student, keeping him on the pyre when she could have just let him go free. 
“What was your favorite part of Flagstaff, Dustin?”
“I really liked going hiking with my dad,” Dustin answered, slightly perking up, “There’s this mountain called Humphrey’s Peak by us, it’s the biggest mountain in Arizona and it’s the start of the San Francisco peaks! There’s these lizards there called Gila Monsters, they’re the only venomous lizards in North America, and-” 
Mike was leaning forward, drawn in by curiosity about the strange creatures, but oddly enough Dustin cut himself off with a sudden jolt, going back to his curled up turtle position from before. Their teacher waited for a second more before sighing again and adjusting the papers on her desk. 
“Well, we don’t have much in the way of lizards here in Hawkins, but hopefully your classmates will help you to explore some of the local wildlife. We’re going to have some silent reading time now students, so take out your books. Dustin do you need me to help you pick one?” She asked, finally cutting him loose. 
“No I’m okay,” Dustin said as he scurried to his seat, immediately opening his backpack and digging in it, conveniently not looking up at any of the boys near him. He pulled out a huge book, burying his face in it effectively cutting off any attempt to catch his eye. 
Maybe he just needed another push. Mike was still pretty curious about those monsters. 
“I’m Mike,” He offered. 
“My name is Lucas,” Lucas added, catching what Mike was thinking immediately and following through like always. 
“I’m Will, it’s nice to meet you,” Will rounded off, holding out his hand for Dustin to shake. 
“Hi,” Dustin said shortly, still nestled tightly into his book. 
Mike’s brow furrowed, and he looked away from Dustin to his friends, seeing if they had a plan. Lucas shrugged, and Will turned his face down to where he was secretly doodling under the book their teacher had assigned him. They were both just giving in that easily, which was just not acceptable. 
Not when the prospect of information on a giant lizard was at their fingertips. 
“What are you reading?” Mike tried again, still not willing to admit defeat. 
“Oh this is Blackmoor. It’s a rule book,” Dustin explained, holding the book so they could see the front cover picture of a huge castle on a tall rock and a smaller picture of a wizard. Will was instantly intrigued by the wizard, leaning into Dustin’s space to point at the title above the castle. 
“What’s Dungeons and Dragons?”
It was like a switch flipped. Dustin’s eyes lit up and he put the book flat on the desk so they could see inside, giving them all an eager little grin as he scooted his chair closer to the desks. 
“It’s this super cool thing where you make up characters and adventures and use dice to decide what happens. My character is a bard who has a flute that can put people to sleep and this badass dagger!” Dustin exclaimed, pulling out a notebook so they could see a rudimentary drawing of a man holding a knife and a flute. Mike was sure Will could’ve done a much better version, but it was still pretty awesome. But Dustin wasn’t done, pulling out a tiny figurine and putting it in the middle of their desks. 
“The game has got all these monsters like a mimic that pretends to be a treasure chest and this one is called the demogorgon-”
And then it was just over. Dustin jolted back, snatching his hand back like it had been caught in a cookie jar and pulling his hat practically over his eyes.  
“I mean, it’s just a game,” Dustin murmured, playing with his fingers and tucking his chin to his chest. 
Damn! Again! Now Mike was getting pissed. 
“Why do you keep doing that?” Mike asked, frustrated that twice he had missed out on something fun. 
“What?” Dustin replied, looking confused. 
“Start talking about something cool and then cut yourself off right in the middle,” Lucas explained, already aware of what was annoying Mike. That was why they were best friends- Lucas just always seemed to know what was bugging him, “It’s weird.” 
Weird was apparently the wrong word to use. All of the joy in the air instantly vanished, and Dustin’s shoulders were at his ears. Mike shot Lucas a tiny glare, the two of them having a silent argument as Dustin gathered up the courage to explain. 
“Oh, um…My dad told me that I should try to be quieter if I wanted to make friends,” Dustin whispered, his cheeks beet red as he stammered out the words, “He um- he said it’s uh rude, you know? To not to let other people talk once in a while?” 
Mike’s chest instantly seized up, and he looked down at his own desk, his copy of Tuck Everlasting staring back up at him. A quick sneak peek up at Lucas and Will revealed that they were doing the same, Will’s lip caught firmly between his teeth and Lucas’s mouth in a thin straight line. 
It wasn’t exactly the same, but all three of them knew what it was like to be told to be quiet. They knew how hard it could be to have everything you love ridiculed or talked down to. Usually it was Troy or Jimmy or some of the other boys in their class doing it though, not their own parents.  
“Tell us about the demogorgon,” Mike declared, speaking for all three. Judging by the looks he was being given not only by Lucas and Will, but also by Dustin, he had said the exact right thing. 
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holygrailimagines · 2 years
Coach’s Daughter
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Summary: Reader is a coach’s daughter.
Author’s Note: I gave Diego a random ass number lmao. Also, no hate to no sabo kids. Also, maybe a multipart series? 
     Your dad was a very valuable man in the football community, especially Mexico. Football and Mexico ran in his veins like crazy. His passion was unlike any other, which is why the Mexican Selection team needed him. Everyone was sure he would guide Mexico into a new season of triumph and success. 
     Unfortunately for you, that meant you had to leave everything you knew in America and move to Mexico. Sure, you had a lot of love for Mexico. After all, it was quite literally your mother’s and father’s land. But, America was your home, you had been here for two decades. All your friends and family were here, so you weren’t super excited to leave everything behind just so your dad could teach a bunch of men how to play football. 
     Your father sensed your sadness and decided the best way to make it up to you was to bring you to work with him. Maybe his love and passion would rub off on you and you would finally understand that this was a good thing. 
     “Hijita, por favor, I don’t want you to be sad anymore.” Your dad begged as he kept his eyes on the road. You sighed, staring out the passenger side window. You two were on your way to the team’s practice. 
     “I know papa, but you know I don’t even like football.” It was true, you weren’t interested at all. He sighed at your response as he parked the car. 
     “Okay but, please just be nice to my players. And don’t worry about speaking Spanish, they all understand English.” You nodded as you both exited the car and headed to the trunk. Your father passed you a few orange cones and he slung a mesh bag of dozens of soccer balls behind his back and you both made your way to the open field. 
     In the distance you saw a group of men and when they noticed your dad, they instantly cheered and ran up to greet him. They hugged him and shook his hand before turning their attention to you. Nothing is as uncomfortable as millions of eyes staring at you, especially when those eyes belong to the most gorgeous men you’ve ever seen. 
     “Amigos, esta es mi hija, (Y/N).” Your father said in Spanish, introducing you. 
     “Mucho gusto, déjame ayudarte con esos conos.” A man with curly hair and gloves said, reaching out his hand. You noticed the number 13 on his uniform. (translation: nice to meet you, let me help you with those cones)
     “Umm. Hello?” You said in an unsure manner, reaching out to shake his hand. If you were being completely honest, your spanish was horrid. You hated to admit it but you were a bit whitewashed. The man looked at you with furrowed eyebrows but smiled a little. 
     “¿Que, no español?” He chuckled, sending a look towards your father. Your father sighed, as if he was disappointed at your lack of bilingual skills. (What, no spanish?)
     “Yes, about that. My daughter has spent all her life in America so please try to speak to her in English,” Your dad announced to the team as he placed both of his hands on your shoulder. 
     “Hopefully this time in Mexico will do some good for her Spanish, right?” He asked, looking down at you, shaking you slightly as you nodded in agreement. God this was so awkward. 
     Every football player took turns shaking your hand and greeted you in English. Well almost every football player except number 18. He shook your hand and proudly greeted you in spanish. He was absolutely beautiful. His caramel skin and hazel eyes left you red and flabbergasted. 
     The whole time you sat on the bench watching the team, you couldn’t keep your eyes off him. When practice was over, you said your goodbyes to the team and began walking to the car with your dad. 
     “¡Espera, tus conos!” You heard a voice yell behind you. Your dad chuckled as number 18 handed you the orange cones you accidentally left behind. (Wait, your cones!) 
     “Gracias, Dieguito.” Your dad thanked him, Diego smiled at him and then at you. He flashed his perfect teeth, and you couldn’t help but blush. 
     “Si, gracias,” you said, trying your best not to present your American accent. 
     He smirked and before jogging back to his teammates he said, “You’re welcome, American girl.”
I literally wrote this in like an hour because I was so desperate for any writing posts with football players. Lord knows how feral this world cup is making me. 
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cellard0ors · 3 months
Okay so there’s been a few instances with 80’s Travis jerking it thinking of Laura (and hopefully many more 😌) but what about Laura thinking about HIM? And that pairing with her knowledge of him in the present / future and how she feels after the deed
Okay, so - a MILLION years later, I finally wrote this. Mainly to do a fun, smutty little dirty wherein Laura has some thoughts. It's not as deep as this prompt COULD have been, but hopefully it's enjoyable regardless!
Also, thanks to the skinny guy I saw at the gym who gave major 80s Travis vibes (glasses, brown hair, clearly dorky). Sir, you might have been a slim dude, but you handled that big ass dumbbell like it was no big thing!
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This is all Travis Hackett's fault.
It was his fault in 2021 and it's his fault now in 1986. Granted, what he's at fault for currently is drastically different from what he did in Laura's regular timeline, but that's besides the point.
The man is a menace - in one form or another.
In his fifties, he was a menace who kept her prisoner for two months. In his twenties…
Laura growls and rolls over yet again. It's after midnight and she can't sleep. Not one wink. She's been struggling for hours. Not to mention a vicious thunderstorm is doing its very best to be as big, if not bigger, a nuisance than Travis.
Occasional flashes of bright white lightning and booms of thunder haven't done much to aid Laura in her quest to sleep. It's also staggeringly humid, even with the rain.
One would hope the storm would break the heat - not add to it. If anything, it's just made things feel…sticky. Or maybe that’s Travis. And her memory. And her stupid fucking libido.
Ever since she shared that ill-fated kiss with him here in the Lodge's music room, she’s found her long dormant sex drive ramping to life. Damn thing has been dead for over a year, yet here she is now - struggling with it.
She rolls over again, punchs at her pillow, scowls into it. Her memory replays the moment - not of their kiss, but of what she saw him doing today. It's so stupid. It shouldn't have affected her then and it shouldn't affect her now.
But it does.
Laura had been looking for him - looking just to tell him some information Zachariah wanted her to pass along about the change to the night's camp group activity.
Initially it had been for everyone to meet for a bonfire and ghost stories, but with the predicted weather forecast, it was changing to game night inside the Lodge.
Simple, easy enough news to pass along.
But when she found him…
Laura rubs her eyes and feels like a complete idiot. She remembers when her friends were all mooning over that Chris/Captain America guy when he did that stupid log chopping scene in that super hero movie - she hadn't gotten the thrill of it.
It was just some muscular guy doing a film scene. Hell, the one log he ripped in half was a fucking prop - not an actual log! What was the big deal? Why had they all been so stupidly horny over it?
God help her…now she knows.
Because Travis, completely unaware she was walking towards him, had been splitting hunks of wood. With an ax. Shirtless. Laura had stopped several feet short of him when she realized what she was witnessing.
Vaguely Laura recalled David mentioning Travis was no wimp - that he'd seen him cut a large amount of firewood - that he was strong. For several reasons, Laura had disregarded this piece of information.
At that moment, she regretted it.
Because Travis was working through each piece of wood like it was nothing. His movements were smooth and controlled. He raised the ax and dropped it down with a force that was…compelling.
Mainly because his arms were flexing with each chop and the wood he struck always parted neatly in two. He'd put a log on the chopping block, raise the ax, split it, and then repeat.
A clear sheen of sweat coated his bare flesh and while his lithe form didn't scream strength or muscle he…was. Strong. Muscled. Masculine. Travis just radiated all of it and Laura's throat went dry, heart pounding in her ears.
…and an unmistakable throb pitched between her legs and in her womb and she truly hated herself and him…
More so when he suddenly seemed to sense her. Travis looked up from his work, wiped at the sweat on his brow with the back of one arm and then turned to another nearby chopping block to grab his glasses.
Travis put them on and he was panting and shirtless and wearing 80s jeans and looking annoyingly attractive - more so when he beamed at her and gave a little wave, “Hey!”
Laura loudly and quickly blurted out what she needed to tell him before turning on her heels and stalking off. Thankfully he didn't follow. But now, here in her bedroom in the Lodge, it's as if he did.
Certainly the memory followed her around all day and another flash and boom makes her roll onto her back and pound both of her fists on the mattress in frustration. If only she could forget! If only she could sleep! If only…
Suddenly Laura goes lax, a rather naughty fact coming to her.
She’s alone in the Lodge. Yes, Zachariah’s bedroom is here as well, but she's hardly ever seen him use it. She has the sneaking suspicion the man sleeps elsewhere - after all, he’s hardly ever in the camp leader’s office.
And if she’s alone, well, there’s always one method of relaxation that helps her go to sleep. Shifting about, she removes her sleep shorts, her underwear. Laura toes them off to one side and she's pretty sure they fall off the small bed.
Sighing lazily, she closes her eyes and lets her hands stroke along the sides of her face, fingertips dancing over her lips. They roam down her neck, slightly ticklish, yet stimulating before both palms pass over her breasts.
Laura lightly squeezes them and tries to imagine it's someone else doing it. She tries to keep her lover faceless - she doesn't want to think of Max, that's long over, and she absolutely refuses to think of…
She won't even think of his name, lest he be conjured up against her will.
Laura's hands soar down to the hem of her white camp T-shirt and she draws it up, exposing her breasts to the air. While it's still stifling inside the Lodge, the air on her bare chest can't help but make her nipples pucker and she goes for them, tweaking them just the way she likes.
She moans and arches her head back at the exquisite sensation, fingers working to roll and tease her tits until they're hard as diamonds. As her open palms press against them, Laura pictures a mouth on them instead, the feel of a wet tongue bathing them and whimpers.
It's exactly what she wants, but not what she has. Still, her imagination is good enough to make the fantasy feel damn near real. She can even see her lover’s dark, puppy dog eyes looking up at her searchingly, asking her without words if she likes this.
“Yessss…” She hisses and she wishes she could comb her fingers through his thick dark hair, clutch at it as she encourages him to take more of her breast into his mouth, to have him suck at it with abandon until she feels that undeniable pull.
But then his mouth disappears and his large palms move down to her thighs. They ease them apart, thick fingers dancing enticingly over the sensitive skin between her legs before moving up, lightly stroking a few fingers along her pussy’s slippery plump folds.
“Oh! You? You're…you're so wet...” His imaginary voice rings in her ears, choked with both excitement and awe. Laura tosses her head about again, feels strands of her long hair sticking to her skin as she moans.
“Travis!” Laura hears herself say his name and then he's clearly there, glasses and all. Out of her mind with lust, she doesn't question it or fight it anymore (her fighting it had been rather lackluster to begin with), and it especially becomes moot as the tender nub of her clit is carefully twisted.
A sharp cry leaves her, hips rising from the mattress and into the feeling. Her whole body shakes from head to toe, a tight coil forming in her center, her breathing choppy as those fingers fall to her entrance.
One enters her with only a little hesitation and she bites her lip, chews it as he husks, “You're so pretty…”
Who says something like that? Who says something so innocent, yet so hot and the finger moves slickly in and out of her honeyed channel. Pleasure washes over as he works methodically, smoothly - he splits her open just as easily as he did the wood and she can't help but choke out an odd chuckle at the idea of his wood.
Fuck - what would it be like? Would it be long and thick? Her and Max had had a field day suggesting he was limp and small or just dickless in general, but in this moment she pictures him as being an impressive size.
Big and solid and perfect for her to ride, for him to thrust deep into her without mercy and sometimes she likes it that way - rough and enthusiastic. Max had always been worried about hurting her, even as she joked that he should just rail her brains out.
…could Travis do that?
He seems so timid now - so gentle and sweet, but his older self…
And suddenly a second finger plunges deep into her, joining the first and both start to relentlessly hammer in and out of her with savage force and her Travis changes - becomes older and without glasses and with a confident sneer that borders on a smile as he works her over.
“You're hungry for this, aren't you, girl? You want me to make you scream.”
Laura doesn't know if she's shaking her head or nodding it, but she doesn't let him stop. If anything she rides his hand for all its worth, her inner walls squeezing at the intrusion and the pressure build at the base of her spine, in her pulsating loins and oh god, oh god, oh god!
She's completely unaware she's chanting the words aloud until they turn over to wordless, ear splitting cries and Travis looks down at her with a rabid intensity as he snarls, “That's it, cmon. C’mon, sweetheart - cum for me.”
One light flick of his thumb against her clit and she nearly jack-knifes off the bed, wailing his name repeatedly as she breaks apart. Her whole body spasms with ecstasy, her orgasm washing over her in a joyous rush.
Slowly her fingers stop their rapid movements, slowly they withdraw from her body. She gets unsteadily to her feet and goes to the bathroom, washing her hands.
Laura doesn't look at her reflection. She just cleans her hands and then stumbles back to the bed, her legs uneasy, the blood in her veins still singing.
She pulls the sheet over her nudity and Travis is there again, young again, and lying right next to her. She feels his hand brush over her hair, her shoulder and his words are tender, “I hope that helps you sleep, Laura.”
All she can manage is a hum, sleep so close to taking her that she doesn't even analyze why Travis is back - why he pleasured her with both his younger and older self - why she responded to both.
Instead Laura finally falls into the sleep that proved so elusive to her before, a happy smile on her face.
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abyss-idiot · 4 months
Report in The Star and its info on the Storm
This is a second post about this info on the Storm from the 1.4 update. A link to the first post will be at the bottom of this one. Spoilers under the keep reading button. I know this late as hell, I kinda forgot about this and only now got back to it. Hopefully post more soon.
A quick timeline of the report in this mini chapter, it is written by Greta Hoffman and mainly is set in 1985-1987. She talks a bit about 37's mother and Sophia's father in it but it does give a tiny bit more info about the storm. The text in game will be bolded and in quotes.
"That was 1985, a gloomy, miserable night compared to that peaceful morning in 1996, when we were only bothered by confusion.
We didn’t expect time to be reversed again, nor did we understand the consequence.
Even now, I still remember Paulina’s desperate cry.  One of her hands was already inside the safe area when she fell at the entrance to the headquarters, and that was the only part of her left to us the next second.
The only legacies we found were an engagement ring on that hand and her favorite blue polka dot scarf, which we used to wrap her remains in the end."
While we did already have the dates this does give us another piece of information, if someone/something is only partially in the field only the bit that is in the safe area is going to be safe.
"In 1986, I was assigned to the office in Egypt.  All my friends came to the doc to see me off …"
This leads us into the main portion of the report, the next few bits are about Greta's time on the ship to the new place where she meets 37's mother and Sophia's father. As of now I'll be skipping those and going to where there is more info on the storm.
"After that, I spent more than half a year in the Egypt office.  Things were even worse than I expected.
Some have gone missing after the “Storm”: the people who were supposed to be in the Egypt office, according to the member list stored in the headquarters in 1985, were not there when I arrived."
As of now, I can't make much of the missing people that are supposed to be in the office. In the end its most likely not completely storm related. The bit of text also advances the year a bit.
"Before the disagreement was settled, the “Storm” in 1987 was predicted.  We were ordered to return to the headquarters 24 hours before its arrival.
But the prediction was not accomplished by Laplace.  A captive from Manus Vindictae named the precise date of that “Storm.”
Our enemy, those lunatic xenophobes valuing only pure blood, made it further than we did.
Yes, we built observation stations, we made countless deductions, we developed multiple simulation models …
We made efforts, we sacrificed life, we did whatever we could …
Yet, the result that we didn’t find any other regions immune to the “Storm” except the headquarters and another one in North America.
In the end, 95% of the branch members were reversed, 87.9% of the equipment was destroyed, and 100% of our predictions failed."
This gives us the exact year that this storm takes place, this gap of time was 1985 to 1987. This also sets the president that while the Foundation is better off in human tech and science the Manus are really ahead in understanding the storm than them. One other thing this gives us is a tiny bit more info on where is safe from the storm. The foundation headquarters, a branch in North America, Aperion, wherever the Manus set up, and the suitcase are outright stated places to be immune to the storm.
"On the same day, the first and only Timekeeper who just took office, the twelve-year-old child, returned alone from the “Storm.”
She told us the time in the outside world at that point.
And that is how I knew she was right.
“It is right in front of you.”
But, if there is a god, why are you playing such a prank on us, after we had suffered from the collapse of all existing orders and the failures of all the great laws?
If this is what she called the glimpse of the supreme existence, the moment of afflatus, do you have to present it in such a cruel way?
The last two digits in the number of the year after that “Storm” were exactly the name … and her number.
The ending bit of the report gives us a key piece of information, this is the year that Vertin became timekeeper. Which also means that this is the storm depicted in the flashback portion of chapter 3. The one where the kids ran out into the storm and turned into shapes, and the same one where 37's mother and Sophia's father died to the storm. Turning into shapes.
Just like in the prologue where people turned into statues, other living things turning into comic book like drawings, and the world melting into a colorful comic book like ink, and in chapter 2 where people started to eat gold thinking it was food while they saw normal food as trash. It seems like people turning into geometry may have to do with something of that time period. As in the 1960s was the age of pop, and 1929 was the start of the great depression (even if the manus started it early) both storms seems to have something to do with the year that it takes place. Forget Me Not also mentions people's veins turned into cables in one of the 1990s storms, now I cant exactly say if this is the 1999 storm or the 1996 storm (I'm placing my bets on 1999.
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London Boy
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James Potter x Reader
word count: 1319
warnings: none
Inspired by the song london boy by Taylor Swift
You are an American witch. Which means you go to Ilvermorny, but in your third year your father was transferred to the ministry in England. In turn you had to transfer to hogwarts. You were fine with it besides the fact that you had to go with all the first years to be placed in your house. That's embarrassing.
You're standing with all the first years waiting for yourself to get called up. You could feel people looking at you strangely because you were very clearly not a first year student. Soon that would be cleared up as Dumbledore starts talking.
“Welcome students to another year at hogwarts. Before we get into the sorting for the first years we have a student transfer from america. She's in year three and I hope you all treat her with the utmost respect and kindness. Make her feel welcomed. Miss y/n y/l/n please step up.” with that you slowly walk up to the stool as everyone stares at you. You smile at McGonagall as she puts the hat on your head. After a few minutes of you talking to it it decides.
“GRYFFINDOR” the whole table erupts in cheers and you can't help but smile. Walking over to the table you sit in the closest open spot which happened to be by 4 guys.
“Say something” a guy with circle glasses says.
“Huh?” you look at him very confused.
“You're not British, say something” he says nodding at you.
“James shut up and leave the girl be” he turns to you “im remus welcome to hogwarts.” he holds his hand out.
“Thank you and well you heard my name y/n” you say shaking it and smiling.
“Holy shit your accent is hot!” the one with the glasses says again. You turn to him bright red and shocked.
“Uh, I don't know what to say to that.” you tilt your head in question.
“Don't mind him love he's an idiot i'm sirius black” he also holds his hand out. You blush again but this time because he called you love. You shake his hand but as you're about to pull away he pulls it closer and kisses it. Your eyes widen and you chuckle.
“Is it normal to kiss hands in britain?” you say running it through your hair.
“No it's not he's just trying to flirt with you” the little one on the end says. “I'm peter it's nice to meet you” he doesn't hold out his hand he just keeps eating his food. You chuckle at that.
“Okay you guys seem kind of okay though i think i like peter and remus the best” you laugh at the look on sirius and the other guys faces.
“What, how do you like them more?” the nameless guy says.
“Well I still don't know your name and right off the bat you called my accent hot. I'm sorry that's just a little strange and Sirius just seems like a playboy” it looked like Sirius was about to protest but then quieted down and nodded. The whole time Remus and Peter are just laughing.
“Ok ok sorry my name is james potter welcome to hogwarts” he said holding out his hand you take it and smile. “Though i wasn't lying your accent is very hot” you shake your head laughing.
“Thanks yours isn't too bad either, London boy” everyone chuckles at james’ red face. After eating dinner the boys show you back to your dorm thanking them you head up and get ready for bed greeting your new roommates.
The next morning you head to breakfast excited for your first day in the new school also with hopefully some new friends. You sit down near the end of the table and start grabbing some food to eat when you hear laughing. You turned to see all the boys laughing together except for james. When they saw you their smiles widened and they headed over to you.
“Hey y/n how are you?” Remus asked, sitting next to you.
“I'm good, how are you all?” smiling at him and the rest of them they all said good but james.
“I'm good now that you're here” he smirked.
“Okay London boy calm down” you laugh everyone joining in.
The next week passed by like this. You get used to a new school, getting closer to the boys and James constantly flirting with you. You never took james’ flirting to heart, you just guessed it was his personality until one day you're in the library trying to do some work when a red headed girl comes up to you.
“Hey your y/n right?” you look up at her and nod.
“Yeah I am and you are?” you hold out your hand.
“Im lily and i just wanted to talk to you about james” she shook your hand then sat across from you.
“What about him?” you close your book giving her your full attention.
“Before you came here he was really into me like he would ask me out everyday and i would always say no. but since you came here he hasn't asked me out once. I guess what i'm trying to say is james is really into you and if you like him you should put him out of his misery” she chuckles a little and you join in.
“I guess i never really thought he was into me i thought flirting was just his personality” you run a hand through your hair smiling fondly.
“You should ask him out” she smiles at you then you hear a voice.
“Ask out who?” It was James. He sits next to you guys.
“She thinks I should ask you out, London boy, what do you think?” you smirk at his red face.
“I think she's right you should” his face turning even more red and lily leaves.
“Okay wanna go out london boy?” you tilt your head with a smile.
“Very much yes” he nods aggressively, you both laughing. You start packing up your stuff.
“Meet me in the common room after hours” you walk away after kissing his cheek. You were excited.
Sitting on the couch in the common room waiting for James you're just watching the fire. When you hear walking you look up and see James coming towards you in a sweatshirt, jeans and red converse and you chuckle.
“James dear you do have american style” you laugh at him he just looks confused
“How?” He looks down at himself.
“The chuck taylors” you nod at his shoes. “Everyone in america has at least one pair” you point at your own
“Oh that's so cool” he looks at yours and his “wait how many do you have?” he questions you.
“You don't wanna know” you laugh at his worried face. “Oh i thought we could go to the astronomy tower and star gaze” you smile shyly and he nods
“Yeah sounds fun lets go” you and James head up to the tower and just lay together in silence.
“I'm glad we're doing this, it's fun, your good company” you blush.
“As are you i just have one question” he looks at you and you nod telling him to ask. “Why do you always call me London boy?” This makes you laugh.
“Because of a song called London Boy, it's about loving London boys. I guess I didn't know I'd just liked you from the start and it reminded me of the song” you shyly look away from him embarrassed.
“Aww you're so cute” he teases, pulling you closer to him. You go to push him away laughing and facing him when you look up and see how close he is to you and you blush. Slowly he leans down and kisses you. A kiss that caused a spark to light inside of you. “Don't worry love i fancy you”
hope you guys enjoyed
Good day night whatever
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avengerscompound · 5 months
The Interview - Chapter 19
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The Interview - A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Rating:  E
Warnings: smut (M/F, vaginal sex)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Melody Danes
Word Count: 2873
Summary:  Melody Danes gets the break of a lifetime when as a lowly intern, she’s assigned to write a profile piece on Captain America.  Steve Rogers is a hard man not to fall for and as she and Melody get closer and Melody’s career takes off, jealousy leads to sabotage, and the potential to bring her whole world crashing down.
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Chapter 19
There were two months of what Melody could only describe as pure bliss.  Work was exciting and fulfilling.  She was loving her home life.  She was getting more time to have a life outside of paying bills and was making time for hanging out with friends and starting new hobbies.  She’d been going out on group dates with her, Steve, Bucky, Bobbi, Matthew, and Sam.  They were quickly becoming a new family group and she hoped they all worked out because she’d hate to lose those dinners.  Best of all, things between her and Steve were calm and it felt like they’d reached some new milestone in the relationship that she couldn’t quite name.  It was more domestic and yet felt deeper.  They had started to talk about their futures more.  It wasn't intentional sit-down and talks about getting married and having kids and what religion they planned to raise them.  It was more that they casually dropped those things into other conversations like they were inevitable.  Steve had mentioned wanting to take her to Europe sometime.  She had said something about what they’d kids would look like.  They’d both casually mentioned parts of town they’d like to move to together.
Melody had never felt so on the same page as someone before.  Every relationship she’d had up until Steve, she’d felt the ticking clock counting down to the end of the relationship.  She did not doubt that Steve was for keeps and she’d debate whether or not to take him home to meet her parents.
It was a tricky situation.  Her relationship with her parents had been strained since she and Bobbi came out.  They still talked but it was much more shallow than it used to be.  They never asked if she was seeing anyone and conversations about Bobbi were usually fairly shallow.
“I love that you are mad at them on my behalf,” Bobbi said when Melody brought the topic up with her.  “But if you want to take Steve back to meet your parents, you should do it.  You know they love you, and I even know they still care about me.  But they’re just having trouble coming to terms with the fact that we’re not who they thought we were.  I plan to take Bucky back home, at the very least to meet Stella, Isla, and Ro.  Hopefully, my Mom and Dad will want to meet him too.  I live in hope.”
“Yeah, but I thought they were people that they showed they weren't too,” Melody said.  “Why do I have to be the bigger person? It’s their job to accept me how I am.  Not the other way around.”
“Think about this then,” she said.  “What if you and Steve end up getting married?  Would you want that to happen without them there?”
She huffed and nodded.  “No.  I guess I’d want them to be there.”
“So do the trip.  Let Steve meet them,” she said.  “You don’t have to go easy on them about the stuff you’re mad about.  You can make sure they know that you’re bi and I’m trans and they need to get used to it.  But you aren’t going to mend any fences here ignoring them,” she said.  “Besides, if anyone could get through to them, it’s Captain freaking America.”
It had left Melody with a lot to think about and she’d decided that maybe before taking Steve home they needed a deep conversation about what they wanted in their lives.
She had met Steve for lunch at the diner they’d met for their first interview, though this time she was dressed far more casually than she had been back then.  He’d gotten there before her and when she’d come in and she’d caught his eye, his whole face lit up.  Melody wondered if he’d always look at her like that.  It made her feel like the most important person on the planet.
He stood before she got to the table and kissed her cheek, his hand running down her arm into her hand.  “You look beautiful,” he said.
She chuckled. “I’m in shorts and a T-shirt.  You’re just a flatterer.”
“Or maybe you’re always beautiful,” he said playfully.
She laughed, taking his hand and kissing his palm.  “You are so smooth.”
“That’s what everyone always says about me,” Steve joked, running his hand along her jaw.
Melody picked up the menu and began to browse it.  “You know what I’m going to have today?” Steve asked.
She looked up at him over the menu.  “Pancakes?” she said hopefully.
“Well, no,” he said. “I want to get a Reuben. But - I will get it with a bowl of soup and a slice of pie à la mode.”
“Look at you,” Melody said.  “Sugar at lunchtime.”
“I know,” he said. “I’ll be all hyped up and then crash and need a long nap.”
Melody broke down into silent giggles, her shoulders shaking. “What an easy job you must have to be able to take naps in the afternoon.”
“Oh yeah,” Steve said.  “Piece of cake.  Anyone could do it.”
Melody hid her face as she broke down into laughter. Her leg bumped against his under the table.  He put his hand on hers and squeezed it.  “Do you know what you’re having?” he asked.
“I think I might go with the wild mushroom potato pancakes,” she said.
He smiled at her.  “Well at least one of us is getting the pancakes, even if they’re potato ones.”
“That’s what I thought,” Melody said.
Steve’s eyes flicked over the menu as they waited for the waitress to come over.  After they’d ordered and she took the menu away, he turned his full attention to her.  “I was considering that Thanksgiving lunch.  I think more out of novelty than anything.  Where else can you get whole turkey legs like that?”
“The only things I can think of are Disney and Universal Studios,” Melody said.
Steve looked startled at her answer.  “Really?”
“Yeah, they sell huge drumsticks so you can feel like a caveman,” she answered and mimed taking a bite of one.
He laughed.  “Is it weird that I’m more tempted to go to a theme park because of that than I would have been otherwise?”
“Well yes, because you don’t like eating in front of strangers,” she said.
Steve laughed hard, his hand going to his chest.  “That’s true.  Maybe all I needed was the ability to eat turkey legs like a caveman.”
Warmth bloomed in Melody’s chest and she linked her fingers with his under the table.  She wished they were sitting on the same side of the booth because she wanted to snuggle right into his side.  Seeing Steve as relaxed and happy as this felt like a blessing reserved just for her.
“Speaking of Thanksgiving,” she said.  “Did you have plans?”
“Not really,” he said.  “I sometimes go down and spend it with Sam and his sister.  Sometimes the team spends it together.  A lot of us don’t have families, so it just depends on if anyone else takes pity on us.  Though I was hoping I’d spend it with you this year.”
She wrinkled her nose at him playfully.  “Really?  I was hoping that too.”
“I figured that’s why you asked.  Would it be with Bobbi too?” he asked.  “You, me, Bucky, and Bobbi.  That could be fun.”
“No Sam and Matt?” she asked.
“Well, Sam will be going to his sister,” Steve said. “But don’t tell Matthew, I think Sam wants to take him home to meet her.”
“Oh, I hope Mattie can do it,” she said. “He is so into Sam.”
“That feeling is very mutual,” Steve said.
She leaned over the table, taking Steve’s hands.  “I’m so into you,” she said.
He smiled and leaned into her.  “That feeling is mutual too,” he said, pecking her lips.
They were interrupted by the waitress with their coffees.  They sat back in their seats and Steve thanked her as she filled their cups.  She blushed a little and mumbled something about it being her pleasure before leaving them alone again.
“So was it with Bobbi?” he asked.
“Well…” she said. “Maybe.  I just wanted to float the idea of taking you home to meet my parents.”
Steve blinked at her, the surprise written all over his features.  “I thought you were estranged.”
“Well, yes.  Kind of.  We don’t talk a lot and when we do it’s very shallow,” she said.  “But they are my family, and I think we’re serious.  Right?  We’re in this for the long term?”
Steve looked at her confused.  “Yes.  Of course.  I didn’t even know that was a question.”
“I just want to make sure we’re on the same page, because going home is stressful.  I want you to meet them if you want to meet them.  But also to introduce them to the person I plan to spend the rest of my life with.  So I just want to make sure that’s where you think we’re going too,” she explained.  Steve opened his mouth to say something and she held up her hand to stop him.  “I know you love me.  And this isn’t about pressuring you.  I don’t expect this conversation to end and for you to start looking for engagement rings.  I just want to make sure that we have all our cards on the table so that in a few years we don’t end up finding out that our ideas of having kids are completely different and it’s a deal breaker.”
A soft smile crossed Steve’s face and he reached over, taking her hands again.  “Wow, you have been overthinking this a lot haven’t you.”
“Well, here’s the thing,” she said.
The waitress chose that moment to bring over their food.  It took a moment for her to put out the plates and top up their coffees.  She was definitely enjoying her opportunity to talk with Steve.  Not that Melody could fault her.
Steve thanked her and told her everything looked great and once again she blushed before she left them alone.
“She’s really star-struck,” Melody said.
“She’s being very sweet,” he said.  “She’s really trying not to let it affect our experience.  I’ve had people try to insert themselves into my meal.”
She laughed.  “I hope not literally.”
Steve wrinkled his nose and bared his teeth. “God, I hope not too.”
Melody let her laughter taper off as she cut up her potato pancakes and Steve pulled his sandwich closer and tore it in half.  “What were you saying?” Steve asked.  “About why you were overthinking taking me home?”
She sighed and took a bite of her food as she gathered her thoughts again.  “Okay.  I knew Bobbi was trans long before she came out to anyone else.  She was scared of telling her parents.  They’re not conservative… but they were pretty traditional about gender roles.  We were never ever worried about my parents accepting us.  They were always really outspoken about LGBT rights.  So when Bobbi came out, her parents told her they didn’t want her in the house living a lie and corrupting her sisters.  We knew - we didn’t even doubt for a second - that my parents would let her stay with us.  But when we came to ask, there was a lot of stammering and making excuses.  Our moms are really close, that’s why we call each other cousins.  So we thought maybe she didn’t want to do that in case it upset Bobbi’s parents and she’d lose the friendship.  Eventually, Mom settled on them maybe having a point and that Bobbi should think about how she was affecting everyone else.  I got really pissed.  I was so angry at them.  I said that this was who Bobbi was and that she was our family and they needed to accept that about her, and I yelled at them. I asked if they’d feel the same way if I brought home a girlfriend.  They didn’t take that well either.  They said don’t be stupid and that I’d always had boyfriends.  They couldn’t even fathom the thought that I could be bi and told me I was just trying to hurt them and it was just a phase.  I couldn’t believe it.  Bobbi and I went and stayed in our car that night.  Bobbi couldn’t stay in a women's shelter, but she made me stay in one for a couple of nights.  Then found a friend we could couch surf with until college started.”
Steve had listened carefully through the whole story, and he’d taken her hand and held it as she spoke.  “I’m so sorry, honey.  For both of you.  That must have been such a letdown for you.”
She nodded and took a breath.  “So if I bring you home to meet them, it’s going to be a thing.  They’ll think they were right about it being a phase or just me trying to hurt them.”
“So you want to be sure that I’m here for the long run,” he finished for her.  “Well, I can tell you, I think about my future and you’re a part of that.  I do want to get married one day.  I don’t know what you think about that.”
“I think that - if I was in love with someone and they didn’t want to get married, that wouldn’t be a deal breaker, but I would love to get married,” she said.  “And if I think about us in the future, we’re married.”
He smiled and lifted her hand and kissed it.  “Me too.”
They took a moment, just looking at each other.  His gaze was so full of love that it was almost overwhelming.  She leaned over the table and stole a kiss.  His hand went to her cheek, holding her there for a moment longer than she’d intended and when she sat back she smiled at him.
“Where would we live?” she asked.
“I keep picturing us in Brooklyn,” he said. “Is that weird?”
“Well, it’s where you think of as home,” she said.  “So no.  That’s a bit of a move from here though.”
“It is.  Would you do it?” he asked.
“I think so.  If we found somewhere we both liked that we could afford,” she said.  “It’d be a bit of traveling for work, but I think we could handle that.”
“It’d be a nice place to raise kids.  We’d be more likely to be able to afford a place with a yard,” he said.
Melody had her fork halfway to her mouth and her face broke into a huge smile.  “You’ve thought about us having kids?”
He nodded.  “Yeah. I’ve thought about it.  I get scared sometimes.  I feel like the work I do - it doesn’t exactly lend itself to a family life.  But I must want it because I think about it so much.”
“I feel like I could be happy without them,” she said.  “But I do want to be a mom.”
“Yeah,” he said.  “I think that might be a good way to describe how I feel.”
Melody finished up her pancake and took a sip of her coffee.  “Do you want to go to Oregon with me for Thanksgiving and meet my parents?”
“I’d love to,” Steve said.
The waitress came over and topped up their coffees again and when Steve finished his soup and sandwich she brought his pie.  Steve shared it with her and they ate together talking about much less serious topics.  The stress she had felt had melted away and while she knew it would come back later when it fully hit her about the logistics of taking Steve Rogers home to meet her parents, for now, she was just happy to feel so safe where she was with Steve.
Her stress returned much sooner than she’d expected, because when they stepped outside the diner they were immediately surrounded by a wall of press, filming, taking photos, and calling out to them.
It was the first time they’d ever been swarmed by the press.  Up until now, there were just vague rumors they were dating and no one seemed to care.  Melody had spent enough time around celebrities to be used to this level of intense press scrutiny, but this was the first time she’d ever been blindsided by it.  She recognized many of the faces in the crowd, including a couple of the celebrity gossip reporters from the Daily Bugle.  The invasion of privacy from her own workplace made her blood boil.
“Shit,” Steve cursed.  “We were having such a good run.”
He shielded her body, putting his arm around her shoulders and using his bulk to hide her from the cameras, and began to muscle his way through the crowd.  “I’m sorry, honey.  I figured they’d get us one day.  I wonder if it was the waitress who told them.  Maybe she heard us talking about getting married and having kids?”
“Maybe…” Melody said, but she wasn’t so sure.  It was possible of course.  She had been excited that she was serving Steve and it could be that she’d spread the word out of excitement.  Somehow Melody doubted it.  This, she felt, might be her fault.
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anki-of-beleriand · 1 year
Bad Liar Ch.3
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accept what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers - Past Shuri/Female!Reader
Warnings: Slow burn - Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - more tags as the story progress.
Author's note: Yes, I'm back!! Life has not been kind as of late, and it has been hard for me to come back and write, but now I am here and hopefully with more than one single chapter. Thank you guys for staying and reading the stories. This chapter will show a Bitchy Reader and a very much lost Wanda, we will see that moving forward is harder than we think and sometimes, we just don't know how to do so.
Wanda will start learning that sometimes we don't get what we want, or what we think we deserve due to our failures. but instead of that we get what we need and we are given a second chance to heal and to be ourselves with the right person. Next chapter, we will learn more about Reader and why she is the way she is, and Wanda will start learning more about the people around her, with just a hint of jealousy in the mix.
Remember that English is not my mother tongue, so I apologise for any grammar, spelling or funny mistake. I hope you guys enjoy this!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 3
The uncertainty of life
You received the cup of coffee she was offering you with a smile.
The night before you were giving entrance to the life of the woman standing before you, she had taken you into a part of her world you never thought you would have access to and this in itself scared you to death. The very first moment the both of you started this affair, you promised one another to not get any feelings involved. It had been a deal, it had been a rule, the moment things changed you would speak and break things up as amicable as you could.
Now, sitting on her kitchen, with her smiling at you and stealing a kiss before letting go of the mug filled with coffee you knew you were in deep trouble. Carol Danvers let her lips danced sensually against yours, her smile bright and full of life as she leaned back winking at you. You lowered your gaze to the mug, your heart hammering against your chest and your body tingling all over ready to take the silent invitation she was extending with such a kiss.
“How are you doing this morning, beautiful?” Her voice dripped smugness; her eyes gleaming brightly as you raised a brow at her.
You chuckled trying to get a hold of your emotions before shrugging nonchalantly.
“It was oaky, I guess…I mean, it could be better, you know?” You shrugged half amused at the flash of uncertainty in her eyes. “If I have slept at all last night, or not being awake so rudely this morning I bet this morning would have been even better.”
Carol laughed shaking her head, she couldn’t help but leaned in to sit on your lap, her arms around your neck.
“You didn’t like the way I wake you up?” Her question came with a hint of teasing, but you knew pretty much that Carol wanted the reassurance.
Just as you had suffered in the past, Carol was still getting out of a bad moment in her life and while she pretended to be tough and confident the reality was that she was more vulnerable that what everyone thought of her. It was one of the things you like the most about her, you leaned in accepting the kisses she placed on your lips and face, your hands on her waist putting her closer.
“I love it, but now I’m completely drained of energy and will go home to sleep a little.” The moment was broken with your words, Carol tensed lightly though she never lost her smile or her posture.
“Perhaps, I can go with you?” Carol gauged your reaction, her arms loosing up her hold on you when she read in your eyes the answer.
It wasn’t as if you were not ready for a relationship, the truth was that you weren’t looking for one at the moment. Carol presented you with a chance to have a distraction in your life and, at some point, you knew this could turn out to be a bad idea for the both of you. Your life was still a mess, and Carol had her life figure it out and, by the way she touched you, she talked to you, she looked at you…you knew she had a place for you in her plans. In her life.
The real question in here, and the question she hadn’t dared to voice yet was if you were ready to be a part of her life and let her be a part of yours.
“Carol I…” She pursed her lips standing up and taking a few steps away from you, you missed her warmth right away and a shiver ran down your back at the coldness behind her stare when she looked back at you.
“Right, too soon.” She turned around, her eyes glistening lightly though she clenched her jaw and held back whatever show of emotion that would betray her broken heart.
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came, there was a weight around your chest and your hand trembled slightly with your eyes following Carol around the kitchen. She busied herself with the breakfast, her back to you though you were sure she had been affected for your lack of silence, your lack of commitment and honesty. Your phone vibrated, lightning up to show the morning message from America.
“I think she is worried about you, you didn’t call her last night.” Carol mumbled. “You can get ready while I finish breakfast, you’re staying for breakfast, right?”
You lifted your head, her eyes locking with yours and if you didn’t know her you would say she was unfazed by what had happened. Yet there was no longer the usual warmth she held in them for you, and her face was tensed holding onto her real emotions.
“Right, I…yeah, I’m staying for breakfast. Let me…I’m going to take a shower.”
It was past midday when you finally went back home.
The morning ended with Carol sneaking inside the shower and the both of you giving in temptation without a single word. Rain and bad weather followed you all the way back to your home, America and Tony writing like crazy asking for details and for you to reveal a great adventure that would probably end in love and in a happily ever after.
You sighed grabbing the wheel between your hands with force, it wasn’t going to happen. Carol knew, and yet both of you would continue with the game until someone was brave enough to stop it. With thoughts assaulting your mind, you turned on your street ready to go to your room and rest while America did her babysitter job.
There was a lot you needed to think of, and at the moment, you just wanted to run from all of it.
“…And Tommy loves going to bed with his blue blanket, thought right now is in the dryer. Billy usually hides his T-Rex, and forgets where when he also wants to take a nap….” Wanda trailed off standing by the door with a teenage girl glancing at her highly amused.
“Is this your first time leaving them behind?” America couldn’t help but ask in a teasing manner, she shifted slightly when the woman flustered looking away before returning with a tense smile on her lips.
“It’s…it has been a while.” Wanda confessed without giving into detail, America shifted softening her expression while lifting her phone.
“I’ll be a call away from you, Mrs. Maximoff, and if anything happens, I swear to you I’ll call, and my sister is actually right next door.” America tried to reassure the other woman while glancing back at where the twins were watching some TV. “I promise you I’ll take care of them.”
Wanda bit her lower lip nodding, the uncertainty America could read in her face along with the many precautions the woman seemed to be taken raised alarms inside the young woman. But America decided to not dig in, and instead tried to reassure her teacher that everything would be alright. She still remembered how Y/N used to panic whenever she needed it to leave America alone even though she was way beyond needing a babysitter.
“Thank you, America. I know I sound like a crazy woman, but…” Wanda took a deep breathe, the anxiousness of leaving the house without her children brough to her the memories of those times in which Vision would stay behind while she was made to go to the church. Or those times, in which Vision would leave with the kids leaving her behind locked and without any means to contact them.
The moments in which she feared he would keep up with his threats.
“I just…I haven’t been away from them in a long time, and since I’m alone in the city, it’s harder than I thought it would be.”
“I understand, don’t worry.”
Wanda offered a shaky smile to the teen before finally giving the last few steps out of the house.
“I will be here around five, if anything happens…” Wanda left the sentence in the air, waving away the answer while she walked down the lane to her car.
“I’ll take care of them, Mrs. Maximoff. Be careful!” America watched as the woman went into her car and then drove away down the main street.
The sound of the TV filled the sudden silence, and America furrowed her brows when her eyes went to the parking spot on her home. Your car was there, America unlocked her phone only to discover you hadn’t written to her yet. She sighed shaking her head, closing the door behind her she realized the twins were on the sofa, with wide eyes glancing at her.
“Okay, guys, it seems we are alone.” She said smiling at them, Tommy and Billy winced looking around the room before settling big, terrified eyes on her.
“Is…is daddy coming?” Billy asked in a thin voice, Tommy wrapped his small arm around Billy looking hopefully at America who came to them confused.
“Ah, no, no it will be only me and you guys.” America watched as, after a few seconds, the twins let out a shaky breath lifting their hands to her.
“You mean it?” Tommy asked this time around, America swallowed down the many questions forming on her mind.
These kids were looking terrified, and now they were looking so hopeful. She nodded walking around the sofa to sit in between them.
“Yep, it would be you two and me for a while, so…what you guys wanna do?”
Tommy and Billy turned to the main door, after a while they turned to America snuggling closer and watching the TV.
“Can we see a movie?” Tommy asked.
“I want ice cream.” Billy mumbled taking his thumb inside his mouth. “Is mummy seeing daddy?”
America felt the kids tensed under such a question, they were trembling and the young woman had to wonder who the hell was their father to provoke such a reaction from them. She glanced from one twin to the other before wrapping her arms around them protectively.
“No, she went to see a friend.” America offered a comforting smile. “Because she is new in her job and needs some help. But she will be back, so don’t worry guys, I’ll take care of you until she comes, deal?”
Tommy and Billy nodded, smiling a little at her.
“So, let’s bring ice cream and them, let’s watch a movie, which one you want to see?”
“Paw Patrol!”
“Noo, Jurassic Park!!”
“No, Paw Patrol!”
“Jurassic Park!”
America observed the interaction, her mind still going into the strange interaction she had with Wanda and now with what the twins had revealed. Not for the first time, America had to wonder what was happening with her new teacher. With a moment of hesitation, she then went right to her phone writing a quick summary of the recent events to her group of friends before she settled the movie discussion and got the ice cream ready.
Hope Van Dyne was a smart, young woman that had dedicated her life to the family business.
For a while, and while she was finishing her major in psychology, she was the main support for her father and the small business of technology and medical supplies he had built with her mother. As she got to meet people back in the University, and her life took her through the tumultuous path of women in trouble the young woman knew her call was to help.
Watching the young woman sitting right in front of her, with her fears and desperation, Hope knew she had made the best decision in her career path. She wished for this young woman to find a way out of the fear her partner had inflicted in her.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Wanda.” Hope placed the cup of tea in front of Wanda before she too sat on her chair with a cup of her own. “Natasha has told me somethings about you, and your children. How are they? Was it difficult to get them a babysitter?”
Wanda opened her eyes at the question, at first, she thought this meeting would be only for her to start talking. To tell everyone about how foolish she had been, how weak and incapable of running away from her marriage she had been. The mention of her children took a weight from her chest and mind, she relaxed into the sofa smiling softly at the memory of their smiles.
“They…they are fine. One of my students offered her help, so I guess…” Wanda trailed off, tears started forming in her eyes. “This is…I mean…I hope they are okay.”
Not sooner had she said this, she put her phone out only to see pictures of the twins watching Jurassic Park with a bowl of ice cream. America had sent the message while explaining to her that there would be no more sweets through the rest of the afternoon. Wanda felt the warmness of her tears rolling down her cheeks, Hope observed this in silence without any specific expression on her face.
After a minute or two, Wanda shook away her stupor and lifted her face to show uncertainty in her stare.
“This is the first time I leave them with someone that isn’t Vision.” She mumbled wincing at the mention of her husband.
Hope nodded lightly taking a sip from her tea, “my boyfriend, Scott, was in India last month. He had to leave Cassie, his daughter behind, and I have to take care of her. It was quite difficult over all because she is at that teenage age in which they know more about life than us.”
Wanda offered a shaky smile, but Hope leaned in nodding towards the cup on the table.
“He brought the most amazing tea I have ever tasted. I hope you don’t mind but I want to share this with you.” Hope tilted her head observing as Wanda opened her eyes wide, her hands were trembling as she grabbed the mug in her hands taking a sip from the warm beverage.
“It’s…it’s nice.”
“Do you like tea, Wanda?” Hope asked, Wanda furrowed her brows before nodding.
“I…I do.”
Another moment of silence, Wanda started drinking her tea with her eyes downcast hearing her own breathing and waiting for the other woman to start talking. This was her first time with a therapist, and she wasn’t sure what the other woman was waiting from her; in all honestly, she was waiting for this to be a full revealed of how miserable her life had been. Of how foolish she was for thinking things would change. For how much she deserved everything that happened to her.
“Wanda.” Hope stated in a soft voice, Wanda hesitated but finally dared to look into Hope’s eyes and what she saw there was no pity or sympathy.
What she saw there was understanding.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I just…” Wanda took a deep breath, more tears, her trembling hands put the mug on the table and she wrapped them around her midsection leaning in. “I don’t know…I’m not…sorry I just…”
Wanda started bouncing while her eyes closed tightly, tears started falling freely as the memories of everything that had happened came to her. Hope waited until the young woman started sobbing, she stood up making her way to the sofa, sitting right beside Wanda until the young woman was leaning against her.
This would be a difficult case. But Hope already knew this, and she had promised Natasha she would do everything she could to help Wanda.
The afternoon was completely cold and dark.
Wanda put her coat tighter around her body, her green eyes sweeping around the parking lot before they settled on the supermarket entrance. She glanced at the watch on her wrist, she still had time to grab something to eat before going back home. Her first session with Doctor Hope had been awful. She couldn’t stop crying and the rest of the session that was all she could do, that and drink the Doctor’s favourite tea.
The young woman put a hand on her face trying to drown her embarrassment, this was supposed to be her new life without pain or insecurities. Yet she couldn’t stop the tears from falling, her heart from hurting and her mind to overthink everything that had happened since she took the decision of leaving Vision. For the very first time in a very long time, Wanda felt…free.
Cleaning up her tears, she decided it was about time to stop thinking about her therapy and her past. The twins must be waiting for her back home, and she needed to get distracted. That was something Doctor had said to her, to start changing her mindset, to change her routine…to do things that not only distracted her from the darkness of her thoughts but also that could give her a new purpose.
The supermarket was packed that day.
Wanda pursed her lips while walking down the island for the cleaning supplies while making a mental list of what she might need. For the next twenty minutes, Wanda enjoyed her time in the supermarket deciding which product she preferred or which one she would like to use for the first time.
This time around, she had chosen a different supermarket. The experience she had two days prior while trying to get the products she wanted and needed had left her with a bittersweet taste and she certainly was not ready to see the other woman again.
This one was far from her street, and perhaps here she would be able to get what her twins enjoyed the most. Wanda set her eyes on her target, her lips curling slightly as she realized there were several flavours of the same Ravioli she was looking for, and the Mac and Cheese her children enjoyed was also on display.
“Woah, are you following me or something?” The voice to her side startled her, Wanda turned around only to see you standing there with a teasing smile on your lips.
You glanced at Wanda half amused, half exasperate to see your neighbour had the exact same idea as yourself. You crunched up your nose, pushing her cart aside and leaning in to grab a couple of boxes from Mac and Cheese.
“Look at that, this time around you won’t cry because I took the last one.”
“Are you…you…” Wanda sputtered still trying to get over the shock of seeing you there grabbing the boxes she had been glancing from the first moment she turned around in the corner.
“What? Cat got your tongue. Or are you really one of those bimbos that like to pretend they are interesting just by looking this prettier?” You inquired tilting your head while giving the woman a quick appreciate glance. “Looking for a sugar daddy or something? To take care of the children?”
You raised an eyebrow at the woman who was flustered, sputtering away while clenching her fists. You shrugged offering a nasty smile before turning away and waving good-bye. Later on, once you were back home with a hundredth and a thousandth thoughts inside your head you would wonder why you were being such a bitch, and why were you so affected to see the woman again.
For now, you were enjoying the effect your words and presence had on her. And how, without a single word, you could just walk away with an imaginary score in your favour inside your head.
Wanda couldn’t believe how stupid she had been.
She grunted in frustration while putting the groceries away inside her trunk, she shook her head while thinking over and over in the conversation she held inside the supermarket. Or rather, in the lack of conversation and the humiliation she felt when finding herself once more with you. Of all the places you could have come to get your groceries you had to go to the same one Wanda had chosen. On the same day!
“Fucking idiot.” Wanda mumbled, whatever pain or suffering or situation she was in, was soon forgotten as all her energy and thoughts were focused on you at the moment. “I don’t even know why she was being a bitch.”
Wanda closed the door behind her, closing her eyes before taking a deep breath. Her hand grabbed the wheel and then she proceeded to turn the car on, soon music started filling the car and she tried to calm herself down. She certainly wanted to leave the place before she had to face you again, once she was back home.
Besides, her children and America must be waiting for her.
She never noticed the car coming from her right, Wanda had distracted herself with her phone and the radio while trying to drive away from the parking lot. What she did notice was the sudden beep of a horn, and the high-pitched sound of screeching tires behind her. She pressed her two feet on the brakes, breathing hard and opening her eyes when she saw the reflection of a car right behind hers.
With trembling hands, she struggled with the belt and the door, and tried to go out and see the damage.
“You are an idiot!”
Wanda winced recognizing the voice, she clenched her fist walking to where the two cars had met ignoring your enrage glare.
“Are you blind besides being plain stupid?”
“Look you…you bitch!” Wanda screamed out pointing a finger at you. “This is your fault!! You don’t have the lights on! How was I supposed to know you were coming from behind!”
“I don’t know, perhaps using your eyes!” You replied looking over at your car. Wanda had been lucky enough to stop herself before any crashing, but that wasn’t the real issue.
The problem was that you had been scared and this was not the first time this woman almost caused an accident. You lifted your face pointing a finger at her.
“I’m tired of your insults, what is your problem with me?” Wanda replied waving away her hands. “Why don’t you accept that you are a bitch and that this was your fault?”
Wanda seemed to finally got out of her system what she was meant to tell you since that very first meeting, she saw you standing there and she knew this time around you were at fault. She pointed to the cars then at you.
“Look, nothing happened, but you better be careful next time!”
“Me? How about you, Princess? Got you thinking about the sugar daddy you may need?” You replied glaring at Wanda, the other woman narrowed her eyes at you shaking her head.
“Fuck you!”
“You wish, Princess. Too bad for you, I don’t like fucking morons.” You replied turning around and going back inside your car.
You hesitated for a moment, your lights were actually off and a part of you realized the redhead might be right. Just a little. With a deep breath, your turned them on and then drove away. You needed to get home before you had to see the woman again.
Wanda clenched her eyes shut, tears formed around them but she refused to let them fall. Not this time around, and certainly not for an idiot like yourself.
Fuck you!
You wish, Princess.
Wanda entered her car fuming, “I wish?? I wish? As if….”
She started the car, this time around looking behind her and making sure no one was coming while she put the car off the parking lot.
You wish, Princess.
Wanda tightened her hands around the wheel, “as if I were to…as if I like women…ugh, fucking idiot.”
America smiled at Wanda just as the woman entered with a couple of bags in her arms, she went right away to help her out while pointing to the living room where the twins were drawing on the floor. Wanda smiled as soon as her eyes fell on her children, both of them highly distracted with the task at hand while America and Wanda made their way to the kitchen.
“How was it, America? I’m sorry it took so long…” She started talking, but the young woman shook her head waving away Wanda’s words.
“Don’t worry, Mrs. Maximoff. They are really lovely and well-behaved, and I know you have things to do.” America watched as Wanda tensed lightly before turning to her with the same shaky smile she usually wore when alone.
“Either way, it’s way past five, let me get my purse and other groceries and I’ll pay you.”
“MOM!” The twins noticed their mum finally there, standing up the ran to her wrapping their arms around the young woman that knelt down to kiss their foreheads.
“Hey, guys, how was your afternoon?”
 “It was good!” Tommy lifted his face with a huge grin, Wanda softened slightly remembering that even though she just had a bad experience, everything was worth if by coming home she would see her children’s smiles.
“We watched movies, and then eat ice cream, and then play a game, and then we were drawing, and then we were going to make you dinner!” Billy listed while bouncing on his feet.
America chuckled turning to Wanda who stood up offering a thankful glance.
“Thank you for taking care of them, really.”
“Not a problem, Mrs. Maximoff. Let me help you with the other bags and then I will be out.”
It didn’t take them more than a couple of minutes to put all the bags inside the house, Wanda watched as Tommy and Billy went back to their drawing and America got ready to leave.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you home?” Wanda asked again, her eyes glancing at the window in which was quite evident night had fallen.
America chuckled pointing to the street, and the house next door.
“I literally live right beside you, Mrs. Maximoff, so don’t worry. If you want I can text you once I’m home.” America warmed up when the woman offered a half smile nodding.
“That would be good, yes.” Wanda walked the woman out offering the payment for her job with just a little extra. “Here, thank you for everything and sorry about the delay, once more.”
“Don’t worry, ma’am, it was a pleasure. Have a good night!”
Wanda stood there for a moment, there was something bothering her about the situation but she wasn’t quite sure what it was. With some hesitation she turned around and closed the door.
“So, who wants to help me make dinner and cookies?” Her smile brightened up her face when both kids stood up squealing while running towards the kitchen; the look of happiness and peace in their faces was everything Wanda needed it. Was everything she was looking for.
“Honey! I’m home!”
You snorted returning your attention to the TV, the control in your hand while the video game continued playing on the TV.
“How was the babysitter duty?”
America sat right beside you frowning at the screen, “it was nice, the twins…”
“Twins?! You babysat twins?” You asked looking at your sister with incredulity.
America rolled her eyes leaning in to steal some popcorn.
“I did, yes. It was nice, they are five so really the only thing I have to do was distracted them all afternoon.” America observed as you pursed your lips with incredulity before returning your attention to the game. “How about you? How was your night yesterday? How about this morning? I bet it was really good since you didn’t answer any of my messages.”
The sound of blasting guns filled the room while you mused over America’s question. For a while the young woman thought about pressing the matter but decided against it, she knew if she were to press you with the subject the only thing she would get from you would be denials and sarcasm. Once you saw the Game Over on the screen you left the control on the sofa turning around to face your sister.
“It was nice.” You stated rolling your eyes when America poked you on the side.
“Come on, you can do better than that.”
“She was being awarded because of her service and was given a promotion.” America opened her eyes wide, she could see the invitation had affected you and whatever else had happened the night before was still resounding inside your head.
“She presented me with her superiors and some co-workers, and then we went to her place and…” Here you gave her a half smile. “You can imagine what happened.”
“You don’t sound happy.” America rested her head on her arm, her eyes still focused on you. “you didn’t like it?”
“It’s more complicated it, America.” You put your phone out watching the messages from Tony and Pepper, the ones from Thor and Natasha, and then…the one from Carol. “I like her, you know? And I don’t want to hurt her, but I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship.”
America frowned in confusion, her lips moving from one side to the other.
“Could it be that you just don’t want to give her a chance?” America grabbed your phone rolling up and down to the messages you had left unread. “Or, are you looking for that one woman that would sweep you away and make you believe in love again?”
You couldn’t help it, you laughed out loud ruffling her hear while leaning aback against the sofa.
“Don’t be an idiot, love is not what you think it is.” You tried to tone down the bitterness in your tone. “I just…I’m not sure Carol is the one for me.”
“I don’t like her much, but…if it’s not her, then who?”
America kept her eyes on you, she saw the sudden flickered in your stare but as soon as it was there it disappear. For some reason, just as America asked this you thought of the redhead from the supermarket. Your neighbour.
Fuck you!
Well, you certainly would.
But you didn’t want just sex.
“What would you say to some pizza and horror movies all night long?” You finally asked trying to get away from those green eyes of your neighbour, and the conversation you held with Carol.
You needed to think about yourself and America, and not about women…or the women that could be in your life.
Not yet.
Not ever.
“That sounds perfect, I think I need a little horror in my life that doesn’t involve dinosaurs.”
You chuckled turning on the TV, “so, tell me, how was your babysitter duty?”
Wanda tucked the twins in, both of them seemed to be completely exhausted and as soon as they were in bed they fall asleep without any issue.
The young woman served a glass of wine and went directly to her room.
The place was in complete darkness, with a soothing silence that was only interrupted by the thoughts dancing around in her head. For the very first time, Wanda was not required to answer to anyone, or made to just lay in bed and wait for someone to get the satisfaction they needed out of her body; for the very first time she could drink a glass of wine while watching silly television secure in the fact her children were resting peacefully on their beds and didn’t need to hide under the bed or in the wardrobe.
Wanda let her eyes danced around the room, until the fell on the television.
This time around there were no tears, but a sense of tranquillity she wished she could hold onto for the rest of her life. But Wanda was not fool.
She knew this was the first step in a long road, and the first battle in long war. The custody of her children would soon become part of this fight, as well as the petition of divorce she would need to get running soon. The restriction order would work just for a couple of months but not beyond that, and her recovery as well as the safety of her children were her primary concern.
Wanda grabbed her phone to speak with Natasha.
The other woman had been nothing but kind to her, and she was trying to make sure her first appointment with the therapist had gone well. Hesitating for a moment, unsure if she should give too much detail she started talking to the other woman about her day and the therapy.
For a brief moment, Wanda let her thumbs hover above the keypad on her phone. Her mind brought the memory of her neighbour, that woman that only made her blood boil with her behaviour.
You wish, Princess. Too bad for you, I don’t like fucking morons
Wanda huffed writing other things while thinking about the incident in the parking lot. She was not a moron, and that woman would be lucky if Wanda were to…if she…
“Ugh, I hate her.” Wanda mumbled while turning the volume on her TV, and focusing on the conversation with Natasha.
Anything to cut of your voice, your words, and your eyes alongside that mocking smile that made you look so damn cute.
CHILDISH! Not cute, childish. Only childish and immature and so unbearable!
That night, for some reason, Wanda went to sleep with your image in her head. She thought about the incident, about you and your words, and she fell asleep planning a way to answer you back and outwit you.
Routine was one of the pillars of her recovery.
For the next couple of weeks, Wanda started working on her routine with dedication and discipline. She made sure the twins were always ready for school, dropped them off in the kindergarten before going to class and enjoying the witty minds of her students.
Soon everyone at school was talking about the soft-spoken English teacher and her teaching methods. More than one student was quite smitten by her, and Wanda felt happy for the very first time in her life by doing what she loved the most.
America had become her favourite babysitter, while her friends and the young woman herself became her favourite students. Little by little Wanda had started building the stability she so longed for, though the only thing that was not going her way were her appointments with the therapist.
The only downside in her life was her neighbour.
The woman had a way of getting on her nerves whenever the both of them found one another on the driveway or on the supermarket. She was infuriating, and it was the perfect gateway from her frustrations; so far, their encounters ended in heavy arguments that they would take turns to win over the other. And Wanda hated the fact the woman affected her in such a way, she hated that whenever their paths crossed you railed her up so easily that it was as if you could have control over her.
And Wanda hated the fact she could lose her control of the situation.
Between that situation, the twins, her worries about Vision and her work, Wanda had been overwhelmed by the whole situation in itself. And in the end, she did what she did best.
She hid herself, and tried to pretend everything was fine. Her mother had not raised a coward, or a useless woman. She could deal with everything…with everyone…she was supposed to do so, to endure even in the hardest times…even if she was being abused, and screamed at…
That’s what women are supposed to do, Wanda, endure. A husband is a master, and you must obey…
Hope had not been given access to such thoughts, or to such fears.
So far what the therapist thought would be an easy case, resulted in a difficult quite unpredictable one.
Wanda had closed off after that first session, and she had stopped sharing things about Vision or her childhood back in Sokovia. She had tried really hard, but the newfound happiness was too precious for her to let go in the past, so she had tried to hide away from everything by distracting her therapist with small details.
That wouldn’t do, though.
Just as Hope had told her that the more she postpone such a confrontation, the harder would be the hit. Natasha had reminded Wanda of the oncoming Hearing with the lawyers, and the petition of Divorce as well as the custody of her children.
Wanda was hopeful everything would turn out to be okay, she just needed it time.
More time of being happy, of being at peace.
Wanda returned her attention to the papers she had been grading when a knock at the door called her attention. Standing by the door was Natasha, the woman was smiling at her waving her hand while asking for permission to go in.
Wanda stood up nodding, “guys please, let’s greet Director Romanoff.”
The class stopped what they were doing, Natasha waved her hand away locking eyes with Yelena and America before she returned her attention to Wanda.
“Please, don’t need to worry, I just need to have a word with you and I will leave you to your class.”
“Show off.” Yelena mumbled oud enough for Natasha to hear, but low enough for her sister to ignore her.
Natasha rolled her eyes, opting for the last option while grabbing a chair and sitting right beside a curious Wanda.
“Is everything alright?” Wanda finally asked, Natasha nodded though her smile was the type she only wore whenever a business conversation would come into play.
“We have a meeting tonight.” Natasha lifted a hand at Wanda who was ready to protest. “before you said anything, they asked for you specifically.”
“They? Who? Why?” Wanda blinked away her confusion observing as Natasha softened her expression smiling sheepishly at her.
“The board and some of the parents and family of the students.” Natasha turned to the class that had returned to their activities, though she could see that Kate, America and Yelena were trying to see what was going on.
“Okay, is this…mandatory or…” Wanda’s heart dropped when Natasha turned to her with seriousness in her face.
“Yes, the students you are dealing with are not only brilliant but some of them are part of prestigious families that had come here for decades.” Natasha could see the uncertainty in those green eyes, and she understood why Wanda was doubting herself at the moment.
In the last couple of weeks Wanda had made great progress, but there were still some things she was not ready to face namely a social gathering. Natasha didn’t pretend for Wanda to be out there in bars or cafes trying to get a date or meet new people, but even at school she preferred the company of her students during the classes than socializing with the rest of the staff. On more than one occasion, Natasha had seen the young woman going to the nursery and the small building to visit her children instead of having lunch in the Professors lounge.
Natasha softened slightly placing a hand on the woman’s arm, her lips curled into a soft smile that didn’t do much to ease Wanda’s insecurities and fears.
“There won’t be any press, or pictures of you at this gathering, Wanda.” Natasha assured the woman, one of the things they needed to protect was Wanda’s identity and this was something Natasha took very seriously.
“I…I know that, Natasha…I just…” Wanda lowered her gaze, wincing when a loud noise almost made her jumped away. A gathering, of any kind, was forbidden to Wanda.
The last time Vision had taken to one of his company parties, one of the partners had come to her and talk to her smiling and joking around. Vision had not been happy, and that night she…he…
“Wanda.” Natasha offered tentatively to the young woman, Wanda shook her head offering a weak smile.
“Yes, ma’am, I…I will go.” She stuttered softly, Natasha frowned wishing she had chosen another moment to have this conversation but there was no time.
“Wanda, you don’t have to…” She started but trailed off when Wanda shook her head, busying herself with some paperwork without lifting her head or eyes.
“I’ll go. I’ll go. Please…”
Natasha hesitated for a moment before nodding curtly and standing up, “you told me America has been doing a good job taking care of the twins, so…you know they will be in good hands.”
And with that Natasha left.
Wanda could feel her heart hammering against her chest, her eyes wide open glancing at some point on her table while the sounds of muffled conversation filled her ears.
He won’t be there, he is not here…he can’t hurt me…he can’t…
“Uh, Professor Maximoff?” Wanda jerked away from the touch, her glassy stare tried to focus on the induvial trying to reach out to her only for her to realize where she was and who was calling to her.
America Chavez crunched up her nose, her eyes gleaming worriedly at the woman whole Kate and Yelena shifted just right behind her. Wanda swallowed down noticing for the very first time that half the class had already left and everyone was getting ready to leave. Her green eyes swept around the room then back to America who was glancing at her worriedly.
“Are you alright?” She asked once more, Wanda parted her lips and after a moment of hesitation she smiled nodding.
“Yes, yes, I am, Mrs. Chavez, thank you for asking.” Wanda made a strange gesture with her hand, her face breaking in what seemed a jovial expression while she fixed the paperwork on her desk.
Kamala elbowed Loki nodding towards the desk, he pursed his lips standing up and walking towards their friends with the same glint of concern in their eyes. Wanda was babbling about how she had distracted herself grading some papers, and then thinking of what she should wear that night. She was trying to give explanations that none of the teenagers had requested but none of them dare to say anything at all.
“…And then, of course, I have to think about the…the…” Here Wanda made circles with her index finger, blinking as she tried to remember what she wanted to say.
Kate pushed America opening her eyes and raising her brows, the young woman opened her eyes as well lifting her shoulders without knowing what to do. Yelena stood there for a moment before rolling her eyes and stepping forward.
“We can take care of the twins for you, Professor Maximoff.” She stated breaking the tension in the room and the rambling from the older woman. “Either way we have to take care of Balder, and we have this huge project we should started working on today. So if you don’t mind we can all stayed at America’s house and watch over them.”
Everyone went silent at such intervention.
Wanda stood frozen with her body completely tense realizing just how foolish she had been. Her students were glancing at her with a mixture of curiosity and concern, but none of them were about to ask the reason of the woman’s sudden change.  For a brief moment, no one said anything and Wanda knew she would need to take over the conversation if only to reassure them that she didn’t have any kind of mental breakdown. To not let her students believe she was not capable of dealing with her work.
“I…Yeah, that sounds amazing, Yelena.” This time around Wanda turned her attention back to America tilting her head. “You wouldn’t mind watching over them tonight?”
America shook her head flushing lightly, Kate crossed her arms rolling her eyes at the sudden shyness from America while Kamala and Loki sniggered behind their backs.
“No, not at all, Professor, you know I love the kids and really today they will have more than one babysitter! Right guys?”
“Certainly, we will be more than happy to watch over your children, Professor. It is only right, since we know these kinds of meetings are a necessity for funding and continuity of our education.” Loki intervened standing right beside America while flashing a charming smile.
Wanda dropped her shoulders, and her lips curled slightly at the group of teens standing in front of her. It was a silent agreement between them, none of them would mention what just happened, and Wanda was just happy to continue with her life ignoring the apprehension and breakdown wanting to happen inside her mind.
“Thank you, for everything.” She finally mumbled; America was about to say something else but Kate wrapped her hand around hers flashing Wanda a huge, fake smile.
“Not a problem, Professor Maximoff. America already knows where you life so if you want we will be there at six.” Kate squeezed the hand in between hers lightly, Yelena huffed shaking her head and turning around ready to finally leave school.
“Yeah, right…I…we will be there later on?” America blinked away, and soon she was being dragged away by Kate.
Kamala smiled sheepishly at the older woman with Loki chuckling lightly and putting his mobile out.
“Right, sorry about that, they can be weird like that, Professor. Anyways, see you later!”
 Wanda watched as the group of teens left the classroom and she was finally left alone. Her heart shrank with pure emotion, hurting while hitting against her ribcage. She held back a sob, and soon she turned around to hide away her tears. She needed to get herself together.
She really needed to get her emotions under check.
Perhaps, going out that night wouldn’t be so bad.
Perhaps, it was what she needed it.
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skepsiss · 6 months
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Chapter 5 is up now! (5,860 words)
Read it here on AO3: The Last Strange Thing
Rate: Explicit (violence, gore, and s*x) Read tags under the cut for warnings, and details.
Chapter summary: Steve and Eddie have come to a tentative truce as they agree to help one another get out of the city and head toward Hawkins. Well, Eddie doesn’t know Steve is going to Hawkins, and Steve is more than a little suspicious about Eddie’s intent. Regardless, they have to make it out of the city first, and that proves to be difficult with the roving band of warrior nomads that have circled up on Indianapolis. Eddie is rightfully terrified of them, and leads them down to the abandoned sewers to hopefully avoid this dangerous group. Was it the best decision, or a death wish?
Here is a little snippet.
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The journey is full of romance, death, action, and suspense. This is a "The Last of Us" alternate universe. This work is 100% completed, and I will be posting each chapter between now and April 7. Prepare yourself for approximately 52k of action, horror, romance, supernatural happenings, and love.
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Read the full series description, additional tags, the monster reference guide, and more under the cut!
Welcome to the apocalypse. The demo-infection has taken hold of the world, and humans are a rare thing these days. Still, people hang on to civilization in pockets across North America and beyond. Hawkins is one such place.  Steve Harrington is a scout who runs missions for Hawkins, and on one of those missions, he becomes separated from his scouting partner, Robin. He has to find his way across Indianapolis in an infected world, meeting one very important individual on the way, Eddie. The two of them must trust one another in order to journey across Indiana, while perhaps finding something softer to nurture with one another along the way.
@llamalpaca will be posting some VERY COOL accompanying art that inspired this WHOLE PIECE! So be sure to give them a follow and check out that art piece when it drops in April.
Big thank you to @knormalizeknitting for being my beta reader!
Link to the Monster Reference Guide, here.
Censoring the word s*x so tumblr doesn't get mad at me. Please don't tag with NSFW or other such tags. The post itself is not inappropriate, but I want people who are going to read the fic to be aware of what is there.
Additional Tags: action, romance, hurt/comfort, alternate universe, The Last of Us AU, canon divergence, apocalypse, apocalypse au, body horror, gore, blood, animal and human death, excessive force (weapons), level of violence and graphic nature of imagery that aligns with Stranger Things, dead dove don’t read, dead dove don’t eat, smut, nsfw, frotting, handjob, happy ending, zombies, zombie apocalypse, steddie, stobin, platonic stobin, Steve and Robin are best friends, Steve and Robin are platonic soulmates, slow burn, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, miscommunication, misunderstanding, Steve Harrington loves Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson loves Steve Harrington, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson, betrayal.
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chronicallypainful · 3 months
One more annoying thing about chronic pain / chronic illness
One of the many challenges of chronic illness is that it (often) robs you of your coping strategies. Within the first few years of developing my chronic pain disorder, I lost the ability to play music, write/journal, knit, play video games, and even browse the internet without severe pain. More than half of my tools for coping with challenging situations and emotions were lost in less than 2 years. It really, really sucked, and I did not have the cognitive and emotional tools at the time to deal with that in even a semi-healthy way. (I was also 16 years old.)
Since then, I have found ways to use assistive technology and other strategies to reclaim some of these activities. I've also explored other avenues for creative expression. And I've added carefully-selected exercise and meditation to my coping toolbox. I now find myself in a similar situation again. Due to current health challenges (which I will write about later), I'm very limited in my ability to drive. Since I live in "car hell" (AKA America outside of the biggest cities), this is really limiting. I'm now finding that I can't (easily) take my dog to the park, go to the gym, or meet up with friends. I'm been through this before (and this time the underlying heath issue will hopefully be temporary). I know I can make it through. But it still really sucks to have coping strategies removed when you most need them.
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paarthurnax59 · 1 year
"Little Sparrow"
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note: We are going to be getting a little bit of the reader's back story and also some of the people she knew from her childhood. No Van Helsing yet! but hopefully soon.
Warnings: Violence, and swearing. Reader not catching a break.🥺
Word count:
Chapter 2
Your plane landed at the Leonardo De Vinci International Airport within less then 13 hours. You thought that it would take much longer to get to Rome if the Order hadn’t booked you a flight in advanced, in first class none the less. Walking over to the desk and speaking Italian asked for a phone to get a ride to the Vatican. The woman told you that a ride had already been arranged for you and was waiting for you fifteen minutes before your flight landed. 
    Apparently, Cardinal Jinette wasn’t kidding needed to be there as soon as possible. You greeted the man in a black suit and escorted you to the black SUV. After helped your canvas bag into the car, he started the car and drove away from the airport and to your final destination. 
  After a half an hour of driving, you reached Vatican City and were immediately met with one of the other priests, Carl, a close friend of yours and one of the Order’s best engineers and inventors. 
“(Name)! It’s good to see you again!” He said as he opened his arms to hug you. you welcomed his warm embrace and hugged him with great eagerness.
“I missed you, Carl!” You laughed as the biggest smile grew on your face as you returned the hug back and laughed as you let him go. “How are things?”
“Honestly, not great. I’m sure that you have heard the news.” He replied as you can see the unease tension written all over his face. 
“Yeah, I know. It’s why I’m back. I wouldn’t have come if it weren’t for something like this.” You replied solemnly as you took a deep breath. “When did he go missing?” 
“Three weeks ago. I cannot say more due to secrecy. Father Cardinal will be giving you all the details. He wants you to get yourself unsettled before he meets with you. Right now he’s in a meeting at the moment. Your old room is waiting for you.” He said as he walked with you up the steps of the main building of Vatican City and to your old bedroom. As both of you walked the opulent hallways, you told Carl about your time away in America and the many monsters you had faced. You left out the part about the Winchesters, simply for not wanting to talk about Dean and the heart break you had experienced. He explained on how he was in the process of the creating an explosive device that could annihilate dozens of vampires with a heat as powerful and intense as a small fraction of the sun itself.  On how to make it portable on the other hand was the difficult part he explained. You laughed at the many times that he had some of his prototypes almost blew up in his face. 
“Rabbi Goldberg nearly strangled me when I almost blew up the lab. Most terrifying experience of my life.” He chuckled as you both finally reached a single mahogany door. “Well, I’ll leave you to settle in. I will see you later, (Name). I have some work in the lab I need to get done.” He finished as he walked off as your lips had a small smile. Carl for as long as you have known him, had always tried to make you laugh with his crazy stories. Even though some of those stories were the result of something or someone, getting blown up. You shook your head at the memories of when you were thirteen when he was teaching you the basics of combustion energy as you opened the door to your old room. 
     You pushed it open to a luxurious, but simple bedroom with antique wall ornaments made of gold and fine wooden pictures of many historic and religious figures. The priceless gorgeous furniture laid perfectly spread out throughout the beautiful suite. The large windows were covered with fine mint green curtains, where your queen size bed with mauve color bedding draped over the comfy looking bed. A lovely blue Persian rug laid right next to the other side of the bed. And the far side of the room, was a private bathroom that had both a shower and a bathtub. Your room may not be as extravagant, (which you were fine with), but it made the motels you were staying in, even the Bunker, paled in comparison. 
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   Father Jinette offered you a better room, but you preferred something not so grand.  When you arrived to America, you had to quickly adapt to the less extravagant accommodations that you were used to. It’s easy to grow comfortable, considering where you were prior to coming to Vatican City. When you met the Winchesters, you didn’t want them to think you were some posh spoiled brat that think lesser of them for their situation. They didn’t choose it after all. 
    After you placed your bag on your beg, you looked into your old wardrobe, grabbed some bath towels and quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up. After you undressed, you immediately turned on the hot soothing, water and stepped inside. Once done, you wrapped yourself in a bath robe and went to your wardrobe again. You pulled out a pretty (F/C) dress to wear when you would meet up with Cardinal Jinette. You hadn’t seen Father Cardinal in a long time, and knowing him he would like to see you looking nice for when you met him in his office. After getting dressed and fixing up your now dried hair, you slip on some shoes and headed to the door.  You locked your door with the key in your dress pocket and headed down the grand hallway to the office of the leader of the Order.
  It took and good twenty minutes, five staircases and three large hallways until you finally reached your destination. You stood outside the double darkly colored oak doors, guarded by two large men that you know were his bodyguards. Thy wore black suits, both men muscular and imposing. You go up to the door and were about to knock it, when one the men grabbed you hand roughly.
“Ow! Hey what are you doing!?” You yelled as the large man grabbed you hand so harshly, you know it was going to leave a bruise.
“State you name and business that you have with Cardinal Jinette.” The tall dark-skinned man with a middle eastern accent said so robotically that he didn’t seem human. You were too focused on the man’s hand squeezing your wrist you were being too slow too answer.
“I’m (Full name) and I must talk with him about a missing member of the Order. Now let me go!” You said as you try to get the man to let you go but didn’t budge. It wasn’t until the door opened abruptly with the man you came across the Atlantic Ocean to see. Cardinal Jinette’s dark eyes widen in shock as two other Buddhist monks stood in shock right behind him, looking at you in concern. 
“What are you doing, Isran?! Let her go, you imbecille!” Father Jinette insulted the man holding you, then you instantly let go from the beastly man’s grasp.
“Forgive me, father. I was just trying to stop her from going in while you were still in a meeting.” He said apologetically to the Cardinal, without even looking at you. You couldn’t help but feel extremely insulted.
God, why can't you just get a break?
“It’s not me you need to apologize to.” He said with a very stern glare the large bodyguard. “As for my meeting I was done with it by the time I heard screaming outside my door. This young woman is my ward, and she has the right to come in here as she wishes. I do not want to see you touching her that way again. Now…” He tilted his head to you and the man, you now known as Isran, looked at you with a sneer. 
“My apologies, miss.” He said begrudgingly, like it was a chore for him to acknowledged that he did some wrong. You did nothing but glare at the man as you walked into the office.
 Oh, he is most defiantly on your list. 
    As you walked into the office and the tension dissipating, you smiled at the monks, Norbu and Tenzin, that were in the room.  They both bowed before You walked over the two monks and hugged them both as they laughed. It was joyous and happy, which was something that you really needed.
“(Name), it has been too long!” One of the Tibetan men said as you released and hug the other as a jubilant feeling erupted in you. 
“You too, Norbu. I have really missed you guys.” You laughed happily looking at both men dressed in Buddhist robes. Jinette smiled as he watched you reconnect with your old friends. Normally, it’s frowned upon, and even forbidden, for Tibetan monks to hug people of the opposite gender. However, after helping them save their home village from the spirit of a vengeful warlord, they see you as a friend. Behind closed doors, they are like family to you. 
“How was your time in America? We heard from Jinette that you were coming back.” He asked curiously. You want nothing more than to talk all about your journey to the states, however you hear a throat clear behind you and saw Father Jinette rising his eyebrows at you, telling that you needed to get back to business of you being here. 
“We can talk later, okay? Right now I have to meet with father Jinette about some business.” You promised them and they both bowed to you and walked out of the office. Father Jinette closed the door after they left down the hall. You were now left alone with the head priest of the Order.
“Paressa, I first want to say that I deeply apologize to what my new guard has done to you. I hope he didn’t hurt you.” He sincerely spoke to you as he closed the door to his office.
“I’m fine. I mean after everything I go through, it’s child’s play.” You said to Jinette, not wanting to bother him further.
“I will have a talk with him about it. He will not be doing that again under my watch.” He confirmed “I am pleased you had come. We have all missed you here.” The elderly Italian man wearing his bright red priest robes stood and walked over to you. 
“Me too.” You agreed despite, as well as the current situation that had reared it’s ugly head. He came close to hug you tightly, like a father missing his daughter. “I’m sorry for not staying in contact as much and for making you worry.” You said to the head of the Holy Order. 
“I knew you would be alright, Paressa. But you never know what could happen in these troubling times.” He said as he let you go. “I trust your time in America was a pleasant experience, since you spent so much time there after you left to travel the world. I didn’t think you would answer my call. I was worried after you had not written back to us in a while. Thought that the hideous creatures in America would have gotten to you by now. I am thankful to God that is not the case.” He answered with a hint of worry in his tone as he inquired you of the years you had spent in the states. You were originally from France and had been safeguarded at eleven by a secret organization call The Knights of the Holy Order. Like hunters, The Order’s goal is to protect humanity from the monstrous creatures that have plagued the earth since their very existence. The Holy order were the ones that trained you as a hunter. You had never told a soul of where you were trained, not even the Winchesters. Wanting to keep the Order a secret, even from other hunters.
“I wish I could say that, but…” you trailed off before you noticed Father Cardinal looking at you with extreme curiosity, like he was analyzing you. 
 “I can see that your accent is gone. I noticed when I first heard you spoke on the phone. Has your time in the States changed you that much?” He stopped you from speaking as he noticed that your original accent had faded over the years. When you were seven years old, you lived in a government orphanage in France, where your experience there were anything but pleasant. Your parents were killed at a young age and were sent to Paris when you lost them. Throughout your time there, you were abused and neglected. You would get into fights with the staff, fighting off any adults that tried to touch you or any of the other kids. You were ultimately kicked out by the cruel, horrible woman that ran the place when you were only ten.
 You nearly starved to death if Cardinal Jinette hadn’t found you. 
  You were trying to take food from him and had to fight off a couple of his bodyguards. Instead of turning you over to the police, he brought you to Italy and raised you like you were his own. He feed you, clothed you, educated you, and cared for you like your own parents had. When the time came to train you as a hunter, he noticed the fierce aggression that sparked in you. Aggressive, but also had a very strong spirit. It is why he called you Perassa, the Italian word for Sparrow. 
“I suppose I have. I was spending so much time there that I hardly even noticed.” You looked down, your eyebrows furrowed, and your lips curved downward into a frown. Have you changed that much since you were gone?
“We will talk more of your adventures later, Paressa. Now. We must get straight to the unpleasantries. You understand why I summoned you back?” He asked looking down at you with his arms folded into his back.
“Yes, I do.” You replied straightening your back and your chest moved as you huffed, knowing very well of whom he was talking about. 
Gabriel Van Helsing.
   The Orders most talented, and yet notorious, hunter. No one knew where he came from or where he acquired the skills of a master hunter. He was found once crawling at the steps of the church half dead when they found him, with extreme memory loss. It was before you came to the Vatican City as a child. When coming of age, he foresaw your training and taught you everything you know. You were very close for years before deciding to off on your own. However, when you left for the states, you stopped having as much contact with him. The reason? Let’s just say you both were not on good terms when you left. Over something that you did and placed you in a situation that tore the both of you apart. Seven years had gone by since that day that you had stopped talking to him. You often wondered if he had forgiven you. 
“Where was Van Helsing when he went missing?” You asked the head priest in a cool tone, not wanting to reveal any emotion. You even said his surname instead of his first, something you didn’t do very often.
“He went to the far east when he was taken.” Cardinal Jinette began walking around his desk, planting himself in his beautifully crafted chair. His eyes turned from you to the papers that laid on his desk.
“Taken? You said he was just missing. You never said anything about him being taken.” Your voice became more forceful, and your eyebrows furrowed. Anger was starting to bubble to the surface. 
“Calm down, Paressa. I too thought he was just missing when I called you. I didn’t not intend to lie to you when you came here searching for answers.” He hushed his voice, singaling you to take a few deep breaths. Taking a deep breath, you relaxed your body and made your shoulders. 
“Sorry, father.” You softly uttered. “I am just worried about him is all.” He nodded as he looked through the papers some more. “Do you know where he was taken?”
 “He called to tell us he was in the far side of Romania.” He stated as he was looking through the documents.
“Why would he go there?” You queried to get the information on where your lost former friend.
“He was hunting down Count Dracula.” Jinette answered, as the whole became engrossed in this dark aura. You said nothing for some time as shock consumed every thought going in your head.
“Dra-Dracula? As in, the count Dracula?” You stammered as Cardinal tuned to you with a nod and a serious and stern expression on his aged features. “No-there is no way. He’s a myth. He is nothing more than a piece of fiction some ignorant Irishman had cropped up from his own imagination.” You denied, not wanting to believe that the most famous of all vampires was indeed real and wreaking havoc on the earth.
“Piccilo Paressa, you of all should know of both the wonders and horrors of God’s green earth. I can assure you…that he is no myth.” He said as he pulled out a piece of parchments from his hand, making you squint.
“What is that?” You asked looking at the contents in Father Jinette’s hand.
“A letter. Written in blood. Human blood to be more precise. It just arrived just an hour before your plane had gotten in.” He disclosed to you as he handed you the old, fragile parchment paper. You began to read, your eyes scanning every line, filling you with much dread and fear.
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You shook as you looked down at the letter repeatedly. Your eyes could not peel away from the scarlet writings that sent a chill down your spine. He’s real. Count Dracula was real, and he had your friend. He had Gabriel and apparently, he is holding him ransom. Cardinal Jinette looked at you as his concern for you, his ward,  grew while you stared at the letter. Your skin went pale after reading the contents of the short, yet terrifying note given to the Order.
“(Name), are you alright?” He asked, saying your real name. You looked back at him, finally taking your eyes off the thick paper. 
“I-I am. Just shocked is all.” You shuttered a little, your body still shaking from the news you just received. “He said in the note that you had something. Something of great value and he is willing to keep Gabriel alive to get it, and he knows you have it. What is it?” You queried and Father Jinette looked down to the floor, not saying a word as he got up. His aged face was stoic as he looked at you with his dark brown eyes. 
“Follow me.” 
Chapter 3
thank you all for reading!
please like, share and comment and hopefully will be back with another chapter next week!
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