#hopefully someone else at least will draw him or his dad in the outfit
quibbs126 · 3 months
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Oh yeah so I drew this yesterday, I just forgot to post it here
So it’s supposed to be Dark Choco in this outfit seen in Tower of Adventures
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I mean it’s literally called the Royal Cacao Coat, I had to draw one of the two in it
To be honest, the drawing isn’t the best. I really didn’t know what to do for the pose. Or the expression really
I made a different pose originally that I didn’t really like and wanted to change, and during dinner I had some other idea that I wanted to use, but by the time I was finished, I had forgotten what it was and basically ended up making the same pose again, just bigger
I’m also not sure what expression I wanted him to have. He has one, but I don’t know what it’s supposed to be or why. I guess it’s unease about wearing something from his old kingdom again, but I don’t really know
I also didn’t really know what to put under the coat, since the thing I’m given is just that coat, so I just put something random. I’m realizing I probably could have had it closed up, there’s no reason it couldn’t be, but whatever
Honestly I’d rather take another shot at drawing him in this outfit, but for now at least I might as well post what I got already
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221bsunsettowers · 3 years
TK/Carlos: Fire Drills, Flirting, and First Dates
Apparently TK can't wait a few hours for his and Carlos' first date, since it's the 126 pulling up to supervise the school fire drill.
This is the second part of the Found Forever on a Field Trip 9-1-1 Lone Star AU verse, where Carlo is a preschool teacher and TK is a firefighter, and they first met when Carlos brought his students on a fire safety field trip to where TK volunteers.
I would definitely recommend reading the first part of the series (which you can find here ) before this one for some background.
This story takes place just a few days after their first meeting, way before the time jump in the first story.
CW for mention of TK's canon storyline of addiction and his overdose towards the end of the story.
You can also read this on Ao3 here! And if you have any stories you would like to see in this verse, please let me know, I would love to keep writing for it!
Carlos had one child on his hip, crying into his shirt ever since the fire alarm had rung out its ear-piercing trill. Another child was clutching his free hand, sniffing back tears. "It's all okay, I promise," Carlos assured them gently as he led them and their classmates into a straight line against the fence. "Remember, we talked about how this is a drill? It's practice just in case we ever need to get out of the school quickly. But there's no real fire right now."
"Just real firefighters," a familar voice called out from Carlos' right, and he turned, unable to stop himself from grinning as TK strode towards them from the fire truck, a grin also dancing across his lips. When he saw the two crying children though, he quickly crouched in front of them, Carlos gently lowering the other child to stand in front of TK.
"Firefighter Strand!" Both children yelled excitedly, tears drying up as they cheered, drawing the attention of their classmates, who immediately started rushing over.
"Back in line please friends!" Carlos called out, quickly walking alone the line of students. "I know we're all very excited to see Firefighter Strand, but we have to stay in our safe spot."
"Hmm, does that mean you're excited to see me too?" TK's voice was low in Carlos' ear, the blush spreading across Carlos' cheeks as TK flashed him a playful smirk before making his way down the line of children, stopping to say hi to every single one.
"Couldn't wait until after work, huh?" Carlos teased back as he passed behind TK, highly pleased to see red spreading up the back of the firefighter's neck.
"We're doing community outreach here, I don't know what else you could possibly be referring to," TK grinned, leaning back against the fence, the nearest child finding a way to wrap around TK's leg without moving from their space in line.
"You aren't fooling anyone, Strand!" Marjan called out as she came around the back of the truck to the cheers of "Firefighter Marwani!". Squeezing Carlos' shoulder as she passed, she leaned in to whisper just loud enough for TK to hear her too, "It's all he's been talking about since shift started. He even made us help him choose his outfit-he seriously brought every option to the station."
"Traitor!" TK mouthed at Marjan, ducking his head and smiling shyly, cheeks now flushing pink. "I just don't want to be late for our first date, or show up looking like this." He gestured up and down his firefighter uniform.
"You can feel free to show up in that anytime," Carlos murmured in TK's ear, right before he reached a hand out to bat away a stick one child had just thrown at another. "Zoe, we don't throw sticks, okay friend?" The little girl nodded.
"Eyes in the back of your head," TK murmured appreciatively, as Marjan made her way to the last of the very excited children. Noticing the students were still occupied, TK leaned in, his voice so low only Carlos could hear. "Can't wait to see what else you can do with those hands."
Laughing, TK made his way back to the truck, leaving a sputtering bright red Carlos behind him. "Bye kids!" TK called out. "Bye Mr. Reyes!" WIth a wink, TK climbed inside the truck, Marjan shaking her head as she followed behind him.
Carlos was five minutes early to the cafe, but TK had somehow beat him there, and was sitting on the edge of a chair near the front door, fingers drumming against the table. When he saw Carlos, his face lit up, and he stood up from the chair, meeting him at the door for a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"You picked a very nice outfit," Carlos confirmed, gaze sweeping appreciatively up and down TK's short sleeved patterned button down and dark wash jeans. "Remind me to thank your team."
"It was worth all the teasing from them, then," TK grinned, sliding his pinky under the edge of the sleeve of Carlos' dark green polo, giving the fabric a gentle tug. "There's no way your students helped you pick this out or it would be sequined and covered in superheroes."
"Very accurate," Carlos laughed, nodding his head. "No, my co worker Grace helped me out. She has a good fashion sense."
"She really does," TK agreed, eyes twinkling. "Definitely thank her for me." They turned towards the table, and Carlos reached for TK's chair, pulling it out enough for him to sit down before carefully pushing it back in.
"Wow, thank you," TK said softly, and Carlos could easily pick up on the awe tinging his voice. "No one's ever done that for me before."
"Well, I also hold open doors, so get ready for that," Carlos teased gently, settling into his chair. His gaze fell on the large mug in front of him, the smell of expresso and cinammon wafting into the air. "You remembered my coffee order?"
"Large coffee, extra shot of expresso, add cinammon," TK recited, a shy smile crossing his lips. "It's what you had when we first met."
"And you have the same?" Carlos grinned, pointing to TK's cup.
"I figured teachers must be experts with all the coffee you guys must consume," TK laughed, taking a sip. "And I was right, because this is delicious."
"How was the rest of your shift?" Carlos asked, cradling the warm mug in his hands and inhaling the steam before taking his own sip.
"Seeing you was definitely the highlight," TK answered with a smile, "and not just because the rest of the shift entailed a microwave fire where someone had been trying to reheat fish, and three separate cats needing to be rescued from three separate trees."
"Oof," Carlos pretended to shudder, drawing a laugh from TK. "I'll see you your reheated fish fire and cats, and raise you a child sticking play dough up their nose and an entire bottle of glitter spilling all over the rug."
"That explains this then," TK reached out with his hand, gently wiping away a piece of glitter on Carlos' chin. Carlos found himself leaning into the touch, and TK let his finger linger longer than was necessary. Taking a deep breath in, TK moved his hand away, showing Carlos the sparkle on his fingertip. "And here I thought you went to a disco without me."
"More like a rave," Carlos teased. "Do people still even go to raves anymore? Glow sticks and lots of party drugs?" But the smile quickly fell from his face as he saw the light dim from TK's eyes. "Did I say something wrong? I'm so sorry-"
"Carlos, it's okay," TK said softly, reaching out and laying his hand on Carlos' arm.
"First date and I've already managed to hurt you somehow," Carlos mumbled, his gaze on a small scratch in the corner of their table.
"You didn't, I promise," TK insisted, running his thumb along Carlos' wrist until he raised his eyes from the table to meet TK's warm gaze. "Do you want to go for a walk?"
"Sure," Carlos responded, voice still quiet as he walked to the front of the shop and retrieved two to-go cups with lids. Handing one to TK, he quickly transferred his coffee, then moved to hold the door for TK.
"Thanks," TK smiled at Carlos as he exited the cafe, but Carlos didn't smile back. Instead, Carlos stopped on the sidewalk outside the entrance, his fingers rubbing nervously on the side of his pants leg. "Carlos," TK said warmly, reaching over and taking Carlos' hand in his free one. "I meant what I said. We're okay."
This time it was TK who suddenly couldn't meet Carlos' eyes. "At least I hope we are," TK voiced softly, looking up hopefully when Carlos squeezed his hand. "I come with...baggage."
"You aren't the only one, I promise," Carlos affirmed gently, swinging their interlaced hands slightly as they began to walk. "Clearly I do too, considering I was so ready to believe you were already breaking up with me before we finished our first date."
"You definitely don't need to worry about that," TK assured him, squeezing Carlos' hand reassuringly, before dropping his eyes to the sidewalk and the volume of his voice to just above a whisper. "So no one here knows this yet, except for my dad, but I really like you, and you deserve to know all the facts before you decide if you want this to go any further."
"TK, I really like you too," Carlos vowed, placing his coffee cup on the ground, cupping TK's cheek with his now-free hand. "You're safe with me, I promise."
Leaning into Carlos' touch, TK sighed, shutting his eyes. "I'm an addict," he confessed, words whispered into the palm of Carlos' hand. "Oxycontin. I OD'd back in New York, if my dad hadn't found me, I wouldn't be here. I haven't taken since then, I go to meetings, I have coping strategies, but I'm always going to be an addict."
TK squeezed his eyes shut even tighter, as if bracing for a hard-hitting emotional blow, but instead he felt the soft brush of Carlos' lips against his cheek. "Thank you for being so open with me," Carlos murmured against TK's skin, wrapping him up in a tight hug. TK sunk into the embrace with a grateful sigh, nestling his head into the crook of Carlos' shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere, okay?"
"Good," TK breathed out, relief and hope tinging every word. "Because I want you to stay."
@pragmaticoptimist34 @bikingthroughhawkins @i-had-bucky @highqualitykhakis @meloingly @buddie-buddie @morganaspendragonss
If you would like to be added to my Tarlos tags, just let me know! And if you are on the tag list but changed your username, please let me know so I can make sure I’m tagging you again :)
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
My Hero Academia Main 3 Boys x Reader
Ch.3 Class Rep & Field Trip Time
Ch.1 Ch.2 
Here’s part three! I made a sketch of how I think the readers hero outfit looks if you wanna check it out. I can’t draw for shit so I’m sorry the picture sucks.Thanks for reading! 
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The next morning wasn't any less exciting, as it seemed the media was finally taking action of AllMight's new teaching role. You saw many journalists one morning when you were trying to make your way onto the campus, and thankfully saw someone you knew.
"Bakugou! Wait up!" You shouted, jogging to walk side by side. He didn't really slow down, but he gave you a quick glance to let you know he at least sees you. He looked pretty grumpy so you didn't say anything else.
"Excuse me kid! Are you in AllMight's class?" A reporter lady with brown hair in a pantsuit cut you guys off, shoving a microphone straight into Bakugou's face. He was about to walk around, but she stayed firmly in front of him.
"Hey wait, aren't you that Sludge villain kid?" You saw Bakugou tense up, and it finally clicked. That kid was Bakugou. It had to be, the same spiky blond hair and explosions. You only saw it on the news and briefly heard your father talk about it, so you really didn't give it another thought when coming to school. 
Although it looks as he really didn't want to remember, as his body went stiff and he glared at the lady.
"Walk away. Right now." She ignored him as he walked forward, instead cutting you off from walking with him.
"What about you girly, got any information your boyfriend here didn't want to share."
"My-my boyfriend?" You face flushed. People thought you guys were together?! You were just walking into school! What guys and girls couldn't be friends?
She held the mic close to you face, smirking at the flustered look. You wanted to walk around but she was staring you down, and after that comment you couldn't think clearly enough to move. 
A hand grabbed your wrist and yanked you away from the stares, you glanced up and saw Bakugou dragging you away, his mouth set in a firm line at the reporters. 
"You're all leeches, get out of here." You looked back and saw they went straight onto targeting someone else, poor Mr. Aizawa. At least he'll set them straight. 
You were still being pulled along in his tight grip, you noticed that his hand almost felt cold compared to yours, even with his explosive quirk. Since your body temperature was higher than most due to the way you stored your light. 
"Uh thanks Bakugou, you saved me from being trampled." You voice must've snapped him out of whatever daze he was in, because he dropped your wrist faster than you could blink.
"Shut up glitter bomb, you weren't moving fast enough and I wanted to make sure you didn't say some stupid shit." You laughed at his grouchy response, and walked side by side with him in silence till you reached the classroom. 
You were surprised when he slowed down and let you walk in first. While he didn't do anything chivalrous and hold the door open, it was still thoughtful to let you go first. So you just thanked him and paid no mind to it, shuffling to your seat waiting for class to start.
When class finally did start, Mr. Aizawa began to congratulate you all on the combat training that occurred yesterday. 
"I saw the video feeds and went over each teams results. Bakugou." Mr. Aizawa stared hard at him. You looked over, and couldn't see his face due to sitting behind him.
"You're talented, so don't sulk like a child about your loss okay." You heard him huff before looking towards the window, his face still hidden from view so you didn't know exactly how he felt.
"Yeah whatever."
"And Midoriya." Deku's body jolted in surprise, then you saw the nervous look from waiting to be chewed out.
"It seems you only won was by messing up your arm again. Work harder, and I don't want the excuse of you not having control of your quirk. It;s already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body training here."
"But, it will be a useful quirk once you get a handle on it." You saw Izuku shoot up with a smile, glad to have been praised, even if the tiniest bit. It was hard to receive praise from your teacher so you felt happy for him.
"Let's get down to business, our first task, will decide your future."
The whole class froze in anticipation. What could it be? Another type of quirk test?
"You all need to pick a class representative." You all sighed in relief, not knowing if you could handle another fight between classmates so soon. 
The entire class went into an uproar about who should be the class officer. 
"Pick me guys! I wanna be class rep!" Kirishima shouted while standing, you dragged him back in his chair while he grinned over at you.
"Sorry but I'm just so excited, it would be amazing from my transcripts!" 
"Yea I get what you mean, my dad was the class officer his time here too. I'd like to follow in his footsteps!" You say back just as eagerly.
"Woah really, your dad went to U.A?"  
Before you could answer you were cut off by Iida yelling about his method of choosing the class representative.
"Therefore, the most logical way to figure this out is democratically. We will hold an election!"
While some others protested, you agreed it was the best way to figure this out civilly.  With Aizawa's uncaring permission, you got to vote.
The scores were written up on the board, and you were surprised to see Midoriya had 3 whole votes.
"Wow Izuku, looks like you're the winner huh?" You gave him a smile. He looked shocked and was yelling about not knowing how he got the job. 
"Okay you idiots! Who voted for him!" Bakugou stood up and glared around the classroom. 
"Well (y/n), looks like you'll have to keep Midoriya in check! Sucks that you beat me again." Kirishima slapped your back playfully, even with a frown on his face. 
"What are you.." You trailed off, looking at the board to see that you had came in the second spot with two votes. 
"Holy crap who did that." You wondered out loud. Kirishima shoved you towards the front, and you found yourself standing next to a shaking Izuku, who had an ugly look on his face.
"Alright the class rep is Midoriya, and the deputy is Hakamata." You stood straight, steeling your nerves as you stared out at the sea of your peers. Izuku couldn't stop shaking so you nudged him and whispered,
"Hey calm down, you're going to be fine."
"Really? This isn't a mistake?" You sighed, putting a hand to your temple. Izuku was a good person, but you knew this was going to be a painful year. 
You heard Kirishima yell from the back of the classroom he could get behind you and Midoriya as officers. As well as someone else agree you handled yourself really well during the training exercise.
Lunch rolled around as you sat next to Mina, waiting for the other guys to show up. You all seemed to form a little rag tag group. 
"Oh bestie I'm so proud of you!" She gushed, even though you barely knew her she seemed attached to the hip to you. You couldn't be upset, because you actually really liked having a female friend, and she was very sweet to you.
"Thanks Mina, I hope I can make everyone proud. I can't wait to tell my dad about this position."
"I'm sure he'll be proud! There's no way he won't be!" 
An alarm sounded off, and you were confused as to why it was. You've never heard this alarm before and got worried.
"Level 3 security breach! Please all students evacuate the building in an orderly fashion!"
Level three, breach of security? You saw everyone get up and rush out of the cafeteria. You pulled Mina behind you, holding onto her so she wouldn't get dragged away. It was so crowded, and people were shoving and screaming. You fought you way along the side of the wall where the windows were, to at least not be surrounded on all sides. You looked outside to see what kind of danger everyone could be in and only saw, the press?
"It's just the press!" You heard someone yell, and saw Iida. 
"Iida! We have to let everyone know!" He saw that you noticed as well and nodded at you.
"I was afraid there was some type of attack on the school! Don't worry everyone-oof!" He was slammed against the window and you gasped. 
"Here Mina, climb on the window sill, be careful!" You helped her up, and she looked scared. 
"Where are you going?!" 
"I have to help Iida!" You shoved your way through the crowd and helped Iida back to his feet.
"We need to find a way to make everyone listen!" He yelled impatiently. You heard a scream and saw Ochaco being dragged away. You quickly held your hand out and pushed yourself towards her. Trying to grab a hold and pull her towards you, it worked, and you dragged her against the current of the students. She held onto you and Iida both, and when you looked up you saw his face change.
"Uraraka, I need you to use your quirk! Make me float above the other students! (y/n), set off a light blast to push me towards the front of the students and hopefully get their attention!"
You both agreed and Ochaco slapped his hand and he lost his gravitational pull. He jumped up and you pushed him forward, letting out a blast of bright light following him. Most students stopped to see what was going on, a flying man with a bright light flying by.
Your push had him twisting in the air before he caught onto the bar by the exit sign for support.
"LISTEN UP, EVERYTHING IS OKAY! IT'S JUST THE MEDIA OUTSIDE, EVERYTHING'S FINE. THERE'S NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT! As U.A. students we can't let fear get to us." You stared in awe as he made the entire room quiet, and you yelled out as well.
"Please! Everyone exit in an orderly manner! We can't let someone get hurt by all this shoving! Walk towards the exits and watch out for anyone on the ground!" 
People listened as they all made a slow exit, heading back to the classrooms. You stayed by the doors and made sure everyone got out safely and with no foul play. Watching through the window as the police arrived. 
Once back in the classroom, you sent Iida a smile before walking towards the front, a shaking Izuku not far behind you.
"C'mon Izuku, let's get started." You smiled at him, hoping it would calm his nerves. 
"Uhm yea! So uh, we got to figure out the other class officers! But uh, first off.." He looked down, "There's something I have to say. I think Tenya Iida should be out class rep!" Your mouth dropped open, forming a small 'o' as he continued to praise Iida for his support during the crisis situation. You grinned and agreed.
"Without Iida we still would be in a panic, I agree with you Midoriya if that's what you really want." 
"Yeah, you know what. If (y/n) even agrees I'm good!" Kirishima grinned at Iida. "You manned up and took charge, even though you looked like the exit guy sign." 
"If Midoriya is nominating me for this job," Iida stood, hand raised high, " I accept!" 
"That was a very kind thing to do Izuku." You smiled at him, and he laughed back.
"It's only the right thing. You two will make a great team, just like how you proved that today!"
You continued on with class duties, picking out other officers before the time came and it was for hero training!
"I wonder what we have going on today." You looked at Sero, who was looking bored, waiting for Aizawa to continue the lesson.
"Who knows, I hope it's some more training, I want to keep getting stronger!"  Kirishima started throwing air punches. 
"Well I hope it's something a little different, being a hero isn't just about fighting you know." You shot back.
"Quiet down." Mr. Aizawa interrupted. 
"Today's training will be a little different," You smirked smugly at Kirishima for being right, he just rolled his eyes. "you'll have three instructors. Myself, AllMight, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you. "
"Wow three pros. That's pretty cool."
"Sir, what kind of training is this?" Sero asked.
"Rescue," Aizawa held out a card much like AllMight did the day prior. "You will be dealing with natural disasters and such."
"Wow disasters huh? Sounds like a big workout." Denki said, looking perplexed, even more so when Mina yelled back at him how amazing it was going to be.
"It's real hero stuff, " Kirishima patted Denki on the back. "It's what separates the men from the boys."
"Hey!" He pouted. "I'm a man!" 
"Yea okay dude," Kirishima laughed and pointed at you. "(y/n) is way more manlier than you, try to prove me wrong." You snickered back and high-fived the redhead while Denki pouted at the both of you.
"You guys are mean."
"Hey, I wasn't finished." The class quieted down from Mr. Aizawa's stern voice. You guys looked back at him, his face made it clear he was exhausted with you all.
"What you wear in this exercise is up to you, I would choose carefully. Seeing as even though you're excited about your costumes, remember you aren't really used to them, it could even hinder your abilities." Aizawa pressed the remote and all of the cases for your costumes came out.
"We'll have to take a bus to get there since this training is at an off campus facility. Get ready and let's go." 
You all got up to grab your suits, and went to change in the locker room. 
"You're costume is super cute (y/n)! I wish mine was better, and maybe not so skin tight." Ochaco laughed, rubbing her arm self consciously. 
"I still think it looks really cool on you! Not as much as mine, but mine is the best here! Look at the colors!" Gushed Mina. She twirled around and began to pose, causing you both to laugh.
"It looks great yes, both of yours do! Mine is mainly so I don't overheat myself." 
"That reminds me, how exactly does your quirk work (y/n)?" 
"Well," You started, explaining to every girl who were now gathered around you.
"I take the property of light, and manipulate the chemical formula, so in a sense I can go back and forth from making a light from a solid to its original form. Even almost making myself light, that's how I was able to run so fast."
"It's really fascinating to hear about everyone's unique quirks, don't you guys agree?" Momo questioned thoughtfully.
"Like, in some way's quirks can be similar yet at the same time at a whole other level. Like when someone can lift make small objects float, to the extreme like you Uraraka, who can cancel out the gravitational pull of just about anything and make that float." You all muttered in agreement with Momo, it really was kind of cool to know your power could've been something else entirely. 
You girls headed outside, waiting for anyone else along with the bus to arrive.
"Hey Deku why are you in your P.E. clothes?" Ochaco asked, walking with you as you both stopped in front of said boy.
"Didn't you see his outfit after the training?" You laughed.
"Yea, it was kinda trashed. I'm still waiting for the support company to fix it up" Izuku agreed. 
A loud whistle blew out, making everyone turn their heads to their class rep, who was looking more determined than ever to fulfill his duties.
"Ok gather around class 1-A! Form two neat lines based on your student numbers to ensure we load the bus efficiently. "
"Iida doesn't seem to be slowing down, kicking it into high gear for this role." Izuku sighed, and you laughed loudly.
"Why Midoriya, was that a pun?" He flushed before agreeing, making you laugh even louder. You've never heard this kid joke before, you didn't think his stuttering heart would've allowed him to try. 
He shook his arms, ranting on about he wasn't trying to make fun of him before you had to shut him up.
"Jeez Izuku you're doing that thing again where the words just keep coming out. How do you have that much air?" 
"I-uh sorry! I didn't realize!" You shake your head with another chuckle before making your way onto the bus with the other students. Noticing the layout of the bus really didn't match with the original way Tenya wanted everyone to sit.
You sat down on Kirishima's left, the edge seat. When you looked towards the other seats to your side you saw Bakugou sitting next to Jiro, and Todoroki just behind them. You sighed and leaned back further into the plush seats, ignoring Iida's sulking about his ruined plans. Your attention was caught when Tsu said she wanted to make an observation about Izuku.
"That power of yours, it's really a lot like AllMight's isn't it?" You glanced over and saw him jump, nerves making him shake like normal. This confused you. If he was such a fanboy, shouldn't he be more thrilled?
"What really? You think so huh? I never really thought so, I don't think that could be a possibility!"
"Izuku, what's the big deal." Your eyes narrowed as you saw him gulp, not looking into your eyes. "Wouldn't it be cool to say you had a strong quirk like a Pro, even if it wasn't exactly the same?" 
"Even though it's powerful, it's really not like AllMight's that much." Kirishima pointed out. 
"I mean, AllMight doesn't break his bones after ever smash. I'd say their really different." He sighed, making his arm harden with his quirk.
"Even so I do have to admit it's pretty flashy, and Midoriya's would make a great Pro Hero quirk, you'll get noticed! Unlike mine, not too flashy, just able to get the bad guys down is all I'm good for.
"Hey I think you're quirk is really cool!" You pipe up, not liking that he was putting himself down. 
"I mean I'd love to have a quirk that didn't make me overheat constantly. You know how tough it is when I get a fever? I feel like I'm melting." You say with an over-dramatic sigh, you really hated getting sick.
"Okay but you're probably are one of the best when it comes to having a Pro Quirk! I mean, Todoroki and Bakugou probably are the best ones here but you ain't far behind! Even Bakugou can tell it's a good and flashy quirk! What does he call you again? Glitter Worm?" You laughed, looking at Bakugou who was already staring at you, with a grunt he looked away as soon as you two made eye contact.
"Glitter worm? That's pretty good, but I'm glitter bomb to him. Pretty cute don't you think." You wink at the other students, ignoring Aoyama when he argued he was the only one who sparkled here. 
"Oh man Bakugou gave you a cute nickname!?" Mina squealed, and you swore you could see hearts form in her eyes.
"That's so romantic! It's even matching his own quirk! You both are the bomb! Ahh I want someone to give me a cutesy name!"
You blushed, waving your arms around, reminding yourself of the way Iida looks when he is shouting out commands. 
"Th-that's not-"
"I don't see Bakugou as the romance type though," Tsu spoke out, "he's always angry, he'll never be that popular, especially with the ladies."
"WHAT DID YOU SAY? I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!" Bakugou lurched forward, hand gripping the rail tightly as he glared at Tsu. All she did in reply was point and mutter an 'See? I told you so.'
"You know, we still barely know one another, but it goes to show how we all know your personality is a flaming pile of crap. I agree with Tsu, you would never be able to charm a girl. "
Bakugou turned his furious stare towards Kaminari, who was the one to agree with Tsu about the romance issue.
"Because unlike you, I can woo a woman Bakugou." Denki smugly retorted as he blew a kiss at you with a wink. You felt your body shiver in disturbance at being flirted with by him. You could imagine your father's reaction too, the poor boy would be crushed by a Pro Hero even before the first week of school ended!
"Gross Kaminari, I don't want you blowing your germs in my direction, you're not good at romance either you know."
"I mean, you're not exactly making me swoon by calling me an icky worm, Bakugou." Kirishima howled in laughter as Bakugou snapped and yelled at you both. Iida jumped in yelling back about treating everyone with respect.
"What a disgusting conversation." Momo glared, her hand over her mouth as she was really going to get sick.
"Oh c'mon Momo," You smiled, " It's all fun and games."
"Yeah!" Ochaco grinned, "It's kind of fun listening to them fight, plus I think (y/n) and Bakugou would make a great couple!" 
Your jaw dropped, hands cupping your cheeks to hide your blush as you heard more squeaks and squeals of agreement coming from Mina. 
"Oh they would be the cutest together wouldn't they! I swear I saw them holding hands this morning!" Everyone's chatter stopped, looking between both you and the hothead.
"I-It's not what you think! The reporters were all up in my face and he was just dragging me away!"
"Awh she's blushing! ADMIT YOU LIKE HIM!" Mina cackled, everyone teasing you for your red face, causing you to sink further into the chair.
"HEY SHUT IT RIGHT NOW IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU! NO ONE LIKES ANYONE YOU DAMN NERD." Bakugou was red in the face as well, he was yelling at everyone so you knew that was why, since there was no way he could be embarrassed. Unlike you, you were sure your face was a bright red beacon, all because of the teasing! How could they say that so casually?
"Hey hey we're here, knock it off." Aizawa grumbled out.
"Yes sir!" You all responded, and you sat up and turned to look out the window, marveling at the large dome building you were pulling up to, excited for the training about to come.
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deerlyloved · 3 years
drops of jupiter
under cut: a long story about my oc mei finding a piece of her past...and breaking down
Sweat dripped from Mei's forehead, and she raised the back of her hand to wipe it off, eyes flicking from end to end of the metal corridor as she walked. Rea was behind her, a fact that made her ever-growing nerves slow just a bit. And then, he spoke.
 "What was that?"
 Mei gulped, shaking her head, "I don't know. I just… I just don't know, Captain."
 The use of his title from the blue-haired woman made Rea almost grimace, and he felt the need to mention it-- She only used. titles when she was too nervous to think of a funny comeback, some small rebellious comment.
 "We just… Let's keep moving, okay? Let's find the other two, safety in numbers. One thing at a time, you know me." Mei gave a nervous laugh, and the anxiety she felt seemed to strike Rea as well, the patch of scales above his eyes glowing faintly before they dimmed like they did when he felt 'connected' with someone's feelings.
 After a few more steps, Mei slowed down, putting a hand up and then tapping her ear to tell Rea to listen. There was some noise from deeper in the collection of junk, echoing off so many walls and metal barriers that it was distorted and broken, but still audible. Rea looked confused, just as Mei did, and she motioned to keep walking, though more slowly.
 The longer they walked, the louder the noise grew, until a noticeable tune could be understood. Something seemed to dawn on Mei once this new rhythm could be understood, and her face fell once they reached a door. It connected to another ship that was connected to it through chains, the two ramps from the doors resting on each other to form a bridge.
 Across the bridge that dropped into the void, barely encircled by fiberglass, there was a door spray painted with pink stripes, graffitied with 'No Entry!' and a crude drawing of a gun and bullets. Mei stared at it for longer than she wanted to admit, until Rea put a large, rough hand on her shoulder. She didn't hear what he asked of her, but she answered anyway, "Let's go." She murmured, moving across the bridge. She opened the door easily, it had been busted through ages ago, and moved inside.
 The corridor led to a wider space, what was supposed to be a control area had been obviously used as a living room at some point, though any valuables in it had long been stripped from it. Wires hung from walls where valuable material had been ripped out, holes in the window in the perfect shape of projectiles from a typical war ship that went straight into the floor and wall behind it, the whole place was a mess.
 And yet, Mei looked upon the whole area with bitter knowing, and Rea wondered briefly if she knew this ship. The woman took a slow, almost cautious step in, like she was expecting it to snatch her up and swallow her whole, but nothing happened. Debris floated carelessly around them, the artificial gravity barely holding down the few pieces of furniture that remained, sparks from the wires with what must have been the bare minimum amount of power left, trying their hardest to continue their work.
 The tune that bellowed out from ships away rung clear and true inside this one, though through busted intercoms, slightly staticky and echoing off empty walls and stagnant air. Rea shut the door behind them, the air that had left the room returning through a barely functioning aerator. It made a rattling noise when it activated.
 The intercom blared out an old song, and Rea remembered so distinctly hearing Mei sing it in her free time. Drops of Jupiter.
 Whoever owned this ship before it was made junk, they were clearly skilled to have equipment still functioning, or at least trying to. The place looked like it had been dead for years, if not longer.
 "Do you think it's in here too?"
 "No." Mei answered, more matter-of-factly than she had been with anything before, "Internal defenses work better the longer the ships offline. The run off technology from Icka's species."
 "They kill anything that doesn't belong. Hostile life, basically. Anything that doesn't come in with me or my seal is eliminated."
 Rea didn't reply, and Mei didn't say anything further. She simply walked in further to the ship, glancing towards the cracked and broken window, sealed with last minute expanding foam. She remembered when it was cracked. The fear she felt for a split second when the projectile went whizzing over her head. The instant beeping from Karen over the intercom, the warning of the broken window.
 The song began to replay the song, repeating for one of the hundreds of thousands of times.
 Now that she's back in the atmosphere, with drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
 "Let's go."
 "Mei, what is--"
 "Not now. Not now, Rea. Anywhere else, any time else, but not…"
 She started walking before she finished, walking down the corridor that split off from the main room. "This leads to the escape pods and the emergency exit. Hopefully they're connected to more junk."
 She acts like summer and walks like rain, reminds me that there's a-time to change, hey, hey
 Rea followed, though hesitantly, face grim as he watched the usual perky, upbeat woman brought so solemn by a rundown junk ship. She had her gun drawn, lowered towards the ground as she walked carelessly. She obviously was confident in those defenses she was talking about, and Rea once more found it contagious.
 Mei stuttered to a stop after a few seconds of walking in silence, turning her head to the right with a frown. She moved to open the door, pressing her hand into the metal before she pushed it open, the sliding door screeching but eventually giving in. It opened up to a room that was just as bright as the door outside. Decorated in pink, torn and faded posters barely clinging to the walls with tape, obviously scavenged through knick-knacks and missing weapons from weapon racks, and in the corner, a bed.
 Since the return of her stay on the moon, she listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey. Hey, hey.
 It had a blue bed set, decorated with stars and planets like a child's, messy as could be. A poster of an Earth singer hung above the bed, smiling out into an empty room. Mei stood in the doorway for a few silent moments before she moved further in, slinging her gun back over her shoulder as she looked around the room.
 It had, funnily enough, barely been touched. Just as messy as she left it, with a few things missing.
 "This room was the only place I could feel safe." She managed to say, though breathlessly. "Only place that made me feel like I was home. Back with my dad. Safe again. I don't know why I ever left him."
 But tell me , did you sail across the sun? Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded? And that heaven is overrated?
 "I thought it was my destiny, I guess. It just ended up being why…" She trailed off, unable to finish her sentence as she spotted a floating picture frame, barely hovering over a nightstand next to her old bed.
 Her feet moved before she could even realize it, and soon she was reaching for the frame, hand outstretched shaky as she grabbed it and pulled it back to her. Mei flipped it in her hands, face contorted into a look of sorrow.
 It was a picture of her and her dad. She was a little younger than she was currently, lacking the trademark scar across her eye, hair just as bright blue as ever but this time short and covered by a yellow beanie. She had her arms around an older Japanese man, wearing the exact contrast to her outfit, a button up shirt with a vest and tie, while Mei was in a bright pink tank top and jean shorts in the picture. The man looked kind, a loving smile to match Mei's excited one, arms wrapped around her just as tight.
 Tell me, did you fall from a shooting star? One without a permanent scar? And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?
 Mei clutched the picture close to her chest, staring into the darkness outside of the small, untouched window above the nightstand. She didn't hear Rea approach her, barely noticed when he put a large, clawed hand on her shoulder.
 The song echoed through the halls. Mei turned it on before she left. As she rushed through the halls, she had slid into the computer room, uploading Karen's consciousness onto a flash drive as she leaned over to the intercom system. She figured if there was a chance she wouldn't make it, she'd go out listening to a good goddamn song.
 Now that she's back from that soul vacation, tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey. She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo, reminds me that there's a-room to grow, hey, hey, yeah
 Mei remembered running through the halls, her robotic friend tucked safely into a flash drive where the ship falling apart around them couldn't hurt her. She remembered barely managing to get into an escape pod, crashing to an unknown planet with the first injury she'd received in a long while.
 Most of all, Mei remembered being captured. Hauled in to the ship she couldn't outrun on land with her new injuries, face dripping blue blood as she was thrown behind bars for a reason she still couldn't understand. She remembered a human walking in, and the confusion that struck her before she spoke.
 "Ms. Amari. We regret to inform you that your father, Richard Amari, was murdered two nights ago. You are a suspect in the case opened on this atrocity, as your sealed records have revealed...” They sighed at her, like they were bored, “You have the right to remain silent, as anything you say will be used as evidence in the case. You have the right to defend yourself in this case, if you wish. Do you understand what I have told you, and do you agree to a discussion of your involvement in this situation?"
 Such a mouthful. So many words for 'we're framing you for murder, dumbass, also we killed your dad', now wasn't it?
 Now that she's back in the atmosphere, I'm afraid that she might think of me as plain ol' Jane, told a story about a man who is too afraid to fly so he never did land.
 The voice was different, and it snapped her back to reality, though just barely. Just barely. It was rough, deep, has a hint of a hiss to it.
 "Mei, are you okay?"
 "I'm fine." Mei replied, shrugging off the hand on her shoulder, the picture still clutched close to her chest.
 "Mei, what happened here?"
 But tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet? Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day? And head back to the Milky Way?
 Mei winced, her frown deepening, a permanent grimace on her face now as she stared at Rea. Where would she even start?
 "I…I was framed. You know that. The story of Mei, a supposed martyr. An Earth official from the US was xenophobic, he wanted to start a war again to ruin Earth's relationship with the Citadel. So, he killed a handful of important humans, one of which…"
 "Was your dad."
 "Yeah. They tried to frame me for it, and tried to frame others for the other murders, and… It worked. But you know me, right?" Mei gave a saddened chuckle, "I don't go down without a fight… So I escaped. I stayed on the run, found evidence, and when that bastard was giving a speech--"
 "I know. You killed him."
 And tell me, did Venus blow your mind? Was it everything you wanted to find? And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?
 "Killed him? I pinned him down on stage. I played all the recordings I had, showed all the proof that he had plotted it all and set it all up. Karen had a slideshow going past on every channel. I made everyone watch those poor people being murdered. I ruined him. He couldn't even defend himself, hard to think with a gun in your mouth."
 "Those below, Mei, that's--"
 "Less than what he had coming for him. That was him getting off easy. So was getting the quick way out when I pulled the fucking trigger."
 Rea seemed almost uncomfortable, but he didn't show it, just watching, listening, waiting.
 Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken? Your best friend always sticking up for you, even when I know you're wrong. Can you imagine no first dance, freeze-dried romance? Five-hour phone conversation, the best soy latte that you ever had, and me.
 "They destroyed my ship. Tried to shoot me down, didn't work, so they captured me. I ran through here thinking I was going to die. Downloaded Karen. Kept running. I was planning on…On going back to Earth when I was shot at. To see him."
 Rea had nothing to say in return. It was evident on his face that he was at a loss for words for once, and he stared at her with some mix of shock and sympathy on his face. To Mei, however, it just looked like pity, and she glared at him.
 "Don't look at me like that. Don't. I got revenge. I fixed it. It's why I'm here, they couldn't convict me of murder without making me a martyr. Couldn't kill me without riots. So don't look at me like that."
 But tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet? Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day? And head back toward the Milky Way?
 "What way?"
 "That way! Like you're sad for me! Don't be sad for me, don't think this is sad!"
 "It is sad!"
 "It's a goddamn travesty! You shouldn't be sad here, you shouldn't think the worst moments of my life are sad, because you have no idea what it was actually like, Rea!"
 And tell me, did you sail across the sun? Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded? And that heaven is overrated?
 "I can still feel bad for you, Mei!"
 "No you can't. You can't because feeling bad that my father was murdered, that my life was ruined, that the only people that could protect me mocked me in a jail cell after I brought that fucker to justice because I was a vigilante, because I should have trusted the system."
 The air between them grew tense, and Rea bristled as she clenched her fists around the picture frame in her hands.
 "You can't feel bad for me because you're a CCF officer, Rea, you serve the Earth government."
 "So do you--"
 "Because they made me. My choices were rot in jail or join the CCF. One more attempt to control me and keep their public image while they were at it."
 And tell me, did you fall from a shooting star? One without a permanent scar? And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself…
 They stared at each other, Mei with a contempt she'd hidden since she'd joined the CCF, Rea with a look of surprise and his trademark disapproval. The room was silent, save for the blaring music from the intercom, but Rea broke the silence between them with a sigh, a groan, and a shake of his head.
 "We will…discuss this later. We need to find the other members of our team. We have a mission, let's finish it."
 Mei didn't reply. She just kept the picture frame cradled against her chest, face heavy as she turned to walk out of the room and through the broken sliding door. The tune played as she trekked through the corridor, Rea just behind her like before, but this time the silence wasn't one of strategy and trust, but rather quiet seething and a fear of losing someone else.
 And are you lonely looking for yourself out there?
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gimmeyoon · 5 years
Drink About [1]
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       ↳ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader x Jin
       ↳ Setting: College AU
       ↳ Word Count: 4.3k
       ↳ Warnings: mentions of binge drinking, language
       ↳ Songs: Waste It One Me by Steve Aoki ft. BTS and Hands by the Vamps
       ❝you just wanted to get drunk and dance and now he’s all you think about❞
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    There’s nothing quite as humbling as vomiting in a fraternity bathroom with two people getting it on in the stall next to you.
    Sana hits at the stall wall as if that will stop the wild animals from doing exactly what they came here to do. Joy tries to sooth you as she pulls your hair out of your face, but she’s so drunk and it’s clear she wishes she was anywhere else at this point. You have to agree with her on that.
    If your life was a cheesy teen romantic comedy, a record would scratch and an older, wiser version of yourself would say, ‘I’m sure you’re wondering how I wound up in this mess.” Though, you figure no one would stay to watch a movie that starts this utterly disgusting. The prop department could have at least mopped the floor before letting your bare ass sit on tiles hopefully made sticky by spilt alcohol, though the moment of sobriety that comes as one is barfing up their brains tells you that’s only one of the residues at best. You suppose the fashion department wouldn’t have let you walk on set without underwear under your dress the way that Joy and Sana had.
    “Honestly, _____, fuck him,” Sana says, abandoning her attempt to stop the actual fucking happening right next to you. “If he’s already with Chaeyoung, then he’s an even bigger fuckboy than any of us thought, and we do not cry over fuckboys.”
    You wonder if you’re supposed to respond as you dry heave next to your friend, but figure Sana will understand. She does have a point though, your makeup is absolutely ruined at this point, which is more than he deserves.
    It’s a process. Sitting in front of your mirror on a Friday night, you carefully beat your face to the gods in preparation for your favorite part of the week. It’s the same every time, the plans slightly different, but the process the same. Your shift at the gym’s reception desk ends at 5:00 and you head back to your apartment where you become slightly jealous at the sight of Joy napping on the couch and head back to your room. You stare at your closest until you figure out which of your outfits sparks joy, Marie Kondo style, and then you grab your tools. You turn on one of your favorite beauty guru’s videos and then the craft begins.
    Joy never misses a chance to tease you about the pure time commitment this process is, but you haven’t been late to a pregame yet.
    Now in your second year of college, you can say without a doubt that this process is the highlight of your week. Sure, occasionally something happens that outshines it, but it’s a constant. You have three hours secured to yourself where it’s just you and tasks that at the end of the day mean very little, but when finished, you have something to show for yourself. It’s about the only productive thing you allow on Friday night.
    You surprise your friends back home with how often you go out, but you promised yourself after a failing your first class Freshmen year due to the sheer amount of time you spent with your friends that you would focus completely on school work during the week and that on the weekend you would let yourself be free and unstructured. Joy and Sana knew better than anyone how hard it was to get you to deviate from your color-coded planner for even the tiniest thing. They liked to joke that if they didn’t schedule getting fries at McDonald’s with you three weeks in advance, there wouldn’t be an opening. They weren’t that far off.
    The weekend was different. It was the only time you let yourself give into the part of your soul that screamed to live life on the edge.
    That was how you had ended up at Beta Tau Sigma months ago with Joy and Sana by your side. You were standing in the kitchen talking to the one member of the fraternity that Joy knew when you saw him for the first time.  
    Well, for the first time in person. You had followed Jungkook on Instagram after one of your friends had tagged him in their photo. He had followed back, and you could always count on a like from him on your posts.
    You grabbed Joy’s arm when you saw him, drawing everyone’s attention towards yourself and the deer in headlights look you could only imagine was on your face.
    “What,” Hoseok asked as he followed your gaze. “You look like you saw a ghost. Do I need to kick some asshole out?”
    “No, sorry. I-I thought I saw someone, but I was wrong.”
    “You sure? Taehyung’s too nice, he’ll just let anyone in.”
    You smiled as you released your grip on Joy’s arm. “Seriously, it was nothing. I think I just need a drink.”
    Hoseok nodded and motioned upstairs. “We keep the good stuff upstairs, and since Joy is the only reason I’m going to pass the human machine, you guys are welcome to it. Consider it my penance.”
    “Oh, so you know penance, but an introductory biology class is too much?” Joy teased as you followed Hoseok.
    “My dad’s a literature professor so he used big words at dinner and made us figure them out. I learned penance when I hid my sister’s laptop in the attic.” Hoseok leads you into the first room on the right and pulls back a curtain to reveal a fully stocked bar. “Jimin’s really into mixology and also showing off his money. So, help yourself,” he said with a dramatic bow.
    “Hoseok, when I say you’re my hero, I want you to really hear me,” you said. “You are my hero and two shots from now, I will tell you that repeatedly.”
    “She’s a very nice drunk,” Sana confirms as she pulls a bottle of tequila from the bar. She pours four shots from the bottle and after those have been forced down, she pours another four.
     That’s how you find the courage to move onto the dance floor, an act that normally doesn’t require much liquid confidence. It’s also an act that doesn’t usually include being as close to Jungkook as it currently has you.
     “Joy,” you start with a giggle. “How many times do I have to look at Jeon Jungkook for him to get the message that I want to put my ass on his dick and pose on that shit?”
     “Firstly, if you ever quote a New Boyz song in presence again, you will be excommunicated from our apartment. Secondly, I think it’s going to take more than a look to communicate all of that.”
    “Not if I have very expressive eyes,” you say with a wiggle of your eyebrows.
    “If you do that, he’ll file a restraining order with the college,” Joy laughs.
    “Joy,” you whine.
    “_____,” she teases. “Seriously, you are a 21st century woman, just tell that boy that you want to dance.”
    “If he says no, I can never show my face here again, you know that, right?”
    “We’ll throw the whole fraternity away if we have to, babe.”
    You decide that a sensible person would at least wait for the song to change before making their move, so three songs later you turn to acquire your target. He’s standing with one of his friends, Jimin you think, and you hate how good he looks. He’s in all black, like he usually is, but the dance room is so hot that his normally straight hair now frames his face in waves. You push back the thought that this is what his hair would look like after sex and make your way across the floor. He’s just a boy, you remind yourself the closer you get. Then you’re there, and you realize you probably should have practiced what you were going to say to him during the previous three songs. And now as Usher guides your movements, it’s too late.
    He looks over as you approach and he offers you a smile, which you know is meant to be inviting, but he looks so damn good that it makes your arms break out in goosebumps.
    “Hi,” you manage with a smile.
    You think you might let the silence fall for a beat too long, because Jungkook’s friend that may or may not be named Jimin has the time to look between the two of you before you continue.
    “I follow you on Instagram,” is out of your mouth before you can stop it, and you can feel your ears visibly redden once you realize how stupid that sounds.
     He laughs and you pray to whatever god might be listening that he wasn’t laughing at you.
     “I follow you too,” he says.
     “Thanks for that,” you cringe. It’s silent again for a beat too long, but then you think some god must have been listening, because his friend becomes your second hero of the night.
     “He’d love to dance with you,” Maybe Jimin says as he pushes Jungkook in your direction, and that’s exactly the intervention you need to reach out for his hand.
      You pull Jungkook through the crowd of people and begin to dance with him as soon as you find a spot that doesn’t make you feel claustrophobic. You think for a second how ironic it is to find an open space when you place your hips flush with his and begin to dance to whatever overplayed song the fraternity brother playing DJ has chosen.
      He’s a better dancer than you would have guessed, his hips moving heavenly with the music, and the way he hardens beneath you helps heighten the confidence the alcohol gave you. His body is strong behind yours, and for a moment you wish you hadn’t had so much to drink because then you might have invited him back to your place to see what his body felt like on top of yours.
    It’s four songs later when the sound of his name breaks your heart.
    “Jeon!” Someone yells, from across the room, causing Jungkook to pull away from you and search for his friend. He must find him when he grabs your hand and pulls you with him. The culprit is smiling as you meet him and motions for you to follow him. “We need two more for beer pong and it’s time for you to put your money where your mouth is.”
    Jungkook looks back at you, “Do you want to play?”
    Considering your options appear to be leaving Jungkook to writhe around in the dance room with some other people that you are absolutely no longer interested in or play a drinking game with Jungkook and potentially speak to him about something other than the fact that you follow him on Instagram, you do not hesitate to say yes.
    You find out two things about Jungkook very quickly. Firstly, he is very good at beer pong and secondly, he is very competitive, which the first thing helps.
    “Taehyung is going to regret asking us to play,” Jungkook smiles as he hands you a ping pong ball.
    “Less trash talking, and more playing, yeah?” Taehyung raises an eyebrow.
     “Don’t rush my partner, yeah?” Jungkook copies Taehyung’s stature, and you can’t help but laugh at how theatrical he is.
     “Patience is a virtue, young Taehyung,” you say as you aim for a red solo cup.
     The ball lands in the drink with a satisfying slosh and Jungkook high-fives your success. It’s five more games of this and then your stomach betrays you. No longer are you focused on winning. No, now you are focused on feeding whatever beast entered your system with the alcohol.
     “Jungkook,” you start. “How do you feel about shenanigans?”
     His head tilts to the side as he looks at you. “Shenanigans?”
     “Do you trust me?”
     He smiles and nods his head. “Lead the way, Captain,” he says with a salute.
     Your fingers intertwine with his as you lead him out of the fraternity house and onto the streets.
     “Shenanigans,” you say turning around to look at him, continuing to walk backwards, “are what happens after the party. Anything can be a shenanigan if you really set your mind to it.”
     “And what does tonight have in store for us,” he asks.
     “Well, Jungkook, I hope you’re hungry. Because it’s waffle time.”
     “Lucky for you,” he laughs. “I’m always hungry.”
     You laugh as well as you turn in a circle. When you stop your whirling, you find Jungkook’s arms braced, clearly ready to catch you.
     “You’re going to fall, drunkie.”
     “Please call me by my government name, Drunkard Joseph Montgomery Alabama the third.”
     “Wow, that is a name.”
     “Thank you, it was my father’s and his father’s before him.”
     “Thus, the third.”
     “Thus, the third,” You laugh.
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     The fluorescent lights of your local Waffle House should make Jungkook look slightly worse for wear as you know they are doing to you and as they do to most humans, but clearly Jungkook is not like the rest of the mere mortals that roam this Earth, because you swear to god his eyes sparkle as he looks at the plastic menu before him. He keeps switching between the breakfast and the lunch/dinner side of the menu, mumbling under his breath that his not sure which he’s in the mood for at the moment.
    You do not face the same problem, as you order the All-Star breakfast every time. There has never been a moment where you have sat in these yellow booths and not wanted waffles. You figure if the establishment is named after a specific food, you should probably order that food, and you’re just about to tell Jungkook as much when he sets his menu down and looks up at you.
    “I have decided,” he said, his tone serious.
    “Do tell.”
    “Burger,” he smiled.
    His face falls at this. “Wrong?”
    “We’re at Waffle House, the only right answer is waffles.”
    “Wrong,” he responds, copying your tone from before. “They sell more than just waffles; therefore, you are meant to order things other than waffles as well.”
     “Okay, IHOB.”
     “What did you just call me?” he asks, his face breaking into a large smile.
     “IHOB, as in the International House of Burgers,” you stick your tongue out, which earns a laugh from your companion. “When in Rome, order waffles.”
     “I don’t think that’s the saying,”
     “I don’t think this is a burger establishment.”
     The waitress approaches your booth at this moment, and Jungkook quickly places his burger order, sticking his tongue out at you as she writes his burger on the ticket.
     “And since I’m a responsible adult, I’ll be having the All-Star breakfast,” you said when it was your turn to order.
    The waitress nods as she writes down your order, “Bacon, sausage, or ham.”
    “Sausage, please.”
    “Wrong,” Jungkook responds as the waitress walks away. “The only valid choice when bacon is an option is bacon.”
    “Oh, grow up,” you roll your eyes. “Sausage is a valid option.”
    He shakes his head, “Only when bacon isn’t available.”
    “Pretty bold talk from a guy who might be asking me to choose his sausage later.”
     He reddens at this, his eyes widening, but never leaving your face. The words were out of your mouth before you could think better, and you’re pretty sure the only reason you don’t get up and leave is because you’re still pretty drunk.
     Jungkook shakes his head, as a smile spreads across his face. “I don’t think any bacon will be present at that moment, so sausage would be a valid choice.”
     You can’t help but laugh at this, and Jungkook joins you. You talk about school after you calm down, and you’ve started to talk about your hometowns by the time the waitress brings your meals. You both shake your heads at the other’s order, causing the laughter to return, and it takes a few moments before you can actually begin to eat.
     You’re almost finished with your waffle, when you realize everyone else in the restaurant is focused on the staff behind the counter. Jungkook is telling you a story about his older brother, but you can’t focus as you try and figure out what has everyone’s attention. You’re not sure if it’s the fact that you’re drunk, or the fact that talking to Jungkook comes so naturally, but you’ve completely missed the altercation brewing between the staff. Their voices get louder with each word, and before it can get any worse, you take money out of your wallet, quickly making sure that it is enough to cover both meals plus the tip and stand up. You reach for Jungkook’s hand, while he stares up at you dumbfounded, and you make your way for the door. You’re just about to make it out, when one of the employees finally makes contact with the other. You freeze at the action, and stand stunned, not sure if you’re waiting to see if he’s okay or if anyone will do anything to stop it. The next thing you know, the punched employee, is grabbing the other by the shirt and throwing him against the counter.
    Jungkook takes action at this, pulling you out the door with him and through the parking lot. You turn to look at Jungkook with wide eyes, not sure how your shenanigan ended up quite like this.
    “Holy shit,” he breathes, as he rakes a hand through his hair. “I guess that’s Waffle House at 2:00 a.m. for you.”
    You can’t help but laugh at this, though you feel a bit of guilt considering how awful the situation is. Jungkook smiles at this and for that alone you’re glad that you laughed.
    “Come on,” you say, as you look at your surroundings. “There’s a river around here, I want to show you.”
    Jungkook follows, not having dropped your hand yet, and you walk like this in the direction of the park you like to go to sometimes. It’s pitch-black as you near the location, which causes you to grip Jungkook’s hand a bit tighter than before. If he’s as nervous as you, he doesn’t let on, but he does pull his phone from his pocket and turn his flashlight on, which you are thankful for. Your pace quickens after this, the excitement of showing Jungkook the river driving you forward, and when you arrive, you drop his hand before skipping towards the bank.
    You turn around to face him, positively beaming as you stretch your arms as if to say here it is, the grand finale, and Jungkook matches your wide smile. He walks towards you, as you bend down to take your shoes off. When you look back up, he’s looking at you with confusion on his face.
    “Well, I’m not going to wear my shoes into the water,” you answered.
    “We’re going in the water?”
    “Shenanigans, Jungkook. They’re not done yet,” you said, as you turned around and made your way into the river. The silence of the night is inviting, and you find yourself closing your eyes and leaning your head back in relaxation. You hear Jungkook wade in behind you, and you only open your eyes when his movement stops.
    He’s looking at you and he smiles when your eyes meet his. “How did you find this place?”
    “I used to babysit these kids freshmen year, and their mom took them to this park.”
    “I haven’t really left campus that much,” he admits, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’d be nice to run here though.”
    You nod in agreement, turning to look up at the few stars above. Jungkook reaches for your hand in the dark, and you reach back, feeling comforted by his presence here. You think for a moment that it’s nice that you two can just stand here in the silence like this, and you’re about to say something to that effect, when suddenly Jungkook sends a wave of water hurtling towards you. You’re shocked when you look down to see him crouched, ready to splash you again.
    “Shenanigans,” he says, simply, as he launches another attack on you.
    This time you’re prepared, and you block your face, though it does very little to help. Quickly, you’re crouching as well, not one to go down without a fight, and soon both of you are soaking wet and breathless. Jungkook’s hair hangs heavy around his face, water dripping from his black locks onto his cheeks, and you hate to even think about the state that your makeup is in now.
    The smirk on Jungkook’s face, tells you all you need to know, and you shake your head in response. “I look like a monster, right?”
    “You could convincingly be cast in a horror movie.”
     You give him the middle finger at this, before trudging back to land. You’re about halfway back, when you hear Jungkook running after you, and as you turn around to see what he is doing, he’s wrapping his arms around your middle and picking you up.
     “Jeon Jungkook!” you scream, as you pound at his back. “Put me down.”
     He only laughs in response, carrying you the rest of the way to the shore. He finally complies with your demand, placing you underneath a tree. He sits down, and when you don’t immediately follow, he pats the space beside him, looking up at you with big eyes.
    You chuckle as you join him at the base of the tree, and he smiles triumphantly.
    “Maybe it’s too soon to call, but I think I might be better at shenanigans than you.”
    You scoff. “You made me look like the grudge. That is foul play and not allowed during a night of shenanigans.”
    “Oh, excuse me. I was under the impression that there was only one rule and that was to have fun.”
    “I am not having fun.”
    “You’re not?” he frowns. “I don’t know, seemed like you were having fun.”
    “Nope, not anymore. I spent too much time and money on this makeup to consider this fun.”
    “What a shame,” he smiles. “I kind of like this look.”
    “Really?” you deadpan.
    “Yeah, it says ‘just know that if you ever break up with me, I will murder your ass.’”
    “Oh, good. That’s the energy I want to be putting out into the world.”
    Jungkook laughs. “You’re very welcome for helping you achieve your truest form.”
    You’re silent for a beat after this, both of you smiling widely at each other, and you think that you are in no rush to get home. You think that he may lean in and kiss you, because he keeps looking down at your lips, and he moves slightly forward, but his eyes completely leave yours, and he’s reaching for something on the ground instead.
    You’re about to stand up and leave, your new found sobriety horrified that you might have just embarrassed yourself, but then Jungkook is looking at you again and smiling.
   “A geode,” he said, bring a rock between the two of you. “My dad and I used to collect this when I was little.”
   You nod your head, not sure what to say because your brain just keeps screaming about how much of an idiot you are but also how cute he is, and it’s too much for you to come up with a reasonable response.
    “For you,” he smiles widely, as he reaches for your hand and places the rock into it. “Never forget our shenanigans.”
     “Never,” you agree, bringing the hand holding the rock to your heart.
      He beams at this and then stands up. “We should probably try and get home before the sun rises.”
     You nod your head, though you don’t agree. You would stay out here until the sun set again if you got to keep talking to Jungkook.  You begin the walk back to campus, showing Jungkook a shortcut you had found a few months ago, and when Jungkook should veer off to head back to his fraternity house, he keeps going straight with you. You try to fight the blush that creeps up your neck as you realize this.
    He’s talking animatedly about something Taehyung did a few weekends ago when you finally make it to your apartment. He seems to hesitate for a moment, but then he’s smiling and staying firmly on his side of the hallway.
   “Thanks for walking me back,” you said finally.
   “Of course,” he nods. “I’ll see you around, yeah?”
    You nod your head as well, a bit disappointed that yet again he isn’t attempting to kiss you, and you think for a moment that maybe this meant way more to you than it did to him.
   “Tight,” he said. “Then I better get going. Goodnight, _____.”
   “Goodnight, Jungkook.” You watched as he walked down the hallway towards the exit, and once he was out of sight you unlock the front door and make you way inside.
     You sigh as you kick off your shoes and make your way further into the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water. You’re taking your first sip when there’s a knock at the door. You check quickly to see who it is, and your heart races as familiar doe eyes stare back at you. Goosebumps cover your arms as you open the door.
   “Sorry, I just-” he nervously rubs at the back of his neck. “I forgot something,” he said, as he closed the distance between the two of you and pulled you into a kiss. Your damp clothes rub awkwardly against your body, and Jungkook’s burger breath catches you more off guard than the kiss itself, yet still you melt in his arms, and you think this is the kind of thing people write songs about.
    And when he’s pulling away, you think you want to capture the way he looks at you in a photo and look at it all day long.
    “Goodnight again, _____.”
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© gimmeyoon — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or translation onto other sites even with proper credit given is not permitted.
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cosmicmoved · 5 years
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HELLO AND WELCOME TO A LIST OF FACTS ABOUT TOMO, some useless and some not so useless!! It’s a toss-up, really. Apologies in advance for the length but I didn’t feel like smacking this one under a Read More ): Some of these are from the intro post I wrote for him when I made him for a closed rpg and some of these are newer things I forgot to write down beforehand. Some of this is also referenced in his bio page. I’m not really going to double-check if I’ve repeated myself anywhere so, if I have, sorry about that! But, hopefully, you can learn a little more about Tomo from this! I’m just dumping these all together like this as they’re mostly quick pieces of trivia and posting them all as individual headcanon posts would be a pretty clunky task? If you wanna know anything else about him, always feel free to ask!
Tomo does not take especially well to nicknames unless they’ve been approved by Tomo himself. If you give him a nickname out of the blue, he’ll probably address it directly and tell you he doesn’t like it. So far, approved nicknames are Tomo (of course) and KatsuTomo --- that one’s more of fan-title-nickname rather than one he actually uses but he came up with it himself, tweeting it out like ‘you guys can call me katsutomo from now on if you like ^^’ before changing all his handles to that exact name. Nice.
On the other hand, he does NOT like being called Tomohiko. The only people who call him that are his mum and grandparents. It’s not that he dislikes the name itself but he doesn’t believe it suits him and is much more comfortable with Tomo.
Tomo doesn’t really have any delusions of grandeur in regards to being famous or anything like that. He prefers to detach himself from the concept of fame, even though he can’t really do that and it’s not how it works, and that can cause problems in the long run but it mostly means he’s usually fairly down to Earth. He probably has more famous friends than otherwise but that’s just because they’re in closer proximity. Because Tomo’s a friendly person, he’d probably be willing to befriend most people so long as they’re not shitty-fuck-awful.
He’s not very good at watching himself in films. It depends on the film and he can do it. He will do it. It’s just a bit of a weird experience? But, uhhhh, let’s just say he once watched the one horror film he was in at the cinema (and didn’t like most of it bc he hates horror films) but he laughed during his own death scene. There were tears in his eyes. Real tears.
He’s scared of bugs and ghosts. (for reference, i have had him join a conversation (in an ic groupchat) by making jokes about the place everyone was staying was haunted btu it turned back on him when it became clear he actually thought ghosts were scary and then he refused to go to sleep bc he’d convinced himself he was gonna get haunted.....) For the record, he doesn’t dislike ghosts or think they’re bad/evil. He’s just easily spooked!! You could probably tell him his awful long furby was demon and, despite him realistically drawing the line at demons & absolutely telling you you’re an idiot, he’d still get a little upset if you repeated it enough times. Whereas bugs? Definitely evil.
He doesn’t like dating because…well, he likes the IDEA of it but he’s the type to really fall for someone and BASICALLY? He’s scared of being dumped! He’s a bright & appealing personality with just enough edge to balance it out but he’s a bit of an emotional screwball and he feels like getting people interested is easier than keeping them interested, leading to mixed experiences with dating so he’s...kinda...settled for sleeping around a little instead. Oh well, whatever works! (does it actually work? shhhh it’s a secret…)
Like...he’s kind of an emotional wreck. He does his best not to show it on the surface and the whole...being a good actor thing probably helps with that but, beneath the top layers of Sparkly Glam Tomo, shit’s all scrambled up. He doesn’t really know what to make of himself. Acting and having friends present are the only things, he believes, keeping him grounded and together.
I’ve basically said this before but he really likes cute shit. This isn’t really reflected in how he dresses or acts or anything like that; it’s not part of the aesthetic. He just owns a lot of expensive Hello Kitty-branded shit because...it makes him happy?
He owns a kaninchen/rabbit (smaller than miniature) dachshund called Chicken (she looks roughly like this image i snagged off of google). Chicken Katsumura. It’s a terrible pun. He’s not sorry.
His hair is currently bright red. It’s a recent change (so it’s not something he’s known for) but he wanted to make a visual statement and that was that. He likes to go for more interesting colours when he’s not filming anything because it’s the only time he really gets to. I mean, he still has dyed hair in a lot of his films but it’ll usually be brown or blonde or something else more ‘realistic’.
Tomo cares a LOT about the way he dresses and styles himself. He’ll probably complain if he has to do a promo/magazine shoot and he doesn’t like the outfit he’s been given. It doesn’t actually help him half the time and he just gets told to shut up but it’s the PRINCIPLE of it !!!!!!!! 
Tomo is a competent singer. This is because, growing up, his mother made him take singing lessons in the hopes that he might follow in her idol footsteps. He was not in the least bit interested but it was fun enough for him not to complain about it (not that it would’ve helped) and, if nothing else, it helped him get the lead role in school plays. His mum is secretly happy he’s best friends with a popstar because, hey, close enough.
He’s watched his dad’s films. He doesn’t think he was a very good director, he was better at acting, and is kind of mad that he was ignored as a kid in favour of that shite. I can’t say he was a big fan of his dad in general but he can’t really say anything about it since he’s...dead. I’ve said before that he’s always at odds with his mum but he actually does care about her. He can’t stay in a room with her for too long if she starts lecturing him and has hung up on her mid-call many times but he DOES love her a lot. As guilty as he feels about it, he’s not sure he can say the same about his dad.
He hates being asked about his dad in interviews --- he’d rather not be asked about his parents too much in general but going to Japan and being asked about his mother instead was weirdly refreshing for him. He’d rather talk about his mum’s short string of innocent pop hits than a bunch of films he actively dislikes.
When it comes to food, he doesn’t have especially refined tastes. His favourite food is tuna-mayo onigiri from 7-Eleven. Maybe this why he doesn’t judge Minwoo for his pretends-to-be-a-vegetarian-so-ppl-won’t-complain-abt-his-fussy-eating scam.
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j0ebay · 6 years
Kiss Me Goodbye... Chapter 4
Warning(s): swearing, violence, this is probably trash tbh
Word Count: 3238
A/N: YAY IM ACTUALLY POSTING ACTUAL WRITING AGAIN!!!!! I’m so so so deeply sorry this took me like eight million years to actually do but hopefully it’s good! I’m really stoked this chapter is finally out so enjoy and feedback is deeply appreciated!! 💙
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chapter 3     chapter 5
an extra thank you to @starksmile for the amazing moodboard!!
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“Now he’s gone. I don't know why and to this day sometimes I cry. He didn’t even say goodbye. He didn’t take the time to lie.” -Nancy Sinatra
Lindsey groans as her alarm goes off. She feels around her nightstand for her phone, slapping her pair of cheaters off in the process.
“Shit” She grumbles. She eventually finds her phone and turns her alarm off.
Haz🥞 1 new photo message.
She unlocks the rectangular device to see the picture Harrison was talking about the night before. The memory from that day hits her like a train, causing her to smile. She saves it and makes it her home screen, deeming it appropriate for the season.
Harrison’s nose scrunches up as he feels the sun on his face. He rubs his eyes with the backs of his hands and grabs his phone from the charger
Linds🤗 Damn, we’re cute
He chuckles to himself, typing back a quick response.
Haz🥞 I’m afraid that’s all you, sweetheart
Harrison could almost see her blushing, reading his message. Slowly & surely, he rolls out of bed and trudges down the hallway to the kitchen. He pours his cup of coffee, rubbing the sleep deprivation out of his crystal blue eyes yet again.
“I think I’m gonna keep someone watching her.” Harrison turns around to see Tom.
“Just cause, Y’know, Chris probably has friends and she seemed really freaked out yesterday.” Haz nods.
“We can always offer her a spot here too.” He suggests. Tom purses his lips.
“She can’t know what we do, Haz. Or, at least she couldn’t when we were younger. However, we’re older now and she does live in a pretty crappy neighborhood.” Harrison nods again.
“I think having her stay here should be like a last resort or something. ‘Cause you and Harry killing that son of a bitch last night might have affiliated her with us or just the mob in general. Having her stay here would definitely do so. It would put her in a lot of danger, Tom. But, at the same time, we”re here and her dad insisted she knew at least basic hand to hand before he died, so it’s not like she would be completely helpless.” Tom lets out a deep and raspy chuckle.
“You’ve thought a lot about this haven’t you?” Harrison’s cheeks turn to a light crimson as he directs his gaze to his mug full of the dark liquid.
“Shut up.”
Lindsey lets out a heavy sigh as she waits for her drink. She checks her phone and rolls her eyes as the barista announced the second “Beyoncé” in ten minutes. Lindsey cracks a small smile at the picture of her and Harrison.
“Lindsey” the barista calling her name snaps her out of her thoughts. She smiles at the woman, takes her drink, turns around and is instantly met with another body.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! I didn’t even look where I was going! I-“ she’s cut off by the sound of male laughter.
“It’s fine, really. I don’t think any got on me so it’s no trouble.” She shyly looks up to see a gorgeous brown haired, hazel eyed man, roughly her age.
“Y-you sure?” She asks, looking down and clearing some strands of hair out of her face. The man laughs again.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’m Chad by the way.” He holds out his hand. She lightly shakes it.
“Lindsey.” Chad flashes a blinding smile.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” She lets out a soft giggle, soon cut off by his phone buzzing.
“Shoot, I have to go” he sighs. Lindsey lowers her head.
“But I’d love to talk with you more. Can I get your number?” Lindsey looks up at him in shock.
“Um, y-yeah, definitely.” She manages to studded out. He lets out a small chuckle as they exchange phones and start typing away. His touch lingered as he handed her phone back, causing her cheeks to turn pink. She quickly texts Tom with a smile on her face.
Lindsey Fuller TOM GUESS WHAT
“YOU MET A GUY?” Grace screams at her roommate upon hearing the news. Lindsey excitedly nods, tying her scarf around her neck, finalizing her outfit for work.
“I’m off!” She announces, grabbing her set of keys from the bowl by the door.
“Aren’t you leaving a little early for work?” Grace asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Car’s in the shop remember?” Lindsey asks, walking out the door, shooting finger guns at her friend.
Tom locks his phone and lets out a heavy sigh.
“Everything alright?” Tom jumps at the sudden lack of silence.
“Jesus, Haz. Don’t do that. Yeah, everything’s fine, that was just Jack with the Lindsey update.”
Harrison’s eyes widen.
“What’s going on? Is she okay?” Tom chuckles at his friend’s overprotectiveness.
“Yeah, she’s fine. She’s at work and I guess she’s doing really well considering everything that’s happened to her. Apparently, according to her at least, she met some guy today.” Harrison raises his eyebrows.
“She told you that? Not Jack?” Tom shakes his head, causing Haz to shrug.
“Well, fingers crossed he doesn’t break her heart, then.” Tom laughs.
“Amen to that, mate. But, don’t pretend you hate holding her” He teases.
“Fuck off, Tom” Harrison groans, throwing a pen at his best friend.
“Headin’ home, Linds?” The dark haired girl hears her manager ask from behind her. She turns around to meet Karlie’s gaze and nods.
“Yeah, I’m clocking out.” She looks out the window to see a pitch black sky.
“Well, thank you for coming back so quickly, love. This place is really different without you here.”
Lindsey smiles, untying her apron and pulling her jacket on. Lindsey takes a deep breath before stepping out of the door. Memories of the parking lot flooded her brain.
“He can’t hurt you anymore” she whispers to herself. As she walks home, she continuously looks over her shoulder, acknowledging the lingering feeling of someone following her. She subtly offsets her walking pace and hears another pair of feet trailing her. She opens her phone and texts Harry
Linds✌ do you have a car?
She opens the map app on her phone and finds a diner open 24 hours for her to hide in. Surely if there’s a suspicious person following you in the dark, light would drown them out, right? Lindsey’s phone buzzes with a response.
Harreh😋 Yeah, why?
She quickly types back, being sure to keep her head down.
Linds✌ can you come pick me up if it’s not too much trouble? My car’s in the shop and I think someone’s following me. I’m about to hide in Mickey’s Diner.
She sighs, pressing send, running a hand through her hair, then stuffing her hands in her pockets.
“Guys,” Harry began, announcing his presence to Tom and Harrison.
“I think Linds is onto us.” He said. Both of the boys’ eyebrows snap together in confusion.
“What makes you say that?” Tom asks. Harry gestures to his phone. The three crown around it and read the recent conversation.
“Mickey’s isn’t that far of a drive, maybe five minutes?” Haz starts, while Tom grabs his phone and starts typing furiously.
“We could be like the knights in shining armor or something,” Harrison suggests.
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE NOT WATCHING HER?” Tom screams into his phone.
“I give you one fucking job, nothing else, solely so you can focus on this and you’re telling me that you just decided to fuck off once she got to work?” Harry takes this as a sign and jogs out to the car, Harrison following close behind.
Harreh😋 Be there in five, don’t go anywhere else, act natural, don’t draw attention to yourself
Lindsey sighs, sipping more of her water and pressing her back up against the booth in front of the wall. Anxiously bouncing her leg, she keeps her eye on the door and her back to the wall.
“Is there anything else i can get you, sweetheart?” The waitress asks her. Lindsey shakes her head, smiling up at the woman.
“Just more water, please.” The waitress nods and walks to grab the water pitcher. Lindsey checks her phone once again, wondering where Harry was.
“Back to the wall, clever” a familiar voice snaps her out of her daze, along with the sound of people sitting down. She looks up and releases her held breath at the sight of Harry and Harrison?
“Oh my god” Lindsey sighs with a hint of laughter.
“You scared the crap outta me!” The three of them laugh as the waitress walks back over with water.
“Anything I can get for you gentlemen?”
“No thanks,” Harry replies, followed by Lindsey asking for the check.
“Love, you only had water! You’re good to go!” The waitress exclaims. Lindsey smiles and tips her. As the three walk out of the diner, Lindsey leans over to Harry.
“That’s Haz?” He smirks and nods. She giggles a bit.
“Damn” Harrison turns around once they get outside.
“Oi, Linds, I think someone owes me a hug?” She laughs, running into his open arms. The two look at each other in a fit of laughter while Harry takes his phone out.
“Hi” Harrison mumbles, pressing his lips to her forehead. Lindsey giggles at the sudden gesture.
“Y’know, Tom and Harry were right” she whispers. Haz raises his eyebrows, prompting her to continue.
“You totally had a glo up” she smiles and pokes his stomach.
The two are interrupted by Harry clearing his throat.
“When you both are done, Linds, you’re staying with us tonight. Tom said you’re not going anywhere near that shithole neighborhood of yours, at least for tonight, alright?”
“But I’m still in my work clothes!” Lindsey protests.
“No buts, love. Just wear something of mine” Haz grabs her shoulders, rubbing her arms slightly. She lets out a heavy sigh.
“I don’t have a choice, do I?”
Tom hears a knock on his office door. “Yeah” He becons.
Harrison walks in.
“She’s here, mate” Tom looks up from his paperwork, acknowledging his friend.
“Everything go alright?” He asks. Haz nods.
“Yeah, man, she’s good. She’s in the shower right now. Is it cool if she stays with me tonight?” Tom raises his eyebrow and leans back in his chair.
“Got somethin’ you wanna tell me, Haz?” Harrison sighs, running a hand through his light brown curls.
“You know I was trying to sort out feelings in high school. That’s all I’m gonna say” Tom shrugs.
“Fair enough” He mutters.
“She can stay in your room if she’s cool with it. I should probably go up and see her soon. Y’know, say hi and all that stuff.” He says, closing up his work.
“Thank you so much, Tom” Harrison sighs, closing the door behind him. He walks up the stairs to his room, finding a toweled Lindsey in the process.
“Feelin’ better?” He asks in a tone softer than usual. She smiles back at him and nods.
“What am i supposed to wear?” She whispers, causing the two to lightly chuckle. Haz leads her to his room and closes the door.
“You can just wear something of mine. I have like a sweatshirt and shorts or something.” He grabs said clothing items and hands them to her. She leaves for the bathroom and soon returns.
“I can’t believe you idiots live here. This place is huge!” Harrison laughs and Lindsey bites her cheek.
“What is it? Is everything okay?” She looks down.
“If i asked for another hug, would that be too much?” She mumbles. Harrison laughs again, walking over to her and scooping her into his arms.
“Get over here, silly girl” he groans. She hurries her face in the crook of his neck. Harrison looks down at her, content with life. Lindsey mumbles something incoherent, causing his eyebrows to furrow.
“What was that, darling?” He asks, holding her tighter. She raises her face barely a millimeter.
“I said i missed you” she mumbles, groggily. Harrison lets out a soft chuckle, pressing his lips to her forehead once more.
“I know, love. I missed you too” he replies, slowly rocking her back and forth.
“You wanna sleep in here tonight or you wanna sleep in the guest room?” He mumbles into her hair. Lindsey looks up at him.
“Wishing to relive the glory days are we?” Harrison says nothing but moves his hands to her sides, wiggling his fingers ever so slightly, sending her in a fit of giggles.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Lindsey squeals as she feels her knees almost buckle. Harrison stills his movements, keeping his hands on her hips and allowing her to catch her breath.
“Are you alright with me staying here tonight? I really missed you and I’m kinda still freaked out a little” Harrison feels his jaw clenched slightly at the thought of someone scaring her.
“Of course, love. Tell ya what,” he starts, placing his hands on her shoulders.
“You get comfy here, I’ll go make some popcorn and we’ll have ourselves a little movie night, yeah?” Lindsey smiles brightly at the man.
“This better include cuddles or I’m gonna cry” Harrison scoffs.
“You actually think after all these years, we finally get reunited and I don’t want to watch movies, eat junk food and use my favorite girl as a blanket? Camomile, Fuller. You’re off your game” Lindsey smiles and looks at their feet, hiding the evident blush on her cheeks. The two are interrupted by a knock on Haz’s door.
“Yeah?” He asks. Tom enters.
“I’m not interrupting anything am I?” He asks, taking in the closeness of the two. Lindsey slowly steps away from Harrison and pulls Tom in for a hug.
“Thank you,” she whispers, making Tom smile.
“Of course, darling. You’re family, after all” he says, pressing a kiss to her forehead. They pull away.
“You mind if I ask you some stuff, Linds?” She nods, prompting Harrison to walk towards the door.
“I guess I’ll make the popcorn then” Harrison eventually finds Harry in the kitchen.
“How’s she doin’ mate?” Haz smiles.
“She’s doing alright. A bit shaken up, obviously. She still loves hugs ‘n stuff. ‘N right now, Tom’s question her about… I don’t even know at this point” The two boys laugh.
“Probably just ‘How are you doing? Did you catch a glimpse of the dude following you? Do you still have a crush on Haz?’ that kinda thing” Harry chuckles as Harrison slaps him on the bicep.
“Relax, man. I was only joking” Tom enters the kitchen, announcing his presence with a heavy sigh.
“She still thinks it’s that Chris jackass, or someone connected to him” Harrison runs a hand through his unruly curls.
“But can’t we just tell her we took care of him?” Harry asks with an annoyed tone.
“I already told her you both took care of him but I’m pretty sure she thought i meant talking to him or something” Haz mumbles.
“I know Gideon said to keep her out of the loop as much as possible but,” Tom trails off
“I think it’s time we tell her what we do for a living”
“ARE YOU MAD?” Harrison screams.
“DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH DANGER THAT COULD PUT HER IN?” The Holland brothers shush him.
“I mean, Tom kinda has a point,” Harry mutters.
“If you think about it, bringing her here, hell, even just killing that guy tell people she’s with us. You never really know who’s watching, we all know that. If she was followed by someone other than Jack just then, aside from some random asshole on the street, then we have a serious problem-“
“What Harry’s trying to say, is that she’s already in danger. She might as well know the truth about everything that’s been going on” Tom interjects.
Lindsey hears the murmurs from downstairs and furrows her eyebrows, trying to make out exactly what the boys were saying. She knew they were talking about her, obviously, thanks to Harrison yelling. The sound of of someone walking upstairs, towards Harrison’s room graces Lindsey’s ears. Quickly, she leans back on the bed and pulls out her phone, making herself look occupied with something else. The door slowly opens, revealing Haz with a big bowl of popcorn.
“You still like it horrendously over salted, right?” He asks with a giant smile on his face, causing her to laugh.
“Well that depends,” she says in between laughter.
“On what?” Haz questions, starting to unbutton his dress shirt.
“Also, you don’t mind if I change in front of you, right?” Lindsey shakes her head.
“No, you’re cool. Unless you burnt the popcorn again” Harrison playfully glares at her.
“That was one time” He whines, removing his shirt.
Lindsey’s eyebrows raise. Haz had definitely gone to the gym since they last saw each other. He looks over and smirks.
“Enjoying the show?” Lindsey scoffs and throws a pillow at him. The blue eyed man only laughs at his friends actions as he pulls on a grey t-shirt. As soon as his pants come off, Lindsey bursts into a fit of laughter.
“Batman boxers? Really Haz?” He has an annoyed smile on his face.
“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, Fuller. Quick question, do you want to sleep all alone in the guest room tonight?” She lets out one more giggle and throws her hands up in defeat. As soon as he pulls his pajama pants on, Harrison jumps onto the bed, causing the, both to laugh. Eventually, he situates himself so the two are both laying on their sides, facing each other.
“Hi” she mumbles. He gently slides his arm over her waist.
“Hi” he responds, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She softly giggles, being sure to cherish the moment unfolding before her eyes. Slowly and delicately, he turns so he’s laying on his back and pulls her closer, muttering
“C’mere, pretty girl” in a low, groggy tone. Lindsey buries her head in his chest.
“Shut up” He chuckles and holds her closer.
“Let’s watch something, yeah?” He asks, softly. She nods and he slowly reaches to grab the remote, while rubbing circles on her back. Lindsey hums in contentment.
“I missed this” She whispers. Harrison brushes the hair out of her face. He cues up the office, directing his eyes towards the TV screen, before hearing Lindsey laugh.
“I can’t believe you remembered the beach” She leans up slightly and runs a hand through her hair to clear it out of her face. Harrison chuckles as well.
“Who could forget a rescue mission?”
The two laugh, recalling the memory. His thumb starts rubbing circles on her arm.
“Keep that up and I’m totally falling asleep on you, Osterfield” She mumbles, breaking the comfortable silence between the two.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing” He mutters back, pressing his lips to her forehead yet again. She nuzzles herself deeper into his chest .
“It is!” She protests. Harrison cocks an eyebrow.
“How is you finally getting some decent amount of sleep, a bad thing?” Lindsey rubs her eyes.
“Cause it’s less time spent catching up with you” Harrison feels his heart fill. He squeezes her arm, causing her to look up at him. He returns the small smile she gives him.
After five minutes of watching TV, Harrison hears Lindsey’s breathing steady. He looks down to see her sleeping figure.
“Goodnight, sweet girl” He whispers, pressing one more kiss to her cheek before turning the TV off and joining her in peaceful slumber.
strikethrough means it wont let me tag you. please message me!!!
@og-baby-ob14 @were-all-gay-down-here @girlreaderr @saturn-aka-six @theasexualbunny @random-stuff-18 @marvelismylifffe @spiderdudeparker
Harrison Osterfield
@brighterholland @gryfinpuffs @mischiefmanaged49 @the-queen-procrastinator @desir-ae
Kiss Me Goodbye...
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marshmallowgoop · 6 years
First I want to thank you for writing these super detailed KLK posts! Whenever I'm sad or just bored I turn to your blog and I always find something new to read and to light up my mood! I have a (really pointless) question: What do you think are the hobbies of the pratagonists? We don't really see them in Slice of Life situations, so what for example did Ryuko do all day before the events of the series when she didn't have to fight all the time? (Sorry for my bad english!)
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I’m super flattered and touched to hear that my work has such a positive influence on you! Thank you!
Your question isn’t “really pointless” at all. In creating characters, I think it’s actually pretty crucial to consider what they’d enjoy doing in their free time. Of course no one is defined by their hobbies, but someone’s passions and interests do speak a lot about what kind of person they are.
You’re right that Kill la Kill doesn’t especially delve into the protagonist’s day-to-day lives, but we do get some pieces here and there. 
In regards to Ryuko, one reason that I love the first ending sequence so much is because it’s a great look at what things were like for her before she finds herself in a fantasy-action-comedy anime, lol.
Ryuko’s loneliness is easily the most striking part of the ED—I mean, it’s just about palpable—but you also get a sense of what kind of girl she is, too. And she’s curious! She walks around town, grabs some coffee, shops a bit, sees what’s up. Ryuko may not have any friends, but that doesn’t stop her from getting out and about. She comes off as the type who both wants to see the world and is fascinated by it. I bet she’d go on hikes or just wander around for fun.
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So, maybe kinda related, while I don’t especially see Ryuko as studious (she falls asleep in class and when she’s supposed to be cramming in the first Drama CD, lol), I can imagine that she’d enjoy reading for pleasure. You know—opening her mind up and learning some stuff! Animators Kengo Saito and Sushio have even drawn fanart of Ryuko doing just that:
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Plus, one of the stickers on Ryuko’s guitar case is of her favorite mascot character, Kuri-chan, from a 4-panel manga series of the same name. Considering that Ryuko only has one other sticker on her guitar case (which just notes her year in high school), I think it’s pretty evident that she’s got some passion for stories.
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And speaking of Ryuko’s guitar case, one of my favorite headcanons is that Ryuko plays guitar and sings! She had to get that case from somewhere, and her voice actress, Ami Koshimizu, is an accomplished singer. Given how devoted Ryuko is to her quest to find out who killed her dad, she’s clearly got a lotta strong emotions, and I could really imagine Ryuko expressing those emotions through music.
She’d just… probably keep it to herself and be too shy to let anyone hear her. But hopefully that’d change after the events of Kill la Kill!
And okay, I know I’m probably one of the only people in the entire world thinking about what the hobbies of a sailor uniform are, but hey. 
Even more than Ryuko, I really see Senketsu as a total bookworm. Plus, he’s definitely about a million times more studious than she is (even if he falls asleep in class too, lol). I mean, the kid did all that cramming for Ryuko in the first Drama CD without even being asked to! He’s obviously super into reading and learning.
Considering how much Senketsu talks about romance in his episode preview narrations, I also totally headcanon him as a hopeless romantic. I bet he begs Ryuko to read tons of shoujo manga with him and cries at all the sappy parts. bermuda_irmk over on Twitter drew some amazing fanart of this, and I completely accept it as Canon.
Now, I 1000% see Satsuki as the studious type. When it’s canon that she has the highest grades in Honnouji Academy, I can completely see her as the kind of girl who spends practically all of her free time with her nose in a book, just trying to understand and learn everything she can.
Before and during the events of the series, I’d also imagine that Satsuki devotes an incredible amount of time to learning combat. She’d probably read on the subject and train with sword masters to the point of total exhaustion. While I’m sure that Satsuki has a boatload of natural talents and skills, given how alarmingly prepared she is for everything, I figure she’d still go completely overboard in her training and studies. While it’s a sad comparison, I could see her as being a bit like Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender: immensely talented but still hard working and utterly determined to not let even a single hair be out of place.
The light novel reveals that Satsuki used to be a happy and bubbly girl before her father literally put the entire world on her shoulders and abandoned her, so as a child, I’d imagine that Satsuki would partake in more… light-hearted hobbies. Maybe she’d beg her dad to read fairytales to her or make her own clothes for her dolls. In fact, Shiro is playing with a string doll he made himself when he meets Satsuki, and when Soroi introduced Shiro to Satsuki in the first place so that she could have someone to play with, I don’t think it’s too outlandish to consider that they played with dolls together as kids. At least a little bit!
Plus, when Soichiro/Isshin clearly has some sewing and crafting skills—he made Senketsu and the Scissor Blades, after all—I could imagine these father-daughter projects where Satsuki and her dad would make things together. Maybe Soichiro would even nerd out about science with her! And unlike Ryuko, who’s not exactly the most studious and doesn’t really seem to have an interest in science, I could definitely see Satsuki being inspired by it.
After the events of the series, I’d like to think that Satsuki would finally be able to relax and return to doing what she loved as a child, such as reading stories just for fun and pleasure. Like with Ryuko, Sushio has also drawn fanart of Satsuki seemingly doing just that:
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Mako strikes me as a super artistic kind of girl. In “Mako’s Story,” there are many illustrations where she’s building or creating—be it drawing with chalk, arranging colored leaves, or sculpting snowmen and snow forts. I get the sense that she’d like to spend her free time doodling in sketchbooks or shaping clay.
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Given her final “Hallelujah!” in episode 24, Mako also clearly has a passion for fashion. If she had the resources, I could totally see her designing clothes, and I bet she’s quite thrifty and uses what she does have to come up with some fun outfits and styles. Sushio’s definitely drawn fanart of as much! I mean, just look at Mako’s Nonon makeover:
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Nonon: What is this.
Like Ryuko, I could also easily picture Mako as a singer. I mean, she does actually sing a few times in the show! Plus, if nothing else, given her “Hallelujahs!,” she certainly loves to perform. Her voice actress, Aya Suzaki, is also quite an accomplished singer, too!
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It’s also worth it to note that Mako was once in the Tennis Club, so there’s clearly some interest in sports as well. I think she’d like to be active and running around, so things like tennis, track, or basketball might be up her alley.
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This post has become quite a monster, so maybe I ought to write about my headcanons for other characters’ hobbies elsewhere, but I will say that for characters like the Elite Four and Shiro, we already get a good sense of what they like to do in their free time based off of the clubs they’re in charge of and what we learn about them in the light novel. Uzu is super dedicated to kendo and konnyaku (because his parents run a konnyaku shop), Gama is interested in metalworking like his uncle, Houka is super into IT (and apparently is amazing at the stock market, lol), Nonon loves classical music and insists that it sounds best on record players, and Shiro is passionate about sewing and Life Fiber research.
While I kinda wrote a book here, I hope it’s still at least kind of interesting! I’m also curious about what others think on the subject, too! After all, a lot of the appeal of Sushio’s post-series fanart for me is that we get some insight into what these characters’ lives would be like after the battle.
And, well. I can’t get enough of it! It’s so sweet.
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altonadventures · 6 years
So...because its Friday and I usually update AA on Fridays, I figured it was time to make my big announcement! 
And that is...that Alton Adventures is changing. A little bit. 
Am I rebooted the comic again? No haha! Once I get back to it it shall continue as normal but some characters may look a bit different going forward. 
Who may those characters be?
Sir Gareth Nemesis 
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Why is he changing? 
Sir Nemesis’ change is actually less drastic than one may think. For starters, he needed a design rehaul. I wanted his armor to be more simple, easier to draw but with still details that could tie him to Nemesis (the green eye, the arms, the light pink details instead of inconsistent tentacles). I also had an issue where his hair was too close to his skin color, so to combat this I turned him into a ginger! His eye color also changed from gold to green, another thing to visually tie him more to Nemesis. 
So yes, I changed Sir Nem’s design because I was unhappy with it. His armor was never drawn consistently ever, I was constantly changing the tone of his hair and his skin so that was inconsistent. I want my designs to be more consistent and polished going forward.
What else is different? Well, you can probably tell he looks much more serious, like in older pictures I drew of him. Why is that? Well, I was kind of..honestly tired of his role as the “dad character tm” that he kind of turned out to be. It almost undermined his true characterization and turned him into a typical over the top exaggerated hero character. And I started to realize how much I missed his original concept. A battle hardened solider that was filled with regret and remorse, who heavily sympathizes with the plight of the alien he’s locked in combat with. He’s still much a father however, as he has a biological son and adopts an alien who mimics his likeness (hence another reason he’s a ginger now as his Nemesis daughter always was one). He’s just returned to his roots as a character. Because I felt that characterization was a unique one for the Nemesis ride. And it was an idea I really loved. Sir Nemesis actually WAS one of my favorite characters...I wanted his role to be much larger than it is in the comics. I don’t blame anyone for him becoming a joke, I did initially kind of fuel the fire for it, I’m just hoping that its not to late to get back to the Sir Nemesis I originally wanted to write. And of course, all my characters are still meme and joke worthy. I just want to tackle much more serious issues with my comic and show the more serious side of some of my characters and don’t want there entire existence to be a joke Mr.S can’t have too many folks 1 uping him in the laughs department!  I guess to note with this change that his original voice claim has also been solidified as well. It’s a more somber and serious tone that I feel fits him as a character. 
Final Notes 
Sir Nemesis is a character that I have a lot of thought put into. His backstory is tragic, emotional, and his character is complex and he’s not the perfect hero people might image him as. I plan for his Arc to follow the Fireworks arc in the comic, as well as I am planning to start some more text heavy short stories about how the Secret Weapons became Secret Weapons (which I will likely call Secret Weapon Short Stories hehe) and will be writing his first. Also a very important thing i must address. Yes, the eye on his chest moves. (I have a gif but it doesn’t want to work on this post Ill have it up later ><)
Erica Annabelle Cloud 
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ooof okay this is a huge one. Confession time. Erica was always my least favorite character. Why? She just had...no character. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with her, her design felt phoned in and there because I needed an Air/Galatica character, (yes, she is changing as her Galatica stage too). She was just. not well thought out. She had a dual identity but I think a lot of people didn’t pick up on that? She felt like a Rita 2.0 as just a nice and friendly optimistic person and literally had 0 backstory. Originally she was supposed to have had some sort of accident that turned her into Galatica and she had memory loss and forgotten about when she was Air, yeah it was a mess. That eventually just turned into Nebula Corona being a character she made up (bc her one trait was that she was into space and wrote a lot) that she played as when her rides themeing changed. 
She was just..barely a character and her design was abysmal (Her Galatica suit was okay but her Air outfit was an afterthought) She needed a massive visual upgrade. A sleeker flight suit that makes more sense (I used a ref or two for this design!) A different face shape to help her stand out more, my signature they wear glasses they have dot eyes look. Long, wispy, flowing hair to resemble those trails planes make. A bit more lanky and tall. And let me tell you I LOVE her design now. It looks so much more unique and you can just SEE she has so much more character now!  As for her characterization im going full into her being a nerd. A very tech nerd at that! She designed her suit to help her fly at her best, and eventually will be the one that designs and builds all her Galatica tech! Her Galatica design hasn’t been done yet, mostly bc I wanted to focus on her current comic canon design, but not much would change I feel with her upgrade anyways! She is effectively the brains of the group, and the others often turn to her for plans of attack when dealing with a situation, or innovative solutions to problems! I have yet to get a voice claim for her, but im sure one will come to me soon enough! 
Final Notes
Erica/Nebula was a character I struggled to connect with. Everyone else had Airs that were either super plot important, or just much more cool and creative in general. I felt, that with my Air/Galatica she was just there, and I wanted her to be more. So a full character rehaul was done with her and it makes me so happy. She feels much more fleshed out, better designed, and I’m super excited to do more stuff with her, and hopefully you will all see her much more now that I’m a lot happier with her as a character! <3 
Welp that's the end of the updates....wait. Hold on. I have something written here. What could this be? Oh! I remember now! 
Black Hole, AkA Beatrix, will be joining the MAIN CAST of Alton Adventures! 
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When I drew my Black Hole design, I knew she was something special. She stands out compared to a lot of my characters, and her design SCREAMS main character. While the biggest main roles will still be held by Mr. S and Rita, I wanted to add another non SW coaster to the main crew, and because Canonically Corkscrew is MIA, Black Hole seemed like a fitting addition to the main crew! As she isn’t human, a species literally only referred to as Black Holes, I thought making her a main character and giving her a big arc would help flesh out the reality of non humans in Alton Adventures! Her powers and design and character and personality are just too fun to shove her into the background. I feel that adding her to the main cast gives them not only another character to support them, but a closer friend! You will all see her much more in the future for certain! 
Well that's about it! In terms of comic updates themselves...its still going to be hiatus as long as I’m being swamped with school work. I hope you all understand. I’ll try to squeeze in updates over the breaks I have IF im not working on assignments for class. As I also said, I wanna do short stories as well, to expand the world and explain it better, as a comic will only develop the world so quickly and lots of you have tons of questions! I also wanna do something animated at some point, that’s my dream. I’ve ALSO mentioned to some people about merch, likely going for making stickers first since that's simple. I got an excited reaction for that so I’ll come up with designs for them soon! I just wanna do a lot with Alton Adventures, because I know how much it means to people, and of course it means so much. Goodness I really need to actually get to this park, I look quiet silly constantly gushing over a themepark I’ve never been to all the time XP  That all aside I thank you all for sticking by me. I promise that even if I don’t do comic updates as frequently during the school year, I’ll still work to push out as much AA content I can outside of that! I’m always open to suggestions to what you guys want to see! ALSO, working on a big google doc spreadsheet with info on all the characters I’ll be posting when its more completed! So be on the lookout for that! 
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Again thank you to everyone who’s stuck with me through this, Your support makes me feel nothing but proud of what I’ve created. These characters may have been created out of something some may consider silly or odd, but the only thing that matters to me if that I can make at least someone happy with what I create. 
Patreon (note that patrons got to see all of this content as it was being worked on!) l Ko-fi
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munofsilver · 7 years
Akumatized AU Chapter 6
The latest chapter of my Akumatized AU fanfic is here. Now it’s Lady WiFi turn. Ao3 Link. 
“Well it's getting late, I should head to bed,” a yawned and stretched. I hug mom and dad then I make my way to my room. I'm glad my parents were okay and supportive of me being Akumatized. Granted my mom did seem shocked maybe even scared when she first saw me. After a nice long talk, she got over it and understands. In the morning I'll tell my younger siblings. I hope they are like my parents. Since they are still little kids they may not be as understanding as I hope they will at least be supportive and not scared. I change into my Pj’s but when I walk past my mirror I notice the Pj’s had changed into my Lady Wifi outfit. “This is going to blow. Now I know why Nino and Alex still dress like Bubbler and Timebreaker,” I sighed. “Black not a good color for me. I like bright happy color. Black so dark and emo like,” I whined. Even though I know there's no point in it. Forget it I'm too tired for this. With another yawn, I crawl into bed.
This is a first. I'm the first one up. Usually, it's either mom or one of the twins. I guess it could be a good thing. I can get breakfast ready for when I tell my siblings about this. Looking down I sighs again. I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm glad that I can still do Ladyblog. I hear footsteps coming. Someone's up, but who. I was glad it was my mom and dad. Which is funny cause dad is always the last one up. “Morning Alya. How are you?” Mom asked in her usual chirping morning voice. “I'm fine. Are all my siblings up?” “So far only the twins,” dad answers. Once all three of my siblings are up we all hear them come running down the stairs. “It's now or never,” I breathed. Take a few breathes as I hear them getting closer. Is it me or did time just stop? Right now that's what it feels like.
As soon as they entered the kitchen all three stopped and stared at me. I nervously wave. “As you can see, I have been akumatized,” I started taking a short pause. When I felt ready I continued. “As you all know with the few that have been akumatized I'm pretty much going to be like this for a while. I don't know how long. Hopefully not that long,” I whisper that last part good thing no one noticed. Maybe, my dad, he did give me a look that seemed like he was telling me he did. Not important right now. “I just want you three to know, that I'm still your same big sister. Just with powers that I promise to never use on any of you.” I held on hand up with my fingers spread apart while place the other one over my heart with my fingers spread like the other hand. Something my family does when we make a promise. I will keep this promise.
None of them seem scared or worried. If I had to say I think they are just confused and once they get used to it everything will somewhat be back to normal. After breakfast, I help my mom clear off the table before I head to school. Now to face everyone at school. I now understand how Alix, Nino, Ivan, and all other akumatized people feel and what they themselves go through on their first day. Just like them, I'm going to have to talk with Mr. Damocles. Base on what Nino said he has to do every morning before school, I know what it'll be about. I look at my phone in my left hand. “This was once my weapon. I'm scared to turn it on let alone use it. I don't care if Mr. Damocles never returns it.” As I walk pass Ivan, I didn't know he lived so close to me until he was akumatized, I wave and he stops me. “Not you too,” he called. I look up to meet his eyes.
“Yup even me,” I replayed a bit coldly. “Has anyone else been?” He asks. Still looking at him. 'How did he not notice all the adults floating away with Bubbler? Or the huge weather change with Stormy Weather?' “Just three others. Nino and Alix sadly did get akumatized. Mylene didn't.” “I know Mylene didn't. She still visits me every day. Unless she can't for some reason. Was Nino the one that made the bubbles?” I only nod. “What about the other one?” “She goes to our school but isn't in our class. I think her name is Aurore. Do you know her?” Ivan looks up like he was trying to remember. “I think I saw her a few times but never talked to her.” My reporter instinct kicked in. “If Mylene visits you every day, how come you never knew about Nino and Alix being akumatized?” “Easy, we never talk about that. I just know about the bubbles cause I saw them.”
Smart of Mylene to do that, at the same time Ivan should know these things. I look at my watch. My dad lets me have his since I don't even want to look at my phone right now. Not yet anyway. “Sorry, Ivan but I don't want to be late. I don't need to be even more noticeable.” I try to laugh but it sounds like I'm coughing while crying. I can't tell if he's smiling or not. Can he smile? We wave and I dash off towards school, where I found Marinette, Adrien, and Nino waiting for me. Marinette I knew would be waiting, when it's big she's on time. The other two I kind of wasn't expecting. “Alya!” Marinette cheered. Causing the other two to look up. Since they were sitting on the steps. Nino and Adrien stood up when I got to them. “Hi,” I say with a wave. “How are you?” Of course, Marinette would ask that. Nino as a look telling her don't go there. I give him a wave telling him it's okay. We talked for a bit then Nino had to do his morning drop off.
Not wanting to wait I go with him. As soon as we walked in the office I place my phone on Mr. Damocles's desk, he looks up at me in surprise. “Sorry sir, I have a feeling you were going to talk to me about doing this,” I said with a boost of confidence. “You are correct. Now we don't need our talk. Just tell your teacher we already did when you enter your classroom. As I'm sure you know you need to do this every morning before school starts.” I nod with a straight face of no fear and marched out of the office. As I pass Nino he was just standing there holding his sword thing with a dumbfound look on his face. Once I entered the classroom I delivered my message to Miss. Bustier before taking my seat. I like that she doesn't let the fact that some of her students are akumatized bother her. She treats them like nothing happened. Unlike Ms. Mendeleiev it feels like she harder on them. Calling on them more and always watching the few as they are walking around school. There's a reason we all call her The Hag.
Lunchtime and now I just notice I didn't have anything. I'll just get something from the cafeteria or maybe join Marinette when she heads home for lunch. Another surprised the same three that greeted me this morning asking me to join them for lunch at a cafe close to school. Going down the stairs outside I see Nathaniel on the last step. He stops me by holding out his arm in front of me. I notice he was holding something in his hand. “For you,” he said not looking at me but his shoes. I take it and he runs up the stairs. Right away I look at what he has given me. A drawing of me holding my camera while I interview Ladybug and Cat Noir. I'm not akumatized and it's in color. “Why are you smiling like that?” Marinette's voice brought me back. I showed everyone the drawing Nathaniel did. “Oh yeah. He made me one too,” Nino cheered. “That is nice of Nathaniel,” Marinette chirped. After lunch instead of going to the classroom, I head to the library. I know he will be there. He's always there or some other quiet place.
Sure enough. In the way back is Nath, drawing like always. I tap his shoulder. His head pops up like I punched him. “Hey Nath, thanks for the drawing. Did you do one for Ivan, Alix, and  Aurore?” He only nods. “That's very nice of you, Nathaniel.” Marinette's sunny voice comes from behind. We both look at her. I notice Nathaniel turning red and sliding down his chair. Facing back at him I ask my question, “Why? Just curious. I do like the drawing.” Still red but no longer sliding down he still looking at Marinette while answering my question. “I know it must be hard to have to go through what they did. I was hoping that my drawing could make them feel a little better,” by the end of the sentence he was looking at me. “You are so sweet Nathaniel,” Marinette cheered causing him to blush more. 'It seems someone has a crush.' He not as bad as Marinette. We wave goodbye to Nath as we return to join the others in the classroom.
We still have time before class starts, so it's only the four of us. I just remember something else I wanted to ask Nath. I could ask Marinette or Nino. They do know him the longest. “Nino, Mari, a question for you two. You have known Nath the longest out of us four. Does he usually color his drawings?” They both look at each other then back at me. “To be honest the picture he drew for me was the only drawing of his I've seen,” Nino shrugs. “I've seen some of his drawings he had to do for Art class. Does that count?” Marinette has her pointer finger on her chin and is looking up. “Compare those draws to the one he sends me. Are they similar?” All look at the drawing I place in front of me. “The art style is the same,” Marinette whispers for some reason. 'That means he puts the same effort in both.' “I have seen some colored one he did for Art class. They had to be colored. I can tell he did s rush job on those but not on this one,” Marinette scratches her head. 'If only I could see some of his other colored drawings. Both for Art class and for others.' Nino brought his out and places it next to mine. “That's a nice pose,” I remark studying the drawing. An idea lights up my head.  An idea I almost forgot when Adrien spoke up. “Alya, are you still going to tun the Ladyblog?” I'm surprised that no one asks me that this morning. I have a feeling Adrien been wanting to ask that all day.
I had to think. Should I? That would be hard if I have to give my phone up every day at school. “I don't know. I can't have my phone with me at school. So if an akuma attack happens during school I won't be able to get any video.” “Try a regular camera,” Nino speaks in an ambivalent sounding voice. “I guess I could buy a cheap one with my allowance,”  I shrug pulling out my wallet. “If need be I can help out with my babysitting money,” Marinette offered. She's nice like that. No wonder everyone gets along so well with her. After school, I put my idea into a plan and get right on it. “You can go on without me okay, Marinette.” She just nods and leaves. Looking up I see Nathaniel putting his stuff in his bag.  “Hey, Nath!”
Man did he jump. “H.....Hi Alya.” he stumbled. “Draw me something,” I order him slamming a blank piece of paper in front of him. “I...What....I.” He tries to talk. I try a different approach. “Draw me something please, Nath.” He just stares at me and blinks a few times. “Umm OK,” he was able to say, sounding unsure. Getting out a pen he drew a little fox. “Can you color it, please?” I ask with a cute smile. I can tell he's nerves by the look in his eyes, as he digs around in his bag. He brings out a white box. Opening it I see a bunch of barely uses color pencils, pens, and markers. I guess he doesn't color much. That's one of the things I wanted to find out. He colors the picture and slides to me. It's not as good as the picture he given me before or the one Nino showed me. 'He does put more effort into the ones he handed out. The drawing seems to be the same. The one I have is cleaner. The coloring isn't as good.' I pick up the picture. “Thanks, Nathaniel.” I hummed as I walk away. I got the answers I wanted I felt good. I met up with Marinette outside after picking up my phone and we hang out at her house for a bit before I head home.
Looking at the phone in my hand I wonder. 'Does my power work on all phones or just mine?' I need to test this. If not then I can use another phone for my videos. I do need a new phone anyways cause I can't really do anything with this one. I got a surprise when I got home. There was a gift in my room. When I opened it there was a brand spanking new phone with a card. Your father and I thought that you might need a new phone. Love mom. They were so right. I'll thank them at dinner. Now I test my idea. Turns out it only works on my first phone. Glad to know that.
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