#hopefully its not to heart wrenching lol
areyousanta · 11 months
Ooh would you want to draw Alphonse with Heather House?
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Stars alpha reacting to their partner pulling a Richard and sacrificing themselves for them?
"Pulling a Richard" lol.
I'd like to apologize in advance to Lisa Trevor for this.
Joseph Frost, Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, Brad Vickers, Barry Burton, and Albert Wesker reacting to their s/o sacrificing themselves to save them.
(Gender ambiguous).
Warnings: death, blood, gore.
Masterlists here!
Joseph Frost
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Arklay Mountains. It’s the evening of July 24, 1998. Led by Captain Wesker, you and four other members of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team are searching for signs of Bravo team and pilot Kevin Dooley, with whom contact was lost the day prior. 
You trudge through the tall grass, gun unholstered and flashlight scanning over every dark shape in your path.
A persistent sense of unease hangs in the air. You’d be hard-pressed to think of another time you’ve felt so on edge while on the job. 
There's shifting behind you. You whip your head around.
Joseph is standing there with his gun. "Jumpy?" he teases half-heartedly. You roll your eyes at him and resume what you were doing.
"Hey... wait a sec..." He motions for you to come over.
"What is it?" You point your light down as you approach. It catches a metal object laying in the grass between you. It's a gun. A standard-issue Beretta.
Joseph bends down to pick it up, which is when you realize that it's attached to something.
It's a hand.
A human hand with no human attached to it.
Joseph drops the severed part in shock. Both of you jolt away from it with a yelp.
Upon further inspection, realize that you know who it used to belong to. You recognize the fingerless glove and the wristwatch. They're part of a S.T.A.R.S. uniform. More specifically, the uniform of Edward Dewey from Bravo team.
For a moment, the only thing you can hear is the wind and your heart pounding in your ears. You can do nothing but stare in disbelief. 
There have been a lot of deaths lately. Gruesome ones. 
You’ve seen the crime scene photos.
You’ve seen the crime scenes.
They’re difficult to stomach.
But the feeling that washes over you here and now is particularly visceral. Every last drop of blood in your body has run cold. You feel dangerously close to hurling.
Edward is someone you see almost every day. He...
He’s a great man. A friend of yours.
He can’t be...
You finally manage to tear your gaze away and look at Joseph. 
“...Eddie can still be kicking,” he says blankly. “Guy doesn’t need both hands to live.”
Yeah, Edward can still be out there. Alive. Hopefully. He's tough...
Is that...
...growling you're hearing?
Out of the corner of your eye, you realize something—multiple somethings are rapidly approaching. Joseph notices just a beat later than you do.
“Joey, watch out!” With all of your might, you shove your partner out of harm’s way.
He hits the ground. 
A bloody creature collides with you, its sharp teeth sinking into the exposed skin of your forearm. You cry out, wrenching your arm to the side in a desperate attempt to make it release you. It does, tearing a chunk of flesh away in the process, and quickly latches back on.
A second beast joins in, causing you to lose your balance and fall.
Followed by another one.
And another.
And another.
There are so many. They look like dogs and smell like rotting corpses, but you aren't paying much attention to that. You're in so much pain, it's difficult to think. They're quite literally eating you alive and all you can manage to do is flail about, weakly attempting to get them off.
Joseph shouts your name in alarm, scrambling to pick up his gun. His weapon-mounted light illuminates the mass of creatures pinning you down. Blood and viscera glisten.
He fires round after round, trying to kill them.
Jill, Barry, Chris, and Wesker rush over to help.
Your screams abruptly stop, cut off by an awful, strangled, gurgling noise as a set of teeth manage to rip your throat out.
"No!" Joseph keeps firing, unable to process it all. Just because you've gone quiet doesn't mean you're dead, right? Right? There's a chance you're still alive. There has to be! "Get off! Get off!"
"Joseph, it's too late!" Chris grabs Joseph's shoulder, trying to make him stop. Joseph won't. "We have to go!"
This can't be happening. This can't be real. You're not gone. You're not!
The remaining beasts turn their attention toward the rest of the team.
Finally, Chris and Barry seize Joseph by the back of his tactical vest and physically drag him along as they start running. He doesn't stop calling your name, doesn't stop reaching for you even as your body becomes further and further away from them.
"Brad!" Chris shouts as their helicopter abandons them. "Brad! Where's he going?!"
This night can't get any worse. They end up seeking refuge in a mansion. The moment Jill slams the doors shut and locks them, Joseph plops down on the floor, breathing hard and cradling his head in his hands.
He can't believe it. You're gone just like that. It all happened so fast... And if you hadn't done what you did, it would've been him instead.
He wishes it were him instead. His eyes begin to burn.
Jill Valentine
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It's the dead of night in the summer of 2005. You and Jill are stranded in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea on the Queen Zenobia, which just narrowly avoided being completely obliterated by the Regia SOLIS.
Unfortunately, the ship still ended up getting caught in the shockwave of the blast, leaving you to deal with even more water pouring into the ship.
It's time to clear out and fast.
Both of you are swimming through the flooded corridors in search of an exit when eventually, you make your way into a room that has yet to fill completely. The surface of the water is in view. You speed up, sparing a glance over your shoulder to where Jill ought to be.
She isn't there.
You come to an immediate stop, a jolt of panic passing through you as you spin around in an attempt to locate her.
You find her a little ways back, having fallen behind because she's busy grappling with a sea creeper that's caught up to her. Damn things!
It's gotten ahold of her legs and she's fighting to keep its wide maw away. Despite their spindly limbs, earlier encounters have let you know that they're rather strong.
There's already been quite a stretch between this and the last opportunity you got to get some air. In the time it would take you to pop your head out and swim back to help Jill, it could already be too late.
With that thought at the forefront of your mind, you ignore your body's desperate pleas to breathe and make your way over.
You unsheathe your Bowie knife. Using all of your might, you drive it straight into the B.O.W.'s soft shell.
Blood turns the water red. The creature reels back with a high-pitched cry and you take the opportunity to seize your partner.
With a tight grip on the equipment harness strapped to her back, you begin to swim upward, pushing yourself to go as fast as you can.
You're so close. Fresh oxygen is just within reach when something grabs hold of your ankle and sharply tries to yank you back.
Looking down, you find the same sea creeper giving things another go.
'Get offa me, dammit!' You slam the heel of your boot down on its covered head until it releases you, then kick away.
You lift Jill and force her above the surface, managing to get her arms hooked onto a ladder leading up to a catwalk.
There's yet another tug on your leg, far harsher than the last.
You release Jill, not wanting to risk pulling her down with you.
Bubbles begin to stream past your parted lips and water floods your lungs. The burning in your chest is beginning to worsen exponentially as you're dragged away, simply unable to hold your breath any longer than you already have. You're certain this is it for you.
Jill coughs and sputters. As the darkness begins to fade back to the edges of her vision and she's able to form a thought other than 'I need air or I'm gonna die down here', she processes that you haven't resurfaced along with her.
Her still-pounding heart leaps into her throat and she curses, diving back down without a moment's hesitation.
Her eyes instantly lock onto a red cloud in the water, which both you and the sea creeper are in. It has you in its grasp and you aren't struggling. You aren't moving at all.
As Jill closes the rest of the distance, she continues to hope against all hope that she can save you.
The handle of your blade is sticking out of the creature's back. She yanks it out and plunges it into a new spot, tugging you free and kicking the thing as hard as she can, sending it into a wall.
With you in tow, Jill makes her way above the water and back to the ladder.
You aren't breathing anymore when she successfully gets you onto the catwalk. She hastily begins to perform CPR, determined to fix that. She has to.
Unfortunately, she can't. It's already too late for you.
Finally, resignation begins to set in and she lets her hands still on your chest.
Jill is no stranger to losing people, and there's a persistent nagging fear in the back of her mind about losing more. You've often been at the forefront of it.
She's always tried to push it aside, though, always hoped that it wouldn't come to pass.
Her fingers tremble slightly as they curl into fists. She lets her head hang.
If only she hadn't let that damn B.O.W. catch up to her...
There's a lump forming in her throat that she tries to swallow as she stands, sending you a silent apology for letting you down.
Even if she wants to stay here with you, she knows this ship isn't going to last much longer. Cursing under her breath and blinking away the tears beginning to form in her eyes, Jill keeps moving. She has to...
Chris Redfield
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"We're picking up a large bogey on radar. It's heading right for you!"
Just when you thought shit had already hit the fan, that message came through on comms and not even a minute later, a tandem rotor helicopter appeared, dropping off another absolutely massive—probably a good thirty feet tall—B.O.W. onto the team's already full plate.
Echo needs three anti-aircraft guns taken out before further help can be given, so everyone tries to provide cover for Finn as he sets the charges needed to blow them up.
The wrecked buildings around you provide little cover from the ogroman, which is intent on crushing the lot of you.
Chris points out a weakness that can be exploited: Soft, exposed red flesh around where a big metal connector is sticking out of its back.
You and a few others distract the beast with bullets. Chris manages to leap onto its back while you do so, ripping out a bit of protruding bone and driving it straight into the weak point. The process is rinsed and repeated a few times before the ogroman dies, dissolving into a foul-smelling, steaming goop that leaves you coughing.
Two anti-aircraft guns down, one more to go.
Everyone's comms crackle. "There's another giant B.O.W. closing in on your location!"
A loud roar rings out.
A massive hand grabs onto a rooftop, sending shingles raining down onto a few j'avo.
"It's the one we lost at the Two of Hearts," Piers points out.
Chris orders the team to prepare to engage. You follow Finn to the last gun, making use of an underground passage that leads you into another building. When you're standing on the top floor, the target of the objective comes into view, sitting on the ground below beside a barricade.
"Let's try to make this quick."
The ogroman has other plans.
Finn and Piers, a little ways ahead of you, head down the ladder.
You and Chris are stepping out from behind a partially destroyed wall when it turns and spots you there.
The two of you begin to unload your clips into it, not getting too many hits on that weak spot thanks to the way it's positioned itself.
"I'm out!" you announce.
"Me too," Chris says. "Look out!"
A massive hand shoots out toward you.
You both dive out of the way in time. You land back behind the wall, and Chris is still out in the open stretch. Another hole is smashed into the building.
The ogroman draws its arm back, then raises it up and prepares to sweep it across.
"Chris!" You don't even think, you just act, launching yourself back onto your feet and sprinting toward him. It'll hit him if you're not quick enough!
The arm grows closer.
With mere seconds to spare, you shove Chris back to the floor.
All the wind is knocked out of you as the ogroman makes contact, sending you sailing straight over the edge.
You make a graceful arc before colliding harshly with the pavement down below.
"Shit!" Chris shouts your name in alarm.
He needs to get to you.
"Cover me!"
He slides down the ladder while other members of the team show up to keep the ogroman busy.
A red puddle has begun to form beneath you. By some miracle, you're still responsive, but only barely.
"You're gonna be alright. You're gonna make it. Just hold on, okay?" Chris begins to drag you over to cover. You let out a groan, unable to process any of what you're hearing. "I need you here." Speaking into his comm, he calls for urgent first aid.
Before long, your feeble movements begin to peter out. Chris feels his stomach drop.
"No... No, come on. You have to stay with me. You have to!" You mean so much to him. He can't lose you. He can't. Not like this.
One last raspy, rattling breath leaves your lips before you're gone.
The grief, the devastation is like an instant weight settling upon Chris' shoulders. He slams his fists against the ground and cries out, leaning down to rest his head against your chest.
This is his fault... He'll never forgive himself.
Brad Vickers
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"Pizza's here," you announce, shutting the apartment door with your foot. It's late in the evening, and you and Brad decided to call in and order one for dinner.
(Both of you also went ahead and ordered one for Brad's friend, Jill, who has scarcely left her home since being suspended. Brad would've been as well, had he joined in on the shouting match she and three other S.T.A.R.S. members got into with Chief Irons over the mansion incident. You know Brad still feels guilty about it).
"Brad. Pizza." You pop open the box and waft it in front of his face before placing it on the coffee table. He snaps out of it and sends you a small smile.
"You pick out something for us to watch already?"
"Uh-huh." He places the TV Guide down and picks up the remote. "They're showing one of our favorite flicks tonight, actually."
"Yeah? Which one?" You plop down beside him on the couch with a few paper plates in hand.
Hours have passed, and you've fallen asleep living room. The movie has long since ended, the remaining half of dinner is sitting abandoned, and Brad is snoring lightly beside you. You might've remained that way until morning...
...if not for a loud noise from somewhere on the street below waking you up.
You slowly straighten up, removing your head from your partner's shoulder.
Then, you begin to process the not-so-distant sounds of chaos. There are sirens and people screaming.
'What is going on...?'
An orange glow is bleeding from around the edges of the drawn curtains. You get up and pull them open. Multiple fires are burning.
You hurriedly wake Brad. "Hey. Something is wrong," you tell him as you drag him over to the window. "Very, very wrong. Look."
"Holy shit." He blanches. "We need to go."
You throw on a coat and shoes while Brad puts on his S.T.A.R.S. getup. He grabs his Beretta. All you have is a pocket knife.
The two of you make your way out of the apartment, hurriedly heading down the corridor and into the stairwell.
When you reach the emergency exit at the bottom of the stairs, you encounter a problem. Before Brad even gets the chance to push the door open, something rips it off the hinges. It's a huge figure clad head to toe in a black outfit, which is dotted with small yellow hazard symbols and staples.
"S.T.A.R.S...." it growls.
After a moment's hesitation, Brad seizes you by your sleeve and begins to high-tail it toward the front of the building. Time to try the front doors instead.
The thing gives chase. It's fast. Surprisingly so.
Brad aims his gun over his shoulder and opens fire. The bullets appear to have no effect. Not good.
It lifts its hand. A thin tentacle shoots out quick as lightning, wrapping around one of Brad's ankles and tripping him up. He lands harshly on the floor, his weapon slipping from his grasp. It begins to drag him.
You stagger to a stop, whipping around and grabbing hold of him. All that accomplishes is making the pursuer pull you along as well.
"Let go of him!" You take your blade and slice the appendage in two. The half still attached to it retreats. You help Brad up.
A new tentacle pops out of its sleeves. The moment you catch a glimpse of it, you put yourself directly behind Brad.
Rougher than before, the pursuer swings its arm back, yanking you over to it.
"Brad, run!"
Brad doesn't. He freezes in place.
It picks you up by your face, squeezing so tightly that it feels as though your skull might shatter. You struggle. "Run! Before it gets y—"
Your sentence is cut off by the tentacle going straight through your mouth and out the back of your head.
You're tossed aside, dead as dead can be.
You land facing Brad, your face stained red and your eyes wide open. He feels himself begin to shake.
Then, he runs.
This can't be happening. This seriously can't be happening!
He should have stepped in to help you. Doubly so after you had done that for him.
He should have done something. Anything but just stand there! What the hell is wrong with him?!
'Oh, god...'
When it seems that he's finally lost the pursuer, Brad slumps against the wall and slides down it until he's sitting. Alone in a random building, he cries harder than he has in a long time. He's so incredibly angry with himself for practically letting that happen.
There's a hole in his heart where you used to be that can simply never be filled again. You're gone. Gone. He can't believe it...
Barry Burton
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As the Starlight slowly sinks into the waters below, explosions rattle it, illuminating the pitch-black night sky with bright oranges and yellows.
You, Barry, Leon, and Lucia stand safely aboard the deck of the Umbrella submarine Barry hijacked. Admittedly, you're still a little mad that he scared you again. A few years back, when you were both part of S.T.A.R.S., he pretended to betray you and the others the same way Wesker had.
He did it to protect your daughters and kept the ruse up long enough for Wesker to let his guard down. Tonight, he pulled a similar stunt. He made a fake deal with Umbrella and acted as though he was going to hand Lucia over to them, abandoning you and Leon on the ocean liner in the process.
"Sorry, honey," Barry says, noticing the sour look on your face. "I couldn't risk them finding out."
You sigh. "No, I get it. I just can't believe I fell for it again, even if only briefly."
"I guess I must be that good of an actor, huh?"
"I wouldn't go that far," you tease lightly. "It was just the panic of it all..."
"Ouch." Barry puts on a hurt expression.
Somewhere behind you, you hear the crackle of a radio. "Hey, I'm finally getting through to headquarters," Leon announces.
Barry places a hand on Lucia's shoulder. "I'm sure Polly and Moira will be excited to meet their new sister."
Lucia's eyes widen. "You guys were being serious?"
"Of course!" Your hand lands on her free shoulder. "Welcome to the family."
She grins. A genuine, happy-as-can-be grin.
"HQ, this is Leon. Mission accomplished. We're heading home."
You glance behind you in an attempt to see Leon, but he's standing closer to Barry. Your gaze only finds his shadow. You look away.
Over the sound of the rain and explosions, your ears manage to pick on a subtle gurgling noise.
Once again, you turn your head. The shadow is beginning to change. It's distorting and growing.
With dawning horror, you realize that all of the B.O.W.s haven't been eradicated, that it isn't actually Leon standing with you guys, that he's probably still aboard the Starlight.
"We aren't out of the woods yet!" is all you can manage in warning before the Tyrant finishes turning into its true form, red, intestine-like tentacles shooting out of the wide cavity in its stomach.
Barry doesn't even get the chance to fully pull his magnum from its holster before you throw yourself into the path of danger.
Rather than your husband, the appendages end up grabbing you instead. With how your arms end up pinned to your sides, you can't grab your pistol or knife to try and free yourself.
Panic instantly tightens itself around Barry's lungs. "Good god! Lucia, get inside!" He opens fire on the monster, desperate to make it release you.
It swings you all around, making it difficult for him to get a clean shot. It slowly but surely begins to squeeze you.
A big gray forearm collides with Barry, sending both him and his weapon flying across the deck.
The monster leaps off the sub and into the cold ocean, slowly sinking.
"No, no, no!" Barry practically throws himself over the railing, grasping it with one hand and desperately grabbing for you with the other. Just barely, he manages to take hold of your webbing.
The monster tightens its grip and there's an audible crack. You stop struggling.
Barry stills, his fingers going slack. He can't breathe, can't believe it. The devastation hits like a sucker punch to the gut.
Your body fully disappears into the dark waters. This is one of his worst nightmares.
He curses, banging his fist against the sub. It should have been him, not you! Why did you do that?
...He knows the answer. It's because he means as much to you as you do to him.
He knows he would've risked himself like that too if the roles were swapped.
He wishes that they were. What is he meant to do without you?
Albert Wesker
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By all accounts, Albert Wesker should be dead. Instead, he's woken up as something else. Something more than human.
And now, he needs to leave this place before it turns into a pile of burning rubble. It isn't clear how much time is left before the self-destruct sequence goes off, but it ought to be enough for him to make it back out the doors.
Most of the bioweapons are easy enough to take out and get past.
There is, however, one problem—one nuisance that is refusing to leave him alone: Lisa Trevor. She's followed him all the way back up to the mansion proper. Since she doesn't have the good sense to give up, he's had to take a different route in an attempt to lose her.
Finally, he thinks he might have. The exit is close. Just down the stairs, in fact. He can see it.
A door behind him flies open. He turns, tightening his finger on the trigger of his Samurai Edge.
"Captain Wesker!"
Oh. It's only you.
Albert is pleased to see that you've made it this far. Not that there was much doubt in his mind that you would. You're one of the best S.T.A.R.S. has to offer when it comes to your combat abilities.
"Where'd—" Your eyes widen before your features twist in concern. "What the hell happened to you?"
It's evident that you haven't run into Jill, Chris, Barry, or Rebecca since everything that happened down in the basement labs. This could work to his advantage. He was hoping to have you join him.
Sparing a glance at the absurd amount of red staining the front of his tactical vest, Albert tells you, "It's nothing serious."
You head closer and stare at him incredulously. It's a lot of blood. As in, more than should be outside of anyone's body if they're still alive. Maybe not all of is his? He isn't acting like he's injured.
"...Alright, if you say so," you reply, unable to shake your worry completely.
"Come with me. We're leaving." Without waiting for another second, Albert starts heading down the stairs.
"But what about the others?"
"There's no point in going after them now,'" he answers vaguely. "I'll explain everything once we get outside."
You hesitate for a moment before beginning to follow him...
...Only to be stopped moments later by an awful, raspy moan and a hunched figure hobbling into the entrance hall with surprising speed.
'What is that?!'
It's clad in a raggedy blue medical gown, wearing a mask that appears to be made of stitched-together human faces, and making a beeline for Albert.
He moves to pull out the gun he just reholstered.
The monster hunches further. A load of worm-like tendrils shoot out of its back.
Everything seems to be happening in slow motion. Wordlessly, you throw yourself between the two of them in order to save your captain from further injury,
As though they were sharp knives, two of the tendrils pierce straight through you. One through your stomach, and another through your chest. You land in a limp pile on the marble floor, blood pouring from your wounds and past your lips.
No, this won't do at all.
White-hot anger slowly begins to crawl through Albert's veins.
"You have no idea how grave of a mistake you've just made."
Yet again, he deals with her, this time ensuring that it will be the last time. You watch through half-lidded eyes, unable to truly process any of it. You're teetering dangerously on the edge of nothingness and it's far too late for you to be saved.
Albert just about unloads the rest of his ammunition into Lisa, saving his last bullet so that he can send the chandelier crashing upon her.
"Be a good girl and stay dead." He sneers, then turns to you.
You're already dead. He picks you up.
"Don't worry, my dear. I'll fix this. I will help you rise from the ashes as I did. I will make you something more."
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crazyw3irdo · 6 months
Hey, I just took your Romeo & Juliet Quiz (I got Friar Lawrence, not important) could you post the other answers from the quiz? I wanna know what they are but I don’t wanna take the quiz a bunch.
Thanks for making it! It gave me the willies in a good sorta way, you also made me think about what I liked about Romeo + Juliet (the flowery language) which was a nice reminder.
Thanks! ◡̈
of course! answers below so i’m not clogging up everyone’s dash lol
romeo: you were doomed from the start. you would have lived a life of friendship and fun, perhaps a bit of flirting if that's something that interests you. you could have published poetry. but your emotions controlled you. you were punished by the universe for a fleeting bit of passion to serve as a lesson for the cynical. hopefully you left an impression. your passion is explosive. your loyalty a boon. if only the world were fair.
juliet: you were doomed from the start. you were robbed of a chance to become anything. controlled by everyone in your life, even the ones that genuinely cared, and the one good thing you had led to your destruction because the hands of fate deemed it so. your trust in others is admirable. your optimism is enviable. your hope burns. if only you were living a different life.
mercutio: you were too loyal. not even for your own cause. you had no stake in this affair, and yet when your friend was threatened you leapt to his defense. you were doomed, but was it even for anything? does anyone mourn? no matter how much you proclaim you don't care, your caring is too great. you bare your heart to the world and it ended up getting scratched. if only the world were kind.
benvolio: it may be different from the others, but you were still doomed from the start. the horror of being the most reasonable one in the group is that means everyone else makes mistakes. everyone else must face the consequences. everyone else gets hurt while you stand there unharmed. no matter the warnings you give, they still are punished. you can't help someone who the universe decided must be destroyed. i admire that you still try. if only the game hadn't been rigged from the start.
tybalt: your passion doomed you. you thought you knew what was right. you thought you deserved it. you thought if you fought for it you could get it. communication is hard, so you tried something else, you wanted to defend, to attack, to prove something to someone. but you couldn't. you never could. you tried to meddle with fate and ended up at its mercy. if only the world listened.
friar laurence: you thought you could help. and you did, you really did. you were there for the happiness. but that also meant you were there when there was nothing left. a guiding hand is only so helpful. you plan and plan and plan and mistakes still happen. and when you don't consider those mistakes, everything can go wrong. fate will find the smallest flaw and wrench everything from you. if only you realized that sooner.
nurse: you cared for them. you loved them. you were always there. but there was nothing you could have done. it's not your story. you perpetually stand in the sidelines, watching people suffer for something you have no involvement in and yet you care. you care for them. but no matter how much you love them that doesn't change that they'll end up in a tomb someday. if only it weren't so soon.
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sashketter · 5 months
Preparing for Tantiss
Summary: While the Bad Batch acquire the coordinates to Tantiss, Rex prepares a ragtag team of familiar faces to follow him to the Imperial base.
Word count: 1.3K
Warnings: A hint of Rexiyo; a smidge, a sampling, an infinitesimal iota, if you will 😊
Notes: I’ve been saying for awhile that the "cavalry" in The Bad Batch finale might not just be clones, but it occurred to me only today to write it tf down, the last two episodes be damned lol This takes place during season 3 episode 13 of The Bad Batch, "Into the Breach." Look to the tags for the “familiar faces” - the cast is too long to list here. I wrote this in a rush, but it builds off some ideas I'm using for a series about Riyo Chuchi and the Clone Underground, specifically using Orto Plutonia as a base and the working relationship between Rex and Riyo.
“Careful with those proton torpedoes!”
“Don’t scratch my ship! I don’t care how well the Republic—"
“Father! Can I show Jek ze fighters?”
The small airbase on Orto Plutonia had proven more useful than Rex could have imagined. Clearing an area large enough to host more than half a dozen starships was a challenge, but the clones and the Talz braved extreme snowstorms in record time. Fortune seemed to smile on them today as the sky cleared and the wind calmed to a whisper. Ready the fleet, the breeze seemed to say. All the ships had spilled out of the hangar and into the open air, everyone enjoying the rare bout of good weather. Rex watches the fruits of his quick and dangerous labor from the edge of the field.
“Transmission from Pantora, sir.” A clone hands Rex a holoprojector, and Riyo Chuchi flickers in his palm.
“How are preparations coming along, captain?” Riyo learned to dispense with pleasantries when it came to Rex and his missions.
“Very well, senator.” Rex learned to keep his reports short when it came to Riyo and her transmissions. “It’s a tight fit with all the aircraft, but we’ll be ready in half a rotation. Hopefully by then, Echo will have transmitted the coordinates.”
Riyo nods, but can’t hide her concern. “Be careful, Rex. I can hold off the Senate for awhile, but not long. If Tantiss is as secretive and well-guarded as you say, people will want to know everything if something,” she searches for the right word, “explosive happens.”
“Understood.” Rex nods. “You be careful yourself.” It’s an earnest warning, but he looks around and finds no one within earshot. He smirks and tries his luck. “Try not to attract any more bombs while I’m busy.”
She huffs, looks around, and counters, “Try not to blow up any more bases.”
Rex returns her smile. She nods, and in an instant, she’s gone. Rex tucks the holoprojector in his belt.
“Uncle Rex!” Shaeeh calls and tugs at his arm. Rex’s heart thumps hard in his chest, taken off-guard by the surprise attack. “Can I come?”
Suu tiptoes from behind and grabs her daughter by the waist and off the ground. “Ay, no, we need someone to watch ze base while we are gone.” She nuzzles Shaeeh on the cheek before putting the child down.
“They’re ready for inspection,” Howzer announces, gesturing towards the noisy airfield. The captains fall into step.
First up are two Y wings parked across from each other. Cham Syndulla climbs down from the cockpit of one while Cut Lawquane stands up from the wheels of the other. Their kids play in the space between.
“Ready and operational, Rex,” Cut reports, wiping his hands with an oil-ridden rag.
“As iz ours,” Cham adds. “Eleni iz ‘aving some trouble with ze turret, but—”
“All fixed!” The men look up in time to see a wrench fly in the air and land with a loud clink on the ground. Eleni appears from the turret, smiling and wiping her forehead. Hera laughs as Chopper rolls loudly, arms flailing, to pick up the wrench.
“Good work.” Rex nods at the men before moving on.
Several meters away is a Nebula-class freighter. An astromech speeds from under its chassis towards Rex, stopping too late and bumping into his shins. He grunts in pain but otherwise ignores the collision. He rubs the droid’s dome.
“Hey, R7. Where’s Rafa?”
“You can’t bank at that speed, Trace!” Rafa’s voice turns the captains’ attention to the left. “The motivators will—”
“You watch! The Silver Angel can handle anything I throw at her.” Trace sees the captains watching her and her sister argue for the umpteenth time. “Oh, hey, captains.” She gives a short salute.
Howzer crosses his arms and shakes his head, but Rex is amused. It reminds him of the first time they met, right after Padmé’s--
“Whoa, Wookiee alert!” Rafa stops Rex’s train of thought. He turns to see three adult Wookiees approach from the right.
Howzer still can’t contain his shock at their ship. “How did they get their hands on a gunship?”
Rex sometimes forgets Howzer had been stationed far from most of the action of the Clone Wars. “General Tarfful fought in the Battle of Kashyyyk,” he gestures towards the heavily-armored Wookiee, “with Master Yoda. And lucky for us, he’s no friend of the Empire.”
A protocol droid ambles from behind the Wookiee general and ahead to the clone captains. “Hello, I am C3-LT, protocol droid for General Tarfful.”
Rex nods. “Please thank the general for his help. We’re well aware of the trouble on Kashyyyk and know that the Wookiees can’t spare much in the way of arms and soldiers.”
The droid turns to the Wookiee retinue and belts out a mountain of Shyriiwook. Tarfful answers in turn, and the droid translates.
“The general says that he is happy to help the clones liberate their people. He says the clones are brave warriors who will always have the Wookiees’ help whenever they ask.”
Howzer continues to be surprised, his eyes wide at the show of loyalty. Rex nods, and Tarfful drops a heavy hand on his shoulder, shaking the captain and roaring in what the clone assumes is a battle cry. The Wookiees turn around and return to their ship.
Rex starts towards the clones’ fighters at the far end of the field when a freighter lands just outside the perimeter. Everyone stops to watch. The snow settles before the ship’s pilot descends from its platform.
“Afternoon, boys,” Phee greets the approaching clones. She stops at the end of the ramp when she sees blasters aimed in her direction. “Hey now, is that any way to welcome Tech’s—”
Rex sighs and lowers a clone’s blaster with his hand, signaling everyone to stand down. “Easy, men. Echo comm’d us about this.”
Phee walks up to Rex. “Name’s Genoa. Phee Genoa.” They shake hands cautiously. “You must be the one in charge.”
“The name’s Rex. Howzer here will catch you up.” He peers behind her and up into her ship. “Where are the cadets?”
Phee smiles and calls out, “It’s alright, boys. Time to play.”
Three clone cadets appear from the belly of Phee’s ship, running in a line down the platform and stopping in a line next to Phee. “Reporting for duty, sir,” one of them announces before saluting.
Rex kneels down on one knee and addresses the boys. “Alright, troopers.” The cadets snap to attention. “Can I count on you to make sure each ship is supplied with its maximum amount of fuel before sunset?”
“Sir, yes, sir!” They chant and salute in unison before running towards the hangar.
Phee chuckles as Rex stands back up. “Is that what you did when you were a cadet? Fill up fuel tanks and clean starships?”
Rex smirks but holds off on telling her stories of caustic chemicals and hazing rituals on Kamino. Instead, he offers, “You’d be surprised what a clone cadet can do at that age.”
Phee puts a hand on his arm and presses, “Are you sure this will work?” Her concern is genuine.
Rex seems to consider her question seriously for a moment before he shrugs. “It has to.” He gestures for her to follow Howzer.
Rex turns around and gazes into the distance. The sun is beginning to hide behind a line of mountain peaks to the west. The air starts to chill. Gregor will have dinner ready soon, and Rex knows that for some, it will be their last meal. But when he turns back to the airfield, all he can see and hear are smiles and laughter, determined faces turning into friendly ones and idle conversations turning into detailed ones. Rex smiles. For now, hope is still on the horizon.
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sudaca-swag · 9 months
i read 60 books last year, most were actually re reads so these are my top reads from 2023:
Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo: this is the best series bardugo ever wrote but ppl are too entrenched in the booktok six of crows cult to see it, this is peak urban fantasy they go to hell in a roadtrip ffs!! Alex Stern is THE female main character im on my knees for her.
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt: look if she writes it i read it period, it might have been 1050 pages long but i breezed through it, hopefully this year ill read the little friend too.
The Daevabad Trilogy by S.A Chakraborty: another series that demonstrates only women should write in the fantasy genre, Ali and Nahri got my whole heart (im tempted to shoot down a point bc i HATED Dara and he had so many chapters for himself, but i acknowledge that hes a very interesting character for others, just nor for me i found him annoying lol)
The Scum's Villian Self Saving System by MXTX: most hilarious most heart wrenching and confusing series ever, a homophobic gay man dies of rage when his favorite/most hated web novel has a shitty ending so he transmigrates into the book and becomes the male main characters love interest, its silly, a demon is called six balls, the sects accountant is the web novel author and is sleeping with his self insert male fantasy dream, they all got dick joke names.
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater: a must re read from my teenage years I LOVE THIS SO MUCH
Little Mushroom by Shi Si: a scifi duology where a mushroom becomes human in a post apocalyptic world where his kind is hated and has to hide from the general whos in charge of killing him (there is romance from these two of course but its secondary to the story). Very sweet and sad at the same time, its about humanity, resilience and building a community mainly.
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ambrosialdesire · 6 months
stupid ass rant about the new mha chapter (so SPOILERS) and idk where else to talk about it cause i didn't want to annoy my friends too much about it LMAO
witnessing the mc of the anime i've adored since i was a sophomore in high school and have met one of my closest best friends through the shared love of it, be ripped to shreds and trying his absolute best is genuinely so heart-wrenching like not enough words can describe the utter shock i'm in rn (AND SHIGARAKI??? CHRIST HIS STORY IS SO SAD, NOTHING WAS EVER HIS AND HE WAS CONTROLLED FROM THE START????)
it's crazy how much anguish is happening in the anime/manga media rn too like goddamn ik y'all are cooking (minus gege rn but we'll see) but let us breathe you angsty fucks 🙄 ik horikoshi isn't the best writer either and has his moments esp with the women cast, but he knows how to write. like the world-building is personally so good but yk i'm still gathering back the info i lost after not catching up (damn you college) so i'm rusty.
ik bnha has had a bad rep throughout the last couple of years bc of a handful of terrible and cringe fans (and yes, almost nearly every consumable media has a group of fans that are terrible and cringe lol it's so rare to not witness a toxic group corrupt everyone's perspective on particular media/its fandoms but oh well ig) but i'm not lying when i say that it has always been one of my favorites despite it all.
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larry-hiatus · 2 years
30 Days of Smut Snippets - Day 12
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I’m doing something a bit different for today’s snippet. This is from a fic I was working on way back from like 2012 to 2015 or something. It’s not on AO3, and I’m going to assume most of my followers now did not read it when I originally posted it on Tumblr lol but hopefully you like this little bit! It’s from the first real smut I ever wrote, so it’s definitely not at the level I write now, but I thought I would pull it out for funsies. Please ignore the head hopping lol it’s driving me crazy, but I didn’t want to edit this too much!
As the darker lad shifted, a guttural cry tumbled from Harry’s mouth, and Zayn knew he’d found the boy’s sweet spot. Zayn tormented his prostate continuously as he reached around to stroke his hard-on, producing a harsh weep from the boy beneath him. He leaned forward until his sweaty chest was pressed against Harry’s back, and he gave the boy’s damp neck a soft kitten lick as Harry whined high in his throat.
“That’s it, Harry,” he breathed against his pink-tipped ear, the way he used to when he felt Harry getting close. Zayn knew the younger lad’s body so well, had explored it so meticulously, that he would often know when Harry was nearing his orgasm even before Harry did. Harry tightened and gasped, causing Zayn to smile slightly, glad that he was still familiar with his friend’s patterns. “Come on, babe,” he encouraged lowly, fondling him faster and screwing him further until he was balls deep inside of him. He mouthed at Harry’s shoulder, pinching at the skin with his teeth until he felt Harry start to tremble.
Harry’s legs began to shake, muscles rippling beneath his skin, threatening to give out from beneath him, and he clutched at the sheets, praying he wouldn’t pass out before he could come. He shut his eyes tightly, and he clamped around Zayn, as he felt his orgasm initiating at the center of his groin and the tips of his toes, which curled painfully into the mattress. Sweat erupted from his pores and his heart pumped harder, threatening to chase his climax from his core.
And then he was coming – hard, and messy, and loud, a storm of shouts and wordless pleasure quickly wrenching Zayn to his own peak behind him. The two vibrated against each other, panting and reeling with fierce intensity, open mouthed and purring deliciously. The older boy felt Harry’s thick cum coat his hand, and he shuddered at its familiarity.
(Find the rest here)
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bumbleklee · 4 years
Hi I'm the anon who requested the Childe x zhongli x reader one. I deeply apologize I am so so sorry I should have specified but yes! Childe and zhongli are dating at the beginning, and poly at the end with reader. Only if your comfortable with it though! I'm sorry once again I should have specified more clearly T-T
original ask: Um feel free to ignore This ask but zhongli x Childe x reader where Zhongli and childe are dating and reader has been in love with both of them and thinks their love is unrequited, but they're happy with only giving love and not receiving anything in return. But then one day they meet someone new and start spending more time with them, pulling away from zhongli and childe which leads them to getting angry and confessing + jealous nsfw at the end. Feel free to ignore tho, no pressure. Have a good day and take care :)
hopefully i did you justice lol, i was still a tiny bit confused so i apologize if this isn’t 100% of what you were looking for but i hope you still like it!!! this is a part 1 of 2 and the nsfw work scene is going to be in part 2 (expect that in a couple days) PART 2 HERE
cw: polyamourous relationship, little bit of angst, a little over 3k words, hu tao has a brother in this named jiang
summary: your first crush is zhongli and when it’s evident he doesn’t like you back, you try to turn your feelings to childe. so when childe and zhongli start dating, your heart is shattered. thinking there’s no hope for love, you meet jiang. sounds great - the only issue? zhongli and childe seem to have a problem with this. 
Alongside Zhongli, you were a mortician at the Wangshen Funeral Home. Over the months of working beside him, you had become quite close to him. In fact, Zhongli considered you one of his closest friends in Liyue. After long days at the parlor you would go out to dinner together and despite having to pay most of the time, you were happy to spend time with him.
Your feelings towards Zhongli were growing to be more than platonic but you could never tell him. You were too different from him and while you were sure he appreciated your friendship, you couldn’t imagine him reciprocating your true feelings.
So when you’re introduced to a young man named Childe, you thought this would be your way to weasel out of your one-sided love. Childe was cheeky and sweet to you, nearly winning your heart instantly. He hung around Zhongli often and it became unusual to see either of them alone. Slowly, your crush on Zhongli soon shifted to Childe.
Unlike before, you began to dress nicer to work if you knew Childe was going to be coming along that day. You examined the way Childe interacted with Zhongli versus you and the difference made you hopeful that Childe was feeling something for you. Sometimes he would even stay at the parlor with you if Zhongli needed to run out for a bit.
When Childe asked you to Wanmin for dinner one night, your heart swelled. You had been alone for too long and now a rich, handsome local from Snezhnaya was courting you, right?
You were giddy for the remaining hour of your shift, even telling Hu Tao that you had a date after work. When the time came, Childe waited for you at the entrance and you happily skipped beside him. He made a comment about how you seemed to be in a good mood and you could only chuckle - wasn’t he, too?
“Order whatever you want,” Childe told you once you both were seated at a table. Your eyes glazed over the menu, racing back and forth between too many options. You heard Childe sigh and you looked up briefly to see his fingers fumbling with each other. “You’re probably wondering why I asked you to dinner, huh?”
Beneath the table, your legs twisted anxiously. You hid your excited smile and tilted your head, trying to make a cute facial expression. Was Childe going to ask you to be his partner? Or was it too soon to do that? Despite your age, you hadn’t been on a proper date in ages. Were things different when you were a teenager than when you were an adult?
One of Childe’s hands made its way across the table and you let him take your own. His hand felt incredibly soft and warm and you wanted desperately to interlock your fingers.
“Since you're my closest friend in Liyue, I wanted to tell you this before anyone else,” Childe began. The first part of his sentence made your chest flutter but you decided to pay no mind to it. Perhaps you had just gotten closer to Childe than Zhongli lately. But what Childe said next made your heart drop into the pit of your stomach, “I’m going to ask Zhongli to be my partner.”
“Like, work partner?” You said, your words catching in your throat. You knew exactly what Childe meant. How could you have been so stupid?
Childe let out a hearty laugh, “No, not a work partner. I want to be his boyfriend.”
Your hand fell limp in Childe’s and you swore you stopped breathing in that moment. Not only were you extremely upset, you were suddenly extremely embarrassed. You told Hu Tao this was a date! You face grew red and you averted your eyes to your lap. But it all made sense. Childe wasn’t talking to you in a special way - he was talking to Zhongli. Looking back on your personal conversations with Childe, you realized that most of them centered around Zhongli or Zhongli’s personality. You were just so infatuated with trying to please Childe that you hadn’t noticed.
“So, what do you think?”
What did you think? You thought it was the most stupid, heart wrenching idea ever. You thought Childe was the worst person in the world for leading you on (even though deep down you knew he didn’t really lead you on) and you thought Childe should just go back to Snezhnaya.
“Great!” You said, plastering a fake smile on your face, “I’m happy for you.”
Childe gave your hand a squeeze and finally let go. Your own hand slithered back to your lap where you grasped angrily at the hem of your shirt.
You ordered the most expensive item on the menu.
You spent the next few weeks putting up a false identity. The day after your dinner with Childe, he followed through with his idea and started to date Zhongli. You hated to admit it, but they were the perfect couple. Childe helped bring Zhongli out of his reclusiveness and Zhongli helped Childe become a more mature person.
Since both men were still your friends, they wanted to continue their relationship with you. And you didn’t have the heart to tell them to leave you alone. Now that they were dating, it was always the three of you and you quickly grew to their third wheel.
Childe offered to do commissions with you and, of course, Zhongli came along and your usual table during lunch with Zhongli had to be changed so a third person could fit. It was fun at first since Zhongli and Childe were still getting comfortable with their new dynamic but once they discovered intimacy and physical touch, you had enough.
Not only did you have to suffer through not one but two one-sided crushes just to have them start dating each other, now you had to sit by and watch them practically drool all over each other. Instead of going out to lunch with the couple one day, you made up an excuse about work you needed to finish and collapsed in a chair in Hu Tao’s office once they had left.
The funeral director looked at you over a mound of paperwork, “You’re not going out today?”
“And watch Childe try feeding Zhongli for an hour? No thanks.”
You crossed your arms, annoyed, and fixed your sight on the ticking clock on the wall. Hu Tao shifted her small body so she was sitting on her desk facing you, her legs hanging off the side and her feet kicking the side of her desk.
“What happened?” She asked. At her question, you broke and told your boss everything. Hu Tao sat and listened, staring at you concerned while you ranted about how you were convinced the world was out to get you. When you finished your vent, Hu Tao had a mischievous look on her face, “You just need to find someone new.”
You were quick to roll your eyes, “Yeah, no.”
“Believe me, Y/N, getting a new partner would help get your mind off Zhongli and Childe.”
“And where am I supposed to just find someone to date out of the blue?”
“Are you doing anything after work?”
Knowing Hu Tao, you were more than nervous to see what she had up her sleeve. Nonetheless, you avoided Childe and Zhongli for the rest of the day and cautiously left with Hu Tao. You walked behind her in silence as she led you into Liyue Harbor and to a rather large townhouse. She opened the front door and you followed her inside, immediately being met with a bustling and loud environment.
A child ran by your legs and Hu Tao shouted something inaudible at them. She turned on her heel to you, “Sorry for the chaos. You’re okay with staying for dinner, right?”
You nodded your head, realizing it was probably foolish to say no to your boss (it’s not like you had plans anyways). Hu Tao beamed and clapped her hands together, practically dragging you to the kitchen and shoving you down on a barstool. Beside you sat a rather good-looking man and Hu Tao soon introduced him to you.
“Y/N, this is my older brother Jiang. Please find him well.”
So, this is what the director had in mind.
Jiang held out his hand to you politely and you shook it gently, formally introducing yourself to him. For the next few hours, you and Jiang got to know each other. You learned that he was Hu Tao’s eldest sibling and was a teacher in Liyue Harbor. He was around your age and had a very kind smile. By the end of the night, Jiang expressed his interest in you and asked you on a proper date. Hu Tao only smirked giddily behind the counter.
You and Jiang grew close quickly. Your time spent with him was refreshing and for once, you were finally able to get your mind off Childe and Zhongli. You still saw Zhongli (and sometimes Childe) at work but your relationship had already faltered enough to add awkwardness to your conversations. If Zhongli tried to stop you and talk to you about something other than work, you made up an excuse to scurry along. Despite your new relationship, thinking about Zhongli and Childe caused a familiar pain to appear in your chest.
One night you couldn’t leave fast enough and Zhongli caught your arm, “May I have a word with you?”
“Right now?” You asked, glancing at the clock for emphasis, “I really have to get going.”
“Please,” Zhongli said quietly, “Just for a moment.”
You sighed, knowing you didn’t have a valid excuse rolled up in your sleeve this time. You nodded your head and slipped your bag from your shoulder back onto the chair in front of you. Zhongli retracted his hand from your arm, instead deciding to loosely cross them across his chest.
“Have we done something wrong?” He asked.
“What are you talking about?”
“Childe and I have noticed your absence from our outings,” He explained, his tone remaining very flat, “We miss you.”
You wanted to scoff at him. You weren’t a part of their relationship, why did they miss you? “I’ve just been busy,” You said, “In fact, I started seeing someone.”
Zhongli’s expression at this statement was indescribable. It was as if he had a reaction but was trying to hide it behind tight lips. Even his usual bright eyes were unreadable. “I see,” He said simply. He paused for a moment before flashing you a cheeky, falsified smile, “I’d love to meet them. How about a double date this Saturday? We get off early then.”
You sent Zhongli a similar tight-lipped smirk, “We would love to. See you then.” And with that, you picked up your bag and rushed out of the funeral home, rubbing your temple. You had a bad feeling about this date.
Jiang picked you up for your double date at six. You couldn’t help but notice how ravishing he looked that night with his hair slicked back and expensive-looking clothes on his body. Upon further inspection, you could see the faint smudge of eyeliner lining his lashes. Gold jewelry adorned his neck and wrists and you could only assume Hu Tao spent hours making him look this good for you.
“Ready to go?” Jiang asked you, holding his arm out cheekily. You rolled your eyes and grinned, locking your front door and grabbing onto his arm.
You couldn’t shake that uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach but you didn’t let Jiang know. The last thing he needed was to hear about how the two men he was meeting tonight were former crushes of yours. To him, this double date was a simple outing between coworkers.
You were having dinner together at the Liyue Pavilion as per suggestion of Childe. You were worried about the price but Childe insisted that he would front the bill as always. Part of you missed having your meals constantly covered by the harbinger.
Jiang opened the door to the restaurant for you and you thanked him, slipping inside and spotting the two men you were meeting already at a table. Childe reached up to wave you over and you took Jiang’s arm in yours before heading over there.
“Childe, Zhongli,” You greeted your co-worker and friend, “This is Jiang, my boyfriend.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Jiang smiled, reaching his free hand out to Childe and Zhongli who both shook it cautiously. After introducing everyone, you sat down at the table and Childe handed you a menu to look over.
Jiang was being overtly sweet to you, touching your fingertips and leaning into your side. You accepted the gestures, even daring to lay your head against his shoulder while he talked to Zhongli about the cor lapis industry. From the corner of your eye, you watched Childe’s jaw clench and his grip on Zhongli’s arm tightened.
“So, tell us about yourself,” Childe asked Jiang, his tone sharp. Jiang, sweet Jiang, only beamed and sat straighter in his chair, “Zhongli tells me your Hu Tao’s brother, correct?”
“Right! She’s my younger sister,” Jiang shook his head and chuckled softly to himself, “And I teach literature at the Liyue Xueyuan.”
“A teacher?” Childe nearly scoffs, “I suppose that’s why you live with your younger sister.”
Jiang seemed taken aback by this comment but tried to play it off by laughing. You felt a pang in your chest and shot Childe a nasty glare for his unnecessary comment but were only met with his sharp eyes. You swore you could see jealousy swimming in them.
“Now, now,” Zhongli interrupted, “Not everyone is as magnificent as you, Childe. No need to make others feel bad.”
You felt Jiang’s body tense and his eyes averted down to his lap for a moment. “Don’t listen to them,” You told him, “They’re just trying to be funny.”
“I would never dream of humoring you about that,” Zhongli replied to you, “I’m just pointing out the obvious. Aren’t we getting to know each other?”
At that moment, you knew exactly what Childe and Zhongli were doing. You noticed the way they were looking admirably at you and shooting daggers at your date. They were clearly trying to badtalk him and make Jiang seem undesirable in your eyes. Only you couldn’t seem to understand why. Shouldn’t they be happy that you finally found someone to potentially settle down with?
One more backhanded comment was thrown in Jiang’s direction and suddenly your partner stood up from the table. The expression on his face was heart-wrenching, “I’m going to use the restroom.” With that, Jiang hurried away from the table leaving you alone with both men.
“What the fuck is wrong with you two?” You snapped, angrily waving your hands around.
“What do you mean?” Childe asked, batting his eyelashes at you in the most painstakingly annoying way ever. Your eyes narrowed and after finding his foot under the table, you stomped on it hard. Childe cursed and crossed his arms, looking down.
Zhongli, understanding Childe was being too immature, spoke up, “You shouldn’t be with him.”
You wanted to tear your hair out, “Who do you think you are to dictate who I can and can’t date?” Your voice was rising but you didn’t care, your frustration jumping out. “Never once have I meddled with your relationship but you think you can with mine?”
“You should be with us.”
Zhongli’s words made you freeze. Was this some sick joke? You wrecked your brain for an incident you caused in the past few months for them to be pranking you like this but you couldn’t think of a single one. Childe reached across the table to grasp your hands and you were still too in shock to pull them away.
“We love you, Y/N, and we should have told you sooner,” Childe says.
You shake your head, “I’m dreaming.”
“You’re not,” Zhongli says, placing his hands over yours and Childe’s, “Please say you’ll be ours.”
Finally, you took a deep breath and looked straight ahead. Zhongli and Childe looked at you with pleading eyes and you felt a rush of emotions explode inside of you. Both of your former crushes were confessing their love to you, asking you to be a part of their relationship. Never once had the thought of a polyamorous relationship crossed your mind but you certainly weren’t opposed to it.
“Okay,” You breathed out, “I will.”
Breaking the news to Jiang when he returned back to the table was hard. He was already fragile from being berated before and now you were breaking up with him. You knew you were going to earn an earful from Hu Tao on Monday but you decided to worry about that when the time came.
You had asked Jiang to step aside and in the simplest of terms, you tried to explain the situation.
“So, you’re breaking up with me to date both of them?” He asked in disbelief, running a hand through his hair. His voice was filled with cracks and you wish it didn’t have to be like this. Truthfully, he didn’t understand. How could you be with two people at the same time? “Is this a sex thing? Because I can try harder if that’s-”
“No!” You interrupted, “It’s not, I promise. My heart is just split down the middle for them.”
Jiang sighed again. He may never fully understand your relationship but he appreciated you telling him now rather than later. You offered to walk Jiang home but the man decided he needed some time alone - you didn’t blame him. You wanted to ask Jiang if you could remain friends but the words weren’t coming out of your throat. You watched as Jiang took one last look at you, then the two men at the table, before solemnly walking away and out of the restaurant.
You returned to your new partners and finished your dinner. Slowly, your mood was elevated again but the natural ache of your heartbreak lingered.
“Spend the night with us,” Childe says sweetly after paying the check, “We can help you feel better.”
The feeling of both men on either side of you felt foreign but comforting. You nodded to Childe’s request and Zhongli led the three of you back to his apartment. The next few moments were a blur and when you came to, you were being laid on a soft bed. Childe slid next to you and your arm instinctively wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer, while Zhongli hovered above you. His warm eyes gazed into yours and you decided you could get used to this.
This new love was unique and plentiful as long as the three of you were on the same page, that’s all that mattered.
a/n: sorry this took so long! as you can see, it came out v long lmfao. requests are still open <3
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sophielovesbooks · 3 years
Mid Year Book Freakout Tag!
I’m a bit late to this party… but I wrote this a few days ago when I wasn’t feeling 100% after getting my second Covid vaccine and took the entire day off. So I finally had the time to write this :)
Let me pull up my Goodreads real quick and have a look at the 33 books I have so far this year.
1. The Best Book of the Year So Far
Hmm, let’s see. I feel like it’s fair to give two answers to this one, because on the one hand, there is the book that qualifies as “the best” from a literary perspective (at least in my opinion) and that would be CONVERSATIONS WITH FRIENDS by Sally Rooney. Definitely had its own style and felt… infused with a deeper meaning, at least to me. It was also very compelling. Personally, I couldn’t stop reading it. And I feel like it had a lot to say about modern-day relationships (romantic, platonic… all kinds really).
Then, there is the book that I personally enjoyed this most, and that was probably THE GIRLS ARE ALL SO NICE HERE by Laurie Elisabeth Flynn. It kind of felt like your standard thriller, but also not. While it was super suspenseful and fun to read, I also genuinely cared about the characters and loved the portrayal of toxic teen girls’ friendships and generally teenage cruelty in the context of wanting to be cool/to fit in. It made me reflect on a lot of things, so to me, it’s definitely more than a thriller that you forget right after reading it. And it also definitely qualifies as dark academia, and discovering a new DA book I love is always great! <3
2. Best Sequel of the Year So Far
Wow, I am NOT big on sequels. I have only read one this year, which is just further proof that I’m not very into book series and much prefer standalones. The only sequel I have read this year was also a very good one, though: MISTER IMPOSSIBLE by Maggie Stiefvater. Much anticipated by me and thankfully, I had a great time with it. :)
3. A New Release You Haven’t Read Yet But Want To
I’m going to go with MALIBU RISING by Taylor Jenkins Read! I was gifted this book by my boyfriend’s grandma for my birthday on June 29 (so sweet!) and I think I will read it next. I am very excited for this one!
4. Most Anticipated Release for Autumn/Winter
Two books I am VERY excited for are A LESSON IN VENGEANCE by Victoria Lee and IN MY DREAMS I HOLD A KNIFE by Ashley Winstead. I’m not even really sure why. I don’t know that much about either of them yet. But they just call to me, just like The Girls Are All So Nice Here did. And that one didn’t disappoint, so hopefully these two won’t either.
5. Your Biggest Disappointment of the Year So Far
Maybe THE GUEST LIST by Lucy Foley? I mean, it wasn’t awful. But I remember that I wasn’t impressed and had been expecting more somehow. Objectively the worst book I read this year would have to be THE SHARP EDGE OF A SNOWFLAKE by Sif Sigmarsdóttir, lol. But that one doesn’t count as the biggest disappointment, because I didn’t go in expecting that much. It was just an ebook that I bought for a low price at one point.
6. Your Biggest Surprise of the Year So Far
Definitely THE GIRLS I’VE BEEN by Tess Sharpe. I did not expect a YA thriller to be as intense and emotional and fun and just plain well-written as it was! Biggest positive surprise of the year so far, I think. :) I felt similarly surprised by  A GOOD GIRL’S GUIDE TO MURDER by Holly Jackson. Another YA thriller (or mystery, I guess?) that was so much better than I had expected! 
7. New Favourite Author
I’m going to have to say THE MOTHER by Tess Stimson. I was expecting it to be a semi-fun thriller without much depth to it, just easy entertainment, I suppose. I was extremely surprised by the emotional depth I encountered. The death at the heart of this story is that of an infant, but I was expecting the book to sort of gloss over how tragic that actually is. Instead, it leaned into the grief so much, I found myself absolutely shook? The book almost moved me to tears several times. The mystery was so intense, I kept guessing and guessing. At one point quite early on, I had the solution, but the author masterfully misdirected me from that again, so that the twist at the end came as the biggest shock! Yeah, I loved this so much more than I had ever expected! Well done, Tess Stimson!
8. Your Newest Favourite Character
I haven’t absolutely fallen in love with any new characters this year, but three that stand out to me (in the order I encountered them this year) are:
1) Pippa Fitz-Amobi from A GOOD GIRL’S GUIDE TO MURDER by Holly Jackson
2) Katrina Hawkins from THE STARLESS SEA by Erin Morgenstern
3) Nora O’Malley from THE GIRLS I’VE BEEN by Tess Sharpe
9. Your Newest Fictional Crush
Umm… absolutely nothing comes to mind lmfao. Fictional crushes have become so rare for me!
10. A Book that Has Made You Cry
THE MOTHER almost made me cry, I think. Not sure if there were actual tears. CONVERSATIONS WITH FRIENDS and NORMAL PEOPLE both (almost) moved me to tears several times. But I didn’t have any break-downs over books this year. At least not yet.
EDIT: Omg, omg, omg, I forgot A LITTLE LIFE! How the f did I forget about A LITTLE LIFE?! I broke down over this book several times. It was awful. Never before has a book made me suffer so much. I mean that. I didn’t just cry, the book also made me feel physically ill several times. Very well written, yes, but not one I can recommend in good conscience. This is not one of those instances of “You’ll cry, but you’ll love crying”, at least not for me. This is something I perhaps should have not put myself through. Because the experience overall was painful, first and foremost. Stay safe, kids. This one is… a lot.
11. A Book That Has Made You Happy
This is so sad to say, but none of the books I read this year gave me that warm, glowy feeling of pure comfort and happiness you get from books sometimes? Some passages of THE STARLESS SEA came the closest, I would say.
12. The Most Beautiful Book of the Year So Far
Again, I need to mention THE STARLESS SEA with the beautiful prose and imagery! <3 Also A LITTLE LIFE maybe? Beautifully written at times. Absolutely heart- and gut-wrenching at others.
13. Some Books You Need to Read Before 2021 Ends
Hahaha… so many. But I’ll pick out a few that I will likely finish until the year is over: MALIBU RISING, AN OCEAN OF MINUTES by Thea Lim (birthday present by a close friend! <3), THESE VIOLENT DELIGHTS by Micah Nemerever (birthday present my dad gave me! <3) and THEY NEVER LEARN by Layne Fargo (bday present my godmother gave me! <3). You see, I am much more committed to reading books that were given to me rather than books I bought myself. So these have good chances of being finished in 2021. :)
14. Tag Two of Your Favourite Community Members
@books-and-cookies Have you answered these questions yet? And @augustinianseptember? Would REALLY love to read both of your answers! <3<3
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petite-ely · 4 years
Afraid // JJ Maybank
five - but what if?
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem routledge! reader
Warnings: bad language (don’t swear kids), mention of drowning, mention of death, nightmares, mention of guns, mention of fight, did I miss something.
Description: after his reckless actions at the party, JJ is unable to sleep but he isn’t the only one still awake.
A/n : I don’t want to make this longer than it already is, I think I’ve talked enough lol. If for some reason you want to know why I’ve been gone for so long I’ve written a post regarding it. Sorry again for not posting in so long. If you want to chat, feel free to reach out. I’m friendly. :) please kindly tell me if I’ve made some mistakes, I’ve reread this like a hundred times but its possible some mistakes slipped.
Previously next
Afraid masterlist
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Gif by @cobrazkai
Song recommendation
JJ Maybank was 14 years old when he first realized that he had feelings for one of his best friends. The thing is he didn’t know what the hell those feelings were. He had always thought that y/n was really pretty and he considered her to be one of her closest friends and that was it. Friends- that’s what they were.
But after years of friendship and wild adventures and basically hanging out 24/7, something felt different. And boy, did that scare him.
JJ was not the kind of person to be really in touch with his emotions. Being abandoned by his own mother and living with an abusive alcoholic father didn’t really help either. If anything, his past traumas only made him more disconnected from his emotions and feelings.
He might’ve been hot headed and impulsive but that didn’t stop him from feeling things, often even too deeply. The issue was naming the emotions he was feeling. He didn’t know what he was feeling like half of the time. So when it came to y/n, his feelings for her were so intense and unknown. He had never felt this way for anyone before. He was so confused.
Being around her felt weirdly homely and yet, he never really had a real home to come to. For him, it was only a house. It was a building with things he wasn’t really attached to and a man he couldn’t really call a father, despite DNA saying otherwise. Being with her felt warm and golden and it was like a drug he couldn’t say no to. He was constantly looking for ways to feel this specific way. It was euphoric. But he only felt this way when he was around her. And it felt like home.
She was the home he wanted to come to every freaking night. And he wanted to dance with her and have night long discussion and caress her cheeks tenderly. He wanted to kiss her more than anything else, his lips on hers staying that way until one of them needed to take a breath - oh what heavenly feeling that must be. He wanted to proclaim his feelings to the entire island - the entire world even.
Only he couldn’t. There was this rule, and he couldn’t break it. Usually, he wasn’t the kind of person to let rules determine what he should and shouldn’t do. But it was the pogue rules, he couldn’t break them. He couldn’t do that to his friends, regardless of his own feelings.
Love. That’s what his feelings were. It took him some time to realize it, but yeah, it was love. He was certain of it (which was rare for JJ). A first love, innocent, deep and one sided. At least that’s what he thought. How could she love him? How could anyone love him when even his own father didn’t? Who would want him?
Now, JJ had messed, big time.
He was sitting beneath a tree, at the edge of the yard whims the château, a few feet away from where the water started. His gaze was turned towards the sunrise though he wasn’t really looking at the magnificent show of colours that nature was offering him. He was thinking or more like regretting.
He kept replaying the event that had happened just a few hours ago on the boneyard again and again in his mind. The arrogance on John B’s face while he taunted the kooks, the empty, psychotic look on Topper’s face while he was holding J.B’s head underwater, his own hand holding the gun against Topper’s head. It felt so powerful at the moment and yet in retrospect he felt so stupid. What would he have done if something had actually happened, if someone had gotten hurt because of him?
In the spur of the moment, he hadn’t thought about it really much. How crazy it actually was. He saw his friend in a situation where he could actually die and only thought about helping him. He had this thing with him that could help save him, an object that take could take someone’s life in the matter of seconds. So he used it at his advantage. He had only wanted to help, but at what cost.
He kept picturing the expression on y/n’s face when he got the gun out. It wasn’t anger, no it was much worse, she was terrified. She had actually been scared of him. How could he ever make up for that. How he could he ever admit what he was feeling for her after he had brought her such terror. He had ruined everything.
What if she never forgot that moment? What if she never forgave him?
A branch cracked somewhere in the distance, and JJ turned to face whoever, or whatever, was lurking in the dark. He was blinded by the bright artificial light of a flashlight. “JJ?” A voice spoke and the blond immediately recognized it. Y/n.
“Can you please turn it off, I don’t think it’s necessary,” he responded, motioning to the clarity that brought the sunrise. It was light enough for them to fully see one another.
“Oh, yeah, sorry, “-she sat down beside him- “Couldn’t sleep?” JJ stared at her for a moment before taking his eyes away.
“Yeah, you could say that. What about you? John B snoring too loud?” Y/n gave a small laugh.
“Um, no, not this time.” Her smile went down. “I had a nightmare.” JJ’s brows furrowed.
“Not about um, not about tonight right?” He asked, guilt hidden in the tremors of his voice.
Images of the past night filled y/n’s mind. Her brother being held under water, JJ pulling the gun out, the loud echoing sound of the firearm as it shot in the air. She could still hear it ringing slightly in her ears.
A small moment went by before she finally shook her head in denial, earning a small sigh of relief from the blond (at least that wasn’t his fault, he already felt guilty for so many things). “No, uh, no it wasn’t that,” she said, her voice barely audible.
JJ stared at her face in the golden light of this early morning. He noticed the blank stare in her eyes and frowned. Nightmares, although worrying for most people, were pretty common for y/n. JJ of course knew this, yet something felt odd.
He rested his hand on the small part of her back between her shoulder blades. “Do you want to talk about it?” She turned her head to meet his eyes, the feeling of his skin, warm and soft against hers sending small tingles at the base of her neck.
She didn’t want to bother him with her problems, she knew how horrible his home life was compared to what she was living. She didn’t want to remind him of this not make him feel bad about her small problems when he was facing such violence on a daily basis. Still, she knew JJ and talking about his dad was the last thing he wanted to do. And his eyes, his beautiful ocean blue eyes, it’s like they could see through her. How could she lie to him?
“I, uh I-I-“ his hand went to her shoulder and he squeezed it reassuringly. “You don’t have to tell me, if you don’t want to.” Y/n felt her cheeks burning (hopefully he didn’t notice it). She took a moment to breathe in deeply the fresh air, calming herself slightly before putting her hand on his.
“No, I-I want to. I think it’ll help, in a way.” JJ cracked a sweet smile. “Alright then.”
“I keep having this one dream about my dad and I see him on his boat wandering. He’s lost in the middle of the ocean and he’s calling my name.” Saying those words, she really felt as though she could hear her father calling her name in the far distance, as if he was right beside her. Sadly, it was only her imagination playing tricks on her.
“And it keeps turning to this nightmare, where he dies in various horrible ways. Either drowned or starved or eaten by sharks.” JJ’s gaze softened, his eyes admiring her lips forming each words one after the other. “But tonight-“ she let go of his hand, shifting her body to face him completely, “-tonight, for a reason, I didn’t see him.”
“The boat was empty.”
Flashes of her nightmare came back to her like waves crashing on the beach. Her dad on his boat, a smile sketched on his lips. The sky is clear blue, not a cloud is in sight. There’s a warm breeze, she can almost feel it on her skin, and the sun is shining. It’s almost utopian, the perfect day to spend out in the sea.
Then the scene changes. The sky darkens to a deeper shade of blue, grey clouds towering the ocean. The wind is stronger, much stronger. It whistles as it makes its way in the crevices between each tree and threatens to tear the sails down. And the boat, she can see it floating hauntingly on the wild waves the same way a ghost would in abandoned castle. And there’s no trace of her father. Not even a feeling, that would tell her he’s there, trying to survive this storm.
“What if he really is gone J? What if my dad-“ she stopped her sentence to look at the horizon, somehow hoping to see a sign that would prove she was wrong. “I’m trying so hard to be positive and optimistic, but it’s been so long. What if he never comes back?”
The look in her eyes was heart-wrenching. JJ didn’t know what to say or do. He never really thought about it. What would happen if Big John was gone. To be honest he didn’t want to, that man was more of father to him than his own ever was. And losing him would be... he preferred not to think about it.
“I disagree,” he finally said. “What?” “Your dad is like one of the smartest person I’ve ever known. I think that, he, of all people would know how to get out of any situation, especially if it seems impossible to everyone else. I don’t think that you should give up on him yet.”
“You really think so?”
“Yes, I do,” he smiled. “So fuck everyone who tells you otherwise,“ y/n giggled. “Fuck all of them! You’re allowed to have hope, y/n, even after this much time. They can’t take that from you.”
“In the meantime, we’ll there’s us,” us, “the pogues, our own family. We can get through anything, right?”
“Yeah, we can.” Y/n’s head fell on his shoulder. “We’re the pogues.”
JJ admired her carefully. How her face looked, basked in the golden rays of the sun, looking so terribly tired and yet so beautiful. He could stay like this forever, losing himself completely in her smile. God she was so wonderful.
“Hey y/n/n?” “Yeah?” “Are you mad at me?” “Huh?”
“Why would I be ma- oh, oh.” The gun. He thought she was mad at him for what he did. Though he saved her brother, didn’t he? So, she didn’t understand why he would think she could hate him.
“It’s just that you looked so terrified when-” “You saved him JJ, that’s what matters most.” Y/n interrupted the boy mid sentence, placing her hand on his arm in gratitude. “If you hadn’t done anything, he could have...” she didn’t finish her sentence.
When she saw JJ holding the firearm against Topper’s head just a few hours ago, she had first been incredibly shocked. She didn’t recognize the JJ she knew. But now, she completely understood. It was his way of protecting his friends, his way of showing he cared. And that, she admired him for it. Though he could’ve shown it in a less dangerous way.
“I admit,” she added, “it was dangerous and a bit scary to see and we’re probably gonna get some kind of revenge from the kooks soon, but no one got hurt. And J.B, well he’s okay! We’re all okay!”
“Also, I’m pretty sure I did some very, very stupid things last night, so I can’t really be mad at you,” she cringed remembering the amount of alcohol influenced things she had said and done during the party. “God, I must have looked so ridiculous.”
JJ laughed at her comment. “Yes, yes you did.” “Man, John B was right, I can’t believe I’m saying this.”
“Can you just promise me something?” Asked y/n, once their laughter had died. “Depends what?”
“Promise me you’ll never hurt yourself with that thing, or anyone else for that matter.”
“I promise, y/n. ”
“Thank you.”
@deionswannabegirl @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @poguestyle17 @im-a-stranger-thing @lasnaro @thoughtsofthestars @briandaflores19 @lunaposey @allycat449-blog @ifilwtmfc @kitty084 @coloradogirl07 @ponyboys-sunsets @chaoticbisous @p0gue420 @sloaneemily
If I forgot you or if you wanna be added/removed just tell me! Also I’m sorry if your name didn’t work :/
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years
The Killing Cure (Part 13)
This chapter is going to be a short (but hopefully sweet) transition chapter. I typed it up on mobile during my lunch break so I'm not sure just how short it actually is lol. I'm. Also posting on mobile so I can't add the read more line at the moment. Ill also fix the title and be posting this to AO3 later.
He isn't sure at which point in the night he begins doing so, but his hand absently strokes the woman's hair and back. Her skin is rather rough and somewhat dry. He wonders if it bothers her any. She takes a particularly deep breath before shifting in his arms and nuzzling her cheek against his chest. Her hair tickles his neck more than ever. Her hair, he notes, is actually rather silky. And when her fingers come to curl around his shirt he can't help but wonder what it might be like to tangle his fingers in those silky locks.
To let his hands roam away from her back and slide over her generous hips as he pressed a kiss to her collarbone and then her chest. The woman may have lost her height but her curves are as alluringly supple as before and he isn't sure that she realizes how stunning she is.
Privet as his thoughts are, his cheeks color. She had given him one kiss and now he is thinking of exploring.
He jolts at the sound of his name. His heart plummets and his cheeks color further. For one but wrenching moment he wonders if she could some how read his thoughts. Maybe she can sense desire on him; she has probably be the subject of so much of it that she has a sixth sense for it, mutant or human.
"Are you still awake?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I'm just wondering…" she trails off.
"You have trouble sleeping sometimes, don't you?"
She hesitates for a moment before confirmingvhis suspensions. "I have dreams sometimes…"
He has a pretty good feeling that she means nightmares. "what happens in them."
She is quite for a very long time, long enough for him to suspect that she had fallen back to sleep. "I sometimes dream about my first transformation, Mother Miranda is watching me but she's... different. She's horrifying."
"More horrifying than she is in reality?" He grumbles before he can stop himself.
She nods. "Other times I just dream about how she is going to react…" she pauses, "how all of them will react."
"They're your siblings, they'll love you no matter…"
"They already resent me. We all resent each other. Hisenberg will be delight at my predicament. He'll…" she trails off into an exausted sigh.
"We'll worry about that when we have to. For now just rest up, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." He knows that it is much easier said than done. And maybe it annoys her because she pulls out of his arms. And yet she doesn't demand that he sleep on his own bed or the couch. She turns again to face him once more.
And to his shock, she nestles against him and drapes an arm over him. Her head rests against the crook of his neck. "Good night, Alcina."
She is already asleep.
Bidding her daughters a farewell when she isn't sure if she'll return is a hell of its own kind. More so when Bela inquires, "when will you be back, mother?" And even more so when Cassandra adds, "how long will we be with The Duke?"
She can only say, "I don't know, darlings. Make sure The Duke behaved himself."
"The Duke is always great!" Daniela declares.
And perhaps she would be more inclined to agree had she not overheard him gleefully sing-song, “Ethan…” he had added a wiggle of his brows. “I did predict that the two of you might elope one day.”
Ever the charming sort, the entirety of Ethan's face had gone red and he gave his head a quick rub. " W-we aren't eloping Duke! We're rescuing my daughter together."
Alcina sighs, "let the man think what he will." They haven't time to fuss over it and, resentfully, she can't promise herself that his statement won't become true in the future.
More resentfully, she can't even promise herself that she truly does resent it; despite it all, despite the attempts on his life, and the initial destruction he dealt to her life as it once was, the man has been good to her. Better than anyone has been in a while. Better than any of the men she ever knew.
The last thing she sees of her girls is The Duke putting one large hand on Bela's shoulder and the other on Cassandra's. Daniela is much too jittery and lively for the man to catch her at all. They stand at the window and watch her depart.
"It's harder when you look back, you know that right?" Ethan asks
The world outside is merciless cold and even under layers and layers of clothes, she feels it's frigid bite. The wind carries snow upon it as it whistles by. The only sound, until she cares to make noise of her own, is the sound of ice and snow crunching beneath their feet.
"It's hard no matter what, Winters."
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my-everything-ao3 · 2 years
a bunch of little updates for you:
1) Chap 8 is currently like 5500 words. Its kinda heart wrenching lol but what else is new when it comes to My Everything
2) I’m working on character cards that hopefully will be done for chapter 9  or 10 come out. 
3) I’m also an insta editor and the more I write this story the more and more I wanna make an edit of this lol. Stay tuned?
4) At some point im probably gunna change my profile pic on here and on ao3 to some original artwork/logo (username and story name will remain the same tho)
4) Some of you have said a playlist for this would be cool. Would it be better on youtube or spotify? Soundcloud? A google doc with links? I’m brainstorming. 
5) there was so thing else but i forgot lol. give me a few to remember lol
6) okay i just remembered, for the playlist, should it be one huge one or should it be broken into different chapters? or both?
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vidalinav · 4 years
Love is Bright Red, Hope is Dark Blue SNEAK PEAK
So, it seems that sneak peaks keep me accountable, because every time I posted one I finished the fic, and if that’s not some voodoo magic I don’t know what is. 
However, this hopefully will be the last fic I post before ACOSF. I’m aware that many of you will probably be logged off by the time I post, but honestly who even remembers this fic series. I’m perfectly okay with shouting to the void. I’m going to abandon every fic I said I was going to write and keep them on the back burner. This will be the first completed work I’ve ever had and I’m determined and... also very bored! (insert little emoji with the fists up) 
So, I’m going in. 
Nesta’s Love is Quiet/Cassian’s Love is Warm Masterlist
The picture of Nesta hangs on the living room wall. She moves and its eyes follow. She blinks and it awakens. The other her stares. Her expression a collage of painted lashes, crimson dusted skin, a rose that is cradled in her hands. This Nesta, praying to some unknown deity who never answers.  
She looks innocent. Far too innocent for the amount of horrors she’s seen... and she’s alone.
A singularity. An outlier.
The image lies off center in the middle of the wall, yet the other pictures crawl up the space like tangling vines suffocating the life out of her. Life is not painted in her eyebrows, or the color of her hair, or the red of her lips, or her pale neck. Rather, it is what is around her. The pictures that are filled with laughter and smiles and heart-wrenching happiness.
They must have taken it from her, she thinks. Poor girl.
But Nesta shakes her head. No, she never had it. It was always the others who laughed, who yelled, who joked those jokes of theirs. She might have been placed here, forced to fit, squeezed into the place they could find room for, but at the end of the day, she is merely a pretty painting tacked in Feyre’s living room wall. Beautiful… but not alive. Cold, and alone, and red with the stain of blood.
Is this what Feyre sees when Nesta skidders through her memories? If it is, she is even more certain of their foolish want to love her.
“I painted it the day you left. I think it came out beautifully, don’t you think?”
I think I look dead inside; she wants to say, turning to Feyre who leans against a table, all starry skies and none of the bleak, burning black holes.
Dead and buried.
Feyre grimaces, taking a breath as if she’ll recite poetry in the hall. What other words will spew from the depths of her throat and croak out in sounds and syllables?
Are words even enough to describe memories turned to dust and rose-colored wounds freshly healed?
The fiery anger blooms out of Nesta’s lungs. Its laid dormant for far too long, all those winter days in the mountains trapped under frost. But, Nesta can’t respond, doesn’t know what she’d say to her little sister who means so much to her, but at the same time makes her heart ache as if it bleeds from where’s she’s stabbed her in the chest.
Nesta opens her mouth to speak...
Elain strolls in.
“Dinner’s almost ready,” She grins, grasping her forearm, pulling Nesta towards the dining room in glee. “I thought I’d show you what I made to celebrate.”
Nesta shudders at the thought, at the feeling of her sisters at her side and behind her. Huddling around her as if they mean to keep her close. Nesta thinks it feels like a prison. “Celebrate what?”
Elain looks at her oddly, “You being back—and Cassian, of course… Your health.” She adds, her brows furrowing in concern. Nesta doesn’t know what that look means.
Tell me, she wants to scream.
Elain swallows, the dandelion charm at her throat bobbing. “When Cassian carried you in, you looked so… small. Feyre and I were worried that you’d—”
“We had complete faith that you’d be safe and well again,” Feyre smiles, the mirth never reaching her eyes.
An odd phrase, Nesta thinks, for she’s never been safe or well.
Nesta squints to the table and Elain perhaps noticing the shift, moves quickly to the image of steaming casserole and piping hot buns. Dessert already sits in each corner and she wonders who exactly they’re all feeding if this is the amount of food they waste.
“The roast is still in the oven.” Her favorite.
“You’re favorite,” Elain mumbles softly—shyly, “I thought since we missed your birthday, we could celebrate now.”
That word again.
Don’t they know that she rejoices in being away from them? That she finds solace in the quiet day by day. There is no obligation of sterile complacency, of beauty she can never live up to. She doesn’t need to be a good sister, a caring sister, a sister who reaches both hands out in compassion. In Windhaven, beyond Velaris, she is just Nesta. She is no one.
Nesta resists rolling her eyes or saying something snarky just because she can, just because she knows it’ll hurt. Instead, she touches the plate on the table, a fine porcelain made of blue glass. It reminds her of the chandelier she has at home, blinking and twisting like an unhindered star.
She doesn’t want to celebrate her birthday.
Feyre pulls out a chair, the noise screeching against the floor and Nesta can’t stop the harsh look she sends her way.
If they missed it, she did too.
But at her cold demeaner, Elain is quick to lure her to a seat, proclaiming that Nesta will sit beside her all evening. Perhaps, they’ll exchange stories. I want to hear everything, she pleads. Will Nesta tell her the weather then? The bitter frosts, the buried cemeteries, the avalanches that never came crashing down like she wanted. It was all too perfect, all too according to plan.
Nesta will not let them have the satisfaction.
Elain smiles crookedly, some noise that sounds both like a laugh and a cry barreling out of her lips.
Nesta half-wonders what about her now seems fragile to her little sister when she had treaded precariously past death and disinterest and yet nothing could persuade them a year ago that she wasn’t well enough— okay enough.
Nesta only looks to the stairs. The sound of rustling feet stampeding above. She can feel him even now, wants to call for him even if she abhors the thought.
Her sisters are… different when Cassian is around. More watchful, more cautious. Not as eager to touch her or to offer an array of activities that don’t at all sound pleasing to her ears. He is her guard somehow, even though he offers nothing but laughs and soft, easy smiles.
But he ambles down the stairs as if she calls him. Perhaps she does, in that hollow part of her body she still doesn’t understand. The part that whispers his name, echoes his feelings, reminds her that she is not alone.  
“Sit,” She urges lowly, moving the utensils that Elain sets down to another place setting. Cassian raises a brow but sits beside her.
His hand rests on the table and Nesta wants to know what it would seem like to these… people—her family if she placed her palm in his so openly. She clenches her fist to stop the reaching, turning her gaze away from his golden skin.
“Oh,” Elain says, noting the seat beside her taken.  
To be continued….
Tagged and those who will be tagged from Cassian’s Love is Warm and those who said they wanted to be tagged on everything: (let me know if this changes)
@dreaming-of-bohemian-nights , @missing-merlin, @strangeenemy, @saltydreamcollector, @midnightbluhm, @my-fan-side, @queenofillea1, @tswaney17, @gloriousinlove, @ekaterinakostrova, @thebluemartini, @anishake, @lord-douglas-the-third, @soitsgorgeous, @lolasjournal @duskandstarlight, @arinbelle, @nestaarcher0n, @allilal @mis-lil-red
I hate confrontation like my life depends on it, but I don’t know how to start the healing process for the sisters without some, so maybe you’ll get an outburst or two from Nesta and maybe Cassian. But ultimately it’s going to end not like the healing is complete, but rather that the healing is able to take place, ripping off band aids here. It’s going to be long and emotional. 
I read the previous chapters and omg I get so mad when I read it. It’s like physically impossible to read Nesta’s voice without being stark, ugly mad, but it is easier to write that way. Also, Feyre is about to be annoying in this but it has to happen to come full circle. But at least Cassian and Nesta will be uber cute and established! I have a day out in Velaris date for them.
If y’all have followed this story and have some burning desire to see something, let me know! It will be the last chance to do so. Because again, I’m determined to finish and I’ll NEVER write for this fic again. NEVER. But I will not write smut (unfortunately I suck at that and I try to avoid anything I suck at)
Actually let me set a date: it’s going to be posted on Wednesday by 11:59pm central time. Yell at me if it’s not lol. This will be my reaching 1000 followers gift.  
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dollar-store-quirks · 3 years
Miss me yet?
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Hi everybody! Sorry for the wait! I’ve definitely been busy and invested in fun, exciting projects and not withering into dust from pandemic quarantine!!!
If you keep up with the MCU as much as I do (I think I watch about half the movies and shows, eventually, and I am a little familiar with the comics), you might agree with me when I say the MCU sucks. Cool characters, meaningful narratives, heart-wrenching plot twists, and fascinating concepts that stick in your mind for days... wasted for the sake of cheap thrills & more pocket change for Disney P. Mouse!
But! All this is salvageable! At least, I’ll try (for content, lol). Over the next few weeks, I’m going to pilfer various characters from the MCU and reformat their recognizable traits, arcs, and backstories until the whole shebang fits in a BNHA-style narrative, with appropriate powerups, depowering, and reorganizing. Why? Because I happen to like the worldbuilding and potential depth of the BNHA universe! Its power scaling is more grounded, the fights are more satisfying, and the potential for thematic and narrative storytelling is much easier to flesh out.
Now, because MCU characters vary so much in the scope of their character arcs and the scale of their superpowers, some of them are already perfect for the BNHA verse! And others are less perfect!! Let’s review the ones I can remember right now:
Already Almost Perfect
Ms. Marvel
...and more!
Needs a Day’s Work but Mostly Good
Captain America
Black Widow
...and many more!!
Needs So Much Changing, Oh Golly Gosh
Captain Marvel
Iron Man
Dr. Strange & Co.
Scarlet Witch
...and so, so many more!!!
I have workable drafts for some of these characters, but others are big stumpers. I’ll make a single post for each character or coherent thought, but I won’t commit to releasing my thoughts in any particular order or on any particular schedule, just for my own sanity. Of course, if any of you have suggestions for other characters in the MCU or Marvel comics that you’d like to see as time goes on, please send them to me!
This post will be pinned as an explanation for new readers and I’ll be updating it as I feel the need to do so. I’ll hopefully be posting some new standalone Quirks during this time, as I’ve done in the past, but mostly I aim to demonstrate to you all the quality of my transformative works here over the next few weeks and months. I hope you enjoy!
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baymaksu · 3 years
Okay, so I've watched your page awhile and first I want to say how much I can stop and appreciate the things you post/write about even if sometimes my ADHD doesn't always let me finish reading I kinda force myself to because it's just that interesting. But secondly I (Zykira) wanted to ask what's one of your favorite ideas you've had knocking around in your head that you may not have posted about yet? I figure with everything you write about there's gotta be something and it doesn't even have to be BH6 related, I really just want to know.
Oh my! First of all, it’s a pleasure to interact with you, Zykira! That’s an awesome name! I’m Jason, aka Baymaksu aka... Jaymaksu(?) lol.
But thank you so much for your kind words, I’m happy I can share my thoughts and if it sparks something in folks (hopefully positively) then it is an immense bonus! But being able to share these thoughts is often also because of awesome folks who prompt me to think. So I have gratitude to this fandom for that.
And I apologize for the length of my posts! Thank you for reading through them! Brevity is an art I’m lacking lol!
Anyways! My favorite ideas? Unfortunately my favorite ideas I must keep to the chest and save those for my fanfiction lest I spoil things and diminish the impact of them lol.
But I can at least share my current thoughts in interacting with the fandom more and what I am hoping to work on with my BH6 fan work! One being on creating my own take on continuing the BH6TS story in the form of a manga (combining my love of art and fanfiction writing just seems natural!)
And among it will be various themes that I’ve gleaned from what we’ve been given from BH6 and BH6TS and what I would’ve liked to see. One being that BH6 has often been about family. From losing family, to gaining family and strengthening existing bonds. But S3 gave us the reality that families can diverge and yet still love and care and be connected.
Now I will warn here, I do get pretty real on some things with my experiences as a veteran in relation to BH6. So I apologize, since I’m sharing some personal things but it’s just how much BH6 connects to me on a very personal level and that’s why I love it so much.
With S3’s start, it gave us quite a prospect. The nerd gang can pursue their lives away from being BH6... as much as they care for Hiro, the city and the identity of a superhero, it should be respected and understood that they have their own aspirations to go for. And it can lead them to being away or not being around as much. And it can be a heart wrenching reality for all but it happens.
I respect S3 for providing that to the story for Hiro. We don’t just lose family and those closest to us through tragedy. Life happens. But in both instances, there doesn’t have to be any diminishment in love and care, there are still bonds that are held. And it also allows for new beginnings, too.
In an odd twist that endears me more to Hiro’s story in relating to him, it connects to my own experiences as a veteran who still serves. I enlisted in the military to help others in my own way, to be able to protect others and ensure others can return home. Because... I lost someone early in the war who was very much like a brother to me (he was a close friend of my own brother). Both his life and death influenced me to serve in my own way, to honor his legacy. In a way, much like Hiro does for Tadashi.
To honor him more, I’ll share that his name was Angelo and the best accolade I’ve heard of him was that he was “not only a gentleman but a gentle man.” And I’ve carried that on my wrist on a KIA bracelet to remember this, moving forward.
I apologize if this is saddening but I do mean to celebrate his life and his goofy smile and demeanor that underlay his desire to protect others. He did what he set out to do. It’s an honorable thing. As Tadashi and later Hiro said, “Someone has to help.” Regardless of the risk or outcome, if not me then who?
Wow! Don’t mean to be depressing, sorry! Just something to share. I got sidetracked! But just as Hiro lost family to tragedy, he found family in Baymax and the nerd gang. When I had enlisted, I deployed and found family among the brotherhood that I had bonded with. It’s a different level of bonds that are often rare but when you have shared misery highlighted by joy, to have others you would die for and they you, it’s a rarity I hope others can experience.
Hiro found new family and bonds strengthened by the shared adversity and care that he got with Baymax and the nerds.
But to parallel my own experiences, I was fortunate to not lose any of those brothers I deployed with to tragedy. But after I came back home, many of them separated from the military and continued their lives outside of it. Moved away, returned to or began their families and careers.
Not all veterans writhe from PTSD or survivors guilt (although there are those who do, too) but they face a wider gamut of issues from varying experiences. What makes a transition like this difficult is the loss of family like how Hiro was being faced with the prospect of losing the nerds to them getting their careers started out of school. At its heart, it’s separation.
But when I get to reconnect with those brothers, it’s special and despite the distance, we still share those bonds. And even now, I have to allow myself to become more open to establish more connections and bonds with others. When I do, they open new doors yet. For Hiro, this situation can lead to him strengthening new friendships and opening him up to characters like Karmi and Megan.
That’s what a prospective S4 could look like and feel like and it’s just an amazing concept to me that means a lot personally. So, I hope to capture this, if even a little, in a continuation story.
Sorry, this is extremely long! Thank you for allowing me to share this idea with you!
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embyrinitalics · 4 years
Calamiversary: Link’s POV I
So keep in mind when I wrote these scenes that Calamitous was still written in third, so flipping to first felt super edgy. 😂 I did read recently that using first with very flawed/troubled characters is more interesting, and I think that’s evident in these. Like, it’s way more interesting than listening to Zelda in the main fic lol.
Also, I wrote these before all the big revisions, so the scenes probably won’t line up in the dialogue the way they used to. STILL, these exercises helped me get to know Link better as a character, and hopefully you’ll get a kick out of them too (in all their unedited glory 🤦🏻‍♀️)!
There’s a lot of these scenes so I’m breaking it up into two posts. Below the cut is about 1.9k words worth. OK BAI.
I breathe deep of familiar air as I reform from the smoke and light pouring out of the fissure. It’s cold and sweet, carried down into the valley from distant plateaus. My blood pounds hotter at the recognition of it, and I steel myself to ignore the allure it holds. I know death will be my only release now.
My heightened senses register four incoming attacks with a thrill, and I regain my focus, choking out the desire to crush them with my bare hands. I rebuff their assaults one at a time, reining my power with some effort. Part of me revels in how easily I cast them aside, how breakable they are—the part of me that I must never feed, but that’s too dangerous to ignore entirely.
Then I see her: power ebbing off her in waves, her body emitting pulses of brilliant light. I want to bask in the splendor of her, so different and yet so familiar. I crush that longing, letting the monster in me react in case I’m not strong enough to do it alone. In an instant I’m facing her, holding her at bay with a power she was never meant to overcome. I can taste her fear as she registers my resistance, heady and intoxicating.
I reach for the source of her light and smother it.
  Applean Woods
I take her to Applean, knowing the others won’t be able to follow for some time, and wait for her to regain her strength. She’s spattered in firelight, her expression placid, and she looks so much like the Zelda I knew—too much like her. I know she isn’t the same woman, but I feel the same draw, the same devotion to her. I know I have to protect her no matter the cost to myself. It almost makes the thought of what’s coming bearable.
I stroke her cheek without thinking, and she surges to life, sending power and light flailing in all directions. The monster in me roars in response, so powerfully I nearly falter. I force myself to tame it first, afraid of what I might do to her if I don’t. She’s strong, but she’s also scared and disoriented. Overpowering her isn’t difficult.
“Don’t do that again,” I growl after I have her pinned to my chest. I can feel her pulse, rapid and bright, rushing beneath her skin, appealing to my two halves for two different reasons. I deny us both, dropping her to her hands and knees and moving to reignite the fire she put out.
“What do you want with me?” she demands, and she reminds me again of a woman who’s been dead for 10,000 years. “I won’t cooperate.”
Definitely too much like her.
“I’ll accomplish what I set out to do alone, if I must,” I insist, but I know the odds of plunging the Sword into my own chest and managing to contain and outlive the Calamity on my own are marginal at best. “Though it would be easier with a second set of hands.”
She’s confused, of course. She obviously has no idea what I am. In a way, that makes it easier; in a way, that makes it harder.
“I don’t—”
“Is the Sword in the Great Hyrule Forest?” I interrupt, suddenly in a hurry to get this over with.
“The Sword,” I repeat, trying not to think of everything finding it will mean for me. “The Blade of Evil’s Bane. Does it still rest in the Lost Woods?”
“You wish to destroy it,” she accuses me quietly. Silly girl.
“I don’t know that such a thing is even possible,” I wonder aloud, intrigued by the idea. But that’s beside the point. It has to be in the Woods, because the hero’s spirit could hardly be reborn if it’s still alive in me. “It has no wielder.”
“No. You didn’t leave us a choice.”
I smirk in spite of myself. She’s right about that, more than she knows. “I suppose not.”
“You still haven’t answered me. I demand to know why you’ve brought me here.”
So, so much like her.
“You’re hardly in a position to be making demands, Your Highness,” I point out, and her cheeks flush a bit, betraying that streak of temper I know too well. I leave my seat by the fire and crouch near her, appealing to her love of her kingdom. It’s stronger in her than her love for anything else, as I am painfully aware. “If you do as I say, you will destroy me. With any luck, the pall of the Calamity will never fall over Hyrule again. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”
She considers my proposal fleetingly, and even though I know the reply is coming, that it’s deserved, that it’s better this way, it still hurts to hear it out loud. “I can’t trust you.”
“I’m not asking for your trust,” I scoff. How could I ever ask for her trust, when I don’t trust myself? When a single lapse on her part or mine could cost us everything, including her own life? No. Trust is out of the question. “Only your obedience.”
That accursed stubbornness of hers rears its pretty little head, her lip turning down just a bit. “If I don’t trust you—”
I can’t allow her to even suggest that I can earn it, for either of our sakes. I reach out, brushing her soft lips, the smooth line of her jaw, the swell of her cheekbone, knowing what my touch, harboring the evil of the Calamity, must be doing to her. I’ve felt it myself once, countless lifetimes ago, as the Calamity entered my body. I know I feel like that now, because she feels so unnaturally warm on my sensitive fingertips, so full of life and light it nearly burns.
“Does this feel like the touch of someone you can trust?” I ask rhetorically, and I feel her tremble under my hands. “That icy, numbing sensation of evil, trapped in this skin, grating on your nerves and pulling the warmth from your body and putting knots in your stomach, that urge to recoil that you can’t quite obey—that is the warning from the gods.” I can taste her fear growing, tantalizing and seductive, as I sweep the pad of my thumb along her full bottom lip, and I know I’m doing the right thing. She needs to fear me, as I fear myself. “You cannot trust me.”
  The Lost Woods
I could feel the mist, uninhibited, stroking the skin at the nape of my neck, and I bristled. The hallucinations would be quick on its heels. She had already been feeling the effects; a small gasp or a sudden change in her pace betrayed the way the woods were starting to torment her. But it was going to get much worse, and there was nothing I could do to protect either of us.
I’d already seen her—a ghost of who she once was, untouchable, ethereal, drifting through the trees like a specter. She’d been alight in moonglow, wraithlike, hauntingly graceful. But not now. Now she was fleshly, a healthy flush of color in her cheeks, looking so real. So vulnerable. Her eyes met mine, and I saw the recognition in them. Then they widened with fear, and she was pulled away into a distant darkness before she could make a sound.
I closed my eyes, trying to still my galloping heart. I turned slowly to check on Zelda—the real Zelda, the one who was alive right now—but the mist had separated us, and I cursed under my breath.
I heard a scream, and I closed my eyes again reflexively, fear coiling in my throat. I swallowed, trying to wet it. I didn’t want to move. I didn’t want to look, to be plagued by whatever vision the woods had in store for me. I wanted to pray, I wanted to ask the Goddesses to spare me this. But they wouldn’t listen to a prayer from the Calamity.
I couldn’t just stand there with my eyes closed and hope that Zelda would stumble across me. She would lose herself here without me to guide her. So I opened my eyes.
Another scream tore out of her, and I recoiled from the grisly scene, blood and adrenaline pounding through me. The worst part was the way the monster in me reacted—that submerged, suppressed part of me that was enticed by it, that wanted to look closer. That smiled.
It was me. I was crouched over her, animalistic, tearing at the gaping wound I’d opened across her torso with my teeth, too numerous and sharpened to a hundred razor-sharp points.
I was eating her alive.
She screamed again as I ripped into her, her body lurching as I wrenched at the cavity. And she just wouldn’t die. Her clothes were drenched in so much crimson and torn to shreds, and her face was contorted in anguish and terror. I tore into her again and again, her broken figure jerking and lifting as I pulled at her.
My conflicted nature came to the fore. Part of me was in agony. Part of me was laughing. Like a dam, distressed and buckling under the weight of rising floodwaters, something in me broke open.
With a snarl, I let my power pour out of me, giving it free rein in a way that I was too fearful to before. In that moment I didn’t care if the woods burst into flames, or if I drowned Hyrule with my hate. I just reacted.
I was just lost.
The mist barreled away from me in a great dome, letting the sunlight in. The vision was gone. I could breathe. In the clarity that followed I felt for Zelda’s presence and sent my power cascading towards her, opening a canyon through the fog. She spotted me as the sunlight washed over her, and she ran towards me, her expression full of relief. She’s so stupid. So am I.
She fisted her hands in my tunic, catching her breath as the mist encircled us again. I wanted to pull her into my arms. I wanted to hold her close and protect her from this place. I wanted to tell her everything I’ve seen and everything I am and beg her to take pity on me and put an end to this because I just couldn’t go on anymore—Goddesses, I couldn’t do this anymore.
But I was barely in control. My power was still flying through my veins, threatening to burst out of me at any moment and do incomprehensible damage. My heart was still pounding. I cautiously put my hands on her shoulders, hoping the contact would calm me a little. It did; her warmth under my hands grounded me, helping me shunt reality into the forefront of my mind and block the visions out.
“I don’t have as much courage as I thought,” she whispered.
She had no idea what she was saying. She was so, so brave, so young but so capable, standing on the brink of her power with all the potential in the world. She was beautiful and wonderful, and she was going to be an amazing queen someday. She embodied everything I loved about my Zelda.
I almost told her. I was almost that weak. But then I swallowed it and told her the truth instead.
“Neither do I.”
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