#hopefully it’ll be out soon i wanna make something good for you all
azzibuckets · 5 months
For the Love of the Game [Pazzi | Part 4/10]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: paige and azzi take the next step in their fake relationship
a/n: this one’s pretty long, hopefully it’ll tide y’all over for a bit 💋
word count: 2.6k
masterlist w/ all parts
“I don’t know, I guess we just kinda grew on each other.”
Paige and Azzi stood weakly under the scrunity of their entire team, hands interlocked. Paige hoped the younger girl couldn’t feel the sweat in the palm of her hand. Lying to Geno was no issue, but to her best friends that knew her almost as well as she knew herself? Damn near impossible.
After aggressively interrogating the new “couple” with question after question, the team finally seem somewhat satisfied by their answers and stopped the barrage, leaving Paige and Azzi alone in the locker room.
“Holy hell,” Azzi breathed out a sigh of relief as soon as the last of their teammates left the room. “Good thing we went over our story like a hundred times. That was rough.”
Paige raised an eyebrow. “It wouldn’t hurt you to practice lying a bit,” she remarked, wiping the sweat off her brow with a Gatorade towel.
Azzi bit the inside of her cheek. She hated when Paige made infuriating offhand comments like that, making her feel so inferior without even trying. “I’m sorry I’m just not naturally good at deceiving others,” she snapped.
The other girl stared at her before turning around to rummage through her locker. “I’m carrying most of the weight of this whole act, and you know it.”
The tension between the two of them returned, and they both changed in silence. Azzi mentally kicked herself. They were supposed to be on the same team now. No one on the team would keep on believing their act if her and Paige were always picking fights with each other. She might as well attempt to become friends with Paige, or as close to friends as she could get, so that their plan wouldn’t get ruined.
“Look,” Azzi sighed, breaking the silence, “we should probably like go somewhere and do something together.” Seeing the confused look on Paige’s face, she rushed to forge towards. “Not like a date, you know, but no one’s gonna believe we’re dating if we’re being nasty to each other. We should probably get to know each other and stuff.”
Paige nodded. It seemed like she was understanding Azzi’s idea until she said, “so you wanna get all up on me?”
“Oh my god, Paige-”
Paige’s eyes twinkled in amusement, having gotten the reaction that she wanted. “I’m messing with you. Yeah, that sounds fine.” She checked her watch. “Actually, you free right now?”
Azzi looked at her in surprise. “Why? You wanna go now?”
Paige threw her shoes in her backpack and zipped it up. “The sooner the better, am I right? Your car or mine?”
“I’ll drive,” Azzi offered. She figured she might as well take as much control over the situation as she could. It would be a lot easier for her nerves to quiet down if she had the wheel in her hands, literally and figuratively.
Azzi rolled down her window, trying not to steal too many glances at Paige. They were painfully silent - the only sound in the car was some terrible country music filtering in from the radio. Azzi had initially connected her AUX, but decided that she didn’t want Paige to judge her music taste.
After a few minutes, Paige had had enough. “Bro, can we turn this shit off or play something else?” she begged, her tone dripping with annoyance.
“A please would be nice,” Azzi griped, resisting the urge to turn the volume up louder just to irritate Paige even further.
Paige folded her arms, hitting her head against her seat with an exaggerated thump. “Who even listens to the radio anymore?” she muttered under her breath. “It’s like I’m in a car with my grandma.”
“I’m not putting my playlists on just so you can shit on that too,” Azzi responded dryly.
“I wouldn’t do that,” Paige muttered. Then in a louder voice, “Can I play my music then?”
“We’re almost there. You can’t sit for another two minutes?”
Paige huffed. “Where are you even taking me?” She made a show of looking around their surroundings at the streets.
“Relax, it’s a good spot. They have good tacos.” Azzi smiled at the thought of biting into one of those mouth watering, juicy, shrimp tacos with the lime salsa she loved so much. Even if Paige was being an ass, at least she’d get to eat well.
When they reached the location, Paige was pleasantly surprised. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it definitely hadn’t been this. They were at an outlook on a hill, a little green park with some old town restaurants and stores nestled in the corner. The hill overlooked the city below, the entire atmosphere bathed in a soft pink light from the setting sun.
“Damn,” Paige whistled, taking it all in. “You did good for our first date.”
Azzi’s cheeks flushed a light pink and she look away, tucking in one of her braids behind her ear. “This isn’t a date.”
Paige bit her lip. She loved when she got Azzi all flustered. Not because she thought it was cute, Paige reminded herself. She just liked to annoy her. “Oh really? I was gonna pay for your food, but I guess not,” Paige joked, dodging when Azzi tried to hit her.
Paige didn’t really know how the two of them so easily switched between frosty exchanges like the one on the car and then light-hearted moments like these. You guys were fickle.
“Okay, so what’s the plan?” Both of you had gotten your tacos, and were sitting at one of the picnic tables scattered next to the Mexican joint.
“I mean, we already got our story done.” Azzi carefully drizzled her tacos with salsa. “I think it’s the chemistry part of all it. We have to really sell that we’re dating through our behavior.”
Paige nodded in agreement. “Yeah. But we should probably set up some boundaries first.”
Azzi’s heartbeat quickened at that. She would be lying if she said she hadn’t thought of the extent your fake relationship would go to. She’d already accepted hugging and hand holding and other basic forms of PDA - they wouldn’t be able to sell their act without it. But she shivered at the idea of there ever being a situation where you guys would have to kiss.
“I’m a pretty touchy person,” Paige admitted. “The whole team knows that. So you’re gonna have to deal with a lot of contact, or else they’ll know something’s up.”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Azzi muttered. Paige looked up at her, studying her with a small smile on her face.
When she kept on smiling, the dark haired girl shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Paige was full on grinning now, as if Azzi had just the funniest joke ever. “Come here,” she motioned her head to the spot next to her on the bench.
“Go there?” Azzi rumpled her eyebrow quizzically. “My seat right now is perfectly fine, thanks.”
“Don’t be annoying.” Paige said. “Just come here.” Knowing how stubborn she was and that she likely wouldn’t stop bothering her until Azzi agreed, she gave up, pushing her food to the other side of the table and walking around to join Paige.
Easeinf her way onto the seat, she made sure to leave a gap between them. “Now what?”
Paige’s eyes flicked to the gap inbetween them and she rolled her eyes. “Why are you so far? Come here.” She reached out and wrapped her arm around Azzi’s waist, easily moving her so that the entire sides of their bodies were now flush against each other.
Azzi felt slightly lightheaded, but she blamed the feeling on the fact that she wasn’t a very touchy person in general and wasn’t used to this much contact with anyone in general. “Are you gonna tell me why I’m basically on you?”
“If you wanna sit on my lap, just say so,” Paige teased. When she was met with nothing but raised eyebrows, she said, “We gotta practice the public displays of affection and stuff. It needs to be able to come out of us naturally. We can’t be just be awkwardly holding hands, you know?”
Paige was smarter than Azzi gave her credit for, but she still didn’t like this feeling she was getting, all riled up with her heartbeat quickening from touching Paige. They were so close that Azzi could smell the perfume that the blonde must have sprayed on her neck, all sweet and fragrant.
They ate like that, without a single inch of space between them. It wasn’t as awkward as Azzi had thought it would be. It almost seemed natural, the way their bodies were so intimately pressed together. It was nice, Azzi thought, the warmth of someone next to you. She could understand why some people’s love languages were physical touch.
“Hey, are you Azzi Fudd?” Two giggly girls had approached their table. The one who had spoken had wide eyes and a breathy laugh.
“I am,” Azzi gave them a small smile. She agreed happily when they asked for photos and a signature; she loved UConn fans, and it was nice being recognized out in public every once a while. It made the sweat and tears that she’d dedicated to her sport worth something.
The girls were excitable though, and every time Azzi tried to end the conversation, they brought up another thing. Azzi could feel Paige fidgeting behind her, itching to get away from the curious but increasingly nosy questions of the girls. She tapped her foot against the pavement and sighed loudly. But Azzi ignored her, enjoying Paige’s growing exasperation.
But finally the girls seemed to take a hint, thanking Azzi profusely as they left. She looked over at Paige, who had already started throwing away her food and heading back to the car.
Furrowing her brow, she started to jog after the blonde. “Thanks for waiting,” she joked sarcastically once she caught up. Paige pursed her lips and continued walking, this time at a faster pace. “Are you trying to run away from me? Have you forgotten we’re heading to the same place?” Azzi puffed out, trying to keep up.
“You know, people don’t usually spend half of a date talking to someone who isn’t their date,” Paige responded, the harshness in her tone catching Azzi off guard.
Then realization dawned on her. Paige Bueckers was jealous. It surprised her somewhat - everyone knew Paige enjoyed being the center of attention. She just didn’t know that Paige could be jealous when it came to her attention. And she didn’t necessarily hate it.
“Hold up, Bueckers.” Azzi’s lips quirked up. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
Paige snorted. “You wish. It’s just that the whole point of coming here was to work out any holes in our plan, yet we didn’t discuss it at all.” She sped up even faster, and Azzi grabbed her elbow, forcing her to spin around to face her.
“Are you mad?” Azzi asked, amusement still lingering in her eyes. When Paige didn’t respond, she stepped closer, brushing a blonde strand behind her ear. “Did you wanna practice, Paige?” She said, voice a whisper now. Deciding to have a little fun, Azzi let her gaze drop down to Paige’s lips before looking up at her through her lashes.
Paige visibly swallowed, and Azzi relished in the effect she was having on the girl. She was used to making Paige mad, making her voice rise and cheeks flush in frustration, but she could get used to this - making Paige nervous, making her heart race.
“Practice what?” Paige rasped out. Her eyes were focused on Azzi’s lips, so Azzi wet her bottom lip, letting her tongue slowly run over.
“You know,” Azzi purred, now bringing her hand up to run her fingers up Paige’s bicep. She danced her fingertips Paige’s skin, not letting it stay in one place for too long.
Paige exhaled, moving to bring Azzi closer to her before Azzi burst out with a laugh. “Oh my god,” she cackled. “You should’ve seen the look on your face.”
Paige stepped back, her jaw clenched. If Azzi didn’t know better, she would think that Paige looked hurt, with her eyebrows dipped down and expression rigid, but she brushed it off. There was no way Paige cared enough about kissing her to actually be disappointed.
“I guess my flirting skills are getting pretty good, eh?” Azzi teased, but the other girl didn’t even look at her. This continued the entire way home, Paige staying silent while staring out the window, their dynamic now back to its fluctuating state.
“Are you mad or something?” Azzi asked once she had parked outside of Paige’s apartment. Paige ignored her, trying to open the door. Azzi smirked as she saw Paige struggle with the handle before realizing that she’d turned child lock on.
Giving up, the taller girl crossed her arms. “No.”
“Then why are you being all moody? Is this cuz I was flirting with you?”
Paige sucked in a breath, her cheeks hollowed. “What do you want me to say?” It was a genuine question, because even Paige wasn’t sure of why she was feeling like this. Her entire body had thrummed when Azzi had looked at her lips, and for some unknown reason she’d wanted to bring Azzi closer, to see what she tasted like. It was completely and wholly alien. Up until now the only thing she’d wanted to do to Azzi was bounce a basketball off the side of her head. And now Azzi’s pretty pink mouth was stuck in her head, had been burning in her mind the entire ride back.
Azzi shrugged, and that’s when Paige decided to take back the wheel. “You were right, actually. We should practice kissing,” she announced, feeling satisfied once Azzi’s eyes widened.
“Why?” Azzi stuttered.
Paige leaned over the console, a fiery look in her eyes. “You were all confident back at the park. What happened?” She challenged.
Azzi swallowed her nervousness. Cocking her chin, she said “I’m just scared you might pass out. You were a little bit too disappointed back there when I pushed you away.”
The girls’ eyes locked in a staring contest, both of them refusing to back down.
Until Paige opened her mouth, and blurted out, “I’m going to kiss you.” Azzi stared at the older girl, shocked by the abrupt bluntness of her statement. They both continued to look at each other, and when Azzi didn’t say anything, Paige leaned in, pressing her lips to hers.
Instinctively, Azzi brought her hand up to Paige’s cheek, and Paige tilted her head slightly, leaning into her warm touch. Paige’s lips parted, and Azzi took that opportunity to brush her tongue against hers.
It was like everything was moving in slow motion. Paige couldn’t even believe that she was kissing Azzi, the girl she’d gotten into more arguments with than she’d ever had with all of her teammates combined. Azzi, who always made her head spin and blood pressure rise. Azzi, who was annoyingly good at basketball, who knew how to get under her skin and press her sensitive spots. Except now she wanted Azzi to press different sensitive spots.
Paige was gentle and her lips so much softer than Azzi had expected. As they kissed, she let her fingers slip into Paige’s hair, feeling its soft silkiness. Her nails scraped Paige’s scalp, eliciting a soft groan from the blonde’s lips.
After what seemed like forever, they broke apart, panting and staring at each other in disbelief. Azzi licked her lips, now swollen, studying Paige, whose pupils were dilated and hair slightly mussed up from Azzi’s hands. Paige’s eyes, so pretty and blue, fluttered closed for a second before she reached for the handle of the car. “It’s getting late,” she swallowed. “I should probably go.”
Without a word, Azzi unlocked the car, watching as Paige hurriedly gathered her things and left. She walked briskly away with her head down, not looking back once. Once she’d disappears into the building of her apertment, Azzi groaned, letting her forehead rest against the wheel. What the fuck had they just done?
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tenjikyu · 5 days
Okay! With your earlier reply in mind, here is my second request *slides it across the nonexistent table*
I've been having major Mitsuya brain rot so obviously this request will be about him :>
Picture this: Final timeline adult Mitsuya doing all his fashion designing stuff x house spouse (gn version of housewife/househusband).
Genre can be fluff, maybe a bit suggestive if that's okay with you, I don't mind either way, I am just dying for some Mitsuya works cuz I swear I've read most of the gn and male reader x him fics out there and I am starving for new content with him
Hopefully this was coherent and had at least something you could work with (if you need anything more specific, I can send another request)
— 🎭
𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘍𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ mitsuya x GN!housespouce!reader , pure fluff n slightly suggestive but it’s nothing more then kissing, I 💗 mitsuya omg, still haven’t rewatched Tokyo rev I’ve been slack 🙁, short n sweet but I was struggling to finish it and I didn’t wanna keep the people waiting much longer so I do apologise.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ I’m so sorry for how long this took!! I desperately wanted to get this out before it hit the 1 month mark but I’ve been super duper busy with personal shit! Hope it’s still good enough lmao.
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Takashi ironed the fabric with the upmost care, fondling the silk around the board with a low heat level on. The design itself was a dress resembling a lotus flower. The top was beaded with pale pink rhinestones and the bottom consisted with an array of green silks and gems. It had a sharp yet form fitting feel and anyone could tell the designer put the upmost love into the piece.
A gentle knock came from the other side of his work studio, and there was only one person it could be.
“Here darling, I made you some miso soup to have. Light enough it’ll keep you full but still good for dinner”, your voice charms his ears. Ever since moving in with him, you’ve taken on the role of housespouce. You clean and cook for him, in order to provide the best possible space for Takashi to work in.
It had been twelve years since the two of you got together in middle school. You were the schools vice president, and he was a gang member. Despite the opposite worlds, you hung out frequently and even babysat his sisters when he was unavailable. The day Takashi knew he wanted to some day marry you was the day he came home to his two younger sisters resting in your lap, washed dishes and comfortably lying on the futon.
Now, the two of you reside in an upper class place with lots of room for Takashi’s designs, and none of them are anything short of ethereal. Behind every design he creates, inspiration of you seeps through the thread and needle. Your favourite flower, animal, colour and styles all influence Takashi’s dresses and all of them are of the highest quality.
So, whenever you come into the studio, Takashi gives you a big grin and awaits a hug from his favourite partner.
“How’s your day, darling?” He asks you, and you smile gently at him.
“I’ve missed you, I can’t deny. It seems you’ve been locked in here forever”.
“I apologise my dear”.
“I know another way you can’t make it up to me..” you grin at him, and his cheeks flush with a pink hue.
Kissing his Adam’s apple gently, you guide him up and out of the studio, into your bedroom. Lying his cherished body onto the bed, you feel up his torso as you continue to litter him with small hickies.
He soon follows your lead, pressing a loving kiss to your cultivating lips. You swear there’s nothing closer to heaven than this man’s touch, and you’re convinced you’ve ascended as he grips your cheeks to deepen your kiss.
“I’ve missed you too, darling”, Takashi presses another kiss to your collarbone and manoeuvres his hands around your waist, and you sigh gently at his grip.
“I promise you I’ll give you what you want, after we eat dinner “, you giggle, and his pout is nothing short of cute.
“So you lead me to bed and suddenly leave me high and dry? I’m hurt baby”, he chuckles out, pressing one last kiss to the wedding ring on your finger.
“After dinner, I’ll give you all the desert you desire my love”.
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luffyvace · 8 months
Luffy x male reader hcs ☆
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Cuz yeaaaaa I never see this?? I’m sure there’s some male luffy simps out there somewhere !!
come get your food I know you exist!! <3
Now luffy’s not gentle with anyone
but if your a guy he assumes you can handle yourself, weak or not
Why? Because your a man! And men have to do what a man has to do
Luffy has mentioned multiple times to protect nami
because she’s a young girl! (Not a grown woman—she’s eight-TEEN)
robin is strong and has a devil fruit so she’s different!
nami has average feats besides some decent durability
but yeah so he’s not gentle at all
you may get treated like zoro and usopp
you two probably seem more like best friends than a couple
luffy drags you EVERYWHERE on your adventures!
like literally you don’t remember a time where you two are separated
which leads me to believe one of his love languages are quality time
playing together, fishing together, fighting side by side, exploring together
did you notice how many times I said together??
yes!! Because your never apart!!!
so, what’s the other love language??
why physical touch of course!
luffy has no concept of personal space
as we know
so he’s always slingshotting onto you, hopping on you back (even if your smaller), dragging you around, whatever!
he does this subconsciously of course
The crew gets this as well but with as touchy as he is with you, you can tell you two are the couple of the group
don’t bother with dates unless you want to have a eating competition
that’s a date he’ll gladly take on without RUINING
In fact he wins!
every time-
no matter what type of competition it is luffy will never hold back
not even to make you feel better 🤷‍♀️
if you’re just as hyper as him you two are the chaotic duo
nami is always scolding and punching you both
not that you learn your lesson or anything
you guys are always doing stupid stuff like challenges and pranks
and bothering your fellow straw hats when you get bored
With a more rational boyfriend
luffy doesn’t calm down at all
nor does he listen to you any better than nami
he drags you around on his silly adventures whether you want to or not
in fact that may be how you joined in the first place!
(you remind me of law—platonically)
Luffy always laughs and says “come on m/n it’ll be fun!” Whenever you express you don’t wanna do something
yeah he’s not a great listener
but he is good at picking up on feelings!
so if your genuinely sad he can tell straight away you aren’t your normal self, even if your the world’s best actor
m/n being more sentimental/emotional actually kinda goes hand in hand with luffy since he can pick up on those if nothing else
although you’ll be going through a roller coaster of said emotions-
at least he listens to your demands a little more
Unlike zoro for example as to where he doesn’t get to finish his sentences 🤦‍♀️😬
if luffy ever gifts you something it’ll either be so perfectly accurate (you probably think someone helped him but he did it by himself and didn’t think much of it)
or 😬😬😟
“gee..thanks luffy..”
”no problem m/n!” 😊👍
if your weak luffy won’t train with you-
you either train with zoro or get stronger with time
it’s not that he doesn’t want to
it just doesn’t cross his mind
he spent 10 years training, he thinks he’s pretty good
All he needs now is experience and adventure!
but if you ask him? Sure!
(im warning you this is training and he doesn’t hold back, especially since your a guy)
idk why luffy thinks guys can handle everything??
like dang you could be a lil gentle..?
anyway yeah
if your strong? Great!
now you can fight along side him :)
luffy tells you about everything and anything
Even stuff you don’t wanna know..
YUP I’m ending it there 😜
Hopefully my male readers enjoyed this!~ more op content coming soon💗
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l0starl · 11 months
𝐁𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 ii
-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙨 𝙄’𝙢 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙧𝙮𝙣𝙖 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚
‼️𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 3 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲‼️
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬?s
sᴏɴɢ: ʙʏ ᴍʏ sɪᴅᴇ (ғᴇᴀᴛ. ᴋᴀᴀsʜ ᴘᴀɪɢᴇ)
Part 3
ʏᴇs ɪɴ ᴛʜɪs sᴛᴏʀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɪs ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ 🌚
Words: 881
Warnings: Cursing i guess 🤨
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The next morning you woke up in a cold sweat, was it all a dream? Was he really there? The real question is why was he there, you only spoke to him a few times but that was all….. You sigh getting off the bed, rubbing your eyes. You took hot shower and got ready for school, you decided to do keep the same hairstyle as you grab your backpack, making sure you have your homework and project, as you leave towards the bus stop. It was awfully cold once again but you didn’t mind the breeze at all. The bus arrived just on time as you took a seat and stared out in the window, there has been a lot of crime lately so the streets don’t look……Appealing
Once you got off the bus you quickly went inside the school, hopefully miles isn’t here to make your life a living hell right?
As soon as you got into your math class there he was, how many classes do you have with this guy like damn?
To make things worse, the desk in front of him was the only one that wasn’t occupied…damn it
You sat in the seat not saying a word, you in feel his gaze staring right at you, you don’t even have to look at him to know he’s smirking.
“So you finish that project yet?” Miles spoke in a cocky tone
You sucked your teeth and turned around
“Obviously! You barely did shit!” You responded
“Damn, alright then, but I did some stuff too, you can’t take all the credit” He snickered
“Just stop talking, it’ll do you some good” you responded in an irritated tone
He sniggered as you turn back to face the board, miles is so damn annoying! All because of some damn sketchbook?!
After class was over you both went to history, sadly you would be obviously doing most of the work. It was almost completed, miles did “some” of it but at least he didn’t just sit there like an idiot.
“You actually doing something?” You asked
“Can’t let you get all the credit now hm?” He responded in a teasing tone
You scoffed as you continued working on the project, you were starting to warm up to him, he honestly reminds you of a annoying sibling, but you wouldn’t say since it would just encourage him.
After all these classes the day was finally over, you can tell miles is warming up to you, but you keep it hush since you don’t wanna hear all that yapping he has to say.
“So, your house to finish the project miles?”
“Yeah, alright”
they both went their separate ways, after you got home you went to take a hot shower, put on some comfy clothes and got ready to leave.
He didn’t live that far, thank goodness, you knocked on the door as he let you in, shutting the door afterwards, he led you into his room as you both sat down at a desk.
“So, what have you done so far on the project?” You asked, curious
“I got some of the information” he says, handing you a sheet of paper
you skimmed through the paper analyzing it, it was actually a good paper!
“Wow, you actually did something, that’s shocking” you snickered
He snickered as well, you both continued doing the project, it was about 10:41 pm, you didn’t realize how time went so fast, realizing this you decided to go home, so you say goodbye to miles and start walking home
While walking home, you noticed the path looked different…like it was longer, there was also a van nearby, every time you turned around it was always there, you decided to pick up the pace but before you could turn around once more, your knocked in the head with a loud BANG, your ears start to ring, and your vision goes black.
You woke up in an isolated room, tied to a chair, their was a bright light in front of you, blinding your vision, you squint your eyes and you see a familiar gauntlet, it was like the prowlers, but not exactly the same one. The light was removed from your face, it took some time for your vision to get less blurry but you saw more than 3 figures in the room.
“What relations do you have with the prowler” the man hissed
“Nothing! I never communicated with him!” You responded, even though you did speak with him a few times in the past
“Liar! You know something” the man shouts, slapping you across the face
Your head turned to the side from the impact, you was not gonna let that slide..
“I already told you I don’t got anything to do with him!” you shout
A loud blast was heard from another room, people were yelling and screaming
“Keep an eye on them” the man says to the other as they left the room
Great your stuck in a room with a bunch of randoms and if things can’t get worse your tied up….
Suddenly there was a burst through the door, smoke filled the room as your ears started to ring, there was a neon purple light glooming through the smoke approaching you….
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xthescarletbitch · 7 months
I've never requested writing before so idk if this is how it works (lol) but I saw your requests were open for Horizon and I'd love to see something along the lines of Aloy and her s/o are out hunting machines and her s/o gets injured (nothing like life ending, just enough to be concerning. I'm a whore for the hurt/comfort trope🫡)
If it's not something you're interested in writing, that's okay! Love your account regardless 🤭😆 No rush if you do write it, take your time 🫶 It can be in headcanon format or whatever you wanna do 😋
(Also I saw on your request page that Jinx from arcane was one of your fav characters- I. FREAKING. LOVE HER.)
thank you so much. <3 and jinx is amazing! i hope to write for her again soon as well.
hurt (aloy x reader)
sfw, but i still prefer no minors
cw: shitty title, mentions of injury and bleeding
word count: 1600+
author’s note: this is my first ever hurt/comfort, so i hope you like it! i feel like it was rushed through, but i also had no idea how to do it, i'm sorry. hopefully i'll get better with time. :)
“okay,” aloy begins, pointing toward a lone machine up ahead. “that one’s a sawtooth. it’s a combat machine weak to fire.”
you nod your head and scribble the notes down in your journal, even attempting to make a little doodle of the machine itself. “weak to fire. got it.” 
aloy waits patiently as you document a few more things about the machine. she ensures that all bases are covered so that you can do so in peace. 
you had asked her to take you machine-hunting to gain some more knowledge about the machines you tinker with. aloy has always done an amazing job bringing you what you needed, but you aspired to know more, to see more. at first, she was hesitant about bringing you along, assuring you that she could tell you all you needed to know. after some convincing and a promise that you wouldn’t get hurt, she caved. and now, here you are.
you tuck your journal back into your sack and look up at your eager girlfriend. she has that sweet smile across her face as she anticipates the hunt about to begin. 
“wait! i have something for you,” aloy exclaims, reaching into her own sack. she pulls out a bow and a few arrows, extending them out to you. “i had varga tweak it a bit.”
you grab the items from your girlfriend’s hand. you look over the bow, dragging your fingertips along the wood. it is smooth–very clearly in pristine condition. you notice the wood dyed in a shade of your favourite colour with your and aloy’s initials etched on it, a feature that only widens the smile you already have. 
“aloy,” you finally say, urging a sigh of relief from your partner, who was worried that you didn’t like it. “it’s beautiful. thank you.”
she smiles and admires you as you look over it some more. “i figured that you’d need one if we made this a regular thing.”
“oh, we will,” you assure, playing around with the string of the bow and aiming it out toward the sawtooth ahead, which is still unaware of your presence. “this will be a memorable hunt to kick off future ones.”
aloy shows you a few techniques with your newly acquired bow. you’re still at a distance away from the sawtooth, so you can do so safely. she stands behind you, her arms on top of your own, moving your body into place. of course, she will be there the entire time, but she still wants you to know how to protect yourself. “you can never be too careful,” she always says.
after you get the hang of it, aloy moves on to the focus on both of your temples. “do you remember what i taught you?”
“yes,” you nod. “i just tap on it, and it’ll give me some more information about the machines i see. i should also be careful to not get too distracted by it while the machine still roams.”
“very good,” she smiles and crosses her arms. “i think you’re ready.”
“really?” you excitedly ask, wanting to get into the action already.
she nods her head and takes a deep breath. “follow my lead, okay?”
aloy moves to a crouching position and gets back behind the rock that you both conversed behind before. you watch as she peeks above the rock and studies the sawtooth with her focus, seemingly opting to track the machine’s path. as she asked, you follow her lead and do the same. you can now see the path that the machine will take if left undisturbed–which won’t be for long. she crouches back down and looks at you, giving you a look to let you know that it is time to press on. 
she moves to a patch of grass right next to the machine’s track. you follow along, quiet and prepared, with your bow in hand and an arrow at the ready. aloy taps her focus once more and assesses the machine. you assume that she is highlighting vulnerable parts of the sawtooth–an act that you do as well. you note that you probably shouldn’t use fire arrows at this distance on its blaze canister. thankfully, you only have standard arrows. shooting the body will be your best bet with this machine.
with her bow and arrow in hand, aloy begins to aim at the sawtooth. its back is now facing the two of you, so it is a better time than any to attack. you ready your own weapon, aiming for its legs. you think you could slow it down if you get the right shot in. 
aloy turns to you once more, mouthing the words, “ready?” 
you nod in response, which aloy follows up with shooting her first shot at the sawtooth. the machine turns around with a quickness, looking directly at the two of you. your cover is now blown, so you must be on guard and ready to dodge. the predestined path no longer matters. 
the machine lets out a deep growl before sprinting towards you. aloy rolls to the left while you roll to the right. the sawtooth follows aloy, who manages to evade its melee attacks each time. she swings her spear here and there but ultimately moves to get some distance between the two so that she can use her bow. you follow behind the machine, shooting arrows into its back. you wager that the machine only has a quarter health left, but is definitely putting up a fight.
aloy shoots her own arrows into the machine while in a state of constant movement. you admire that she can be so steady with a bow despite being in motion. you note this to document later in case you ever encounter a sawtooth again. she’d have to teach you how she does it, but it was no doubt contributed to by rost’s training. 
you shoot the final arrow into the beast, causing it to fall in defeat. it causes you to get all giddy because it is your first machine kill. aloy runs to you, smiling. she pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead.
“you did great,” she tells you once she pulls away. “i’m very proud of you.”
“thank you,” you smile. “i have to go grab my journal! i’ll be right back.”
with that, you leave aloy’s embrace to go to your sack behind the original rock as she goes to the machine to start scraping it for parts for both of you. you reach the rock and kneel, picking up your bag to rummage through. as your hand searches for the journal, you sense that you’re not alone.
you turn behind you to hear a loud noise and witness a blinding flash. you quickly stand up and reach your arms out in front of you, trying to gain your sight back. you hear your name being called but still cannot see a thing. you walk forward a bit, only to be thrown back as the machine strikes you. you feel your body hit the rock hard as your sight somewhat comes back in time to see an arrow pierce the machine’s big eye. aloy follows soon after.
“my love!” she shouts, immediately crouching by your side. “i’m so sorry i wasn’t here.”
her hands roam across your apparent injuries. all you feel is pain in your head and abdomen. you look up at your girlfriend to see her face full of intense concern. you lift your hand to rub the sweat from your forehead so it doesn’t get in your eye, but upon glancing at said hand, you see bright red blood. within the next few moments, everything gets blurry, and your head feels light. aloy mutters a string of concerns as you fall back in her arms, barely able to keep your eyes open.
your eyes flutter open a few hours later, and your vision is clear again. your head is still pounding, but the spots you saw are no more. you sit yourself up on your elbows, looking around at your surroundings and being unable to tell where you are. you do spot a campfire and your flame-haired girlfriend stirring something over it. 
“aloy?” you question, rubbing your eyes as you sit up even more. 
she turns around quickly, the edges of her mouth turning up at the sound of your voice. “my love, how are you feeling?”
“my head is killing me.”
“it will. you hit it pretty hard,” she gets up from her spot and comes to kneel by your side. “i’m so sorry again. i should’ve protected you.”
you place a kiss on her forehead. it wasn’t her fault, and you assure her of that. you glance down at your abdomen, where a sharp pain lingers. you notice some stitching. 
“i had to stitch you up. you were bleeding pretty badly. your forehead, too.”
“oh, aloy,” you say, a note of concern in your own voice. “i’m the one who should be sorry. i didn’t mean to put you through that.”
she takes your hand in her own and kisses it, shaking her head. she is just relieved that you’re awake and able to talk to her. it was a very lonely few hours.
“get some rest, please? i won’t let anything more happen to you.” she kisses your forehead this time and then your cheeks. “i am so glad you’re okay.”
“i don’t suppose you’d let me join you hunting again, huh?” you joke.
her hand squeezes yours tighter. “we’ll see.”
you lay back on the makeshift bed she created for you and let your eyes close for a few more minutes. the smell of whatever aloy is cooking is in the air. not only could you not wait to eat something, but you also couldn’t wait to be back home in your comfy bed, wrapped in the arms of your lover. you open your eyes once more to admire her. you feel very lucky to have her. 
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tlouslut · 1 year
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Abby Anderson x fem!medic!reader
!!TLOU2 spoilers as well as spoilers for the future of the show!! Not proofread kinda bad but like it is what it is and it made me sad just sitting in my drafts.
The days were long and hot in the summer. The warm weather meant for irritated scars and angry soldiers, which for you meant more injuries to treat. You had been a medic on the team for years now, ever since you could sew stitches and disinfect wounds with steady hands.
There were only a few times those hands shook. One was when you met her. Abby Anderson. All charm and strength. Her face had been scraped up pretty bad so when you held her chin to keep her steady she knew your hands were shaky.
“I’m Abby, by the way.” She greeted.
“Hi.” You said shyly before giving her your name. The rest of the interaction went by too quickly for your liking. Abby radiated warmth.
“Okay then, you should be good to go!” You smiled stepping away from her. Abby smiled back at you and you felt your heart stop.
“I’ll make sure to see you next time I get hurt.” Abby joked, you rolled your eyes at her.
“Don’t hurt yourself on purpose just to come by, if you wanna see me again just come find me. I’m usually down here unless a squad needs me.” You winked, a part of your heart delighted in the shade of pink her cheeks turned.
“I just might come find you then.” She fumbled for words making you laugh.
“I’m counting on it, Abby.” You flirted, putting an emphasis on her name and the way it rolled off your tongue.
Sure enough, once you invited her back Abby was almost always in your med bay, if she wasn’t with you she was with her friends. Sometimes they even came with her to visit you.
“Hey you!” Abby’s cheerful voice brightened your corner of the WLF base.
“Hi gorgeous.” You grinned at her. It’s been like this for a few weeks now, you would flirt with her sometimes she would flirt back or just blush and wave you off. You were just waiting for her to ask you to dinner or something. Anything.
“So, we’re going on a patrol soon, one of the lengthier ones around the whole city pretty much. It’s supposed to take a few days.” Abby sighed before throwing herself onto the cot beside your desk. You frowned turning to look at her, putting your scrawled notes you had been reviewing down.
“Who all is going?” You tipped your head to look down at her.
“It’s me, Nora, Manny, Owen, and hopefully you?” Abby winced as she asked. As if you could ever refuse her and her puppy dog eyes.
“Of course I’ll go. It’ll be nice to see you in your field since you’re always in mine.” You teased. Abby’s eyes lit up as she sat up and leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to your cheek.
“Thank you, don’t worry about being in danger or anything, I-we can keep you safe.” Abby stuttered. Your cheeks were flushed pink as you patted her muscular arm gently.
“I trust you Abs.”
The sun was shining when you all left the WLF base. The springtime warmth seeping into your bones, new growth crunching under your feet. The five of you moved quickly and quietly to the first checkpoint. Clearing a couple of infected on your way, runners wearing the WLF symbol always made your heart sink.
First checkpoint was an old library, always to the top floor and barricaded some way that infected couldn't get to it. This time, the entrance to the floor you needed to go to is a hole in the ceiling. But Abby was more than happy to boost you up. When the sun began to set and food was dished out, Abby set her sleeping bag up next to yours with a soft smile.
"So, what made you want to be a medic?" Owen asked politely as he began to eat.
"When the WLF found me, they needed stitches sewn and infections cured. My mom taught me everything I know, but she's long gone now. It feels like honoring her I suppose." You explained with a small shrug. Abby scooched a little closer to you, sympathy and awe etched into her features.
"My dad was a doctor, he was murdered. He would have loved to meet you and talk all about medical stuff and cures." Abby said wistfully. You placed a hand on her shoulder gently.
"I would have loved to meet him."
Days came and went, turning into weeks, months, before Abby finally had the balls to ask you out. Then months turned into a year, but a year and a half in was when something shifted in the air around Abby.
“I found him.” She had run down to the medic station to find you. “Well I found a lead on him.” She breathed out, you could only blink in confusion.
“Joel. Miller. The man who murdered my Dad. We’re going to go find him.” Abby explained. Your heart sank into your chest as she told you where she found the lead. So far away from the home you had made in Washington.
It took a week for them to get the supplies they needed to leave, a week of arguing with Abby.
“I can’t risk you.” Abby pleaded. Your quiet anger and frustration clear in your eyes. In the tenseness of your shoulders as you soaked in those lovely words.
“I don’t give a fuck. I have to come with you, who is going to keep you safe?” You asked outraged.
“Mel is coming with! She will be our medic. You can’t come. You’re needed here, I need you here.” She breathed, her warm hands cupping your nape, her other hand idling at your hip.
“What about what I need? What about the fact that I need you here? Stay. He doesn’t get to be more important than this, than us.” You begged, tears in your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I love you.” Abby whispered, resting her forehead against yours.
“Come back to me.” You whispered letting Abby kiss away your protests, her mouth wiping away the tension in your body.
When you woke in her bed, wearing her clothes, she was gone.
“She’s back.”
Those two words changed the trajectory of your entire day. You’d been waiting for months to hear those two words. Months of anxiety filled torment, sleepless nights as her scent faded from your bedsheets, and nightmares of what could’ve happened.
Though your relationship with Abby was kept secret to a majority of the WLF, people weren’t blind. They took note of Abby’s smiles and your lingering hands when you patched her up. People loved to whisper about such things. Abby was a defining member of the WLF, someone high ranked and respected, but you were a simple medic with steady hands.
Steady hands that shook when the group approached your medic booth. Tears blurred your vision as you saw her, standing tall and proud in the chilled winter air, your Abby. Steady hands began to shake once Abby was seated before you, ready to be checked over.
“Hi.” She said quietly, her eyes bore into yours as the tears escaped. “Love… say something.” Abby begged. You cupped her face, Abby pulling at your hips to get you in her lap. Once you had your hands around her neck and we’re crying into her neck did you finally say something.
“I missed you so much.” You whispered into her hair. Abby tightened her hands around your waist, and you stayed like that. Ignoring your patients and just holding your Abby. Soon the sun began to set the nighttime cold could be felt and Abby stood, still holding you.
So you let Abby kiss away your whispers of complaints of missing her. Let her lips remove the weight of anxiety you hadn’t realized you had gripped so tightly on to. Letting her hands steady your own.
You had thought you’d be angry when she came home, but the only thing ringing in your head was that she was home. Home in your arms.
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thislovintime · 1 year
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You might recall older posts featuring audio and/or quotes from Peter's June 1983 interview with NPR (such as here, here, here, and here). There are also some audio snippets on this fan page's YouTube channel. But since the full audio is too long to upload to YouTube, I transcribed the full audio interview, and thought I'd share that transcript here for anyone who might be interested in reading this snapshot of a moment in time.
Terry Gross: "Um, you wanna wait for the coffee before we start?" Peter Tork: "Yes, let’s wait for the coffee." TG: "Good. It’ll be a couple of minutes. We’re waiting for the coffee. Yeah." PT: "Push the button that says stop. [long silence] Does he have to get a key to stop the tape machine? (chuckles)" TG: "So, soon as the coffee’s ready, we’ll…" PT: "We’ll just hit it. (Speaks louder) Okay, now, the thing about the songs is, snatches, this is that, the piece of this, that’s all right, but if you put on songs, then I’m just gonna be the whole..." [recording cuts off]. TG: "Are you comfortable talking about The Monkees?" PT: "It’s a mixed bag. Sometimes I am. Actually, to tell you the truth, I’m not comfortable but it’s not because I… about talking about The Monkees, it’s because I haven’t had a cigarette since yesterday." TG: "Do you wanna light one up?" PT: "Noooo." TG: "Oh, you’re trying to stop." PT: "Well, I’m trying to put it off." TG: "(laughs) Savor it a little." PT: "Put off the next cigarette for, well, hopefully for a very long time, but just not smoke one right now." TG: "Okay. How did you first hear about the Monkees audition?" PT: "Stephen Stills called me and said, 'Go try out.'"
TG: "He auditioned?" PT: "I don’t know whether he auditioned exactly, or whether he had just met the producers socially, but… Steve was a friend of mine on the Village streets in early 60s. He, as a matter of fact, hit town and became instantly known as that guy who looks like Tork, which was my name in those days. And I ran across him on the street. I said, 'I know who you are. You’re the kid who looks like me.’ He said, 'I know who you are. You’re the kid I’m supposed to look like.’ Anyway, so we cut back again to a couple of years later, and Steve knows this guy, and it turns out to be Bob Rafelson, one of the producers, who says to him, in his own inimitable way, 'Well, we like ya a lot, but your hair and teeth are wrong for our production, they ain’t photogenic. You know anybody who looks like you who’s got good hair and teeth?’ Stephen said, 'My friend Peter.’ And so Stephen called me and said, 'Go try out for this thing.’ And I said, 'Yeah, yeah, sure, Steve, yeah, right, instant success, gimme a break.’ And he said, 'No, no, really, try out.’ 'All right, all right, all right.’ So, you know, I took my hard-earned savings, which I’d been making washing dishes at this club in southern, way southern California, fifty miles south of Hollywood, and took a bus up to Hollywood and back down again, and up and down for auditions. And eventually won the part." TG: "What was the audition like?" PT: "Well, it started off with just a huge gang of kids in the office. The office had one secretary type and two offices, one on either side. You went into which ever one was free next and if they didn’t like you, that was it. If they did like you, then you went into the next guy’s office when he was free, and if he liked you, then they sent you to this — they gave you a, what they called a personality interview: they just had the cameras running on the set of I Dream Of Jeannie or something, and they asked you questions. And then, if they thought that was… that was actually also, I think, a photogenic test — photo genesis test (chuckles): Were you born in the camera? But after that, then came the regular screen test, which was scripted, and they had a set there, and a director, and he said, 'Do this and do that, and don’t do this and do this other thing.’ And they had, by that time, had gotten down to eight guys, and they divided them up into teams of two, and each one of them did the screen test with the script and the stage actions: 'Hey, man, what’s really the matter?’ 'Aw, I don’t know, it’s about Celia, you know.’ 'Yeah, yeah, I know, man.’ Like that." TG: "So that was the audition." PT: "That was, well, that was the whole audition process." TG: "Did, did they test you for chemistry with each other, since this was a band that was put together by producers?" PT: "No, they made, they made their assumptions and shot. They said, Well, we need one of these and one of these, two from column A and one from column B." TG: "Yeah, so, so what were the types that you were supposed to fit?" PT: "Well, I actually think that what they did… They didn’t just say, 'Actually, we need one of each of these.' What they said was, 'We’re going to need a bunch of qualities and pretty much the qualities… and we need them somehow or another combined among these guys.' I think basically one of the reasons I was chosen was — I can think of two good reasons why I was chosen. One is that I brought that character of the dummy to the audition. And they needed an odd man out, a guy who is like a little, you know, slightly turned from the other guys; straight-ahead rock and roll band, and one kind of simpatico, simplicico kind of a guy, and that was my character. And so that was one of the reasons why I was chosen. The other reason I think I was chosen is because I did the screen test in one take. At least, I thought it was impressive, I hope they did, too. In any case, it was like that, I got — I was the odd man out, Davy was the little British or romantic, and then two other guys, one of them light and crazed, and the other kind of dark and serious. And so that was the way it was balanced out." TG: "Were you asked to watch Beatles movies or listen a lot to Beatles records to develop the kind of sound and image that they had?" PT: "No." TG: "Were you self-conscious of The Monkees being considered to be like a Beatles imitation band?" PT: "Well, I — there was a lot of criticism to that effect and I think I took it to heart, and now I think I took it to heart too much. Because, really, it was, I think in some ways, Micky and Davy had a healthier attitude about it as I look back on it now. They didn’t go for that imitation this or organic that, you know, they just read their scripts, they came to the studio and read their parts, and that was all they ever cared about doing. You know, 'Give me a part and pay me at the end of the week.’ That’s all. And if I’d had that attitude, I would have been a lot happier. I would have been able to not worry. Because I heard a lot of different criticisms — and it all sounded as thought it was coming from one seriously important source, to me in those days. That was how I was. And I now see that each person had their own little carping to do. For instance, nobody ever said, to, in my knowledge, in those days, that we were a bunch of talentless actors. Everybody said we were talentless musicians, but not talentless actors. Because in Hollywood, we were respected pros doing what we had to do, cranking out this stuff week in and week out. You got it out, you were a pro; that was all anybody cared about in Hollywood. And so I said, Well, at least we had that much respect.’ I later find out that the struggling New York actors crowd are calling us talentless actors. But what I heard was the struggling musicians crowd in L.A., and all of the would-be-goods that are going, Well, these guys don’t play their own instruments,’ and all that… horseradish." TG: "You find that the rap has changed about the program? Because so many people look back on it affectionately now as being, like, a real pop piece from that period?" PT: "I don’t — it’s a good question. I don’t know whether the rap itself has changed, but I’m hearing more good rap about it. Which maybe comes to the same thing." TG: (laughs) PT: "You’re laughing because I spilled my coffee." TG: "Because you spilled your coffee, yeah. Did the studio control your personal life or your image? Like, was it okay to have girlfriends?" PT: "Oh, sure." TG: "Um, was it okay to be seen with them?" PT: "It’s okay to have sex. (laughs)" TG: "(laughs) You never know with studios, like how much control they’re exerting or what they want you to look like to your public." PT: "Well, they wouldn’t let us criticize the war in Vietnam." TG: "Really?" PT: "Really." TG: "Did you want to?" PT: "Yup. I actually did, to a New York Times reporter, and they made me, asked me very seriously, very strenuously, to call her and ask her to withhold that section of the interview. And I did, and she did, she was very kind about it. But it was… I look back on it and it seems kind of silly, but I think that the whole point of the project was: don’t make waves. Look like revolutionary, look like something new, but don’t make waves. On the other hand, in the experience of an awful lot of our audience, we were something new. So I can’t knock that." TG: "Do you think you would have been more of an activist if you weren’t part of TV at the time?" PT: "I don’t know. I never did march, you know, I never did carry a sign. The only thing I ever did was a sit-down strike someplace. Not much. You know, I never really did get into activism, and I don’t know whether it’s just because I’m a flat-out coward or I have some deep understanding of the cosmic truth of the fact that it doesn’t do any good or whatever, in whatever case, that’s just — that’s what it is, I don’t do it much." TG: "Bob Rafelson, who was one of the producers of the show, is now also known as a director of such films as Five Easy Pieces. Have you kept in touch with him at all?" PT: "No." TG: "Did you, like, go to see his other movies?" PT: "I happen to have seen some of the other movies… Of course I saw Five Easy Pieces because we were still associated with those guys as that movie was being put together. I mean, Easy Rider, and then I saw Five Easy Pieces because it was Jack Nicholson who helped us make the movie Head, the Monkee movie. And, and I think, I think Jack is super. And of course, one of the things that I — I have a feeling about Jack because I see the crazy guy that he portrays on screen and I see him in life and he’s still got that, that something, you know, out of bounds is still there, and still, in his actual character, he is one of the great open-minded, open-hearted sweeties that I know. And to see a man with that, these vast, seemingly vast, differences, working and playing these crazed people on screen, and still — I mean, the reason that he’s as big a star as he is, is because he does have the capacity to be abstract about his own work. You should have heard, you should have seen what it was like working with him. He’s a great technician, which is one of the great attributes. You can’t be a crazy maniac like that and not be a good technician if you want to have a career. Because you’ll just go out of bounds without any kind of viewing. And… wow, how’d we get off on that?" TG: "Did you want to pursue acting after The Monkees?" PT: "I didn’t care what I did. I, I’m an entertainer. If I act, or play music, or like I’m doing tonight at Godfrey Daniel in Bethlehem, if I do that… I have a rock band now, it’s called The Peter Tork Project and we’ll probably be swinging through here. And we play thumping rock and roll, we just really beat the bejesus out of things and really stomp. And we have a hard time getting people to believe it, because I do my acoustic act and it depends almost entirely on rapport, and I don’t rock out too much because how much rock and roll can you do on an acoustic guitar or a piano? But… I do, so it’s very, a kind of quietish show, it’s a nice, mild show." TG: "What kind of material do you play solo?" PT: "Well, I do essentially… it’s like there’s an overlap. I do a large part of the same material in both shows. I do do some old Monkees songs, just because I know people want to hear that kind of stuff. And I do do some oldies, ‘50s rockers. And with the band, then we go on to the more heavy rock and roll, the band plays that and rockier stuff. And acoustically I play that and farther out stuff, more ballads, some… a J.S. Bach piece on the piano, one, count ‘em, one. And… like that. So, it’s old, old tunes; I play some more introspective stuff in an acoustic set." TG: "What kind of music do you listen to when you have time to listen?" PT: "Baroque, reggae, current pop from time to time if I happen — I don’t buy current pop records but I get them from my family for gifts and so on. I like Men At Work, I got that for Christmas, I thought it was great." TG: (laughs) PT: "That kind of stuff. The Police. Good — I like good music in almost every form. About the only kind of music that I really have a very hard time taking is opera, and Mozart. For some reason, Mozart I think is awful. I don’t know how come he’s so revered and so treasured. Out of about every dozen pieces that I hear, I think one is inventive and interesting, and the other seem to me just to be scales with flourishes." TG: "Well, I’ll send you all the angry mail when we get it. (laughs)" PT: "No thanks!" (laughter) TG: "Peter Tork is my guest, if you’re just joining us, who got started in, um, and came in very young when he was in The Monkees." PT: "Wait a minute, wait a — that’s not my start! I was playing in the Village for two and a half years. (jokingly) Made his mark in the entertainment industry, you might say, that, that would be fair." TG: "What kind of material were you playing in the Village?" PT: "Folk songs. Just the old folk songs, and 'Blowin’ In The Wind,' and protest songs and folk songs, five-string banjo stuff." TG: "Word was on The Monkees show that it was really studio musicians who were doing the instrumental part while The Monkees were actually doing the singing. Is that true?" PT: "The first two records. After that, we did a record all by ourselves, almost all by ourselves. And then after that, we went into a mixed mode, where it was a professional drummer and I’d be playing bass, or, you know I’d be playing guitar and we’d have a professional bass player, or something like that. At the outset it was — and the thing was that nobody was sure whether we could play, nobody had any idea of how much time. I mean, they really, you know, when you hire a professional studio musician, you know what you’re getting, you know that you can knock off a complete track of two tunes in three hours, maybe more. Just take them in, put the music in front of them, and hit it. And say, More of this, less of that, and okay, you got it. And that’s the way it goes. And they just didn’t know what it was like, and so because our services were needed most critically for making the TV series, it was just regard… also, Donnie Kirshner didn’t like to have people who couldn’t be told what to do. As a matter of fact, you may have noticed that, after he and The Monkees parted company, he decided that The Monkees were not plastic enough for him, went and did the Archies." TG: "Did he organize them also by audition?" PT: "The Archies? You’re kidding." TG: "I don’t know the whole folklore of the Archies." PT: "You know — have you ever seen an Archies comic book?" TG: "Yeah, oh! Of course. What am I thinking? Right." PT: "The Archies were those comic book characters, and whatever singers were willing to do what Kirshner paid them to do, did the records. And after that, they left. There were never any Archies, there never were. (laughs) Like I said, The Monkees were too real for Don Kirshner." TG: "Did you think of Kirshner as being an absurd character?" PT: "Yes." TG: "But powerful." PT: "Well, in his time he was powerful enough. He just was one of those characters whose set up and system happened to jibe with the commercial demand of the times. I don’t think Kirshner knew what he was doing at one level. At another level, he knew perfectly well what he was doing. He was… he listened to music, and he created music that he liked, and it sold millions to thirteen- and fourteen-year-olds." TG: "I’m getting the feeling that you were in a kind of awkward position of kind of understanding what kind of manipulation was happening and at the same time being willing to go along with it because it was good for your performing career." PT: "Well, I don’t know whether it was good for my performing career. The reason I went along with it is because I never took any initiative of anything on my own account. Really basically, I just did wherever I was pointed. You know, Stephen said, ‘Go try out,’ I tried out. They said, ‘Come here, do this.’ I did that. ‘Sign here.’ I signed there. And really, I’m just — I’m only recently now getting to the point in my life where I’m beginning to say, ‘Let me figure this out. What is it that I really want? What steps do I have to take, and what…’ And even then, you know, I have to recognize that I have no control over events. All I can do is say, ‘This is the kind of thing that I’d like, and this is the kind of thing that I have to do to make my chances better.’ And then I do that, and then I have to just let the results be whatever they are, to get into trying to make results happen, you know. As a matter of fact, in some ways that was one of the problems that… when I broke up with The Monkees, I left because I couldn’t get those guys back into the studio to do the same kind of thing that we’d done on our third album, which was Micky on drums, Michael on guitar, me on piano, our producer on bass, Davy Jones playing rhythm sections, and then hiring the occasional string player or something like that. Micky said, 'You can’t go back.' He thought he was Thomas Wolfe. And Davy said, 'I don’t wanna be banging a tambourine day in, day out. You guys, it takes you 54 takes to get your parts down, I’ve got my part down first take. Just bang a tambourine. I’m sick of banging a tambourine, Peter, I hope you don’t mind.’ 'Okay, Davy.’ And so we went into this mixed mode. But I wanted the guys to be a real, live group. I had this Pinocchio/Geppetto complex, you know. And when they wouldn’t go for it, I really — it burned me out. And there I was being burnt out because things wouldn’t happen my way, and it was a case of His Majesty The Baby, trying to, you know, have his own way. If I had had the good sense God gave me, I might have noticed that I was having my own personal way, that is, in the sense that I wanted for myself was happening. I could be in the studio playing bass or guitar or piano on every single cut The Monkees did from then on if I wanted to, but that wasn’t enough for me, I wanted things for other people to do, otherwise I wanted to produce and direct and write the script for the whole shebang." TG: "Why did you want everyone to be playing? Because you thought it was more honest? Or was there another reason?" PT: "I thought it was more honest, I thought it was a bigger deal, I wanted a real live group, I thought that this was the way things were done; I was a victim of the same illusions that other people were criticizing us for shattering in their lives. In other words, you’re not a — you don’t just do this all by yourselves, you’re not an organic group, you don’t this, you don’t that, and how could you, you’ve broken my heart.’ As if, you know, as if we’ve broken their heart, as if it wasn’t the shattering of false illusions. If you hang on to false illusions, of course your heart’s gonna get broken." TG: "Did you try to organize the band to maybe rebel against —" PT: "Mh-hm." TG "— the producer." PT: "Well, we did organize the band, and we did get — rebel against Don Kirshner, but it was Mike and me wanting to — each for reasons of our own — and Micky and Davy went along. And then we did the thing, and then everybody said, 'Well, that’s enough of that, thanks very much.’ And I went, 'No, no, no, you’ve got to do it the way we planned, the way I had in mind for us to do,' you know. The fact that everybody went along with what looked like my plan obscured my vision of the fact that everybody was doing what it was they thought they had to do for reasons of their own. And when their reasons changed, and their behavior changed, and my plan didn’t change, I went after them screaming to try to mend my shattered illusions. What a jerk." TG: "(laughs) How did being a television star and a recording star affect your schooling and your ability to have friendships and things like that?" PT: “I don’t know that it affected my ability to have friendships. Basically I don’t think I knew how to be or have a friend beforehand, and I don’t think I learned while I was in that operation. I mean, I had some good buddies, you know, but that wasn’t the same thing, I didn’t really understand. There was only one person in my life that I could turn to when I was hurting who happened somehow to know what it was, what it took to stop me hurting, and that was a woman named Karen Harvey, who later joined me on the West Coast. And I thought, well, here’s a friend come to join me and this will be a real friend. And we were pretty good friends, I guess, but there wasn’t any that, you know, that — I didn’t know what a friend did in a sense of how, on a day-to-day basis, do you maintain your friendships, do you go out of your way to make sure that things are nice and right and, you know, the kind of work that a friendship takes. You don’t just have a friendship without work. And I didn’t know that. And I’m not so sure I know it now. I can say it, but I don’t know if I have, I have the real gut understanding it takes. But in any case, so that… And my schooling, the reason that I was in entertainment was because I’d flunked out of college for the second time, and I never did finish and get a graduate — I mean, I never did get a bachelor’s degree. And to this day, I haven’t got one and I don’t know whether I ever will." TG: "Well, you don’t exactly send resumes around when you’re playing concerts. (laughs)" PT: "No, they didn’t ask me for my degree when they asked me to play Bethlehem. At the Godfrey Daniel tonight in Bethlehem, PA. Those of you who are within driving distance of there, who are within the sound of my taped voice now should hustle out there and take your money so that you can get in." TG: "Speaking of money — how much profits did people in the band, of The Monkees, have, from the millions of records that were sold, and the TV profits and syndication?" PT: "We got the usual — we got standard minimum shares of the TV show and the records. We got a raise, a modest substantial raise, some, you know, medium kind of a raise, after about six months they gave us a raise. We always got the standard record deal, which was: the group gets five points, which was five percent of ninety percent, and so we split one and a quarter points, which is, what, one and three tenths percent each person of whatever the going price was. And we get that today. If they sell a record, The Monkees Greatest Hits album is still on the Billboard middle-of-the-road or some — there’s some special chart that Billboard has that we’ve been on for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks." TG: "How do you feel about that?" PT: "Well, it’s money, I don’t care." TG: "Did you retire as a wealthy young man from the —" PT: "No. No, I didn’t. I retired as a man with some indeterminate amount of money which somehow indeterminately ran out." TG: "So, when you left, did you want to be known as the former Monkee or did you want to erase that part of your past —" PT: "I tried to erase it." TG: "— and start anew?" PT: "I tried to erase it completely." TG: "How do you do that?" PT: "Well, you just don’t do anything connected with it, just absolutely refuse to have anything to do with it, and… basically what I did was I retreated into — I wound up retreating into Marin County, California, which is just north of San Francisco. And there I worked, I belonged to a worker-owned restaurant, waited tables and was part of the cooperative that owned and operated the restaurant. Nominally owned the restaurant; it was actually owned by this guy whose parents had left him some GM stock, and he bought this thing and the co-op was supposed to pay him to buy him out over the long haul. I think they have done finally, I think it’s now a real workers’ co-op. And I worked there, and I retreated, and nobody said anything to me about my Monkees past except one or two guys said, You know, I’m glad to see you just on the street schlepping around, that kind of thing, which made me feel good. I belonged to a few groups; I belonged to a thing called the Fairfax Street Choir, which had 35 voices in the rock section and was very hard to stage. (laughs) Those little coffee house stages, 35 guys and women. And I also belonged to a kind of second on the bill act in San Francisco called Osceola for a year or so. And that kind of thing. And nobody said anything about The Monkees to me." TG: "Are you in touch with the former members now?" PT: "Occasionally." TG: "I would imagine that some people would be happy to see, like, a reunion. Would you ever imagine that happening? PT: Yeah. The only problem with that is mounting it and making it acceptable to everybody. The problem is, the real problem is that I can’t much see myself going onstage and doing an hour of Monkees greatest hits playing bass and getting offstage. I don’t think that any amount of money would particularly… I don’t suppose that no amount of money, but I don’t think that any amount of money that anybody would be interested in paying me would make me want to do that. I… And I don’t see what conceivable creative project could interest the four of us that would be backed with enough money to make it worth our while to develop any good germ of an idea into something full-blown. I just, I don’t see it happening, I just think that the chances are astronomical against it. It’s possible. We’re all alive. The Beatle reunion is not possible. I’m just reading Lennon’s interview, and he says that thoughts of a Beatle reunion are like going back to high school. Why don’t you go back to high school? When are The Beatles getting back together? When are you going back to high school?" TG: "Is that how you feel?" PT: "I — like I said, I would think that any just simple remounting of The Monkees greatest hits songs on a stage would be that, yes." TG: "Oh, but if you were able to do other material." PT: "That’s what I’m saying. If I thought that it could be creative and useful and engage everybody to the fullest of their capacities, I would, I would consider it. But who’s gonna, you know, pay for us to have hotels, to keep us supported in the styles to which we are accustomed for the two months or three months that it would take to create, carve, mount, produce and rehearse a show that would involve all of us to the maximum of our new capacities. I don’t think it can be done." TG: "How do you feel about audiences?" PT: "What do you mean, (laughs) how do I feel about audiences? What kind of a question is that?" TG: "Okay, because fans have kind of played it both ways with the members of The Monkees, you know, I think when the TV series was on and when millions were being sold, there were millions of fans who were really adoring. And then when you leave a group like that and everybody wants to hear from you only in that context, it’s probably —" PT: "How long have we been on that topic, on this? We’ve been a half an hour, we’ve been almost the entire show on that topic." TG: "What topic?" PT: "The Monkees." TG: "Right. So…" PT: "(gently) So what’s your question?" TG: "So do you have a mixed feeling about fans and audiences?" PT: "Well, fans and audiences are different. Audiences come and they catch the show and they like what I do or they don’t, and that’s up to them, and that’s just the way it’s supposed to be, no matter whether I ever was a Monkee or not. And fans… if a fan, if somebody really needs to remember The Monkees and identify with that, I have nothing to say about that because I don’t know what’s going on with them or what chord I may have touched at some point way back when that they still need to strum on themselves. And it’s none of my business." TG: "So where are you living now?" PT: "I live in Venice, California, legally and technically. As a business matter, I spend most of my time in New York. I still am a registered voter in southern California, my driver’s license is southern California, I’m married, I have children in southern California, I go back there as often as I can and be part of the family, I just don’t get out there very often, and as a business matter, I spend most of my time in New York. Eighty percent." TG: "Where have you been doing most of your performing?" PT: "The New York area these days, mostly. I went to southern Canada, southern Ontario to do a few shows, I’ve been to Boston, I’ve been upstate New York, and I did Pittsburgh a couple, about a year ago, I guess. You know, I operate out of New York basically because you can’t operate out of L.A. You cannot make a living as an entertainer operating out of L.A. Not that I make such a great living operating as an entertainer out of New York, but at least there’s a sense of whatever level I’m on, I can go to the next level and operate on that level for a while. In L.A., you either have to make it or you die. That’s it: you’re either making it or you’re dead. And once somebody has been to the top and come away, you don’t, as far as I see, get much of a second chance in L.A. I tried to knock around as a character, comic character actor for a while, and I got people to: 'Hi, you know, it’s good to see ya,' and they laughed at my jokes, and then they never invited me back." TG: "Um, I forgot what I was gonna ask you." PT: "(laughs) A hell of a note for a professional interviewer." TG: "(laughs) Oh! Do you watch TV much now?" PT: "A fair amount." TG: "Do you watch it very critically, having been — and also seeing what kind of roles are available, I imagine…" PT: "No, no, I don’t watch mass media pop TV much. Hillstreet Blues, that’s about it. The rest of what I watch is CNN, cable news, I don’t know if you get it here." TG: "We don’t get cable here yet." PT: "You don’t have cable in Philly? (jokingly) Oh, you poor people! MTV, also on cable, and, um, the odd cosmos show. I, I saw Carl Sagan say astrology had been completely debunked on a scientific basis. And I go, wait a minute. Not that I’m such a fan of astrology, but there’s no scientific proof that — it’s like, anything you don’t like, if you define it the way you don’t like it, you can prove it doesn’t exist. Like, he said, 'The premise is that the stars have a profound influence on life.’ No, that’s not it." TG: "Do you watch a lot of rock video?" PT: "I watch a fair amount of rock video, and a few pop, the news, you know. Then I listen to music and I read, and I perform and I rehearse, and I run around and take care of business, and that keeps my days filled." TG: "Will you be performing tonight at Godfrey Daniels?" PT: "I’ll be performing at Godfrey Daniels in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania." TG: "And which instruments will you be playing?" PT: "I’ll be playing the guitar, the banjo, and the piano. All at once. (laughter) No, no, seriously, folks, all kidding towards one side, I’ll be playing those three instruments, if they have a decent piano in Bethlehem; I didn’t bring my piano with me." TG: "I want to thank you a lot for talking with us. Thanks very much for being here." PT: "Well, I’m — it was all right, thank you, and I, I just, I just hope it turns out an audience in Bethlehem, that’s all." TG: "Thanks for coming." PT: "Okay." [audio cuts off]
I uploaded the full audio to Google Drive, here.
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kitnita · 9 months
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jake oettinger pregame — NSH vs DAL — 01.06.24
[When you do have this opportunity, is there anything that you can glean from watching the games and all?] Yeah, it looks so easy from up there, you know? It looks super easy from up top. Uh, obviously, I know it’s not the truth, so it’s, uh, fun getting different perspectives. But like I said, just, I mean, like … as a player and an athlete there’s nothing worse than, you know, being away from your team, and, you know, especially, like, early on I wasn’t with them at all and it’s … missed my friends is the most biggest thing, you know, just seeing the guys every day, that’s why — what makes this game so special is, you know, the guys and the teammates. Um, just the fact that I’m close, um … you know, I’ll never, uh, complain about a bag skate or getting hit in the head or anything like that again, it’s something I'd gladly do right now. So, just, uh, lucky to be getting close here, and hopefully can get back in there soon.  [Is that something about the rehab process that people don't realize, is kind of how isolating it can be?] For sure, yeah, I think, I mean, this is like the third week I’ve been out, I can’t imagine guys that are out for, like, long-term, it’s just … I mean, mentally, like, athletes, we’re wired, like — we want to have somewhere to be every day and we wanna know, like that’s just kind of how we are, and I think that’s something that a lot of people overlook, is like, the mental side of it too, like, obviously you’re physically hurt but, like, mentally — the mental health part of it’s huge, and you know, if I didn’t have such a good support system, or family, and my fiancée and stuff, like … I’d be driving myself crazy. So it’s just, I’m getting close, the guys have been great, um, you know — the staff’s been awesome, and I just, I’m dying to try to help this team win again.
[How do you feel?]   I feel good. Uh, it's getting close and, uh … you know, I’m just itching to get back with this team. 
[What about the All-Star nomination and whatever?]   Yeah, it was pretty cool. I, uh, wasn’t really something I was expecting but, um, obviously, a dream come true and, um, it’s pretty crazy, so, pretty happy about it. 
[Have you talked to Robo about it? Just about what it’s — I can’t imagine what it’s like to be around those people, and, just, the whole experience.]   Yeah, nothing yet, uh — I’ve been pretty, uh, excited, I got a couple former teammates like Brady and Kells that are gonna be there, so it’ll be fun to see those guys and, uh … just gonna try and have fun and, uh, not end up on too many highlight reels. 
[I asked Pete this morning, are you worried at all about the timing of it, coming off the injury? You’ve got a month to get ready for it.]   Yeah, not at all, no, I’ll be ready to go, and, uh. Yeah, I just gotta make sure I, uh, don’t get put in a blender with any shootouts or anything and I think I should be fine. 
[He even said that I think you guys have seven days off in that span, so just being out on the ice might be a good thing for you.]   Yeah, for sure, I think, uh. Yeah, it, uh, obviously makes break a little shorter, but, good reason to, um, you know, put the pads back on, and obviously, uh, something, you know … I think when I was first nominated, just thinking about all the people that have believed in me and, um, you know, the fact that I can I’m an NHL All-Star and, you know, that’s something no one can take away from me, you know, so it's pretty cool. 
[Robo got to go to a beach in early February last year, you’ve gotta go to Toronto. Are you a little disappointed in that breakdown?]   Uh … no. I’m gonna go to a beach for a couple days before, so I'll get my beach in and then, uh, Toronto, obviously, will be like a hockey mecca, and, um … I’m sure the turnout will be amazing, and, uh, yeah, so, if it’s gonna be somewhere cold, Toronto’s a pretty good spot for it. 
[What’s it been like watching Wedgewood and what he’s done the last few weeks?]   Yeah, it’s been awesome, he deserves, you know, a ton of credit for how well, you know, he’s played, and how good we've done, um, since he stepped up and played really well and — you know, that’s the nice thing, like, you know, [if] either of us go down, that, you know, the team believes in both of us and, um, just, that’s such a luxury to have and you know, he works his butt off and deserves, you know, all the credit and, um, it’s just been fun watching him. And you know, I’d like to take some load off his hands soon. 
[Does it affect you at all, when he’s playing that well? I mean, you don’t have to push back to get back into there — I don’t know that you would or wouldn’t or if, you know, that’s a doctors’ question, but it does seem to take a little bit of the pressure off.]   Yeah, I think, I mean, not really, like, for me, maybe more, like, the coaches and stuff? I mean, um — yeah, like, obviously, you know, they feel like, you know, I don’t need to rush back to get into games, obviously Wedge has done a great job and we can win, um, with anyone in net, and he’s just, uh, given us that, you know, luxury of making sure I can come back at a hundred and ten percent. And I’m getting close, and, just, you know, dying to be a part of the team again. 
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
Ok cue my memory loss moment part 5 I can’t tell if I sent this reply in or not before so if this is a dupe I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE hsvshshs but anyways
OMG EVERYONE CHEER!!! Guys the moment is finally upon us…another mira banger about to drop….
LMAOO fwtkac was the gateway…once you start you can’t stop its just how the Karasu rabbit hole works! Bro hollyhock is actually so good…I can’t even put it into words properly but just the whole setting giving a new depth to a diff side of otoyas characters ugh so good
True!!! I’m ngl I’m a little surprised that for marketing sake they didn’t try to throw in some like popular character bait…maybe it’s because most of the actually popular bllkers are already out and as opposed to merch I guess book sales would be a bit diff? Like fans would buy to read even if their absolute faves aren’t in but yeah…the stories were fire though LMAO new appreciation for Barou fr
And IM ON IT o7 very happy to serve the miraverse and honestly it’s good for me too because if I wanna reference something quickly I can just go command f it or if I wanna read something fast I can just read my tl LMAO I also just like having my own TL/interpretations written down just for my reference too…which is part of the reason why I also ended up TLing Hioris too even though there was a TL already out! I remember reading the TLd version that got posted and some wording kinda threw me off so I was like let me just look at this myself…LOL Also I’m kinda a lore nerd so I wanna make sure I get to see any intricacies or in between the line messages that can get lost in translation! So yeah TLDR I will most definitely be here for tabieita LNs!!!
IM CRYING they’re gonna have to scroll through our manifestations and convos just to get to the chapter like imagine the link gets passed around and the first thing people read is us screaming about mariokart in yuki’s novel or anri getting done dirty (I clicked on the links just to see what they’d have to go through and oh my god chapter 2 LMFAOOO there’s like a whole minute of scrolling worth of convo before you even reach the LN part it’s so funny)
We’re truly just built different sorry this is exclusive content gatekept by the insanely long convos we have
-Karasu anon
HAHAH this time you did in fact send this in already 😭 but it’s okay i will delete the copy!! but no worries 😋
FINISHED ROUND ONE OF PROOFREADING!! heading to monaco for my mother’s birthday dinner soon hehe but once i’m back tn i will get on round two and hopefully i’ll be able to post it by tmrw!! lowkey idk how i feel about it but at least it’ll be out in the world after i’ve been talking abt it sm 😭
you came to my inbox and showed me the ways of karasuism and i’ve never looked back since 🙏🏻 jkjk but fr though i love writing him sm now he’s so good at the one sided pining thing which i loveee in a male lead 🤩 like YESSS be absolutely sick over this girl who doesn’t even know she likes you yet YESSS 🤤💖
hollyhock otoya is so fun i love him and i cannot WAIT to write more of him and y/n…idk if you’ve heard that one tik tok sound that’s like “you belong with me” from taylor swift and then it transitions into “you belong to me” from house of balloons / glass table girls from the weeknd but that’s literally hollyhock y/n + karasu’s dynamic vs her dynamic with otoya 😭😭😭 like with karasu it’s all sweet innocent besties (they are platonic soulmates coded eventually like they end up loving each other SOO MUCH but not romantically??) vs with otoya she’s literally like “i want you to belong to me” (exact quote from chapter 2: “you wanted this ninja to belong to you”) FHDKSJSJ man atp free otoya 😰🙏🏻 but he matches y/n’s freak so well he probably doesn’t even WANT to be freed
i feel like the people who would buy light novels would buy them no matter what + they probably thought barou would be popular enough to carry it?? who knows…agreed though the stories were all rlly good (well aryu’s was a little goofy but wtvr)
LMAOOO THAT’S WHAT I WAS THINKING people will be like “why are they freaking out over mario kart??” FJSJDJS but ykw if you want to read you have to go through the trials and tribulations of our massive convos 🤩 we are elite though…carrying the bllk fandom with our translations + fics 😋
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prismatranslates-cue · 8 months
Riko [An Angel that Enjoys Manual Labour] Part 2
Previously: Part 1
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Miharu: Okay, now that we’ve gathered up some cardboard, I’m guessing next we start packing?
Riko: Bingo! Quick on the uptake as always. You three can get started, I’ll go get a rental car!
Aya: Huff…can we take a break?
Mahoro: Oh, good idea. I could use a drink.
Riko: No can do. Factoring in the time it’ll take to transport and bring everything in, we don’t have a second to spare.
Mahoro: Wait, are you serious right now?
Riko: Come on, just look at Miharu!
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Miharu: Oh gosh! This packing tape is so easy to cut!
Riko: See?
Mahoro: Uh, sorry, I don’t think I can give you that…
Aya: …Oh, wow, she’s right. This tape IS easy to cut!
Mahoro: Wha? Aya, you traitor.
Riko: …Alright, let’s keep this up. After this, we’re loading everything up!
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Riko: Alright! That’s everything loaded in…
Mahoro: Whew, that’s another step down.
Aya: That sure was tiring.
Miharu: I also finished sweeping up the room, Riko.
Riko: Nice! Now we can head to the new place.
Riko: Miharu, can you ride shotgun and help me navigate? Aya and Mahoro, you two can take the train!
Mahoro: We don’t know where we’re going.
Riko: Here ya go. Manager wrote the address down for me earlier.
Aya: Oh, it’s pretty far from here.
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Riko: I think taking the train will be faster, so you two might get there first. Either way, see you on the battlefield!
Miharu: Heheh…see you on the battlefield, Aya, Mahoro!
Mahoro: Y-yeah…
Aya: …Yes, we’ll see you on the battlefield.
Mahoro: I cannot believe how far gone you are…
Vroom. Car comes to a stop.
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Riko: Alrighty, here we are!
Miharu: Whew! Thanks for the exciting ride, Riko.
Riko: I wonder if the other two are here already? I’ll go unlock the door.
Mahoro: Oyyyy. Riko, Miharu!
Aya: Looks like we got here right as they did.
Riko: A-are you kidding me?!
Mahoro: What is it now…
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Riko: Hey girls…so I’ve got good news and bad news…which do you wanna hear first?
Aya: Let’s…start with the bad news.
Riko: Sure. So the bad news is…
Riko: There’s no elevator. The unit is on the 3rd floor, so we’ll have to bring everything up three flights of stairs.
Aya: No way…
Mahoro: What’s the good news?
Riko: All that climbing up and down the stairs…will make for some good exercise!
Mahoro: What.
Miharu: Oh good, I was looking to burn some calories anyway!
Mahoro: Miharu… I respect the optimism. I don’t know how you do it.
Riko: Come on, don’t start whining on me now. Find your inner peace and let’s get moving!
Miharu: Yeah!
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Riko: …Whoa, hold up!
Miharu: …Yeees?
Riko: Miharu, is something wrong with your ankle? It looks swollen.
Miharu: I…guess I must’ve sprained it earlier.
Riko: This is too swollen to ignore…you should sit this one out. Take a rest.
Miharu: What? But…I still want to help…
Riko: That’s very kind of you, Miharu, but we’re carrying boxes up 3 floors here. You won’t help anyone if you get yourself hurt even more. It’s a thin line between bravery and foolishness, you know?
Mahoro: Aya and I were saying, we both feel pretty out of sorts too, honestly.
Riko: Gotcha. I can’t ask you guys to push yourselves past your limit. So…
Riko: Those who can still move, follow after me. If it starts getting too difficult, just focus on my back!
Miharu: Why would you go so far, Riko?
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Riko: I guess…because it’s there. [1]
Miharu: Goodness…so this is the mindset of a true professional…!
Manager: Thank you all so much. I can’t believe you really did it.
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Miharu: It’s all thanks to Riko.
Riko: Not at all! Moving house isn’t a one-person job. It was a team effort through and through.
Manager: Really, I can’t thank you all enough.
Mahoro: How was your meeting?
Aya: Did it go well…?
Manager: Well, you see…
Miharu: Yes…?
Manager: …
Riko: …
Manager: It went extremely well!
Mahoro: Really wanted to build the suspense, huh?
Manager: I think we’ll get some good results out of it. We’ll hopefully hear back soon.
Aya: Really?
Manager: Yeah. Now then, how about we go get dinner? My treat. Both as thanks for helping with the move–though I could never thank you enough–and as an early congratulations.
Miharu: Treating 4 people at once would be rather overwhelming, wouldn’t it? Don’t go bankrupting yourself, now.
Manager: You’re too kind, Miharu…okay, how about that place over there with the red lanterns? It looks like it should be…
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Riko: No no no, we gotta go big or go home! It’s a celebration, you know? Come on, I see a yakiniku place over there, let’s go!
Riko: We’ll get some beer while we’re at it. Right, Miharu?
Miharu: Heehee, that does sound nice. Very well, thanks in advance for the meal!
[1]: I am fairly sure this line is meant to be a reference to George Mallory's "Because it's there." answer re: Why climb Mount Everest.
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glamoureddreamer · 2 years
Spooky month (Radford x Vampire Kevin)
Warnings: blood drinking, arm biting, being drunk/high, mention of puke (please let me know if I’ve missed anything)
I hope you all enjoy I hope you all have a great day! Remember to take care of yourselves!
“You know you don’t have to do this right Radford?” Kevin asks with uncertainty lacing his voice. Radford gives him a reassuring smile while giving him a thumbs up.
“It’s all good, I want to dude.”
Radford and Kevin had talked about doing this for awhile. Though Kevin was still worried, knowing that doing this had its effects on humans.
When a vampire drinks a humans blood, they usually get dizzy. Along with becoming easily confused and tend to slur their words, almost like they’re drunk. Kevin didn’t want to scare or hurt his love.
Kevin was pulled from his thoughts when Radford extends this arm. They were on Kevin’s bed, Kevin made sure both him and Radford had no work tomorrow. Kevin glances down at Radford’s arm, it was practically calling his name.
He began to struggle to control himself, he hadn’t eaten in a while to prepare for this. 
“Your really sure about this?” Kevin tears his eyes painfully away from Radford’s arm.
The man in question chuckles. “Yes man, I’m sure.” Kevin lets out the breath he didn’t even know he was holding onto.
He takes ahold of Radford’s arm and brings it to his face. He glances at his boyfriend one last time to make sure he wasn’t having second thoughts. Radford was giving him a small yet encouraging smile.
Kevin presses a kiss against his arm. Before sinking his teeth into the flesh of Radford’s forearm. Radford lets a small whimper of pain out.
Kevin lets out a huge sigh in relief as he drank the copper tasting liquid.
He had been so hungry, and Radford tasted so good. Why haven’t they done this before? Kevin glances up at his boyfriend, knowing fully well the chemicals in his salvia would be taking effect soon.
Radford had closed his eyes as soon as Kevin began to drink his blood, he took quick shallow breaths. He felt his energy being drained, yet it didn’t feel bad or hurt. Oddly it felt like he was being forced to relax, like he was being made to fall asleep after a long terrible day.
Even though his eyes were closed the room started to sway, he felt like he was spinning it made him felt sick.
Kevin pulls off and wipes his mouth, he probably drank more than he needed.
Radford made no attempt to move or open his eyes. Kevin grabs a cup of water and quickly returns to his boyfriend.
“Radford, I need you to drink this.” Radford opens his eyes trying to focus on his boyfriend, failing miserably. He shakily grabs the cup with one hand and with the other he holds onto his boyfriends arm, to hopefully steady himself.
He quickly gulps down all of the cool water, Kevin chuckles a little.
“Now you should rest love.”
“I….I d-don’t want to..sleep.” He slurred, Kevin tries to hide his growing smile.
“It’ll make you feel better.” 
“I..wanna watch…a m-movie.” Kevin stares at him for a moment and grabs the remote with a small sigh.
“Okay love, but only if you try to relax.” Kevin flips through their favorites finally finding one Radford would like.
Radford smiles and cuddles against Kevin, he hides his face in Kevin’s side. He mumbles something, Kevin chuckles a little.
“Speak up dude I can’t hear you.” Radford huffs and weakly pulls his head up. He stares at Kevin with droopy eyes.
“I want… to do it a-again.” Kevins eyes widen as Radford holds his same arm out.
“No,” Kevin states pushing the others arm back to himself. “I don’t want to hurt you, we’ll do it another time okay?” 
Radford whines with a small huff. Kevin chuckles and rubs his cheek gently.
“…Fine.” Kevin laughs as he shoves his face back in his chest.
“Just don’t throw up on me.”
“M-make… me.” Radford replies muffled, Kevin smiles and pecks the top of his head.
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booksandbo · 2 years
Imagine: Remus with children
“So what’s all this?” Remus came home from a Order mission late on a winter day.
“I think you’re gonna wanna sit down.” You looked at him with a smile, a small package in hand.
“If you’re gonna ask for a divorce before we even get married…just tell me and I’ll be gone” Your hands met carefully and you stepped back.
“Uh ok” he slowly opened the small package, Lily had suggested white like she had with James a month prior.
“Do you like it?” His head nodded very quickly, looking at you with tears filling his eyes.
“We’re gonna be parents?” He smiled at you, arms wide for you to come to him.
“Yes Moony, we’re gonna be parents!” He squeezed you tighter and then let go.
“What about the full moon’s? Will you be safe?” His eyes have way to incoming fear of what will be your future.
“Yes love, we’ll be safe. Plus, every time I’m with you lot….you get protective of me and hopefully one day it’ll be your kids. I think they could be great, maybe a bunny like me or a big rough wolf like yourself but not bitten” He smiled as you reassured him that your life wouldn’t be at stake with his lycanthropy.
“Have you told anyone else?” He asked politely.
“I told the girls, Lily was the one who had the idea for the box cause she did the same with Prongs- but nope, you boys are the last to find out” You moved to hug him tighter.
“Well best get on with it then, you know how dramatic Sirius is” You both laughed before walking towards the fireplace.
Remus hung back at the door, hearing 4 seperate giggles in the house. Three belonged to your darling triplet girls and one to yourself.
“Know what? Your father’s gonna be home soon and I reckon we could all use something sweet….brownies work” the girls giggled again as you’d gone to the kitchen and he’d walked through the door.
“Bunny I’m home!” He removed his shoes and placed his jacket that covered his jumper over on the hooks.
“Hello love, how was Poppy? She let you out earlier this time” Last night had been the full moon, his first without his bunny.
“She was good, asked how our three were doing and also gave me some medicine for you and for me” You walked into the room to see him playing with your young girls.
“Well, should I ask what was for me…cause I know yours is for pain relief” You gave him a pointed look.
“If you look in the bag I put onto the table, it is simply “something for women”as she put it” you summoned the bag towards you wandlessly.
“She made something for stretch marks?” You asked a little confused.
“ I suppose it’s one of the things from those healer classes she’s doing to help the 7th years when they graduate, but she said it’s the best one she got besides her own” you looked at both balms carefully.
“I’ll take it! I’ll make sure to tell her thanks the next time I do see her” you said as you went back to melting chocolate for the brownies.
“Hey look it’s the owl!” Your girls had been looking forward to their Hogwarts letter’s which would inform them of their official education with their father.
“Thank you love, here’s a treat” you gave the small owl some nuts for the three letters it had given you.
“Alright! We have one for Maeve, one for Luna and one for Minnie” You passed them out to the three girls, you stood back to watch the chaos unfold with your husband.
“MUMMY WE GOT INTO HOGWARTS!” Maeve was the first to yell.
“DADDY DOES THAT MEAN YOU’LL BE TEACHING US?” Luna excitedly yelled, she’d always been the closest to Remus.
“Yes I do believe that means I get to teach my girls” you all hugged each other as you also grabbed Maeve’s letter she still held to read what they needed for their first day.
“I don’t understand how Mcgonagall sends these out so late- I just know we’re gonna have a row with the Malfoy’s if they’re around” You mumbled to your husband.
“You know what house I want to go into?” Luna said out loud.
“Which one?” Her sister Maeve stood on her left, Minnie on her right.
“Gryffindor like dad, or Slytherin like mum….break the streak even and be a hufflepuff” Luna laughed at the end.
“Hey don’t laugh at the Hufflepuff’s, they’re meaner than you’d think” You said as you walked to the brick wall, Remus was already at the school awaiting not just his girls but the other students coming back or beginning at Hogwarts.
“What do you mean?” Minnie looked at me just as we ran into the wall for the train.
“I was almost put into Hufflepuff, and your Uncle Sirius’ cousin is in there too….her mother is also a Slytherin” you looked at all your girls.
“Now can we go on the train mummy?” Luna jumped excitedly.
“Fine fine, have fun loves. And if you see your father, remember to tell him you love him too?” You smiled as they all ran towards the train to find a spot.
“Dear mummy,
You wouldn’t believe it, but the hat put us into seperate houses! I have no doubt dad will send a howler about it but I wanted you to hear it from us first. I ended up in Gryffindor, Luna in Ravenclaw and Maeve is in Slytherin,
Love Minnie”
You read the letter twice over before another two letters and a howler arrived.
“Alright, better send a howler back. Surely Minnie will be fine for receiving them all?” You walked back to the study and started to compose a howler for your girls.
“Oh look the owls have come in! Minnie why is there a howler coming in our direction?” My newest friend, Sarah, had asked as it dropped right in front of me.
“Oh god, what has mum written us?” I looked up to see my father rather curious until he got his own letter.
“Good job loves! You’ll all get your own magical experience at Hogwarts, together or apart! I can’t wait to hear more from you Minnie, and hopefully SOMETHING from the other girls- see you, love you, bye!” (Yes I got that from TikTok)
“MINNIE! You told her? ALREADY???” Luna moved fast from the Ravenclaw table and her sister from the Slytherin table.
“Alright, you three outside. NOW!” Professor Remus Lupin, our father, never got mad unless needed….we either just got into big trouble or he wants to scare us.
“Look, you three can’t go about fighting between houses- especially you two” pointing at me and Maeve “and you know why. I’ve told you how bad house wars go, especially if they start early like with me and professor Snape back when we were kids. Now I want you to for the love of Merlin, follow the rules, be nice and wrote to your mother?” Our dad had rushed out very quickly.
“Yes dad” We hugged each other quickly and went back into the Great Hall but before we completely back inside our dad whispered “your mothers pregnant again…oh my god”
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crystallinearts · 2 years
yoyoyo fans of chosen.!! GOOD NEWS!
I know it’s been a while since the last chapter, but I’m working on the next one
HOWEVER, that’s not the good news! the good news is actually kinda twofold
first off, I’m revising and adding/polishing up earlier chapters! the first maybe 5 chapters were particularly egregious with regard to the way Chara spoke and the voice for Reader-chan, but I’m on chapter 12 trying to revise things and still finding some places to add or change little bits
it’s a lot of refining dialogue (Reader-chan was supposed to do a little more stammering, “um/uh” and repeating words in earlier chapters to convey her nervous/shyer personality, AND in the first several chapters I noticed a lot of places where I broke the rule that Chara barely uses contractions in their speech, as well as they were supposed to use a bit more formal language choices) and putting in some additional jokes/foreshadowing/mini interactions between the Dreemurr sibs
and WHEW I’ve got over 200,000 words to go through so it’ll be a hot minute before I actually get these updated chapters posted or anything, but I’m really hoping they’ll read a lot better than they used to
I’m starting to do fanfic readings of my own works on my YouTube channel, and chosen. is the first one I’m going to attempt! THIS is what got me to kick my ass into gear and revise the earlier chapters, because I knew I always wanted to do this, but I didn’t want to start doing it until I’d revised the chapters, fixed things up, etc.
I’ve already got the first chapter’s reading recorded, but I do wanna get a couple of request videos out before I make a video of my reading the first chapter of chosen.
and, that said... I need some art for the videos. =)
I’ll probably use my own art for a lot of chapters, because ideally I’d love to have a different piece for each chapter’s video
WHICH MEANS... if anyone who has already drawn something for it would be okay with me using their art, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! obviously I would link to your Tumblr (or wherever else you’d like to be credited) in the video description (and probably in the actual video as well)
and if you’d like to create a piece specifically for any chapter, GO FOR IT, TAG ME, AND LET ME KNOW THAT I CAN USE IT!!! I love to give all the incredible artists and my supporters ALL THE ATTENTION!
but please note that you don’t have to! my fanworks are free projects created because I love them, and I can’t pay for art, so it would literally just be something for you to do ONLY IF you would like to, and I absolutely do not expect it! as I said, I’ll probably do most of the art myself, I just thought I’d put that out there that if anyone would like their pieces featured in something like that, I would absolutely LOVE to share your creations with the world
anyway, that’s it for now... hopefully I’ll have a new chapter of something out for you guys soon!! love youuuuuu <3 <3 <3
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pinkhairandpokemon · 1 year
Epilogue, Part 1
[As soon as the portal closes, the Unown disperse, dissolving into nothingness, almost like they’re returning to whence they came. Wherever that might be.]
[Dialga and Palkia groan tiredly, barely able to hold themselves upright. Quartz lets out a long, heavy sigh as she slides off Dialga’s back, her boots thumping and sinking into the snow.]
[Blake feels their knees grow weak, and can’t stop themself from tumbling backwards.]
Auberi: Well… I guess that means it’s over.
Blake: [They look up towards Quartz.] It worked, right? He’s back home?
Quartz: [She smiles wearily and nods to reassure them.] Yup, he’s back in one piece. Don’t worry.
Blake: [They exhale and finally relax.] That’s good to hear.
[Auberi chuckles as they plop down into the snow next to Blake, just as exhausted.]
Auberi: What a weird day, huh?
Blake: Yeah. But it was fun, to be honest. Definitely brought back a lot of memories... It was kind of crazy to see Hop like that again, felt like I’d gone back in time. He was… still different, in a way, but also just the same as our Hop was- if that makes any sense.
Blake: [Their smile begins to fade as their gaze falls to the ground.] Well, now that he’s home… That just leaves one thing left, then…
Auberi: [They nod, their face turning serious.] How do we get our Hop back?
Blake: [Their voice begins to waver a little.] I guess I was so caught up looking after tiny Hop that I managed to hold it together, but now…
Auberi: Hey, if there was a way to get that Hop back to his world, then there’s a way to get ours back… [They look up to Quartz for confirmation.] …There is a way, right?
[Blake looks to Quartz hopefully, but the Sinnoh champion just frowns, rubbing her arm awkwardly.]
Quartz: Well… Theoretically, yeah. But… [She looks to the two exhausted legendary dragons behind her.] Creating that portal wore Dialga and Palkia out. It’ll be a while before they can do something like that again. And… Sending someone back to their own world is one thing. But finding one specific person… is another. The multiverse is unfathomably huge, it could take weeks- maybe months to find the one specific world your Hop ended up in. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack, to put it simple…
Blake: [They feel their throat begin to tighten as Quartz explains.] …Oh…
Quartz: I’m not saying it’s impossible, but… We just need time. But I promise you, we won’t stop until he’s back home, safe and sound.
Auberi: [They’re silent for a moment before nodding sadly.] I understand, Quartz. Take all the time you need. Thank you for everything you’ve done so far.
[Quartz begins to smile, until Blake suddenly rises to their feet and stomps towards her.]
Blake: No, there isn’t time- We have no clue where Hop is, do you guys not understand that?! He could be anywhere! He could be in danger! [They grip their head as they begin to pace around frantically.] There- There’s gotta be another way! If something bad happens to him, I’d never-
[Auberi gets back up, running over to Blake and grabbing them by the shoulder. They turn Blake around and look the pink haired trainer dead in the eyes.]
Auberi: Blake- Blake, listen to me-
Blake: [They struggle against Auberi’s hold] Auberi, let me go, I-
Auberi: Bee! [Blake stops struggling once they hear Auberi say their nickname.] Look. I know you’re scared. I am too. But we need to keep it together. Otherwise, we’ll never get Hop back. Freaking out isn’t going to bring him back any faster, okay?
Blake: [They listen to Auberi’s words, tears starting to prick through the corners of their eyes.] I… I just… [They hang their head, biting down on their lip.] I don’t wanna lose anyone else. I can’t. Not again. Especially not him…
Auberi: [Hearing Blake’s words, their heart begins to ache. They understand all too well. Waiting around, day by day, just trying to get by- wondering when or if you’d ever see your friends or family again…
Knowing there’s nothing they could say or do to help ease that pain, they simply pull Blake into a tight hug.]
[For a few minutes, Blake doesn’t say anything, staring blankly over Auberi’s shoulder at nothing. Then, they finally begin to break down- clinging to Auberi and sobbing into the fabric of their jacket.]
[Quartz watches the scene with a solemn smile. There almost seems to be a sense of understanding in her eyes. Her gaze falls down to her boots as she whispers to herself.]
Quartz: Never an easy thing to lose someone…
[She closes her eyes, then whirls around to face Dialga and Palkia and cranes her neck back to look up at the colossal legendaries.]
Quartz: Alright you two! We still have a space-time anomaly to sort out. Take a few days off, and then we get back to work, got it?
[Dialga and Palkia seem to groan, and Quartz looks at them sternly.]
Quartz: None of that, we’re not done here until we get to the bottom of this. It’s literally your jobs to fix this kind of stuff!
[Palkia hisses and shakes it’s head, levitating and vanishing through a portal back to his realm. Dialga huffs in his brother’s direction, remaining by Quartz’s side.]
Quartz: Sometimes I can’t tell if they’re gods or just Arceus’ whiny toddlers… [She rolls her eyes as she clambers back onto Dialga, waving farewell to the two trainers below.] I’ll see you two around, I have a region to get back to.
[Blake and Auberi back out of the hug to watch as Dialga lifts off.]
Auberi: You’re going back to Sinnoh already?
Quartz: Don’t worry, I’ll be in touch! I’ll get back to you once Palkia and Dialga are ready to continue the search. Call me if anything happens!
[Dialga roars, and a blue gateway into its realm appears. In the blink of an eye, the girl and her dragon vanish through, closing the portal in an instant.]
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blazlngblade · 2 years
Nice to meet ya, Rosa! I wanna thank you for the concept art of Schwartz that you found btw (mini sent it to me) I spent an entire day analyzing it and then crying about how clever Auguste is. It’s just absolutely amazing and I had so many breakthroughs analyzing it.
And my hcs are just scratching the surface until now. Today’s talk has inspired me to put the events of how Gilderoy and Auguste get together onto paper, and it’ll hopefully go into my sideblog (zazu75) very soon! I am going to introduce this into the world and people will enjoy it and/or suffer with me. I shall not be stopped.
As for travel, I’m a firm believer that Atlasdam to whispermill deserves to be a three week trip. Because -points at the og game- that doesn’t sound like it’ll work if whispermill wasn’t in the middle of nowhere and far away from other towns. Especially when you’re traveling with eight people! Some have prayers (clerics) and others wanna train. And some hunt. And putting camp together and breaking camp.... and it’ll be even longer in the colder and hotter regions! I’m not a survivalist or very much an outdoors person but I think the trips should take forever. Also because it gives more time for the found family dynamic to grow. o wo
(Also can we say trauma on the road? Because. Trauma on the road is fun 8))
And speaking of trauma: fluff without trauma isn’t as flavorful. I may have accidentally traumatized both Millard and Gilderoy throughout MoA.... Well, I say accidentally but I went that extra mile on purpose. And knowing Gilderoy has a dislike of small spaces makes it so much more delicious. Because that’s a fear now, for me. 8)
(And speaking of MoA the fact Alfyn wasn’t present in CLEARBROOK of all places still pisses me off. He’s too hotheaded and too righteous to just disappear when the bandits are around I’m so mad about it he should’ve been there front and center with Zeph. There’s so much I’m mad about in MoA but that one takes the cake!)
I am very glad that sketch is useful! It's useful to me as well as I was always a bit curious to what he actually looked like. Every fan who would draw Schwartz always took such a different approach so it was hard to figure out what may have been true. Gosh I need an artbook so badly for CotC.
Wispermill does look very far from Atlasdam that's for sure! And more space is needed because the Flatlands had many new towns on the map thanks to Theatropolis and Nameless Town, as well as Lutzach. The Flatlands having 6 new towns means that things should be spaced from each other, and it's good that looking at the map, this would be the case. There's a lot of empty space. Although, I don't actually knw where Lutzach is in the Flatlands.
Lots of things happen on the road, fluff and trauma. Traumatic fluff! :'D I enjoy suffering, but comfort at the same time... That's basically Sofiano for me. I want them to be cute, but lots of drama and trauma too. :') It's all based on a headcanon story idea I have of them as children. Orsterra is not a nice place, and I will not make it nice.
I'm glad Gilderoy's dislike towards narrow spaces is something you can work with. When I heard that, my first assumption was he is claustrophobic, and I don't see why not. I'm a bit claustrophobic myself, so having something to relate to a character I like, is always nice.
Yeah, I was honestly expecting Alfyn to have been there too if Zeph was there. Honestly, if the Main 8 were never going to be playable which I know was the case back in the day, they said that themselves once (I don't have the source for it though), they all should have had some cameo in the main story, like how Primrose did.
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shotorozu · 3 years
encountering a ‘pick me’ girl
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character(s) : kirishima eijirou, todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki (bnha)
warning : PICK ME GIRL, misogyny (?) pick me girl makes an off handed comment about your body but it’s not detailed at all
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, but they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, angst if you squint
note(s) : i made 2 versions of this post so,, if you’re reading this— then i probably decided that i liked this one more than the other one i made,, anyways, i used real life examples 💀
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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kirishima eijirou
i’d imagine that eijirou would have an idea of what a pick me girl is— i mean, there were probably 2 of those girls in middle school
but has he experienced it first hand? nahh.
though, eijirou didn’t think he’d encounter one when he was already in a healthy and committed relationship!
eijirou is practically friends with everyone— and yeah, even the most unexpected. so, he’s bound to accidentally befriend a pick me girl
him, being the nicest one out of all of the characters in this list, will still be nice to said pick me girl, despite wanting to snob them to the core
because really— you can’t really fight fire with fire in some cases
but, he can be everything but lenient when the pick me girl starts insulting you for doing certain things, and for absurd reasons too
like,, how you laugh, and how you take care of yourself (for example— if you wear makeup, or how you style your hair)
which is odd! everything about you is everything but the things the pick me girl has stated so.. he cannot stand by.
the girl giggles to herself after that snide comment leaves her lip gloss coated lips. eijirou shifts uncomfortably— honestly taken aback by the anything but subtle insult that was thrown at you
“like.. seriously! it’s honestly quite superficial if you look at it like that. who the hell would put that much effort infront of your boyfriend? i’d assume they’d see everything AND everything but.. i guess not.”
you blink. superficial? now that’s a new one. the girl infront of you has been babbling insults sugarcoated in boasts the entire time, and you’re just wondering if it’s about time you guys leave but—
“well that’s unfair,” your boyfriend laughs, “i put the same amount of effort as this cutie right here,” eijirou pokes at your cheek, earning a quick laugh from you— which he can only thank the heavens for that
“but that’s different. it actually looks put together when you’re doing it, eiji.” the certain glint in her smile makes you want to wipe it right off with a dirty mop, “it’s impossible to look put together with expensive clothes, but being built like a—”
the sound of the sliding of a chair is quicker than your actions, and it easily cuts her off.
“i’m sorry, but we gotta go, it’s totally not cool of you to say those things about Y/N!”
“what? but i mean.. it’s true, right? i’m looking out for them! they’re literally out here l—”
“bye!” eijirou waves her goodbye with your hand, dismissing the sour expression on her face— as he dashes off with you
you’d question how he’s just so nice to people like that, but when he turns around, you could see the distaste in his eyes
“so that’s what a pick me girl’s like,” shaking his head, his expression lights up with such a quick manner “i’ll never make friends that are like that again!”
safe to say, eijirou’s friend list has been a a person shorter ever since that incident
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bakugou katsuki
oh, so that girl’s bold bold.
if she thinks she could get away with being a not so subtle pick me girl infront of bakugou katsuki, then she couldn’t be more wrong.
it’s absolutely revolting— i mean, he hasn’t displayed any romantic feelings towards ANYONE that isn’t you.
also, they’re quite gutsy if you ask me. so congrats for having guts??
i don’t think he’d be friends with a pick me girl. he’s very selective of who he’s befriending, so it’s probably your friend that’s the pick me girl in this case
he wouldn’t know what a pick me girl would be, but he’d probably know the description of one.
over some time, he’d grow some resistance to insults directed at him, but when someone insults his s/o
oh boy. that’s not good. remember when i said that katsuki was almost like your scary and intimidating dog
this is what i mean
knows he can’t make a scene, so his first option is to be dismissive asf— but if said pick me girl literally can’t get it, he won’t be afraid of shoving some explosions into her face
because his hands are rated e for everyone
“so you wanna be picked or something, is that it?” he hates how you literally have the resistance of a rock— which is something he always liked, but in this case hated. if it weren’t for you— he would’ve blasted explosions into her sorry excuse of a face until it’s beyond recognition (that wouldn’t be hero like, is what you’ve said in the past, but he disagrees.)
but seriously? ugh. he just wants to leave this horrid place, and make some dinner with you in the comfort of his home. why are you even friends with her anyway? she’s not even trying to be slick at this point.
“p-picked? i’m not understanding, katsu.”
“it’s bakugou.”
“right,” her laughter is like nails on chalkboard, “i’m just watching out for Y/N, y’know? there’s no point in wearing all of that.. on their face.” and she’s obviously referring to your obviously very well done makeup
“it’ll make your skin terrible in the long run! and really— i couldn’t really understand on why someone would wear that much, when you could survive with i dunno.. lip gloss at most?”
you would’ve actually said something as a rebuttal, but your boyfriend is quicker, and a lot more direct than anyone else in the area.
“just say you can’t do makeup and fucking scram,” katsuki’s ice cold glare finally breaks out of the act he’s been trying to hold together for you
“their makeup is fucking bomb as hell, compared to your ridiculous spider lashes, lady. come back when you’ve watched james charles’ entire fucking channel.” he harshly states in similar bakugou fashion, despite the lack of screaming.
and if you squinted hard enough, you could see tears welling up in her eyes. but katsuki tugs your hand before anything else could be said
“let’s fucking go, you need better friends.”
he makes you cut ties with all of them, and he practically scolds your terrible choice of friends— but he goes quiet when you tell him that you’ve been friends with her since middle school
“good fucking riddance. next time, i’ll punch them as soon as they say something outta line, got that?” and next time (hopefully, there won’t be a next time) you’ll actually lash out— or maybe,, you’ll let him loose for once.
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todoroki shouto
now shouto might be,, socially unaware sometimes. but he can tell whenever someone’s trying to insult his s/o
like,, right away.
now— you both run into this person after a pleasant date, and she eagerly presented herself as your friend
so, her attitude catches him off guard because who’d have anything rude to say about you and towards shouto’s face? especially when it’s about something normal.
like,, wasn’t she your friend?? why is she even like this?
his hostility is very well known, so they should be scared.
he gets detached from the conversation, and he’ll immediately go cold— and shouto would probably go as far as walking away with your hand in his
doesn’t matter if he properly says goodbye or not— if a girl’s being rude to his s/o, they obviously don’t deserve his usually polite attitude. nope, that’s a luxury.
oh— and what more when they’re seeking for his validation. newsflash! said pick me girl won’t be get any from him.
shouto couldn’t stop the bitterness bleeding into his mouth, when the girl in front of him continued to babble and take up the valuable time he had left with his s/o
initially, she presented herself as your friend from middle school— but as of now? she seems to be more interested in him more than you, despite knowing you first.
she’d ask him a string of obvious questions with very obvious answers, like ‘is she treating you well?’ ‘is she acting correctly?’ and questions of the sort
“oh, sorry! i’d hate to cut this conversation short, but—” you finally decide that it was about time to leave, while shouto looks pretty,, deadpanned right now, you could tell that he was gradually starting to get irritated by your friend’s words.
“wait. thats.. kind of controlling, don’t you think? do you ever let shou make decisions?”
“uh.. controlling? since when??” you question at the accusation. this girl knows nothing about your relationship dynamic, and she’s already jumping the gun and making conclusions.
your gaze snaps back to shouto, who looks just as surprised as he could possibly be.
“yeah! it clearly looks like he still wants to talk” which is an obvious lie, shouto just wants it out of here “i wonder how you managed to snag such a guy like him,” she comments with a smile that looked anything above suspicion (yet, it makes your stomach churn)
you could see the way her hand gets gradually closer to him— and frankly, you’re not sure about what she was planning to do next, “you wouldn’t need to dress all expensive and fancy, if you’re with a girl with an already classy appear—”
“i think this conversation is over,” shouto grip is firm on the wrist that was attempting to grab his shoulder, shouto makes no attempt to even look at the girl infront of him “i don’t know what you’re trying to do, but it’s not humorous. at all.”
“what?” she stammers, drawing her hand back “i-it’s obvious they don’t know how to take a joke! this is why there are barely any good w—”
shouto’s next actions knocks her speechless, his hand rests at the small of your back, before gently guiding you forward— “love, what movie are we watching later?” he says, making an effort to press a quick, yet intense kiss on your lips
“oh,” you breathe out, surprised by this action. “don’t be so tense, love.” shouto comments on how tense your shoulders have looked, ever since she started running her mouth, “now.. what movie do you want to watch tonight? comedy? thriller?”
“you pick,” you laugh at the quick shift of topic. and when you look behind you, you could see shame and defeat welling up on her face. shouto finally feels like he could smile again, the bitterness dissipating from his mouth
after shouto questions you if that was what a pick me girl was, he makes sure that you guys won’t ever encounter such thing again
“you.. don’t have more friends like that, right? if you do— we could always do another friend list cleansing.” this statement makes you laugh but shouto is anything but joking
but being reminded of his reaction to that ‘pick me’ girl does puts a smile on your face.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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