#hopefully i can find the energy soon to write more ideas i had of them
alectoperdita · 1 year
Fanfiction: In bed with the mob (29662 words) by Alecto
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jounouchi Katsuya | Joey Wheeler/Kaiba Seto Characters: Kaiba Seto, Jounouchi Katsuya | Joey Wheeler Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Yakuza, Alternate Universe - Lawyers, Aged-Up Character(s), Childhood Friends, Reunions, Smoking, Drinking, Flirting, Resolved Sexual Tension, Explicit Sexual Content, Porn with Feelings, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Come Swallowing, Anal Fingering, Prostate Milking, Facials, Bottom Kaiba Seto, The Booty is Privileged and Confidential, Jealousy, Possessive Sex
"Who are you?" the man asked, tonguing the inside of his cheek and puffing out the darkening bruise marring his skin. "Your lawyer," Seto answered brusquely.
"Hey there, beautiful," Jounouchi said huskily. He lifted one hand to clasp Seto's flushed cheek.
Seto narrowed his eyes. His teeth bared in a barely contained snarl. "Don't treat me like one of your bimbos."
"I don't. No one's as beautiful as you, Seto."
Maybe it was the sound of his given name or the undeniable sincerity in Jounouchi's voice, but Seto believed him.
Despite that, the grasping, needy creature inside him surged to life once more. He launched himself at the other man, one set of fingers tangling in his wild hair, while the other set tore at his blazer, his mouth and teeth catching his bottom lip. Jounouchi caught him around the waist again before guiding them across the darkened apartment. By the time they reached the bed, Seto had wrestled one arm out of the jacket and was working on the other.
"Chill," Jounouchi laughed, then rubbed Seto's lower back. "Let's try not to rip it."
"You're lucky I don't burn the horrific thing," growled Seto.
Once more, Jounouchi laughed. "Yer still such a drama queen."
Read Chapter 4 on AO3
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terabyteturtle · 1 year
💚 Bryan Fury SFW Alphabet 💚
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It's funny, I never paid much attention to him before writing this, but my eyes have since been opened to the amazing (and not to mention, attractive) character that is Bryan Fury.
This was requested by an anonymous user. Hopefully, you like it, and I apologize if anything seems out of character!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
This man will be all over you. Whether you're in public or not, it doesn't matter. At any point in time, he'll sling an arm around you and start showering you with kisses along your jaw or down your neck. His affection is impulsive, so whenever he wants you, he comes and gets you. Bryan is incredibly affectionate, almost to the point where it's overbearing. While it's very sweet (especially coming from him), it can be too much to handle at times. Bryan has no idea what boundaries are, and even when he does find out, he'll gladly cross them. His existence revolves around causing chaos around him, so expect him to test your limits. This isn't to say he'd want to make you uncomfortable, just that he isn't afraid to push your buttons. If it becomes a major issue and you tell him to lay off, Bryan will complain. But because he loves you, he'll give you some space. He likes teasing and irritating you, but when you start going from annoyed to angry, that's when the fun stops.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
It'd be so chaotic having this dude as a best friend. You better be pretty energetic, and if not, start chugging 5-Hour Energies. Bryan is, without a doubt, the type of dude who could go ten days without sleep and still be ready to run a mile. Typical activities for you include going to the dump and destroying things, shooting stuff at the arcade, shooting stuff in real life, and bothering people at three in the morning. He's also high-key attracted to you, so despite the fact that you're friends, expect constant teasing and flirting. The friendship would probably start with him wreaking havoc somewhere, with you happening to get caught in the crossfire. Usually, he loved having more people involved, regardless of whether they're innocent or not. But when he saw you, alone and in danger, he felt guilty. As soon as he saw you get knocked unconscious by some random flying object (he couldn't even tell what it was), he ran over, scooped you up into his arms, and took you to a safe spot to assess the damage. To his relief, the only wound you suffered was a blow to the back of the head, which appeared worse than it actually was. When you woke up, Bryan quickly explained the situation. He couldn't stay for long, since he still had some chaos to attend to, but he promised to come back and help, so long as you stayed put. You did as he asked, and sure enough, he came back and patched you up. Once you felt good enough to head home, Bryan gave you his number. You know, just in case you needed anything, or if you wanted to see him again (wink wink).
C = Comfort (How do they comfort you? Are they good at it or are they kinda awkward? How do they like to be comforted?)
Comfort? What is comfort? Bryan Fury can not compute. When he sees that you're upset, comfort is not his first resort—violence is. He'll get heated and bombard you with questions, asking what happened, who did this, and saying that if he sees them, he's gonna snap their neck. He doesn't pick up on your need for comfort, as he's hellbent on getting vengeance for you. You need to be as direct with Bryan as possible, or else he's not going to understand anything. This can be difficult since he talks a lot, especially when he's angry. Pulling him into a tight hug and squeezing him is the only way to get him to shut up. Once you do that, he'll freeze completely. If you want him to hold you in silence, just tell him and he'll oblige, hesitantly wrapping his arms around you and giving you a tight squeeze. If you want to unload everything and tell him why you're upset, he'll listen intently to every word, hugging you tightly as soon as you're finished. But be aware that regardless of what you do, Bryan will short-circuit. Comfort is something that you'll need to help him understand. Not everything needs to be solved with violence, and he doesn't realize that. Comfort with Bryan is very awkward at first, considering it's a learning process for him, but with enough time, he'll get better at it, even telling you jokes to make you laugh or smile. Bryan doesn't like to be comforted. It makes him feel like a weakling.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Bryan does not think about the future. He lives day-to-day, knowing very well that his life could end at any given moment. He'll move in with you, but settling down completely isn't an option for him. He lives paycheck-to-paycheck through his mercenary duties. He doesn't want to get a regular job, and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to—his urge to cause chaos is too great. Besides, who would want to hire a zombie cyborg with a criminal record longer than a kid's Christmas list? In terms of cooking and cleaning, he can not do either to save his life. Bryan somehow managed to burn water twice, so for both of your sakes, it's best not to let him near the stove. Oddly enough, the only dish he hasn’t messed up is pancakes, but other than that, don’t let him in the kitchen. When it comes to doing laundry, if he isn’t given specific instructions, all of the clothes will get ruined. And if that isn't bad enough, the post-chore rage is even worse. If he makes a mistake, he gets frustrated and starts having a meltdown. You usually have to guide him outside so that he doesn't break things within the house. Needless to say, it’s best if you’re the one doing these things, as Bryan is not best equipped to handle them.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)
Bryan would just disappear. He wouldn’t say a single word. You’ll wake up one morning and find that he’s not sleeping next to you. All of his stuff will be gone, and when you try to call him, it goes straight to voicemail. Emotions are not Bryan’s strong suit, so he’d just want to cut all ties as quickly and painlessly as possible. As much as he likes causing pain, he couldn’t bear to see you standing broken-hearted before him. Don’t worry though, he would only break up with you if he felt things were getting too dangerous. Luckily (or perhaps unluckily), Bryan’s perception of peril is not the greatest. Considering how often he gets involved in chaos, there isn’t much he considers “too dangerous”.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Again, Bryan never thinks about the future, so commitment isn’t something that pops into his mind. If you decide to bring it up, he’ll just brush it off with some sarcastic comment. Bryan loves you, there’s no doubt about that, but he doesn’t really want to get married. In his mind, if you guys truly love each other, you’ll just stick together—it’s that simple. He doesn’t understand the need to attach formality to it. On top of that, he doesn’t want to sign mountains of paperwork or decide on assets or worry about all the other stuff that comes with marriage. He just loves you, that’s it. He doesn’t need anything else to affirm that.
G = Gentle (How tender are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Bryan is as rough as they come. He doesn’t intend to hurt you, but he’s so used to being aggressive that he doesn’t even know how to be gentle. His affection feels like play-fighting most of the time, and when it isn’t, he almost hurts you by accident. Emotionally, he’s not much better. Since he became a cyborg, Bryan hasn’t had much to worry about in his life. Walking the Earth and causing mass chaos was the only thing on his mind. So when it comes to you, he’ll show that same carefree attitude, meaning he’ll tease you constantly and won’t be as understanding when it comes to your problems. Bryan rarely feels anything other than joy or anger, but when he does, he’ll just act cynical and pretend he’s fine. Rest assured, none of this is done to hurt you. It’s just how he is. If there’s something he really needs to improve on, then he’ll try his best for you. In the end, Bryan hates making mistakes, and he would get enraged at himself if he made one with you.
H = Hugs n' Cuddles (Do they like hugs/cuddles? What are they like? How often do they happen?)
He LOVES hugging and cuddling—just say the word and he’s down for either. Bryan's hugs are usually either bear hugs or lazy, clingy hugs, both of which usually end up with you falling to the floor. With the bear hugs, they’re like football tackles half the time. After a long day, he’s so excited to see you that he ends up sending you straight to the floor. With the lazy hugs, he’s super heavy, so it’s difficult to stay standing with his dead weight hanging off of you. In terms of cuddling, he loves holding you from behind the most. On the rare occasions that he can get himself to relax, it's the perfect way to give you as much affection as possible. When you're cuddling, expect kisses galore. Hugs happen quite often, but cuddles are pretty rare because he's so energetic that he can't sit still. He is part robot after all, so it would make sense that he has boundless stamina.
I = I Love You (How quickly do they tell you they love you?)
It actually takes a long time for him to say it. This is because it doesn't cross his mind as something he would say. Bryan loves you, and he tries to show that to you as much as he can, so he doesn't feel the need to tell you that. In his mind, he thinks you already know. On top of that, he actually has said it to you before—you just weren't awake to hear it. One night, Bryan came home late, having just finished a difficult job, to find you fast asleep on the bed. Out of impulse, he leaned down, kissed you on the forehead, and whispered those three words softly to you. He often forgets that you weren’t awake, so while you have no idea he ever said it to you, Bryan believes the deed was done.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Not jealous, possessive. At least, that's what he likes to say. If a guy looks at you the wrong way, or simply stares at you for too long, Bryan will feel an incredible urge to punch them in the face. He gets pretty jealous, but not for the typical reason of fearing that he's gonna lose you. For Bryan, it's a thing of everyone knowing you're together. You're his significant other, and he could not be prouder to have you by his side. He wants the whole world to know you're together, and if somebody doesn't know, then he’ll tell them loud and clear. When Bryan's jealous, he'll sling an arm around you and tell them you’re together. If somebody is flirting with you, and Bryan notices that you're feeling uncomfortable, then he'll become even angrier. And if that person makes the mistake of being rude or trying to hurt you, then they better be prepared for the beating of a lifetime. Bryan will not let anyone get away with disrespecting the person he loves. At least, not with all of their limbs attached.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He likes to attack you with flurries of quick kisses whenever he sees you. These kisses will fly all over your face, neck, and jawline, all with Bryan's strong arms wrapped around you. When he kisses your lips, it's rough and kinda sloppy, but also very sweet. This man can’t get enough of you, and it clearly shows through his kisses. Bryan will kiss you anywhere and everywhere. He doesn’t care what part of you he’s kissing; he’s in heaven regardless. Personally, he likes to be kissed on his lips, neck, and chest. He's very specific about it, too.
L = Little Ones (How are they around children and what are their thoughts on them?)
Despite what some people might think, he actually loves kids. Bryan hates the responsibility that comes with them, but he likes messing around and making goofy faces to make them laugh. In his mind, they're like mini troublemakers, capable of causing chaos at any given moment. He has a lot of energy, so he can chase them around and keep them entertained for a long time. Little kids think his crazy laugh is hilarious. Since kids like him so much, they'll usually listen to whatever he says. If the two of you somehow landed a babysitting job, he would enlist their help to pull pranks on you. In terms of having kids with you, that’s something he’d never do for two reasons—first, he doesn’t believe it can even happen since he's a cyborg, and second, he doesn’t want to deal with the responsibility.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings can be pretty chaotic, as is everything with Bryan. If you wake up earlier than him and try to get out of bed, he'll start complaining and hold you tight. You literally have to pry his arms off of you in order to get out of bed. Even when you finally escape his grasp, he'll just follow you to wherever you're going and hug you, practically hanging off of you as you're trying to do stuff. It's sweet that he wants to be close to you, but sometimes it can really get frustrating when you're trying to get ready for the day. On the rare occasions that he's up before you, Bryan will try making you breakfast. He tries his best, but he nearly ends up burning the house down and you have to take over.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are just as chaotic as mornings. He'll come home from a job and start hollering about what happened and how cool it was and how he wished you would've been there to see it. He'll tell you crazy stories about stuff he did in the past, all the while making hilarious jokes about it. Before you guys go to bed, he might spontaneously start making out with you. Some nights, he'll just randomly wake you up to take you somewhere. Whether he takes you to the dump to destroy stuff or out to eat at a 24-hour diner, you always end up having a good time. It’s safe to say that Bryan’s more of a night owl than an early bird, so expect him to be far more energetic once the evening rolls around. Because he likes to drag you out at night so much, you’ll definitely find yourself feeling sleepier in the morning.
O = Open (At what point would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or take their time with it?)
He didn't waste any time telling you about everything. You kinda knew what you were signing up for the day you met him.
P = Patience (How patient are they?)
He's not very patient at all, least of all with himself. If he makes a mistake while cooking, cleaning, or doing anything, he gets frustrated immediately. Bryan’s default setting is violence, so as soon as he gets angry, he needs something to destroy immediately. Since he’s been free to cause chaos for a couple years, he’s completely forgotten how to control his anger. You often have to guide him outside because if not, he’ll break everything in sight. Once out of the house, all he needs to do is kick things until he feels better. His patience isn’t much better with other people, and if they do something that even remotely pisses him off, he’ll start throwing hands. When it comes to you, he's still not patient, but he’s far better by comparison. Instead of throwing things, he'll show his impatience through complaints and snarky remarks. Even if he does get super angry, he’d never dare lay a hand on you. You’re the one person he truly loves, the only one who’s given him a true purpose in life. He’d hate himself if he hurt you.
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every detail or kinda forget everything?)
Bryan actually remembers a lot. When he tells you stories from his past, they're always loaded with detail. He was a police officer after all, so he needed to have a good memory in order to do his job. When it comes to you, he takes down everything in a mental notebook without missing a single thing. He’ll often pretend to forget about things just to dumb himself down in front of you, then surprise you with something thoughtful later on. At the start of your relationship, he only did this because he hoped to get laid, but as it continued, it became something more special. He won’t admit it, but he adores the way your eyes light up each time he surprises you with something.
R = Remember (What is one of the most important moments of your relationship?)
One of the most important moments was the time he protected you from some drunk guy trying to harass you. He kept flirting with you, and despite your every attempt to make him leave you alone, he just wouldn’t stop. He reached out to grab you, but Bryan stepped in and beat the guy up. Before that moment, Bryan didn't really think much of your relationship. You had been dating for a couple months and he didn’t think it was anything too serious. But when that giant, muscular guy tried laying a hand on you, you became his number one priority, and he would've stopped at nothing to keep you safe. After the fact, Bryan realized that he cared so much more for you than he'd previously imagined. This was no longer just a casual fling for him; this was the real deal.
S = Security (How protective are they and how would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Bryan can get extremely protective, especially in areas of high danger. He’d be by your side the entire time, eyeing your surroundings. If someone or something threatens to hurt you, he’ll knock ‘em dead in two seconds flat. Bryan himself, on the other hand, doesn’t want to be protected. First of all, he doesn’t think he needs it, and secondly, he wants to be your knight in shining armor, the person you can depend on when you’re in trouble. He craves to see you gazing at him in admiration as he swoops in to save you from danger. It makes him feel like he’s doing something right. Although he hates to admit that, he needs reassurance about it every once and a while.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc?)
He’d put in effort, but only in the most Bryan way possible. Dates with Bryan are usually very spontaneous. He’s very impulsive, so he just goes about and does whatever he wants. If he visits a place he thinks you might like, he’ll call you then and there to see if you want to hang out. If he wakes up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep, then screw it, he’s waking you up and you’re both gonna go somewhere fun. In terms of anniversaries and other special days, Bryan loves going all out. When those days come around, his main goal is to have as much fun as possible. He’ll dance on tabletops, take too many shots, and think you kissed but he forgot. As for gifts, he’ll get you stuff every so often, but they’re usually plucked off the corpses of people he’s killed during his fits of chaos. You’ve learned not to question their origins, as he gets really defensive about it whenever you do. He feels it doesn’t matter where they came from, as long as they were straight from the heart (not of the corpse, 'cause that would be weird).
U = Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs?)
Bryan has a short fuse and is prone to lashing out when he gets angry or frustrated. In addition to yelling and cursing, his way of expressing his anger is by destroying things. If he gets angry, you better put him outside quickly or else he’ll shatter all of the fine china. He’d never hit you, no matter how angry he gets, but the same can’t be said about your furniture. He’s like a tornado, leaving broken messes in his wake. Speaking of which, he doesn’t really clean up after himself. He’d rather save his energy for causing chaos than keeping his space tidy. If you’re someone who enjoys cleaning, count yourself lucky to have a boyfriend as messy as he is.
V = Values (What do they value in a partner?)
He wants someone who’s able to put up with his crazy antics, who loves him for his crazy, maniacal self. He wants someone he can laugh with, who can take a joke and dish one out that’s just as good. He wants someone who doesn’t mind that he’s not completely human, who doesn’t judge him. He usually doesn’t care what anybody thinks, but when it comes to a partner, he needs a fair trade. If he’s not gonna give a crap about their setbacks, then they shouldn’t give a crap about his. Bryan might have a few screws in his head loose, but that doesn’t mean he’ll take just anybody to be a partner. There are a lot of boxes, and luckily for him, you’ve checked all of them.
W = Wedding (How are they on the big day? How do they help plan it out? Are they emotional or stoic?)
Again, Bryan wouldn’t want to get married. He doesn’t think there needs to be a whole big ceremony just to tell you something you already know—that he loves you. But if, hypothetically, there was a wedding, he would be a mess. He’d act all crazy and tough, but he’d secretly be scared to death. Knowing how clumsy and chaotic he is, Bryan would be worried that he’d accidentally ruin it for you. As much as he loves making a big bullet-ridden explosion out of everything, he knows that’s not how you’d want it to be (unless it is, which in that case, he’d have nothing to worry about). Bryan will snatch the wedding plans out of your hands and read them over a thousand times. This way, he knows what’s going on ahead of time and can make sure that he won’t mess it up for you. Once standing at the altar, he’d probably make a joke or two about how shabby he looks compared to you before giving you what is probably the sweetest smile he’s ever smiled.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
Bryan always has first-aid stuff on hand. If you’re out somewhere together and you get injured, he’ll be able to patch you up right then and there.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they can't stand, both in a partner and in general?)
Bryan can not stand anyone who’s a control freak. He needs to have the freedom to do whatever he wants, not to be tied down to a schedule. Routine is boring, and on top of that, there is no routine when it comes to mercenary work. It’s first come, first serve, and a job can pop up at any given moment. Some missions take hours or days to complete, others take weeks or even months. If they can’t handle that, he can’t handle them. He also hates people who are too serious. To him, if you can’t take a joke, there must be something wrong with you. He’s a carefree guy, and he gets irritated by people who don’t match his attitude.
Z = Zzz (What are some sleep habits of theirs?)
He snores so loud. Never before in your life have you heard anyone snore as loudly as this man. From another room, he sounds like a grizzly bear. Also, expect him to cling to you while you sleep. Once he’s asleep, there’s no getting out of his arms, unless you’re able to pry yourself free with a crowbar. If you don’t have one on hand, then you’ll just have to wait until morning. Even then, Bryan’s a heavy sleeper, so it’s difficult to wake him up. On rare occasions, he’ll punch and kick in his sleep. Luckily, he’s never hit you, because if he did, there’d probably be a you-shaped hole in the wall by now.
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valentine-writes · 11 months
Could you write something about hanahaki disease with Johnathon ohnn? (Could end in angst or fluff either is good :3) no rush ofc, i love your work!!!
choking on flowers.
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「 tws + notes: open ended ending, implications/mentions of death (but no Actual Death), unedited, OOC, interpretation of hanahaki may be slightly diff (i haven't heard of this trope thing in a hot min ngl so im not the Greatest With This), pre-collider even though his holes generating flowers is a silly thought which i giggled abt while writing this, present/past tenses are fucked up cuz i changed formatting halfway, angst?? 」
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「 gn!reader, (unrequited) romantic relationship </3 」
↳ ft. johnathan/johnathon ohnn
author's note: THANK U SMMM!! (∩^o^)⊃━☆ lowkey 4got thiz thing existed lolz,, and while hanahaki aus are no longer My Thing, i wud b lying if i told u i didn't eat hanahaki ficz up in middle school >︿<!! sooo,, here we go!!! hopefully this is ok,, many apologies for how short it iz aauwgwhwh
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this is the third time you've called him today, trying to reach out. the first two times, he had thought he was strong enough to ignore you.
he was wrong. the minute his phone rang out that third time, he practically scrambled over to it just to answer. pathetic.
"you haven't been at work for what,,, almost two weeks now?"
the concern in your voice makes johnathan want to keel over dead instantly– not like he's far from it anyways. he pulls his phone away as he lets out a weak cough. you barely hear it from your end of the call.
"...sick." is all he manages to rasp out, his sore throat preventing him from speaking further. even if he could manage to talk more, he wouldn't know what else to say. how would he tell you? the call ends prematurely. you know you're not going to get more out of him, and he knows that it's better to keep you in the dark about his situation.
to tell you about how his unrequited feelings have manifested into something much more than both of you can handle was completely and absolutely out of the question. how was he supposed to explain he had been coughing up your favourite flowers? johnathan would rather let it kill him.
not only was he humiliated by the sheer intensity of his yearning– he knew you'd end up feeling guilty about it. yet, a part of his heart ached, wishing that he was selfish enough to tell you. maybe seeing you cry over him would give him some semblance of love.
that was an awful thought. he promptly pushed it aside. he'd never want to make you cry.
he could only laugh at how frustrating his situation is. it was inescapable, his fate inevitable and ever nearing– and no one to tell.
he had never felt so alone.
at least i'll have flowers for my funeral, he thought in the deafening silence of his home, finding the energy to let out a weak chuckle over the thought.
a few days after the call, his phone buzzed, receiving a text from you:
i'm coming over'
straightforward, at least.
'what if you get sick?' he messages back, trying to generate excuses to keep you away.
you reply swiftly, before he can come up with anything else, unswayed by the idea of potentially catching his illness which, unbeknownst to you, wasn't really transferable anyways. 'we'll wear masks then. omw.'
lovely. you were stubborn as ever. at least you gave him a heads up.
he noticed you made no attempt to keep your distance from him as you dropped off his little care package.
all neatly put into a little basket was some fresh fruit you had insisted he needed, as you rambled over the importance of vitamin c and immune health, a sweet little card filled with "get better soon"s filled by his coworkers at alchemax most of which he knew probably didn't really care all that much, a few packages of cough drops you had been a sweetheart to actually choose ones which had bearable flavours, a blanket, a few snacks, and... flowers.
if you had known exactly what illness, he doubted this choice would have been made. he stared at them silently, finding some sort of humor in the mortifying irony.
you said an awkward goodbye at his door, about to turn around and head off– before hesitating for a second.
"johnathan?" the way you looked at him, eyes filled with tenderness and worry– maybe it wasn't so bad after all, for you to be the death of him.
you didn't say anything further, instead, choosing to communicate through impulsively squeezing him into a tight hug.
you pull away just as quick as it had happened, yet the warmth of your embrace lingered a little longer, even as you headed out the door. something about you caring so much made it hurt more.
johnathan wondered why you even cared, why you were so persistent about looking out for him– knowing that he'd end up watching you slip away from him again, leaving an ache in his heart nothing could remedy.
he couldn't blame you. not sweet, kind, thoughtful you. he was the idiot, the careless fool who yearned for something he couldn't have.
maybe in another life, he thought to himself.
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doe-eyed-dreamr · 5 months
hi!! would you be able to do a fic of snufkin taking care of a sick regressor? if you could make the regressor aged 3-4 that would be great!! tysm!!!!!!
Of course! I'm so sorry this took so long, I was actually feeling pretty unwell myself so I was struggling to get any writing done. I also have emetophobia so I had to be a little vague with the illness I hope that's okay ʕ`•̥ᴥ•̥`ʔ
I really like how this came out though and I hope you do too! <3
Snufkin Cares for Sick Little Reader <3
It's been a long couple of days. You figured you were safe from sickness as the weather warmed, but unfortunately the Valley had other ideas. Stuck in bed while the others went off to play and seek adventure had you grumbly and moodier than usual.
It just wasn't fair! How come you are the only one who can't get their limbs to cooperate when you try to get up and walk around? And that was without mentioning the fever and icky tummy.
But Moomin has promised today will be different. He and the others have gone into the woodland to find a rare plant Moominmama spied in Granny's notes that will hopefully bring your temperature down and give you a little more energy.
Snufkin had volunteered to stay back and take care of you. When asked if he was sure (he did have the best eye for plants among the group after all), he pointed them in the direction of the Hemulen (who's eye was even better than his when it came to flora and fauna) and said he was needed more by your side today.
You hadn't known what he meant by that until you felt it. That telltale fuzzy feeling in the back of your mind.
Everything is just so hard right now. You're tired and achy and nothing feels good to eat and all you want to do is cry and stomp your feet.
You're regressing.
It shouldn't be a surprise - days of feeling icky and not being able to play with your friends? A recipe for disaster. Luckily, Snufkin had noticed and appointed himself caregiver for the day.
"It's okay to let go." He says, eyes tilted towards the sky as you both lay out on the grass, cushions from Moominmama propping you up and keeping you comfortable while the gentle breeze attempts to wash your fever away. "I'm here. I've got you."
You feel the tears well up as soon as he finishes speaking. Any resistance you might've felt melts away and you allow yourself to feel miserable in the only way a toddler knows how. You let the tears fall with a whimper and soon you're cradled against a soft green coat, rocking in a soothing motion while you wail.
"I know, I know little one." Snufkin coos. "You've been so brave, haven't you? I know it hurts but I just know you'll feel better soon."
He places a small kiss against your head, and keeps talking when the tears slow.
"And when you do, we'll go on as many adventures as you'd like. To the beach, to the woods, even soaring through the sky. Anything you can dream up, angel."
"Da others be there?" You question, one hand rubbing at your eyes and the other clutching at Snufkin's coat as if scared he might disappear.
Snufkin chuckles and takes over wiping away your tears, much gentler than you yourself had been. He produces a pacifier from his pocket and clips it to your own clothes, giving you the comfort of knowing it's there without pressuring you to use it if you aren't quite feeling young enough.
"Yes, the others will be back as soon as they can be. And you know they love to play with you, whatever age you feel on the inside. I bet each of them has an idea for an adventure, we can ask them later if you'd like?"
You nod quickly, then pout when your head hurts at the motion.
Snufkin kisses your forehead with sympathetic eyes.
"I know, sweet one. Do you think you could manage some soup? I made some earlier and it might help hydrate you more than water. I'd hope it'd be tastier too." He adds, noting your scrunched nose at the mention of water. It feels like all you've been doing these past days is drinking water.
You nod slowly, hoping the food goes down well this time. If Snufkin says it's a good idea, you're going to believe him.
You didn't, however, factor in the fact your friend would have to get up to fetch the food.
A whine passes your lips and you cling on even tighter to his coat.
"Nuh uh! Snuf'in stay!" You protest. Snufkin hushes you, stroking your hair till you calm a little.
"Easy, sweetheart." He coos again. "I'll be right back. Count to ten for me, okay?"
You do so reluctantly, counting between shaky breathes the longer Snufkin is away from you. He smiles encouragingly as he emerges from his tent, large flask in hand.
"There." He says, plopping back beside you before you've even reached the number ten. "I'm so proud of you, little one. I know that was hard."
You get another kiss to your head for your efforts and you can't help the smile that overtakes you. Snukin is proud of you!
"There's that sweet smile." Snufkin says, smiling back as he opens the lid of the flask and pours some soup into it. "Now, I'm going to hold this, just sip carefully okay? And we'll see how you feel once you've tried some."
The task sounds simple enough, and you nod your head with determination. Snufkin boops your nose, and then lifts the soup to your mouth for you to take the first sip.
Your eyes widen and Snufkin pulls the lid back as you attempt to gulp all of it down at once.
"Ah ah, not so fast." He says. "I'm glad you like it, but you have to take it easy at first, okay?"
You pout, but nod. Snufkin giggles.
"Okay." He says, bringing the soup to your mouth again.
You sip much more slowly this time, basking in the warmth of the food and the ache in your head fading into the background.
When you can't drink anymore, Snufkin closes the flask and rolls it away from you both, pulling you in to snuggle against him again.
"Now. I think a nap is in order, then by the time you wake up the others should be here to help you feel all better. How's that sound?"
At your clear hesitation, Snufkin continues.
"We can take a nap right here beneath the sky. Together."
You smile and hum in confirmation, allowing Snufkin to lower you both onto the cushions. He tucks your head under his chin, curling into one another, and begins to hum.
The tune isn't a familar one, most likely taking inspiration from the wind, the rustling leaves, the bubble of the stream not so far away.
It sounds like home, and you allow yourself to drift, knowing you are safe, and you are loved.
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Hazbin Hotel x Reader Request Prompt
Hello all! I'm having a great time writing for Hazbin and wanted to try something that worked really well on my TF Blogs; Prompt OCs! Basically, I set up a somewhat vague outline of a character I think would be interesting, and you can request scenarios for them! If you'd like, you can also request more specific traits for them or specific additions to their backstory. I only have the one for now, but I've put some ideas on them to hopefully inspire you!
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Reader is a still-living human that was sent to Hell body AND soul by a sacrificial ritual gone awry, and those that attempted to sacrifice them were the ones who ended up dead after sending reader's corporeal form to Hell, so there's nobody to bring them back. Things weren't going well in the living world for them, so there's no one they need to get back to, but being alive still makes life in Hell quite... interesting. Not being dead makes it even harder for them than it is for many Sinners, who at least have the benefit of only dying to very specific circumstances. They quickly figure out their best hope for survival is to hide their true nature and keep their head down as they try to understand their situation.
The thing is; living humans aren't meant to be in Heaven or Hell, and no one has ever had their first death there, so the natural order is interrupted just by reader existing where they shouldn't be. Though they don't know this at first, the unnatural state of their being creates a sort of magical anomaly around them, making them a kind of conduit for the immense power that is reality "bending" around them. This, combined with the fact that they're outside the "rules" of Hell, attracts all manner of parties seeking an edge in the Underworld. Having a living magical battery that's also a wildcard would be an invaluable asset, so Living!Reader soon finds themselves with attention at every angle. Some of it might not be all that unpleasant...
- Any number of Overlords would obviously kill for the latent power created by Living!Readers unnatural existence, but they'll need reader alive to utilize this power. If reader's cooperation makes it even easier to access the magical energy that gathers around them, it might even behoove an ambitious Overlord to make the arrangement beneficial for both, even to the point of being cordial. Of course, there's always a chance this friendly business arrangement could turn into more...
- Overlords aren't the only one who will seek out this reader. Original Sins and other powerful, ancient beings native to Hell will have an even easier time sensing that something is amiss and seeking out the source, and they might be better able to utilize the power created by the anomaly of a living being in Hell. Perhaps, they might even be able to train them to utilize it for themselves.
- Living!Reader might just figure out how to use their abilities on their own, and I imagine there are a myriad of ways this raw power could be utilized. Shapeshifting, summoning familiars, elemental control and anything you imagine could be on the table, though of course these powers will take time to master. A Sinner or Hellborn with similar powers might just make the best teacher.
- This is a small one I referenced in this Lucifer x Reader post, (TW: Pregnancy) but with this reader being alive, I imagine having children would still be on the table for them. Hybrids between the living and Hellborns are exceptionally rare through history, due in part to how Heaven has expressly forbidden such relationships in fear of the powerful offspring that might result. Of course, rules don't really matter when the enforcer doesn't know they're being broken.
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soukokumychildren · 2 months
Chuuya having WINGS!!? Even though he could in somee way fly before already, it feels so different with wings!! Like really cool!!
(( I have always Liked wings -
Is your AU going to follow the main time-line of the show? Like, the illustrations you've posted sure does look like it-- (love them- love this idea-) ((Soukoku Reunion where Chuuya has feathers!!? ✨)
Wait, wait, wait, No- dont spoil anything..! (maybe just a little yes or no- that wouldn't really spoil anything—) I will find out as I read—!
I mainly wanted to say I'm really looking forward to reading this!!
It's my first BSD AU where it follows the main time-line - just differently- as well! A thing I really like!!
Well, if it really does ofc, but It sure does look like it—Arg, I gotta just continue reading soon——
Even if it don't this seems really interesting already!!!
Ahem, anyhow, this became a bit long- I wanted to expres my excitement about this-especially after, you even looked at some of my BSD stuff after I followed you!!!!
Thank you soo much!✨ That became the last push to write this little too long text, that isn't really a question, but more like a thank you-ahh im excited for this-- that I had already considered writing to you after I started reading😅😅👍
This entire post just made my day and while I could I'd rather not risk dying from lightheadedness from spinning too fast in excitement in my spinny chair XDDDDD THANK YOU SO MUCH
I can't express how embarrassed I am just fshfhsgshgsghshg I have been CRAZY for wings for AGES now, and I just saw soooo many posts about how "what if Chuuya could fly Dazai" I thought, fuckers, I can make that REALITY And it is going to follow the main timeline of the show just...alot differently but at the same time trying really hard to stick to the normal plot In hindsight that means I must suffer with all my energy to watch the first season of bsd (When I first watched BSD, the first episodes were for setup, and rightfully so. That all made sense, it really put the characters together. But I watched it a second time and it dragged ON and ON and I COULDN'T STAND IT UNTIL CHUUYA CAME TO GRAB DAZAI gARgHHrhgh). I must admit I'm confused on the "Soukoku reunion where Chuuya has feathers" bit though 🤔 And currently during the plot I'm writing I have to improvise ALOT from what I know, and really this fic is also whatever the fuck I wanna write with whatever writing style I have on hand slapped into each 1K chapter so I'm really trying here LOL Also the fact when [undisclosed plot device] will be introduced, I'll be writing seperate smut for [undisclosed plot device] because I can then do WHATEVER I want wITHOUT any repercussions Hopefully I can add in [undisclosed plot device] just in a way that people will understand. Though I hear that Beast Dazai also came across [undisclosed plot device] at one point :D
I'm going SO offtopic here LMFAO And seriously? Really??? I'm surprised! I'm sure theres alot of fics that go by the timeline, I especially have run into cough ones which I liked which are specifically smut related..... and I go back to off topic I'm sorry LMAO But I'm sosoosososo glad you like it! It just means alot to me you wrote alot and now I'm just ranting because you've shown genuine interest without going off the rails (as far as I've seen) so this is pretty cool for me too!!! And I do usually look to peoples accounts who follow me (especially those who find interest in a SURPRISING amount of my stuff XD) so yeah, that's why and I found some GOOD stuff on your account too, so that's REALLY awesome. Talk to me any time! Dm me, reblog and talk to me that way, use replies, whatever the fuck! I love talking to people, and this was genuinely fun to write. :]
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richincolor · 5 months
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Interview with Janice Lynn Mather
Today we have author Janice Lynn Mather sharing with us all about her new novel “Where was Goodbye?” that publishes next Tuesday, April 30th. The novel is an exploration of grief and mental health after the death of a family member. 
K. Imani: This novel was truly touching as I felt so many emotions throughout Karmen’s story and her journey to understand her brother. What was your inspiration for Karmen’s story?
Janice: Two truths: life is painful, and humans are amazing. The story began with the thought that we, as people, live through so much—including unexpected, agonizing, blinding loss. And yet, we continue to move through life and the world. I wanted to slow down and think about what it’s actually like to live through an almost unfathomable loss. How do we do that as people? How does a young person, especially, handle that when there’s so much going on simply with trying to figure out life as a teen bordering on young adulthood?
K. Imani: I can imagine when telling a story about grief you want to get it right. Can you describe the type of research you completed to understand how people respond to grief?
 Janice: Life experience informs my understanding of grief. I got the idea for the story, began writing it, and then, less than a year into the process, I unexpectedly lost my own son soon after his birth. I would never have chosen to write a story about grief and loss under those circumstances, but I went ahead with the story. I had other experiences with grief too—my own, and that of others around me. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to both support and let down folks around me as they grieved by saying or doing something that was helpful—or not. I think for many of us, we mess up in how we approach or avoid someone who’s grieving. Hopefully, our mistakes bother us enough that we go over them and try to figure out what we could do better, how we could be kinder, more considerate, next time.
K. Imani: Some of my favorite parts were the flashbacks with Karmen and Julian. Can you share why you chose to include the flashbacks into the narrative?
 Janice: I have a soft spot for flashbacks myself. Maybe I spend too much time revisiting actual events in my mind, but I find going over the past can be really important in navigating the present. For Karmen, flashbacks are an important way to connect with Julian again, to feel like her old reality—the one where life felt right and Julian was there—isn’t gone forever. It’s also a way for her to try to make sense of the incongruity of Julian’s absence now. It’s a way for Julian to be active and real, in the story, as he is in her memory.
K. Imani: What was the hardest scene or chapter to write? 
Janice: I don’t want to give the story away, but there are moments when Karmen revisits the night of Julian’s death head-on, and grapples with his death really directly. These moments are some of the most painful for Karmen, and I feel these for her. Capturing the scenes was intense, and took a lot of emotion and energy.
K. Imani: What are you hoping teens come away with after reading Karmen’s journey in search of understanding her brother? 
Janice: Books and reading have been shown to be such an effective way of promoting understanding, empathy, and emotional intelligence. I think all of us who are avid readers and lovers of stories know how meaningful it is when we read a book that reflects us—our background, or our struggles, or our pain, or our joys. My hope for readers depends on their perspective. For those whose experiences are close to Karmen’s, I hope they feel heard. For those who haven’t lived with loss, I hope the story sparks understanding of what that journey might look like.
K. Imani: Can you share what you are writing right now? 
Janice: Right now I’m moving between a historical fiction piece about three interconnected family lines, and trying my hand at picture books.
K. Imani: That sounds exciting and I’m looking forward to it. As for reading, what books by other Black authors are you looking forward to?
Janice: We go through dozens of kids’ books in our house, monthly. I’m really excited to get my hands on Journey to Grandma’s House (Fall 2024) by Nadia L. Hohn. Nadia’s an amazing and prolific author, editor and presenter, and her Malaika series has been a huge hit in our home.  I’m also eager for A Week of Shenanigans by Janet Costa Bates. I think the name says it all.
Thank you again Janice for sharing your time with us and sharing more about “Where Was Goodbye”. Please check out my review on Friday, then run to your nearest bookstore on Tuesday to grab her book.
Janice Lynn Mather is a Bahamian Canadian author. Her first novel, Learning to Breathe, was a Governor General’s Award finalist, a Sheila A. Egoff Children’s Literature Prize finalist, shortlisted for the Amy Mathers Teen Book Award, an ALA/YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults selection, an Amelia Bloomer Book List pick, and a Junior Library Guild Selection. Her second novel, Facing the Sun, was an Amy Mathers Teen Book Award winner. Where Was Goodbye? is her third novel for teens. Janice Lynn lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.
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justkending · 1 year
Finding Memories. Chapter 27.
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Series Summary: Waking up with little to no memory of her past, and being saved by a group of individuals who call themselves heroes, sends a long time captive for a whirlwind trying to find some form of grounding in this world she quickly learns runs on chaos. But she’s not the only one trying to figure out her forgotten backstory. Bucky Barnes, along with the other Avengers, can’t help but sense that there is a lot more to the whole situation than a diagnosis of amnesia. Her background slowly starts to come forward in pieces of her past and hidden information discovered. Who is she? And why was she in the room they were meant to destroy?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced Reader 
Word Count: 4100+
TW: Torture, cussing, gore, PTSD, triggers, death.  
~A/N PLEASE READ~: The next chapter will be the last of this series and it is already in the works. So hopefully it’s be out soon in the next day or so. With that being said, I really would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter. I have some ideas for one-shots and projects following this storyline that I’m hoping to get started once this is wrapped up. It’s been such a fun and different story from my others writing wise and I’ve loved writing it :) Again, let me know your thoughts on this one and any prediction you may have!! XOXOXOXO
Chapter 27:
Bucky’s eyes showed terror at how the situation had reversed. Minutes ago, Y/N surrendered herself and made the sacrifice of losing everything she had gained after her escape, and now it was really gone. Even her right to think for herself and she hadn’t even left the compound. 
“Sorry, I’m late,” Wanda walked forward with a limp but straightened her posture as she got closer. “Another one of your batshit crazy friends got the jump on me. That’s taken care of now,” she said in a snarky way as she watched The Siren turn back to aggravated. 
“Wanda, are you ok?” Steve asked in the comms and she turned back for a second to give him a head nod in confirmation. 
Her attention was quickly back on Y/N. Her eyes turned red as she tried to peak in her head, but it was clouded by what could best describe as a cloud of black smoke. If the Y/N they had grown to love and adore was in there, she was in a dark and hidden space. 
“Let’s make a deal,” Wanda shouted toward the dark-haired woman and walked slowly to her. “You let her go, and I let you live?”
The Siren scoffed at her threat. 
“You don’t know what you’re asking to go up against,” she remarked. 
“On the contrary, I don’t think you know what you’re going up against,” Wanda said back unbothered. 
“We may want that shield back now,” Nat said. 
The woman didn’t care for her time being wasted by the banter and shouted another command and Y/N began levitating and throwing her energy in balls at Wanda. 
Though Wanda had already put up a fight somewhere else and was wearing out, she let the adrenaline rush take over her and help her fight the battle. 
“What do we do?” Steve shouted over the explosions happening in front of them. 
“We have a few other people to go up against,” Nat nodded her head to the two girls on the ground watching the fight happen before turning their attention to the unprotected trio. “Not sure we can get a jump on them. Stark?” she shouted into the comms. 
It took a second, but his voice came through. “A lot worse than I hoped. I’m moving a few more-,” There was a pause as he grunted moving what sounded like support beams. “Million-dollar repairs,” he finished with a deep sigh. “But luckily it’s mainly the building that took a hit. So far we have injured, but no casualties yet!” 
They were grateful there was some form of good news in the last few drastic events, but they were wondering how long that statistic would last. 
“We can use your help,” Nat spoke back. “Y/N’s been put under some form of mind control and is under their command. Wanda is handling her, but the other two enhanced that are here aren’t going to be a quick fight.” 
They heard a mumbled string of cuss words before he caught his breath throwing a hundred-pound form of debris away. 
“I’m on my way,” he said into the comms and Nat, Bucky, and Steve were preparing for the fight the two girls coming at them were about to ensue. 
“Make it fast,” Nat said in an even tone before rolling her shoulders back. “Boys, take them down if you can. If not, hold them off long enough for Y/N to snap out of it.” 
And in the next few minutes, Y/N and Wanda were trying to outmaneuver each other in a magic showdown, and the trio was doing everything in their power to keep the other two distracted and focused on them. 
Tony had joined and was later trailed by the young teenager that was flying and attempting to blast him out of the sky. She got a few good hits, but this wasn’t Tony’s first battle in the air. 
“Y/N! Snap out of it,” Wanda threw what was supposed to be a rendering hit, but it was quickly deflected and returned by Y/N. 
Wanda was trying to knock her down a few pegs while also trying to find a way to get the old version of her to come back through. 
“You’re stronger than this! Nothing you’re doing is really you,” she shouted blocking her hits and trying to reason with her. “This is a persona that you think you don’t have control over, but you do!” 
That comment seemed to anger this version of her more and her hits became more deadly. 
Bucky watched from the ground up as Wanda was having little to no time to expect the next hit and they were being thrown faster and faster. 
“Wanda’s running out of energy,” Bucky recognized. He sent another shot at the woman as Steve jumped and blocked a scream from her in front of him. “If Y/N keeps it up, she’ll have her pinned.” 
Nat had gotten the right angle to shoot an electric shock and the woman cringed at the pain before going at them again. 
“Stark! Where are you? Wanda needs back up,” he shouted into his earpiece and dived onto the ground to avoid the bullet she sent back his way with her voice. 
“A little busy!” Tony grunted at what sounded like him hitting the ground. “Little Miss. Children of the corn is a little more than a metal suit can handle. I bring her that way, and Wanda has double the problems.” 
He wasn’t wrong. Wanda was on her own and the chances of her coming out on top weren’t looking as good as they normally did. 
Wanda had taken a strong hit to the shoulder and was thrown into the ground harshly. One hand went to hold her shoulder in pain and the other went up to deflect a blast Y/N sent after. 
She wasn’t relenting and if Wanda didn’t stand up, she would be 6 feet deeper in the ground. 
“Wait, wait!” She shouted, hand still up and managing to hold off the lavender energy of Y/N’s power. 
She had reared up to throw another, but Wanda’s plead stopped her surprisingly. 
“You are the decision maker now. You get to make your next choice,” she said quickly and out of breath. “No one else.”
Y/N seemed confused by the words. As if she had never heard them before, and maybe this version never had. The sentiment marked her face with disarray but was quickly replaced with anger again. 
She brought her hands back out and they filled with a darker version of the purple that formulated like mist in her hands and Wanda noticed the constellations and galaxies that danced in them now that she was closer.
Wanda hadn’t had success in getting into her head yet, but the split second of distraction to something the other version of Y/N knew, was like an opening into the black fog that was clouding her mind. 
Wanda had successfully snuck in and managed to break her out of her spell, but not before Y/N had already sent a shot making the redhead crumple on the ground even more.
The first thing she saw after the blackout was Wanda noticeably bleeding and groaning as she lay on her side and tried to push up, but couldn’t because of how bruised and beaten she was. 
“Oh my God,” she said in a whisper as the scene rendered her speechless. “Oh, my God.” 
“It’s ok. I’m ok,” Wanda tried to affirm even if her body language wasn’t selling her point. “You’re ok.” She said the last part as she could finally take a breath since now that her friend was back. 
Y/N was frozen in pure shock and when her hands came up to help, she looked at them and realized the destruction they had caused alone. The reality of the situation set in and she held her hands like they weren’t hers and looked to the side. 
Bucky, Nat, and Steve were fighting tooth and nail to attempt to take down The Siren who sent a sonic whistle and scream anytime they got close enough to strike her. 
At the same time, she noticed two specks in the sky diving and maneuvering around to hit the other. 
That quickly came to an abrupt stop as Tony was shot along his back and fell from the sky landing harshly on the ground. He groaned and began to stand back up, but before he could, the powers of the teenager were keeping him from moving an inch from the grass and kept him grounded.  
“This is all my fault,” she muttered to herself. “How did this-? I didn’t mean for any of this to-.” She couldn’t finish a sentence without knowing the answers for hell breaking loose came back to her each time. 
“Y/N, look at me,” Wanda grimaced as she sat up. “You’re back and we need to stop these people before they-.” 
Y/N didn’t hear the rest of her thought, because the chills on her arm made her turn back to the part of the woods that was dark and untouched so far. 
“He’s here,” she said cutting off Wanda from the plan she was trying to explain. 
“What?” Wanda asked, not knowing what she was getting at. Then she followed where she was looking. “Wait, who?” 
Y/N continued to ignore her because any plan she had, was thrown out the window. This changed things. If he was here, it meant that he planned on winning. And if he was still here, then it means he knew he won.
It was like everything went slow-mo around her. The fights happening on the other side of the field were muted, but she saw everything happen in detail. 
Steve had been tossed into a tree hitting it hard after throwing his shield to block a shot to Natasha and in it, leaving him vulnerable to a tumble into the giant pine. 
Nat had gone to grab the shield and successfully blocked a few hits before being thrown back as well. 
Bucky was left standing on his own with a riffle and nothing else to aid him. He didn’t relent and shot at the siren as he ran at her hoping for any way to debilitate her strength, but the teenager waved a hand and he was being held up by an invisible force against one of the trees that was uprooted. 
Next thing they knew, everyone fighting the other two was held down by an invisible restraint and kept from making any further moves. 
Y/N could sense the ego of the man she had tried so hard to forget. He knew he won and now there was no need to hide. 
“Wanda, I’m so sorry. Please, forgive me,” she said softly and Wanda looked at her with a nervous look. 
“What do you mean? Why are you saying that?” 
With a wave of Y/N’s hand, Wanda succumbed to sleep and fell over completely unconscious in her spot. 
She looked around frantically but quickly put on a front to not get caught. She took a deep breath and ground herself as much as she could since her trembling hands and worried eyes would give her away. 
Then a deep and joyous chuckle sounded and The Siren seemed excited to see the figure of a man Y/N was still hesitating to look at as he came out of the woods accompanied by his bodyguards and a group of soldiers for extra backup. 
“Well, that was quite the show,” he shouted in joy. 
Jonas Harrow. An older man with short-styled hair that was grey in color. He wore a nice suit that proved he was cocky in coming here, knowing he never expected it to get a single speck of dirt on it. He held his hands behind his back as he looked at the scene in front of him, and a prideful smirk took over his lips. 
Y/N continued to play the role of being under the mind control they cast on her, but the PTSD of this man and all the traumas associated with him caused her heart rate to heighten. 
“I gotta be honest though,” he smiled, once he was fully visible and grinning like a child at his three prodigies. “You,” he pointed at Y/N, walking to her in a stalking manner and she stared blankly ahead. “You had me in the first half. For a second, I thought you were actually going to beat her out. I didn’t think you’d still have it in you since you haven’t been in the field in a few years, but the muscle memory was stronger than ever…”
He was still a good 10 feet from her when he stopped walking, but his gaze was strong enough to make her feel like he was breathing down her neck. 
“I did as you asked, sir. She’s been-” The Siren began and he raised a hand stopping her in her report without moving his gaze from Y/N.
“I saw it. You don’t need to give me the details,” he seemed annoyed by her. “We will come back to that. For now, I’m focused on her,” he pointed to Y/N moving closer to her again. 
Y/N could feel The Siren’s anger from across the field and knew that the obsession that Harrow had for herself rubbed the dark-haired woman the wrong way. It was likely the reason she had gotten an extra hit from her even when she had relented. 
“My masterpiece,” he said in a tone that made Y/N’s skin crawl and bones shiver. “Thought you got away from me, but we both knew it wouldn’t last, now did we?” He began circling her with only about 3 feet in between them. 
It was taking everything in her not to go into a full panic attack at the sight, let alone the space between him and her. But she knew if she was going to survive this, if she was going to make sure everyone she cared about was safe, she had to stand strong. 
He mumbled things about certain elixirs and experiments he had done and how they were perfectly shown in her anatomy and fighting techniques. He was gratifying himself in all the work that his masterpiece had finally come together in. 
“You know?” he started and stopped right in front of her face. “I am not happy about the escape portion of this little scenario, but as for a case study, it’s proved things you can’t prove in a lab.” 
The whole time she stared straight ahead, avoidant looking at him in the eyes, but also trying to sell that she wasn’t in control at the moment. 
He studied her as if testing to see if it was actually true if any part of her was not compliant. It wouldn’t be the first time in his experience. 
“Sir, we don’t have much time before their backup arrives and our plan of leaving the premise is comprised,” A guard behind him announced and Harrow rolled his eyes in annoyance. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he waved his hands finally looking away from Y/N and turning to the shouts and grunts of protest where mainly Bucky was still struggling against the restraints he was put under. “Shut him up,” he commanded the teenager and with one look and a wave of her hand his mouth was covered.
Y/N almost lifted her mask to peer at Bucky and double-check to make sure he was ok, but she focussed on his heart rate and found it heightened but steady.
“I guess it’s time we pack up before we have to continue a fight already won,” Harrow said with a tone of irritation. She could tell he wanted to stick around and push the limits of his luck, but all together knew it was best to leave and get as far from there as possible. “There is one more thing to finish off, but let’s get moving, Pet…” 
The name had the effect he meant for it too. It was a test to see if she was really his to manipulate or if the other part of her was still fighting to come back through. 
It was close to being the tell she was doing her best to keep in, but she managed to stay unmoved. 
He grinned wickedly at the result and motioned for her to follow him as they moved to retreat back from the compound. 
The team was still incapacitated on the field and held under the invisible force that the young girl had cast on them. They wouldn’t be given the chance to run and save her one last time, and a piece of Y/N was grateful they couldn’t. If they had been given even a little bit of a chance to lay their life down for her, she knew they would take it. 
They were the Avengers for God's sake, and she knew now just what that name signified for the group. It was an interesting name when she first heard it, but they have done nothing but live up to it since.
She realised as The Siren and the teenager followed behind, Harrow had yet to explain what the one more thing he had mentioned was and Y/N was becoming anxious as to why they were leaving so easily. 
Things weren’t adding up. Harrow wasn’t one to leave those who dared mess with his plans the opportunity to live. 
Once they reached the border of the forest they had snuck in through without being seen, they all stopped and Y/N stopped with them. 
Harrow pivoted in his step and straightened his posture in an overconfident manner. 
“You know my rule,” he came and moved her hair out of the way as he whispered his next words in her ear. The warm breath falling on her neck made her hold back a cold and painful chill that went through her entire being. “They need to be punished for stealing what’s mine.” 
Even when she couldn’t imagine this situation getting worse, yet another shoe dropped. 
Her heart plummeted and a shaky breath escaped from the terror that went through her body. She knew from nightmares what he was asking her to do. Things she believed just 24 hours ago she would never have to inflict on another human again. 
And now she was being told to do it to the people she loved and cared for most in the world. The people who showed her there was more out there than just the pain and fear that she was reliving now. 
She knew she had seconds to react before Harrow caught on and flipped the switch. He knew she may have had more of a kick than he planned for, but he also knew that she wasn’t as strong as she had been in the past. Being out of practice aided him in this situation and he knew it. 
The teenager had proved that she would kill if asked and Y/N could already see the command being given if she didn’t do it first. 
She would need to think fast if she was going to come up with a solution, but sadly, there was no need. She had come into this fight with an ending she was hoping she wouldn’t have to consider. But she knew deep down it would be her fate no matter today, tomorrow, or a five years from now. 
It felt nice to dream for once though. A dream that was turning more attainable with each day that passed and each anxiety was confronted and worked through. But alas, they truly weren’t blessed with the time or chance. 
This wasn’t the timeline where she won. 
She turned to the group and The Siren had a pleased grin marking her features while the teenager still looked like a lifeless life-size doll. 
Y/N’s heart ached for the young girl because she saw herself in her. She was that girl over ten years back. Captured, abused, and used as a hobby for boys to cut and experiment on. 
She never knew what having a mind for herself was like and if she did, she knew the remnants were so far lost, they were harder to find than lost treasure at the bottom of the deep sea. They were there, but it wasn’t going to be easy and painless finding them. 
She walked with a ridged posture to the tree line and the group followed about 20 feet behind. 
She knew Harrow would want to see for himself the chore finished. Some sadistic piece of him cherished moments like this. 
She stopped once she was standing perfectly in between the group of Avengers and the group of soldiers behind her. Both of the sides closing in on 15 feet apart from her. 
She was still looking at the Avengers and could see fear in their faces. Nat tried to hide it with a face that showed she was ready to accept her fate. Steve was looking around at his friends thinking about them at that moment. Tony was staring blankly and unmoving in his spot not wanting to give any sense of panic in his face. And Bucky…
Bucky’s eyes had grown in size. The pain, the fear, and the breaking of his heart were written so intricately on his face. He was helpless, not because he was restrained, but because he didn’t believe he could help her anymore. She was gone, and Wanda’s motionless body on the other side of the field confirmed that.
And seeing that thought process in his head made her break. 
He was the only one to see the break. She was subtle enough that anyone behind her wouldn’t have noticed the change in her features and a part of him gained hope learning she wasn’t under their command. He didn’t know how he knew either because the look wasn’t enough. But it was like she was projecting her feelings of a clear mind onto him. She was proving she wasn’t under any control but her own.
But why did a part of him not believe it? She may have been free of their spell, but she was communicating something else. Something Bucky wasn’t sure he was reading right. 
She raised her hands before he could think any further and all of her friends in front of her braced themselves for what was to come. Except for Bucky because he knew what was coming. 
She shot the power she had created in the palm of her hands at the teenager when she wasn’t prepared and the hit effectively knocked her out.
Her becoming unconscious made the hold she had on the Nat, Steve, Bucky, and Tony disappear. 
All hell broke loose after that.
As the four got back up and tried to shake off the hits they had taken to get to that point, Y/N put a shield around them again, knowing shots would be fired from their enemies.
The dark-haired woman was her next target.
The Siren ran at her and sucked in a deep breath before Y/N’s glare turned deadly and she jerked her hand in a calculated way, making the woman’s sprint come to a sudden stop and she crumpled on the ground in dead weight. Bucky knew the woman wasn’t going to be coming back from that… Ever.
The group of soldiers created a perimeter around their boss and began raining bullets Y/N’s way, but only one bullet managed to graze her arm before she had created a force around herself.
She may have been out of practice in some things, but when you take out the two biggest opponents, the rest was easy.
She moved forward and the shield followed her until the men were grabbing for another round to load their guns with. The few that were still shooting were the first to become airborne and hit the trees around them with a sickening crack. The rest were like picking off flies.
In seconds, Harrow was the only one standing and the rest of his posse were knocked out and down for the count.
She had won, yet Bucky and the rest of the team were stuck behind the force field again without an escape from it.
Once he knew Nat, Steve, and Tony were fine, he found himself against the barrier again like when they first started this fight.
When he shouted in an attempt to make her reconsider the thought he was hoping was a fleeting one, she turned to look at him over her shoulder.
The sad smile she shared with him was one that showed she was at peace with her next decision. A decision that Bucky had never even considered to be an option for her until now…
Feel free to follow me on Watt-pad too and vote on any of your favorite chapters:) It helps promote my story & also makes my brain release tons of endorphins every time I get a notification about one of ya’ll❤️
If you would like to be tagged in this series, please send an ask here.Thank you:)
Finding Memories Taglist: (some would not let me tag. so if you see your name but didn’t get the notification, double check if your blog allows tags:)
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Marvel Tags:
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Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker @charmedbysarge @jbarness @bellamy-barnes @katiaw2 @aikeia @stopjustlovethemcu @enchantedbarnes​
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Pokémon Reborn Screenshot Let's Play: Chapter 32
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Well, here I am again, now with several less wisdom teeth. But honestly, this chapter didn’t get delayed as much as I was worried it would be. It probably helps that I specifically planned to do the actual play session before the procedure, so that way all I’d have to worry about would be writing and post-making. Which honesty, is was less taxing during recovery compared to actual gameplay stuff and all the strategizing I tend to do during battles.
Another slight delay came in the form of a message I received, in which someone brought to my attention that my method of tagging every post of this Let's Play is kinda clogging up Tumblr's tagging system with regards to Pokémon Reborn? I didn't know, I don't check the Reborn tag in order to avoid spoilers, but I'm glad someone who does check it told me about it, I probably wouldn't have known otherwise. So, I spent a few hours going through the past sections, removing all the tags besides content warnings and Porygon Appreciation™, so if you notice any differences in the tags all of a sudden- that's why. From now on, I'll only be maintagging the actual main chapter posts (like this one)- hopefully that'll clean the tags up.
Anyways, I felt it was especially important to ensure I'm at my best both physically and mentally this time around, because here we are, on our way to deal with yet another PULSE! Yes, it's the culmination of this entire Apophyll Academy story arc, and I have no idea what to expect besides more Team Meteor hijinks. But I do have a feeling it’s gonna be big and dramatic in some way, like- we haven’t had a Rhodochrine Jungle moment in a while, so I feel like we’re due for something like that, right? Am I overthinking stuff?
Well, regardless of if I’m overthinking future plot developments or not, I still need to recap what happened last time to give proper context to how we got here. So, let’s take care of that!
Thanks to the tip from Lettie, Xera takes Amaria’s boat to Azurine Island, a swampy island in the middle of Azurine Lake, in order to investigate Team Meteor’s activities there.
Shortly after arrival, Xera finds an earring in a puddle- one belonging to the still-missing Cain, an indicator of his presence on the island.
While exploring the island, Xera is ambushed by Aster and Eclipse. After confirming Cain is held captive on the island, Eclipse remarks that Xera is on her own to deal with the two of them for once, and is eager for the opportunity to take care of the trespasser.
Despite being outnumbered 2 to 1, Xera is able to defeat Aster and Eclipse. At this moment, Aster lets it slip that Team Meteor has a secret lab on the island, to Eclipse’s chagrin.
Eclipse soon admits she feels sympathetic to the plight of Apophyll Academy. She knows about Kiki’s terminal illness and hates the idea of “kicking someone while they’re down”, given her own father’s issues. However, there is little she can do as a Team Meteor Private, so she instead gives Xera a hint to the lab’s location before retreating with Aster.
Xera is able to locate the secret lab inside an innocuous building at the heart of the island. Inside, Xera finds Taka contacting someone as well as Cain and a Camerupt inside prison cells.
According to Taka, Azurine Island used to be the center of the effort to breed Pokémon and repopulate the Reborn region- before Team Meteor shut down the project. Additionally, the Camerupt is the key to Team Meteor’s plans for Apophyll: they will use a PULSE on it to allow it to amplify enough reactive energy to erupt Pyrous Mountain, thus wiping out Apophyll Academy.
After informing Xera of this plan, Taka sends out his Pokémon to battle her- a challenge that Xera accepts.
Xera defeats Taka, who takes the loss in stride, not-so-subtly implying Xera should come to Pyrous Mountain to stop Team Meteor. Taka and his Grunts retreat with the Camerupt, leaving Xera free to open Cain’s cell.
Cain is initially eager to return to Apophyll to stop the eruption, only to realize the Grunts left something behind: a seemingly important package meant to be given to Commander Sirius. Cain opens the package, seeing nothing but a brooch with an emerald gem; with no clue as to its significance, he takes the item, just so Team Meteor doesn’t have it.
With Cain freed and the mysterious Emerald Brooch in their possession, he and Xera quickly take the boat back to Apophyll Academy. There, they join up with Victoria and quickly make their way to Pyrous Mountain to put a stop to Team Meteor’s plans.
So yeah, Chekhov’s Volcano is real and it’s about to blow up right on top of Apophyll Academy! And we can’t have that! Team Meteor’s done enough damage with just plants and water, you really think we’re gonna let them- hey wait. The PULSE Tangrowths messed with plants, PULSE Muk messed with water, and now PULSE Camerupt is gonna mess with a volcano- fire. Grass, water, fire…like the three starter types. Was that intentional?
Uuuuh…that tangent aside, let’s get started here! Let’s climb that volcano at long last!
*CW: minor gore, death
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13*
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
hello! a few hours from now, the epilogue of go on, claim my heart, the my fair lady sequel, is gonna be posting, so i wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who has stopped by my lil corner of the internet to read what has become my largest writing project to date. i had no idea what i was getting myself into when i first started writing mfl, especially not half a year of feverish, near-obsessive plotting and writing and rewriting this story that would not leave me alone. a lot of things fell to the wayside as i wrote mfl and gocmh, and i don't regret any of it, because i can safely say that this is the writing that i am the most proud of.
i want to thank @romeoandjulietyouwish in particular for her graciously allowing me to play in her sandbox. no one's mind works like lis's, and as i have said before, she comes up with so many fucking stellar ideas that she leaves crumbs for the rest of us, so i'm super grateful that she's so kind about letting us take those crumbs and make them our own. mfl wouldn't exist without you, lis, so thank you, thank you, thank you.
i also could not wrap this series without calling out the two best readers a girl could ask for, @ravendruid and @crispysnake. y'all are fucking unhinged, but it is the exact energy that every writer needs to keep going. i can't tell you the number of times a drabble or chapter posted that i wasn't particularly fond of that you two completely changed my opinion about. you two are the kindest, most enthusiastic, most generous readers, and i'm so lucky that you're also my friends. please continue to be absolutely batshit in my tags; it's the only thing that keeps me going.
(also @otterlycaleb made fucking ART about this shit, what the fuck what the fuck what the FUCK—)
a hopefully but probably not quick note about the future of mfl: today, like literally right now, i am in the middle of my first day of work at a brand new job, one that will require me to move my entire life halfway across the country, back to my hometown. it is big and scary and exhilarating and everything i've been hoping for, and i feel so, so lucky. this does mean that for the next little bit, while i learn a new job and pick up my shit and drive cross-country, i will probably be less able to write long or short fics, so i hope y'all don't mind me shutting up for the first time in forever. that being said, while i have absolutely no plans to write a third installment in the mfl 'verse, that doesn't mean there isn't more to say (as y'all will find out in like three and a half hours lol). i fully plan on still writing tmwiw drabbles set before, during, and after mfl/gocmh, and i will still be accepting prompts and requests for drabbles set in this 'verse until i say otherwise. mfl will always occupy an inordinate amount of my brain space, and i refuse to not share that with y'all.
additionally! starting very soon (like, maybe tomorrow? we'll see how busy i am, lol), i will be posting to ao3 the entirety of the mfl 'verse in chronological order. every chapter, one-shot, and drabble, in the order that they happened. another massive shout-out to @ravendruid for being my own personal lore-keeper on this; she read every single mfl chapter, tmwiw drabble, and one-shot to help me get this shit in order. the ao3 work will be titled i've come a long, long way (also from "my fair lady" by kaleo, are we seeing a pattern here?), and the plan is to post five chapters a day until the whole thing is up (although, again, with the moving this might get a lil wibbly wobbly). there will be some additional proofreading edits to these chapters (sometimes i can't spell!!) but nothing about the substance of these chapters will change, so this is just for people who like their stories to be told chronologically (fucking weirdos). this work will only be available on ao3, although it will be linked on my mfl masterpost.
ok, i think i am done for now. i have taken up enough of your time, in so many more ways than one. thank you again, if you read every single installment of the mfl saga or if you just read a paragraph. all of it means the world to me, and i know i never would have continued past the first chapter if i weren't part of such a wonderful, loving, generous, brilliant community. i've only been watching critical role for just over a year now, part of the fandom for even less than that, and i can't believe i haven't always had y'all in my life. please continue to love and support each other, and thank you for loving and supporting me.
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settsplitt · 3 months
I NEED to know more about any of these WIPs you mentioned in your post about listing the names of your WIPs and having people ask about them:
galex logan
I love hearing other writers talk about their works (plus I am also insane and have a million WIPs with ridiculous names that I should be working on) 🩷
when i first made that post i got so overwhelmed over the next few days because of life that i don't think i ever responded to the asks about it :') But you've caught me at a better time, so here goes!
Coyote is......abandoned now unfortunately :( i might wip amnesty it, but most of what was interesting about it still had yet to be written so :( idk. Its basic plot was supposed to be a 90s strollonso coming of age/road trip fic with like, rich city boy lance stroll running away from his posh uni life and finding washed up former low level pro racer fernando and , yknow, discovering himself while driving across america and ignoring his concerned father's calls. But....that would have taken so much energy, and i barely can write things over 4k these days, so this story which probably need atleast 20-30k was not gonna work. But that's what it was! RIP coyote
(oh and it was inspired by my fav joni mitchell song)
checooo is actually a favourite of mine. Its been sitting for a bit but i am NOT declaring it abondoned (yet). Its basically a checo character study spanning the first few years of his career (the ship is checo/nico). I love what i have written for it so far, i just fell so far down the research rabbit hole that i haven't been able to really get anything more out recently. Its def on the backburner but still simmering.
chestappen is just PWP chestappen one shot. Not even like, interesting porn just a stupid drivers room blowjob. if/when i do finish this one i don't even know if i'll post it because i think people are kind of over the PWP one shot thing from me. Plus, i want to write a longer chestappen fic later this season/at the end of this season and i don't want them to seem too similar. Idk. i need to think about this one.
galex logan is my beloved galexogan threesome! It's very near and dear to my heart! this one is....hopefully coming soon. I need to push myself through writing the actual smut but i am very intimidated by writing threesomes. Like, wdym i have to keep track of three people at once? i already use too many words to keep track of two people in most of my fics...... but yes, this one is very beloved by me. And trust me, there is angst and feelings involved! i can never NOT write angst.
so yeah! i am so bad about having a million wips constantly. I'm slowly trying to force myself through getting them all cleaned up and finished and posted but its really slow going. Plus i constantly have shiny new ideas that i want to write way more so. lol.
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reel-fear · 2 years
Saw writing requests open... Little Cyberverse Radio helping Shockwave around the lab..?
Awww! What a cute idea!!! Yess I will gladly write some Father-Daughter bonding between em <3 Great chance to show off Cyberverse Radio some more 2. Note the dialogue might be funky, writing so many characters I haven't written for in forever is hard, who could've guessed. But after watching a lot of clips and episodes, I think I got them decently in character- [also this took so long bc of a family trip, dont worry abt the other writing requestsI am gonna blow through them fairly fast now that the surprises aren't coming so fast. Hopefully. Either way they r still open see #drabblez for more info <3]
The halls of the nemesis were very busy, cons running around trying to get into position for an attack on the autobots, Shockwave as usual would be left in his lab to attend to his work and help anyone who was injured. However, before he could get into position for his job, he had to find a certain bot in the crowd of cons scrambling to prepare for the fight.
Luckily Radio hadn't gotten any less predictable through the thirteen and a half years she had been around, as he looked around the ship he quickly found her trying to blend in with a group of con soldiers. She was doing a rather good job too, that was until Soundwave came over to examine the soldiers and she suddenly shrank in on herself with a nervous smile.
After that, it was all over, despite what Radio seemed to think.
"Dad wait come on please! All I want is to get just the tiniest whiff of battle! That's it! At least let me watch?" Radio pleaded as Soundwave picked her up, honestly she was lucky they caught her every time she attempted such a ridiculous idea. Radio was strong for her age sure there was no denying that, but compared to the other soldiers she was still considerably smaller, weaker and her impulsive nature made it clear to both of her parents she was not ready for battle... Not that either of them really wanted her to see battle at all.
"Forget it kid, you'll be much better off here, in fact if you pay attention to what Shockwave tells you, you might end up learning something." Soundwave purred, amusement clear in his voice as he handed Radio to Shockwave. "Here's your first lesson for the day, don't try to sneak out with a bunch of bots bigger than you. Maybe try to blend in with the smaller soldiers next time."
Radio huffed, the fact Soundwave was poking fun at her was not lost on her as she crossed her arms and narrowed her single optic at him. "I could take those guys... Sides if I tried to sneak out with the seekers Starscream would've caught me even faster than you did!"
Soundwave merely laughed again. "Then maybe you should stop wasting all your energy trying to escape the nemesis and instead look around the nemesis for much better things to occupy yourself with. That is until I get home after kicking autobot aft of course, then you and I are on for some training and if you're good I'll even do some reenactments of my best moves on one of the wimpy seekers, will that keep you outta trouble for now?"
"By all means Soundwave, while I appreciate the help, I am very sure I can keep Radio out of trouble using my own methods. Besides, if you keep feeding into her lust for battle, I doubt this rebellious streak will break anytime soon. Instead of you striking a deal with her every time she does this, I think this time I shall take care of it." Shockwave spoke up, causing both Radio and Soundwave to look at him rather surprised.
"Are you sure? She's a handful, maybe even more of a handful than I am, she makes me proud in that way~" Soundwave purred. "And I don't feed into her battle lust, I just like her being able to defend herself."
"We will discuss that further later. But yes I am sure I can handle her myself, she is not just your sparkling after all, she is mine as well and I think it's about time I step in." Shockwave stated.
Soundwave tilted his helm, seemingly about to add something to the conversation when Starscream entered the room.
"Soundwave, it's time, get your soldiers and get into position, Shockwave be prepared for injured cons, or prisoners depending on how well our battle goes~" She purred before looking to Radio and smiling. "And you little one? Just be good and patient, be a good example okay? You're a born leader after all and everyone follows the leader~" She gave Radio an affectionate nuzzle before her and Soundwave stood up straight, wishing each other good luck on their mission.
Then just like that they were off to fight.
"Now what?" Radio asked, looking over to Shockwave, she half expected for him to just send her off to her room and the other half thought he would force her to clean the nemesis as punishment for her behavior, that was what the seekers did after all...
"Now? You come with me, we have work to do and we cannot waste much time standing around." Shockwave ordered, walking towards his lab. Radio didn't want to admit how suddenly excited she felt at the idea of helping Shockwave in his lab, she just hoped it wasn't the same way she usually helped around the nemesis.
"You're not gonna make me deliver stuff all day are you papa? Like I'm gonna get to help in an actually cool way this time? Cause I hate being the delivery bot, it's boring sitting around and just waiting for orders, and then when someone calls to me they give me an even more boring job to do! How can you make doing something even more boring than doing nothing?!" Radio whined while Shockwave opened the doors to his lab.
"I can promise you right now, what we will be doing will not be boring, I cannot promise it will interest you, but you're not just Soundwave's child, you are also mine and if you are anything like me... Well, then surely it will at least be engaging enough to keep your attention for the day." Shockwave said, a rare tone of excitement in his voice.
Radio was curious but not hooked just yet, she continued to follow Shockwave, a task made somewhat difficult with just how small she was. Shockwave didn't comment on it but it was endearing to him with every step he took Radio would have to quickly take two to stay by his side, he wouldn't slow down though, Radio would've likely complained of being made fun of for her size if he did.
He could also notice her wandering optic, looking at tools, datapads and otherwise with curiosity that made his excitement only grow. Radio came at everything with not only fresh eyes but an excitement to master whatever skills were thrown her way. He still remembers the time Blugeon had been trusted to watch her and by the end of the day Radio was attempting to master sword fighting, despite admitting she would prefer to use her fists.
Shockwave could only hope she would feel similarly about his work.
"Now let me see if I can find something that would be good to assist me in introducing you to my line of work... A beginner class task..." Shockwave spoke, typing on a computer and scrolling by text so fast Radio could hardly read any of it.
Radio simply sat there, looking around the lab and getting excited at the idea of all the things she could do with the gadgets strewn about. Would she get to fire a blaster? Would she learn how to make her own weapons? Or a fighting drone?
"Ah... Here we go, come here Radio, I have a simple task for you." Shockwave purred, gesturing for Radio to take his place in the chair, making sure to stand beside her as she leapt up and viewed the console in front of her.
"Move the claw to your right, up and down, as though it were nodding." He instructed and Radio paused before looking to her dad confused.
"Move the claw up and down, it's as simple as that."
Radio narrowed her optic at her father, but did as he asked, standing on the chair and using her hand to move the claw up and down.
"Did I do it?" She asked.
"You did, I saw the mechanical claw move up and down, now do it again." Shockwave said, keeping a firm expression and stance that locked Radio out of even guessing what he was thinking in that moment. Regardless Radio did it again.
"I don't get it, I think I'm doing it wrong." Radio whined, looking to Shockwave for guidance, this wasn't what he did all day, this was boring! How was this even teaching her anything?
"You're not doing it wrong, you completed the task, but moving the claw horizontally is only step one, now you must move the claw high enough to reach that vial, right up there." Shockwave instructed, pointing up to a shelf that was holding a few vials containing various liquids.
"I can't reach up there!"
"Then I will get you a ladder." Shockwave informed her, before turning around and taking a few steps towards the door.
"But that will take forever! Isn't there another way?" Radio protested causing Shockwave to stop his attempts to leave the room.
He then turned around with an expression Radio was quite familiar with, it was the kind of face he would make to her when he was impressed by her observations. But Radio didn't quite understand what she had said to earn such a reaction.
"Excellent, that is the purpose of science and of being a scientist. It is not just about completing a task, it is about doing it as efficiently as possible."
Shockwave smiled, an honest, amused and proud smile that made Radio relax as he came back to her side. "Any fool can move that claw up and down, and with enough time get it to retrieve what you need, but for a true scientist, efficiency is key, time is precious for us and we cannot afford to waste much of it." Shockwave told her, before pressing a few buttons on the console, causing the claw to grab the vial and hand it to him all within a few seconds. "Do you understand?"
Radio hummed with thought narrowing her optic before reaching over to press the same buttons she had just witnessed her father use, once again Shockwave's optic widened with surprise, but the way he looked at her told Radio he was very happy with her quick learning. Of course the claw didn't bring anything down this time, but that didn't matter to Radio, she now understood what it was about science that got her dad to spend so much time doing it.
"I think I do dad, I really, really think I do." She purred. It was kind of like a race and her competetive nature really liked that.
"Wonderful, now that I have your interest, we can get into the more... 'Fun stuff' I get to do in my lab."
When Soundwave and the others returned from their mission, he was surprised to find that Radio was not merely wandering the nemesis waiting for them. As the cons split up through the various hallways, some going to report on how the mission had went, others going to seek medical attention, Soundwave made his way to Radio's room. Radio was not there either, which was even more surprising, he'd expected her to be taking a nap or practicing moves on a training dummy she'd dragged in there.
Soundwave then realized that Radio most likely fell asleep in the lab, his husband had said he would keep an eye on her after all and Shockwave was very glued to his work, not even a supernova would get him out of his little cave. Besides Soundwave himself could vouch for the fact that despite how much it ticked off Shockwave, the lab did have a few places where if you dedicated enough, you could take a decent nap in.
However as he entered the lab he saw Radio not napping but assisting Shockwave in patching up the wounds of bots in the lab. "Stop squirming, this is Radio's first time with such an intricate operation and if you make it hard on her I will not be pleased." Shockwave said, narrowing his optic at the poor seeker Radio was cleaning the wound of.
"Someone's been very busy huh?" Soundwave purred looking over to Shockwave who nodded to him with a smile.
"I told you I could handle her didn't I? She's found quite an interest in my craft, turns out she really is my daughter." Shockwave purred, the pride obvious in his voice.
"I shouldn't have doubted you." Soundwave admitted before looking to Radio as she finished wielding up the wound she was taking care of. "Looks like you can have fun without seeing battle. Just try not to turn into a big nerd like Shockwave~" He teased, causing Radio to narrow her optic towards him.
"Now I know why daddy says you aren't allowed in the lab." Radio huffed causing both her parents to laugh.
Truly it had been a wonderful day. For Radio and her papa, Soundwave couldn't have been happier to see them so close. Maybe, just maybe, this would distract Radio enough to keep her trouble making low for the next few weeks.
Maybe a month, if they were lucky.
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captainkurosolaire · 2 years
Judas Ceasar is my favourite of your crew.
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It's endearing to hear that! Too difficult to explain with words alone, that anyone, ever taken an interest to stuff been working on throughout the years. But my gratitude is boundless. I cherish you forever. My devotion to create only heightens and exceeds itself the more, I delve into learning about the characters and flushing them out. As I go often putting them into settings and right now it's just an on-rail, roller-coaster.
For years now I've thought out and had so much vivid ideas of the world building and just how detailed, I wanted to go. At-first making Captain's crew was too daunting. But man, I've so much love and fondness in this community for the infinite inspiration of others who commit unbelievably into their works. I've got too many idol's in peers to name-off. My Roleplay partners, and those who brought per-established, all my RP partner's former or wherever, account for everything and Captain always been a character that was designed off other's reactions, he was molded to this point where finally he was worth enough to make his own story. And all the Tales people, everyone whose ever been apart of his life, none of that ever goes away. It's all going to be referenced, impacted, or mattered.
Totally makes you feel at home when you find an environment that's filled with your kindred-souls.
If my vitality could just be as equal to my passion, I would do much more. Praise and give so much too, I tried for so-long to overcome my limitations but that became unhealthy, so now from on and ever, I just have to be me. Whatever amount, I am. I'll throw something together and it'll be with all my heart or energy at that day or moment.
I've lot of stories in me, I can see the front-covers, images of them inside my head, I can explain the entire story now in one-word and eventually will come into fold. I've got ideas to make cultures, civilizations, just a lot of Isle's, relics, all sorts of stuff and make every Crewmate and NPC have some sort of evolution, character progression. All leading into a bigger cause.
Think anyone would say hardest part is to stay on the path to continuously write or dedication to your craft, you've sculpted the draft but not lined up and finished all the whistles.
Struggles exist for certain, not feeling your best. But when you really start loving, your own pieces, genuinely, even if goes unseen, the fact you can look-back at the aftermath someday and say; I put my energy in the world and that was, me moves mountains. For me, anymore I feel complete and infinite and I've got an internal sense of peace. Just creating and getting closer to a new story. Bringing it to life, alongside the many muses, I've got fills me with joy.
I'm excited almost to be at point in the story of just doing an abundance of revelations. Like having stories lined up in a stack of domino's and finally you get to push one to make all the other's fall into place and eventually it creates your true picture.
Treasure you though anon, sorry for putting so much into this post. Haven't had the energy to work on a side project or update things. Typically wake up do a story and I'm tapped. Trying to get my feet back to consistency.
Hopefully someday probably soon, I'll take a break throughout year and can work on making a Roster page, overhauling my blog and cleaning it, do proper tags. Make thing's way more user orientated for anyone interested, but also me. Since I like to reference a ton of stories in each new thing sometimes.
Thanks for the power.
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bendingwind · 1 year
For the writing meme! :)
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
This got long so I'm putting it under a cut.
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
I have just like an insane number of Bleach plotbunnies running around freely in my brain these days, but right now I'm mostly focused on three four stories; One is a pre-relationship Renji/Rukia story I've been talking about, The Most Eligible Bachelor in the Seireitei, in which Renji becomes very popular among minor noble houses as a prospective match. It's not really about that so much as it is about Renji and Rukia beginning to mend and rebuild their friendship in the wake of the Soul Society arc, though, under the shadow of the upcoming war. With a little jealousy in the mix. I think I'm going to finish this one today or tomorrow, edit Sunday, and post sometime next week hopefully.
The second is an Ichigo/Orihime story from Ichigo's POV that I'm still hashing out. I had an outline all prepared and then you actually reblogged something that made me rethink the whole thing, so that one's back in the drawing board stages lol.
I'm gonna preface this next one with the disclaimer that there is no combination of Rukia, Renji, Orihime and Ichigo that I don't ship.
The third is one I may not ever post, because I kill Renji off in it (not a spoiler, the entire topic of the finished prequel is Rukia mourning) and it makes me very very sad. In it Ichigo dies unexpectedly in his 40s and a proactive local Shinigami sends him to Soul Society via konsō, causing him to lose his memory, and Soul Society being what they are, nobody can seem to find him despite his massive spiritual energy. Everyone mourns and eventually moves on, and the story starts after Orihime dies of old age and joins Squad 11 (this is hilarious to me and makes absolute sense in context of the story and is one of my favorite parts) and she and Rukia rekindle their friendship. It starts out Rukia & Orihime, becomes Rukia/Orihime and eventually becomes Rukia/Orihime/Ichigo. There's a possible Byakuya/reincarnated!OC!Renji story sequel in the mix as well I think? There's also a much!older!Karin/Toushiro story that I vaguely want to write in that universe, which is a ship that I don't generally like unless you give Karin like forty years at a minimum to marinate.
I'm also planning to work soon on a Rukia & Orihime story in which Rukia asks Orihime about her feelings for Ichigo and why she's never acted upon them. It focuses a lot on how Ichigo protects everyone and Orihime wanting to be the one to protect him.
(I'm also vaguely trying to figure out my headcanons for Byakuya/Hisana and Ikkaku/Yumichika because I really want to write some stuff for them, but I don't have anything really concrete there at the moment)
(ALSO I can't remember if it was you or polyna who headcanon that Renji had a gruesome crush on Ikkaku back in the day but if nobody else is going to write it I WILL)
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
Sometimes I have a title going into a story, and sometimes I write a line in the story that I immediately know is going to be/inspire the title, but more often than not I finish a story up, slap a Hozier lyric on it, and call it a day 😅
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
I don't think I'm likely to ever finish this little series of micro-vignettes about Isshin and Ichigo so I'm just gonna use this as an excuse to post what I do have written!
It’s a bad idea for a hundred thousand reasons, Isshin thinks.
Their child will be an abomination in the eyes of some, an unholy amalgamation of shinigami and quincy and hollow. He knows the stories from history as well as anyone, and even they do not describe this thing that the two of them have created.
But Masaki places his hand on her belly and he feels the baby kick, and he sets his apprehension aside for the sake of the smile that graces her lips.
Ichigo is an entirely normal little boy, Isshin tells himself. So what if he turns his head when ghosts pass by? Children are sensitive to that kind of thing regardless, aren’t they? 
Masaki thinks he can see them, and frowns every time it happens. It was inevitable, she says quietly-- even if he were just quincy, it would be expected.
Isshin hopes she’s wrong. He wants their little boy with Masaki’s clouds of orange hair and his eyes to grow up safe and sound and normal.
He knows better, but he’s always been good and lying to himself.
He catches his son talking to the ghosts sometimes, as he grows a little older. He’s a happy child, as prone to laughter as he is to tears, all skinned knees and sticking weird shit in his mouth if they take their eyes off of him for a moment.
He resigns himself to this one quirk of his son, who is sweet and perfect and otherwise remarkably normal. He shows no signs of quincy powers, and Isshin learns to count his blessings.
“Dada,” Ichigo calls, and he stands.
“What is it, my son?” he booms, and Ichigo giggles and toddles towards him.
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shhthesecretdiary · 1 year
Thought Dump (Aug 6, 2023, 12:32 AM)
Go ahead, put anything.
Sorna, yan kasi nakalagay before ako magtype.
This is attempt to produce something rather than spending a shit ton of time scrolling through different social media platforms.
Currently it is Sunday midnight, so day off. And, since I can barely get my shit together, I will write something about my life so far.
It always saddens me how I always fall short of my goals for myself. I can always start, but it is really so hard for me to be consistent and to see something 'til the end.
8th of July, I subscribed to a gym membership for 1 month. I did about 3 sessions and that was it. :( I had a lot of complains, which is true that I always feel pain on my calves, making it so hard to move them. Also, one of my pain points was that I have no effin idea what to do there, I had a personal training session during the first day, but that was too tough, I wished it was a taken a little bit slowly. Feel ko nabigla katawan ko. So I rested, and that lasted for weeks. Mageexpire na yung one month bayad, it's out of my budget to go for another month, so my goal is to lose weight first through waling and AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, PLEASE, LESSEN FOOD INTAKE AND BE WARY ABOUT WHAT I EAT.
Okay next aspect, work. I had finished my probation period last 24th of July, got the salary increase notification on the 25th, I'd be lying if I said I am satisfied with the increase, but I had to take into account na 'di pa rin ako magaling, 'di ko nababalanse yung tasks ko, nahihiya pa rin ako magtanong, still have no idea with corporates, still struggle with conversations, takot pa rin sa f2f convos with client, and still not in close relations with all of them. Bano pa rin. But I just hope they consider that my pay isn't enough in the first place. Pero sabagay, credentials ko rin.
Another, life. Hay, ang inet jusko. So far neutral pa rin ako, walang travel twing weekend, wala ring masyadong mayayang friends. Pero all in all mainit rin kasi. It takes a lot of energy and money to go out. And I wanna sleep in. Hopefully I'd get to try a lot of things soon. Once the weather is fine and I have enough money. Travel galore na. I'd really like to enjoy my youth and have something to look forward to aside from sleeping. To try something new and to explore. PERO PERA!!! I am also not on track with my budget.
Next, education. Ilang buwan na ako dito sa UAE, ilang buwan na rin akong 'di nagrereview for CPALE. Sometimes I just want to move out of here and live somewhere near the office, with my own apartment. Then sing alone, exercise, make my own food, then lesser time for commute, more time for myself. But still, money, and for sure mama will not agree. I also lost my streak to Duolingo French and finding it hard to go back. Consistency issues. My Coursera certification was buried na, and for the taxes and laws here, idk anymore.
Health, I feel like this has been my shittiest physical appearance, the worst look I've ever been. 73kg with a lot of acne, no menstruation for two months, losing a lot of hair, and I'm already numb. Lack of sleep during weekdays, oversleeping on the weekends.
Creativity, I feel like I am losing touch on the things I loved to do before. Art, music. Singing, Dancing, Recording, Video Editing, trying to do photography. Will make a conscious effort to try and produce some art again.
Hay, for the wins: Got credited for a Lexis Nexis article with Daisy for UAE Corporate Tax, working on another one I absolutely have no idea about, getting a hang of my work so far, and got inspired by Bhavika to read books once again. I loved The Kite Runner so much! Currently reading The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto. Another work of Khaled Hosseini next, which would be A Thousand Splendid Suns.
I am pretty much neutral now. But at the back of my mind, a lot of my "falling short" moments haunt me. But maybe this attempt on being aware of this would be the start to acting towards it.
Create a budget tracker now, kahit through Zoho. Ipon for travel to Caucasus.
Increase steps 10,000-15,000.
Make conscious steps to edit life videos
Start reviewing for CPALE again.
Connect with people more.
Fix sleep sched, and conscious eating (but writing this @ 1am)
Oil hair and minoxidil (pls), skincare
Be organized
Try to do something new often
Embrace your feminine energy and take care of myself more.
Mindet and action.
Marami pa, and this is very vague tbh but ayon, I need to sleep na rin.
Good midnight.
0 notes
hotch-stufff · 3 years
can i get angst 47 with gibbs 👁👁
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gif is not mine
Paring: Gibbs x Reader
Warnings!: mentions of abuse, angst, crying, comforting, abusive relationship, cursing, mentions of injuries from abuse
Prompt: "You flinched"
I laid on the ground, not having enough energy to stand up. I couldn't move, and God did it hurt to breathe. Probably a bruised rib, would definitely have some bruises to add to the collection.
Hopefully nothing bad enough to send me to the hospital. The last time I did that, well it was just really bad, and Darren was pissed. So pissed that when we got home, he beat me all over again.
Now I know what you're thinking. What is a federal agent doing staying in an abusive relationship like this? Truth is, I had no idea. At first it was because I thought the beatings would eventually stop, but they didn't. And after realizing they would never stop, I tried to get out. But that only left to another hospital trip and threats. The threats were the only reason that I stayed.
Darren threatened a lot of things. He threatened to beat me so bad I couldn't move. To kill me. But the worst was that he threatened to hurt my team. He knew the whole team, he knew them really well. He worked at NCIS for God's sake, just not on Gibbs team. And that was enough for me to stick around.
Of course, it should be known that it wasn't always like this. Darren was a good guy in the beginning. He brought me flowers and took me out to nice restaurants. He made time for me, and I did the same for him. But then, he didn't get the open spot on Gibbs team. I did. And it all went downhill from there.
The bruises were getting extremely hard to hide. Turtlenecks and long pants were becoming my everyday wardrobe. Which wasnt the easiest thing to work in, but foundation was expensive, and Darren spent most of our money on alcohol or cigarettes. Whatever his weekly fix was. It was ... exhausting. The front I had put up in front of everyone was tearing me down, and people were starting to notice.
Tony and Ziva, who sat closest to me would send me a concerned glance each time I winced when moving. I blamed it on muscle pain, from working out so much.
Abby would see the amount of makeup I was wearing and would ask if I was okay. Of course she just thought I was insecure. She would always tell me that I was bueatiful and that I didn't need makeup. It warmed my heart each and every time she said it.
Palmer was concerned because he had caught one of my bruises. It was on my wrist and my sleeve had rolled up slightly. He had asked about it and I had told him the first lie that popped in my head. That I had fallen. He had taken me straight to Ducky to make sure that it was actually okay. Which is how Ducky got involved.
And then there was Gibbs. Gibbs didn't ask questions, he didn't push for answers, he didn't send me concerned glances. But I was certain he knew something. He didn't know what was actually going on, because he would beat the shit out of Darren if he knew. But he just seemed like he knew something. I knew that if I was going to go to anyone about my "issue", it would be him. Gibbs had been there for me since I had joined the team. And we both had spent plenty of late nights in the office talking. Me, avoiding going home to Darren and him not wanting to go back to his empty house.
Everyone had said that Gibbs was this hard man that never opened up and remained silent most of the time. But boy once he got talking, he never shut up. We talked about eveything. And sometimes nothing, just enjoying each others presence. And if I'm honest, I may have been developing feelings for the guy. But I could never do that, because Darren would probably kill him. And that scared me more than anything.
But life seemed okay. Atleast I was the only one getting hurt.
Of course until it all came crashing down. And it had just been a normal day.
* * *
I sat at my desk, working on and endless stack of paperwork that came with each case. We had just wrapped one up, a good ending thankfully. The team was in high spirits, talking about going out to a bar tonight. But I knew Darren wouldn't have it. I had turned down the offer, instead opting to sit and do paperwork until I had to go home.
Everyone had left for the night, leaving me alone in the bullpen. My hand was a scribbling away, when I had felt the gentle tap of a hand against my shoulder. I should have been more careful, but I had thought it was Darren. So I flinched away from him and crossed my arms in front of my face.
"Y/n?" Gibbs. It was Gibbs. That was it. Just Gibbs. I instantly pulled my arms down and straightened up.
"H-hey Gibbs. What um, what can I do for you." He just stared at me, giving me the usual Gibbs glare.
"You flinched." I grimaced. Of course I did. I didn't want him to find out like this, but I guess this is how its gonna go.
"Um- I, I. Well you see Gibbs-" he cut me off.
"Is someone hittin ya?" He paused thinking, before remembering my oh so lovely boyfriend. "That son of a bitch."
"Wait Gibbs. Its not what you think." But the damage was done. He was going through everything in his mind. My clothes, the grimaces everytime I jerked around, the excuses, the late nights avoiding going home. It all made sense to him now.
"Take off your shirt." My eyes grew wide.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me." There was no avoiding this, he wasn't letting me off easily. I took a deep breath before grabbing the bottom of my turtleneck and bringing it over my head. His breath hitched when he saw the bruises that littered my skin.
"My god y/n." He shook his head, running the rough pads of his fingers up and down my arms. "Gonna kill him." And he stood back up, turning quickly before stomping towards the elevator. I slipped my shirt back on and ran after him, but he was already gone. I hurried down to the parking garage and jumped in my car speeding off.
He was gonna kill him. Although who would kill who, I didn't know.
I broke just about every speeding law on the way to my house. When I got there, the door was kicked open and yelling was coming from inside the house.
"Gibbs!" I shouted, running as fast as I could. I walked in the door and gasped. There was glass littering the floor, and picture frames scattered across the ground. I walked further in the house and found them in my kitchen. Gibbs on top of Darren, repeatedly punching him in the face.
"Gibbs! Stop!" I ran to him, pulling him off of Darren. "Stop, he isn't worth it." I pulled Gibbs up by his arm and dragged him away. But he wasn't finished.
"Ya ever go near her again, you're gonna wish you were dead. We'll come back for her stuff, you better not be here when we do." I wanted to cry, to scream, to shout. But I held it in, grabbing Gibbs more forcefully and dragging him back outside.
Once outside, we hopped in his car, and he began driving back to his house. Saying I was grateful was an understatement. Grateful that it was finally over. That maybe I could sleep at night now without worrying about waking up to another beating.
The ride was driven in silence, and soon we were at his house. He got out of the car and walked inside, leaving me out here by myslef. I walked in after him.
I found him in the the kitchen pouring a glass of Bourbon. I came up behind him hugging him.
"Thank you." He froze for a minute before turning in my grasp and brining me into a tight hug. And thats what started the tears. We stood there as I cried into his chest for what felt like forever. Until he finally pulled away and cupped my face.
"Ya didn't deserve any of that. Don't know what happened, or when it started. But ya didn't deserve any of it. You are beautiful and loved and noone should ever have to be treated the way you were." He paused and I began rambling out whatever words came to my mind.
"It was you. I stayed because he threatened you. He said he would hurt you and the team and I couldn't let him." He leaned his forehead against mine. The tears pouring steadily down my face, sobs racking by body.
"Shh, shh. Sweetheart its okay." He leaned in slightly, our lips brushing slightly. And then he leaned in the rest of the way, kissing me into he most gentle way he could. So much different than the bruising kisses that Darren would give me. He broke away after a second.
"Dont know if your ready for it, but I love ya." He said softly. "We can do this, if you want. At your own pace. I just want to show you whats its like to be loved the right way." I nodded.
"I might need some time. But I love you too... Jethro." He smiled.
"Take all the time you need. But m'not leaving your side." I giggled softly as he brought me into another hug. And I stood there whispering thank yous and I love yous until we headed off to bed. I hadn't felt this safe in a long time, and I never wanted to let this feeling go.
Hope you guys enjoyed this one. I'm really enjoying writing for Gibbs. Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! Im so sorry if I don't get to your request! If you would like an idea of what to request, here is my prompt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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