#hopefully i can color these (or at least one)
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The psychology of love (Part 3)
Your first date with Morgan and a lesson in defense mechanisms and the delay of gratification
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: none yet, slowburn
Morgan and you go out to dinner the next day. You had seriously been considering just never texting her and making more of an effort to avoid her, but Wanda and Nat pestered you continuously during breakfast until you had given in.
Turns out, you were both free that night.
You had a class in the evening, so you meet her at the pizza place off-campus after. She’s wearing a light blue dress that brings out the color in her eyes and her Black Opium perfume makes you wish there was someone different sitting in front of you.
“Did you have a good day?” she asks while you’re waiting for your pizzas to be done cooking. The awkwardness of a first date is hanging over you, coupled with the fact that her fingers were inside you on Monday. You’re still a little shocked that happened.
But you nod and smile. Morgan is nice, and she’s trying. The least you could do is try as well. “Yeah, I had two classes. They’re both pretty easy. My hardest are definitely Physiological Psych and Personality Psych.”
Even the mention of the latter makes your stomach clench. Agatha has wormed her way into your brain and you don’t know how to get her out. The perfume you ordered should be here tomorrow and you regret buying it.
Realistically, what are you going to do with it? You can’t wear it—both Morgan and Agatha will pick up on it. It’d be absolutely pathetic to spray your pillow with it and imagine it’s Agatha next to you, plus Wanda would surely wonder about that.
Which means you spent one-hundred dollars on a bottle of perfume that’s going to sit on your desk and serve as a reminder that you’re delusional.
A waitress brings over your personal pizzas and sets them down in front of you, steam billowing off.
Morgan’s looking at you, a little expectantly, and you clear your throat. “How was your day?” you ask, realizing that you never returned the question.
“Pretty good, thanks. I had an International Relations class. We already have a quiz next Tuesday, which is crazy considering this was our second day of meeting.” You learned that she’s a Political Science major while you were waiting in line for pizza.
She doesn’t say anything else, so you chew on your lip and try to think of ways to get the conversation going. “So…how did you get into political science?” At least her face brightens at that.
“My dad works in local government and I’ve always been really interested in it. I’ve interned at his office since I was probably sixteen? I’ll be able to get a job with him once I graduate and then hopefully I can be elected for something,” she says before launching into a few stories about town halls that she’s been a part of. She’s from a small town in Indiana and the people there are apparently a little unhinged.
Morgan’s just telling you about a petition one man started to make his birthday a town holiday when the door to the restaurant opens and a familiar face walks in.
It’s Agatha’s standoffish TA. Morgan is still talking but your eyes follow Rio as she walks up to the counter and shows them her phone. The lady nods and picks up a boxed pizza that’s sitting next to her and hands it to Rio.
As she’s walking to the exit, she tilts her head over to you like she feels you staring. You quickly look away but in your periphery, you can see her coming closer until you have no choice but to crane your neck up at her.
“You’re in Professor Harkness’s class, aren’t you?” Rio asks, but it’s more of a statement than a question. She obviously remembers you from Agatha’s office yesterday.
You nod and she chuckles amusedly, tongue bulging in her cheek. Her complete one-eighty of a personality change is throwing you off.
Rio glances at Morgan and then back to you, a gleam in her eyes. “Good luck.” Before you can ask what she means—is she talking about Agatha’s class? talking about Morgan?—she shifts the pizza in her arms and strolls out the door without looking back.
Morgan raises an eyebrow at you. “That was weird.”
You choose to not say anything and take a bite of your pizza, instantly wincing when it burns your mouth. “Did the man get his petition approved?” you refer to what she had been talking about before Rio, and Morgan dives back into that memory.
She talks for most of dinner, only really taking a break while she’s eating, and then you walk her to her car. Thankfully, neither of you wants to hang out in the resultant once you’re both done with your food. She’s parked right in front whereas you had to find a spot in the garage behind the row of restaurants.
“Do you want me to give you a ride to your car?” Morgan offers and you pretend to think about it before shaking your head.
“No, that’s okay. It’s not very far.” There’s a minute of silent shuffling while you both try to figure out how to end the date. “Um, well I had a great time with you tonight. Let’s do this again soon?”
She smiles warmly. “I’d love that.” And then Morgan leans in to press a quick kiss to your cheek before getting in her car. Her perfume drifts into your nostrils and lingers and you hear Agatha’s voice telling you that you did very good. Heat flashes through you but you tamp it down.
You wait until Morgan drives off before turning to head to the parking garage, but you see another person that you know in the shadows.
Professor Harkness.
Your heart lurches as she pushes off the building wall she was leaning against and steps into the light. She’s wearing blue pants and a matching blazer over a black turtleneck. The gold from her necklace catches the streetlamp glow. Her long, loose hair frames her face and you can see her blue eyes glinting even in the dark.
Swallowing roughly, you irrationally worry that she’s going to be mad about you and Morgan. A part of you wants her to be mad.
But she just smirks instead. “Dinner with a friend?”
“Something like that,” you mutter, shrugging inconspicuously. “What are you doing here?” It seems like she’s waiting for someone—a date? Not that it matters, of course. You just want insight into your mysterious teacher.
She moves closer to you, close enough so you can smell her perfume. It’s getting really fucking confusing with both Agatha and Morgan wearing the same scent. “I’m just picking up dinner,” she hums. “Nothing as exciting as you.”
Your cheeks burn. “That wasn’t anything, just a first date. We met at a party a few days ago.” When I let her fuck me because she reminded me of you.
Agatha nods like she knows something you don’t. “Do you remember learning about defense mechanisms?”
“In a general psych class, did you ever learn about defense mechanisms? Freudian methodology, of course, that believes our ego unconsciously wants to protect the superego from the id when we do something that would otherwise cause us anxiety, guilt, and shame.”
“I mean, yeah?” You’ve heard of them, but why is she bringing them up?
She waves a hand at your apparent confusion. “We’ll get more into them later in the semester. I just think it’s neat, you know? How we can be doing something and not even be aware that we’re doing it. Denial, rationalization,” she fixes you with a pointed look, “transference. The mind does really work in interesting ways.”
You nod and bite your nails, not sure what to say. It feels like you’re missing something by a mile.
But Agatha just smiles. “See you tomorrow in class, hon.” She winks before leaving you outside and you slowly trudge back to your car, completely dumbfounded.
Once you get back to your dorm, the conversation with Agatha still fresh in your mind, you halfheartedly return Wanda’s greeting and take out your computer and type “transference” into Google.
Transference is the psychological phenomenon where someone redirects feelings from one person onto another. It occurs when someone unconsciously projects feelings or desires onto someone else.
“Holy shit,” you say out loud, your blood running cold. Wanda’s head turns toward you but it’s like you have tunnel vision.
Was Agatha implying that you going out with Morgan is you redirecting your feelings toward your professor onto someone who looks like her?
Your heart is thumping so loud you can hear it. Are you being that obvious to Agatha? Can she tell that you have a crush on her?
As if to make matters worse, you get an email notification saying that a package has been delivered—the perfume. A whole day early, like the universe wants to prove its point.
You let it sit in the delivery room all night because you don’t trust yourself not to go crazy if you smell it right now.
But you barely get any sleep at all just thinking about it.
The next morning, Wanda and Nat interrogate you at breakfast. You had told Wanda the general basics of how the date had gone last night, but now they’re pressing you for the details, which you reluctantly give.
“It was good, she spent a lot of time talking about interning for her town’s government. She’s a Poli-Sci major—” Nat scoffs and rolls her eyes and Wanda laughs, “—and apparently her dad is like the mayor or a council member? I don’t know, I mean, she’s nice and all…”
“Oh, come on,” Wanda says, fond exasperation staining her voice. “You always do this. You meet a great girl and then you decide that she’s boring or that you don’t really like her or you make one tiny thing of their personality into a big problem. Why can’t you just let yourself have something?”
It stings how well she knows you. “I just…I don’t know…I’m just not sure we’d work that well together. And it doesn’t really make sense to get into a relationship now, does it? We’re graduating in the spring so why start something new if we’re going to end up in different places? She wants to go back to Indiana and I’ll probably stay here or go back home, so it just doesn’t seem like there’s much of a point.”
Nat looks unimpressed. “Really? That’s your excuse for why you’re going to self-sabotage? If only long-distance was a thing, god.”
Wanda pats her girlfriend’s hand and stifles a smirk at the sarcasm. “Just because it’s not going to end in marriage doesn’t mean it’s not worth it,” she says gently. “Why not go on a few more dates, just to see what happens? And who knows? She could be worth it.”
It won’t work because she’s not at least twice my age. Except you can’t exactly tell your friends that. So instead you say, “Yeah, maybe.”
“Even if it’s not a relationship, it could be a friends-with-benefits situation,” Natasha adds and Wanda snorts. “You’ve already had sex with her so you already know what you’d be getting into.”
“Okay, okay,” you grimace at her crassness and push your chair back. “I have to get to class.”
You have about twenty minutes before it starts, so you’re not in a rush, but you need the walk to clear your head and mentally prepare for seeing Agatha. The quip about transference has you still reeling and it’s only the third day of this class but it’s already the second time you’ve been nervous to look at her. You’re not sure you can get in trouble for having a crush on a teacher but you certainly don’t want Agatha being uncomfortable around you.
So you’ll keep your distance. You’ll go to class and take notes and answer questions, but you’ll leave right after. You won’t let her praise affect you and you will definitely not get close enough to smell her perfume that makes your cunt pulse.
Practically everything you were just thinking goes out the window when you walk into class and see her standing at the front of the room.
Agatha’s wearing another turtleneck, white this time, under a tan blazer and matching pants. You wonder if she’s been wearing them to hide hickeys on her neck—but then you remind yourself that you don’t care, despite the growing feeling of jealousy in your stomach from your absolutely baseless speculations.
She smiles at you, something dark hidden behind her pink lips, and you shiver as you sit down. Does she know what she does to you? The praises, the projection tests from Wednesday, the way she looks at you?
She seems to like you more than the other students in the class—is that just because you answer questions? Does she encourage you for that because she needs someone to? You’ve had classes where absolutely no one would talk and it was awful. Her praising you for that could just be her way of making sure there’s not an awkward silence.
But it feels direct, pointed even. Like she wants it to be you.
Or is that just you hoping?
Agatha isn’t the first teacher you’ve had a crush on, not by a long shot. There was the English teacher when you were in eighth grade. She wasn’t even your teacher, but you still found excuses to talk to her. There was your ninth grade Biology teacher, and then you took her Environmental Science class senior year just to have her again. Your Developmental Psychology professor from the spring semester of your first year in college. You’re sure there’s more. Each time, though, you were certain that you were special.
Each time, you were sorely disappointed, but not surprised.
You want to say that it feels different with Agatha, but you need to get a grip on yourself.
She’s in her late forties, at least. She might have a partner. You glance at her hands as she’s typing something on the computer. No ring. That doesn’t mean anything, you tell yourself.
But she could get in serious trouble for sleeping with a student. If everything else worked out, if all the other stars aligned and by some way, she did want you, she’d never risk her job over that. She has two doctorates and has published multiple articles about her research, which you’ve been meaning to read, and has won several awards for her work. She’s devoted her whole life to psychology and you are not going to change that.
Agatha may tease, but at the end of the day, you feel confident that she will never be anything but professional, which means that you really need to get over this.
“Okay, getting back into Trait Theory,” Agatha starts and you scramble for your notebook. She clicks present on the slideshow and you begin scribbling down everything typed on the first slide. “Theorists who approach personality through the Trait approach want to know what exactly traits are and what they do. Do they describe how we behave? Are they a sum of all we’ve learned? Do they reflect underlying personality? Are they the building blocks of our personality?”
You chew on the tip of your pen and Agatha’s eyes flick to you with a glint in them. Her lips twitch up and you freeze.
“The problem with traits is that people are inconsistent. We act one way when we’re by ourselves and a different way when we’re with friends versus family versus professors versus romantic partners. So do situations predict behavior more than personality traits?”
Agatha surveys the classroom expectantly so you hesitantly raise your hand, wheels turning in your head trying to think of a sophisticated response. She smirks and nods at you. “I mean, I think situations obviously have some part in how we act, but it’s not like we’re completely different people based on who we’re interacting with. It could be kind of like, what traits do we use more of when we’re with some people and what traits do we use less of?”
Her brows furrow and you can see her mulling it over. “So you’re saying that we have a bank of traits, of consistent traits, but which ones we tap into depends on who we’re with?”
“Yes?” Your voice wavers but you hold eye contact with her.
Agatha hums thoughtfully. “Very good. I like that.” Your cheeks flush and you duck your head, the eye contact becoming too intense. “And it brings us to an interesting thought. I want everyone to write down how you consider yourself personality-wise. And then write down some traits you’d use to describe your best friends.”
You write some general words down for you and then for Wanda and Nat. It’s hard to sum someone’s personality up like that. Glancing around the room, you see everyone’s still working so you pick at your nails and pretend that you don’t feel Agatha staring at you.
The compulsion grows too great in you, though, so you look at her. She doesn’t seem abashed that you caught her—if anything, she looks excited. You swallow roughly to get some moisture into your suddenly-dry mouth and your teeth sink into your bottom lip. Her eyelashes flutter, maybe just enough to be considered a wink, but then someone coughs and the moment is broken.
Agatha clears her throat. “Take a look at what words you wrote for yourself and then compare them to the words you wrote for your friends. Chances are, there’s a good amount of overlap. Opposites attract sometimes, but it’s more often than not that we choose to surround ourselves with people that have similar personalities to us. If we do that, then our traits might be influencing the situations that we’re in, which influences our behavior. It’s a lot to think about.”
She clicks to the next slide.
“Psychologists have found that both situations and traits influence behavior about equally after conducting some experiments that we’ll look at another time. Now,” she turns off the projection and the screen at the front of the room goes dark. Everyone looks at her. “I want to talk to you about an opportunity for next week.”
Someone out of the corner of your eye perks up. “Extra credit?”
Agatha shoots him down with a glare. “It’s the third class of the semester, first of all. Second of all, there will be no extra credit in this course.”
He slumps down, defeated. You think he might be the same person from the first day who was upset about only having five grades.
“We will have a speaker on campus next Tuesday evening at six pm giving a presentation on fallacies from famous psychological experiments. I’ll be sending out more information about it, but I think it will be very interesting, especially for this class. It’s optional, but I do heavily recommend attending.”
You raise your hand and she smiles. “What studies are they going to look at?”
“Excellent question. The presentation will look at the Rosenthal study on expectancy effects, the Stanford Prison Experiment, among a few others, and one of my personal favorites: the study on delay of gratification.”
“Is that the one—” a girl begins to say before Agatha interrupts her like she didn’t even hear the student.
“Mischel and Ebbesen would call kids into a room one-by-one and tell them that they could either have a small candy bar right away, or wait some unknown amount of time for a larger candy bar. The researchers would leave the room and see what the kids would do.” Her blue eyes pierce into you and her face morphs into something almost predatory. “Is it better to get instant relief for something small, or to wait and let the anticipation build up for a better reward?”
She prompts you with a tilt of her head and you wonder if she can see the slight sheen of sweat breaking out on your forehead. “If it’s going to be worth it to wait,” you rasp.
Agatha licks her lips before nodding slowly and then settles back into her casual demeanor. “I mean, who doesn’t want a bigger candy bar?” she jokes and there’s a titter throughout the room. She gives you a smug smile and you face forward, cheeks burning.
She continues talking but you’ve completely zoned out. You feel like a kid in the experiment—have something with Morgan, real but fleeting, or wait for even the possibility of Agatha? Once you’re not her student anymore, there shouldn’t be a problem. And you graduate in the spring anyway.
But that’s if Agatha would even like you back then.
What happens if the researcher never comes back with the big candy bar after the kid waits forever?
She finally wraps up class, saying that she needs to rush off to a meeting and you slowly pack up your bag just in case she lingers. She may be in a hurry, but it’s nothing compared to the other students and it’s only a minute before you and her are the only ones left in the room.
The air feels thick with electricity and tension and it’s like you’re rooted to your seat when she starts to slowly walk toward you. You can feel your heartbeat increase and your breathing quickens—your body wants to run but it can’t.
“Great job today,” she mumbles and drums her fingertips atop your desk surface, her perfume rolling over you like a wave, and you don’t even realize that she’s gone until you hear the door shut behind you.
You shakily stand up and swing your bag onto your shoulders and go to the library, desperately trying to ignore the heat between your legs.
After dinner, you pick up the package containing the perfume on your way back to your dorm. You’re almost afraid to open and smell it because you know your body will betray your mind. Your cunt has become conditioned to the scent—conditioned to Agatha—and you really need to figure out how to stop it. You’d throw out the bottle entirely if you hadn’t spent so much money on it. You’ll find some use for it, maybe for a party or something.
Just as you get into your room, your phone buzzes with an email. Your heart starts to race when you see Agatha Harkness at the top of it and you quickly click on it.
To your dismay, it’s just a course email.
Hello Personality Psych,
Here is the link for information concerning the speaker presentation next Tuesday evening that I mentioned in class. As a reminder, you will not receive any extra credit for attending, but it is an opportunity to learn more about flaws in renowned psychological experiments. Please email me if you are interested so I can get your name on the list.
Professor Harkness
You chew on your lip. It’s not something that you necessarily want to go to, and for no extra credit, it might be a waste of time.
But you do seriously doubt that anyone else in your class is going to go, which would make you stand out to Agatha.
You imagine walking into a room full of people you don’t know, anxiously scanning the crowd, to find her smiling at you and beckoning for you to go sit next to her. She’d lean in to whisper some remarks about the speaker into your ear and her hair would tickle your skin. Maybe you’d be bouncing your leg because of your trouble sitting still and she’d put a hand on your thigh to help you focus.
Fuck. Your cheeks are burning now and the temptation to open the perfume so it feels like she’s there is gnawing strongly inside you.
Instead, you compose a new email.
Hi Professor Harkness,
I would love to attend the presentation.
You sign it off with your name and hit send before you can rethink it and then throw your phone to the end of the bed.
The moment you press your hands to your face because you can’t believe how bad this is getting, your phone vibrates. You know what it’s going to be before you even look at it, and yet you’re still surprised to find that Agatha responded almost immediately.
I’m very glad to hear that and I look forward to seeing you there.
Professor Harkness.
Only this time, instead of the regular email signature under her name, and every other professor’s name in their emails, that shows her position, the university name, and her email address, there’s something else as well.
Ten digits. Your breath catches in her throat.
She added her phone number.
Taglist: @lostbutlovely33 @diorrxckstar @whoreforolderfictionalwomen @katekathry @onemansdreamisanothermansdeath @tayasmellsapples @natashashill @mybraininblood @mysticalmoonlight7 @cactuslover2600 @loveem0mo @readysteddiero-nance @lonelyhalfwitch @lesbiantortilla @crescendoofstars @sol-in-wonderland @ahsfan05 @gbab09 @sasheemo @agathaharness @live-laugh-love-lupone @chiar4anna @fuckedupforkhahn @lowlyjelly @sweetmidnights @n3bula-cats @m1vfs @agathascoven1 @filmedbyharkness @autbot @claramelooo @dandelions4us @agathaallalongg @jujuu23 @21cannibal @angel-kitten-babygirl-u-choose @jeridandridge
#agatha harkness x reader#agatha harkness x fem!reader#agatha x reader#agatha x you#agatha harkness x you#agatha harkness smut#agatha smut
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"My alone feels so good, I'll only have you if you're sweeter than my solitude." —Warsan Shire
#my two blorbos who can one way or another be described as fated to be alone (mostly self-imposed)#yet it is not such a bad thing#“If one can be with people and feel lonely.....one can be alone and not feel lonely atall.”#khr#khre#khr oc#khroc#hibari kyoya#ninomiya kanako#einart#oniyanagi#oc#hibakana#this tilts a bit more on vent rather than ship art tbh :((((( i remembered some unpleasant memories in hs#anyways its been a while since i drew a colored hibari hopefully im improving at least#queue i can't put into words#einhighlights
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I know we already talked about it the sticks from stick!Alan au got stuck in stick world au, but what about the other way around?
Slugcats and an iterator on the computer
you just know unrivaled curiosity is wondering if that cursor is an edible creature. also imagine how fucking delighted the sticks would be to see these little creatures
meanwhile beckons and alan are just staring at each other because. Huh???????????
#tommy's foolery#'what the fuck are these creatures. why are most of them colored like my slugcats'#'is that one colored like me?????? huh????'#and 'why's there a 6 mile tall building on my computer.'#IT'S REALLY FUNNY AND ALSO KIND OF BETTER TO IMAGINE THAT THE WHOLESUPERSTRUTURE IS ON THERE.#i can absolutely see the sticks flinging themselves around in 0g just like slugs#hopefully they're fine with electrocution due to cartoon rules. someone would probably run into a supercharged coil#unless the slugs drag them inside because they're excited to see these creatures#both of them can recognize the others are sentient at least#beckons is freaked out by these things#sees one limb and goes 'did they bring me noodleflies?'#and then. 'OH MY GOD. THAT'S NOT A NOODLEFLY WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT'#tommy's stickmen tag#tommy's aus#tommy's stick!alan
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omg acdc rag stopppp
#literally my immediate reaction when i saw the announcement for this collab was 'yay an acdc rag drop i can skip and don't need to worry abt#i was wrong these are not just gorgeous But equally gorgeous in all colorways + apparently there are 3 more colors . bc fuck me ig.#well depending on when they drop these it'll be an 'in japan me' problem so at least i won't have to pay for shipping#how cute would it be to mix and match these. like there are 6 colors and 6 pieces in the set so like. take one piece from each colorway#hopefully no one else beats me to that one lol#romeo.txt
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bought a wholeass cabinet for my tarot decks and books :^)
#gonna restain it and add finish sometime soon bc the stain is ugly and it's unfinished but i can finally get rid of that uglyass plastic#tote i filled. also gotta add some wood to one of the tracks & maybe add another shelf to the left 4 more deck space but it works for now!#i have SO much i need to do to my room this year. painting getting rid of some furniture buying curtains getting a new comforter finishing#the drywall on the part that needed removed and more. my bank acct is fine but i need to save for classes so i'm gonna have to live with#the paint color that i absolutely despise for a while now :^( i can at least buy some nice faux poppies for that vase on the cabinet in the#meantime ig#len's cardslinging adventures#not technically deck related but this gives you an idea of my collection size. i'm hopefully never gonna go over ~40 decks bc i do NOT#wanna figure out more storage space for my tarot oracle and playing cards. i also can't imagine using that many decks ever lmao#len speaks
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stream tomorrow. ~3pm est. this fuckin site. if i dont get hit by a car by then.
#snap chats#ill make another reminder post an hour before the stream tomorrow dont worry#yes this is related yes this is also so i can be angry FUCK#imagine being an american and waking up and reading the news and wanting to light everything on fire#anyways. before i bring politics into my funny sideblog.#ive been shirking /drafting/ a comic all week cause i keep getting distracted And Brother I Feel Another Impulsive Idea Enter The Dome#ok im lying its another idea ive had cooking in the back ever since i made my initial tattoo post but it's a short silly comic#so i think i can get the one day Relatively quickly#BUUUUT the main monster i wanna do.... idk what ive been shirking it it SHOULDNT be terribly long#it SHOULD be pretty simple and just me being Smart and Funny right and yet... brain broken.#i dont know if i want to make it especially long or keep it short and sweet...#SOOOO this all relates back to Stream Tomorrow because i wanna have it at least DRAFTED in my head by then#not another accountability stream... uh oh...#i vow to be less annoying this time around i looked in the mirror and reviewed myself and said 'bitch shut up you fidgety bastard'#so HOPEFULLY i'll be less erratic#in any case. off to do that mini comic. i guess it's more of a warm up in my book#bye bye ill see yall in five. hours.#cause apparently thats how long it takes me to COLOR SHIT god forbid sketching and lining and kms#ok bye fr stay sexy
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Off now.
Today was...it was something.
Okay, so I didn’t have an AWFUL day or anything--I was just serving energy drinks today, so that in itself wasn’t too bad. However, I did spend a good chunk of my morning waiting for an important call, keeping my phone in my apron pocket when normally I just keep it in my locker during work hours, and was disappointed when I never got it.
I did get information on the thing (for those wondering, it was from the dog place I applied to and had an interview at) last week, so yeah, long story short, I have a working interview there next Thursday! Also, a phone interview tomorrow afternoon...I might have to talk to my boss about that...hopefully, she won’t be as much of a pain tomorrow...
Well, in any case, I’ll see you guys when I see you.
#rhys-ravenfeather signing off#also i inked a drawing for an art trade when i got back home#i wasn't able to finish it but i got a good chunk of it done--hopefully i can finish at a decent time tomorrow#before i decide to color it--good news is this character actually doesn't have a lot of color#oh yeah also definitely looking forward to getting back to rps tomorrow...maybe starting a couple more...#or at least one more
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happy birthday, shoyou!!! I love you, i am so happy to share my birthday with you. thank you for everything.
(these are based off of a scene from princess kaguya :-)
#haikyuu!!#hinata shoyou#haikyuu#haikyū!!#hq#hinata shoyo#i have a small piece of fic i wrote on a whim that attaches to this so ill post that next<3#hopefully i can color these (or at least one)#i also really wanna make a small collection of my writing for him so i can keep it here as a memory#im a little disappointed in myself if im being honest...#it just feels like nothing is ever enough.#we have the same birthday and thats the coolest thing in my life right now!#but.. im so sad...#it's okay... im sure the little guy understands that things take time :-)#<-trying for a smile#i love you shoyou. he has given me so much warmth#i want to do the same in return you know? it just makes me so happy to write for him#talking to myself here is pretty cathartic :)#oh i put him in my charizard shirt by the way!! that's mine!!#i hope we are all content today.
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fighting for my life to get through a ton of line art and come up with ideas for upcoming event 😩
#i do have a couple ideas already but i would /like/ to come up with more- at least one more#and squeeze out other drawings on top of all these ough#if i can power through lines for this weeks stuff i should be fine- bc thats the biggest obstacle to tackle coloring is nbd#and im making good progress on one! so hopefully i can keep it going#i just wanna 🧹🧹 with a bunch of stuff in the folder rn
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I have finally acquired fabric so I can make my own jacket yay
#the klock keeps ticking#ive kept going in joanns to get fabric but then i run out of time and take too long looking#and like i have so many ideas for what i want my jacket to be and im very indecisive#so i kinda chicken out of actually getting anything#but i was determined this time and i didnt have work so i had time#im still pretty clueless about how its gonna end up looking but at least i have the base colors#wanna do like black with this night sky ass stuff on the inside#and the sleeves can be this nice plaid and then i can add some spooky shit to it maybe#im excited for this cuz the jacket i have currently is very comfy and looks cool but like#its kinda one of those phony wannabe battle jackets with like generic ‘cool’ patches#it was a birthday gift from a few years ago and it felt cool at the time but now im like#bleh i hate wearing this poser shit i hate that it doesnt have any soul to it#so hopefully this one im making will turn out like. wearable 😩#now lets just see if i can actually focus and fucking make it
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pray for me i need to finish my to do list by end of tomorrow so i can start november with a fresh slate or i will lose my mind
#last two drawings of this prompt thing...one (todays) is p much done im just figuring out some details to make it look more interesting LOL#the other has been composition sketched but i gotta resketch it for proportions / fiddle with composition#then i have two caroline drawings which have both been lined but need to be colored - the backgrounds are...sort of complex which takes most#of the work lol easy enough just tedious work bluh#then i have a seven page joyhal halloween comic i wanted to do 😁 ive never done a multi page comic in my life 😁#mainly just cause i cant figure out panels or whatever...but this has no dialogue so im just treating it as like seven seperate art pieces#i vaguely did sketch out the panels on the way to the dentist but that was to pre limit myself i havent filled them in yet lol#like how ill get the chords and make the structure of a song b4 i consider lyrics...same sort of approach#idk i have zero technical training in everything i do and maybe that makes me worse but hopefully i can at least be interesting !
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got a new (used) car today and i was pretty split between the two i looked at and if i’m being honest part of my decision was definitely based on the first sellers being a straight couple and the second sellers being a lesbian couple
#if i can’t keep my lesbian car (a subaru) at least i can replace it with a lesbian-OWNED car ❤️#the new one is similar to my old car in a lot of ways but i’m gonna miss the old one so so much i’m so sad i can’t afford to fix it this tim#it’s truthfully been a nightmare of a car since the literal day i got it but i’ve had it for 3.5 years and it’s the only car i’ve ever had#like that’s my baby fr#but i didn’t even want that car in the first place and then it just grew on me a ton so hopefully the new one will too#i’m gonna name her evie bc it’s similar to avery which was my old car’s name and like i said they are quite similar#they’re even the same color which is comforting for some reason#lj.txt
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Don’t think
The ramen container will spill but I think there’s still the sauce on the katsu
#not worth to complain about tho lol#personalice#hope I can wipe it off#I think it normally comes with a mayo sauce and brown sauce?#which two on one seems excessive anyways#but hopefully it’s not too strong#brighter color compared to the other#but for the katsu fried rice I had they also had sauce but wasn’t too strong#and I think basil and sesame seed and seaweed flakes#but flakes shouldn’t be as strong tasting as like a musubi or Korean kimbap#tho idk if the spiciness level would be overpowering when it’s a separate sauce from the mayo?#oh well hopefully it should be fine#cheaper than the steak at least#and they offered kimchi fries but I’d rather have normal fries
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How the Hashira men react to your neighbor asking you to be quiet
Characters: Tengen, Sanemi, Rengoku, Obanai, Gyomei, Giyuu,
Additional shit: Swearing, Sanemi fighting said neighbor, Rengoku being blunt, mentions of sex, ooc mot likely :p
He couldn't care less
His whole thing is being flashy and loud so he wants you to be loud
Like it's not his fault that dick is magical
After he shoos your neighbor away he makes sure to be as loud as possible that night
He's pounding into your cunt and you swear your gonna break when he whispers "okay now scream exactly how big my dick is. Don't forget the tip color-"
He gets cut off by you hitting him with the pillow
Way to ruin the mood
But that doesn't stop him and instead he goes harder, making sure the bed creaks loud ASF for your neighbor
"Not my fault he doesn't know how to please a woman." Is his main reason for doing so
He really wants you to scream his name so it's imbedded in your neighbors head
"Morning N/N!" Him to your neighbor from the balcony while your trying to get out of bed and failing
"Actually die." Both you and your neighbor to Tengen
Cares alot
Why the fuck is that limp dick biscuit talking to you and him? Who does he think he is?
You were the one who broke the news to him thankfully cause if Sanemi was the one who opened the door then you'd have to see your husband through glass in a prison
Just kidding. The Slayer corp would get him out of trouble if he didn't do it himself.
Sanemi made it his goal to piss your neighbor off as much as possible
Your under him, practically creaming on his cock, and he's slamming the wall yelling "This loud enough yet?! Huh!?"
Not kidding I can see him doing that
He quite literally had you against a window where your neighbors could see him destroying you just to make them mad or uncomfortable, hopefully both.
But then he'd get pissed someone else would see you all naked and fucked out so he settled for the wall next to the window
One day your neighbor, finally having enough, bangs on your door yelling and guess who opens it...Sanemi!!
Good Lord was he waiting for this
It took one punch and the guy was out
Kinda what happens when you put a normal dude against a guy who kills demons for a living
He's a good neutral between caring and not caring
Like he doesn't wanna make your neighbors mad but he also loves hearing your screams
So he tries to keep you quiet during sex but fails since he gets to into it to give a fuck
The next days his loud ass voice wakes you up
"IM SORRY FOR MAKING INCREDIBLE LOVE TO MY WIFE!" He's not being sarcastic thats his genuine apology
Your facepalming and you want to die when you see your neighbor and she can't look at you
"PERHAPS SHES MAD BECAUSE HER HUSBAND CANNOT PLEASE HER!" Rengoku says casually and you know she can hear you from outside in her garden
"Inside voices!" You place your hands over his mouth to try and shut him up.
It works for a bit before he's yelling again
You love your husband but holy shit you wish he would speak normally sometimes
He's actually quiet in bed though
So your the problem (real)
I'm not an Obanai fan so forgive me for how bad his section will be
Obanai is a quiet mf, and you're not even that loud
It's your neighbor who was the problem
A little old man whose hearing aids apparently had the power of 67 suns
You and Obanai found this out when he was outside training and your neighbor came over
He was so sweet and polite and even chuckled at Obanai's redness
Obanai cared at first but got over it
You? You make sure to not make a PEEP in bed
Okay that pisses Obanai off but he understands your reasons
At least make a gasp or sum cause he's over here like "Wait does this feel good? Can she feel it? Did I forget where the clit is?"
Brother is STRESSING
Then you cum and he's like "ah"
Then he's like "Did you take it?"
You have to keep yourself from murdering him cause how tf would you fake squirting
Babe I'm not gonna lie, you're a screamer
Gyomei is built like a house and your telling me your just gonna whine and whimper?
Your over here crying and screaming into his chest, neck, the pillow, anything.
And Gyomei loves it!
He can't see your reactions so hearing and feeling them let's him know he's doing good
Gyomei isn't loud but he's not quiet
He'll grunt and moan and praise you, but he's not gonna cry out.
Well he'll cry but you can never tell from what
When the pussy so good you start crying 😭🙏
When your neighbor politely asked you to be a tad bit quieter Gyomei actually laughed
Not in a 'nah we'll keep being loud' way but more of a 'sorry we'll be quiet' way. He also found it hilarious how you actually died of embarrassment.
Don't worry he thinks its endearing
Yet it was kinda hard for him since he enjoyed hearing you
But your touches and now quieter moans made that better
And then there's also you literally drawing blood from his back you were scratching so hard
Holy shit you have never seen him so embarrassed
Like you could shade match his Haori to him and get the exact same color
He was the one your neighbor told and he stopped working when 'loud' and 'moaning' left their lips
If a demon doesn't kill him then his own actions will
Giyuu isn't loud, and he loves that he can make you feel so good that your loud for him.
But he didn't want your neighbor back over at your house so he tried to keep you quiet
You were super confused when he held his hand over your mouth in bed and he just pointed to your neighbors house. Then you got it.
So you nod and try to keep quiet.
You know in school when the teacher tells you and a friend to shut up but they look at you funny and you break?
Yeah that was you
You were riding Giyuu one night and you were loud so he was like "holy shit I love you but please- I can't look our neighbor in the eyes anymore."
And you couldn't help but laugh
Like howling
You calmed down obviously but sex was very giggle filled after that
You've never seen Giyuu so panicked
But give him a week and he'll stop caring
#fem reader#x reader#kny#kny x reader#kny x y/n#kny x you#kny headcanons#demon slayer#demon slayer x reader#demon slayer x you#demon slayer x y/n#demon slayer x female reader#tengen uzui#rengoku kyojuro#sanemi shinazugawa#obanai iguro#gyomei himejima#giyuu tomioka#hashira x reader#kny hashira#demon slayer smut#kny smut#freaky#tengen x reader#rengoku x reader#sanemi x reader#obanai x reader#gyomei x reader#giyuu x reader#kny gyomei
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Gotham's newest Crime Lord - part 2
Part 1 | Masterpost
Wraith wrecked havoc like no other.
He was loved and hated by the masses. Defended by Gotham regardless of what they felt of him. A figure in the underworld that hunted down those who moved to harm one of their kin and executed anyone who laid their hands in the weak—children.
The first explosion had been explained by the scattering papers and the anonymous posts of an organization who went after children with malicious intent. Blatant evidence that had people rallying to the GCPD to demand for justice. It was glorious and horrific—especially once they found out that it was Wraith who tossed the Joker into the harbor.
The Bats, by all means, attempt to find him. Figure him out, at least. But the man was a mystery. It was worse considering the majority of Gotham were eagerly telling the Bats to fuck off whenever they tried to hunt down Wraith. The only thing they ever got out of him was that his second in command—Phantom—was the nicer one between them. If you wanted civil negotiations, try and look for Phantom instead.
As much as they wanted to go directly to Wraith, this was their best shot. Their only shot.
"Had any luck finding Phantom?" Dick's hand rested on Tim's shoulder, trying to support his clearly tired brother. Tim was a little to determined, kinda desperate to find this guy.
"Nothing. Their names are trigger words." Tim clicked his tongue, "It's fucking up the system. Remember Ghostmaker's ghostnet? Any attempts makes you want to shut off your systems because of how encrypted they could get."
"Searching up their names gave the Batcomputer a virus?!" Steph gawked, leaning over Tim and staring at the computer. They could all tell he was wary, trying not to type in certain words to keep the damn tech sage from that mania.
"Wraith and Phantom are either metas with technology altering powers..." Barbara hums, "Or they have someone else doing this. Imagine them having their own version of the calculator... But worse and more annoying."
"So our new crime lord has a hacker... That has given the Batcomputer a virus." Dick slowly said, "And is still operating without us finding out."
"Hood and Robin are out trying to find Phantom." Barbara points to the two dots hurriedly moving through crime alley. "Hopefully they find him."
"Any news on Wraith?"
"His latest stint involved tearing down one of Black Mask's operations. Several bodies were found in the harbor."
"Why the harbor?"
"It's his MO, I think. It's always the harbor where he dumps the bodies."
Tim frowns, "Like it's his trash can.... For bodies."
"Hasn't the harbor always been the body trash can of Gotham?" Steph sighs, before turning away to stare at Cass who was training in the simulators again.
Dick glared at her for the comment but once again looked back to the screen.
"Hopefully they find Phantom soon... before Wraith drops more bodies."
Phantom was the nicer of the two—claimes by many people who told them Wraith was a little on the quieter side. No one truly knew but he was quieter than a lot of them.
Crime Alley was Red Hood's territory, everyone knew that. But apparently, Wraith has been operating in the same area from time to time. Mainly to return kids to the alley (freshly claimed by that flaiming white symbol). But Wraith did so quietly. They checked in from time to time to see if the kids were alright.
To be specific...
Phantom came to visit to see if the children they had returned and claimed were safe. Often coming with resources that he mainly reserved for the kids.
"Found him." Jason muttered, voice distorted through the modulator as he narrowed his eyes at the young man dressed in monochrome colors. His binoculars zeroed on the young man with white (seriously??) boots and gloves. The rest of his outfit was black, with a jacket still in monochrome colors. Jason frowned at the hood that covered his head.
"Let's go, Hood. Nightwing and father wants—"
"Stay out of it, Robin." Hood instantly growled. Jason has never felt so territorial before but this guy was in his territory—doing good, keeping the kids safe, marking them so no one tried going after them. "Phantom is Wraith's lieutenant. We don't need to make an enemy of the nicer one and piss of the one who ordered the explosion."
"I can handle him!"
"You'll piss him off!"
Robin scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. "And you won't? Phantom clearly is fond of children and I am a child—"
"With katanas. You're a murderous child. Wraith and Phantom claim children who are in danger. Not the danger." Jason scoffed, while Damian opted to look utterly smug at the statement.
"Stay here." Jason drops down from the building.
He, unfortunately, didn't account for Phantom pulling out a sword from nowhere and immediately pointing it at Jason. The kids behind the man were quick hide behind him, cowering in fear until the recognition sets in their eyes.
"Wait! That's the Red Hood!" A girl yells, standing between them. Stupid but very brave. "He's one of the good ones!"
Phantom, who wore a mask that covered half his face yet showed his eyes, immediately lowered his sword once the girl was between them.
Jason froze, unable to tear his gaze away from Lazarus eyes—no... That shade of green was much purer than the pits... Phantom narrowed his eyes at Jason, before turning back to the girl. "You go and take care of your little sister, yeah? If your mom forgets to feed you again, tell her I'll give her a visit."
The girl nods, but she whirled around and gave Jason the nastiest glare an 8-year-old could give. "You hurt mr. Phantom and I'll tell Wraith!" She pointed an accusing finger at him, frowning before she gives Phantom a quick hug and makes a run for it with the other kids.
Soon enough, they're left alone... Staring at one another.
"I was wondering when one of you Bats would finally find me." Phantom hums, sliding his hand over the hilt of his sword.
Jason warily watched it disappear from sight. Okay. Possible meta, definitely has powers. "You're a hard man to find, Phantom."
"Not for you, I guess. I come and go into your haunt to check in on the kids every week." Phantom laughs, tilting his head.
Jason could see snow white hair from under the hood, making him shudder as the deathly green eyes are brought back to his attention.
"Every week, huh?" Jason clicked his tongue. "I'll cut to the chase. Your boss's stint—" he swore that Phantom twitched "—pissed of the big Bat. He ain't happy tnag Wraith is bombing up buildings and killing people."
Phantom visibly rolled his eyes, "Too bad then. Wraith's pretty direct when it comes to this shit. Trafficking and pimping kids make him murderous but the fact that those bastards were killing them and selling their organs? He's damn genocidal at this point. Can't say I disagree with that."
Jason... Well... Jason can't argue with that. If he found out that some bastards were doing that to kids, he'd go ballistic too. But Bruce didn't agree with these methods and was rather reproachful about it. But Wraith wasn't going to back down. This wasn't a normal rogue that had felt fear of the Batman and his brood before. To be honest, Jason thinks he's pretty ballsy.
"I don't disagree with that shit either. But Batman ain't going to let him off the hook after that stunt." Jason warned, grunting as he spoke through the modulator. The pits were flaring up again. But not malicious, not murderous. It was curious as it warmed his chest and practically urged him to get closer to Phantom.
"Yes, well... Piece of advice—Wraith is willing to blow up an entire district if it meant keeping others safe. And besides, your rogues know not to mess with him. Not after the Joker." He didn't actually see Phantom's face but he's pretty sure that the bastard was grinning.
"So he really did it."
"If it makes you feel any better, the Joker might as well be cursing him from the afterlife. It was an accident." Phantom shrugged.
An accident, Jason breathed out. Holy fuck, that would have been humiliating for the Joker. His death. An accident. Unintentional and he still died, his body dumped into the harbor.
"Anyways, tell Batsy not to mess with the kids. I know he doesn't, but he let the Joker live, so..." Phantom gave him a thumbs up, "Make sure to not cross pass with Wraith or else you'll end up in the harbor."
Jason gawked, watching as Phantom slipped into the shadows and promptly disappeared. Meta. Definitely a meta.
"Hood, report." Batman's voice rang through the comms.
"Red Hood," he grunts, "Wraith sure as hell doesn't like you, old man. And Phantom might be the nice one but he might as well be as stabby as Robin."
"I agree with Hood. He has wonderful posture, father!" Robin spoke, sounding impressed and smug.
The little shit.
"Technus, stop bullying Oracle." Dan groaned once he caught the ghost tampering with the net... Again.
The crime lord turned towards Danny, who melted out of the shadows again. Technus was blabbering about pesky bats and birds before Dante clocked his younger brother's apprehension. He looked....annoyed and concerned.
"I talked to Red Hood."
"Fun fact! He's a revenant!"
"A very sexy looking one."
He was going to punch Danny. He was going to fucking punch Danny.
(Danny was not punched.)
"He said that Batman's pissy about you blowing up shit." Danny shrugged, shaking his head before floating over to the energy drinks and coffees by Dan's desk. "Good news though! I told him he'd end up in the harbor if he ever tried anything with us."
Dan gawked, "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You want to make the bats our enemies?"
"No! I'm commiting to our crime family bit!"
"We're not a crime family!"
"Tell that to Ellie. She's already got herself a new suit and everything."
Dan threw his hands up in the air, groaning at the insanity that was his younger siblings. Dear ancients, he was praying that Jazz wouldn't find out about the shit they've done in Gotham. She'd give them the worst tongue lashing the world has ever experienced if she did. Thank God she was in Yale right now.
"Ooh! A crime family, you say?" Technus grinned, floating closer to Danny who lounged in Dan's chair. (Get the fuck away from my crime lord throne, Danny! The leather is expensive!)
"That is perfect! The others have decided to migrate here, did you know? It's been quite... Boring back in Amity." Technus snickered.
Fuck. No.
"I bet my trust from Vlad that Johnny, Kitty, and Ember are already on their way." Danny cackled, "That'd be nice. Elle's been itching to steal Johnny's bike again."
"Splendid! We shall wreck havoc upon Gotham and exact justice that the Bats cannot give the people!" And like a supervillain, Danny cackled as he stood on Dan's desk, laughing maniacally.
(Just outside, the Wraith's goons peaked into the room and saw the insanity that was the nice lieutenant's villainy.)
Meanwhile, in the distance, the laughter of Johnny 13 and Kitty rang through the streets of Gotham.
Part 3 | Masterpost
#Gotham's newest Crime Lord#dead on main#maybe#jason todd#batman#crossover#nightwing#red hood#danny fenton#dpxdc#dc x dp#danny phantom#Dan is stressed cause the nice one is kinda more chaotic#He's trying his best to be good okay!#Danny and Elle are kinda set on making a crime family of ghosts to mess up Gotham#The bats are just as stressed as Dan at this point#Babs and Tim are now Technus' nemesis
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every day i get closer to wanting to do Too Much
#aka#ive spent my whole shift so far thinking about selling little gay cardigans<3#cus like i could sell them at pride or at cons or just on etsy#and i can actually calculate how long itll take me cus I've been trying to make at least 3 squares every morning#as a wind-down after work#and as i get better and faster i can up the number#and even if i miss a day i can make it up on the weekends when i have more time#so i can actually have like. a SOLID thing for it.#the only problem with selling them at like pride or cons is that id have to have a stock of them#in different sizes#though ofc i could also make adjustments#and i could offer to add like pockets and stuff too <3 cus those will hopefully not take too long to make on their own#and if i didn't have the flag/size they wanted i could mail it to them with like a 'i talked to you in person' discount#hghhhhh#i may actually do this tbh#i wanna go buy some more yarn this weekend so i can have some for a second cardigan#im still debating how to do ones with more colors cus like....#the rainbow flag has so many colors and im not aure how id want to break them up#and the lesbian/gay flags as well#mmm#much to think about#shh ac
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