#hopefully faster tbh but we will see
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linterteatime · 4 months ago
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Long time no bug gijinkas, today i bring mostly enemies from fungal wastes and a few mantises!
More gijinkas here!
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ambrosiagoldfish · 3 months ago
i’m going a teensy bit feral reading your adam x third spouse story so i guess im just asking for part five and for it to hopefully have focus on dad beat dad and how lucifer would react to seeing the reader again after so long and like what would happen n stuff 🤭🤭 ofc if this is dumb ignore it i like what you’re doing with the story already !! the part im most excited for is the finale tbh but there’s a lot of time in between what you have rn and then so i’m just yapping abt stuff that could be cool in between. thsi is so jumbled omg sorry i just wanna see more of your writing it’s so good
idk how to end this uhh i love you bye 🫡
Benefit of the doubt PT.5
Adam x 3rd Spouse! Reader
Warnings: GN! Reader, confronting the past, next to no Adam (I know, sad, but it’s for the plot), Reader focused chapter, this is set during ‘Dad Beat Dad’, swearing, the next 2 chapters will have a LOT more Adam DW ❤️❤️
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Request Box: OPEN
Word count: 4322
A/n: Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the support on all the other chapters. It’s been 8-ish months since the last update and for that I want to apologize. I’ll save it for its own dedicated post to not full int his page too much. But if you’ve saw one of my post from the other day, I have posted this on A03 and I’m giving myself 8 total parts. 7 will be the finale and 8 will be an epilogue styled thing (not even sure if I’m wanting to do it so when we get there, you guys can tell me if you want it!! ) so yeah, enough rambling, you’ve all been waiting so long for the next part so here you go!! <3
Reblogs are VERY appreciated!
(My posts have been flopping so much, I would love you forever if you did 😭)
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Old memories have a habit of slithering their way back into a person's mind, and even sometimes, people
The first few months at fhe hotel were a lot more enjoyable than you originally expected. Most days went relatively the same, Charlie would choose an activity to do and you would observe the progress they made.
At first, progress hadn't shown much promise but as everyone grew closer, things began to look up. Angel had gone clean with his drug abuse and was distancing himself from his line of work. Sir Pentious started to actually trust the people around him and has done no major constructional damage to any buildings as of late.
Everything was going so smoothly that, when you had woken up one morning to the sounds of screaming, running, and just general chaos. You thought everything was finaly going into the ground.
You quickly run down to the lobby, thoughts of what could be happening run through you. Did one of Pentious experiments fail and explode? Were we being attacked by one of the many gangs in town? Did Alastor decide the hotel was actually boring and started destroying it, starting with the occupants? Whatever it was, you hurry faster to the lobby.
But what was meeting you there was… unexpected to say the least. Party streamers, banners, cookies. It looked like some kind of welcome party heaven would do, albeit with less flare and taste in decor. A banner that read ‘Wellcum Daddy’ was being hung up by Razzle and Dazzle, everyone was either cleaning or baking something, and Vaggie seemed to be ordering them around.
You look at the clock, huh, it’s way too early for any kind of Charlie’s trust exercises. Not to mention, she would have told you about the curriculum and there was absolutely not a 10 AM home-EC class listed on your schedule.
You quickly run up to Charlie who seemed to be preoccupied with helping Vaggie put something up “Charlie, what’s going on?” You tap on her shoulder, She jumps a bit before just realizing it’s you,
”Oh- Y/N, I’m so sorry, I completely forgot to get you!” She apologizes when Vaggie pops in,
“Don’t be, I told Nifty to go wake you up, but looks like she had better things to do” she points over at Niffty swifty stabbing bugs and removing cobwebs out of habit
“It’s fine, just… what’s everyone doing, what’s with all the party supplies and sweets?” You say, arms to the festive lobby around you.
“Oh well…” she took a deep breath “you know that The deadline is fast approaching and while we’ve made progress it’s not much” she paused, trying to even brace herself for what’s coming out of her mouth, “I have asked… my dad to come over and hopefully get us a meeting with heaven” she stops, completely caved in on herself.
“Wait, so… your dad is coming here?” you thought about the times she had asked you to get them a meeting with heaven but you had already explained to her that it would be next to impossible for someone like you. You had to practically beg just to monitor the hotel
Charlie Picked herself back up and looked at you with a shakey demeanor, “Yeah In about… 55 minutes”
You blink a few times before giving a small chuckle “Well, would you look at the date! I think it’s time I used my 1-per-month trip back home! If you’ll excuse me-“
“Wait! No-“ she trips over herself “We need you here, if dad can see, not only the progress we’ve made, but also that we already have an angel supporter, there’s no way he could say no!”
“Charlie, I don’t think it’s a good idea-”
“PleasePleasePlease! I will pay you back, promise! But I- we could really use you there!” Her eyes looked at you, similar to a puppy. She hands clasped together In plea.
You looked away in thought. Seeing him again was the last thing you wanted to do at this moment, any moment for that matter. The last time…well to be honest, the whole exchange hadn’t meant anything to you in quite a while. He could say whatever he wanted about you… it was the words he had to say about Adam that kept your heart ablaze in anger at the Morningstar.
Trash? He should really look in the mirror before saying that about your Adam. But… this could be a good opportunity for the hotel -as much as it pained you to admit- You can only sigh, “fine.. for the hotel…” You let out a small chuckle raising your arm in defeat.
Charlie jumped up and down with glee, repeating a matra of ‘Thank You’s’ before continuing “I get it might be difficult since you’re an Angel.” She tries to give some comfort. But that caught your attention.
“Because I’m an Angel?” You honestly didn’t mean to say it out loud but it came out as a question.
She looks at you confused “yeah, you know, considering I don’t think angels have too kind of thoughts to my dad for being… the devil” she laughs nervously
Oh. Oh. So that’s what she means. So she doesn’t know about your past with him? Not too much a surprise, I doubt Lucifer would bring up any of his failures. But that also made you realize one other thing. Charlie doesn’t know about your marriage with Adam.
Look, you didn’t mean to keep it a secret. In fact you had already assumed they knew. I mean you were sitting literally right next to him and Vaggie already knew who you were. You just thought she would have told Charlie, but knowing this now… it may be best to keep it a secret.
You let out a quick “I understand.” and with that, you all went your separate ways, you did contribute to the decor the best you could, as well as helping Sir Pentious and Nifty with the baking until finally, it was time for Charlie’s dad to arrive.
You walked over to a more remote place in the hotel lobby, look… you may have to interact with him today but you will not be doing it that soon. Instead, you decided your best choice of action was to sit and watch quietly until Charlie decided it was time for you two to meet. And in the meantime, you can mentally brace yourself.
Charlie sighs deeply “Okay everybody, it’s showtime!”
With that she swings the door open revealing the one, the only (thank Father) king of hell himself, Lucifer. Immediately Lucifer pulls his, obviously nervous daughter into his arms. He greets her with excitement before moving on to Keekee, and eventually Razzle and Dazzle.
He eyes the room, clearly covering up any distain for the hotels “character” to protect Charlie’s feelings. At least until he got to the bar which even he couldn’t lie his way through.
Even from the distant view you were from, you could see Alastor and Lucifer weren't going to be the best of buds anytime soon. As soon as they were introduced to one another they immediately got into it. Huh, at least now you have something in common with Alastor at least! If that’s even a good thing.
Their quarrel lasted a few minutes, everyone either waiting for it to be over, completely ignoring it, or enjoying it as entertainment. It lasted what felt like an eternity and was only interrupted when a short and plump woman by the name of ‘Mimzy’ came into the scene.
The old time-y dressed woman was one of Alastor’s friends, you honestly didn’t think he had those but you digress. Eventually once the commotion dies down, you see Charlie give you a nervous smile and wave for you, ‘that’s my cue’ you thought. Anxiety still felt taught in your heart but still you pushed through.
You walk out of your hiding spot, walking up to be next to Charlie. Still trying to keep your presence hidden for as long as you could, savoring those last few moments of peace before a wave of interactions.
Charlie clears her throat and puts on a more professional demeanor despite her nervousness, getting the attention from her dad, “And last but certainly not least, i’d like you to meet our Angelic sponsor-“
“Y/N!?-“ the fallen Angel suddenly started coughing, clearly having choked on his own words. He clears his throat “Sorry! I just wasn’t expecting… you to be here” he lets out a chuckle.
“You guys know each other!?” Charlie looked shocked, her voice pitching up in bewilderment.
“We’ve… met before,.” Your voice was low, But still you pushed through “Though, it’s hardly relevant to anything of importance now. Isn’t that right, Morningstar?”
Lucifer's face contorted into an uncomfortable shaky smile, fingertips digging into his Apple-shaped cane. Perhaps he felt some type of remorse for the way things happened back all those years ago, but even if that’s true, you had no plans to forgive him.
He clears his throat “Yes it’s- unimportant Sweetie.. “
You 3 stand in awkward silence for a moment, all you can do is glare daggers at the short ex-Angel in front of you. Eventually though, you couldn’t stand the scilence any longer, “Well Charlie, I have to get something done in my room and I’ll be back to help with the tour in a few minutes, if that’s ok?”
Charlie looked like she wanted to protest, for you to stay with her through the tour, but she knew you wouldn’t just leave and not come back. “Um, yeah that’s fine! Me and Alastor can get the tour started and you can meet us around the 4th floor?”
You gave a quick nod as agreement and make your way to your room. Sighing, you flop down on your bed, feeling the soft warmth as you sink into comfort. Pulling out your phone, you quickly typing a text to Adam but your thumb simply hovered over the send button, anxiety washing over you. Your message was simple,
‘I promise that everything’s ok, but he’s here’’
You were hesitating, should you even tell him that he's here? You didn’t want to worry him over something so insignificant. He has a show tonight, he wouldn’t be at his best if he was constantly thinking you would be in the same room as the devil.
Or even worse, he could just cancel the show completely and march down here and a cause a ruckus which at best would completely destroy the Hotel’s plans and at worse… No, you can’t think of that.
You look at the message again before just setting your phone on your nightstand. 10 minutes… that’s all you need before you go back out there…
…Lucifer was having… let’s just say a tinsy bit of a bad day. Not only has he been forced to interact with that insufferable yellow-toothed sinner but also, he has been reunited with someone he hadn’t seen in a millenia, you.
The anxiety of the day was only topped off with the added stress of being with his daughter. Don’t get him wrong, he LOVES his daughter and is always happy to see her, but the way she talks and acts with these sinners… Ugh, it reminds him too much of himself back in the day.
Her hotel too… He may have given her the place but he never gave it much thought beyond it being a pipe dream for her. He was just trying to do something for his daughter, especially with… Lilith being out of the picture. He just wanted to cheer her up, and unfortunately it seems ‘grandiose plans’ run in the family.
Even now as Charlie and that Red haired Buck show him around, Charlie explains excitedly about different things they have at the hotel. It reminds Lucifer about how she was when she was little, that glow of joy never seemed to fade away from her despite the conditions she lives in.
But even still, as much as he’s trying not to zone out and actually listen to his daughters rambles, his mind keeps trailing back to one, singular thought. You.
What were you doing here? He knows you were there to ‘support the hotel’ as Charlie puts it. But this is the absolute first he’s hearing about it. Why wouldn’t heaven tell him that another Angel was down here, let alone, you most of all. The last time he saw you was… not the best first meeting
Were you here in secret? You clearly weren't fallen, considering you still had your halo and you didn’t look like you’ve been damaged anywhere close to what you’d be if you had fallen. Not to mention… Adam, the exterminations were his idea so why would you even consider an alternative when you are his-
“Uh, Dad?” Charlie interrupted Lucifer’s thoughts, a look of worry on her face. ”You’ve got a little bit of… horn? Sticking out”
Lucifer looks up and sees that he’s subconsciously beginning to phase into his full demon form. He quickly takes his hand and pats the horns as if he was just dusting off his coat, causing the horns to seem to fade away like dust. Wow, today really seems to be getting to him.
“Ah sorry Sweetie, it’s nothing just… uh..” He thinks for a moment, he has to talk to you alone, just for a second. “*Ahem* I was just realizing I had to… use the bathroom, I seem to have had one too many drinks on the way here. Can you tell me where the… bathroom is?” He lets out a chuckle to hopefully cover his lie.
“Oh, it’s just down the hall and to the right, I can take you there-“
Lucifer quickly lets out a loud ”No!“ Before clearing his through again “I can get there on my own, just wait here and I’ll be back!”
Before Charlie can even answer, Lucifer rushes through the halls of the hotel, yelling a ‘I’ll be back soon’ to his Daughter before turning the corner. He lets out a deep breath as he lays out the plan in his head. Figure out why you’re here, and get back to Charlie as fast as inhumanly possible.
Picking his feet up again, he makes his way to the lobby of the hotel, he looks around for a moment before spotting the check in desk. ‘They usually keep visitor information there, right?’
He quickly scours the desk, looking for any forms or documents that have your room number, before finally setting his eyes on your room number. It didn’t take long to find you seeing as there were such few occupants in the hotel.
He memorized your room and repeated it to himself while walking to your door. Past the first, 2nd, then finally, halfway through the hallway on the 3rd floor he finds it. Before he can knock, a sudden wave of worry floods his senses. Seriously, Why would he hesitate now?!
He shuffled around nervously, starting to doubt this little mission of his. Should he really be doing this? Is he really worried about you being here or is the real reason he came here because he wanted to… apologize to you? It’s true that the guilt of what happened all those years ago was still there. But… Digging up old memories just because he’s selfish and wants to apologize to you? He takes a deep breath.
He had to make things better or… at least get some things off his chest. So, with a heavy fist and an even heavier heart, he gently knocks on the hard wooden door…
This had been the longest 10 minutes of your life, trying to decide wether to send Adam the message, or to even return to tour with Charlie at all. As much as it pains you to say, you still become anxiety ridden when he’s in the room or even the mere mention of him. That spark of defiance you had in the lobby earlier being nothing but a small bit of courage. But you remembered that you had promised Charlie you’d be there for her, and you certainly weren’t one to take back a promise.
Before you could decide what to do, you hear an ever so faint knock on your door. Curiosity peaked, You thought Charlie was supposed to be waiting for you on the 4th floor? Had you taken too long and the tour went south? You quickly made your way to the door and hoped you wouldn’t see a very angry Charlie on the other side.
As the wooden-door creaked open, your face slowly turned bitter at The short, impish man who stood on the other side. Lucifer Morningstar. To be honest, you much would have preferred the angry Charlie, TWO very angry Charlies over this.
The man shuffled awkwardly in place, gripping his cane. Neither of you could break the silence . He avoided any eye-contact with you and even you couldn’t hide The disgusted expression on your face when looking at him. Finally after what feels like 3x the eternity you’ve lived thus far, you spoke In shaky words, ”What do you want?”
Lucifer pushed out his words as well as he could, meek they were, but you understood what he said “Can we please…talk?”
Your fingers gripped at the door, nails embedding into the wood, leaving scratches. It took all you had not to slam the door right in his face, but even if you had, it wouldn’t have solved any pressing issues. If anything, it might make him against Charlie’s idea with the hotel, which you couldn’t afford. You take a deep breath before letting out a quick but unsavory,
“5 minutes”
The short demon shuffles his way into the room as you follow in behind him, locking the door to prevent someone like Nifty or Charlie from walking in. Lucifer stands timidly by your nightstand as you stand on the complete opposite side of the room, facing him. Lucifer runs his neck as he lets out a shaky sigh “I just want to know what you’re doing here…” he pauses, he looks like he has more to say but decided not to.
You can only laugh to yourself “I’m here because I believe I think Charlie’s idea has potential to be great. The exterminations, they have to end… that’s why I’m here”
Lucifer seem a bit… surprised? Surprised with your stance on the exterminations. you figured he needed more than that so you continue “I… I’ve never been one for the exterminations. I've been against them from the start. I just didn't know what else to do. Nothing else seemed…right.“
He stayed silent, processing what you told him. He really didn’t understand you, he had a completely warped view of you. “If that’s all you wanted to know I’d rather you take your leave-“
“No!” You step back at the sudden raise in voice but he quickly clears his throat “No, there’s another thing. I would… I’d like to apologize to you about how things went… when we first met.”
You stared at him, the silence once again feeling the air. You didn’t dare break it, you watched as the impish man looked around with anxiety, trying to find the right words. “It’s always been there, in the back of my mind. How we- I, treated you. It was unacceptable… Lilith kept telling me to let it go, that she was done thinking about it, but I just couldn’t.” He takes a deep breath “so, I’m so sorry for hurting you, Y/n…”
Lucifer Morningstar. The man in front of you looked more akin to a puddle than a person at this point. Sweat dripped from his face, a scrunched mouth filled with a sour taste. He wasn’t looking at you, focusing his attention to the ground. Finally, after many long seconds later. You step forward, grabbing his attention.
“As much as I appreciate the apology, I don’t forgive you.” Lucifer began to speak or at least say he understood but no matter what his reaction was going to be, you interrupted him ‘“-I don’t forgive you, because I’m not the one who deserves it”
To that, Lucifer's head was struck with confusion, “what do you mean?” He tried to make sense of your words, shifting eyes looking around in unease before landing on a framed photo of a candlelit man, an old and forgotten, yet familiar smile on his face… ”You mean… Adam?” Despite his best efforts around you, saying the first man’s name still dripped his words with venom. That same sour taste filling his mouth at the mere mention of him. ”What does-” he stops himself, he knows why.
You breathe in slowly, “What you said to me, all of those years ago, hasn’t meant anything to me in a long time. I’ve gotten through it 10x over and finally understand that I am more than those words” you take another step towards him, closing the gap, “so… there's no use for your apology to me. But Adam… you’ve hurt him more than you couldn’t possibly imagine“
The room was filled with dense air, like any sudden move could kill the king of hell or even you at any second but still you continue. “Adam deserved so much better than what he was forced to have from you, so if anyone deserves your apology, it’s him.” He goes to speak but you shut him down again “but we all know that you are too prideful to do so, and Adam… he’s too stubborn to hear it”
You don’t yell, scream, all of your words coming soft from your lips “So… what you’re going to do, if you truly mean what you say. You will go back to your daughter, forget this conversation ever happened, then you can march back to your big castle with your Loving wife, and leave us be, for the rest of eternity.”
With that, you step away from him, words that have been bubbling inside you for centuries finally having been let out. It felt like several hundred pounds had been lifted off of you. You begin to walk to the door to let him out, wanting the conversation to be over, When you hear him speak a faint ”Ex-Wife actually”
You pause, your teeth already biting your tongue. Honestly, if you really thought about it, it was poetic. The Angel who ruined two marriages, leaving Adam nothing but a broken heart and baggage, ended up with a failed marriage himself.
But even still, you still felt a slight pain of pity for him. Through clenched teeth you let out ”I'm… sorry to hear that. It must be hard.”
This kind of thing, no matter the person, is always tough. You knew the aftermath of it through Adam, even now he struggles with so many issues from it. In that regard, you felt pity for the ruler of hell, but the rest of you felt… glad? Glad that he finally understands just a thorn of the pain he inflicted on Adam.
“The 5 minutes are up so… go now… please.” Your voice shakes near the end, your will power for everything you’ve done starting to break. Lucifer looked equally as defeated, you could tell he wanted to say more but he just nodded his head before walking out the door. slowly, silently, you close the door back before sliding down it as your legs give out.
You wanted to cry, scream, do anything but sit there, but you couldn’t. Your voice hurts from talking, your feet hurt from standing, everything just… hurts.
A luminous yellow light follows the sound, you lifted your head and saw your phone on your nightstand. Adam… You used all of your strength to make it to your bed, practically having to crawl to avoid any more tiredness in your aching body. You finally land on the soft mattress to pick up your phone, seeing the plethora of messages from Adam.
Yo Bitch, everything good??
You’ve been typing for like 10 minutes
Answer me
Oh, that’s why he was texting. You had completely forgotten your half written message you were debating on sending earlier. You start to delete it and rewrite it when suddenly,
You sigh at the screen, your phone vibration sends chills through your aching arms, it acts as a lifeline for you not to fall asleep on the soft plush beneath you. You press the answer button.
‘Fuck Babe, finally! Are you ok?!” Adam’s voice sounded angry but you know he was just worried “you’ve been texting for like 15 minutes”
“Yeah, don’t worry Adam, I... must have fallen asleep while trying to message you”
“It’s 12 in the afternoon, you dont normally fall asleep in the middle of the day” Adam questions, his voice having obvious worry for you.
“Today’s just been very tiring. But I promise I’m fine, it’s just happened a lot today.” You hated lying to him, your other half, but you know this is something that he shouldn’t have to worry about.
You hear him groan, “how many times do I have to fuckin’ tell you not to overwork yourself for those sinners”
“I know, I’m sorry” you pause “I… I have to go now but I promise I’ll call you later, yeah?“
He was quiet on the other side before he lets out “Yeah, just don’t overdo yourself ok?” His voice was soft, no hint of sarcasm or anger, just him.
You let out a small breathy laugh “I promise. Have fun at your show tonight. Talk to you later, love you.”
“Love you too”
You sigh to yourself, you still have the tour to do. It’s fine, everything is fine.
Tomorrow will be a better day. it has to be.
TAGLIST: @tired-of-life-86 @nervoussystemss @qopia @lovelyemily @hcneyiced @v3r41ynn
@ghostdoodlen @nxptvne-13 @ximenavc-che
@edgyfluff @ericityyy @diffidentphantom @faimmm @slasher-whore69 @1-randomized @ozzersauce @fanlovedlt @alientee @pandaquick @white-00-7 @call-me-nyx @adamstruelove @jennieyeager @sillyycatt @solatiium @my-name-is-heartache @parisiterileymoon @titan-senpai @lovely-night-owl-86 @innergardentoadpony @animefan106sposts @starlightstarbrightmyfirststar @lovkayy @ilikedrinkingsoda @barrythestrawberry041 @deadpoolssweetchimi @asegirllovesreadingporn @ripashy @deleted-1-800 @sirenetheblogger @ur1nonlygabi @aweleyirene @n0tmentallystable
(I really hope I didn’t forget anyone if I did, just asked to be added in the comments!!)
Shoutout to these specific asked as well, love you all <3
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aclowntiny · 2 years ago
Hiii, can you do svt meeting your parents for the first time?
Hiiiiiiiii!!!! My first request, I'm so excited 😁 I so can friend!!!
(To keep it inclusive, I am putting a bit for *if* there is any language barrier with your parents, but if there wouldn't be, then feel free to ignore that hehe 😌 enjoy queens, kings, all my little monarch butterflies 🥰🦋)
Seventeen Meeting Your Parents For the First Time (Gender Neutral Reader)
Warnings: some slight language is all!
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♡ He's simultaneously nervous & excited, AKA get ready to see Seungcheol practically bursting at the seams before you walk into your house. You, for your part, remind him that he's a great guy anyone's parents would love & to think of all the fun you two already had in your hometown that day.
♡ He immediately introduces himself so politely, saying it's an honor to meet your parents and you smile, any vestigial worries you had fading away.
♡ If your he and parents don't speak the same language fluently, he may rely on you a little bit to help bridge the gaps, but he really wants to do his best, so he tries to say anything he can himself and make eye contact with your parents. Will absolutely try his darndest to compliment their house, what they feed him, everything!
♡ Seungcheol is so caring and used to managing lots of people, so he immediately jumps in with offers to help or even serve your parents. They thank him, but insist he sit down because he's a guest. Neither you nor your boyfriend miss the glance they shoot you, one that says seems like a keeper to me.
♡ My gosh, we all know he's a family man too, so when they ask him about what he wants in life, if he wants to get married or *hint hint* would you guys give them grandchildren, and he says yes, he'd love that, hopefully three sons and a daughter if he can get (y/n) on board, well shoot, they'll practically help him pick out rings then and there!
♡ He sighs in relief as you guys leave, a big smile on his face. "That went well!" You exclaim, taking his hands in excitement. "I told you!" "You're right, I knew to trust you~" "I think my parents will want to see a lot more of you," you joke. "I don't have a problem with that," Seungcheol responds. What a man!
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♡ Oh you already know this man is going to WIN YOUR PARENTS OVER. He's pretty ready TBH. Honestly, while his heart is beating faster, it makes him so happy to be meeting your parents, that almost overrides the nerves (almost). You're so sure they'll love him, it fills his heart, too.
♡ He comes with a gift for your parents, this generous guy! He brings flowers for your mom and a drink you tell him your dad will like, which they happily accept.
♡ If there's a language barrier, he does his best to convey how thankful he is to them to be visiting the home of your family and how well they raised you. If you have to say it for him, he greatly appreciates how flustered you look repeating his words, barely resisting the urge to pinch your cheeks in front of your mom and dad.
♡ He helps you set the table, meeting your eyes as you lay everything out with a deep gaze because this all feels so domestic and as a loving homebody, it's perfect. Where you guys are almost fades away in his mind until he hears your mother thank him, shooting back up and away from you to look at her once more.
♡ Goodness me this man is an intent listener. He truly enjoys hearing the stories your parents tell and has very clear answers to their questions. He knows what he likes to do and is mature enough to answer with confidence that he wants a committed relationship, a future with their child if you want that, too- which you of course agree you do. He also delights your parents by answering the grandkid question, getting a bit flustered but happily telling them if you were down, he loves the idea of becoming a father of two personally.
♡ They can see as you sit together how much love Jeonghan looks at you with. It just totally fills up his eyes and the way he turns to you. So much so that when you go over to where the dishes are being washed, your father having been chatting with the two of you, she tells you she's never seen someone so loving with you. When you tell your boyfriend how he touched your mom's heart, he almost tears up, but instead settles for just about yanking you into the house and cuddling the heck out of you. He also thanks you for the experience, it was very sweet even if there were awkward moments at first.
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♡ "Meeting the parents is always the hardest part!" Joshua exclaims, though his tone sounds half-joking, not despairing. You chuckle at him, leaning a bit closer. "Be for real, Joshua, have you ever had problems with people's parents?" "No," he admits, "they usually seem to like me." "Then don't be worried," you tease him.
♡ Joshua knows a little bit of a handful of languages, so while the chances of a big barrier are sort of small, if it's there he'll probably ask you how to say all the most basic and polite things so he can properly let your parents know he's grateful to them for opening their home to him.
♡ And that's exactly what he does, says thank you before introducing himself, and right away you see your dad is pleased you're in the hands of a polite young man. He says their house is pretty, too, which your mom never forgets ever.
♡ When it's time to eat, Joshua pulls out your chair for you, leading you to flash a victorious grin to your mother, who looks down and chuckles, giving an amused little head shake. You're so proud of this one.
♡ Eloquent and calm of a speaker as he is, Joshua doesn't seem nervous as he gives explanations to what his parents want to know and describes how he enjoys playing the guitar, some of his favorite experiences he's had with you, like the time he took you skating, and even his favorite parts of living in LA and how it compares to Seoul. The whole time, though, one of his hands has reached for yours under the table and is gently holding it like you're his little anchor.
♡ "Why couldn't you have done this the first time?" Your parents joke to you, a message you surreptitiously relay to Joshua. "Your streak remains intact," you tell him. "So I'm a keeper?" He asks, eyes shining at you like you were a trophy he'd won. "I knew that without them," you shoot back, leaning in to give him a peck on the lips, "but now my parents know it too."
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♡ Jun's nervous, but also finds meeting the parents super endearing, so he has some extra energy buzzing as you get ready. He can't wait to see if you look like your parents up close and personal and if their mannerisms are like yours. People have senses of how they are similar to their parents, yet they can never see it all. The way you guys move, the faces you make, all of those are things Jun can't wait to see.
♡ If he has any trouble communicating with your parents, he'll probably get inquisitive, like asking them what they call things or checking with you to make sure what he says is right. May accidentally slip up and call something by its Chinese name in a moment of confusion, but everyone has a good laugh, even Junhui itself.
♡ He tells your parents he can see where you got your good looks from :)))
♡ They ask him questions about his hobbies and work and stuff, so he ends up showing your parents some really impressive dance moves, getting shy when he sees the surprise on their faces, but it gives him some energy. Soon, he's doing impressions of other Seventeen members, giving a colorful picture of his bandmates that makes them laugh.
♡ Something they enjoy about Jun even more is the stories he tells about his little brother. They can tell he's caring and could be a family man: someone they could see themselves trusting with their child. He loves his mother, too, which is clear in the adoring way he talks about her. Definitely a few son-in-law points for Jun lol
♡ You can't help but tease him after you get back in the car. "Oh, you've done it now." Jun's face falls. "Did I make a mistake? Was someone upset?" "No, you love your mom so much my mom's really going to want you as her son now!" "O-oh." Jun blushes, but he can't stop smiling and showing you affection all night, whether it's holding your hand in the car or giving you a hug as you walk.
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♡ Mr. Kwon Soonyoung wants THE FULL CRASH COURSE. He'll want to know things your parents like, any pet peeves they have so he can avoid doing them, this man will be studying like it's final exam week! You laugh after a while at all the effort he's putting in considering how to bring up your dad's favorite sport or the movies you guys love to watch. "Don't worry, you're a total people person, Soonyoung. And don't try to pull the introvert card on me, that's different!"
♡ A language barrier would put a slight damper on everything just because all his little tips and pointers he gave himself would be that much harder to bring up, but his desire to connect with people and energy shine through and through no matter what! He probably finds an excuse to give your parents a dance show hehe
♡ He takes such good care of you, all but hovering over you which your parents think is cute. The whole meal you guys share, he's making sure you're getting enough and asking what your favorite is both to make sure you get it and to try a bit himself :)
♡ When talking, Soonyoung stutters a fair bit, but manages to slip in a few of the mentions he wanted, making a reference that lights your parents' faces up with joy and yours with pride. Points scored, tiger!
♡ After dinner you guys start playing a game at your boyfriend's suggestion; he wants to get some of his energy out, his leg having been bouncing all dinner. Plus, if your parents ask him a ton of questions he might pass out. Games are more fun! He suggests your favorite game because he knows how much you like it, giving you a knowing look that your parents catch and smile at.
♡ The game seemed to be a good call of an icebreaker, you and Soonyoung strolling out of your parents' in high spirits. You're holding onto the tall frame of your boyfriend, who's waving brightly and enthusiastically with that adorable grin you loved so much. "Looks like you had a good time." "Yeah, but did they?" "My mom texted me and called you cute, so I think you won some points." Soonyoung leaps in the air, then grabs you and kisses you joyously, giving a whoop. "Your studies paid off," you giggle.
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♡ Wonwoo is naturally a more reserved person, so he worries that it's hard to grab the spotlight in social situations, but you reassure him. "Are you kidding? Think of all the boisterous people parents meet when their kids are young. I'm sure my parents will be refreshed by you- you're smart, reasonable, kind..." "Yeah, that's true, I am huh?" You just laugh, head falling onto his shoulder.
♡ Just as you said, you have an intelligent boyfriend, so even if he isn't able to fluently speak to your parents, he did some research and can pick up things to say to them pretty quickly, especially if you do any on-the-go translations.
♡ Your parents ask him some questions, naturally, like what Wonwoo enjoys doing. Their eyebrows raise at first when he says he likes to play games, but when he starts talking about reading, they look pleased.
♡ Like duh they are, this guy actually takes care of himself and manage living on his own like an adult and has an international driver's license and can handle interacting with them almost like a peer??? King.
♡ He makes an offhand comment during dinner to reassure you about something and that's when he really sees your parents light up because this man knows and understands you deeply- it's a subtle thing about you that others haven't picked up on or worked with and there he was getting it like it was nothing.
♡ "I think they're happy with you," you commented when the evening was over. "You think so?" "Yeah, they cut the questions and got into deeper stuff pretty fast. I could tell they respected you. My guess is they call me tonight or tomorrow and tell me they're glad I chose you." "Well, I have to say I agree with them there, too," Wonwoo tells you with a smile and a quick hug.
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♡ "What if they don't like me?" Jihoon asks, shooting you a nervous glance. You just laugh. "Jihoon, everyone likes you. Have you seen any of your members lately?" "Yeah, I guess they do, but I'm not dating any of their kids. They don't even have-" Resting a hand on your shoulder, you give him one more firm reassurance. "Trust me, don't try or anything. Just be yourself and get to know them."
♡ If Jihoon and your parents speak different languages, he may rely on you a little bit, but the last way he wants to come across is too dependent on you, so he may push himself further out of his comfort zone than he usually would.
♡ He's extremely polite, almost to the point of being formal, so you take the reins of the conversation at first to loosen him up, telling him things about your parents that he can bond with them over or even straight-up hyping him up to them.
♡ Of course, you inevitably bring up music, enjoying the smile that breaks across Jihoon's face, shyly at first at the praise and spotlight, but soon he relaxes, passion flooding into him as he forgets himself just a little. Your parents have their own styles of music and favorite artists, so of course they want to know if your boyfriend ever listens to them. They're impressed to learn how many songs he really writes, that his group has a producer within it, not just singing whatever they're given. Your heart swells with pride as Jihoon gets more in his element.
♡ Your dad and him get chatting, just sort of going down a rabbit hole, but it makes you laugh because they sort of have similar temperaments??? They just sort of shoot the breeze after a while, you guys chilling after you ate with anything you wanted to drink, sitting on the couches.
♡ Jihoon still wasn't sure as you guys left what your parents were thinking. "You did fine," you told him, "they were relaxed, which is a good thing. They felt at ease." "You could tell?" "Oh, yeah, they weren't being fake at all. They stopped feeling weird when you did!" "Well, that was thanks to you." "And you! Believe in yourself, darn it!" Jihoon just laughed, shaking his head. "That's why I love you."
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♡ "I want them to love me! (y/n), how do I get them to love me?" Shaking your head, you smile. "Just be yourself, Seokmin, that's all you had to do to get me to love you."
♡ All Seokmin's nerves manifest in the form of giddiness and awkward humor, so you try to still him as he cracks semi-self-deprecating jokes in the car by holding his hand and telling him to trust you, that you wouldn't have taken him home if you thought it would go badly: heck, most people wouldn't even stay with their partner if they thought it would go so bad at home!
♡ With the possibility of your parents speaking a different language, he'll definitely be extra nervous, but try to say as much as possible. He tries to work in as many jokes as he can and be extra expressive in other ways to get his point across, which is pretty much how he is naturally anyway. No matter if your parents and him speak the same language or not, they'll be laughing a lot together!
♡ One thing you can tell your parents appreciate about Seokmin besides his natural joy and humor is that he's attentive to you; he serves you once your meal is ready, gets you your drink, and makes sure you're situated before lifting a finger for himself. Your parents are visibly pleased by the way he values you.
♡ A member of the 'hey, let's play a game :)' squad because what better way to lighten the mood and take pressure off of everyone talking and performing, right? Will absolutely let your parents pick what game, though, even if he's never played it. "What's parcheesi? ...I mean, yes, that sounds great!"
♡ He pretends to faint when you leave, and as you laugh and play along, "picking him back up", you ask him how he honestly felt. "I had a good time. Do you think they did, too?" "Well, they laughed a lot. I think your story about Hosh at the pizza place really got them hooked. I told you, remember? I was confident your lovable ways wouldn't fail." At that, your boyfriend blushes. "If it wasn't for you, I totally would have spilled your drink everywhere and probably wouldn't have shaken your dad's hand." "Yeah, but they didn't see either of those things, so you're good."
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♡ Get ready for charming guy! Mingyu isn't worried about meeting your parents. Well, there's a small, little teensy tiny part of him that worries he'll do something embarrassing, but he's confident in himself.
♡ If you didn't know your boyfriend so well, you'd be surprised at how boldly he just goes up to your parents and greets them, like wow, so... professional???
♡ Mingyu views a potential language barrier as a personal challenge, something he wants to put work in to overcome. That's probably one of the first things he'll say, in fact: that he wants to work on being able to speak well to your parents for everyone's sake.
♡ From that fear of embarrassment, the closest thing he does to anything like that is just a funny misspeak, and though he blushes everyone laughs so it's really not even all that!
♡ The thing he impresses your parents with besides being outgoing and respectful in his greetings is that Mingyu can cook! As you guys eat dinner, it's something he can bond with your parents over and gain an extra few points of mother's approval with because who doesn't want their kid to score a man who knows his way around a kitchen? Plus your mom mouths to you when he's not looking that he's handsome, lol.
♡ Mingyu gets a huge grin on his face the moment you leave. All you can do is smile and roll your eyes. "They liked me, didn't they?" "Well, if you could tell, of course I could! We both knew they would. You're the most outgoing and mature person I've ever brought home!" "And I cook, too~ What a keeper I am~" You smack his shoulder, but also kiss his cheek because what can you say, he's right? You wouldn't have brought Mingyu home otherwise.
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♡ Minghao doesn't usually care what people think, like he is who he is and he's secure in that, but hey, no one wants their partner's parents to hate them you know? 🤷🏻‍♀️ he doesn't make some grand plan or worry about establishing a pretense, but just hopes they can see how much he loves their child, too.
♡ If there's a language barrier between them, Minghao puts his all into listening and being intentional with how he interacts with your parents, but he also appreciates that you don't leave him alone with them forever if that's the case, keeping the line of communication open.
♡ He gets kind of shy and smiley because you start hyping him up, reminding your parents what an amazing artist and all around talented man he is, asking if he would show them pictures of things he's made.
♡ Hope your parents have pets, because this man will absolutely melt everyone's hearts with how sweetly he interacts with them, holding them so gently if they let him and giggling at anything adorable they do!
♡ Your boyfriend also has the sweetest view of the future, like the way he talks about his own parents and how their love story really inspires how he wants to live, and of course your own parents love that. He is able to come across as the kind, mature person he is, and no parents can be mad about that!
♡ He also manages to make them laugh with a few choice impressions of the other Seventeen members, and when you leave you congratulate him on how well he did, that you could see how your parents relaxed and enjoyed spending time with him. "I think they're really sure now I'm in good hands. But warning: they'll probably try inviting you around whenever they can!" "That's alright with me. I want to get close to the people who raised you into who you are." How did you get so lucky???
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♡ Seungkwan looks like he wants to throw up on the way to your parents' home. Volunteering to drive was clearly a good call. "Sweetheart, you're amazing with people, what are you so worried about?" You chuckle, grabbing one of the hands he has folded in his lap. "Well, I've heard stories about your mom, and-" "My mom didn't like my last boyfriend because he was a dick, ok? He barely would talk to her. You're going to be leagues better." "That's true, I still can't believe how he treated you," Seungkwan comments, gripping your hand now that he's successfully distracted, "If I ever saw him, I'd-" "Yeah, yeah, save that, my mom'll love that, she still hates him."
♡ If there's any language barriers with your parents, Seungkwan is an amazing boyfriend to have. Even though he's nervous, he immediately smiles and does his best to communicate with them. He'll try using any amount of your parents' language he knows and isn't afraid to repeat things they say to him to learn. He even makes jokes about his own mistakes or just starts talking in gibberish when he's confused, so that breaks tension and lightens the mood too!
♡ His usually affectionate ways stiffen and fade, though, at least at first, because he doesn't know how his parents will react if he touches you, even though he prefers innocent affection like holding your hands in his, putting his arm around you, or giving you a hug from behind. He just doesn't want them to beat his ass lol
♡ Just as you called, Seungkwan is such a naturally outgoing and funny person, he has your parents laughing with the way he tells stories and listens to them intently too, smiling and interjecting little things like "oh really?" and "wow!" so they know he's really giving listening his all.
♡ The moment you guys finish dinner, he starts cleaning up without any discussion, and though they make him sit back down, you and Seungkwan can both tell how much your parents appreciate it. He tries to still make things easier like collecting and stacking dishes he can reach from the table, which makes your mom especially smile.
♡ The one time you bring up your ex in talking about somewhere you went with him, Seungkwan manages to throw in a small shade, his expression contorting hilariously as he does it, which your mom does in fact love. They have a mini shade session and that's how you know Seungkwan is in. You make sure to tell him that when you guys leave. "See? I told you, you're amazing, my parents are open-minded anyway, there was no way it would go badly! They'll probably want to talk to you now whenever we call." "That's alright with me, your parents are fun to be around. I see where you get it from," he comments, wrapping his arm around your shoulders now that your parents can't see.
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♡ He's wide-eyed the whole drive, lowkey looking like he's on another astral plane. "You ok?" "Yeah, I just...can't believe this is happening. It's kinda crazy, I've heard stories about your parents, but now I'm going to really see them." "They'll like you," you tell him, a joking smile crossing your face as you elbow him, "they'll be happy I'm finally with someone chill."
♡ If your parents have pets, Vernon totally becomes immediate besties with them, which endears your parents to your boyfriend that much more. He's quiet and gentle with them, and showing a respect for life is a good sign in their eyes.
♡ He'll know already if there's any potential of a language barrier. It intimidates him, especially since he's already a pretty quiet person, so he may do a lot of talking through you, but everything he says is sincere. Probably tries to make a joke to make up for it.
♡ Vernon is one of the more inquisitive ones, asking your parents questions, too. Not interrogating them like they'll want to do to him lol, but he wants to know what they enjoy, how long they've lived where they lived, just little things like that to help him understand them. I mean hey, they're strangers too, you know?
♡ You're different around your parents. More relaxed. You lived with these people for how many years, after all? Vernon smiles, feeling like he's truly seeing you in your element now that you're home. You crack some super goofy running joke you have with your family that has him in stitches, and it finally helps him shake off some stiffness and formality. They may be your parents, but they're also people, you know?
♡ He gathers info about your parent's humor and interest, probably finding a meme or something he read that breaks the ice a little more so he can relate to them. They love it if he already knows anything about their interests. When you and Vernon finally take off, he tells your parents how nice it was to meet them and thanks them for having him. You tell him as you guys pull away that he did good. "You were so easy, they'll love you for that. No shmoozing or anything. I can tell they had fun." "Well," Vernon smiles, "I did too."
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♡ This man right here??? Is absolutely DETERMINED to make your parents love him, whatever that takes. You'll probably have to remind him that trying too hard and showing off will have the opposite effect. "Trust me, my first boyfriend was like that. It didn't work," you told him with a laugh.
♡ Chan wants to overcome any potential language barriers, so he'll probably keep things concise but as charming as possible, like interjecting small jokes and compliments when he can just to make your parents smile and show he's making an effort.
♡ When they start asking him about goals and passions, that's when he really lights up. In his mind, that's his time to shine. He tells them that he's still learning, but working to improve himself and grow every day, explaining that performing is his life, but he never wants that to come at the expense of neglecting their kid either! He wants to take care of you! If you have to translate this, my gosh he'll have you getting shy and blushing, trying to keep down his own satisfied smile at this because he doesn't want to seem cocky.
♡ He'll probably be another one to suggest playing a game with your parents to help break the ice, making everyone comfortable and releasing some of the interrogation pressure.
♡ This particular game you happen to beat his ass badly at, which honestly just gives your parents that much more to be proud of you for and laugh at so Chan can't even be mad, he just joins in! Your joy is infectious, negating his competitive side...for now. The next game, it's so on. He probably teams up with your mom to take down you and your dad, which they have a lot of fun with.
♡ "That was fun, right?" "Yes," Chan sighs, arms falling around you, "but I'm kind of glad it was over." "Uh oh." "What?" "I hope you won't be disappointed if they want to do this again. They're going to want to be close to you, you know." Chan puts his hand under his chin, pretending to think. "Well, if it lets your mom and I get revenge for that cheap move you pulled, then I'll do it!" "There's the Lee Chan I know," you grin.
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heartsplitopen · 5 months ago
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- I couldn’t study for the past couple days because I was actually being social and hanging out with friends (shocker) but I’m back at it again today! I felt refreshed after my break and ready to tackle LSAT problems
- I read and took notes from a chapter in my PowerScore Logical Reasoning Bible which focused on method of reasoning questions
- I struggled a little with the practice problems, but I think I have a good understanding of how to approach these types of problems going forward
- I then took a practice logical reasoning section and did ok; for all the sections I’ve been doing I’ve been getting about the same amount of questions wrong, which is both positive and negative. It’s great that I’m not getting more problems than usual wrong, but I wish I was making more progress at a faster rate since the November LSAT for me is this Saturday
- to manage how overwhelming and boring studying can be sometimes, I’ve been taking more breaks in-between to do stuff I enjoy. It really helps to break up my study sessions this way. Today I read a chapter in a nonfiction book I’ve been reading for fun which was a great palate cleanser
- tomorrow I’ll be back to studying, probably going through the next PowerScore chapter which focuses on flaw in the reasoning questions which I’ve struggled with. hopefully I’ll also be able to take another full or partial practice test
- I also can’t believe the election is tomorrow it’s a little mind-boggling. idk how well I’ll be able to focus on studying with all that going on tbh 😅 but we will see what happens
- hope everyone is having a great day!
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thearchercore · 1 year ago
alex albon saying rb and ferrari look like the only two cars not affected by the wind omg! very curious to see what times we get from charles and max tomorrow afternoon - hopefully they go crazy trading fast laps if we get some performance runs (which we ideally should)
also merc believes that rb are 1s faster lmao idk if this is them playing underdogs or rb are actually sandbagging that much
we will see! both teams may still be sandbagging but tbh, i joked that charles and max cant act civil when racing next to each other so we may get some action.
the afternoon session is kinda the unofficial session of first drivers of the teams so it will be interesting to see how it turns out
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pastafossa · 2 years ago
Ok. TRT business and a question, cause I need feedback from readers at this point.
First: the final chapter of the Raven What If fic should be posted this week, I'm about done editing it. The bigger, much more important question: So I have a potential chapter for tomorrow. I've been worrying and fretting over posting it, not because I think it's bad, but because it's short by TRT standards, currently around 2k words, and it both frustrates me and makes me feel weirdly guilty at the thought of dropping what's so much less than my usual. I'm used to being able to write longer chapters, being able to squeeze everything I want into them, and I have a literal outline of this goddamn chapter that has this good stuff in it and I know what needs to be written. I can see it right there. The movie is playing in my head just fine. But the truth of it is, my writing is slow at the moment thanks to post-covid brain fog. I'm checking in with my doctor, I've started taking specific supplements (which I'm hoping to see results from in the next few weeks), I'm clawing my way back bit by bit, but I continue to write slowly, mostly because I either can't focus or I have to stop every few sentences to struggle with a word I can't remember. It's incredibly frustrating. The thing is though, at least I *am* writing, which gives me hope. But this is where you - the readers - come in. Because right now we have two possible paths for updates going forward for a bit. Option 1: Longer gaps between our usual chapters. If we go this road, it'll take longer but as I chip away, I'll eventually have the full planned chapter, which I'd post. This would be a chapter closer to what we've had most weeks for the past oh god like 2 years. At current speed I'd drop it in a few weeks, and then hopefully the next one would come a little faster, until eventually we're back to our usual. So basically, you'd get your big chunks when the updates do come, and the same natural endpoints and arcs as before. Drawback is obviously the time between updates, so you won't be fed as often (though I'd try to find things in my editing folder to clean up and drop, like the Raven fic).
Option 2: Shorter chapters but more regular updates. If we go this road, we'd be back to weekly updates of our adventures with Matt and Jane. There'd just be less than usual for a bit and then, hopefully as I improve, you'll see the word count begin to climb back up. So in this case, you'd be getting a weekly dose of TRT, the usual fluff and angst and action, but the catch is less overall to read (likely individual scenes rather than multiples), and potentially sudden endpoints/more cliffhangers as I 'end' at what was outlined as a scene change.
Which way I go will mostly depend on ya'll tbh. I think I can make either work, since I've managed to start writing a little again and I really, really am hoping the supplements help. But since this'll potentially alter the update schedule we've had for years, I wanted to see which you'd prefer.
So, Option One - longer gaps but long chapters - or Option Two - shorter chapters weekly. Which would you prefer?
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lestappenforever · 9 months ago
I know its been a day, but I wasn’t able to watch the race fully yesterday, and this is my take on what I saw
Firstly, VCARB. The cars just wasn’t there this weekend, and we can’t lie, their quali and the fact that they kind of got stuck all throughout the race cost them, and being stuck behind someone in a track like Circuit de Catalunya, which teams go for 2-3 stops in because tyres are dead, and with dirty air. Yeah it just wasn’t it for these guys. But hopefully next seek they are able to be back, because they do have the speed, and they could go far in terms if points this tear.
Williams just aren’t on the right foot all year. And this race was no exception, poor quali, slowest car. You can’t expect your drivers to compete if you don’t give them the tools. 2023 parts in the 2024 car for a driver and the other that had the 2024 parts still is p18. Yeah, they need to get their shit together and stop blaming Logan for not getting points when nit providing him with the Machine and an equal opportunity as his team mate, who isn’t also performing.
Aston Martin was in the wring foot this week. The car isn’t bad, but they still need to wirk hard. A team like them is “supposedly” a top 5 team in the constructors. That’s what they gave us last year. But they need to work on their car because it just is not adding up.
Alpine, double points for the second week running is VERY impressive and important because of their tractor at the beginning of the season. They seemed to have put the work and it’s starting to show. But in order for it to be a fair comparison, give both your drivers the lighter chassis, not just one while leaving the other with the overweight one, and expect hin to perform greatly. It just doesn’t make much sense tbh.
Ferrari are way better than Canada, that’s for sure. Getting back up after a hard blow is not something easy, but they were not too bad all weekend, but they were also not that good. Charles and Carlos having an incident, then Carlos and Lewis. Carlos is getting frustrated for sure, but he needs to get his head in the game, because these silly mistakes could coat him , Charles and Ferrari points, like it did in Canada. But nonetheless, their strategy was not on point , with pitting Charles quite late, almost same time as Lando, it cost him a fight fir forth or even third place.
Second race in a row, second Mercedes podium. Tbh, these upgrades have given both George and Lewis so much confidence in their cars, with the lead that George stole fron Lando, to both being able to keep Lando, in the fastest car of the race behind them a couple of laps, to their calls. They are on the right trajectory and it’s something we don’t hate to see.
McLaren are getting cocky. And don’t get me wring, I’m impressed with their progress in one year, but they’re getting too cocky for their own good. Oscar did a phenomenal race from starting in p9 to ending p7, overtaking and a right strategy, but he’s in the fastest car, and couldn’t get past the Ferraris who were on a considerably “wrong foot” since Canada. Meanwhile Landi started on pole, by the end of lap 1, lost 2 positions, tried to overtake and got stuck in dirty air, and when his engineer asked him , he said fight for the win, which I respect, but fucked his strategy with the time he pitted and then being stuck unable to regain first. Let’s be real. McLaren have no one to blame for this race but themselves, because they were the fastest all weekend and have been for a while, yet they didn’t win. And Zak Brown should definitely eat his words that if you put someone other than Max in the fastest car, they’d win, and no one is faster than Lando, well guess what. Lando had the fastest car, and has had it since Miami, yet won only one race, why is that Zak. Eat. Your. Words.
Lastly Red Bull. Are they making progress, yes for sure and that could be evident on Checo, who is regaining more confidence after 2 horrible races for him in a row. Starting P11, regaining and ending p8 (granted not the best result, but points finish nonetheless) and be wasn’t 100% happy with the car. And saying he’ll continue to fight, I’m sure he will, and Checo will return to the podium very soon, especially because his strategy wasn’t the best and the penalty cost him a bit, but he’s regaining that confidence and that’s what we like. Then we have the one who literally destroyed the dreams of those around him. You can’t tell me that that race wasn’t all Max, because it was. The overtake on George that was as it was written in the book. To being able to communicate effectively with GP. To the strategy that had Max lead into lap 2. To then win the race in the second fastest car, snatching the win from the fastest. Yeah he’s unbelievable, but the team need to wake up, and provide him with upgrades that would enable them both (Max and Checo) to be more confident and less concerned with how their cars will perform (upgrades please red bull thank you)
Well, this is my race analysis for 1/3 of the upcoming triple header. And I want to end it on something I read about Max. Because HE is what makes the difference, not the car
It said something like there are great drivers in fats cars then there is the fastest driver in a great car. And I guess this sums up the Spanish GP top 2 in a nutshell
BRING ON AUSTRIA (May we listen to the Austrian and Dutch anthems tomorrow and enjoy it, and hopefully more on Sunday)
As I didn’t get the chance to watch much of anything this past weekend, this analysis is golden. Thank you so much for sharing once again, I truly enjoy reading your post-race analyses. ❤️
Honestly, people who still believe Max's success is only because of the car and not that man's raw, once-in-a-generation talent, they haven’t been watching the races. Or they have, but they're simply too blinded by jealousy and/or their dislike towards Max to see him for the exceptional driver he is. And those people are simply not worth your time or energy.
Let’s fucking go Lestappen holy temple!
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td-frog · 1 year ago
thoughts on dcas e6:
the songs
honestly wasn't expecting much (tho i didn't think they'd be bad) but those were actually really good
stylistically i think magenta was my favorite but they were all really good
this plot is so so funny to me. *tom voice* if i avoid my problems for long enough they definitely won't become infinitely worse
also theater kid aiden going "i need to think about it because i do have a boyfriend, but stage kisses are a thing and we don't have feelings for each other so i can be okay with it"
while tom's like "ah fuck. i really should've talked to jake by now. nothing i can do i guess!" and then afterwards is like "wait do you think he was mad at me?" comedy GOLD
like to be clear so much of the humor for me here is that aiden is Not Interested. literally the entire problem is that tom is not communicating and therefore jake has no reason to know any of that. and especially now that aiden's started picking up on drama it's like. how long can you run from this? maybe you should stop running? oh, no. no he's running faster.
magenta team
i really like ally/ashley friendship. very easily could've been an us vs. them thing even with hunter out, but it makes sense that ashley wouldn't go for that.
also i really like that ally doesn't miss hunter. i think a lot of the problems with their relationship they've been hinting at so far is that ally struggles a lot with personal identity outside of other people, and hunter didn't understand or accommodate that. regardless of whether they stay together in the end, they very much needed a break so she can figure out who she is without him again and whether she actually wants to be there (and i wish her luck).
yellow team elimination
connor vs. yul as the elimination makes sense, and the fact that it was connor also makes sense (especially since yul is now getting production help with his image)
i really really like the detail that alec betrayed connor for his own good. their alliance concerned me because i like the friendship, but with the villains alliance it seemed really dangerous. and alec going "i like this man and i want him around, but being here is bad for him" is actually a really honest and mature approach.
(i also can't be assed to check handwriting, but i did notice it wasn't confirmed riya betrayed him- one vote wasn't read and it could've been against yul- but also i don't expect that to really mean anything)
rest of yellow team stuff
grett :( baby :(
she does not deserve this treatment and i know yul's going down in the end because he is so intentionally designed to be so so terrible but in the meantime :(
riya fucking up was telegraphed so hard (not a bad thing) and i appreciate how it a) makes her the obvious boot from a single challenge perspective and b) has no actual effect on the elimination.
other thoughts
don't really like what they're doing with trevor and derek. i'm sure it'll work out fine in the end but for now i'm largely ignoring it out of mild squick.
cyan team is due for elimination, although idk that they'll get it. if they do i'm guessing ellie or tom- either because ellie villain plot finally goes down against her, or tom if the love triangle plot plays out. i could see others but tbh i think this team drama works better with them making it to the merge.
if it's magenta team it's probably fiore, which makes me think it won't be magenta team.
yellow team as always is such a dumpster fire of drama. if they lose it's probably yul vs. riya but they both could have plot armor protecting them so idk.
don't have much else rn because i need to leave but hopefully e7 is able to come out on time, and even if not that the difficulties the team is facing re: leakers aren't too devastating.
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ddeongies · 9 months ago
i know your goal in every fic u write is to write the hottest yeji in existence and i gotta say u are hella succeeding 🫡 she's a serial woman lover but she respects them all like pls can i be one of those girls 🫢
u know, the thing i love about yeji is that she's highly aware of her good traits---she knows she's hot, cool, pretty, smart and all that jazz. and nothing's more attractive than a woman who's confident of what she's worth. but i am also in love with the fact that she's not letting all that in her head. she still has her insecurities, that she thinks rj might not be into her the way that she's into rj, she thinks she's no match against yunjin. and i think that her humility and confidence (ugh the same way how yeji is irl) is such a huge bonus point for me. reading nmau is just me switching on who to simp on every pov switch.
okay the end part of the chapter...goddamn!!!! everything was going so well 😭😭😭😭😭 i think something just happened with yunjin with her acapella group thing (im not sure is chaewon there? i have to check again hahaha) but smth that had upset yunjin that made ryujin worry for her bff. AND THAT'S WHAT YEJI SAW. yeji ur drunken haze has fooled u pls pls think straight. but tbh if that happened to me i'd probably do what yeji did as well bc i'm petty and hurt and a jealous little girl 😭😭😭😭 i know you'll fix it. i just have to pretend idc abt nmau so the next chapter comes faster (pretending is impossible).
the pacing is delicious as always and i know the payoff would be satisfying soon. enjoy itzy's concert!!!! pls dont die on us when u see yeji's comh stage and all the other deadly stages. -🌼
i'm so glad to be succeeding at my one goal in life 🫡 writing the hottest yejis possible is what i live for 🫡 (who wouldn't wanna be one of her girls tbh she's so......)
confidence is sexy and arrogance is not!! i think she definitely toes that line like she loves herself and is confident in herself, but that doesn't mean she's entitled to anyone's affections and doesn't mean that everyone will love her as much as she loves herself! but yeah the combination of humility and confidence is directly inspired by irl yeji, it's def one of my fave things about her like that energy is just so incredible idk she's awesome lol (also writing nmau is just me switching who i'm simping for every chapter so i feel you on that LOL)
we'll have to see what happened next time!! i'm loving hearing different theories tho lol 😈 but yeah ryujin may have said "this is why alcohol is our friend" but it isn't always!! sometimes it doesn't really help! all will be revealed and i promise i will fix things :) nmau isn't an angst fic but stuff do be happening!
manifesting i feel ready to post chapter 9 on ryeji day 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 pray for me. life is busy rn but i would love to post more choreo in the next week or so and then nmau on ryeji day..... just gotta WRITE
i'm glad the pacing is working for you!! :) my goal here is to do a slowburn that's hopefully on the realistic side like... sometimes it takes a little bit to get into/figure out a new relationship, but that also doesn't mean like 100k of miscommunication and stuff just to drag it out idk! just attempting to go for something natural and cute!
literally seeing them in less than 24 hours as i type this..... my friend and i just watched all the mvs in chronological order and then 8 episodes straight of itzzz we are READY (i am not ready i am so so so scared, sorry in advance for not finishing my wips before i die :/)
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clatterbane · 2 years ago
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Cake is underway, y'all! 🥳
I don't necessarily know what I'm doing here, having never put together this specific style of cake before. (Other versions layered with fruits, etc., sure.) But, I don't see how it would not taste good in the end even if it's not exactly what the Household Swede would expect.
Fortuitously, he made plans to pop over to the Copenhagen Sakura Festival with this old friend of his that I really don't want to spend all day around and I think his partner. So, the cake should be more of a surprise once he gets back. 😁
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Now the layers are plastered together with vanilla custardy cream and some of the raspberry/blueberry jam. I did consider mixing it up a bit and throwing some slightly crushed fresh blueberries into one of the layers too, but this should be tasty enough and hopefully ready to eat faster.
If I had thought, I'd have slathered the thing up and stuck it in the fridge overnight to sit and do its thing, but hey. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ At least it should have a few hours to soak into the cake now.
Then, it will be time to whip some cream, and goop it up with (now washed, drying) berries on the outside.
Cool Whip may not be nearly as good as actual cream, but I do sort of miss the stuff sometimes.
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Plus some of these candles, which actually look duller colored in person. 😒 Not the most attractive ones I have ever seen, but it's what they had. Carefully sort of glazing the beeswax bloom off that test candle with a lighter flame did help some, but I'm not sure if it's worth messing with that.
The toothpick things over to the side are apparently intended as spikes to stick them into the cake, so that's something I guess. Assuming you're careful and don't accidentally try to gobble any of them down in your birthday cake feeding frenzy.*
* I may also be thinking of one instance where some other kid at a party did swallow one of the US classic flowery-shaped plastic suckers. Complete with resulting phone call to parents and ER trip. Probably easier on the old digestive system than a toothpick, tbh. We are both over 3 years old, but that possibly still pops into mind. 😅
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iced-coffeebean · 1 year ago
Fic Writer (of doom) Interview :)
Thank you for the tagged my beloved Stars (aka @starsmadeinheaven)
How many works do you have on AO3?
I apparently have 31 works on AO3. Christ, that's a lot.
21 of them are Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
4 are Original Works
3 of them of Hetalia
2 are Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's
And 1 is Yu-Gi-Oh! DM
What’s your total AO3 word count?
72,638 words apparently. Slay. I didn't think I'd have a lot of words tbh.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Oh god, I wonder.
1. Everything Stays (Hetalia GerItaPan Oneshot)
2. Sakura Petals Blossom But Love Blossoms Faster (Hetalia AmeriPan oneshot)
3. You Know I Love You Right? (Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Wishshipping Oneshot)
4. My Remedy (Hetalia ItaPan oneshot)
5. This Is Home (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d's fic collab with my brother)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to but sometimes it feels like they don't need me to respond to them if that makes sense?? Sometimes it's just a statement more than a comment of appreciation if that makes sense???
So yeah, it depends.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't really know tbh. I have a lot of unfinished YGO fics that in theory, are supposed to have lots of angst and possibly angsty endings but I never finished those but they don't really count ig??
I haven't really written angst but maybe Cross My Heart In Hopes To Die
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Probably almost all of them have neutral/happy endings.
Everything Stays and My Remedy
Do you write crossovers?
I don't think I've written any currently unless it's Yu-Gi-Oh! related since you can smack some of the shows together. If it isn't YGO shows being smacked together, it probably won't exist. Maybe a series AU for another series but them meeting that series' characters?
No </3
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I've gotten some hate on my Anikishipping fics but tbh idc anymore. I'll write whatever makes me happy and if people have a problem with that, they can suck my dick. Like idk what else to say.
If you don't like it, go write something else then.
Before going onto AO3, I was on Wattpad and we ALL know how THAT must have gone.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write smut but I rarely ever post it and if I do, it's anon LMAO.
I just feel like it's too awkward and I'm just scared people are gonna judge me LOL.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I wouldn't know and I SURE hope not.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nah. I'm not that famous yet.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
This Is Home is a fic I'm writing with my brother. It's kind of on a hiatus cause of life and cause of the YGO fandom break we're both taking. We'll talk it out and see if we can continue it.
I'm actually gonna hopefully work on new micronation related works with other lads so I'm SUPER excited for that!!!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hetalia: GerItaPan and MolSeb.
DM: Wishshipping
GX: Anikishipping
5D'S: Toolshipping
Zexal: Aztecshipping
Arc-V: Candyshipping
Vrains: Respectfulshipping
Sevens: Moonlightroadshipping
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I had a Spamano/ItaPan/MolSeb werewolf fic that I was gonna do but I gave the fic away to a moot to write instead since I lost interest in it and didn't want to write anymore.
What are your writing strengths?
Tbh, I don't know. Probably internal dialogue and emotions. I like writing arguments and deep conversations cause it's so fun playing around with people's emotions <33
What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't wanna sound repetitive with words but god, I need to work on having a bigger vocabulary.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I try to use it in fics considering I'm in the Hetalia fandom but I do try to add translations at the bottom/on the notes if it's something that most people wouldn't know by now or more complicated items. I try to not use it cause I don't want to be that person with awful Google Translate or sucky translation app language errors but yk, sometimes duty calls.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Probably Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal or Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V if I'm being honest. I don't remember y'all. It's been a SECOND.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I wanna write Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains content but the show is so SLOW and BORING for me but I really LOVE Spectre and I would love to maybe write some Respectfulshipping.
I'd also love to write some Gakuto fics for Sevens cause they did his character SO WRONG it's makes me SO MAD.
For Hetalia, I'm not really sure tbh.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
For YGO, maybe Imaginary Friend (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Anikishipping oneshot)
For Hetalia, it's definitely gotta be My Remedy
I tag these lads (you don't have to do them if you don't want to)
@stardust-revolver @starfishes-and-watercolors @apalonespinifera
This concludes my ask <3
(I'm going to be honest, most of the fics I mentioned here I kind of hate now but I left to see any possible growth or progress when I work on new stuff. I only really like my more recent content but we won't go into that <3)
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yrbshay · 1 year ago
Think of law of assumption like everything is already written out for you. You’re gonna get good grades, or the car you want or financial freedom etc bc it’s already written and it’s done. Affirmations and scripting are just ways to REMIND yourself what IS true. Affirmations change nothing bc it is already done!! It’s already written out. Your mind knows before you even speak that that’s what is true. It’s having faith. Be consistent and dedicated and disciplined.
Mental diet is LITERALLY what it means. You know that if you are going on a proper diet it helps you become healthier and lose weight. It’s guaranteed. People struggle with dicipline when they don’t see the results they want immediately. I personally can speak because I used to give up on diets so quick. Once I started being diciplined and consistent I lose a ton of weight and it felt like all at once. Well mental diet is no different. And it actually works faster than a regular diet but you need to shift your focus to HOW you think and perceive things and less on the manifesting part. Your desires will come with a strong mental diet.
Law of assumption takes literlaly REWIRING your brain and training it do do something different than what’s it’s used to. We are used to speaking negatively and having negative beliefs bc that’s just how society taught us. Unlearn bad habits and replace them with good ones. It is a complete lifestyle and it makes you view your whole life differently. The scripting, affirmations, stats etc. are literally just tools to help you. They aren’t the cause of why you got what you want. YOU we’re the cause. Your mindset and thoughts about yourself. It’s how you essentially view how your life is written out.
Also Law of assumption is just a term. It is a real thing. I am getting my degree in psychology and it has been proven to me multiple times that your perception and beliefs of life is literally what you see in your reality it literally molds and shapes it.
The Bible also has so much more on these same exact concepts but I feel like in more depth. I would love to speak on it more because I’m tried and true to my faith and in god but I know people hold negative assumptions toward that… but all I’m saying is wisdom is a powerful thing. So I will leave you with these simple basic concepts and hopefully you can understand more about “law of assumption” or basically just how life works lmaooo.
It’s not hard girlies(and men). Like at all. You don’t need coaching. (ThAts why I don’t offer it anymore and I just answer questions at no cost bc this shit is so easy and it doesn’t have to cost money. Id only be robbing you bc that is a just a crutch to lean on. Oh I need coaching. You DONT need coaching. I get people need to make a living but it’s completely unnecessary. There’s no secret behind coaching at all and it is very much a crutch. I have a tip jar but it isn’t required at all and yes most ppl don’t tip but that’s okay bc I love teaching.) You don’t need new affirmations. You guys rely on that shit too much and tbh you will never get it if you don’t realize it’s not affirming its literllay your whole mindset. Affirmations just help your confidence but aren’t the sole reason behind why you can manifest. I gonna write down some success stores so hopefully you guys will be motivated bc I was after I heard them from my friends, husband, people I’ve helped.
I’m not saying affirmations don’t help at all or stats bc they for sure help so much bc you don’t give time for your mind to think negatively. BUT what I am saying is people hold the belief that what they are doing wrong is not saying affirmations enough of they are saying it wrong. IT IS LITERALLY YOUR MINDSET that you need to fix . Not affirmations. They are just tools. Like I said you have to view life like this is already written out & this is how it’s gonna go. It literally can’t go any other way because that’s just the law and there’s no changing it. But there is changing your mindset to match how your life is gonna go. The reason it goes differently is because you believe that that’s how your life is.
Imma wrap it up. Happy manifesting because this isn’t hard and stop capping like you don’t know you will literally receive your desires immediately because that’s just how your life is written out.
Reminder: DMS are open where you can ask questions for FREE.
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piratefishmama · 2 years ago
So I have you on notif because your writing makes my head go brr in a good way (and I have a really boring desk job) so you're always a welcome distraction.
Looks to me like you've been getting a bit of discourse about Steve today, so I thought I'd message and try to cheer you up or at least hopefully lessen the stress of it by saying you're a really good writer, Pirate. I always look forward to checking your blog, and you make my day a little better every time you post.
aww thank you so much!! (u should try sneaking a lil writing in at ur boring desk job, it makes my boring sales job go by so much faster ehe)
Eh tbh, i'm no stranger to discourse, i dont intentionally look for it, it always seems to find me though, even when my blog is primarily shitposts and ficlets lmao, cant escape a bit of grrr on the internet!!
hopefully tomorrow will bring more shitposts and silly shenanigans and less srs srs stuff, we shall see what inspires me next, will it be a silly pigeon, an inanimate object, or maybe a whacky customer, we shall see!
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hoperays-song · 2 years ago
Top 5 shipping tropes? Or if you prefer, a top 5 character tropes I'm also v curious about
Ooooooo, I take it back, this was the hardest one to decide for each. I mean, obviously my favourite trope is found family because it's perfect and adorable, but I do love so many others. And we will be ignoring what each of these say about me mentally, ok? Ok. Good.
-<3 Gooseless
Shipping troupes:
Hurt/Comfort (especially emotional hurt/comfort but also sickfics) is my absolute favourite. I use it in legitimately all of my ship based fics, all of them, without exception. It's everywhere. And the characters taking time to take care of each other and to help each other no matter the impacts on their lives because the other is more important? Literal chills every single time.
Slow Burn is also in legit all of my fics because I don't know how to write a faster romance to save my life. Also, I get really confused in fic where characters get together in less than 3,000 words, the aroace autistic brain over here honestly just doesn't get it and idk why it doesn't. Plus seeing the characters fall in love over time is just super heart warming because of that progression.
Sharing a Bed/Platonic(?) Cuddling are always together so they get listed together and I adore them both. It's typically done so so well and for characters whose love language is Physical Touch its just so cute. It's just cute ok?
Domestic Fluff is just so nice because you get to see how the characters interact in day to day life. It always just warms my heart to see them adding the other to their daily routines or admiring the others quirks. Like it's just so sweet to see them making space for the other in their life.
Friends to Lovers is genuinely amazing in my opinion because you get to see them falling in love with the entire person, not just their faults or their good side, or their appearance. They know each other and trust each other and fall in love because of that.
Character Tropes:
Ok, I'm not sure if these are actual character tropes but oh well, you guys will hopefully get what I mean by these.
Scary Looking Parental Characters Undoing Years of Generational Trauma is like one of my all time favourites if my found family posts never tipped you off. Also, I do write a ton of parental figures using this trope. Like a ton (Marcus, we're looking at you here).
Siblings Not by Blood but by Heart always makes me cry. Like choosing to be someone's sibling and to stick with them through everything is just always an amazing dynamic.
Autistic Coded Burnt Out Overachiever is just one of the best tropes of all time. And this isn't at all indicative of my kin list being primarily made of these characters, don't worry about it.
Mentor Figure Who Becomes Parental Figure is just super realistic and super heart warming. Like a character decided to train or teach this other character and ending up becoming their lifeline? Perfection. And definitely needs to be used more.
Fallen Heroes are another super relatable one because of how we watch them go from starry eyed to hardened by reality is just always so moving. And yes, I loved the Creation from Frankenstien, I named him Nils and he's my son and nothing was truly his fault.
My least fav troupes of all time are always misunderstanding/miscommunication (as it can typically be easily avoided) and manic pixie dream girl (this tope pisses me off so much I could legit rant about it for hours). At least those are my least favourites off the top of my head. I'm pretty picky about tropes at times tbh.
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porcupine-girl · 2 years ago
WIP Cleanout progress
Ok, so last we spoke I had 21 WIPs on the list and had identified why each one wasn't finished yet and given each one an excitement score of 2-20. Then I calculated the excitement/words-left-to-write ratio.
The fic with the lowest such ratio is one I started a billion years ago, literally one of the first SPN fics I started, and had never gotten more than maybe halfway through for a variety of reasons. I know I love the shitty first draft thing but most of what I've written here is so old that my writing has changed so much (for the better) that even what I've got would have to be heavily rewritten. So that one finally got tossed into the "unlikely to ever finish/post" folder, which was probably a decision that was long overdue.
Of the next five lowest scores, three were on the "got intimidated" list, and so I set a goal of moving those from "intimidated" to "slow but steady" which probably means outlining them. The other two are SBS that would probably go a lot faster if I had more fleshed-out outlines for them, so that is my goal for them.
Anyhow, I won't go through every fic individually. I've put 3 in a "Later" bin - not ready to dump them in "won't get finished" yet but I am also not going to commit to doing anything with them during this cleanout. That leaves me now with 17 to do something with; I should probably move a couple more to that Later bin.
Of those I have 3 "Intimidated -> SBS", 4 "full outline", one "figure out ending" (once I figure that out it'll be an easy one to finish but I will save the actual finishing for after this cleanout), and 9 "finish". The intimdated->SBS are basically the same as "full outline" tbh, except that one (maybe two) of them probably also involve cutting down the overgrown plot to something more manageable.
So basically I'm hoping to finish 9 fics and outline 7, plus brainstorm the final plot point for one. That's still way too much lol. The "finish" fics have an estimated 67K left total, which again, the most I've ever written in a month is like 45k and that was pre-covid. Although a couple of them I think might have less left than I thought, but that doesn't cut it by 20k.
So I'll need to do another round of adjusting my expectations/goals, but for now I think I might be able to at least power through a couple of the outlines. Which hopefully my post-covid brain will see as more approachable than actually writing, and maybe will get me warmed up for the actual writing.
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f1cha0s · 2 months ago
How did you find last season and are you optimistic for 2026?
tbh I didn’t watch most of it lmao I mostly watched highlights and saw the standings after every race. As far as I know the Aston was shit and this time Nando didn’t care enough to sugarcoat it lmao hopefully this year is better and we can see a real fight but I doubt it. The retirement is coming faster and faster my friends. On a happier note, MAXIE WORLD CHAMPION AGAIN 🥳 (I can’t even write here what I would have done if Lando had become WC)
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