#hope you like it eggo
toomanylegos · 10 months
*I tug on your skirt like a child*
Mother I crave incorrect quotes for Darrius and Vanderwood
They occupy my mind and I want to play with them like Barbie dolls 👀
I have heard your call, child, and I present you with sustenance...
Darrius: Did you hit your head when you fell from heaven?
Vanderwood: No, I scrapped my knees crawling out of hell.
Darrius, dreamily: How courageous~
Darrius, whilst Vanderwood has his head in a leg lock: You say if I don't tap out you'll suffocate me, but you don't understand! TO DIE BY THIGH IS THE WAY OF A WARRIOR!
Vanderwood, lovingly: You're going to pass out, you idiot.
Vanderwood, frustratingly treating Darrius' wounds after a bar fight: You're an idiot! An absolute dumbass! A massively attractive himbo with an incredible left hook!
Darrius, smirking: You think I'm attractive?
Vanderwood: Obviously, but that is NOT the focus here!
Darrius: If our cat and I were dangling off a cliff, who-
Vanderwood: I'm saving the cat.
Vanderwood, holding Darrius' hand: Guess what? We started dating.
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Leo, pushing Darrius: Why are YOU surprised!?
Darrius: Cause this is the first I've heard of it!
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navree · 2 years
how you describe aegon conqueror s personality( from his actions ogcourse cause we know little about him from books ) before rhaenys death and specialy after her death? Ifeel rhaenys death was the major event to start the dynasty in generalher death give us weak aenys maegor the conflict jahaerys as king though he have 2 brothers older but died ..
So, like you said, we know incredibly little about Aegon the Conqueror's personality, and even in trying to parse that out through his actions alone is very hard because he kept any reasoning about anything incredibly close to the vest, and seems to have operated on a philosophy of doing what's best for the given time, like not attacking people who willingly bent the knee and being careful with the Faith of the Seven during his reign. That's why the end of the First Dornish War continues to fascinate so many people, because having such an overt display of emotion as well as an action with such murky motivations was incredibly out of character for Aegon, and speaks not only to the toll the war took on him, but also that whatever the contents of Nymor's letter was ended up being important enough to spur that kind of reaction.
Aegon before Rhaenys died seems to have been a pretty even keeled person. We know that he was reserved and incredibly private, that he seems to have gravitated towards solitude and enjoyed being by his lonesome (unlike his descendant and namesake Aegon III, Aegon the Conqueror's propensity for being alone wasn't borne out of any trauma that he couldn't overcome, he just seems like one of those people who liked to have his alone time, big mood). He also appears to value how long he's known someone into how dear they are to him, as his closest friend was Orys, who he grew up with, and he never entertained being romantically or sexually involved with any woman other than his sisters. He does value other people and cultivate relationships, he just doesn't seem to try and even get there until he knows they're worth it, and the people he's considered the most worth it are people he's known since incredibly early childhood (he's two years younger than Visenya and one to two years older than Rhaenys, so he's known all of them for practically as long as he's had long term memory, and he's around seven when Orys is born, which is still very young). According to George, he's also a dragondreamer, which might add to this type of setting apart that he does from other people, because if you were getting dreams of the future and what Must Be Done To Save Humanity, wouldn't you be a bit distant from most of the population? But unlike what a lot of this "loner, keeps to himself, only enjoys close family" type characterization might suggest, he also wasn't an intractable hardass who pouts around being all grimdark like bad fanon versions of Batman or smth. He does show an ability to trust other people and let them support him, considering how important Visenya and Rhaenys and Orys were to the war effort and ensuring ultimate victory, as well as the way he handed over most of the governance of the realm to Visenya and Rhaenys, treating them more like co-monarchs than simple consorts. He's neither merciless nor coldhearted either, he's perfectly willing to raise up people who fought against him if they admit they're beaten, and he never plays dirty or acts meanspirited or unfair in battle. He gives Harren the option of surrender, and I think it's said that, given that Torrhen immediately bent the knee without trying to provoke a battle, he doesn't use any of the defeated Northerners' swords in the forging of the Iron Throne. That speaks to an element of a forgiving nature, that he's someone who is able to look past the here and now and see ahead not just practically, but sympathetically as well. All in all, Aegon before the First Dornish War, and before Rhaenys's death is a pretty even person, calm and in control of his emotions and capable of feeling more than just lonesome, intelligent and resourceful but also forgiving and cordial, and while recalcitrant to get involved with people, clearly deep enough with his affections that he's willing to go to bat for them (considering that marrying Rhaenys wasn't part of the plan but he did it anyway).
And then, as we know, Rhaenys vanishes in Dorne. She either died in the fall or was taken into custody by the Ullers, who weren't great (as I've said in the past, my theory is that Rhaenys was in the hands of the Ullers into the Martells figured it out and got involved and removed her, and Nymor's letter was him informing Aegon that he was returning Rhaenys to Dragonstone to at least be able to die there and then be cremated in the last outpost of Old Valyria, which is why Aegon reacted so strongly, went to Dragonstone immediately, either to have a final goodbye or at least be there to greet her body, agreed to the peace shortly after, and was still on good terms with the Martells specifically for the rest of his reign) but for all intents and purposes, she is functionally dead in Aegon's eyes the second he hears about what happened over Hellholt. And it's clear that there are some shifts in how he is as a person in the aftermath. One of the big changes that comes from this is a vindictiveness and a vicious anger that was never present in him before. It's noted that Aegon only ever rode Balerion into out and out battle, and as I mentioned above, he was never overly cruel or monstrous in how he used him, only ever deploying him in proper battles against enemies in times of war ('oh but Harren' he warned the man and gave him ample time to get out, Harren's at fault for not listening). But what he did after Rhaenys dies is well beyond the pale of anything he did before. We already know he was upset enough about what happened to Orys, but that's nothing compared to the Dragon's Wroth. Aegon takes his giant fire breathing sentient nuke and torches every single fucking house on the entire Dornish peninsula, he razes practically the entire country to the ground for two years straight. He has bounties placed on the heads of Dornish lords, even if they weren't involved in shooting Rhaenys down over Hellholt, and he is deliberately waging psychological warfare on the people of Dorne as well by not burning Sunspear while cremating everything else, so that the Martells only people might think that something dodgy was going on and turn against them. That isn't battle, that isn't the fairness of war and the front, these are systematic and constant and vindictive attacks not unlike the fucking Blitz of WW2, in specific reaction to Rhaenys's death, and it's a big departure from everything we can possibly ascertain about the man from before that point. Aegon is Thee Dragon, yes, but he never exhibited that dragon's temper before now, while this created an outward aggression and fearsome rage that was entirely unexpected. The immediate aftermath of Rhaenys's death also appears to have created some??? mild passive suicidal ideation in Aegon????? maybe????
This is heavy conjecture on my part, but Aegon is attacked multiple times by people wanting to claim the bounty the Dornish put on his head, and he never once thinks that he should be better protected? He and Visenya are literally cornered in the street and barely make it out alive (and why are you even walking around on the street just willy nilly and apparently so unprotected that it's only Visenya's intervention that saved your life Aegon? dude?) and he still doesn't think he needs better guards. He literally says that he's fine and doesn't need a better detail until she actually draws blood on him herself, at which point he acquiesces, and even though he's the one who'd be getting the core protection of the Kingsguard, he leaves the choosing to her. And yes, part of that is probably trust in Visenya and her abilities, as well as her older sister instinct being kicked into huge overdrive, but it still reads a bit off. It wouldn't be that hard to extrapolate that Aegon, with the only woman he's ever loved dead and his currently only child completely shattered, might have started giving up on life a bit for a while (tho I will freely admit that this is on par with my 'Aegon II is touch repulsed and might have some Issues around physical intimacy' reading in terms of how subjective and very much a personal headcanon it is).
Aegon doesn't entirely lose himself though, as clearly seen with the end of the war. He still retains his "I'll do what's best" ideals enough to accept a peace delegation from Dorne into his capital city to see if they can come to peaceable terms, which is already a huge step forward from "turn the entire peninsula into the fucking blasted heath from The Colour Out Of Space". And he is still the most calm and deliberate in his inner circle, seeing as he insists on treating Deria with respect and deference for her station and the position she's holding as a peace messenger, while Orys wants to chop off her hand and others are literally saying he should force her into sex slavery. And while Visenya, probably the more hotheaded of the two (she's described as passionate, which, given his privacy and cool nature, doesn't seem to be something one can ever say about Aegon), was incredibly upset about Meraxes's skull being brought back, Aegon wasn't. We know Aegon was, obviously, upset about Meraxes being shot down and taking Rhaenys with her, I just nearly hit Tumblr's words per paragraph limit above talking about how distraught he was and what that grief brought out in him. It would have been entirely reasonable for him to take the return of Rhaenys's dragon's skull as an insult, as a slight, as a cruel and petty reminder of what he lost, like Visenya seems to have done. But he doesn't. He accepts it at face value as a gesture of good will and a token of amity from the Martells. It's not naïveté on his part, Aegon likely wasn't ever naïve, but it's that willingness to find a peaceable resolution, it's his calm determinism keeping him in check, because one of the other big changes from Rhaenys's death was likely more of an understanding of how to keep himself in hand, how to control himself. Someone who hates showing emotion and showcasing the innermost parts of himself to almost everyone, like Aegon clearly is, they're not going to respond to emotional situations and high stress and strong emotion by actually showing it, they're likely going to develop skills to make sure that they still don't show it to others, even if they're feeling a lot of things at the moment.
How Aegon was after the war in and of itself is a bit harder to try and figure out, because outwardly he doesn't seem to have changed much. For the rest of his reign, once peace is restored, he seems to have operated in pretty much the same way as he did before. But we also need to look at what actually happened in the war and its aftermath. The First Dornish War took nearly everything from Aegon that was worth taking. His best friend and half-brother was maimed, which left some lasting scars that might have affected their friendship given how embittered Orys was. Rhaenys, the woman he loved most, the wife he married not because he had to but just because he wanted to so much that he couldn't imagine life without her, vanished in Dorne, presumably killed in battle very suddenly and unexpectedly (tho that's up for debate, again, I have my theory). A relationship with Visenya, who even if she wasn't his desired wife was still his older sister and a member of his family, became incredibly cold and distant in the aftermath of what happened with Dorne, potentially due to the choices he made to end the war in the aftermath of Rhaenys's death. The one piece of Rhaenys that he has left, his own child, has such a complete mental breakdown that everyone thinks he's going to die and Aegon was apparently getting concerned himself, until he was able to get Aenys to bond with Quicksilver and recover. The circumstances of everything that happened, especially Aegon's need to keep Aenys close due to missing Rhaenys and his concerns over Aenys's health, as well as that aforementioned distance with Visenya, left him incapable of bonding with his second son in any meaningful way, or even of wanting to. Any one of these situations on its own is enough to affect someone deeply, and all of them happened to Aegon in a very short span of time, and with the exception of what happened to Orys, it all ties back into Rhaenys's death. What happened to her is what turned Aegon into someone who, with other people, isn't just private, but borderline withdrawn. It's not like he replaced her in his affections with someone else, he got more distant from Visenya and never ever took a wife even when everyone and their mother was parading in front of him just on the off chance that he would. He loses his connection to her, and his connection to Visenya in the crossfire until they start actively pulling away from each other later in life, and for a time his connection to Aenys until Aenys starts recovering, and he never tries to get any of it back in any way except for Aenys, likely so he can still hold onto the one piece of her that he has left (and again, this causes a huge detriment in his relationship with the other son he'll eventually have).
A slight positive that Rhaenys's death does have on Aegon's personality is that it does seem to have changed something in how he shows emotion, in that he did actually start showing them. He was still incredibly private, but we can start seeing slightly more about him, at least as a family man, after her death. It's fair to say that he doted on Aenys, given that he kept Aenys close to him as a child even to a certain extreme (he does take Aenys to Sunspear with him while leaving Visenya and Maegor behind) and gave him everything that he could ever need, and that he might have had a somewhat unfounded trust in Aenys as an heir (though I don't think that's entirely fair, Aenys being physically weak doesn't preclude him from being trustworthy when it comes to political work, such as taking over Aegon's progresses). He lets Aenys train with Blackfyre, he personally oversees not just his martial abilities but his education, he specifically does whatever necessary to have him ready to inherit the Throne on a personal level, as well as again, always keeping him by his side, even when he and Visenya essentially switched places, turning it from Aegon and Aenys in King's Landing while Visenya and Maegor were on Dragonstone to Aegon and Aenys on Dragonstone together while Visenya and Maegor were sent to King's Landing. The two most openly emotional moments we see from Aegon in the historical record also happen after Rhaenys's death. The first is his reaction to Nymor's letter; Aegon built the Iron Throne, he knows how sharp it is and how it's not a comfortable chair because that's the entire point, but he is still gripping it incredibly hard according to observers (when even just brushing your arm on it the wrong way can cause a pretty severe cut), gripping it hard enough to bleed. For someone as private as Aegon, that's a lot. And even most notably, we have the anecdote about the first time he was presented with baby Rhaena. “It was written that King Aegon himself wept the first time his granddaughter was placed in his arms, and thereafter doted upon the child…mayhaps in some part because she reminded him of his lost queen, Rhaenys, in whose memory she had been named.” This is the canonical history of Aegon in Westeros from the point of view of Westeros. This private person, this man who had like one friend in his entire life, who was an enigma to everyone and who never let anyone who wasn't family in, who played everything so close to the vest, publicly cried while cradling his baby granddaughter, named for his long dead wife, and was known to actively dote on her even more than he did Aenys. That's emotional expression we would never expect to see on Aegon, but Rhaenys's memory was able to evoke that in him, and probably just that realization that came from seeing how easily she was cut down and how important making moments with loved ones count is certainly contributed. Aegon after Rhaenys's death is someone who becomes incredibly more emotional and angrily volatile than he was before, and developed a disregard for himself not just physically but also emotionally (withdrawing from Visenya, his one remaining family member beyond his child, can't have been good for his mental health, lbr), and then resulted in increased personal privateness and a more firm mastery over himself, though it likely also instilled more of an openness to emotion when it came to the people he loved the most.
I like that you pointed out that Rhaenys's death was the major event that kickstarted the dynasty, anon, because it's kinda true. Rhaenys's death, and I've said this before but I'll keep on saying it, is House Targaryen's original ghost. She is the shadow that looms large over the family tree for its formative years up. There is no escaping her memory, not when the Dragonpit, the home of Targaryen power, is built on her hill, not when the entirety of House Targaryen is descended from her line, not when her name is synonymous with tragedy and lives shot down unfairly and cut down too short (Rhaenys TQWNW dies way too young in battle after having been denied what should have been her's and Rhaenys daughter of Rhaegar was of course brutally slaughtered while a literal toddler). And her death does kickstart a lot of the things that ended up in the foundation of the "modern" Targaryen dynasty. If she hadn't died, she might have helped Aenys grow into a stronger person. If she hadn't died, then Aegon likely never would have sought Visenya out to have a child with her, as he and Rhaenys could just have another and were certainly not only attracted to each other but capable of conceiving. If she hadn't died, there'd be no Maegor, and therefore none of his usurpation or the deaths of Aegon the Uncrowned and Prince Viserys, and no inheritance of Jaehaerys following Maegor getting murked by the Iron Throne. If she hadn't died, things with Aegon and Visenya likely wouldn't have gone downhill the way they did (I maintain that Visenya hardcore resented not being included in the decision Aegon made to end the war, doubly so if it involved being denied a last goodbye with Rhaenys, and also that Rhaenys in general was the glue that held the three of them together) and Visenya's own choices might have been different. And the trajectory of not just the Targaryens but Westeros at large would have looked different. With her administrative capabilities and also the ability to do as much as she could as a co-monarch, along with her precedent when it came to forging marriage alliances, helping people, and establishing laws like the Rule of Six, Rhaenys was basically prototype for Good Queen Alysanne, just with more power at her disposal, and so there would have been a lot of repercussions to her living longer and having more say in politics than her tenure was able to give her.
The reach of Rhaenys's death and its legacy is incredibly long, and everyone felt it for a long time. She haunts the narrative and she haunts the family, and her affect on not just the country and the history but the people who loved her, how they felt about her and how they changed in her absence and how that snowballed into the history of Westeros we now have, simply cannot be overstated.
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weird-an · 11 months
"What on earth are you doing?" Jim asks, when Billy tries to sneak out of the window. The kid has one leg on the windowsill and the other on his bed.
Billy freezes. His jaw works and he's clutching the window's frame with white knuckled hands. His shirt is unbuttoned and he isn't wearing a jacket. It's too cold outside for that. It's December for fuck's sake. The whole room reeks of cologne and cigarettes.
Jesus Christ. The boy is going on a date - in secret.
"You can just use the door," Jim says, a bit helpless, a bit annoyed.
He doesn't get why Billy just can't say that he's going out and uses the front door. But then again, he also didn't get why Billy always waits for him to put out his cigarette before the kid sits down next to him. Why Billy calls him "Chief" sometimes and stares at him when he's watching Sixteen Candles with El. Neil Hargrove's words are still written all over Billy, Jim can only hope the kid will find a language of his own one day.
"Billy?" a voice whispers. "Are you okay?"
Jim knows that voice. Steve Harrington has fought monsters with him, after all. Why is Billy hanging out with him?
Billy stares at Jim with wide eyes. His face turns pale.
"Seriously," Jim says flatly, deciding it is not his business. "There is a door you can use."
Billy moves, not turning his back on Jim. "I'm… I…"
"What?" Jim sighs. "I'm not angry that you go out."
Nor does it matter if the Harrington kid is involved. Even if it doesn't make sense that Billy is dressed up like he wants to .. Oh.
"Alright." Billy still looks like he has seen as ghost. He tries for a smile, but it's shaky around the edges.
"Take care." Jim swallows. "And… Steve is… always welcome here."
"Uh." It's more a noise than anything. Billy stares at him, looking young and afraid.
"Just sayin'," Jim shrugs like his hands aren't sweating, like he isn't scared of screwing up.
"No idea what you're talking about," Billy mumbles, unable to hide his fear behind a grin and hairspray.
"Hey!" Steve whispers in front of the window.
"Sure, kiddo." Jim snorts. "Have fun on your date."
"What the fuck." Billy's face turns cherry red.
"I'm not an idiot." Jim rolls his eyes. "Buy him dinner or something."
"He’s buying this-" Billy cuts himself of. Jim smirks.
Billy hurries to the door. "See ya, Chief."
"See you, Billy." Jim glances out of the window. "See you, Steve."
Steve waves back at him while getting dragged away by his… boyfriend whose nose is still bright red.
He hopes Billy realizes he doesn’t have to hide. Even though he has no idea how to deal with whatever that Harrington situation is. He hopes the kid likes Eggos, too.
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grandline-fics · 7 months
Could I request something with Law please? I'm not sure if you do NSFW stuff or not, but if you do could it maybe be something about after a one night stand, reader finds out her eggo is preggo and how law reacts?
If you don't do NSFW that's totally fine too! Maybe something about Law having a crush on femme reader who joins the crew, but they don't know she's a devil fruit user until a battle and they see her in action? She has a logia type that allows her to control water and become water.
DESCRIPTION: You find out you’re pregnant after a one-night stand
WARNINGS:  Mentions of pregnancy, suggestive descriptions but nothing explicit, some angst
WORDS: 1,121
A/N: Sorry you had to wait so long for this and I hope you like what I managed to come up with for the pregnancy prompt
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Law knew a distraction would jeopardise the plan he’d formed. He knew letting himself have his attention be diverted from the goal at hand was stupid. He was the personification of logic and yet he still found himself looking across the room at the sound of your laughter. He knows better, he should know better. Now was not the time to be drawn in like some lovesick child. Still he can’t help himself. He can’t help how he feels about you, or how he keeps thinking about  the way his hands twitch, wanting to feel you again. He’d told himself one lapse of judgement was enough, as amazing as it had been. As he lifted his drink to his mouth, he couldn’t help but compare the taste to the memory of you. You were far more intoxicating, dizzying, and delicious than any alcohol that passed his lips. 
When you tucked your hair behind your ear as you talked with one of the crew, the action exposing your neck that he knew was sensitive. His dark eyes flickered to your fingers, lightly cradling your drink and something new came to his mind. Throughout the night he had yet to see you take a single drink from your cup. If he hadn’t been failing miserably to ignore you he wouldn’t have noticed it at all. Suddenly his mind switched to that of the focused doctor and watched you for a reason that wasn’t because of his feelings he was in denial about.
Any time you lifted the cup to your lips as though you were about to take a drink, you would lower it to continue the conversation you were having. It happened far too much to be a coincidence. Law knew you well enough to know nothing would interrupt you from drinking if it was what you wanted. There was only one reason why you would do this. Without thinking he rose suddenly and crossed the room, whatever Penguin was about to say to you died on his tongue at the appearance of your Captain who was looking far too intense. You looked over your shoulder and kept your expression impassive, your gaze only dropping when his hand gripped your upper arm. “We need to talk.” he told you sharply, leaving no chance for you to answer before he was all but pulling you out of the bar and leaving the rest of the crew behind to enjoy the rest of their night. 
“So what’s wrong Captain?” you asked calmly, pulling free from his grip and ignoring how his eye twitched at the title. The last time you’d called him by his name was the night you’d spent together and after agreeing it was best being left as a one time thing, you reverted back to only addressing him as your Captain in order to make things simpler. When Law didn’t immediately answer your question you turned to face him fully. “You sounded urgent in the bar. So is there an issue or isn’t there?”
“Are you pregnant?” The question was soft and yet it hit you hard, the implication of the reality you’d been trying not to think about was said aloud. It had been only a couple of weeks since you and Law slept together but you hadn’t even thought about the possibility of being pregnant until Penguin handed you your drink in the bar. Law, ever observant seemed to notice almost instantly just from your behaviour in one evening and you could curse him for that skill. Why couldn’t you have had just a little more time to come to terms with it on your own first and then tell him yourself? “I honestly don’t know.” Was the only answer you could manage out.  
He could have used his Devil Fruit then and there to find out for sure but instead the two of you walked back to the sub and he found a pregnancy test in the medical supplies for you to take. Perhaps it was to give you both more time in tense, ignorant bliss, the strange limbo of it still being only a possibility and not a certainty. You sat beside him, staring at a medical chart on the far wall, anything to avoid looking at the test, your stomach, or Law. 
“If it is positive-” his voice began slowly and you let out a small hollow scoff that interrupted him.
“Probably worked out well we’d docked on an island. Don’t have to worry about any more traveling.”
“You’d leave?” Law asked tightly. 
“You’d want me…us to stay?” You asked finally looking at him, confused about why he seemed so pained about you going. “You didn’t want a relationship because it was too much of a distraction which I understand and respect. A baby would take you from your goals even more than just being with me would. I wouldn’t stay only for you to resent my presence or the baby’s. If there is one.” You explained before rubbing your neck. This was such a mess and all your fault, you knew pursuing Law would be a bad idea. With him being your Captain and knowing he was focussed solely on his own ambition it was going to end badly but you just had to go and let your emotions get the better of you. 
Law reached forward and lifted the test into his hand, staring at the tiny little mark that felt like a huge weight in his hands, the tiny mark that signified the new life he was responsible for. The Surgeon of Death had created a life. He’d never considered it before, or rather he’d never allowed himself to think about something like this. Having a family was a cruel and dangerous daydream to indulge in after losing his own and Cora. It was painful to think about repairing some of that trauma and yet here he was now faced with that reality. Could he allow himself to have something good again? Yes there would be risks but if it was with you, wasn’t it worth it?
He glanced at you to see your eyes had locked into the result on the pregnancy test. You were completely frozen, as though frightened to make a noise or any movement out of fear of disturbing him. Suddenly you jumped when his hand settled over yours that had been resting on your lap, the action causing his fingers to graze against your stomach. Just holding your hand was enough to make him feel more grounded, more settled from the previous yearning he’d had when you were apart. Law took a breath, lifting his head to meet your stare. You could both do this. “Please stay.”
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justlemmeadoreyou · 7 months
Hopelessly Devoted to You
In which Y/n just wants to leave her abusive husband, and Harry is hopelessly devoted to her
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: Mentions of an abusive marriage, domestic violence and abuse, crying.
This one is going to be angsty, with two lovesick morons who are too scared to admit their feelings for each other. There are going to be mentions of abuse, so read at your own risk.
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Dropping Ellie to school, she thinks this is her happy place. With her kid, talking about how she finds elephants interesting, how she loves eggos, and the girl who sits next to her bites her nails all the time.
She's smiling on the car seat all the way to the school, contrary to how she is at home.
She tries her best to shield her away from her god-awful marriage, but sometimes, it's too damn difficult.
Like last night, when as soon as Elliot was home, she had sent her to her room, which she had gotten soundproofed with the money she had saved for months. She had told her to lock the door tightly, because Daddy had come home.
As soon as he entered, she realized he was drunk.
That was just how he came home nowadays, drunk off his ass, not even understanding his surroundings. She wondered how he even managed to make his way back home.
He stumbled from the doorway, having struggled with his keys for over 5 minutes. She was already sweating by now, hands clammy and her heartbeat rising.
"The fuck, fucking-" he cursed as soon as he was in, throwing his shoes and socks away. He threw his bag away too, and stumbled till he reached the dining table, glaring up at Y/n.
She didn't say anything to him. Knowing he would get angry if she did.
"Give me water" he ordered, and she got one glass, holding it under the tap, filling it up with water. She turned it off, turning around, and giving it to him.
He drank it in one go, some of it falling on his shirt. Messily wiping his mouth, he threw the glass away, and she was startled.
"Where's my food?"
She went back into the kitchen, taking the plate she had already taken out for him, and placing it in front of him.
"What the fuck? How many times do I have to tell you, I don't like meatballs? Are you that fucking dumb that you can't understand?"
That's when he threw the plate away, and a couple utensils too, which were lying on the dining table.
She knew Ellie would've heard it, and she quickly took a few steps back, preparing herself to turn around and run away, in case he pranced at her.
And that, he did. Thankfully, she knew just how to run from him, so he wouldn't catch up to her, and locked herself in the room with Ellie.
He was banging at the door, screaming curses at her. Calling her everything she had hoped she would never have to hear again.
With Ellie crying in her mum's arms, with continuous banging on the door, that threatened to break it, she knew she wanted it to end.
She knew she wanted a divorce.
.       .       .
"I'll pay for the lawyer if you want. Money is no issue for me, you know that, Y/n" he said, genuinely wanting to help her out of this marriage. He wants the best for her, for her to be happy again. Whenever he looks at her, his heart beats faster.
He still doesn't understand why she still wears the wedding ring he gave her. She's moved on from him, but still carries pieces of him with her. Given, most of them are tears and hurt marks, and looking at them makes his heart cry. And the purple bruise on her neck makes him want to kill Elliot. Piece by piece. Break him, beat him up, to make up for all the times he did the same to Y/n.
Her hand is just inches away from his, resting softly on the armrest. His finger twitches, and he wants her to hold his hand, to tell her that she will be alright. But she won't.
And he can't.
She lifted her gaze, looking into his kind eyes. He was good...and sometimes, it felt as if he was too good to be real.
"Oh" she replied. It was the only way out for her, because getting money from her parents was a lost cause. Her friends couldn't help her too, because she was too deep in this shit to be pulled out easily.
"Think about it. Sleep over it too, maybe? You can tell me tomorrow, or the day after it. I'll be waiting" he says, and "for you, right here" remain lodged in his throat.
"Thank-thank you, Mr. Styles, I-You're so kind to me, to Ellie-" her voice breaks, and he knows she will cry if he doesn't stop her. "Everything you've done-"
"It's my job, Y/n. It's what I do for everyone. Some need less help, and some need more. It's no big deal" he reassures her, and she nods.
"But still, thank you so, so much. I'll-I'll forever be grateful to you for this" she smiles, and he smiles back. His dimples are on show, on soft, squishy cheeks, that she wants to caress, to hold, to place a soft kiss on.
"So, you can-you can call me when you've thought over it, and I'll get the paperwork started." he straightens his suit, and she clears her throat. "Yeah-yeah, I'll call you, Mr. Styles"
"You can call me Harry. Here's my card"
She smiles, taking the business card from him, and keeping it in the back of her phone cover. In case Elliot checks her bag, he's too dumb to look in her phone cover.
He smiles at her, despite knowing why she did it, and it breaks his heart even more.
. . .
Harry was a good person. She had met him at a summer camp she had taken Ellie to, where he had bought his niece, Evie. They were 4, and Ellie got super excited when she found out that their names began with "E". As soon as they met, they hit it off, holding each other's hand, and running away from Harry and Y/n.
"I'm sorry-she-she gets super excited sometimes, she doesn't listen" Y/n apologized, and that was the first time he looked at her. Into her pretty, pretty eyes, that made him seem dull.
"Oh-no, don't apologize, it's all right. She doesn't have kids of her age near her parents' home, so I took her here so she could have some fun"
"So-she's not your kid?" she asked, her hands fidgeting in front of her.
"No-she's my niece. My sister's daughter. I'm Harry" he said, offering her hand to her for a handshake.
She took it, smiling. 
“I’m Y/n” 
He seemed nice, bringing her niece for a weekend long camp. He seemed like the cool and care free uncle every kid wanted, who would let them do anything. As she looked into his eyes, an emerald shade with the brightest shine, she had no idea this stranger would be a lifesaver for her one day.
“So, you from around here?” he asked, taking his hand back. The handshake had lasted for much longer than they both intended, and to his surprise, his hand was all wet when he pulled back.
Y/n lowered her head, mentally cursing herself for being so weird.
“I’m sorry, Harry-I-sometimes get super nervous around new people, and my hands-they get all sweaty. I’m sorry”
“No, no, it’s alright. No need to apologize.” he wiped his hand on his beige pants, and she still felt bad for the faint spot that developed on which looked like custom tailored pants. 
She turned, getting hold of her purse, and opening the chain. She fished out a fresh handkerchief, which she had kept for Ellie, because she always eats messily, getting crumbs all over her face and clothes. But Y/n adores it, and she smiles everytime she cutely says, “Mumma, hanky” with a bright smile, so proud of herself for that.
“Here-take this,” she offered him her napkin, a white one with pink flowers laced on it.
He will to keep it forever, he thinks.
And that he did, too. The same handkerchief, unused by him because he couldn’t bring himself to do anything that would make the softness, and the smell of her perfume laced in it, go away. It sits in his cupboard, in one of the two lockers that he has. 
“Thank you” he takes it, stuffing it in his pocket.
They go for a walk after that, looking at all the camp-activities that were in the brochure. The swings, the activities, the areas allocated for different sports, with so many children running around with sports equipment.
“I think she really needed it, you know. She worked hard throughout the year, doing all her assignments and homework on time. She also did her science project all by herself, without even any help from me and Elliot. Can you believe that?”
She looked so, so pretty, talking proudly about her daughter.
“And Elliot is-?”
“My husband, yeah”
Harry thinks she would be proud, or happy, at least, while telling him that she has a husband. But she doesn’t, and she hopes he doesn’t notice the small frown that creeps up her face, her smile fading with just the mention of his name.
Unfortunately, he does.
.         .        .
Throughout the day, they spend time together. Sitting on the swings, talking bout their pasts and smiling and giggling, like a couple of teenagers in love. But, they’re far from that.
Y/n thinks she hasn’t been so happy in a while. She hasn’t laughed this much in a while too, nor had a normal conversation with an adult.
So, when Ellie told her there was going to be a week long summer camp, she made sure she was the one to go with he. She just wanted to step out of the house, and meet some new people, have normal conversations, unlike the screaming and arguing she endured almost everyday.
And Harry…well, he’s Harry. His heart skips a beat every time she smiles, so carefree and beautiful. The way her face glows in the sun, and the tiny crinkles that form when she squints them to see him in the sunlight. Her hair, that flows freely in the warm air, and the biggest smile on her face as she tries to tie them up, but they just keep slipping out of her grasp.
He can't help but be captivated by her presence, his gaze lingering on her with an intensity he can't quite explain. Her smile seems to light up the entire landscape, and he finds himself enchanted by the way she effortlessly radiates joy. Even though, she had been quite opposite of that for a while. He feels a warmth spread through him whenever she looks his way, a feeling he can't quite put into words but cherishes nonetheless. 
Yeah, he’s in love with her.
(next part)
tell me if you like this! i might consider a part 2, because this was sitting in my drafts and i know this isn't soo good!
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely @whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @ladscarlett @daphnesutton @youcan-nolonger-run @prettythingsworld  @chesthairrry  @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs  @hisparentsgallerryy  @storyschanging  @selluequestrian  @islakp217 @swiftmendeshoran @princessaxoxo @tenaciousperfectionunknown
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hungharrington · 1 year
Could I request something from the prompt you reblogged:
“I had a dream about you last night. Woke up hard/wet. Wanna hear about it?”
kitchen counters (kisses, and more)
this was hard to think of a sitch! it's a bit weird (?) but also a bit goofy at times, which i love and i hope u love anon! not any warnings needed, it's hot consensual sex except they don't use a condom but we know this is fiction and we should totally use those things irl. ok be safe and enjoy <3 2.8k words. minors do not interact.
It’s a bit of a strange morning, being here in Steve’s kitchen when you haven’t spent the night.
Not for lack of want, mind you. You hadn’t been able to is all, some family event that rolled way too late into the evening. And even though you know Steve would’ve come and picked you up if you asked, even at some point past midnight, you didn’t want to ask that of him. You knew he’d had a long day. Steve tried to insist he’d sleep better with you beside him.
“I don’t want you driving, s’all,” you said into the receiver last night, your tone apologetic. “It’s just, it’s late and you’re tired. I’ll come over in the morning, okay?”
“You promise?” Steve grumbled back. He never was in the chirpiest of moods when he went home to empty sheets. 
And you followed through, driving over as soon as you could after your wake-up. Your own spare key lets you into the house and it’s only mildly surprising to find it quiet. The kitchen is empty, lights off. 
You think of your boyfriend, who must be still asleep upstairs, and take a couple steps up the stairs, and— ah, there it is. The sound of the shower. If you strain your ears, you can hear his faint rendition of a George Michael song. It makes you grin.
You head for the kitchen anyways, flipping on the lights as you go— it’s a bit later than Steve’s usually up but you’re willing to bet that without you there to bug him awake, he’s dozed past his usual alarm.
There are Eggos in the fridge, enough for both of you, and fill the toaster with them, pressing the lever down. You begin brewing the coffee, the scent of it percolating the air and it’s nearly ready by the time you hear Steve coming down the stairs.
He appears in the doorway, shower towel still hung around his shoulders, his chest bare. You automatically dip your gaze to drink up the sight of his chest, a mixture of love and lust competing in your chest. His hair is shaggy and wet. He’s scrubbing the back of it with the towel but he pauses, delighting at the sight of you.
“I thought I heard you,” He smiles easily, and you meet him in the middle when he comes over for a kiss. His hands circle your waist. You press up on your toes and hold his face gently, pressing your sweetest good morning onto his lips. Steve hums. His eyes are still closed when you pull back.
They flutter open and he smiles again, blindingly handsome. “Missed you last night,” he says, pulling you closer by your waist. “And this morning too.”
Your heart sings just a bit, your thumb stroking lovingly across his cheekbone. “I bet you did, handsome.”
Steve raises his brows like he thinks you don’t believe him and his hands slither down, nearing the curve of your ass as suggestiveness creeps in his tone. “Uh huh. Even had a dream about you last night.”
His head ducks into the curve of your neck, lips ghosting along your throat as he continues, voice still husky from his sleep. “Woke up hard.”
His body pressing into you confirms that his high-running hormones haven’t managed to dim in the time between his dream and now — his cock is half-hard, nudging against your thigh. You can’t help the way you shiver when he kisses your neck, wet and warm, and murmurs, “Wanna hear about it?”
He’s a bastard. That’s the first thought in your mind as his kiss turns harsher, suckling at the skin of your neck in a way that weakens your knees — he’s a bastard who knows exactly what he’s doing. Your hands slip from his jaw to his shoulders, clutching them a little tighter. You try to pull yourself together.
“Something tells me you’re gonna tell me anyways.” You remark, a pant already making your words sound a little gaspier.
Damn, he makes you needy. Your head falls back and you let him nibble along your neck, feeling your arousal sparking — and catching fire quick, burning low in your stomach.
“Mm, I could,” Steve replies, between his lovebites. His cock has gotten harder, his hips lightly grinding against you to work it the right way. You keen into his touches. “Or… I could show you?”
Your hands move to tug his face up, out of your neck, and you kiss him, hard. Steve groans appreciatively into the kiss, beginning to walk the two of you backward til his back hits the counter. He uses the leverage to pull you closer, his knee nudging between your thighs — your cunt pulses hotly as you grind down against his thigh, lust licking hot at your spine.
“Mhm, definitely…” Steve starts, words tumbling out between his kisses. His teeth scrape your bottom lip, tongue soothing along after. “Definitely started like this.”
“Oh yeah?” You huff, giving a pleasurable shudder when the seam of your jeans lines up just right, rubbing rough right on your clit. A breathy moan escapes you and pushes into Steve’s lips, sealed in your kiss.
Not breaking his kiss, Steve’s hands grip your hips, his knee nudging higher as he pulls down to grind on him again — another bolt of pleasure pulls a moan from you as you clench around nothing. For a hot minute, you two play this game; Steve dedicating himself to your bottom lip, kisses hot and hands wandering, while you rub against his thigh needily. You reach a breaking point eventually.
“Steve,” you pull back from your sloppy kiss to whine, unsure exactly what you’re asking from him.
Face more flushed than before, Steve eyes you hungrily, lips swollen from your steamy kisses. He pulls your hips forward once again, groaning at the reaction it gets him— another pitiful whine, your hands on his neck flexing.
“God, you’re a fuckin’ angel,” He muses, more to himself. He bites his lower lip and takes a second to compose himself before his fingers take a walk, eyes tracing the path they take along the edge of your jeans. Steve pauses at the button, eyes flicking up to your face, eyebrows raising an inch.
“Take ‘em off?” He asks.
“In the kitchen?” You counter, sounding a bit appalled. Not that you and Steve have ever been restricted to the bedroom, but, well….
The Eggos in the toaster pop right at that moment as if to prove your point. You and Steve's heads both whip to the side to look at it and there's a moment of silence. Steve giggles first and you join in quickly, leaning into him. The noise tapers off and when you look back to Steve, you think about the night you would've had if you hadn't been held back.
You don't owe it to him, but you certainly are eager to find out the contents of his dream.
Stepping back out of his hold, you pull your shirt off swiftly. Next, you unbutton your jeans and shimmy them down your legs, kicking them off. Your legs prickle in the sudden coolness. You enjoy the wide-eyed boyish joy on Steve's face maybe a bit too much. He clearly wasn't sure he'd convinced you.
“You did say you'd show me what happened in this dream." You say, hooking your thumbs into your panties, like you're about to work them down your legs next. You pause, tilt your head, the fire in your belly fueled by Steve's greedy gaze drinking you in, "Or do you want to be the one to take these off?"
Steve growls, stepping forward and capturing your lips with his. It's fast and messy, his lips taking and taking, hands raking fast across your body as he lets desire run free. One hand kneads at your breast, pinching lightly at the peaking nipple beneath your shirt, stirring up heat within you. The other hand delves down, down, pushes gently into your panties.
A gasp stutters out of you as he runs his middle finger along your slit, gathering the wetness welling from your entrance. The pad of his fingers drags your slick forward, searching for your clit and you're nearly embarrassed by the hiccupy whimpering noise you make when he finds it.
"There?" Steve says, though his finger has already started to circle it, treacherously slow motions. You nod, your hand slipping and grasping his bicep tightly, giving a sweet sigh of pleasure. "Oh, good girl."
The praise sinks into your skin and you can feel yourself getting wetter, another futile clench of your cunt around nothing.
"Y'think you can handle my cock?" Steve murmurs lowly, checking in with you. He meanly speeds up his soft rubs on your clit as he asks, nearly making it impossible to answer for a minute, but you manage another nod, swallowing your noises for a moment.
"Yes," You say, voice nearly a whisper. Your breathing comes out in soft little pants, chest heaving. "Yes, yes, please, Steve."
Steve hums, pulling his hand from your panties and reaching for his own pants, the buckle clinking as he undoes his belt clumsily. His jeans pool at his ankles, kicked off in the direction of your own, and for a moment, it makes you laugh — two pairs of crumpled jeans on your kitchen floor all because of Steve's horny sleeping brain.
"So," you say, glancing for a moment at his tenting boxers. It makes you salivate just a bit. "How do you want me? How did the dream go?"
You emphasize the word dream, bending over to rest your forearms on one of the counters, sticking your ass out behind you tantalizingly. Steve's eyes stare intensely, chest rising and falling as he steps closer — his hands fall onto your lower back, dragging down lightly, til his fingertips curl under the elastic of your panties.
"Mhmm," He drags them further, revealing the swell of your ass and hot cunt and releasing a resounding groan of appreciation. He sounds breathless when he says, "Just... fuck, just like this."
Your panties gather round your ankles and you step out of them. Behind you, you can hear the sound of his boxers dropping, one warm hand leaving your skin for just a second. It's back in an instant, both his hands shifting down again, spreading your cunt wide for him.
Steve lets out another raspy groan, one of his thumbs coming down to play in the well of slickness building at your hole — your head tips forward with a shaky pleasured sigh of relief.
"Oh, so wet for me already." He says, bordering a tease. You resist the urge to wriggle your hips, to push back and see if he'll relent and touch you more. "Already so messy, huh?"
His light tone of mock twines up your desire and tugs it harshly, your cunt clenching with a whine so loud you nearly don’t hear his chuckle. You're nearly dizzy with relief when the next touch is his cock, nudging against your hot entrance lightly. One hand holds your hip.
Steve goes easy, sinking into you tortuously slow til his thighs meet the back of yours, a sighing moan scraping out his throat as he does. You keen, a strained mewl pushing out your throat as you get filled— so full it aches deliciously, aches for more.
“Ste— fuck,” His name is stolen from your mouth in a gasp, your hands gripping the counter as he pulls his hips back slow, the drag so so fucking delectable. Shit.
Steve rolls his hips forward, pushing back in gently and he pauses again, giving you a moment — even as you tremble and huff out high little noises, clearly enjoying yourself. Warmth spreads across your back as he leans over, pressing himself against your back and his cock further in. There’s a soft kiss on your spine, then another.
“Fuck,” he breathes heavily, breath fanning across your back. He gives another leisurely roll of his hips, a gentle fuck into your heat. You can feel his cock twitch inside you as your cunt clamps down on him. Another whiney noise passes your lips, heat curling up tight in your lower tummy. “Fuck, s’like you’re made for me. Like this pussy was just made for me.”
“Stevie,” you plead, managing to get the word out this time. There’s another ghost of his lips along your skin, then his arm shifts, wriggling under your tummy. He scoops it around your middle, hand pushing up between your breasts to rest on your sternum. Still folded atop you, Steve finally begins to move, hips pumping his cock in and out, faster and faster.
You squeal, body humming like a livewire as Steve finally fucks you, the soft squelch of your cunt sucking him in filling the kitchen. Steve’s chest burns hotly where it’s pressed to your back and you can hear every grunt that pairs with the snap of his hips, his hand on your hip and his arm under you pulling you back to meet every thrust.
Your eyes slip closed, little uh, uh, uh’s coming from your pretty mouth mixed with whimpers of Steve’s name. You’re stretched up on your toes, trying to get the angle that only Steve has ever found. Your core is burning with desire, a throbbing growing in your clit.
“You’re- shit, you’re better than a dream, sweetheart.” Steve grunts, hips never slowing his motions. The stretch of his cock has gone by now but the shape of his hard cock feels like he’s moulding your insides — and you love it.
“Nothing beats this pussy, mm. Nothing,” He drags out the word with a groan, breath coming out in hot pants against your back. “Beats fucking my girl.”
You’re nodding, beginning to feel too fucked out to even think of words. Steve’s hand shifts your hips up and you know he’s looking for that spot inside you— because you can feel his grin against your spine when you whine loudly when the head of his cock finds it.
“Oh, is that the spot?” Steve asks, voice dripping in condescension. You nod frantically. He starts to bully it with his cock, every fast thrust hitting it over and over, til nothing but the melted words of more and please leave your mouth in a drooling ramble. You’re whimpering and whining, cunt drooling all over his cock, down your thighs.
“That’s it, honey.” The words come out a bit choppy like Steve’s own orgasm was rearing its head and his hand moves off your hip — deftly finding your clit. You make a pathetic moan of his name as he circles it harshly, quick circles with the pads of his fingers.
“Fuckfuckfuck, Steve— uh, fuck,” You’re spewing anything that comes to your brain, your hips rocking back to meet Steve’s hard thrusts instinctively as you chase your high.
“Shit, honey,” Steve moans, voice climbing higher and breathier. His hips begin to jackhammer, stuttering as his orgasm tips over — a whiney string of curses sung into your skin as he fucks into your wet, hot cunt, hot cum dribbling from his cock inside you.
You’re desperate now, teetering close to your own edge but not quite there. “Stevie, please,” you cry. His fingers on your clit which had slowed regain their speed, his hips picking back up as he begins his murmurs to you.
“C’mon, honey, you’re so close, can feel this pussy sucking me in.“ He whispers hotly, his hand on your sternum moving to grope at your breast, fingers twisting at your nipple. “Want you to cum for me, okay? Please fucking cum for me.”
You don’t get a lot of choice with his cock drilling into you, pushing that sweet spot enough that your orgasm finally builds and melts — a strangled whiney moan of his name warbles out of you, instantly met with Steve’s praises, murmurs of how good you are for him. It feels like every nerve is alight, turning over and pulsing as the waves of pleasure ride out in your body.
You exhale, trying to catch your breath as you half melt into the counter, finally lowering off your tiptoes as you relax in the post-haze. Steve eases his cock out of you, the quietest wince, and you give yourself another minute before you drag yourself up, beginning to look for your abandoned panties. A thought strikes you.
“So,” you pant, leaning back against the counter; you’ll definitely need to sanitise that later. Steve’s rescued his boxers, tugging them up as he raises his brows to indicate he’s listening to your question. “How’d we do on the dream recreation?” You ask.
Steve grins cheekily. “Oh, in my dream we fucked on the couch.”
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milf-harrington · 1 year
i just haven't met you (yet)
alright here's your bloody part two, jesus christ ♡
part one
The door unlocked with a series of clunking pops before Steve even registered the sound of boots on the porch.
The cabin was too deep in the woods to avoid regular visitors and the area was boobytrapped enough to discourage anyone else, but still, Hopper frowned disapprovingly at the back of El's head when the door swung open before he reached it.
"You're meant to wait until I knock."
She twisted around to see him over her shoulder, blood smudged under her nostril. "Why?"
The police chief sighed, closing the door behind him and re-engaging each lock by hand. A plastic bag dangled from his fingers.
"Because I could'a been anyone- someone dangerous."
"But you are not."
"But I could have been."
It was a conversation they had often, and this time Steve welcomed it, sinking further into the couch and hoping to avoid any possibility of Hop bringing up the walkie incident.
El had spotted the bag, climbing to her feet in a graceless un-piling of arms and legs.
Thanks to the combined efforts of both their appetites, the pizza cooling on the stove was the third of the night, but Steve knew she'd still be gorging herself on eggo's as soon as she got her hands on them. That girls stomach was an endless abyss, apparently.
Hopper didn't even get a chance to put the bag down before El was rummaging through it, and Steve huffed fondly.
Hopper's eyes flicked up to meet his, mustache twitching, and Steve groaned, leaning his head back against the couch and hiding his face in his hands.
"Can we just forget it happened?" He pleaded.
El, bright yellow boxes piled in one arm, looked between them. "Forget? Why are we forgetting?"
Before Steve could come up with a clever diversion, Hopper was already ruffling her hair and heading for the kitchen. "Your brother embarrassed himself on the radio earlier."
El blinked and tilted her head. "What did you do?"
Steve whined, mortification still simmering in his belly. "I asked if the guy Hop arrested was cute, and he heard it."
"Why is that embarrassing?"
"I wasn't arresting him."
Steve straightened up, ignoring El's question in favour of Hopper's reveal.
"You weren't?"
So, he hadn't called a criminal cute?
Hopper didn't look at him, preoccupied with lifting a slice of pizza free from the tray. "You know how those rich types are-"
Steve grimaced in agreement.
"- they think anyone who's not up to their standards is up to no good."
Something settled in Steve's stomach and he picked at the pizza crust under his nails.
He hadn't called a criminal cute.
"So why'd you take him to the station?"
Hopper grunted, mouth and plate full as he dropped it on the table. El remained in the kitchen, watching the toaster with her chin resting on the back of her hands.
"Protocol mainly. I got his statement about what he was doing in that area, then let him call his uncle to pick him up."
The toaster popped and the tv flickered when El startled. Steve cracked a smile.
"Look," Hopper sighed at the ceiling. "Munson is a pain in the ass, and I've hauled him in for possession more often than I'd like, but he's a good kid."
He shot Steve another grin as El settled beside him with her plate of waffles, and Steve got a bad feeling.
"Don't worry, though. I told him you're cute too."
El caught the pillow before it could knock over the salt shaker, freezing it in mid-air before letting it drop silently to the hardwood.
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amxrany · 10 months
I am not in the mood to study so yeah (Part 3):
The senate (which are just these 3 floaty thingies) start to blame him for Meleanor's death and they punish him by banning him from the capital (which makes Silver and Sebek realize why Lilia can't do certain things). BUT BAD NEWS GUYS THE BLOT IS BACK and it's forming around Lilia with him muttering that he'll join them (Meleanor and Leverne) soon...
All of a sudden the ring (yknow the one Silver has) teleports them to another old memory, taking place 10 years after the war where Lilia was secretly called by Maleficia. Apparently Malleus eggo stopped accepting her magic and that direct touch and love would be more efficient
Baul wants Lilia to travel to various to find ways to hatch Malleus eggo and also reminds Lilia of Meleanor's last words where if she's gone, Lilia will be the one in charge of hatching him (as well as acting like a married couple with Leverne OKAYYYYYY)
Lilia tells the eggo that if he ends up in the stars before Lilia returns, eggo's parents are going to scold him so he asks Malleus to hold on AND MOTHERFUCKER
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Lilia travels around the world, but everytime he brings up the egg people immediately shum him out, saying that dragons only exist in fairy tales. But every time Lilia comes back to Malleus eggo, Baul notices that the magic increases. Then Lilia suddenly brings up that Meleanor was a picky eater while Leverne was a honor student but in reality the dude hid his veggies under the table 😭😭😭
A rumor goes around that there was a castle holding dragons so Lilia goes to check it out, but he was too late. He then breaks down asking if anyone knew how to hatch the egg until magic suddenly overflows and boom we got the origin story of Lilia's UM. He uses this to his advantage to find more research to hatch Malleus
200 years has passed and Lilia was succesful
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Lilia breaks down cuz after 200 YEARS MAN HE FINALLY DID IT , MALLEUS GAVE HIM HOPE 🥹
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Silver finally understands why the dream turned out like this, Lilia lost everyone but his happiest moment was bringing Malleus to life. The senate praise Lilia for being a hero but something happens
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Malleus pretty much goes nuts here because the senate and Maleficia were lying to him. He then asks Lilia what dream does he want: One where Meleanor and Leverne lived or something else that makes him happy BUT SILVER AND SEBEK MANAGE TO INTERVENE AND SNAP LILIA BACK TO REALITY YEYYYYYY
With Lilia now back to us, the group proceeds to run away but while that was happening Lilia mentioned this
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Then Silver promises Lilia that they will meet again and activates his UM BUT THEN A HOLGRAM OF ORTHO APPEARS TO THEM
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Manifesting real hard for the next update being the Shroud bros segment cuz if you think about it Idia didn't need any assistance to escape the dream LIKE BRO ACCEPTED THE FACT HIS BROTHER IS DEAD AND THAT'S HARD
This was surprisingly short (or maybe I was rushing) with only 3 parts but hope you guys enjoyed it!!
Previous: Part 2
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rina7z · 2 months
after breakdown i was sitting on reddit and learned some hours ago that i am aegosexual. that make me feel SO DAMN HAPPY as hell because all time i thought im weirdo when calling myself fully asexual because im very not interested in sex process in real life, but enjoing sexual content and thinking that i never do this in real life with someone but i am weirdo anyway because i stuck in my paranoia and i never saw person who thinking same. same was when i said about being aromantic and enjoying actually romantic things about love between fiction characters or enjoying with romance content but never thinking about love for irl atractive. but after i found reddit people who thinkink literally same as me! this is good feeling when you not alone such weirdo... feels like im legaly can do what i want like another people do.
funny word. sounds like egg... or eggo like im attracted to waffles :)
i am aegosexua and aegoromantic. now im so happy with this information :)
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you probably will hate me now but i hope you not...
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 96
Part 1 Part 95
Mom makes him go home when he starts dosing on Steve’s hospital bed. But it’s okay because she kisses Steve’s cheek before she leaves, and Eddie and Wayne stay parked by his side. 
The connection’s easier now. It’s like all that time straining for Steve has snapped something into place. He can feel them all the time, a warm buzzing in his chest. He wonders if he runs hot now. If the warmth will diffuse through his whole being, make coats obsolete even in the dead of winter. 
Hopper is waiting for them in the waiting room, El burrowed into his side. She looks wan, and tired, drooping into her extravagant coat, eyeliner running down her cheeks like she’s been crying. Something inside him twists when he looks at her.
Before he can untangle that knot of emotion, Hopper stands up, both hands slapping against his knees first the same way Mike’s dad does before he gets up from his recliner. “You ready to go?” he asks, not looking away from Mom. 
When Will glances up, Mom’s smiling up at Hopper in a way he doesn’t want to think about. The adults talk quietly in front, leaving El to stumble tiredly along beside Will. She’s staring at the side of his face. Will can’t bring himself to look back. 
“Steve,” she says, sounding the word out and making it longer like it still tastes foreign on her tongue. “He is okay?”
When Will gets up the courage to look over, her eyes are big and worried. He smiles at her helplessly. It’s almost funny how innocent she looks; like she’s a bunny dressed up in punk clothes. “He’ll be okay.”
She smiles, small and close lipped, but it still beams out of her like the sun. Will tilts his head to the side and tries to see what Mike sees in her. He wants to hide her in Castle Byers, build a fortress around her, and keep her away from all the lab people for the rest of her life. 
Is that howMike felt, hiding her in his basement, giving her frozen eggos and keeping his mouth shut? 
But then her lips thin and she looks forward again. The feelings vanishes. It’s just El, hia friend, despite how much of Mike’s attention she’d snapped up just by being herself. 
“I’m glad,” she says, looking at Hopper’s broad back as she takes two steps for each one of his. 
It’s quiet after that, the way it always is after; all of them too brittle and bruised and bone-deep tired for conversation.
Hopper’s truck rat-a tat-tats itself to life in the hospital parking lot. The radio croons out something quiet and thrumming until Hopper reaches over to shut it off.
El’s heads smushed into the window, vibrating against the pot-holed roads of Hawkins.
Will’s so tired he’s wide awake. 
He watches the familiar buildings of Hawkins flicker by. It's been a long time since knowing his surroundings brought any comfort. 
Monsters could live behind every door, every tree, every smiling face.
He’s not sure any of them will ever feel safe again. 
Will closes his eyes, locking the scenery out so he can focus on the bundle of warmth in his chest. They’re still huddled together, two sparks merging in his chest. 
The past couple days have been a necessary violation of Eddie’s private feelings. He’d bared them all with love confessions and grasping hands, trying to pull Steve back from the edge of immolation. 
He’s not even sure Steve knows, hopes he does. Steve deserves to hold that love delicately between his palms and choose what to do with it. 
He won’t crush it, even if it’s unreturned. He’ll hold it gently like he always does.
Will doesn’t realize he fell asleep, or that they’d arrived home until he’s in free-fall. It feels like one of those falling dreams where you wake up solidly in the middle of your bed, but this time he really is tumbling, only Jonathan’s arms keeping him from hitting the gravel. 
“Are you okay?” he asks shakily as he pulls Will into his chest, holding him tight enough to hurt. “I’m so sorry.”
“Oh, sweetie,” Mom murmurs, wrapping them both up in her arms, chin landing solidly on Jonathan’s shoulder, sandwiching Will between their bodies. “Everyone’s fine, right Will?”
Will murmurs his affirmation, feeling groggy and confused in the light of day. 
“I was with Nancy,” Jonathan whispers. “I was just with Nancy, and you were–I almost–”
“Shh,” Mom cuts him off, reaching up to cradle his face and smile up at him. Will barely catches the edge of his watering eyes from his restricted vantage point between them. “Everyone’s fine.”
“I should have been he–”
“Jonathan,” Mom interrupts again, sharper this time. “Everyone is fine. You deserve a normal life.”
“But Will–”
“I’m fine!” Will cuts in this time. 
Jonathan pulls back, looking down at him with worried, droopy eyes. “And Steve? Mike said he was possessed.”
Will feels that bundle of warmth in his heart, lets it shine through his smile as he looks up at his brother. “He’ll be okay.” As Jonathan droops with relief, Will feels his smile turn cheeky. “Eddie will never let you forget that you were on a date while we were fighting monsters, though.”
Jonathan closes his eyes, pained while Mom laughs. 
It’s not until they’re walking toward the front door that Will notices the lack of demo-dog bodies. There’s still puddles of black oil-slick blood, but everything else looks normal. Who covered their tracks? The lab? Hopper?
He settles down for the debrief, pillowing his head on Jonathan’s shoulder as Hopper’s even tones flit through his brain. 
Maybe familiar places no longer hold any comfort, but Jonathan’s bony frame is enough to lull him into a peaceful sleep.
Part 97
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @wonderland-girl143-blog @nerdsconquerall @sharingisntkaren @canmargesimpson @bananahoneycomb @rainwaterapothecary @practicallybegging
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toomanylegos · 1 year
I need more incorrect quotes.
Please 🙏
How can I say no to a request so polite?
Hold on, let me fetch more for you-
Kal: Hey Leo. I'm here to pick up Jude. Some things changed around and our mission got moved up.
Leo: ...what?
Kal: Jude. He said he was hanging out with you today.
Leo, growing confused: No. I called him to see if he wanted to hang out cause David said he'd be hanging out with you today, but Jude said he was busy.
Kal, suspicion: ...David said he was with me?
Leo: Yeah. So, I would like to know what the plum fuck is going on.
Kal, sinking realization: ...has Jude or David said anything about a "research project" lately?
Leo, letting terrible realization roll over him: ......
Leo: oh sweet Mary mother of God
Jude: Alright, how many of those private messaging forums have you gotten into?
David, glasses glinting in mischief: All of them
Jude, smirking devilishly: Oh-hohoho this is going to be beautif-
Jude: Leo, listen! Corruption needs to be uncovered! The people need to know!
David: Justice must be served!
Leo, in a panic over being on a watch list now: THIS IS ILLEGAL!! THIS IS SO MANY LEVELS OF ILLEGAL!!!
Jude, releasing dubious government files: PUBLIC CONDEMNATION!!!
David, popping champagne: JUSTICE!!!
Give me a moment, I have another one in the back
Elizabeth: Fine, but we're having salad for dinner.
Alexander, disappointed: But Ivani said we're having burgers.
Elizabeth: If Ivani jumped off a cliff, would you?
Alexander: [dead staring at the middle distance in deep thought]
Elizabeth, in shock: Alexander!
Alexander, stuttering like mad: I- uh- well-
Alexander: I mean it depends!
Elizabeth, scoldingly: Don't! Jump off! A cliff!
Alexander: Well I wasn't planning on it...
Elizabeth: But if Ivani jumped you would?!
Elizabeth, shock x2: ALEXANDER!!!
Aaaaaand one more as a treat! 😘
Alice: Hi! Welcome to Applebee's! Would you like apples or bees? : )
Phoenix, hesitantly: B-Bees?
Phoenix: Wa-Wait-
Alexei & Catherine, walking in with a jar of bees: >:)
Phoenix, in horror: WAIT-
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 1 month
Steve was never surprised when he walked into his house and found one or all of the kids there. Dustin had made them all keys, and they were all there. . .plus one more that he didn't recognize.
Steve: Did you guys bring a new friend?
Dustin: What? No, he was here when I came in.
Steve: And you didn't bother to question it?
Max: We kind of just assumed that you got adopted by another kid again.
Steve: I have never seen this person before in my life. . . Hey! Did you break into my house?!
The guy froze before running out the back.
Steve: *running after him* At least tell me your name! Do your parents know where you are?!
El: I hope he keeps Steve. I like him.
Steve eventually came back in, his hands on his hips.
Steve: Did anyone get a name from him?
El: I named him Eggo.
Steve: What?! El, you can't just name a person like he's a pet.
Mike: I tried telling her he probably already came with one.
Lucas: Are we getting a new brother or not?
Steve: You guys know you're not my kids, right?
Max: It's up for debate.
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kuntniss · 1 year
hmm i think denying will’s jealousy in both st3 and st4 is erasing an important part abt his love for mike and who he is, esp with how it’s different both seasons. because it’s often associated with homophobes trying to act like will was evil for being jealous and a little upset w/ his friends, so it’s dismissed overall but like. okay. ignore them for once. in season three, it’s still a more childish thing—which yea ofc it is. he’s a kid. he wants to cherish that time and his friends. he feels left behind (he IS left behind) but this is also the first time he sees mike with someone else, somewhat of the way he was with will. and it isn’t like will was planning on making mike his boyfriend, but he assumed they’d just stay closer than everyone forever. he wants them to love each other but he wasn’t expecting some love declaration, it would just be their thing. and that’s another part of what upsets him—besides him feeling so invisible and stuck in the past, he’s mad because he expected so much. hence him calling himself stupid while looking at that picture. it was almost like it was foolish for him to even feel jealous, for him to want to be noticed again. i wouldn’t necessarily call it selfish because that isn’t will, but it isn’t like it is in season four. it’s not as resigned. and it comes from a place of sadness and anger and so much fucking hope that it’s embarrassing for him. but then in season four, he really only gets annoyed that day at rink o mania, specifically that talk with el while mike gets his socks. this is also right after that wack airport hug, so he’s upset with both mike AND el. and guess what? the jealousy is more of an i’m disappointed and i’m upset and i can’t believe this is what’s happening when it was supposed to be good. like how it was in the summer. and then other times when he seems to be jealous (mike walking up to give el her eggos), it’s quiet, it’s less obvious, it’s more yearning. even when el’s brought up in a lot of conversations, he doesn’t get mad. if it was st3, he would’ve rolled his eyes, he wouldn’t have wanted to engage in the conversation. he’s tired and he’s trying to grow up. and then again right before the byers brother™️ talk, he’s looking over at mike and el and again, it’s that quietness, that sadness, that loneliness. literal hours after he lies about the painting and resigns himself to a life of this silence, this secret. he’s exhausted and just doesn’t expect things to ever be the same. it’s still jealousy, nonetheless. the script confirms it, yes, but it’s not even that hard to realize. people just do it wrong. and jealousy isn’t always bitter or angry, will rarely is. it stems from this love he’s had since he can remember and this pathetic-ness he’s felt many times, but never because of mike. until things change (ahem. one summer can change everything or whatever it was) and mike was the one aspect of his life he didn’t expect to change!!! the contrast between his st3 jealousy and st4 jealousy is so insane and tragic but beautiful because you know he loves mike so much but he doesn’t want to fight for him or with him.
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thequeendesi · 1 year
Two Pink Lines
Title: Two Pink Lines
Alt Title: I’ve Heard Worse News
Warnings: swearing, unplanned pregnancy, mentions of bad childhood
Pairing: Fezco x Reader x Platonic!Ash (lil bro ash and big sis reader ftw)
Disclaimer: I don’t own you or the euphoria franchise. I own the writing.
Rating: PG I reckon
Word count: 2k
A/N: I haven’t written anything in three months! I hope this doesn’t suck! I’ve had so much going on lately! I’ve gotten into my own place w my bf, I had a car crash, a major pregnancy scare, and a job promotion lol. I’m doing alright rn, so I figured I’d take the chance and finally get something out again! Thank you all for being so so kind and patient w my inconsistent ass 😂 I genuinely love all of y’all!!
You sighed, placing the test face down on the counter. Music playing from your phone to try and ease your nerves. Snooze by SZA playing low as you slipped down the wall. You pulled your knees to your chest as you allowed the song to play through, your brain running the entire time.
The jokes you made to your boyfriend, Fez, were just that. Jokes. In no way did you actually think you were ready for children. You had just graduated from East Highland less than a week ago.
Your childhood wasn’t the most pleasant. You had been living with your boyfriend since you two were 13 and 14. Fez was all you knew, and you were all he knew. You knew everything about him and his life. His grandma, his job, his brother. And you fit like a glove in all of it. His grandmother took you in with open arms and loved you as her own.
You didn’t know what you’d do with a baby, you didn’t know where it would fit into your current life. You worked at the local breakfast place, it was like a Waffle House, but called MeeMaw Judy’s Home.
Your mind drifted to Fez. He didn’t want kids. You knew for a fact because he always told you “keep it movin’ ma”, everytime you passed baby aisles. Hell, the two of you even had talked about it last night. As far as Fezco was concerned, he didn’t see a baby in y’all’s plans for at least another 4 years.
The song ended and you took a deep breath. You couldn’t begin to explain how long those 3 minutes were. “Alright.” You whispered to yourself as you stood up, turning over the test you stared at them. Two pink lines. You’re not even sure you’ve ever seen pink lines so dark.
“Fuck.” You whispered as you placed the test on the counter. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” you said, voice cracking at the last fuck, tears welling in your eyes. You had false positives before, only for the next test to have been negative. But this time you knew you were pregnant. Nausea, fatigue, as well as paired with your period being late not one, but two weeks? Oh yea, your eggo is preggo.
Your thoughts ran to a complete halt as the door opened. “(Y/N)! Can you make waffles… what the fuck is all of this?” Ash asked, looking at the test on the counter. Your heart sank as you tried to explain. “Look, I just… just please get out. Please.” You pleaded, trying to push him out. “Hey, it’s ok. Stop stressin’. Y’a’int in trouble. Just… y’know. Take a deep breath.”
Ash grabbed your hand, thumb rubbing over your knuckles, a trait he picked up from Fez after he noticed it helped you calm down. “Ash, please. I need to think of how to tell Fez.” Ash shook his head before leading you to sit on the couch. “Worry about calmin’ your ass down first. You’re acting like your life is over. It’s just a baby.” Ash let go of your hand.
You felt yourself relax a little. How was he so calm? How is your life not over? Taking another look at the test, you grabbed it. “This wasn’t supposed to happen this way.” You walked out of the bathroom to the living room.
You sat on the couch and let go of the breath you were holding. “Why’re you so freaked out?” Ash asked, taking a seat next to you.
“Ash, you’re 14. I really don’t think any of this is your business. You’re too young.” You said, placing the test face down on the table.
“(Name).” Ash said plainly, looking at you.
“Okay. Fair.” You nodded, before taking a deep breath. You’re really about to vent to your boyfriend’s 14 year old brother? Well, it wouldn't be the first time. Ash looked at you as a mother figure, seeing as his only real one was incapacitated.
“Fez doesn’t want kids. Not now at least.” You
“Well, ya should’ve been safer, huh?” He crossed his arms. “What’s the plan (Y/N)?” Ash asked you, leaning back into the couch.
“I don’t know. Haven’t thought that far ahead. A minute ago I found out I’m…” The words got caught in your throat as you leaned onto the couch as well. “You think MeeMaw’ll let me bring a kid to work?” You half joked.
“I’ve seen what she allows, it wouldn’t surprise me.” Ash said, a small smile finding itself on his rather stoic face.
Mrs. Judy, or MeeMaw as you and everyone called her, was a kinder old lady. Standing at a firm 4’10 inches, she’s seen a thing or two. She was always kind to you, making sure you had food to bring home to the boys. She knew your upbringing and the conditions that landed you to who you became.
“When’s Fez supposed to come home anyways?” You asked Ash. “Not sure. He’s sellin’ at some kid’s party tonight. What’s her name, Kat, I think?” He shrugged. “He probably won’t be home until midnight then,” you sighed, rubbing your face, “gives me at least 2 hours to think about what I’m gonna do.”
“I got somethin’ you can do then.”
“Waffles?” You half-laughed, looking at Ash through your fingers. “I think we need to buy eggs and milk for it actually.”
“Damn.” He placed his arms next to his sides. “We can watch a movie?” You suggested. “I got Maddy’s Netflix.” You shrugged.
“Better than waitin’ around for nothin’.” Ash grabbed the remote and handed it to you.
Turning on a movie on Netflix, some random movie by Adam Sandler, who’s movies were yours and Ash’s favorite way to pass time.
He quickly tuned into it, but your eyes glued onto the white slender test. Millions of thoughts ran through your mind.
Was Fez gonna be mad?
Was he gonna leave? Or more so, make you leave?
Was he gonna tell you it’s ok?
Was he gonna marry you? God, what a thought. Marriage wasn’t a bad thing, by no means. When it works.
By 12, your mother had been married 6 times, and two of them were remarriages to your father. Screaming, crashing and crying was no stranger to you.
You remember the argument your parents had that led them to that final divorce and you into Fez’s home.
“(Mother Name)! What’s this shit? You’re pregnant? Again?!”
“I was gonna tell you! You went snooping through the trash? Are you fucking insane?!” CRASH, you heard as the test that was thrown at the picture frame that had a picture of you holding your half-brother. You sniffed the tears back as you packed your bag faster.
“You should’ve wrapped it if you didn’t want this shit!” She screamed at him. “Fuck that! You’re just as much to blame! Is it even mine, whore?!”
“Oh fuck you, you bastard!”
“No thank you! That’s how we landed here! Just go! Go and fucking take your goddamn mistakes with you!”
Mistake? That’s all your father thought of you?
“You act like I wanted to get pregnant again, or any time beforehand! I didn’t want these fucking kids anymore than you or Jerald and Will did! Besides, (Name) is the only one here!”
Nevermind, there was your mother being the way she was. You looked at the broken glass on the floor as you stood in the doorframe.
“I’m not going with her.” You stated, in your broken little voice. “You’re not fucking staying with me.”
“I wasn’t fucking planning on it.” You walked past your father. “The fuck are you going?” Your mother asked.
“Why do you care?” You grabbed the doorknob, the rest of your body turning to look at your parents. “I’m a mistake to both of you, so why is it such a big fucking deal if I just grant you both your wish of getting out of your hair?” You asked them, tears free-flowing down your cheeks.
“Why the hell did you have kids if you hate them?” You asked them. “Why do I have to be an adult when I’m 13?”
Your parents stared at you, expression unrecognizable. “Well, just so you know, I hate you guys. So don’t worry, the feelings aren’t one sided.” You opened the door and walked out, closing it behind you.
You used your finger to wipe the tear that began to slip down your cheek. You haven’t seen your parents since that day, hell, you don’t even know if they’re alive or dead. You sent a graduation invitation to the house your mother lived at, but received the initiation back with RETURN TO SENDER in red letters over your face.
You looked over at Ash, who was fast asleep with his head on your lap. You smiled a little at him, and your gaze returned to the test.
Your phone began ringing from the bathroom and you gently placed Ash’s head on the couch. He curled up in a ball as he got re-comfortable. You walked to the bathroom and grabbed your phone.
Answering the call, you placed the phone to your ear. “Hey ma.” Fez’s voice sounded like honey over the phone. “Hey baby.” You said, holding the phone to your ear with your shoulder as you threw the box in the trash. “Ash ‘sleep?” He asked.
“Mhm.” You answered, walking back to the living room to grab the test.
“You good?” He asked into the phone as you heard his blinker. “Yea… no. I just… we gotta talk when you get home.” You answered, walking to the front door. “I’ll just meet you at the car so we can talk without waking up Ash.” You told him, hanging the phone up.
You walked to the front of the house and leaned against the gate. You put the test in your bra as you waited.
Your breath got caught in your throat as you watched the bright lights pull in front of you. Putting your head down you walked over to the passenger seat and got in.
“What’s wrong?” He looked at you, his hand moving to hold your face. His hand rested on your cheek as he made you look at him. “Whatever it is, ma, it’s gonna be aight.” He said, thumb stroking the soft flesh of your cheek.
Your lip quivered as you let go of the breath you were holding. “I’m pregnant, Fez.” You said straight out, taking the test out of your bra to hand to him, eyes drifting to the floor.
“Oh.” His hand leaves your cheek to grab the test, turning on an overhead light, he looks at it. “I’m sorry.” You sniffed, eyes welling with tears as you stared at your feet on the floorboard.
“Whatchu sorry for? This ain’t bad news. I thought you was finna tell me someone died.” He looked at you. “It ain’t like we knew it was gonna happen. Shit happens, ma. We’ll figure it out, somehow. Hell, grandma did.”
“You’re not mad?” You asked him. “I’m not thrilled. But that part ain’t important no more.” He took your face in his hands, test between his fingers. “You’re what’s important to me, ma. Without you, I don’t know where I’d be.” He kissed you softly. “We’re gonna have a baby. I’ve heard of worse news from you.” He said against your lips.
“I was scared you’d yell at me.” You confessed.
“Yell?” He pulled away from you. “Not about somethin’ like this.” He shook his head. “We got other shit to worry about rather than yellin’. Yellin’ ain’t gon’ get anything done other than stress my babies out.” He said simply.
“I got milk and eggs. Ash texted me.” He said.
“I guess I ain’t getting out of making them waffles, huh?”
“You figured you know better about that.” Fez half joked, grabbing the milk and eggs bag from the backseat.
“Now come on, I’m tired. It’s been a long night. We can talk more in the morning.” You patted his thigh and kissed his cheek.
He laughed a little and nodded his head. “Alright ma.”
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artiststarme · 1 year
Sneaky, Like a Ninja
Kind of a part 2 to this post based on a comment from @doubleb11. I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Now with a third and final part!
Living with Hopper, Joyce, and the kids while he recovered was great. Steve woke up every morning to breakfast before work, even if it was usually a disgustingly sweet Triple-Decker Eggo Extravaganza. He and the kids were bonding and the stilted conversations with Jonathan had lost their awkwardness. Even Joyce was starting to come around to Steve and was involving him in conversations instead of speaking around him. Things were good. 
What Steve didn’t appreciate was his midnight curfew or the rule that the door had to stay open three inches when all he wanted to do was make out with his boyfriend. He didn’t want Hopper glaring into his borrowed bedroom while he tried to “talk” with Eddie. I mean, anything more than a cautious peck was enough for Hopper to barge in with threats. 
These rules were grating on Steve’s nerves. For most of his childhood and all of his teenage years, Steve has been on his own. He made his own rules and could do almost whatever he wanted without repercussions since his parents were always out of town. So, living with other people and being expected to follow arbitrary rules fitted to a ten year old girl was significantly impacting his sense of independence. 
What choice did he have other than sneaking out? His head was fine, the mild concussion symptoms had long since dissipated but Hopper was unwilling to concede and if Steve didn’t have a fulfilling make out session with Eddie at least every other day, he was going to die. Luckily for Steve, he was somewhat of a ninja. 
So on a night that Hopper and Joyce both went to sleep early and Jonathan was out of the house working late, Steve snuck out. Honestly, it was easier than he had anticipated. He wiggled through the bedroom window, flopped ungracefully onto the hard earth while making sure not to hit his head, and waited a moment. When none of the house lights turned on and everyone remained silent in sleep, Steve grabbed Will’s bike and took off towards the trailer park. The ride was smooth and there was no one out at that time of night, it made the ride peaceful in a way that Steve hadn’t before considered. When he got to the Munson trailer, Eddie pulled him to his bedroom for cuddles and kisses. It had been far too long for both of them despite it being only a little over a week. Steve bragged to Eddie about how he was ‘sneaky, like a ninja’ and he kissed him to his heart’s content. He could get used to this. 
Early the next morning, Eddie drove him back to the Byers’ and dropped him off a few houses down. He did not want Hopper to see him dropping off his son so early, thank you very much. 
Steve gave him a kiss goodbye and carefully snuck back into the house. He was quietly closing the window behind him when he heard a throat clear. 
Steve jumped and turned around to face an unimpressed Jonathan. “Dude, what the hell! You should be asleep right now!”
Jonathan’s look only got blanker, “so should you. Where were you?”
“I was with Eddie, so what?” Steve did not want to talk about his sexual escapades to his pseudo step-brother/ex-girlfriend’s ex. 
“Steve, what would’ve happened if Hop had noticed you missing?”
“He wouldn’t have, okay. I’m sneaky! It’s fine, he's not going to find out,” Steve assured him. 
“Alright, if you’re sure, just be careful,” Jonathan warned before clapping his shoulder and walking away. 
It was fine, Steve was practically a ninja with how sneaky he could be. No one else would find out. 
His attempts to sneak out were successful the next several times. He would just use the bedroom window and off he went. However, on this particular night, when he crawled back into his room after spending a few hours with Eddie, Will and El were standing in front of the bed waiting for him like the twins from The Shining. 
“Son of a bitch!” Steve exclaimed and jerked back into the wall in surprise. He hadn’t expected the kids to notice his absence considering both of them were supposed to be asleep. “What the hell are you doing in here?”
“We were looking for you. What are you doing?” Will asked him. Steve didn’t know how to break it to him that he was sneaking out to make out with his beloved dungeon master so he stayed quiet. 
“Steve, are you okay? Should I get my dad?” El asked him, she seemed genuinely worried about him which made his heart hurt. 
“No! Do not get Hopper! Look guys, I was just going out to get some air. Everything is fine.”
“Why did you not use the door? Why the window?” El asked. 
“Were you sneaking out?” Will asked him.
“Okay, you need to tone down the accusations, kid. I was not sneaking out. Why would I even do that?” Steve asked him. 
“To see Eddie?” Will’s eyebrows raised for emphasis and Steve just stared at him. 
“Oh,” El nodded sagely. “You do not like the three inch rule. I did not either.”
“Wow! Hey,” Steve exclaimed, waving his hands. “You’re a kid, you shouldn’t be doing anything behind closed doors. Me though? I’m an adult. Also, it’s none of your business! Go to bed, weirdos!”
They each narrowed their eyes at him in tandem which kind of creeped him out but they filed out of the room regardless. Jesus Christ, Steve couldn’t wait to get back home to the empty house and parents that didn’t care what he was doing. 
When he tried to sneak out again the next night, he ran into a snag. Apparently, Will and El did not appreciate his methods of escape via bedroom window and had glued it shut. No amount of gently frantic jimmying could force it open. Son of a bitch!
The next few days Steve tried increasingly creative ways of sneakily escaping the house. He jumped through Will’s window one day, he left the back door propped open slightly to avoid the creaking sound later, he even constructed a fake body out of pillows and stayed out all night! 
When it was finally time to return home after Hopper kidnapped him, he could only breathe a sigh of relief. The Hopper-Byers were a caring bunch but the stress was starting to build up. Hopper gave him a ride back to his house and stopped him just as he was about to walk away from the cruiser.
“Hey kid?”
“Yeah,” Steve looked back at him in askance. He better not try to talk him into going back because he already had a movie night with Eddie and Robin planned at his place. 
“Next time, go through the front door. It doesn’t creak like the one in the back or stick like that bedroom window. Alright?” Hopper’s voice was void of emotion but his eyes looked amused. 
“You knew?!” Steve screamed. 
“Of course I knew, I’m the chief of police. You think anything happens around here that I’m not aware of?” The teasing tone dropped from his voice but he continued. “Tell Munson that he better stop defiling my son or we’re going to have words. Capiche?”
“Jesus Christ, Hop,” he muttered. His voice was kind of strangled and he cleared his throat as he started walking away. “I got it! Go be the chief of police and stop embarrassing me. Bye dad!” 
He shut the door behind him and leaned his head against it. So much for being sneaky like a ninja. 
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trigger-happy-in-red · 2 months
Kon comes into the apartment, its 9 am. He didn’t text Jason or Tim his ETA. He’s a bit disheveled with hickeys on his neck, he drops his jacket on the counter. He looks mildly exhausted.
Kon goes to the kitchen first thing, hoping no one is up yet at 9 am
( @super-duper-superboy )
Jason is, in fact, up at 9 AM.
Wil and Morel ended up staying the night, Wil is still asleep in Jason’s bed (and damn if that isn’t nice) and Morel and Jay are still wrapped around each other from staying up too late playing Stardew Valley.
Jason is currently making waffles from scratch—so many, in fact, that he’s going to have to start freezing them like eggos here pretty soon.
He hears Kon enters the kitchen, “You forgot to text-” and turns to look at him, “Jeez. Rough night?” He gestures to the comically giant stack of waffles in silent question.
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