#hope yall like the rarepair!
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"Weird is Lovely"
*this is my first ever school au fic so if it doesn't look like a school au then I'm sorry i tried anyways I got inspiration from @maineventshinku "adult school au" drawings so hope yall enjoy!*
*the ships involved are BrYuta, HangMox and my little rarepair I created of Claudio Castagnoli and Harley Cameron! Hardio? Harlio? Clarley? SwissKitty? Idk...*
Doughnut Team: @afterdarkprincess @thlayli-ra
“Why he does this every Friday I have no idea” Claudio says as he walks down the hallway to the principal's office. He has to leave class early so he can pick his best friend Mox up from detention. He might not like having to bail Mox out every Friday but they've been friends for nearly twenty years and he'd go to war with that guy if Mox asked. “Hey Claudio, wait up!” someone says from far away. Claudio hears the familiar tapping of boots on linoleum and sees it's Mox's boyfriend, “Hangman” Adam Page.
Claudio waits until Adam is right beside him. “Jesus, you're hard to catch! Gimme a minute” Adam says as he tries to catch his breath. “I assume you're coming with me to pick up Mox again?” Claudio asks, causing Adam to laugh. “Don't I always? Wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I didn't bail that dumbass out every week! Plus getting out early guarantees us the best spots in the library during free period!” Adam says excitedly as they start walking down the halls.
Free period is one of Claudio's favorite classes other than Home Economics cause he gets to catch up with friends, work on some homework and most importantly hang out with his girlfriend, Harley Cameron. Him and Harley have been together for five years and she's made his life exciting every time he's with her. She's the splash of color he needed in his boring life and he's loved her ever since. “Umm hello? Earth to Claudio!” Adam says, snapping Claudio out of his thoughts.
“Oh my apologies! I spaced out! What were you saying?” Claudio asks embarrassingly, causing Adam to laugh. “I was asking if you think Mox would like my outfit today?” Adam asks as he shows off what he's wearing. He's currently wearing his steel tipped cowboy boots, denim bell bottoms with a rose design on the side and a white tank top with flames on the bottom. “I'm sure he'll love it Adam. Is the shirt a homage to when you “accidentally” set a trash can on fire?” Claudio says with a laugh, causing Adam to blush.
“It was an accident! I thought I stubbed the blunt out! I still feel bad about it!” Adam says embarrassingly, causing Claudio to pat him on the back to comfort him. “I'm sure it was Adam anyways we're here” Claudio says as they make it to the principal's office. Claudio knocks on the door and pops out vice principal Christopher Daniels. “Lemme guess, you came to pick up Moxley?” Mr.Daniels asks tiredly, Adam and Claudio nodding in response.
“Of course you are… Moxley! Castagnoli and Page are here! For the billionth time this year” Mr. Daniels says under his breath as Mox walks out the door. “See you next Friday Mr. Daniels!” Mox says with a smirk, causing Mr.Daniels to let out a groan and shut the door. “Thanks for bailing me out like always man” Mox says as he fist bumps Claudio. “My pleasure Mox but you're forgetting someone else came with me to help” Claudio says sweetly as he mentions to Adam.
“Cowgirl!” Mox says happily as he picks up Adam and swings him around. “Babe put me down! You're gonna ruin my outfit!” Adam says with a laugh as Mox kisses him then puts him down. “Sorry princess but I haven't seen you since lunch and now that I'm looking at you… you look pretty darn cute right now” Mox says affectionately, causing Adam to blush. “Stop looking at me like ya wanna eat me!” Adam says as Mox smirks at him. “With the way you're dressed it makes me wanna get a second detention” Mox says seductively but before he does anything he gets stopped by Claudio.
“As much as I would love to third wheel this sexual act I believe we should start walking to our lockers so we can meet up with the others” Claudio offers so he doesn't get severely traumatized. “Oh fuck you're right! We gotta get our seats in the library before those Elite snobs do!” Mox says as he fixes his leather jacket and they all start walking down the hallway. “Care to explain why you got detention this week?” Claudio asks, curious on what bizarre thing Mox did to get sent there this week.
“I may or may not have slashed Mr.Callis’ tires on his new car” Mox says with an innocent look as he holds Adam's hand. “That new blue Lamborghini he just bought?!? You fucking didn't!” Adam says excitedly, Mox nodding in response. “You're gonna ruin that man's life until we graduate aren't you?” Claudio asks, receiving a devilish smile from Mox in return. “He deserves it for trying to fail me in woodshop because making wooden nunchucks isn't safe on school premises or some shit” Mox explains, causing both guys to laugh.
They hear the bell ring signaling that class is over and walk a bit faster as students are filing out. “Hey guys! Over here!” Wheeler yells from the lockers as he waves his hand to get the three's attention. They make it to the lockers where Wheeler and Bryan are standing. When they make it to the lockers, Wheeler hugs all three guys with excitement like he does everyday. They would protect Wheeler at all costs if needed.
“You guys excited for free period? I got a new pack of baseball cards I've been waiting to open to show you guys!” Wheeler says excitedly as he shakes the pack in his hand. “You know I'm excited for anything that doesn't involve homework! Also put those away before someone tries to steal them!” Mox warns, causing Wheeler to put the pack of cards back into his bag. “Ok! Geez! You're such a big brother but anyways you guys like my outfit?” Wheeler asks as he twirls in place.
He's currently wearing a pink sweater with cherries on it, a pink and white checkered skirt, white see-through leggings with white bows and pink converse. “You look absolutely adorable like always Wheeler” Claudio says, causing Wheeler to blush. “Yeah, did your sugar daddy buy it for ya?” Mox asks, making Wheeler laugh. “Yeah he did but don't tell Bryan though because he'll get mad” Wheeler says jokingly, receiving a gentle slap on the ass by Bryan in return.
“I love how I buy you cute things yet you still act like a little shit” Bryan says as Wheeler giggles and gives him a kiss on the cheek. “Think you can find me a sugar daddy Wheeler? I think I milked mine dry a while ago” Adam says teasingly, causing Mox to growl at him. “Keep talking like that and I'll make your ass sore for the rest of the year” Mox says seductively, making Adam tremble a bit. “Maybe I should join the cycling team considering I've been third wheeling almost the whole day” Claudio says jokingly, causing everyone to laugh.
“Speaking of that… where's Harley?” Wheeler asks curiously. “Yeah, she's usually with us and ranting about what weird thing her hamster did the night before” Mox says as he looks around the hallway. “She was in the art room with me before I left to pick you up Mox. I wonder what's taking her so long?” Claudio asks worryingly, but he didn't have to worry long before worry turned to annoyance when he heard two familiar voices of people he didn't like.
“Helloooo Claudio!” Mariah says in a sing-song tone that sounds like nails to a chalkboard. “What are you guys doing? Having a jerking session with your pathetic packages?” Mina asks teasingly with a laugh. “Shouldn't you two be on a post scaring away the crows?” Adam asks, which causes Mariah and Mina to glare at him. “Shouldn't you be shoveling pig shit somewhere you filthy hick?” Mariah asks with a sneer. “I don't think he understood you Mariah! You probably need to say it slower so his tiny brain can understand!” Mina says, causing both women to laugh.
Adam felt himself start to cry as Mox pulled him to his chest and growled at the girls. “You two came over here to bother us for a reason so might as well spit it out now before you waste any more of mother earth's precious oxygen” Bryan says with his arms crossed. “Ugh fine you weird little goat man! Claudio, your freaky little girlfriend was in the art room right?” Mariah asks with a devilish smile. “You better go check on her! I heard she had an accident!” Mina says with faux worry.
“Accident? What kind of accident?” Claudio asks, worry setting back in. “That's for you to find out! Anyways ta-ta weirdos!” Mariah says as she pulls out her lighter. “Later losers!” Mina says harshly as both girls walk away, setting their sights on an unsuspecting Kris Statlander to set aflame nearby. “God, they're the worst!” Adam says through sniffles as Mox kisses his forehead.
“Hey Claudio, I got some balloons filled with cow's blood that I got from work in the trunk of my car. Just give me the word and we'll get on the school roof after-school and ruin their whole day” Mox says seriously as Wheeler and Bryan nod in agreement. “No, not yet Mox first I gotta go find Harley and see what happened” Claudio says as he grabs his backpack. “She's probably in the library! We can go with you if you want!” Wheeler offers, but Claudio refuses.
“She likes to be by herself when things happen to her so I'll go talk to her but you guys can stay close by in the projector room next door” Claudio says, with the others nodding in agreement. “Sounds like a plan dude! Now go get your girl or I'm kicking your ass all the way there myself!” Mox jokingly threatens, causing Claudio to let off a little salute as he runs down the hallway. He makes it down the stairway but stops when he sees hall monitor Marina Shafir on patrol. He sees her with a kendo stick in hand and shudders at the thought of being beaten with it.
He's heard the screams of his fellow classmates being beaten senseless by her when they got caught running. He sneakily gets past Marina and when the close is clear he runs to the library. He goes to the little coffee corner in the library and makes him and Harley's usuals. He searches around and hears his girlfriend crying behind a bookshelf which breaks his heart. “Marco” Claudio says quietly on the other side of the bookshelf. “P-Polo…” Harley says quietly as Claudio comes around and sits next to her.
“I got you your usual Kitty” Claudio says sweetly as he hands Harley her cup. “Regular coffee with extra sugar and caramel creamer?” Harley asks through sniffles. “Just the way you like it meine liebe” Claudio says with a small smile. Harley lays her head on Claudio's shoulder as he wraps his arm around her to pull her closer. They drink their drinks in silence for a few minutes until Claudio speaks up. “Are you ready to talk about it?” Claudio asks, causing Harley to sigh.
“I was working on our art project and you know everything was going great! Then you left and Mr.Nana went to get something from the back room and that's when bad things happened! Mariah cornered me in the classroom while Mina got the class fan and turned it on. Then they dumped wet paint on the blade and it splattered all over me and ruined my outfit!” Harley explains rapidly while moving her hands around.
Claudio looks over his girlfriend's outfit so he can see the damage. She was wearing a green turtleneck shirt with a denim overall romper with embroidered mushrooms on the sides and middle with pink and blue knee-high socks and pink converse. She looked absolutely beautiful in it when he saw her this morning but now he sees her clothes are covered with splotches of dried paint. “Oh kitty, I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to protect you” Claudio apologizes quietly as he wipes away Harley's tears.
“That's not even the worst part they did” Harley says quietly as she shoves her face into Claudio's chest. “What else did they do?” Claudio asks as he gently scratches Harley's scalp. “They said a weirdo like me doesn't deserve to be with a perfect person like you” Harley says truthfully, which makes Claudio a bit angry. “abscheuliche Dämonen” he says under his breath but the time for revenge on them is later, right now he needs to comfort his girlfriend.
“Harley, let me tell you now that what those two did to you was vile and they'll get their comeuppance. Secondly, do you remember what happened on our first date?” Claudio asks, causing Harley to blush. “Yeah, I invited you to my house! I tried to make crepes to impress you but it just ended up with you helping me air the smoke out the house and us ordering pizza” Harley says with a laugh. “That was also when I realized that dessert pizza is very delicious! But do you remember what you said to me after that?” Claudio asks with a smile.
“I apologized and asked you why you even accepted to go on a date with a weirdo like me” Harley says as she looks into Claudio's eyes. “What did I say after you said that?” Claudio asks, causing Harley to blush even more. “That you didn't mind being with me and that weird was lovely” Harley says happily. “That's right, you being weird has changed my life for the better. You were the splash of color I needed in my boring life and I never wanna change that. Love, you being weird is one of the reasons why I fell in love with you among other things” Claudio says truthfully.
Without hesitation, Harley wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. “You are the best boyfriend ever!!!” Harley says through happy tears. “I wouldn't say the best considering I'm weird myself” Claudio says which causes Harley to spring up and look at him. “You? Weird? Impossible!” Harley says enthusiastically, causing Claudio to blush. “Harley, I'm a nerd who loves to play video games, make my own clothes from scratch, bake pastries and knit outfits for my cat… I'm not exactly perfect like everyone thinks I am” Claudio explains sweetly.
“Well, maybe that's why I fell in love with you! Your weirdness is lovely to me too” Harley says affectionately. Claudio leans in and kisses Harley deeply. “I love you so much Harley” Claudio says affectionately. “I love you too Claudio” Harley says back. “The others are waiting in the projector room and Mox said he has balloons full of cow's blood in the trunk of his car… how about we go get the others and throw them at Mariah and Mina on the roof of the school?” Claudio offers with a smirk, making Harley instantly stand up.
“Yes! Let's do it but what about my outfit?” Harley asks as Claudio gets up as well. Claudio then proceeds to take off his turtleneck jacket and puts it on Harley, covering up her paint covered outfit. “Now everyone will know that your the girlfriend of someone people shouldn't fuck with” Claudio says proudly.
“Always a gentleman aren't you? Now come on my Swiss sweetheart! Revenge awaits!” Harley says with a huge grin as she grabs Claudio's hand and runs to the projector room. Claudio just laughs as he gets whisked away by the most weirdest and amazing girl he's ever loved.
#hope yall like the rarepair!#this is my first school au fic so be nice!#Claudio x Harley#swisskitty#hangmox#bryuta#claudio castagnoli#harley cameron#hangman adam page#jon moxley#bryan danielson#wheeler yuta#mariah may#mina shirakawa#school au#fic doughnut#daily doughnut
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november and december, and with these i'm done with the rarepair calendar :') making this was fun (at first) until it stopped being. i started to go insane at a certain point but i really love all the rarepairs so i'm (sort of?) glad i did them all!! this said, for 2025 i'm simply buying one
kyouran was rq'd by @neverending-symphonia
#im sorryyy theyre bad and rushed#i intend to draw more of some of the rarepairs i drew for this (norigabri kyouran hilwai inamine etc)#but for now. i'm done :)#idk thank you chat this was a terrible idea and fun only for the first 6 months but hope yall liked it 👍#inazuma eleven#kirino ranmaru#tsurugi kyousuke#kyouran#natsumi raimon#yagami reina#reinatsu#draw tag
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I hope yall like my rarepair
#dale dimmadome#victor chaos#butters stotch#fopnw#the fairly oddparents#south park#south park post covid#dale finds out about nfts oh god#scammers in love#rarepair
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HELLO QSMP FANS!!! I hope yall can fw my rarepair🙏 i love pac and missa and i feel like they wld b rlly silly!!!! Mispac my goats ((ALSO IF THIS GOES AGAINST THE CREATORS BOUNDARIES PLSPLSPLS LMK))
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so. i mighta made a rarepair crackship earlier tonight. i quickly became obsessed idk what imma call it, first thought was like Streamstress or somethin. ill come up with something another time, open to any other name ideas too. i wanna draw/think more w em sometime so i probably will do that more during the day hope yall like it (ik i enjoy it a lot already)
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Nightmare absolutely giggles and i will stand on that for life. like, when doing evil stuff he cackles for effects maybe to just be intimidating on purpose but like, when he's genuinely comfortable, giggles, all the way, hands down
This is technically for days 4 and 5 cause i didn't want to completely miss out so i thought combining it would be slightly better then two half baked ideas as sketches so i hope yall like it!
for @fandomsoda's rarepair otp week! days 4 and 5
tbh i wasn't sure how to implement the Sapphic part(in terms of actual bones and stuff because as much as i simplify it and not pay attention, im still a sucker for the technical stuff and i wasn't sure if i should just do it or do an ecto body or smth like that T-T) so dont mind that
i would imagine Nightmare would attempt to draw and they'd make it into little dates(platonic or not, however you wanna see it!) with Ink somewhat helping but also lots of lighthearted laughs tossed back and forth which i'd think would be cute :D
Ink belongs to comyet Nightmare belongs to Joku
#utmv#rarepair week 2024#ink sans#nightmare sans#ink x nightmare#inkmare#nightink#undertale au#undertale#my wacky stuff#utmv fanart
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ash x wattson... my beloved rarepair... an engr trying to kill this old lady robort and likewise.... pughbbb... what if wattson's fresh start perk has a thing where if she rezzes simulacrums (path, ash, rev) they get more shields cuz theyre robots and electricity and what not...what if ash had more voicelines w her, what if their abilities had synergy (faster snare arcs if within range of wattson's gen) (more fence damage to simulacrums)
sjdhshdhshd ash x wattson my beloved... hope yall try to kill each other more sjhchebfjsbf old lady robot trying to find ways to internally kill leigh inside of her with the help of wattson who is also morbidly curious on how tf leigh got trapped. both are horrible w feelings and wattson knows she shouldnt fall for a literal heartless killing machine but like ya knowwwwwwwww... its like path x ash dynamic but i put wattson in there, fuck u
also this brainrot is brought to u by:

#apex legends#wattson#ash#highkey potential i love it#darksparks is great but i like this[insert car meme]
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My Brezziana backstory, written specifically for @thxrnking !! I'll try to keep it brief but uhhhh... it's a lot!:D
So in 2019 we were introduced to an interesting couple- these two.

If you are unfamiliar with these characters:
This is Rita Piña. First introduced in JD 2016 as the first Just Dance drag queen, she was the coach for Drop The Mambo.
And this is the coach for Love Me Again, from 2015. We have no canon name for him, so I named him Mateo.
Mateo and Leon (who I hc to be Rita out of drag) are the adoptive parents of Brezziana. I saw this because I totally see Brezz's love for orange and her iconic blue jacket being inspired by them.
Also should mention that most of this past this point is just my headcanons, so stick with me.
Brezziana was originally born to two young influencers, both of whom were severely under qualified to raise a child, especially one they found out was hard of hearing (this actually has some canonical value, there was a post on the French page with official art that gave Brezziana hearing aids), so they decided to put her in foster care in hopes she'll end up with more qualified parents. Leon and Mateo adopted her, and were big influences to her love of dance and inspiring others.
Her bio parents ended up having another child though.
Gabriela, P1 from Wasabi Alt from 2024.
I will DIE on the hill that Gabi is Brezz's little sister. Sane hair, similar color palette, both Dancity maps. That's enough for me.
Gabi was also given to Mateo and Leon, since theor parents decided that Gabi should be with her older sister.
Then, tragedy struck:3
Leon was taken away from them in an accident (she is the only drag queen not to make another appearance since 2019 in game) leaving Mateo heartbroken. Gabi was still very young, so Brezziana took it upon herself to pick up the broken pieces. She was going to be the strong one.
She spent her entire life being stronger, being the one to motivate others. She as an adult became an influencer, partially because it was the best job for her personality and partly because she kind of wanted to meet her bio parents (she never did).
That's why Nightswan targeted her giving spirit, knowing that no one had poured into her for years. All these people she was so strong for... yet who was strong for her?
Now. It's kind of odd, but no unwarranted judgement.
This is the Bad Habits coach from 2022 (also my personal favorite map). My friend @iconafvckinshard has given him the name Kam, short for Kameron, along with the coolest lore ever but that's for him to share not me. Don't want to steal his ideas or make them seem as my own. Just know I see it all as canon.
There's a few reasons I ship these two. Number one, both from Dancity. Number two, they're flow has a similar neon look to each other. And Number three.
All of their maps are choreographed by the same person, Jerky Jessy. But there's a difference between the two.
Brezzianas maps require so much strength, making you dig deep and give everything until by the end there's nothing left to give. Kams is also tiring, but more controlled. You need strength in your core, and you still have energy left after his dance.
While Brezziana gives until she litteraly can not, Kam knows when to give a little and when to give a lot. He's someone she can fall back on... when she learns to let someone else be strong for her.
Hope this made sense, hope yall like it, please ask for permission before using as your own!!!
#just dance#just dance 2023#just dance 2024#brezziana jd#just dance brezziana#its 5 am now lmaoooo#woops
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some ships i have + reasoning for them (+ names) idc if they already exist here they are:
ripper x damien (rimien) - idc what you say to me these two had potential for a beautiful friendship and there is like one fic of them interacting after wayne & raj’s injuries from the cassowary and it’s the most beautiful thing ever and they are so real to me rimien nation please i beg of you form
ripper x damien x zee (zeerien) - the same as above but you add zee into the mix and now they are both yaoi and yuri and somehow straight because zee is. whatever. listen ripper & zee, zee & damien, damien & ripper all had fun moments together so we need to make them a thing WHO’S WITH ME ZEERIEN NATION CHARGE!!!
noah x harold (noarold) - no cuz why was harold ranting to noah SPECIFICALLY in that one episode like that’s kinda gay if you think about it hmmmmm. also fun dynamic.. sarcastic x does not understand sarcasm unless he is the one doing it.. autistic x autistic.. unlimited t-boy swag x the fandom sees them as trans ftm or mtf.. come on yall this should be flying off the shelves!!
noah x harold x duncan (dunoarold) - same as above but just a bit more annoying and even more toxic yaoi these three would be so fucking annoying together and i need to see that so badly. they’re such bitches and such assholes and such gayasses PLEASE!!!!!
heather x duncan (dunheather) - idk if this is really a rarepair? i’ve barely seen anything of them so i’ll just add them too. mean girl x bad boy. asshole x asshole. COME ON
me presenting yall with these ships:

have a small ripper for your troubles hope you walk away from this post wiser /j
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suegiku hcs
hiiii everyone !! it's time for the first headcanons post for this account <3 starting off with my favorite "popular" ship, bc honestly these two give me little heart bubbles over my head ajsndnfhjskse. i do have some rarepair ideas in mind as well, depending on how these posts perform, i might do those too - but expect a ton of suegiku gushing from me in general, actually.
rambling aside!! hcs under the cut <3 where my suegiku girlies (/gender neutral) at i hope yall have clear skin and good grades i LOV u. these are long because i think a lotsies
their relationship begins bc tecchou, quite honestly, can NOT shut up about how pretty jouno is and how jouno is "out of his league"
tachihara was like. aight. i'm gonna be cupid
(teruko didn't believe in the cause)
tachihara explained to tecchou if it isn't raining yet, he shouldn't open his umbrella; (if jouno hasn't said no, why are you acting like he already did?)
little did the both of them know, jouno overheard basically all of this and pretended to be oblivious to their faces.
he was quite flattered, at least, and figured he could do worse.
the day after new year's day (january 2), however, jouno was starting to get bored of the whispering and waltzed right in on them.
tachihara made like a tree... (yknow? "make like a tree and leave"?)
"you've been hoping for a while." "...yes." "then say it, tecchou." "say what?" "ask your question." "will you go out with me, even if just one time?" "oh, shut up. the last part wasn't necessary."
tachihara was pretty proud of himself. jouno had to be talked out of strangling him. yay, tachihara managed to get away with just a bonk on the head! woohoo!!
tecchou loves jouno, for all his sass and being high maintenance and being so difficult. but, that's tecchou's spoiled brat!
as soon as tecchou hears about the "golden retriever x black cat" trope it has him in a chokehold. he calls jouno his fluffy black kitten.
especially since cuddles and smooches make jouno calm down but still pout.
(jouno can't beat the anti-tecchou OR the kitten allegations.)
adorably, jouno also adopts this trope and says through gritted teeth that tecchou really is a golden retriever.
he took a long time (like a month) to admit it, but he loves tecchou too.
jouno especially loves when tecchou showers him with "you're so pretty/smart/gorgeous/cute/etc."
he is a massive diva about it!
affection? eww. kisses? disgusting. cuddles? nasty. who told you to stop???
they are both very happy, and now tachihara is stuck third wheeling. the end :)
#k's rambles ♡#bsd#bungo stray dogs#bungou stray dogs#bsd jouno#bsd hunting dogs#bsd tetchou#bsd tecchou#bsd tachihara#suegiku#saihiro#tetchou suehiro#jouno saigiku
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Hi!!!! ʕ •̀ o •́ ʔ
welcome to my pinned post I honestly still dont know what to do with my blog like ever but still :) nice stuff. This blog contains whatever the fuck I reblog, including fandom and 18+ stuff - I do not tag my porn reblogs so if you're following me for fandom things, this is an all in one blog bc i do what i want <3 you are warned! leave if you dislike my beloved freak blog
just be nice and kind babygirls, that's all i ask of <3 human decency lets go!!!! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
my ao3 account is https://archiveofourown.org/users/Daimashiko :) I like writing porn, my brain is constantly on khr mode :) I also never have any consistent name for my accounts, so thats also why my names are different. Hi to any discord friends who know me from well, discord <3 im sure u guys are familiar with my socials in this case
TAGS. ─=≡Σ((( つ><)つ /(>×<)\
#my art (very self explanatory I am not a creative person with names?? sorryyyyy - i also considered making my art tag into artvidaraku but like. thats too much effort jklsjgkldKJDF:SJ:JKL:JK:LDG ;;)
#khr (that is my main fandom ofc <333 - overlaps with my art but also other people's khr stuff so haha... its a mess but oh well)
#poll (i like answering them! or just reblogging polls i wanted to volunteer in but its too late </3)
#lotta tags (i tend to comment a lot in tags but these are the ones where i usually write like. a lot of commentary to the point im like ohhhh i should tag this right? curious if anyone's ever went through them but also i've never talked abt these things so. oopsssss <3 - lot of it is kinda sad / depressing but usually i am pretty reflective. kinda?)
#animals (self explanatory. i love me some fucking creatures. respect nature babygirls i adore them fellas <3)
#tumblr classic (i love getting to see the classics / things i'd personally consider a classic on my feed)
#fandom (this one's pretty commonly used! yadda yadda, talks abt fanfic and stuff / sometimes i get disappointed with fandom but that's not new lol)
#fashion (i don't use this as much as I should be?? but if you want to check out what i think is fun / a vibe <3)
#avidarecs (****i literally just made this on impulse so there's not much rn but i want to share more of my recs for things in general! fandom / songs / whatever other thing comes to mind?***// will probably be rarely used? but you never know~)
there might be more tags I haven't included but from the top of my head this is it?? Might add more, i have no clue. But anyways back to my other interests and what I'm into!
media i like: khr (its number one bc i am unable to pry reborn's hands on my stupid silly little soul so i cannot escape even if i wanted to), slay the princess + scarlet hollow (games made by the same studio. i love the art and vibes sooo much and also the fanart is sooo beautiful), Jenna Marbles (i've been obsessed w her stuff recently and I hope she's having a good time w her dogs and Julien :), kpop (honestly its only just loona bc im tired and feel old as fuck despite only being in my 20s so i am not gonna get into another thing lol), and sanrio!!! i love my melody she's a cutie patootie <3
-probably more stuff I like but this post would be a lot longer
I'm certain its obvious but I am a proshipper (also i am always in rarepair hell girl HELP. but also i will chain myself to that random mix of characters without prompting. ah....), if you don't like proshippers, leave my page and block me <3
But anyways my fav tropes (i definitely have more i just cant think of them but in general im chill with lots of stuff!)
incest (i am so fr when i say somehow i always revolve around incest ships they're just soooo good. my brain is absolutely destroyed in favor of tasty fucking food. shout out to incest shippers you guys rock luv yall :3)
age gap / size difference (these tropes are lovers and they're already fucking each other within one yard of each other. good fucking food yk?)
any toxic/problematic food (necro + lolisho rights!!!) in general. i am just. yeahhhhhhhhhhh MMMM LOAD THAT SHIT UP. i also have very little memory but still whatever
genderbend - i know it's a dwindling trope in popularity but there is nothing better than mindlessly turning a guy chara into a girl like wow..... so hot.... <3 this has also been a long time trope i've adored and i'll probably never stop using it bc its just that good for me <3 mmm. girls. cute.
monsterfucker stuff is great! (does this include animal hybrids? im going to include it with that soooo)
i think this is enough, but also before you go explore whatever maze my blog is in bc i cant be bothered enough by my blog, i will also reblog things in tandem to politics / real world things (I support Palestine <3). Am American. Am Mess. But I hope the world is kinder even just a little bit more. This world is cruel, but I hope we can continue to offer each other support and love, even when times are harrowing as always.
(っ ᵔ◡ᵔ)っ have a hug/kiss!!!! (i like gifs hehe)
#get to know me#it feels weird updating this post bc i originally made this pinned post on a whim just to tell ppl abt my ao3 lol#has a lot more details than i thought but i think this showcases my personality pretty well! probably? <3#i do whatever the fuck on this blog. if u follow me i dont know why you're here but i appreciate u anyways
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hope yall like rarepairs lmao
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Hetalia rarepair week day 7 !!!
We made it all the way through baybee!
Day 7: Free
Nyo!Prussia x Nyo!Japan
I apparently just took this week as an excuse to draw really hot women but tbh I don't think anyone is complaining.
Sorry that this one is a little rougher around the edges. I was hoping to make this a compilation of all of the ships that didnt QUITE make it into this week rep giving me like 4-5 drawings, but my tablet broke about halfway through coloring this one. So that didn't happen and I need to get ANOTHER new adaptor cord. I hate Wacom tablets dude they're so bad. Anyways hope yall enjoyed your week!
#aph rarepairweek#hetalia rarepairweek#rarepairweek 2023#hetalia-rarepairweek#prupan#aph japan#hws japan#aph prussia#hws prussia#nyotalia#nyo japan#nyo prussia#hermann draws shit
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Cupheads girlfriend in this AU, Shelly!!
More info under the cut :D
-mod 🦜
Shelly helps Cuphead with his panic attacks, emetophobia, depression, and ofcourse his insomnia. Shelly also has similar to Cuphead, so they both help eachother out!
Shelly is very motherly; she will do anything for the people she loves. She is the most selfless person you will ever meet!
Ok now time for the dumb facts: Shelly is based off of a preexisting character from another show called Happy Sugar Life! Yes, Shelly is based off of Shio Kobe. Me and mod 🦠 made a crackship/rarepair of Shio and Cuphead for giggles and decided it would be funny to put her in this AU in some way, so we did for fun!!!
I hope yall like this character lmaoo!!!!
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(still working on the name, but if i remember it correctly) wait, can you repeat that again?
an alilex smau (which im also updating on twt! @themorninghater if anyone wants it)
when lex foster is in dire need of a tutor, she’s looking around hatchetfield for an answer. alice woodward has just gotten back from new york for the summer, and is bored of doing practically nothing. however, when they end up meeting, alice ends up tutoring lex. what happens next is all up to them.
((i hope yall like rarepairs more than twt does…))
#repeat that smau: general story telling for this smau
#alilex lore drop: art and other little fun things i put in for this au :3
#starkid#hatchetfield#team starkid#the guy who didn't like musicals#tgwdlm#black friday#lex foster#alice woodward#alilex#alice woodward x lex foster#hatchetfield smau#repeat that smau#alilex lore drop
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another anon here that also enjoys royxtrent! with their dynamic they fall into the nerd x jock trope which some wont admit but it is so good when it’s done right and they did it perfectly with roytrent. they may have a small following but it’s a following nonetheless glad other people enjoy them
I GET IT YEAH!!! its a rarepair for sure but i can see why people like it! i dont have anything to add to this because i dont ship it myself personally but i hope yall are having fun :-]!!
#pn.ask#id love to hear more thoughts about it though!! or any ship really. like with myself i can think of a thousand reasons why ted/trent to me#can be an endgame (because im very much ill about those two) so i wanna know if people ship it Just Because or theres some deeper meaning#behind it 👀 lay it on me im pushing my sleeves up and leaning on my hand like ted rn#or yknow what? headcanons! tell me how those two would be if they became a couple or something! only if yall want to though!! i wouldnt#mind if nobody came forward with anything LMFAO i just like hearing thoughts from other people
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