#hope yall had a good sunday!
minglana · 2 years
buen nadal a totz i totas🥰
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the-sun-and-the-sea · 1 month
Odesta Week Day 7: Let's Get Silly Sunday
“This is never going to work.”
Finnick shakes his head, unbothered. “You don’t have enough faith in me.”
“I have plenty of faith in you,” says Annie from where she’s leaning against the kitchen counter, arms crossed. “I also have plenty of faith in Mags’ seaweed bread recipe. The entire point is that nobody knows it, and she’s the only one who can make it the way she does. Nobody can replicate it.”
“Nobody’s tried hard enough,” he counters. He peers into his mixing bowl at the amalgamation of ingredients. He’s no chef, but it looks right so far. “Annie, I’ve been coming over to her house since I was eight years old. Trust me. I know the recipe.”
Annie sighs. “I’ll help if you want. It’ll be a nice break from my horrendously busy schedule.”
He stifles a laugh. It must be a good day for her if she’s making jokes like that, and between the two of them, good days are hard to find. It’s been getting steadily easier for Annie since she returned from her Victory Tour a few months ago, and they’re both trying to ignore the rising heat that indicates summer and Games season. 
“Mags is going to have the best birthday ever,” he asserts, stirring the contents of the bowl around. 
Annie glances at the oven then back at the bowl. “Mags might not have another birthday if we screw this up too badly, you know.”
He nudges her with his shoulder. “Don’t put that thought in my head. Will you whisk this while I add the flour?”
She gives him an uncomprehending look. 
“You don’t know how to cook?” Finnick asks, both surprised and amused. 
“You do?” she echoes, equally shocked. “I just spent the last ten years in the Academy having my meals prepared for me. Shockingly, they don’t teach us how to make bread from scratch before we go into the arena.”
Okay, today is a really good day if she’s making arena jokes. “I spent the last five years living with Mags. She told me cooking would keep my hands busy, but between you and me, I think she just got tired of me asking for the same soup over and over again.”
“Someone getting tired of you?” Annie asks, smiling. “Impossible.”
Something warm blooms in his chest, and Finnick focuses his attention back on the mixing bowl. He doesn’t need to think about the way Annie’s eyes gleam when she makes a joke. He definitely doesn’t need to think about the way their hands brush as she whisks the ingredients. 
“Is that enough?” she asks after a few minutes. 
“Should be,” says Finnick, checking to make sure the ingredients are combined. “Now we knead it.”
This has always been Finnick’s favorite part. He hasn’t made the seaweed bread before, but he has helped Mags with other types of bread, and he’s always liked the way the dough felt under his hands. Mags had been right about cooking keeping his hands busy. Sometimes, it’s even enough to clear out the noise in his head. 
“Are you sure we couldn’t have asked one of the other victors for help?” Annie asks dubiously as they work. “Considering they’re actual adults who know how to cook.”
“We’re actual adults,” he says, even though they’re the two youngest and nobody in Victor’s Village ever lets them forget it. “And that ruins the whole point of a surprise. Anything we tell the others will just get back to Mags eventually.”
Annie hums in acknowledgement. “You know, Mags asked me the other day if there was something wrong with my boat.”
The dough is pliant under his hands. “Is there?”
“I don’t know,” she says. They split the dough into halves because Finnick wasn’t about to let her miss out on the full experience, and they’re standing close enough together that their shoulders brush occasionally. “I’m always on yours.”
“The others need to mind their own business,” he says fruitlessly. “I’m not surprised though. News travels fast around here.”
He realizes belatedly that he and Annie don’t have any news to share. They’re not together, just to be clear. They’re friends. Friends who like to take Finnick’s boat out because it feels liberating to not be perceived. 
“Coral congratulated me during game night,” she continues. He doesn’t know if the air of nonchalance in her voice is genuine or if she’s trying as hard as he is to be normal about this. 
“I didn’t hear that.”
“Yeah, she and I went into the kitchen to get more drinks,” Annie says. “I guess she’s seen us coming and going to each other’s houses. Because apparently that’s not something friends do.”
He laughs. “You know, we have a golden opportunity here.”
Her eyebrows raise. “Yeah?”
“We’re making this bread as a joint effort,” Finnick says as he continues to knead the dough. “And when we bring it to Mags’ party, everyone will know we made it together. Let’s just drop as many hints as we can and see how long it takes for someone to say something outright. It’ll be like a game.”
Annie laughs. “The bread is a good start. We should arrive together, too, then.”
“Hm, good idea. Do you think matching outfits are overkill?”
“Have you heard of subtlety?” she asks incredulously, and he grins. 
Finnick shrugs. He’d only said it to make her laugh, and he’s glad that it did. “You’re right. Let’s save that for if we get desperate.”
“I don’t think we’ll need to,” she responds. Annie’s half of the dough sits ignored on the counter, abandoned in favor of the conversation. “Considering half the Village thinks we’re together and the other half never leaves their houses to see us in the first place.”
Their fingers brush, sending a jolt of electricity through Finnick’s body. “True. I really don’t know how they got that idea.”
“It’s weird,” Annie agrees softly. She tugs her hand away and returns her attention to her own half of the dough. “Finnick?”
“Do you think we’ve kneaded this dough enough?”
In all honesty, Finnick has no idea how long they’ve been kneading the dough for. He’d lost all concept of time somewhere between hearing Annie’s laugh and talking about their boats. “Yeah.”
“I’m no expert,” she begins as they combine the dough back together, “but I think if we don’t get it in the oven soon, Mags isn’t going to have any bread at her party.”
“That would be a tragedy on so many levels,” he says sagely, and together they ease it into the oven.
“This was fun,” Annie says as they settle onto the couch while the bread bakes. “We should try cookies next time.”
“We could bring them to game night together and watch Coral freak out,” he suggests. “You know, since we’ve obviously abandoned subtlety.”
She laughs and reaches for his hand, intertwining their fingers. “This is subtle, right?”
“Totally a thing that friends do,” he agrees, not even bothering to hide his smile. 
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samkerrworshipper · 6 months
sugar baby | alexia putellas x reader
a big big big thank you to @codiemarin because this fic would not exist without her suggestions and ideas!!! also back from my hiatus (maybe) hope yall enjoy!
warnings: smut 18+ minors dni
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This had become normal for you.
Every second night, instead of lying in the comfort of your own sheets or servicing clients in the club you used to work at, you were standing in the kitchen of your newest employer, plating up the takeout that had been chosen for tonight.
Sunday nights were take out nights, because it was typically Alexia’s game night, which meant she was starving by the time she was home and looking for a quick eat. Majority of the time, she was riding on an adrenaline high, which meant one thing, you were in for it.
Sunday’s had very quickly become your favourite night of the week for this reason, Sunday night had expectations, ones that Alexia was extremely specific about.
You were to have dinner done by the time she was home, you were to be wearing whatever lingerie she’d most recently bought for you, the shortest skirt in your wardrobe and your cunt and ass stuffed with the vibrator and butt plug that Alexia required you to wear in preparation before she got home.
Normally, being stuffed exhilarates you, it’s your favourite way to spend your afternoons in Alexia’s apartment, as you aimlessly clean and spend time on Alexia’s balcony reading in the Barcelona sun. Normally, she edges you for hours before she returns home, controlling the vibrator stuffed in your pussy with the app on her phone. Today though, she’s left you stuffed but with no stimulation. It’s equally exhilarating knowing that Alexia is giving you a bit of a break, knowing that it means she’s going to destroy you as soon as she walks through the door.
Alexia after a game is always your favourite version of Alexia, it’s like all of the control issues, the built up adrenaline and exhaustion somehow mix into a perfectly horny Alexia who always managed to make you feel good in all of the worst ways.
You swore that you didn’t hear the door open or Alexia’s footsteps making their way through her apartment, slowly approaching you, too focused on plating up the food and making it look less like it had been crammed into a plastic container and more like it was a home cooked meal. Chances were Alexia couldn’t care less, as long as everything was clean and put away by the time she got home and the food was good then none of it really mattered.
She snuck up on you, her hand gently placing itself on the back of your neck. You did your best not to scream in surprise, instead squealing as quietly as possible at the warm hand that was now pressed firmly against your mostly bare thigh.
Ale’s breath is also equally as warm against your neck, you can tell just by her grip and firmness that it’s been a tough game, a bad day for her standards.
You never check the scores on her matches for this exact reason, it meant that there was always some element of surprise as to how Alexia’s mood was going to be when she arrived home, if it was a good game, an easy game, then she tended to be a bit more mellowed out, floaty and happy on the adrenaline high she was coming off of, bad games however could result in many different versions of Alexia.
Your voice is croaky, the sudden pressure on the nape of your neck making it harder to enunciate.
Alexia’s voice is short and scrapy, like she’s been yelling for hours upon hours, which you suppose could be the case.
“Dinner is on the table, from Clarice’s.”
It’s a boutiquey mediterranean place that Alexia loves.
For you, it’s mind boggling that she’s willing to spend such an insane amount of money on food that is only half decent, you suppose, though when you have exorbitant amounts of money you might as well spend it.
“You’re eating with me.”
Alexia doesn’t wait for you to take in her words, she grabs onto the hair at the base of your neck and pulls you towards the dining table, dragging you with her.
You don’t normally eat with Alexia, preferring to talk with her after her games or prepare yourself how she wished for whatever the rest of the night was going to entail, tonight though she seemed to have other plans.
Instead of guiding you into one of the seats at the table like you’d expected though, Alexia took her own seat, before dragging you down to your knees below her.
The floor was hard on your bare knees, not that you actually minded.
Alexia kept her hand in your hair, locked down on a clump of roots at the lowest point of your hairline where your neck and hair met.
She didn’t have to say much, her spare hand tugging at the waistband of her shorts was enough of an indication of exactly what she was expecting you to eat.
Your hands replaced Alexia’s, nails digging into the elastic of her shorts and tugging them down her ass and thighs. You didn’t take your time, not when Alexia was clearly so worked up, you dragged them off of her until they were still pooled at her ankles.
Next you moved onto her panties, taking them off with the same intention as her shorts.
You didn’t waste any time staring at the clear wet patch on Alexia’s panties, or the scuffs and scratches up and down her knees and thighs that told you the game had been rougher than she was letting on.
Her knee was cold, you realised that when your shoulder brushed up against it, like she’d had an ice pack pressed to it until she’d walked into the apartment.
Once her panties were off, you took a second to admire her, spread out directly in front of you.
It was one of your favourite sights, quite possibly your number one.
You started at Alexia’s knee, pressing warm sloppy kisses to the skin on the inside, slowly making your way up to where she wanted you most.
Were you purposely teasing her?
It didn’t take long, a couple of wet, rough kisses along the sensitive skin of her inner thigh managing to be enough to earn you a harsh pull of your hair, jerking your head backwards so you were looking up at Alexia.
She has a fork in her hand, clearly enjoying her meal.
“Don’t test me, keep teasing me and you won’t like the consequences.”
Alexia’s voice is definite, if you disobey her then she’s going to punish you, it’s a clear outline of her expectations.
Normally, you’d put yourself right in the middle on the scale of brattiness and submission, maybe teetering a little bit further towards the bratty side.
You knew where to toe the line though.
Praise was something you craved, you didn’t necessarily like to be constantly in trouble, you liked to please people and the easiest way to do that was to obey.
So without much fuss, you gently pulled your head from Alexia’s grip, moving past her thighs and with slight hesitation giving her exactly what she wanted.
You started with one thick, broad stroke, directly through her heat.
She was soaked, like she’d been anticipating this her whole way home, which sent a shiver down your spine.
Alexia pushed you where she wanted, up to her clit, you got the message and started to suck, hard.
It was exactly how Alexia liked it, your teeth grazing her most sensitive place every so often, her hips jerking so slightly when you did.
You weren’t all that surprised when her hand reached from your hair to the place inbetween your shoulders, tapping until you correct your posture.
It was random things like that Alexia was a complete freak over, posture, cleanliness, little stupid things that you couldn’t have cared less about.
Yet for some reason, you found yourself adjusting to how Alexia wanted you, even if it meant your head was that much closer to hitting the bottom of the table and your back was now cramping. It was worth it if it meant that Alexia was more at ease and you could avoid punishment.
Alexia wasn’t a loud lover, on a good day the best you could get out of her was a groan or if it was a really good day then a moan, it wasn’t any surprise to you though if you couldn’t get anything out of her.
Alexia stayed silent, apart from the noises of her slowly making her way through the food you’d plated up for her.
You had become a master of Alexia’s body, it was necessary considering she was so quiet, you knew her tell tale signs and exactly when she was close and how to get her there.
It didn’t take long, it never really did after a game.
You were no scientist or professional as far as women's health went, but you assumed it had something to do with all of the hormones and energy that was built up, it put a person closer to the edge.
You weren’t surprised when Alexia’s thighs slowly began to tighten on either side of your head and her grip on your hair became so tight that you struggled to move against her.
Everything in Alexia’s body tensed up, she went rigid and then finally, without any show at all, she relaxed, her clit throbbing underneath your mouth and thighs relaxing on either side of your head.
As soon as she’d come you moved your mouth down from her clit, cautious of over stimulating her too early and instead moving down to her opening and cleaning up the mess that you’d made.
It might have just been the best dinner you’d ever had.
You keep your mouth on her, not wanting to displease her in any way.
As she’s finishing her food and you lazily kiss and lick her pussy you become progressively more aware of the pooling wet heat that has begun to settle into your panties and is slowly beginning to leak out across your thighs, you feel so full and yet so empty, craving to feel more than the motionless toys that you’ve been stuffed with for hours.
Almost as soon as Alexia is setting her fork down on her plate she’s pushing your head away from her, pushing you back until your ass is sitting on top of the backs of your heels.
“Clean up, I’ll be waiting in the bedroom.”
Before you can nod your head Alexia is already standing, walking off towards her bedroom and leaving you on your knees in front of the chair she’d previously occupied.
With sore knees and arousal dripping all over your face you stood up, collecting Alexia’s empty plate and walking unsteadily towards the sink and washing it off before stacking it into the dishwasher. You do the same with her cutlery before closing the dishwasher and putting away any other mess you’d made and making sure the kitchen was as you’d found it, if Alexia found anything out of place in the morning you knew she’d punish you for it, so you took time making sure every meticulous detail was correct.
Alexia kept her home as she kept herself, organised to an obsessive point, everything had a specific space or place that it had to occupy. She had a dish for the tv remote, an alphabetically sorted spice rack, every painting, picture and frame had to be centred and her wardrobe was sorted into so many different categories that you struggled to comprehend how a person could put together an outfit everyday without having an aneurysm.
Alexia loved it though, and for whatever reason she expected you to uphold her level of cleanliness.
Once you were certain that the room was exactly how Alexia liked it, you began walking towards Alexia’s bedroom, your favourite room in her apartment.
The door was half open, giving you a glance into the space before you stepped foot into the doorway.
The lights were dimmed and whilst you couldn’t see Alexia, you could see the items she’d left out on top of the bed spread and it had you quaking from the inside to out.
The anticipation of actually getting to see Alexia is enough to get you through the door, slowly pushing the door open and allowing yourself to step foot in the room.
It didn’t take long for you to find Alexia, she was standing in the doorway of her wardrobe, hands on her hips and leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination.
She was stark naked, excluding the strap that was hanging from the space in between her legs.
The red dildo was one that you’d never seen before, and for that you were glad.
It looked far larger than anything you’d ever taken with Alexia, there were veins up and down the length of it and the girth alone was intimidating, the length though, the length was enough to make your eyes pop out of your skull.
Alexia looked as smug as ever, the cocky grin on her face and the way that her muscles bulged out just above the strap. Alexia’s got a good body, she knows it, everybody on earth who has a functioning brain knows it. It’s one of your guilty secrets that you get it all to yourself, that you get to see parts of her body that nobody else gets to. You’ve seen thousands of women, super models, athletes, people from all walks of life but you’re fairly certain that nobody would ever come close to Alexia Putellas.
It wasn’t just her body either, it was her demeanour, her aura, everything about her was attractive to you. She was a good person, but she was also a good fuck, the best sex you’d had in your life was with Alexia and you’d worked in a sex club for years. You can’t be taught experience or confidence, it’s something that you have or you don’t and Alexia was the best. You supposed she liked to be the best at everything, the best at football, the best at life, the best at sex. Her strive for perfection in all walks of life never deterred.
Alexia pouted at you, her hands anchored at her hips, giving you a full view of her full breasts and her rock hard nipples.
“That’s not what you call me.”
You bit down on your lip, the stickiness between your thighs only getting stickier.
Alexia’s smirk broadened, her teeth biting down into her lip.
“Yes baby?”
You felt your pussy quiver, your cheeks reddening.
“It’s to big.”
Alexia’s smirk faded in a matter of seconds, the blonde starting to take steps towards you.
“I don’t like that attitude baby girl, you’ll take what I give you unless you want to make me mad, and I don’t think you want that, hm?”
The condescending voice, the way her eyes looked down at you, the saunter in her steps. If you hadn’t already soaked your thong then it was now.
“Daddy, it’s huge.”
Alexia nodded, like you were telling her what day it was instead of talking about the appendage that was attached to her hips.
“Wanna say that again? Wanna make me mad? Wanna put me in an even worse mood than that game did, because I recall that your one job is to do the exact opposite.”
She’s right, you were quite literally employed by her as a means for her to manage her stress. It had started at the club you’d worked at, Alexia spending half of her week in the shitty mildewy basement of a run down sex club in Barcelona just to enjoy your company. Eventually she was spending more time paying for your time at the club than at her own home and that was when she made the decision to give you a proposition, one you’d accepted happily.
“No daddy.”
Alexia nods her head, taking the final step to bridge the gap between the two of you.
“That’s what I thought princesa, now how about you lie back on the bed for me, you know how I like you.”
You didn’t hesitate, brushing past Alexia and straight to her bed, climbing on top of the covers as gracefully as you could manage, trying to give Alexia a show as you crawled your way to the top of the bed. Once you made it to the pillows you flipped onto your back, opening your legs for Alexia and keeping still as she liked you.
Alexia peered down at you, admiring the clear wet patch that was embedded in your thong. It was a sight that she was equally as grateful for every time she got to see it, the evidence that you were just as needy and worked up as she was, that you were equally as desperate for her as she was for you.
“So wet princesa, is that all for me? Does your perfect little pretty cunt get worked up at the thought of me?”
She knows the answer, she only asks you to try and get a kick out of you, to rile you up and try and get you to brat back at her, you know her tricks and you know that it’s best to answer her with some kind of submissive variation.
“Yes daddy.”
Alexia moves her way around to the side of the bed, leaning over to reach for your chin, her index finger pointing it up so you’re looking at her eye-to-eye.
“You’ve been good today? Doing as I asked and not touching what belongs to me?”
You shake your head obediently, you’ve learnt from experience that disobeying Alexia is the worst possible thing you could do, for starters the woman always seems to find the truth anyways and she’s more creative than most with her punishment tactics.
“Yes daddy, I’m always good for you.”
Alexia smirks big and wide, her grip on your chin tightening.
“I’ll be the decider of that. What colour are you princesa?”
You take a big deep breath before answering Alexia, composing yourself to give her a proper answer.
“Green, daddy.”
Alexia nods, her fingers staying on your chin with a grip that you couldn’t even try to escape.
“How are you feeling about being tied up baby?”
You thought about the question for a few seconds.
“Fine, I’m green daddy, I’ll let you know if I don’t like anything.”
Alexia smiles, softer, less aggressively domineering.
“That’s what I like to hear, what are your rules?”
You almost roll your eyes, almost.
Alexia’s made you memorise them, you know them like you know the colour of your eyes and the surface of your palm.
“I know my rules daddy.”
Alexia’s soft smile reverts to the harsh line, the same one you’d been met with when she’d found you in the kitchen.
“I didn’t ask if you knew them, I asked you to tell me them. Don’t make me have to punish you when you’ve been so well behaved so far, what are your rules, slut?”
Alexia’s grip turns into a bruising hold, her finger tips digging into the skin of your chin bone.
“No touching myself without permission. No talking without permission unless I’m spoken to. No cumming without permission. Use my safewords if I want to stop at any time. No moving unless you tell me too. If you tell me to do something, do it.”
Alexia nods, climbing onto the bed beside you and hovering her face just inches above yours.
“There’s my good girl, you can be good if you want to, huh?”
Once again, you do your very best to shrug off the condescension in Alexia’s words, smiling at her and simply nodding your head.
“Yes daddy.”
Alexia leans down, pulling your bottom lip with her teeth before your lips even begin to meet hers. Everything about the kiss is as controlled as Alexia, she goes at her own pace, deepening it when and however she likes, eventually pushing her tongue into your mouth.
It’s slower than you’d like, and with both of your holes still stuffed but unstimulated it’s ten times harder to endure, but you assume that’s Alexia’s doing, she’s trying to get you as riled up as possible, although you are unsure of her endgame.
“You look so pretty with my cum all over your face baby, I taste divine if I do say so myself.”
Alexia’s fingers begin to trail down your body, over the top of the lace that your breasts are confined to and straight down to the waistband of your panties, gently brushing over your hips before her hand dipped below the wet lace and swiped through your heat two times, collecting as much arousal as she could without touching any of the places that you were yearning for her the most.
Alexia’s hands are gone almost as quickly as they arrived, her hand creating a gap in between the kiss. Her fingers replace your lips, her index and middle finger being pushed into her mouth.
The way that Alexia sucks, nips and licks at her fingers is simply mesmerising, you're in a trance watching her.
“Such a fucking filthy slut, all wet from getting daddy off, huh? You taste magnificent, baby.”
The mixture of praise and degrading has your head spinning in circles, all of the different words mixing inside your head, sending you into that perfect headspace that Alexia always managed to drift you into.
Alexia’s fingers, now wet with her slobber, tapped at your chin and without any hesitation whatsoever you opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out.
Within seconds, Alexia was spitting into your mouth, directly onto your waiting tongue.
You obey her once again, swallowing the spit on your tongue, faintly tasting your own arousal mixed in.
“How do you taste, baby?”
You focus on swallowing properly before answering Alexia.
“Horny, daddy.”
Alexia rolls her eyes before landing a sharp but playful slap to the inside of your thigh, plastering it with more wetness.
“Behave and maybe I’ll do something about it.”
Alexia’s lips don’t return to yours, instead they hover just far enough out of reach that you can’t connect yours with hers.
Alexia lifts herself up and off the mattress, walking over to the pile of different toys she’s left out on the bench at the foot of the bed and picking out a set of silk ties.
She walks back over to you, reaching for your wrists and knotting the silk around them before reaching up to the posts on each side of your bed and securing your wrists to them. Once she’s done she nods at you to check them, you move your wrists accordingly, testing her bonds.
They’re tight and methodically done, immobilising you how Alexia wishes, but they’re also loose enough that if you really tried you’d be able to escape them without much effort.
Once Alexia’s satisfied with her knotwork she walks back over to her pile, picking out a few items that she keeps hidden from you.
Alexia crawls her way back up the mattress, stop halfway up your body and opting to pull the sticky panties off of you, she peels them off of you, slowly tugging them down your hips until they’re sitting at your ankles. Alexia trails her fingers back up a long your legs, tracing little white lines across your skin with her nails as they made their way back up to the space that your panties had previously covered.
Alexia didn’t touch anything, instead she gently began to tug at the vibrator nestled deep inside of you, it’s lying painfully motionless inside of you and whilst you were more than happy to be filled up with something, it’s almost a relief having it removed.
“Such a good girl staying stretched out for daddy, hmm?”
You nod your head at Alexia, trying your hardest to keep your composure as she gently traces the tissue around your hole, never dipping inside though.
“Such a pretty little pussy, so perfect for daddy to stretch out and play with.”
You suck in a deep breath as Alexia’s hand comes down in a firm but quick slap, the pain flashing across your most sensitive areas.
Your back arches, a few months ago you would have been embarrassed that your body was seeking out that kind of contact but with Alexia that all changed, how could you feel embarrassed when she looked and talked about your body like it was created by God himself.
Her hand comes down again, this time more targeted towards your clit, it takes everything you have to turn the scream that was ready in your chest into a groan.
“Be as loud as you want, princesa, it’s not going to make me stop and it’s not going to make your body dislike what I’m doing to you.”
Alexia’s hand comes down again, the squelchy slap ringing out across the room, this time it’s more targeted directly at your stretched out hole. This time you let out something that sounds more like a ringed out scream, your vocal cords unable to truly suppress the extreme amounts of pain and pleasure that are being sent through the nerve receptors across your cunt.
Another two slaps fall in quick succession and by the end of both of them you’re groaning and moaning as much as your lungs will allow, hips chasing any contact you can possibly get or find.
“Such a little pain slut aren’t you, desperate for any kind of contact daddy will give you, you take it so well princesa.”
Alexia places gentle kisses across your hips and thighs, it’s nice, but it’s nowhere near what you want from her.
“Ale, please.”
Alexia’s lips move from your skin almost immediately, her head jerking up to look at you, her brows knitted in annoyance.
“It’s daddy to you, slut. The only noises I want to hear coming from your mouth are the sweet little sounds that you make when I’m touching you, understood?”
You nod your head, well aware that too much disobedience will earn you a very sore ass and no relief for the night.
Alexia reaches down to her pile at the end of the bed, picking up something that you don’t get a look at.
You find out quick enough, when you hear the whirring of a vibrator and seconds later it’s pressed directly against your sore and puffy clit.
Your body thrashes in reply almost immediately, it’s a painful overstimulation that your body was most definitely not ready for.
Your back arches and thighs clench, even though it’s clear that there is no escaping the forced contact, Alexia’s hand stays steady, pressing the vibrator down hard against your bud. Eventually, the vision blurring pain begins to subside, and your sent into the most unpleasurable slow lead up to your orgasm.
You were close nonetheless, and frighteningly aware that the chances of Alexia giving you an orgasm right now were slim and even if she did it was going to be possibly the least pleasurable one she could give you.
You didn’t need to wait long to find out, Alexia sensing your impending orgasm pulled away, giving you a chance to take a deep breath, a mere second.
A second long reprieve was all you got before she laid down another two quick slaps against your clit.
You screamed. As loud as your vocal cords would allow, you screamed. If the overstimulation before had been too much then now it was completely incomprehensible. There was an accumulation of sweat on your forehead similar to the pool of wetness accumulated between your thighs.
Alexia gave you another second to breathe, before the vibrator was pressed straight back against your clit, making you scream once again, your vision full of white as your body shook from the pure pain you were going through.
Alexia wasn’t wrong when she called you a pain slut, it was why she’d frequented you so much at the club, it was why she paid you so much for your company. Not a lot of people could take the amount of pain you were willing to, and still find it pleasurable, yet you loved every single second of it, or you loved the result that always came after taking some pain.
Alexia always made it worth your while, and she knew where your limit was.
“So perfect bebita, taking what I’m giving you, you’re so wet princesa.”
Alexia’s finger trailed down to your hole, briefly dipping inside and collecting some of the wetness. She smeared it across the flat part of your stomach, leaving a long trail of your arousal against your stomach.
“Can you feel that princesa? My little pain slut, hmm? Getting all soaked over me abusing your cunt. How’s it feel?”
It’s hard to talk and articulate what you’re feeling considering how much your body is being affected by the painful overstimulation Alexia is putting you through.
“Good daddy, so fucking good.”
Alexia smirks, silently proud of herself and silently just as proud of you.
“Mm, you reckon you can take another two for me baby? Another two edges and then you’ll get a reward, can you do it for daddy?”
You actually weren’t sure if you could, maybe another one, but two seemed like it could be teetering on the edge of too much. Alexia realised your apprehension before you managed to voice it, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“Let’s try for another one and see how you feel, hmm? You’ve been so good for me princesa, if it’s too much let me know and we’ll stop or take a break.”
The soft Alexia fades as soon as you nod your head, the determination on your face returning, you didn’t want to disappoint Alexia and you didn’t want to tap out unless you were seriously struggling, so you tried to control yourself as much as possible and focus on the lesser sensations.
It didn’t take long for you to get close once again, once the pain subsided you were left with pure pleasure, pleasure that was almost as blinding as the pain that you had previously been experiencing.
As soon as it starts to be perfectly, consumingly good, the vibrator is taken from you and your overwhelmed with the pain of Alexia’s hand coming down on your pussy again. This time around she’s kind enough to spread her hit across your whole sex, instead of targeting your clit, the pain is there all the same though.
“What’s your colour, princesa?”
You take a few seconds to reply, focusing on taking a couple of deep breaths whilst you wait for the immediate pain to pass.
“Green, I’m green daddy.”
Alexia reaches up to press another soft kiss to your lips, her lips linger on top of yours.
“You feel like you can go for another one? I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.”
You take your time replying to her, enjoying the feeling of her lips pressed to yours and the vibrations that would spread across yours whenever she breathed.
“I can go again.”
You could feel Alexia’s lips perk up against yours, a smirk growing on her face.
She keeps her lips pressed to yours as she brings the vibrator back to your clit, making it a little bit more bearable.
Alexia’s lips stay connected to yours the whole time, the scream and moans being pushed straight against her lips as you work through the pain and pleasure coming straight from your core. As soon as you’ve begun to get closer to the edge, it’s gone and just like every other time, you’re hit with an overwhelming pain as Alexia’s hand comes down one final time.
Her lips leave yours as you groan and try to process the overstimulation that you can feel radiating across your lower half.
The pain is soothed by Alexia’s tongue, her lips and tongue flattening out across your puffy clit, it mellows out the pain slightly, but simultaneously begins to push you back towards the edge that you were so desperate to get over but also be away from.
Your hips cant up as a reflex, a reflex that is quickly put to rest as one of Alexia’s hands pushes down against your hips, keeping you pressed against the mattress.
“Stay still and let me clean you up princesa.”
Alexia’s tongue gently traced it’s way around your cunt, lapping at the wetness and getting as much of it on her tongue as possible. Her spare hand pushed it’s way underneath you, locating the forgotten butt plug nestled between your cheeks and gently tugging at it.
While her mouth doesn’t provide any real kind of pleasure, the tugging and twisting of the toy in your ass certainly does. Alexia’s been stretching you out for weeks, it’s been a slow process, but worth it, it’s elevated your experiences with her that extra bit, to the point where you could probably come solely from her playing with your ass. You’ve got no doubt that one day she’ll want to try it and when that day comes around you’ll be more than happy to oblige her, there was something so much more special and sacred about having her play with your ass in ways that nobody else had. You were no anal virgin, working at a sex club meant that you’d experimented more than the average person but never in the ways that Alexia managed to, even now that the two of you were months into your situation she still managed to surprise you by introducing new things.
Alexia didn’t wait for you to get to the edge, she needed you to stay conscious and she was fairly certain another edge might put you too far into subspace, to the point where you weren’t coherent enough for her to be using how she wanted to. Right now, you seemed to be floating in that perfectly obedient place where you typically fell after some proper exertion, compliant enough to do anything Alexia wanted. It was her favourite place to have you.
You mewled at Alexia as she pulled away, stripping off the rest of her clothes and leaving them in a neatly stacked pile at the foot of the bed before reaching for the strap she’d left on the edge of the bed and fastening it around her hips with practised ease. It was a new dildo that she had attached to the strap, larger than she’d had you take before, she was well aware that it might be a bit to big for you, but she was also excited to see if you were up for it.
Alexia crawled her way in between your legs, pressing the silicone cock flat against your stomach before pressing her lips to your neck, reaching behind you to take off the bra that was still attached to you. She keeps her lips attached to the skin across your chest, marking you up just how she liked to. Alexia loved the fact that you were all hers, hers to mark up, hers to order around, hers to come home to.
“Daddy, please.”
With the feeling of silicone pressed against your stomach and Alexia’s lips sucking deep purple marks along your collarbones, it was hard to not be insanely desperate, especially considering just how much she’d focused on working you up.
“I’ve got you princesa, daddy’s going to make you feel so good.”
Alexia finishes with one last hickey before pushing herself up onto her elbows, giving herself a better view of you.
“Gonna give you your reward princesa, gonna make you feel so good.”
Alexia leans back, positioning herself in between your legs and lining herself up with you, slowly beginning to work her way in.
The groan that you let out as Alexia slowly starts to thrust the length into you. Simultaneously, as she’s slowly working her way in, she reaches down, tugging at the plug still slotted inbetween your cheeks.
It seems to be the right move, because your body practically melts from the mixed stimulation, making it that much easier for Alexia to ease her way in, your body pretty much opening up for her.
Just as she bottoms out, she tugs at the plug, pulling it out and replacing it with her fingers.
You moan in a way that Alexia’s never heard before, your whole body vibrates along with the moan, like your whole body is generating the sound.
It only spurs Alexia on.
Once she’s certain that you’re comfortable with the length and width of the strap, she starts to quicken her pace, rocking her hips against yours, her fingers following the same pace. Alexia nudges your legs just a bit further apart and a bit higher up, giving her a better angle to start properly fucking you.
Alexia is mesmerised by the feeling of being inside of you in two different places, she hadn’t planned this for tonight, but she’s so grateful that it happened because it feels different in all of the best ways.
She roughens her pace as you seemingly begin to get closer, your body jerking to meet Alexia for every single thrust.
“D-Daddy, fuck, please.”
Alexia quickens her pace, beginning to roughen her thrusts.
“Hold on for me baby, wait till I’m ready and we’ll come together.”
You bite down on your lip hard, the double penetration is making you feel things that you’ve never felt before and you feel like you're about to explode in more ways than one.
“Please daddy, need to come.”
Alexia nods her head, desperate to get herself to the edge so that she can ride it out with you.
“I know baby, just a little bit longer, daddy’s got you.”
Alexia leans down, pressing a kiss to your jaw and pistoning her hips as hard as possible, getting enough friction against her clit for her own orgasm to begin to grow, the coil in her stomach beginning to tighten.
“Go ahead baby, come with daddy, I’ve got you.”
It doesn’t take long before you’re plummeting over the edge, your orgasm hitting you like a semi-truck, quite literally.
You go boneless immediately, all the pent up pleasure and pain finally coursing it’s way throughout your veins and all the nerves inside of you lighting up like a christmas tree.
Alexia’s orgasm isn’t as strong but it hits her all the same, she pulls out slowly before collapsing on top of you, slotting her head into the crook of your neck and letting the both of you come down.
When your body stops shaking and your breathing evens out, Alexia lifts herself off of you, pulling the strap off of herself before lying down next to you and bringing you into her arms, allowing you to come down in her arms.
The skin to skin contact does wonders for you, sending you into a warm cloud of post sex happiness as you burrow your way into Alexia’s neck, trying your hardest to jump inside of her skin.
You try your hardest to ignore Alexia, opting to attach yourself to her.
“Princesa, c’mon you need to get up.”
Alexia doesn’t have the heart to actually try and lift you off of her, but she does have a brain that is telling her that there are things that need to be done before she can enjoy your company in her sheets.
“Princesa, go to the bathroom, I’ll fetch us both some water from the kitchen and then we can have cuddles, okay?”
You groan into Alexia’s neck, clearly displeased with her suggestion but also forcing yourself off of Alexia to do as she’s asked, knowing that it is the logical thing to do.
“I want cuddles when I get back, proper cuddles.”
Alexia rolls her eyes.
“I don’t pay you for cuddles.”
It’s lighthearted, a joke that has you even rolling your eyes.
“No but you probably should, I’m a pretty awesome cuddler.”
Alexia snorts, nodding her head, it’s true.
“Cuddles once you pee and drink some water, okay? I’ll even sleep in an extra hour for you, how does that sound?”
It’s an offer you’ve got no business denying.
“Meet you back in bed?”
Alexia nods her head, already making her way into the kitchen.
“I’ll meet you there.”
anyways this fic was written in three different countries and i sooo can’t be fucked with editing it so sorry if you experienced the after math of that!!! love yall and hope you enjoyed this 🫶
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tra1nchi · 3 months
Drink water if you haven't already today :D
I LOVE THIS,, as I hope yall know I am the number 1 Sunday glazer
He would so do this imo..the feeling of control he has over you,,parading you around like a pet with the expensive collar around your neck,,maybe the tag would even have his name on it!! >□<
Making you sleep in a cage,,only letting you sleep in his bed if you are a very very good boy for him,,and even then it would be very hard to please the angel!!
Bro I'm obsessed with sunday i cannot rn,,sitting in a chair as he has you beside him,,his hand wrapped around your leash,,he had you trained like a perfect puppy!! Idk I feel like he would clicker train you as well :((
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sssammich · 6 months
fic: let there be another day
inspired by this fantastically angsty gifset of a supercorp AU. happy supercorp sunday yall
thanks x
The days transform steadily, selfishly, into weeks. Until the weeks have amounted to six months of nothing. Nothing between them but a phantom line of what they’d been to each other, once upon a time.
There is a crater in Lena’s heart, a botched excavation of the way she’d willed herself to forget Kara, to protect the two of them from the ruthlessness of her family. So she’d cored herself first, hoping to beat her brother and mother to the punch. Yet Kara had dug herself further into her heart, straight into her marrow. 
So she failed, in the end, to rid herself of the woman she’d loved with her whole being. 
But it’s gotten easier, in a way, existing in this reality where she had to deny herself the chance for happiness if it meant her happiness could live. 
Her family has continued to terrorize her, but she’s acclimated. Expected it, really. Their efforts of trying to eliminate the few people who have been able to reach the fortress of her heart have now since changed to recruiting her into the fold of the family business. 
She now only functions to keep L-Corp as an entity of good despite her family’s best attempts at compromising her work. It’s fine, because she has accepted that her work will be her life. Her love—her grief—has become the shape of late nights in front of her computer, of half-filled decanters as she oversees expense reports, of dry-cleaned power suits and a lethal red lipstick as armor worn in superfluous business meetings. 
It’s worth it, she reasons, when she catches sight of Supergirl zooming past her window to save the day once more. 
Lena should have known that Lex and Lillian are simply biding their time until they strike. The last couple of months of relative quiet was not a sign of reprieve. So when the glass of her office doors break and splinter into tiny crystalline pieces, her heart aches not in fear, but in disappointment. 
She’s never had a death wish and would never wish this hurt upon herself, but the amount of threats to her life has surpassed her age. She thinks that maybe if both Lex and Lillian simply just got it over with, that she can get some goddamn rest. But she knows why she fights and why she keeps going. If only to spite her family, if only so that her sacrifice isn’t in vain. 
Another explosion erupts and throws Lena partway across her office, her head hitting the corner of her desk with a thud. She opens her eyes and her vision blurs, her head throbbing with pain, her body tense and sore all at once. Distantly, she can hear the fire alarm go off just as the sprinklers start shooting off water and flooding her office. 
She attempts to stand and find an exit, but her body betrays her intentions, buckling under her weight as she’s sprayed with water all around her. She falls onto her knees and subjects herself to crawling towards the exit with only but reckless determination and an almost-extinguished hope that she will make it out of this alive. 
Before she can take another step forward, there’s a whooshing sound that fills her already ringing ears and suddenly, warmth envelopes her. 
She sighs in resignation and gratitude when she feels the familiar weight around her. Lena knows before she opens her eyes what has engulfed her so safely, so securely. It cuts her heart just as it heals it, and she is in a loop of pain and joy. 
She wants to open her eyes, truly, to look into ocean eyes and a field of golden grass. But she is in pain and she is hurting. Her only course of action is to keep her eyes closed as strong arms grab hold of her—gently, always so gently—and whisks her out of her now compromised and ruined office. 
When she comes to, she finds herself in a secluded and private examination room of the National City Hospital, discretion of the highest priority as a prominent public figure. It’s one she’s been in before, from a past attempt at her life. It’s almost something like a comfort, this familiar space that has seen her bruises, cuts, and scrapes. 
The door swings open and she hears Kara behind her begin to make her exit. She doesn’t look up but when she catches sight of the red cape just by the bed, she holds up a hand and stops the movement altogether. 
She only lets go when the doctor looks down from her clipboard and settles on the rolling stool, the creak of the leather as she rolls closer to Lena. 
She allows the doctor to do what she does best, intently listening to the sound of the squeaking stool and the crinkling of the paper of the examination bed as doctor works.  
A mild concussion, some cuts and bruises. It could have been worse, she’s told. It always could have been worse and she wants to yell at Dr. Shapiro that this feels pretty close to the worst. Still, she listens carefully as her doctor explains how fortunate she is for surviving after the second and third explosions completely decimating her office. 
“Third explosion?” she asks, this information brand new to her. 
“Mm,” the doctor hums. “The second blast was the reason for your concussion, but according to reports, the third blast was close to you and would have knocked you prone and done serious damage had you not found cover.” 
Lena tries very hard not to twist her aching body and look over her shoulder. 
“Thank you, Doctor.” 
The doctor looks at her meaningfully before glancing over Lena’s right shoulder and placing a hand on hers, squeezing, and then letting go. 
The door closes with a quiet click, but instead of an exhaled deep breath, she holds herself tense. She shuts her eyes and listens to the way the superhero makes just enough noise so Lena knows where she is. First, from the chair she’d been occupying, then the sound of boots against the linoleum flooring, then the swish of the cape as it catches against the corner of the examination bed and back down again. 
“Where can I take you?” 
She opens her eyes to the setting sun, to saltwater ocean, to a small smile she hasn’t allowed herself to witness in six months. 
She doesn’t know what’s safest, what her family is planning, what the total damage is. She needs her phone, she needs access to her company, she needs—
“Can I go with you?” is what she says. 
Kara studies her, like the horizon staring back, and nods. She opens her hand, the thumb loop of her suit wrapping around her palm, and offers it to Lena. 
She takes it, sliding her unsteady hand in place and breathes when Kara clasps their hands together. 
Kara’s apartment smells the exact same. 
She does not comment on this, though it’s the most prevalent thought in her mind. Kara lets her walk in first, speeding to the lamps and switching them on until the apartment is bathed in faint golden light. Fitting. 
“Get cleaned up. I’ll have some spare clothes for you right outside the bathroom.” Kara passes her a towel, and she hugs it to her chest. 
The water scalds her skin, stings the open scratches and cuts. And she revels in it, her alabaster skin reddening under the downpour of it. She savors it until the shower sputters a little and the hot water becomes tepid then becomes cold. She squeals and jumps away, hitting herself against the side of the shower stall and knocking half of the soaps and hair products off the shelf. 
Kara is there in an instant, opening the door and getting soaked herself, trying to protect her. 
Naked and broken, she looks up to the setting sun that is Kara’s concerned face, and then she starts laughing. 
“I—the hot water ran out.” 
Kara exhales, that cold water matting down her hair on her forehead as she protects Lena from the downpour. “Sorry, I never did call the landlord about it.” 
She turns off the water behind her and steps out of the shower stall to pick up Lena’s towel for her. She opens the towel and turns away. 
You’ve seen it all before, she wants to say, but doesn’t. Instead, she takes the towel and wraps it around herself, the cold beads of water from her hair clinging to her neck, her shoulder blades. 
Kara steps aside, offers her a shy smile, and leaves wordlessly. Lena listens to the way she walks around the apartment, the clattering of the plates on the table. 
She steps out and smiles when she finds spare clothes placed on a stool right outside the bathroom door. 
When she next steps out of the bathroom, she is wearing Kara’s oversized shirt with a faded cartoon drawing of National City State Fair on it and a spare set of her pajama pants that she didn’t realize she’d forgotten, she'd thought Kara would have gotten rid of. 
The spread of Chinese food on the coffee table is modest, but familiar. 
She takes a seat in the spot she once proclaimed as hers, and accepts the plate from Kara’s grasp. They eat in silence with only the sound of the television playing on in the background. 
Kara watches her—studying her, Lena’s sure—but doesn’t say anything. She talks about her week because Lena had asked, and so she gives it to Lena. They clear their plates, then she trails after Kara to the kitchen, parking herself on the kitchen island. Kara seems to anticipate her and passes a pint of Cherry Garcia towards her with a spoon on the lid. 
“Good for concussions, I heard,” Kara offers, a twitch of a smile on her lips.  
She laughs at that, surprised, but accepts the ice cream, opening the lid and taking a spoonful. “That’s tonsillitis.” 
Kara shrugs but takes a spoonful of her own Rocky Road on the opposite side of the kitchen island. So much of right now exists superimposed to how things had been before, how their lives had been so entwined, so integrated. It is unnerving as it is comforting, and Lena accepts that for today, at least, she has to accept the disorientation. 
Eventually, “here. I charged your phone. I’d call Sam first, then Jess.”
There is distance between them, far greater than the kitchen island in front of her, and it shows itself for the first time now, here. After everything.  
“Kara, I—” 
“I need to fill Alex in on everything. Let her know you’re alright. I’ll be right outside.”  
She nods, glances at her phone and the laptop that Kara slides across the kitchen island, and watches as Kara walks out the front door. 
For a solid hour, she works through everything she can considering her mild concussion. She touches base with her assistant, with her team, and finds that they have taken care of everything for her. She sighs in relief, shuddering into her hands when Sam and Jess let her know that they have everything handled, that all they want for her is to rest, that the investigation into her family’s attempt at assassinating her might finally have some legs with some information they’d discovered during the cleanup. 
She sighs, sniffling into the back of her hand and tells them goodnight before she closes her phone and sobs into her hands, the day finally wearing her down. 
She doesn’t startle when arms wrap around her, the press of a strong body kneeling in front of her as she cries into the crook of Kara’s neck. She grabs fistfuls of Kara’s shirt as her tears soak through the cotton. 
Kara only holds onto her, rubbing her back and gently cradling Lena in her arms. Soft shushing filters through Lena’s ears and she sobs further into Kara, hoping Kara can just absorb her entirely, as if that’s the only thing that can protect her—from her family, from the world, from herself. 
Her sobs lasts and lasts, a never ending fountain of all the tears she’d shoved back in, a dam bursting now that she’s allowed herself.
Kara carries her to the bed, quietly ushering her under the covers just as she sits on the edge of it. 
“You saved me,” she says, her voice coming out slightly congested.  
Kara brushes her hair behind her ear. “That promise has never changed.” 
“They’re never going to stop, are they?” 
Kara shakes her head. 
“I thought by letting you g—” she huffs, turns away. “I thought I was protecting you. I was trying to do the right thing.” 
Kara grabs hold of her hand and places it on her lap, her fingers fiddling with Lena’s palm, but doesn’t quite look at her. 
“I’m afraid that the only times I will see you, I’m trying to save your life. And I—it worsens when I think that I can’t make it.” 
Lena watches Kara’s beautiful profile, the expanse of her forehead, the slope of her nose into the curves of her lips and down her jutting chin, trembling slightly in the faint light outside the bedroom curtain. Then she sees the bob of Kara’s throat, a single tear falling into the center of her palm. 
Kara’s facing her now, and Lena brings up her other hand to wipe Kara’s cheek. 
“I missed you, Lena. And I don’t know what I will do if I can’t make it to you in time, I—” 
This time, it’s Lena who pulls her close, wrapping the arm that Kara’s been focusing on around her front as she cradles Kara in her arms. “I’m sorry, darling,” she says, voice hoarse. “I’m sorry.” 
Kara then turns in her arms and they embrace one another, both hiding in each other. 
The tears stain and soak her neck, but she lets it, welcoming Kara’s weight after months of being so untethered. 
“Please, just come back to me,” Kara says into her skin, muffled words that hold so much promise. “Let me take care of you. Let me protect you,” 
Lena pulls back slightly. “You’d still—you’d still want me?” 
“Let me love you again, Lena.” 
Unable to hold her own tears back, Lena pushes forward until their lips meet. She angles her head and Kara kisses her back, the pair of them holding each other. 
There is an ache to their reunion, but there is healing, too. And Lena remembers, unbidden, Dr. Shapiro’s words. It could have been worse, she’d heard. 
But Lena wants it to be better. She deserves at least that, for all of her troubles, and if her family will aim for her and all that she loves, then she can’t hide herself in the shadows. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I love you.”
Tomorrow, she thinks, after the whispered declarations and the promises of more, of better, of a new day. Together. 
“I’m here. I’m here. I love you, too. I’m here.” 
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sebscore · 1 year
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pairing: charles leclerc x sister!reader 
warnings: rbr. mention of horner and marko. this doesn't really have a plot, tbh- just felt like writing it. 
author's note: idk how this came to me, but it did in the middle of the night and i hope you enjoy it as well. also, the way i keep writing things that no one requested- i know yall hate me. 
• • • • • • •
''Yeah, I'll let you know. Goodbye, bye.'' Charles hung up the phone, sighing loudly as he put it back in his pocket. His mother watched him, frowning at her son's obvious frustration. ''What is it, Charles?'' She asked him, slight concern in her voice. 
''I have to let them know who my plus-one is for the FIA Prize Giving this week, but I have no date.'' He explained, his hand going through his hair. 
Pascale chuckled, relieved it wasn't some bigger issue her son was dealing with. ''I thought you were about to reveal a big crisis to me, but it's just about finding you a date.'' She laughed, much to Charles' dismay. 
''It's serious, Maman!'' He exclaimed. ''Normally I would take Charlotte, but you know…'' the couple hadn't split for too long, the topic still a bit sensitive for him, ''maybe you can go with me? You love Italy!'' 
The offer was tempting, but Pascale had a better idea. ''How about you take your sister with you? She likes dressing up and the two of you will get to spent some time together.'' She suggested. 
Charles thought for a moment, thinking about the idea. His little sister would indeed enjoy going to a formal event like this and with her by his side, it would be way less boring than usual. 
''Yeah, I'll ask her.'' He smiled. 
His mother walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, putting her arms around him. ''Oh, that's so great! My two babies!'' Pascale beamed. ''And she's been so stressed with her exams coming up, it will take her mind off of that.'' 
''I'll go ask her then.'' Charles got up from his seat, wanting to move to his sister's room. However, his mother's voice stopped him in his tracks. ''Oh, don't forget that we have dinner with Ollie's parents Monday night.'' She told him. 
''I didn't know about that.'' He furrowed his eyebrows, confused on why this is the first he has heard of it. 
''That's why I'm telling you about it now.'' Pascale retorted, matter-of-factly.
Charles had the urge to roll his eyes, but managed to hold himself in. ''So who's coming? The five of us, and then him and his family?'' 
''Y/N, me, you, Lorenzo and Arthur is also bringing Carla, and then Ollie is coming with his parents.'' She replied, getting up from the couch. 
''Aren't they from England?'' 
''Yeah, but they're in Monaco for the Formula 3 Prize Ceremony on Sunday.'' Pascale clarified for him, amused by his attempt to appear uninterested. ''Charles, I know you're not too happy about your sister dating, but he's a good kid and I want you on your best behaviour Monday.'' 
''I just don't want her to get hurt. This is her first relationship and it's long distance so I'm just looking out for her.'' Charles didn't have anything against the young Brit, he really didn't. Ollie is a polite guy and from what he has seen, he has a bright future ahead of him as a driver.
But he's her big brother and even the mere thought of his baby sister getting hurt by anyone breaks his heart. Charles knows she'll have a hard time with Ollie being away so much, because he knows the experience himself. Yes, there are many drivers who are able to make long distance relationships work, but most of them are adults. She's 17 years-old and still in school, she shouldn't be stressing about what her boyfriend is up to on the other side of the world. 
''Trust me, Chérie- I don't want her to get hurt either, but we can't stop her from experiencing life. Whatever is meant to be will happen, whether it works out with the kid or not. Until then, I want everyone to be as supportive as they can be.'' Pascale understood his worries, she shared them with him. Y/N is her youngest and only daughter, she wants to protect her girl from all the evil in the world. However, shielding her away from everything will do more bad than good. 
Charles nodded at her words, knowing she's right. ''I know, I am supportive of them, but if that little guy makes her cry, I'll give him something to cry about.'' He tried sounding scary, clenching his jaw. 
His mother simply laughed. ''I think that 'little guy' is a bit taller than you, Charlie.'' 
''Oh, whatever.'' 
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''That's the Red Bull car?'' Y/N observed the winning machinery that was displayed for everyone to see at the FIA event. 
Charles looked from his sister, to his rivals' car, to her again. ''Yup, that's the one.'' 
''It's kinda ugly.'' The blunt comment made the Ferrari driver snort, garnering some weird looks from bypassers and other drivers. 
''Be careful, Y/N!'' He hushed her, putting his hand over her mouth. ''Don't get us in trouble.'' 
''It's the truth, though.'' 
''I know, but just keep it in your head.'' 
The siblings walked further into the building, Charles greeting some people he recognised here and there. Y/N held onto her brother's hand for dear life, her anxiety going through the roof. It wasn't just the large space with all the strangers that was freaking her out, it was also the new pair of heels she was rocking. 
Charles glanced at the shoes. ''Why didn't you wear flats? I don't want you to break your ankles.'' 
''I wanted to look a little taller next to you and they go well with my dress.'' She answered him, a bit agitated by his questioning. ''Let's link our arms, if I fall- you fall.'' Y/N did as she said and put her arm around Charles'. 
Her brother laughed, momentarily patting her hand. ''How about no falling at all?'' 
They arrived at the big hall where someone led them to their seats at one of the many tables present in the room. Seated on the table next to them was the RBR family: Max, Checo, Christian Horner, Helmet Marko and their significant others who subtly greeted the Leclercs upon seeing them. 
''You look really pretty, Y/N.'' Kelly complimented the young girl as they walked past them. 
Y/N shyly smiled at the older woman, surprised at the sudden praise since the two of them haven't had many interactions throughout the years. ''Thank you, you too.'' She politely replied. 
''Hey, how are you?'' Max focused on her when his small talk with Charles was done, sticking out his fist for a bump. 
Both Leclerc siblings chuckled at the greeting. ''I'm good and you?'' She didn't leave him hanging and gently bumped her fist with his. 
''I'm great.'' The dutchman smiled. 
The youngest Leclerc remembered how she would taunt Charles by running after him while shouting Max's name, knowing it would annoy her older brother- especially if he had just lost to him in karting. She found it funny how they're still rivals after all these years. 
''Congratulations on your championship.'' Y/N quickly told him before following Charles to their seats, not wanting to lose her brother in the crowd. 
Max thanked her, but she was already gone and didn't hear it. The Red Bull driver was very fond of the young girl, because he had known her since she was a toddler. He would always remember how Charles would take her on the podium with him if the Monégasque had won, and that one time a 7 year-old Y/N gave him a high-five despite having won against her brother. 
''This shit is really boring.'' Y/N whispered as the two hosts started announcing a new category, a yawn almost escaping her mouth. 
Charles chuckled, feeling the exact same way about the event. ''I have to get up to give the 'Rookie of the Year' award in a few minutes so I'm just trying to look alive.'' 
''Who won it this year?'' She asked him, not aware of the winner. 
''Zane Maloney, he was second in the F3 championship,'' he answered before smirking, ''oh, he finished in front of Ollie.'' 
Y/N gave him a side-eye, unimpressed by her brother's teasing. ''Yeah, by like 2 points.'' 
''Maybe you should have dated Zane instead.'' Charles continued, still grinning like an idiot and raising his eyebrow. 
''How many points were there between you and Max again?'' 
''I gotta go now, I think.'' Charles got up from his seat, looking mildly annoyed by his sister's comeback. Meanwhile, Y/N had a satisfied expression on her face knowing she pissed her brother off. ''He's so stupid.'' 
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''You had fun tonight?'' Charles asked her on their drive back to his home in Maranello, his tailored Ferrari jacket draped over her as the coldness of the night settled in. 
Y/N nodded her head, a tired smile on her face. ''Yeah, it was funny seeing you on the stage.'' 
''You kept laughing at me! You know how hard I was trying to keep my laughter in?'' He exclaimed, recalling his sister distracting him while he accepted his award. ''And you were filming it as well!'' 
''Of course I was,'' Y/N cackled, ''it's for mum.'' 
''Well, I'm happy you had a good time at least.'' Charles grinned, his tone changing from offended to loving. 
The youngest hummed, a comfortable silence falling upon them. 
''Are you, uh, gonna be home Monday?'' Y/N interrupted the quietness, a hint of nerves in her voice. 
Charles confusingly glanced at his sister. ''Yeah, we're having dinner, haven't we?'' 
The unexcited sound of his voice made her roll her eyes. ''You sound very excited about, thank you so much, Charles.'' Y/N told him, sarcastically. 
''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like that- I am looking forward to it, it's gonna be great.'' He apologised, his arm going over her shoulder. 
Y/N nodded to his words. ''I hope so, Ollie's very nervous about it.'' 
''Cause he says Arthur has been acting weird with him, and he thinks you and Lorenzo absolutely despise him.'' Ollie's concerns over her brothers had greatly upset her, the sad look on his face when he told her breaking her heart. 
Charles felt guilty upon hearing his sister's answer. ''I don't despise him and neither does Enzo, and Arthur is always weird,'' he denied her words, ''I'm sorry that we made him worry about that, that's not our intention- he's a good guy.'' 
''I don't need everyone to be like best friends, but he shouldn't be shitting his pants any time you guys come near him.'' Y/N joked, although there was a truth to her words. 
Her brother squeezed her hand. ''We like him, alright? 
''That makes me happy.'' She said, a genuine smile on her face. 
''But if he makes you cry-''
''Yeah, you're gonna give him something to cry about- mum already told me.'' 
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biibini · 8 months
Could you possibly write hcs for Mizu properly introducing reader to her adoptive father for the first time??? I'm curious as to how that would play out :3
modern!mizu x reader meets eiji for the first time
tags: modern mizu, mizu & reader in relationship, meeting the parents trope, meeting the parent?, eiji is mizu’s adopted father, kohama is staged around the pacific northwest, heidi shindo &blood-soaked chiaki mentioned, TW: m*k*o, author needs to eat before she writes
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a/n: ok for some reason i cant edit my drafts on my phone bc of gifs :( ima get thru these asks fr,, hope yall like the show references teehee
when u and modern!mizu first got together, u guys figured u would take it slow
it was mizu’s first relationship out of a toxic one
and u didn’t mind the slow pace
going on dates, hanging out, relaxing together
it was a blast
until one day u guys were out downtown, having a lil cafe date
and one of eiji’s clients recognized mizu as u hopped on the back of her motorcycle, zooming off to get lunch
modern!mizu ends up getting an unexpected phone call from her adopted dad
they keep in touch every few days
but she had just called him yesterday
Mizu was lying on her bed, scrolling through her phone. Her homework lies on her desk, ready to be done.
She groans in frustration and gently throws the phone down.
Ok, enough scrolling. Let’s get shit done-
Her phone starts to vibrate. Mizu flips the phone to spot the contact name “Swordfather”. The contact name is paired with a 0.5 selfie of him winning against Mizu. It continued to vibrate on Mizu's bed.
That’s odd. I just called him yesterday.
“Hey dad, whats up?”, Mizu answer.
“Who’s in the back of your bike?”, he yells into the phone.
“How- who- what are you talking-“
“Mr. Shindo come to me earlier today.” He starts, stern and loud, “He say he saw you with girl behind you on bike.”
Mr. Shindo was a regular at Eiji’s Repair Shop ever since Mizu was young. A man with temper and sass, he only trusted Eiji with his services. But with sass came a lot of gossip. Mizu wouldn’t believe the amount of drama happening the neighborhood if it wasn’t for Mr.Shindo’s loud mouth.
“Ok dad, I know it’s a girl but-“
“And he say he saw you hold hands! And drive off?!”, Eiji yelled with concern.
Mizu never really heard him this loud. There was the occasional disagreement and arguments about the Sunday game or who’s cooking for dinner. It was just banter at the most.
When Mizu told him about Mikio and why she left him & all his problems, he stayed calm and silent. Not many words were said when she admitted everything he did during the relationship. But it was comforting to know that her adopted dad was there, quietly listening to her sobs at the dining table.
“I know it’s not a guy but-“
“Guy, girl I do no care. Who is she?”
Mizu was stunned. Yeah, her dad’s English wasn’t the best but his words hit deep. The only time he pulled out the “I don’t care” in her lifetime was a foul customer.
A man by the name of Chiaki was on his knees close to closing hours, begging on his knees for Eiji to fix his motorcycle in hopes to make it faster. After constant days of his begging and pleading during open & closing, Eiji took it into his shop. After countless days of watching her dad attempt to fix the customer’s bike, Chiaki started criticizing and called him an “decrepit old man unable to fix shit”. Mizu wanted to rock his shit but her dad stopped her before she could.
“I may be old, but I do no care. Leave with your piece of shit you call a bike.”, Eiji said as Chiaki sped off, flipping the bird as he sent off.
"Mizu? You there?, Eiji asks. Mizu snaps back to reality.
"You tired of guys now, ha?"
Mizu scoffed, laughing at the unexpected response. She hears a hearty chuckle through the phone.
"Yeah yeah.", Mizu sighs in relief, "She's my girlfriend. Her name is Y/N.", Mizu answered, a blush blooming on her face.
"Ah good. Next time you come home, bring her. I'll make my barbeque special.", Eiji says lightheartedly.
Mizu's eyes lit up. It had been a while since she visited home. And to be greeted with the smell of her dad's honey BBQ baby back ribs and juicy prime rib? Yeah, she was sold.
"I will. I'll let you know when I'll visit."
"And Mizu?"
"Yes, Dad?"
"She take good care of you?", he asks in a concerned tone.
MIzu smiles, knowing the slow burn of confusion, hatred, and rage he witnessed over the many years. He was present during her silent middle school self, her angsty & stubborn teenage years, and her confused & rage-filled self during her previous relationship.
She looks at the wall where a photobooth strip of you two hung. It was during one of your exploring the city dates when you two found a vintage photo booth. A little dusty but it did the job of capturing you two together.
"Yes. Yes, she does, dad."
later that week, u get a text msg from mizu asking if u are free for the weekend
thinking it was another weekend date, u clear out ur schedule
and then she texts u its ab coming home w her for the weekend and see her dad
this was kinda out of nowhere
it rlly threw u off
it has been a few months now...
so yk what
maybe it is time u say hi
that friday u get on her motorcycle and ride to her hometown
its only an hr out but seeing the change from a college town to a smaller town felt like another world
You feel the motorcycle slow down as you head towards the exit. The wind calms down as you pass by the welcome sign to Kohama. As you go down the exit, you look out. Down below is a winding path to the seaside town. The town hangs next to a cliff. From your point of view, you could spot the deep blue ocean shimmers as Mizu takes you down the road.
She goes at a slower pace, taking in the familiar sights she left behind: the tall pine trees, a long coastline as far as the eye can see, and boulders scattering the beaches every once in a while. She rolls up to a stop sign and lifts her visor up.
"Smells like home."
You mimic her motions, lifting yours as well. The faint scent of sea salt mixed with the cool breeze from the ocean.
With both of you refreshed, Mizu continued along the path towards the middle of town.
u guys roll into her neighborhood
the houses share a similar bungalow-style
only changing in shades of color
however, something caught ur eye
more like ur nose
the smell of sweet barbeque caught ur attention
mizu immediately knew it was her dad cooking it up
meeting modern!mizu’s dad aka swordfather was a lil awkward
when u first arrived, he was busy in the back barbecuing and taking care of the dinner tonight
so u didnt meet him until u fully entered the house
hes busy in the back barbequing
and he does see u but the only thing he knows ab u is that ur dating his daughter
“Dad?”, Mizu calls through the house. You follow her footsteps down the hallway. She then opens the backdoor at the end, the midday shining into the hallway.
The sun blinds you for a second. You see a growing backyard with bushes aligning the fence. Tucked in the corner lied a storage shed surrounded by bikes and a few spare tires. Next to the shed is a grill in use, smoke coming out of the vent.
“I’m here Mizu.” An elderly voice called, his back facing you.
He turns around, a faint pout on his face. His eyes squinting from the harsh midday sun.
“You bring girlfriend?”
Mizu grins at her dad’s comment. She looks back at you and softly grabs your hand, pulling you next to her.
“This is Y/N.”
You smiled, waving at Mizu’s father. You know he’s not a bad guy, just a badass through Mizu’s stories of back home. However, you’re still anxious underneath your pleasing demeanor.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”
You look up to meet his gaze. Old, tired eyes stare back. Stern but not mean or cruel. Amiable. You could only wonder how much wisdom he has behind those eyes.
“Nice to meet you. I am Eiji.”
He waves back, awkwardly smiling as he tends to the grill. The interaction had a striking similarity to when you first met Mizu: cordial, dry, and a little awkward.
Like father, like daughter, you suppose.
after introducing urself, mizu lets eiji cook
when ur making sides together in the kitchen, he gets a glimpse of how u guys act together
and he watches u help mizu make the sides like mac & cheese, baked potatoes, biscuits, and stir fried green beans
typically, he would be helping her cook
but seeing u help her mix the macaroni
and mizu helping u cut the green beans
hes a proud man and feels safe knowing mizu is ok
when mizu pops into the bathroom, he checks in on the cooking
You put on the red and blue mitts and carefully place the mac and cheese into the oven. You feel the fiery heat of the oven against your forearms.
“How is cooking going?”
You close the oven and look behind to find Eiji. You nod in response.
“It’s going good! We’re almost done.”, you say as you move to the side. He gets a view of your work with Mizu: a plate of stir fried garlic string beans with crispy fried onions, a stack of baked potatoes along with bowls of toppings portioned by Mizu, Red Lobster cheddar bay biscuits, and the max and cheese that’s currently baking.
“Thank you for inviting me over and letting me stay.”, you say politely as you put the mittens away.
He nods back, a small smile forming around his lips.
The conversation falls short. A silence fills the air.
For a little too long.
It’s almost uncomfortable to breath, let alone talk, in the kitchen.
“Ribs are almost done. Please help set tables with me.”
You follow his request and help him with the plates and utensils.
“You know,”, You look up from the dinner table, giving Eiji your attention. “I did not know Mizu would bring girlfriend back.”
He chuckled as he looked back at you. You hear the emphasis on “girl” and laughed along. After hearing about Mizu’s previous relationship during the beginning of your relationship, you started to understand her ways.
And now, you understood why Eiji was awkward earlier in the day. When Mizu first met you, it was anxiousness meeting you. For Eiji, it was out of concern from Mizu’s past.
“Yeah, I’m probably not what you expected.”, you tease.
A hearty laugh comes out of Eiji. You feel the heaviness in the room lifts.
“But I’ll be here for her. I plan to, don’t worry.”, you reassure him. As serious as you sound, it was all true.
He hums in agreement. He puts down the final fork and walks over to the stir-fried green beans. His fingers reach for a string bean and tastes your cooking.
“Mm. You are honest.”, he pauses as he takes another bite. “You also make mean green beans.”
You snort, the compliment catching you off guard.
“Mean green beans?”, you question. You take a bean from the plate.
He nods.
Mean green beans…
while u and eiji are having a moment,
modern!mizu is listening to all of this go down
she tries not to smile when she comes back into the kitchen
but on the inside, she’s relieving hes getting along with u
once u and mizu help set the food on the table, its feasting time
ik for a fact that those baby back ribs are dangerously juicy
practically ripping off the bone
and with that honey bbq sauce???
and not to mention the prime rib??????
perfectly cooked
super tender
u can literally taste thyme, rosemary, and garlic with every juicy bite
(i shouldnt be writing this while im hungry)
u all enjoy a delicious dinner
afterwards, modern!mizu would give u a detailed tour of her childhood home
her fencing trophies lined up in the living room
and hallway
and bedroom
eiji didnt always say it but he was proud
if u couldnt tell already
when u guys went out to the backyard, u spot eiji working on a motorcycle in the shed
its not the biggest shed
but a closer look inside painted a pic of who he was
him on a motorcycle w his friends when he was much younger
a framed pic of a lil mizu on her scooter with him on a motorcycle, both vehicles with matching colors
the grand opening of eiji’s car shop
young mizu at the beach nearby
another of teenage mizu holding her keys and next to a blue 2004 toyota camry
u laughed and pointed it out
eiji chuckling along w u and describing the picture as mizu’s first drive after getting her license at age 16
she looks so much younger but u giggle at the scowl
on the other hand, modern!mizu is kinda embarrassed from her high school self
as crazy and insane and stubborn as she was, it was a big moment for her and for eiji
her girl could finally drive
and she got her first taste of freedom
did she cringe as u stared and laughed at how different she looked? yeah
but at least eiji isnt reminicising alone
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ofmdrecaps · 2 months
07/25-26/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Vico Ortiz: Classes; OFMD BTS; Galaxy Con Raleigh: Con, Nathan, Vico, Kristian; Gypsy Taylor; Andrew Deyoung; Boris McGiver; Adopt Our Crew Highlights: Articles; Prompts; Gold Derby/TellTale TV Voting Reminders; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika;
== David Jenkins ==
Chaos Dad, David Jenkins has been really active on Twitter and even poking his head into Instagram! I didn't share all of the ones he re-blogged today because I ran out of image space, but he's definitely keeping us all in mind. (I sure wish Kamala had really said that!)
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Source: Djenkins Twitter
David also shared our lovely @cosmosart-s' recent Ed+Butterflies sketch on Instagram <3
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram
He also acknowledged what we've all been thinking and discussing in meta for a while now-- the differences in memory for the S1 "You Wear Fine Things Well" scene.
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram
== Rhys Darby ==
There's a new podcast available, this time with Rhys Darby visiting! Check out: Saving Sheep From a UFO w/ Rhys Darby!
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Source: Looking Up Podcast
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika was out at the Louis Vuitton Foundation Party 2024 in Paris recently and boy is he looking suave.
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Source: Rafhits Instagram / Icon France / VogueSpain / Anthonyghnassia /EmiliaPiaLuisaWickstead / VasJMorgan / etalkctv
More Time Bandits Interviews! Did you happen to watch Time Bandits yet on Apple TV?
Source: ConsquenceDaily
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico has another acting class coming up September 1! Classes are Sundays 11a-4p September 1, 8, 22 & 29 * 9/8 will be taught by a SUBSTITUTE TBA You can enroll here!
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram
Vic has also been keeping up with our BTS needs by posting more on their Patreon! Here's some sneak peaks-- if you don't subscribe already and would like to see all the OFMD BTS as well as other works they do, you can visit Patreon.
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Source: Vico Ortiz Patreon
== Galaxy Con Raleigh (Con, Nathan, Vico, Kristian) ==
Con, Nathan, Vico, and Kristian are all at Galaxy Con Raleigh this weekend! I'm combining their sections to make it a bit easier to keep track! They've all been kind enough to send us pre-convention photos!
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories / BigSamTompson's Instagram (Nathan's Tagged Photos)
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Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
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Source: Con O'Neill's Instagram
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Source: Vico's Instagram
== Gypsy Taylor ==
Gypsy Taylor is working on a new show -- "All Her Fault" and it's going to be premiering on Peacock once it's ready! Keep an eye out for it!
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Source: Gypsy Taylor's Instagram
== Andrew DeYoung ==
You may remember one of our lovely writers-- Andrew DeYoung, well he's written and directed a new movie, "FRIENDSHIP" a comedy that will premier in September at the Toronto International Film Festival!
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Source: Andrew DeYoung's Instagram
== Boris Mcgiver ==
Our friend Boris Mcgiver, aka Father Bonnet has a new show "Teacup", a sci-fi horror thriller premiering on October 10th, on Peacock!
Source: BorisMcGiver's Instagram Stories
== Adopt Our Crew Highlights ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew have been king everyone up to date with the latest articles on OFMD.
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Source: Decider.com
They've also been keeping twitter engaged with some wonderful prompts! What's your favourite piece of OFMD Art? (Your own or someone else's!) @adoptourcrew would love to hear from you!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew's Twitter
== Gold Derby Reminders ==
Thank you @adoptourcrew for the reminder! July 30 is the last day to vote! Please get your votes in if you haven't and you plan to! https://www.goldderby.com/leagues/
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Tumblr
== Tell Tale TV Poll ==
We're neck and neck yall! The poll is open through the end of July and you can vote every day!
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Source: OFMD-Ann's Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Miss you lovelies, sending so many good vibes your way.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
It's been a minute since I've been blessed with this gif, so you too shall get to see Ed's heart eyes. Gif courtesy of the brilliant @captain-flint <3
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sunburnhurts · 3 months
Bear Lover || Cedric Diggory x fem!Reader
Summary: Cedric and Y/n's parents are very close and they decide to go on a camping trip. Y/n and Cedric don't know each other in school, their paths never cross so they don't know they go to the same school. They have only met before on one of their parents get together's, but this get together will be very different. (Pretend cedric has a younger brother lolll).
Words: 4,025
All My Stories
A/n: Welcome to part 2! Thank you for liking the first part so much you came to the second! Enjoy yall! Btw there's a little bit of jealousy in this story :))))) it wouldn't be my story without a bit of angst/jealousy ;)
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Y/n wakes up with her younger brother shaking her awake. She reaches up to push Aaron's face so he would stop shaking her. Once he did, she looks around the room to see it wasn't even that bright. "Ronnie, what time is it?" She whispers.
"Uh, I think 7." Aaron answers with an innocent smile. Y/n groans quietly and looks to see if Cedric was awake. He was still sleeping, in the same position he fell asleep in, facing Y/n. She adjusts her body to sit up and pats the bed next to her for Aaron to come up. As the boy climbs up, Y/n notices the stuffed bear wrapped in Cedric's arms.
Y/n huffs a laugh at the boy, then asks her younger brother, "Why did you wake me up so early?"
"Everyone was asleep and I wanted to play with you." Aaron answers, cuddling up to Y/n. Y/n sits back and puts her arm around her brother and wraps the covers around both of them. They both grew tired and fell back asleep.
Cedric wakes up, noticing the stuffed bear in his arms. He silently hoped Y/n didn't wake up and see him like that. Wondering if Y/n was up or not, Cedric looks over at your bed. He smiles at the sight of Y/n and her younger brother cuddling in his jumper.
Trying not to wake Y/n or her brother up, Cedric slides off his bed and slowly crept to the door. When he exits the room, he is met with Y/n's mother. "Good morning Cedric!"
"Good morning Mrs. Y/L/N!" He beams.
"Please, call me (your moms name)." Cedric smiles and nods. "I'm going to be making breakfast for everyone, how is pancakes and eggs?"
"That's fine," Cedric starts, "I could help if you'd like!"
"That would be lovely, thank you!" Mrs. Y/L/N gratefully accepts. Cedric follows Y/n's mother to the kitchen and grabs the ingredients for eggs as Y/n's mom starts making pancakes.
A few minutes later, Y/n opens her eyes to the smell of pancakes. She gently taps Aaron's shoulder and his eyes slowly open. "Do you smell that?" Y/n says, smiling at her brother.
"Pancakes!" Aaron and Y/n shot up and race out of the room for their favorite breakfast food. Aaron and Y/n stop running and climb onto the kitchen table chairs. Y/n smiles at the view of Cedric cracking an egg into a bowl.
"You look like a house wife." Y/n jokes, referring to the apron wrapped around Cedric.
Cedric turns around to look at the girl, not knowing how long she's been there. "Good, that's what I was going for." He says as he poses with his hands on his hips. "Like what you see?" He asks, trying to do a model face.
"Very much!" Y/n giggles.
"Hurry and make the eggs!" Aaron demands impatiently. Cedric smiles and raises his eyebrows at Y/n.
"Ronnie, don't say that!" Y/n playfully slaps her brothers arm.
"Yes sir." Cedric says as he makes a serious face and nods to Aaron.
During the first week of camping, Y/n and Cedric grew close to each other. They played with their little siblings, had late night talks before they went to sleep, and went on walks together. Y/n would still wear Cedric's jumper to bed, and Cedric still had Aaron's stuffed bear on his bed.
It was now Sunday and it has exactly been a week since everyone got to the cabin. The parents decided to do something special today, go to a restaurant after eating Cedric’s dad and Y/s’s dad’s cooking for a week straight. This was very exciting for Cedric and Y/n, the night before they were both talking about how undercooked their food was.
Y/n changed from out of her pajamas to something presentable for the restaurant in the bathroom, while Cedric changed in the bedroom. Once she was done, Y/n called out, “Can i come out?” so she didn’t walk in on the boy.
"Yeah!" Cedric calls out. Y/n opens the door and walks over to her bed and sits down. When she looked at the boy she shared a room with, who had his bare back facing Y/n. Y/n studies the muscles on his back that she assumed were from Quidditch. Cedric scavenges through a drawer, "looking" for a shirt. Once he found it, he throws the shirt over his head, which makes Y/n look away, pretending she is playing with her bed sheets.
The boy turns around smirking, knowing Y/n was staring. He then exits the room, still smirking. Oh he so told me to come in so I would see him like that. Y/n thinks, rolling her eyes and getting up to follow the boy out of the room.
After a 20 minute ride away from the cabin, the 2 families arrive at the restaurant. Entering the building, the big group is greeted by a teenage boy, who escorts the group to a big circle booth. He then hands everyone a menu and walks away.
Cedric noticed the waiter taking glances at Y/n, hoping it meant nothing. Y/n and Cedric sat next to each other, as always, and were talking about what sounded good on the menu.
The waiter comes back, asking "And what drinks can I get everyone?"
The 2 6 year olds order chocolate milk, and the parents order drinks with alcohol in it. Cedric ordered a water, and so did Y/n. When Y/n ordered, the waiter smiled at her and gave her a wink. Cedric notices Y/n's cheeks turn pink and the confused smile she gave back to the waiter.
When the waiter walked away, Cedric whispers, "Weirdo." Hearing this, Y/n looks at him and laughs. Cedric returns a confused look at the girl. She shakes her head, still laughing, and looks back at the menu.
"You're a child." Y/n says with a smile. He looks down, a little embarrassed.
After everyone ordered their food, and Cedric gave glares to the waiter whenever he looked at Y/n, their food arrived at their table and everyone dug into their food. While everyone was eating, Y/n was approached by the waiter. The parents and toddlers didn't notice him, but Cedric did.
"Excuse me, miss?" The waiter asks. Y/n turns around, wiping her mouth with her napkin and nodding her head. "Would you like to go out sometime?" Saying this, Cedric looks at Y/n, waiting for her response. The boy was obviously used to hitting on random girls at the restaurant because of the lack of nervousness in his words.
Y/n noticed this and said, "I'm okay, thank you." She smiles and turns back around.
"Are you sure? I mean, I could take you to somewhere way nicer then here."
"Yes, I'm sure." Y/n says, still not looking at him.
"Why not?"
"She said no, dude. Just leave." Cedric scoffs at the desperate boy.
"What are you, her boyfriend?"
"Yeah, and he'll kill you." Y/n says seriously, but Cedric knows shes joking.
"Whatever man." The waiter finally says, turning around and walking away in defeat. Y/n and Cedric look at each other and laugh at the scene that just played out.
On the car ride home, Y/n replays Cedric defending her, which made her smile. She thinks about how close they have gotten in a week, and how she wishes she knew him her whole life.
Cedric was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, as Y/n sat in her bed, pulling Cedric's jumper over her head. Y/n rubs her eyes as she pulls her covers over her legs. She looks over and Cedric's bed, still seeing the stuffed bear. She laughs at the fact that Aaron hasn't noticed his bear is missing.
Cedric walks out of the bathroom to his bed, looking at Y/n in his jumper. He smiles and lays down on his bed, throwing the covers on top of him. Y/n reaches out to the lamp next to her bed and turns it off, making the room go dark. If it weren't for the moonlight coming out of the window that is in between the 2 beds, the 2 teens wouldn't be able to see each other.
Y/n lays down, facing the ceiling. "So why'd you say no?" Cedric asks, making the girl turn her head and scrunch her face in confusion. "To that boy, the waiter."
"He seemed like a player," Y/n responds. "and he wasn't my type." Cedric nods at this, thinking about the way the waiter looked. Y/n silently huffs a laugh at Cedric's interest in the situation. She then turns her body to face the wall, saying, "Good night Cedric."
"Good night, Y/n."
After another week of hang out and having deep conversations with Cedric, Y/n grew feelings for the boy. He always listened to her when she talked about family problems, or when she complained about how cold she always was. He always tried to fix her problem by offering advise, or offering to take her mind off of whatever she was thinking of.
Cedric loved when Y/n talked to him, even if it was just about stupid things. He was glad to take walks with her and both their younger brothers. He loved seeing Y/n and Leo getting along, he loved the way she was so good with kids. Naturally, Cedric grew feeling for Y/n. He didn't want to scare her off though, so he waited for the right moment to make his move.
Y/n and Cedric were on the couch, waiting for the TV to play the movie they chose. The parents were on the porch and their younger brothers were in bed. Y/n was sitting under the only blanket in the room when she noticed Cedric shiver. "Are you cold?" She asks, turning her attention to the boy.
"A little," Cedric smiles. Y/n smiles back and scoots closer to him, tossing the other half of the blanket on Cedric. "Thanks." He grins. The 2 turn their attention to the movie that starts playing. About 10 minutes into the movie Cedric speaks up and says, "Hey Y/n, would you ever wanna do something, like, just me and you?"
Y/n turns her head to Cedric, saying, "We are doing something, just me and you?" She didn't say it like she was rejecting him, but more fake oblivious.
"I mean like, you know," Cedric started to get flustered, not being able to get the words out.
"Like a date?" Y/n finishes his sentence. Cedric nervously nods. "Yeah, I would love to." Cedric smiles in relief, looking back at the TV.
Later on in the movie, the 2 secretly inched closer to each other. Cedric stretched his arm on top of the couch, almost around Y/n's shoulders. He then felt a head hit his shoulder, he looked down and saw Y/n's eyes closed and she was silently snoring. He grins and puts his arm fully around her shoulders as his heartbeat increases. He then starts feeling tired, putting his head on top of Y/n's and dosing off, not caring about the rest of the movie.
An hour later, Y/n's mom and Cedric's mom come inside from the porch. Cedric's mom looks over at the couch, seeing her son and her best friend's daughter cuddling. She silently calls Y/n's mom to come over and they both stare at the 2 in awe. "I knew this was going to happen!!" Y/n's mom squeals quietly. The 2 best friends decide to leave them alone, turning off the TV and walking away.
Y/n opens her eyes, feeling her arm being shook by a tiny hand. She suddenly gets aware of the arm wrapped around her shoulders, and how her head was on rested on something. She looks up at Cedric, realizing her head was on his shoulder, then she looks down at whatever woke her up.
"Y/n.." Leo says with a sad face, "I tried getting a cup for water.. and" his eyes start watering as he hiccups the rest of his sentence, "and I fell off the counter and broke the cup."
"Oh, Leo! Are you okay?" Y/n whispers, lifting her head away from Cedric's shoulder and gently moving from his grasp. She gets up and follows Leo to the kitchen and sees glass that shattered everywhere. She notices how it's still dark out so she looks at the clock and it reads "6:37".
Y/n then bends down to look at Leo and she whispers, "We can get this cleaned up before our parents see, lets get you cleaned up first." Leo grabs Y/n's hand as they both tip-toe past Cedric sleeping, into Y/n's room and into the bathroom. She picks Cedric's brother up and places him on the sink counter.
Y/n looks at Leo's scraped knee that was slowly turning red and purple. She frowns at the sight as she looks for band aids in a cupboard. "Please don't tell mommy and daddy." Leo cries as Y/n cleans the wound.
"I wont, I promise." Y/n promises.
Cedric wakes up, seeing the spot next to him empty. His heart skips a beat, thinking the worst. Did she wake up and think us cuddling was weird? He gets up, walking into his room and he looks over to Y/n's empty bed. He then notices the bathroom light peering from under the cracked door.
He hears his brother's voice saying something about not telling his parents about something. Cedric walks over to the door and gently pushes it open more, seeing what was going on. "What happened?" He asked as he saw his younger brothers scraped knee.
Leo's eyes widen and start crying even more. Y/n turns around smiling, seeing Cedric's confused face. She explains what happened to the boy while she places a band aid on Leo's knee. Cedric nods at the explanation, mesmerized by Y/n taking care of his younger brother.
Once she was done, Cedric starts cleaning up the broken glass as Y/n put Leo back to bed. Then, she enters the kitchen and starts cleaning up with Cedric. While she was grabbing the trashcan, she was wondering if Cedric was thinking about the way she fell asleep on him last night. She felt bad if she made it awkward, or weird.
Cedric was thinking about it, but not in a bad way of course. He was replaying the feeling in his heart when she put her head on his shoulder, savoring the feeling. He was thinking about how caring the girl was for taking care of his younger brother even though she didn't have to. He thought about the way she promised to not blame the mess on Leo.
Y/n and Cedric were finishing cleaning in silence, hoping each other didn't think it was awkward. They both turn their head at footsteps, seeing who was walking in. It was Y/n's mom. "What happened?" She asks.
"I was trying to get a glass of water but I dropped the cup, I'm sorry mom." Y/n responds.
"Oh that's alright, Y/n. Thank you both for cleaning it up." Cedric and Y/n nod and stand up and walk out of the kitchen, into their bedroom.
"You didn't have to take the blame, Y/n." Cedric smiles as they both sit on Y/n's bed.
“I promised Leo I wouldn’t tell on him,” Y/n shrugs. She craws over to the top of her bed, sitting criss-cross so she is facing Cedric. Cedric has his back to the wall, his body facing the other side of the room, but his head facing Y/n.
There was a moment of silence, both teens staring at each other. They were both wanted to go back to bed, and they both secretly wanted to fall asleep in each others arms again. Afraid to say anything to make it weird, Y/n moves over a little bit and pats the empty space next to her.
Cedric was relieved that Y/n was thinking the same thing as him and he wasn't just being weird. Cedric moves himself next to Y/n, but laid his back on her pillow. He rested his arm on top of her pillow as Y/n laid back into his arm. Cedric adjusts his arm fully around Y/n's shoulder and pulls her in a little more.
Y/n's heart flutters thinking of how he wants to be close to her. She never cuddled with a boy before, let alone had a boyfriend, so there was a lingering awkwardness in her chest that she kept trying to push away. Y/n put her head and hand on the boys chest, hearing his heartbeat. "So what were you thinking about doing for our date?" She says trying to get the awkwardness out of her, but when she said the word date she cringed.
Cedric looked down at Y/n, trying to control his heartbeat. "I'm not sure the places around here, maybe we could get some ice cream or something tomorrow at noon?"
Y/n looked up at Cedric when she heard ice cream. Cedric knew it was her favorite treat and he knew the reaction that was going to come out of the girl. Cedric smiles at her happiness, as she puts her head back on his chest and smiles.
It's like there was Melatonin in the air when Y/n had her head on Cedric because not long after, she drifted off to sleep as she felt Cedric brushing his fingers through her hair.
As Y/n woke up after her nap, she smells the scent of Cedric. She remembers the date at 12, which makes her panic to know what time it was. She wanted time to tell her mom about what happened, and she wanted time to get ready and look good for a date. Since she wasn't familiar with dress wear and makeup for dates, she needed her and Cedric's moms help.
Y/n tried slipping out of Cedric's grip without waking him, but she couldn't. The boy tightened his grip on Y/n as he felt her moving. He opened his eyes and sleepley asked, "Where are you going?"
"Do you want to sleep through our date or do you want me to actually look good for it?" Y/n jokes, laying her head back onto Cedric's chest.
"You look good like this though." Cedric says with his eyes half open. Y/n rolls her eyes as she feels her heart flutter, but she knew she had to get up. Once Cedric's eyes were fully open, he looked down at the girl who was looking up at him. He smiles and with his morning voice says, "Good morning."
"Good morning, Cedric."
Once Y/n was allowed to get up, she looked at the clock and saw it was 10:49. She looked for her mom, which she found in her mom and dad's bed room. Cedric's mom was also there, they were talking about random stuff like they always did. Y/n asked to talk to both of them, and when they agreed, Y/n closed the door and sat on the bed with the 2 moms.
The moms grew excited as the story of Cedric asking Y/n out went on, even though they already knew something was going on. Y/n finished her story and asked for help choosing an outfit and makeup to wear. The 2 moms happily agreed to helping out, and both went to get their make up bags.
When they both returned, they curled Y/n's lashes, put mascara on, put a little bit of blush on, and a little bit of lip gloss so it looked very natural. Next, Y/n's mom went into Y/n's room to find an outfit.
"I just knew you and Cedric were going to click! Call it a mothers intuition!" Cedric's mom beams as she brushes Y/n's hair. They were leaving it down, but Cedric's mom still wanted to brush it. "You know I always wanted a baby girl to do her make up. Maybe I can do it for you and Cedric's wedding day!" Hearing this, Y/n's eyes widened and face turned red.
"Oh don't scare her off," Y/n's mom says as she slips into the room, closing the door behind her. "she's not ready for a wedding, or at least I'm not."
"I'm definitely not." Y/n hides her face in her hands, embarrassed. Y/n's mom hands Y/n the clothes she picked out and Y/n walks over to the bathroom and changes.
Y/n walks out of the bathroom, happy with how she looks. The 2 moms clap in excitement, making Y/n blush in embarrassment but also smile.
"Before you leave, Y/n, I just want to say this now and not in front of Cedric. Do not do anything inappropriate or dangerous." Y/n's mom says.
"Mom! I know!" Y/n says, embarrassed.
"We know you know, but I was also going to say the same thing to Cedric. We just want to make sure. Also do not break my boys heart." Cedric's mom jokes.
"I wont I promise!" Y/n says, making her way to the door, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.
Y/n heard Cedric's mom say, "She's going to be a heart breaker." as Y/n left the room.
When Y/n exited her parents room, she saw Cedric waiting on the couch for her. When Cedric turned his attention to the girl, his face softened. Even though he knew she was beautiful already, she was even more now. He stared at her without saying anything, making her blush. She wasn't sure what made Cedric have a reaction like this, it wasn't like she was in a dress or anything fancy. He looked hypnotized by her.
"Ready?" Y/n asks, reaching out for Cedric's hand to help him get up from the couch.
"Uh- yeah." He says, snapping him out of his state of trance and reaching for her hand. They intertwined their fingers as they made their way to the door, but Y/n was stopped by Leo pulling on her unoccupied hand.
"Where are you guys going?" Leo asks.
"Me and Cedric are going somewhere to eat." Y/n replied, not wanting to say anything about ice cream and give the hopes up of the child.
"May I come with?" Leo asks with puppy dog eyes.
"No, Leo, go play with Aaron." Cedric says to his younger brother. Leo was going to say something back and beg more, but he didn't feel like throwing a hissy fit, so he walked away. Cedric and Y/n laugh at his cooperation.
Cedric's dad allowed Cedric to use his car to travel, he also gave Cedric directions to an ice cream place not too far from the cabin. Cedric opened the passenger door for Y/n, and Y/n smiles and blushes at this, thanking him. She buckles up as Cedric walks around the car and gets into the drivers seat.
As Cedric starts the car he says, "You look really pretty, Y/n."
"Thank you, Cedric. You look really handsome." Y/n smiles as the 2 teens meet eyes and blush like idiots. They laugh at each other, but not in a rude way, but a "loving" way. Cedric also wasn't wearing anything fancy, but everything he wore looked very good on him.
"So you told my mom and your mom about our date?" Cedric asks as his eyes are focused on the road.
"Oh yeah, I've never been on a date before and I needed help. Did you not want them to know?" Y/n asks nervously, hoping she didn't doing anything wrong.
"No, of course I'd want them to know." Y/n's worries go away when Cedric says this. "You've never been on a date before?"
"Is that surprising?" Y/n asks.
"I mean yeah, who wouldn't want to take you on a date?"
"The whole school?"
"Well obviously not the whole school, because I do." Cedric says, putting his hand on Y/n's which was resting on her thigh. They both look at each other and grin. "You know I haven't ever been on a date before either?"
"Really?" Y/n says, very surprised.
"Yeah, I mean girls have asked me before to go on dates, but I wasn't ever interested."
"Oh, should I be honored to score a date with THE Cedric Diggory?"
"I mean yeah, I'm a pretty big deal and a very busy man."
"So does that mean when we go back to school I'm allowed to brag to all the girls about a date with you?"
"You might want to be careful who you say it to, some girls might fight you over me!" Cedric jokes while Y/n fake gasps.
"Oh no! Well then I better bag you before any other girl can!"
"I think you already have." Cedric says more seriously, intertwining his fingers with Y/n's. Y/n huffs a laugh, looking out the window to hide her blush.
Cedric pulls into the parking lot of the ice cream place, parks, then turns his car off. He unbuckles and tell's Y/n to not open her door as he gets out of the car and walks around it. He opens the passenger door and Y/n gets out of the car.
After Y/n and Cedric order and get their ice cream, they sit down in a booth and start talking about school.
"Summers going by so fast, but there's still so much time before school starts." Y/n says as she takes a lick of her ice cream.
"Don't forget me when school starts." Cedric jokes.
"I wont, you give me an excuse to go to more Quidditch games."
"Oh jeez, now I have to make sure I play good."
"Yeah, you might have to actually be good to impress me." Y/n says as she goes to lick her ice cream again, but because of the comment she just made, Cedric gets fake offended and pushes her hand filled of ice cream up in her face. Y/n widens her eyes and removes the cone of ice cream off her face and looks at Cedric with a mad face.
Cedric starts crying laughing, saying, "I can't take you serious with that mess on your face." Y/n just continues to stare at him with a serious and mad look on her face. Cedric continues to laugh at the sight of the girl with a straight face but ice cream all over it.
"I'm gonna kill you Diggory." Y/n finally cracks a smile, grabbing Cedric's hand filled of his ice cream cone and stuffing it on his cheek.
"Oh come on!" He laughs, looking at the girl snorting laughing.
"That's what you get!" Y/n defends herself.
"Okay, I'm sorry!" Cedric says, still laughing. He grabs napkins from the dispenser and starts wiping ice cream off his cheek. Y/n reaches out to get napkins from the dispenser, but Cedric moves it back, out of her reach. Him doing this earned him the serious and mad look once again.
Once Cedric was done getting off all the ice cream from him cheek, he grabbed napkins and starts wiping off the ice cream off Y/n's face. "Eww it's up your nose!" Cedric says with a disgusted voice.
Embarrassed, Y/n pulls back quickly and covers her nose. "Don't look up my nose! Are you serious! It's up my nose!?"
Cedric holds his forehead in his hands as he is chuckling at the girl. "No, I was just kidding."
"You're not funny!" Y/n says seriously, throwing one of the napkins that was used to wipe ice cream off Cedric's face at Cedric.
Once Cedric is finally done laughing, he takes another napkin and wipes the rest of ice cream off Y/n's face.
Once the 2 were back in the car and back on the road, Cedric says, "I'm sorry! Stop ignoring me!"
"Whatever.." Y/n hums. She was joking and trying to get a rise out of him, she didn't really care about the situation that much at all.
"I'm sorry! Do you forgive me?" Cedric says, placing his hand in Y/n's which was on her thigh again. Y/n looks down at the boy's hand on top of hers and she smiles at him. He takes his eyes off the road and looks over at Y/n. "Is that a yes?"
"Yes." Y/n says as she interlocks their fingers and wraps her unoccupied hand around his arm. She leans her head into his arm, making Cedric smile as he looks back at the road.
When Cedric and Y/n get out of the car, they watch a movie together cuddling on the couch. After the movie they played with their younger siblings, and then had dinner with the 2 families. When it was time for bed, Y/n changed into her pajamas and of course had Cedric's jumper on.
Cedric sat on his bed, waiting for Y/n to get out of the bathroom. When she does, he gets up and walks over to her. They stand in front of each other, less then 2 feet apart. Y/n, unsure what is happening, stands there, looking up at Cedric, waiting for him to say something. Cedric puts his hands on Y/n's waist, making Y/n's heart beat fast.
"I just wanted to tell you I had a really good time with you today." Cedric says, Y/n could tell he really meant it. He had a meaningful look in his eyes which made Y/n's knees weak.
"I had a really great time too, Cedric." Y/n says with the same meaningful look in her eyes. Cedric had that same hypnotized look he had earlier. He was lost in Y/n's eyes, her smile, and her perfect nose. Of course the 2 teenagers weren't in love yet, but if someone was watching this moment, they would say they were deeply in love.
Cedric removes one of his hands from Y/n's waist and places it on her cheek. Y/n knew what was about to happen, but she wasn't scared. She was too in the moment to think about how she has never done this before. As Cedric pulls Y/n close with his hand on her waist, he leans in. Y/n places both her hands on Cedric's cheeks as she leans in as well.
Y/n feels the hesitation from Cedric, it was as if he was asking if she wanted to. She closes the gap, feeling the passion in his lips. They move their mouths together, slowly, but synchronized. Both their hearts were beating like crazy. Y/n's knees weak while she feels Cedric's hand move from her waist to her lower back, pulling her in more.
They both reopen the gap, placing their foreheads on each others. They were breathing heavier than normal, and hearts still racing. Both still looking down at each others lips, and they both huff a laugh at nothing, they were just so happy.
Cedric removes his hands from Y/n's lower back and cheek, and he grabs Y/n's hands that were still on his cheeks. He pulls his forehead away from hers, and he tugs Y/n over to his bed. They both lay down together with a smile plastered on their faces. Just like how they cuddled before, Y/n's head was placed on Cedric's chest, and Cedric's arm was around Y/n's back, brushing her hair with his fingers.
Y/n notices Aaron's stuffed bear still on Cedric's bed. She leans over to grab it and she looks up at him. He looks down at Y/n then the bear, then back at Y/n. "So you're the bear lover now?" Y/n says with a smile still plastered on her face.
"I guess so." Cedric grins. Y/n leans up and places her hand on Cedric's cheek and places a lingering kiss on his lips.
"Good night, bear lover." She says once she pulls away.
"Good night, Y/n." He says, kissing her once more.
End of part 2
Not pre-read!
A/n: I'm so sorry this took forever! I wanted to only make it 2 parts and not a million so this one was really long. I hope you guys loved this and it was worth the wait! Requests are open! PLEASE request!! Thank you guys so much for the recent support! I love you guys so much!!! I'll have more stories coming soon, I have a few ideas but I still would really love it if yall requested. OMG i did not realize i wrote THAT many words omggggg
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sorchathered · 5 months
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Sacred New Beginnings- Chapter 10
A/N- Holy cow yall we are finally here! Our last chapter of this series, but not the end for Jake and Stormy! I will be checking in here and there, I have some one shots planned for them in the future and I’m excited for you guys to see how things have been going for them. Again thank you all so much for the love, I will always have a special place for this series since it’s my first baby. I want to give a massive shout out to @mamachasesmayhem for being my cheerleader from the very beginning of this series, proofreading for me and helping me brainstorm when I couldn’t push through the writer’s block. You have been amazing and I love you!! 😘
Pairing- Jake “Hangman” Seresin x reader (oc Stormy)
Warnings- language, PTSD, smut
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It had been a little over a week since you showed up at Jake's doorstep, he still couldn’t believe that he’d finally gotten what he wished for. Waking up next to you every morning, getting to commute to work together, sneaking off to hook up during lunch, it was all so much more than he could’ve hoped for. You were so damn happy, you and Viper had integrated seamlessly into your new squad, some people like Harvard and Omaha you already knew but there were new players as well and everyone had been so welcoming. You had kind of dreaded running into Bradley and Erin but even that seemed to go well, they had welcomed their son Nicky a few months after your accident and he was now a full blown toddler, the spitting image of his father. Both of them had been friendly, Bradley welcoming you back and Erin saying she was so happy you’d recovered, you knew they truly meant it and graciously accepted their words.
Jake maintained that you were a saint but really it was just that you hadn’t truly loved Bradley, at least not in a way that would’ve lasted. Neither of you had been compatible, and it was so easy to see now that you’d been with Jake for nearly two years; when it was truly meant to be it was unlike anything else mattered but the one you loved, and you couldn’t imagine life without Jake beside you. The ring in the top of his closet seemed to mock him every day, he wanted it to be absolutely perfect but nothing seemed good enough for his girl, so he let it sit untouched for yet another week as he took you out to the arcade on Friday for what had quickly become a weekly date night.
You had put a bunch of ideas in a jar the week before, told him to shake it up and pick one and off you both went on whatever adventure was scribbled on the tiny note, tonight was burgers and laser tag and while he’d joked that he was too old for that he had been the one hunting you down to shoot you as he cackled, maybe he just needed to be reminded that things didn’t always have to be so stressful because he couldn’t remember when he’d had this much fun.
After a lazy Sunday beach day and dinner on the grill he’d curled up with you on the couch with a movie, you’d meant for things to be innocent but he smelled so good and you found yourself turning in his arms to sling your leg over his hip, making out with him like you were a pair of teenagers. He fucked you slow and steady into the leather couch while the movie droned on in the background, his mouth slotted against yours as his hands roamed your body, you loved to joke how insatiable he had become since you moved in but you knew you were just as gone for him, too many nights had been spent apart and now having him in close proximity all you wanted was to make him feel good. You both came undone together as you whispered I love you into his neck, and all Jake could think of was how perfect his life had become.
Monday morning before he’d even had his coffee he’d gotten a text from Maverick to head to Cyclone’s office as soon as he got in, he immediately felt his stomach drop just thinking of what that meant. Deployment, for who knows how long and who knows where, and ultimately having to say goodbye to you again after he just got you back. He couldn’t bear to say anything to you until he knew for sure, so he went through the motions business as usual as you both ate breakfast and headed to work, kissing you a little longer than normal before you parted but you didn’t seem to notice anything off, promising to meet him for lunch with a wink and kisses blown in his direction. His feet felt like lead standing outside of Admiral Simpson’s office, he knew nothing good was coming from this meeting and when he entered he could tell by the look on his face that it was exactly what he thought. “How long?” He said as Mav handed him his papers, he could feel the lump forming in his throat and wanted out of this room as soon as possible. “Nine weeks son, I’m sorry Jake I know Y/N just got here, but you’re the best for the task and if I could I’d let you stay. She’ll be alright, I’ll keep an eye on her, you just do the job and come home safe.” Jake nodded and shook his hand, bailing from the room as soon as he could, he swiped his phone open and dialed you as fast as he could, but he couldn’t seem to catch his breath and when you answered he was full blown panicking, choking out to meet him by the truck and hanging up as he collapsed into the seat of his f-150. He wasn’t ready to go, you’d only been back in the air for a few months and now he finally had you here where he could take care of you, why couldn’t someone else have been picked?
You’d run across the lot to find him with his head in his hands in the front seat, wrenching the door open to wrap your arms around him, anything to help him regulate his emotions. He finally seemed to settle his breathing, relaxing into your arms while you stroked his sandy hair and kissed his cheeks. “What’s going on baby? You’ve got me scared now, did something happen with your family? Is your mom ok?” He squeezed your hand and passed the papers off to you, you knew exactly what it meant and you felt cold all over. This was the job, and while you both loved it you hated this part more than anything. He would miss all the major holidays together in your new home, your heart broke a little at having to celebrate Christmas without him and he let you curl into his arms and cry.
He only had a week from getting his papers to shipping out and it felt like the time was speeding away from him and he couldn’t catch it. He’d been adamant that the two of you update your wills on Tuesday and you had vehemently opposed it, he was stressing a little too much for your liking and it left you unmoored. Deployments were a part of this life, and yes you’d had a serious scare this last time but that didn’t mean he needed to become doom and gloom over it, you were worried about his mindset going into this, he needed a clear head if he had any hope of getting through this unscathed.
Wednesday night he was meticulously going through his packing list, gear spread all over the living room when you stepped into the house with take out, the vein in his forehead that only came out when he was angry seemed to be a permanent presence as of late, he was all furrowed brows and tense shoulders and you couldn’t take it for one more minute. “Jacob Thomas Seresin!” You called from the kitchen and he snapped his head to attention, he hadn’t even noticed you had gotten home until you shouted, looking across the room to find you with a pizza box in one hand and you completely stripped to nothing as you leaned against the doorframe. You sauntered over to where he sat cross legged on the floor, dropping the pizza box on the coffee table as you lowered yourself onto his lap, he was already getting hard for you when you pressed your bare pussy to the front of his gym shorts, his face going completely blank, no sign of that pesky forehead vein in sight.
“Fuck Stormy what are you doing baby? I gotta get this-“ he stopped short with a gasp as you ground yourself into him as you yanked a little roughly on his hair, pulling his face to yours and sloppily licking into his open mouth, he seemed to short circuit for a moment but recovered quickly as he wrapped his arms around your bare torso and kissed you back with fervor. Yanking his head back again to look up at you he blinked glazed emerald orbs at you, you were frustrated with him, he could see that now but he couldn’t focus enough to ask with you on top of him like this, he thought about asking but thought better of it when you reached down and took his length from his shorts, thoughts scattering all over again when you got up on your knees and sunk down on him, you still hadn’t said anything but he couldn’t be bothered anymore, whining out your name as you took him to the hilt with your warm center clenching around him. You nibbled on his lip and rubbed your nose along his as you wrapped your arms around his neck and you could feel the tension leaving him as you held him close, you knew he’d needed it as much as you, just the closeness of your bodies pressed together was enough to soothe whatever had been ailing both your minds.
“I’m going to sit here with you just like this until you calm the fuck down and tell me what’s got you so amped up, you’ve been like an exposed nerve ever since you got your papers and I can’t let you leave like this. You’re scaring me Jake, you can’t leave for a mission distracted you know better than that. You’re the best pilot I’ve ever seen and they picked you to head this op. You have to tell me what’s going on, you just have to!” You cried out as tears began to pour from your eyes, your throat felt raw with the emotion bubbling out of you and you began to shake in his embrace, the combination of being so full of him and revealing your worry almost too much. He seemed to jolt out of whatever trance he’d been in at your tears, swiping at them as they ran down your cheeks and kissing you hard, he knew he’d been distant and stressed couldn’t begin to describe how he’d been feeling, but he hadn’t even thought about himself and how it could affect the mission; all his worries had been solely focused on you.
“Oh baby I’m so sorry, shh hey I’m here ok? I’ll tell you all of it, just don’t cry sugar. I can't stand knowing I hurt you.” He was kissing every bit of your face he could get to, smoothing his hands all over you as you began to come down and regulate your breathing. You couldn’t be closer if you tried and yet he still felt so far away, you needed more so you latched on to his mouth and tightened your arms around his neck, he let you ground yourself and calm down, just breathing you in until the tears finally stopped. “Baby, baby I love you so much, I’m sorry” he murmured against your lips, you nodded and sniffled a little but didn’t loosen your grip, rocking into him slowly knowing he’d know what you wanted. He groaned low in his throat and flipped the two of you over as he pressed you gently into the carpet, letting the hot languid kisses burn the two of you up, all heat and bodies grinding into each other, letting all the stress go and just being hopelessly in love.
Hours later after you were both fully sated and relaxed you laid naked in his arms and ate the cold pizza while he let out all the words he’d kept bottled up. “It hadn’t ever occurred to me that we could lose this, I mean our job is dangerous sure but some naive part of me just thought we were untouchable.”
“Until I got hurt” you said quietly.
“Until you got hurt. It felt like someone had pulled the rug out from under me, every dream I’d ever had of us and our future could’ve been gone in an instant and I am terrified that something could happen to me and I’d leave you here alone.” He tightened his grip on your waist and you pressed a kiss to his chest, you knew exactly how he felt because you’d felt it all as you fell out of the sky during your ejection. But he couldn’t live in fear, it made him a liability to his fellow pilots and he was too damn good at what he did to let this destroy his confidence.
“You have to have faith baby, faith that you’ll make it through, that I’ll make it through and that we will get that long happy life that we want. I’m not going anywhere Jake, and I need you to be my cocky asshole pilot who thinks he’s God’s gift to the navy. Go be a badass and come home to me.”
You both laughed at that, he’d grown so much from that dickish holier than thou douchebag he had been when you first met, he was so much more level headed and mature. He promised he’d fight like hell and you knew he would.
The missions were grueling, the weather had been miserable lately and it made drills almost impossible, intel was scarce and worst of all he hadn’t been able to hear your voice in weeks. He had missed Halloween and thanksgiving, both squads had joined up for a potluck and you’d sent him a bunch of pictures, he was just grateful you weren’t doing this alone. He had gotten an email from his mother earlier in the week hoping he could talk to you about staying for the Christmas holidays and he couldn’t think of a better place for you to be. You loved Christmas, it used to annoy him because it wasn’t his cup of tea but somehow you’d softened him to it. He wrote to her quickly to tell her it was a great idea and to give you a call, when he’d had a knock on his door. Fritz leaned in with a look he knew all too well, it was time to fly out. He emailed you as well, telling you he loved you and then grabbed his gear and headed for the tarmac, he could only hope he’d be able to execute this and get home safely.
You stepped off the plane in Austin on December 18th to the entire Seresin clan in the lobby, Jake’s sisters and mom rushing forward to wrap you up in hugs and you couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt this kind of love, probably not since your grandmother had passed nearly a decade before. She would have adored Jake and his family, they spent the holiday season showing you all over town, hitting up all of Jake’s old haunts and embarrassing family pictures. Movie nights and Christmas cookie bake offs, family dinners and shopping trips with the girls; it had been so much fun and the Seresin’s had welcomed you with open arms, it felt like somehow you belonged here, the only thing missing was your 6 foot sandy blonde dreamboat boyfriend.
Correspondence had been spotty with Jake for a while, you’d gotten a FaceTime call after a mission and he had seemed grim, they’d lost a teammate to enemy fire and the weather had been abysmal, almost everyone had come down with the flu and he was miserable. He said he hoped he’d make it home by mid January and your heart broke all over again at not getting to spend Christmas together in your home, but he was adamant that the best place for you was with his family, and that next year would be a big blowout, he even agreed to let you buy any and every inflatable you wanted to cover the yard in Christmas cheer.
What you didn’t realize was that he was already on his way back to Coronado, he had coordinated with Phoenix to help him turn the house into a Christmas wonderland and would be back just in time for you to get home. He couldn’t let the ring sit any longer, he needed it on your finger now. After too many hours covering his house from top to bottom in snowflakes and Christmas lights, it was finally time for your plane to land. He was so nervous, he knew he didn’t have any reason to be, Javy had kept him up to date on when your plane landed and when he picked you up. Jake could barely sit still, so full of nervous energy knowing what was to come. Finally, he heard Javy’s truck pull into the drive and watched through the blinds as he helped you gather your luggage, even in leggings and his old UT Austin sweatshirt you looked like you’d stepped off a runway in his eyes, every bit his dream come true. This was it, when you came through the door he’d finally get to make you his forever, it had all been worth the wait.
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Epilogue (Lover)
Jake Seresin masterlist
🏷️ Tagging- @mamamaystbr @mamachasesmayhem @bobgasm @attapullman @kmc1989 @pinkdaisies9285 @seitmai @seitmai-too @mrsevans90 @djs8891 @mygyn @jessicab1991 @jostan456 @86laura11 @dempy @shanimallina87 @floydsglasses @dizzybee03 @its-the-pilot @nouis-bum @roosterforme @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer
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ptersparkers · 2 years
good for him
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summary: aaron loves you. he hopes his son loves you as much as he does.
notes: hello!!!! so i’ve been on an aaron hotchner kick lately and wrote this bc i love him so much. also like i hate kids but i would die for aaron and jack. bye.
warnings: twinge of angst and canon criminal minds mentions.
(here’s a quick lil fic for yall...pls tell me what you think!)
Aaron knows you’re good for him.
He likes to think he knows you like the back of his hand. Aaron thanks his lucky stars for the night the two of you met, when Spencer had brought you to a dinner at Rossi’s, and that you had found him more interesting than the pasta on your plate.
You seemed to be the only person in the world who could read his mind. Aaron felt so lucky to be with someone who was as patient and passionate as you were, going so far as to accommodate your schedule to his traveling one. He knows how hard it is to keep a relationship afloat when he’s always away for work. Aaron understands that he can’t ask anyone to feel sorry for him or stick around because he asked.
But you do.
You pick up the pieces when Aaron leaves and you don’t make him feel guilty for leaving you in Virginia while he’s away on a case. You’re more than happy to listen to him when he has a particularly bad day. You’re even more delighted when he calls you out of the blue to talk when everyone has dispersed for the night. Aaron loves that you text him throughout the day. He loves that you think of him often and he wishes he could let you know that he thinks about you just as much.
Aaron kept your relationship from Jack for a while so as to not overwhelm him. He didn’t know what he was doing–he didn’t have much practice dating as a single father and although you were aware that he had Jack, Aaron wasn’t sure how Jack would react to meeting you. Haley had been gone for some time now, and Jack was just starting to confront his grief.
As your relationship grew more serious, Aaron knew you’d have to meet Jack sooner rather than later.
He asks Jack one afternoon if he’d like to have a picnic at the local park on the following Sunday morning. Jack obliges, happy with the idea of an open space to run and spending time with his father. Aaron lets you know when and where to meet him, and he tries not to let anxiety overtake him.
Aaron knows that if Jack doesn’t like you, the relationship might not last. He made a vow to himself to put Jack above any woman he dated and that it was important for the both of you to get along. Aaron owes that to his son and desperately hopes it goes well. Jack doesn’t know why his father’s grip on his hand is tighter than usual, but he doesn’t say anything.
You’re sitting on a picnic blanket underneath a tree, shielding yourself from the warm sun when you see Aaron. You flag him down and notice Jack first, who slows his pace upon realizing that he’s about to meet a stranger.
Aaron watches when you wave at him and introduce yourself as a friend of his. At the same time,  Aaron and Jack notice that you’ve brought out containers filled with Jack’s favorite snacks and he abandons his post behind his father’s side to discover what you’ve packed.
Jack’s too busy munching on his favorite sandwich when Aaron looks at you. He’s touched that you remembered all of Jack’s favorite meals and even more touched that you seem to care for Jack the way he does. Jack relents after eating three small sandwiches and pretzels, and he’s so full of energy that he begins to run around you. Aaron nearly tells Jack to settle down to get to know you first, but he watches as you stand from your spot and chase Jack around the tree.
The small child grows tired after a few minutes of running and sits beside Aaron with his elbow leaning against his father’s thigh. You sit opposite of the two and Jack begins to ask you questions you assume are important to children. Where are you from? How did you and Aaron meet? What is your favorite color? Do you like pizza or pasta better?
You laugh and take your time answering his questions until Jack grows tired from the warm weather. Aaron promises to call you after he’s put Jack down for a nap and you part ways.  
It’s almost comical to Aaron how well you fit into his life. He’s relieved Jessica of babysitting duties if you have the time or volunteer. You’ve bonded well with her and Jessica’s approval of you sends Aaron’s heart into a frenzy. He loves receiving photos of you and Jack when you’ve picked him up from school. He loves when you text him photos of Jack fast asleep. He loves it when the both of you are cuddled in the living room.
Aaron loves you, he thinks.
It comes at him fast. He doesn’t know when he realizes it but knows that you’re the one for him. Aaron can’t explain his feelings for you in a way that would make sense to anybody else. All he knows is that he’s grateful for you.
However, one thing Aaron thinks he needs to work through is talking about Haley to you.
You know who she is. Aaron has always been honest about what occurred with Jack’s mom, but there never seemed to be a conversation surrounding Haley beyond that. Aaron still has photos of her with Jack framed in his home and he’s happy that you haven’t asked him to take them down. Aaron knows that you have a deep understanding of his feelings and the role Haley played in his life, but he still feels guilty knowing that you look at photos of his ex-wife when you enter his house.
Aaron’s away on a case with a victim that eerily reminds him of Haley. He can’t help but mourn her death throughout the duration of the case and his fellow coworkers share the same sorrow. When Aaron’s on the plane ride home, his mind wanders to you and Haley, and he knows he needs to talk to you about what might happen if Jack brings her up in front of you.
In the few months you’ve gotten to know Jack, he hasn’t said anything about Haley. Aaron’s found it difficult to get Jack to open up about his feelings regarding his mother’s death and he doesn’t want to pry. Aaron’s been so busy that he keeps forgetting to strike that conversation off of his list but he also does not want to overwhelm you by the thought of having to live up to an impossible standard.
Aaron doesn’t want to make you feel like you have to be Haley in order for you to love him. He’s worried that you might.
The plane lands well after the sun has set and all Aaron wants to do is go home and see his son. He knows you’ve been watching him for the past few days and isn’t surprised to see the living room lights turned on with the television playing. Aaron quietly walks into the house through the garage door and is about to greet the both of you when he hears Jack speak.
“Y/N, do you think my mom misses me?”
Aaron’s anxiety rises when he hears Jack ask you that question. He’s standing around the corner and sees that you and Jack are on the couch, the movie you’ve been watching turned low and Jack leaning in between your arms as he plays with his fingers.
He’s nervous with how you’ll respond. It isn’t that he’s afraid you’ll disrespect Haley. He knows you wouldn’t. But Aaron’s nervous at your response. What would you say? Aaron’s guilt for not having talked about this conversation occurring eats him alive as he looks at the two of you.
He contemplates on whether or not to interrupt and announce that he’s home. Aaron stops, however, when you start to speak.
“I think your mom misses you so much,” you say to him as he looks up at you. “I bet she’s really proud of you, Jack.”
“You think so?” Jack asks quietly.
“How could she not be?” you reply. Aaron watches as Jack turns to look at you with wide eyes. “You’re the best, Jack. You are so kind and thoughtful, and you always make sure to include everyone so they don’t feel left out. Your mom is so proud of you, Jack.”
Jack lets your words sink in.
You speak to fill the silence. “She was such a good mom, wasn’t she?”
“The best,” Jack confirms without missing a beat.
“Tell me about her,” you beckon. “What did you love about her?”
Jack rambles for what feels like hours about Haley. Aaron’s temporarily taken back to all of his memories with his late wife and feels like he shouldn’t be yearning to hold Haley again; he wants nothing more than to apologize to her for being a terrible husband and for putting her in a situation that she couldn’t escape from. Aaron knows his love for Haley isn’t like his love for you, yet the twinge in his heart makes him feel like he’s betraying you.
Aaron watches as Jack moves away from your lap to show you a photo of Haley. You smile at the picture and adore how much younger Jack looks in his mother’s arms. Jack looks proud when you lament the similarities between them and Aaron witnesses as Jack fondly looks at Haley before he looks at you.
“She was awesome,” Jack says in a proud voice. “I miss her a lot.”
“She’s looking out for you, you know. Your mom may not be here all the time, but she’ll always be here,” you say, pointing at his head, “and here,” you repeat, pointing at his heart.
“I think she would have liked you,” Jack admits. Aaron’s eyes grow bright.
“I bet I would’ve loved her,” you say, tapping the tip of Jack’s nose.
“Thank you for letting me talk about my mom,” Jack says quietly. “I-I miss her a lot and I try not to cry, but it’s hard.”
“It’s okay to cry,” you coo, holding Jack’s face in your hands when you notice tears in the corner of his eyes. You wipe them away with your thumb as they roll down his cheeks and Jack nods, leaning into the comfort of your warm hands.
Aaron’s heart melts. Jack moves your hands from his face and crawls back into your lap with his head buried in your neck and his arms around you.
Aaron decides that he can’t stay hidden for any longer. He opens and closes the door as if he just arrived home and watches as Jack looks up from your lap. Aaron welcomes him into his arms and sinks to his level, allowing the young Hotchner to tackle him in a bone crushing hug. It’s moments like these that make Aaron feel like life is worth living; his son is safe at home and the love of his life is standing right in front of him.
“How about we go to bed, yeah? It’s getting late. We can hang out tomorrow,” Aaron suggests. Jack agrees and yawns, which tugs on Aaron’s heartstrings in all the right ways.
After Aaron emerges from Jack’s room, he makes his way to where you stand in the kitchen and engulfs you in an embrace. He holds you tightly, his chin resting atop the crown of your head.
“Tough case?” you ask.
“The toughest,” is all Aaron offers.
“I’m sorry,” you lament. “I wish I could make you feel better.”
“Seeing you with Jack cases like these, worth it,” Aaron admits. There’s a quiet silence for a brief pause. “I’ve been having a hard time getting Jack to open up about Haley.”
“He just needs some time and grace. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to see someone who isn’t your mom date your father.”
“He loves you,” Aaron affirms. “Told me so before I left.”
“Oh, did he?” you ask with your eyebrow raised. You’ve pulled apart from Aaron just enough to look him in the eye but close enough to smell his cologne. Aaron bends to press his lips against yours in a kiss.
“I’m sorry for not warning you about Haley—”
“Hey,” you interrupt. “You don’t have to apologize, Aaron. I knew what Haley meant to you.”
“I never mean to make you feel uncomfortable when I walk about her,” Aaron says.
“Haley was the love of your life and she was taken from you,” you reassure. “You can love and mourn her, honey. She was the mother of your child.”
“But I feel like I'm disrespecting our relationship,” Aaron admits. “I’m not the best at sorting out my feelings but it eats me alive whenever I think about how you might compare yourself to her.”
You shake your head. “You and Jack have every right to miss her, honey. No amount of time will ever fix that.” Aaron kisses you again. “I’d never ask you to stop talking about her for my sake. I trust you. I know you love me, Aaron.”
“I never want you to forget that I do,” Aaron says quietly.
You hum in satisfaction and remain in his arms for a few silent moments before you both decide to head to bed. As you lay on Aaron’s chest and fiddle with the blanket above you, he knows what love is supposed to look like. His guilt and worries melt away when you trace his chest with your fingertip and he sleeps soundly.
Aaron knows you’re good for him. He believes it.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
02/24/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&CrewSightings; Samba BTS; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Damien Gerard; Guz Khan!; SaveOFMD Crew Billboard; AdoptOurCrew Saturday Sillies; Making A Difference; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
Been a long Saturday yall. Hope you enjoyed the BTS and general clown/honking going around!
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Samba Schutte Feat. David Jenkins! =
Samba's back with more BTS for us today!
This time the Crew Shoutout is for Chaos Dad himself: David Jenkins! So good to see Chaos dad having such a great time BTS. We love you David!
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Videos on Tumblr:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
= Rhys Darby =
Rhys decided to take it up a notch today on his Tiktok/Instagram and tell... someone they've created a monster. Who might that be?
== Damien Gerard ==
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Our crew-mate @patchworkpiratebear got a Cameo from our lovely Father-Teach, Damien Gerard! There's a bit of a story behind it, see below! Cameo link
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== Guz Khan! ==
Hey! It's been a hot minute since we've seen our friend Guz Khan-- and now he's showed up on a cat! Good to see you sir!
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== Save OFMD Crew ==
There have been questions raised about the billboard that the SaveOFMD Crew have been posting teasers for on their socials. The Crew had a meeting today wherein they discussed the concerns of the fandom, and have taken that feedback to heart. They are currently working on a clear information packet regarding the logistics of the current billboard efforts. They have kindly asked for your patience while they finish putting those last touches together!
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== @adoptourcrew Saturday Sillies! ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew were kind enough to set up a new Saturday Sillies this week! This time they made custom OFMD Wordles! There were WAY too many images to include in the recap, so if you'd like to check them out, please visit the tumblr post below!
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Wanna play? You can visit a tumblr post here
== Making a Difference! ==
Thank you to everyone who contributed to, or shared the fundraiser for Trans Pride Brighton! They've finally met their goal and can stay open another year! You made a serious difference in the lives of trans and non-binary folk in that community!
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== Articles ==
Deze HBO-serie is gecanceld, maar had een 95% op Rotten Tomatoes
Schwule Romanze zwischen Piratenkapitänen
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. I hope you had a fun Saturday/Sunday wherever you are. I know some of you are already closing out the weekend. We made it through another day-- and there's all sorts of action going on across all the platforms. I hope you got a chance to have fun, but also to rest. I know you know this, but even though I do too I often forget it. Rest is so very important. It's so easy to burn out, especially when we're constantly exposed to so much online. I think to myself "oh it's fine I'll just get a few more things done" and then it's suddenly 3 hours later and I've had only 4 hrs sleep in the last 30. Please please please give yourself self care today. Go brush your teeth, or take a shower. If you feel like you can do more, brush your hair, or make yourself a nice cup of tea. Do something for you that makes you relax and feel rested. On your last day of the weekend, make sure to take a few moments to yourself and just remember how awesome you are. You may not feel like it sometimes, but I can tell you now you truly are Awe-some. You bring so much life and love to this world and you deserve all beautiful things you want. Anyway, I'm very sleepy and I'm rambling again (what's new). Sleep well and enjoy your day lovelies, see you tomorrow.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
I'm being lazy tonight again yall. Just two goofy gifs that caught my eye, sorry I am running on fumes. Tomorrow I'll try to find some themed ones for ya <3
Rhys Gif: Courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome
Taika Gif: ohnotheydidnt.livejournal
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withacapitalp · 1 year
How to Rehabilitate a Jock pt 14
Part One Part Thirteen Link to Ao3 Part Fifteen
Thank you to @stevethehairington for betaing and @thefreakandthehair for always being the world's best cheerleader/support!!! Also everyone @angstflayer-council for motivating me to finish this chapter. I hope you guys like it!! ALSO I FORGOT TAG LISTS FOR PART THIRTEEN SORRY YALL I FIXED IT THIS TIME
Step Fourteen: Ask for a Second Opinion
Eddie and Wayne had a routine for gig nights. 
First Wayne would get home from his shift and go about his normal business. Shucking off work clothes, grabbing a quick cold shower, fixing himself a sandwich with whatever leftovers they had in the fridge- the same thing he did every night when he came back from the plant. Then, when all that was taken care of, he would turn on the radio to listen to the news, grab a beer from the fridge, and pull out the most important thing in their trailer. 
The waffle iron. 
It was an ancient thing, a giant heavy slab of metal that had been passed down from Great Granny Munson herself. Eddie was ninety nine percent sure it would outlive him too, but that was just a fact of Munson life. The cord for the waffle iron was frayed in about half a dozen places, and it smoked if it was powered on for longer than an hour at a time, but there was no denying that the beat up old thing made the best damn waffles Eddie had ever had. 
If Eddie had it his way, they would eat waffles every single day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They were his all time favorite food and when he had first moved in with Wayne they were all he would eat. Eventually the two of them had come to a compromise- Eddie could have waffles on Sundays, birthdays, holidays, and any day he brought home a test with a grade that had a B or higher. 
And gig nights. 
Of course, that addition had come later. Wayne hadn’t allowed him to play at the Hideout until he was legally an adult. It came from a good place (It was just one of the many many ways Wayne had tried to keep Eddie from becoming his father.) but it was still annoying being forced to wait that long. 
The waffles kind of made it worth the wait though. 
The next part of the routine was Eddie. Eddie would come home egregiously late, and they would eat together. As they ate through ridiculously high stacks of delicious syrupy goodness, Eddie would tell Wayne everything that had happened.
Nothing was off the table. Eddie would tell Wayne about whatever drugs he took, if he drank, if he dealt, whatever his uncle asked about. By now he had learned that Wayne was just looking out for him. And as long as he was honest, Wayne would let him keep doing what he was doing. He just wanted to be in the loop, and that was a small thing to ask. 
This was the first gig night that Eddie was home before Wayne. 
“I didn’t know how to make the batter,” Eddie said as soon as Wayne opened the door, causing the man to jump out of his skin from being started. Eddie gave his uncle a nervous little grin from where he was sitting on the couch, tapping his fingers against his thighs in incomprehensible patterns. 
“And I was also worried about turning on the waffle iron. Figured you wouldn’t wanna come home to a burnt down trailer and a pile of bones instead of your beloved beloved nephew,” Eddie joked, trying to cut through the tension that had been surrounding him since he came home two hours ago. 
The anxiety fueled energy running through his veins was making it impossible to sit still, impossible to make eye contact as Wayne stared at him with a raised brow. 
“What’d you do?” Wayne asked as he hung up his hat with a put upon sigh. 
“Nothing! Geez Wayne, have a little faith,” Eddie complained, tossing his head back and giving an exaggerated groan. This was easy. Playing a game and making a show of things was something Eddie could do in his sleep, and it was so much more simple than the alternative. He even looked Wayne directly in the eye, just to really sell it. 
“You just think I’m a good for nothin’ troublemaker, don’t you? Spill it, old man, I already know the answer! I am distraught that even my own flesh and blood thinks I’m only capable of tomfoolery.”
Wayne grunted, crossing his arms and giving Eddie one long slow look, peeling back all the layers, lowering all the walls. 
“What’d you do?” Wayne repeated, his tone short and to the point. 
Eddie wilted like a flower. His shoulders hunched inward, and his gaze shot straight to the floor. He dragged one of his socked toes across the carpet in the living room, avoiding his uncle’s piercing gaze. 
“Nothin’” Eddie mumbled, “we just got cut short, that’s all.”
That wasn’t even scratching the surface, but they both knew that. There was no way Wayne was going to leave it at that. 
Sure enough, his uncle just hummed, walking into their small kitchenette and pulling open the fridge.
“Y’all ended early ‘cause of the power outage?” Wayne asked, rhetorically, already knowing the answer. 
Eddie stood up from the couch, coming over to the bar and sitting on one of the stools, nodding glumly as he let his head fall in his palm, still avoiding eye contact. 
“Then what’s wrong?” Wayne asked, passing Eddie a beer as he took a sip from his own and grabbed the eggs. 
“I’m annoyed that our show ended early?” Eddie said, hating that it came out as a question. 
It wasn’t a question, he was annoyed about that. The power outage just wasn’t the thing that was bothering him. 
“And?” Wayne pressed, carefully unwrapping the cord of the waffle iron and gingerly plugging it into the socket. The red light on the front lit up, promising delicious fresh waffles in just minutes.
“And I messed up this super easy riff which pissed me off,” Eddie added, his stomach clenching up as he continued to avoid the actual problem. 
The issue was, he was probably one of the worst liars in the world, and Wayne could smell bullshit a mile off. 
“Eddie, you know our rule,” Wayne said, sounding like the epitome of patience as he whisked batter, his back still turned to his nephew. 
“…Always be honest,” Eddie mumbled, his cheeks flushing as he was forced to recite the single rule Wayne actually had for him. 
Eddie could run as wild as he had to, do whatever it took to get through being a boy like him living in a town like Hawkins, but there couldn’t be secrets between them. Wayne couldn’t protect him if he didn’t know what Eddie was dealing with, and Eddie couldn’t trust that Wayne would always support him if he didn’t give him the chance. 
Normally repeating those words was a comfort, a cathartic tradition that settled Eddie’s soul. No matter what he told Wayne, he would still love him, still support him. Nothing Eddie could do would make his uncle abandon him. 
Today it just felt…invasive. 
“If you can’t talk ‘bout it yet, you can say that,” Wayne reminded him, looking over his shoulder for a second so Eddie could meet his eyes for the first time that night, “just don’t pretend like nothin’s there.” 
It wasn’t that Eddie didn’t want to talk about it. He was actually pretty desperate to, but he didn’t know where to start. He hadn’t intentionally forgotten to tell Wayne about Steve, but he hadn’t come up at all in the last six weeks, and with everything that happened earlier, there was no easy avenue to explain. 
“And I’m worried about my friend,” Eddie admitted quietly, starting with the only thing he was absolutely sure of. 
He was worried about Steve. Really, really, worried.  
“Which friend?” Wayne grunted, pouring out the batter for the first waffle with a satisfying hiss of the iron, “Gareth? Or Jeff?” 
“Steve,” Eddie replied, taking a sip of his drink before he clarified, “Steve Harrington.” 
“Richard’s boy?” Wayne wondered, doing nothing to hide his shock at a Harrington mixing with a Munson. 
“Yeah, but he’s nothing like how you’d expect!” Eddie said quickly, rambling away his anxiety as he drummed his fingers on the countertop. “I mean I thought he was for a while, but he’s actually really cool and sweet and thoughtful and funny and stuff. Like he brought us cookies today before the gig, and he babysits all these weird little nerdy kids too! There’s this whole-“
“Eddie, breathe,” Wayne chuckled, giving his nephew a fond eye roll as he put down a plate in front of him. An absolutely ginormous waffle stared back up at Eddie, already glistening with butter and maple syrup. 
It was perfect. Glorious. Eddie’s stomach was growling. 
“Why are you worried about ‘im? Did somethin’ happen tonight?” Wayne asked, turning back to the iron and starting on his own waffle. 
Eddie launched into his story as he dug into his treat. He started straight from the beginning, right from the first time Steve had accidentally sat at their lunch table all the way to tonight and the panic attack in the middle of the parking lot. He even admitted to the tiny crush that he had once had that was burning a hole in the back of his mind every time Steve smiled at him. 
But there was one big glaring hole in the middle. 
Eddie didn’t say a word about the bet. 
He tried to. He really honestly did. But every time Eddie got close to it, he started to think about the disappointed look Wayne was going to give him, and the deep sigh that was coming with it. Wayne never yelled, never insulted him, but there were times Eddie would have honestly preferred if he did. 
Anger would be so much better than the deep shame that always came with knowing that he had done something Wayne would disapprove of. And this was definitely something Wayne would disapprove of.  
“Then he just left with them, Wayne!” Eddie exploded, finally at the end of the surprisingly long story. Both waffles had already been consumed, the dishes were in the sink to soak, and the two of them were sitting on their beat up old couch, with Eddie’s head resting against Wayne’s shoulder. “Steve got in the car and drove off. With his ex-girlfriend. And the guy she cheated on him with!” 
“Sounds like you’re more upset about that part then he is,” Wayne said, the smile in his tone evident. “Is that what’s actually botherin’ you about all of this?”
“Wayne,” Eddie snapped, cutting off his uncle’s teasing before he could even start. He pulled away, sitting up and waiting until his uncle met his eye before continuing, “this is serious. There’s something wrong. Really wrong. And I don’t know how I’m supposed to help him if he can’t even tell me about it.”  
Because that’s what Steve had said. Not that he didn’t want to tell Eddie. That he couldn’t tell Eddie.
That Eddie wouldn’t have even believed him if he could.  
Which was insane, because Eddie was pretty sure Steve could say that he had seen the second coming of Christ, and Eddie would believe him. Steve could tell him that aliens existed, and Eddie would believe him. Steve could even spout off about characters from Dungeons and Dragons coming to life and dragging him on a quest and- 
Well, Eddie wasn’t sure he would totally believe that, but he would definitely listen at the very least! 
Steve wasn’t even giving him a chance to prove him wrong. He was just locking this all inside, holding it and bottling it and expecting it to go away when it wouldn’t. Eddie had been there, and he knew that trying to force something down only made it come up even worse later on. 
“Eddie,” Wayne said with a sigh, instantly putting his nephew on edge. It was a sigh Eddie knew well- the one Wayne gave when he wanted to tell him something that he knew that Eddie wasn’t going to want to hear. 
“You can’t help him if he ain’t ready to be helped.” 
Wayne’s hesitation there was right. Eddie definitely didn’t want to hear that. 
“That is such bullshit-“ 
“Kiddo,” Wayne said, cutting Eddie’s rant off before it could even really start with just one word. 
Eddie’s jaw shut with a snap, and he dragged a sharp breath in, looking at Wayne with wide eyes, trying to silently convey exactly why he was wrong. 
His uncle’s tough exterior melted away, and a gentle sympathy took over. If it was anyone else, Eddie would have bristled, gotten angry, pushed them away. On anyone else, that look would be 
With Wayne, it was just kindness.
“Is it just the fact that you have feelings for this boy that’s makin’ you so damn persistent?” Wayne asked in a soft tone. 
Eddie instantly reared back, a surprised laugh bursting out of him. 
“No, Wayne I used to have a crush on him,” Eddie stressed, trying to make Wayne understand. “Back when we were younger. Years ago! It’s gone now.” 
“Eds,” Wayne said in a no-nonsense tone, “be serious.” 
“I am,” Eddie retorted, a heavy blush staining his cheeks as his heart hammered in his chest. “I don’t have a crush on him anymore. I don’t. I can care about my friends without it being a gay thing, so just drop it!” 
“Eddie, I’ll drop it if you can look me in the eye right now and tell me you don’t have any feelings for that boy,” Wayne challenged, keeping his cool as he crossed his arms and leaned back against the cushions, waiting. 
“Well that’s stupid, Wayne. Of course I have feelings for him,” Eddie sneered. He got up and began to pace, unable to hold it all in anymore as he continued to rant. 
“I care about him like I care about all my friends. It’s not like he’s nothing to me, but he’s just a friend, that’s all. I just think that it’s really cool that he was brave enough to join our group, and it’s sweet that he’s trying so hard. He isn’t half-assing it, and he doesn’t half-ass anything! Steve puts his whole self into everything he does and everyone he cares about, and caring that much is such an easy way to get hurt, but it’s like he’s not even worried! I mean, you should see the way he is with the kids! We’re just friends, that’s all, and that’s fine. I don’t need it to be anything more. I don’t want it to be anything more. Look we have a few stupid inside jokes, and some moments, but that doesn’t mean anything. It’s not like I love him, I just-“
Eddie cut himself off, taking a sharp shaking breath in as the reality of it all came crashing down on his head. He took a stumbling step backward, trying to breathe as he staggered back to the couch and fell down into his seat. 
“Fuck,” Eddie whispered, burying his face in his hands, the lump in his throat constricting his breath as his eyes burned. “Fuck.”
A warm hand fell between his shoulder blades, and Eddie blindly tipped on his side, letting Wayne’s arm curl around him as he burrowed into his uncle’s side. 
“It’s alright,” Wayne murmured, rubbing his thumb against the side of Eddie’s head as his nephew tried to catch his breath. “It’s not wrong for you to feel the way you do. It’s not somethin’ you can control. It’s not a bad thing.”  
“I know,” Eddie croaked out, hating the way he kind of didn’t believe the words. 
This wasn’t his first crush, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. Eddie had always known who he was, and he had never pretended to be anything else. He wasn’t ashamed, but he couldn’t help the fear that still lived inside. 
That fear… it was terrifying, and painful. He hated being scared of himself, but he still was. Eddie was scared of the way people would look at him, scared of the way the world would treat him if they knew for a fact instead of just assuming. Scared of the way things would change. 
Scared of the way Steve would probably hate him if he ever figured it out. 
Steve. That’s what this was all about. It wasn’t about how Eddie felt. Tonight was about Steve, and how worried Eddie was for him. 
“Okay but even if I am attracted to him, that’s not why I want to help him,” Eddie said, carefully pulling away from Wayne’s grip and rubbing at his dry cheeks. No tears had ever come, but Eddie did it anyway, just to be sure. 
“Then why?” Wayne asked, genuinely curious. 
“Why are you being so nice to me?” 
Eddie looked up at the other boy, furrowing his brow. 
“Why not?” Eddie said with a shrug, going back to his notebook. He was scratching out another tik-tac-toe board to add to the dozens that were already on the page. 
“People aren’t just nice,” The boy insisted, giving Eddie a guarded look. “They always want something.” 
“I want to make this afternoon a little less unbearable, and I want to make you feel better.” Eddie offered, quirking his head to the side and offering the pen to the other boy. “Is that enough?” 
They stared at each other for a long second, until the other boy’s face broke into an incredulous smile and he ducked his head down. 
“You’re really weird,” He said with a soft laugh, taking the pen. It was a lovely sound, like birds singing in the morning, or the first soft strum of a guitar as practice began. 
Eddie needed to hear it again.
“He needed me,” Eddie said softly, lost somewhere in between now and the memory. “Still does. I think.” 
Did Steve need him? Eddie wasn’t sure. All he knew was Steve needed someone and Eddie was the one who knew it. 
“Then be there for him,” Wayne suggested, patting Eddie twice on the back as he stood and walked over to his bed, beginning to pull it out, “You don’t need to know why he needs help to support. Sometimes all someone needs is someone to be there.”
“You’re right,” Eddie replied, sensing the end of the conversation coming. Exhaustion was tugging on his eyelids, and Wayne was beginning to yawn,. “I just wish I could do more.”
“I think you’re doin’ more than you realize,” Wayne offered, settling on the side of his bed and stretching. 
“Thanks Wayne,” Eddie sighed, turning and heading towards his room. 
“Is there anything else on your mind?” Wayne said from behind, stopping Eddie in his tracks. “Feels like you might’ve left something out.” 
Eddie paused, feeling like a mouse caught in a trap. He knew that if Wayne could see his face, he would’ve been done for, but just with his back, there wasn’t enough to prove he was right. 
Briefly, Eddie wondered if Wayne was a psychic, or had some sort of power to know when Eddie was keeping a secret. It felt like there was a big yellow sign above his head, shouting that he needed his uncle to help him before it was too late. 
I think I’m doing the wrong thing, Eddie thought, desperately working his throat, trying to force the words out, I think I’m doing something mean, and it’s going to end up hurting Steve. Badly. I’m doing the wrong thing, and I don’t know how to stop it before he gets hurt.
“No,” Eddie whispered, hating himself for the lie, “there’s nothing else.” 
Taglist: @paopaupaus @zerokrox-blog @surferboyzaza @whatever-is-a-good-name @minjintea @addelyin @5ammi90 @hagbaby420 @shinekocreator @bornonthesavage @starxlark @electrick-marionnett @resident-gay-bitch @ash-a-confused-enby @classicdinosaurdeathpose @valon-whomsttf @rotten-lil-goblin @thereindeerlady @love-ya-kash @kerlypride @sparkle-fiend @thefreakandthehair @flowercrowngods @milf-harrington @sadcanadianwinter @gothbat99 @hotcocoaharrington @henderdads @lightwoodbanethings @colorful565 @h0n3y-dw @craterbbox @sourw0lfs @lesliiieeeee @bidisastersworld @tinynebula @ravnlinn @bonescaro @mexmatch @cottagecoredreams @joruni @hellykelly @maegan1116 @farewell-wanderlvst @desertfern @due-to-the-fact-that-im-a-slut @anythingforourmoonyedits @eerielake @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @sidekick-hero
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taste-thewaste · 3 months
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Sentence Sunday 6.16.24
Happy Sunday, friendos, I hope yall had a good week and weekend. Work and fam were stressful for me this week and I actually missed WIP Wednesday because I couldn’t move lol.
Thank you for the tags today @piratefalls @firstprincehornyramblings (and stealing an open tag from @caterpills)! Words were a little hard to come by this week but I do have some more new tummy fic to share.
I typed out this whole long thing about how I’m nervous to share this because it’s tummy kinkier than a lot of people may be cool with but you know what? Fuck it we ball. I like these words, I’m proud of these words. Let’s go!
I look proper chubby, he thinks, and runs a hand across his belly. He turns back to the front and admires himself some more, sinking his fingers into his tummy experimentally. He’s never touched himself like this, and it’s…fuck, it’s nice. He’s soft and squishy and he can see why Alex likes it.
He stares at himself in the mirror, and he lets himself daydream that it’s Alex touching him, not himself. Alex is holding him from behind, gripping onto his belly greedily. He whispers sinful words into Henry’s ear, his voice gravelly and deep. Look at yourself, Alex hisses to him, you overfed little prince. Alex’s eyes are burning and insistent, his breath hot as it ghosts across his skin. Look at your body.
Henry looks.
He slips his hand inside of his sweatpants, his dick already hard as he starts to stroke himself. He can hear Alex’s words in his mind, teasing him, getting him there slowly. His mind is firing in so many different directions and he wants to tip his head back, close his eyes, give in to the pleasure. He can’t, though, because he can’t take his eyes off of himself. He strokes harder, faster, and he has to bite down on his lip to stifle the moans that want to tear from his throat.
Tagging: @england-would-fall @henrysfox @lfg1986-2 @eusuntgratie @bigassbowlingballhead
@nilefreemans @duchessdepolignaca03 @insecuregodcomplex @softboynick @onthewaytosomewhere
@sophie1973 @captainjunglegym @doublecheekedkinard @o0anapher0o @blueeyedgrlwrites
@heysweetheart-writes @priincebutt @stratocumulusperlucidus @tailsbeth-writes and open tag!
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novistarplanet · 1 year
Daddy's Girl
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ExDrugDealer!Connie x BlackReader
a/n; hope yall don't get offended by this only read this over once this is also for my fllwers 🩷 + requests are open
Growing up you were raised with a very religious background your furthest memory to date was your mom making you sing in the choir.
You didn't mind at all you actually liked going to church at times with your father being the pastor you were inspected to be modest all the time since you had a reputation to uphold.
Which means no growing up. No parties, No skimpy clothing, and most importantly No boyfriends.
You could never wrap your head around it.
"Y/N pull out your bible and pay attention maybe kids your age can learn something from it" Your Auntie Ruthie smacks your arm with her hand fan.
pulling out your pink bible turning the page to the scripture.
It felt like forever of your dad preaching about the same things but with different words.
Each time he finishes reciting the stories a string of "hallelujahs" and "amen" flooded the medium-sized church.
it was going just like every Sunday went it was just about time for offering when you noticed a man well boy with a collection of tattoos that marked his neck and entire two arms standing beside your father
"Brothers and sisters ill like to introduce a new family member of our church Brother Springer"
looking around you it's clear as day not everyone was with the idea of him joining.
His full name was Connie Springer or "Constance" as people called him in the streets. He was a big-known drug dealer in the area who was recently shot.
Who now found himself in your daddy's church ranting about him finding God.
Did you believe him? Hell No. But as a Christian, you have to see the good in people.... so who are you to judge?
“Now folks I want you to open him with open arms lets all bow our heads and say a prayer towards this young brotha!” on cue, everyone bowed their head as your father recites the words.
You could feel eyes watching you while each word was spoken. slowly opening your eyes up you see Connie smirking at you biting his lip
you couldn't help but stare he was oddly attractive your aunties warned you to stay away from thugs and deadbeats.
but something about him made your heart skipped.
closing your eyes again focusing on the prayer and blocking him out but it wasn't too long before negative thoughts filled your mind.
dirty ones.
you have been having dreams of someone buried deep between your plush dark toned thighs slopping all over your messy cunt while one of his hands is wrapped around your neck.
rising up from your two soft pillows your clear juices dripping from he’s barely visible stubble beard.
His hands soon found home around your jaw shaking it roughly
“open your fucking mouth bitch” the dark figure huffed out.
quickly opening your mouth obeying his command
he used the hand that was wrapped around your jaw lifting it up and shoving it back down.
“you know what to do stop actin dumb” he takes his other hand that was originally holding your thigh to slap you across the face till your pink little tongue came out.
“ m’imma reward you for being so good” he hurtles a gob of spit down your throat forcing you to swallow it.
“yea thats it you really want daddy’s dick huh? you fuckin dirty whore” he lets go of the placements of hands as now they found their way towards his pants.
unzipping them revealing dark blue boxers with a large bulge
slowly pulling the-
“Y/N! You better not be sleep!” your auntie hits your side again slightly shoving you.
by the time you opened your eyes, everyone was on their way out probably going to red lobster or olive garden.
“now this is my first and only daughter y/n” You look over to see your dad talking to Connie looking directly at you.
connie still had the look in his eyes he did before
“well look at gawd y/n come over here and say hi to our new member”
you walk over gripping at your coral-colored dress.
“Hola hermosa, ¿cómo estás?” he spoke his spanish fast and you couldn’t lie you found it attractive especially the way hes tongue moves
“huh?? sorry im not very fluent in spanish” heat flooded your cheeks quickly. maybe you should have paid attention in spanish.
“ahh it’s okay Cariño i was either at first” followed by that he opened hes mouth displaying hes pearlie white teeth shiny teeth and me you guess.
“well good news baby connie here is coming to bible study”
okay what does that have to do with you???
“and you’re gonna help him find the way of god”
Today was the day you and connie were having a one on prayer session. You didn’t even know the boys last name.
and here you are wearing a simple peach shade dress with white stockings underneath.
not to mention the black lace bra that cups your breasts perfectly
you walked in to see Connie already there reading over the bible
he was wearing a wife beater tattoos marked all over hes two arms depictions of guns,skulls and you even spotted prayer hands.
you quickly rush towards your seat right in front of him he slowly raises he's head up meeting you in the eye.
"how long have you been staring at me hermosa?"
you quickly bended your head down shying away from he's grazed as he chuckles.
"im just joking with your baby"
despite the lingering sexual tension in the air you continue preaching
"uh okay so in Matthew 4:1 it talks about temptation from the devil and"
as you continue with the verse you can feel hes eyes lingering across your stockings you couldn't help but to look towards hes peeking becip.
during the session Constance lip bites , winking and even hes hand traveling too far down your cleavage
" and we drink the grape juice to symbolize Jesus’s purity an-“
“your not pure are you”
your head whips up with quickness as the words left hes mouth”
“what are you talking about?”
“i know you we’re having a wet dream about me sunday”
he arises from hes chair and puts your right leg over hes shoulder
he pulled up your skirt exposing your white dolly panties with a small bow on top with a small patch of wetness on the soft cloth.
“the only name i respond to is daddy” his hands found comfort around your throat. testing the waters he squeezed tightly.
“ is that clear whore?”
“yes daddy” small tears begin to prick from the corner of your eyes.
everything happened so fast your skirt and panties fully removed with your left breast making an appearance out.
“ do i have permission?”
you noticed his pants were ready off leaving him in his boxers in the short time you came to terms with everything.
slowly nodding your head up and down in agreement
“words hermosa”
“yes daddy”
he , mischievously grins down at you pulling off in boxers in a swift motion revealing he's length in all its greatness
you never seen a dick face to face this was all new
the tip of he’s head lined up to your entrance making its way inside of you
you can feel your body being rigid with inch length goes in
“Dios mío why didn’t you tell me you were this fucking tight”
he started moving in and out of you at a slow pace. You can tell by the look on his face he was holding himself back
he made soft movements as he kept going in and out
the pain on its own was unbearable it was like someone stabbing your uterus over and over again it didn't make it no better that you can feel him knocking at the entrance of your Cervix.
after a while of bad after bad thumps pleasure develops in your tummy.
"ohhhhh my god"
your hands went down and gripped the base of the chair despite the loud sounds the chair constantly makes. he stops for a minute repositioning himself into a better angle and striking himself back in you. His movements came with practice and skill as he continuously flicker your G-spot. You breathes were uneven and lost in the noises that your pussy made.
you could tell he was close he's movements became more sloppier with each stroke.
"im cumming oh my fucking god im cumming"
he's fingers found their place on your clit going in a circular motion.
you too both groan loudly together while the waves of pleasure passed you as he spills himself inside you he speaks again with he's deep voice.
"same time next Wednesday?"
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nanaarchy · 7 days
Any ETA on when you'll post your Invisobang fic? (This isn't me trying to hurry you I am genuinely just curious so I know when to look for it)
first off I just wanted to say i am so so happy to see the excitement for this fic??? like its so crazy to me to see so so so many people hyped for it sbgkhskshgs i hope i deliver something good :") i think it's not gonna be what people expect it to be, it's a combination of factors that I haven't seen anywhere on ao3, so im excited to see reactions lol. im still happy so many of yall wanna read it,, soobbign... cyring....
during the IB months I wrote 6 out of 8 chapters, abt 3k words each? is that a solid amount of words per chapter? no clue tbh. plus I had to rewrite a bunch, oops. I really am Not a fast writer
and so much has been happening irl, ive been hella busy :( honestly i was very much hit with the ao3 author curse lmao
and thus, many delays. but I am currently finishing the last two chapters, and once I finish this one i'll start posting!!
soooo, ETA?
Sunday the 15th!!
or maybe monday the 16th. my posting deadline is this weekend so i wanna start sharing things already ^^ and i'll prooobably post a chapter every two days >:) yippee
shout out to @zillychu (here!) and @they-bite (here!) for making the art for this fic. theyre absolute angels, incredible jaw-dropping awe-inspiring breath-taking artists <3333 GO GO GO LOOK AT THEIR ART PIECES !!! thank you both for being so so patient with how long this fic is taking. YOU GUYS ARE ABSOLUTE SWEETHEARTS!! you were both so supportive with everything, your excitement really fueled me to keep going with this wild fic, and i am so so so grateful for having been paired with two of my absolute favorite phandom artists. the stars really aligned to put me on a team with the kindest most skilled more ingenious artists i've seen around these parts, two artists that chose to make art for my silly little goofy fic, and i am beyond thankful. yall are gems <3
thank you guys for being so patient as well!!! <3
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