#hope ya’ll don’t mind the out of context funnies
douglasanondr · 2 years
Digimon Ghost Game (at least to me) answers a very prominent question.
After rewatching last weeks episode and a bunch of my personnel favorites so far, it got me realizing something, this whole season has (at least to me) has explicitly shown the answer to the most common question any Digimon fan has been told,
What if YOU were in the Digimon Universe?
The reason I came to this was when rewatching episodes 1-5, it was always weird that unlike previous digidestined, Team Lirurun got theirs thru happenstance, Hiro got his from his dad, Ruli got hers so she could see Angoramon, Kiyo got it forcefully after Jellymon took it from Hiro’s room. Nothing regal or fancy or noteworthy they just got theirs cuz it was necessary at the time. It was nothing like the previous digidestined, but that’s probably how most of us would get ours, we’d be lucky if we were chosen by some higher power, but realistically we’d probably get ours thru chance/happenstance.
After more binge watching, another thing that came to mind, was how they treat the digimon they’ve befriended/met. Remember the question was what if YOU or specifically a Digimon fan was in the Digimon Universe, realistically we would treat them just like Team Lirurun maybe even more. We know that they’re their own being, they’re individuals with their own thoughts and feelings and we’d treat them as such. They’d be our brothers/sisters, our friends, our equals, maybe even our lovers if you’re into that and we’d be theirs. Granted GG isn’t the first time showing Digimon are individuals, every piece of media before them has, but GG probably shows them as individuals the most. Maybe a bit too much for my liking sometimes. *no hate towards KiyoJelly and AngroRuli shippers* (Side note: you are lying to yourself if you wouldn’t just keep Moon Milleniumon on you if given the opportunity, ya’ll might even have more selfish reasons to keep him than Hiro doesl)
Lastly and more prominently is how Team Lirurun operates. This probably more in contention depending on how you view Digimon (which I hope is something positive) but realistically we’d probably be more Ghost Game and less Adventure 2020. Like I said, Ghost Game probably shows Digimon as Humanly as possible the most. They’re their own thing, they have their own emotions, fears and ideas, with that in mind we’d probably and up with a similar kill count to Team Lirurun then we do any other series, except instead of having Gulus (unless you’re lucky and have Gammamon) we’d have the final say, and even then we’d probably still kill if 100% necessary, you know like Team Lirurun.
With all this in mind this made me realize how funny some of the complaints to Ghost Game are in this context, especially when it comes to how long it took to get to the Digital World. Hate it or not, Bokomon was right to lie to them, they were very unprepared to go there and you’d be lying to yourself if you said they have the same plot armor as the previous digidestined. They barely lasted a few minutes in the Digital World without almost dying and have the highest death count among all the other digidestined groups, because they’re not like the other digidestined, they’re just regular guys/gals, like us. Let’s be real with ourselves we’re not like Masaru, or Tai, or Ken, or Rika or Taiki. We can’t just run up to a Digimon and punch it into submission, we don’t have any crests or legions of Digimon at our beck and call or Special Cards to power up our Digimon.
We’re Hiro, we’re Ruli, we’re Kiyo, We’re team Lirurun, we’ll just be people doing the best we can out there, and with how far they’ve come with that in mind, I’m okay with that.
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - No Time Like the Past
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While I wouldn’t call this the worst episode of the series, there are several others I dislike more, I would call this the most ill conceived story in the show. 
All the other bad episodes have potential but are let down by poor presentation, boring predictability, or sloppy planning. This one however, is fundamentally flawed in it’s very basic premise and so ranks in the bottom of most fans lists. Even people who are far more forgiving of season three and than I am, and are hardcore New Dream stans, still dislike this episode. That’s how bad it is. 
Summary: Rapunzel discovers Old Lady Crowley tossing out Cassandra's things. She is upset and demands that they be left alone. She then has Lance and Eugene help her save all of Cassandra's mementos and personal belongings, but she becomes saddened when Eugene reminds her that Cassandra turned her back on "her". Rapunzel takes a box of her things along with, unknowingly, a mysterious hourglass. As she examines it, she accidentally drops and smashes it and she and Pascal find themselves sent back into the past. They run into a teenage Eugene and Lance who keep calling Rapunzel "Sideburns". Rapunzel realizes that she and Pascal have inhabited the bodies of the Stabbington Brothers and decide to recruit the young thieves in getting the hourglass from the castle back.
Fun Fact! That Dummy is Rapunzel’s Doing 
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Minor nitpick here, but Cass had nothing to do with putting Eugene’s face on her sparring dummy. Rapunzel voluntarily did that back in Under Raps. Cas never requested it nor even expressed any joy over receiving said ‘gift’. 
Basically the show is attributing one of Rapunzel’s mistakes/flaws to Cassandra in order to introduce a very nonsensical plot point later. So I need ya’ll to keep that in mind as we go along.  
Lets Talk About the Episode’s Ordering 
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We don't have production codes for season three like we did for the previous two seasons. So we can’t know for sure what order everything was originally planned in, but I would argue that this episode should have came before Return of the King. 
For starters this is a “bottle” episode; it takes place mostly in the past and the only present day characters who show up are Eugene, Raps, Lance, and Crowely. As such you could potentially slot this episode in anywhere before Cassandra’s Revenge. You can’t really do that with most of the other episodes so it could have been easily moved around when airing. 
Therefore, I would argue that it should have been the first episode after Rapunzel’s Return for three key reasons. 
It would have given Edmund time to travel to Corona and give Raps time to start up big building projects like fixing Old Corona. In fact she’s already approving building plans for the capitol city at the start of the episode. Which could even explain why she took so long getting to the castle repairs if she was taking care of the stuff that the Saporians messed up else where.  
Rapunzel’s stance over wanting to keep Cassandra’s things makes more sense early on, both in universe and in a meta context. Raps would still have hope if Cass has only been gone for a month or two instead what would now be four or five months down the line. It also makes sense that Crowely wouldn’t wait around for that long. And from a meta standpoint, the audience would still be oblivious to what the heck Cass was up to and could theoretically side with Raps better; or at least empathize with her view point more, even while disagreeing with her. 
Events in this episode better explains Eugene’s decisions in Return of the King and gives the audience more context for certain stuff.  
So Why Is There a Random Magical Time Traveling Hourglass in the Storage Vault?
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Slowly but surely the series has abandoned all pretense that there’s any logical world building in the show. Magical things just appear randomly now without any explanation whatsoever. Worse than that, things like the hourglass and map to the cursed tomb are treated as if they were always there, unlike the magical beings that they happened to run into in past seasons. 
The problem with this is a lack of consistency. You can’t have sceptics like Eugene and Varian if magic is so common and wide spread that anyone can run into it at anytime. Not to mention it diminishes the specialness and importance of the sundrop and moonstone if powerful magical items can be so easily found and stirred, undermining important plot points and the tension surrounding them. 
But most frustrating of all, is that this could have been easily fixed by just stating on screen at some point that magic attracts other magic. Meaning it’s only Rapunzel herself who routinely runs into these things and not just everybody and anybody. 
None of This Stuff Holds Any Meaning
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Show don’t tell!
At several points through out season three, both Raps and Cass morn over Cassandra’s left behind things. They tell us constantly that these objects hold significant meaning to them, but I, the viewer, have no damn clue as to why. 
We were never shown on screen what was so special about these things other than the fact that it was junk Cass collected. There’s no story attacked to these assortment of objects nor any previous indication that Cassandra valued them beyond their usefulness. As such, any scenes involving her stuff fall emotionally flat. 
Eugene is the One in the Right Here. 
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Eugene’s right. 
Any well adjust and mature adult will tell you he’s right. 
If someone doesn’t want a relationship with you, than that’s it. There is nothing you can do but to move on. It sucks, but its life. To ignore that is to ignore someone else’s boundaries and personal autonomy; while also devaluing yourself and you’re own needs. 
In a competent show this would be a set up for Rapunzel to learn something about letting go and taking care of oneself emotionally. 
But this isn’t a competent show. 
But Lobster is for Poor Folk
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Food history time!
Lobster, and shellfish in general, have been considered low class food for centuries. Especially around costal areas like Corona. It’s easy to attain, cheap, and not regulated like hunting was in much of Europe. In America, specifically, lobster was fed to prisoners and there’s historical accounts of riots being started over it.  
Heck, less than forty years ago, no one lived on the coast but poor people. That’s why there’s historical communities of black people living on the southeastern islands in the US and why my father grew up in the swamps of Alabama during the 50s and 60s. 
The gentrification of coastal property and seafood, like lobster, is a very recent phenomenon in human history, starting in the late 70s early 80s with the booming tourism industry and increasing globalization.   
So while I understand that the joke here is meant to be reflective of our current understanding of lobster being a status symbol, in universe, it’s the equivalent of Eugene getting excited for chicken nuggets instead of his usual bowl of cereal because the story takes place before the 20th century.  
This means that these kids are so poor that fucking mcdonald’s fast food would be considered a rare treat compared to the slop they usually eat. Yet again what is meant to be a lighthearted joke turns suddenly dark when you stop to think about it for all of two seconds all because the writers are so flippant about their world and characters. 
This Wasn’t Planned Out, So the Timeline Doesn’t Add Up Anymore and Resources are Wasted
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Remember the flashback in The Return of Strongbow?
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Now I need you to remember that season three is two years later from season one and the movie. Eight years ago then, would be ten years ago now. 
The Eugene and Lance in the bottom picture is suppose to be roughly the same age as the Eugene and Lance in the top picture; give or take a few months. 
I know teenage boys can grow fast, but not that fast. 
Eugene at 16 looks the same as he does at 26. All because the writers were too lazy to preplan things out ahead of time. 
We should have seen the teen models with recasted voices back during that first flashback if they were going to tell this story later. Or the previous plot point should have been less than eight years ago. 
In fact the first flashback no longer makes any sense being so many years ago given Eugene’s engagement and recent breakup with Stalyan, and the later reveal that he was working for the Baron during the original movie. 
Sloppy planning like this not only makes for a confusing timeline but it also wastes limited resources. I like the new models, I like the actors cast for these younger roles, and I do like the concept of seeing more of Eugene’s past. But going through all of that trouble and money for what amounts to one throw away episode is mismanagement of the budget and work schedule.  
Baby Varian Is the Episode’s Only Saving Grace 
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I know people are divided on the deign here. Some love it and some hate it, but that’s a personal taste thing. The actual scene itself is golden either way, because it’s such a funny eater egg. Fans on both sides made memes out of this for days. It’s legendary. 
Personally I’m more in the ‘love it’ camp, though I can see the issues people have with the design. My main defense of it is more the fact that we got kid designs for the other OCs in the show and it’s only fair Varian got one as well. The fact that he’s in smaller versions of the S1 clothes doesn’t bother me anymore than when Lance ran around for two seasons in the same outfit, including when he was a kid. 
So if I like it, then why am I talking about it a salt review? 
Cause the most memorable part of an episode shouldn’t be a throw away gag! 
People bring up baby Varian way more than they do about anything else in the episode, and no it’s not just because the character popular. It’s because most would like to forget what comes after this scene. 
Where is Quirin, by the Way?
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Why is your six year old son running around the big city unsupervised?
This wouldn’t get talk about as much it wasn’t for the fact that Quirin being neglectful in season one was a motivating factor in his conflict with Varian. A conflict that was suppose to be resolved back in Rapunzel’s Return but we the audience have yet to visually see any difference in behavior since then.  
Quirin’s absence here in the past highlights his absence in the present day and reminds the audience aware that we’ve not been given a satisfying conclusion to one of the most important arcs in the series.  
Lets Talk About Wasted Potential 
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Like I said, I like the idea of exploring Eugene’s past. But we should have gotten that back in season two when it was more relevant. Part of why this episode fails is because Eugene has reached the end of his original character development. He’s now on an identity crisis arc which has nothing to do with this episode.  
But you know who still hasn’t finished developing? Rapunzel. 
Rapunzel has lots to still learn and viewing her past through outside eyes could have turned this story into something really special. Especially with the ‘inhabiting another body’ plot point. 
You have no end of options here, 
Have Raps inhabit Cassandra’s body for a day and gain insight into what motivates her. It could have been either before or after they met, both offers up possibilities. 
Have Raps inhabit Eugene’s body and experience what he had to deal with growing up and come to see his point of view. (This could have also worked with the Sabbingtons set up had the writers not been stupid.) 
And my personal favorite, send her back to right after Queen for a Day and have her stuck in either Varian’s or Ruddiger’s bodies. Force her to see what she did to him and have her acknowledge she was wrong. 
And those are just the most obvious choices, there’s other more out of left field things you can do that would still work with good writing. Like exploring Lady Caine’s past, inhabiting Arianna’s body and learning how to be a real queen, get dumped into actual young Gothel and lay out clues to the future Zhan Tiri plot, or possess one of the Brotherhood and experience the final days of the Dark Kingdom; the list just goes on and on and on. 
But I Thought You Didn’t Put Kids in Jail Frederic?
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Remember that Raps and Pascal are possessing the Stabbingtons who are still teenagers here. They can’t be much older than Varian. 
This means that Varian isn’t some special case. Teens have received harsh and deadly punishments in the past for non-violent crimes like theft. 
Also teens are called kids still by the majority of the cast. They’re aren’t considered adults with the same rights as someone in say their twenties, yet they can be punished the same as an adult would. Which is horrendous in any time period. 
So in conclusion, Frederic is a fucking liar! 
Tangled the Series can’t decide if it’s in the far past or a reflection of the modern day. As such it winds up supporting the worst of both worlds. Barbaric practices like hanging for minor crimes and prison slave labor are treated as the norm and never called out for the horrific things that they are; treated as a joke even, but we’re suppose to accept that this world also somehow views adolescence through the lens of late 20th century sensibilities even as it forces minors to go through such atrocities. 
Like what are you trying to say show? What is your message on the transition of adolescence to adulthood regarding rights and responsibilities? And don’t tell me ‘it’s not that deep’ because this is suppose to be a coming of age show! That’s the entire premise of the series! 
So How Old Are Stan and Pete Again?
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I was always under the impression that Pete was a newbie guard, closer to Cass and Eugene’s age than say Cap or Frederic. That’s why he screws up so much because he’s inexperienced, why he seemed to be the closest thing to a equal colleague Cass had in the guard when she was also just starting out, and why I assumed those braided girls from the movie were his sisters. 
I mean there was nothing on screen previously that would necessarily contradict this reveal, it just doesn’t feel right, that’s all. I guess he could be like 20 here and be 30 in the show. That would make him only a few years older than Eugene, but still doesn’t explain why he’s so useless a decade later. 
I’m fine with Stan being here though. I always thought of him being the older of the two. In fact I headcannon Willow as his mysterious wife that he talked about back in Monty’s episode during season one. (She’s Stan and Pete’s beard, and they’re totally in a open poly relationship. That’s why they’re allowed to stay in the royal guard despite being so incompetent cause they’re technically Ferderic’s in-laws and Rapunzel’s uncles. Just no one ever talks about it cause it’s a minor sandal for a princess to marry lower class and Willow’s hardly ever there.) 
And Why Does Xavier Have All Those Plot McGuffins? 
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I know we’ll never get an answer, but at this point Xavier’s exposition fairy powers border upon ridiculousness. It’s just lazy and a waste of character. 
So How Does Time Travel Work In This?
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There are three types of time travel stories in fiction. 
First is the ‘Changeable Past, Changeable Future’. You see this in Back to the Future. What you do in the past will change the future, i.e. your present. You may or may not remember that you did it, but be warned you could change things too much and break stuff. Like erasing yourself from existence, or ruining your love life ect. The only way to fix it is to go back in time again and change stuff again. But beware of paradoxes or you may destroy the universe altogether.  
The second is the ‘Alternate Timeline’, where changing things creates new realties and it’s a matter of finding the right reality again. The tv show Sliders is a great example of this. Each new timeline is a different dimension. What you do in one won’t effect your original point of origin, only that particular world. The challenge if often getting home again because the probable diverging timelines are infinite and the changes of getting back are a zillion to one. 
Third is the ‘Closed Time Loop’. No matter what you do nothing will change. The future is inevitable and whatever you do in the past was always meant to happen anyways. Gargoyles handles this really well. You can also have ‘fix points’ where certain important things are set in stone but small things can be changed like in several Doctor Who episodes. Braking a fix point breaks the universe once again, while paradoxes are often the solution rather than the threat. 
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So which type of time travel is Tangled dealing with here? 
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Scenes like the conversation regarding Pete’s and Stan’s mustache or the ones involving Eugene working on his smolder suggest a closed time loop. Yet the ending to this episode reveals a changed future. Further still the grandfather paradox revolving around the hourglass would make you think an alternate timeline yet, we’ve no indication that anything else changed other then Eugene’s opinions on Cass, and Raps shows no concern about getting back to her original point in time indicating that it actually isn’t another dimension.... so what is it then? 
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You don’t have to have a tightly plotted time travel story to have an entertaining piece of media. Endgame is riddled with plot holes and contradicts itself constantly, but what it lacks in coherent plot it makes for with fun characters, emotional story beats, and good pacing that manages to balance the action with the drama while hiding the cracks just enough that you don’t lose immersion. 
Tangled however fails at even this because it gets the character beats so fundamentally wrong.  Like you may dislike where the characters ended up in Endgame, but can’t say that those developments didn’t match the characters’ previous storylines and logical trajectory. Tony finally becomes the selfless hero by committing the ultimate sacrifice, Steve learns self care as a mirror to Tony’s arc as they were always parallels to each other, Bruce learns to accept himself, Thor processes his grief and lets go of the role he was assigned at birth but never truly fit into, and Nat becomes the leader she was destined to be rather than the sidekick.  
What happens to the characters in this episode however makes no sense. 
This is Another Missed Opportunity to Explore Eugene’s Past
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The other problem behind the episode is that we don’t actually learn anything new. If you’re going to promise a story focusing on Eugene’s past then I expect to actually glean some new insights. 
We still don’t know why he’s working with Baron or how he fell in/fell out with him, what his relationship with Stalyan is like, how he became so cynical; not just the general basics, like the orphanage, but that point in his life where decided that survival meant giving up his morals and ethics; where did he first learn his better ethics that he originally suppressed (cause it sure as heck wasn’t Rapunzel), and when did he and Lance become separated? 
This are questions that series decides to raise by making allusions to them and building conflicts off of them but never wants to explain the details of where they originated from. It’s super frustrating and wholly unnecessary.  If you didn’t think the story of Eugene’s past worth telling then why did up repeatedly bring it up Chris? 
Why Are You Surprised by This Rapunzel?
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Rapunzel you know Eugene’s past. You know what he used to be like. You were literally there in the movie and saw him being an ass before this. You didn’t start to like him until he dropped his guard down in the flooded cave back when you both where about to die. 
You fell in love with him when he showed you his real self and he fell in love with you when you proved that you were accepting of that. You earned each others’ trust. This here; angrily yelling at him and judging him, when you’re already hiding who you really are from him both literally and figuratively, is a breaking of that trust. 
Who the fuck are you any more, Rapunzel? 
Cause you’re not the same character from the movie. You’re not even the same character from season one. But whoever hell you are now, it’s not an improvement I can tell ya that. 
So How Did The Hourglass Go From the Treasury to the Basement Storage, and How Would Raps Know It Was There At This Point and Time?
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I’m guessing the implication here is that Crowley put Cass’s stuff in the vault, but like why the fuck would she do that? We’re not talking about a family attic here, but the royal safe. The most heavily guarded room in the castle with the kingdom’s most priceless treasures and antiques. Nothing Cass owned was that valuable.  
Rapunzel Is Full of Shit
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Oh let me count the numerous ways in which this whole lecture is stupid. 
Rapunzel left Varian behind. Rapunzel left Varian behind multiple times, including that time he was thrown in jail. She was not a good friend, and no, this is not a case of her learning from her past because not once has she ever admitted that she was wrong to do that. So this scene just makes Raps look like a hypocrite. 
Eugene does not need to relrean a lesson on being a better a person. He did that during the movie and has progressed beyond that point. This ‘lesson’ is a waste of time and a misuse of the characters.
This reframes Rapunzel as being in the right during her argument with older Eugene at the beginning of the episode, even though she’s not. In fact this is such a counterintuitive plot point that it boggles the mind. Who structures a narrative this way? Why so blatantly point out how the main character is wrong if not to have her learn something? Why frame the story to make the person who’s personal conflict isn’t even the episode’s focus, into the one who needs to learn something? Especially if that something is already a lesson that they’ve learned on screen beforehand.
And why, oh good heavens why, would you teach children such a toxic message? Like on the surface it sounds like something you’d hear in a children's show, but the context of it is justifying harmful behavior where you selfishly ignore other people’s wishes and boundaries just to satisfy you’re own personal desires.  
And finally, Eugene and Lance do not work as a parallel to Raps and Cass. Cassandra is an adult who left of own free will. Lance is a teenager who was arrested due to Rapunzel’s own actions. Eugene isn’t the one who is responsible here, its Rapunzel. Who also left them both behind in her carelessness. Secondly, Eugene’s decisions are spurned by years of trauma and a healthy fear of dying, while Rapunzel’s is wrapped up in her own need to always be right and to keep her immature and fanciful outlook of the world intact. As harsh as it seems, what Eugene did was based off a predetermine agreement and presumably Lance would have acted the same way or been pressured to act the same way by Eugene. In short, Eugene’s cynical world view as a teen is not the source of his disagreement with Rapunzel but an adult perspective back by common sense and a respect of others choices. It makes no sense for present day Eugene to ‘learn’ anything from this misadventure that he didn’t already know and for Rapunzel to not learn anything that would actually tie the parallel together. 
Locking Another Teen Inside a Jail Cell With Another Adult as a Joke, Does Not Erase the Inappropriateness of Varian’s Story
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The episode tries to add another joke about Shorty sneaking into the prison without the guard knowing, but that still doesn’t excuse the fact someone had to have tossed Lance in there with him on purpose. Otherwise Lance wouldn’t have assumed Shorty was a fellow prisoner if he or the guard that locked him up saw Shorty sneak in before then. 
Furthermore Lance’s nonchalant response suggests this is not an out of the ordinary occurrence. Nor do any of the other guard comment upon the irregularly of teens being jailed with an adult. Now add in the fact that the show fails to clarify that previous ‘cellmate’ line from Rapunzel’s Return and now gives us more confirmation that Varian was underfed and malnourished for a year with that gruel joke and you have a horrifying picture. 
Shorty might be non-threating, but that doesn’t mean Andrew, a known attempted murderer and manipulator, is too. Nor any other adult who previously was housed with a teen before then. This is still very much not okay and no amount of ‘jokes’ will suddenly make it right.  
Raps, Who is an Adult, Just Physically Threatened Two Teenaged Boys and It’s Played as a Joke.... 
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How many times do I have to say it? Humor does not fix bad writing. I’m not laughing when a heroine at age 20, threatens a couple of kids for merely annoying her. Especially when said heroine has a history of abusing children; because let me repeat once again, neglect is abuse!
This is a Lie
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No you wont. 
Rapunzel never tells Eugene what happens on screen. I suspect that if she ever did, they would no longer be together, because what she wound up doing here was a violation of trust and boundaries in the worst possible way.  
And This is Now a Time Paradox 
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A Grandfather Paradox to be specific. How can Rapunzel be here in the past to break the hourglass if the hourglass that sent her here is broken? 
In a competent series this would be the point of a future conflict and not the actual resolution. It’s not a closed time loop because of the paradox and the changes we’ll see in the future. 
So either she’s in an alternate timeline/dimension and just doesn’t gives a shit; leaving the real Eugene, Lance, Cass, ect. to go on without her; or she’s just broke the universe and everything is slowly unraveling around her; galaxies are dying as she whines about being dumped, people in the future are being eased from existence, and God is cursing her name for ruining his creation, all the while she carries on oblivious to the destruction in her wake, as usual. 
That’s it. Those are you’re only two options now. Is everyone from here on a fake copy or is Rapunzel the damned destroyer of worlds? You decide. 
So This Confirms That the Stabbingtons are Indeed “Family”
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Another reason why I place this before Return of the King; it explains why Eugene considers the Stabbingtons ‘family’. Though if it was Rapunzel he actually bonded with and not the real Sideburns, then how much of his feelings are real and how much of them were fabricated by her? How much agency did this episode steal from him?
So What Exactly Did We All Change?
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Well the dummy no longer has Eugene’s face, but Cass’s painting of the three of them still has him ripped out of the photo, soo... Keeping in mind that Raps painted the dummy anyways and considering that Moonandra tries to kill him later on; I’m going to guess that Cass’s feelings weren’t actually altered. If anything their relationship might actually be worse now, cause Cassandra keeps acting like she’s never had friends and Eugene has taken up Rapunzel’s blind devotion. 
All that development in season one is just, poof, gone. Also it’s quite possible that the first movie as well has now it has been erased from existence as Eugene got his needed character development eight years too early. How the hell that’s suppose to work, I don’t know. 
Outside of the that we get no confirmation how anybody else was effected, even though a more brainwashed Eugene running around would undoubtedly have caused a butterfly effect. Don’t expect that to be explored anytime soon. 
Though, it would explain why he’s suddenly such a doormat in season three, if this was the second episode as theorized. 
No! This is the Wrong Lesson!!!
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Let me explain narrative promises. 
Everyone, on some basic fundamental level, understands how stories work. We hear them recounted to us over and over again from the day we're born to the day we die. It’s integral to how we communicate as human beings. Everyone knows innately how to tell a story even if that person couldn’t tell you how stories or structured or what certain literary terms mean, but they do it every day just through speaking. And while most audiences can’t always pin point what upsets them about a story they can for sure notice when things are off and not satisfying to experience. 
Now that doesn’t mean that everyone can write an awarding winning novel, that study of a craft isn’t important, nor that every amateurish critique thrown at any given media is valid. But it does mean that people have come to expect certain storytelling practices and can pick up on narrative cues. We’ve familiarized ourselves with the language of film, novels, comics, ect, into order to comprehend what’s going on. 
Rules of writing are just following that established language so that the audience can keep up. You can break these rules, sure, but unless you know what you’re doing and have a good narrative reason to do so, then you can easily lose you’re audience. And if you’re making money off said audience that’s something you want to avoid. 
A narrative promise is a cue; a set up that lets the audience know that ‘hey this is important, pay attention to this cause it’ll come back into play later’. Now that the audience has been alerted to the plot point they expect fulfillment of the promise. If you break that promise, either through poor set up, lack of follow through, or by breaking an established convention of writing for no other reason then because you just wanted to, your audience is going to walk away unsatisfied. 
The argument at the beginning of the episode was a narrative promise. It was a cue that set up the interpersonal conflict of the main character. For add context, I know that this is a coming of age story. Convention would dictate that the protagonist would resolve this conflict by learning they were wrong. 
That’s not what happened here. 
Convention was subverted. It wasn’t the protagonist who grew and change, it was the person they were in conflict with who did. And it wasn’t subverted because of any greater narrative reason, or future pay off, or even as effort to be shallowly ‘clever’; it was subverted because the author just didn’t want to hold the main character accountable for anything. Because said character has now become his avatar for his wish fulfillment fantasy and having the main character admit fault would be to admit fault in ones own self. Rapunzel doesn’t feel like Rapunzel this season because she’s just Chris in a wig. 
The episode broke a narrative promise to the audience; both within the episode and in the greater premise of the story, because of ego. 
I don’t claim this episode is bad just because of personal taste nor because I find it morally repulsive (even though both those things are true), I call it bad because it exhibits bad writing. Plain and simple. 
Way To Undermine The Entire Point of the Original Movie, Show
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Speaking of breaking narrative promises.... 
TTS is suppose to be a squeal to the original movie. It’s even in the title of the show; both of them. In one fell swoop, the series has managed to sabotage it’s very reason for existing, as it erases Eugene’s motivation and the inciting incident that kick started the film. 
 Way to fucking go. 
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To further twist the knife, it diminishes the duel protagonist of said film in order to prop up a series original character, who isn't even present in the episode itself. 
I don’t mind Cassandra’s existence. I don’t even mind her being the new deuteragonist and one of the main villains; even though she wouldn’t have been my first pick to fulfill those roles given her lack of set up. But I do fucking mind it if she upstages other characters and/or derails their character arcs in the process. 
This is the Death of New Dream 
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I was still in denial when this episode first aired. I honestly believed that this and The Return of the King was build up to a third “betrayal” where Eugene finally became fed up with Rapunzel’s bullshit and joined forces with Zhan Tiri. I thought the end of the series would have Rapunzel apologize to everyone she did wrong, Varian, Cass, and Eugene, in order to break ZT’s hold on them, and that true love’s kiss would reunite the sundrop and the moonstone and that would just tie everything together into a neat little bow and give us a truly daring character study of a Disney hero. 
Oh dear merciful heavens, was I ever wrong.  
How did we go from season one’s challenging and mature storyline, complete with Disney’s first real anti-villian, to this?! 
What the hell happened!? 
Rapunzel not only disrespects Eugene’s opinions, violates his privacy and trust as she manipulates him as a teen, and then brainwashes him to think like her (even if accidentally), but doesn’t even have good grace to tell him. She instead has the audacity to look all happy and self congratulatory because she got want she wanted. She, and the show at large, doesn’t care what evil thing she does to get the desired outcome Rapunzel wants. 
Rapunzel in this show is a spoiled brat. And the image of her and her now lobotomized boyfriend staring dead eyed at a picture of the creator’s previous waifu OC with plastic smiles on their faces, sums up this series perfectly. 
This isn’t even the worst episode of the series guys. I don’t know if it would even make it onto a bottom five list. That’s how much crap I have to wade through when it comes to this show. This is however the most damaging episode to the franchise as a whole. 
Not even the most hardcore of New Dream fans want to acknowledge the existence of that final scene, and Rapunzel stans won’t defend her beyond, ’well she didn’t mean too, it’s the writing that’s bad.’ Yeah, the writing is bad, that’s why the character can’t and shouldn’t be defended, not here and not in other badly written episodes where she also does bad things and never makes up for it. 
Anyways I’m finally caught up to where I left off, before the move, though sadly I don't think I’ll get this series done by the end of the month like I had originally hoped. But if you would like to help out I have a ko-fi you can drop a tip into if ya want. 
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zet-sway · 3 years
@the-wip-project day 35:
I don't know what today's question is but I gotta write a wall of text about what happened last night because holy shit
I was on the verge of falling asleep and, like I usually do, I decided to hunt for some spicy fanfics to read on my phone. I found one.
All my posts are long but this one is real fucking long. CW for touching on dub-con and injury mentioned in the type of context it probably shouldn't be.
It's time for me to admit that not only am I a oneshot writer, I'm also a oneshot reader. I am drawn to short fanfics. If I click on a chaptered fic, it's (usually) because it's rated E for smut and I'll go in with every intention of skimming it for the spicy bits. I'm not proud of this. I've avoided saying this for years because I don't want to disappoint people who work hard on their very long and well thought out chaptered stories. I have a short attention span, and I know what I want.
But anyway, last night I clicked on a fic with 5 chapters and some amount of words, around 30k? Long, by my standards, but I was tired and I just wanted something to read while I dozed off.
This particular fic hooked me in, though. I still skimmed it, but the writing was so unique in a way that made me writhe with writer's envy and admiration. Whoever wrote this had their own language - nothing borrowed - their own vision.
I guess I should tell the good people who read my posts (ya'll, seriously, thank you) that the fic in topic is called Fault Lines by Recidiva on AO3. I would link to it but uhhhh I may be using my work PC for "extracurricular purposes" right this moment ^^; so maybe when I get home I'll remember to add it.
I skimmed it - like I said above - for the spicy parts. It generally follows the plot of Bioware's canon. Thane begins as possessive and manipulative, likely uncomfortably close to dub-con for a lot of people. He kisses her and knows full well that his kiss will make her willing but intoxicated, and how he will use that to fulfil himself. But as the story progresses, he falls in love. Their relationship is what I'll call "edgy." Both of them are renegades. There's a scene where they get down in the shuttle after a fight and they're both still injured and it borders on downright unrealistic but fuck it, it's fanfic and I bought it. However their relationship develops a certain heart-wrenching tenderness. She asks him what Siha means over and over again, and eventually tells him she thinks "bitch" when he says it. But in that moment they have a playful banter, he knows full well she's probably already looked it up on the extranet, and they fall into bed together. The smut is mind-boggling.
By the time it gets to Shepard's arrest, he's taken up a place on Earth and visits her, breaks into her house arrest. There's a scene where they see each other for the first time in a while, she tells him how much she's missed his mouth and how it's not right how bad she wants him, and wants him bad enough to smother him with affection. She says something to the effect of "if you're looking to die, I'd volunteer to be the cause," implying that her lust is powerful enough to endanger his life. And it was at this moment I realized I fucked up.
It's established that I live in my own headcanon and I'm not burdened with considering the end of Thane's life as part of my fics. And the suspension of disbelief was such that I forgot he doesn't make it. So at this moment in the fic, chapter 4 out of 5, I realized "Oh shit this isn't going to have a happy ending." I skipped to the end right away, I wanted to confirm my fears.
In their final exchange, she asks him to lie to her - something that's repeated in other chapters of the story. I forget what he says, I was reading desperately, but he asks her in return to tell him something true. She kisses him and tells him she loves him, and he breathes his last breath with the lingering tingle of their kiss to carry him to the other side.
I was so entrenched in the depth of their relationship up to that point. The level of fathomless love the author conveyed, unlike anything I've ever managed to write before, but more realistic to my own understanding of love as I've experienced it. Not because they're renegades, but just the selflessness with which they feel, communicate, banter, and make love.
When I read that last paragraph, something inside me broke. That sounds dramatic but that's honestly how I would describe it. It felt like waking up from a night terror, when you bolt up in bed from a dream so bad you immediately get up even if it's 4am because nothing feels real and you're so terrified you have to get up and do something - literally anything to take your mind off it, to ease you back into reality. I put my phone down and stared into the darkness of my bedroom and told myself "it's just a fanfic, no need to get upset." And then I started to cry and I didn't stop for 30 minutes.
My husband was downstairs watching Bohemian Rhapsody and I went down there and wrapped myself around him so tight and cried. Bless this man, from the bottom of my heart - bless him - for his unfathomable kindness. I felt like a fucking fool because I was crying over fanfiction but he paused his movie and just listened while I tried to articulate how it wasn't exactly about the character death, or the characters at all, it was just the writing and how it wormed into my brain so convincingly. I felt the loss like it was my own loss. I am terrified of losing my husband. So many feelings coalesced and I realized one day I may be in that situation, kissing the man I love goodbye for the last time, never to hold him again. I'm at work right now and I'm tearing up because it's so hard.
I tip my hat to the author, but I genuinely wished I hadn't read that fanfic. And isn't it kind of funny after that grandstand I took yesterday about not wanting to write the pain of loss and grief, that I ended up reading it instead and probably fucking myself up just as badly, if not worse, than if I had tried to write it myself?
It gets worse, too. Because it got me thinking about my own writing, and how I could never hope to achieve what that author did. So I sat there crying out my painfeelings while simultaneously feeling like a shit writer and like nothing I put out matters. I got up from the couch, sat down at my PC and picked up where I left off in the Omega DLC in ME3 because video games are great for taking the mind off things. It didn't exactly help with the intensity I'd hoped for, but I managed to fall asleep, by 3am.
Fast forward to this morning. I dragged my sorry ass out of bed 4 hours later and drove to work. By some fucking miracle, no one is here right now except our field director. And I'm stewing in how this one fic really fucked me up bad, reconsidering everything. I feel like I've been put in my place.
So what changed?
Yesterday I posted about how I'm struggling to write a plotline. I know what happens, but I'm not interested in the little bits that tie it together. I want to write the romance. I think there's a way to write the plot and the romance at the same time, but it's damn hard.
I started doing this because I wanted to grow my skills as a writer, and I knew it might be more than I could chew. I'm at that moment now where I'm about ready to give up.
Even if I felt like a shit writer last night (and still kinda do this morning), I know that the stuff I've put out has value. We can't all write these epically tragic smut-romance-renegades-to-lovers tales, we'd all be sad all the damn time. There's a time and a place and - I would argue - even a need for lighterhearted fic out there. There are really no rules. I'm confident in what I know how to do.
But the plot. Fuck it, man. I think maybe I'm trying too hard to be something I'm not. I'm trying really hard to write like other people. I may have mentioned before that I saw a post about how many artists spend their time pining for the skills of others, thinking "wow, when I can draw like that, I'll have made it as an artist." That same post cautioned against this, basically saying you already have your own unique style, it's just harder to see through the lens of your own eyeballs. It's fine to challenge yourself but try to acknowledge what you do that sets you apart already. I feel like I have that something - maybe not to the extent that I wish, but I have something.
So what's the point of the plot? Why do I need to tell my readers how I cured Keprals? I'm asking myself important questions here. I like to think I've come up with ideas that no one else has, but as I said above, I don't read a lot of chaptered fics. I very well may have come to the same ideas as other writers and I'm not even aware of it. I don't know if my ideas are unique but I still arrived at them all by myself.
The challenge here - the thing I'm struggling so much with - is how to put them together with the same elegance of my fellow writers. I'm looking at you, shrios fam (yeah I'm calling you that, yall know who you are). I know I can write words, but it's like I have a bunch of pieces from completely different jigsaw puzzles and I'm struggling to make a new picture out of them. I struggle with the transitions between them.
The point here is I have to find my own way. And I have to stop taking myself so seriously. In fact this level of "seriousness" is one of the things that got me into so much angst over World of Warcraft over the last two years. At least I know how to recognize it.
I have to find my own way. I have my own things that are worth sharing. The author I read last night had a language all their own, and I have a language all my own too. Their wordplay was actually more choppy than I would ever write. I've talked before about how I'm scared of starting too many sentences with pronouns, how I maybe write too many run-on sentences, whatever. This author did that with reckless abandon. It worked for them. So if they can make that shit work, I can make my own shit work.
I have to find my own way.
My most current WIP is Thane and Shepard's first time. I've been working on it pretty nonchalantly because I hadn't intended to publish it until I built up to it. It takes place further into my timeline, and it would probably ruin the point of a slow burn if I put it out there now. There are some really memorably moments in this WIP, and there are other moments that need to be smoothed over as well. I never knew what I'd really imagined for their first time but I think I've mostly developed something that's unique in its own right, and I think will be fun for people to read.
I'm just so fucking torn over what to do with it. I feel guilty for working on it. I should be writing "other shit" leading up to it but I don't fucking want to. I actually wrote probably 2-3k words this weekend, which is a pretty staggering amount by my standards. Some of it was for this smutty WIP and some was for something I just threw together, Thane observing Shepard on Horizon and the emotional toll it takes on her. He's seeing her humanity. I don't know if it's worth it to continue but I wrote a lot of it and the words are more precise than usual for a draft, I don't know. I have so much fucking insecurity. Fuck dude. I want to write this longfic, but I don't want to write it. I want to skim to the spicy bits like I always do.
I am wracked with insecurity, of my own making. I know what I can do but I feel compelled to see this idea through. Somehow I have to find my own way.
TLDR I feel like if I don't publish something soon I'm going to burst and I don't even know what the fuck to work on first and fjslfjsojoiejrj
I would be really down for, like, a bunch of hugs and a bowl of ice cream shared over memes and fanservice.
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himbo-buckley · 4 years
Sex, Intimacy and Buddie (better known as I have a lot of feelings about this show, some of which are related to the before mentioned topics) - Part 5
Hej alla,
hur cool att du är här! Vad kul!
(Kay, that’s it, all the Swedish I remember from two semesters of not really studying, so it’s probably also wrong, uups?)
(Still passed though.)
You guys! We made it! And please, do not imagine this read to you in a happy voice. I am sobbing. I already miss it!
(Also, if you do imagine how I might sound please consider due to several unforseeable circumstances of student exchanges in my youth I have a very weird mixture of British and American English, which basically translates to sounding like either of those doing a bad impression of the other accent - or you know, Australian.)
I’m really having a hard time finishing this meta because I loved doing it so much and I loved talking to all of ya’ll so much. This is a sad moment. (HEY, what if ya’ll came and visited my askbox and I get to discuss random stuff with you!)
Just a fair warning now, somewhere hidden in the middle: this thing is fucking long! We are talking longer than Season 2, so be warned!
Anyways, in case someone is new:
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
And some general info:
This meta was supposed to be a lot shorter and only talk about how both Buck and Eddie use sex to distract their respective partners from whatever topic they actually wanted to talk about but since I decided to rewatch the show to make sure I don’t miss any such scenes, it has exploded a bit and taken on more topics
I should also mention that I am a Buddie shipper and while I tried, you will find several references and arguments for the ship in this Meta, not all of which necessarily call for a romantic pairing but just: These two are deeply connected and you cannot look at one without discussing the other and they are each other’s strongest emotional connection.
I should also preface this by saying that the whole of the 118 has some obvious intimacy / commitment issues except Bobby (which is sort of surprising) but *John Mulaney voice* we don’t have time to unpack all of that!
On another note I cuss a little in this Meta because my parents let me listen to TicTacToe as a small child and after that it never stuck that cussing is wrong so, uhm, parental supervision is advised or something
This Meta has FIVE parts. Season 1 and 2 make up one part each, while Season 3, due to something pesky called feelings and the fact that I can’t shut up, has been split in three parts: Part 3 aka Season 3A, which spans 3.01 - 3.10, Part 4 which spans 3.11 - 3.17 and this part which is officially only one episode - but still manages to be just as long. Yay! (Sorry.)
And now for the last time for now: part 5 (also called „You’re a godless, half-witted himbo, Evan Buckley, and I wish I loved you less so I could talk about it more“)
Episode 3.18:
My oh my, this episode.
I loved it but I also … didn’t.
It was way too much and at times felt a little rushed and the pacing was just weird.
I mean I loved the party but did we really need 5 min of it? Did we really need Josh’s storyline and Michael’s so randomly in the middle of the episode? Could we have gotten a longer apology scene? Why the weird phone call?
Let’s talks about all of that! (It’s why you clicked read more, right?)
Ya’ll, I gotta be honest, I am from Europe and I regularly go to places via train and while it’s better than a bus, I can’t see anyone falling in love with that! I am just gonna assume Abby did not go by train in Germany. Or Austria. Or Italy. Listen, I like trains just fine but man, do they not look like what we see here!
But also, as someone who has watched Community, the train lady saying „This isn’t Subway“ in an Episode where the human embodiment of Subway acts is very very funny to me.
I feel like I don’t have to point out how significant the cut from Abby saying „They stopped waiting for me a long time ago“ to Buck and Eddie discussing Chris is. Everyone has talked about it by now. But yes, it registered, as did the fact that Abby is dating a single father - while Buck is apparently basically dating a single father. But, you know, that probably means nothing! *chugs a whole bottle of wine*
The co-parenting was very cute and honestly I feel for Christopher and Carla and the firefam is Buddie does happen because they will try to out-protect each other and it will be glorious and also Chris might never get to leave the nest ever. That poor boy.
Sidenote: We as a fandom have not talked enough about Eddie’s reaction to Bobby yodelling and I think that’s very tragic of us. Because his reaction is the best, all: „Is he - should I - no, you know what, fuck it, Eddie, ignore this, that’s too much, you can not unpack all of this, just move on. Brush it off!“
Just watch his face ya’ll, it’s great! (He will be talking to Frank about this, I know it.)
Sidenote: Also Eddie in 3.15 / 3.15. / 3.17 / 3.18 > any other Eddie, and no, I do not take criticism. That boy has always been fine but the military hair cut or what ever is doing things to me as do his happy eyes and the smiles - my god, the smiles!
It does seem significant though the way the show focused so heavily on Buck’s reaction and - as it had been the case since „Eddie Begins“ - we basically don’t see Eddie without Buck and that’s weird. That feels pointed and important, the fact that after realising, who his family is, Eddie basically never leaves Buck’s side if they are at work.
Also the way Chimney and Bobby look at each other in between, yeah, again, making fun of Christopher’s dads! Like, even if you don’t read this as Buddie, you cannot not read this scene as somewhat confirming the „Buck is Christopher’s other parent“-thing. And I know I answered an ask on Tuesday(?) where I said he wasn’t really but yeah, he is getting there. The whole season spent a lot of time focusing on Buck’s relationship with Christopher and even if it isn’t about Buddie, I still think it will cause trouble in Season 4 if Eddie begins dating again, specifically Chris’ teacher.
I also need to talk about Eddie and control, because like I said in part 4 Eddie needs to learn to let go of Christopher a little which is what we see here happening, specifically through the lens of making Buck even more overprotective than Eddie to really cement the fact in all our minds that Eddie is trying to let his son have some freedom. I am so proud of him, you guys! He just signed up for the worst two weeks of his life, he will be dying on the inside out of concern and Buck will pester him every two seconds about whether or not Chris is fine. This is why these three haven’t been to Disneyland, ya’ll! Eddie wouldn’t be able to handle it without murdering either Buck or himself. I’m sorry.
And speaking of how the episode is cut:
One thing I love about 911 is the way it always makes me consider new character pairings and connections I myself would have never thought of, in the context of this episode: Athena, Josh - and Eddie.
And look, the Athena and Josh thing is daunting enough but you can probably still catch my train of thought, because both are recent victims of assault and the episode shows them dealing with trauma and confronting their attacker, even though in Athena’s case it was just theoretical. But now you’re probably wondering, okay, why Eddie?
Well, for starters, what the episode made me realise, whether on purpose on not through cutting from scene to scene is how many similarities there are between Eddie and Athena, both of them always trying to be in control, both of them more prone to violence / more okay with violence than the others, both soft underneath, both with a tendency to let anger take over, both considered to be extremely capable, both with an intense need for control, both straight talker.
And now I will obviously not pretend that letting your child go to sleep away camp for two weeks is similar too confronting your assailant who beat you up, but still: facing fears and letting go of control vs. finding different ways to regain control is the theme for these three in the episode (or this Season in Eddie’s case) and I like it.
I really like what they did with Athena in general in this episode, because, while I don’t think we will see her as a civilian in Season 4, I am confident they will address her trauma and PTSD - especially if they only do a short time jump of say three months and not jump all the way to January / February which is when it might air if we’re lucky.
And I do think the comparison between her and Josh is very nicely done as both characters did the whole brushing it off / moving forward / I am not fazed by any of it thing, as we as viewers clearly saw what utter bullshit this was.
Which of course connects nicely to Mr. „Brush it off and move on“ who has spent a whole season learning to not just move on but to talk about it. A lesson he might have learned? At least that’s what the episode made me think, from the way he came to Buck / the firefam to talk about Christopher and camp to the way he so clearly tried to get Buck to open up about Abby. Jup, that is some motherforking growth right there!
I also wanna say hi to Brooke Shields and say I hope we see her again, cause her character seemed interesting!
And I do appreciate Athena herself addressing the fact that she messed up a little by not calling for back-up right away. This is not meant in a victim blaming way, I just think Athena is very used to handling everything on her own and not asking for help and it is interesting to see how that changes, now that it has backfired on her once.
And now we are getting into the Abby of it all and if anyone reading this is anti Buddie or severely pro Abby this is the moment to either leave or scroll down some more, because ya’ll I won’t really hold back!
(I think.)
I wanna begin by saying, uhm, Abigail, honey? Can you not read what is written on Eddie’s and everyone else’s helmets? Yes, he is from the 118, it literally says so on like every article of clothing he is wearing, omg!
(Writers, do better, that made an already unlikeable character seem downright stupid.)
Now it is very interesting, that the first person we see Abby interact with directly from the main cast (I’m counting the phone call with Maddie as indirectly) is Eddie who doesn’t know who Abby is but who is close enough to Buck to know the second he sees her who she is. The episode spends just as much time focusing on his reaction to Abby as 3.15 did on Buck’s reaction and tbh that feels … fairly non platonic. Of course we can always go back to „Stuck“ and remember what Hen said about Tatiana but still. That was one scene, here we have several scenes highlighting Eddie’s reaction to Abby and just, what do you want me to do with this, Tim?
I mean, the meeting scene literally goes like this:
Eddie *talking to Abby* > cut to Buck, coming closer > Buck: „Abby?“ > cut to both Abby and *Eddie* > Abby: „Buck?“ while the camera is still on her and Eddie > cut to just Eddie’s face having a realisation > cut to Buck
That is some very extreme focus if we’re being honest.
Also her panic reminds everyone of Buck in 3.15, right? The way she is screaming, disregarding her own safety, all desperate to get to her fiancé. Yeah.
I like how Eddie lets them talk and then steps in when he realises Buck is too shocked and only then rushes off, nearly touching Buck. Too be honest I didn’t realise his hand didn’t make contact until I saw some gifs of the scene.
Also the way Oliver plays this scene? The whole scene is so painful and I love it a lot, his whole delivery is so very painful, from the way he says „We’ll find him.“ to the „Um, what’s his name?“ to the „No. Oh. Don’t worry about it.“ because you can actually see him go through all the emotions from devastation to being so very pissed off and then locking that shit down!
Listen, I know it was teased that Buck had to grapple between being a professional and his personal feelings and I think this episode is him being a professional, because this is Buck and Buck cares so for Buck being a professional means risking his life for some guy on the train, regardless of his promise and who he is engaged to.  
Sidenote: This episode really brought home why Eddie is a firefighter and not a paramedic, because his bedside manner is shit. „This is gonna hurt a little“. Way to downplay, dude!
Also, while I do love the idea of Buck getting to be Captain one day, I think this episode shows why he won’t be. Because even when he is being professional and having great ideas Buck still cares too much and is unable to make the hard decisions. Compare it to Eddie, who, yes, does say „If we have to choose“, but also is willing to make the choice. Because sometimes you have to. (And now I’m crying a little and oh my, this is why I do not work in any job that has me make such decisions because I could not imagine living with myself if I did.)
I do think however Buck did good, from the way he talked to Sam being his usual self and all.
I’m also such a fan of smart Buck and him standing up for himself with Bobby because he doesn’t get to do this often enough and because it is important for him as a character to learn to trust his own judgement and not depend so much on Bobby’s approval. So yay, my baby is growing up!
(Also, obviously Bobby’s worry was also about Buck and not just Athena, we’ve had half a season of Bobby doing the most to „protect“ Buck, mostly against his will, so I really like that Buck got to do the rescue his way in the end, because it shows growth on both sides.)
Now, Eddie and his dramatic reaction in this scene, first of all:
I wanna take a moment to remember the fact that Edmundo Diaz, my main man, my love, my absolute ray of grey sunshine, apparently lacks any kind of self-awareness - or he would stop acting all high and mighty around Buck because the second Buck is out of view he like, drops any pre-tense of having critical thinking skills or something akin to self-preservation and does the next thing that enters his bird brain no matter the consequences. So a moment of silence for Hen, Chimney and Bobby and all they had to go through in the 6/7 months between Buck getting crushed by a ladder truck and coming back to work, because Buck? They can at least make fun of. Or tell him: yo, bro, you being stupid!
You can’t do that with Eddie - because when Eddie does stupid he gone nearly die but like in a heroic way where he still ends up saving himself and you have to be impressed. Urgh, the nerve!
So, you know what, how about, Mr. Edmundo Diaz, you do not judge Buck for wanting to save people and risk his own life UNTIL WE HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOU CUTTING THAT MOTHERFORKING ROPE? Got me? Thanks. (I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed, dude.)
Also I loved Eddie’s dialog and how clearly the whole thing about the promise slipped out if the way his hands closed are anything to go by (or was he imagining punching some sense either into himself or Buck because in both cases: Call Frank, Eddie!). Anyway the way he just left, like, „I can not deal with ya’ll’s stupidity, I am leaving!“ has me shook! That is the top tear entertainment I expect from my favourite show and I love them for it!
I do love how both Buck and Eddie are in protector mode in this episode, Buck with Sam and Abby and Eddie with Buck, especially because if we’re being honest, which we are (this is a safe space ya’ll), Eddie is the one being far more unprofessional! For his standards, of course.
But this is the closest Eddie has come to showing some form of violence since 3a viewed chronologically (because 3.15 happened mostly in the past) yet Buck is just being is usual too caring self. It’s telling and it’s interesting and I’m just gonna say one thing:
„No one is good when it’s personal.“ - because for Buck with Sam it isn’t really personal (though that won’t hit him until later) but for Eddie it kinda is because he is worried about Buck. (And now I did spell it out! But, oh well, I did say we were gonna do some Buddie right around here!)
Sidenote: what exactly was the meaning / reason of that phone call between Abby and her stepdaughter? We already knew Sam had children and from the was she was looking outside they could have had her just see Buck and step out of the tent to watch the rescue, so why do it this way I ask? Why this incredibly unnecessary phone call that felt so very awkward?
Also I am not gonna talk about that scene right now, because I get mad every single time!
So I will just leave a link to what I’ve said about this scene so far here *and* give you the notes I took on this scene:
godless heathen of a man he makes me so angry i hate him i hate this show I wanna leave
(It’s not like his suicidal tendencies are relevant to this meta anyways because like I said a few paragraphs ago: The whole firefam has them! )
Also, for the first time ever: here is a picture I took while watching the show because what are these two extras doing? Why are they touching like that? Who are they and will we see them again? Does my brain get easily distracted by completely unrelated things?
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Anyways, the way Buck answers Sam „She’s down there waiting for you.“ when he asks for Abby and his „Good to meet you Sam.“ really brings home how none of his behaviour was about Abby and all about Buck being Buck. (And now I am angry at him again, urgh, THE NERVE! Selfless fucking himbo!)
I really liked that Sam knew who Buck was and that they got to have this little interaction where he probably reevaluated the whole night because that boy just risked his life for him, the guy marrying his ex-girlfriend, and has spent the whole night being so very nice to him and talking to him. Not gonna lie, Buck is a good guy through and through and Sam probably feels like shit now.
Also Eddie coming to stand in front of Buck - I know some people think it was out of protectiveness, which got me thinking:
Tbh at first I was convinced it was a camera angle thing? Because if Eddie stood behind Buck we wouldn’t really see him. Then I thought, so why choose this angle to film it? Obviously the set had to be built a certain way so was there no other way to do it? Also why was it even important, that we saw Eddie arrive like that, couldn’t they have just changed the angle after Abby was gone to get Eddie in the frame? Why was it important that we knew that Eddie was there and 1) was putting himself physically between Abby and Buck meaning 2) that when Abby leaves with her single father, Buck is left with his single father? Why does an episode that is supposed to give Buck closure focus so much on the reactions of his non romantic partner?
(Because tbh, even if they needed to find ways to use Ryan Guzman in this Episode without adding too many scenes, they could have done it with less focus on Abby. I say this as a Buddie shipper who does recognise how important the connection Buck and Eddie have as friends is: storyline wise Bobby would have made more sense in most of these scenes and Eddie could have been used in a different way.)
I’ll leave this scene with the very nice visual of Buck running back to the traincrash and Eddie following him. These two. Like magnets.
And a quick topic change, because I do wanna talk about Michael and Doctor Hale as well in this meta, one because I found them very cute and two because I’ve now talked to a few people about Ana and Eddie and while we by now know she will probably be in Season 4, I feel like we need to compare Michael and Doctor Hale vs Eddie and Ana. Because there is such a difference in the way these love interests where introduced.
Now, of course we need to realise that Eddie and Michael are fairly different characters and Michael has way less relationship related baggage than Eddie has which is why he goes after what he wants way faster (also, carpe diem, he just found out he won’t die). Also of course, there is no moral component to address in Michael dating some doctor vs. Eddie dating his son’s teacher, but still:
Michael and Dr. Hale had one scene together and it wasn’t even overly flirty and yet, we knew where it was heading, we felt the chemistry and everyone ended the episode saying: I ship it, more of that - which they did give us, just *one* episode later. They had some awkward moments, yet the show never left a single doubt in your mind where this is heading.
Now look at Eddie and Ana:
Sidenote: I do wanna say be kind to the character and no hate, especially not to the actress! Yes, she needs to be flashed out more; no, what we saw so far does not make me ship them; no, I do not mind if they dated a little.
First of all we learned more about Doctor Hale in the two short scenes than we did about Ana in four scenes. That seems deliberate.
Second, while we do realise Eddie thinks Ana is attractive from the get go she repeatedly shuts him down by pointedly saying „Mr. Diaz“.
Third, every scene between them - and I mean every single scene - is connected to Buck in some way:
In „Fools“ we cut from Buck saying he likes being single to Eddie doing parent-teacher conference and yes, meeting some other teachers first but also Ana, showing us that while Buck is fine with being single - Eddie might not be. Also, Carla’s „blue eyes“ line which is a little clown-y, so take it with a grain of salt that it could connect us to Buck
Then of course her next scene is Eddie getting in her face about Christopher being hurt. Later in the episode we see Buck reference this on a call, meaning either Carla or Eddie told Buck about it (I am leaning a little toward Carla making fun of Eddie in front of Buck and Eddie then having to come clean about all of it, because I cannot wrap my head about the idea of Eddie telling Buck about having a crush, I’m sorry.)
Her next scene is Eddie coming to apologise to her and she gives her speech about limitations - which we can of course connect to Buck and Eddie talking about Christopher and his limitations before that and then afterwards going skateboarding with them. (It does feel a little deliberate.)
And then of course we have „Eddie Begins“ and you guys, they could have very very easily have either Carla or Buck make a joke about Mrs. Flores and Eddie’s crush in the firehouse scene, but they didn’t! And then we do get to see her at the end where she has one whole line and Eddie barely looks at her and you know what happens? They have a child ask the same question Buck asked at the beginning, making us think of Buck. Like, it would have been enough to establish Eddie doesn’t feel like a hero if the question was asked only once - twice in the span of 45 minutes constitutes a callback, meaning we are supposed to think of the other scene and that means thinking about the other person that asked, which was Buck
And yes, once Season 4 premieres and we get Eddie and Ana in this epic romance because Tim Minear wants to be the next Rick Berman, I will go back to this meta and beat my own ass. Or something.
(Listen, her returning in Season 4 does not mean endgame or the end of Buddie, it just means Eddie might get a love interest. Tbh I actually think it could get us closer to Buddie and you know what, I’m just gonna link all my Ana Flores posts here here and here now so you can read all the other stuff I, alongside some other people, said on this topic, if you’re interested because none of this has a point right now.)
Now, let’s get into the meat of things and talk about *that* scene:
Was it a good apology? No.
Did Buck deserve better? Fuck yes.
Did he get closure? Yes.
Is the way that scene was done actually perfect? I mean, ya’ll, yes? A little?
Listen, this scene was always about closure and that’s what Buck got here and that’s what Buck needed.
Buck, who in Season 1 had described Abby as the perfect woman, needed it to go down like this so he could realise she wasn’t and he could finally let her go. And that’s what it was about!
Obviously looking at Abby’s character this episode does not make her look good, like not at all and I’d be very surprised if we ever saw her again. But looking at it from Buck’s point of view it was exactly what he needed. (Not what he deserved, but yeah, if this show was about what Buck deserved it would be a whole lot different and Buddie would be canon by now.)
One thing I really loved about the scene was the way it was filmed, with LA in front of us, Abby and Buck with their backs to the camera and us only ever seeing them in profile, because it was a  private moment and this sort of made you feel like you were intruding. Like you were listening in on a conversation and I liked that a lot.
Also I think her speech about losing herself through helping people is very interesting because it contrasts her to Buck. Buck found himself in helping others and lost himself when he was no longer allowed to do that and I think that is what she means when she says she would have lost herself with him again. Because Buck is selfless and he is so selfless he inspires others to be the same, except Abby isn’t but being with Buck she would need to be and that is a problem.
Look, if you’ve followed this blog at all or maybe just read part one of the meta you have probably guessed by now that I don’t like Abby. I found her character boring. I thought she overstepped all the time. I got so mad at her for the way she treated Buck in Season 1!
Because in 1.06 she *actually* complains about him being too thoughtful and scared of messing up while calling him a *toy boy*. The truth is, after 1.05 and their first meeting, Abby no longer takes him seriously. She hardly ever takes his feelings into consideration. The relationship, from Valentines Day onward becomes all about what she wants and what she needs and our Buck is the selfless idiot who gives her his all.
I mean, she never even talked to Buck about wanting to leave, just presented him with her decision and then lived her life and never thought about him again.
And like, I think she is wrong if she thinks she’d have lost herself with him again, because Buck was what showed her that she lost herself in the first place. He helped her on the path of self-aquaintance (I guess? I’m lacking the word here), but she is right if she means the relationship wouldn’t have worked.
Because one of them would have lost themselves, though I do think it would have been Buck and not Abby. After all, Buck was the one who gave everything up from the get go and yes, Abby helped trigger him finding himself alongside Bobby and the job and she did help him stay on that path in the beginning - but in the end it was never about her at all. It was about him and him alone and the amazing person he had always been.
And I think that is what Buck realises in the scene. Despite Abby ghosting him, he still looked at her through rose coloured glasses and with fondness, but here, he realises, oh, Abby isn’t perfect. Abby isn’t like the woman I made her out to be. Abby never really cared about me. And as much as that probably hurt, this is what Buck needed to let go of her!
He needed to see that Abby wasn’t the perfect woman so he could let her go - and find himself the perfect person, someone who reciprocates and doesn’t just take. (Am I crying?)
(And look, I am not saying he already found someone like that, someone who proved in this episode how much they care about Buck and his feelings and making sure he comes home every night to his family - I’m saying he found someone who is working on being that person!)
Let’s talk about Eddie and Abby for a second, again, okay?
(Bro, how did I just get to that topic? So random! *laughs in Buddie*)
When I watched the episode my second time to take notes, I wrote one that said ‚Abby and Eddie parallels / lawsuit‘ - and I gotta be honest I barely remember what I meant. But I did still produce some thoughts (just not sure if that was where I was going with the note, so if anyone has some other ideas, please share):
You know how Abby talks about losing herself when she is with Buck? Well, I know someone who lost themselves just this season because he wasn’t with Buck! (Jup, we’re back with the lawsuit, ya’ll really thought I wouldn’t bring this up? You guys! More than 20000 words and you still don’t know me!)
It’s a very nice parallel to have Abby talking about losing herself with Buck when we saw Eddie losing himself without Buck. Because while I think Eddie himself is a selfless person just like Buck, similar to how Buck needed Abby in Season 1 as a catalyst of change so to speak, Buck was the catalyst of change for Eddie.
I talked a lot in the other parts about Eddie having problems with voicing his needs and feelings - and now please once again look at his relationship with Buck. Because here he has been doing this, not from the get go of course, Eddie didn’t take one look at Buck and his whole life was turned upside down (that was Buck looking at Eddie), but I think Buck steamrolling through Eddie’s life helped Eddie find himself. Buck, from the get go, is a calm centre for Eddie, an anchor, even after he reconnects with Shannon. Buck is who he turns to in a crisis, who he trusts with his son, with having his back.
And I think in both cases - Abby and Buck as well as Eddie and Buck - the relationship is brought to the next level through Buck’s selflessness and willingness to help. But while Abby just takes it and doesn’t really see it as the gift it is and never fully lets Buck in, Eddie does the opposite. Eddie, whether knowing or unknowing, makes himself exactly what Buck needs: someone who puts trust in him, who treats him like an equal, who opens his home and his family to him. And he also tries (and this is a big thing considering who we’re talking about right now) to be there for Buck, to be his anchor just like Buck is his - which obviously works with mixed results, because one person, no matter how hard they try can never fix the problems of someone else alone. Believe me. I’ve tried.
And wow, did that get deep and fast! Damn ya’ll and I haven’t had a drop of alcohol in like 5 days. This show really gives me all the feels!
Now, to keep me and maybe ya’ll from crying I’m gonna change the subject and talk about something else, also known as the rest of the episode:
To go back to the start of the episode, Buddie really had some extreme couple / family vibes going on, especially with Christopher in the mix. It’s telling that they included a scene of Buck and Christopher specifically and it was to remind us once again that these two have a strong bond.
I won’t go all: Buddie confirmed, this is were we are heading, ya’ll! Because as you must have realised by now I am fairly cautious when it comes to this and am always fighting to keep my own clownery at bay, but I do have to say so far nothing in this show and Season 3B specifically has read as a red flag for me, disapproving the possibility or making me feel queerbaited. Now, maybe I am just very off in my intuition and they will change gear in Season 4, but well, right now I have some hope!
I also loved the scene of Christopher going to camp and the card which reminded me of 3.01 and also, Eddie looks so good here! And he came so far, letting his son go to camp and all!
Of course I would have loved to see Buck there as well, but one, that would have been a Buddie confirmed and we’re not quite there yet and I’m glad cause right now they aren’t fully ready (in show terms, fanfiction is something different), and two this proves what I said about Buck and Christopher being connected and him having parental / fatherly feelings toward the boy but like, not being his actual father yet! Buck loves Chris and Chris loves Buck and obviously he is part of the Diaz family - but he also isn’t.
(Also: I went to something like camp when I was 11 and you think both my parents brought me? Nah, son, they didn’t. My dad brought me while my mom made breakfast.)
Now, some sidenotes to round it all off:
Karen is a gift and I really hope we see more of her because omg, I wanna be her friend, I wanna be her wife, I wanna learn about life from her! She is awesome and I will never fully forgive Hen for cheating on her, like girly, Eva isn’t even close to Karen on any level?
And speaking of Hen, I love the subplot of Chim coming to terms with her potentially leaving and deciding to help her because he was who she really needed on her side - not anyone else. I’d write a meta on their relationship but tbh it’s so consistent and unproblematic, I really don’t know what to write except: goals about 10000 times. Which isn’t that different to me finding new ways to write THE CONNECTION, if we’re being honest but oh well! Now it’s too late to stop that!
I loved Athena getting spooked by Bobby showing up behind her when she was getting a drink - talk about this show finally addressing the trauma these characters go through! And it only took, oh well, about 35 episodes. Let’s hope that is the energy they bring into Season 4.
Now the apology scene with Bobby, I do hate how Buck is once again the one apologising and especially since it’s with Bobby but I do think it was a nice scene and a great callback to 3.01. Also this episode showed a lot of growth in Bobby and Buck’s relationship. Because after 3a was all about Bobby projecting onto Buck and making decisions for him based on what he thought was the right thing, this episode not only had Buck standing up to Bobby in a healthy and adult way (no lawsuit this time!) but also Bobby giving in and letting Buck make the decision even if he disagreed. That is some motherforking growth right here and Babe, I hope you are not to disappointed with me, but if they keep Bobby like this I might actually begin to see his appeal to people (still need him to suffer the consequences of his actions, though).
But to end on a great note:
Buck is doing okay and - most importantly - MADNEY BABY!!! You guys, we knew it was coming from the promos and all but I cried! I cried so hard! I am so happy for them! These two soft characters and their amazing, open, caring, trusting, adult relationship deserves all the luck in their fictional universe!
Whew, you guys! We’ve done it! And it’s longer than Season 2 (I’m sorry, are ya’ll surprised? This episode was a lot!)
I feel like I should write some form of conclusion to this whole meta and yet my words elude me. Here are the few I have for you though:
This meta began with the idea that neither Buck nor Eddie really knew how to be emotionally intimate with a person and instead used sex as a substitute. This is no longer true for either character.
Buck has learned through his relationship with Abby, that he can be both physically and emotionally intimate with a person and he has proven how this is still true in his reaction to Taylor and his relationship with Ali, what little we saw of it. Furthermore Season 3B specifically showed that Buck, while still afraid to open up to people, is trying. I do think Season 4 is heading toward some kind of romance for him and while I am praying to several deities I do not believe in and the universe itself that it is Eddie, I am not sure. I hope so. But never the less, my shipping aside, Buck has grown tremendously in the course of 3 Seasons and I am so impressed both with his character and the way the show has so realistically done it. I love him. Even more than Buddie I hope we get to see him truly happy in Season 4, happy and settled and learning what life actually holds for him because that kid could rule the world if he wanted to.
Now, Eddie: It’s funny, when I began this meta I felt more connected to Buck, I didn’t really see myself in Eddie, I barely had a grasp on his character at times. Now? Now he is my favourite, I love his greyness, his goodness despite his faults, the way he always struggles with himself to do better, to be better because it doesn’t come naturally to him, because it has been taught to him to do the opposite. And that is so impressive. I love the growth we saw in him, the evolution, the fight to be a better man than his own role-models and I love especially how all of this was motivated by and for his son. He truly loves him more than life itself and I am so impressed with 911 subverting something that feels like a very female storyline by giving it to a man.
But of course Eddie isn’t done yet and Eddie still struggles with intimacy and opening up but he is getting there. Through Frank and Buck and for Christopher he is fighting and he is getting there and I love that for him and about him! He deserves to be happy in Season 4 just like Buck, but mostly he deserves to be at peace with himself!
And I already talked at length about Ana and their potential and linked what I thought didn’t fit in here, so I will not bore you by repeating myself and just say: wait. Wait and see. Maybe the show will surprise us. Maybe it won’t. Maybe corona will kill us all before we have a chance to see Season 4. Maybe we are in the Matrix and the blue pill is a metaphor for being trans. Life is strange!
Also on a more personal note I wanna say thank you to everyone who has read and liked and reblogged and commented. I love all of you. Your support and trust in what I am saying has meant a lot and will mean just as much in the future and I do hope I get to do this again in like a year once they return!
(Also, not to sound needy but another reminder to please reblog and comment? Because I *am* actually writing this because I really wanna talk about the show and my feelings and your thoughts and you know, that can only happen if ya’ll do some reblogging)
(Or come to my ask if you are more comfortable being even more anonymous, I don’t judge - I NEVER ask question any other way!)
In diesem Sinne: hamma wieder was gelernt, recht herzlichen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und auf Wiedersehen!
Also, of course, the tagging:
@chimbuckleys​ @angelcamael​ @greyhello​ @the-family-we-choose-118​ @ipleiade​ @sevensoulmates​
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earthnashes · 5 years
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"What'dya mean you've never had a wing before??"
"What? Of course I've had wings before! I've just never had them... w-well--" "Fried?" "I... well, yes- stop laughing at me!" "I'm not! I swear I'm not, I'm just surprised ya never had any is all; next thing ya tell me is you've never had anything fried before, amirite?" "...." "..oh. Really?" "Yes. The cooks have never prepared anything I've had in such a way. I suppose on behalf of my mother; she used to tell me how unseemly they were for the body." "PSH! What's unseemly, princess, is that you've never tried the holy grail that is food fried up, nice and greasy!" "And that is precisely why; cholesterol, tons of calories, fattening, very little nutritional value whatsoever. Frankly I'm surprised you eat it at all given your sport." "Because it's good for you!" "What? Good for you?" "Yes, for the soul! I get tryin' ta watch the figure but it ain't gonna kill ya to eat it every now and then. Your mom did ya a crime, keepin' you away from this stuff." "Hmph. That is debatable." Sakura snorts and waves a wing at Evangeline's face in a movement similar to waggling a finger scoldingly. "Nupupup! Ain't nothin' debatable when ya don't even know what it tastes like. So here's the million-dollar question: ya wanna try some?" "Absolutely not." "Aw c'mon, Evie, I'm not blind. I saw ya eyeing these bad boys the moment I sat down. You tellin' me you ain't even a little curious?" Evangeline opens her mouth to answer when her stomach does the answering for her. A blush floods her cheeks and she sees a goofy smirk stretch Sakura's mouth, smug and playful. "Sounds ta me the answer's 'yes'." "Hardly," is Evangeline's flustered answer, hunching her shoulders and turning her head away. Sakura's warm rumbling giggle rolls over her and, even without looking at her, the heiress knows the larger girl's grin has softened into something quieter; never taunting, never judging, nothing but warmth. It's enough to ease the tension she's felt since the beginning of this odd conversation, shoulders lowering from where they've bunch against her ears. She chances a glance out of the corner of her eye and, yes, Sakura's smiling at her with a much lighter grin, eyes darting over her face before pointedly looking at the wing held between them by the bone. She looks back up to her eyes and her grin quirks crookedly as she says "just one bite, yeah? I won't tell if you won't." Evangeline turns her head fully to take in the offending food item held before her: it's caked in barbecue and spices and steam is still lightly wafting from it. Looks nothing like the carefully baked, lightly seasoned, awfully expensive chicken entrees she's so used to, looks every bit the part of the "evil" her mother claims they do upon the body, but she can't deny just how good it smells even from where she's standing. After a beat of hesitation, Evangeline sighs and rolls her eyes as she takes the wing carefully from Sakura's grip, mindful of grabbing at the bone. "You're impossible." She says. Sakura simply waggles her brows at her, pleased, and Evangeline watches as she sucks at the barbecue clinging to her thumb without a care. She wrinkles her nose at the action even as heat tingles at her ears. How uncouth. The football star laughs around her thumb, "Aw, ya know ya love me!" before she gives her signature sharp grin, all teeth and sunshine. Evangeline just gives a noncommittal hum. A quick glance tells her that Sakura's fully engrossed on the bucket in her lap, eating with gusto, no napkins or forks in sight. If she's this excited about the wings to forgo the most basic of table etiquette they must be good... right? The heiress stares warily at the wing in her grip, at the sauce covering the tips of her fingers despite how carefully she's handled it. And in a move her mother would have scolded her tenfold for--what are you, an animal? Use your fork, Evangeline. Your napkin, Evangeline. I didn't raise a slob-- takes a large careless bite. And swears fireworks dance behind her eyes afterward. It's delicious.
In which Evangeline has never had fried chicken wings before and Sakura takes it upon herself to enlighten this wayward child. uwu My second attempt at writing in a loooong time! It’s a little funny I managed to write somethin’ of this length about Eva trying a wing for the first time, but eh. Not gonna lie I was hungry when I wrote it so maybe that’s why. o3o
At any rate, some context! This post is largely the reason why I asked ya’ll a few days ago what you thought rich folk didn’t eat. Evangeline’s family is rich and her mother forbade Eva from eating almost anything that was fried or considered “fast food”. As a result, Evangeline’s never had anything from the likes of Mcdonalds, or KFC, or a street food vendor, or hell even cereal. She’s been missing out on quite a few things someone else would consider an everyday thing, shall we say.
This little scene is around the point where she and Sakura have begun to warm up to one another; not that Evangeline was mean or anything but she rarely talked to her roommate outside what was strictly necessary until now. <:
Buuuuut yeah! Some Feathers and Flowers stuff! For those of ya who don’t know about FnF, it’s an original story of mine, of which you can read more about HERE and learn more about the characters HERE. ^.^
But other than that, thank you so much for takin’ a looksie; I hope ya like the result! <:
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court-of-pokemuses · 5 years
Every Bruno ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny, usually about ship names italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship * by name=I just think it’s a wildly random ship
Took out category of Bruno and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up.
Took out category of Bruno with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon. 
Also ships where a human and one of Bruno’s pokemon have been taken out because again pokephilia. So many people are shipped specifically with his clefablee for some reason
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Bruno w/ a Villian:
Top rated ships: Iapetos, and Tortuga shipping
Bottom rated ships: Battalion, Indistinct, Krypton, and Reprobate shipping
BattalionShipping - Archer & Bruno 0/10 Everyone is shipped with Archer, everyone is shipped with Archer, everyone is shipped with Archer, why the F! Bruh naw I don’t see it. Bruno is too pure for Archer and if anything Archer would just manipulate the Frick out of him.
EquiusShipping - Bruno & Mars 3/10 Mars too! Like seriously she’s everywhere. Eh I mean they both have happy personalities and I could see it working a bit better, but still I dunno how smoothly they’d work together considering life directions. 
GroundworkShipping - Bruno & Giovanni 0/10 Giovanni gets around the most out of anyone though, and always has such a dope ship name. Also hahahaha, no, yeah no Bruno too fluffy. 
IapetosShipping - Bruno & Maxie 4/10 Ehhhhh, maaaaybe? I dunno I just they have some more compatibility as others but if they were together it’d be one of those grumpy lad with fluffy muscle boi. 
IndistinctShipping - Bruno & Petrel 0/10 Bruno why would you put Bruno with the trigger happy lad???? No no no danger!!!
KryptonShipping - Bruno & Proton 0/10 Proton is like that guy who wants to murder every npc in the d&d party, naw.
ReprobateShipping - Bruno & Ariana 0/10 Reprobate means someone without morals so Ariana would likely flirt, and Bruno would 100% not realize what’s going on until like they’re in the bedroom and then you’ve got Bruno breaking the door down to leave cause he’s panicking. 
TortugaShipping - Archie & Bruno 4/10 Heh 2 muscle bros? Ok kinda cute, but if anything I think it’d be even cuter as best bro friends that work out, just saying. friends 10/10
Bruno w/ a Champion:
IronRingShipping - Bruno & Steven Stone 6/10 Heh, ok could be cute. I mean Steven’s kinda a wholesome soul, but they’ve both got some shady stuff too it could be kinda cute. 
PotentialShipping - Bruno & Lance 5/10 The name is amazing for this. Eh potential maybe especially with Bruno’s whole mind being scrambled about thanks to Rocket and his early time with Lance getting also lost. But yeah idk maaaaybe?
Bruno w/ an elite:
Top rated ships: StrongestKnight, Control/StrikingIce, and Giant shipping
Bottom rated ships: Bauble, Despondency, and MuscleBurn shipping 
***BaubleShipping - Bruno & Agatha -50/10 Oh gosh plz no, Agatha is the one that made his brain all messed up. He forgives her but he’s not gonna romance her. Plus age gap much?
ControlShipping/StrikingIceShipping - Bruno & Lorelei 9/10 Heck yes please I think this one would be super cute. Again Bruno would kinda have all those memories gone, but at the same time maybe that’d be the sparking point for them talking again. 
DelilahShipping - Bruno & Karen 4/10 HEY THERE DELILAH WHAT’S IT LIKE IN NEW YORK CITY! I’M A THOUSAND MILES AWAY BUT GIRL TON- Anyway so now that’s out of my system, I think it works smoother than Karen and Koga but I still like the vibe of the four of them being like a family with each other. 
DespondencyShipping - Bruno & Will 1/10 I like this less than Delilah cause Karen connects with Koga, and Will connects with Bruno. It’s like they each have their own older mentor to help them with their specific things to adapt to civilian life. 
ForesightShipping - Bruno & Phoebe 3/10 Phoebe gotta go get shipped around with every other human too. Ehhh kinda cute? But there are others I can see her with better. 
GiantShipping - Bruno & Marshal 8/10 Big bois over here flexin! Yeah I think it could be cute. They’re very similar in personality Bruno is just a golden retriever and Marshal is a Rottweiler. I think it’s cute. 
*JourneyShipping - Bruno & Lucian 7/10 The journey they went on was how the frick to read good. Seriously poor Bruno watches this man whip through a book meanwhile he’s struggling cause he keeps forgetting words. I could see it tbh either with Lucian helping him read and they fall for each other, or just friends with one helping the other. 
LaeliaShipping - Bruno & Caitlin 3/10 Eh maybe? I don’t really feel how they'd really hit it off, but they likely would have some fun as friends though. 
MuscleBurnShipping - Bruno & Flint (elite) 2/10 They’re just gonna be 2 nerds screaming at each other and making bad decisions, but Bruno trying to stop Flint. Please let them be friends and make these mistakes.
ReturnShipping - Bruno & Koga 5/10 Yeah ok this swings between cute as flip to but their friendship is cuter! I’m down for either direction. 
StrongestKnightShipping - Bruno & Wikstrom 10/10 YES! This is cute as frick it’s currently being shipped and I love all of it. 2 wholesome bois who also happen to talk kinda odd, and are muscly. Also bless that ship name, get Bruno Armor please.
Bruno w/ a Gym leader:
Top rated ships: Toughie, Bancho, Ataraxia, and TarotSport shipping
Bottom rated ships: IsshinRyu, Kendo, Rurouni, and Zubon shipping
AtaraxiaShipping - Bruno & Gardenia 10/10 Ok when I first talked about who to ship Bruno with one of them was Gardenia and I still ship it. She has the same wholesome soul as Bruno, and energy but with that soft taking care of plants vibe and it’s cute.
BanchoShipping - Bruno & Jasmine 10/10 This is a Jasmine ship that I do enjoy alot more than others. Bruno does well with wholesome folks, and Jasmine really is top tier wholesome levels. Also she maybe small but home girl tough as nails. Watch her sit on his shoulder to see a concert play or other cute things with their size differences.
**BlackbeltShipping - Brock & Bruno 0/10 Don’t really get this one tbh. Like they both take really good care of their pokemon, and that’s about it....
DjinnShipping - Bruno & Roark 2/10 idk why but I’m just imagining Roark and Bruno in the underground Roark mentioning they’ll have to go around awhile to get this place, and Bruno just punches his way through walls to get there. I dunno I just want them as bros. 
DrillSergeantShipping - Bruno & Lt. Surge 2/10 ....Usually I can see Lt. Surge with a fair amount of people, and like they’ve both been through some trauma in their lives so like I should be able to see it but I just can’t???? idk here
**FrostHeaveShipping - Bruno & Brycen 4/10 Weirdly I kinda see it. Idk just let Bruno find out the other has a whole secret life as an actor and gush over trying to keep the secret. 
GestaltShipping - Bruno & Morty 1/10 The name baffles me. Like I’m just saying prt of a whole? What does that mean? Also naw Morty is too salty of a boi.
*GrasshopperShipping - Bruno & Bugsy 0/10 I need someone to confirm Bugsy’s age before I can feel comfortable shipping him with anyone. I’m just imagining Bruno training his young grasshopper, Bugsy, who is trying to get swol!
IsshinRyuShipping - Bruno & Janine -50/100 0_0 Koga would understandably kill him, and there is no way Bruno could see her like that.
KendoShipping - Bruno & Pryce 0/10 Even without the trauma he caused Will and Karen from the manga no. Like age gap wildly bad.
MikageShipping - Bruno & Clair 5/10 Eh could be cute. I see them bonding via beating each other up though in training. 
MontevideoShipping - Bruno & Volkner 2/10 I feel like Bruno would try to cheer him up and then it wouldn’t go over well, and yeah Volkner is just too broody. 
MuramasaShipping - Bruno & Maylene 6/10 Like him and Clair but Maylene is more wholesome so better chance.
RollerDojoShipping - Bruno & Korrina 4/10 Cute but I am more partial to other ships with Korrina so I don’t see it as much. 
RurouniShipping - Bruno & Roxanne 0/10 I still feel weird shipping Roxanne cause idk her age! F it her only ship is Bugsy fite me. Besides she has that know it all vibe and I just feel like Bruno would feel dwarfed cause of his voice tik.
SenseiShipping - Brawly & Bruno 2/10 Freaking Brawly getting around too. Ship name kinda says the dynamic with Bruno as a teacher and Brawly the student. If you’re into that dynamic then I can see it, but for me it’s ehhh. 
SitDownShipping - Bruno & Flannery 7/10 What is this name?! XD I kinda think it’s cute just Flannery screaming as she does to show confidence and Bruno screaming back cause he thinks it’s appropriate and them both being a general mess. 
TarotSportShipping - Bruno & Sabrina 10/10 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. It’s cute Sabrina is broody like volkner ye but we’ve also seen she has a soft spot for people that make her laugh and Bruno is one of those guys who’s unintentionally pretty funny. Also this is just April and Andy from parks and rec.
TokyoRainShipping - Bruno & Erika 5/10 She’s super soft and wholesome, and I see it more than other ships with Erika. Ehhh idk on this. 
ToughieShipping - Bruno & Whitney 10/10 HOW OLD IS WHITNEY!? Also frick I really hope she’s an adult cause they have the vibe of, guy who looks like he can and would beat you up but his girl friend is the one who is 100% more willing to throw hands. 
VentifactShipping - Bruno & Falkner 0/10 Falkner and Janine tho. Anyways I don’t see what they’d connect on. 
*VestigeShipping - Bruno & Misty 0/10 Naw Misty is like too abrasive for me. And like I know that’s kinda why I like him and Whitney but the difference is that Whitney hides her savageness. 
YevonShipping - Bruno & Elesa 4/10 Kinda cute can see Elsa introducing him to new fashion and all. But there are other ships with Elsa I think would work better. 
ZubonShipping - Bruno & Chuck 0/10 Chuck has a wife and forgets her all the time. No hurting fluffy Bruno boi like that.
Bruno w/ Professor or prof assistant
HokkaidoShipping - Bruno & Celio 2/10 I......what would they have in common exactly?
***ContemplationShipping - Bruno & Professor Oak 0/10 Bruh Oak???? No yeah like c’mon really, no, just I can’t see them being anymore than friends.
GnosisShipping - Bill & Bruno 5/10 Idk maybe? Like Billy gets into shenanigans what with becoming a pokemon and Bruno trying to help with stuff only to end up with a fussy Bill. Kinda cute.
Bruno w/ Minor GAME npcs:
*PersevereShipping - Bruno & Zinnia 8/10 Please. Give me feral girl with confused boi who’s trying to figure out what her deal is. Also them both having small pink pokemon is cute. 
PilgrimageShipping - Bruno & Eusine 3/10 While I do want to see them on a journey/pilgrimage together I don’t see them coming out of it shipped too easily. 
*PowerHouseShipping - Bruno & Greta 1/10 Wild choice, and she reminds me of all the other punchy hit gals but on the same level of connections Korrina but alot less. 
Bruno w/ Minor ANIME npcs:
OsakaShipping - Bruno & Kathi Lee 2/10 Diantha’s manager huh? I mean they’d be cute but I don’t see it lasting long term with Bruno’s lazy habits here and there. 
*PlayFightShipping - Bruno & Duplica 0/10 I think they’d have a fun dynamic but as friends and nothing romance coming out of that. 
Bruno w/ Orre, or Ranger character
EngrishShipping - Bluno & Bruno 0/10 They are just shipped cause of the names, and I don’t see anything else. 
LoveMuscleShipping - Bruno & Lovrina 0/10 Guess what, bam bah bum, she’s a child! and always acts childish. 
Bruno and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
Top rated ships: IndigoLeague, and SelfDefenceAgainstFruit shipping
Bottom rated ships: SecretTechniques, QuizzicalBlackbelt, and Ringside shipping
DawnguardShipping - Brawly, Bruno, Chuck, Marshal, Korrina & Maylene 10/10 This is just all the punch bois and gals together but with a cool name. Although tbh I am totally here for them all hanging out or all being guards in some au. 
*MayleneFatalFourwayShipping - Bruno, Byron, Crasher Wake & Marshal 9/10 The name gives me concern. Are these just all people shipped with Maylene? Ahhh idk I think they’d be good pals tho catch em all teaching each other Dif training techniques.  GachimuchiShipping - Bruno, Chuck & Crasher Wake 7/10 This is the crash and brash gang, and they will wreck everything mostly on accident. 
IndigoLeagueShipping - Bruno, Koga, Lance, Will & Karen 1000/10 YES! GOOD CREW! great buds, SUPER GREAT LOVE EM!
IndigoPlateauShipping - Bruno, Blue (game), Lance, Agatha & Lorelei 9/10 A good group except for the fact that Agatha traumatized the boi, and Blue can be a butt and wasn’t champion as long. Great group video game wise but story wise kinda hard to play with. 
ISMRSShipping - Bruno, Misty & Yellow (Special) 8/10 I can not figure out what the ISMRS means. I’m gonna see this group as feisty girl, big buff guy, and neutral girl  on an epic adventure! And yea I think it’d be fun. 
OriginalEliteFourShipping - Bruno, Lance, Agatha & Lorelei 10/10 Same thing and indigo plateau. It good but kinda limited, but if nothing else time when they’re all in Rocket you got cool story potential. 
***QuizzicalBlackbeltShipping - Brock, Bruno, Aria (anime) & Felicity 3/10 I wanna break this down for ya we got breeder/gym leader Brock boi, the swellest boi Bruno, a super contest lady, oh and someone who appears as TCG art for the lot game corner. This is a wild amalgamation of characters. 
RingsideShipping - Brawly, Bruno, Chuck, Crasher Wake & Maylene 5/10 They all train on the beach, that's it that’s the only thing I got for this ship. 
SecretTechniquesShipping - Bruno, Karuta & Koga 2/10 It’s trying to be focused on a ninja ship but I don’t think Bruno is much of a ninja so it feels forced.
*****SelfDefenceAgainstFruitShipping - Bruno, Cherubi, Tropius & berries 420/10 (for meme worthiness, and ship has nothing to do with weed just adding o the meme) I AM AWARE OF WHAT THE REFRENCE IS HERE AND HECK YEAAAAAAAAH, gosh this is a dumb ship the reference btw, it’s 3 minutes long: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnjYeHBWvKA 
ShitennouShipping - Aaron (elite), Bruno, Drake (Hoenn), Flint (elite), Grimsley, Koga, Lance, Lucian, Marshal, Sidney, Siebold, Wikstrom, Will, Agatha, Bertha, Caitlin, Drasna, Glacia, Karen, Lorelei, Malva, Phoebe & Shauntal (gen infinite) 10/10 All of the elites, all of them, in one room, and hanging out. Heck ye let em party it up. 
TripleThreatShipping - Bruno, Crasher Wake & Marshal 10/10 Idk why but they feel like the most cohesive punchy bois as a group. 
Bruno’s pokemon shipped w/ other pokemon:
HiddenLegendShipping - Clefable & Suicune (Bruno's & Misty's) 1/10 Did....did Misty get a suicune at some point??? Also hidden legend, are you telling me that clefable is like legendary quality rn. what is this cleanable and I’m confused! MaskFableShipping - Clefable & Yamask (Bruno's & James's) 1/10 I mean Yanmask has some fun personality and I think James and Bruno would have some good friendship but idk how to feel about a ship there. 
StrongFableShipping - Clefable & Snivy (Bruno's & Ash's) 1/10 Please explain to me a thing about why Snivy??? Anyway yeah also when is he gonna see Ash much?? StrongLoveShipping - Clefable & Golem (Bruno's & Bruno's) 10/10 See at least these two can actually see each other often. Also yeah I do think it cuter than most like I mean they can actually be with each other and fluff with big rock boi is cute.  WrestlingFableShipping - Clefable & Hawlucha (Bruno's & Ash's) 3/10 Again when they seeing each other? And I mean kinda like the wrestle bpi and fluffy girl but still how it gonna work?
Other Ships Mun likes 
BandagedknucklesShipping - Bruno & Cheryl 100/10 Look Cheryl is soft and cute. Bruno is soft and a sweet boi. They’d be adorable together I’m just saying. Also Cheryl getting into the chaos she gets into and Bruno being the muscle acting like a body guard to her when she needs it. Cute shiz ok!
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televisor-reviews · 5 years
Top 10 WORST Movies Of 2018!
As everyone is talking about their favorite and least favorite films of last year, I’d much rather take a look at what came out two years ago! This is what I do every New Year, get used to it. And keep in mind that I haven’t seen every film from 2018, so as bad as I’m sure Sherlock Gnomes and Pacific Rim: Uprising are, I haven’t gotten around to them. If you’d like a list of every film I have seen, I have them listed on my Letterboxd: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1HnDnQ4ibO82ryM9lOCGgw1FZhVLdC4SZ
#10. Fifty Shades Freed On my 2015 list, I didn’t even bother putting Fifty Shades Of Grey on it because I thought it was absolutely hilarious! On my 2017 list, I placed Fifty Shades Darker at the very top for its lack of even the basics of what makes a decent flick, notably there being no real plot. So I guess I’m meeting this franchise in the middle by putting Fifty Shades Freed at the tenth spot for just how batshit this movie is. Shit kinda just happens randomly with little to no reason while also not being funny in the slightest. In fact, large segments of the film is kinda boring, particularly the sex scenes in which there are so many that by the 20th time, you’d just get used to it like a jump scare in Winchester. Really, the biggest reason this is only at #10 is because Fifty Shades Freed has Freed us all from this series, assuming that a film adaptation of Grey isn’t made. And that’s the greatest compliment I’ve ever given to one of these movies. #9. A Wrinkle In Time I once heard someone justify Disney’s live action remakes by saying they help fund their more unique film escapades like Nutcracker And The Four Realms (which barely didn’t make the list). The problem with that is that I don’t want those ether! And considering how Solo and The Rise Of Skywalker turned out, maybe Disney’s live action department should just stick with Marvel movies. Honestly, I don’t completely remember why I left the theater after seeing A Wrinkle In Time so angry, like legitimately pissed off. I remember the girl who looks like one of the Mean Girls being treated like a member of the Losers Club, how terrible the child acting was, how even worse the adult acting was, how annoying everybody who wasn’t Chris Pine was, and how that little kid was named Charles Wallace because the characters said it at least a million times! Considering how angry I am just writing about it, I’m guessing it was a combination of all of those elements being wrapped up with a pretentious bow. Honestly, A Wrinkle In Time was a humongous waste of my time. #8. Show Dogs It’s a bad sign when the movie starring Bojack Horseman yelling at Ludacris dog is only at #8 on my list. The big reason for that is because this is so terrible that I had to break down laughing at times. Not because Show Dogs is genuinely or ironically funny, it’s just so batshit insane that I had to laugh. Almost like a defense reflex: like if I wasn’t laughing, I’d end up jumping off the roof. The plot is crazy, the acting is crazy, the whole fucking idea is crazy! I’d like you to stop and imagine Will Arnett with the straightest face possible yelling at a dog voiced by Ludacris that nobody can actually hear in the middle of a very serious police station about the dog fucking up an undercover job and somehow not laughing your ass off. That is what it was like watching Show Dogs. You’re welcome. #7. Slender Man I think people really downgrade how good horror has been lately. I know that in a world of Insidious: The Last Key and Truth Or Dare, it’s easy to be pessimistic. And I think people also dismiss the greatness the internet has had on modern pop culture. Considering how bad things like Daphne And Velma and Mowgli: Legend Of The Jungle are, I kinda get it. In reality, these tend to be the outliers among a lot of greatness, but after seeing Slender Man, I’m starting to think similarly. I was one of the only people who was actually excited about this movie because I’m young enough to remember a time when Slender Man: The Eight Pages was the scariest thing in the world and after seeing how well Hollywood treated the character in Beware The Slender Man, I was really hopeful. Little did I know that Madhouse Entertainment had one of the least interesting and least scary horror movies I’ve ever seen with boring characters, a monster that’s barely in the movie, and a script that’s closer to Rings than it is to its source material. I really hope this’ll go the way of Ouija and Annabelle and end up having a really good followup or else Slender Man will be a huge blot on the legitimacy of the internet. #6. Snake Outta Compton I’m gonna be straight with y’all, I have been doing a pretty bad job at keeping up with horror B-movies lately. I mean, I did watch The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time and Leprechaun Returns but those were mostly just mediocre, even within the context of the rest of their franchises. So when I saw the title Snake Outta Compton, I knew I had to watch it expecting something really stupid and funny as all hell. Instead I got a boring and uninteresting barely even an attempt at cinema. I really hated this film, it’s just such a boringly dull film where little to nothing ever happens and I hated every dumb second of it. The terrible rapping, the awful effects, the horrendous acting, everything in snake Outta Compton sucks and I hate it. #5. Norm Of The North: Keys To The Kingdom Remember that god awful polar bear movie starring Rob Schneider from a few years ago… yeah, they made four of those. Normal people would say the first Norm Of The North was the absolute bottom of the barrel, I say “No!… It’s Norm Of The North: Keys To The Kingdom,” and even more suicidal people would probably say it’s Norm Of The North: King Sized Adventure. If you thought the animation in the original was bad, you’ve seen nothing! This is so bad that I’m not even sure it should be considered animation! This is so bad that it makes Duck Duck Goose look like The Grinch! This is so bad that they couldn’t even get Rob Schneider back! The plot, it’s like this is one of those straight to DVD Disney sequels that were made up of episodes of conceled TV shows except why would anyone try to make Norm Of the FUCKING North into a TV show! But apparently it made money considering how (and I’ll repeat this again) there are four of these! Maybe the immense failure of Arctic Dogs will stop Entertainment Studios from making any more. #4. The Thinning: New World Order Speaking of sequels that’ll make the originals look like masterpieces, we’ve got Logan Paul’s magnum opus, coming straight outta that Japanese suicide forest. A film that tells you that a country made up of the smartest 95% of citizens are stupid enough to not catch on to the pretty obvious government plan going on in this universe. Even more so, apparently presidents to be are allowed to just make major laws that’ll arrest about 50% of the population before being sworn in as president. But even more so, I’m to believe that Logan Paul of all people is smart enough to escape these poorly conceived concentration camps. This is a key example of suspension of disbelief gone too far. I don’t believe for a second that this world actually could exist. And I want everyone reading this to remember The Thinning: New World Order after seeing what I put at number one that even liberals can make terrible movies too! #3. The 15:17 To Paris No shit, this is easily the worst movie I’ve ever seen in theaters. No joke, no sarcasm, the Clint Eastwood trainwreck that is The 15:17 To Paris is by far one of the worst movies of the decade… and it’s only at #3 on my bottom 10 of the year. Let me explain. Where the absolute bottom of the barrels of the year are total slogs that I wouldn’t be able to stand watching again, this is actually really fun to watch. Immediately after seeing it in theaters, I wanted to see it again just to make sure it wasn’t a fever dream. In every conversation I have, I recommend this movie because it has to be seen to be believed. Of all the films on this list, this is the only one I’d actually recommend to people. No other film has the balls to portray three normies with ADD talking as boringly as possible taking selfies in Venice for 30 minutes for no goddamn reason. In no other movie will you see a bunch of comedians try and do serious roles that they had no right being casted in. When I went back to school and brought this up with my film nerd friends, every one of them had a different story of watching this. My god, please watch The 15:17 To Paris so that we can convince Clint Eastwood into making The 15:18 To Paris. #2. Gotti Let me tell ya, Gotti is one of the wurst felms ya’ll evar see! Who in da hell convinced John Travolta that he culd do serious roles! But in all seriousness, this movie sucks. I’m not super familiar with the story of John Gotti, and by that I mean I’ve never even heard the name before seeing this film. And I’m pretty sure that to even get what’s going on in this, you’d have to see a 3 hour documentary on the guy beforehand or else you’d be incredibly confused the entire time because I know I was! Don’t even ask me what happens in Gotti because I have no clue. It goes all over the place with different characters doing different things at different points in time and eventually, I stopped paying attention! I do remember that there were about 20 characters named “John,” John Gotti only kills one guy though I’m pretty sure that as a mob boss he’d kill more, and I have no idea how this mafia makes money. Oh, and this convicted feline is apparently also Jesus Christ. I’ll tells yas, ya can live 100 yeers an neva see a moovy as bad as Gotti. Before we get to #1, let’s do some runners up!
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom I wanted so bad to put this on the list because as a pretty big Jurassic Park fan, I can fairly say that Fallen Kingdom is easily the worst film in the franchise. If only because of that dumb ass twist at the end with that kid I kinda forgot even existed. Or just for those annoying ass comedic reliefs that are consistently useless. Or just because on a base filmmaking level, this movie sucks. Hurricane Bianca: From Russia With Hate Listen, I’m openly and proudly bisexual, so I get how important it is to get good representation out there in the film industry. And I also get why a lot of the Ru Paul: Drag Race fandom has latched onto this series. But Jesus Christ guys, drag queens can do better and they deserve better. From Russia With Hate is definitely a step in the right direction with it being way more interesting and fun than the first Hurricane Bianca… but come on guys! These aren’t good movies! Just watch more Drag Race, it’s much better. The Happytime Murders Disney, please let Muppets Now be good! The puppetry artform deserves better than this garbage! The Happytime Murders is a movie in which half the jokes is that a puppet is jizzing a lot. Honestly, my biggest beef with this film is that it doesn’t even get to the heart of what people love about the Jim Henson style of puppetry, notably the fun. Look at most of the cast, they are very humanoid compared to Kermit The Frog or Fozzy Bear. This movie is, first and foremost, not fun. Bob Lazar: Area 51 And Flying Saucers This is my nomination for worst documentary of the year. It’s just annoying to me that this guy can get away with lying to so many people without any repercussions. In fact, he gets this whole documentary that’s basically sucking his dick the entire time! I went in expecting something along the lines of Behind The Curve, a doc that takes an even stance at looking at its crazy subject matter but in a respectful way. In reality, Area 51 And Flying Saucers isn’t even in the slightest being totally on Bob Lazar’s side without questioning his all knowing wisdom for a second and is n’t respectful in the slightest for the intelligence of its viewers! Fuck this doc! A Simple Favor This is my nomination for best worst movie of the year. A Simple Favor is a crazy film with a cast and crew taking it weirdly seriously for a comedy, all with super monotone voices. None of the actual jokes are genuinely funny but lots of them are ironically hilarious. Granted I was very high while watching this, but as far as I’m concerned, that’s the best state of mind to be in while watching it! And did I mention how nobody acts during this but rather just say their lines monotonely! Loved it! God’s Not Dead: A Light In Darkness This was the year Christian propaganda got boring. I was so excited when I went to see I Can Only Imagine in theaters as my first theatrical Christian film experience only to be totally disappointed when it turned out to be pretty dull. Even more so when, later on in the year, the newest installment in the world famous God’s Not Dead franchise, the same one that first brought upon this new age of Christian based filmmaking that’s brought me so much joy before, turned out to be similarly dull. There was a split moment when a character states, “Jesus Christ was the original social justice warrior,” when I was brought back to life with its own stupidity, but it turned out to be fleeting. Not outrageous enough to be put on the list, but too outrageous to be any good. So this is how God’s Not Dead ends: not with a bang, but with a whimper. The Meg And speaking of boring, The Meg has to be the most boring shark movie ever made. A film that feels like it lasts for days and in which no real stakes feel like are in play. This has got to be the most boring and dull and uninteresting and BORING movie of the year! And considering how boring of a year it was for film, that’s saying a goddamn lot! Mary Poppins Returns I feel like I went through an arc of my own while watching this. I went from, “this isn’t bad,” to, “okay, this is a little too much like the original,” to, “why the fuck am I watching this?” Mary Poppins Returns feels like one of the Disney live action remakes because it’s basically just a shittier version of the original with absolutely no good reason to exist let alone to watch, especially compared to said original. And the climax makes absolutely no sense with the logic of the film universe; she can literally fly! And by god, does this feel like anything but Mary Poppins. Blockers Listen, I get that this film is sex positive and that’s a really great thing and all the actors are really trying their best. But it is all in vain for this film with a really unfunny script and that’s kinda important for a comedy. Sometimes Blockers can get a chuckle out of me because of how over the top it can get at times but those are just outliers in a mostly mediocre movie that got built up too much because of how much positivity is in this. Proud Mary Proud Mary is the perfect example of a film in which just because someone can do it well, doesn’t mean everyone can. Ever since Quentin Tarantino has been making movies like Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill, throw back action films have been really cool to see. Then, all of a sudden, the director of London Has Fallen had to come around and remind everyone that they can’t all be winners. Mostly dull dialogue between characters I don’t care about waiting for the action that isn’t even all that good. I was really hopeful that Proud Mary would be fun, but it’s anything but. #1. The Trump Prophecy Listen, I get that when I say that a movie literally titled The Trump Prophecy is the worst film of the year, it comes off as if I’m making a big political statement but believe me, I am not. Politically, admittedly, I am pretty liberal but I’m not really a political dude. But I do know terrible filmmaking when I see it, and believe it or not, a film about a crazy firefighter who gets a vision in his sleep from a god orb that Donald Trump must be president might not be very good. In fact, fuck this cynical, piece of shit, taking advantage of conservatives, monotonely acted, with no love or passion put into it, goddamn movie! As much as I didn’t like any of the movies I’ve mentioned on this list, it’s clear someone, anyone, was passionate about making them. But considering how clearly the director never asked any of his actors to do a second take, no love is clearly put into this. How cynical, how shameless. As someone who does genuinely love the art of filmmaking and would adore the opportunity to make a relatively big budget movie myself, the fact that something as lifeless as The Trump Prophecy gets to be put into any theaters really pisses me off. Say what you want about The 15:17 To Paris, at least it had its heart in the right place. Say what you want about Gotti, at least John Travolta was obviously passionate about the project. This has nothing and is easily the most hatable film I’ve seen in years!
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Manga Recommandations ...
Yeah, I am finally doing what nobody asked for. I am gonna give ya’ll a list of Manga that I think aren’t that well known but are great and worth a read (at least in my opinion), Sounds Good? Alrighty let’s get this going them! 
Groundless - Sekigan no Sogekihei       
Now that is one Manga that I would really like to continue and release chapters in english faster. But it seems like no one really bothers to translate it atm wich is sad :(                                                                                                                         Anyway, Groundless is set on an island in a somewhat modern fantasy world with a civil war rumbling on said island. The main character is Sophia who lost her husband and daughter after their arms shop got set up with a hughe order from the colonel of the army stationed there. All she has left is a sniper rifle her husband hid for her to sell in case something bad happens. Instead of selling it she decides to seek revenge and joins the local militia as a sniper. 
It’s got some pretty cool charakters, it’s brutal (not over the top brutal though) and the art is pretty good.
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Afterschool War Activities
Alright, technically this is not quite a manga since it is a Webtoon but I like it and it is pretty cool ... yea.                                                                                              Set in a South Korean Highschool, the daily lifes of our class are dissrupted when strange things appear in the sky (strange and deadly). highschoolers and university students have to fill up the military ranks to fight this strange enemy off.
It has a lot of interesting characters in the school class we follow around and it gives a pretty good impression on the emotional stress and trauma the situation brings with it. 
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Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad
Let’s switch our guns out for something different now ... how about a guitar. Beck is one of my favourite Anime and Manga out there and I’d say everybody should give it a try because it is so good. First of, the Anime ends around Chapter 29 of the Manga and it sticks pretty closely to it. So if you want to watch the anime instead for the first quarter of the Story, there you go :P                                  Since I don’t really know how I should summarize the story of Beck without going on for the next ten minutes I’ll make it short. Yukio Tanaka gets into playing the guitar and starts to set his sights on becomming a rock star (the absolute breakdown version of it).                                                                           It has a lot of good drama, is super fun and has pretty good music (Anime Only :( ). The only thing that might put you off on the anime at least is the animations. They can be a bit whacky in normal situations. The manga however looks gorgeous all the time. Two last words: JUST READ IT GOD DAMN IT’S SO DAMN GOOD OMG 
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In This Corner of the World
Oh yeah baby, we’re back with the War stuff. Though this time we don’t really see anything of the fighting itself. 
Rather we’re following a typical japanese family through their daily lifes during the second world war. Sound glum and boring? Don’t worry thanks our somewhat clumsy but loveable main charakter and a wonderfull cast in general it won’t be that glum mos.. well ... not all the time. And if the cast isn’t enough, the art of it is also very beautifull and you learn a lot about how live was during that time in japan (there is a whole vocabulary list at the end of each volume explaining certain words and phrases in the context of the war). 
But wait that is not all, if you don’t necessarily want to read through the 3 Volumes of it you can watch the movie on Netfilx. It will definitly be worth your time (maybe don’t watch it when you want something happy go lucky though).
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Maria: The Virgin Witch
I know it might seem like I only read stuff that is set during some kind of war but I promise you that that is not the case and just a coincidence. This time the story is set in the Hundred Years’ War.                                                                             Maria our young and ambitious witch wants to stop the war with her sex appeal... Do I need to say more to convince you? Yes? Well alright. She herself is still a virgin so she sends her domestic deamon to do the sexy time part for her. God on the other hand doesn’t really like the idea that Maria wants to end the war wich leads to our little conflict between our cute little witch and an arch angel. 
With only three Volumes it’s a nice and quick read and a very fun one at that. Or you know... you could watch the anime wich is also decent.  
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Black Rock Shooter: Innocent Soul
Alright, now we’re really done with the War stuff i promise :D                                 So you might’ve already heard of Black Rock Shooter and you might have watched the anime/ short movie ova thing. BRS IS takes the charakters of Black Roch Shooter and puts them in a alternate story that has nothing to do with the anime stuff.  
Set in  Hazama, a world between heaven and earth where souls land that are not worthy of going to heaven nor hell, we follow a girl called rock who is a Black Star whose job it is to keep order.                                                                            Again a very short manga with three volumes it has a nice story (though it get’s a bit hard to follow in the very last bit from what I remember right now) and a very beautifull art style. Also it has some super funny moments in it thanks to the great dynamic between our main protaganist and her side kick. 
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Another three volume Manga comming right up. Prophecy.                                    A man uploads videos on definitly not youtube Mr. Copyright man, where he promises revenge for crimes that didn’t get punished hard enough (and pulls through with them). Meanwhile a special divison of the police force specialized in cybercrime tries to catch the man.                                                                           It’s a nice cat and mouse detective criminal story with an interesting take on social media and social injustice. It can feel a bit silly at the beginning when they talk about the internet but that might just be the german translation in my case :P  If you have a thing for some good crime stories definitly check it out.
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One of my favorite and first manga. A manga I would really like to see as an anime but probably never will. I kinda don’t wanna say to much about it here because I probably wouldn’t find an end. So basically mermaids are real and they try to F up humanity with worms that control them. Our main protagonist meets the girl who has her sights set out to kill all the mermaids.                           It’s a really cool story and unique (as far as I remember it ... I need to read it again) with some nice characters and I also did a drawing of one f the characters that turned out pretty dope ... ok that last part is probably not that convincing to you so just check the manga out ok? Good. 
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Boku Girl
Ok, you’re almost done by now. To end this list I have something with a bit more bare skin that is also a bit weird and a 100% hillarious and caused me to cry of laughter more than the number of it’s chapters. And it develops into a cute little love story aswell.
Out main character is Suzushiro Mizuki who is far from a a very masculine guy, In fact he get’s mistaken for a girl more than he’d like to. Even his crush thinks of him more as one of the girls. Meanwhile, Loki the Trickster god get’s bored with playing tricks on other gods so he plays one on Mizuki ... (also Loki is a girl ... in this one at least). I guess you might be able to figure out what happens to poor Mizuki with this prank and if you don’t mind that stuff, you most likely will have a blast with it (I hope at least because I definitly had).                                               And I dont’t think I have more to add to that :D
 OH WAIT ... IT HAS SUPER CUTE MOMENTS ... that’s all 
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The Afterword
Aight. that concludes my short list of manga that I want you to read cuz I like them and you better like them too OR ELSE ... 
Mind you I did this whole text in one sitting and it was very spontaneous and late at night. So if you can’t make sense out of my gibberish and  eventuall spelling/grammatik errors, I am sorry. I didn’t really prepare this as much as I could have and it’s been a while since I wrote a longer text in english.
I hope you enjoyed this list anyways and some of the Manga aswell. I might or might not do stuff like this again in the future, maybe a bit more prepared.
If you most definitly would like to see me stuff like this more, let me know :D 
Have a good one folks.
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thecartoonarchivist · 6 years
Weekly Spotlight #6
Welcome, Welcome, one and all~!
To the Weekly Spotlight
In honor of this sppppooooooppppyyy season, this week’s spotlight is....
*drumroll* *very pathetic trumpet*
Over The Garden Wall
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So, this series isn’t very old. The pilot aired in 2013 and the full mini-series aired in 2014; thus it’s very easy to say that this show is very fresh in my mind.
When this show was first airing, I remember watching part of an episode of it and becoming very intrigued. Initially, I felt no desire to watch it as when they were advertising the special, this originally gave me the vibe of The Misadventures of Flapjack, Chowder, and other rather strange and, at times, grotesque cartoons that never really tickled my fancy. So, I was more than willing to let this series slide off my radar and into some obscure corner of my knowledge never to be heard of or talked about ever again.
But one day, a episode happened to be playing and, for whatever reason, I found myself watching. I knew I was about to leave the house soon so watching some TV show I never really cared all that much about didn’t seem like a bad option at the time. The episode I was watching, I’ve come to learn, was Mad Love. I didn’t actually start from the beginning of the episode, if I remember correctly, but I started near the beginning. Here they were talking about how Quincy Endicott had somehow managed to fall in love with a painting in his labyrinth of a mansion and I ended the episode with the revelation about Beatrice and the heart-to-heart that Wirt and Beatrice had.
It was then that I knew I had to sit down and watch this show from the beginning. I could feel it in my bones that this show had potential and that it would continue on for a long time.
It ended four days later and I felt like I had missed out on something very special. I never realized it was only a mini-series and as a result, I felt that I saw something very beautiful be snuffed out very quickly. I’d have this curiosity and regret linger in the back spaces of my mind for several years. During this time, I’d see videos pop up on YouTube now and again, talking about Over The Garden Wall: analyses on the writing and why the series was so good, cosplay, various musicians playing music from its soundtrack. Over all, I got the impression that the series was something to celebrate and so I added it to my list of series that one day I’d sit down and watch. 
But every fall season, Over The Garden Wall would pop up on my radar now and again and I knew that this time I had to sit down and watch it. Luckily, Over The Garden Wall was on Hulu so I snuggled up in my pajamas and fuzzy blanket and spent a little over 2 hours watching this series.
So, why don’t we take a look at its history?
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This mini-series was a created by Patrick McHale for Cartoon Network in 2014. Originally, the series was pitched under the title, Tome of the Unknown, in 2006, however the series was much different than the one that was aired. It was originally designed to follow two brothers, Walter and Gregory, as they travel the Land of the In-Between to track down pages from a book of forgotten stories after signing themselves into a contract with a devil named, Old Scratch. However, McHale had difficulties creating a larger story arc for the series and as a result, it was placed on hold for a number of years.
McHale would go on to storyboard for The Misadventures of Flapjack (makes sense why I got that vibe) and co-develop the famous Adventure Time where he would serve as Creative Director and eventually, as a writer. After having more experience underneath his belt, Cartoon Network returned to McHale and asked if he would like to pilot another series. McHale, then, returned to Tome of the Unknown; polished it up; pitched it to the network again; and it would pilot on Cartoon Network in 2013. After having piloted the episode, McHale sat down with the network again where they would decide that instead of an entire, full-blown series, they would simply trim it to a mini-series that would air over 5 days. It was initially envisioned as an 18 chapter (or 18 episode) series but due to budget and time constraints, it was trimmed down to 10 episodes
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The interesting thing about this series is that I don’t think I’ve ever had the opportunity to experience another cartoon as dark yet oddly whimsical as this series. In some regards, I would almost like to call it a darker version of Studio Ghibli’s Howl’s Moving Castle but even then, I don’t think that it would actually do this series justice with that sort of comparison. As I was watching this series, I couldn’t help but feel a similar feeling as when I played those one-sentence stories games as a kid. You know which one I’m talking about! Everyone is gathered in a circle, or a campfire in my case, and each person had to say a sentence that would add to the story. You couldn’t change what the previous person said, but you could change the context of how it would affect the story. 
For example, if someone said a sentence along the lines of, “Trapped inside the closet, Susie began to cry loudly and alerted the monster of her hiding place.” that doesn’t exactly leave you with a whole lot to work with. Your immediate conclusion is that the monster will find Susie and that she will be eat/maimed/destroyed/etc. However, with a little bit of creativity, you can change the situation to something like this, “Susie, frantically searching for some sort of weapon to defend herself, finds a panel on the back wall of the closet that leads to some place that was not part of the house.” This can lead you to a crazy situation where Susie might find Narnia, or another dimension that is almost exactly like this one, or that there’s a curse on the house because a body in this secret, unmapped room of the house. The situation that you start with won’t be the situation you end with and the only rules are that you can’t undo what was already said and you can only add one sentence. And this is what I felt was going on.
Rampaging gorillas became long-lost loves in animal suits. Graves dug for the main characters ended up being skeletons for pumpkin people. Ferry rides for frog people turned out being a migration for hibernation. The things that you expected would turn on their heads very suddenly and what seemed terrible and fraught with dangers, would end rather cheerfully and full of hope. I felt like it was such an important lesson for young and old alike and I’m very happy this ended up being such a staple theme of the series.
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As a sibling myself, I thought that the brother interactions were pretty accurate enough. Wirt likes to blame his brother for all his woes and get rather annoyed with his upbeat attitude; it was funny how much of my younger self I saw in Wirt and there were so many times I had to laugh and cringe at the true renditions of being a Freshman in high school. Greg never dumb, or naive which is something many, many cartoons like to paint younger siblings. I will easy admit that my brother is a whole lot smarter than I was at his age. (Doesn’t make him less of a brat but still!) So having Greg be that rock for Wirt and to help stabilize him when he starts overthinking things and panicking underneath the responsibility of taking care of him was such a refreshing thing to see in cartoons. It felt oddly real.
Some of the shining jewels in this series’s crown is how heartwarming and touching some of the more serious moments of the series is. In the last episode, I found myself fighting back tears despite the fact that I already knew what type of end was coming. (Of course, things were turned on their head as they always were but regardless.) These heart-to-heart discussions and these moments of #realtalk really tugged at my heartstrings and made me feel about ten years younger. But even the whimsical moments were always fun and weird. Did some of the humor fall flat? Yeah, but that’s also because it wasn’t meant for me. Other instances of humor however had me snickering at the realism of such an absurd situation. It was simply a pleasure to watch. 
It’s darker tones and moments of horror is such an interesting thing to see in a children’s medium that it almost becomes a rare thing to pull off well. For those of you who grew up with Courage the Cowardly Dog, I’m sure you remember at least a portion of the fear you used to have watching a couple of these episodes. But one of the interesting things about Courage is that there was never any threat of death in the series. Courage’s family might be turned into battle robots, or turned into grotesque creatures, or some unknown horrific happenstance occur, but never really any threat of death. In this series however, that’s the main threat that prevails throughout the course of events. By the end of the series, we know why this is the case, but that still doesn’t make it any less of a gutsy move by its creators. On top of this, it’s so cool and interesting to see all of the little Easter eggs that plant in each episode that point to the twist at the end of the series. Although the series may be a bit too scary for younger kids, you can easily see that this series was intended for as many audiences as they could fit into such a short run.
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I think the little things in this series is what shines through the most. The soundtrack was stellar, oh my word!! The voice acting, although at first seemed pretty generic, really fit the tone of the series and breathed life into these quirky characters. Even though the animation itself is pretty cheap (Flash animation isn’t the greatest ya’ll), the backgrounds are stunning to look at and the character designs were very creative and interesting to watch. Each part of this animation played well into the other to the point that the entire piece felt like a wonderful, cohesive whole. Not many cartoons can say that. Not many pieces of art can say that. For that, I salute the entire team of Over The Garden Wall for creating something so wonderful to indulge in. Although part of me wishes that this could have been a full series, I realize that to do so would ruin the good of what I have, so I am content to leave things as they are. However, if anyone has a suggestion for any similar series, send them to my inbox because I will definitely check it out. 
For many people, The Nightmare Before Christmas is a Halloween/Christmas tradition. For others, many like to watch Soul Eater for its spooky themes. Still others will watch classic scary movies like Psycho, or The Shining, or Nightmare on Elmstreet for their scares. 
For me, this’ll be my new Halloween tradition. The harvest-time aesthetic. The Halloween-like themes. All of it screams everything Halloween was for me growing up and man, did I love enjoy this piece of media.
Overall, this series easily rates a 9 out of 10 on my scale. 
It has very few flaws in it (even now I’m having a hard time picking them out) but they’re still there. Perfection is such a hard thing to achieve so I doubt there will ever be a series that reaches a 10/10 on my scale but the fact that it got a 9? It speaks volumes to this series.
I’ll gladly watch this every Halloween. I wouldn’t even mind watching this even more than once a year. I heartily recommend this series to everyone who hasn’t watch it before, even if you don’t like the more bizarre series of Flapjack and Adventure Time. I do adore this series. And it will forever hang in my Hall of Fame for being such a beautiful and fantastic series. 
If there are any corrections you’d like to make in regards to this post, please feel free to send me a message with your corrections and I’ll get back to it as soon as I can!
Do you remember a cartoon your friends have never heard of? Got a scene from an animated film that you’re dying to know the name to? Send your questions to The Cartoon Archivist and I’ll see what I’ve got in the vault!
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March 17, 2020
Dear world,
Many things have been on my mind. My mind wanders a lot. So first lets talk about outing people. So recently the nurse at my php program outed my chosen name to my parents. Outing people sucks so fucking much. Like that was supposed to be someting I did when I was comfortable and felt safe. Not anyone else’s job. Sure slip ups happen, but that just makes me wanna go back deep in the closet. It isn’t the first time shit like this has happened. I’m talking about lots of other kinds of outings to. 
So when I was hanging with my friend DK (I have more about him later) and my friend LC we were talking about an ex friend of LC. She then proceeded to tell me how this former friend who lives up the street from me is HIV+. I didn’t know what to say. It made me kinda a mix of uncomfortable and annoyed with LC since that’s something deeply personal to just reveal regardless of how angry she was. And I mean yes the former friend was a cunt to LC from what I’ve heard, but being unstable and cunty doesn’t call for outing someone’s heath status like that. It kinda makes me trust LC less. Me and her have been friends for years although throughout them will lose contact for like a year or two and always randomly start hanging out again. So yeah outing, not good.
Now with DK. I realized that we matched on tinder a few months before we knew each other. I stopped using tinder cause I tried using it for dating and just wasn’t getting the results I was looking for. Plus lots of people swiped left on me more often when I showed my double chin in photos vs when I hid it. Don’t need that bad vibes in here. I am thinking of downloading tinder again just to delete my account or unmatch DK before he can realize we matched. It’s not that he isn’t like attractive or that I wouldn’t date him, but rather I doubt he sees me the same way? Yeah we matched and even talked a bunch, but like that doesn’t mean he likes the real me. I don’t want him to be going through his old matches one day and see me (and my deadname which I had been going by back then). I value our friendship more than any potential relationship. I don’t want things to be awkward. Plus he’s got a thing for LC. Well he has a thing for a bunch of people, but LC is on the top of the list. I just don’t think I could live up to her prettiness level at all. So I’ll repeat what I did in middle school with SM, but at least acknowledge it this time round.
What did I do in middle school? In middle school I had a close friend group between me, SM, IM, and in 8th grade our friend KL joined. We stayed close in the first half of high school, but everything fell apart around 11th grade. Or at least I grew apart from the group which hurts. I don’t know if they are still together. I should message them. I think I will after this. Anywho, back to the point. In middle school I was severally bullied. The worst bullying was those years and my time at my 2nd high school. I was pretty in the closest about my sexuality and straight up denying any form of gender dysphoria. I was one them kids who was like ‘dang i’m jealous of trans people they get to transition to the gender they feel comfy in’. Major clown vibes and egg_irl shit. But the person I realized only recently I had feelings for was SM. She was super smart, funny, kind, anxious, and very gay. At some point I realized that there was some romantic tension between her and IM. So in a way subconsciously I stepped away from feelings for her. Top it off in 8th grade we had feelings for the same girl and I set them up. I remember feeling like shit and thought it was over the other girl. Nah it was over SM. I remember she used to have the longest brown hair that she kept in a braid. I thought it was beautiful and kinda was jealous. Even when she cut it short in high school I still loved her hair. I had kept pushing away my feelings for her in all of middle school. Then came high school.
I don’t have many memories from 9th grade due to trauma. But I managed to remember all these painful memories. Ahahaha nice job me, forget the good shit and only some of the traumatic shit while remembering a lot of bad shit and some the trauma. Either way what happened was she had broken up with this girl over the summer (different schools not worth it). Then comes in my toxic friend CH. She was kinda a huge bitch. She first had a crush on my friend RS. So being the match maker I am I set her up with my friend RS (who back then for context still identified as a cis male). CH was in the closet about being trans and they dated for like a week before CH broke up claiming she didn’t want her parents thinking she was gay. Okay fine. Then late in 9th grade me, CH, SM, and a few other friends hung out at lunch. CH told me she had a thing for SM and I could tell SM had a thing for CH. So with a lil bit of work and match making magic I got them together. It was kinda in a way me trying to make SM unobtainable even though by then I was okayish with my sexuality. I remember at many points feeling this deep sinking pain in my chest and stomach when I saw them together. The heat in my ears would rise and I felt like crying. I for awhile thought it was over CH. Then it hit me one day in 9th grade it was over SM. I was so ashamed and felt so fucking shitty that I just kinda pushed it away.. Tucked away my feelings and even the memory of knowing, although the memory of realizing could’ve left cause trauma. Another time I was looking for the two of them at lunch and I found them making out behind the school. The pain in that moment I could not use enough words combined with all the languages to explain that pain. It was worse than a speeding commuter train hitting me while watching a bunch of kittens get shot. I would later learn that same pain when I had to avert my eyes from seeing DW kissing this girl for a play. To cope with it in the moment I remember cracking a joke and leaving. 
I loved her. Soon enough the two of them broke up cause SM wasn’t i a good head space and she was like I don’t wanna hurt CH like that. CH was also plus size like me. That will be relevant later. So now the scene is 10th grade. SM introduces me to SMY. They had known each other for awhile and rode the same bus home. SMY was a year younger though. Soon enough SMY and SM started dating. I felt that same pain again. I didn’t know this time why as by then I forgot about figuring out. SMY a few months in came out as non binary. SM was fine with that and still liked SMY regardless. So when I left my first high school I kinda fell outta contact with SMY. She never was good with that outside of school with me. Then in my first year of 12th grade after KL saw me (yes even in 12th grade I was this bitch) cut on my snap story brought all of us together. I talked to all them and for a few months we were as close as we’d been back in the good old days. It was so refreshing to talk to SM. But nothing good last in my life. SM left the chat. Fine. Then IM leave. Then it kinda goes silent and we all fall apart. Or at least I’m not there. Again after this I’m gonna try and message all three of them. I miss them. SO YEAH I BASICALLY LET MYSELF NOT BE WITH SM. She was open to dating fat, non binary, non typical beauty people, and I just made up excuses to repress my feelings. I wouldn’t let myself be happy? Who knows. She could’ve rejected me and it could’ve made shit real awkward. 
I’m gonna just do the same thing? But knowingly this time and more self aware with DK. Sure it’s not really too healthy, but it’s with the pros and cons put together better than the cons of potential revealing of this info and me trying to pursue a relationship. Besides, me and him have wayyyyyy to much shit we’d needa work on before dating. Like you can and date with mental illness and should be able to. But if both partners suffer both need to have a certain level of stability or it could lead to lots of unhealthy shit. Witnesses enough where that wasn’t true and I ain’t signing up for that. 
Good things that happened today was that a cosplay tik toker I like liked my comment I put on their video, after I did a cosplay duet to another one that I like they also liked the video I made and commented something nice, and soon me and my mom will watch The Goldfinch together.
My brother’s school is forcing him out. The state was like ‘yea no ya’ll better gtfo and go home while corona up in this bitch.’ So there goes my mental stability. I’m kinda fucked now. My parents are leaving tomorrow to pick him up. So yeah world I’m actually fucked. I am worried that I might do something I will regret in these coming days and weeks. I have had a bit more non passive thoughts about self harm and SI. I won’t have anything. No where to hide. No where to cosplay. Even more judgment. I’m actually screwed. Wish me luck. Hopefully things will turn out good? Probably not. Hope if you’re reading this things are good for you. Any advice?
Yours cordially,
0 notes
court-of-pokemuses · 5 years
Every Lucy ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship
Took out category of Lucy and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up. 
Took out category of Lucy with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon.
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Lucy with a villain 
Top rated ships: Requiax, Tapian, and NoLuck shipping
Bottom rated ships: Seviper, Shamshir, and IronGiant  shipping
BlackadderShipping - Giovanni & Lucy 5/10 Why does Giovanni always get the best ship names? Anyways 50/50 on this ship cause hey evil Lucy sounds like fun but I can’t think of what would turn her, and I don’t feel like she’d have any sway in turning him good though. 
DeadlyShipping - Jupiter & Lucy 2/10 So far the only type Jupiter has is Looker and Cyrus. I don’t see what Lucy and her would have in common.
DiamondbackShipping - Saturn & Lucy 2/10 Another cool name! Eh both seem kinda too stiff and I can’t see anything they might have in common. 
DioxideShipping - Lucy & Mars 6/10 Ok but perky Mars and chill Lucy could be kinda cute. I see it alot better than anyone else in Galactic which is what Lucy is oddly shipped with alot. 
IronGiantShipping - Chakra (Carr) & Lucy 1/10 Honestly I think they’re just shipped cause he has a steelix, also he looks like a child. 
LamiaShipping - Ariana & Lucy 5/10 This has the same vibe as Giovanni and Lucy really but gay. 
NoLuckShipping - Zero & Lucy 7/10 Ok this could be kinda cute if like they met as kids and Lucy talks about this cool shadow snake dragon she always wanted to see and he and her team up to find and capture it. Just saying.
PandemicShipping - Celosia & Lucy 2/10 Tbh I barely know the personalities of any of the flare admins cause we barely saw them in game. She’s one of the many ‘girls to evil boss who’s loyal’ and that’s their personality. 
PoisonousShipping - Courtney (Magma) & Lucy 6/10 Ok two quiet kinda spooky gals in love sounds cute although Courtney would have to look away from Maxie for 2 seconds. 
RequiaxShipping - Archie & Lucy 9/10 Bombastic lad with quiet kinda spooky gal. Yeah that sounds cute kinda April and Andy from parks and rec vibe except Andy is the one who committed crime. 
SeviperShipping - Jessie & Lucy 1/10 The name says it all, they are shipped cause they have severs. Friends heck yes, they have cool hair too and could share beauty tips. Honestly I want whole some friendship more 10/10 on that. 
ShamshirShipping - Lawrence III & Lucy 1/10 Super random here not gonna lie, and I don’t really see it. If anything I feel like she’d just be a side arm to this guy. 
SmugSnakeShipping - Proton & Lucy 4/10 Ok the name kinda helps just watching these two try to out snark each other. Could be cute but not too sold. 
SnakeEaterShipping - Hunter J & Lucy 2/10 THE NAME IS COOL! No way do I see it actually happening but they’d be a cool aesthetic if Lucy was evil. She’s snakes, J is stone, they’d basically be medusa.
TaipanShipping - Tabitha & Lucy 7/10 I ship this more than with Courtney just watching Tabitha scramble over trying to be impressive and Lucy staying pretty quiet until at the end going,”heh...you’re cute flustered.” and walking away. 
Lucy w/ Gym leader
Top rated ships: The many forms of Lucy and Brock, WinterInTheBellyOfASnake & Dominatrix shipping.
Bottom rated ships: Cobra, Parable, and SexAppeal shipping 
BlushShipping/LuckShipping/SquintShipping - Brock & Lucy 10000/10 Hello yes this is my OTP for Lucy, and this has yet to change in the many years I’ve known about this ship. Also guys there are THREE names for ONE ship. I don’t think I’m the only one sold on 2 dorks who can’t communicate well.
CobraShipping - Janine & Lucy 0/10 I know Hoenn takes place later in the games timelines but I still feel like the age gap would be too wide .
ConcertinaShipping - Juan & Lucy 1/10 Eh it has the vibe of Wallace and Lucy with no heart for me.
DominatrixShipping - Clair & Lucy 9/10 Bruh the name, really? Besides the name I do like it. I think it’s cute having a really strong dragon girly meet quiet snake girl. I like opposites which these 2 are. 
EminenceShipping - Fantina & Lucy 4/10 Eh the overly showyness about Fantina I can’t really see vibing with Lucy but maybe could work if they meet in a more heart to heart setting. 
FiresnakeShipping - Flannery & Lucy 6/10 Could work if they meet when Lucy is new to the battle area cause she’s nervous about doing good at the pike like Flannery is nervous about being a gym leader.
FlorentineShipping - Elesa & Lucy 5/10 Again Elsa is kinda flashy, but a bit more down to earth. I could see them vibing at friends if nothing else.
GardenofEdenShipping - Gardenia & Lucy 7/10 Hehe 2 down to earth noodles? I think ya.
IroningShipping - Jasmine & Lucy 2/10 Jasmine is one of those that gets shipped with everyone cause she’s so sweet, and we all love her. Also she has a steel like Lucy so boom shipped, right? Naw I think they’re cute but I think they’re both too quest for each other. 
KusanagiShipping - Erika & Lucy 2/10 Erika is sweet and yes down to earth like Gardenia, but I mean she’s so floaty I don’t see her and Lucy able to click it off. 
LuckyRollerbladesShipping - Korrina & Lucy 8/10 Now this I think is kinda cute. I mean Lucy is chill and Korinna is all for the rush of things. I feel like they’d be a good counter  for each other.
MedusoidShipping - Cilan & Lucy 2/10 Cilan also get shipped around, and tbh I don’t see why him and Lucy would have anything in common or click. 
MonoxideShipping - Lucy & Winona 3/10 Again she’s got that floaty vibe like Erika and I just don’t see Lucy hitting it off with someone who’s got that kinda vibe. She’s pretty spicy and chill so they’d just chill together not much would happen int he way of romance. 
ParableShipping - Lucy & Roxanne 0/10 Roxanne is another one of those that I can’t tell if she’s a kid or an adult and I feel weird about shipping her.
PsiLuckShipping - Lucy & Sabrina 2/10 Sabrina is a character who I think is super cool, and shipping with her is hard cause honestly it never feels like her character would want to be with anyone. I also don’t know what these two would connect on.
RosalinaShipping - Lucy & Olympia 6/10 Olympia is a cool character and I love her and I feel like her and Lucy would have a cool vibe together. Idk what they’d connect on but they have potential to click. 
SeaSerpentShipping - Brawly & Lucy 8/10 Yeah I really like this, and the name did help sell it. Just punchy boi and smooth girl, watch em flirt.
SexAppealShipping - Lucy & Whitney -10/10 The name is the worst and I hate it, and I think Whitney is a child. Just cause of the grossness of the name I'm beyond not into it. 
ShySerpentineShipping - Morty & Lucy 7/10 Alright I wasn't into chill person with Lucy but Morty has his times and this could be kinda cute., 
SnakebiteShipping - Lucy & Roxie 0/10 Roxie is a child, I’m upset the name is so cool. Roxie adult though with Lucy would be cute af. 
SoldierOfFortuneShipping - Lt. Surge & Lucy 5/10 Could be cute, but I think it’d be cute in an au with Lucy being a local in the town he was fighting in as a soldier and she teaches him her culture and he teaches her about his home when not on duty.
TayuyaShipping - Volkner & Lucy 2/10 Both of them too quiet and edgy for romance to happen in my mind, or if they did it’d be unhealthy.
TyphlopidaeShipping - Roark & Lucy 4/10 Eh could be cute, but also while I like Lucy with bombastic boys idk if he’d be too bombastic for Lucy. But hey they could hit it off
ViralShipping - Falkner & Lucy 2/10 Love Falkner but he’s the bad that needs a bombastic person too.
WingedSerpentShipping - Lucy & Skyla 4/10 Same thing as Roark. Bombastic but maybe too bombastic, and she feels like she can’t talk. 
WinterInTheBellyOfASnakeShipping - Candice & Lucy 9/10 Ok but yes? I think Candice is a good balance between bombastic and chill, and they’d have a good time with each other.
Lucy w/ Elite
Top rated ships: Rattlesnake, and Boa shipping .
Bottom rated ships: Intoxication, and PikePrincess shipping. 
BoaShipping - Lucy & Phoebe 8/10 Catch Phoebe teaching Lucy how to hula and Lucy bashfully watching. It’s cute, and I think the perky ghost type person would go well with this quiet snake.
CaduceusShipping - Grimsley & Lucy 5/10 Eh could, but Grimsley is one of those who get shipped with everyone cause everyone thinks he’s cute. I’m 50/50 on this.
DarkLuckShipping - Karen & Lucy 7/10 Could work tbh just 2 edgy chicks falling for each other. 
GlareIceShipping - Lorelei & Lucy 5/10 Hm maybe? Idk why but this gives me the same vibe as Lucy with Arianna, but also can be them hating each other, kinda depends. 
IntoxicationShipping - Wikstrom & Lucy 0/10 Yeah I don’t see this one. Again Wikstrom is shipped around like crazy but in his case it’s like no one knows what to do with him, and I feel lie he got just chucked in here.
NagaViperShipping - Lucy & Malva 7/10 Ok maybe, just watch Malva getting all huffy and her girl Lucy calming the other down sweetly. 
PikePrincessShipping - Caitlin & Lucy 0/10 Caitlyn is a child when they were both at the battle area. Caitlyn as an adult is just so fricking chill, like she sleeps all eh time, and is possibly narcoleptic. Lucy feels ignored alot so if her partner fell asleep it’d feel awful for her..
RattlesnakeShipping - Sidney & Lucy 9/10 He was a skater boy, she said see you later boy, he wasn’t good enough for her. These two are just that song embodied in my mind. 
Lucy w/ Champion
Top rated ships: MiloticLove, and ThunderSnake shipping. 
Bottom rated ships: BondageSibling, and Orochi shipping.
BondageSiblingsShipping - Cynthia & Lucy 0/10 Wtf is that name. No seriously wtf. The name turns me off to the ship so much, but anyway ye I don’t see much shipping here personally. Another one of those, Cynthia get shipped with everyone.
MiloticLoveShipping - Wallace & Lucy 9/10 I really love this one alot tbh. Like imagine them competing in contests together with their mitotic, and just Wallace being fabulous and being that nerd that proudly shows off his shy wife. 
OrochiShipping - Lance & Lucy 1/10 Don’t really see or get this one. Sorry.
ThunderSnakeShipping - Steven & Lucy 9/10 I was talking with another mun about this and we think it’s cute as Frick especially if they knew each other as kids. 
Lucy w/ Frontier folks/Tycoon folks/Battle Maison
Top rated ships: Sensual, and PikeMaiden/YinYang shipping. 
Bottom rated ships: Yuwaku, Zwei, and Artecia shipping.
AnthuriumShipping - Brandon & Lucy 4/10 I guess maybe, but also he feels alot older than her.
DuelpikeShipping - Greta & Lucy 5/10 Ye ok these nerds being the dynamic girl and chill girl. Cute but not as unique as some. 
ForelsketShipping - Lucy & Morgan 7/10 Kinda random that she’s the only one from x&y shipped but eh could work. They have the same suave even though Morgan does have a bit more flare and show.
PikeMaidenShipping/YinYangShipping - Anabel & Lucy 8/10 I think Anabel is a child during this time of the game so no there. Adult though I could see it. If the Faller thing is real why about Lucy trying to remind her who she was?
SensualShipping - Dahlia & Lucy 9/10 Oi these names. Anyway I see this though. Dahlia has a fun light vibe that would draw Lucy in and I can see them hitting it off really well. 
SinuousShipping - Tucker & Lucy 5/10 I keep going between no gosh, please no, and Ok but think about the two in shenanigans and Lucy blushing at the lavishing of attention. So like eh??/
TakeshiLadiesShipping - Lucy & Marley 6/10 Could be cute just both of them connecting on unique fashions and also having fun hunting for specific pokemon Lucy w/ snakes, and Marley with speedy bois. Maybe ye.
YuwakuShipping - Scott & Lucy 0/10 He’s alot older and it feels like there’s a weird power imbalance there with him being like an advanced boss to her. 
ZweiShipping - Thorton & Lucy 0/10 Ok look that is a child, so no. Even as adult I do not see it.
ArteciaShipping - Lucy & Mira 0/10 Another child ya’ll. Even as adult I don’t see it. 
Lucy w/ a minor ANIME/MOVIE npc:
Top rated ships: Piper, Pungi, Takeshi, and Valiant shipping
Bottom rated ships: Kirishima, Embody, Heartfilia, and Repeatable shipping.
ArrossireShipping - Lucy & Olesia 2/10 This character literally gets shipped around the most randomly put of anyone else I’ve seen, and I really don’t see why she’d vibe with Lucy all that much.
BlightedShipping - Lucy & Maya (Johto) 3/10 She doesn’t really have all that much of a personality, or at least we don’t get much of one but she’s ok.
DisturbiaShipping - Lucy & Zoey 6/10 Zoey has alot more fire and punch in her and I can see Lucy finding that fun. They could have some chemistry there. 
EmbodyShipping - Harley & Lucy 1/10 he like bullied May right? Yeah I don’t really see Lucy and someone like that getting along too well. 
HeartfiliaShipping - Layla (Unova) & Lucy 2/10 Another person who works with nursery kids. Now Lucy has alot of pet pokemon but I don’t see her wanting to be around a bunch of loud kids all the time which she kinda would be.
HedonismShipping - Lucy & Michelle 4/10 Eh she’s got that spunk and fight, and really cares about her pokemon. Maybe if she had more personality.
HohenzollernShipping - Angela & Lucy 5/10 Ok sneaky ninja and subtle snake. Could be kinda cute, although man again with Lucy and the teachers huh?
KirishimaShipping - Lucy & Sakura 0/10 Yeah I can’t tell how old she is ya’ll so I’mma say no. Also I don’t see them hitting it off.
PiperShipping - Nando & Lucy 8/10 I’m a sucker for bad play on words. Ya’ll he plays the harp, and she’s like a snake he could be the snake charmer? ;D But seriously I do think they’d be cute. Kinda like the shy girl and guitar kid hanging out.
PungiShipping - Lucy & Melody (movie) 8/10 This is just guitar kid and shy girl all over again except with the added drama of them both having the same ex which in this case would be Brock.
RepeatableShipping - Duplica & Lucy 2/10 Fun character but I feel like she’s a bit childish in comparison to Lucy
TakeshiShipping - Holly & Lucy 9/10 So this is just the exes getting together, Brock’s exes, but like Lucy like Brock from he start while Holly didn’t like him at all. Catch this being Holly has the bounce of Harley Quinn who’s still getting over Joker, and Lucy is the poison Ivy comforting her friend and letting her crash there. I ship it.
ValiantShipping - Jackie Walker & Lucy 7/10 A random movie call back but also like for some reason I just think it’d be super cute. I can’t give a good reason but I feel like they’d have a cool dynamic with each other.
Lucy w/ a minor GAME npc:
CarboxylicShipping - Brigette & Lucy 5/10 I kinda see it though Bridgette doesn’t get much character so it’s hard to say. 
MysticPoisonShipping - Eusine & Lucy 0/10 Yeah ok no, just yeah no there is no way she’d put up with the suicune chasing. 
NagaShipping - Celio & Lucy 0/10 Why does this ship have such a cool name when this character has such little personality? Like really there isn’t much on this guy and I don’t see it. 
SyracuseShipping - Lisia & Lucy 0/10 I ship her and Wallace too much to see this, and it seems like Lisia is super young anyway for Lucy. 
Lucy w/ a professor
HerpetologyShipping - Professor Birch & Lucy 3/10 I, ehhhhh I keep going between no and then yes, and then no. Like he’s got spunk but not in the brave kinda way and not in a cute way. I just don’t see this working out long term I guess. 
Lucy w/ Pokemon Ranger/Orre Characters
ActivistShipping - Lavana & Lucy 3/10 She’s fiery and spunky sure but I feel like unlike Malva she’s just kinda 1 dimensional.
CyanideShipping - Lucy & Tiffany (Fiore) 1/10 She’s kinda a spoiled princess so I could see that not working but maybe her building up Lucy’s confidence? Idk maybe just as friends would work better. 
SerpentineHairShipping - Nascour & Lucy 2/10 They are literally shipped cause his hair looks snake like. Eh yeah I’m not super sold on it unless you did some adjusting. 
SoLuckyShipping - Lovrina & Lucy 0/10 Again she’s a child, and even as an adult from what I’ve seen it’s a no from me. 
Lucy and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically, but focused as a friendship/squad dynamic)
Top rated ships: Adora, Caladruis, and LuckyStreak.
Bottom rated ships: Alot cause many characters seem thrown in randomly and mess up dynamic.
AcheronShipping - Courtney (Magma), Dawn, Erika, Lucy & Sabrina 0/10 A random hodgepodge of people to put together and I can not think of any defining thing to bride them together, and Acheron isn’t helping explain this. 
AdoraShipping - Anabel, Greta & Lucy 10/10 The ladies of the battle frontier? Heck yea they’d be a good gal pal group that I’m all for!
CaladruisShipping - Lucy, Phoebe & Winona 10/10 The 2 relaxed folks with one spunky flower girl. I could see them all having a good friendship really maybe each time they hang out one of them chooses what they do that day so they all explore new things. 
CorrosiveShipping - Courtney (Magma), Jasmine & Lucy 9/10 I like the name and the people in it, cool idea. It’d be a unique dynamic especially getting Jasmine in there some how but I could see them being a good trio. 
CyberAthensShipping - Erika, Lucy, Sabrina & Whitney 6/10 Kinda lost as to why Lucy is thrown in here. I can think of something for 3 of the members but the 4th one always doesn’t fit right, so kinda clunky. 
DuckDodgersShipping - Charon, Officer Johnson, Lucy, Mars, Golduck & Grumpig 0/10 Ok this is definitely a duck dodgers reference but I never saw the show nor understand. So eh??
FemmeDomShipping - Drew, Jessie, Jessiebelle, Lucy & Misty 0/10 Oi this is a sex thing, and overall I find it kinda clunky
FortunatoShipping - Brock, Holly & Lucy 4/10 ok but Holly and Lucy with the poison Ivy Harley Quinn dynamic is cute, and I think this would end badly. Some good drama tho.
FrontierShipping - Noland & Lucy / Emerald & Crystal 5/10 Ngl I’m kinda confused how this is set up. Like is it 2 separate ships but competing? Tbh I think Noland and Lucy is cute and idk them being battle rivals of Emerald and Crystal might be cool 
HeartbeatShipping - Courtney (Magma), Flannery, Lucy, Mars, Michelle, Sabrina & Tiffany (Fiore) 0/10 I’m trying to figure out the theme here and I can’t at all. I Donn’t know what to tell ya cause there’s alot of clashes here. 
HolyTayuyaShipping - Volkner, Lucy & Arceus 9/10 (with au idea) How did Lucy and Volkner lead to Arceus??? All I’m imaging is an au set way back in time and they’re like priests/priestesses of an Arceus temple and accidentally are the ones to summon him, and some shenanigans ensue. 
IIIBrainShipping - Brandon, Noland, Spenser (Frontier), Tucker, Anabel, Greta & Lucy 10/10 Heck ye battle frontier brains hanging out and having a good time. I’m here for it. 
LabelShipping - Courtney (Magma), Lucy & Sabrina 9/10 It’s all the quiet and kinda creepy characters, what mischief with they cause?
LollirotShipping - Courtney (Magma), Lucy, Michelle & Sabrina 3/10 Michelle breaks the dynamic they had. 
LuckPearlShipping - Ash, Brock, Dawn & Lucy 1/10 Ok but Lucy traveling together on Ash’s trip? Kinda weird, traveling with Brock heck yes. I kinda would of liked to see it but it’d be like a d&d group where 2 characters are shipped in game and can’t stop mentioning it every 2 minutes. 
LuckyStreakShipping - Grimsley, Dahlia & Lucy 10/10 They’d be gambling buddies, and Lucy would be the one person who would have to drag their drunk butts home. I’m down.
MiloticTriumvirateShipping - Wallace, Cynthia & Lucy 9/10 Ok see this is cute! just nerds enjoying milotics. I like it.
MorningStarShipping - Dawn, Lucy & Venus 0/10 I have no idea what kind of dynamic they’d have and can’t think of one that wouldn’t be awkward. 
NightwishShipping - Lucy, Michelle & Sabrina 3/10 Again idk what they’d have in common except maybe odd ball group as childhood friends?
NoobidolShipping - Flannery, Lucy & May 4/10 Based on the name I envision them all being major fangirls to some contest star. 
OeynhausenShipping - Grimsley, Caitlin, Dahlia & Lucy 2/10 Oeynhausen is a town that’s known for spas so maybe them going to spas?
PoisonedShipping - Courtney (Magma), Erika & Lucy 5/10 I could see them as assassins in some au. 
Queen'sAssassinShipping - Karuta, Lucy & Honedge 6/10 In some au with Karuta as her like body guard yea ok, honed seems super random tho.
ReciprocatedShipping - Brock, Autumn, Holly, Lucy, Narissa & Natalie 9/10 These are just all the girls that actually liked Brock back. Imagine a club where they just sit around and complain about how he flirts with everyone. Tbh I could see it kinda being a good gal pal group.
SakumbaShipping - Cynthia, Lucy & Michelle 0/10 Michelle is feeling thrown in everywhere at this point and I know that happens to Cynthia alot and I’m not seeing how they’d make a good trio. 
SoHotForYouShipping - Looker, Cheryl, Gardenia & Lucy 5/10 Is there an inside joke about all of these girls crushing on Looker or something? Idk I get Charlie’s Angels vibes. 
StyxShipping - Courtney (Magma), Erika, Lucy & Sabrina 7/10 See now Erika fits with the kinda quiet but a little creepy vibe these guys all have. I can see it. 
TooQueenShipping - Harley, Tucker & Lucy 9/10 The fashion folks have arrived! Now if Harley could just be a nice person.
ValhallaShipping - Courtney (Magma), Lucy, Mars, Michelle & Sabrina 0/10 I am lost as to this ship, and why it’s Valhalla.
VyckstaShipping - Courtney (Magma), Dawn, Lucy & Sabrina 0/10 Also lost on this one
XRatedDesiresShipping - Brock, Holly, Lizabeth, Lucy, Officer Jenny & Nurse Joy 0/10 .....We all know what this is about and this section isn’t about that.
Lucy’s pokemon w/ another person’s pokemon
MoldLuckShipping - Shuckle & Shuckle (Brock's & Lucy's) 10/10
SnakeLuckShipping - Steelix & Steelix (Brock's & Lucy's) 10/10
I’m a sucker for Brock and Lucy alright?
The Lucy Fleetfoot ship
LucyShipping - Lucy & Lucy Fleetfoot 0/10 So there’s this character named Lucy Fleetfoot, idk anything about her but yes they are shipped together. I think she’s a Protag tho so a child
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