vallandra · 11 years
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11K notes · View notes
vallandra · 11 years
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372 notes · View notes
vallandra · 11 years
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Gottfried Helnwein | Head of a Child, 14 (Anna) - 2012
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vallandra · 11 years
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Clemence Poesy
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Melanie Laurent
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Imogen Poots
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Amber Heard
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Felicity Jones
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Willa Holland (oh wait this is one of their kids w h o o p s)
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Elizabeth Olsen
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Teresa Palmer (whoops hi gracie)
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Serinda Swan
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vallandra · 11 years
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Elizabeth Olsen | 24 | Definitely who I want as my female face claim because she is gorgeous.
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Alexander Skarsgard | 36 | Alexander is overused, but I like his appearance. Seems like he would be a good match for the female face claim I want to use. Not positive, but maybe?
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Colton Haynes | 24 | My baby. Look at his face. He's adorable. But his gifs are kinda douche-y. And I want my botany baby to be sweet and reserved and hesitant but loving okay?
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Iwan Rheon | 28 | A QT. If I choose him, then Justin Bartha will be his older and then Richard Armitage will be his older older, ig? THEN IAIN GLEN IG I DONT KNOW
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Daniel Sharman | 27 | My. Fucking. Baby. I am attached to him because I played his character in Teen Wolf for a couple of months and I just ~Isaac~. Anyway, if I choose him, I'll go Hugh Dancy and then Richard Armitage. He'd super cute and I love him.
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Nico Tortorella | 24 | I'd use him bc he's cute. Ok. Ok.
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vallandra · 12 years
Bruce to Steve: They told me you were coming.
Luanna: They never tell anyone when I'm coming.
When her age is brought up because of her appearance, and the team questions her ability to do any real good.
"Appearances blind, whereas words reveal." A quote by Oscar Wilde that she recites in her defense.
Thor: I do not understand.
Natasha: It means not to judge a book by it's cover.
Luanna: Just because I'm in high school doesn't mean I have the potential or capability to assist in this situation. I would appreciate less judgement.
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vallandra · 12 years
A list of drabble prompts that I am always accepting; under the cut for the list.
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Drabbles Masterpost
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vallandra · 12 years
Two new planets; Yukona and Darkova. They're sister planets that gravitate around one another as well as a sun in another solar system. Newly added to the Federation.
Lightsworn -> Yukona (Yukonan)
A race of people that are 'good'. Most have healing abilities and all can manipulate light in some varying form. Their uniforms and clothing are all white. When accessing these powers beyond the simple level or in war, their hair turns white and their skin glows bright. Each Lightsworn has their own special power to differentiate them from others. 
"Maidens" -> An all female armed forces unit.
Darkvoid -> Darkova (Darkovian)
A race of people that are 'evil'. All can manipulate darkness and each Darkvoid has a unique power to themselves. Their uniforms and clothing are black, purple, or red. Their hair and eyes turn black when using extreme power. They also have a tendency to dissolve into shadows.
"Exiles" -> An all female armed forces unit.
These two planets have a rocky alliance with one another, and are constantly looking for a reason to start a war.
Lieutenant Lucia Crescent -> USS Enterprise
Tactical Officer
Ensign Leena Atorro -> USS Enterprise
0 notes
vallandra · 12 years
Full name is Rion "Ripley" Asano; born and raised in Chiyoda, Tokyo and spent much of her freetime in Akihabara. She is the daughter of Eiji Asano, a brilliant innovator in robotics, and Chiisa Asano, a simple professor teaching literature at Sophia University, a private research university.
Throughout high-school, she worked part-time at a maid cafe and never had the best of grades; scraping along with a B average. She didn't quite have the motivation that her parents did about knowledge, but she did have a passion for video games and anime; leading her to want to become a professional cosplayer as well as a concept artist. Because of this, as stated above, she spent much of her free-time in Akihabara talking with all the otaku.
When she was twenty, she went with her father to America for the Stark Expo where he was going to be showing off his new robotic line. She was, however, involved in a very serious car accident that was fatal to her. Her father, too distraught to lose his daughter, took it upon himself to use his power of robotics to 'fix her up', which ended up saving her life.
When she awoke and discovered her now half-computer body, she was devistated. Her fathers' work at always made him distant from the family and she felt like another 'pet project' to him, and became bitter. Her typical teenage carefree attitude faded away into rage and hate.
Only a year later, Ripley moved away from Chiyoda and made her way to America. She found work with a computer company in Los Angeles and lost touch with her family.
Her new computer parts caused her to become much more intelligent than she was before. She now knew practically everything about computers and how they worked, but she was limited to only computers. She was far from mechanically inclined. But she definitely knew her way around a firewall or security system.
Her father died when she was 26 due to a complication at work, leaving her with her mother. She was bitter still about her father and hardly spoke to her mother anymore, even after his death.
Now 28, she is being held in prison by SHIELD for hacking through their firewall and peeking at confidential files.
Ripley is Asian, obviously Japanese. She has long hair and isn't that shockingly pretty like some Asians are (Park Bom, Sandara Lee, Ayumi Hamasaki, etc, etc.) She's tomboy-alternative and sticks to tank tops, jackets, and jeans. (Rough like CL, but alternative like Minzy.)
She has an incredibly bad attitude, cursing with every sentence and her favorite word being 'fuck'. She tosses insults like they're nothing and sneers and scowls almost all the time; she's sarcastic and completely bitter and rude about life.
Despite this, she is overwhelmingly in touch with her culture. She knows Japanese by heart, she knows tea ceremonies, flower arrangements, she follows the etiquette for the table, the home, the dead, she owns kimonos and furisodes and does have geisha training.
Her bitterness comes from her surprisingly low self-esteem. She hates that she is 'just a machine' and is upset about the fact that she was never smart or useful until her father decided to make her his work project.
    Robotic Parts
  By technicality, Ripley is a cyborg. She does have some major vital parts that are mechanic, but she is still human at the core. Below is a list of everything that is non-organic inside of her. She does have skin cells over all of her robotic parts, It is still her flesh, however it isn't her original flesh and she cannot feel it. It's artificially made from her own skin cells and grafted onto her body so she looks fully human.
Both legs; this allows her to be faster than most people, but not too much. She is not the Flash. She also has rather powerful kicks due to the metal underneath the skin.
Left arm; this allows her to have powerful punches in that arm and she can lift heavier objects, but not too crazy. The left arm is the one that gets injured the most and she's always having to repair the skin cells. (After having the skin being blown off so much while being an Avengers, she decides to forego it altogether and removes it so her arm is visually robotic.
Her heart; artificial but not 100% robotic, this is what hurts her the most. Not having a full human heart, she feels like a simple machine. The heart can stop beating, but it won't kill her. She'll just 'power down'. This makes her just slightly immortal. She does age, and she can die, but her heart will have to be completely removed and out of her body long enough for it to begin to degrade.
Brain; not her entire brain, mind you. She has a circular metallic mark on the back of her neck as well as behind her left ear. These two marks have wires connected to her underneath her skin that are connected to parts of her brain. The mark on her neck is a drive where she can hook herself into computers, and use her brain to move around. The mark behind her ear is a system reboot that causes her to power down or power up.
Some of her bones are metal, like small parts of her spine and some of her ribs.
She /can/ have children, her womb is completely human still and she is still fully functioning in all aspects of being a human.
    Plot Ideas
A virus causes Ripley to turn her into a 'villain', but in a non-normal aspect. She's been hacked while being hooked up to a computer and she turns verbally aggressive, speaking her mind more freely to the others and spewing out her feelings about how she hates herself completely and she lets out every little thing she hates about everyone, especially Steve. And she expresses how she hates that she cares for them and it shows her pure insecurity in herself and what she is and her hatred to her father and for still being alive. And then she turns violent, and starts to attack them. Clint is the one that subdues her, with an arrow that short circuits her and causes her to power down. Tony is able to tinker around with her while Bruce monitors her vitals and they fix her up. The end result is her feeling ashamed in herself for her feelings and being so easily manipulated, and the team actually coming closer because she had yet to open up like that to them, and she and Steve talk things out and she tells him she was so aggressive towards him in particular because she cared for him the most, even if he wore such a stupid costume.
A technologically competent opponent understands that Ripley is a cyborg and inserts a chip into her neck hook-up and she short circuits; becoming immobile and powering down. The team take down the man and try to get her to reboot, but they can't figure out how, not even Tony. But Steve knows; (Flashback scene to Ripley and Steve being in the kitchen and she casually brushes back her hair and Steve sees a metallic button behind her left ear and he questions it; it's a complete system reboot.) He then surprises everyone by simply going up to her and pressing it, causing her to wake up.
Ripley gets curious at Stark Tower and hooks herself up to JARVIS. She is exploring around the mainframe before JARVIS finds her (FC is Jude Law circa A.I. with a Tron feel to it). The two become surprisingly good friends and sometimes she'll hook herself into the Stark system just to hang out with JARVIS, and sometimes she tries to go through Tony's private drive, but JARVIS always stops her politely and she doesn't push it because they're friends.
  - Person A decides to go out of their way and get Person B something they've really been wanting, even if it's completely simple and expensive, just to see Person B smile because they're in love.
Plot Idea: The Avengers go out to a cafe or a restaurant somewhere and Steve orders something like a hamburger (lol how american) and the waitress, who had been clearly flirting with him asks; "What kind of cheese on that, babe?" and Steve opens his mouth to reply, but Ripley isn't having any of this shit and she goes, "American, of course. Or did the spangly suit not give away the patriotism?" Clint laughs bc they're bros and Tony snorts bc they're bros. And Steve is all *disgruntled and pouting* and then Ripley gets another type of sandwich and before the waitress (who obv dislikes Ripley bc srsly who actually likes Ripley?) the Asian interrupts her again, "Do you have Japanese cheese? It would be rude to just cater to only one of the ethnicities here. Perhaps some Asgardian cheese, but put it on the side... I think it might be a bit too strong for me." AKA: IN WHICH RIPLEY IS A NOT SO SUBTLE BITCH AND DOESN'T LIKE PEOPLE FLIRTING WITH STEVE OK. He is her patriotic spandex man.
  Ripley Introduction: There is a new threat in New York City, but it's far from a super villain  It's a group of young anarchists that are dead set on creating a heavily damaging "fire sale"; a form of cyber terrorism designed to create a large-scale interference with computer networks, including government mainframes. This includes and is not limited to, knocking out cell phone services, bank accounts, security systems, firewalls for confidential files, manipulated the media in their favor; basically taking full control of technology and causing a wide-spread panic (because we must admit, we rely very heavily on technology in our lives). The group is smart, incredibly so. They've created virus after virus after virus to throw off all the government agency's coming after them, causing their system to malfunction and shut down. After the FBI and CIA give up, they turn to SHIELD (which has been stated to be it's own unique organization technically outside of the government). SHIELD isn't able to have much luck, even with some of their better analysts. So they call in someone to help; Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, both certified genius'.
The two are able to work together, Tony doing the heavy coding and Bruce doing the research, and are able to finally pinpoint a location on the source of the fire sale. Fury thus sends Clint in, assuming he could handle it alone. They're computer geeks, not trained agents. However, the location was a fake; a destination set inside the mainframe to throw off the tracking system and the location was booby-trapped, resulting in Clint getting minorly injured. He returns, escorted by Coulson. By this time, Thor and Steve are on the helicarrier, having been called in due to the panicking below and the realization that they weren't dealing with just computer hackers, but possibly a very high-threat. And Fury doesn't like his people being hurt, so he's calling out the big guns. Natasha is /furious/ over Clint's injury, even if it is a small one. She demands for Fury to 'use the last resort'. Steve inquires, 'what last resort?' [Scene End.]
Switch to new scene. Fury is walking down a hallway of the helicarrier with Coulson, heading towards the barracks. There is a half-shadowed woman sitting behind a plexiglass wall in a cell, the lights off and not moving. The lights flick on and she's sitting up against the wall, gaze on the floor. Her eyes flick up to Fury and she scowls just slightly. Fury initiates the conversation, casually asking what she knows about "fire sales". She scoffs and tells him it's one of the most brilliant ways for cyber geeks to get people to bow to them, seems to find the idea amusing. But Fury is not amused, he tells her that it's happening and she seems to sober up a bit, surprised that it's actually plausible. He questions if she's involved and she snorts, "I've been on this boat for nearly two fucking months. If I were part of a high-grade fire sale like that, do you really think I'd still be here?"
Coulson asks if she'll help fix it, but she just scoffs and ignores him, laying down on her bed with her arms behind her head, eyes closed and her legs crossed. There's a moment of silence before Fury speaks, "I'll let you go." "I'm in." And she's sitting up and giving them a smug grin/smirk. The doors slide open and they escort her to the main bridge, where the others are gathered around the meeting table. When she sees the group, she can't help but laugh. "You mean to tell me that you called the Avengers in before me... and even they can't handle a little technical problem?" Tony and Bruce co-tell her about the tracking virus, to which she hums her praise of being "a beautifully advanced method, nice." Natasha informs her about Clint, and is rather demanding that she finds the bastards that did this. Ripley is surprisingly sympathetic, but something doesn't feel right to her.
"I've been locked away on this deathtrap for close to fifty days. No outside contact, no nothing. And at the first sign of something your people can't handle, you expect me to fix it out of the goodness of my fucking heart just with a false promise of freedom? I'll be on the top of your watch list as soon as I step foot on solid ground, where's the freedom in that?" Steve is the one who speaks up; "Ma'am... there are innocent people getting hurt down there. If there is anything you can do to stop it, then we're just asking that you do it. For their sake." But Ripley isn't happy. She turns her attention to him.
"And who the fuck are you? You look like Uncle Sam took a shit all over your wardrobe." Steve appears to be insulted, but he can't bring himself to become aggressive towards a woman. It may be the 21st century, but he was still pretty old-fashioned.  He stands up and extends his hand politely, deciding to take the high road with a clenched jaw. "Captain Steve Rogers, ma'am." She lifts a brow at him, her gaze flicking from his face to his extended hand before turning to Coulson, whom was one of the few she has talked to while imprisoned. "Is he serious right now?" Phil merely smiles, "You might know him better as Captain America. The suit got modified a bit, I understand you're confusion." But Ripley knew full well who he was, it was all rhetorical. And Coulson knew it, he was giving her that grin that told her that he knew it. She rolls her eyes as Steve gives her a politely strained smile.
"You do realize that your people nearly wiped mine out, right? And now you not only want me to help you, but you want me to take orders from the man who practically led the war into bombing my country." The groom grows rather quiet, and Steve looks a bit taken aback and slightly guilty. He had read about the bombings on Japan, and he did not approve of them nearly one bit. But it's Fury that catches her, his expression monotone. "You've had dual citizenship for twelve years, Miss Asano." She literately pouts and stares at them all for a moment or two before she pulls out a chair and plops down. There's another long moment of silence. "Well?! I need my shit." She says it likes it's the most obvious thing in the world. Fury has Coulson go get her bag. She casually answers some questions until he gets back with a small backpack of stuff. She pulls out a laptop and a few cords. She demands to use one of the cords to connect her laptop to the SHIELD computer, and Fury barely hesitates before he does so for her. She did so because the left over trail from the previous trace was still in the system, and she knew that would be a perfect place to start. She is immediately locked out and instead of getting angry, she smiles. Steve shows his concern, "Are you sure you can do this?" She laughs. "Watch and learn, pretty boy." She muttered before her fingers are flying across the keyboard and her screen goes black and she's typing white and red coding onto the screen while smaller white screens pop up and she's following a digital paper trail from one route to another to find the source. And she's grinning smugly because she's /right there/ and she's about to get it before her computer lets out a high-pitched whine and her screen freezes a moment. "No. No, no!" She's pounding a bit on the keyboard. "Shit!" She is pissed now, and her screen goes blue before shutting down completely. She slams her screen shut and huffs, sitting there a moment with her arms limp at her sides, biting at her lip.
"The maiden did not fair well?" Thor questions, not completely understanding the situation due to the high differences in technology between Midgard and Asgard. "So that's it?" Natasha's clearly irritated. Ripley is quiet for a moment longer before she chuckled lowly. "Not even close." She's practically growling now. She wasn't doing this for them anymore, she was doing this to prove to herself that she can do it. She can take these bastards down because no one fucks with Rion Asano and gets away with it. She's unplugging the cord from the SHIELD computer and her laptop, tossing it down and getting into her bag again. She pulls out another long cord that has a longer, slimmer plug in on one end. She asks Coulson to hook it up for her to the SHIELD computer and he does so. She's standing up and pulling her hair to one side, revealing a small, metallic, and circular indentation going deep into her neck. She pulls the cord behind her and glances up at Fury with a small smile, "Just give me ten minutes, keep an eye on the screen." She nods her head to the computer screen in the middle of the meeting table. And then she's pushing the long needle into that ring and she's letting out a gasp, her eyes going wide and her body slumping forward. She would have hit the ground had Steve not been there to make sure she didn't get hurt. He guides her to a chair and looks around in confusion and a bit of anger, "What just happened to her?"[End Scene.]
Cut to Ripley waking up in the virtual world, groaning and rubbing at the back of her neck and dusting herself off. It's slightly like TRON, but not 100% so. The security is in the form of humanoids and they don't bother her, they understand she is there to assist them, so she walks through the line of armed guards to a while, transparent sheet of glass floating in the center of the room. She reaches to touch it and it lights up blue, numbers shooting across the screen. And then she's staring at the screen, using her mind to filter through the jargon of the virus that the fire sale team threw at her. She gets momentarily distracted by the thought of peeking into some restricted SHIELD files, but decides against it. She's able to break through the virus that shut down her computer and go into a more swift and efficient trace due to breaking through that last barrier and then she zones in on them and she pinpoints their location, smiling to herself. She turns to the security programs. "I found them." And she knows that they're letting the others know in the real world, the location flashing on the computer screen. [End Scene]
MEANWHILE, Steve is expressing his concern for not only her sudden state of unconsciousness but the fact that she has a cord sticking into her neck. He goes to touch it, but Maria stops him, telling him it's the only way she can find out who's doing the fire sale. Steve is confused. Bruce starts to check her over for her vitals while Tony silently examines the cord hook-up. He makes a noise of appreciation, "She's a surprisingly well-crafted android..." He's slightly in awe due to her very human appearance and very natural movements and vivid personality for being an A.I. Bruce chuckled softly, in awe himself. "She's not-- Tony, she has a heartbeat." Tony's eyebrows shoot up, "Well I'll be damned." Thor is confused, doesn't understand. "Is the maiden in harms way?" He takes a step forward, and Bruce shakes his head, pulling off his glasses. "No, she'll be perfectly fine. She's a, uh, a cyborg." Thor is confused, Steve as well. Bruce, Natasha, and Tony take turns explaining that a cyborg is just a human with cybernetic parts and enhancements and that one of them is that part of her brain and consciousness is tapped into an internal computer mainframe that allows her to be able to mentally go inside virtual computer systems. They're about to continue on, but the screen starts to flash on the table and an alarm is going off to tell them she found it. Natasha and Thor and Tony go to get them, as Ripley was able to pull up a file on some of the people and they had intelligence training and would need back up. [End Scene]
Ripley comes to after a couple of moment and is groaning, has a huge headache because she's always hurting after she hooks into a system, and she pulls the cord out with a long, pained groan. And Bruce is checking her vitals while Steve is asking her if she's okay, etc, etc,. She gets a bit irritated and pushed them away from her. "I'm fine, okay? Jesus fucking Christ." She rubs a hand over her face and takes a few moments to calm herself down. They get a call from Natasha in just a few saying that they caught the bastards and Ripley lets out a sigh, reaching for her laptop. "I'll reverse the fire sale." She tells them, and flips open her computer, and tries to turn it on. But it sparks and she cries out and pulls her hand back, burned and bleeding just a bit. She scowls and slams it shut again, shoving it away from her. Fury tells her not to worry, they're already on it, and Bruce is fixing her hand up already. There's a long moment of silence before she glanced up at Coulson, then turns her gaze to Fury. "What now?" "We let you go, just like we said." She scoffs, shaking her head. "Just like that?" He stares at her. Coulson speaks. "Surveillance will be kept on you, of course. You'll be monitored to make sure you don't access anymore of our confidential files, or anyone elses. You'll go back to your meaningless job fixing minor coding errors and dragging on through the week." She scowls at him, but Fury speaks. "Or you can work for us as an analyst." She is surprised. But gives in after a moment.
She's given an apartment and works for SHIELD for a while before she is on the field and has a mission that is a success, working with the Avengers. She's asked to move into Stark Tower after a while of working with them and she is reluctant, but agrees because it's Tony Stark and you really can't say no to him. Apparently, Pepper had already decorated her area with traditional Japanese items and Ripley is almost tearful, missing her home. The stays at the Tower and becomes bros with Clint and Tony, buddies with Nat and Bruce, drinking buddies with Thor, and despite her and Steve butting heads sometimes due to her 'unladylike behavior' she starts to develop feelings for him.
They take a vacation to Japan and Ripley introduces them to her culture; kimonos, geisha performances, kabuki, tea ceremonies, memorials for the deceased, heart-to-heart with Steve and first kiss?
  With you, I feel completely safe. With you, I don't have to worry that you will judge me. With you, I don't have to speak at all.
The relationship between the two is one that is slow and quiet, and honestly rather unexpected. Neither of them realize it for quite a while, and even if they do, they both refuse to recognize it due to insecurities (Ripley) or their past (Steve). However, the rest of the team do notice it and give gentle nudges in their direction (Bruce/Clint for Ripley and Nat/Tony for Steve). Thor, however, isn't as subtle as everyone else and will sometimes make a comment about the two before Bruce or Natasha shush him. His comments don't go unnoticed and usually produce a flustered Steve and an irate Ripley; this generally causes Steve to believe that she isn't interested in him and effects his decision to keep his feelings to himself.
"You're such an idiot, Steve." "I'm an idiot? I'm not the one who gets upset every time someone casually mentions anything about us." "My feelings for you are my business, I don't need anyone asserting themselves into my personal life. If I'm not comfortable enough do to it on my own, I'm definitely not comfortable enough to have someone else do it for me."
"I'm just a machine, how can someone like him care for someone like me?" "You have a heart, Rion. You're human. You feel just like the rest of us. Just because you have a few spare parts doesn't mean you should sell yourself short, kid." (Ripley/Clint)
Ripley starts out aggressive; cursing and being irritated and closed off. It's a wall of protection against anyone coming in, her defense mechanism. She's a closed-off and socially distant tomboy that usually wears jeans, tank-tops or t-shirts with a variety of jackets (some leather) and sneakers or boots. Nothing real feminine, and nothing real flattering. Often takes Clint or Tony's clothes.
A scene where Tony makes a minute political comment and Ripley goes into a downward spiral of rage because she's an angry conspiracy theorist/anarchist and starts to verbally attack America as a country and it's way of life/politics/morality until Steve literately stands up and interrupts her because he's in his own rage and offended at her words. "Ripley, I think it'd be best if you took a moment to cool off." But that's just adding fuel to the fire and she turns on him, eyes narrowed. "I bet you do, Steve. Blindly following the word of your superiors because it's for the 'good of the country'. You're a tool, Cap. You're more of a mindless machine than I am. Do you even think  for yourself? Do you know how? Or is free will a foreign notion to you?" The tension in the room causes a rather long silence and Steve just clenches his fists, and Ripley is leveling his gaze with a scowl, almost taunting him into doing something. But he just turns away from her and leaves the room. "That's what I thought!" She calls after him before she crosses her arms and turns to the rest of the group, who are gaping at her or looking disappointed. "What?!" She growls out before letting out a huff and storming out of the room.
Switch scene to her in her room a little bit later, still fuming and now irritated because she's been confined to her room because of the air of disappointment she could practically taste. She ends up zoning out in her computerized mind and talking with the AI in her computer parts. She starts to feel guilty about what she said to Steve and realizes that she was a complete bitch and after a while, she comes out of her zoning only to see that it's pretty late in the night and she knew everyone was already asleep. She goes to the kitchen for a drink, wanting to think some more in fresher air other than her bedroom. She ends up sitting in the dark of the kitchen until the sun starts to come up. Steve, who always awakens early in the morning, comes into the kitchen while she's thinking and seems to freeze into place at the sight of her. But she doesn't give him any recognition, she's too lost in the thoughts to notice his presence. He lets out a soft sigh before starting to make a pot of coffee. He is leaning against the counter watching Ripley for a moment, wondering to himself if she was gone into the computer inside of her like she seemed to escape to so much. And it lasts until the coffee is fully brewed, and he's getting himself a cup before, despite the previous night, he's pouring some into the empty cup in front of Ripley. And that catches her attention. She looks up at him with confusion a moment, startled by another persons' presence. She reaches forward hesitantly, her fingers wrapping around the warm mug. "Thanks." It's barely there, a small mumble. Hesitant and soft. He doesn't say anything, just sets the pot back and sits in the chair one down from her, the paper already out in front of him. This morning routine. Normally done alone, occasionally with Natasha if she feels the desire to come away from the gym. 
"I'm sorry." It's just as quiet as the thank you form before, and he almost misses it. But his eyes drift up to her, and she's not looking at him, both of her hands are wrapped around the coffee rather tightly and her eyes are on the dark liquid. "I'm not--" She huffs, glancing up at him a moment and is surprised to see him looking at her. Her eyes flick away and she's swallowing a lump in her throat before continuing. "I'm not the best at keeping my temper. I don't actually, I don't think those things about you, Steve." Her voice was quiet, her tone had no desperation in it. She thought it a hopeless cause to apologize, thought their friendship was already gone from her spiteful words the night before. "I don't express things clearly sometimes, and it tends to---" Steve cuts her off. "It's okay." She looks up at him, surprised and then disappointed. He hates her. "I know you didn't mean it." She's taken aback, and then she's smiling. She could feel her cheeks tinge a small pink and she pushes her hair behind her ear, and then it's Steve's turn to stare. "What's that?" She lifts a brow, bringing the coffee to her lips and taking a sip. "What's what?" "That thing. Behind your ear." Her hand instinctively goes to it, the tips brushing across the cool metal there. "Oh, it's a system reboot. In case I'm forcefully shut down. By virus or malfunction or something..." She shrugged, giving a rueful smile. "Just something to prove I'm a machine." "You're far from just a machine." And then there is a rather comfortable, companionable silence between the two, and there seems to be more serenity in the house than before.
  [The First Kiss] The first act of intimacy between the two protagonists come later on in the story line  after Ripley's been a part of the team for at least a couple of weeks, fading into two months or so at the earliest. The two had been fighting down their feelings for one another, after all of the above content. There's obvious tension between the two, of the mutual attraction variety. But neither of them are comfortable enough to yet approach it. However, a Stark Industries funded gala comes around and Tony does everything in his power to ensure that the Avengers can show up to crash it. Tony's glitzed up in his usual fashion; a perfectly tailored suit and his tinted sunglasses because he's a classy motherfucker. Thor is frowning and tugging at his suit, confining his large stature and finding it hard to move. He dislikes Midgardian wear and doesn't understand why he couldn't wear his own formal attire. Clint is less formal, wearing a lazily done suit, the shirt tucked in and the top few buttons undone and the jacket not buttoned and his hands in his pockets, wearing full-black Converse instead of those pinching dress shoes. Natasha is beside him, rolling her eyes as he complains about the length of his trousers, her hair pinned behind one ear and a near back-less black dress clinging to her frame. Bruce is fiddling with his cuff links  fidgeting around just slightly. Formal wear isn't something he's used too, but it's something that definitely flatters him. Ripley is hiding in the corner, her hands securely in place in front of her and her gaze directed to the floor. Tension is radiating off of her, she's clearly uncomfortable with the way the gown fits against her waist, making the others realize the accent of curves she possesses. Or the way the dark navy material flows around her legs but allow her room to walk, the feeling of her bare skin brushing is unfamiliar. The cool air on her arms and shoulders is a comfort, something she feels constantly with the tank tops she is always seen in; but the breeze that occasionally catches on her collarbone is what causes her to shiver and duck her head, the way the neckline dips just slightly to show off just a bit of her chest and make her cheeks flare whenever Tony makes a small flirtation her way. But what gets her the most is the skillful way Natasha's fingers worked through her hair, guiding it to the left with small tangles and gentle pulls as a loose fitting fishtail braid was slowly formed into a more tighter one, her wavy, messy bangs being held back by a silver headband.
But Steve is no where to be seen, just the six of them are standing in the main room waiting to leave. No Captain in sight. It's a casual "Why don't you go see if Capsicle is still kicking?" from Tony, because Ripley was the closest to the hallway, hiding away because she isn't used to this. She isn't used to feeling so... beautiful. She doesn't say anything, just hurries out of the room and away from their eyes. She wasn't sure how she felt having them look at her while she looked like /that/. She rapts gently on Cap's door, and gets a small "yeah?" in response. The doors open and he's standing there in his suit, all dark and dapper. The jacket is undone and he's fiddling with the tie, frowning a bit as his fingers couldn't quite work it properly. Ripley full-blown laughs at that, forgetting her prior insecurities at the sight of Captain America fighting a losing battle with an article of clothing. "Steve, you suck at this." She comments before smacking his hands away and doing the tie up for him with finesse neither of them knew she had. She's tied several ties in her day, she was a tomboy after all  The room is quiet as she adjusts it, running her calm down his chest to flatten the black garment out, and then she's smiling up at him. But he's not. He's staring down at her, his brow furrowed slightly and his blue eyes sharp on her. She can't move, pinned into place by his disarming gaze. Her breath hitches. She starts to pull away from him, but his hand is up on her wrist. It's gentle, but his fingers are fitted around her perfectly. His lips twitch just a fraction. "You look beautiful." She pulls away with that, her cheeks flared and she huffs, turning her head away from him. She takes a moment to compose herself before she licks her lips, glancing at him. "You look pretty good yourself, Cap." Her cheeks still have a dusting of pink on them as she turns away from him, her head ducked to hide away and she's taking one step before that hand is back on her wrist. She turns and barely had time to respond before he's on her, his lips pressing gently into her own. It's not passionate, it's not heated. It's there. Soft and solid at the same time, a hesitant action that was obviously not thought through. And she's flustered. So incredibly flustered, and so confused. She pushed him away quickly and her face is red. He looks concerned. Why did she push him away? He thought that it was mutual. Unspoken, but there... "Oh my god." Is all she mutters before she's out the door and back in the main hall, telling everyone that he's still alive, but the tie gave him a run for the money. He has to take a moment to compose himself and Ripley goes through definite measures to make sure she rides with Pepper and Tony instead of with the others.
The gala is slow and boring for Ripley. She spends most of her time at a table with Clint, nursing a alcoholic beverage in front of her. Their arrival had been spectacular, of course. The Avengers, showing up for a simple gala? Pictures were taken, but Ripley rushed out of the scene. She didn't like the spotlight at all. The others noticed something was off with her and Steve had tried to talk to her once, but she made up some stupid excuse and left him. While she was sitting and talking with Clint and Natasha, Steve's eyes were on her from the bar, where he was talking with Pepper Potts. He takes notice of a young man approaching the table she was sitting at. He tenses up and downs his drink in one gulp, catching Peppers attention. Switch to Ripley, she looks up when someone clears their throat and sees a younger man in a suit. He introduces himself and expresses his admiration for her work for years ago on a feminist website, one she hacked into due to their radical views. She questions how he knew it was her, it was never confirmed. He chuckles and explains how he saw her signature in the coding, it was hard to find because it was scattered throughout three layers of encryption. She is surprised, but laughs it off. "I didn't want people to think I was misogynistic " He asks her to dance, and her smile falters. She gives a nervous laugh and denies, she wouldn't like to make a fool of herself, but she definitely appreciated the offer. He gave a nod of small understanding, but was clearly disappointed. He leaves the table and Clint lets out a cat-call and Ripley turns her gaze to him, flips him off before knocking back the rest of her drink. Natasha makes a sly comment about how all the boys are coming a-runnin' now that she's all glitzed up.
Steve is pretty angry about the encounter, for some reason. But is relieved when the guy leaves with nothing. He glances at Pepper when she lets out a small laugh, confused. She proceeds to tell him how it was so insanely obvious and he should just suck it up and ask her to dance. Steve hesitates, but after a bit of conjoling from both Pepper and Bruce, he walks away from them with a huff. He paces a moment before ending up in front of Ripley. She looks up at him and pales a moment, starting to open her mouth to come up with some stupid excuse, but his hand is out and he looks down at her. "I'd be honored if you would share just one dance with me, Miss Asano." She's enamored  She can't say no, her hand lifts and rests into his and they're up. She's following him without hesitation, trusting him to guide her. Neither of them can dance. Neither of them thought it through, but neither of them can bring themselves to care. Her hands gravitate to his shoulders, and his to her waist. Both are gentle, not too firm in their touch. Like both of them were ready to bolt. Then Ripley's face is red again and her head is lowered. "Everyone's staring at us." It was hyperbole, of course, but not so much. Captain America dancing with a girl? A girl on his team? It was a moment that the rest of the group had been waiting for, to see them finally give in to their feelings and do something that benefited them both other than pushing each other away. "I think they've been waiting for this for a while. Apparently Tony and Clint have a bet going on." Ripley is starting to relax more as the two kinda just sway in place. It's just Steve, she knows Steve. She trusts Steve. "Oh really?" She chuckles, his lips quirk up. "Clint thinks you'll make the first move, Tony thinks I will." He shrugged just slightly, she hummed thoughtfully. "How much?" "A hundred." "And you know this--" "Natasha." Ripley's laughing, and then she catches sight of the man who had asked her to dance, the one she had turned down. And she felt a bit guilty, but turning her attention back to the dashing Captain in front of her, she couldn't find the guilt anymore. She could only find the blue in his eyes as he stared down at her. "Well, why don't we settle it?" She offered, and Steve's cheeks turned a bit pink. Just slightly. He wasn't sure he would want that kind of attention. "I don't--" But he was cut off. This time, Ripley was leaning up. Stretching her body up and her hair was falling off of her shoulder and her glossy lips were against his own dry ones. It was like their previous kiss, except no one was being shoved away and there were a decent amount of eyes on them. And then a catcall. Fucking Clint. Ripley pulled back with a red face. "Fucking Clint." She muttered, turning her glare to him. And then she was looking back at Steve, and they weren't dancing anymore. They were just standing there. Content.
"I'm sorry about earlier." No longer at the gala, the two had muddled their way through the press they knew they were bringing upon themselves. Didn't really think it through, either of them. They were back at the tower and she was leaning against the frame to his room, her arms crossed over her chest. She was still in her dress, but her heels were long since gone and her hair down and messy like it usually was. He worked his tie loose and tossed it onto his bed, glancing up at her and waiting for her to continue. He knew there was more to come. "I'm just--" She let out a sigh, her arms dropping to her sides and she shuffled into his room slowly. "I didn't know what to do." She admitted softly, sitting down on the edge of his bed. He pulled off his jacket and sat it behind him as he joined her. "Ever since I became this--Got these parts... I've never felt normal, you know? I don't feel human." She frowned, turning her gaze up to him. "But you make me feel human and I don't know if I deserve that." His hand is on hers, the both of them resting atop the bed. "You do. You really do." It wasn't much. But it was enough. She gives him a smile, and she feels happy. She feels human and happy and comfortable, she feels like she belongs. And she knew that it was just the beginning.
  Ripley's Powers
[NOTE = These are all abilities listed on PowerListing's Wikia, even if some don't appear to be actual 'superpowers'.]
Enhanced Hacking - possesses great skills in computer hacking 
Digital Form - when plugged in to any computer mainframe, or in her 'inner sanctum'; Ripley has the ability to turn into a Data mass to interact or possess electronic systems, as long as they hold some form of computer inside of them
Data Manipulation - only while in her 'Digital Form' does she have this ability to control and manipulate digital information and data. 
Computer Interaction - the power to interface with computers, data, internet and world wide web
Enhanced Strength - only in both legs and her left arm, due to them being robotic
Enhanced Speed - in her legs due to them being robotic
  Random Thoughts From Before [AKA curse words and chat speak]
  Less Portal, more Ghost in the Shell with Tron accents. Definitely some Lis Salander in there. A sassy bitch that takes no shit from no one. Steve's all "A lady shouldn't talk like that." and she's all "fuck u fuck america look at u have u seen u ugh ur like ugh patriotism" Originally offered a job when Fury caught her, but she turned him down of course, so he arrested her. Oops, oh well her loss ok. "well shit son" all up in that barracks. And then of course they need her help later on and now she's an avenger and she's all "UGH FUCK THIS AND FUCK U AND U AND U AND-- you have nice boobs so not fuck u but i would fuck u if u no what i'm sayin-- AND FUCK U TOO U FUCKING TALL ASS FREAK WHAT IS UR PROBLEM UGH"
"I'm sorry, did I get your spangly panties in a bunch?"
And then after they're together or they're in that "I like you but not verbally and we haven't kissed yet" stage; "IT SEEMS TO BE POWERED BY SOME FORM OF ELECTRICITY" and she's all "NO FUCKIN SHIT STEVE YOU SHOULD BE CAPTAIN OBVIOUS INSTEAD OF CAPTAIN AMERICA I S2G UGH MOVE UR USELESS ASS OUTTA MY WAY" and he's all sadfaced bc he's useless rn but she's all "*pats shoulder awkwardly* hey man you tried. gold star, yeah?"
Clint/Ripley brotp ok; Clinley alright. totes bros and nat UGH NAT IT'S JUST LIKE NATLEY OK AND ALL THE SHIPS TO THIS BROTP OF BROTP'S: Ripley would just be like, "*takes a sip of beer* i fuckin love ur tits natasha" and tash will be like "*blank face/shot of vodka* go home rip, ur drunk" and rip will get all mad like, "WHAT THE FUCK TASHA (by this point everyone is staring at them) I'M FUCKING HERE COMPLIMENTING YOUR FUCKING TITS AND YOU JUST FRIGID BITCH ME OUT WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK CAN'T YOU SAY YOU LIKE MY TITS FOR ONCE? I MEAN SHIT TASH I HAVE GOOD FUCKING BREASTS BUT YOU HOD ALL THE FUCKIN GLORY AND WHAT IS THIS SHIT ABOUT ME BEING FUCKING DRUNK I DON'T GET FUCKING DRUNK ROMANOFF I AM A ROBOT I SWEAR TO GOD I COULD END YOU NOW TELL ME I HAVE NICE BREASTS" and then from the sidelines, "u have nice tits, rip" "SHUT THE FUCK UP CLINT""u have nice tits""FUCKING THAN YOU NATASHA UGH I SWEAR TO GOD U R SO HARD TO WORK WITH UGH I AM DRUNK I'M GOING TO BED BAIIIII"
And the entire story was thought up off of the above for bullet points. Wow. This is what happens when I think about things late at night. I cuss, talk about boobs, and chatspeak. whoops
  In reference to the previous addition about the first chapter detailing the fire sale; this section is to hammer out the details on the group involved in the fire sale. An international group, not simply American. The leader should be European, but not British. Perhaps French. Yes, French. Male. Dubois; Regnus Dubois. Early thirties, computer genius and former businessman and partner with an American corporation. He was laid off and went into a bitter frenzy. He decided he would get even; thus the idea of a fire sale on New York City brought him promise, and his first target was going to be the stock market. But he couldn't do it alone. Enter Isiah "IzZY" Rapace, an Egyptian-American twenty two year old hacker and anarchist that is nearly unmatched in rerouting and encryption. And his partner, Horus "Patient Zero" Murell, his college roommate that creates all of the virus' for Izzy and Regnus' projects. And then there's the muscle; Marquis Grandston, a French former intelligence member with a mean streak, enjoying the kill more so than the honor of the job. And Jensen Richards, member of Interpol and the one who keeps Regnus in the loop about how much heat is on them. A snitch. Together, these five make up the cyber terrorist group known as PURGE.
Ripley knows of PURGE, and was contacted by Izzy at one point in hopes to get her to join. She denied, told them that she preferred to work alone. She knows many hackers in the community and recognizes Patient Zero's work immediately when it fry's her computer, and comments on how she was impressed by the timing of it.
  Additional Plot: After the gala, the two initiate a relationship. It's a slow building one and they don't rush into it due to Steve's virginity and Ripley's hesitancy for intimacy due to her cybernetic parts. So it's slow and the most extreme the two have done is occasionally get hot and heavy with their kissing, and they've slept together in a non-sexual manner. Because Ripley enjoys the warmth that Steve radiates, it reminds her of what it was like to be fully human, although Steve is always telling her that she still is human, and nothing will change that. Usually they spend their off days in the main room, everyone either converging there or off doing their own thing. Sometimes you'll find Steve, Nat, and Clint in the gym, while Thor is in the main room, Tony's in the workshop, Bruce is in the lab, and Ripley is in her room connected up to some database or doing something. But sometimes you'll find them all in the main room, Ripley taking up one entire couch ungratefully, her head in Steve's lap, or her feet in Steve's lap, with Steve on the corner cushion of the couch usually reading the newspaper or some historical book/article and makes comments, while Ripley makes her own comments that are generally sarcastic counters to his. Clint usually sits in the floor by Ripley's hip, leaning against the couch and Natasha is usually laying in the floor, or in a fluffy chair. Tony and Bruce relax on the other couch while Thor has taken place in a large chair that he fell in love with the first day in Stark Tower. Ripley and Clint usually play video games online, mainly shooters. They have their own way of communicating with one another that requires little effort, such as one/three word statements; "Stairs. Sniper, Behind. Shit. RPG. Right. Dogs. etc etc." Sometimes Clint will make a snide comment or a sexual innuendo directed at Steve and Ripley, and Ripley usually kicks him, or Natasha will hit him, and Steve just flushes red.
First Time: After two months or so of the above type of relationship, they still haven't really done much of anything. And Steve shows Ripley some of his old videos that he was in and she makes a few sarcastic comments before commenting on how good he looked, and it was supposed to be a simple kiss, but it got heavier and heavier. The first time between them is gentle and a learning experience, slow and nice for both of them. But due to Steve's refractory period, he's ready to go again pretty soon after so they end up going again, with Ripley being the leader rather than letting Steve explore before the two end up passing out. Ripley thinks she feels Steve leave in the night, but she's not sure and then she's waking up because she's cold and she's alone. She's not worried about it, because she knows Steve isn't like that, but she does feel a bit insecure and ends up pulling Steve's shirt from the night before over her head, just wearing it over her body and she stares out the window at the sun as it begins to rise up. The door opens behind her and she turns to see a shirtless Steve watching her, two cups of coffee in his hand. He sets them down on his dresser, his eyes heavy. 
"What?" She smirking, her arms folded over her chest and leaning against the window with a brow raised; she recognized that look from the night before. She became well acquainted with it. "You're wearing my shirt." Was his husky reply, and he was stalking towards her. She was grinning at this point; "I am." She wants to say more, to tease him about how he can enjoy such a simple thing so strongly, but she doesn't get a chance to before he is on her and they're going at it again, right against that window. It's rougher than the night before and both of them are finished rather quickly. Ripley comments about how she needs a shower, and Steve perks up a bit. "I've created a monster." They joke around a bit before they do take an innocent shower together, simply getting clean. Ripley sneaks back to her bedroom for clean clothing while Steve changes and heads into the kitchen, where everyone on the team has gathered due to Bruce making breakfast for everyone. Tony/Clint/Natasha make a small comment about how Steve is up later than normal, to which he reply's saying that he's been up for a while now. A couple of moments pass before Ripley flits in wearing a gaming t-shirt and a pair of jeans, and smells the food. She's in such a good mood that she actually kisses Bruce on the cheek just because he made bacon before sliding in between Steve and Thor with a cup of coffee. As she takes a big gulp of the liquid she notices that they're kinda staring at her and she blinks. "What?" It's Clint that makes the comment, "All this time all you needed to do was get laid to stop being a bitch." Steve sputters a moment, red in the face with embarrassment. Ripley has a poker face on and blinks owlishly once again before taking another drink of her coffee. Natasha chuckles, and it's out now. Tony is very blase about it, leaning forward with a serious yet sly expression. "So tell me. How does it feel to deflower /the/ Captain America?" "You're ridiculous, Tony." She comments and the discussion ends because Bruce brings the food over and Steve's far too embarrassed. After that, Ripley's attitude seems to fade into a more tame one and she's more comfortable and happy with her life; she and Steve still butt heads sometimes but they always work it out in the end.
Ending Plot Line: There's been a series of cyber terrorism attacks around the globe, some of which have activated out of commission Sentinels and set them on attack mode for all metahumans, this calls the attention of the Avengers. There are only five Sentinels, all of which are in New York City. A special government task force known as the ACTU (Anti-Cyber Terrorism Unit) requests the help of Ripley to get the Sentinels back on track and into the mode they need to be in. She accepts. While there, she ends up doing more than one mission for them over the course of just a day and she has quite a bit of fun with them, enjoying the work. Once she reunites with the rest of the Avengers at the ACTU lobby, the head of the ACTU offers her a position directly in front of them, putting her on the spot. Ripley smiles, "I'll think about it." He says he, "Looks forward to hearing from you, Miss Asano." And gives her a sly grin before they leave. Things are a bit tense at the Tower afterwards because none of them really want her to leave them, but they know that it's a high possibility due to it being a better placement for her skill set than anything offered with the Avengers. Even Steve is acting a bit weird. She gets fed up with it and one night when they're laying in bed together, she questions him about it and he's hesitant a moment. 'I don't want you to leave, but I don't want you to be unhappy either." He feels selfish because of it, but Ripley gets angry. She pushes away from him and pulls on her pants. Steve thinks he's done something wrong, but Ripley tells him to shut up and go sit in the main room. And then she has JARVIS wake everyone up and meet in the main room. Once everyone gets there, she starts to get pissed off. She freaks out on them about the entire situation and begins to tell them off for their behavior and not really letting anyone get a word in edge-wise. "I'm the happiest I have ever been being here. I'm nto going to toss that away just because some more-than-likely-corrupt government agency is a better fit for my skill set  okay?" "But you said you would think about it." "Yeah, well. Apparently screwing Captain America have me some manners." And the story ends with her staying with Steve and the rest of the Avengers.
0 notes
vallandra · 12 years
Luanna Vasquez, born and raised in New York City and currently a junior at Midtown High. She mainly goes by Lulu because she dislikes her full name. Only her grandparents call her Luanna or Anna; everyone else calls her Lulu as that is what she introduces herself as.
Despite being a junior, she is eighteen due to being held back twice (once in middle school and once in her freshman year); this was caused by the gross amount of absences and truancy's she faced during this time. The reasoning behind the absences was her powers developing and her initial fear to accept that she was a metahuman.
Lulu is a metahuman, more commonly referred to as a mutant. Due to the strong anti-mutant campaign that seems to be growing more and more, her first reaction was to hide this from her family and friends. Eventually, she became much more comfortable with it and, by her sophomore year, she was back at school getting the same straight A/B average gradeset she used to before and was back to her jovial amorous self with a biting sense of dry sarcasm and honesty.
Lulu does attend Midtown High, the same school that Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy attends. She knows them, but isn't close friends with them. She's not the kind of person that had any real close friendships, but many okay friends throughout all different cliques. She is labeled as the 'misfit popular kid' and doesn't really mind it.
She is the offspring of a German-American and an Estonian-American; making her 50% American, 25% Estonian, and 25% German. She, however, isn't fully educated on either culture and doesn't know much of their languages and customs. She does, however, know some of the countries' history.
She has short brown hair in a pixie styled cut, usually with a headband pushing her bands back, barely tanned skin, an average figure with barely any muscle tone, and deep brown eyes. (Reference to Emma Watson in the Perks of Being a Wallflower.)
She is proud of her closet and enjoys adding more to it, but doesn't find it necessary to go crazy and buy designer brand after designer brand. She doesn't have an overwhelming closet, but she does have a significant amount of clothing.
Though an honors student easily maintaining an A/B average; she isn't exactly a genius. She's good with the subjects of English/Literature, Philosophy, and History, but she is terrible with Maths and hard sciences. The only hard science class she actually remotely enjoyed was Chemistry, but she disliked everything else. However, she does enjoy reading about science. She enjoys reading about anything, even if she's not personally passionate about it, she still likes to read it and respect the writers passion. She looks up to Oscar Wilde greatly.
Reflective Science: This is the first ability she gained, while going through puberty. This ability allows her to 'control the science of reflections'; namely she can use mirrors or the reflections of other surfaces as a gateway for teleportation, illusion, or imprisonment of others/herself. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the more 'popular' abilities of this manipulation such as power deflection, mimicing, or inverted dimension.
Crystal Generation: Lulu can generate crystalline solids; freely creating them in varying sizes from nothing. She's able to control them and mold them into whatever she wishes through the sub-power of Crystal Manipulation. 
Crystal Exoskeleton: This is her newest ability, gained in her freshman year. This allows her to create an armor of her generated crystalline solids around her body. They're near invulnerable, but it takes a lot of effort out of her to maintain it if she's constantly being attacked. Her exoskeleton covers her entire body, even her clothing, and all of her crystals have a reflective surface that allows her to use her reflective science, and her crystals have a pale pink/purple hue to them.
0 notes
vallandra · 12 years
Follows the movie plot.
Opens with Lulu in class;
Just another average day for Lulu Vasquez, sitting in her second hour listening to Miss Raab drone on and on about how vectors will be the most useful took out there in the real world and would save their life should they ever need-- where the hell did she get that skirt? It looked like a shower curtain and a weed-wacker had one too many shots of whiskey last night. And who said bohemia was dead?
And then a SHIELD agent (maybe Coulson, maybe Maria, maybe Sitwell) comes in and she's called out of class. She rides with whomever to the Hellicarrier and meets Bruce and Steve.
"Oh trust me, I know who you are. I had to write a ten page essay on you in history. Perfect score on it too."
"Dr. Banner! Great to actually meet you. I read one of your pieces on nuclear fragmentation. I honestly had no idea what you were saying, but why don't we all pretend I did just to make me feel a bit better about myself? Also, rumor mill says you go green or something? Details are fuzzy on that one. I was playing Pokemon when Coulson here was trying to debrief me.
She spends her time with Bruce in the lab because she's not really needed just yet. She does, however, search for Loki using her reflective science through a mirror, but she's only able to discover that he's in Europe and can't exactly pin-point him.
While in there with Bruce, she's flirting with him pretty hard because that's just her personality:
Bruce: "Are you always like this?"
Lulu: "Like what? Stunning? Intelligent? One hell of a good time? Specify, Bruce."
Bruce: "Amorous."
Lulu: "Lovely word. Twenty points for having a beautiful vocabulary. Words are a kink, so what yourself. But yes, I am. Well, only to the sexy, tortured scientists that are actively filling my fetish for glasses and potential rough sex."
Bruce: "..."
Lulu: "You like rough sex, don't you Bruce?"
Bruce: "Aren't you just a kid? You're what... fifteen?"
Lulu: "I'm eighteen, thank you very much."
Bruce: "Eighteen?"
Lulu: "Long story."
And then Loki comes and she's sitting up on the counter beside where Bruce is working and they watch after him. She notices the way Bruce rubs at his eyes.
Lulu: "You okay?"
Bruce: "Yeah, just tired."
Lulu: "He sure is one creepy looking motherfucker."
The team meeting happens and she has a fangirl moment over Tony, she's already familiar with Natasha, and she practically drools over Thor and actively makes come ons to him. When everyone is present, she expresses her interest in leaving and going back to school because she hasn't done a damn thing to help and she's useless in this situation. Natasha tells her about Clint's situation and Lulu sobers the fuck up. She wants to help, but Fury says to be patient that they need to find the Tesseract. Tony and Bruce bro-moment and then the they go to the lab.
Lulu: "I wanna go! Wait for me!"
Bro-flirt moment (Tony pokes both of them with the pointy object) before Steve comes in and chastises them.
Lulu: "Stop blue-balling me, Steve."
Steve and Tony get into their argument about SHIELD and their secrets and Lulu becomes highly uncomfortable with the turn of events. When her opinion is asked, Lulu hesitates.
Lulu: "I know he's not telling us everything, but what do you expect? I like to try and think of it like this; if he has some dirty laundry, it's because he thinks it's for the best."
Tony and Steve get into it once again and Lulu watches from her perch beside Bruce. Snickering when Tony called Steve "Spangly" and getting a glare for it. She looks guilty and more drama goes down, then the Harlem quote.
The truth comes out and the entire team is one edge and no one other than the SHIELD agents know what Lulu's powers are so people are questioning why she's even there and she's defending herself and getting offended because she's on the 'possible threat' list and then the explosion happens and she gets knocked back and hits her head and soon enough, she's disoriented and alone in the lab. She stays in the lab because she feels it's safest there, until one of the men come in and starts to shoot at her. She freaks out and shoves her hand forward, crystals flying from her hand and shooting into his throat.
It's Steve and Tony that find her in the lab, huddled up in the corner with blood on her hands and pants and obviously distraught at the fact that she just killed someone. They're returning to the bridge when Fury announces that Coulson was down. She's upset and already crying, and that serves to break what's left on her walls. They find themselves in the bridge and Fury reprimands them. Lulu gets angry and slams her fist on the table as she stands up. The room falls silent and she shakes her head before walking out of the room completely.
After changing her clothes and packing up to head back home, she comes across Steve, Clint, and Natasha planning to leave the Helicarrier on their own accord. She speaks up, meek and quiet. Unlike herself:
Lulu: "I wanna help."
Clint is surprised to see her and expresses his concern for her being there and the cut on her cheek, as well as the bloodstains on her hands. She laughs it off weakly before Steve takes control of the situation.
Steve: "Are you sure?"
Lulu: "He killed Coulson."
Steve: "Do you have a suit?"
Lulu: "Don't need one."
And finally she displays her powers. Starting at her fingertips, an organic and durable crystalline substance starts to crust over her in and exoskeleton that is consuming her entire body, and soon she's standing there solid crystal and a pale pink tone.
Steve: "Whoa..."
And they leave, heading to the fight. Once there, Lulu tries to hold her own but she doesn't have the training or experience that everyone else does. But she manages somehow. She's mainly getting knocked around and setting up a perimeter with her crystals and defensive moves to protect the civilians. 
At one point, however, she does get overwhelmed and she has three Chitauri on her. She's able to get two of them off, but that last one has her pinned and is slamming her head into the ground over and over and her exoskeleton starts to crack and break away. She's crying and her face is flesh now, but before the alien can do anything else he's ripped off of her and she sees red, white, and blue. And for once, she feels an overwhelming pride in her country. Then they have that momentary regroup and Bruce shows up. She's pleased to see him and expresses it. Then Tony brings the party.
Lulu: "What the hell is that?!"
The Hulk takes care of the 'party' and then they're fully regrouped. Steve asks her if she's good to carry on. She wipes away her tears and clenches her fists, recrystalizing. Steve has her and Clint get on aerial duty and she's making him crystal arrows when he runs out. Ends up being knocked off of the building, but is able to make a crystal slide to safety and is back on the street and going against Chitauri.
Then Tony pulls the sacrifice move and she's flipping her shit. When the Hulk catches him and sets him down, she's right there by his side and is defeated. She lost two friends today. But then he's awake and she's tackling him in a hug as soon as he's awake and up. He expresses his discomfort and she just laughs at him, kissing his cheek messily. They go up to Stark Tower and confront Loki. She's standing directly behind Clint and in full crystalization.
Thor and Nat escort Loki to SHIELD and Lulu collapses onto the couch, beside a zoned-out Clint and she shatters into her flesh form. She starts to fade out and slumps against Clint, who just grunts before he relaxes a moment. She's passed out for a moment, but she catches a glimpse of a sleeping Bruce's head in Tony's lap as the team takes a well deserved break. Steve wakes her up and she's super groggy.
Steve: "You hungry, kiddo?"
Despite showing clear annoyance previously to anyone bringing up her age, she just nods and forces him to help her up, which he does so with a chuckle. They go get shawarma and she's between Clint and Bruce, completely stuffing her face when suddenly:
Lulu: "Still think I'm just some kid?"
She says it teasingly, but everyone knew she was serious. It was quiet for a long moment before;
Steve: "I think I speak for everyone when I say we're glad to have you on the team."
0 notes
vallandra · 12 years
An eighteen year old metahuman in her junior year of high school at Midtown High. Her abilities are reflective science and involve crystalization. Personality wise, she's pretty jovial and flirtatious; she could give Tony a run for his money. She is an A/B average honors student, but is also a procrastinating pothead that is secretly philosophical at heart. (No one expects her to have good grades because of her drug use, but she is very passionate about literature and philosophy.) Literature and social sciences are her passion and she'll often make literary quips or historical references; Oscar Wilde, Captain America, and Alexander the Great are her top passions. The only one known to have a completely sobering affect on her is Coulson because she loves the guy. (Although after a while, she starts to behave for Steve and Clint.) She doesn't fear death; she welcomes it but does not actively seek it.
Steve: "Is everything a joke to you?" Lulu: "Yes. Yes, it is."
Lulu: "I was there, you know. In Harlem... I never thought you, or the Other Guy, were a monster. Hell, you saved my life."
Lulu: "What can I say? I have a daddy kink."
Lulu: "Is anger the only thing that causes you to turn into the Not So Jolly Green Giant? What about fear? Surprise? Exercise? What about excitement?... Arousal?"
Steve: "Do you have a suit?" Lulu: "Don't need one."
0 notes
vallandra · 12 years
Slightly tanned skin, rather short, short pixie cut brown hair and hazel eyes.
Intro Outfit: A pair of double-buttoned black shorts, a loose fitting fashion t-shirt with a Union Jack printed on it that is tucked only into the front, a pair of black studded Doc Martens and a black headband in her hair.
First Time: A rather tight dark purple skirt to her mid-thigh and a pair of lace-up combat boots. A snug and fleshy black top that is quite obviously club-wear with an array of glitter and starts on her body/face; wearing green undergarments.
Random: A pair of tight black skinny jeans with a loose fitting pastel yellow blouse tucked into the front only. Pants tucked into brown boots, yellow ribbon in her hair.
New York City Fight: A faded blue tank top with an old gray button-up over it, a pair of dark jeans with black Converse. All ripped and dusty by the end of the night.
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vallandra · 12 years
Neutrals, oranges, golds. Curly red hair usually pulled into a high ponytail, deeply tanned skin, sea foam green eyes (silver when she is using her spirit magic). A lean and tall frame with muscle and is rather developed. A warrior.
A high-collared dark gray fitted and sleeveless shirt with gold detailing around the bust to enhance the fact that she is a woman. A pair of loose fitting burnt orange trousers tucked away into black boots, a pair of black wrist guards that curve over the top of her hands. A strap/holder over her left shoulder (also have a belt as an attachment) to hold her broadsword and little dips and folds in the waistband of her pants to hide artifacts and what not. Has a pack that rests on one shoulder with her spell book and other objects inside. A shoulder plate on her left shoulder where her carrier falcon usually perches (has an arm gauntlet as well on her left arm).
0 notes
vallandra · 12 years
Colors are soft shades of pink, maroon, gray, and black. Occasionally found in white and blues. Wavy pale blonde hair pulled to  one side and blue eyes; pale skin (sickly so) and a frail body.
A black high-collared short-sleeved undershirt underneath a light pink dress-robe that forms to her torso through her hips due to the maroon rope-belt that is tightly criss-crossed over the garment. A dark gray (almost but not quite black) shawl that wraps tightly around her torso and loosely around her upper arms before getting tighter and ending at her elbow. A pair of black strappy sandals and a black jeweled arm piece that also criss-crosses over her arms with a magical gem at each spiritual point; wrist, elbow, and bicep.
0 notes
vallandra · 12 years
Main character finds a ring; vintage thick gold band with an oddly blue toned jewel in the middle with a crack in the stone. The ring allures to her more than the other selections and she can nearly hear it calling to her. Gets it; feels stronger, safer, and more alive while wearing it. However, she begins to dream about an unnamed and unknown man; whether it be in the form of seeing his memories, reliving his memories, or simply speaking with him as herself. An in-dream friendship builds and she starts to focus on him while awake, sometimes catching glimpses of him out of the corner of her eye or in a mirror.
A group of people [unnamed thus far] is searching for the ring in her possession as well as it's twin; an exact replica with a green stone. This is because the two stones in the rings are holding stones and hold the man trapped inside, and the group wishes to free him. However, the man is a wizard that has fallen prey to the addictions of dark magic who had his soul split in two and sealed away. His corrupted, dark magic using side into the green gem and his white magic using side into the blue.
The man urges the main character to destroy the ring to prevent himself from being released, but she refuses because she cares for him as a friend too much. Thus she goes on a 'quest' to find out whether or not only half of him can be brought back, the half she owns currently. She has a small party with her and has to avoid the fanatics that release them.
Ending is ambiguous. Unsure of which route to take; good triumph over evil, evil triumph over good, neutral ending?
0 notes
vallandra · 12 years
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