#hope this shitpost inspires y’all to do so
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emily-mooon · 11 months ago
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Put my ocs on the iconic ‘MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!’ chart
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xxsugarbones · 1 year ago
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Hello hi not a fic or shitpost but I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has been liking/reblogging my silly goofy little delulu posts because oh my god?? I legit started posting for shits and giggles and never expected to get this much attention so thank you so much!! 😭
Idk how often I’ll post because I’m a heavy procrastinator and like making things difficult for myself but I’ll do my best to try and come up with ideas/coherent writing whenever I can or whenever I’m inspired 🫶🏼
Again thank you so much for liking my stuff and I hope I can keep y’all fed with more chubby reader agenda!!
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pokegalla · 3 years ago
I promised myself to keep on track with follower milestones and since I did at 30, I was like ah yes let’s do it again at 50! And….holy shit:
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Where did y’all come from?! I don’t even think it was that long ago from the 30 follower milestone!!! Omg thank you all so much! And of course I will list all of you to give proper thanks and show my appreciation:
Y’all are awesome. I appreciate every like, comment, and follow. And talking with some of you guys is fun and I’m glad we get the chance to know each other more! I suppose I should express my goal on Tumblr for this special milestone.
I love to write for fun….but I want to make my AU, UnityTale to be official. I made it to make an AU inspired by Underverse with my own little story and other AUs that really need more love! And writing x reader fanfics for others! I even started by officially making some requesting rules on my pinned post cause yes I love my AU, but it is self indulgent. I wanted to write for others too because it’s fun and it’s nice to write for others!
Thank you for following me and I hope we all can accomplish our goals in life. I think maybe at 100 followers I can tell you more about myself? I’m not sure about how to do follower milestones if I’m being honest….but I’m gonna roll with it. Bye bye for now!
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gardenerian · 3 years ago
hi mel, i hope you're doing well! 🥰 im sorry if im bothering you, i just wanted to tell you that i love your blog and that you seem like a really genuine and sweet person! im relatively new to the fandom and i’ve been a long time lurker, but i’ve never really mustered enough courage to just come out of my cage and share some stuff because i was too nervous or my shy ass wouldn’t let me do it. but then i’ve seen how much supportive of each other you are in this community and how y’all seem genuinely cool, kind and really creative people, and this last thing in particular has inspired me a lot recently and it encouraged me enough to think that maybe i could give it a shot. i really don’t know how to do this or how to reach out and interact with anyone here and i was wondering if you had any advice you could give me to make the first move?
i hope this doesn't sound too weird or anything and i wish you a wonderful day/noon/evening/night, whenever you'll read this! 💘
hi beloved! this is so sweet. thank you for being here and welcome! i love this space and these people. i met my best friends here and i truly love chatting with every single person i come across. we have an astoundingly thoughtful, creative, and kind community. we aggressively love on each other all day long and it warms my little heart. i am so glad you're here and i look forward to chatting with you!
when i was new and lurking around (ages ago at this point! funny how time flies), the best way i engaged with people was through their creations! i reblogged everything i could find and added my thoughts and encouragements in the tags. i read everything from fics to shitposts, reblogged gifs and art, and just heaped love and conversation wherever i could. here and on ao3! i still do this as much as i can. that's why we're here, yes? to talk about this thing we love and find connections. people started reciprocating this and bit by bit, i got braver! i started showing up in people's inboxes to chat about their work or their posts, and soon enough we were popping in to wish each other happy days or share random thoughts.
i find that people here are so receptive to whatever you might be thinking about - even beyond shameless! and i love that people match each other's energy. if you're excited, they're excited!
and i love the care that people take with each other's thoughts and work. they are deliberate and thoughtful in their responses. we kinda run the gambit from goofy headcanons to serious meta, and no matter what you want to share, you will find that people return this energy.
it's also useful to use the basic tags - shameless, gallavich, etc. people often use these tags to find people to talk with! and of course user tags are great as well. you can share your posts and works or whatever you want! like i track #gardenermel, and i am so thrilled when someone wants to show me something 🥰
lastly, there are so many great initiatives going around to keep people engaged! try out @gallacrafts or @galladrabbles, and @gallavichthings runs some great fandom events. you can also join the gallabitches discord server and talk about anything from fics to music to books. these are some great places to start! but please know that you do not have to create or share work to be welcomed here. we just love to talk and make friends!
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jinxviolets · 4 years ago
Gif Maker Appreciation Tag
Rules: Answer the first half of the questions with gifsets of your own, then answer the second half by tagging gif makers you love!
i was tagged by the incredibly talented @jackarthurdavenport, @jamesbuckybarns, & @benoitblanc thank you all so much for thinking of me 🥺
Link a gifset you’re really proud of: this tfatws sam wilson + legacy set! i worked SO hard on it and though there are things i would change if i were to remake it, overall i’m pleased with the way it came out.
Link a gifset where you tried something new: this sharon carter graphic was my first real foray into blending/typography and my first Actual Graphic, and though it was a HUGE pain, i’m proud of it
Link a gifset that features your favorite character or celebrity: this ca: tws gifset is one of only 2 gifsets i’ve made so far with steve rogers in them smh i need to gif him more
Link a gifset that you want more people to see: can i just relink my sam legacy one again because i busted my ass on that and a shitpost set i made about bucky and steve being bad liars has literally 6x as many notes dlfkjsldkfjs
Link a gifset that you had fun making: this tfatws rainbow set was my first attempt at rainbow gifs and i actually really enjoyed tweaking the colors!!
Link a gifset that you created as part of a meme, challenge, or series: i made this mad max: fury road set as part of a get to know me meme!
Link a gifset of yours that makes you smile: the aforementioned shitpost bc i love the fact that bucky and steve apparently cannot lie to their friends 😂 also having people laugh in the tags makes me feel nice
Tag someone who inspired you to start making gifs: oh gosh. literally my entire dashboard. but i think i first saw @anya-chalotra & @inejz-ghafa creating these absolutely stunning masterpieces and i was like you know what? someday, i want to be able to do that too (i know y’all don’t know me but everything you create is SO STUNNING)
Tag someone who makes great vibrant gifs: sae @rambeaus always has such gorgeous coloring!!! i love all her gifs <3 also phe @niinazenik omG her colors are SO vivid and beautiful!
Tag someone who makes great pale/pastel gifs: jamie @wespers makes gorgeous pale gifs!!! i wish i knew how to color like that ugh
Tag someone who gifs for a fandom you love: this is most of my blogroll omg but let’s go with tfatws bc i have a lot of wonderful mutuals and friends i’ve seen creating for the show: @mandah-lorian @steveroger @trashcora @timothyolyphant @snyderzack @jamesbuckybarns @buckeybarns @buckybarne @bosemanchadwick @magnusedom @ewanmcgregors @pescopadral @sambuckyws @victoriaspedretti @anthonyymackie @favreaus @darksber @wandamaximoffs @di-n @dykejaskiers @emcgregor @foxmudler @luke-skywalkerr @kurtsrussell @biwilson @chris-evans @romanovrogers @steve-rogers 
Tag someone who uses text/typography really well in their gifsets: okay so lately i have been drooling over everything @merlinsprat makes like jeez alex how do you DO THAT
Tag someone who motivates you to step up your game: soph @luke-patterson is the reason i even know how to make gifs dlfksf (bless u for your tutorials) and her creations are STUN NING!!! every time i see a new set i’m like. alright. if i can make something HALF this good i’ll be pleased with myself
Tag someone who you have taken inspiration from: not so much in the sense of direct inspiration but being inspired BY someone, for sure elle @jackarthurdavenport because i am in awe of everything she makes and hope to reach that level someday!!
Tag gif makers who you admire and appreciate! (Put as many people here as you want!): are you READY FOR THIS bc i LOVE gifmakers and i am SO lucky to follow/know so many incredible and talented people: @roseapothecary @boozerman @rainbowrogers @samthwilson @ohtwilight @bladesrunner @bartonclinton @carolmaria @magsbane @cavilhenry @wintersoeldiers @anyataylorjoy @cinderllas @jamesbvck @mazykeen @margetrobbie @jessiemeili @amirwilson @inejsalina @vibraniumbuckys @tennant @renserizawa  @anakin-skywalker @hoeberynmartell @kazrbrekkers @leonhartannie @anthonyhopkinz @jessie-meili @sunoficarus @dindja-rin @hawkaye @hunterschafer @robintunney @javier-pena @mandalores @jessiemei-li @ewan-mcgregor @andthwip @keanurevees @kenobismullet @middlearths + the 3 amazing people who tagged me, and of course lots of people i am not mutuals with 💛 i’m so lucky to share a tumblr space with all you amazing creators and i’m so sorry if i missed anyone!!!
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kxllerblond · 4 years ago
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I’ve had this blog for HOW many years and I NEVER did one of these even when they were more in style. But I’m feeling SOFT tonight so f u c k it.
@themelissapark I know you’re busy with life now but if you ever pop back on and see this I want you to know I’m so grateful to you and Melissa for being one of Clark’s first friends on here. Your company over the years has been much loved and Mel will forever have a place in Clark’s lore even after this hellsite crumbles and he’ll only live on in my head.
@no-file, @dogxfiend, @n0t-a-nice-person, @notanicepcrson & all your other blogs. You are the bestest of best friends and I love all of your muses and I love that we can shitpost on here AND inrl. Your Jacket will always be my one and only Jacket and will forever be my weird little canon/oc ship. 
@bitchheroine ask me however long ago if I’d even end up RPing with a Meg and I’d have laughed kfjgdfg. Meg has wormed her way into Clark’s heart as a great friend to shoot the shit with and I’m excited for the ship to come. I love their dynamic so much aaaa.
@1396 I know we’re newer mutuals but this is mY FF and I make the rules!! Your writing is??? So good,,,, I’ve only interacted with two across my blogs but I love everything you put out. And you’re super nice too!! I was pretty gosh darn intimidated when we first started writing but I’m glad I didn’t let that stop me because I absolutely adore our threads.
@mxthborn / @sanguisfulgur Love, love, love you guys. We don’t thread too terribly much but I absolutely adore seeing you on the dash. You two are so incredibly sweet and I love seeing you two interact on my dash.
@hellsholyground  @kittenstm  @royaltytm Hi, I would die for Dom and literally all your muses. Dom’s so sweet and a gremlin and I kinda do be vibing with his and Clark’s energy right now. Always liked seeing you on the dash and I never comment on mun posts but your hair and make-up and general style is so??? cool and I hope you know that. 
@pryceism your writing is just phenomenal. I don’t know much about Wes if I’m being honest but what I’ve seen you just encompass his voice in your writing perfectly. 
@bulletballet We haven’t really threaded but I could go ON about how much I love seeing you around. Your world building and dedication to your muses and all the npcs and just the details are *chef’s kiss*. It absolutely warms my heart to see people be passionate about their characters and so INTO bringing them to life and honestly it inspires me to strive for that same level of passion. 
@dissolvedshadows I’m mega trash for not reaching out to do more because I adore Ana (and Caleb). Love seeing you and your aesthetically pleasing icons on my dash.
@demonstigma It may not show it because of how many I RP with but I admittedly have always been hesitant with demon blogs but I am so, so very glad I yet again did not let that stop me from following. Kage is such an interesting characters and I love the amusing dynamic he and Clark have going on.
I can’t stretch the dash more than I already have but I love every single one of you, like full on. Whether we’ve written together yet or not. Thank you so much for sticking around for my bastard muse and for interacting with me or just being on my dash and giving me some of that MMMM good serotonin with your fantastic writing. If I missed anyone pleeeease don’t take it personally I probably just like,,,,forgot because there’s so many amazing people to tag and also it’s 7am.
@diabolicaltendencies @badassxbirdy @jigscw @harkcr @aeipcthy @witchaotics @nclled @icarusiisms @liftedrelics @suncuts @dalphahale @nykrose @evermxre @hopexncarnate @thatrudeengineer @vxctorx @demottcm @ringonokami @foerge @formerlyrighteous​ @arthurthefaceless​
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gangstars-on-vacation-not · 6 years ago
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F: Maybe we should check in with Giorno, because this definitely looks fake. M: i wouldn’t worry about it, all of his documents look like shitposts anyway
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/* I wanna say two things with this update: 1. The change won’t majorly influence the kind of content that’s going to be posted. It’s only different visually because I wanted to try something new and shuffle things up a bit. 2. The support from the people has been very inspiring. You people are all so cool and I hope you are having as much fun with this blog as I do. I’ll try my best to provide some good stuff for y’all. Thank. Ask box open.*/
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dragmiire · 4 years ago
@volcania sent / hindsight is 2020 tell me what haunts u
first off, if you hadnt reblogged the 2020 meme i'd have sent you this anyway because, hear me out i've been a fan of your writing and interpretation since i started following you months ago. and im honestly so fucking glad we got to talk and write more when i became active here, i love how you dig into that lore and add to things and how natural your interpretation of such a complex character as gan is. it all just flows perfectly and god do i love our talks and memein' --- -- lol part 2 wassup. i love just about anything we talk about and what we come up with our muses, and how ganon hates and Detests ghirah it's just fucking great lmao, and ofc the shitposting on the dash and atitticus as well obvi :)) no i did not misspell that what u talkin about ANYWAY, you're great and im a Big Fan, and writing with you has been one of the biggest reasons and inspirations to explore my own muses' lore and backstory. imloveu i hope next year brings you all the good things ♥
ps; in this house we love The TITS (TM). k, b a i
althea, my fellow stan of The Tits, what would i be without ur distant thumbs up every time i roll out my beef.
BRO y’all gonna make me run out of words to say, filling my heart with all of these warm fuzzies and making my brain go COMPLETELY blank. you? a DELIGHT. ghirah is a goblin, volga is fantastic grumpy knight, and i havent gotten to see much of ur zant yet but by god am i very 👀 for the day he and gan can have a. well. heart to heart probably isn’t the right word, but something about that, LOL.
i hope 2021 brings u all of the most glorious things too, for u and ur bae, and my heart will always be with u 💖
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kingofselfinserts · 6 years ago
alright y’all time for some mf selfship appreciation
I didn’t get to do this last time and I was so disappointed with myself bUT NOT TODAY Y’ALL IT’S TIME hearteyes mf
I have a lot of mutuals I enjoy so, for all of you, thank you for sticking around as long as you have! Your f/os adore you. 
I took these questions from the positivity prompt list.
How long have you been self shipping or creating self inserts for? What got you into self shipping/self insert content? Who or what inspired you?
I’ve been selfshipping for as long as I can remember, but I kept going in and out of it due to cringe culture (which sucks). I did a lot of oc x canon stuff since I started dA back in 2008-2009, but a lot of those ocs were to some degree SI. Even though selfshipping and self inserts were looked down on, I kept going back into drawing/writing myself with fictional characters, because it was both fun and a huge way for me to cope with things. I knew the selfship community on tumblr was there like, say, a couple years ago, but I only joined in February of last year. I don’t remember how I found it or who inspired me to join. I’m glad I’m here, though. 
Have you made any friends within the community?
I’m gonna be real for a second and say that I’ve always had issues with making friends. I make assumptions that people don’t really like me or care about what I do, when that’s probably not even the case, and then push myself away from people. (I still seem to think so considering I used “probably” when I didn’t need to.) This community has given me wiggle room to get back on my feet and work at tearing these assumptions down and to just. Go for it! Talk to people, make friends again! I’m not all the way where I’d like to be, but I’m getting there. 
So, here’s the list of people I’ve befriended and would like to befriend sometime in the near future. 
@sugarmilk-ships LOTTIE IM LOVE YOU??? Seriously, you’re amazing and I love talking with you! It’s because of you I made that DSP insert and that was so much fun! I still need to finish that one sketch I did forever ago, BUT I love seeing you on my dash on both tumblr and twitter. 
@littlestarprincess Min you’re such a sweet person, like honestly I almost cried at times because of what you’ve done for me. I’m glad you liked talking with my about my f/o squad. I was seriously overjoyed when you told me you got into blazblue because of me! I think I might’ve died a little, but that’s just because I get very sentimental. Hearing about your ships is great and I definitely wish to hear more in the future!
@millizines You were the first person to talk to me when I joined the selfship community back in February! It’s been a long year but I look back at that fondly and I thank you for all the kindness you’ve given me Milliz! I haven’t been super talkative but you’re always welcome in my IMs!!
@musical-selfshipper MADDIE I WOULD DIE FOR YOU. Even if you send me cursed shit (which I do appreciate knowing the darkness the world has to offer), it’s always a good time talking with you! I think your love for Shakespeare is so inspiring??? Like, there’s so much dedication that I cry, tbh.
@wizard-self-inserts Wizard, I fucking love your ships. I’m sorry I’m such a bad discord contact djsgfkdf. I’d love to talk to you more. Your shitposts are great, never stop making them.
@appleyedlover A fellow BB selfshipper? Who is super nice?? And also a hecking good friend that’s very supportive???? That’s Revie!! I also apologize for being a terrible discord contact because I really like talking to you, but I’m a silly goober when it comes to communication. You’re great and I hope you know I support you!!
Here’s the list of people I’d like to be friends with even if I’m very terrible at starting a conversation. Hi, you’re cool. *fingerguns*
@dragongambler / @11-717 / @cryptidchaos / @strawberryshipping
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51wheezes · 7 years ago
1k+ milestone!!
I recently hit over 1,000 followers on this account and I’m… honestly blown away. Like, that’s fucking insane. I seriously can’t thank y’all enough, but I’M GONNA DO MY BEST. (long post below the cut but tl;dr i’m a big sappy grateful baby and i love all of you xoxo)
I made this account around mid-August of this year, because I’d rapidly fallen down the Buzzfeed Unsolved hole, and wanted to become a part of the fandom. Joining fandoms/online communities in general is… pretty hard for me, for a lot of reasons. I’ve had to really wiggle in and out of fandoms to find what I was most comfortable with, and where I fit in the most. When I joined this fandom, I felt like I was nobody. I wasn’t really sure where to start or who to talk to, let alone how to talk to them. I didn’t know how to gain a following if ever it was possible, I didn’t know how to make friends, I was just sort of… there. But within the first month or so, I became more comfortable with my spot in the fandom and really melded myself into the community by actually communicating with others and creating content.
I’ve found that I ACTUALLY FIT IN HERE!!! WOW THAT’S SOMETHING BECAUSE I LITERALLY NEVER FIT IN ANYWHERE. But everyone here is so kind and warm and so fucking funny, like, it’s impossible for me to scroll through my dash without cracking a smile or bursting out laughing. This fandom is just so great and it’s all around such a chill community of people and?? i’m love??? wow
But, of course, it’s not just about me; I wanted to give a few kind words to some people who have made me feel welcome, became my friends within the past few months, and/or inspire me in so many ways (and in no order of course)!!
@ghostwheeze (ah, mari. the wheeziest ghost of them all. my first follower, an incredibly supportive, talented, and amazing friend, never fails to make me smile/laugh, is there for me when I’m down. You know I love your writing, I’ll never stop shouting it from the rooftops. I can spend literal hours talking to you and I’d love every minute of it. I love u to absolute death boo, and one day I swear I’ll get my ass to Cali so we can hang out and search for the The Bois at Disneyland. deal??? deal. ily)
@spookyboybergara (KAIT UR SO FUCKING FUNNY AND ILYSM!! THANK U FOR BEING SUPPORTIVE AND MAKING ME SMILE AND LAUGH. Honestly I was surprised when you first messaged me because I was like ‘an amazing person with an amazing blog? Talking to ME? Never thought that was likely but I guess it is oof’. Bottom line you’re great thank u for being so great)
@shanebergaras (such a kind, warm, adorable, and funny person!! your blog will never fail to give me this warm feeling, both you and your blog are so nice. Also, you’re incredibly talented. like wow. also I’m soso happy for you!! I have no doubt in my mind that you’re going places, kid. Keep being amazing my dear)
@acacia-writes (u are LITERALLY such a sweet and bubbly person?? your positivity is so heartwarming and I love love LOVE talking to you, you’re such a fucking doll. you have this charm about you and I thought you were just the sweetest as soon as you first messaged me. thank you for deeming me worthy of your friendship??? smooch ily)
@northeasting (EAST? I LOVE YA???? like fuck I love your writing so so SO GODDAMN MUCH AND YOU ARE JUST SUCH A GOOD PERSON WTF. When you say you like my writing my heart stops because like? wow that’s crazy and means a lot? I think you’re fantastic and you know I’ll always love your work and just YOU AS A PERSON!! thank you for your kind words, I’ll always have plenty for you as well)
@boys-and-ghouls (KEANNA!!!! You are an absolute DELIGHT, DO YOU KNOW THAT?? you exude intelligence and wisdom and you’re so goddamn hilarious and just soso kind and your psa’s? so fucking well-worded. honestly i really respect how well you state your opinions and i wish i could word things as well as you do. you’re just such a strong person and i look up to you a lot? yes? you’re such a good friend ily) 
@alcxandermadej (your traditional art has me FUCKING SOARING. I’ve got an entire artist’s kit full of traditional art materials that I still haven’t used because I’m a digital artist and traditional artistry intimidates the living fuck out of me, but your art makes me wanna give it a try??? Maybe one day!! For now I’ll keep ogling your art and telling everyone how amazing it is and how much I idolize your talent) 
@cctinsley (another one of those first blogs I came across and was immediately like wow!!! this person is so cool wtf. your blog is fantastic and your art?? IS SO CUTE AND FLUFFY I LOVE IT KEEP THAT SHIT UP I LIVE FOR IT. GOOD SHIT) 
@crimsxnflxwerz (beautiful art that literally brings me to tears and inspires me improve my own art. beautiful writing. fellow lover of Greek mythology, and writes it so goddamn well, too. beautiful person all around. share some of that beauty, will ya? Just kidding keep it because I love all of the BEAUTIFUL WORK YOU PUT OUT UGH)
@halfwheeze (mer. oh my god okay. your writing makes my soul ascend to heaven. you do it so well and so fast and that’s so fucking inspirational?? I wish I could write such beautiful things on a whim like that rip. You’re also a sweetheart and one of the first few blogs I followed on here. I love all of the content you put out and all of your kind words, you’re just an absolute treat okay)
@wimpydemons (you only recently joined this fandom and you’ve already been so warm to me and others like……you’re so lovely. I love getting messages from you and talking to you!! You always have the nicest things to say and it makes my heart so full. I can’t describe how amazing you are like ily alright)
@ccaffe (your art??? never fails to make me jealous but like, in a proud way. I love your art. Never stop drawing. Also you’re adorable. And I love your blog and your general aesthetics. You’re just so generally wholesome Claude like thank you for blessing me)
@buzzfeedunsoived (ALEX!!!! I love you and your blog!! one of the first unsolved blogs that I came across, and I seriously thought I followed you way sooner than I had but I guess not??? shame on me. I think you are an absolutely fantastic person who so clearly shows how much they care about their friends and that’s just so admirable. your blog makes me giggle and just. ugh. thank you for being such a sweetheart)
@trippy-sunshine96 (such a beautiful person and kind soul who deserves beautiful and good things and warm hugs!! I would so give you warm hugs if I could okay. I love having deep conversations with you and being able to relate with you and honestly? I’m always hoping you’re doing okay because you deserve it!! I care about you so much)
@weirdo-ing (okay one, your writing is SO GOOD. Two, your blog is amazing?? Your fucking tags have me HOWLING. You’re so funny, I scroll through your blog when I need a pick-me-up!! Thank you so much for being so kind and hilarious!!!)
@buzzwheeze (hey wow yeah I’m gonna fucking fight you because your writing makes me cry and you do it so eloquently. c’mon post up greer. no but really you inspire me a hell of a lot and you deserve every ounce of praise you get. never stop being the talented individual you are) 
@smallwheeze (tiny??? you’re so adorable and nice what the shit?? your art is the CUTEST, I wish you uploaded more of it!! I love seeing it! and you’re just a very delightful person your blog is great and oof you’re wonderful)
@brentbennett (FUCK I LOVE U AND UR WRITING. I literally can’t describe how much of an inspiration you are to me, your writing absolutely blows me away each and every fucking time, and YOU’RE SUCH A KIND AND FUNNY PERSON!! UR GREAT!! ILYSM I KNOW YOU’VE BEEN A LIL INACTIVE LATELY I HOPE UR DOING OKAY)
@faequill (your fics were some of the first that I read for this fandom, and let me tell ya; it’s fuckin god tier. A+. amazing. Every fic of yours gets a standing ovation from me. You’re crazy talented and just an all around lovely person!! Also you deserve the world and I’m here for you alright. Stay strong lovely)
@pekuliar (GIRL YOU ARE A M A Z I N G like listen. When you started talking to me I had to make sure you were messaging the right person because you are just so talented and your blog is incredibly aesthetically pleasing and you’re such a delight to talk to!! You’re just so great and I genuinely appreciate you so so much okay)
Hey okay I’m fucking long-winded I’M SORRY. But I wanted to say that my love is absolutely not exclusive to anyone listed here. This fandom is full of great, talented blogs that make this community fantastic to be a part of! Plus, I am so grateful for each and every one of my followers and I want y’all to understand that I am open and willing to talk to any and everyone!! Never be afraid to send me something. I’ll always respond, even if it takes me a little bit (I get a little anxious/intimidated, but I will never turn a single person down). I’m very happy that you all enjoy my trash blog and trash writing and trash shitposts, and found me worthy of a follow. Again, thank you. More trash content to come.  ♡ ♡
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aphmausfanfic · 8 years ago
Shadow Knight Headcannons
Lol more of my headcannons. Have fun! 
- She wears contacts, and she bought the ones that change her eye colour. Her eyes are naturally green, but she thought purple looked better.
- Her favourite sport is figure skating and she’s really good at it. She’s been skating since she was 6.
- Her, Gene, and Zenix have the type of friendship where they insult each other non stop and just laugh at each other, but love each other and are best friends.
- She loves doing the other two’s makeup. They secretly enjoy it.
- Has a lot of upper body strength, but her lower body strength isn’t as good, so she’s the slowest out of the group, but she can totally beat the other two in a fight.
- She works in a coffee shop, and always sneaks her and her friends free drinks.
- Loves going shopping with Gene and Zenix, they always have a great time and enjoy joking around and hanging out.
- She’s actually very romantic and flirtatious, so when she asked Michi out on a date in college (listen, i saw some fanart of this ship and I slowly started shipping it, save me) she did it in a really romantic way.
- Took ballet classes with Ivy and Teony
- See’s Zenix and Gene as her older brothers, and her and Zenix once tried dating, but they realized they were way better as friends.
- Very flexible. This boy can stretch.
- Loves dresses and skirts. They all agree he looks best in a dress.
- He tried ice skating with Sasha, but he completely failed. But that was what inspired him to try out roller skating, and it turns out he’s really good at that. He goes to skate parks and just shows off.
- Sasha and Gene swears he’s broken every bone in his body. This boy is a walking disaster. They can’t take him anywhere without him getting injured.
- Zenix loves hot chocolate, he buys it in bulk. One year for christmas, Sasha and Gene got him over 1000 cases of the hot chocolate powder, and he cried.
- He also loves it when people play with his hair. He will basically melt if somebody plays with his hair.
- He is the weakest member of the group, but the fastest and smallest. So in high school he was always the one who snuck into the teacher’s offices to steal stuff.
- His first job was at Wendy’s and he got to run the tumblr page. He cried when he had to quit.
- He punched a guy because they stole his Capri Sun pouch. 
- Muscle man.
- Goes to the gym like every day.
- He eats terribly. There are like zero vegetables in his diet and everyone else wonders how he is alive.
- He loves playing basketball, and him and Zenix are the unstoppable duo.
- Works at Hot Topic just for the discounts.
- His favourite subject in school was biology. He would sometimes sit in the window at the top of the class, and just watch the lesson from outside. He would never actually go to the class though.
- Loves breadsticks. Will fight someone for breadsticks.
- Sasha and Zenix voted him the edge lord of the group.
- He is honestly a weeb.
- He called Zenix a furry once and now him and Sasha won’t let Zenix live it down.
- A walking disaster/shitpost.
- Stays up until 5 am and sleeps in until 2.
- Eyeliner king.
- So extra. They could run out of Doritos and Gene will just fall to the floor with the empty bag and start saying that he’s about to die.
- Honestly he just needs a hug, someone help him.
Alright! Hope y’all like ‘em! If you have any headcannons, feel free to submit or send me them in an ask! I would love to hear them. 
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princess-of-embarrassment · 5 years ago
Some 3 am realizations about life, relationships and maybe more?? idk whatever have fun.
Ok before i start on this shit I am going to say it is 3 am and i am just dumping some thoughts like i usually do. Sorry for the shit grammar, disorganized thoughts and all that jazz... In a sense i feel like this is a letter to myself and what i have been trying so damn hard to understand so yeah i am talking to myself and to this website. I think. Idk. i will probably delete this in the morning when i am back on bad bitch mode and go back to posting memes pero por ahora vamos a ver como nos va. Mayb ei will leave it up bc i forget or because i dont care who sees it. sorry for the shitshow of a post you are about to read but you probably already kinda know me so yay! I debated posting this shit because the internet is a wildin place but oh well!!1!!11
ok tumblr it is 3 in the morning and i have 100% regressed into being a 15 years old on this damn website shitposting and reblogging some corny ass posts but it feels right, so here i am attempting to process it through the only form i know how to actually know how to cope with things. I mean memes are cool and all but lets be real, they don’t address the problems. this is the one place i can brain dump all of my thoughts and not really care about where they go because they will eventually disappear in the tumblr algorithm.
My old blog was often the only separation I had between my reality and the life i really wished i had, but now I have that life that I always wanted so why the hell am i back at square one? To be fair, the life that i have right now may not be envied by many but its a pretty darn good life to me. Im safe 99.9% of the time. The other .1% is a story for another day. I have been trying to figure out for months as to why i’m back to being so active on here and now that it’s 3:00am I realize it’s because of self isolation (thanks corona!). 
Let me start off by saying this; my reality is not something I am going to be able to escape. Ever. It has brought me to where i am today, allowed me to meet some really incredible people and i am so so grateful. I have learned so much in the past few years. i am grateful what happened happened. Wild, i know. I escaped it physically but i cannot escape it mentally, at least for now. School, work, writing, dealing with my freshmen’s problems was what kept my brain occupied and away from having to face the part of my life that I really just want to forget. To be fait my trauma response has taken pretty good care of fucking up my memory and all of those fun things but ironically the things i want to forget about so badly are the things i think about every single day without skipping a beat. brains are weird like that.
I am ok now but sometimes i forget and fall back into my new reality. That is ok. People that know my story ask me why i don’t write about it on a public platform because it’s inspiring?? or hopeful?? or whatever cliche people want to use when addressing a topic that makes them uncomfortable and they want to feel better about the life they live. 21 year old latina girl faces adversity and lives the american dream (barely)..i mean, i did run a whole ass magazine and wrote a piece for graduation including some details of my story but that was like the rated g version with only the little sad parts that people are able to handle without feeling like their comfort zone is being violated. MEdia is a wonderful place isnt it???  so i get where they are coming from, but what they dont understand is that an international platform is not where i can share any of these thoughts... Listen, I know this is cryptic and confusing and you are probably really curious about what the hell happened to me but i don’t feel safe to type it out on international platforms with public access. I don’t know if i ever will... Yeah i can talk to people i trust about it because i am in control of the space and the situation and who is obtaining that information but you never really know with the internet. 
maybe in the future i’ll write a book on it. even then i will probably use my alias make it a YA fiction with an added love story that ends in a happy ending. Maybe one day one of the school girl crushes I have will turn into that YA story and i dont have to make any of it up.
If i am honest...this blog is the only safe place i will probably ever have where he wont find me. He can find my school and my address and phone number and work and everything in between because that is just the way things work. Yeah yeah i get it stop posting shit on social media that is how he finds you whatever. What people dont understand is that I cant stop living my life again. I already started so i cant go back to giving him that power. It makes no sense. Also, his family is too confused by all of the ups and downs of the last year that they dont really know where i am going or what i am doing. So anyways, long story short - That’s why i am back on here, because it has become the same written safe haven I had when i was 15 and tried to escape my physical reality. Only difference is that i am trying to manage the mental reality of it all...
I also have so many questions about what to do next. Like i mentioned in another post, i didnt think i would make it to 21 but i did. I didnt think this far ahead so i guess i will just figure it out along the way but hear me out. How do i face a new reality that no one can relate to. At least not the people around me. How do i make friends and know when the “right time” is to tell them hey btw if this happens lmk lol. Even more importantly (because it relates to my future as world famous YA novelist.. lol sure grace...) How do I even date someone??? many questions are tied to that. like... I know theyre going to ask. “what happened?” “who is it?” “how can i help?” “Isnt there something we can do?”. i am more than willing to answer these questions because fuck, if im dating someone i would be curious too.. but do i even answer those questions. How do i know they are ready to handle that kind of information? how can i guarantee theyre not going to leave. How can i know that they arent going to be frightened by what has happened. how do i know they are not going to think differently of me. How do i explain to this person “yeah i have stress nightmares about what happened and when i wake up i think i am back in that situation and not where i live and i have to remind myself i am in a whole different area code but then its fine lol so if we share a bed at any point in time dont be alarmed if i wake up in a panic.” or how do i explain to them when something triggers me and all i can do is freeze because maybe it is him. Maybe he finally found me. but then i am back to reality and move on with my day because that is the only thing left to do. I cant throw myself a shitty pity party thats generic as fuck and i dont have time for it but whatever. moving on. next question. How do i know theyre not gonna walk away because they have the misconception so many people have?? Just because i went through some shit doesnt mean i am unstable or unloveable or whatever bs people think. This isnt going to go away. This shit is a aprt of me but it doesn not define me. it is not who i am.I dont have the option to make it go away but people have the option to pick up their things and go. seems unfair to me sometimes. It seems unfair to generalize people like that. I am always open to a new relationship but people expect me to be sitting at home scared to go out into the world and live my life. I have a life to live and i am so ready to explore it by myself or with someone by my side but quarantine has brought me back on here to deal with the fact that i am back to being stuck inside. Mentally and physically. One sucks less than the other. 
I have so many other questions but i am feeling tired again and its almost 4am so maybe i should go to bed. Y’all dont know how happy i am to have this trash site to vent to in the middle of the night. theres some relly judgy people on here but at least i know my feed wont judge me or try to fix what has happened. it will just listen.
Anyways, i doubt anyone will read this because this post got long as fuck but if you did i give you a high five and a virtual hug for getting through the clusterfuck of sentences. Thanks tumblr. If i ever go viral again on this shitshow of a website i may have to bring back my studyblr and go underground lmfao jk maybe. I cant wait to hug my friends and the people i have met that have become a part of my daily routine (yes even during social isolation, get off my ass I am still socially isolating). All i can do for now is wait for someone who cares about me for me and isn’t scared of my past or the pieces of it that linger in my present. I deserve nothing less. if they cant do that they are not worth my time and i hope they drop their keys every single time they go to open their front door. oh... they also better be ready for the hours i spend typing away my thoughts on my computer. Maybe one day they will be allowed to read them too... lol maybe not. whatever who knows. Peace out kiddos stay healthy xoxo.
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newyorkbaby · 8 years ago
Today I moved out of the home I’ve lived in for the past 3 years!! I’m super excited about my future, even though I’m a little nervous to move to a new place, but I’ve been thinking about how far I’ve come in the past few years and about all of the friends I’ve made here and I just wanted to thank a few people. All of y’all have supported me through breakups, drama, graduation, fandom stuff, and so much more and I wouldn’t be making this next step forward without a lot of you guys.
@jimmytfallon you’re one of the first friends i ever made here, and i’ve been following you since before i even made a 1d blog. pretty much everything i know about 1d i learned through you (which is why i still always have the urge to ask you “what’s going on?!” any time anything happens lmao) and you’ve always been someone that i really admire. you’ve been such a good friend for so long, and you listen to me bitch and you put up with my moodiness and there are a lot of big things that you’ve helped me overcome, whether you realize it or not. so i’m super thankful that i found you and that we’re still friends. i love you a lot.
@dunkirks you have become one of my favorite people on this whole dang planet tbh. you’re never judgmental and you’re literally always there for me when i need you (unless you’re in china fksjhdkjf) and your personality is just so wonderful and you make me laugh so much like EVERY DAY you make me smile and i think that’s really amazing. i love you little sinner and i can’t wait to meet you in just a few months!!!
@daintylouis i love you SO MUCH and i always always will, even if i’m being a shit or if we’re arguing about something it will never change how much i adore you. you’re such a fun person and you’re so talented and you’re heckin adorable?? and you love louis so much it makes me love him even more than i already do. i feel like i’ve known you for 2938479382 years and i’ve been your friend through 2983749283 urls (bring back adidasfic) and i hope i know you for 298397483 more urls tbh. you’re lovely, never forget that!!
@westcoastharry YOU ARE THE MOST LOVELY PERSON and even though you’re not always super active in the fandom anymore i love talking to you and snapping you every day. your kitty snaps make my life and i’m so glad we’re still friends (rip our old gc honestly i’m not friends with any of them anymore lmao) and i can’t wait to go see harry with u next year :’) we’re finally gonna go on the date we’ve always talked about. thank you so much for being such an amazing friend and for loving me and giving me compliments and sticking with me despite the drama. i love u so so so so much!
@fondleeds oh my gOD i love you with my whole daggone heart and soul tbh you amaze me and inspire me literally all the time. you’re so fucking talented and silly and KIND and you make me want to be a better person every day. like honestly??? following you was the best thing i ever did bc you inspire me so so much, and i’m so glad we’re friends and that we are FINALLY GONNA GET TO HANG OUT i’m so blessed and i love you SO MCUH!!! BINC!!! my baby yabbie i adore u
@throughthedark i know you already know how much i love u honestly i never shut up about it, i know it’s gross but i’m so... unexplainably grateful for our friendship? not just bc we have had so many amazing experiences together but bc i know i can always be honest with you? i never worry that you’re gonna disappear on me and i know we will be friends long after we leave this fandom. anyways thank you for letting me sleep in your bed and for sleeping on the streets with me and for taking me to get ramen and for listening to me when i’m Emo about life. you’re such a good friend and even if this site sucks sometimes it brought me to you and that’s an amazing thing.
@afirethatcannotdie el i know we haven’t been friends for long but you already have taken on the brunt of like... all of my anxiety with this move fhkajshdkf i don’t know what i would do if i couldn’t just text you or snap you and be mopey at you?? it all started with my love of your fluff and amazingly it’s led to a really amazing friendship and i can’t wait to someday come visit you and get donuts with you and do all of our fun LA date things :’) thank you for being so positive and uplifting, i love u very much!!!
@yourbestclothes listen........ kyla you mean the world to me. i know i’ve told you a thousand times but your friendship is so amazing that i cannot imagine living without it??? you support me like nobody else, you always cheer me on and you like all my shitposts and my dumb tweets and you tell me you love me every day and NOBODY else does that for me. i never ever doubt that i’m loved because of you like on the list of people who drive me to keep going it’s louis, harry, and you, top 3, hands down. i love you so much and i hope you know how proud i am to know you!! i fully believe you are capable of so many things and i hope we are friends for a long long time so i can see you achieve them!! i love u :’)
@cherrystreet my wife.. my honey.. my babie i know you think i am grossly sappy but you have become one of the most important people in my life in the past year. this fandom has given me a lot of good things but i think you are the best. i know it’s silly but you truly have become my best friend; any time something good happens to me you’re the first person i tell, any time something shitty happens you’re the first person i go crying to. you’re so talented and beautiful and lovely and any time i’m slacking you kick my ass into gear, but you always encourage me and console me. you’re so real with me and you just... idk how to explain it but i love our chemistry so much and i love being your friend and i’m just GLAD that i know you okay you’re my favorite human i love you so so so much... now please stop writing angst and give me some fluff... just kidding i know that is an impossible request but i love you just the way you are so it’s okay
anyways i’m so thankful for all of the people who have supported me over the years, whether you just liked my selfies or sent me nice asks or whatever it was you did. y’all make this fandom a fun place to be, even when things are shitty. i’m also extremely grateful for louis: his voice is the reason i’m here, he’s the reason i know all of you. he made me smile when i was at my lowest point in my life and he’s inspired me to be so much stronger. meeting him was one of the best things that ever happened to me and again, that wouldn’t have been possible without the friends i’ve made here. i’m ALSO grateful for harry and his influence on me. he inspires me to be kind and to love myself every single day. it’s something that i constantly have to work on, but because of him, i’m always thinking of ways to be softer and to be more loving and my life has improved so much because of it.
okay!! so that was my sappy ass post! thank you so much to everyone, to all of you guys and to 1d and so on. i know i didn’t mention everyone who’s been here for me, just mentioned a few key people who regularly support me and love me, but i am absolutely thankful for all of my mutuals and friends!! i hope you guys stick around to cheer me on through my next chapter in life, and i hope i can do right by you!! i will keep working on being nicer, being less dramatic, and being stronger for all of you. i love you guys!! thanks!!
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poipoi1912 · 8 years ago
There are still many people around who talk about SVU. My blog is 80% Barba, Sonny & Barisi, I reblog from you&other popular people all the time PLUS create my own stuff, but it's hard to get a reblog (not to mention a(n) (re-)add...lmao). OK, maybe my blog just sucks, but one of my mutuals makes amazing Barisi&SVU fanart and gets 15 notes max. The content is right here, but everyone keeps 2 their own old clique. Why don't we support each other more? Sorry, this fandom frustrates me sometimes.
I genuinely think the show itself is the problem. For the past couple of seasons, I used to click on the Sonny tag or the Barisi tag and I’d like/reblog everything I saw and I’d get excited and everything was great and I couldn’t wait to go through my dash! This season, I’m like “….eh”. My excitement is almost totally gone. I think a lot of people feel that way (at least going by the number of people who no longer post about SVU or who now have multifandom blogs like me lol).
Speaking for myself, you’ll find that I mostly reblog actual gifs of Sonny or Barba from the new episodes, or shitposts about how far the show has fallen. Even my own meta posts are shorter (and a struggle to write, except for my speculation roundups, which I really enjoy, because they allow me to hear your thoughts). I lack the energy to even make an effort to participate more. I do feel terrible, but my main mood these days is “....eh.”
The fact is, the lack of quality and character development this season is slowly but surely killing my interest. I almost reblog more Lucifer than SVU, at this point, and I’ve followed a dozen Lucifer/Deckerstar blogs just so I can have something I enjoy on my dash. Tumblr-wise, SVU content is, in my view, decreasing. Not in quality, of course, because I do agree that people still create wonderful stuff, but in quantity. Or in frequency. We used to get tons of gif sets and meta after each episode, and we’d discuss each ep for days at a time, but this season there’s not much to gif or talk about.
I do see an uptick in Sonny/Reader or Barba/Reader stories and/or Imagines. In fact, I feel that’s the majority of SVU fic right now, at least on tumblr. Unfortunately, I’ve never really gotten into those, not in any fandom, so I’m just like “You do you guys! I’m glad y’all are enjoying yourselves!
As for cliques, I’ll speak for myself. As anyone here will tell you, I don’t really talk to people via messaging (hi, guys who sent me stuff 6 months ago and I still haven’t replied!) or e-mail etc, because I’m a terrible person and also I am scared of emotional intimacy, so I consider myself a Lone Dick Wolf here. I just use my posts and my tags to communicate with you all (and my asks, when I remember to answer them). I do follow and love some Barisi OGs, if you will, lol, but I don’t think I limit my reblogs just to them (omg do I?). Truth be told, I do occasionally reblog “popular” old school Barisi posts, but that’s because the show hasn’t given us anything new since the S17 finale. And because there’s a sense of nostalgia in reblogging that same Barisi gif set that has 800 notes :’)
Like, 15 notes for a new SVU/Sonny/Barba/Barisi post (unless it’s a gif set) sounds about right, know what I’m saying? In my view, it’s not about us not supporting each other, it’s about (some of) us finding it hard to care these days :(
i say this as i’m working on a ~40K barisi fic lmao i’m a masochist
in my defense it’s a canon AU because canon is no longer interesting or inspiring
also dammit i still love sonny and barba and i always will
Lastly, no one’s blog sucks, anon! We’re all here to have fun! If only the show would let us. I don’t know if you were active last season or the one before that, but I fear you might be experiencing the side-effects of a fandom on the decline. If you’re just starting to participate, and you’re all excited, and you’re making great posts, and you’re not getting the response you deserve, I’m sure you must feel frustrated. The thing is, SVU content may be there, and it may be great, but how many people are still actively interested? 15 lol
unless it’s gifs of barba’s ties and sonny’s tight pants which rightfully get hundreds of notes, because quality schmality, we all have eyes :’)
Again, it all comes down to the show, for me. I can’t pretend I’m still excited, I can’t act like I’m still enjoying it when I literally have to force myself to watch the new episodes. I click on the tags and I have little inclination to reblog anything that isn’t Sonny’s face. It’s sad, but it is what it is. I still write Barisi, because it’s a helpful and healthy creative outlet for me and my real life woes, and I’m attached to these characters, and I’m super-attached to you guys, but I can’t say I’m surprised to see fewer posts and fewer notes for SVU-related content.
I mean, after a boring mess like this week’s episode, who has the energy to reblog anything about it? me lol, but you know what i mean
Thank you for this ask, anon, and I hope my point was clear. If you’re feeling left out, it’s not because your blog sucks (
Disclaimer: I don’t speak for everyone, of course. Those of you who are still super-excited about SVU, y’all are awesome! I’m happy for you, and I envy you. I’m sure you’re out there having fun and excitedly chatting about the show. Don’t let my ramblings sour your enjoyment
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satanandmeappreciation · 8 years ago
Spotlight #11 - soulswimm-r (Swim)
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Tell us a bit about yourself: Hey there~ many people know me from streams as Swim, I’m 17 years old, and I make any fanwork my abilities and computer allow- meaning art, writing, playlists, and shitposts. I’m a huge band nerd with a creative passion, most especially in music, art, and writing!
1. When did you get into the fandom and how did you stumble upon it? I’ve been following Satan and Me almost from the beginning, I think from the original text post. I reread it in March-ish of 2015 and finally caught up in the middle of the Run arc, and I was hooked. I wasted no time in entering the fandom and posting my first playlist. I went into a spoiler stream under the name of my url, and was greeted with like 5 “hi swim!!”s. I fell in love with the comic and the fanbase that gave me my alias, and here I am.
2. Who are your favorite characters/pairings? Basically every time Jophiel shows up my soul exits my body, so I’d have to say him and Gabe. My favorite pairings are definitely Natan, GabeMike, Sheipos, and ChamZoe
3. Favorite moment in the comic? I would watch Satan breaking into the warehouse and causing Jericho to pretty much shit his pants again and again and again and again and again and again and agai-
4. What is your biggest inspiration as far as your art goes? Music or writing! If I hear a song and I think it really fits well with Satan and Me, or I have an AU idea that I like a lot, drawing it out is just so satisfying. Plus just having a visual helps me show whoever sees my art just what I imagine when I listen to some song, or have some writing idea.
5. What would you say is your favorite piece that you’ve done so far? Oh man, for my art, I think one of my digital pieces where I drew Luce as a duke is my favorite. I know there are mistakes on it and I’m still getting a handle on digital art, but I’m proud af of the lighting and that curtain. In regards to writing, High Hopes is my casual multi chap fic, and I’m very happy with how it’s coming along.
6. What would you say is one of your favorite things to draw? I love drawing clothes. I’ve spent a lot of time working on folds of clothing and how to shade things and I’ve practiced so much that it just became relaxing.
7. What do you think influences your art style? Orange’s art, for the most part. I’m not in streams much anymore, but when I do I’m usually sketching while I watch. Orange is more skilled than I am, and I take being able to watch her process as a way for me to see what I can correct in my art, and it’s like a tutorial for digital art programs, because I have no idea how to navigate that otherwise.
8. What are some of your hobbies you enjoy? Like I said before, I’m a huge band nerd. I play trumpet, I’m on the leadership team for my school’s band, and I’d pretty much give up my left arm for the band if my teachers asked me for it. I’ve also recently taken up painting, most especially along to Bob Ross videos.
9. Before joining SaM, what was a fandom you were part of and are there any fandoms you’re into outside of SaM? Upon investigation into my archive, at the time I was getting into SaM, my hype for attack on titan was starting to die down, and I was getting into Haikyuu!! Right now, other than SaM, I still make fics for haikyuu, and voltron.
10. Is there anything else you’d like the fandom to know about you or anything you’d like to say to the fandom as a whole? Honestly I’m glad I’ve gotten the opportunity to meet so many of you!! This webcomic and the fandom has quite literally changed my life. If I hadn’t read this webcomic, I probably never would have decided to pursue my writing as a career. Now, I’m working on writing a novel. You guys have fueled me creatively, and I can never really pay y’all back. Thank you for all the kind tags and messages!!
Please check out Swim’s writing blog and art tag and show her some love!
http://swimwrites.tumblr.com/ http://soulswimm-r.tumblr.com/tagged/my-art
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shootfortherightreasons · 7 years ago
;; Ironically, like, I can’t even be too mad about Carl being written out now because when I saw Chandler at the nightclub the other day, it’s like... he seems a lot happier and having so much fun with his musical work now that it’s REALLY difficult to be upset that he’s not in TWD anymore. I mean, I’m naturally super bent about losing Carl, and I do agree with most people that it’s what took the entire show down (and what seems to be Andy’s final motivation to actually quit), but seeing the energy Chandler has right now and how much effort he puts into what he does, it’s really motivating.
I mean, he’s nineteen and acting, DJing, making music, entering game tournaments at massive things like E3 (in other words, gaming publicity and giving him a pathway to get into some kind of career on that front too if he ever wanted to), and he’s taken classes for psychology (AP no less) and wanted to go for sociology in college when he’s ready to go.
Like, seriously. He’s nineteen and that’s five fucking career paths that he already has open to him. Not only that, but he has so much fun with music and he’s doing something he loves without worrying about things like companies right now, because he’s in control of what he produces. He doesn’t just have a fanbase for playing Carl anymore. He has a loyal fanbase that just loves who he is as a person and people who want to follow him in his careers. They don’t do it because of just Carl. They do it because he’s just like he wanted to be - a normal person who happens to have a job in acting. He shitposts and jokes on the internet like anyone else and types like this generation, has silly replies to people, etc. He’s just another kid on the internet sometimes, and you know what? Yeah, that’s from acting as Carl. But you have internet personalities who get famous too just from things like YT videos.
It still breaks my heart that all that shit went down for him and knowing he was supposed to be there at least until he was 21, but also, the cast is filming right now, and he’d have to be there for that if he was still on. I wouldn’t have gotten to see him doing what he loves or being so cheerful, and he wouldn’t be on tour right now, and he wouldn’t be so focused on his own personal interests. I’m starting to think that it was hard for him for a while, but with time he’s really just accepted it and moved on and made the absolute best out of everything. Something about him is so positive and motivating and I’ve never once in my life seen someone like him. Nineteen, five career paths, very motivated and positive, and so incredibly genuine and respectful and polite.
I’m of course always going to write Carl as having survived that because the writing itself was just bullshit trash. I’ll always be against what happened and hell, I might have accepted it at least a bit if the writing wasn’t so pathetic and he was written out well (which I mean Chandler did certainly make the best of it with his acting, and that’s on the writing team for removing Carl so poorly and not making it matter more or mean more in a healthy storytelling way, i.e. don’t make the war about HIM when it was about being free of oppression and avenging all the people who the Saviors had killed up to that point). If he had a better reason for dying in the show, maybe I’d be able to come to terms with it. But again, that’s just it - it was the writing. It was never Chandler.
I don’t care if people say he’s a bad actor or sucks at DJing blah blah find something else to do with your life y’all. He’s having fun, he’s happy with his work, and that makes me happy. I’d rather he be happy and be able to be more proud of his work because the stuff he does is original. Acting is acting as something pre-written. What he does is purely his work and people are loving his original work. There’s nothing more satisfying than being able to make some sort of living for yourself out of your own work and people loving it. And believe me, his fanbase loves his work. Seeing his fans at the nightclub told me how much respect he has and how much people love seeing him in his own element. How much we, as his fans, are willing to support him because we enjoy him.
Losing Carl was a downer. Seeing Chandler having fun and having him around to inspire me is better than Carl being in the show. I won’t just say Carl’s a fictional character and he’s real, because while that’s true, Carl became a part of my life at an extremely bad point for me, and I connected so much to him and that saved me from all the worst times. That’s the hardest part of losing him on the show, because he’s not even my actual favorite; Daryl is. It’s more that I connect with Carl super personally, so it hurt me that much harder. The difference is that Chandler’s happiness and motivation in life makes me happier overall, and I can see him in person being like that - and I have.
I’m just really proud of Chandler, I love him, and I want to support his careers until I physically can’t anymore. I think it hurt a lot more losing Carl when Chandler just hadn’t seemed to come to terms with it (like how you could clearly tell he was avoiding some interviewer questions or how he seemed to space out in Talking Dead for episode nine, or how he just seemed to be faking a lot of his smiles about it back when it first aired), but I think he really has now and it’s a lot less of just having to say that in interviews and the like and more that he just really has been able to move on. Both the fact that he’s been able to move on helps me move on, and honestly, seeing TWD legit crash and burn with him gone is kind of satisfying in a way? To know a TV couldn’t make it because of drama and whatnot surrounding your (what is speculated because of his father’s post) firing must a least be a bit relieving in a way, and seeing how without him the show can’t hold itself together is like... look, it’s failing without you while you go on to do seriously great things.
I dunno man. I’m just happier for Chandler than I am upset about TWD. I mean, I am MASSIVELY upset about TWD and Carl and all, but that’s just outweighed by Chandler’s positivity. I don’t even normally go to nightclubs, but if Chandler is playing anywhere near me again, I’m gonna jump on it just as fast as I did this last time (i.e. I totally made the plans with my friend as SOON as I saw tickets).
I’m hoping he comes out with something physical for Eclipse, because I really want to have him sign something at a con for me that has to do with his music. I don’t know if anyone else would agree, but I think that’s a little more of a compliment to him personally in a way? Since Eclipse is fully his? Carl isn’t all his, but Eclipse is, is what I mean.
Just pls support Eclipse if you appreciate Chandler, go to his concerts, give him yer goddamn money, go see him at his table during cons, laugh at his shitposts, JUST MAKE EVERYTHING HE DOES WORTH IT BECAUSE HE IS WORTH IT.
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