#hope this fixes link problem
starshapedoasis · 19 days
~Fanfic Recommendations~
1. World that’s been and gone - Storyshark2005
A classic you’ve prob already read. Multi-part series, Angst, Fluff, Reconciliation, The whole family makes an appearance.
2. My Sister Lover - DeathandCannibalism
Pre-fame, Angst, Comfort, Smut.
3. You never notice you are blind - mansgotalimit
Alan McGee finding out about Liam & Noel’s relationship. Light Smut?
4. The passing of Peggy Gallagher - Jeevey
Another classic you’ve prob already read. Slow-burn, Angst, Reconciliation.
5. Do You Still Feel Like Me? - OnTheWrongSideOfTheBed
Liam wants to be Noel’s boyfriend truly is the best description. Smut, Light Angst, Fluff.
6. FilmStar - OrphanAccount
Noel finds out Liam was in a porn video. Smut, Light Angst.
7. Things We Never See - Jeevey
Jill Furmanovsky realizing Liam and Noel’s “special relationship’. outsider POV.
8. Who Feels Love? -OnTheWrongSideOfTheBed
Early fame, Jealous Noel, Light Smut.
9. Tell me when will the river run green? -Buzz_Wuzzo
Set during standing on the shoulder of giants recording. Smut, Fluff.
10. I don’t believe that anybody feels the way I do about you know -mansgotalimit
Wonderwall is about Liam just a fact, Fluff, Angst, Bittersweet ending.
11. to Photograph what the eye can’t see - mansgotalimit
Noel takes a scandalous pic of Liam. Smut.
12. Baby, you’re gonna be the one to save me - snickfic
Mpreg, Liam would be a beautiful mother. 🙂‍↕️
13. Star-Shaped - Savageandwise
Multi-part series, female Liam, very special to me.
14. Guileless - Anonymous
Guigsy finds out about Liam and Noel’s Relationship and joins in. Smut.
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🖤~Song Of The Day~🖤
The song of the day is:     A Magnificent Gray -by- Slow Meadow
The challenge is to write something based off of this song, be it the name, the cover, or the tune itself. Let your imagination go wild and see where the music takes you.
Have at it Darlings!
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pretty-dianxia · 2 years
Music of the official 2nd-anniversary video 💛 link to download here
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eviesaurusrex · 11 months
I’ll work through my masterlists and update every link this weekend! And maybe I’ll get to write something new.
It’s quite a busy time in my life (I dropped out of university last January, had some aptitude tests between February and June, and started my training at a big cargo airline in late August), and I hadn’t had the time to put more stuff out which is hanging around in my drafts for months, some even almost finished and only in desperate need for some proofreading. But I want to get back into writing, at least during the weekend, as long as I have those free.
So. That’s it for now. Sorry for the tmi.
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fantasykiri5 · 14 days
Yo a bunch of the asks in my inbox aren’t showing up on desktop??? It says I have 111 of them, and I CAN see them on mobile just fine. When I started answering the ones I already had an hour or so ago I could see the whole thing, and now when I get a new one I can see that one as it comes in, but none of the others in my inbox.
Has anyone ever encountered this issue? It’s very strange, idk why it’s happening and I kind of NEED to be able to access my asks. It’s way harder to properly answer all the Palestine GFM requests I’m getting from my phone (and more complicated to rb each one’s pinned, and add them to the master list doc I’m trying to make) AND I have a number of drawing request asks that I want to make sure I still have for when I actually get around to drawing the things requested.
Please help it’s really fucking weird
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inkyu · 3 months
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On that artfight grind yall
Character(s) attacked: https://artfight.net/character/4641187.jacques-sieghard | https://artfight.net/character/4105014.null
(for the constructive critism tag read my yapping in the tags for context .w.)
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facts-i-just-made-up · 2 months
Not A Joke, Not Unreality:
A company called Quantum Fiber (under Century Link) recently set up my home town for fiber optic internet. I got them a month ago and aside from a few outages it was decent.
Last week, it went out. They sent me a super specific time it would be back-
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They failed to make it and sent another, minutes later.
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And another when that failed.
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And over the week, more and more.
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I called and they just read me the same email out loud. They offered no escalation or resources. Every time, they fail. I have not had internet for my house in a week, and this morning I got this one-
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I looked into other people having the same problem and found this-
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Edit forgot link
That's not something called a "766" line, that's them fucking up my city 766 times. This company is fucking shit, and I'm sick of this. I've filed an FCC complaint but those take a month to even get a reply.
So I'm hoping my 173,365 followers can help make this show of their ineptitude and callousness go viral. Please.
They are in a time of massive expansion into many new states and cities. I am asking anyone so inclined with a few minutes to spare to find your town or state's government information technology office or liaison, or just a local government representative of any kind, and write them a quick note stating that this company destroys town utilities and offers absolute frustrating failures of service in return.
If you have Quantum Fiber and have been similarly failed by them, please file an FCC complaint. You might at least get a free month out of it.
If you work with a news source or popular blog, please boost this however you can.
If you are on any app on which they are present, please feel free to write or tag them and let them know they have failed their customers and cities they work with.
Please do not engage in threats or harassment of any form. Keep this legal, civil, and proper so that it can create a legal basis and record of good citizen interaction on the part of this company's victims. I am asking for help in a grassroots campaign, not a violent or prank-filled heap that just gets people in trouble. AND DO NOT FOR ANY REASON EVER PESTER THE WORKERS, PHONE REPS AND TECHNICIANS THEY HAVE OUT THERE. This is the corporation's fault, not the poor folks they employ who they likely try to make take the backlash.
If you have any other ideas on how to hold a mega-corp responsible for the shit they put their customers through, please comment and recommend. I am sick of this shit. I know there are worse things happening and even worse companies doing horrid things right now. But maybe this one is new/small enough that a viral campaign can kick them where it hurts and get them to act more responsibly to their customers and safely to the places they work.
Please help if you have time. Please spread this in the hopes they see it and get off their butts and fix their horrible shit. Any random reblog or post on any platform might be the one their investors hear of.
Thank you anyone for anything you can do.
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emotionalcadaver · 1 year
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Part 5: A Sleepless Dream
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Robert Fischer x OC
Summary: Alice struggles with her feelings at the gala, and Robert finally comes to a realization.
Word Count: 2,554
Notes: No warnings this time.
Previous Chapter • Series • Fic • Next Chapter
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Chapter 8: The Gala
To say that Alice felt out of place would have been an understatement.
Fancy occasions had never particularly been her idea of a good time. She’d much rather eat at a local bar or diner than at an expensive restaurant, or wear comfortable shoes over designer heels. Pulling self consciously at the neckline of her blue dress, she made an admirable attempt to turn herself invisible. It would be better than the judgmental, condescending looks she’d been getting all night. She swore that rich people had some sort of radar; a way of telling if someone wasn’t really one of them with just a single glance. No matter how hard you tried to blend in.
The building that the gala was being held in was gorgeous in every sense of the word. A huge dance floor, a bar, gleaming gold detailing in all the chairs, the parts of the floor not covered in white marble showcasing a shock of crimson red carpet. She was pretty sure that the chandelier glittering high above them was made out of actual diamonds. “You doing alright?” Robert asked.
“My feet hurt,” she shot a spiteful look down at the black heels.
He gave her a genuinely apologetic look, sweeping a hand through his hair and readjusting his tie.
“You look fine,” she assured. It was true. The suit was a dark charcoal pinstripe, only a shade or two away from being black, and hugged him in a way that showed off the leanness of his body. The tie around his neck was a soft baby blue, a match to the striking color of his eyes. His silver cufflinks gleamed every time he moved his hands.  
“God, I hate these things,” Robert mumbled, eyes scanning over the crowd. Alice rubbed a sympathetic hand along his shoulder. A group of gorgeous women that she could only assume were supermodels ambled over to them, all bright, white smiles and soft giggles as they greeted Robert. He smiled back in a way that was more of a grimacing bearing of teeth, mumbling quietly in response to their questions. When one of them reached out to brush her fingers over his arm, Alice could see the way he tensed, smile cracking for a moment. None of the women so much as glanced at her. She wondered if her previous wishes of being turned invisible had actually been answered.    
The only way Robert could have more obviously wanted to be left alone would have been if he was wearing a t-shirt that said “stay the fuck away from me.” It was odd. She knew he had the capability to be exceptionally charming when he wanted to be. Brow furrowing, she wracked her brain to try to figure out what had put him into such a funk that past few days. Ever since he’d come home from the dinner with Todd and his friends.  
She’d been so busy nursing her wounded pride and cracked heart following that night that it admittedly took her a while to notice just how off Robert was behaving. Quiet and sullen, so tense in his shoulders she was worried he might snap.
Robert moved a little closer to her, linking her arm with his. The supermodels seemed to finally take the hint, moving off with a few nasty looks shot her way.
“They seemed nice.”
Robert groaned, rubbing at the bridge of his nose like he was nursing a headache. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
Still keeping their arms looped together, Robert began to pull her along with him, heading towards the bar. Yes. Drinks. Drinks would be good.
“So. Other than standing around looking fancy and drinking, what exactly is it that you do at these things?” she asked. The last time she’d accompanied him to a gala, they were young, and spent the entire time hovering near the kitchens so they would get first dibs on all the food.
“Dance. Charm donors. Flirt,” there was a surprising bite of bitterness around the last word. He dropped her arm once they’d gotten to the bar, motioning for the bartender. Alice watched as he downed his glass, brows pinching. 
Was it her? Was he mad at her for coming with him? Maybe he preferred to attend these things stag. No doubt it would be easier to flirt and pick up women without her clinging to his arm.
“Robert. There you are.”
Something twitched in Robert’s face at the sound of Maurice’s voice. For a moment, the closeted resentment and disdain he carried towards her father was on blatant display before it was swiftly tucked away.
Maurice was approaching them with a beautiful woman in tow. Long, golden blonde curls pinned half up half down, a baby pink, floor length dress swishing around her legs, a lace forest green shawl wrapped around her shoulders. She was curvy and tall, striking features softened somewhat by the roundness of her cheeks. Maurice gestured to her. 
“This is Gemma Hadley. Ms. Hadley, this is my son, Robert.”
Alice swallowed hard as she watched Robert smile and shake Gemma’s hand. 
“I’ve heard such wonderful things about you,” she said, a strong Australian accent lilting her voice.
“I’ll leave you to it, then,” Maurice said, shooting a look at Robert before vanishing back into the crowd. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” Robert said to Gemma. The blonde’s eyes darted questioningly between him and Alice. “This is my assistant, Alice Emerson.”
“Oh,” Gemma smiled and shook Alice’s hand firmly. “So nice to meet you.”
“You too.”
Gemma pulled her shawl from her shoulders as she slipped into a chair at the bar, revealing how her gown clung to the ample curves of her chest. Alice brushed a hand down her own floor length dress, suddenly feeling very stupid and childish. Like a kid playing dress up. Biting her lip, she watched as Robert slipped into the chair next to Gemma, leaning towards her. With quiet bewilderment, she watched as a smile slipped into place across his lips, blue eyes wide and fluttering as he turned on the charm he had been so well known for back in college. As she watched them begin to converse in quiet, obviously flirtatious voices, Alice was struck by a sudden feeling of loneliness and abandonment, painfully aware of the awkward knowledge that she’d suddenly become a third wheel. 
If she hadn’t already felt invisible before, she certainly did now. It was like her only purpose was to keep him company until someone better came along. 
Resting her hand on his back, she mumbled an excuse of needing to go to the bathroom, not waiting to see if he even acknowledged her before she began walking away.
The bathroom was just as over the top luxurious as the rest of the venue. With white marble counters and gold, gleaming sinks. Resting her hands on the counter, Alice stared at herself in the mirror.
Her dark brown hair was pinned into a low side bun, the silver pins of glittering stars and moons pinching against her scalp. The dress was a deep blue, and sleeveless, with a halter neckline and silver accents arranged over the bodice.
In her mind, she picked apart every tiny aspect of her appearance. Her breasts were too small, the freckles across her cheeks too prominent, her legs too short. She didn’t belong here, amongst this group of wealthy, beautiful people.
Rubbing a hand across her forehead, she closed her eyes. She wasn’t being fair. Robert could do whatever he wanted. With whoever he wanted. He wasn’t hers, nor did he have any interest in her in that way. He’d made that abundantly clear. And Gemma was exactly his type, tall and busty. Blonde, from a background of wealth and status. They would probably be perfect for each other. 
Bottom lip trembling, she fumbled with the little black clutch she’d brought with her and smoothed down her hair.
Deciding that it was good enough, she headed back out, eyes scanning past the dance floor to the bar, where Robert and Gemma were still sitting. Gemma was leaning back, a hand held up to her lips as she laughed, Robert watching her with a smile. When her hand dropped from her mouth, it came to rest on one of his arms, looking into his eyes adoringly. Robert leaned closer to her, lips moving as he said something that made Gemma blush.
No. She wasn’t going to stay to see this. To be ignored and made to feel like a burden or third wheel. Robert could do what he wanted; she wasn’t going to stand in the way of that. But that didn’t mean that she needed to stick around to watch. 
Tucking her clutch under her arm, she headed towards the doors to where the valet was sitting, reading a book behind the little desk he occupied. It was early enough into the evening that no one else had left yet.
“Ms. Emerson,” he looked up, closing his book and setting it aside.
“Could you have them bring the car around? I’d like to go home.”
“Of course,” he stood, then hesitated. “Is Mr. Fischer joining you?”
“No,” she didn’t look up as she fumbled with her clutch, passing him a handful of bills for a tip as he mumbled soft thanks. The car pulled around a few moments later.
Heart aching, she rested her clutch in her lap, fist pressed to her lips as she looked out the window, watching as the venue faded away into the distance. 
∗ ∗ ∗ 
Never before had he so badly wanted for an evening to end. Gemma was nice enough, not nearly as bad as some of the others his father had pushed on him over the years, but he just couldn’t bring himself to be interested. The booze was, frankly, not very good, and the piano in the corner near the dancefloor needed to be tuned.
And where the hell was Alice?
She disappeared off to the bathroom at least fifteen minutes ago and he hadn’t seen her since. For a while he was worried that she might be sick, or maybe got cornered into conversation with one of the creepy old men that were many of their donors. He’d been subtly scanning the crowd over and over, searching for her pretty blue dress or dark hair. 
“Have you seen Alice?” he blurted out suddenly, interrupting…whatever it was Gemma had been saying to him. She blinked.
“My assistant.”
“Oh. I think she left.”
“I think I saw her heading for the doors maybe…ten minutes ago,” she twirled the straw in her drink. Some red cocktail that came garnished with a sprig of mint. It felt like his heart had dropped into his stomach, eyes darting anxiously towards the doors, taking every ounce of control he had not to go charging after her. Gemma was speaking again, but he couldn’t focus on what she was saying, too preoccupied with the worry and dread building in his gut.
“Robert? Are you even listening to me?” she asked.
“I’m sorry,” he said, not taking his eyes off the doors. “I’m sorry, I have to go.”
“What? Why?”
“I just…I’m sorry, here,” he dropped a handful of bills from his inner pocket onto the counter. “Buy yourself a couple of drinks, or…something,” he hesitated as he pulled away from her and slid out of his seat. “Look, I hope you and your father decide to work with us in the future,” and then, because he really did feel very bad about just ditching her like that, “I-I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. But I really have to go,” he punctuated the end of his nonsensical rambling by turning on his heel and all but running out of the room, leaving Gemma gaping after him in bewildered silence.
Waiting impatiently at the valet station for a car to be brought around for him, memories of that horrible day all those years ago, when he’d returned home to find Alice gone, flashed behind his eyes. All traces of her removed from their shared apartment, like she had never even existed at all. One minute, she was there, and then in the next she was gone, taking all his happiness and his heart with her. 
She wouldn’t leave like that again; at least he didn’t think she would. But still the anxiousness persisted. It wasn’t just worry over the possibility of her leaving. What if she was sick, or hurt?
He should have cared about what his actions could mean for the company, but he couldn’t bring himself to. None of it really mattered, in the end. At least not to him. Fischer Morrow would be fine without the Hadleys. But Robert doubted he could go through losing Alice again, or live with himself if he went back in there and sat at the bar and flirted and schmoozed while his best friend was possibly back at home being sick or upset. The mental image of her sitting alone on the couch in the living room, crying because of something some jackass said to her, was enough to twist at his heart, checking anxiously at his watch.
He couldn’t understand why she would just run off like that. Everything had seemed fine. Until…
Until he’d started talking to Gemma.
Okay. Something, that meant something. Interesting.
He’d never really allowed himself to hope that Alice could ever feel the same way as he did. It had always seemed far, far too unlikely. Borderline ridiculous. Why would she waste herself on some pathetic fuckup like him?
There could be a thousand explanations for why she’d responded badly to him flirting with Gemma. It didn’t necessarily mean anything.
In a near violent rush, as if a floodgate had suddenly been opened, he was bombarded by a slew of memories. Flirting with girls in front of Alice at bars, talking to her about dates, bidding a one night stand goodbye in the morning while Alice watched them silently from the kitchen. And every time, there was the same look in her eyes. Something that he could never place. That he now realized was sadness.   
And then there was the way she was always curling in close to him, cuddling up to his chest on the couch while watching movies, reaching for his hand as they walked, brushing her side with his. The way her eyes sometimes shined when she looked at him.
That could be considered more carefully later. Allowing any sort of hope to bloom in his chest was dangerous, and more likely than not going to just leave him heartbroken. But try as he might, he couldn’t quite shove the sudden feeling away into the recesses of his mind like he used to.
His breathing quickened to the point that he had to rest a hand against one of the pillars lining the walkway to the doors, stomach twisting. He felt like he was going to be sick; whether it was from excitement or horror over his past behavior, he couldn’t tell.
Shaking his head, he began to walk towards the car rolling to a stop in front of him. Everything else could wait. 
He just needed to make sure that Alice was okay.   
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Thank you for reading! Please consider leaving a comment, reblog, or like. I always appreciate feedback and love getting the opportunity to interact with you and hear your thoughts!
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slut-for-hyunjin · 1 month
skz links♡
juicy prn links from X. MDNI!!!
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Hyung line
: ̗̀➛chan deepens his twitching cock inside of you★
: ̗̀➛ chan comes all over your tits★
: ̗̀➛ minho loves the taste of you★
: ̗̀➛ minho likes the creampie ★
: ̗̀➛ changbin is a bit big..★
: ̗̀➛ changbin fingers you like there's no tomorrow★
: ̗̀➛ hyunjin fucks you in the dorm, til the guys are sleeping★
: ̗̀➛ hyunjin lets you ride him★
Maknae line
: ̗̀➛ jisung fingers you so good, while your hand are tied together ★
: ̗̀➛ you made jisungie cum ★
: ̗̀➛ felix and you decided to make a quick sex tape★
: ̗̀➛ you're clingy and needy for felix ★
: ̗̀➛ seungmin loves suck on your breast★
: ̗̀➛ oral sex with seungmin ★
: ̗̀➛ passionate sex with jeongin★
: ̗̀➛ jeongin takes care of you★
if you liked it don't forget to like, reblog and comment your experiences, have a nice day!♡
edit: hey guys!! first, thank you for that lot of notes, i'm so glad you liked these links🤭
× second, i made the post coquette i hope you still like it♡
× then the last thing, i needed to change a few links at the maknae line because for some kind of reason, that part is so chaotic, and has a lot of problem with saving the links, i can't💀🔫
× then the last last thing, sorry for the spelling, english is not my first language, but i always try to fix my mistakes😭🙏🏻
bye bye~
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rin-may-1103 · 3 months
The Master Post.
someone asked for a master post so here we are.
Tag List? yes, there is a tag list. If you'd like to be Added, please leave a comment on the Stories Linked Post. If the tags aren't working for some reason, then you can either Follow this post by clicking the bell (or the three dots) or follow the Story's Post the same way. I'll update both Relevant Posts when there is a New Part.
Unfortunately, I can't keep up with all the people asking to be added to the tag list in all the different posts, so to make it easier, please follow the instructions above. if you don't I'll most likely miss your comment and therefore not add you to the tag list. (if you're not sure if you're tagged or not, you can check out the Tag List Here, please follow the instructions in the comments)
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
I hope y'all keep enjoying the stories as much as I enjoy writing them.
Stories and Summaries:
The Wrong Robin Au (DP x DC):
Tim Drake saw Danny do a quadruple somersault, which resulted in him believing Danny was the first Robin for years. He still figured out Bruce but thinks Dick is in the dark. Now with the second Robin dead, and Batman quickly reaching the end of his sanity, Tim takes it upon himself to get Robin to come back. Danny is very confused when this random kid tries to blackmail him into becoming Robin.
Badger Day Au (DP x DC):
Danny is stuck in a Groundhog Day kinda situation and he would like to be let out now, please. The league is very worried.
Delilah's language (DP x DC):
Bruce Wayne approaches the Fentons because Damian is a big fan of Danny for his work in the conservation of the purpleback gorilla. So now Danny is going to the birthday of this random kid so he can teach him gorilla sign language so he can talk to the purple-back gorilla as well.
Just a Bite (DP x DC):
Danny's homeless on the streets of Gotham, when he gets a terrible idea from some passerby. Three weeks after living with the Waynes, they still haven't noticed he's not supposed to be there.
72 hours (DP x DC):
During a battle with the rest of the league, John Constantine is accidentally sent into the palace of Pariah Dark, Tyrant of the Dead, and Bane of the Living. Danny just wanted to have a simple spa day.
Biggest Regret (DP x DC):
Danny Had been optimistic when he created The Email. Three days, that's what he gave himself. Three days to fix or get out of whatever problem he was dealing with and open his laptop to restart the timer. Three days. Past him had thought that If he ever got caught they'd just kill him; it's what they said they would do this whole time, so why wouldn't he think otherwise? It's been more than three days, and at this point, he's just glad someone could fulfill his last wish.
The Disappointment (DP x DC):
Ra's has stated his disapproval of one of the twins, now Talia is rushing to get them out of there and to Bruce to be safe. Danny has other ideas.
Black Retrievers and Golden Cats (DP x DC):
He remembered how it took two hours for his mind to catch up to what he had done, two hours for him to realize he had just killed his brother. It took another two days to realize his brother was never coming back, that the pits had not worked. Damian stared at the camera footage infront of him, his family's voices buzzing with theories and analyzing everything they could. He remembered his brother's bright carefree smile just minutes before Damian had killed him. So, why? Why was he seeing it again?
College Rivalry with the Genius Toddler in the First Row. (DP X DC):
Tim doesn't understand how he's losing at university to a toddler. Danny's not having a great time, but it's fine because now he can terrorize Red Robin.
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shangchiswife · 2 years
joel miller- the babysitter?
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summary: sarah’s old babysitter comes to visit from graduate school and joel is surprised
warnings: smut, age gap
word count: 2140
link to part 2: part 2
Joel Miller stood in the kitchen, his eyebrows furrowed with concentration.
He was determined to get the pancakes in front of him perfect. It was Sarah’s birthday and he just wanted to show her how much he appreciated her.
He had just finished making breakfast when his daughter bolted down the stairs.
“Morning dad,” she chirped before taking a seat at the breakfast table where Joel had placed a hot syrupy stack of pancakes.
“Morning baby girl, happy birthday,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead before taking a seat beside her.
“Pancakes! Thank you so much, dad!” she grinned before she immediately started to pile the pancakes onto her plate.
His gaze was soft as he stared at his little girl that was growing up so fast.
“So what’s the plan for today?” she asked with her mouth full.
“Mouth closed, Sarah, and whatever you want,” he ruffled her hair and she giggled.
“Thanks so much, dad, well I was thinking-”
Sarah was interrupted by the sound of the loud doorbell that sounded like it needed to be fixed.
The two glanced at each other with confusion.
“Were you expecting someone, Sarah?” Joel questioned, staring at his only daughter.
“No…” she shook her head quizzically. 
Joel stood up, rubbing his hands on his jeans before going over to the door and opening it.
When he opened it he was shocked to see you standing there dressed in a pretty white sundress, the bright sun illuminating your beaming face.
“Y/N,” he said with surprise.
“Mr. Miller, it’s nice to see you. Is Sarah here? I have a present for her,” you lifted up a small pink gift bag in your hand.
“Yeah she is, uh…come in,” he scratched the back of his head as you came inside eagerly.
“Y/N!” Sarah screamed with joy as she abandoned her breakfast and darted over to you and immediately jumped into your arms. 
“Sarah it’s so nice to see you! Look at how much you’ve grown,” you took her face in your hands and caressed it, her doe brown eyes gazing adoringly into yours. 
You had babysat for Sarah during your gap year and during college, while you were at a university nearby Austin, wanting to earn some money. Then once you were done with college you were accepted into a good Graduate program outside of Texas and rarely visited due to your busy schedule.
Joel stared at you.
He remembered you asking him to read over your college essays and him trying his best to make comments even though your work was exceptional. Hell, he remembered you putting Sarah to bed even though she begged you to stay up and watch tv. You had played an important role in Sarah’s development and he appreciated that. And now here you were so mature, hardened from the city life. 
“Here’s your gift, Sarah, I hope you like it,” you smiled, handing her the bright pink gift bag, watching as she threw out the wrapping paper.
“Woah a Britney Spears shirt and an Avril Lavigne cd! Thanks so much, Y/N,” Sarah marveled at the contents of the bag before embracing you once more.
“No problem. Anything for my favorite kid,” you winked at her as her cheeks glowed from the praise.
Suddenly the doorbell rang again and all heads turned to the crimson-red door once more.
“Good grief, how many more people are gonna knock on my door,” Joel muttered under his breath as you suppressed a giggle.
You had always had a little school-girl crush on Joel when you babysat Sarah. The way he was always so kind and gentle to you. It also didn’t help how handsome he was with his dark hair that was slightly greyed and his large muscular build, and serious dark eyes. All the girls your age had the same thoughts about Joel calling him a “silver fox.” Joel was completely oblivious to their comments, and if he did know he did a damn good job of hiding it.
This time Sarah ran up to the door and swung it open.
“Lily!” she squealed with delight as a girl around her age entered the house.
“Hey, Sarah, happy birthday! My mom was wondering if you wanted to go to the city mall with us and get a gift for you,” the girl said as Sarah immediately spun towards Joel and gave him her best puppy eyes.
You shook your head and chuckled.
You remembered when she used to do that when she wanted to stay up past her bedtime.
Joel scratched his facial hair.
“I don’t know…”
With that response, Sarah smacked him lightly with the Avril Lavigne cd she had just been gifted, her brown face scrunching up with anger.
“Alright, alright, easy I was just joking,” he chuckled as Sarah narrowed her eyes at him and then skipped away with Lily leaving the two of you alone.
It seemed that Joel had just realized and he turned around and stared at you.
“Oh…uh Y/N you can stay for dinner if you’d like I’m sure I can make something…” he said awkwardly.
You didn’t know why he was being so awkward, he was always normal when you were around.
“That sounds good, Mr. Miller,”
“Oh Y/N, you know you can just call me Joel,” his mouth twisted to the side which made you grin.
“Fine, that sounds good, Joel,” you smiled before plopping onto one of the sofas sprawled out in the cozy living room.
Once Joel had brought a warm plate of cookies, the awkwardness between the two of you was over and you started exchanging stories.
“And that was how Sarah got on the soccer team,” Joel wolfed down his cookie before you let out a hearty laugh.
“I can’t believe she got on there with no experience and a broken wrist,” you giggled.
“Yeah but now she’s carryin’ the team,” he said, putting the plate down on the table beside him.
As he moved over to do that simple action, your eyes flickered down to his jeans, they fit so snugly around his thick thighs.
Jesus Christ get a grip, Y/N you thought trying your hardest not to stare at them.
Once the man returned to his seat he spread his legs for comfort.
“Lord, this man is going to drive me insane,” you muttered, rubbing your temples as you could feel yourself growing wet from under your dress.
“You alright, there, Y/N?” the handsome man cocked his head to the side, his eyebrows furrowing with concern.
“I’m alright I just-” 
At that moment your car keys flew off your wrist and under the sofa.
“Shit,” you cursed as you bent down under the couch and searched for them.
Joel’s eyes widened and his breath hitched the moment you bent down to reach for your keys, your pretty sundress hiked up and revealed your lacy black panties.
His cock twitched in his pants as he stared at your ass. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled thinking that no one could hear him. 
But you could.
You peeked at him for a second, watching as his eyes darken as they watched your every movement.
Wanting to tease him more you wiggled your ass, wanting to get a reaction out of him.
He adjusted in his seat, fidgeting uncomfortably as he rubbed his hands on his jeans.
You fished your car keys from under the couch and placed them promptly back in your purse before going over to Joel, kneeling.
“Joel, are you feeling alright?” you kneeled right in front of his thighs, placing a gentle hand on his knee as Joel held back a groan.
He did nothing but gape as you moved his thighs aside so that you could slip in between them.
“Fuck, sweetheart what are you doin’?” Joel brought a hand down to caress your cheek.
“Please,” you looked up at him pleadingly.
“Please what,” his fingers drew shapes into your cheeks as you closed your eyes with bliss.
“Please let me suck your cock,” you placed your head on his thigh, cheeks flushed as he stroked your hair.
“Are you sure?” he struggled with his words as you nuzzled into his thigh.
“I want to,”
Your words sent the blood rushing to his cock as he took one of his fingers and put it in your mouth.
“Suck,” he commanded as you immediately complied, looking up at him innocently.
“Holy shit,” he said as he continued to thrust his finger in and out of your mouth watching as a string of drool pooled from your lips.
You whined, clearly wanting something bigger in your mouth.
“Alright princess, you show me how it’s done,” Joel rested his head back against the sofa as he watched your calculated movements.
You smirked as you rubbed your hands up and down his muscular thighs, then placed one hand on his clothed erection and traced it lightly.
“Uh uh, if you keep on doing that I’m not gonna be so nice,” he growled, gripping your chin roughly, making sure that you locked eyes with him.
You gave him a small smile before pressing a single kiss to his clothed cock.
Then you started working the zipper of his jeans, watching as his cock sprung out, pre-cum leaking from his tip, just waiting to be touched.
Your mouth watered at the sight. 
Joel guided your head, pushing it closer to his cock as you wrapped your lips around it.
“Shit yeah that’s it, princess,” he said, his head hitting the back of the couch, enjoying the warmth of your tongue on his dick.
While you took more of him in your mouth you simultaneously stroked him and fondled his balls.
“Jesus Christ,” he panted as he raked his hands through your hair, fisting it tightly.
You moaned at the pulling, the vibrations going straight to Joel’s cock.
You sink deeper into him, wanting to please him desperately as you continued to fondle his balls and wrap one of your hands around the base of his shaft.
“Such a good fuckin’ girl,” he praised, his tongue swiping over his bottom lip as you whimpered from the praise, growing wetter by the moment.
“Yeah, you like being called a good girl?” he teased, a smirk playing at his lips as he watched you struggle with his length.
Your pussy clenched around nothing as he continued to fist your hair.
You close your eyes with bliss as you continue to milk him while he lets out loud groans that go straight to your drooling cunt.
“Fuck I’m gonna-”
“Down my throat,” you breathe out as Joel completely loses it and stands up, thrusting his dick into your mouth at a brutal pace.
You moan loudly, tears leaking down your face as Joel continues to fuck you, groaning at his pleasure.
“You fuckin’ whore, having a little crush on your boss,”
You looked up at him, whimpering as tears continued to rush down your cheeks.
“Such a pretty little mouth, taking my cock so well,” he moaned as his pace faltered.
You rubbed your thighs together, wanting some friction of some sort to aid your untouched pussy.
Joel thrust one last time and released his seed, painting your throat white as he slipped out of your mouth.
He watched his cum drip down your chin and he almost became hard again at the pretty sight.
“Swallow,” he ordered as you immediately complied and swallowed his cum.
“Good girl,” he whispered as he knelt down to your cockdumb state and caressed your cheeks.
“You alright, sweetheart?” he asked, sweetly.
“Yeah, Joel I’m amazing,” you said as you leaned your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around him, threading your hand through his cropped hair.
The man’s breath hitched before he embraced you back, drawing circles on your back with the pad of his thumb.
He pressed a kiss to the side of your head.
“So damn cute,” he whispered in your ear as you giggled.
“You really think so?” your heart swelled with joy at his compliment.
“I know so,” he said as you hid your smile in his chest.
“So when can we meet again?” you asked looking up at him as he looked down at you, his eyes soft and not serious like they usually are.
“Tomorrow Sarah is having her birthday party here and then Lily’s mom is taking em’ skating at the mall in the city so the house will be free,” he smirked as your cheeks heated up.
“I’ll be there,” you stood up, taking your purse and putting it over your shoulder.
“And tomorrow you’ll get your turn,” he said, winking.
You grinned at him before opening the front door and shutting it behind you.
You could not wait for tomorrow.
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mysticheathenn · 5 months
What Booktrope Is Your Future Love Story?
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is for my Patreon All Tiers. This pick-a-card reading is all about what book trope is your future love story.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help. Tarot should be used as entertainment and not a for sure answer to your problems but as a guide, a sense of hope, and amusement.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
Extended Patreon Includes:
Who is your book trope lover? w/ Book Recommendations
Extra Messages
Patreon Link
Ko-Fi Donations
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Pile l:
What book trope is your future love story? Oracle: Wedding, Children, Love Yourself First, Calling in Your Soulmate, Passion.
Soulmates X Sworn Off Love. Pile l you probably have been through the ringer when it comes to finding "the one". Time and time again people have disappointed you and you have mostly given up on love. You are in the headspace of if love happens great if not, you don't care because you are currently focusing on yourself right now or will soon be focusing on yourself. I always find it wild because usually when you give up on finding love and you focus on yourself you end up meeting your soulmate. For clarity, when I mean focusing on yourself I mean better yourself and seeing growth of who you are as a person and growing your career not just sitting at home pretending to not think of love. When you focus on yourself it has to be for yourself not to bring in a relationship. It kind of defeats the purpose, it's like washing and drying off at the same time. Did you work on the parts of yourself that needs to be "fixed" so you arent doing more harm than good (energetically attracting the same people)? During this time of swearing off love you need to be healing and reminding yourself that you are worthy of a healthy love, nothing is wrong with you, and you are amazing. Your soulmate is out there waiting to love you out loud, passionately, and whole heartedly. Patreon Link
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Pile ll:
What book trope is your future love story? Oracle: Free Yourself, Passion, Engagement, Playfulness, Pay attention to red flags, Chemistry
Enemies to Lovers X Alpha Hero X "Insta love". Because you have been burned in the past, you refuse to let another person smooth talk their way into your heart so you put up a wall for some of you. You may also have been attracted to Pile l but for others of you, there's something about this person where you feel the need to look for red flags every time you hang out with this person. You don't know if it's your paranoia or if there is indeed something wrong with this person but either way you slowly but surely lower your defenses and see this person for who they are and end up seeing that this person actually wants to get to know you and not waste your time. There will be an instant connection and for some of you this may possibly be one of the triggers to up your defenses because maybe you aren't the type to believe in "Love at first sight" but either way you will definitely give this person hell for a little bit. What I mean by that is you will be sarcastic (playfully) and basically make them jump through hopes in order to prove their worth to you and boy do they love jumping. Patreon Link
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Pile lll:
What book trope is your future love story? Oracle: Trust, Stay Optimistic about your love life, finances and career, Romantic feelings, Give your relationship a chance, & Healing family issues.
Second Chance X Workplace X Opposites Attract. This pile has multiple messages but overall I feel this pile is mostly for those who have an on again off again relationship. Some of you may be with no contact with your person while others of you are in contact but not together and want to get back together but aren't sure. The few of you the other message is this person you could possibly know from work and you aren't sure whether you should give this person a try because of the saying "Don't shit where you sleep." Trust your gut to know if this will be a good idea or not it's never a bad thing to test the waters. If this person is mature and not a man-child where you will regret even considering this, I say go for it. You never know how far it will go. Now, for the vast majority of you with exes and on-again-off-again relationships...there seems to be some healing that needs to happen within the relationship. Some of you or maybe even your person acts the way they do because they never had a good example of how to treat, act, and go about relationships in a healthy way so they act out. My suggestion if you can afford to is going to couples therapy or establishing boundaries and better communication with each other on what is okay and what is not. Maybe even doing a trial period if you still aren't sure if you should give in to this person. Patreon Link
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Pile lV:
What book trope is your future love story? Oracle: Chemistry, Playfulness, Engagement, Worth Waiting for, New Love, Free Yourself, Express Your Love, Attraction.
Friends to Lovers X Fling. This pile was kind of tricky to place into a book trope it was as if the possibilities for you are endless but I settled on Friends to lovers and possibly a fling-turned relationship. Either way, this person coming in could either be a new person in general who becomes a good friend that you develop feelings for a fling that is someone new and you develop feelings for either way this relationship is playful, fun, and light-hearted. You feel this person is exactly what the doctor ordered. Some of you may not want to get into a serious relationship right now because of either trauma or you just aren't ready for it so being with this person will feel very casual and fun. For whatever reason I feel like this person will make you feel like a kid at the fair. No worries, just fun in the sun. There is definitely a lot of attraction for each other and you will feel free to be yourself as well. For some of you, this may lead to an engagement while for others of you this is just something that will pass the time. Patreon Link
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay safe and be blessed
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goldfades · 5 months
headcannons of you being a media girl for the team and KK constantly annoying you and pulling you with her to make tiktoks
you cannot tell me that kk wouldn’t be all up in that camera
“welcome to the kk arnold show-“
─ warnings | nothing but light banter, pretty much nothing else?
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
─ ev's notes | so instead of like media girl hc's, i'm gonna do manager, it's basically the same thing except manager kinda does everything, it's not limited to photos and social media. it's BASICALLY the same just more of an umbrella term LOL, i hope y'all enjoyed!
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you've been the manager for the women's bb team since freshman year and let's just say it's SO chaotic but very rewarding
and yes, you're so right
kk would force you to be in the videos and you're all like force smiling, looking like you're being held hostage
everyone in the comments are SCREECHING cus your answers are always so hilarious and they all love you
"who has the best music taste on the team OTHER THAN YOU?" "other than me?????" "yeah.." "no one, i have the best one"
but people love you sm
i feel like they'd make compilations of you interacting with the team (in specifically the tiktoks bc they're funny af)
eventually people coin the term... "y/n and her toddlers"
you're like the mom of the team (obviously cus ur the manager) but like in more ways than just one
like the freshman first start to open up to you, every comes to you for advice, etc etc
they all just ADORE you
cus who wouldn't?
since you're in charge of the social medias, you FEED the paige bueckers girlies
you take so many pictures of our girl and everyone on tiktok loves u for it
on the buses to games, oh god bless u
especially the really long car rides, everyone will do anything but sleep when the only thing you're tryna do is sleep
LIKE EVERYTHING, they will bring cases of redbull bc they swearrrrr it's team bonding
(they just wanna shit talk everyone they know)
they drag you into everything, especially like if two (or multiple) of the girls are having problems bc you usually know how to deal with them
they adore you yes, but they also fear the fuck outta you
so you make them sit down and talk it out (with you + any seniors at the time to make sure they actually do) then BOOM it's fixed
again, you're like their mom
here's a little snippet of what it's like being their manager 😗
"Hey y'all, welcome back to the KK Arnold show! Today we're gonna go interview the mysterious Y/N," KK shouted as she looked at the camera with a smile, beginning to walk to the sidelines of the empty court. She gestured to keep walking until they eventually reach you.
You looked up to meet the camera with a confused smile as you setup your camera. KK couldn't help but let out a laugh, causing you to shake your head in amusement.
"Everyone wanted to have an interview with you, how do you feel about that?" KK finally got out after she stopped laughing, unable to maintain a straight face at your confused expression.
You laughed softly, adjusting the camera before responding, "Uh... well you know, it's part of the job."
KK shook her head dramatically as the camera zooms in on her face, "She hates you guys, Y/N is a D1 hater-"
"No, oh my god shut up!" You laughed as KK gave you a mock glare. "I love you guys."
"How do you feel about the edits?" KK held in her laugh as she glanced back at you then the camera, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Of... Paige?"
KK shook her head, "No, of you."
"There are edits of me?" You couldn't but laugh as you shook your head, taking a seat on the bench as you finished up setting up your film camera.
"Yeah, the people are going feral." KK smirked, clearly enjoying your reaction. "Oh don't act like you haven't seen them, we send them to you on the groupchat."
You glared at KK before she bursted out laughing, putting up her hands in surrender. "Bro, leave me alone."
"No, you signed up for this when you became manager." KK joked as you held in your laugh with a thin-lipped scowl, pretending to be annoyed.
Before you could respond, Paige and Nika walked out to the court and KK waved them over. "Guys, Y/N's being a hater again."
"Aw, be nice to the freshman, Y/N." Paige joked as she joined you on the bench. KK sent her a glare as you and Paige laughed, Nika joining you two on the bench with a grin.
You shot KK a playful glare, though the corners of your lips couldn't help but twitch upwards. " Yeah, freshman privileges only go so far, KK. Don't push your luck."
"Bro," KK sighed exasperatedly as all three of you laughing. "Anyways back to the interview, how do you feel about the Paige edits?"
You and Paige glanced at each other before Paige began laughing. "Actually, as an veteran-edit watcher, they're really good. I don't know about the audios though, they're not very cordial."
"Oh my god, Y/N watched the KK Arnold show confirmed?" KK gasped as laughed loudly, joined by Nika and Paige.
"Bro, I recorded that video."
KK's smile dropped as she dramatically side eyed the camera and gestured toward her neck. "Cut the cameras, cut the damn cameras."
The camera didn't cut, it zoomed on all three of you laughing loudly. KK tried to maintain a serious expression before she sighed dramatically, "the haters are gonna keep hating."
"Facebook ass quote," Paige mumbled as you began laughing even harder, feeling your stomach beginning to hurt as tears began to build in your eyes.
"Oh you really wanna play with me right now," KK joked as she stormed toward you and Paige as the camera cut dramatically.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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channel4sims-cc · 9 months
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TS4: Bar Items Replacement
Sul sul ^^
One more food replacement for you ^^
This time it's the bar items :)
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* There are two versions:
- Brands ver: In this version the green, blue and yellow bottles will be replaced by Heineken beer, Bartenura Moscato wine and Budweiser beer. For Simmers who prefer a more realistic game :)
- EA inspired ver: I remade the tree EA bottles, but in an alpha version. The texts are writen in Simlish :)
* NOTE: You can only use one of these two versions.
*--* Click here to see them (imgur image link) *--*
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* Bar Items replaced: The tree drink bottles, the water bottle, the cocktail shaker, the swizzle stick, the lighter, the limes, the ice cubes, the cleaning sponge.
* As you may know, Sims use these same bottles while cooking. But this download will only replace the items at the bar. I'll be posting more specific items for the kitchen soon :)
* I also decided to create a separate replacement version for the bar cleaning sponge. This way, if you are using the kitchen sponge override, they will be separate versions (one will not affect the other).
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Read the post on Patreon for more details :)
I hope you'll enjoy this a lot ^^
If there are any problems, let me know so I can fix it :)
Happy Simming ^^
*-* DOWNLOAD (free/ no adfly) *-*
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megamindsecretlair · 7 months
Fall Into You
Pairing: Kevin Atwater x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. SMUT. PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (female and male receiving) teasing/mocking, cum play, size kink, dirty talk, praise kink, all consensual. Slight power imbalance, Kevin is a landlord and reader is the tenant. No sexual favors being exchanged.
Summary: Hoping to beat the storm, Kevin comes over to fix your sink. However, the power goes out and you get to know your new landlord a little better.
Word Count: 7,402k
AO3 Link
A/N: Hello, my loves. This has been on my brain for a while and a special gift for @babybratzmaraj. I guess I should stop apologizing for writing so much, the story gon' need what it needs. ONE SHOT. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @iv0rysoap @thecookiebratz
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The doorbell tore you from your thoughts as you looked out of your window. The TV stated that the storm was only getting started. Only getting started…
You inwardly groaned and fixed your glasses, heading to your door and checking the peephole. Kevin Atwater stood on the other side and your heart fluttered just seeing him. You stepped back, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
“Kevin! Thank you! You didn’t have to come today. This storm looks nasty,” you said. 
Kevin smiled and shook his head. He wore a black puffer jacket zipped up and carried a small toolbox. “No problem, I promise. Chicago’s seen worse and you need a working sink,” he said. 
You stepped back and let him inside, hoping that your glasses didn’t fog up from the sheer sexiness that entered your apartment. 
“Huh, you decorated since last time,” he said.
You looked around at the cozy space. The walls were standard, plain cream, but you made sure to dress it up with paintings in soothing blue and ocean pieces that reminded you of your hometown. The boxes had been cleared away since the last time Kevin was over to fix your bedroom door.
“Yeah, had to make it look like I actually live here,” you said with a giggle. 
Kevin laughed with you. He placed the toolbox on your small, round kitchen table and took off his jacket. You busied yourself with tidying up your clean apartment. You picked up the bowl of fruit just to…put it right back down on the sink. 
You had to look anywhere but at the deep burgundy button up he wore. Or the peek of a black tank underneath. His bulging arms or the way his hips sloped just so. You had to look away so that he wouldn’t see the neon “horny” sign on your forehead.
You could not crush on your landlord. It was several kinds of wrong. But how could you not? He was so tall, charming, funny, and sweet. His juicy pink lips have been the star of multiple fantasies lately. 
“...help you with that,” Kevin was saying.
“Huh? Sorry…” you said and gave him a sheepish smile. Your mind tended to go on little vacations. Especially where Kevin Atwater was concerned. 
He smiled at you and began rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. “I said what did you do with the boxes? I told you I could help you with that,” he said.
You waved him off and dropped down into a nearby kitchen chair. “You already do so much for me, Kevin. I really should be paying you,” you said. 
“Rent’s just fine with me. I told you to call me for whatever you need,” he said. His eyes lingered on you a second too long before he licked his lips and started rummaging around in his toolbox. 
You were incapable of thinking anything but dirty thoughts when he spoke. Whether he meant it that way or not. He brought the toolbox closer to your sink. He flipped the faucet and the pipes groaned. A loud, groaning sound as if there were ghosts dancing in the pipes. 
He flipped it back off and gave you a look. “You ain’t tell me it was making that kind of a noise,” he said.
“I told you it was a noise,” you said. You shrugged your shoulders and he chuckled, licking his lips as he went back to looking at the sink. 
“I was thinking it was a small noise. Like something just needed some WD-40,” he said. “That…sound bad, right?” He asked.
“You’re asking me?” You shook your head dramatically. “If I knew anything about fixing sinks, I wouldn’t have asked you here during a storm.” You still felt guilty about that. You told Kevin that you could wait until it passed, that running water wasn’t that important in the grand scheme of things. You had bottles of water and the bathroom sink worked just fine to wash your hands. 
As your mind wandered, you weren’t paying attention to Kevin getting closer. You didn’t notice as he stood in front of you and dropped down to a squat to look you in the eye. You shrieked when you finally saw him as he seemed to have teleported from the sink. 
“There is no way in hell I’ma let my favorite tenant live here with no running water. So no more need to apologize, right?” 
His raspy voice made you lose all coherent thought. You twiddled your fingers since he was too close and you gave him a light, nervous giggle. “Stop. I’m not your favorite tenant. I’ve seen the way Mrs. Brennan looks at you. Like you hang the moon,” you said.
Kevin chuckled and stood up, going back to the sink with the toolbox in his hand. He hummed. “I helped her out with something and now she keeps trying to set me up with her granddaughter,” he said. 
“Oh? Does Kevin Atwater have trouble meeting women?” You teased. 
He laughed as he opened the cabinet underneath. You hadn’t had a chance to get to the store for proper cleaning supplies. So far, all you had was bleach and Pinesol, a small bucket, and a pack of sponges. It was on your long, long, long list of things you needed in order to feel settled in this place. 
The wind roared outside and it shook the windows. It howled. The heater was on but did little to combat the chill in the air. You would never feel settled here. The winters were a different breed. Designed to freeze you to the toes and wrack your body with uncontrollable shivers. 
“I meet plenty of women. But timing and circumstances are never there,” Kevin said. He settled onto his back and turned off the water to the sink. He began working, leaning forward to grab a tool and then use it under the sink. 
His shirt rode up revealing a soft middle that you wanted to sink your teeth into. He was solid and stocky, built for sturdiness. 
“What do you mean by timing and circumstance?” You asked.
“Well, I did have a thing with someone but wasn’t exactly healthy. She didn’t like that I’m a cop,” he said. 
“Hate to break it to you, but you’ll find that a lot of people won’t like that you’re a cop,” you said. For you, it was always, “fuck cops”. After meeting Kevin, now it was, “want to fuck that cop in particular”. 
You looked useless sitting there at the kitchen table, but what else were you supposed to do? You still had some unpacking to do but you didn’t feel right leaving him alone. The place didn’t feel like yours yet. Your manners prevented you from leaving him to it as if he were some servant only here to do a job. 
“That’s fair. But can’t stop me from trying,” he said.
“That’s the spirit. Are you a romantic?” You asked. You heard the words after you spoke them and shook your head, not that he could see. “Sorry, that’s rude. You don’t have to answer that.” You pushed your glasses back up your nose and blew out a quiet sigh. 
“Nah, it’s cool. I guess, yeah, I would say I’m a romantic. Just waiting for the right girl. How ‘bout you come help me? Hand me that wrench,” he said. He pointed to something in his toolbox.
You stood up and got closer to him, getting down to your knees and sitting back on your legs. You picked up the nearest wrench and handed it to his outstretched hand. You shared a look with him as he took it from you and began loosening a bolt on the pipe. 
“You? You into the whole thing about romance?” He asked.
“Uh, yeah. I believe it exists. How anyone can find love here when you’re freezing your ass off is beyond me,” you said.
“It’s all about layers. Undershirt, thermal, overshirt, sweater, hoodie, jacket. You’ll be warm enough,” he said.
You giggled. “Warm enough? I’d be sweating worse than…” You successfully caught yourself before mentioning sex. You bit the corners of your mouth to prevent you from giggling about that. Something about Kevin Atwater turned you into a giggling mess like some kid with a crush. 
“Worse than what?” Kevin asked. 
You glanced at him. His pink tongue poked out between his lips as he worked on the bolt. The screeching from the metal grated a bit and you winced. 
“Worse than a sauna,” you finished lamely. He flicked a glance at you as if he knew that wasn’t what you were going to say originally. He left it alone as he hummed and returned to the bolt. 
“You get used to it,” he said.
“This type of cold? No thanks,” you said.
Kevin chuckled. He sat up from the sink and fixed his shirt, lowering it over the glimpse of his stomach. He looked at you and smiled. “There’s more to Chicago than just the winter time. We have the best pizza. Everybody friendly, they just loud about it. Tell you what, why don’t you finally take me up on my offer to take you to Molly’s? It’s run by a couple of friends. They’re nice people, we’d all protect you, and you’d be able to get out and enjoy some things around here,” he said. 
“A bar full of cops, doctors, and firemen? I’d feel so intimidated,” you said. You shook your head and giggled. 
“Don’t. You need to get out,” he said.
“Pot, meet kettle. How many times have you been out this week?” 
“Fair. But if you go out, I will too,” he said. 
You held his stare and bit the corners of your mouth again. “I have so much to do here already,” you said. You didn’t like that you kept turning him down but the thought of meeting that many people at once? You wouldn’t survive it. 
You knew Kevin would be nice and show you around but being at the center of attention was unbearable. 
“One day I’ll get you to say yes. If you’re gonna be here, you may as well make some friends. I think you’d get along with Stella. You remind me of her,” he said. 
“Yeah, tough, no nonsense, funny, sweet,” he said. 
“Please,” you said and giggled. Was this Stella single? Did they have something going? 
Kevin opened his mouth to say something else when the wind howled louder, tearing your gaze to the window. The window shook and the lights began to flicker before they spasmed out. You shrieked as you were shrouded in darkness. 
The pale, white glow of the outside gave your apartment a blue and gray tint. Like waking up in the morning and the sun was still hiding behind clouds. You stood up and went to the window but you weren’t sure what you were looking for. Only that the snow and hail seemed to fall harder, peppering the ground. 
“Shoot,” you said. 
Kevin stood up and moved behind you, placing one hand on your hip while he leaned behind you to look outside as well. His warm hand scorched your skin as he looked one way and then another. 
“Let me see if it’s just us. Lock this door behind me,” he said.
You’d never seen this side of him yet. The kind that took charge. A new authority entered his voice, one that did not entertain disobedience. He turned and walked out and you followed behind to close and lock the door. 
You paced your kitchen as you waited. You didn’t know why. Lights went out all the time. He was perfectly safe going to the basement to check the circuit breaker. Minutes passed while you piddled around, cleaning up runaway socks on the floor around the hamper. 
Still had things to unload in the bathroom, but without light, you couldn’t see what you were pulling out of the box. It was too awkward holding your phone’s flashlight and the items. 
A knock on your door made you jump but then you checked the peephole. Kevin stood there with his hands in his pockets, glancing around. You opened the door and let him back inside. 
“Power’s out on the whole block. I already put in a call with utilities. With this kind of storm, there’s no telling when they’ll get out,” he said.
You sighed. “Oh, Kevin, I’m so sorry!” You said. You should have pushed him harder to stay home. To fix it another day. 
“Hey, what did we say about apologizing?” He asked.
“Sorry! I just feel so bad. Oh! I said it again, sorry,” you said. You slapped a hand over your mouth as you couldn’t stop apologizing for trapping him here. Now what were you going to do? He couldn’t fix your sink in the dark and there was no power to cook so you couldn’t offer him a meal. 
Kevin crossed towards you, invading your personal space. “No more apologizing. It’s okay,” he said.
“Well, I was going to save these until after. Since you’re stuck with me, we have cookies to hold us over,” you said. 
“If I had to be stuck anywhere, I’m glad it’s with you,” he said. 
You smiled and tugged on the sleeves of your purple shirt. Now that the power was out, that meant your heater was too. “Shit,” you said, realizing.
You told Kevin and he nodded. “Have you unpacked something to drink? I’ll show you how us Chicagoans stay warm,” he said. 
“That’s the first thing I unpacked,” you said. You left his overwhelming presence and went to your kitchen. The plate of cookies were wrapped on the short sink so that he wouldn’t have seen it. You wanted to surprise him with gratitude for all the hard work he did around your place.
You opened a cabinet and grabbed two glasses. They clinked together as you placed them on the sink and went to a small pantry, taking out a bottle of whiskey. Kevin joined you in the kitchen to help and he whistled at the bottle. “Basil Hayden?” He asked.
“Did you expect something girly?” You asked. 
“No ma’am, just didn’t take you for a whiskey type,” he said. He grinned and joined you at the table. 
“Now, we don’t want to get wasted but the goal is to keep a steady drink going to stay warm. So how ‘bout some questions to get to know each other? Since we got all this time,” he said. 
“Is this an interrogation?” You asked with a giggle. 
“Naw, just two friends getting to know each other. So we either answer truthfully or take shots. Up for it?” He asked. 
“I’m game if you are,” you said. Kevin took the lead by pouring tiny shots for you both in each glass. He pushed your glass towards you.
“You can go first,” he said.
You tapped the glass and thought about a good question to ask. “I’ll go easy. What’s a secret you’ve never told anyone?” 
“That’s easy?” He asked.
You nodded. You pointed to his glass. “You can always drink up if that’s too hard on you,” you said.
He smirked. “A secret I’ve never told anyone…I once met my celebrity crush at a mall signing. She signed a poster for me. I…still have it,” he said and smiled.
“Who! Who’s your secret crush?” You asked.
“Aht, it’s my turn. Worst heartbreak?” He asked.
“Easy questions, huh?” You asked.
He shrugged. “You don’t become friends by finding out each other’s favorite colors.”
You thought about it and nodded. You told him about your worst heartbreak and how you dealt with it. How difficult it was to move on from it. 
You went back and forth asking safe, but deep questions that required more than yes or no answers. You learned more about him and if it was possible, you fell for him even more.
“How in the world are you single?” You asked when it was your turn again. 
Kevin chuckled and played with his glass. So far, you had taken a few shots too nervous to answer the questions he asked. He had only taken two. One for when you asked about his parents and one when you asked about his first love. 
“I wish I knew. I date; you make it sound like I hide in my house after work. The shit I see every day, sometimes I just need to get it out of my head. Dating on top of that just seems cruel,” he said. 
You nodded. You could respect that. You had no idea what it was like being a cop. Seeing the worst humanity had to offer and still have to come up with hope for the people who survived. Dealing with the press and the community painting cops as modern day boogeyman. Still. He was too sweet and strong to not have someone. It was criminal. 
“How come you don’t have anyone?” He asked.
You fixed your glasses and shrugged. “May be a surprise to you but guys these days are…nasty. They send unsolicited dick pics, they can’t hold a conversation, and think women owe them something for buying them a drink. Like…I didn’t ask for the drink so why does that mean I have to open my legs or suck them off? Especially when they won’t even go down on a woman!” 
Kevin’s surprised face made you suddenly feel the alcohol loosening your limbs and warming you up. It definitely loosened your tongue. You groaned and rubbed your forehead. “Sorry, that’s TMI,” you said. 
“I would say take a drink every time you apologize, but then this bottle would be gone.”
The word was on the tip of your tongue and you bit it to keep from speaking it. He smirked at your attempt and you rolled your eyes. “You don’t know everything,” you said. Well, the door was open…
“What is your ideal woman?” You asked.
“Ideal? Shit, I just want someone I vibe with. That thinks like me. Has goals,” he said. 
“Beauty? Brains?” You asked.
“Why won’t you go to Molly’s with me?” He asked.
You smiled, remembering that it was only one question per person. “I don’t know anyone. Meeting new people sucks. I don’t have the personality for great first impressions,” you said.
“You know me,” he said. “I would make sure you’re good. And you are great at first impressions. I wouldn’t have rented to you otherwise.”
“You are just being nice like always. Why is it important for me to go to Molly’s?” 
“I want you to feel welcome here. Feel like you belong so you can stay,” he said. 
You ducked your head, playing with your glass. The soft slide of glass on the table was the only sound in the room. Outside, the wind continued to howl as the storm carried on. You shivered, despite feeling toasty from the whiskey. Your skin felt icy. “I moved here, Kevin. That’s about as permanent as it gets.” 
Kevin scooted closer. He had to spread his legs wider to accommodate your chair. The smell of him invaded your senses. The smell of whiskey on him made your head fuzzy. He brought his hand up to caress your cheek. He gently turned your head to look at him.
“This may be the drink talkin’, but you feel this too, right? Between us? If I’m imagining it, let me know now,” he said. 
You looked at his lips and then back up to his eyes. He caught the movement and did the same, his gaze drifting down your face and then back up again. 
“You’re not imagining it,” you said. 
Kevin leaned over and captured your lips in a sweet, tender kiss that warmed you up quicker than the whiskey. You returned the kiss, sighing, tongues dueling with each other. 
“Hmm, knew you’d taste sweet,” he said. He pecked your lips once, twice, and then lingered on the third time humming. 
Emboldened by his actions, you leaned out of your chair. You climbed into his lap, wrapping your hands around his shoulders. Kevin sighed and put his hands on your hips, squeezing every so often. 
“You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” he said.
You smiled and kissed him again, rolling your hips. He groaned and his hands went lower to grab your ass. He gripped and massaged your ass, squeezing painfully enough to make you cry into his mouth. He growled hearing the sound, kissing you with more passion after each kiss. 
“I want you, Kevin Atwater,” you said against his lips. 
“Are you sure?” He asked. He leaned back and looked into your eyes. “If you’ve had too much to drink–” 
“Shut up,” you said with a grin and kissed him. 
You had been playing this subtle game between each other for weeks as you signed your lease and moved in. The first time you called him to tell him about your stuck doors, he showed up the next day he was free. He made conversation easy as he fixed the doors. He immediately put you at ease. 
He found that your closet door was stuck too but he didn’t have time to fix it at the time. He told you that he would be back and again, he made it so easy to talk to him and time flew by when he was around. It was like you didn’t have time to think about being nervous when he was telling you about must see attractions to Chicago. He kept talking about the pizza and promised to bring one over.
He made moving there for work not feel so lonely. You were worried if you would find friends outside of work. No matter what, work friends were not true friends. 
You kissed him again, your hands drifting down to start unbuttoning his shirt. The alcohol wasn’t affecting you in the way he thought. It only lowered your natural anxiousness about being bolder. Funner. More open. Going after what you wanted.
Now that you knew you weren’t crazy, that he wanted you as well, a dam broke. Kevin matched your desperateness to get your clothes off as well. 
“I know another way to stay warm,” you said. 
Kevin chuckled. “I told you I can help with whatever you need,” he said. “I keep my promises.” 
You finally got his shirt loose and pushed it off of his shoulders. He had huge muscles, showing off a physique that made you lick your lips in anticipation. His thighs bunched underneath you and you moaned, rolling your hips against his pelvis. 
His erection was thick against his jeans. Kevin grabbed the edges of your shirt and pulled it off you, revealing your bra. He moaned and kissed around your chest. His hands traveled up and down your back, warming it up just like he promised. 
The black tank he wore underneath looked damn good on him but it had to go. He stopped kissing your chest long enough to let you remove it.  Your hands explored his chest while he put his mouth over your nipple through the fabric. 
You moaned, throwing your head back and giving him better access. He took the opportunity you presented and sucked on your titty until the fabric was soaked with his saliva. Your nipple became increasingly sensitive under his attention. You were hissing and shaking by the time he finally let go and admired his handiwork.
He switched to your other nipple, giving it the same love and attention as the first. You squirmed in his lap, unable to stop moving. Your hands moved to the back of his neck and held him to you. He groaned and continued to tug and suckle on your nipple until it was sensitive as well. 
As a big girl, it was not easy to feel small. Dainty. Delicate. But you felt like that in Kevin’s capable hands. You felt worshiped. Adored. The soft light coming from outside made the room feel like a bubble. Like time stopped somewhere outside and you were free to explore. To breathe. To cherish this moment with Kevin. 
He licked the swell of your breast outside of your bra and you moaned. He kissed up your neck until his lips found yours. Until he was nibbling on your lips and licking away the sting. He sucked on your bottom lip and you felt the tug in your pussy. 
You were uncomfortably wet. You felt your arousal dampening your panties. You didn’t know how much longer you would hold out. Or survive. 
“You squirming a lot there. You feelin’ good?” He asked.
“Yes,” you moaned. 
“What I’m gon’ find when I take them panties off?” He asked. 
“Me, excited. Ready for you,” you said.
“Ohh, you a little naughty on top of being sweet?” 
You didn’t have time to answer. Kevin stood up, holding you, cupping your ass so you didn’t slip. He kissed you while he held you. But your heart was thumping. Thundering. “I got you, don’t you even worry,” he whispered against your lips.
The apartment was small so he crossed the space in a few steps to get to your bed. He gently laid you down and stepped back to admire how needy you were. How you stretched out on the bed and made a sublime vision of wantonness. 
He bit his lip with a smirk as he unbuttoned your jeans and tugged them off your hips. Your breathing was rapid, out of control. Your chest rose and fell in quick succession. Your skin felt alive and electric. Like he needed to enter you right this second or you’d spontaneously combust.
“Look at you. Needy little thing,” he commented. His hands spanned the expanse of your thighs, rubbing and kneading. 
“Oh, Kevin,” you moaned. 
“So you ready for me, huh?” He asked. You watched through slitted eyes as he tilted his head. How could he be in control right now? Had it been that long for you? 
You were too busy packing and saying goodbye to family and friends to worry about getting your rocks off. You were too busy working and unpacking in Chicago to worry about finding someone to relieve the pressure. The past few weeks, it had been you and Roman the Rose. 
“I’m so ready,” you said, making him chuckle. 
He took off his shoes, socks, and jeans and you watched him unveil parts of his body you imagined. Lusted over. Pictured way too often to ever tell him the truth. 
“Mhm, we gon’ see,” he said. He joined you on the bed. Kneeling on it, the bed groaned under his weight and you smiled. Your bed had been previously unprepared for someone of his size. He dropped his lips to your chest slowly. When his breath fanned over your nipples, you moaned and twisted away from him.
He completely covered you, however, so there was no place to go. He licked the swell of your breasts again, glancing up at your reactions. You were mesmerized by him. Under his spell. One of his hands slipped up your thigh and you twinged. Goosebumps pebbled your skin but you felt like you were on fire. 
He pressed a thumb over your panties and pushed in, digging the fabric past your pussy lips and groaned at the wet glide of it already. “Oh shit,” you moaned. 
“Hm, look what I found,” he said against your skin. 
His fingers played with your pussy over your panties and you kept moving, twisting, writhing against your bed and underneath him. Every so often, his thumb would grace your pussy lips. That hint of skin to skin contact made you hiss and roll your hips against his hand. 
Kevin used his teeth to drag down the cup of your bra. He grinned finding your dark nipple and then he latched on, swirling his tongue around it in a way that let you know he’d do the same to your pussy when given the chance. 
Your breaths were choppy. Belly flipping. Pussy throbbing. Hands clutching your sheets and yanking. 
Your orgasm was tearing through you, stealing your breath like a thief. Stars exploded behind your eyelids as rippling pleasure traveled throughout your body. Kevin hummed through it all. 
“Look so damn pretty when you cum. Gon’ look even better when I get in there. I bet you’re gonna feel good ridin’ this dick,” he said. His raspy voice was its own brand of magic. Your nipples were still sensitive under his ministrations and the painful tug felt delicious. 
You whimpered. He used his teeth to drag down your other cup and gave it attention as well. His tongue flicking across the dark areola. “Shit!” You moaned.
“Mhm, let me hear it,” he said. His warm breath fanned across the wet spots he left behind and you shuddered. 
“Kevin, please,” you begged.
“Naw, that beggin’ shit don’t work on me,” he said. 
You whimpered once more as he rolled your nipple between his teeth. His hand went back to rubbing your pussy but this time, he finally slipped underneath. His thumb teased the area around your clit, never quite hitting it and teasing you with no mercy. 
“Oh fuuck,” you moaned. You turned your head to the side and bit your sheets, turning distraught at the realization that he was going to take his time with your body. He was an explorer. He was a master conductor fine tuning your body and learning the sounds you were capable of producing. 
He sucked hard on your nipple and your back left the soft sheets, arching away from the bed. “Augh,” moaned. 
At the same time, he dipped a finger into your entrance getting his finger wet up to the knuckle. “Nice and fuckin’ wet. Fuck,” he moaned. 
You hissed as he moved his finger in and out. His thumb continued to tease your clit, never directly touching it. It was a dual sensation that drove you insane and contracted on his finger.
“You gon’ feel this good squeezing on my dick?” He asked.
“Uh-huh,” you said and nodded. Hell yes you would. He just needed to believe you and get inside you already. You moved your hips against his finger and he hummed in appreciation. 
“Oh, impatient too. You wanna cum again?” He asked.
You nodded. “Yes, please, I wanna cum,” you whined, your voice tinny and weak. 
“Good girl, using your words without me having to tell you. A’right, I’ll let you cum,” he said. He pushed a second finger inside you and then began pumping in earnest. His thumb moved to rub circles around your clit and you came instantly, shouting and twitching.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you moaned as you came, eyes rolling into the back of your head. Kevin placed kisses along your chest as you did so, keeping up his particular brand of torture. He slowed down as your breathing returned to normal. 
“Hmm-mm,” I can get used to that,” he said.
You struggled to your elbows and looked at him. “Fuck,” you panted.
He grinned and stood up. He slipped his fingers out of you and then licked them one by one. He moaned, closing his eyes. Fuck. It was the hottest thing you’d ever seen. He licked his fingers like runaway scoops of brownie mix left on the spatula. 
You were getting worked up looking at him. He was distracted. You smirked as you leaned forward and pressed kisses to his stomach. He tensed up at the contact and you looked up at him. 
He grinned at you, grabbing you by the throat. Your eyes fluttered closed. He hummed. He pulled you into a kiss. A wet, sloppy, loud one that made you hiss and scoot closer to him. You were dripping, soaked. Every movement you made called attention to the fact that you were wet as hell.
“I got somethin’ for you, but I wanna eat first. We didn’t get to them cookies you baked,” he said. 
Your eyes turned watery. “Please, let me touch you, Kevin,” you said. 
He planted another kiss on your lips, lingering to swipe his tongue around your lips and diving inside. Your pussy ached. You’d never felt so empty in your entire life. “You’ll get your chance to make sure my dick wet for you. I don’t wanna hurt you when I finally fuck you,” he said.
You sighed painfully through your nose. Your vision swam with tears. You were beyond horny. You didn’t think you were this insatiable. You had two orgasms already but you wanted more. You wanted more from him. 
Kevin licked his lips and removed his hand from your neck.. He rubbed your lips with his thumb and then gave you a sweeter kiss this time around. “Now lean back and let me get to eatin’,” he commanded.
You needed no further encouragement as you flopped back onto the bed. He peeled your panties off, cooing at the dripping mess you were. “Hm-mm,” he sighed. He kissed your thighs as he slipped your panties off. He licked your calf. He threw your panties somewhere behind him and it landed with a soft, wet plop. 
You would have felt embarrassed usually. But there was nothing but pure, uncut lust. You could taste it in the air. Feel it burning you inside and out. 
Kevin hummed, stroking himself through his briefs. He spread your legs and watched as your arousal slowly leaked out of you. You felt it roll down the crack of your ass and shivered. Cool air blasted from somewhere. The wind continued to howl, adding to the soft orchestra of sounds you were currently making. 
Kevin knelt down slowly and got into position between your legs. He put them over his shoulders and yanked you down to the edge of the bed. His arms hooked underneath your legs and spread you open for his meal.
He blew slowly across your wet clit and you shivered. The anticipation was worse. You couldn’t stop moving, shaking, yearning. Kevin laughed and kissed your clit. He hummed. “Taste so fuckin’ good already. You’re so wet, baby,” he said. “Gonna drown in this pretty pussy.” 
“Fuck, Kevin!” You shrieked. 
He chuckled. “Calm down, what you cussin’ for? I ain’t even do nothin’ yet,” he said. 
You whined, rolling your hips. “Please, please, please,” you begged. You couldn’t take this teasing. You weren’t used to it. Had you even had sex before this? You thought you had decent lovers before. Men who knew what they were doing and had you screaming until the cows came home.
But Kevin? Kevin eclipsed any man that came before. You were a virgin all over again. This was your first time and your partner was an expert. A sex demon sent straight from hell. 
“The more you beg, the longer I take,” he said. He licked outside of your pussy lips. He went as far as the seam and pulled back, licking down ‘till he reached your entrance. His tongue just crested the surface of it. 
“Okay, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You yelled and huffed. 
Kevin continued to tease you, drawing curses and screams and yells as he explored your body. Your thighs shook violently. Tingles turned to pinpricks against your legs the longer he held them open. 
Wave upon wave of desire flooded your system. Your hands played in his hair as he worked, savoring you. He hummed every so often when you tugged on his hair or made a sound that sounded like you were near death. Near leaving this plane of existence forever.
You stopped trying to plead with him. You become engrossed in the pleasure he was giving you. You and it were one and you surrendered to the feel of him. He finally pushed in further, drawing his tongue close to your clit.
“Auhh,” you croaked.
Kevin kept going, swirling his tongue. His sloppy, loud eating was seduction personified. He sucked so hard that he made noises with your pussy. 
You couldn’t say anything to let him know that you were enjoying yourself. You couldn’t encourage him to keep doing what he was doing. Your mind was gone. Gone on a different trip this time. 
He sighed against your pussy and then flicked his tongue on your clit. It was your undoing. You cried out, pupils blown wide as you came and came and came. Shivers wracked your body. Kevin held you down in his powerful arms, helping you weather the tempest rushing through you.
Your fingers dug into his wild hair and pulled. It didn’t seem to faze Kevin. He continued to eat you out as if searching for the next meal course. He ate you on the way down from the high. You moaned and bit your lip, hoping pain would help dull this type of ecstasy. It did not. 
Kevin smacked his lips as he slowly stopped, rolling his tongue one more time. He leaned back and surveyed his work. You heard him smacking his lips. “Makin’ such a big mess for me,” he whispered. He kissed your pussy and then leaned back. 
Your eyes found his. He smirked. His beard dripped with your essence. Entire lower jaw was wet and you saw trails of your slick in his beard. He rubbed it in, moving his hand to work in what you left on him. 
“How you feelin’, gorgeous?” He asked. 
“Like I died,” you said.
He chuckled. “Well, now you got some work to do. Get this dick wet,” he said.
He helped you into a sitting position. You yelped, feeling the giant pool you made on the edge of the bed. You were definitely going to have to wash these immediately. He grabbed your throat, tearing your thoughts away from the bed and back onto him. 
He leaned down and kissed you. Fuck, you tasted good on him. You smelled yourself and it only turned you on more. He sucked on your bottom lip and then swiped his tongue up. He made out with you and you somehow dripped more. You were a veritable slip and slide at this point. If he entered you, he’d face no resistance.
He pulled back and you smiled goofily at him. He smiled back. “Even better than I been dreamin’,” he said. He leaned back and let you go. You watched as he removed his briefs. Your eyes widened at the size of him. 
He was long and thick, a deadly combination. Maybe all the prep time was more from necessity. Had he tried entering you without lube or without foreplay, that shit would hurt. You were no punk though.
You fixed your glasses and greedily took him into your mouth. You were not as nuanced as he was. You did not have time for games. You had been desperate to touch him, taste him, and explore him in the same way he did to you. You sucked the tip of him and he hissed, hands going to the side of your face.
You pushed past his hands, sucking as much of him down as you could. You used your hands on the area you couldn’t get to. You spat on his dick and used it to let your hands glide better. 
“Sweet fuck,” he moaned. 
You sucked on him, remembering to breathe through your nose so that you didn’t pass out doing this. Your pussy throbbed as he continued to moan and throw his head back, rolling his neck. Your drool slipped past your lips and coated his shaft. You flicked your tongue across his tip and he jerked his hips forward.
His hands on the side of your head gripped you harder and pushed you down on his dick. Deeper than you would normally take someone. You had been worried that you would puke or something. However, you relaxed your throat and worked together to soak his dick with your saliva and make sure that he wouldn’t hurt you on entry. 
“Fuck, right there. Right there,” he moaned. 
You moaned right back, loving the way he took control of his pleasure and used you. “Let me cum in that pussy, baby,” he said.
You looked up at him and he licked his lips. You nodded. “Yef,” you said around his dick.
He slipped out of your mouth and you sucked in deep breaths. Your head was light. Floating. Soaring. You licked your lips and rubbed your cheeks to get the ache out. But Kevin grabbed you roughly and flipped you over on the bed.
“Ouee, shit,” you groaned. You sniffled. Fuck, he was ruining you for any other guy. You would never be able to have sex with anyone else ever again! Was it too early to propose? Was it too early to ask him to move into this tiny apartment with you and deliver this every night on demand? Would that scare him away? 
His large hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you back. One hand left as he guided his dick to your entrance. You sighed. There was no reason to beg him not to tease you. He wouldn’t listen either way. 
Kevin shoved inside in one hard thrust that brought those stars back to your mind’s eye. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuh,” you moaned. 
As suspected, he slipped in easily thanks to the foreplay and you sucking him off. He groaned as he was fully seated and began rolling his hips, giving you long, deep strokes. He grinded in your pussy and you began to shake and shiver on him. 
“Throw that shit back like you want it,” he said. 
You listened, throwing it back. He was stroking so hard that you couldn’t brace yourself. You dropped down to your elbows and raised your ass higher. He moaned as he stroked deeper, hitting your sweet spot and making your toes curl. 
“Kevin, Kevin, Kevin,” you chanted.
“Yeah, I know I’m hittin’ that shit. Bounce it back,” he said.
You moved your hips faster, matching his pace. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked back. Your head snapped back, a bite of pain on your scalp. “Auh, auh, auh,” you croaked.
His thrusts made your ass clap on him. “Mhm, gripping that shit,” he moaned. He twisted your hair again, yanking your head back a little more and stroking into you with precision. 
“Oue, baby, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned. “I’m cumming, baby.”
“Cum on then. Cum on this dick so I can nut in this pussy,” he said.
You cried. You exploded. You were ripped apart as the orgasm burrowed through your system. Your legs shook and twitched. Your pussy gripped him tight, making him snug as he pounded. 
Kevin continued stroking until he groaned and busted inside of you. Hot pulses of cum signed his name in the crevices of your pussy and you moaned with him. 
He slammed inside of you two more times and stilled, panting. He slowly worked his way out of you and you groaned. You immediately flopped onto the bed. Strength left you. Your energy was gone. 
Kevin’s quiet huffs let you track him through the apartment. You heard water running and then he was back, cleaning you up. You whined, crying and pushing away from him. He cooed at you and gently cleaned you up. 
Sleep tugged at you. You yawned. Kevin returned. You were putty in his hands as he moved you away from the mess you made. “I know another way to warm you up too,” he said.
“Hm,” you sighed. 
He chuckled as he got you out of the puddle. You sighed, curling up now that you were in a dry spot. Kevin placed something onto the wet spot and then got in bed with you, pulling your back into his chest. He spread out covers over you. 
You had just enough thought to take off your glasses and put it on the nightstand next to you. 
His hand came around to rest against your titty, still clad in your bra. He threw one leg over you and your body instantly warmed up. He was a space heater. You snuggled into his warmth and were out like a light, with a giant smile on your face.
The END.
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The Secret Kevin Atwater Files
379 notes · View notes
the-jade-palace · 2 years
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Fin Fin on QEMU (Current Version - v2.2)
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Fin Fin on QEMU is a project designed to create an easy to use way for anyone to play Fin Fin without the need for any complicated setup on modern operating systems. It is fully compatible with Windows 10 and 11, but will also work on any version after XP.
The version of the game used is a custom made translation that includes all 6 worlds in English. It has working microphone input, sound recording, and all associated features such as screenshots and the encyclopedia work as well.
Rather than using virtualization, this works through emulating an entire Windows 98 machine. To play it there's no need to install any hypervisors or set up a virtual machine, as everything is already set up, and ready to go.
The download link can be found here! (Hosted on MEGA)
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The whole thing is portable, meaning nothing is actually "installed" and all the data is wherever you place the folder. This also means that if moved to another PC, all user data will still be present.
To run, all you need to do is extract the folder in the .zip to a location of your choosing, and then run one of the launchers.
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Included are two launcher versions for the different QEMU display options, one that uses GTK and one that uses SDL. The only difference between the .bat script and the .exe versions is that a command window will be shown when using the .bat script.
Both have pros and cons, so I've included both to let the user decide which one they want to use.
SDL has broken window scaling and no mouse integration, but has a correctly stretched fullscreen. GTK has a stretched fullscreen mode, but has working mouse integration and window scaling. Basically if you want the game in fullscreen use SDL, otherwise use GTK. For a bit more info about these, checkout the 'Files' section under the 'Keep Reading'
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Important Info
Before launching the main game, be sure to create a profile using 'New Contact', as the game will not run until doing so. When exiting the game use the shutdown option in Windows 98. Exiting through closing the window forcefully can possibly cause data loss/corruption. When using SDL, mouse and keyboard input will be captured. To release this, press 'Ctrl + Alt + G'. When using GTK, the menubar can be hidden or shown by pressing 'Ctrl + Alt + M'. To make the window fullscreen, press 'Ctrl + Alt + F'.
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Included are two "sound effect packs" for the in game sounds that play based on the number keys from 1-5.
By default, the game will use the sound effects from the 5 Worlds version, but you can swap out to the 6 worlds one by renaming the "sound (alternate)" folder in the D: drive to just "sound", and renaming the original sound folder to something else.
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I hope you all have fun with your new best friend Fin Fin!
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Fin Fin is a wonderful little enigma from the past, and my attempt to make it easily accessible even in the present is something I hope you will all enjoy.
If you encounter any issues in Fin Fin on QEMU, please contact me about it.
To view the changelog, credits, and some more info about this project check below the 'Keep reading'.
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Some information is cut for brevity, the full version can be found inside of Fin Fin on QEMU and the MEGA folder.
Added several new Fin Fin screensavers the user may choose from Updated method for calculating Transfer folder size Updated emulated machine to use 128mb of RAM and a Pentium Updated main teoboot.exe executable to fix several issues Updated shortcuts
Removed WHPX launching options Removed FinFinWHPX.bat and FinFinWHPX.exe Removed startup crash fix as it was only needed for WHPX Modified folder settings in Windows 98 to open folders in the same window Rearranged Fin Fin on QEMU folder layout for cleaner appearance Added 'OK' button back to Microphone Setup that was mistakenly removed Updated shortcuts for Microphone Setup and Sound Recorder Fixed problem with 'Encyclopedia' launching script that caused screenshots to not show up in the photobook Added 'Transfer' Folder which allows for transferring files between the host and emulated machine Added options for launching with either GTK or SDL display Altered updater to improve ease of use and used NirCmd to improve process as a whole (Updater.bat & updater.iso)
v2.0 (Major Update - 6 Worlds Edition)
Modified original Taiwanese 6 Worlds version to add English Translation Added 'Microphone Sensitivity' shortcut to the desktop and start menu Added in 5 Worlds version Encyclopedia (finfinEncyc.exe & encyc30.GIZ) Added sound effects from 5 Worlds version (D:\sound) Added Mouse Integration Added Nircmd to replace launch batch scripts (C:\WINDOWS\nircmd.exe) Added Windowed Mode shortcut to start menu Altered launching scripts (FinFin.bat, FinFin.exe, FinFinWHPX.bat, FinFinWHPX.exe, FinFin Update.bat) Removed large amount of unecessary setup files from finfin.qcw Removed 'Task Scheduler' from taskbar Added Credits and Changelog shortcut to start menu Added dll to fix issue with running on Windows 7
Added animated Fin Fin cursor
Added guided updater (FinFin Update.bat & updater.IMA) Adjusted wallpaper Renamed startup shortcut ("_setup.bat" to "Crash Fix" at C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\Startup) Adjusted Volume Control Settings
Added new wallpaper (C:\background.jpg) Added new startup sound (C:\boot.wav)
v1.0 (First Public Release)
Changed from qemu-3dfx to base Removed unnecessary files in Windows Added missing shortcuts on Desktop
v0.5 (Playtester version)
Moved all Fin Fin data to finfin.qcw Created batch scripts for Disc.id Added shortcuts to launch programs Removed unnecessary programs from Windows Removed unnecessary files in Windows
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The finfin Homepage (finfin.de) - By EMGE The finfin Archive (finfin-archiv.de) - By Xvemon, Nadine S., and EMGE Fin Fin 6 Worlds "Beta" (finfin-archive.de) - By Harald G.
mchi22 that-one-scratch-on-your-arm
QEMU 7.1.0. (qemu.org) - By QEMU team: Peter Maydell, et al. NirCmd (nirsoft.net) - By Nir Sofer Resource Hacker (angusj.com) - By Angus Johnson
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Updating Versions
Included is a guided updater that will help you transfer your save, screenshots, and sound recordings to the latest version.
Place the new version in a temporary location without replacing the original. Then, just run "Updater.bat" and follow the instructions.
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System Time
Time in the emulated machine is synced to the host PC.
If you would like to time travel in Fin Fin, you can change the time in the emulated PC but it will go back to normal after a restart. Note that if you do this you will not be able to go back to the original time, you can only go forwards using this method If you would like to permanently change the time, you can use the built in date-changer present in the 'New Contact' program, but this will cause the loss of the current profile.
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Though it should be quite obvious by now, this project works through the use of QEMU, an open source emulator. Specifically, its emulating a full Windows 98 SE machine, and then the game is run on that.
The emulated machine has 128mb of RAM, an AC97 Soundcard, and a Pentium CPU.
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The only files this project really has aside from QEMU are FinFin GTK.bat/.exe and FinFin SDL.bat/.exe
The reason I list the .exe and .bat files together is that they do exactly the same thing. The executables aren't really 'true executables', but are instead just batch scripts that have been converted into .exe files. When they run, they essentially create a temporary batch script that deletes itself. The only real benefit of this is that its a bit more straightforward for launching and creating shortcuts, and that there is no distracting command window while playing.
Within the 'Data' folder is where the bulk of the project is. Inside are two virtual hard drives, w98.qcw being the main Windows 98 drive, and finfin.qcw being where all the Fin Fin game data is.
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