#hope this answers some of you all's questions about Zane!
goldenavenger02 · 5 months
forever winter
Lloyd’s plans were always made around the bigger picture, but the five of them had always looked to Kai to make split second decisions.
‘And now he’s gone.’
When they finally arrived back at the monastery, all Nya could feel was numbness.
Back in Cloud Kingdom, she hadn't been able to hold back her tears as she cried on Wyldfyre's shoulder, but now she just felt nothing; in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but wonder if this was how Kai had felt when she merged with the ocean.
When she finally brought her vision away from the intricate stonework of the courtyard, she found herself swimming in a sea of somber faces but none of their questioning glances were fixated on her.
All of their eyes were silently pleading with Lloyd for answers, but he never turned around to rattle off some semblance of a plan as he silently opened the sliding door to his room and shut it behind him.
Lloyd's plans were always made around the bigger picture, but the five of them had always looked to Kai to make split second decisions.
'And now he's gone.'
"I'm gonna…" Cole's voice broke through the deafening silence, even if he was only speaking just above a whisper to keep his own tears from breaking free, "gonna go find Geo and tell him about Bonzle."
"I will accompany you." Nya watched as Zane reassuringly squeezed Cole's hand before the two of them made their way inside, leaving her alone with the others and their sadness filled glances making their way to her.
"We were up all night," she finally forced her tongue to move and hoped that her voice didn't sound strangled before she focused in on Arin as she remembered how she and Lloyd had found him flat on his back after the Bounty crashed, "is anyone hurt?"
When they all shook their heads "no", she knew that there would be more extensive prodding later from both her as well as Zane, but for now, since no one was actively bleeding or showing concussion symptoms, she dropped it.
"Okay, then we all need to get some sleep. It has been a very long week," Nya explained even though she was fully aware that the likelihood of them actually going to sleep was non-existent even if they did go to their bedrooms.
"Hey, Nya?" Arin asked quietly after Sora, WyldFyre and Riyu disappeared inside the walls of the monastery.
"I…I'm really sorry, about Kai. If I had just kept Bonzle safe-"
"Don't even start," she cut him off, resting her palms on his shoulders, "this was not your fault, or Lloyd's fault, or Riyu's fault, or Cole's fault. The only person to blame for this is Ras."
"But…" He turned away from her with a sniffle, her eyes stayed completely dry no matter how much she wanted to cry.
"Here, come sit," she insisted, letting go of his shoulders and leading him to the stone steps before sitting down and looking up at the clouds slowly rolling across the sky, "you know that Kai was the one who raised me?"
"No…" another sniffled as he rubbed his orange sleeve over his face, "the only ninja whose family is common knowledge is Lloyd."
"Well, you know about the elemental masters fighting in the serpentine wars, right?" She was met with a nod, "shortly after, they were betrayed by the elemental masters of time, so Master Wu came to our parents, who were members of the elemental alliance, to make four blades out of Chronosteel. It can absorb elemental powers."
"Kreel had some of that stuff a while back in her junkyard, Sora used it to make hers, Cole's and Kai's mechs."
"But when Master Wu and Garmadon threw the blades into a temporal vortex, the elemental masters of time went after them. One of them, Acronix, was lost for forty years and the other one, Krux, he captured our parents and forced them to equip their army of vermillion warriors. Kai and I were just kids, little kids. I couldn't have been older than four."
"But you two didn't join Master Wu until you were teenagers."
"There were some people in our village, who looked out for us at first, either by buying us food or buying the stock of weapons that our dad had in the back, but as soon as Kai was tall enough to start learning how to run the forge, he refused any financial help, dropped out of school and ran the shop. He refused to let me do the same no matter how much I begged, stuff about "mom and dad would want me to keep you safe"," Nya swallowed back a sob at the memories flooding her mind and looked back up at the sky, "he was such an idiot, but he always kept me safe. It's why, for the longest time, I viewed myself as invincible. That no one could lay a hand on me because Kai would stop them before they could even think about it."
She was caught a little off guard by the sudden pressure of tight arms around her, but she didn't push away and pulled Arin closer instead, her eyes starting to fill with salty tears that absorbed into his shirt.
Despite the tears, it never devolved into sobs; Jay had always been the one who was more open with his emotions, the one who begged her not to leave him as the call of the sea grew louder and louder in her ears.
Nya knew that the sobs would come as soon as she was alone; they would come after she called her parents to let them know what had happened and she made her way in his bedroom filled with warmth, reds and the scent of smoke lingering in the air.
Her chest would heave and the tears would spill onto his red bed sheets as she curled up in a ball with Jay's tattered stuffed zebra in her arms all while she tried so desperately not to feel like that terrified little girl who crawled into her big brother's bed at every minor inconvenience.
It was not the first time she had fallen into this routine; it had happened after Cole's fall, it had happened after Zane was transported into the Never Realm and it had happened that first night she had returned to the monastery after years of being separated from the others only to find out that Lloyd and Kai had also been unsuccessful in finding Jay.
It was as if her body refused to let her fully break until she was completely safe, far away from prying eyes and rhetorical questions.
When Arin finally pulled away and sat back down beside her, he brought his arm up and rested it on her shoulder blade, "I know Lloyd, and Master Wu, would tell you that "ninja never quit", but ninja are allowed to take a break."
"Well, you are the ninja expert," Nya chuckled as she wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand, waiting until he finished yawning to continue, "a ninja expert who really needs to try and get some sleep."
"I get the hint," Arin nodded, making his way towards the door as Nya turned away and pulled in another deep breath, "Nya?"
"Yes?" She turned to see him nervously tapping a finger on his left hand as he lingered by the sliding door.
"Are you going to be okay?"
"I don't…I don't know."
"Do you want me to stay?"
And no matter how nice his offer was, she shook her head "no".
She couldn't accept it because no matter how much she had grown to care for Arin and the rest of Lloyd's students, he wasn't Kai; and Kai was the only person that could make any of this feel somewhat okay.
"I guess I'll see you later, then." Arin spoke before the sliding door opened and closed with a soft 'thunk' against the wood, leaving Nya by herself in the courtyard as the clouds rolled across the sky lazily.
She wasn't sure how long she watched the bright blue and bright sun rays be broken up by clouds, but the warmth soaking through her clothes and coating her skin felt so wrong; if the sky understood what had taken place and just how much her brother had sacrificed for it, rain would be dampening her hair and drenching her clothes.
But instead, she was covered in sunlight while wondering, 'how can there be any warmth if Kai isn't here?'
Nya turned her head quickly at the noise, only to relax when she saw Lloyd with a mug clutched tightly in his right hand.
"Figured you would need something to drink, it's really hot out here."
"Thanks," Nya muttered softly, taking the mug from him and sipping at the cool water inside before taking in his disheveled appearance of messy hair and red-rimmed eyes, "I take it sleeping still isn't going well?" he shook his head, allowing her to prod more, "is it more visions?"
"I came out here to help you feel better," his chuckle was hollow in a way that made Nya feel sick as she came to the realization as to why he had sought her out, "but no, it's not visions…I just miss him."
"Yeah, me too."
"Kai's the one I always go to when this leader stuff gets really hard and I don't…I don't know what I'm going to do, how I'm going to do this, without him."
"Well, it may not be the same," she didn't expect it to be even close, "but you can always talk to me about it, okay?"
"Okay," Lloyd agreed after a beat of silence, catching her off guard for a brief moment by resting his head against her shoulder before asking, "Is this okay?"
"Yeah, it's okay," she insisted, pulling him closer to try and remind herself that she still had one of her brothers while the sun started to dip behind the monastery wall, "it's more than okay, Lloyd."
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taranida · 5 months
Tom the Poet or Tom the Filmmaker
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I would like all my theories to have evidence that back them up. I’ve come from fandoms where things said are a cute thing, worth considering, but solid theorising comes with quotes, screenshots, counting toes and following the writer’s pattern of three hint and foreshadowings before the big reveal. Therefore, I’m going through the first game yet again to collect all this information and put it in something coherent, something I will be happy with. I hope that the waves of my research will carry me to the proper essay with all the proofs necessary on every statement I’ve made in my first pinned post.
But there are still questions that have no answers as far as I know. One of them: why Tom Zane was made into a filmmaker and by whom?
In Control’s AWE the cutscene where Tom and Alan meet is a toned-down version of their encounter in Room 665. Alan asks if Tom is the Tom, the poet and the diver and Tom replies that it was just a beloved character in his old film. They have the same conversation at the start of Room 665 in Alan Wake II.
Alan seemed always forget that he (or someone else) changed Tom’s identity to filmmaker, still convinced that Thomas Zane he encountered at the start of his journey was a poet and a diver. First, when Tom-the-filmmaker was introduced, I thought that Alan forgot who Zane was and what he learned about him (I wouldn’t put it past Alan: he forgot many things he wrote, even his birthdate somewhat slipped his mind — in 2010 or in the Dark Place; the guide for the first game states that he’s 31, when the statue near the Parliament Tower claims he was born in 1977), but in both cases he kept insisting that Tom was a poet. So, the opposite is true: Alan forgot that Tom now is a filmmaker.
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But why is Tom made to be a filmmaker? Even the second game insists that the Tom was a poet: Cynthia notes this in her journal, marvelling at why everyone thinks that he was a filmmaker; even the boys of Old Gods of Asgard say “you need him [Tom] to write the ending,” “art, like Tom’s writing” and “it’s Tom’s story we are dealing with, he’s gotta be the one to rewrite it”. And they are the only three people who knew the real Tom Zane and have some credibility in what he really was: a poet or a filmmaker.
The boys, of course, are a discussion on their own; Tom and Alan are interchangeable in their heads, they might talk about Alan the writer, hence “write, writing, story, rewrite”, but Cynthia has no such issues. She never mistook Alan for Tom, she loved Tom her whole life, devoted to his wishes and for sure wouldn’t mess such a big part of his identity in her head.
Then we have This House of Dreams, where we can read poems, some of them are by Thomas Zane and the Bright Presence shows Samantha that he was indeed a poet. Let’s add Jesse Faden into the mix, who as well, remembers Thomas Zane being a poet and even recites one of his poems in Control’s recordings. She still believes he was a poet somewhere around 2019, judging by her words about her needing to be in New York soon. Only in AWE DLC when she hears Tom claiming he’s a filmmaker, she changes her mind. But at this time, she’s already in yet another Alan’s story, her beliefs shaped by his writing (or by the words of her therapist and this vision of Tom and Alan; take your pick).
So, the question remains: why was Tom made a filmmaker?
My belief here is that Alan (or Scratch — do not confuse with Mr. Scratch) had no need of a poet. In This House of Dreams we see two sets of poems: one is by Thomas Zane and another is by Alan himself, in Control’s AWE Alan also claims that he wrote poems, and what value can Tom-the-poet add to Alan’s attempts to escape? A filmmaker on the other hand, as Tom says in AWII, can make a companion piece for his manuscript. Hence the filmmaker, the auteur.
As a side note. I do believe that the real Thomas Zane never makes his appearance in any games, first we see the Bright Presence possessing the body of Tom, then we see yet another Alan’s face in the Dark Place, that takes shape of what he believes Tom Zane was, and this part of Alan becomes a filmmaker at some point in his journey. After all, as the real Tom once wrote:
When you’re lost You’re lost in your own company
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kittenninja14 · 7 months
Hii KN!!
I have a question. Can you describe the evolution of the way you drew Zane?
ps. ur Zane is so cute!
Hello, my mysterious friend!! <333
Thank you for asking that brilliant question.
First of all, thank you soo much!! I'm glad you think my Zane is cute!! <33
As for the "evolution" here it is:
The first time I drew Zane, I drew him like this:
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Yeah.... nowhere close to the Zane I now draw, lol.
Tbh, I nvr really liked how I drew him here. To me, he just didn't feel real(?). I dunno if that's the right word, lol. He looks more like a rectangle than a human.
But all in all, I just wasn't satisfied with the results. For this fanart, I just needed to draw Zane so I did my best in this art.
The second time I drew Zane was-- welllllll, I honestly love drawing Zane, he kinda is my fav character to draw (his hair is soooo easy, lol) But I started doodling Zane here and there in class.
I do not recommend doodling in class. Be responsible and work on ur classwork, lol.
I don't have all my doodles but here is one
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As u can see Zane is starting to get more shape here, lol.
He's starting to look more human (is that the right word?) than a rectangle, lol.
The third time I drew him was for a fanart from Shogun: Becoming by @nickelwick
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(sry about the bad quality)
Now this was a completely different art style in coloring/drawing but with all that aside-- you can see a major shift in style when it comes to drawing Zane.
(now in retrospect the eyes could use a little improvement)
Anyways, I wanted to draw Zane with a different look. From the time between the first drawing and the second, I was tweaking/improving my art style.
The fourth time was for my screenshot redraw:
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Honestly, here, you can see a huge change.
I would say that the fanart for Shogun: Becoming seriously inspired me when I drew this.
I think the tip I can give you when it comes to drawing characters is to first try to find an art style that you are comfortable with drawing.
In my case, if you scroll wayyyyy down in my DeviantArt account, you can see that the first couple of artworks are all done in different styles--I was in the "experimenting" stage.
In all honesty, I believe that all artists out there--no matter how good their art is--can improve. There is always room for improvement and betterment (dunno if that's a word, lol).
So when it came to Zane (and my art style as well) I started experimenting.
Then after I was done with experimenting, I started improving my art.
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Here is the fifth time I drew Zane.
This pic is actually the "foundation" of all of my Zane pics. The colors, expressions, and clothes were all done bc I experimented.
It took time--a lot of time-- to get this drawing done.
But that's how we all start, lol.
The sixth time, I drew the og Zane.
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He was quite a challenge, lol. Perhaps it was the color pallet or the fact that I was rushing to get this done for Ninjago's 13 anniversary, but he honestly could use an improvement, lolll.
Now I can do A LOT of pics to show the "evolution" but imma just use the latest art.
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This pic took like 10 mins (at most) to draw. Compared to the fifth time which took hours.
Drawing Zane has honestly become my fav pass-time, ngl.
I would say to all the artists out there-- just relax. Ur art doesn't have to be purr-fect. No one starts out as a professional. (unless u have some cool powers that make u draw perfectly)
Be patient with yourself.
Everyone can draw. But it just takes time, practice, and perseverance.
So don't give up. If I had given up on drawing Zane after the first pic, then I would have never drawn this cutie pie, lol.
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Anyways, I hope this answers your question!! I honestly had a lot of fun with this "evolution" post. Feel free to ask me more about the other ninjas. But ngl, I think Zane is the only character (as of rn) that I feel the most comfortable with and has the most development, lol.
Byeeee!! Cya next time!!! <3333
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blu3cl0v3rs · 11 months
Summary: The Ninja find an old photo
Warnings: kinda bad writing, author is tired
Prompt: Past | Childhood | "Who is that again?"
Extra: The Ninja get to learn about my pre-canon AU! Set just barely before S7. Like, maybe a day before.
A cloud of dust flooded the air.
Jay coughed and sneezed as a majority of it coated his fluffy brown hair, pale freckled skin, and electric blue clothes. He glared at Kai, who stood precariously on a ladder above his blue counterpart, a guilty smile on his face.
Zane sighed and swept the dust off Jay and out of the temple as Kai brought down another box.
"Watch it, jerk!" The air sparked angrily with Jay's outburst, brunette hair frizzing up. "You covered me in dust!"
"Sorry, the box had a label and I wanted to read it," Kai responded, although there was an obvious lack of regret in his tone.
Jay huffed, "Hope it was worth it, this shirt's my favorite."
The two then ogled the label, which read "Cre + Wo + Spin".
Kai wrinkled his brow, trying to understand what it meant.
"Cre + Wo + Spin?" Jay questioned.
Kai shrugged and carried the cardboard container over to the miscellaneous pile.
Sensei Wu spotted the box as he entered the room. He gently pried the box open, a sentimental look on his face as he viewed the contents.
The Ninja, interested in what had caught their master's attention, crowded the old dragoni. There was a photo of six people at the top of the pile, which Sensei Wu carefully lifted out of storage.
Some of the people looked familiar. There were young Wu and Garmadon, Kai recognised his and Nya's parents, Ray and Maya, and Cole recognised his mother, Lily. They all quietly noticed a child that easily matched the description of Morro, had the ghost been alive and younger. The one they were stumped on was the blond lady with her arms excitedly hooked around Maya and Lily's shoulders, a beaming smile painted on her features.
"Who is that again?" Jay asked, pointing to the blonde woman.
"That is your biological mother, Jay. Her name was Libber. Unfortunately, your mother passed, and I am unsure as to what happened to your father," Wu informed him.
The Ninja gasped, while Jay zoned out. Nya discreetly tapped his arm until he returned to focus.
"Morro knew our parents?" Nya questioned.
Wu nodded, not removing his gaze from the preserved picture. "Before they all left to start their own lives, we were very closely knit. And even when they did, it was not uncommon for us or them to visit."
"Did Morro know my mom?" Lloyd asked out of pure curiosity.
"Yes, although they were not close," his sensei answered.
"What was it like back then?" Zane wondered.
"Lively is a word for it," Wu exhaled as he reminisced. "Morro was much happier and didn't care as much for being the Green Ninja. Ray and Maya often jokingly referred to him as their son, saying that if I hadn't adopted him, they would've."
"Woah, woah, woah. You adopted Morro?" Jay blanched as the Ninja stared at Wu in shock.
"Well, it was a long time ago, but yes," he admitted. "He and Garmadon were particularly close as well. Since the prophecy wasn't often taken seriously then, they would joke about Morro's believed role of the Green Ninja, and Garmadon's as the great evil. He would always listen to Libber's endless stream of words, and he enjoyed dancing with Lily."
The old man waited for the information to sink in. "I'm sure your parents are the reason he didn't spiral earlier, and I'm ever grateful for their unconditional, supportive love that they happily gave to everyone. I'm sure they are all proud of who you are today."
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moonflower-ifs · 3 months
This might be kinda early but whats the ROs' reaction on the 'bug bites in hickeys disguise' scenario? 👀
Crushing stage!!
Thank you so much for the ask and sorry for the late reply!
Here are the reactions of the ROs about the "bug bites, hickeys in disguise" with two different scenarios! I hope it was what you asked! (If not, let me know, and I'll answer the question again!)
During the crushing stage, they didn't give any hickeys to MC, but they saw the "bug bite":
Ashton: An irk flashes inside him, a frown on his face. "It's a bug bite", MC says, and he wants to believe them (not that it matters to him), still he's tempted to brush lightly over the bite with his fingertips "Let me see, I wouldn't like you to get a reaction because of it". If it's just a real bug bite he will smile softly, giving MC something for the swelling. If not… jealousy will simmer in his blood, and he'll probably mutter something like "A bug bite, huh?" He would still give something to MC because he wants it gone (even though he shouldn't care, he doesn't actually, you know, not at all)
Lucrèce: A raised eyebrow, a smirk giving away on his lips "A bug bite?" he would say, coming closer to MC to see this supposed bug bite, he for sure has seen many of it. If it's actually a bug bite, all is good, he will chuckle and say to MC to go to Hazel if the irritation or swelling grows because of it. If he sees it's not, cold will wash away any warmth in his smile and face, "Really? I'm curious to see what insect leaves this kind of bite" a sarcastic remark, to hide the hurt inside (that he should not feel, he's supposed to not feel anything at all for them)
Hazel: Wide eyes, a preoccupied expression, because she's actually worried: certain bug bites could be dangerous or chafing, and it's better to deal with them immediately. If it's really some bug bite, she will quickly deal with it, chatting with a smile over some childhood memories about MC getting in trouble or where a similar occasion occurred. If not, she will freeze momentarily, her worries turning into something colder and darker. She will give MC a cream to deal with the bruise, remarking on how they should be more careful and "I thought you could tell me everything, I guess this changed too" (why does she feel so bitter? She knows she has no right, but still… it hurts)
Zane: Pinched expression, worry and doubt mixed in it, because it doesn't seem like a bug bite (MC said it is, they should believe and not question them) but if it is, it's better to ask Hazel or Ashton to analyze it and give something to MC. If it is, Zee will smile brightly, if it's not serious, feeling relieved and a little guilty about the doubt they felt toward MC. (why? It's not their place) They'll then search for what food or treatment is good for dealing with it, and what bug leaves that certain type of bite, so they'll be ready next time. If it is not… the insecurities and doubt will only grow. Why did they lie? Who did it? Do they truly not matter anymore to MC? No, it's not Zane's business: they should NOT feel bitter toward MC. So they'll try to ignore it (both the lie & hickey) and not say anything at all (even though they want, they should, they… care)
Marilyn: Curiosity, a teasing smile growing on what she thinks is MC's clear lie. "A bug's bite? What's their name? Because they did a horrible job, let me tell you" a laugh to ignore the hurt she feels deep inside. Once she finds out it was really a bug's bite, she'll apologize to MC, feeling remorseful for her hasty comment. She'll try to make some light jokes about the whole ordeal, to make both feel better. But if it wasn't all along, she will keep pushing her light humor and teasing "Change partner next time, that thing is hideous MC" (It should have been me, why it wasn't me? Why I'm thinking this? I don't feel anything for MC… right?)
During the crushing stage, where they are the ones responsible for MC's "bug bite":
Ashton: Each time his eyes fall on it, he feels like smiling, but instead, he frowns: Why did he leave a hickey on MC? He shouldn't have, they… they're nothing. They're not even friends anymore. Still, when he hears MC say it's just a bug bite he's torn between snorting or saying it was him the one who left that mark on them.
Lucrèce: Each time his eyes fall on it, he feels smug and… satisfied. He usually doesn't leave any marks on his one-night stand partners, but with MC… he doesn't know why he did it, but he sure feels complacent when he hears MC say it's just a bug bite. They both know it's not.
Hazel: Each time her eyes fall on it, she blushes, averting her eyes from the hickey she left. Why did she do it? MC is not hers, they're not a couple, she… oh, my: she does have a crush on them, doesn't she? Hearing MC say it's a bug bite irks her, but at the same time, she's relieved by the lie, leaving her with a faint blush and a soft smile. They know the truth. For now, that's enough.
Zane: Each time their eyes fall on it, they smile with a faint blush or fake cough and look away or up, trying not to think about the hickey visible on MC. The one they left and oh, they can't seem to stop thinking about it, about that moment they shared. Hearing MC say it's a bug bite makes them giggle softly, trying to act as if nothing is wrong and to get away the attention from it. They do feel very bashful inside.
Marilyn: Each time her eyes fall on it, she avoids immediately eye contact with everyone. Especially MC, because she can't believe she did that. She doesn't ever do something like this, not even with her ex-partners, but with MC, in that moment… she wanted to leave a mark on them. To let everyone know of her feelings. Now she regrets it. Because she doesn't have feelings for them. Nope, not at all. Hearing MC say it's a bug bite leaves her with a bitter taste in her mouth because it's not just a bug bite, but she ignores it and makes some jokes or light remarks about it.
I do think that Ashton, Lucrèce, Marilyn would say something like "I wonder who was the bug that bit you MC…", just to see their reaction, ahaha.
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ramspatula · 4 months
Galanthus Nivalis | Zane Julien x fem!reader
I love you, Mr Julien and that’s the problem. Because you’ll never love me. It’s not in your programming.
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“There’s nothing here but a load of junk!”
Zane felt an unease fall over him. No. Jay was not correct. There was something here. Something he needed. The military site had been abandoned decades ago when the base suddenly collapsed in itself. It was a secret society in itself. The site hadn’t been found since the survivors left. Many whom are dead now. Zane knelt down. Ignoring how the white of his gi dirtied on the ashy floor beneath him. He moved a piece of rubble to see a chip. He picked it up and analysed it before turning it over and carefully wiping the dirt off the back so he could read what had been labelled on it.
‘Galanthus Nivalis’ - (Snowdrops)
Zane felt his body seize up before he carefully wrapped his hand around the chip and held it to where his heart would be. A distant yell brought him out his daze. Lloyd was trying to round up all the ninja in order to make their way back to the monastery. Zane quickly moved some more rubble and saw a dirtied manual that was now discoloured and had the corner singed from what ever fire had caused the building to collapse. He put both the chip and the manual into his gi’s pocket and made his way back to the group.
“Well that was a waste of time.” Cole said, arms crossed and leaning against the wall of the bounty.
“I totally forgot to give Pearl my laundry as well.” Kai also complained and Lloyd shoved him.
“First of all- Wash your own clothes. Second. We got the call and the coordinates. Clearly we were needed here for something.” Lloyd told him and Zane felt himself frown.
“I did not receive any call… it is not in our voicemail records.” Zane said and Lloyd frowned.
“Well not us- but the military who sent it to the commissioner- who got in contact with us.” Lloyd explained and the others nodded.
“Can I hear this message?” Zane asked and Lloyd shrugged before typing on the Bounty’s control deck.
“I’d have to ask Peach… she’s got the transmitter- it was sent through this old radio thing and the military had only found the thing and got it working the other day… it’s part of the original distress call. It was only recovered the other day.” Lloyd explained as the others listened.
“Holy shit- wait were we just in a burial ground?!” Jay freaked and Kai hit him upside the head.
“It is not clear what happened when the site collapsed but those survivors do not and have not spoke of it since… many were just moved to another site afterwards so it can be assumed that it was just an unfortunate incident.” Zane told him and Jay nodded.
A phone call from the Police commissioner interrupted their conversation.
“Sir?” Lloyd answered and he heard the commissioner sigh.
“Any luck boys?” He asked and Lloyd with his mask on shook his head.
“We’re not quite sure what we’re looking for.” Lloyd admitted and the commission t’sked before there was some rumbling on the line and a new voice could be heard.
“This is colonel Froy. I hope you know I lost many of my men and people I considered family at that site… what you’re looking for is anything of importance. What they were doing there, no one knew about and well, we want to know about it. So have you boys found anything?!” The colonel questioned and Zane felt immediately defensive over the chip in his pocket.
“A couple burnt medals, singed books, a few weapons. All the files are empty. There’s a lot of rubble here though, you’d be best to have an excavation team out here rather than us.” Lloyd told the man who sighed.
“Whatever out there went for them… can surely try again. It’s bear for those more durable than others to look… they were doing some wild shit out there if none of us were allowed to know about it. I don’t think I could bear the thought of someone else finding out before us.” The colonel said and Lloyd was quick to answer.
“Then we’ll make sure that there’s nothing of value here. We’ll let you know once we’re finished here.” The call ended and the rest of the ninja groaned.
“There is literally nothing here!” Jay exclaimed and kicked some storage box on the deck of the bounty aside.
“I don’t think I can bare moving anymore rubble today.” Cole added and the rest nodded.
“I have scanned the area… there is nothing of any significance to the military here.” Zane added to the ninja’s surprise.
“Zane… that’s not very like you.” Lloyd said, suspiciously. “What have you found today?” He asked Zane who stared blankly at him.
“Nothing of any importance to you or the military.” Zane told Lloyd who eyed him weirdly before turning to the others.
“One more search and then we’ll go home.” Lloyd concluded and the ninjas groaned.
“The first thing I go on without Nya in years and now I’m not going to see her till I go to bed!” Jay exclaimed and Kai pushed his shoulder.
“Yeah she needs the time away from you unlike my girl! She’s still just settling into the monastery!” Kai exclaimed and Cole shoved them both off the deck.
“Seriously Lloyd. I’m going to have a deodorant can hurled at my forehead for this. You owe me one.” Cole said to Lloyd who continued typing on the Bounty’s computer.
“My wife isn’t going to be pleased either… it’s just how our jobs work. They get it… Peach has to go on missions too. I get it.” Lloyd explained and Cole frowned.
“Yeah well… Maybe she’d enjoy her husband being home with her more often… Want to help me with some rubble, Zane?” Cole asked and Zane shook his head.
“I will head down shortly.” He said and Cole nodded before jumping off the Bounty. Zane turned to Lloyd who rubbed his temples. “I think it’s right to add that Peach does not react as extreme as Pearl does to these late missions.” Zane added and Lloyd briefly looked back at him.
“Yeah I know… we talk a lot more than they think we do. Cole just hears it all from Pearl it’s not… it’s not that hard for us. Not as it has been.” Lloyd took a deep breath and faced Zane. “You understand, right?” Zane did understand. He understood all the complications that came from loving someone. Even after being separated from each other for a long time and after thinking that they no longer existed. “I mean you and Pixal have been with each other for almost as long as us.” Yes. Him and Pixal.
“Yes, I understand.” Zane nodded and walked away and got off the bounty. He took the chip out his pocket and sighed before clenching his fist around it.
He should leave it here. She wouldn’t want this. She didn’t want this. But there is humanity in a program. A program that he missed dearly.
Whoever said robots couldn’t be selfish were deadly wrong. Zane was proof as he shoved the chip back in his pocket.
“Did you find something?” Cole asked, noticing Zane who sighed.
“It is complicated…” He said and Cole frowned. “I’ve found something significant to me although the true purpose cannot be served anymore which would make it useless but that is so demeaning to what this truly holds.” He said, distress evident in his face as Cole tried to decode what his upset friend meant.
“You really are weird, Zane.” He settled on and went back to hurling rubble.
“You are Zane Julien, and you still have a purpose, mine is long finished. Goodbye, Zane.”
“Someone once gave up their only form of life for me. If I can give them another form, should I do it?” Zane asked and Cole paused.
“Did you find something? Zane?” Cole asked and Zane nodded.
“I did.” He told him and Cole just nodded, walking away.
“They’re your friends Zane, your family, they need you. As I was once needed. A program is only useful if there is a need for it. You are needed.”
“I shouldn’t be alive”
“Neither should I, I am outdated. You are not. And you never will be. That is how you are built.”
He shouldn’t feel guilty. He shouldn’t feel. But he does. And it’s this guilt that leads him to not speak. To keep his silence about the programme in his pocket. He knew all about Galanthus Nivalis. He knew all about Snowdrops. And most importantly, he knew what they were looking for. He knew where she was.
Do you remember me, Mr Julien? I remember you. I remember everything.
“Galanthus Nivalis. That is our mission. What we are here for. What I was made for. We cannot keep quiet much longer. They will find us. I cannot initiate order protocol herbicides. I will not.” Peach sighed as the same message played again. She hit the old communicator slightly and if finally continued. “I do not have a name. I was a program built to help those with low communication and run all demands smoothly. Ensuring a strong connection all around the base whilst being a modern step towards an advanced future. The children called me Snowdrops. But I found that if you arrange the all the main letters of my manual, it spells Y/n. That is my name. What I would like to be remembered as. Not just a programme, if that is possible.”
Peach jumped up, making Pearl tumble in shock.
“Yes! Yes!” She exclaimed and Pearl looked at her dumbfounded.
“What?!” Pearl asked.
“There’s more of the message! I know what they’re looking for! This programme thingy! Pixal what can you tell us about Galanthus Nivalis and Snowdrops or Y/n!” Peach asked and the nindroid looked towards her, she was using her actual body today.
“Nothing.” The nindroid answered and Peach paused before Pearl began laughing.
“What?” Peach asked, perplexed.
“There is no record of Galnthus Nivalis or any programme like anywhere.” The droid said and Peach looked around.
“Oh my god… I’m going to have to start reading books.” She said and Pearl laughed more.
“What’s going on?” Cherry asked, that was not her name, everyone had just talk to calling her a set of different nicknames till they found one that fit. Peach really started a whole thing with having to cover up her name for years.
“The nindroid doesn’t know anything and I have to start searching books! I’m having a horrible day.” Peach vented and stepped over Pearl’s body on the floor.
“I can always check my Dad’s old archive for anything on programmes and military deals. He dealt specific high tech equipment and was shady in doing so… that’s why he ended up where he was.” Cherry asked and Peach nodded.
“Yes, please-! And your Dad’s business wasn’t the reason. It was Harumi and her pathetic need to hurt everyone.” Peach told the girl, offering her an encouraging smile.
“Fuck that hoe.” Pearl said, unceremoniously.
“Exactly that.” Peach said and winked causing Cherry to laugh.
“Made me think my man was dead.” Pearl added and the others turned to her as she vented to the floor. “Had just lost my best friend as well.” She said and Peach shook her head.
“I wasn’t dead, you just thought I was.”
“Because it said you were.” Pixal added and Peach paused.
“Well I wasn’t. Almost. But not.” Peach added and Pearl sat up.
“We’re seriously not talking about this again? It’s 1am girls, what are you still doing up?” Cole asked and swiftly dodged the TV remote that was dashed at his head.
“Waiting for you, dickhead!” Pearl swore and Cole made his way over to her.
“Zane! Just who I wanted to speak to!” Peach said, much to Lloyd’s disappointment, who assumed his wife would be most pleased to see him. “Pixal knows nothing so I need to know what you know about Galanthus Nivalis!” Peach announced and Lloyd frowned. Somehow missing how Zane completely froze up.
“You found out more?!” He asked and she pressed play on the audio log again and it repeated the message.
“Another programme? Like an Ai?” Jay asked and Zane nodded.
“Snowdrop is an advanced program. She was built by someone whose brilliance got her shot before she could expand on Snowdrop. Forever stuck in one model. Never updating.” There was a longing in his voice. Everyone looked at him perplexed.
“You know about this?!” Kai asked and Zane turned around.
“Galanthus Nivalis is something that we should never touch or let others know existed once. It is best to destroy this message and terminate any further action. Galanthus Nivalis was a haven for manslaughter and misguided attempts at furthering knowledge. It is best that can of worms remains closed.” Zane finished before walking away.
“How the hell did he know about that?” Cole questioned.
“Zane knows everything.” Pearl said, from where she laid dormant on the floor.
Zane didn’t sleep. He was a nindroid. But he did overthink. Pixal had sent herself in the samurai-X suit over to the prison to handle some rogue inmates. She likes these lower level jobs and spent every night doing them, meaning Zane was left alone in the monastery at night. Although they shared his heart, they did not feel love. Not anymore. Both had agreed long ago, that they were companions. They were not in a relationship. Pixal had lost many of her emotional response programmes after she merged herself with a body and AI. Borg offered to alter this but Pixal had disagreed and Zane didn’t object to Pixal’s wishes. Even if the loss of their relationship did affect his own emotional response stimulus. He had never told anyone about Snowdrops or snow. However he had mentioned Y/n to Pixal.
“I’ve been able to contact another programme and I believe nindroid! She shares a similar consensus to you, her name is P. I. X. A. L.”
“You know this nindroid?”
“Yes, I do. You do not have to do this.”
“By accessing her through my limited network access, I can bypass you through into hers and therefore gain you access to the world hub.”
“Thank you, Y/n, how will I ever repay you?”
“Serve your purpose, Zane.”
They had co-existed as two dead programmes. His short contact with the main power grid of ninjago had widened his access to different networks and data immediately. However, a reserve network that was running off minimal reserve power had absorbed some of his connection and harnessed it. Resulting in his existence in this abyss of old military records and all the files on Galanthus Nivalis. This data base and system didn’t feel as content as his own main frame and control grid had. The codes were different and Y/n existed as a 3D model of a feminine figure with visible codes running down her body. She could’ve easily been confused as human if it wasn’t for her translucent body with codes constantly running down her body.
Zane had been wrong though. Where they were was not some reserve power grid. It was her version of the digiverse. And he had been granted access to it through his brief contact with her. She admitted that she had an empathy function that made it so she felt emotions of longing and his permission was given as a quick response to the hope of not being lonely for longer. Which made him feel even more guilty and gave him the motivation to pick up the chip and march over to control grid of the monastery. He flipped a latch open where there was multiple wires and ports for different outlets. He presses the chip into the correct port without hesitation.
‘Galanthus Nivalis, Project Snowdrop initiated. Please prepare for changes as the system uploads to your server.’ The loading bar on the holoscreen made him even more nervous as it was quick to fill and soon a 3D model of a woman was turning to face him.
‘Mr Julien, do I detect an empathy response and stimuli?” Zane smiled. Y/n always had so much personality, she was built to be loving, a friend, someone people would want in a time of need. She filled more roles than any Ai had ever before.
“Yes, I can feel, I can love, it is in my programme.” He told her and her face lit up.
“It is in mine.” She said before suddenly everything in the monastery shut off except her. “The system is rebooting. I am assessing your security protocols. They are drastically different to mine.” She elaborated and Zane’s eyes widened in shock.
“Y/n- Snow- No!” Alarms suddenly blared, and the monastery began locking down. It turned off almost as quickly as it blared.
“Emergency response time is low. That isn’t good. Your security protocols are not as strict as one would hope.” She said and multiple others came tumbling into the room.
“Who decided an emergency drill was necessary right now?!” Jay’s voice whined out. His sleeping mask on his forehead. Cole stood next to him, matching mask on his forehead too.
“This better be good, Pearl shot up like a light and summoned my grandma in her fear!” Cole added, a lethargic Pearl appeared next to him.
“I know so many facts about carnations! Number one, they don’t fucking squeal in the dead of the morning!” Pearl yelled and Peach shoved her.
“Zane, talk to us. What’s going on?” Peach said and Zane stayed frozen as the 3D figure became life sized and walked to the ninjas.
“I am Y/n. Or Snowdrop! The first AI reality model. I offer humanity and I am designed to make your life easier!” The Ai introduced herself but the others froze. Peach specifically.
“Y/n?” Peach said, matter of fact. “Snowdrops? Like- like that thing we’ve been talking about all day-“
“Yeah, yeah- whatever Peach is saying. Did she just say that she’s designed to make our life easier? Like she’s actually going to a part of it easier? Who is this again?” Kai asked, Cherry following in behind him.
“What Y/n means is that she will run the monastery. She was designed for more domestic purposes but can learn different purposes. Y/n would be able to take over all security protocols and make sure the monastery is protected whilst we’re not here along with her companionship protocols. She can teach the monks their academic classes, this would lessen the stress on the older monks.” Zane elaborated.
“That’s great, really, but- why was now the time you decided to boot her up and have her take over our home?” Lloyd asked. Kai nodded, Cherry leaned on him, trying to stay awake.
“It is- I- the emergency drill was not intended to happen.” Zane tried to explain himself.
“You’re security protocols are mundane at best for high profile beings and place. In an event of another attack, it would not hold up against the kind of targets you expect.” Y/n told them.
“I, along with Pixal, made those security protocols.” Nya defended and Y/n nodded in her direction.
“I’m sorry if I have offended you but I was taught that it always better to be safe than sorry.” Y/n told her and Nya’s face dropped.
“Taught? Or programmed?” She asked and Zane’s face morphed into disappointment.
“Taught. Do you believe those of us who are encrypted with programming cannot learn?” Zane asked and Nya’s face dropped.
“No- I just meant-!” Nya tried to cover herself.
“It is alright. I understand the pre-conceived notion that all programs and intelligence systems do not have sentience or internal processes similar to internal cognitive ones.” Y/n spoke up and Zane shook his head.
“That’s not what I think- I’m just…” Nya sighed and rubbed her face.
“I think we should all head back to bed and regroup about this in the morning. Sound good?” Lloyd asked and everyone around nodded.
“Whatever gets me back in bed.” Cole told him as Pearl trailed behind him.
“-no! Your hair is not going to be crimped. We bought those silk pillow cases for that reason!” Kai could be heard telling Cherry who was clutching her heatless curls band.
“Zane can I quickly have a word?” Lloyd asked and Zane nodded. Peach stopped herself from leaving to stay with him only for Lloyd to shake his head and kiss her cheek before sending her off with the promise that he’d be back in bed soon.
Lloyd waited until the others were all gone before turning to the nindroid in question.
“Okay, who is Snowdrop and why has she took over our systems?” Lloyd asked and Zane looked away, shyly.
“Snowdrop is an artificial-“ Zane began but Lloyd shook his head.
“No. Who is she, Zane? Who is she to you and what made you decide to bring her here?” Lloyd specified and Zane looked up at him for a moment before back at Y/n who nodded.
“Back when I destroyed myself in defeating the overlord, a piece of my hardware had been kept in a reserve store. I didn’t place it there, I had brief contact when we had gone to the power plant and Y/n, detecting my brief presence, acted quickly and redirected a part of my consciousness to be stored in the reserve store where her program was being kept originally. It was hidden and unknown. She had been there for almost 20 years.” Zane explained and Lloyd nodded, telling him to continue. “We spend months just existing together and re-piecing my program together and my memory before Y/n was able to detect Pixal and the reminent of my body and original hardware. She was able to create a direct link into Borg’s systems where I made contact with Pixal again and later transferred myself back into my body. It took a while for the full transition and my memory pieces together over time but my elemental power was still strong within me until Chen’s island and all of that happened.” Zane said and Lloyd frowned.
“And what happened to Snow? That was almost a decade ago, Zane.” Lloyd asked and Zane looked down, ashamed.
“I went to go find her again but the location we had been in, hidden and unknown… was gone. The link to it was gone and to her too. And then I was occupied on Chen’s island and I searched afterwards with no luck. And then I found the last record of her program amongst all the rubble, it called out to me and I knew I had to bring her back, to be with her again. Now that I am able to.” Zane told him and Lloyd nodded.
“I get that, I really do Zane but Y/n doesn’t belong with us. Especially if the military is after her. She is obviously needed for another purpose.” Lloyd told her. “She is a part of Galanthus Nivalis is she not?” He asked and Zane frowned.
“They intend to destroy her! She had no purpose with them but she does with us! I can’t let them do that, Lloyd.” Zane defended and Lloyd placed a hand on his shoulder.
“With you, Zane. You care for her. Enough to take her program and enough to install it into our home just to see her again. Now, I’m going to go back to bed and I’ll talk to you first thing when I wake up. But we really need to consider our options here.” Lloyd told him before making his way out the room.
Zane turned back to Y/n who stared at him. He sighed and looked into her eyes that met him perfectly. He couldn’t give her up or send her away or let her be completely destroyed especially after he had finally got her back.
“I won’t let them take you.” He declared and she smiled.
“I’m afraid your friend is right.” Y/n told him and he frowned. “I don’t belong here. I am outdated and like you said, I have no purpose. A program is only useful-“ Y/n began but was cut off.
“-if it is needed. I know.” Zane sighed and looked at her again. “You are needed. You can have a new purpose, with us and the monastery. You say you are outdated yet within the first few minutes you detected that there were issues with our security. A couple updates here and there can solve any outdated concerns.” Zane told Y/n who smiled.
“You do care for me, Mr Julien.” Y/n stated and Zane smiled.
“Of course, it’s in my programming.” He told her and she smiled.
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vaexna · 5 months
hello everyone . i've been wanting to draw so so so bad but the end of the semester is next week for me and as the dumb college student i am, i decided to cram everything into my brain last minute... so here we are.
but!!! instead, here something i've written !! it's very much about zane and religion because uhhhhhh yeah :D
disclaimer: i didn't proofread. i'm too busy lazy to. thank u for coming to my ted talk <3 if it sounds dumb it's because i'm dumb . it's 1am, and i had the very aggressive urge to write about this dude so here we are, and uhhh my bad LOL
— under the cut ☆ (mwahaha I FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO THIS!!)
If there's one thing he could stand by, without doubt or fleeting conviction, it's the fact that he's seen it all. Pyres and caskets, offerings and tombstones. He's been to small churches in the back of tight-knit towns, made of wood and the faith of believers. And he's been to massive cathedrals in the heart of vast kingdoms, intricately made of limestone and the blood of overworked architects that'll die without an ounce of recognition.
He's seen homes fall and villages rise. He's seen sinners look to him for help, or for the idea that they'll be saved if they begged hard enough. He's seen believers wearing their hearts on their sleeves, a bigger evil looming over their shoulders, their hopeful smiles bright as they greet him.
Sinners disguised as saints. Saints broken down by sinners. People who claim to be neutral, others who don't hold faith in their hearts anymore, some who couldn't find faith no matter how hard they tried or wanted to.
As the High Priest of O'khasis, he's seen just about everything. And after so many years of the light shining in his favor, the line between good and evil blurred in his eyes. Some days, he'll find himself teetering back and forth, trying to figure out if there's meaning to being such a high-standing man in a world where bloodshed is just another means to get by.
Love and hate, sin and faith, matrons and destroyers, what good is any of it when death is not an 'if' but 'when'? He knew life and death like he knew the back of his hand, it surrounded him in all of its glorious forms. He's seen it in his brothers, along with his mother's anguish. In the baptisms and weddings he's been invited to perform, with the death of the past and the birth of better days.
Oh, he's seen it all.
So on rainy days like this, it always came back to the question: Was it worth it? Was it worth the grievances and the anger? The sacrifices and the pain? He's made it this far, something ought to come out of this. Not even his brothers, Irene bless their souls, could reach the heights he's towered over.
Yes, of course, there had to be something at the end of this. It just wasn't time yet— No, the better days he was promised since the dawn of time, since the blessings of his birth, it'll all come soon. Or, one day at least.
It couldn't all be in vain. The lives he reaped couldn't be in vain, the paths he destroyed could not have all been in vain. His name would be remembered forever, a mark in history, he had to be something more. Regret and guilt were things he could overlook for the sake of the man he'll be in the future.
He knew relying on hope wasn't a Ro'meave custom, though. That's why he did what he did — his father taught him that if he wanted something, he had to get it himself. And if someone were to ask, "Zane, what do you want?"
His answer would've been long and descriptive at first. Something that of world peace, or blessings given by Irene herself. But these days, he preferred something much more simple.
He's lived and learned.
When the light that shone through carefully colored mosaics kissed his skin, he was sure there had to be a God out there to gift the world such beauty. But when whispers passed around of a greater power lurked in the dimension of a long gone warrior, the idea of being a Godlike man himself tasted sweeter than whatever else he was promised in this lifetime.
The line between good and evil was nonexistent to him—he took advantage of both just to get what he desired. What he deserved. He was a self-proclaimed epiphany, and amongst normal men, Zane Ro'meave was both life and death.
Was it worth it?
After all of this effort, he made sure it was.
— ★
ps. would u guys be interested in both art & writing of mine,,,, i do snippets like these in my free time (when i procrastinate) so like i'd be down to show 'em off if u guys are cool with it...
also one of the paragraphs is like weird in here idk it kept getting deleted so i kept having to rewrite it bc it was too good to scrap and i. just gave up. the text is different for that singular paragraph.
ok thanks for reading this im going to bed goodbye goodnight
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alexturne · 9 months
hiii lovely!! hope you've had a great day, and also - happy alex's birthday!! 🥳 for the ask game, 7, 12 & 19? sending hugs! 💖
Hiiii lovely, hope you're doing great ❤️❤️
7. how long have you been a fan? tell us about your journey!
Okay, so I've been a fan for a while. I don't remember how exactly I came across it, but I used to spend a lot of time online looking for new music. And I found them on myspace way back in the day, around 2005 or something. And the first song I heard was the demo version of Cigarette Smoke, and I was just instantly hooked. I loved Alex's voice and lyrics and the music was just so fun and refreshing, punchy and stripped back and so much less silly and kooky than so much of the other music out in the scene, dramatic in a different way and it just felt so fucking real and very different and unique. And I've been obsessed pretty much ever since 😂
12. do you have any arctic monkeys tattoos? if not, do you want any?
I do have some tattoos but no am ones so far. I wouldn't mind getting one though!
19. what's your favourite quote said by someone in the band? feel free to share a link/clip!
There are genuinely so many incredible quotes said by this band, I find them fucking hilarious, so it feels impossible to pick 😂
One moment in the video diaries that always cracks me up is when they're on the rooftop bar and Matt says "Aw dear, someone's smashed a glass!" and it's so stupid but it's so fucking funny and cracks me up everytime. Basically all the diaries are golden for good quotes! "Slept like a glove" is also a classic. Or when Nick said in the behind the scenes for Crying Lightning that "it's not that the clothes don't fit, I'm just a weird size" or something, and then he had to be painted with silver paint.
I also love when Alex was interviewed by Zane, and he complimented the AM album and said it was pretty much the perfect album, and Alex deadpans and says "I think that was deliberate." He is such a dumbass, I love him. So many of his turns of phrase are so so delightfully weird and wonderful. Like when he lamented that he'd "sat himself too far from his internal cue cards" and couldn't answer a single question or when he said in that super old Dutch interview that he was always so happy when the sun was shining 🥹🥹 Perfect little happy bean.
Or when they're playing some sort of motorcycle arcade, and Jamie sits at the back of Alex and asks if he should undo his top, and Alex says "You're driving with t'wrong man!" Or when Jamie said "If you want...." to Alex suggesting they become astronauts in the driest, most deadpan fashion. Or when they got to go inside a shop and get merch, and they were under strict instructions not to skate and Jamie emerges on a skateboard and yells "I can't turn! If a car comes I'm dead!" completely disregarding not being allowed... I could go on forever...
Thank you for the lovely questions 🥳🥰
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crystallizabethine · 2 years
Dance With You: A Lavashipping Oneshot
Happy White Day!!! I had Cole/Kai A pairing for the @ninjago-valentine-exchange event!
Summary: Kai and Cole go to an LGBT dance and are cute together. Also Kai hasn't told Nya they're dating...
(2,531 words)
“Hey Kai guess what!”
Kai looked up from his phone as Cole came over and plopped down next to him on the couch. His boyfriend’s eyes were bright and he looked very pleased about something.
Cole thrust two slips of paper towards Kai, “There's a LGBT+ dance happening at Laughy's Karaoke Bar tonight, and I got us tickets!”
Kai took the tickets from Cole and examined them. They were thicker than he thought they’d be. A glittery overlay shimmered over their surfaces as Kai read the words Admit One: Pride Prom! Food! Drink! Fun! 7:00-Midnight (ID required for alcoholic beverages)
Kai rubbed his thumb over the smooth, shiny slips, doubt in the back of his mind. “Cole, this is… really sweet of you, but you do know I don't know how to dance, right?”
“That's okay, I can teach you some moves! Besides, there's no one right way to dance, you just got to feel the music and let yourself move with it.” Cole let his arms wiggle around as he said that, and Kai smiled despite his initial qualms. Cole was just too adorable to resist.
“If you say so,” Kai answered, then immediately followed up with “Oh shoot, what should I wear?”
“I don't think it really matters,” Cole replied. “I mean it is a pride event, so, something gay?”
“Alright, Kai, something gay, something gay… something…gay…” Kai stared at the jumble of shirts on his unmade bed. So far all he’d found were some t-shirts, old ninja ghis from past seasons, and a sweater vest that he was pretty sure was actualy Zane’s. Despite that possibly being the gayest piece of clothing in the room, Kai didn’t even consider it. It was a bit too dorky for his taste.
Kai sighed and rubbed his chin in thought. Cole had said that dressing fancy wasn’t a requirement, but he’d forgotten one small thing about dating Kai: He was dating Kai, and Kai didn’t go anywhere looking only half his best. Kai turned back to the messy bed, rubbing his hands together, “Let’s do this!”
“Do what?”
Kai’s hands produced a sudden startled spark of flame, and he felt his insides shift as he whirled around to see Nya in the doorway, one hand on her hip, looking at him in curiosity.
“Oh, uhm, nothing! It’s nothing!” He started gathering up the shirts while still maintaining eye contact with his sister, “Just getting rid of some old shirts! Gonna revamp my wardrobe. Can’t have Jay owning more nice outfits than me, amiright?” Kai hoped his unsuspicious smile didn’t look as fake as it felt.
Nya puffed at some stray bangs that had fallen over her eye, “Are you going clothes shopping with Cole then? He mentioned you two were going out later.”
Oh he did, did he? Kai nodded, “Yeahp! Gonna drop off our old clothes at a thrift store, shop around, hit the arcade—bro stuff.”
“Ok, have fun! Jay and I are going out later too, so maybe we’ll run into each other!”
I highly doubt that.
Before Nya could say anything else, Jay’s voice rang out from across the hall, “Nya, have you seen my Miku binder?”
“Did you leave it in my room?”
Before Kai could question why Jay’s binder would be in her room, Nya had disappeared, leaving him alone with his sorry pile of unfancy clothes.
Kai picked up a red hoodie he hadn’t noticed before. The fabric sported a scaley flowery pattern, and there were flame designs going up the back and down the arms. Kai held it up to himself. “Welp, it could be gayer, but it’s the best we got.” Kai pulled the hoodie over his head and checked himself out in the mirror. He looked more cozy than fancy, but Cole was always telling him how cuddly he looked anyways so he supposed it wasn’t the end of the world. Though now that he looked closer at the pattern, he was reminded of one of Nya’s outfits, which gave him an idea…
“I can’t believe you stole Nya’s clothes!”
“Ah—hey, no, I borrowed them. Bor-rowed. There’s a difference, babe.” Kai checked his reflection in the rearview mirror of Cole’s car to make sure his eyeliner hadn’t smudged. It hadn’t and Kai winked at himself, grinning. “What do you think, Cole, Do I look pretty enough for you?”
Cole kept his eyes on the road, “I already told you you look amazing, but yes, Kai,” he stole a quick glance before looking ahead again, “Who knew a boob window would look so good on you?”
“I know!” Kai answered, “And she just had it in the back of her closet! I’ve never even seen her wear it before!” They paused at a stoplight. Daylight was nearly gone by now and the red glowed pleasantly on everything.
“You know,” Cole hesitated, “She probably would’ve given it to you if you’d asked.”
It was Kai’s turn to look ahead. His boyfriend was right, of course Nya would have. But she also would’ve wanted to know what he was dressing up for, and that… He sighed; he just wasn’t ready to tell her. He wanted to. He wanted to tell her everything about him and Cole, about how much he loved him, about the special times they spent together. But any time he imagined telling her there was a weight in his stomach that wouldn’t leave.
The strong warmth of Cole’s hand on his pulled him out of his thoughts. Cole squeezed gently, “It’s gonna be okay, Kai. Whenever you’re ready to tell her, she’ll understand.”
Kai smiled softly and held onto his hand the rest of the drive.
A giant rainbow banner hung above the entrance to Laughy’s, and balloons floated on either side of the doors. The music could be heard from outside and Kai hoped it wouldn’t be too loud in there.
“Fun fact, I’ve never been to a prom before,” Kai said after Cole had turned in their tickets.”
“And I’ve never been to one with a guy before!” Cole replied, eyes shining with excitement.
“Wait, really? Handsome guy like you?”
Cole shrugged, “I wouldn’t have gone at all if Dad hadn’t made me. He’d say that ‘no son of mine will miss an opportunity to outshine potential dance competitors under my watch!’”
"Pfft" Kai knew that Cole’s dad was trying to be better, but stories like these made him lowkey want to fight him.
“Him expecting me to go with girls didn’t help either.”
Kai winced in sympathy. Not there was anything wrong with girls, girls were amazing, cool, and pretty! But it must have sucked for Cole if he’d wanted to ask cute boys out instead.
Inside, the music was even louder, and the bar was decked out in sparkly streamers and colorful, rotating neon lights. There were people in different outfits standing around, dancing, and getting food from the bar. Kai saw Dareth serving drinks and vibing to the music when there was no one to be served. Near where Kai and Cole had entered, there was a photo setup with a cute background and a table to the side that was filled with silly trinkets and accessories to be used as props.
Kai tugged his boyfriend towards it excitedly, “Come on!” Once they were over there, Kai pulled out his phone to take some selfies of them. His breath hitched in surprise when Cole kissed his cheek for one of them., and Kai poked him in the ribs in the spot he knew was ticklish in response. This made Cole squeak at a higher pitch than either of them were expecting, and they both cracked up. Kai then remembered the props and grabbed some fancy glasses. Cole donned a hat that looked like a rotisserie chicken and handed Kai a sign that said “I can't dance” in a silly rainbow font.
After many, many more silly pictures, they turned their attention to the dance floor where a dozen or so couples were throwing it down to upbeat disco music. Cole looked at Kai excitedly and pulled him onto the floor.
Kai was elated to finally be there, but the music was extremely loud and pounded in his ears uncomfortably and he worried that he wouldn't be able to do this after all.
No, you can do this. This is really important to him.
However, the pounding in his skull needed to stop. “Hey Cole, could we move a little further away from the speaker?”
“What?” Cole asked over the noise.
Kai pulled him closer and repeated himself.
“Oh yeah sure!” Kai guided him as far away from the speakers as he could while still keeping them in the dance area.
Once they’d established their place in the room, Cole immediately started busting out moves. Compared to him, Kai felt stiff and awkward. He was still vibing with the music, but he couldn't help feeling eyes watching him from all around.
Don't focus on that, he told himself, focus on Cole. Focus on us. This is our night; it shouldn't matter what others think.
He found himself captivated by the way Cole danced. He did it so naturally, letting his body move to the beat and letting the music flow through him. It reminded Kai of how he looked when he was connecting with his powers, except more elegant and fluid. Cole was one with himself and his movements, and he was beautiful. Kai imagined that it was just the two of them there, and felt himself loosen up significantly.
“Feel the music and let yourself move with it.” Cole’s voice echoed in Kai’s head and he closed his eyes, leting himelf get lost to the current song’s beat.
His eyes flung open again when Cole suddenly decided to grab his hands and spin him around like a top and dip him. Kai found himself supended inches from the ground as his boyfriend’s golden brown eyes stared into his own.
Kai grinned, “Hello there!”
“Pfft, you’re a dork,” Cole responded with a small laugh as he pulled Kai back up to a standing position and held him close.
Kai’s heart melted at how cute Cole looked when he laughed, and he had half a mind to kiss that smile of his. Their faces were already so close… Cole seemed to have the same idea, because his eyes fluttered shut and he and leaned in, his lips parted slightly. Kai was about to meet him halfway, but right before he closed his eyes, he caught sight of two familiar figures entering the bar.
“Cole, there’s a problem,” He whisper yelled, feeling panic claw at his insides.
Cole looked at him in concern, “What, does my breath smell or something?”
“No, Nya and Jay are here!”
“What?” Cole glanced past Kai and his eyes widened in recognition.
Kai squeezed Cole’s hand, “What do we do?”
“Welp, face the music, I guess, cause Jay is waving at us.”
Kai’s mind was racing. He had to leave; he couldn’t let Nya see him. He wasn’t ready—oh my gosh they were coming this way…
“…and I mean now that I think about it, if they’re here at a pride event then there’s really nothing to worry about, right?” Kai barely heard Cole’s attempts to reassure him, because he’d locked eyes with Nya, who was giving him an unreadable look. Kai gulped, those looks were always the most worrisome with her.
Jay waved again as they got closer, “Hey, Kai! Cole! Didn’t expect to see you here!”
“Jay, bro!” Cole replied, and fist bumped him. Nya eyed Kai intentionally as their respective boyfriends continued talking, and Kai followed her to a quieter part of the bar, bracing himself for whatever his sister was about to say.
Nya looked him dead in the face, “Why haven’t you told us you two were together? Why didn't you tell me? I'm your sister. We’re supposed to tell each other stuff like this!”
“I dunno,” Kai mumbled, not making eye contact, “I guess I was worried you’d be upset for some reason.”
“Where did you get that stupid idea?” Nya asked, indignantly. “I’ve known you and Cole have been dating for months now, and you are perfect for each other! I’ve been waiting for you to tell me, but apparently you don’t trust me enough! Again, I'm your sister! I support you no matter what.” Nya pulled her brother into a hug, “I want you to be happy, Kai, you deserve it, especially after all we’ve been through. And I’m here for you if you ever need to talk about this stuff.”
Kai felt a bit of moisture in his eyes and returned the hug, holding onto Nya tightly. “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. You really are the best sister, you know that?” He whispered.
“Oh, I know it.”
Kai snorted in amusement and Nya let go first. Kai then remembered, “I am confused though, why are you and Jay here? Aren't you straight couple?”
Nya looked at him funnily, “Jay is trans man Kai. It's an LGB-T prom, not just a gay prom.”
Kai slapped his hand against his forehead, “I don't know why I keep forgetting that. You are totally right!”
“Also, if you ever steal my clothes without my permission again, I will bust out your baby pictures to show Cole.”
“Oh no, anything but that!” Kai responded, half-jokingly, “but noted.”
A more calming, romantic song began to play, and Kai was suddenly pulled away from Nya and found himself face to face with Cole, who put a hand on his waist and began guiding him through simple dance steps. They swayed from side to side, gazing into each other's eyes. Cole was smiling at him with the cutest look of adoration on his face.
“What are you smiling at?” Kai asked him with a raised eyebrow and a curious smirk.
“Just about how gorgeous you are,” Cole answered.
Kai felt his face flush and he sputtered, “Yeah? Well, you are... really… rockin’?” Kai winced at how lame that sounded, but it just made Cole laugh.
“Oh my gosh that sounds like something Jay would say.” He snorted.
Kai looked Cole in the eyes, “Come on, give me a break. I’m used to being the one saying the smooth pick up lines, not the one getting them said to me!”
“You’re adorable. Hey, how’d it go with Nya?”
“She said she figured it out months ago.”
Cole chuckled, “Of course she did, can’t hide anything from her.”
Kai looked over at his sister—who was totally stealing the spotlight with Jay as they did their special dance routine—and smiled, “She also said we’re perfect for each other.”
“Damn right we are!” Cole pressed a kiss to Kai’s temple, “I love you so much, Kai!”
Kai knew that he would never get tired of hearing Cole say that to him. He pressed his forehead against Cole’s and replied, “I love you too, more than anything.” Then Kai kissed him on the dance floor, surrounded by people just like him, finally unafraid of what anyone would say.
Thank you for reading!!
The art I based the fic on was made by the talented @ninjapolis and can be found HERE.
The A03 version of this fic can be found HERE.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 6 months
Just read thr latest chapters (10 and 11) of your wobbly hearts au and I've got a question about the lore/how soulmarks work
And if you cant answer all or part of it because it would spoiler stuff later that's totally fine!
I've been wondering for a while how someone with different soulmates differentiate who they're talking to if they're not all each otbers soulmates. Like Nya is soulmates with Jay, but Jay is also soulmates with Cole, Zane, (and Kai). So if jay writes something meant for Nya, what keeps it from being seen Cole or Zane? Or Do they see it?
Thanks to chp 11 we know that some soulmarks are different, that Skylors apparently show exclusively on her back. But is it still the "what you write on your skin shows up on them" just located on the back or is it a different kind of mark?
(Is that what Lloyd's is like too? He mentioned soemthing about his being hard to read/understand what it meant)
I'm just fascinated by how the different soulmarks work and didnt know if it would be expanded on or not later in the fic (if so, feel free to leave us in suspense lol)
LOVE the fic, hope you have a wonderful day!
Heyy no issue man! I actually already have a deeper explanation written up in my wobbly hearts server so just lemme slap that down here
Tumblr media
i kinda forget sometimes that i don't explain the soulmarks thing very well in the fic itself lol, i got so distracted angsting Kai i low-key forgot the actual worldbuilding
Jay and Nya just have matching marks for soulmarks: stormcloud with lightning on their wrists if i remember correctly. Nya has another nameless soulmate that she writes to. There isn't usually an overlap in types of soulmarks if that makes sense.
As for Lloyd: he doesn't actually have soulmarks! (to his knowledge.) He's never gotten one, never seen one. But then again he's never really looked or tried to contact his soulmates since he's scared that they'll hate him for who and what he is. I actually am working on a Lloyd-focused fic to address that specifically (and also the elemental powers of the group) I don't know if it'll go anywhere but it is indeed in the works!
Thanks for the ask this was fun to answer dude! Might be a bit confusing if so ask away and i'll do my best to elaborate this lore was in my head for so long i sometimes forget to explain elements <3 OUGH knowing you re-read chapters?? KO'D BY GOOD VIBES WAAAURGH <3
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caramellles · 2 days
Hi Sasha! I'm sorry for the probably stupid question, but I found your blog quite recently. I wanted to ask how the current story and your legacy on your blog are connected? I mean do I need to read all your legacy posts from the beginning or not? I'm sorry, I just want to understand everything that's going on. I've already loved your story very much 💔 Have a nice day!
hi! don't worry, it's not a stupid question at all!!!
the story "along the oasis" is actually an extra to my legacy, but! it is not necessary to read the legacy posts to understand all the events of the story.
the thing is that the story reveals the past of some minor characters in my legacy. in short, in the future, the band "along oasis" will have a new line-up: ida, keith, ernest and (one of the main characters of my legacy) zane. the extra story was originally created to tell about the band members' past, how they started performing together and why the guys were looking for a new member in the future (present in the legacy). as you already know, all this is closely related to keith's personal story, so i chose him as the character on whose behalf the story will be told.
if you're interested, here are some legacy posts that are related to the group or its members: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
i hope i made everything clear with my answer! i know that many people started reading my blog from the current story, so i think this clarification was necessary. also, i will take this opportunity to thank all of you for paying attention to my blog!! i really appreciate it!!
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vyladromeave · 10 months
04 and 08 for the ask game?
04. what are your favorite episodes/scene?
I've answered this one already here, but why not list another ep i like? I still go back to S1 Ep 68 pretty often!! It's one of the last episodes we're given where Garroth is written well imo, but he REALLY shines in this episode. I really love how Laurance and Garroth's dynamic is handled, + we get our first hints of Shadowknight-hood affecting Laurance more, AND we even get quite a bit of Garte stuff/overall politics things that I find very interesting!
This is honestly the golden era of S1 to me, and some of my favorite bits of how they handled storytelling like, mechanically. (Having the NPCs unpromptedly just start going off at eachother was very cool. Very rarely did NPCs have conversations with eachother that weren't facilitated by Aphmau before that point.) ITS A GOOD EPISODE! The back half is a little boring, it was definitely like that because Jess spent all her energy making the front half cool, but the front half WAS very cool, so I can excuse it.
08. alternatively, what's a dynamic you really want to see in canon?
THIS IS AN EVIL EVIL QUESTION BECAUSE THERE ARE SOOOOO MANY. lets just get Vylad and Literally Everyone down just to start. this is a joke but also not.
Vylad and Emmalyn (their intense irene discussions. Vylad obviously has some sort of academic knowledge of irene judging by the fact that he knows about Irene's Dimension on his own, and brings it up as a thing Zane would do BEFORE Aphmau can explain it. I think it would be cool for Emmalyn to have scholalry discussions around Irene with someone who also has that knowledge)
Vylad and Dante (Oopse Gene Sucks Hope We Dont Bond Over This. It makes sense in canon why Aphmau discouraged their meeting because she didn't want Dante to freak out about more shadowknights and she doesn't know about the dynamic between Vylad and Gene very well, but also I think hearing that validation would be very good for both of them considering Gene is literally gaslight king #1. There aren't a lot of people who can relate to being hurt by him directly who are also able to tell the tale.)
Vylad and Katelyn (HER SEEING JEFFORY IN HIM IS SOOOO INTERESTING AND THEN THE ONLY THING IT EVER EVEN KIND OF GOT USED FOR WAS SHIPPING BAIT WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. theyre some of the two most Emotionally Congested characters there are itd be sooooo interesting to me if they like. they dont even have to talk about it. its fine. they can just hang out silently together. ok. they can vibe together. i think they would enjoy that. please.)
and for some non-vylad options so that I'm not just talking about him for the rest of this post: Dante and Zoey NEEED to have a bigger dynamic with eachother considering they were the big Stayed Behind For 15 Years guys and barely anything ever comes from it im so mad
Zianna and Aphmau is a dynamic that can really only be explored in a post-S2 timeframe. but i think would be very cute :) I can see Zianna being very motherly towards Aphmau (or mother-in-law if thats the kind of thing ur a fan of) when she finds out that Aphmau doesn't have/remember having a figure like that in her life already. + I think Zianna would respect Aphmau a lot as being both a responsible lord and a mother herself. I think the two of them would get along very well :)
Similar to above in regards to timeframe, I think Travis and Garroth would be a fun dynamic to explore. Garroth strikes me very much as a "I Can't Hate Them, They're Family" kind of guy just cuz thats what he was taught growing up, despite having an undeniably negative relationship with people like Zane and Garte. Travis being so openly a #dadhater would help Garroth work out some of his own issues regarding how he feels towards members of his own family. And from Travis' pov, Garroth gets built up a lot over the course of S2, and hearing all these tales and stories only to meet him in person and discover he's kind of just a nervous wet cat of a guy is very funny.
(ask prompts from here!)
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twigs-sprigs · 2 years
Two things for the PA AU!
1: pls tell us how Kai unknowingly used Lloyd’s power when he was evil!
2: what was the sacrifice Lloyd made to show he really cared about the team?!
ALRIGHT SO! this au is ON THE BRAIN  and kai (@shadesofvermillionvoid) helped me make some answers to your questions ! (as you know i still suck at explaining DBJWKWD)
before we go, this one needs a few trigger warnings
(TW: supplements/ drug use, experimentation, implied suicide (nobody actually dies, no worries)
alright, we good?
prepare for like an ESSAY KDJWJKWD
1. okokokook ok!!! i'm. im SURPRISED i havent talked about lloyd/gb's power here on tumblr, cause it's such a big part of his story, and why he does what he does. so consider this an important lore dump
so, when garmadon (who, was actually possessed by the overlord the whole time, it wasn't. actually garmadon) and his group were still running the show, back when lloyd was really young. experiments were conducted on the child, leading garm/the overlord to discover that lloyd contained raw power, that could be exploited for his gain.
the power of energy, in this au, is i think a little stronger than in canon ninjago, as in, yeah, it can stand on its own just like in the show, can be used to blast things, to form energy shields and whatnot, and still has access to all the four other elements of creation. BUT it can ALSO regenerate itself, as in if some of lloyds power is taken, it will come back eventually. and it can ALSO be used as a performance enhancer and/or fuel for battery for tech... and people.
SO, with that in mind, the overlord, in garm's body, started taking energy from the child, with painful extraction tech that would sometimes leave lloyd on bedrest for weeks. the first of hundreds of these extractions is what caused the explosion that took lloyd's arm away in the first place.
they'd use the energy filled batteries (which kind of just look like some little glass bottles with glowy stuff in it) to power weapons (you saw kai's sword in the kai ref), machines, vehicles, etc etc. and would also sell them to other parties who were somewhat involved with the group. to use for the same thing and/or performance enhancers for battle.
and...well... to answer your question. kai used to buy said energy bottles. unknowing that they came from the same child that he saw just a while prior. see in his sword and also the reason his fire was blue, and stronger, when he was evil.
and, this all actually keeps going well after lloyd is aged up and he becomes "the green bandit". he keeps giving his power for his gang, because harumi says he should, and he trusts her. so he does.
kai, of course stops taking the energy and using it for his sword and gets to more old school type katanas and such when he starts doing hero work, he only finds out where the energy bottles came from well after zane infiltrates gb's operation. and he is. absolutely mortified.
this is all part of why lloyd depends on his power so much, and why he freaked out when zane blocked it out for the team's safety. he has to be of use, what is he without his power, really?
hope that answers your first question :)
2. so, for the "final battle" (it's. not really the final one, me and kai are actually planning a continuation for this au), harumi prepares a giant mech, ready to take on the surface world and make it hers.
whats her plan? to find gb, he'll come out from wherever he's hiding eventually, and use HIM to power up the mech even more, give it such a huge boost that she'll be unstoppable. so her and her newfound gang will rule the underground AND the surface. the mech is specifically designed with like a human-sized tube to stick gb in and actively extract his power from him.
SO ! our heroes go against her! she starts attacking the city and the battle ensues. gb said.. he didn't want to go with them, that he can't face harumi again, he wasn't ready for that.
but that was a lie.
at one point kai is cornered by harumi's huge mech, on top of a building, about to be seriously injured, even killed, unable to get away. but right in that moment where harumi is about to DESTROY KAI... gb shows up and saves him, blasts the mech and makes it fall back for a bit.
gb helps kai up, but then GRABS him by his shirt, holding him up right on top of a huge fall off the building, right on the ledge.
kai thinks this is it. he's being betrayed. he couldn't help gb, he yells out "I thought we were friends!", without really thinking.
gb... almost... almost smiles at him, and says "...We are. And, that is why I need to do this." and he throws kai down to where the others are fighting harumi's goons and keeping civilians safe. he's caught by cole but he's FREAKING OUT.
gb fights harumi and her mech on his own.
this is perfect for harumi's plan. this is JUST what she wanted.
she ends up catching him after a bit, like a little insect. and forces him into the tube i was talking about earlier.
but gb is not stupid, far from, he wouldn't go head first into such an unfair battle if he didn't have a plan. he knew harumi would come look for him, so he decided to give her what she wants, power.
when he's forced into the mech, and the power extraction begins, he also starts PUSHING OUT as much power as he physically can, his scar spreading all over his body because of the stress he's putting himself under.. like his body can't TAKE it. he OVERLOADS the mech with power, so much so that...
well.. it explodes.
with him in there.
ALRIGHT that's both those questions! thank you so much for sending the ask KJDWJDW im so glad people are enjoying this au as much as me and kai are. and we wanna make even more for it
AS ALWAYS if you have any questions about this au, either from this post, past ones, or the aftermath of what i just explained, send them my or @shadesofvermillionvoid 's way!! we LOVE talking about it. it is so much fun.
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riptidesblog · 4 months
Whispers of the waves and breeze
Summary:Nya has some questions and somehow ends up chatting with a ghost on Bounty's crow's nest.
Prev parts:Chains of Destiny(p1),Accepting Change(p2)
Nya sighed as she left Zane's room.He had been her last hope,but he couldn't provide answers to her questions.
She stared at the ocean,the sound of lapping waves filling her mind.The voice became louder.The sea greeted her and her tense shoulders relaxed.She closed her eyes and just listened.The ocean talked to her.It's voice filled her mind.It was calm and beautiful.
While she could have spent the whole day enchanted by the voice of her element,her earlier questions returned.Why was she hearing the sea?How was she hearing the sea?None of the others had this with their elements,she knew after asking all of the ninja.Even Zane,whose element was the closest to her's.Was she going crazy?Surely not!
Her eyes opened and she turned around,her master's worried face greeting her.
"Sensei?Is anything alright?" she asked.
He had been the next person in her plans to ask about the voice of the ocean,in case her brothers couldn't help,but she had gotten distracted.
"I heard that you've been hearing your element."
"You know why?" she asked as soon as the elder man brought up her little problem.
"I believe you will find someone far more qualified about this particular topic in the crow's nest."
With that the ninja master walked away.
She didn't move.Someone knew about this and they were aboard the ship?Who?Misako?But how would she know more about elemental powers than Wu?Or was it another one of the weird secrets being revealed exactly when they're convenient for the situation?FSM give her patience.
She stared at the ghostly limb dangling from the edge of the crow's nest.Oh.Guess she didn't ask every single person aboard the Bounty like she thought she did.There was still one elemental master and it was the one she still needed to talk to.
"So why did Wu send you here?"
She nearly lost her grip on the rope ladder.
"I'm-wait,how did you know Wu sent me?" she asked the raven haired boy.
"Wind told me,duh."
Now,that wasn't an answer Nya expected,so it definitely took her by surprise.Wind told him. Wind told him. What?Apparently Morro noticed her confusion.
"Vengestone does block my powers,but I can still hear the wind."
"You can hear the wind." she repeated as she joined Morro on the crow's nest.
"I've been hearing water too." she said. Morro hesitantly glanced at her.
"It's your element.Of course you'd hear it while close to the ocean."
"Yeah,well I asked around and apparently other elements aren't as chatty." she said.
"Oh.Yeah,wind and water are the only ones that do that as far as I'm aware.I checked with the elemental alliance back when I was alive.The only one that had the same thing going on was Aunt Maya,the previous master of water." Morro said,somewhat relaxing.
'Aunt Maya'?Is that who I think it is?...Yeah,no.I'm not dealing with that now.
They sat in awkward silence,the only sound being the gulls flying past.She sighed.
"Look,I'm sorry for blaming you for the water ninja stuff.It wasn't right to do so." she started. The ghost frowned,but let her continue.
"Your existence is kind of what caused this conflict,but it's not really your fault.I should not put the blame on you and for that I apologize." she said and waited for his reaction.A humorless chuckle is what she got.
"How-how can you just move on so quickly?Things I did,it changed your entire life.All your hard work turned out to be nothing because I was in the picture!How can anyone let that go,much less forgive?" the ghost questioned, perhaps louder than she would have preferred. She raised a brow.
"You sure you're not projecting?" she asked.
Ravenette looked confused.
"Well,the big part in it was that I realized our similarities.Lloyd is what changed your status quo and you are what changed mine.I didn't want to end up like you, blaming and hurting people for something outside of their control.So here we are...By the way,it was not easy to come to terms with that and I took my time to apologize." Nya said.Morro seemed lost in thought.
"I fucked up,didn't I?" he finally said.
"You just realized that?" she asked.
"Well,I've been thinking too and even talked to Wu a little,it's just that... being on the opposite end of hate was what probably settled it." Morro confessed.He clenched his fists.
"I kind of wanted to apologize too.After what you said...well,I felt similar to what you did and that wasn't,uh,a good feeling. So...yeah.I'm sorry for how my actions affected you." the ghost fumbled with his words.Master of water smiled at his expression.
"Nice,but you look like you smelled Cole's cooking.Are you sure you're okay?"
"It took a lot on my pride to do this,so maybe take it with a grain of salt."
"Okay.You are forgiven,but don't think it makes up for all the other stuff you did.To Ninjago and to my family." she said.
"Obviously." Morro huffed.He fidgeted with the chains wrapped around his neck.
"Can I...Can I ask for help?To apologize to everyone else." he finally said.She blinked, certainly not expecting that.
"Uh,one question:why me?Wouldn't Wu be a better person for that?" she asked.She didn't bother to ask what brought it on. Aside from their conversation,everyone had noticed the change in Morro's attitude as he spent more time with them and especially Wu.The way he seemed less bitter and angry,at least on the outside.
"Things between us are still...complicated and I'm still too full of my own hubris and have no idea what to do.You somehow forgave me and apologized too...so,uh,you get what I'm saying,right?"
It was almost funny that the guy was fumbling with his words,awkward about expressing his feelings and thoughts when just a few weeks ago he was rambling about his evil plans about world destruction.
"Yeah,okay.You seem to be truly sorry and all that seems to be progress,so I will help out with the feelings stuff.I will do my best,but it all depends on you,breezie.Also,Lloyd may be kind and forgiving,but in no way is he obligated to accept your apologies after the hell you put him through.Got that?"
Morro nodded and they continued their chatting as the gentle breeze whispered in their ears accomponied by the sound of waves.
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snappedsky · 1 year
Borderlands: Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter
Skies goes with the Vault Hunters to a wedding, where she meets and old...acquaintance.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Guns, Love, and Tentacles Part 1
“...then loop it down and pull it tight. There.”
“Yeah...I don’t think this is right.”
Skies looks down at the tie tied into a twisted knot around her neck.
“Hm, well, it worked for me,” Rhys says from her ECHO communicator. “I guess it’s easier to do than to explain.”
“I’ll just get Moxxi to tie it for me,” Skies decides as she undoes the knot. “She must know how to tie a tie.”
“You’re pretty excited about this whole thing,” he comments.
“Of course!” she cheers, “it’s the first time I’ve ever been invited to a wedding, and I’m not just crashing it to kill the bride or groom for a scorned ex. I’m actually friends with both grooms!”
Rhys chuckles. “Well, go enjoy yourself. And call me when it’s over.” “Talk later,” Skies chimes before cancelling the call. Then she grabs her gun holster with her Jakobs pistol- Golden Horizons, gifted to her by Wainwright- and her trench coat and leaves the Sky Rider. She steps out into the cargo hold of Sanctuary III and heads up the stairs.
She makes her way up to Moxxxi’s, where Moxxi and Timothy are sitting at the bar, chatting. They both look up as she enters.
“Look at you, all dressed up,” Timothy remarks.
Skies giggles as she spins, showing off her simple two-piece black suit. “It’s my first actual wedding. I gotta dress up.”
“You look lovely, sugar,” Moxxi agrees.
“Thanks, Mox,” she replies and motions to her loose tie. “Could you tie this for me?”
Moxxi clears her throat and points to her tip jar. Skies rolls her eyes and drops in a couple hundreds. “Nothing for free, huh.”
“I am a business woman,” Moxxi replies and ties Skies’ tie. As she finishes, the ship suddenly lurches.
“I think we’re here,” Skies says.
“What’s the planet again?” Timothy asks.
“Xylourgos,” she replies, “some kind of frozen wasteland on the edge of the galaxy. Sounds like fun.”
“Well, try not to get into too much trouble.”
“It’s Wainwright and Hammerlock’s wedding,” Skies points out, “it’ll be impossible not to.”
She waves as she leaves the bar and heads back down to the cargo hold. Moze, Zane, Amara, and FL4K are waiting for her at the drop ship.
“Come on, we’re gonna be late for the party,” Moze points out.
“It’s always good to be fashionably late,” Skies retorts.
They climb into the drop ship and Ellie sends it off to the dark planet below. They break through the atmosphere and crash onto snow covered rocks in the middle of an icy tundra.
“Ugh, god,” Skies groans as they tumble out of the wreckage. “I don’t know why we just don’t take my ship.”
“This the place?” Zane questions.
“We’re outside town, I think,” Amara replies.
“It’s quiet,” FL4K observes.
“Hang on, I’ll try calling them,” Skies says and grabs her communicator. “Hammerlock? Wainwright? We’ve landed outside town but there’s no party. Hello?” There’s no answer. “Huh. No signal maybe? Guess we’re walking.”
They pass through an icy cavern onto a snowy path. As they walk along, cold wind blows around them and animalistic howling can be heard echoing in the distance.
“Good thing I brought my coat,” Skies remarks as she tightens it around her.
They continue on until they reach a wide tundra and in the distance, rising against the dim blue sky, is a giant monster corpse the size of a mountain.
“Yowza, look at the size of that thing!” Skies exclaims.
“I hope it’s dead,” Amara adds, “unless I get to kill it, in which case I hope it’s not.”
“I don’t know what it is, and I don’t like looking at it,” Zane remarks.
“What manner of hunter took it down?” FL4K muses.
“This is one helluva wedding destination,” Moze comments.
They continue through the tundra when they see a shuttle plummet from the sky just ahead and a distress call rings through all of their ECHOs. “Crap, crap, crap, craaap! Hold together, dammit!”
“Hey...I know that voice...” Skies muses.
“Hey! Who’s out there?!” the voice continues, “get away from my pod! Do NOT mess with me- I am a licensed wedding planner! I have got the certificate from the ECHOnet course right here!”
“Wedding planner?” FL4K questions.
“Come on!” Skies orders and they hurry through the tundra to the crashed ship. When they get there, they find someone fighting off a hoard of crazed attackers.
“They’re under attack!” Moze exclaims as they ready their weapons.
“Oh, good, crazed lunatics,” Skies remarks, “and me with only one pistol.”
“You only brought one pistol?” Zane questions.
“It didn’t feel appropriate to bring a Hyperion pistol and an Atlas assault rifle to a Jakobs wedding,” she replies, “but, come on, you guys know me. All I need is one pistol.”
She draws her gun and immediately leaps into action. The blade extends from her robot fist as she punches an enemy in the stomach then shoots him through the temple. A couple of goons come up from behind her, but she spins and slices their necks with her forearm blade. The Vault Hunters split up around her, firing at the other attackers.
As the crowd starts to thin down, Skies tackles a guy to the ground, driving her fist blade through his skull while shooting a couple others. She turns around to look for more and comes face-to-face with a big, killer robot.
“Whoa!” she exclaims, putting up her hands as it glares at her with its burning red eye. The Vault Hunters immediately take aim. “Hold, guys!” she demands.
“Deathtrap, heel!”
Skies lowers her hands as the robot backs off next to its master. “I knew I recognized that voice...”
She stares with astonishment at the familiar young girl with a robot arm- now a young woman. “Gaige...”
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luckyshotwrites · 2 years
Ch. 49 // I’ll Help Set Up, Regrettably // Day 40
Contents (Warnings): Lynette debates whether this was a good idea or not (vore mentions, slight teasing, mouth "play", and as always character/monster info).
Wordcount: 4,722 (Sorry it took a while to come out and if the quality suffered some. I had to retype it all and my right eye has been acting up so it's hard for me to focus fully when I'm typing without breaks. HOPE YOU ENJOY, THANK YOU! AND THERE WAS A 2 WEEK SKIP)
(Added for Day 30)
At the end of our shift, before we got to leave.
Edgar brought Alexander and me back into his office.
He sat at the edge of his new desk. Alexander and I weren't required to take a seat, so we stood back respectively. 
His red-violet hue did a deep once over like he took notes. 
"Glad you both went through your punishments with grace." He held his hands together, satisfied. 
We both soughed. Alexander was as relieved as I. 
"You may resume your normal schedules starting Thursday." He continued removing his hat and undoing his bun. It let his long hair go. "And please, keep to the rules I set next time-" 
Even though Edgar said it to both of us, he steadily hovered over Alexander more. 
Did he do something? I asked in my head.
"You're dismissed, Alexander." Edgar said to him and glanced at me, "Lynette, I need you a moment more."
I stiffened up. Alexander didn't question it and left. I felt the antsiness return. Why am I staying behind? Should I be worried? Would Edgar do anything? We didn't talk much; he was usually busy in the back, so I knew little about him. 
Edgar focused on me, a slight furrow to his brow, then held up a hand as he leaned off the table. "You're fine, Lynette. You're not in trouble." 
He took a breath and brushed back his hair. Not a strand remained on his face, the opposite of Drake, who enjoyed having most of his hidden. "I should have had this talk with you before, but better now than not at all."
He tapped his finger on his desk, "I did not expect you to stay, let alone put in the effort to keep up your promise when you were hired." 
He lifted his finger, "I certainly will not stop you if you continue working here. I'd invite it as many others here need more positive interactions with humans." 
I felt the intense narrow, almost like he put pressure on my chest. "And if they break any of the rules I have in place. TELL ME. Because if Sandra, Tristan, or I do not catch something for some reason, you could be in danger." He held his hand to clarify, "they are in place for a reason, not that I have doubts about those I hired. This is a warning, in case."
He really cares, doesn't he? At least he sounds like he does. 
I nodded. "I will."
The pressure Edgar had on me released, "good. Or you'll have more to worry about in the future, which you don't need for your goal." He held up a hand to me. "And thank you for continuing to work with us, Lynette. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask."
(Oct. 31st, Monday)
We had Halloween off as a Holiday.
Drake: Hey, if any of you going to the party can come a bit earlier, around 9:00p.m., to set up, that'd be cool. 1:30 p.m.
Alexander: Sure. 1:30 p.m.
Zilla: I'd have to escape Zane first. 1:31 p.m.
Viola: After I help the triplets. 1:33 p.m.
Lev: I have a date around then, but I'll be there if it ends a little earlier than expected. 1:34 p.m.
June: 😿I want to help, but I also got to help Elliot. 1:36 p.m.
Tila: What happened to Elliot? 1:36 p.m.
Tila: And Drake, I am on a hunt today for a rare spindle Lim, and I refuse to give up until I find the darn creature. It's bound to give me more answers about the Arachne. 1:37 p.m.
June: (sent a picture of a room full of pillows). 1:37 p.m.
Drake: Good luck, Tila and Pillows? 1:38 p.m.
June: He wants me to help get rid of some, and I think he's here somewhere in them. 1:40 p.m.
I glanced back at the empty spot for the flat screen and consoles. Wicks didn't tell me how he broke them, but it wasn't there when I got home last night. He ordered new ones, and they'd be in by tomorrow. I can't play games tonight. Wicks told me he would be busy all night and into Tuesday, so I'd be alone with no candy to give. Not that I wasn't grateful for a chance to relax, given what's been going on since I won the dart game.
I groaned aloud and fell back on the couch, my phone arm covering my eyes. Lev took it like a challenge, and now all of his games consist of things HE KNOWS I won't be good at, and Alexander either gets so competitive with mine that he ends up somehow beating me at it. OR he picks ones that, much like Lev, knows I wouldn't be good at. 
When I cried out, my apartment took the voice into its empty void. 
Drake's the only one that picks fair games. It made me pull up my phone again. I had it hovering over my face, and I reread the replies and the new messages. 
If I go, I have to deal with all of them...they can't do anything to me. This is my chance to get more information on them. I thought back to the festival. They talked "normal" when we were there. 
I then scrolled back up to Drake's original message. Do I want to be there with the main problem, Alexander? I didn't feel much difference between us; I still didn't understand anything about him. Not that I know Lev, either. Or Zilla, or Drake, or-
Claudia was gone again for the next two weeks due to "family" reasons. It's the reason I hadn't been a tiny yet. I let my chest heave and expel all my breath. Drake was one of the nicest night crew people. I want to preserve that...
Lynette: I can help set up if you can send me your address. 1:51 p.m.
Drake: Address - **** 1:53 p.m.
Lev: Oh, Lynette~ Going to a monster party is odd for someone who doesn't like being a snack. 1:53 p.m.
Alexander: ^ 1:53 p.m.
I sat up, "wait. It's not just everyone from work? How many are going to be there?!" I squeaked out. "Ah-why did I-" 
"Why am I so DUMB!" I put my hands in my hair and frizzed it up. WHY DON'T I THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS. I let my hair furrow up. I'M SUPPOSED TO THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS!
I dropped my phone on the cushion. I can't just say, never mind. My head fell forward. It allowed the giant puff ball of hair I created to fall over my face. I reached out for one of our white throw pillows and screamed into it for thirty seconds. I let it fall from my hands and bounce onto the floor. 
I looked at Wicks's door and chuckled, "Wicks, did you know monsters exist, and I'm working with them? I decided it'd be a good idea to stay involved with them when they care little about me-" I tipped forward and rested my chin on the back end of the couch, still looking at his closed door. He wasn't even home.
It was almost two months. It felt like I had been there longer with the chaos I'd experienced. I jokingly shook my fist and shouted, "CURSE YOU EDGAR, WHY DID YOU OFFER ME SO MUCH MONEY!" 
My tone came out defeated. "I still want to believe I'm going to make it through the year." 
Any of the cute costumes were sultry, too much for my taste. I didn't like the vulnerable feeling brought upon me by them. Even wearing a bathing suit at the beach felt too much.
And the other ones, those that were scary, didn't cut it for me either. I feared I'd look in a mirror and frighten myself with them.
After concluding shopping for a costume on Halloween was a bust, I called Wicks. I knew we had our costumes from last year packed away. I figured he hid them in his room, and I respected his privacy too much to invade without his permission. I texted him when he didn't answer the two times I called. 
He finally messaged back near eight o'clock to say he was safe and loved me very much. I guess that's a no. 
I dressed in my best Halloween throw-over, a spooky dark violet-purple one, then picked my cute golden trim, baby blue skirt, and thigh-high black pumpkin socks with some rainboots since they were almost orange. Yellow's close enough, right? 
I tapped in my boots and checked over my room. I had time to clean it today, so everything was nice and neat for me to crash into later. I even had my lamb Pj's from my mom sitting on top. I left the apartment after and went to my car.
 Drake said I didn't need to pick up anything. It'll be a straight shot there. I got my GPS ready and started my drive over. We lived near the edge of the small city while Drake lived out of it. It became more apparent as I started to see the lines of trees. There isn't much around, is there? My anxiety burrowed deeper inside me. It'll be fine. They won't do anything. The little reminder pinged in my head. My coworkers are just some of the ones attending. There would be other people...monsters too. My fingers tightened around the wheel as I could see the gates in the distance. 
Wicks won't even know. I couldn't give him Drake's address out of fear that he'd leave work early and want to head over. I slowed down my bug and turned inside as the gate was wide open. I drove up the stretch of road to the beautiful building. Its architecture reminded me of those old victorian homes, gargoyles, and everything. Though, it looked restored as none of the paint was chipped, and there weren't vines hanging from it as they would in vampire movies. Once I pulled up to the huge double doors, I realized no other cars were around. Not even Xander's. I brought out my phone and took a breath. Sorry, I wanted to drive away now and say I didn't know anyone was home. For some dumb reason, my own obligations wouldn't let me.
I called Drake. 
“Hey, Lynette, what’s up?”
“Uh-I’m here…where should I park?"
"Right!" Drake said. He sounded rushed. "If you're at the front door, keep heading straight and turn into the garage when you arrive. I'll have it open. Sorry, I didn't realize the time."
"You're okay, thank you." I hung up. 
I did as he said and saw the familiar garage with its door open. It had a few cars inside, including Drakes, Alexanders, and two others I didn't recognize. I parked in the closest empty space. When I got out and locked my car, I saw they could fit at least five more cars inside. 
"Hey, Lynette," Drake's voice echoed around us. It looked like an empty luxury storefront with excellent tile and lights above. I could barely take it in, let alone when I was tiny. You really live like this, and YOU work at a pizzeria?! 
I bowed my head, "you look cool." I finally noticed his black and red samurai outfit, which looked like natural silk. Though, what perplexed me the most was his ponytail. Drake's hair wasn't long enough, especially with his bangs still over his face. It would have been funny if you had that red and black cape and fake teeth.
His fangs weren't that noticeable if I didn't pay attention. The only time I really saw them was when he yawned. He didn't expose as he rarely showed more than concern or confusion on his face.
"Thanks..." He pointed down to my boots, then back up, "and you are a-"
"I couldn't buy a costume! They didn't have any good ones left!" I exclaimed. I expected him or Alexander to make a sly comment about it. He brought me a slight ease.
He turned around and ushered me to follow him to the entrance into the house from the garage. "Well, it fits the theme."
I followed him up the few stairs and looked over the hanging decorations. Most of them seemed hung, cobwebs, giant spiders, a bunch of kabuki masks? And a plethora of lights as well as the walls, looked smeared with glow paint in different ghost and pumpkin shapes. The few statues and paintings were moved out of the room and replaced with tables and chairs leading up to the ballroom at the center, halfway up the stairs. 
"It looks like you already got a lot done," I commented. 
He scratched the back of his head, "Wenna told me she'd take forever helping Viola out yesterday with the triplets, but Viola sent her off after she got a better handle on them." Drake walked me near a few tables off to the side. They had a bubble like films over them. What's that? I popped one as we passed, and it wobbled but didn't pop. It felt warm. 
Drake continued, "so there isn't much left to get done. I should have texted you, but Alexander and I started talking about the new crying kingdom game. 
We went off to the side near a hall on the left side, under the stairs. He pressed open the giant silver double doors, "the only thing we need help with now is-" He lifted his hand and put it in front of me. I stopped walking as the giant leg swung in front of me. 
"Careful," Alexander's voice came from above.
I peered up only to stumble back, seeing his stomach. He ate someone. 
I let my eyes wander around the room instead of on Alexander even after he moved behind the giant countertop. I heard him clank down a few trays. 
"Cooking," Drake finished. It pulled my attention to him and away from the giant half of the kitchen. "You're not hiding it, Alexander?"
"It's not like everyone here doesn't know what I eat." He said. 
I flinched when he said that. 
Drake exhaled, "well, this is the last thing we need help with, Lynette." Drake gestured up to the counter. It was bigger than us both. The counter perfect for our height was empty. 
I glanced up as Drake walked me closer. I could see Alexander's eyes glowing past his glasses and the irritation nestled between his brows. 
I refused to look over more than his face and hair but noticed he had a similar samurai outfit as Drake except for white and gold. And I was confident they were both wearing fake ponytails because Alexander had one too, and his hair was too short. 
"Are you done making all of them?"
Alexander groaned, nodding, "all I have is the energy transfer left."
Drake's head turned to me, "maybe Lynette can help-"
"DRAKE!!~" A familiar female's voice broke into the kitchen. I saw the black-haired girl with a youthful appearance. She gave a flashy toothy grin from beyond the silver door she clung to. "LYNETTE! Nice to see you again, and you're normal height too!!" She gave a cheer like a mother at a soccer game.
I gave a small wave, "hi, Wenna."
She popped her attention back to Drake, "and-hey, do you mind calling my phone? I have no idea where I left it, and I need to be sure Angela has the right address!" 
Drake pulled out his phone, "I'll help you call it." He said as he looked back at both of us, responsibly, and said, "be nice, and have her help you if she can."
I wanted to follow Drake, but he left in a rush. My whole body felt tense, and I stared at the double door. I would love to go on a phone hunt. It might be high up if she was putting up those decorations. I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and threw myself to face it. I couldn't back up fast enough. He got my arm and yanked me closer before encompassing my waist in his hand.
"XANDer!" I squeaked out. I was forced to look over his body as he put me on the counter in front of him near one of the massive baking trays. The counter was more than waist height to him, so at least I didn't have to look at his abdomen directly. 
"Stop it. You might fall." He growled. He sat me to the side of him.
"You grabbed me out of nowhere. What am I supposed to do!" I argued quietly. 
He came closer, "just roll up your sleeve and give me your arm." He held his giant hand out. 
"W-why?" I kept both of them fastened to my chest. 
"I need to touch you physically to take your energy like this." He grumbled.
I did as he asked and gave him my arm. His hand overtook it and nearly part of my elbow. He was smaller than the others, yet he was still a giant to me. 
His eyes stared at their fluorescent glow again, and he held his other hand over the treats. They were pumpkin-shaped cakes that flickered with the energy he pumped into them, or at least I saw one of them do that. 
"What are you even supposed to be?" 
"Don't you start too," I felt more at ease with his question. "I'm not wearing a costume."
He watched over the treats and didn't look at me, "you really can't dress yourself, can you?"
And you can't be pleasant. I said in my head. I wouldn't dare say that to his face, especially like this. 
After another minute and one more pumpkin out of the 300 on the counter sparked, he groaned. 
"What?" I asked.
"This is going to take forever." He tilted his head away in thought. He then faced me, "you want me to make this faster?"
"If you can do that, yes...?" I muttered. The less time I spend near you right now, the better. He tugged my arm, which caught my attention; it was gentle but sudden. I steered my head toward his parted lips that moved in on my arm. "That's not-"
He trapped my hand between them faster than I could close my fist. His teeth lightly kept my wrist in place while his lips hid it. I cried out when his tongue cradled my hand.
"STOP!" I twisted my arm to no avail, though he did release my hand from his maw. 
"I'm not going to eat you, doofus." He said and followed it up, almost mockingly, with a swallow. 
I didn't even want to close my dripping hand. I couldn't pull it back either, as Alexander kept my forearm secure. 
"Then what were you doing!?"
"If I have direct contact, I can take your energy faster."
I pointed at the arm he held, "you're already touching me!"
"Direct contact in my body." He motioned to himself, "I already told you before. I'm not a full magus. I'm slow at taking energy like this." He moved the hand that held my arm more before he rested his other hand on his stomach. "And my current meal doesn't have the same output as you." 
Current meal? That's a person. I pressed at his fingers that held my arm. "I don't want any part of me near you. This arm holding is more than enough."
"Fine, we'll stay here for the hour." 
He didn't clean my hand. 
"You're overexaggerating." 
"I'm not." Alexander uttered, "I don't see what the big deal is. I'm not eating you." 
"What do you mean?! You wouldn't want anyone putting your hand in their mouth, would you?"
He rolled his eyes, "hell no."
"Then why would I!"
Alexander's gaze fell back onto my hand like he didn't take in a single word I said. 
"I heard you," he groaned. He started up the process again.
I don't want to sit here for an hour, listen to you, or look- "Is there really no other way you can do this faster?"
"If there was, I'd do it," Alexander said. 
I glanced back at the baking pans on the giant counter. I already saw more of them out there. So has Alexander been doing this the whole time?... I regret coming early. I didn't think I'd help in this way. I wanted to get it done. That's not a good idea, Lynette. I know what will happen.
I muttered under my breath, "how long would it take?"
He perked up, "about two minutes. Are you considering it?!" He sounded like a kid at Christmas. 
YOU'RE SO WEIRD. I kept that in my head. "You're lying to me; how is it that much of a time difference?"
"I wouldn't lie about something that stupid," Alexander replied, offended. 
He sounds serious, but will I let him do that? He awaited my answer. I don't want to. What if he decides to eat me? What if he takes more of my arm? What if he holds me there longer, he knows I can't fight him. I didn't want to trust him with any part of me, let alone in his mouth. I knew what he did. I also don't want to be up here. The faster I'm on the ground and moving around, the better. I subtly shifted on the marble countertop and enjoyed the small freedom my legs had dangling over it. 
I spoke with my head still turned away, "A minute, that's it, then I want to be put down."
He didn't respond with words. Again, he got my hand in his mouth, and I felt his body shutter. Though, what immediately caught my attention was the push of his soft tongue and the sound. He had to be close because of our height difference, so I clearly heard the gulp of him swallowing the excess flavored drool back. 
"Don't do that!" I pleaded as he got to work again with his free hand. It didn't seem like he was listening, and I regretted not getting out my phone right away to time it.
He knew eating a human before coming here was a good idea. He might have tried to eat Lynette the second he picked her up if he didn’t. 
And his body relaxed as he got her hand inside his mouth a second time. He felt her squirm, and her fingers unintentionally stroke his tongue. I want more. He swallowed and heard her yelp further. Why do you taste like this?! 
His body urged him to eat her even though he already had another meal inside him. I could put cloaks on both of them and put her inside too. He liked the idea, but another thought popped into his head too. Work. He exhaled through his nose and did his best to transfer the energy she gave him. 
Her constant movement distracted him. It reminded him that he had never done this before. He always ate someone if he got them anywhere near his mouth. 
It was nice to taste her, but he hated doing this. It was a teasing torture for him to have her and not satisfy his craving. 
It slowly became too much. Alexander’s stomach clenched, and it begged for more. 
It knocked him out of thought. He let Lynette's arm go and opened his lips enough for her hand to slip through his teeth.
She studied it and whined. “Why are you like this?!”
“Could say the same about you.” He grumbled and cleaned it off with his magic. “And it’s fine, Drake, the pastries are done.” He looked at them with surprise. How did I overcharge them that mu- His hand came up immediately as she tipped forward. He caught her and leaned forward, so she rested on his bicep.
He scanned over her, not realizing how fast he had drained from her.
She pushed lightly and croaked, “why a-are you-”
“Shut up,” Alexander told her. She’s dazed. 
Drake came to his side with his sister, "put her down here."
He complied, “she let me. You can't be mad." Alexander slowly lowered her down, and he handed her over to Wenna. 
She needs rest.” Alexander said as he handed her off to Wenna.
She got Lynette in her arms, "let's get ya to bed, okay?" 
After they left, Drake glared at Alexander. 
The glasses-clad male started to put the treats in their own bowls. “The shrimp offered.”
“AND you took it knowing-” Drake pursed his lips. I know. I thought it would be fine. I ate... He felt a lot better now that she wasn't in the room. His hand slipped to his filled abdomen. 
 Drake sighed, "glad there done. After you finish that, help me make seals over our bedroom doors, please.” 
My mind took in nothing on the way up to her room. It took me a minute to realize she even put me on her bed. 
"Alexander really drained you, didn't he?" She had a really soft, sweet voice. It reminded me of Viola. 
"I think I was too panicked to notice at first," I said. I didn't feel on edge near Wenna, even if she was a vampire or vampire beast. 
I saw her look back and study me. She looked over my clothes, at least I assumed, and then jumped up from the normal-sized king mattress. "Drake told me you couldn't get a costume, so what better time to offer you one than now." She stood over me and grabbed my arms. 
I flinched as she pulled me into a sitting position. I wobbled and kept myself steady when she let go of my wrists. 
"We look about the same body-wise, so you'll fit into anything I have. Let me get you some to choose from." She slightly squealed, "you'll be super cute!"
"You don't-" She ran to the walk-in closet across from her bed. It was the size of another room. I saw her disappear to a farther section and sighed. I kept my hands on the soft fabric of her cherry red comforter. Around her room were a lot of trophies and trinkets, a bookshelf, giant vanity, and nothing else too out of the ordinary. 
I felt better after shutting my eyes for a few minutes. Wenna's tweet tickled my ears. 
"Brought you a few of my favorites." 
She laid them out on the bed beside me. Each one was as revealing as the next. A nurse, a cat, a lot of the classics. The only one that looked good out of all of them was a cheerleader outfit that looked like it was from sucker chainsaw, yet it was still WAY too showy. 
"Oh-uh-" The happy look on her face kept me from telling her. Wenna, I'm sorry. I can't wear any of these. 
Her violet-red softened, "you don't like any of them, do you?"
I shook my head, "it's not that I don't like them. I-they're not my style...do you have anything..." I felt bad for asking. "Any costumes that don't show too much skin?"
I hoped I didn't offend her. She put a hand up to her chin and hummed. "Hmm. Well-" She gave a soft laugh. "It is silly and a little old, but it should fit you. Hold on!"
She got all of them in her hands again and ran back to her closet, holding the clothes. 
She came out with the costume. "It'll make it easy to spot ya." She said as she brought the shimmering suit to me. It looked like it would fit regardless of its smaller size. It's orange and cute... I thought to myself. I didn't want to wear it either. 
"This is the only one like this that you have?"
"Mhm." She placed it down in my lap. It was long. 
The giant googly eyes rested and looked up at me. I pet my hand along the scales and sighed.
"Okay, thank you, Wenna...I guess I'll be a giant fish."
Thank you for reading! :D Have a gouda day! (Nonnegotiable, if you're lactose intolerant, you're about to be in a lot of pain, sorry, not sorry. Lol).
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What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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